SCITECH Ficca named Breiner Professor for Nursing

Bloomsburg University
of Pennsylvania
S P R I N G 2 0 16
C O L L E G E O F S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O LO G Y N E W S L E T T E R n W W W. B LO O M U. E D U / C O S T n 570. 38 9. 5333
Ficca named
Breiner Professor
for Nursing
Michelle Ficca, the chairperson of the
nursing department, is the recipient of the
first Breiner Family Endowed Professorship
for Nursing.
A world resource for researchers
Dean brings cloning service to campus
When Robert Aronstam became the dean of
BU’s College of Science and Technology in
July 2015 he brought something very special
with him — a protein cloning service that
aids researchers all over the world.
Aronstam is a molecular neuroscientist
with a career that has included work at
the Medical College of Georgia, the Guthrie
Research Institute and the Missouri College
of Science and Technology. The core of his
research is focused on the human brain and
synthetic biology, engineering brain proteins
that don’t exist in nature.
“The brain has 89 billion neurons that squirt
chemicals (neurotransmitters) onto each
other,” Aronstam explains. “When a neuron
squirts out one chemical, it interacts with
a receptor on the next cell. Binding of the
chemical to the receptor, a special type of
protein, on the receptive cell turns that cell
on or off. Brain function emerges from the
total activity of billions and billions of these
receptor switches.”
Signal transduction refers to the process by
which different cells respond to chemical
signals from one another. “That’s what the
brain does,” says Aronstam.
He has worked closely with colleagues and
former undergraduate and graduate students
throughout his career to clone and sequence
virtually every receptor and transducer
protein used in the brain. That collection
is now maintained and being expanded
upon by BU students and faculty, including
Dr. Michael Borland and Dr. Ellen Kehres,
assistant professors in the department of
chemistry and biochemistry.
The clones are propagated in bacteria and
then frozen for storage. Cloned human
proteins are useful for work in a variety of
fields, including medical and pharmaceutical
“If you’re a scientist, your test tube is now a
cell,” Aronstam says. “You can take clones
for the different proteins you are interested
in, stick them into the cell, and then have
the cell make them. We save (researchers)
tremendous amounts of time. You could
clone any of these proteins yourself, but it
would take you weeks or months. If you visit
our web site, you could receive the clone the
next day, and you would know exactly what
you are getting.”
“It’s a great training tool. We have BU
students who want to learn how to clone
and modify cells.” Aronstam explains. “We
can put them on some immediate projects,
which may result in products that we put
into our catalog.”
Continued on next page.
The professorship is
supported by a gift
of $1.9 million from
Edward and Julianne
(Miller) Breiner,
who graduated from
BU in 1977. The
Breiners established
the university’s
first endowed
professorship a year
ago in support of an
exceptional teacher, mentor and leader.
Ficca joined BU in 1999 and served
as assistant chairperson and graduate
coordinator before becoming chairperson and
professor in 2011. Earlier in her career, she
taught at Lycoming College and worked in
nursing and research positions at Hershey
Medical Center, Pleasant Valley School
District, Geisinger Medical Center and
Williamsport Hospital.
The Breiner Professorship, established as
part of It’s Personal: The Campaign for
Bloomsburg University, supports Ficca as the
senior faculty member in BU’s new Doctor of
Nursing Practice program. Additional funding
will be used for research, conferences, travel,
software and equipment or other professional
“I thank the Breiners for establishing this
position in recognition of the excellence of
the existing Bachelor of Science and Master
of Science in Nursing programs and the new
Doctor of Nursing Practice program,” says
Ficca. “It will assist us in recruiting quality
faculty as programs grow and expand.
“As advanced practice nurses move to the
doctoral level of preparation, the Doctor of
Nursing Practice, or DNP, will place nurses
at the same educational level as other health
care providers.”
Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 16
The Department of Mathematics, Computer Science,
and Statistics is now known as the Department of
Mathematical and Digital Sciences. The name change
was requested to better represent the increasingly
diverse and multifaceted programs within the
“In particular, we felt our original name did not
appropriately reflect the inclusion of our successful
Digital Forensics program,” says Curt Jones, chair and
professor of mathematics and computer science.
