skrift R- og Avdeling for nordisk

Avdeling for nordisk
språk og litteratur
Arbeidsskrift for nordisk
språk og litteratur
Nr. 89/1996
Harald Bache-Wiig, Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
Gunnar Sivertsen, Arne Torp
NORskrift. Arbeidsskrift for nordisk språk og litteratu.r blir utgitt av
Avdeling for nordisk språk og litteratur, Institutt for nordistikk og
litteraturvitskap, Universitetet i Oslo. Spørsmål om abonnement kan
rettast til Ellen Wingerei, telefon 22 85 70 13.
Adressa til redaksjonen er Avdeling for nordisk språk og litteratur
Institutt for nordistikk og litteraturvitskap
Boks 1013 Blindern
0315 Oslo
ISSN 0800.7764
Kontroll og kontrollteoriar ................................................................. 7
On Control. ....................................................................................... 19
Uncontrolled PROs without Arbitrary Reference ............................. .49
Postludium ....................................................................................... .52
Control - A Bibliography ................................................................. .53
Kontroll og kontrollteoriar
Setningar som dei i (l) oppviser ein type referensielle relasjonar mellom
to element som i særleg den generative lingvistiske litteraturen blir
referert til ved termen "kontroll". 1
Kari ønska å lære fransk.
Kari bad Ola om å lære seg fransk.
Ola nekta Kari å lære seg fransk.
Ola lova Kari å lære henne fransk.
Generelt kan me karakterisere kontroll som ein semantisk og/ eller ein
grammatisk relasjon mellom eit underforstått (dvs. uuttrykt) subjekt til
eit predikat, og eit ledd i den lingvistiske konteksten som dette
underforståtte subjektet er koreferent med. I (la) er det logiske subjektet
for infinitiven lære koreferent med subjektet for det overordna verbet.
Me seier at det overordna subjektet KONTROLLERER infinitivssubjektet.
Det overordna leddet kan me kalle KONTROLLØR (etter engelsk
"controller"). I (lb og c) er det objektet til det overordna verbet som er
kontrollør; dette leddet er altså koreferent med det underforståtte
subjektet. I (ld) er det igjen subjektet som er kontrollør.
Avhengig av teoretisk ståstad er det blitt lagt ulike perspektiv på
kontrollfenomenet, noko som ofte fører til at forskjellige
problemstillingar blir vektlagde. Eit eksempel er Parkas (1988:27-28,
I Ikkje bare infinitivsfrasar, men også gerundium, i språk som har slike
verbformer, kan vere kontrollerte, jf. f.eks. Harry talked to Bill about kissing
Greta (frå Postal1970:470).
Kristian Emil Kristoffersen er stipendiat ved Avdeling for leksikografi, Institutt
for nordistikk og litteraturvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo
Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
som stiller opp fleire spørsmål ein kontrollteori etter hennar oppfatting
bør kunne gi svar på. For det første må ein adekvat kontrollteori gi svar
på kva slags prinsipp som avgjør kva ledd som kan opptre som
kontrollører. Leksikalsk-funksjonell grammatikk er eksempel på ein
teori der denne problemstillinga er sentraL Ved ein form for kontroll,
det som blir kalla "funksjonell kontroll", lar ein funksjonane i setninga
avgjøre kva som blir kontrollør av eit underforstått infinitivssubjekt (sjå
Lødrup 1989:32).
Vidare meiner Farkas at ein kontrollteori må kunne gjøre greie for
den syntaktiske og semantiske statusen til både det kontrollerte leddet
(altså infinitivssubjektet) og til den konstituenten som infinitivssubjektet
inngår i. Det siste spørsmålet Farkas nemner, er korleis val av
kontrollør blir bestemt når det er fleire enn ein mogleg kandidat for
denne rolla i ei setning. Dette spørsmålet vil stå sentralt i det følgjande.
Problemstillinga, som Postal (1970:468) kalla "the control problem", og
som eg i det følgjande skal kalle KONTROLLPROBLEMET, trer tydeleg
fram i kontrasten mellom (lb,c) på den eine sida, og (ld) på den andre. I
alle dei tre setningane finn me tre syntaktiske argument, subjekt,
indirekte objekt og infinitivskomplement. Men medan det overordna
objektet er kontrollør i (lb og d) (OBJEKTSKONTROLL), så har (ld)
kontroll ved det overordna subjektet (SUBJEKTSKONTROLL). Det
sentrale spørsmålet i dette tilfellet er altså kvifor dei to første
setningane har objektskontroll mens den siste har subjektskontroll.
Det finst fleire forslag til svar på dette spørsmålet i den
grammatiske litteraturen. På den eine sida er det dei reint syntaktiske
analysane, som ser val av kontrollør anten som ei følgje av syntaktiske
funksjonar eller strukturelle relasjonar. Eg har alt nemnt funksjonell
kontroll i LFG. På den andre sida står ulike typar av semantiske
analysar.z I denne korte presentasjonen skal eg først og fremst omtale
semantiske analysar som tar utgangspunkt i tematiske relasjonar som
agens, patiens, etc. Men først skal eg kort omtale to reint strukturelle
I tillegg til syntaktiske og semantiske analysar finst nokre få tilnærmingar med
pragmatisk utgangspunkt eller tilsnitt, f.eks. Comrie (1984) og Cutrer (1993).
Kontroll og kontrollteoriar
tilnærmingar, Rosenbaum (1970) og Larson (1991), og LPG-analysen av
funksjonell kontroll.
Eit tidleg forsøk på ei reint strukturell tilnærming til
kontrollproblemet er Rosenbaum (1970t som forklarer objektskontroll i
setningar av typen (lb og c) som ein konsekvens av at objektet er den
nærmaste nominalfrasen til infinitivssubjektet. Av same grunn er det
overordna subjektet kontrollør i setningar av typen vist i (la).
(ld) skapar problem for Rosenbaums tilnærming, fordi det her er
subjektet og ikkje objektet som er kontrollør. I Rosenbaums strukturelle
modell blir dermed kontrolløren ved dette verbet ikkje den nærmaste
nominalfrasen. Ei anna strukturell tilnærming, som gjør eit forsøk på å
løyse dette problemet, er Larson (1991). Han argumenterer ut frå
uavhengig evidens for at to engelske verb som promise
(subjektskontroll) og force (objektskontroll) har to ulike (abstrakte) Dstrukturar, der kontrolløren
begge tilfelle står nærmast
Leksikalsk-funksjonell grammatikk gjør som nernnt greie for val
av kontrollør ved ein type kontroll ved hjelp av eit hierarki av
syntaktiske funksjonar. I korte trekk fungerer dette slik at viss eit verb
styrer både subjekt, objekt og indirekte objekt, så er det indirekte
objektet kontrollør; viss verbet styrer subjekt og objekt, så er objektet
kontrollør, og viss verbet bare styrer subjekt, så er dette kontrollør.
Med unntak av Larson (1991) har ik.kje reint strukturelle
tilnærmingar til kontrollproblemet vore særleg vanlege dei siste 15 åra.
Ei forklaring på dette kan vere at toneangivande lingvistar alt tidleg på
1980-talet rekna med at svaret på dette spørsmålet var å finne i andre
domene enn i det syntaktiske. Ein av desse er Chomsky, som (1981:76)
skriv at "[a] natural suggestion is that choice of controller is deterrnined
by e-roles or other semantic properties of the verb, or perhaps
pragmatic conditions of some sort." Og nettopp teoriar som tar
utgangspunkt i "e-roles or other semantic properties of the verb" har
stått sentralt i litteraturen om kontroll fram til i dag. Eg vender meg nå
til denne typen tilnærmingar.
Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
2.0 Fokus i det følgjande ligg på fire tilnærmingar som klart er i slekt
med kvarandre, men som likevel skil seg frå kvarandre på vesentlege
punkt: Parkas (1988), Jackendoff (1990), Sag og Pollard (1991) og Farrell
2.1 Parkas (1988) tar for seg skilnaden i engelsk mellom verb som
convince, ask, persuade, force, med objektskontroll, på den eine sida, og
promise, med subjektskontroll, på den andre sida. Ved alle desse verba
blir kontrollrelasjonen bestemt ved semantikken til heile konstruksjonen,
og karakteristisk for både subjekt- og objektkontrollverb er ein
ansvarsrelasjon ("RESP[onsibility] relation") mellom kontrollør og
infinitivssubjekt. Denne relasjonen er til stades når referenten til
subjektet (ved promise) eller objektet (ved convince, etc.) er ansvarleg
for at den hendinga som infinitivsleddet refererer til, kjem eller vil kome
i stand.
Som nemnt er ansvarsrelasjonen felles for semantikken til begge
verbgruppene i Parkas' analyse. Skilnaden i kontrollørval mellom
subjekt- og objektskontrollverb blir på den andre sida sett som ei følgje
av leksikalske eigenskapar ved dei enkelte verbtypane, slik at bestemte
leksikalske eigenskapar ved promise er ansvarleg for subjektskontroll
ved dette verbet, medan andre eigenskapar er ansvarleg for
objektskontroll ved f.eks. convince. Dessverre kjem Parkas i liten grad
inn på konkrete aspekt ved desse eigenskapane.
2.2 Ein som tidleg lanserte ein semantisk teori om kontroll var Ray
Jackendoff. I fleire arbeid, m.a. Jackendoff (1972, 1987 og 1990), tar han
opp ulike semantiske aspekt ved kontrollfenomen, og grunnsynet hans
er at ein kan gjøre greie for mange av desse ved ein teori om tematiske
roller. I det følgjande konsentrerer eg meg om arbeidet frå1990. Der
bygger Jackendoff på Grubers (1976) teori om tematiske roller, som han
Kontroll og kontrollteoriar
utvidar i tråd med Culicover og Wilkins (1986). I Jackendoffs
grammatiske modell er tematiske roller einingar på eit semantisk
representasjonsnivå han kallar konseptuell struktur ("Conceptual
structure"; CS), der omgrep og relasjonar mellom omgrep som har
lingvistisk relevans, er representerte.
Jackendoff presenterer ingen fullstendig analyse av kontrollørval
ved infinitivar i engelsk, men gjennom analysane hans av verb som
force og try, jf. (2), er det mogleg å danne seg eit bilete av korleis han
ser for seg ein teori om kontroll.
John forced Mary to leave.
John tried to leave.
