Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, and EDIT LECTURE NOTES CHAPTER OUTLINE TEACHING SUGGESTIONS Chapter Overview Slides 2-4 The purpose and function of file attributes will Chapter Overview duplicated in be explained. PowerPoint slides. Utility commands and programs will be used After completion of lecture, suggest to to manipulate files and subdirectories to make students that they review Objectives and tasks at the command line easier to do. Outcomes found on first page of chapter as a This chapter will focus on the following check to see if they have mastered concepts. commands and programs: ATTRIB, XCOPY, DOSKEY, and EDIT. FILE ATTRIBUTES AND THE ATTRIB COMMAND File Attributes and the ATTRIB Command Root directory. Keeps information about each file on disk. File name, extension, size, date/time file last modified, and pointer to file's starting cluster in FAT. Each file in directory has attributes. Sometimes called flags. “Bit” of info either on or off. Describes status of a file. Can store only 1 or 0. Means yes or no, or on or off. Attributes represented by a single letter. S = System attribute. System file. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 SECTION 7.1 (pp. 310-311) Slides 5-14 ATTRIB command used to manipulated file. Can view, set and reset one attribute of one or many files. Explain each attribute. Explain syntax diagram: - Bar acts as a toggle switch - either/or. Thus, can either set +R or -R but not both at same time. - /S can be used alone. - /D must be used with /S – cannot be used alone. Can change file attributes from Explorer. - Easier to do these tasks from command prompt. Discussion Question (1) - What is the purpose and function of the ATTRIB command? Page 1 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems H = Hidden attribute. Hidden files not displayed with DIR command. Files can't be deleted, copied, or renamed. R = Read-only. Can only read file. Can’t modify or delete file. A = Archived file. Back-up history of file. Archive bit turned on - file not backed up. The NTFS file system has other attributes. Attribute indicating a compressed/encrypted file and whether file contexts should be indexed for fast file searching. At command line only attributes can change with ATTRIB command are S, H, R, and A. ATTRIB command allows manipulation of file attributes. Syntax diagram. See PowerPoint slide #9. + = sets attribute. - = removes attribute. R = Read-only. A = Archive. S = System file. H = Hidden file. /S = Processes matching files in current folder and all subfolders. /D = Processes folders as well. Most useful are R and H attributes. The A (Archive bit) gives backup history of a file. It is a signal that the file has not been backed up. COPY command does not turn off the A attribute. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit Discussion Question (2) - Give two parameters for the ATTRIB command and describe the function and purpose of each. Discussion Question (3) - What are file attributes? Discussion Question (4) - What effect does a file marked "hidden" have for a user? How can you "unhide" the file? Discussion Question (5) - What does a file marked "read-only" mean to a user? Page 2 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit XCOPY can read archive bit. Determines if file has changed since last time it was backed up. Decides if file needs to be backed up. Usually do not manually manipulate S attributes with ATTRIB command. ACTIVITY—USING ATTRIB TO MAKE FILES READ-ONLY Using ATTRIB to Make Files Read-Only Command Prompt window open. DATA disk in Drive A, and A:\> is displayed. Specified files can be copied from /SUGXP subdirectory if necessary. Activity steps. Key in: ATTRIB *.99 then ATTRIB C:\*.