BU’s Digital Forensics program began in 2008 and
currently has 175 students studying to obtain an
undergraduate degree in the program.
Chemistry prof. awarded discovery grant
Kristen Lewis, assistant professor of chemistry, was awarded a grant of
supercomputer time and storage from the Extreme Science and Engineering
Discovery Environment (XSEDE) program. XSEDE is a single virtual system that
allows scientists access to supercomputers and high-end visualization and data
analysis resources across the county.
XSEDE is a five-year, $121-million project supported by the National Science
Foundation. Lewis was approved for a one-year startup allocation of 50,000
service units on Comet, a supercomputing system housed at the San Diego
Supercomputer Center (SDSC), and 500 GB of medium-term disk storage on Data
Oasis, a data storage system also housed at SDSC.
Lewis, a computational chemist, studies the properties of chemicals through
computer modeling. She will investigate the effects of hydroxyl group distribution
on the stability, structure and antioxidant activity of fullerenols – molecules related
to “buckminsterfullerenes,” also known as “Buckyballs” — an important current
research area in materials chemistry.
Jones says, “We did notice that we could abbreviate
our department name as MADS or MAD Science and
thought it would give us an interesting way to start
conversations with prospective students and other
interested stakeholders as well as be memorable as a
department identifier.”
Toni Bell, professor of chemistry and biochemistry,
recently spoke with students at Lehigh-Carbon
Community College about transferring to BU as
part of the science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) Transfer Initiative. The goal is to
increase the number of community college graduates
holding associate’s degrees who choose to complete
Bachelor of Science degrees in STEM fields at BU.
The project aims to develop personal relationships
with community college faculty through collaborative
interactions and demonstrate BU’s exceptional
institution, faculty, and programs. The STEM
Transfer Initiative is beginning with HACC: Central
Pennsylvania’s Community College.
Continued from previous page.
Since his arrival in July, BU has sold nearly $80,000 worth of clones. “We’re
closing in on $3 million in sales since 2004. Once we have the clones, it’s mainly
profits, and it all goes back into the university,” Aronstam says. The money is used
to maintain the collection, train students and support student and faculty research.
About 60 percent of sales are to researchers overseas.
“We’ve sold to scientists at hundreds of institutions on every continent (except
Antarctica),” says Aronstam.
Visit the BU cDNA Resource Center at
— By Nick Cellucci ’16
The Physics and Engineering Technology department
recently inducted members into the Sigma Pi Sigma
Honors Society, the national physics honors society.
The inductees are Michael Dreyer, Nate Henry, Lauren
Kerstetter, Racquel Kreischer, Derek Stahl, Stephan
Vajdic and Rachel Yenney.
Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 16
A total of 32 students from the College of Science and
Technology were honored at the 2015 Phi Kappa Phi
ceremony in McCormick. They are:
Exercise science – Colton Appleman, Joseph Cancro,
Kyle Flannery, Jordan Gulliver and Roslyn Pulcini.
Nursing – Alicia Benedick, Tanner Bingaman, Kaylynn
Gerhart, Kimberly Hollister and Paige Horner.
Digital forensics – Derek Berger.
Speech pathology and audiology – Margaret Anthony,
Kacey Bodden, Hannah Breckinridge, Alex George,
Kaitlyn Graver, Emily Noll, Brooke Rathfon, Victoria
Slemmer, Paige Stanley and Emilee Zanti.
American Sign Language – Mercedes Brandi, Courtney
Enderline and Jasmin Porter.
Medical imaging – Allison Charles, Tiffany Mulligan
and Brina Jo Sotelo.
Chemistry – Elizabeth Embery and Todd Poe.
Biology – Nathan Feiertag and Adrienne Yordy.
Environmental, geographical and geological sciences –
Melissa Walker.
Nearly 300 high school students from 22 schools in
northeast Pennsylvania took part in BU’s 18th annual
High School Math Contest last fall, with BU students
from the department of mathematical and digital
sciences playing a key role.