Begge setningane i (2) har eit infinitivskomplement med eit semantisk
subjekt som i Jackendoffs teori må vere bunde til eit element i den
overordna setninga. Det underordna subjektet må av (dels) teoriinterne
grunnar vere bunde til det nivået der rolleparet "actor-pati.ent", dvs.
agens-patiens, er representert. Vidare følgjer det av tydinga til force at
nettopp patiens-argumentet, uttrykt ved det overordna objektet, er
kontrolløren (Jackendoff 1990:145). Av tilsvarande grunnar blir agensargumentet, som svar ar til subjektet, ved try kontrollør i (2b ).
Forholdet mellom subjekts- og objektskontroll når ei setning
inneheld fleire potensielle kontrollørar, som kontrasten mellom f.eks.
promise og persuade blir ikkje eksplisitt drøfta av Jackedoff 1990. Men
ei naturleg følgje av teorien hans er at denne kontrasten skriv seg frå
ulike semantiske eigenskapar ved dei to verba. Dette spørsmålet er tatt
opp av Farrell (1993) innanfor Jackendoffs teoretiske ramme (sjå
Sag og Pollard (1991) presenterer ein analyse av kontrollørval som
formelt sett hører heime innanfor den generative modellen HPSG3, men
= Head-Driven
Phrase Structure Grammar. Sjå Pollard og Sag (1994) for
Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
som i tilnærminga til kontrollproblemet nyttar innsikter frå leksikalsk
semantikk. Dei drøftar tre grupper av kontrollverb, representerte ved
persuade (3a), promise (3b) og want (3c).
John persuaded Mary to leave.
John promised Mary to leave.
John wants to leave.
Ved kvar verbgruppe blir kontrolløren identifisert med utgangspunkt i
bestemte semantiske forhold. Felles for dei tre verbklassane som inngår
i analysen deira er at dei refererer til ein relasjon mellom eit overordna
argument og den situasjonen som infinitivsargumentet refererer til.
Desse relasjonane er av ulike slag. Ved objektskontrollverbet persuade
reknar Sag og Pollard (1991:66) med ein relasjon P Å VERKNAD
("influence"), der det overordna subjektsargumentet påverkar
objektsargumentet til å få
stand den situasjonen som
infinitivskomplementet refererer til. I denne situasjonen er det tre
deltakarar, og altså tre roller: Den som påverkar ("influencer"), den
som blir påverka ("influenced"), og argumentet som blir uttrykt ved
FORPLIKTING ("commitment"), der referenten til det overordna
subjektsargumentet forpliktar seg til å få i stand den situasjonen som
infinitivskomplementet refererer til. I tillegg til desse to argumenta
opptrer her eit tredje, som viser til den deltakaren som
subjektsargumentet forplikar seg overfor (hos Sag og Pollard
"commissee"). Dette argumentet blir ikkje altid uttrykt, som f.eks i
setninga John promised to come.
I den tredje gruppa i Sag og Pollards analyse finn me verb som
want, expect. Relasjonen her er MENTAL ORIENTERING ("orientation";
ein omfattande presentasjon. Denne inneheld også ein revidert versjon av Sag
og Pollard (1991).
Kontroll og kontrollteoriar
dvs. ønske, forventing, begjær, etc.). Ved desse verba finst det eitt
argument i tillegg til det som er uttrykt ved infinitivskomplementet;
dette viser til den deltakaren som opplever ønsket, begjæret, etc., og kan
kallast perseptiv ("experiencer" hos Sag og Pollard).
Val av kontrollør blir i Sag og Pollards teori uttrykt gjennom
direkte referanse til desse tre typane av relasjonar. Uformelt kan dette
sjåast slik: Avhengig av om kontrollverbet denoterer ein relasjon av
typen påverknad (f.eks. persuade), forplikting (f.eks. promise) eller
infinitivssubjektet knytt til påverka deltakar, forpliktande deltakar eller
perseptiv deltakar.
2.4 Sag og Pollards (1991) analyse av kontrollørval er i hovudsak
semantisk basert. Også Farrell (1993) gjør framlegg om ein analyse som
fokuserer på semantiske forhold. Analysen hans av kontrollørval i
komplementinfinitivar bygger også på tematiske relasjonar. 4 Farrell
bygger vidare på Sag og Pollard (1991) og deler kontrollverb i tre
semantiske klassar, verb som denoterer påverknad, forplikting og
mental orientering. Eit sentralt element i Farrells teori er prinsippet
som gjør greie for val av kontrollør. Dette blir formulert med
utgangspunkt i dei tre verbklassane, spesielt dei tematiske relasjonane
knytte til dei. Farrell forkastar Sag og Pollards individuelle
rollenemningar "influenced", "committor" og "experiecer" til fordel for
dei to rollene agens og patiens. Kontrollørvalet blir så bestemt gjennom
ei hierarkisering av desse rollene. Viss eit kontrollverb viser til både
agens og patiens er patiens kontrollør; viss verbet bare viser til agens er
dette argumentet kontrollør. Farrell rekner med at pram ise er av denne
typen, og at dette gjør greie for subjektskontroll her.
2.5 Parkas (1988), Jackendoff (1990), Sag og Pollard (1991) og Farrell
(1993) hevdar alle at kontrollørval er avhengig av leksikalske
Farrell formaliserer analysen i Jackendoffs (1990) modell, der kontrollreglar blir
formulerte på CS-nivå.
Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
eigenskapar ved det enkelte kontrollverb (eller kontrollverbklasse). Hos
Parkas er ikkje desse eigenskapane spesifiserte. Hos dei tre andre er
eigenskapane formulerte ved hjelp av nemningar som viser til tematiske
relasjonar mellom kontrollverbverb og arguementa deira. Etter mitt syn
er desse analysane på rett spor. På den andre sida reiser dei fleire
spørsmål. Eit av dei mest framtredande problema går på det semantiske
grunnlaget for klassifikasjonen av kontrollverb. Kor innlysande er det
f.eks. å plasserere force og permit i same gruppe. Sag og Pollard (1991)
kallar kontrolløren her "influenced participant", Jackendoff (1990) og
Farrell (1993) nyttar termen "patient". For force gir dette innsikt, for
permit kan det synast forvirrande, og bryt vidare med den tradisjonelle
oppfattinga av patiens som "affected entity" (Jackendoff 1990:125f.). Eit
liknande problem oppstår når try blir plassert i same gruppe som
promise (Sag og Pollard; Farrell). Det siste er eit godt eksempel på eit
verb som viser til ein forpliktingsrelasjon; det første er det ikkje. Dette
kjem ikkje minst til synes ved at bare promise tillett eit argument som
viser til "mottakaren" av forpliktinga.
3.0 Dei forholda som er tatt opp i litteraturen som er referert ovanfor,
er i liten grad drøfta med utgangspunkt i norsk. I dei tre norske
innføringsbøkene som er skrivne i generativ syntaks, Hovdhaugen
(1971), Lorenz (1979) og Nordgård og Åfarli (1990), finst det lite om
kontrollproblemet. Den sistnemnde drøftar bindingsforhold i
kontrollkonstruksjonar, men forfattarane seier eksplisitt (s. 162) at dei
ikkje ønskjer å gå inn på kontrollproblemet. Dei to tidlege bøkene
nemner ikkje kontrollproblemet i det heile.
Den første som etter det eg kjenner til drøftar skilnaden i
kontrollørval mellom love og f.eks. nekte i eit teoretisk perspektiv, er
Hanssen (1972:170f.),s som ser subjektskontroll ved love som ei følgje av
at dette verbet "oppfører seg noe eiendommelig syntaktisk sett". Aspekt
s Hanssen (1972) nyttar ikkje termen "kontroll".
Kontroll og kontrollteoriar
ved kontrollproblemet i forhold til norsk blir også tatt opp i ein artikkel
av Jan Engh, som opprinneleg blei skriven i 1982, og som er trykt i dette
nummeret av Norskrift. Det sentrale temaet i Enghs arbeid er eit aspekt
ved kontrollproblemet som i litteraturen er omtala som "controller
shift" (på norsk: KONTROLLØRSKIFTE), dvs. at eitt og same verb kan ha
subjektskontroll i ein samanheng og objektskontroll i ein annan.
Fenomenet er illustrert med love i (4).
Per lova Kari å reise.
Per lova Kari å få reise.
I (4a) opptrer love med subjektskontroll. (4b) derimot vil dei fleste tolke
slik at objektet er kontrollør for infinitivssubjektet, altså objektskontroll.
Eit liknande fenomen kan observerast ved verbet be:
Per bad Kari om å reise.
Per bad Kari om å få reise.
be tar normalt objektskontroll, som i (Sa). Men i (5b) finn me
subjektskontroll. Legg merke til at infinitivskomplementa i begge dei
avvikande setningane (4b) og (Sb) inneheld verbet få.
Engh fokuserer i artikkelen sin særleg på tre verb, love, tilby og
garantere, som han i utgangspunktet reknar som subjektskontrollverb;
objektskontroll oppstår under bestemte vilkår, som aspekt, valens og
kontekstuelle faktorar. Eit anna spørsmål som blir drøfta, er kva
konsekvens det får for kontrolørval at infinitivskomplementet inneheld
hjelpeverbet få, jf, (4b) og (Sb).
Forholdet mellom kontrollørskifte og få blir også drøfta i
Faarlund (1985). Faarlund ser på to konstruksjonar der få skapar ein
spesiell semantikk, imperativar som den i (6) og kontrollkonstruksjonar
som den i (7):
Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
Få den avisa.
Jon bad læraren om å få gå tidleg.
Det underforståtte subjektet ved imperativen i (6) er ikkje 2. person, som
er det vanlege ved imperativar, men l. person. I (7) fører bruken av få til
at det underforståtte subjektet i infinitiven er bunde til det overordna
subjektet, og ikkje objektet, som er det normale. Faarlund forklarar
kontrollørvalet i (7) etter følgjande linjer: Både imperativ og den
underordna infinitivsfrasen til be uttrykker ordrar eller oppmodingar.
Slike ordrar blir normalt retta mot den deltakaren som set i gang den
handlinga (er "causer") som imperativen eller infinitiven denoterer,
altså normalt subjektet for desse konstruksjonane, og i infinitivsfrasen
under be også det overordna objektet. Men viss få inngår i imperativen
eller infinitivsfrasen, er det ikkje lenger det underforståtte subjektet som
er "årsak" til handlinga; dermed oppstår det eit brot i (7) mellom
underforstått subjekt og overordna objekt som gjør subjektskontroll
Faarlund prøver også å isolere dei eigenskapane ved få som gir
dette verbet slike særeigne syntaktiske og semantiske eigenskapar. Han
reknar med at det er inkoativt og at det tar eit subjekt med den
tematiske rolla "recipient". Subjektsreferenten har inga vilje eller
intensjon knytt til å utføre handlinga.
