Title: Sharks and Mean Surfers Objectives: While most of us hop online to look up driving directions, find a recipe, send an e-mail or conduct research, there are a few people who log on with malicious intent. Learners in this lesson will work through steps on how to avoid viruses and deter hackers. Don't be afraid - be prepared! Pre-Requisite Knowledge: Familiarity with the Internet and basic keyboarding skills. Materials Needed: Computer with Internet access (preferably high speed). Process: View the skill videos located on the next page. Upon completion of the video, continue working through the lesson. Some images © 2002 www.arttoday.com Virus Protection and Prevention [6:51] Hackers and Firewalls [6:05] Learn about Security and Ethics in a Digital World. 1. To view these videos click Virus Protection and Prevention / Hackers and Firewalls (Key points from the video are available here for printing http://www.kidzonline.org/teachit/se/Virus.htm) Pause the video at any time to take notes, or to take a break. (Key points from the video are available here for printing Watch the http://www.kidzonline.org/teachit/se/hackersandFirewalls.htm) video once, then watch it again and take note of important details. TIP: Preview questions in Assessment before watching the video. Enjoy! Some images © 2002 www.arttoday.com Using the content from the video and web sites in Resources, create a Virus and Hacker Prevention info sheet for staff and students at your school. (If you are working through all of the lessons in this series, you will add this handout to your Technology Handbook.) Include the following content in your summary... 1) Explain the potential hazards of computer viruses. 2) Provide specific preventative measures for combating viruses and hackers. 3) Describe firewalls in your own words. 4) Explain the annoyance of virus hoaxes. Your "handout" can be a brochure, poster, or webpage if you wish. Be creative and informative. Add images. Include any additional information about viruses and hackers that you deem important. Share this vital information with other staff at your school! Some images © 2002 www.arttoday.com The following web sites can be used as reference during and after this lesson. Beginners Guide to Computer Security http://www.staysafeonline.info/appendix_c.adp Hackers: Outlaws and Angels http://tlc.discovery.com/convergence/hackers/hackers.html Protect your PC http://www.microsoft.com/security/home/ Top 10 Cyber Security Tips http://www.cybersmart.org/for/top_ten.asp Internet Safety (Hacking and Viruses) http://www.safecanada.ca/topic_e.asp?category=3&ACTIVE=NO Federal Trade Commission – Kidz Privacy http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/kidzprivacy/teachers.htm Media-Awareness (amazing award-winning media literacy organization) http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/teachers/index.cfm Internet Safety http://www.oswego.org/staff/cchamber/internet/safety.htm Security Fundamentals http://www.staysafeonline.info/enroll.adp McAfee http://www.mcafee.com Symantec http://www.symantec.com Some images © 2002 www.arttoday.com Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Refer to the NNKOL videos or the web sites in Resources if you need help. 1. What are some steps you can take to protect your computer from viruses? 2. How are computer viruses spread? 3. What is a virus definition? Why are these important? 4. What steps should you take if you think you have a virus? 5. What is a virus hoax? 6. List 3 things you can do to protect your computer. (Tip - they were listed in the NNKOL Firewall video) 7. Is a wireless network secure? Explain. Some images © 2002 www.arttoday.com