More than 70 teams participated, some coached by
BU alumni, who now are math teachers.
December grad has perfect ending
Collin Shoop, a mathematics and computer science major who graduated in
December 2015, capped his time at Bloomsburg with a perfect score of 200 on
the ETS Major Field Test for Mathematics. He is the first BU student to do so in
math, according to the Department of Mathematics and Digital Sciences.
“I was surprised, definitely not expecting a perfect score,” says Shoop, adding the
test was part of his math capstone course, Math Modeling. “Looking back, taking
Theory of Computation and Abstract Algebra really helped. The questions can be
very complicated and convoluted.”
Prior to the fall 2015 semester, Shoop scored a perfect 170 in the quantitative
section of the GRE test, which placed him in the top 98 percentile. Last spring,
Shoop was among a group of students who created an interactive website
application from scratch to display real-time readings of electric power usage
across lower campus. He plans to attend graduate school at Penn State University
to study computer science.
literacy exercise
Children from the Danville Head Start program and
adults from the Central Pennsylvania Aphasia Center
were brought together for Intergenerational Day, an hourlong event to target early literacy and articulation skills,
word retrieval and compensatory and cueing strategies.
The communication partners worked together on a
reading, craft and map activities relating to the Dr. Seuss
book, Oh, the Places You’ll Go. This event was organized
by members of the Graduate Association of Speech
Pathologists and funded by a grant from the CampusWide Committee on Human Relations.
Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 16
land cover
March 2016
Volume 54 Number 3
Nathaniel Greene, professor
of physics and engineering
technology, co-wrote an
article, “Finding the Effective
Mass and Spring Constant of
a Force Probe from Simple
Harmonic Motion,” which
was selected for the cover
of The Physics Teacher, v.
54, 138 (March 2016).
Coauthors are Tom Gill and
Stephen Eyerly. Tom Gill is a
25-year veteran physics and
astronomy teacher at Central
Columbia High School.
Stephen Eyerly, a senior at Central Columbia High School, is also a
Bloomsburg University STEM student.
FACULTY MEMBERS from the Department of
Audiology and Speech Pathology attended the annual
convention of the American Speech, Language,
Hearing Association in Denver, Colo.
Attendees included: Nikhil Bhut, Katie Chominski,
Samantha Kirby, Jennifer Kundradic and Marisa
Caulkins, speech pathology graduate students NS
Shelley Scarpino, assistant professor of speech
Kirby, co-presented a poster with Scarpino, Analysis
of English Fricative Production in Mexican SpanishEnglish Speaking Three-, Four-, and Five-Year Olds.
Scarpino co-presented a two-hour seminar, Promoting
Vocabulary and Phonological Awareness: A Small
Group Interactive Book Reading Intervention for
Kindergarteners, with Carol Hammer of the Teachers
College at Columbia University.
ERIC HAWRELAK, associate professor of chemistry,
attended the National Science Foundation-sponsored
Forensic Chemistry Workshop at Williams College,
Williamstown, Mass. An aim of the workshops held
nationwide, which include hands-on activities, is to
provide participants with perspectives and content
that can be incorporated into their own teaching at
the undergraduate level.
SHELBY COLEMAN, Bloomsburg, presented
the results of her summer REU research, “An
Investigation of Coal Dust Transport Near the
Lafayette River, Norfolk, Va.” at the 2015 Annual
Meeting of the Geological Society of America in
Baltimore, Md.
Keeping track of frog and toad
Dr. Amber Pitt was a co-author, along with colleagues from the University of
Maine, Clemson University, and U.S. Geological Survey, of a paper entitled,
“Evaluation of a waistband for attaching external radio transmitters to anurans”
that was published in the peer-reviewed journal Wildlife Society Bulletin. The
paper describes a new and improved radio-transmitter attachment method
that can be used for tagging anurans (frogs and toads). This method allows for
improved radio-telemetry studies that will allow researchers to track anurans
and gain critical data regarding their natural history and ecology. Anurans have
undergone dramatic population declines in recent years and are highly imperiled
throughout the world so ecological data that can be gained through radiotelemetry studies can lead to enhanced conservation programs. The article can
be downloaded from:
and presented posters at the National ACS Meeting
in Denver, Colo. from March 22-26. The students
were Jocelyn Legere, Sawyer Davis, Eric Thompson,
Amanda Pritzlaff, Amanda Lacerte, Teresa Grimes,
and Shana Wagner.