Det viktigaste målet med framstillinga ovanfor har vore å gi ein kort
presentasjon av ein type tilnærmingar til det som har blitt kalla
kontrollproblemet, dvs. spørsmålet om kva prinsipp som ligg til grunn
for val av kontrollør ved ulike kontrollverb. Eg har fokusert på
syntaktiske teoriar som prøver å forklare kontrollørval ved hjelp av
Kontroll og kontrollteoriar
syntaktiske funksjonar eller strukturelle konfigurasjonar, og vidare på
semantiske teoriar som bygger på tematiske relasjonar i sine
forklaringar av dette fenomenet.
I siste delen har eg også gitt eit kort oversyn over sentrale
problemstillingar i to norske arbeid om kontroll, Faarlund (1985) og
artikkelen "On control" av Jan Engh, som blir presentert i dette
nummeret av Norskrift.
Bresnan, Joan W. 1982 (red.). The mental representation of grammatical
relations. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
Chomsky, Noam. 1981. Lectures on Government and Binding.
Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
Comrie, Bernhard. 1984. Subject and object control: Syntax, semantics
and pragmatics. Brugman, Claudia og Monica Macaulay (red.):
Proceedings of the tenth annual meeting of the Berkeley linguistics
society. Berkeley: University of California.
Culicover, Peter W. og Wilkins, Wendy. 1986. Control, PRO, and the
projection principle. Language 62:120-153.
Cutrer, L Michelle. 1993. Semantic and syntactic factors in control. Van
Valin 1993:167-196.
Engh, Jan. 1982. On control. Trykt i dette nummeret av Norskrift.
Parkas, Donka F. 1988. On obligatory control. Linguistics and
philosophy 11:27-58.
Farrell, Patrick 1993. The interplay of syntax and semantics in
complement control. Føredrag heldt ved SALT HL
Faarlund, Jan T. 1985. Imperative and control. First person imperatives
in Norwegian. Nordic journal of linguistics 8:149-160 ..
Gruber, Jeffrey S. 1976. Lexical structures in syntax and semantics.
Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.
Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
Hanssen, Eskil: 1972, Den underordnete setning: om forholdet mellom
at-setning og infinitivfrase i norsk. Norsk tidsskrift for
sprogvidenskap. 26:165-77
Hovdhaugen, Even. 1971. Transformasjonen generativ grammatikk.
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Jackendoff, Ray. 1972. Semantic interpretation in generative grammar.
Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Jackendoff, Ray. 1987. The status of thematic relations in Linguistic
theory. Linguistic Inquiry 18:369-411.
Jackendoff, Ray. 1990. Semantic structures. Cambridge, Mass.:The MIT
Larson, Richard K. 1991. Promise and the theory of control. Linguistic
Inquiry 22:103-139.
Lorenz, Ove. 1979. Norsk
setningsform: et kompendium
transformasjonssyntaks. Oslo: Novus.
Lødrup, Helge. 1989. Indirekte objekter i LFG. Norskrift 60:19-36.
Nordgård, Torbjørn og Tor A Åfarli. 1990. Generativ syntaks. Ei
innføring via norsk. Oslo: Novus.
Pollard, Carl and Sag, Ivan A 1994. Head-driven phrase structure
grammar. Chicago: University of Chicago press.
Postal, Paul M. 1970. On coreferential complement subject deletion.
Linguistic Inquiry 1:439-500.
Rosenbaum, Peter S. 1970. A principle governing deletion in English
sentential complementation. Jacobs, R.A. og Rosenbaum, P.A.
(red.): Readings in English transformational grammar. Waltham,
Mass.: Ginn and Company.
Sag, Ivan A. og Pollard, Carl. 1991. An integrated theory of complement
controL Language 67:63-113.
Thrainsson, Hoskuldur. 1979. On complementation in Icelandic. New
York: Garland.
Van Valin, Robert D. (red.). 1993. Advances in role and reference
grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
On Control*
In this article, some observations on control in Chomsky 1981 are discussed
on the basis of Norwegian sentences with infinitives as verbal complements. It is demonstrated that control is not exc!usively a result of
configurational structure and of inherent properties of the matrix verb.
Many verbs may appear in sentences with varying control relations, depending on the intension of the infinitival complement, the intension and
the extension of the NPs, and contextual features. Meaning in a broad sense
is essential to control structure. Further, the interdependence of control and
passive is described, and some differences between Norwegian and English
are pointed out.
In the Extended Standard Theory, empty categories are of crucial in-
terest. But as far as PRO is concerned, research has been concentrated
mainly around the question of where PRO may or must appear. Comparatively few linguists within EST take much interest in the possible
references of PROs; and when they do, their analysis seems to be
somewhat biased by the generally accepted view of control in EST as
prindpally a syntactic phenomenon. Correspondingly, control theory is
the least developed subsystem of EST. In my opinion, this situation is
partly due to the rather restricted definition of the notion of control,
where the importance of control as a syntactic property of the verb and
a configurational characteristic of the sentence is emphasized .
... control will be assigned by virtue of properties of the matrix verb ...
(Chomsky and Lasnik 1977:440)
If ... there is no governing verb that assigns control, the embedded subject is
assigned an arbitrary index. We understand [NP e] with an index that is not
coindexed to an antecedent to be arbitrary in reference. (ibid.)
* I would like to thank Barbara Bird and Andrew Jones for helping me with the
English data, and Thorstein Fretheim, Dag Gundersen, Per Kristian Halvorsen,
and especially Kirsti Koch Christensen and Kari Anne Rand Schmidt for
commenting on a preliminary draft. Needless to say, none of them are to be
blamed for possible errors and deficiencies.
Jan Engh er førstebibliotekar ved Universietsbiblioteket i Oslo.
Jan Engh
Conversely, the role of semantics is neglected to a large extent, in spite
of good intentions.
Control ... presumably has to do with the semantics of infinitival constructions, an interesting but poorly understood question. (Chomsky and
Lasnik 1977:443)
Chomsky 1980 does not reflect any deep change of attitude in this resped.
In Lectures on Government and Binding, however, Chomsky
accords greater importance to factors outside the domain of syntax
proper, as he sums up that the theory of control involves a number of
different factors: structural configurations, intrinsic properties of verbs,
other semantic and pragmatic considerations (Chomsky 1981:78). Not
surprisingly, Chomsky has little to say about the pragmatic aspects of
control. More interesting is the negligible space given to other semantic
considerations. But, Chomsky continues, Sorting these factors out and
explaining the cross-linguistic differences and similarities remains an
apen question.
In this article, I shall make an inquiry into sentences such as (1),
with special regards to the parts of the sentence other than the matrix
Frank persuaded Mary to leave
The analysis will concentrate on the infinitival complement, systematizing some of the more casual observations of Chomsky (1981:76). The
discussion will be based on data from Norwegian, which I shall compare
with the sentence structure of English where such a contrast may be of
interest to linguistic theory.
In l. attention is given to passivization, a syntactic operation with
a specific relationship to the control phenomenon. Further, it is shown
that in different grammatical traditions, the question of control is
viewed as an inherent property of the matrix verb. In 2. the idea of verbs
On Control
of subject control is discussed. It is demonstrated that the type of
infinitival complement plays an important part in determining the
control relation in the sentence. In 3. the analysis is extended from
sentences in vacuo to sentences in context, while in 4. the role of the
auxiliary infinitive FÅ is discussed with respect to control structure and
passivization. 5. contains a brief discussion of the connexion between
the meaning of the NPs in the sentence and its control structure, and 6.
compares certain sentences with infinitival complement to sentences
with perfect participle as a verbal complement. In 7. the difference
between Norwegian and English is discussed, and finally, 8. concludes
the article, mentioning possible consequences for the theory of control.
An English sentence in the active with an infinitival complement of the
predicate and with object control may be transformed into a corresponding sentence in the passive with subject control.l
Frank persuaded Mary to leave
Mary was persuaded by Frank to leave
This operation is impossible if the sentence is characterized by subject
control in the active.
Mary promised Frank to leave
*Frank was promised by Mary to leave2
Despite the use of terms such as to transform, and passivization, the present
discussion is not based on any particular syntactic analysis of the relationship
between active and passive sentences. I shall not be taking a stand in the
controversy of how to derive sentences in the active and in the passive; from one
or from different deep structures, and possibly, whether sentences in the passive
ought to be generated in the lexicon or on a sentence or phrase level. I cannot see
that my inquiry presupposes the one or the other conception of voice.
Jan Engh
In An Historical Syntax of the English Language, Visser maintains that
... a passive transform is only possible when the complement relates to the
immediately preceding (pro)noun. (Visser 1973:2118)
One instance of this rather general rule, is that the only grammatical
sentences in the passive equal those active sentences whlch are characterized by object control. In several articles on verbal cornplernentation, this has been referred to as V isser' s generalization.3
If the regularity described by Visser applies whenever the conditions for its application are met, one might as well have called it
V isser' s law, with a slight flavour of Junggramrnarian syntax. I shall
adopt Visser's law as a designation of the hypothesis that the regularity
observed by Visser applies without exceptions. With certain
modifications, this is also what others seern to mean by the term Visser's
On the face of it, Norwegian displays the same regularities as to
the convertibility of sentences in the passive and in the active as we find
in English. Let us start by considering the active sentences (5) and (7)
with object control and their passive counterparts.
Lars anbefalte Roar å sove
Lars recommended Roar PRORoar to sleep4
Roar ble anbefalt av Lars å sove
Roar was recommended by Lars PRORoar to sleep
I shall use the asterisk in order to mark that sentences are ungrammatical or
unacceptable, if something else is not indicated. Correspondingly, I shall use
terms like ungrammatical and unacceptable with roughly the same meaning.
Especially in sentences like those discussed in this article it is extremely difficult if feasible at all - to draw a clear borderline between ungrammaticality and
unacceptability in the sense of Chomsky 1965.
3 E.g. Bach 1980 and Bresnan 1982. See also Bresnan 1978 and Wasow 1977.
4 The Norwegian gloss will be given word for word, regardless of the possible
ungrammaticality of the English rendering. PROx is inserted in order to indicate
the control relation that holds within the sentence.
