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{System root}\system32
Schedules tasks to run on the specified system at a specific
date and time.
at [\\computer name] [{[task id] [/delete [/yes]]}]
at {[\\computer name] time [/interactive] [/every: | /next:]
No parameters: Displays a list of the scheduled tasks on the
local system.
\\computer name: Run the command against the name of the
system specified.
[task id] [/delete [/yes]]: The ID of the task you wish to view
or delete. Specify /delete to delete this task and /delete /yes
to delete it without a warning prompt.
time: Specify the hour:minute in 24 hour notation at which you
would like to run the command.
[/interactive]: Allows the command specified to interact with
the desktop with the credentials of the logged in user.
[/every: | /next:]: Enter the name of the day (M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su)
or the day of the month that the command should be run.
Multiple entries can be entered by separating them with
commas. /every runs the command on every day specified
while /next runs it on the next occurrence of that date.
command: The command that is scheduled to be run.
{System root}\system32
Cleans profiles of wasted space to free up disk space and
optimize system performance.
cprofile [/i] [/l] [/v] file list
[/I]: For each profile, the user is prompted to approve the action.
[/l]: Cleans all local profiles. When /l is specified, a file list is
not required.
[/v]: Verbose. Provides detailed information on the progress of
the operation.
file list: The list of files from which user-specific file
associations should be removed.
{No executable. Part of the command shell.}
Shows or sets the system date
date [month-day-year]] [/t]
No parameters: Prompts the user for the date.
month-day-year: The month, day and year to which to set the
date. The year can be provided with two or four digits.
[/t]: Just displays the current date.
macfile directory: This command modifies directories in
Macintosh-accessible volumes. It allows you to do such
things as changing the owner of the directory, specifying or
changing the Macintosh primary group associated with the
directory, and setting permissions on the directory.
macfile directory [/server:\\computer] /path:directory
[/owner:name] [/group:group] [/permissions:permissions]
[/server:\\computer]: The server on which the directory should
be changed. The default is the local machine.
/path:directory: The directory you would like to change.
[/owner:user]: Changes the ownership of the directory to the
specified user.
[/group:group]: Changes the Macintosh primary group to the
name specified.
[/permissions:permissions]: Sets permissions on the
macfile server: This command changes the SFM server
configuration. You’ll use it to specify the maximum number of
users that can use SFM, change the logon message
Macintosh users see, and specify whether guest users are
allowed to access the server.
macfile server [/server:\\computer] [/maxsessions:
{number | unlimited}] [/loginmessage:message]
[/server:\\computer]: The server on which you wish to change
parameters. The default is the local machine.
[/maxsessions:{number | unlimited}]: The maximum number
of users that can use the service simultaneously.
[/loginmessage:message]: Provide a message of up to 199
characters that is shown to the Macintosh user upon login.
To remove a message, include this parameter but leave the
value blank.
macfile forkize: This command joins the data fork and
resource fork of a Macintosh file into one file. You can also
use Macfile forkize to change the type or creator of the file.
macfile forkize [/server:\\computer] [/creator:name]
[/type:name] [/datafork:path] [/resourcefork:path]
[/server:\\computer]: The server on which you wish to
change parameters. The default is the local machine.
[/creator:name]: Specify the name of the person who created
the file.
[/type:name]: The type of the file
[/datafork:path]: The location of the data fork to join. A remote
location is allowed.
[/resourcefork:path]: The location of the resource fork to join.
A remote location is allowed.
/targetfile:path: The location of the resulting file.
{No executable. Part of the command shell.}
Exits the command shell or script.
exit [/b] [code]
No parameters: Exit the current shell.
[/b]: Exits the running batch script.
[code]: The code with which to terminate the command shell
or script.
{System root}\system32
Allows command line management of the Services for
{System root}\system32
The built-in Windows backup utility. Supports Exchange when
Exchange is installed.
ntbackup backup [systemstate] "@file.bks" /j "job"
[/p "pool"] [/g "GUIDName"] [/t "tape"] [/n "media"]
[/f "file"] [/d "description"] [/ds "server"] [/hc:{on | off}]
[/is "server"] [/a] [/l:{f | n | s}] [/m {normal | copy |
differential | incremental | daily}] [/r:{yes | no}]
[/rs:{yes | no}] [/snap:{on | off}] [/v:{yes | no}]
backup: Required parameter
[systemstate]: Will include system state information in the
"@file.bks" The name of the file created with the GUI version
of NTBackup which includes the list of files to back up.