ASHLEY WAGNER ’15 presented a poster at the
Society of Toxicology meeting in San Diego.
Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 16
MATT MATTESINI, a senior from Riverside, gave a
talk, “Vegetation Cover and Groundwater Monitoring
of a Tidally Restricted Salt Marsh in Greenbackville,
Virginia,” at the biennial meeting of the Coastal and
Estuarine Research Federation, held Nov. 8 to 12,
2015, in Portland, Ore.
MATT RICKER, assistant professor of environmental,
geographical and geological sciences, published an
article on floodplain soil carbon processes in the
international journal, Wetlands: Ricker, M.C. and B.G.
Lockaby. 2015. Soil organic carbon stocks in a large
eutrophic floodplain forest of the Atlantic Coastal
Plain, USA. Wetlands 35:291-301.
JEN WHISNER represented the Department of
Environmental, Geographical, and Geological Sciences
at the Columbia County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Update Kick-Off Meeting in November 2015.
annual meeting of the Geological Society of America
in Baltimore from Nov 1 to 4, 2015. (An asterisk
indicates a student.
“Anoxic limestone drain - remediation of pine forest
mine in St. Clair, Pennsylvania” by *Mitchell, Audra
I. (1).; Venn, Cynthia (1); Hallen, Christopher p.(2);
and *Napkora, Frank Z. (1).
“A sedimentological assessment of the effectiveness
of the pine forest acid mine drainage treatment
system, St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pa.” by
*Napkora, Frank Z. (1); Venn, Cynthia (1); Hallen,
Christopher P. (2); and *Mitchell, Audra I.
“Using water levels and salinity to characterize the
flow regime in a tidally restricted Mid-Atlantic
salt marsh in Greenbackville, Va.” by *Mattesini,
Matthew M.; Whisner, Jennifer K.; and Venn,
“Not just fool’s gold: XRF and SEM analysis of the
effects of pyrite on a bioturbated k-pg outcrop”
presented by *Maza, Zach A.; Buynevich, Ilya V.
(Temple University); and Venn, Cynthia.
“X-ray fluorescence trends across the k-pg boundary,
Rancocas Creek, New Jersey: Implications for event
stratigraphy and ichnology” by Maza*, Zach A. and
Buynevich, Ilya V. (Temple University).
“Anthropogenic effects on soil and water chemistry in
the middle Schuylkill River watershed, Montgomery
County, Pa.” presented by *Tompkins, Daniel; Venn,
Cynthia; and Ricker, Matthew.
New collegiate sport: Soil judging
BU’s first soil judging team participated in its first competition at Malabar
Farm in Wooster, Ohio, in October 2015. The A team placed eighth out of 16
with 3,016 points, and the B team placed 13th with 2,875 points. The team’s
top individual was Daniel Steinhauser, a senior from Pittsburgh, who placed
16th out of 62 participants.
The competition involved figuring out how many horizons -- different layers
of different types of soil – were in each pit. The students also judged the
morphology of the soil, landscape, soil classification, and site interpretation.
“This was a great experience for my major. It gets you to do good field work
and pushes you to perform better because it is in a competition environment,”
says Eric Franz, a senior environmental, geographical and geological sciences
major from Horsham.
Matthew Ricker, assistant professor of environmental, geographical
and geological sciences, is the team’s trainer and adviser. Interested in
environmental soil science research, he is researching the effects of invasive
species and land use change on nutrient and sediment dynamics in riparian
zones of the great Chesapeake Bay watershed.
“XRF analysis of devonian to mississippian lithofacies
from drill core lyco081_0341, Lycoming County,
Pennsylvania” by *Rodemer, Franklin E.;
*Sandritter, Morgan J.; McLaurin, Brett T.; *James,
Robert N.; and *White, Joshua J.