On Control
Lars anbefalte Roar å ete hvalbiff
Lars recommended Roar PRORoar to eat whale steak
Roar ble anbefalt av Lars å ete hvalbiff
Roar was recommended by Lars PRORoar to eat whale
To my knowledge, nobody has ever formulated any Visser's law for
Norwegian, however. But without using the term, the control phenomenon is of course described in an informal manner by traditional
grammarians, e.g. Falk and Torp (1900:196 and 199). They mention
different verbs in connexion with each type of control. A contemporary
linguist, Eskil Hanssen, also discusses the subject, explicitly making the
question of control a property of the matrix verb (Hanssen 1972).
In his article, Hanssen contends that even if a verb permits the
duster of transformations (in his theoretical framework), leading to the
equivalent of the English THAT-dause or an infinitival clause, there are
examples which indicate that the infinitival clause can only be used
when the subjects of the matrix sentence and the implied subject of the
dause have identical reference. For instance, (9) can only be a transform
of (10).
Hamlet lovte moren å reise
Hamlet promised his mother to leave
Hamlet love [moren+ [dative]] [Hamlet reise]
The verb LOVE 'promise', he contends, requires that the subject of the
clause must be coreferent with the subject of LOVE (Hanssen 1972:
There are many sentences, however, that could be interpreted as
counterexamples to the application of Visser's law in Norwegian, e.g.
Jan Engh
Roar ble lovt av Lars å komme inn
Roar was promised by Lars to come in
This applies not only to the verb LOVE, but also to verbs like
GARANTERE 'guarantee' and TILBY 'offer'. I will refer to verbs taking
object control as OC-verbs, as opposed to verbs like LOVE etc. which
belong to the group of verbs that it is most convenient to call SC-verbs,
as they are generally associated with subject control. SC-verbs exhibit
what Chomsky calls strong preference, perhaps requirements in the
respect of subject control (Chomsky 1981:76), and, informally, they are
often referred to by EST-linguists and by others simply as verbs of
subject control.
Against thls background, it is most natural to interpret Visser's
law as predicting that no active sentence with a SC-verb may be transformed into an equivalent sentence in the passive. In this case, (11)
appears to be a counterexample to Visser's law in Norwegian, which, as
a consequence, cannot be the instantiation of a universal regularity
But at a second glance, (11) must be construed in a way which
implies subject control. The prepositional adverb av Lars 'by Lars' does
not function as the controller. One might have expected this for two
reasons: LOVE is a SC-verb. The passive sentence generally renders the
converse relation of the content of the equivalent sentence in the active,
representing the logical subject as a prepositional adverb.
The reason for the unexpected control relation in (11) must be
sought in the corresponding active sentence itself, (12), in which there is
no subject control.
Lars lovte Roar å komme inn
Lars promised Roar to come in
On Contra/
Rather it is possible to interpret (12) as exhibiting object control, just like
a sentence in the active with e.g. ANBEFALE 'recommend' as matrix
verb, cf. (5) - (8). One may interpret the isolated sentence (12) as being
distinguished by subject control too, but it is not a sentence with the kind
of semantic content which equals (11).
The discussion of (11) has two important implications. If we adopt
an interpretation of Visser's law such that no active sentence
characterized by subject control may be transformed into an equivalent
sentence in the passive - which in my opinion is the only plausible
interpretation- Visser's law applies to Norwegian nevertheless.
The second implication of theoretical importance is that the
control relation of the sentence is not unambiguously determined by the
syntactic properties of the matrix verb.
Like English, Norwegian possesses two groups of verbs that may take
subject control; those which are capable of taking an indirect object (e.g.
LOVE, GARANTERE, and TILBY), and those which lack this capability
(e.g. FORSØKE 'try' and FORTSETTE 'continue'). The factor underlying the control structure of (11) and (12) is the capability of the verbs of
the former group to appear as matrix verbs in sentences with subject or
object control. I shall refer to this group of verbs as the SC*-verbs. Their
ambiguity as to control becomes more salient in sentences like (13),
which equals (14).
Lars lovte Roar å slippe inn på sjuer'n
Lars promised Roar toget in at the 7 o'dock performance,
viz. Lars promised Roar that heRoar should get
admittance to ...
Jan Engh
Roar ble lovt av Lars å slippe inn på sjuer'n
Roar was promised by Lars toget in at the 7 o'clock
performance, viz. Roar was promised by Lars that heRoar
should get admittance to ...
As indicated in the gloss, the only reasonable interpretation of (13)
implies object control.
This double control property depends on several other semantic
characteristics of the sentence.
In both (11) and (14), we may interpret the infinitival complement
as (15).
' ... to have the permission to ... '
In other words, there is a certain semantic element of a normative kind
('permissive'), operating on the control structure of the sentence.s
An additional property of (11) and (14), which turns out to be of
interest to the present discussion, is that both sentences contain infinitives of intransitive verbs with a perfective intension. There are
exceptions to this regularity, however. Some LOVE-sentences containing an infinitival complement with a perfective intension cannot be
immediately interpreted by native speakers as characterized by object
control, e.g. (16).
Lars lovte Roar å komme
Lars promised Roar PROLars to come
But no infinitive of an intransitive verb with a non-perfective intension
can function as a verbal complement in a sentence with object control,
cf. (17).
5 This
is not as transparent a fact to the non-linguist, native speaker of Norwegian as it rnight appear from the English rendering, however.
On Control
Lars lovte Roar å le
*Lars promised Roar PRORoar to laugh6
Lars promised Roar PROLars to laugh
Sentences of this kind obviously have no grarnmatical counterpart in the
*Roar ble lovt av Lars å le
This holds when the matrix verb is GARANTERE or TILBY as well.
When the infinitive of the complement is a verb which is used
transitively, the verbs of the SC*-group display different characteristics. Two factors seem to be of importance, semantic properties of the
NPs in the sentence and the intension of the infinitival complement.
Only the latter will be dealt with in this section.7
LOVE and GARANTERE have subject control, and corresponding
sentences in the passive are ungrammatical.
Lars lovte Roar å kjøpe en brus
Lars promised Roar PROLars to buy a lemonade
*Roar ble lovt av Lars å kjøpe en brus
Roar was promised by Lars to buy a lemonade
On the other hand, TILBY allows object control, and consequently corresponding passive sentences, cf. (21) and (22).
Lars tilbød Roar å kjøpe huset
Lars offered Roar PRORoar to buy the house
I.e. (17) is unacceptable in the sense intended.
The importance of the NPs in the sentence will be discussed in section 5.
Jan Engh
Roar ble tilbudt av Lars å kjøpe huset
Roar was offered by Lars PRORoar to buy the house
But if one substitutes the infinitive SELGE 'seil' for KJØPE,
however, the control structure is altered. Cf. (23), which may only be
given an interpretation with subject control.
Lars tilbød Roar å selge huset
Lars offered Roar PROLars to seil the house
In this particular case, the conclusion must obviously be that when the
infinitival complement in a TILBY-sentence with one particular control
structure expresses a relation of a specific kind, another sentence, with
an infinitive expressing the converse relation, must be construed with
the opposite control structure.s
The general pattem seems to be the following, however: If a verb
which may function as the matrix predicate of a sentence with subject
control, occurs in a sentence characterized by object control and
consequently making it possible to form a corresponding sentence in the
passive, the following conditions must be fulfilled: If the matrix verb is
either LOVE, GARANTERE, or some other verb sharing their essential
properties, the infinitive must be an intransitive verb or a verb which is
used intransitively, and in both cases the infinitive must have a
perfective intension. If the matrix verb is TILBY, the infinitive may also
be of a transitive verb. But there is one transitive verb which produce
object control in sentences with all members of the SC*-group, FÅ 'get'
as a full verb.
Lars lovte Roar å få en brus
Lars promised Roar PRORoar to get a lemonade
What kind of infinitives expressing what sort of relations that goes with what
matrix verbs is another matter, which has to be dealt with elsewhere.
On Contra!
Roar ble lovt av Lars å få en brus9
Roar was promised by Lars PRORoar to get a lemonade
So, the question of control in sentences containing those verbs
which are usually known as verbs of subject control, turns out to be a
rather complicated matter; and the semantic properties of the infinitival
complements are of great importance. But for the sake of descriptive
economy, let us concentrate on LOVE, and pursue its properties a little
What has been said about the relationship between transitivity and
control, applies when the sentence in question occurs in vacuo. As a
matter of fact, they very seldom do, and linguistic contexts will modify
the regularities described above. LOVE-sentences with an infinitive of a
transitive verb may be interpreted with object control as well, if there
are unmistakable cues to this effect in the context.
Lars lovte Roar å hogge ved. Han måtte bare finne ei øks
som ikke var for tung for Roar først
Lars promised Roar to chop wood. He only first had to
find an axe which was not too heavy for Roar
The same situation obtains in the case of sentences with intransitive
infinitives, which cannot be immediately interpreted as controlled by the
Sentences such as (24) and (25) are synonymous to corresponding sentences
without any infinitival complement, cf.
Lars lovte Roar en brus
Lars promised Roar a lemonade
Roar ble lovt en brus av Lars
Roar was promised a lemonade by Lars
Lars lovte Vigdis å komme først, men Roar greide å snike
seg inn før henne i køen
Lars promised Vigdisfem. to come/be first, but Roar
managed to slip in before her in the queue
It is a necessary condition for the object conl:rol interpretation of
all sentences with SC*-verbs as matrix predicates that the action denoted by the infinitive is of a krnd which it is reasonable to have another
person's permission to do. Any other interpretation than the one
implying subject control is therefore precluded in the case of both (28)
and (29).
Lars lovte Roar å våkne
Lars promised Roar PROLars to wake up
Lars lovte Roar å skjære ned på universitetsbudsjettet
Lars promised Roar PROLars to cut down the university's
Special stress and intonation, emphasizing the second NP in the
sentence, may play a role parallel to a possible linguistic context in determining the control relation. There are sentences with LOVE, however, in which only a linguistic context of the appropriate kind is capable
to induce object control. Only in sentences with an infinitival
complement of an intransitive verb with a perfective content, can stress
and intonation produce object control where it is unlikely for other
On Contra/
Some infinitives
con tro l
and their properties
with respect to
transitivity and
trans. HOGGE
Lars lovte Roar å hogge ved
intr./non-perf. LE
Lars lovte Roar å le
intr./perf. KOMME (INN),
Lars lovte Roar å komme
Lars lovte Roar å komme inn
Lars lovte Roar å slippe inn på sjuer'n
Figure l . LOVE with object control
Necessary condition: It must be reasonable to have another person's permission to perform the action denoted by the infinitival complement.
There exists another way in which to give all Norwegian sentences in
the active with SC*-verbs as matrix predicate acceptable counterparts
in the passive, by inserting a FÅ (MAY in the sense of 'have permission
to') as an auxiliary.