* COPY C:\WUGXP\*.FIL ATTRIB *.FIL ATTRIB +R STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB STEVEN.FIL DEL STEVEN.FIL COPY C:\WUGXP\*.XLS DIR *.XLS then ATTRIB +R *. XLS ATTRIB *.XLS SECTION 7.2 (pp. 311-317) Slide 15 Note: Steps 8-24 can only be done if Microsoft Excel installed on computer If Excel not available - read through exercise. ATTRIB is external command. Using + or - alters attribute. Read-only means cannot delete or overwrite file. Can delete read-only files with /F parameter with DEL command. Minimize command line window Click Start/My Computer Double-click A drive icon Click Tools (on menu bar)/ Folder/Options/ View Tab Remove check from Hide extensions for known file types. Click OK Double-click NEW-SUV.XLS file Click in Cell A-30 (box right below Toyota) Key in Latest Thing Click File (on menu bar)/ Save/ OK/Cancel/ File/Exit/No Close My Computer window Click minimized Command line button on taskbar Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Page 3 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit Key in CLS COPY STEVEN.FIL BETTE.FIL ATTRIB + R BETTE.FIL DEL BETE.FIL DEL /F BETTE.FIL DIR BETTE.FIL Activity completed. USING THE HIDDEN AND ARCHIVE ATTRIBUTES WITH ATTRIB Using the Hidden and Archive Attributes with ATTRIB Hidden attribute. Hides file. Files not displayed with DIR command. Useful - allows for manipulation of files. Files protected when COPY or MOVE commands used with wildcards. Can’t see or manipulate files. More difficult to perform file operations on groups of files in Explorer. Can hide files. Archive bit. Flags a file as changed since last time file backed up. Allows copying of files that have been changed. Automatically set (on) when file written to or changed. ATTRIB command can set and unset this flag. SECTION 7.3 (pp. 317-318) Slides 16-19 ACTIVITY—USING THE H AND THE A ATTRIBUTES Using the H and the A Attributes Data disk in Drive A and A:\> displayed. Activity steps. Key in: SECTION 7.4 (pp. 318-323) Slides 20-21 COPY C:\WUGXP\FI*.* DIR F*.* ATTRIB FI*.* +H DIR F*.* MOVE F*.* TRIP Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Discuss how files are hidden in Explorer. Discussion Question (6) - What is the function of the archive bit? Discuss. - Why the ability to hide files is useful to the user. How D, R, H, A attributes help to manage files When MOVE command used none of hidden files (/H) will be moved. Page 4 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit XCOPY with A attribute – turns off A flag to indicate file has been backed up Can manipulate archive bit directly with ATTRIB command to display if file changed. - Using ATTRIB and XCOPY command with various attributes. - REN file keeps attributes, as it is the same file. - COPY file does not carry attributes to copy since copied file is considered to be new file. - Use of + and – for setting and unsetting file attributes. - Eliminate or add several file attributes with one command. DIR /AH ATTRIB -H FI*.* DIR F*.* TYPE STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB -A -R STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB STEVEN.FIL COPY TRIP\FRANK.FIL STEVEN.FIL Press Y Key in: TYPE STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB +R -A STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB STEVEN.FIL REN STEVEN.FIL BRIAN.FIL ATTRIB BRIAN.FIL COPY BRIAN.FIL STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB STEVEN.FIL ATTRIB BRIAN.FIL Activity completed. THE SUBST COMMAND The SUBST Command External command. Can substitute drive letter for a path name. Alleviates keying in long path name. Can install programs that do not recognize subdirectory but do recognize disk drive. Can derive information from a drive that a program does not recognize. Discuss why students should be cautious when using SUBST on a network drive. On stand-alone system while substitution in effect: Do not use SUBST with LABEL, CHKDSK, FORMAT, DISKCOPY, DISKCOM, and RECOVER FDISK. Above commands expect drive letter to represent actual disk drive. SUBST syntax: To set up new drive: SUBST [drive1: [drive2:]path To undo: SUBST drive SUBST drive1: /D To see SUBST drives: SUBST. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 SECTION 7.5 (pp. 323-324) Slides 22-27 Discuss using SUBST with a network drive. Networks us letter drive specifications. Discussion Question (7) - What is the purpose of the SUBST command? Discussion Question (8) - Under what circumstances would the SUBST command be useful? Page 5 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit ACTIVITY—USING SUBST Using SUBST DATA disk in Drive A and A:\ displayed. Can activity be done in your lab? Use a drive letter that is not being used such as H: or K. Activity steps. Key in: SECTION 7.6 (pp. 324-327) Slide 28 TYPE ASTRONOMY\MERCURY\ DRESS.UP SUBST E: A:\ASTRONOMY\MERCURY TYPE E:DRESS.UP SUBST SUBST E: /D SUBST Activity completed. THE XCOPY COMMAND The XCOPY Command Review COPY command. Internal command. Drawbacks. Copies one file at a time even if wildcards are used. Cannot copy subdirectory structure. Slow command. COPY filename – does not retain source file attributes. Useful for backing up files from hard disk directories to floppy disks. Cannot use DISKCOPY if you have disks with different formats. XCOPY command. Powerful and useful. External command. Copy files that exist in different subdirectories. Copies contents of subdirectory (both files and subdirectories beneath parent subdirectory). Can specify drive as source to copy all files on the drive. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Discuss virtual (logical) drives. Virtual drive – one that exists temporarily - Drive letter represents but cannot be actual physical drive. Not an actual real drive - cannot perform disk actions on it. Conceptually how networks operate – network takes path name and substitutes a drive letter for the path. Discuss SUBST. - Uses logical drive letter. - Destination – must use drive letter and path. - When done - undo SUBST. SECTION 7.7 (pp. 326-328) Slides 29-33 Parameters available when using XCOPY. (Continued from the end of left-hand side column for this section.) /P = Prompt before creating each destination file. /S = Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones. /E = Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones. Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T. /V = Verifies each new file. /W = Prompts to press key before copying. /C = Continues copying even if errors occur. /I = If destination does not exist & copying more than one file, assumes destination must be a directory. /Q = File names not displayed when copying. /F = Displays full source and destination file names while copying. /L = Displays files that would be copied. /H = Copies hidden/system files also. /R = Overwrites read-only files. /T = Creates directory structure, but does not copy files. Does not include empty directories or subdirectories. /T and /E includes empty directories and subdirectories. /U = Copies only files that already exist in destination. Updates the files that already exist in destination. Page 6 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Allows users to be very specific about characteristics of files to be backed up. Copy files and subdirectories that have any attributes. Can specify that files and subdirectories copied retain attributes. Provides overwrite protection (file with same name). Will ask before overwriting destination file with source file. XCOPY is faster than COPY. Reads all source files into memory and then copies them as one group of files. By default will not copy system or hidden files. Advantages of command line over Explorer. Drag and drop problems. Miss destination. Easier to key in commands. Can perform file operations on group of files rather than one file at a time. XCOPY syntax. See PowerPoint slide Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit /K = Copies attributes. Normal XCOPY will reset read-only attributes. /N = Copies using generated short names. /O = Copies file ownership and ACL information. /X = Copies file audit settings (implies /o). /Y = Overwrites existing files without prompting. /-Y = Prompts you before overwriting existing files. (This is the default) /Z = Copies networked files in restartable mode. The switch /Y may be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable. This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line. Discussion Question (9) - What is the purpose of the XCOPY command? Discussion Question (10) - What advantages does the XCOPY command have over the COPY command. Discussion Question (11) - List four XCOPY parameters, and explain their function and their syntax. #32. Source - Specifies file(s) to copy. Destination - Specifies the location and/or name of new files. /A = Copies files with the archive attribute set, doesn't change the attribute. /M = Copies files with the archive attribute set, turns off the archive attribute. /D:date = Copies files changed on or after the specified date. No date given, copies only files whose source time newer than the destination time. /EXCLUDE: file1 [+file2] [+file3]… = Specifies list of files containing strings. If string matches any part of absolute path of file to be copied, file will be excluded from being copied. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Page 7 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems /P = Prompts before creating each destination file. /S = Copies directories and subdirectories except for empty ones. Syntax continued on the top of right-hand side column for this section. ACTIVITY— THE XCOPY COMMAND Using the XCOPY Command DATA disk in Drive A and at A:\ Activity steps. (Key in:) DIR C:\WUGXP\MEDIA DIR C:\WUGXP\MEDIA\BOOKS XCOPY C:\WUGXP\MEDIA MEDIA /S then D then DIR MEDIA DIR MEDIA\BOOKS DIR C:\WUGXP\*.TXT XCOPY C:\WUGXP\*.TXT /D:06-0100 then A then ATTRIB *.BUD XCOPY /M *.BUD CLASS ATTRIB *.BUD COPY FILE2.FP AST.BUD Y then ATTRIB *.BUD XCOPY *.BUD CLASS /M Y THEN ATTRIB *.BUD COPY C:\WUGXP\*.TXT A then DIR *.TXT ATTRIB +H SAN*.TXT DIR *.TXT then MD HIDDEN COPY *.TXT HIDDEN XCOPY *.TXT HIDDEN /H A then CD HIDDEN DEL *.* then Y then DIR DIR /AH Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit SECTION 7.8 (pp. 328-337) Slide 34 Recreate structure on DATA disk using COPY vs. XCOPY. Discuss uses of XCOPY with: - /S - placed anywhere in XCOPY command. - /D - copying files modified or created after a certain date. - /M - read attribute bit as each file copied and then turned off archive bit on source file. XCOPY. - Default confirms overwrites. - Useful for rearranging hard disk. - Can manipulate the A attribute. - Can copy hidden files. Discuss how XCOPY uses archive bit. Activity completed. MULTIPLE XCOPY PARAMETERS Multiple XCOPY Parameters Ability to perform file operations on hidden, system, and read-only files. Manipulate files having one or more attributes set. Accomplish tasks at command line that cannot be accomplished in the graphical user interface. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 SECTION 7.9 (p. 337) Slides 35-36 Page 8 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit ACTIVITY—USING MULTIPLE XCOPY PARAMETERS Using Multiple XCOPY Parameters DATA disk in Drive A & A:\HIDDEN> displayed. Activity steps. Key in: SECTION 7.10 (pp. 337-342) Slide 37 MD HOLD XCOPY *.TXT HOLD /H DIR HOLD DIR HOLD /AH XCOPY \FILE*.* /L COPY \FILE*.* ATTRIB *.FP +R ATTRIB +S *.CZG ATTRIB *.SWT +S +H +R DIR ATTRIB CD \ MD HIDDEN2 XCOPY HIDDEN HIDDEN2 /S /H /R /E /K CD HIDDEN2 ATTRIB /S CD \ RD HIDDEN /S Y RD HIDDEN2 /S Y Close Command Prompt window. Activity completed. DOSKEY DOSKEY External memory-resident command. Automatically loaded into memory when open the Command Prompt Remains in memory during current DOS session. Keeps track of last 50 commands entered when in Command Prompt window Stores above in memory called command history. Can recall and edit commands. (Table 2.1 in Chapter 2) Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 - XCOPY with /L. Find out which files would be copied Does not copy files. “Previews” files that would be copied. With ATTRIB command order of parameters does not matter. XCOPY parameters /S – Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones. /H – Copies hidden and system files /R – Overwrites read-only files /I – If destination does not exist and are copying more than one files, assumes destination must be directory. . If you do not include this parameter will be asked if copying to directory or a file. /E – Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones. /K – Copies attributes. XCOPY will automatically reset read-onlyattributes. /SHRIEK – 6 parameters used together – copies everything, retaining all attributes /SHREK – If destination does exist and you do not need /I parameter. SECTION 7.11 (pp. 342-343) Slides 38-44 DOSKEY lets you recall command lines, edit them, keep a command history, and write macros. Compare internal and external commands. Text - specifies command you want to record. DOSKEY syntax. /REINSTALL = Installs new copy of Doskey. /LISTSIZE = Size – sets size of command history buffer. /MACROS = Displays all DOSKEY macros. /MACROS: ALL = Displays all DOSKEY macros for all executables, which have Doskey macros. MACROS:exename = Displays all DOSKEY macros for the given executable. Page 9 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit Once screen is closed and you return to desktop, DOSKEY no longer in memory. Works as a TSR (Terminate Stay