“Devonian to mississippian lithofacies and
depositional environments from drill core
lyco081_0341, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania”
presented by *Sandritter, Morgan J.; McLaurin,
Brett T.; *James, Robert N.; *Rodemer, Franklin E.;
and *White, Joshua J.
Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 16
fellow of the
American College
of Sports Medicine
and professor and
chair of the exercise
science department,
co-edited the book,
Nutrition for Elite
Athletes, with Stella
Volpe, chair of the
nutrition sciences
department at
Drexel University.
The text provides
a comprehensive
review of research
on the nutritional
needs of top
athletes, and
features chapters
written by leading
scientists from the U.S., Brazil, Canada, Australia and the
United Kingdom. Rawson, along with BU exercise science
students Cortney Steele and Charles Brightbill, co-authored
a chapter, Dietary Supplements for Strength Power Athletes.
The book identifies the nutritional needs of endurance,
strength power, team sport, and weight class/aesthetic sport
Rawson also:
Delivered an invited lecture, The Potential Role of Creatine
Supplementation in Healthy Ageing, at the 2015 Creatine in
Health, Sport, and Medicine conference in Laufen, Germany.
Rawson’s research on creatine has been funded by the
National Institutes of Health and student research grants
from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) and the
National Strength and Conditioning Association. Proceedings
from the creatine conference and a featured article by
Rawson on creatine supplementation and cognitive function
will be published in the journal Amino Acids.
Was appointed to the GSSI Expert Panel. GSSI, founded
in 1985, is committed to helping athletes optimize health
and performance through research and education. Rawson
delivered an invited presentation, Dietary Supplements for
Strength, at the GSSI Sports Nutrition Pre-Conference in San
Diego, and will deliver the lecture, Beyond Protein: Nutrition
and Supplements for Muscle Recovery, at the GSSI XP
Meeting this fall in Dana Point, Calif.
TREVINO KM, MCCONNELL TR. Religiosity and spirituality during
cardiac rehabilitation: A longitudinal evaluation of relationships
with patient-reported outcomes and exercise capacity. Journal of
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2015;35(4):246254.
STUDENTS co-presented a workshop at DevLearn2015 in Las Vegas
with Karl Kapp, professor of information technology. They met with
industry professionals and competed in DemoFest. Kathleen Deegan
from Danville won the student portion of DemoFest. The trip was
financed with Bloomsburg University Foundation crowdfunding.
Karl Kapp was keynote speaker at Learning2015, a premiere event
in the eLearning industry. He spoke on gamification for learning in
front of a crowd of 2,000.
DR. MICHAEL STEPHANS in the Mathematical and Digital
Sciences Department has recently seen the publication of his poem,
“Devil May Care, “ in the Winter issue of THE NOTE, a national
jazz journal published by East Stroudsburg University. Stephans, a
nationally prominent jazz musician in his own right,has authored
three books of poetry and fiction, as well as a critically lauded
book about jazz called EXPERIENCING JAZZ: A LISTENER’S
COMPANION. He is currently writing a listener’s guide to the
music of Ornette Coleman, one of the world’s most innovative jazz
musicians and composers.
NICOLE DEFENBAUGH, “The Outcome of Interprofessional
Education: Integrating Communication Studies into a Standardized
Patient Experience for Advanced Practice Nursing Students, was
published in the journal, Nurse Education in Practice. Chikotas was
accepted to present a podium presentation of the paper at the Drexel
University National Conference on Education and Simulation in
Nursing in Clearwater, Fla., in March 2016.
Managers’ Communication in Rural Settings: A Grounded Theory
Study at the Qualitative Health Research conference in Toronto,
Canada. The paper was the outcome of her research with nurse
managers in rural settings and included her theory of how nurse
managers’ successful communication creates and sustains a healthy
work environment. The Qualitative Health Research conference,
the 21st annual conference held by the International Institute for
Qualitative Methodology at the University of Alberta, drew over 300
interdisciplinary attendees from around the world.
Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 16
Analysis of Bilingual Children’s Performance
on the English and Spanish Versions of
the Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey-R
Sandilos LE, Lewis K, Komaroff E,
Hammer CS, Scarpino SE, Lopez L,
Rodriguez B, Goldstein B. Lang Assess Q.
2015;12(4):386-408. Epub 2015 Dec 1.
Acute Metabolic Effects of Olanzapine
Depend on Dose and Injection Site.
Klingerman CM, Stipanovic ME, Hajnal A,
Lynch CJ.
Dose Response. 2015 Nov
Validation of the Cepstral Spectral Index of
Dysphonia (CSID) as a Screening Tool for
Voice Disorders: Development of Clinical
Cutoff Scores.
Awan SN, Roy N, Zhang D, Cohen SM.
J Voice. 2016 Mar;30(2):Epub 2015 Sep 8.
Aerodynamic Outcomes of Four Common
Voice Disorders: Moving Toward DisorderSpecific Assessment.
Dastolfo C, Gartner-Schmidt J, Yu L, Carnes
O, Gillespie AI. J Voice. 2015 May 20. pii:
An Examination of the Relationship
Between Electroglottographic Contact
Quotient, Electroglottographic Decontacting
Phase Profile, and Acoustical Spectral
Awan SN, Krauss AR, Herbst CT.
J Voice. 2015 Sep;29(5):519-29. Epub 2015
Mar 17.
P37 latency mismatch between lateral
and midline potentials is influenced by
transversal afference.
Yue Q.
J Clin Neurophysiol. 2015 Feb;32(1):30-3.
An examination of variations in the cepstral
spectral index of dysphonia across a single
breath group in connected speech.
Watts CR, Awan SN.
J Voice. 2015 Jan;29(1):26-34. Epub 2014
Aug 6.
Functional distribution of synapsin I in
human sperm.
Coleman WL, Kulp AC, Venditti JJ.
FEBS Open Bio. 2015 Sep 21;5:801-8.
eCollection 2015.
Sublethal imidacloprid effects on honey bee
flower choices when foraging.
Karahan A, Çakmak I, Hranitz JM, Karaca I,
Wells H.
Ecotoxicology. 2015 Nov;24(9):2017-25.
Epub 2015 Sep 28.
Evaluation of a waistband for attaching
external transmitters to anurans
Groff, L.A., A.L. Pitt, R.F. Baldwin, A.J.K.
Calhoun, C.S. Loftin. 2015.. Wildlife Society
Bulletin. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.554
Anaxyrus americanus (American toad).
Arboreal behavior
Pitt, A.L., M.M. Buckle, E.N. Wahlman, and
V.E. DiTomo. 2015. Herpetological Review
Extrapolation Methods for AC Impedance
Measurements Made with a Concentric
Cylinder Cell On Solutions of High Ionic
Zimmerman G. H.; Arcis, H., J. Solution
Chem. 2015, 44(5), 912 - 933.
Mechanism of Initiation in the Phillips’
Ethylene Polymerization Catalyst: Redox
Processes Leading to the Active Site
Brown, C.; Krzystek, J.; Achey, R.; Lita, A.;
Fu, R.; Meulemberg, R.; Polinski, M. J.; Peek,
N.; Wang, Y.; van de Burgt, L.; Profesta, S.;
Stiegman, A.; Scott, S. “” ACS Catal., 2015,
5, 5574-5583.
Emergence of Californium as the Second
Transitional Element in the Actinide Series
Cary, S. K.; Vasiliu, M.; Baumach, R. E.;
Stritzinger, J. T.; Green, T. D.; Diefenbach, K.;
Cross, J. N.; Knappenberger, K. L.; Liu, G.;
Silver, M. A.; DePrince, A. E.; Polinski, M.
J.; Van Cleve, S. M.; House, J. H.; Kikugaqa,
N.; Gallagher, A.; Arico, A. A.; Dixon, D. A.;
Albrecht-Schmitt, T. E. “” Nature Chem.
2015, 6, 6827.
Accepted manuscript to journal Silicon.