Jan Engh
Lars lovte Roar å få le
Lars promised Roar PRORoar to mayw laugh
Roar ble lovt av Lars å få le
Roar was promised by Lars PRORoar to may laugh
Lars lovte Roar å få kjøpe en brus
Lars promised Roar PRORoar to may buy a lemonade
Roar ble lovt av Lars å få kjøpe en brus
Roar was promised by Lars PRORoar to may buy a
This does not cause any problems in connexion with Visser's law,
however, since the active sentences have object control, whlle the
passive sentences exhibit subject control.
As mentioned above, there exists in Norwegian another group of
Lars forsøker å saldere budsjettet
Lars tries to balance the budget
Lars fortsetter å sykle
Lars continues to cyde
They never appear in the passive succeeded by an active infinitive, no
matter what kind of infinitive, with or without FÅ.ll
10 In Norwegian, modal verbs like FÅ and MÅ 'must' have infinitives. In fact, å
få is the infinitive form. Here, to may is intended to render this phenomenon.
On the meaning of the modal FÅ, see note 11.
11 FORSØKE may have FÅ as an infinite auxiliary in active sentences.
Lars forsøkte å få saldert budsjettet
Lars tried to get balanced the budget
On Contra!
In sentences with SC*-verbs and subject control which are acceptable without FÅ, this verb does not provoke any change in the
control relation.
Lars lovte Roar å få slippe inn på sjuer'n
Roar ble lovt av Lars å få slippe inn på sjuer'n
(36) and (37) express the same meaning as (13) and (14). In (36) and (37),
FÅ may be regarded as expressing the speaker's interpretation of the
crucial aspect of the meaning of the corresponding sentence without FÅ,
(13) and (14). In (30), (31), and (32), (33), FÅ adds to the meaning of the
sentence the element of 'permission' of the sentences which possess the
property of being passivized without any FÅ (p. 25).
In sentences with FORSØKE, FÅ does not alter the control relation. On the other
hand, FÅ adds an element of perfectivity to the meaning of the sentence, viz.:
... get done/manage to ...
With FORTSETTE, this possibility is excluded.
*Lars fortsetter å få sykle
In my view, the uninterpretability of this sentence is due to the incompatibility
created by the durative intension of the matrix verb and the perfectivity of FÅ.
When FÅ is used with the same intension as MAY in English, however, the
sentence is grammatical, even if the main infinitive is the bearer of a non-perfective intension. Cf.
Vi kan ikke la Lars fortsette å få drive på slik lenger
We cannot let Lars continue to may go on in this way any longer
The strictly modal intension of FÅ in this sentence has a syntactic corollary; the
order of FORTSETTE and FÅ may be changed, and the resultant sentence is more
or less synonymous to the one above, cf.
Vi kan ikke la Lars få fortsette å drive på slik lenger
We cannot let Lars may continue to go on in this way any longer
Jan Engh
On the other hand, FÅ is capable of creating subject control in
sentences with matrix verbs that ordinarily only appear with object
control, e.g. BE 'ask'. Cf. (38) as distinct from (39).
Lars bad Roar om å kjøpe en brus
Lars asked Roar PRORoar to buy a lemonade
Lars bad Roar om å få kjøpe en brus
Lars asked Roar PROLars to may buy a lemonade
In sentences with matrix predicates of this kind, denoting a purely
normative (or negative) content, e.g. TILLATE 'permit', FÅ does not
cause any alteration with regard to the control relation either. Such
sentences become less acceptable with than without FÅ, however, and
their passive counterparts are unacceptable for other reasons than
those resulting from control structure.
(*) Lars tillater Roar å få spille langeleik
Lars permits Roar PRORoar to may play the dulcimer
*Roar blir tillatt av Lars å få spille langeleik
When the matrix predicate has a normative content of the 'necessity'
kind, e.g. PÅBY 'order', FÅ as an infinite auxiliary will give ungrammatical sentences in the passive and in the active as well.
*Lars påbød Roar å få lese sakspapirene
Lars ordered Roar to may read the documents
*Roar ble påbudt å få lese sakspapirene
On Contra/
As a general ruk however, FÅ is endowed with the property of
converting active sentences with subject control into sentences with
object control, and, of course, sentences of the latter kind are passivizable. Conversely, FÅ is also capable of changing certain sentences in the
active with object control into sentences characterized by subject
control. Sentences of the latter kind cannot be passivized either. This
becomes perfectly clear in the case of ANBEFALE 'recommend' as
matrix predicate, cf. (44). Sentences with BE seem a little more acceptable to native speakers, cf. (45).
Roar ble anbefalt av Lars å få kjøpe en brus
Roar was recommended by Lars to rna y buy a lemonade
(*)Roar ble bedt av Lars om å få kjøpe en brus
Roar was asked by Lars to may buy a lemonade
The reason for this rnight be the resemblance between (45) and the fully
acceptable sentence (46).
Roar ble spurt av Lars om å få kjøpe en brus
Roar was asked by Lars to rnay buy a lemonade
(46) corresponds to the active sentence (47).
Lars spurte Roar om å få kjøpe en brus
Lars asked Roar to rnay buy a lemonade
But in (47), we find subject control, and in (46), the prepositional adverb
av Lars is the controller. One observation which seems to support this
interpretation, is that a sentence corresponding to (46), but which lacks
the prepositional adverb av Kåre, is ungrammatical, cf. (48).
Jan Engh
*Roar ble spurt om å få kjøpe en brus
Roar was asked to may buy a lemonade
The same situation obtains when FÅ is a full verb, appearing as
the sole infinitive, e.g (49) and (50).
Lars spurte Roar om å få en brus
Lars asked Roar to get a lemonade
Roar ble spurt av Lars om å få en brus
Roar was asked by Lars to get a lemonade
This is sufficient reason for us to establish that there is no "Visser's
law" in Norwegian. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to mention that
Visser's hypothesis has a wider domain than the only type of sentences
that has been discussed above. Cf. (51), which corresponds to the
English sentence (52).
Lars slår meg som tvers igjennom udugelig
Lars strikes me as thoroughly incompetent
John strikes me as pompous
Neither of them may be passivized, as distinct from (53), cf. (54).
Vi ser på Lars som tvers igjennom udugelig
We regard Lars as thoroughly incompetent
Lars blir sett på av oss som tvers igjennom udugelig
Lars is regarded by us as thoroughly incompetent
On Contra/
This proves that Visser's hypothesis reflects an important regularity,
which is latent in the sentence structure of Norwegian, but which does
not hold without exception.12
12 There are no grammatical sentences without FÅ corresponding to (46) and (47).
Obviously, FÅ is necessary as a consequence of the need to express the modality
of the clause, and parallel sentences with object control are grammatical only if
they contain finite clauses, not infinitival clauses.
Lars spurte Roar om han kunne/ville kjøpe en brus
Lars asked Roa if heRoar could/would buy a lemonade
(In this sentence, KUNNE has a dynamic reading.) A parallel sentence in the
passive with subject control is the following:
Roar ble spurt av Lars om han kunne/ville kjøpe en brus
Roar was asked by Lars if he Roar could/ would buy a lemonade
Sentences with finite clauses can also have subject control in the active, and a
prepositional adverb as a controller in the passive, cf.
Lars spurte Roar om han fikk kjøpe en brus
Lars asked Roar if heLars might buy a lemonade
Roar ble spurt av Lars om han fikk kjøpe en brus
Roar was asked by Lars if heLars might buy a lemonade
Here, I use the term control in a wider sense than the one accepted within EST;
control is not bound to any specific linguistic model or theory, and must also be
open to interpretations like the one above. Note that the following sentence is
slightly unacceptable:
*Roar ble spurt om å få kjøpe en brus
Roar was asked if to may buy a lemonade
The reason for this is probably the lack of controller represented in the sentence.
In all other acceptable sentences in the passive, the phrase expressing the
agent/ experiencer, may be omitted.
fan Engh
order of
constituents of the
con tro!
gener- in tr. FÅ FÅ FÅ FÅ intr. generally
aux. aux.
perf. ally
(NP) inf (NP)
(NP) inf (NP)
(NP) inf (NP)
(NP) inf (NP)
(NP) inf (NP)
(NP) inf (NP)
(NP) OM inf (NP)
o o
Figure 2.
Some properties of sentences in vacuo containing a sample of matrix verbs
in Norwegian
O represents object contra!,
S subject control, and
P A means that a prepositional adverb is the controller
So far, the inquiry has been concentrated on the connexion between
control and the intension of the infinitival complement. In thls section,
the relationship between control and the NPs in the sentence will be
discussed. For the sake of descriptive economy, only central aspects of
subject-NPs and (direct or indirect) object-NPs, will be analysed.
The problem of object-NPs has already been mentioned in passing
(p. 26). In describing the control relation in sentences with SC*-verbs
and transitive infinitives, a fundamental abstraction was made,
however, and the analysis needs some modification. (19) and (21)
represent what one may call the unmarked case with respect to one
relevant property of their object-NPs: Both LOVE and GARANTERE
On Control
usually occur with subject control, and the object-NPs in question do not
have intensions which make them refer to individuals particularly
disposed to perform the action denoted by the infinitive. In consequence,
sentences like (19) must be interpreted with subject control.
Lars lovte Roar å kjøpe en brus
Lars promised Roar PROLars to buy a lemonade
Now, let us turn to the marked case, viz. sentences with an objectNP whose referent- from our knowledge of the world - must be predisposed to be the actor of the infinitival action, e.g. eiendomsmekleren
'the estate agent' in a sentence with the infinitive SELGE 'sell'. Sentences of this kind, containing LOVE or GARANTERE, are most likely to
be construed with object control, but subject control is not exduded. On
the other hand, TILBY-sentences must be interpreted with object contro!, subject control being marginal.
Lars lovte/ garanterte eiendomsmekleren å selge huset
Lars promised/ guaranteed the estate agent PROthe estate
agent to seil the house
Lars promised/ guaranteed the estate agent PROLars to
sell the house
Lars tilbød eiendomsmekleren å selge huset
Lars offered the estate agent PROthe estate agent to sell the
(*)Lars offered the estate agent PROLars to seil the house
Therefore, the referential properties of the object-NP, i.e. its intension
and its possible extension, also have consequences for the control structure.