Resident). Read from disk and loaded into memory only when first run. No need to reload it from disk each time used. After initial load - Run from memory like internal command. Does not release memory for duration of MS-DOS work session. Can load other programs - other programs will not use memory TSR has claimed. DOSKEY. Recalls command lines and edits them. Keeps command history. Writes a macro. Command defined to automate set of commands that are often used. Kept in file – retrieved/executed /HISTORY = Displays all commands stored in memory. /INSERT = Specifies new text typed is inserted in old text. /OVERSTRIKE = Specifies new text overwrites old text. /EXENAME=exename = Specifies the executable. MACROFILE=filename = Specifies a file of macros to install. Macroname = Specifies a name for a macro you create. Discussion Question (12) -Explain the purpose and function of the DOSKEY command. Discussion Question (13) - What is a memoryresident program and how does it work? with one command Simplifies retyping of commands. & symbol - separates commands on a command line. Separate commands with $T when creating a macro. Syntax: DOSKEY See PowerPoint slide #39 Editing keys. See PowerPoint slides #42-44. Definitions in column on right-hand side. <Alt> + <F10> clears macro definition (not on chart). Special codes in DOSKEY macro definitions. See PowerPoint slide #45. $T - Command separator. Allows multiple commands on same line. $1-$9 - Batch parameters. Equivalent to %1-%9 in batch files $* - Replaced by everything following macro name on command line. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Page 10 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit ACTIVITY—USING DOSKEY Using DOSKEY Activity steps. SECTION 7.12 (pp. 343-346) Slide 45 Close current Command Prompt window. Open new Command Prompt window. Key in: A: DIR *.TXT DIR C:\WUGXP\*.99 VOL DOSKEY /HISTORY DOSKEY /HISTORY > TEST.BAT TYPE TEST.BAT CD CLASS & DIR *.BUD & CD \ DOSKEY bb=CD CLASS$TDIR *.BUD$TCD \ bb DOSKEY /MACROS > b.bat TYPE b.bat Activity completed. THE COMMAND PROMPT TEXT EDITOR The Command Prompt Text Editor Used for writing needs. Allows full flexibility in creating/editing documents. Inserting graphics. Changing fonts. To retain selections. Special codes entered into programs as document is formatted. Can save documents as ASCII text (text/unformatted text- MS-DOS texts). Strips formatting and saves only keyed-in text. Text or ASCII files. Used to give OS instructions. Text editors. Creates text documents. Writes batch files. Not a word processor. Cannot format data in document. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 /HISTORY parameterRecall what commands keyed in. Like F7 key but DOSKEY writes output to screen - means can redirect output to file. ---Will learn to write batch files later – can execute series of command with one command. Batch files - executable files. Macro – run a series of often-used commands. Can have more than one command on line in Command Prompt window Separate commands with ampersand ($) and separate commands in a macro with $T Close Command Prompt window - macros created in this window no longer exist To reuse - redirect macros into a batch file. Discussion Question (14) - Explain what a macro is and how you would create one. Discussion Question (15) – Discuss how to execute commands from the history list. SECTION 7.13 (pp. 346-348) Slides 46-56 Discussion Question (17) – Compare and contrast a word-processing program, Notepad, and MS-DOS EDIT. Page 11 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit Every OS has one. NOTEPAD used on desktop. EDIT used at command prompt window. EDIT. Cannot manipulate environment. Edit File menu. Open new document. Open existing document. Save a document. Save a document under new name. Print a document. Exit the editor. Edit menu. Cut, copy, or delete selected text. Paste previously cut or copied text. Search menu. Find specified string of text. Repeat last find and search. Replace a specified string of text with another string of text. View menu. Split, size, or close Edit window. Options menu. Change printer port or tab settings and choose color scheme for edit window. Help menu. Get list of Edit commands. ACTIVITY—USING THE COMMAND PROMPT TEXT EDITOR (EDIT) Using the DOS Text Editor DATA disk in drive A, A: \> displayed. In this section will be editing, creating, and overwriting files with text editor. File size, bytes, and bytes free numbers shown in directory listing will vary – will most likely not match examples shown in text. To make mouse work in window – need to alter some properties of the window. SECTION 7.14 (pp. 348-357) Slides 557-58 Explain how to make mouse work in a window. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Page 12 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Activity steps. Alter window properties to make mouse work in window. (Window or in full-screen mode) Key in: EDIT Make screen blank then go to full-screen mode. Key in: This is a test. <Enter> This is more test data. Press <Ctrl> + <Home> Key in: THIS IS MORE DATA Press <Insert>. Key in: My second Press <Insert>. Click under first t in the phrase test data. Hold down left mouse button and drag to end of the sentence. Press <Delete> key. Key in: meaningless data Click <File> then <Open>. Key in: A:\PERSONAL.FIL Click OK then <Search> then <Find> In Find What area, key in: Jones Click OK. Press <F3> key three times. Press <down> key four times. Align the following two lines. FIRST LINE: Peat Brian 125 Second Vacaville CA Athlete SECOND LINE: Farneth Nichole 237 Arbor Vacaville CA Dancer Click File then Exit then No then Yes Open Command Prompt editor Click File then Open. Key in: A:\STEVEN.FIL Click View then Split Window. Change word Frank in top screen to Steven. Click File then Save then File then Close. Place cursor in top window Click File then Open. Key in: A:\TEST.BAT. Click OK Place cursor in bottom window. Click File then Open. Key in: A:\B.BAT. Click OK. In top window delete first line (A:) and the last two lines (DOSKEY /HISTORY and DISKEY /HISTORY >TEXT.BAT) In bottom window, alter line to read: DOSKEY bb=CD CLASS $TDIR *.BUD$TCD Save and then close both files. Exit the editor. Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit Two modes of operation Insert mode – default Cursor is small blinking line Any data following cursor not replaced Line pushed along. Overstrike – New data in front of old data. Replaces characters that are there. Cursor is a vertical rectangle. Can toggle between overwrite mode and insert mode by pressing <Insert> key Full screen-editing using Mouse Keystrokes Pressing <Alt> key and first letter of menu drops down menu Select highlighted letter of task to perform View two files simultaneously on split screen. Execute batch file by keying in its name. Page 13 Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris ITSC 1405 – Intro to PC Operating Systems Chapter 7 Using ATTRIB, SUBST, XCOPY, DOSKEY, & Edit Close Command Prompt window Open a Command Prompt window Make A:\ the default drive. Key in: bb then B Close Command Prompt Window Activity completed. USING TEXT DATA FILES Using Text Data Files Why use text editor to create data. Desired program not available. Can import text files from many programs. Interpreted into needed format. With computer can record needed data in a text file. Text files take up little space --Save to floppy – transportable. matter where . ACTIVITY—IMPORTING A TEXT FILE Activity – Importing a text file. At desktop – no open command line windows. Assumes class files installed at C:\WUGXP. If not substitute appropriate directory for environment. Activity steps Open Microsoft Excel Program Click Data on menu bar Point to Import External Data or Get External Data Click Import data or Import Text file on menu Click arrow by Look in: drop down box and navigate to C:\WUGXP Double click PLANETS.TXT Click Next Clear Tab check box Select Comma check box Click Next then Finish then OK then Exit then No SECTION 7.15 (p. 357) Slide 59 Next activity use Excel spreadsheet program and import text data into usable spreadsheet. Used Microsoft Excel 2002 from Microsoft Office XP suite Other versions of Excel and other spreadsheet programs work in similar fashion with minor adjustments. Discussion Question (16) – How could you use the Editor program to create useful data information? SECTION 7.16 (pp. 357-360) Slide 60 Text Import Wizard screen used to further refine data Preview window in bottom portion of dialog box then File Activity completed Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1 Page 14