“Synthesis of High Refractive Index Silicone
Materials Incorporating Aromatic Moieties
with Adjacent Linkage Groups for Flexible
Electronic Displays”. Authors are Scott
C. Blackburn, Owen T. O’Sullivan, Diane
Hinkens, Mark A. Tapsak.
Oxidative stress and lung pathology
following geogenic dust exposure.
Leetham M, DeWitt J, Buck B, Goossens D,
Teng Y, Pollard J, McLaurin B, Gerads R, Keil
D. J Appl Toxicol. 2016 Feb 29.
Immunotoxicological and neurotoxicological
profile of health effects following subacute
exposure to geogenic dust from sand dunes
at the Nellis Dunes Recreation Area, Las
Vegas, NV.
Keil D, Buck B, Goossens D, Teng Y, Leetham
M, Murphy L, Pollard J, Eggers M, McLaurin
B, Gerads R, DeWitt J.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2016 Jan 15;291:112. Epub 2015 Nov 28.
Reply to “No Increased Risk for
Mesothelioma in Relation to NaturalOccurring Asbestos in Southern Nevada”.
Baumann F, Buck BJ, Metcalf RV, McLaurin
BT, Merkler D, Carbone M.
J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Jul;10(7):e64-5.
Surface and Airborne Arsenic
Concentrations in a Recreational Site near
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Goossens D, Buck BJ, Teng Y, McLaurin BT.
PLoS One. 2015 Apr 21;10(4):e0124271.
eCollection 2015.
The Presence of Asbestos in the Natural
Environment is Likely Related to
Mesothelioma in Young Individuals and
Women from Southern Nevada.
Baumann F, Buck BJ, Metcalf RV, McLaurin
BT, Merkler DJ, Carbone M.
J Thorac Oncol. 2015 May;10(5):731-7.
Water quality of small seasonal wetlands
in the Piedmont ecoregion, South Carolina,
USA: Effects of land use and hydrological
Yu X, Hawley-Howard J, Pitt AL, Wang JJ,
Baldwin RF, Chow AT.
Water Res. 2015 Apr 15;73:98-108. doi:
10.1016/j.watres.2015.01.007. Epub 2015
Jan 13.
Evaluation of the floating time of a corpse
found in a marine environment using the
barnacle Lepas anatifera L. (Crustacea:
Cirripedia: Pedunculata).
Magni PA, Venn C, Aquila I, Pepe F, Ricci P, Di
Nunzio C, Ausania F, Dadour IR.
Forensic Sci Int. 2015 Feb;247:e6-10. doi:
10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.11.016. Epub 2014
Nov 25.
Variables Measured During Cardiopulmonary
Exercise Testing as Predictors of Mortality in
Chronic Systolic Heart Failure.
Keteyian SJ, Patel M, Kraus WE, Brawner
CA, McConnell TR, Piña IL, Leifer ES, Fleg JL,
Blackburn G, Fonarow GC, Chase PJ, Piner
L, Vest M, O’Connor CM, Ehrman JK, Walsh
MN, Ewald G, Bensimhon D, Russell SD; HFACTION Investigators.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Feb 23;67(7):780-9.
The Effect of Parental Involvement on
Children’s Physical Activity.
Rebold MJ, Lepp A, Kobak MS, McDaniel J,
Barkley JE.
J Pediatr. 2016 Mar;170:206-10. doi:
10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.11.072. Epub 2015
Dec 22.
Comparison of Energy Expenditure during
Single vs. Multiple-Set Resistance Exercise.
Mookerjee S, Welikonich MJ, Ratamess NA.
J Strength Cond Res. 2015 Oct 6.
The impact of cell phone use on the intensity
and liking of a bout of treadmill exercise.
Rebold MJ, Lepp A, Sanders GJ, Barkley JE.
PLoS One. 2015 May 13;10(5):e0125029.
eCollection 2015.
The Impact of Body Composition on Energy
Expenditure during Walking and Running in
Young Adults
Pauley, A., Dixon, C.B., Rawson, E.S.,
McConnell, T.R. & Andreacci, J.L. (2016).