Jan Engh
This also holds for the subject-NP of the sentence.13 Cf. (57) and
Landbruksministeren foreslår å dyrke mer neper
The Minister of Agriculture proposes to grow more
Bøndene på Romerike foreslår å dyrke mer neper
The farmers of Romerike propose to grow more swedes
In (58), an interpretation implying subject control is plausible. The farmers in question are probably proposing to grow more swedes themselves. But it is reasonable to interpret the subject-NP of (57),
landbruksministeren 'the minister of agriculture', as proposing that
another person should grow more swedes. Consequently, under the
most natura! interpretation of (57), the complement, dyrke mer neper
'grow more swedes' is in fact uncontrolled.14
The tendency towards object control, not subject control, and thus the
possibility of passivization of sentences with SC*-verbs and intransitive
infinitival complements may be matched with another property of the
verbs in the SC*-group: They all belong to the more extensive group of
verbs which may occur in the passive with a perfect participle as a
complement, i.e. in sentences parallel to the ungrammatical sentences
with infinitival complementation.
13 This
Lars lover statstjenestemennene å skaffe nytt arbeid
Lars promises the civil servants to provide new jobs
phenomenon is given a brief notice in Hanssen 1972:172.
This does not mean that the uncontrolled PRO is arbitrary in reference; see
Bresnan 1982 and Engh 1982a. See Engh 1982b for further discussion and observations concerning the control profiles of possible matrix verbs.
On Contra/
loves av Lars å skaffe nytt arbeid
The civil servants are promised by Lars to provide new
Stats*nestemennene loves skaffet nytt arbeid av Larsls
The civil servants are promised to be provided new jobs
by Lars
In both sentences (59) and (61), we find subject control.
Just like (13), sentence (61) contains an intransitive VP.
slippe inn på sjuer'n
nytt arbeid
In fact, the similarity between the intransitive infinitives in sen-
tences that may be passivized, and the complement perfect participle in
passive sentences is greater still: Representing the predicate of the
proposition underlying the clause, the perfect participle is situated in an
intensional context. The perfect partidple form is the consequence of an
interpretation of this; perfect participle simply indicates the perfective
content, which is compatible with the position within an intensional
context (cf. Engh 1977).
There are also several other connexions between certain sentences
with infinitival verbal complements and acceptable sentences in the
passive containing a perfect participle as verbal complement.
15 This phrase type is not a Norwegian pecularity. In fact, it may be found in most
Northern and western European languages, regardless of genetic relationship; in
the uralic language of Sam i (Lapp) as well as in English:
... the sign '
= ' ... may always be imagined eliminated ...
Methods of Logic London 1962:239.)
Cf. Engh 1977 and Engh 1982c.
(W.V. Quine:
Jan Engh
Firstly, the relevant meaning denoted by FÅ as an auxiliary, 'may'
in the sense of 'permission', may be rewritten as 'be allowed to'. This is
not self-evident, however, cf. von Wright 1963: 85ff, but it is an
acceptable interpretation, reflecting the generally accepted popular
view on permission. Thus, the dause might be understood as the expression of a proposition containing a sort of lexicalized passive. If we accept that, a passive sentence containing FÅ, which meets the necessary
requirements, will resemble a sentence with a perfect participle instead
of the infinitival complement. This similarity becomes dearer still, when
we take a look at sentences with FÅ as a full verb.
Lars lovte statstjenestemennene å få nytt arbeid
Lars promised the civil servants to get new jobs
Statstjenestemennene ble lovt av Lars å få nytt arbeid
The civil servants were promised by Lars to get new jobs
Lars lovte Roar å få en brus
Lars promised Roar PRORoar to get a lemonade
Roar ble lovt av Lars å få en brus
Roar was promised by Lars to have a lemonade
Secondly, as mentioned above, the perfect participle complement
in sentences with a verb in the passive might be interpreted in two not
mutually exdusive ways; as an expression of passive voice and as a
mark of perfectivity. Perfectivity, however, might in turn be understood
as the property of not having any extension in time. Consequently,
change is a predominant aspect of perfectivity. FÅ gives to the clause a
similar meaning of change. The action of FÅ-ing is characterized by a
state without something before and by a state with afterwards. It does
not take time to FÅ, just like toGET in English. FÅ as an auxiliary is
endowed with the same semantic property. What is not permitted in one
On Control
moment, may be permitted in the next. Nor does it require any space of
time to allowe somebody to do something. The semantic factor of
change is also a part of the set of semantic properties characterizing
sentences with GARANTERE, LOVE, and TILBY as matrix verbs
without FÅ in the passive, as far as isolated sentences are concemed.
Their infinitival complements are either used intransitively, or simply,
they are intransitive, and at the same time, they have a perfective
Furthermore, sentences like these and sentences with FÅ have
another trait in common; their complement denotes an action which is
Let us retum to Visser for a while once more. Visser's generalization
holds for English in the cases where it apparently does not hold for
Norwegian. In a certain sense, the English sentence (68) corresponds to
(13) in Norwegian.
Frank promised Mary toget in ...
Lars lovte Roar å slippe inn på sjuer'n
But (68) has subject control, not object control as its Norwegian counterpart does, and it has no acceptable passive transform, cf. (69).
*Mary was promised by Frank to get in ...
This might lead us to thlnk that it is of no importance for the control
relation of English sentences what general semantic properties, such as
aktionsart, characterize the infinitive, as long as it is not endowed with
the same specific semantic characteristics as the polysemous verb FÅ in
fan Engh
(70) has object control, as has (24), and like its Norwegian parallel,
it has an acceptable passive transform, (71).
Frank promised Mary to get a lemonade
Mary was promised by Frank toget a lemonade
BE ALLOWED TO is probably the idiomatically corred rendering in
English of FÅ as an auxiliary. Although there are same doubts as to the
acceptability of the adive sentence, the situation seems to be the same as
in the case of (70) and (71) above. One of my informants did not accept
(72), but all of them agreed on the acceptability of (73).
(*)Frank promised Mary to be allowed to leave early
Mary was promised by Frank to be allowed to leave early
So, BE ALLOWED TO plays the same role in English as do FÅ as an
auxiliary in Norwegian. If PROMISE is the matrix predicate, BE
ALLOWED TO converts the contral relation into object contral, and this
makes a passive transform of the sentence possible (cf. p. 23). As in
Norwegian, this has no significance for the validity of Visser's hypothesis, however.
BE ALLOWED TO may also be used to alter sentences with object
control in order to produce subject control if the matrix verb is of the
appropriate kind.
John asked the teacher to leave early
John asked (begged, pleaded with, ... ) the teacher to be
allowed to leave early16
persuadeas the main verb, reversal of contra/ ... seems much more difficult.
16 (74) and (75) are taken from Chomsky 1981:76. Chomsky comments:
On Contra/
And, as one would expect, these sentences have no corresponding sentences in the passive, cf. the case of parallel subject control sentences
without BE ALLOWED TO.
*The teacher was asked by John to be allowed to leave
This is also the case in Norwegian if the verb generally takes object
control, except in those cases where the semantic content is approximately the same as in ASK in English, even though they are not its exa et
counterpart, e.g. BE. When it comes to ASK, English differs from what
one might reasonably expect on the basis of the Norwegian data. As
shown on p. 33, a sentence with SPØRRE and FÅ may appear in the
Apart from the domain of Visser's regularity, English seems to
differ from Norwegian insofar as the importance of the effect exerted
by the intension of the infinitival complement on the control relation is
concerned. In Norwegian, there is a certain affinity between intransitive
and perfective infinitival complements and object control in sentences
with SC*-verbs as matrix predicates. English admits no such affinity in
connexion with corresponding matrix verbs.
In Norwegian, some verbs, e.g. FORSØKE 'try' and FORTSETTE
'continue', are equivocal as to the control relation they produce in the
sentence in which they may :function as the matrix predicate. This is
quite natural, since neither of them take an NP as an indirect object.
Both FORSØKE and FORTSETTE require that the subject and the
implied agent/ experiencer haveidentical reference.
Most verbs which take an indirect object and an infinitival complement, e.g. ANBEFALE 'recommend', and BE 'ask' appear in sen(Ibid.)
fan Engh
tences with an unstable, but easily predictable control relation. As long
as FÅ is not present in the surface structure as an auxiliary, the sentence
exhibits object control. If the sentence contains an auxiliary FÅ,
however, it may only be interpreted with subject control.
A third group of verbs is the one referred to above as the S C*group, whlch counts as its members GARANTERE, LOVE, and TILBY.
The sentences in which they occur, manifest subject or object control.
Sentences with GARANTERE or LOVE as matrix verbs have object
control H the sentence contains an auxiliary FÅ, or at least under certain
circumstances, when the infinitival complement is of an intransitive
verb (or a verb which is used intransitively) with a perfective intension.
TILBY-sentences exhibit object control with transitive infinitiv al
complements of a particular kind too.
Intrinsic syntactic properties of verbs are not the sole factor determining the control relation of a given sentence. It is evident that the
infinitival complement is also important. The reason is simply that the
meaning of all the central parts of the sentence, including the intension
of the infinitive as well as l:he extension of the subject and of the object,
is of direct significance. But there is also an indirect connexion between
control and meaning.
As demonstrated above, there are groups of verbs that react in the
same manner when confronted with certain differences in l:he intension
of the infinitival complement, and their reactions differ, depending on
the group to which they belong. Some of the groups consist of verbs that
share central syntactic properties, e.g. the order of the constituents of
the sentence, functional characteristics of the complement, or different
properties as regards the possible transformation of the infinitival
complement into complements of other sorts (such as a finite dause or
an ordinary NP). But similarity in meaning may often be a more salient
feature of the members of such a group of verbs. The SC*-verbs, for
instance, have certain syntactic properties in common, but other verbs,
which do not belong to the SC*-group, like HINDRE 'prevent' or
TILLATE 'permit', share the same properties (cf. Engh 1982b). Thus, the
On Control
relevant syntactic properties may represent a necessary, but surely not a
sufficient condition for membership in the group. What really constitutes
the group of SC*-verbs, is a common set of semantic properties in a
narrow sense, (77).
'The person to which the subject refer has got something
that the referent of the object needs, or can act in a way
which is desirable to him'
An additional characteristic is the fact that SC*-verbs are all used to
express roughly the same type of speech act.
Although it has obvious implications on a syntactical level, control
is a semantic phenomenon. And the manifest control relations of a
sentence are a product of the latent control possibilities of the matrix
verb and of other semantic factors of the sentence. Perhaps this is a little
easier to perceive on the basis of the Norwegian data. After all, the
question of meaning has an indirect bearing on syntactic conditions in
Norwegian, since there is a comparatively clear connexion between
control, aktionsart, transitivity, and voice.17
Bach, Ernmon W. 1980. "In Defence of Passive". Linguistics and
Philosophy 3.297-342
Bresnan, Joan. 1978. "A Realistic Transformational Grammar". In M.
