Document 11475478

Thesis Research Grants Proposal Guidelines A limited amount of funding has been provided to support graduate student thesis
research activities. These funds are intended to help graduate students to defray the
cost of completing thesis research and are not intended for conference travel, salaries, .
or the costs associated with thesis preparation (typing, binding, etc.). The following
guidelines should be followed carefully when applying for thesis research grants.
Only graduate students who have had a thesis proposal approved are eligible to receive
funding for thesis research. A student may apply before completion of a thesis proposal
and funding may be tentatively committed to the student, however funding will not be
finally approved until a. thesis proposal has been approved.
Proposal Fonnat
The proposal shall consist of a title page with abstract, a draft or approved thesis
proposal,and a budgetwith justification. The title. page sHould follow the format given
on page 2 and must be signed by the thesis advisor (or the proposed thesis advisor if
one has not yet been officially assigned) and the graduate program coordinator. The
thesis proposal should follow the normal departmental format. The budget should
follow the format given on page three and the budget guidelines given below.
Budget Guidelines
Because of the limited funds available the amount requested should not exceed $300.
These grants will fund supplies, small equipment items, and, local travel required for
the completion of the thesis research. In addition it will fund certain operating
expenses such as duplicating and mailing costs that are directly associated with the
thesis research. Personnel costs will not be funded.
1. Equipment and Supplies - Requests for equipment and supplies should be limited to
project-specific items.
Rationale for requested equipment and supplies should be
provided as part of Budget Notes.
2. Travel - Travel monies should be requested only for travel that is directly related to
the proposed project and that would not ordinarily be covered from the departmental
or university budget. Conference/workshop travel will not be supported.
3. Other Revenue - If applicable, other funding resources requested by the student
should be listed here. If there are no entries under Other Revenue this column may be
Thesis Research Grants
Date Submitted_ _ _ _ __
Thesis Title:_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Student Name:_________-----------------ID#-----____~______ Email:_____________________________________________ Graduate Program of Study:__- - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ __ Amount Requested: $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expected Graduation Date:,______--,-_~__ ABSTRAcr
(approx. 150 words in non-technicallanguagel
Does this project require: Human Subjects Review
Lab Animals (IACUC) Review_ _ __ Thesis Advisor
Graduate Program Coordinator
Not Approved
Dean of Graduate Studies & Research
The following format should be used for the budget section of the proposal
Operating Expenses
(Postage, etc.)
Other (specify)
(Round all figures to the nearest dollar.)
Budget Notes - Provide names, items, descriptions, brief explanations and
justifications for budget categories in a Budget Notes section at the end of the