Journal of Exercise Physiology-online, 19(1):
The impact of aerobic capacity on bone
health in young women
Masteller, B.R., Dixon, C.B., Rawson, E.S. &
Andreacci, J.L. (2016).. International Journal
of Exercise Science, 9(1): 56-63.
Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 16
Boot Camp for Occupational Health Nurses:
Understanding Social Media.
Wolf DM, Olszewski K.
Workplace Health Saf. 2015 Aug;63(8):3627; quiz 368. Review.
The outcome of interprofessional education:
Integrating communication studies into
a standardized patient experience for
advanced practice nursing students.
Defenbaugh N, Chikotas NE.
Nurse Educ Pract. 2016 Jan;16(1):176-81.
Epub 2015 Jun 18.
Identifying the Signs of Self-Harm in
Russell KR, Hartung SQ.
NASN Sch Nurse. 2016 Mar;31(2):121-4.
Epub 2015 Mar 9.
School Refusal Behavior.
Lingenfelter N, Hartung S.
NASN Sch Nurse. 2015 Sep;30(5):269-73.
Epub 2015 Mar 9.
Follow Me, Like Me, Tweet Me!
Implementing Social Media Into
Occupational Health.
Olszewski K, Wolf DM.
Workplace Health Saf. 2015 Jun;63(6):2404. Epub 2015 Jun 18.
Cooling of a Bose-Einstein Condensate by
Spin Distillation.
Naylor B, Maréchal E, Huckans J, Gorceix O,
Pedri P, Vernac L, Laburthe-Tolra B.
Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Dec 11;115(24):243002.
Epub 2015 Dec 11.
“Doesn’t Anyone Believe How I Feel?”:
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
Uhrich AE, Hartung SQ.
NASN Sch Nurse. 2015 Mar;30(2):106-15.
Computer-based cognitive training
for individuals with intellectual and
developmental disabilities: pilot study.
Siberski J, Shatil E, Siberski C, EckrothBucher M, French A, Horton S, Loefflad RF,
Rouse P.
Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015
Feb;30(1):41-8. Epub 2014 Jun 24.
Neuropsychiatric Pediatric Disorders That
Are Not Black and White—Implications for
the School Nurse.
Bagian K, Hartung SQ.
NASN Sch Nurse. 2015 Mar;30(2):96-104.
Epub 2014 Oct 15.
Finding the Effective Mass and Spring
Constant of a Force Probe from Simple
Harmonic Motion
Nathaniel R. Greene, Tom Gill, and Stephen
Eyerly, The Physics Teacher, v. 54, 138
(March 2016).
College of Science and Technology
Dean: Robert S. Aronstam, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean: Mark Tapsak, Ph.D.
Administrative Assistant: Karen Davis, 570-389-5333
Clerk Typist: Shannon Yarnell, 570-389-5333
176 Hartline Science Center
Phone: 570-389-5333
Fax: 570-389-5063
BU geology professor runs
summer dinosaur digs
Rediscovering organisms from
208 million years ago only reflects
a portion of how Alan Gishlick,
instructor of evolution, taphonomy,
sedimentology and stratigraphy
spends his summers. A curator
for the Yale Peabody Museum of
Natural History, he organizes and
runs the Summer Field program in
the Petrified Forest National Park in
Arizona. The program consists of a
large-scale floral and faunal survey
of the park, focusing on 225 to 208
million years ago. Over the span of
seven years, Gishlick and his team
have discovered over 300 skeletal
elements of three different types of
organisms, which he brought back
to the museum for its collections.
Students from BU are also chosen
to partake in the digs each summer and receive hands-on on-thejob training.
“The whole reason we got started,” said Gishlick, “is that makes
the chinle rock formation, which is about 20 million years of time
in the petrified forest, have a steady climate change from wet and
warm to a hotter, dryer climate. In the flora and fauna of this rock
we see how it is adapting to that climate change.”
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania is committed to affirmative action by
way of providing equal educational and employment opportunities for all persons
without regard to race, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation,
disability or veteran status.