Halle, J. Bresnan, and G. Miller eds. Linguistic Theory and
Psychological Reality. Cambridge:The MIT Press
17 Despite several hints and good intentions, this is a neglected aspect of the
theory of control in EST. In lexical-functional grammar, on the other hand, the
semantic nature of control is of central interest, cf. Bresnan 1982. The present
article is written roughly within the framework of EST, but its content may be
considered largely as complementary to and supporting the criticism levelled by
Joan Bresnan against the theory of control in EST. When it comes to the details of
my discussion, however, the analysis would certainly have been different,
perhaps more adequate and shorter too, if it were based on LFG.
Jan Engh
Bresnan, Joan. 1982. "Control and Complementation". To appear in
Linguistic Inquiry
Chomsky, Noam. 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge:The MIT Press
Chomsky, Noam. 1980. "On Binding". Linguistic Inquiry 11.1-46
Chomsky, Noam. 1981. Lectures on Government and Binding.
Chomsky, Noam and Howard Lasnik. 1977. "Filters and Control".
Linguistic Inquiry 8.425-504
Engh, Jan. 1977. "Enkelte problem vil bli forsøkt oppstilt". In T. Fretheim
ed. Sentrale problemer i norsk syntaks. Oslo:Universitetsforlaget
Engh, Jan. 1982a. "Uncontrolled PROs without Arbitrary Reference".
Engh, Jan. 1982b. "Infinitiv som utfylling til verb i norsk". Forthcoming
Engh, Jan. 1982c. Verb i passiv fulgt av perfektum partisipp. Bruk og
historie. Forthcoming
Falk, Hjalmar and Alf Torp. 1900. Dansk-norskens syntax. Kristiania:
Hanssen, Eskil. 1972. "Den underordnete setning: Om forholdet mellom
at-setning og infinitivfrase i norsk". Norsk tidsskrift for
sprogvidenskap. 26:165-77
Visser, F. T. 1973. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. Vol. 3,
part 2. Leiden:Brill
von Wright, Georg H. 1963. Norm and Action. London: Routledge and
Wasow, Thomas. 1977. "Transformations and the lexicon". In P.W.
Cullicover, T. Wasow, and A Akmajian eds. Formal Syntax. New
York:Academic Press
Uncontrolled PROs
without Arbitrary Reference*
In Control and Complementation, Joan Bresnan demonstrates the
significance of meaning to the control relation of a given sentence, and
she levels an attack against the Extended Standard Theory conception
of uncontrolled PROs as having arbitrary reference. I think her criticism
is well founded in this respect, and that Control and Complementation
is an important step in the direction of an adequate theory of control.
Bresnan's argumentation is partly based on the analysis of sentences in context, since the uncontrolled PRO may refer to the same
(group of) individual(s) as an NP outside the sentence. But however
sound her criticism, the recourse to the context might turn out to be a
weakness, because it becomes possible to reject her important criticism
on more or less formal grounds, as being text grammar, not a sentence
I would like to present some data from Norwegian which indicates that it is not necessary to cross sentence boundaries in order to
establish that an uncontrolled PRO need not have arbitrary reference .l
In Norwegian, sentences with the causative LA 'let' and verbs of
perception, e.g HØRE 'hear' may take an infinitival complement with
an (oblique) subject-NP and, when possible, an object-NP, cf. (l) and (2).
Kåre lar Rolf pusse (vinduet)
Kåre lets Rolf dean (the window)
* I would like to thank Kirsti Koch Christensen, Even Hovdhaugen, and Kari
Anne Rand Schmidt for discussing the idea presented here. All errors and
unreasonable opinions are, of course, my own.
I Norwegian must be considered as a representative of Scandinavian in this
respect, as Danish and Swedish exhibit the same relevant properties as regards
Jan Engh
Kåre hører Rolf hogge (ved)
Kåre hears Rolf chop (wood)
But unlike other verbs taking infinitival complements, these two (and a
few others) may also occur with another type of infinitival clause, the
first NP in which is the object of the infinitive. There is no subject-NP in
clauses of this type. Cf. Falk and Torp 1900, p. 194f.
Kåre lar vinduet pusse
Kåre lets the windowobj. dean
Kåre har hørt navnet nevne
Kåre has heard the nameobj. mention
This is a peculiar construction in several respects. It is somewhat archaic, and people often try to express their interpretation of it by changing the infinitive into a perfect participle, making the sentence conform
to a more common pattem:
Kåre har hørt navnet nevnt
Kåre has heard the name mentioned
Thus, they indicate that the NP in question is the patient of the
Sentences with HØRE are only fully acceptable with the matrix
verb in the perfect. In the case of (1), the choice of tense is free in principle.
The relevance of this construction to Bresnan's discussion, is the
lack of an overt subject in the clause. The PRO in question is uncontrolled, and hence, following Chomsky (for instance 1997, p. 440), PRO is
arbitrary in reference.
In a literal sense, this means that a PRO of this kind may refer to
everything in the universe of discourse, even to the same individual(s) as
Uncontro/led PROs without Arbitrary Reference
the subject of the sentence refers to. However, tlus is not the case. On
the contrary, in a sentence like (3), it is implied that the reference of PRO
and Kåre is not identical. One might easily imagine that this is a
function of the causative intention of (1), since it is pointless to say that
one lets oneself perform a certain action. That is not the case, however.
Sentence (4) is endowed with the same semantic property, although
HØRE is the matrix verb. Somebody else has mentioned the name.
This means that there is presupposed a set of persons to whom the
PRO may refer; PRO has no specific reference, but it has an extension.
In this sentence, the uncontrolled PRO is not arbitrary in reference. And
this holds also for the sentence when it occurs explicitly in vacuo, which,
in my view, is a strong support for the kind of criticism expressed by
Bresnan in her article.
Bresnan, Joan. 1982. "Control and Complementation". To appear in
Linguistic Inquiry
Chomsky, Noam and Howard Lasillk. 1977. "Filters and Control".
Linguistic Inquiry 8.425-504
Falk, Hjalmar and Alf Torp. 1900. Dansk-norskens syntax., Kristiania:Aschehoug
'On Control' and 'Uncontrolled PROs without Arbiary Reference' were
written in the early summer of 1982. For various reasons, they were
never published. The current versions are identical to the original ones
with the following exceptions: A few misspellings have been corrected
and a number of purely graphic changes have been made. This is due to
the conversion of the manuscripts to machine-readable form and to the
subsequent adaptation to the graphic standard of NORskrift.
As for the bibliographic references,
Bresnan, Joan. 1982. 'Control and Complementation'. To appear in
Linguistic Inquiry
was published as
Bresnan, Joan. 1982. 'Control and Complementation', Linguistic Inquiry
Engh, Jan. 1982b. 'Infinitiv som utfylling til verb i norsk'. Forthcoming
was never published.
On the other hand,
Engh, Jan. 1982c. Verb
passiv fulgt
was finally published in 1994 (Oslo, Norway: Novus forlag).
Con tro l
A Bibliography
The scope of this bibliography is to cover the grammatical
literature on the understood subject of infinitives. It is based on various
sources: First of alt on special bibliographical research, but also on
queries for bibliographical references via LINGUIST LIST in 1993 and
1996, supplemented with searches in printed bibliographies, e.g.
Eisenberg, Peter and Bernd Wiese: Bibliographie zur deutschen
Grammatik: 1984-1994. Tiibingen, Germany: Narr 1995, accessible
machine-readable bibliographical databases: International databases
such as Francis, Humanities Index and Modern Languages Association,
in addition to "local" databases such as NOTA.l
Now, one might ask why a special bibliography for the notion of
control is required, given the number of bibliographical resources
mentioned above. The reason is two-fold: First of all, 'control' is an
important and poorly understood category blurring the traditional limit
between semantics and syntax. Secondly, searches for 'control',
'controle', Kontrolle' or the like is not quite a trivial matter from a
technical point of view. On the one hand, "control" is a fairly general
word, and so are its equivalents in other languages. On the other hand,
one has no guarantee that possible delimiting words such as "subject",
"object", "verb", "linguistic" or "language" are being used in titles,
abstracts, index word fields or any other searchable field for that
matter. In order to be on the safe side, then, one cannot refrain from
searching for 'control' etc. alone. And even if one tries to limit the search
by means of NOT 'birth', 'flow', 'pest', and 'social' etc. one ends up with
a large number of references - mostly on subjects different from the one
The Norwegian database for scientific articles.
Jan Engh and Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
intended... In fact, even if one does delimit the search by means of
'syntactic' or 'semantic' a number of irrelevant data is accumulated.
TI: Visual Word Recognition: Evidence for Strategic Control
of Lexical and Nonlexical Routines in Oral Reading
AU: Baluch,-Bahman; Besner,-Derek
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Psychology:-Learning,-Memory,and-Cognition, Washington, DC (JExPLMC). 1991 July, 17:4,
PY: 1991
DE: language-; psycholinguistics-; reading-; role of
orthography-; semantic-relations; word-frequency; in wordrecognition; in Persian-language-Modern
So, the raison d'etre of the bibliography is to spare others from
looking through an enormous number of similarly irrelevant references
in order to find those relatively few focussing on semantic or syntactic
A comment on the verification problem. Unfortunately, we have
not been able to read all the publications listed (which, in turn, is a sign
that quite a few of them are rather inaccessible). This means that the
selection has been carried out to the best of our judgement - and in some
cases to that of our informants. We are not in the position to guarantee
that every publication discusses 'control' in exactly the sense we are
after. When in doubt, though, we have adopted a liberal view,
preferring to include one irrelevant title rather than to omit any title of
The titles included in the bibliography refer to specialized
literature on the subject. In general, works of a global nature have not
been included. Exceptions are titles that can be considered of particular
interest for control in the development of linguistic theory, e.g.
Chomsky 1965, 1981, Jackendoff 1972, and titles such as Radford 1981
and Brennenstuhl1982. Although the latter is focusing on action logic, it
has been included since it contains relevant information on the notion of
Control - A Bibliography
control in general. Radford's introductory book also contains a
contribution to the description of linguistic 'control'.
As far as articles in collections or proceedings papers are
concerned, the full reference is given except in those cases where the
collection or proceedings is focussing on control. In the latter case, it is
entered as a title in its own right.