/j "job": The name of the job. You should put this in quotes.
[/p "pool"]: The media pool you would like to use for the
backup. Invalidates use of the /a, /f, /g and /t parameters.
[/g "GUIDName"]: Specifies that the target tape should be
overwritten or appended to.
[/t "tape"]: The name of the tape.
[/n "media"]: The new name of the tape.
[/f "file"]: The file to which you would like to write the contents
of the backup.
[/d "description"]: The description of the backup set.
[/ds "server"]: The name of an Exchange server for which the
directory service file should be backed up.
[/hc: {on | off}]: Enable or disable hardware compression.
[/is "server"]: The name of an Exchange server for which the
information store should be backed up.
[/a]: Appends the backup to the media set. Requires the use of
/g or /t.
[/l:{f | n | s}]: The type of log file that will be created for this
job. f=full, n=none, s=summary only.
[/m {normal | copy | differential | incremental | daily}]:
Specifies the type of backup that should be performed.
Only these five options are permitted. The default is normal.
[/r:{yes | no}]: Restricts access to the resulting to the owner of
the job or a member of the Administrators group.
[/rs:{yes | no}]: Backs up migrated data files in Remote
[/snap:{on | off}]: Should the backup use the raw data or
should it back up from the contents of a volume shadow
copy? On=use the shadow, off=use the raw data.
[/v:{yes | no}]: Should the integrity of the backup be verified
when it is complete?
{System root}\system32
Registers a DLL.
regsvr32 [/i[:cmdline]] [/n] [/s] [/u] dllName
[/i[:cmdline]]: A command line that will be passed through to
[/n]: Used with /i only. Indicates that DllRegisterServer is not to
be called.
[/s]: Run regsvr32 in silent mode with no messages.
[/u]: Uninstall the dll specified.
dllName: The name of the dll to register or uninstall.
{System root}\system32
Allows a program to be run within the context of a different
runas [/env] [/netonly] [/profile | /noprofile] /user:
username program
[/env]: Uses the current network environment rather than the
user’s local environment.
[/netonly]: The information provided is for remote access only.
[/profile | /noprofile]: /profile will load the user’s profile and is
the default behavior. Specify /noprofile to avoid loading the
user’s profile.
/user:username: The account under which the application
should run in domain\user format.
program: The program to run.
{System root}\system32
View or modify the access control list (ACL) on the files specified.
cacls <filename> [Options]
[/t] [/e [/r user [/r user] […]]] [/c] [/g user:permission]
[/p user:permission [...]] [/d user [/d user] […]]
Filename: The filename for which to view or modify ACLs.
When specified without options, displays the ACL.
[/t]: Changes the ACL of the specified file(s) in both the current
and all subdirectories.
[/e]: Specifies that the ACL is edited rather than replaced.
[/r user]: Revokes the access rights for the user specified.
Must be used with /e.
[/c]: Continues with the process even when errors are
[/g]: user:permission: Grants the permission specified to the
user provided. (see below for permission table)
/p: user:permission: Replaces the current access rights with
the specified permissions for the user provided. (see below
for permission table)
[/d]: Denies access to the specified user.
Permission table
n: none
r: read
w: write
c: write/change/modify
f: full control
chkntfs /x volume: [volume:] […]
volume: Required unless other parameters are specified.
Shows the volume type (FAT/FAT32/NTFS) of the volume as
well as whether or not it is dirty.
/c: Includes the volume in the list to be checked at system start.
/d: Restores chkntfs settings to their defaults which scan each
volume at system boot.
/t[:time]: When a time is specified, this is the amount of time
that is used by the countdown timer. When specified without
a time: displays the current value for the parameter.
/x: Excludes the volume from being checked at system start.
{System root}\system32
Manages whether or not an automatic volume check of a FAT,
FAT32 or NTFS drive will take place at system start.
chkntfs volume: [volume:]
chkntfs /c volume: [volume:] […]
chkntfs /d
chkntfs /t[:time]
{System root}\system32
Show or modify the state of encryption on files and folders.
No parameters: Shows the encryption status of every file in
the current directory.
Continued on next page
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