Finally, a few words on the notation. The references are presented
in a way which is not technically complete, nor correct from a strict
library cataloguing point of view. Still, the information will be enough
to give the reader a necessary hint, when looking up the item in the local
library catalogue or database. It represents a compromise between the
formats found in international/ American and Scandinavian scientific
As for the details on the content side, we have tried to resolve as
many as possible of the initials appearing in our sources. We have not
managed to resolve them all, though. More investigation would have
caused a delay, and we found it better to renounce a 100% exactness in
order to make the bibliography available for the public now ...
The target audience is linguistic students and researchers. We
hope the bibliography will be useful for those taking a particular interest
in 'control'3
The notational conventions are partly based on the recomendations of The
Chicago manual of style: for authors, editors, and copywriters. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1982.
The authors will be happy to receive corrections and suggestions for
further titles to be included. Even for a restricted subject such as semantic or syntactic contra! it is virtually impossible to avoid lacunas. It is also our intention to
carry on with the work. Corrected and augmented versions of the bibliography
will appear with irregular intervals - probably on the web.
Jan Engh and Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
Abraham, Werner: 1982, 'Zur Kontrollbeziehung im Deutschen'.
Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik. 21/112-167
Abraham, Werner: 1983, The control relation in German'. In Abraham,
Werner (ed.): On the formal syntax of the Westgermania: papers from
'3rd Groningen grammar talks', Groningen, January. 1981.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins 217-242
Abraham, Werner: 1983, 'Zur Kontrollbeziehung im Deutschen'. In
Jongen, Rene, Sabine De Knop, Peter H. Nelde, and Marie Paule
Quix (eds.): Akten des 17. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Brussel, 1982, I:
Sprache, Diskurs und Text. (Linguistische Arbeiten 133) Tiibingen,
Germany: Niemeyer 41-59
Aissen, Judith L.: 1984, 'Control and command in Tzotzil purpose
Clauses'. In Brugman, Claudia, Monica Maccaulay, Amy Dahlstrom,
Michele Emanatian, Birch Moonwoman, and Catherine O'Connor
(eds.): Proceedings of the tenth annua[ meeting of the Berkeley
Linguistics Society, February 17-20, 1984. Berkeley. Berkeley, Ca.:
Berkeley Linguistics Society, University of California 559-571
Al-Haq, Fawwaz Al-Abed: 1992, 'Functional or anaphoric control in
Jordanian Arabic?'. Language sciences 14/1-2:1-28
Andrews, Avery D.: 1982, 'The representation of case in Modern
Icelandic'. In Bresnan 1982b 427-503
Andrews, Avery D.: 1990, 'Case structures and control in Modem
Icelandic'. In Maling and Joan, Annie Zaenen (eds.): Modern Icelandic
syntax. (Syntax and semantics 24) San Diego, Ca.: Academic Press
Bach, Emmon: 1969, 'Linguistic form: transformational theory'. In
Meetham, AR. and R. A Hudson (eds.): Encyclopedia of linguistics.
information and control 280-284
Bach, Emmon: 1979, 'Control in Montague grammar'. Linguistic inquiry
Contra/ - A Bibliography
Bach, Emmon: 1982, 'Purpose clauses and control'. In Jacobson, Pauline
and Geoffrey K. Pullam (eds.): The Nature of syntactic
representation. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Reidel 35-57
Bagchi, Tista: 1993a, 'Control, reflexives, and automodularity in Bangla
imperfective participial complements'. In Beals, Katharine, Gina
Cooke, David Kathman, Sotaro Kita, Karl-Erik McCullough, and
David Testen (eds.): Chicago Linguistic Society 29th regional meeting
1993. The main session Chicago, Il.: CLS 1:17-32
Bagchi, Tista: 1993b, Clausal subordination in Bangla: a cross-modular
approach. Doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago. Chicago Il.:
University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library, Department of
Baschung, Karen: 1988, 'Controle et relations de paraphrase et
d'ambigui:te dans les enchassees verbales'. In Bes, Gabriel G. and
Catherine Fuchs (eds.): Lexique et paraphrase. (Lexique 6) Lille,
France: Presses universitaires de Lille 83-95
Baschung, Karen: 1991, Grammaires d'unification a traits et contr6le
des infinitives en fram;ais. (Langues naturelles et traitement de
['information 2) Clermont-Ferrand, France: Adosa
Bearth, T.: 1984, 'Periphrases du passif fran~ais et la notion de controle'.
Bulletin de la Section de linguistique de la faculte des let tres de
Lausanne 6 l 27-40
Bergner, E. and E. Nylund: 1995, 'Aspect, directionality and control in
Japanese'. In Bennett, David C., Theodora Bynon, and B. George
Hewitt (eds.): Subject, voice and ergativity. London, UK: School of
Oriental and African Studies
Boland, Julie E., Michael K. Tanenhaus, and Susan M. Garnsey: 1990,
'Evidence for the immediate use of verb control information in
sentence processing'. Journal of memory and language 29 l 4:413-32
Borer, Hagit: 1989, 'Anaphoric AGR'. In Jaeggli, Osvaldo and Kenneth J.
Safir (eds.): The null subject parameter. (Studies in natural language
and linguistic Theory 15) Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer 69-109
Jan Engh and Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
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Contra! - A Bibliography
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Contra/ - A Bibliography
Anthropological linguistics: exploring the languages of the world.
Bloomington, In.: Department of Anthropology, Indiana University
Antwerp papers in linguistics. Antwerp, Belgium: Universiteit
Antwerpen, Departement Germaanse, Afdeling Linguistiek
Arabica: revue d'etudes arabes. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill
Brain and language. New York, N.Y.: Academic Press
Bulletin de la section de linguistique de la faculte des lettres de
Lausanne. Lausanne, Switzerland
Cahiers linguistiques d'Ottawa. Ottawa, Canada: Universite d'Ottawa
Cognition: international journal of cognitive science. Amsterdam, The
Netherlands: Elsevier
Computational linguistics. Morristown, N.J. : The Association for
Computational Linguistics.
CUNYForum: papers in linguistics. New York, N.Y.: Queens College
Press for the Graduate Center, City University of New York and the
Department of Linguistics, Queens College
Deutsche Sprache: Zeitschrift for Theorie, Praxis, Dokumentation.
Berlin, Germany: E. Schmidt
Diachronica: international journal for historical linguistics. Amsterdam,
The Netherlands: John Benjamins
English studies: a journal of English language and literature. Lisse, The
Netherlands: Swets
Folia linguistica: acta Societatis linguisticae Europaeae. The Hague,
The Netherlands: Mouton
Forum der letteren: tijdschrift voor taal- en letterkunde. The Hague,
The Netherlands: Smits
Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik. Groningen, The
Netherlands: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Germanistische Institut
International journal of American linguistics. Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago Press
International journal of Dravidian linguistics. Trivandrum, Kerala,
India: Dravidian Linguistics Association
fan Engh and Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
Journal of child language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Journal of English linguistics. Athens, Ga.
Journal of linguistic research. Bloomington, In.: Indiana University
Linguistics Club
Journal of linguistics. London, UK: Cambridge University Press
Journal of memory and language. New York, N.Y.: Academic Press
Journal of pragmatics: an interdisciplinary monthly of language studies.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier
Journal of semantics: an international journal for the interdisciplinary
study of the semantics of natura[ language. Oxford: Oxford
University Press
Kwartalnik neofilologiczny. Warszawa, Poland: Pan stwowe
Wydawnctwo Naukowe
Langages. Paris, France: Larousse
Language: journal of the Linguistic Society of America. Baltimore, Md.:
W averly Press
Language acquisition: a journal of developmental linguistics. Hillsdale,
N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Language and linguistics in Melanesia: journal of the Linguistic Society
of Papua New Guinea. Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea
Language research (Ohak yon'gu). Seoul, Korea: Soul Taehakkyo Ohak
Language sciences: a world journal of the sciences of language. Oxford,
UK: Pergamon Press
Le Franr;ais moderne: revue de linguistique franr;aise. Paris, France: Le
Conseil international de la langue fran<;aise
Leuvense bijdragen:
tijdschrift voor germaanse filologie. Leuven
(Louvain), Belgium: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit
Lingua: international review of general linguistics. Amsterdam, The
Netherlands: Elsevier
Linguistic analysis Seattle, Wa.
Linguistic inquiry. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press
Contra/ - A Bibliography
Linguistic review. Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter
Linguistics and philosophy: a journal of natural language syntax,
semantics, logic, pragmatics, and processing. Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: Kluwer
Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences. The
Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton
Linguistique en Belgique/Linguistiek in Belgie. Bruxelles, Belgium:
Di dier
Linguistische Arbeitsberichte: Mitteilungsblatt der Sektion Theoretische
und angewandte Sprachwissenschaft der Karl-Marx Universitiit
Leipzig. Leipzig, Germany
Linguistische Berichte: Forschung, Information, Diskussion. Wiesbaden,
Germany: Westdeutscher Verlag
MIT Working papers in linguistics. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT,
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
Natural language and linguistic theory. Dordrecht, The Netherlands:
Rei del
Nordic journal of linguistics. Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget
Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift. Oslo, Norway: Novus forlag
Norsk tidsskrift for sprogvidenskap. Oslo, Norway
litteraturvitenskap, Avdeling for nordisk språk og litteratur.
Universitetet i Oslo
Nueva revista de filologia hispanica. Mexico City D.F., Mexico:
Colegio de Mexico, Centro de Estudios Linguisticos y Literarios
Ohak yon'gu. See Language Research
Papers and studies in contrastive linguistics. Poznaft , Poland:
Uniwersytet Imienia Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Reading University working papers in linguistics. Reading, UK
Revista Argentina de linguistica. Mendoza, Argentina: Revista
Argentina de Lingliistica
Revue quebecoise de linguistique. Montreal, Canada: Les Presses de
l'Universite du Quebec
Jan Engh and Kristian Emil Kristoffersen
Revue Roumaine de linguistique. Bucurest, Romania: Editura Academiei
Ro mane
Rivista di linguistica. Turin, Italy: Rosenberg and Sellier
Seria filologia angielska Poznan . Poznan, Poland: Uniwersytet Imienia
Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Studia linguistica: a journal of general linguistics. Oxford, UK :
Studies in the linguistic sciences. Urbana, IL: Publication of the
Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois
UCL working papers in linguistics. London, UK: University College
London, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, Linguistics Sedion
Work papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North
Dakota Session. Dallas, Tex
Kommunikationsforschung. Berlin, Germany: Akadernie-Verlag
Zeitschrift fiir Slawistik: Beitrage zur Bohemistik und Slowakistik.
Berlin, Germany: Akademie-Verlag
Zhongguo yuwen. Beijing, China: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
Institute of Linguistics