COMPARISON OF CARBON EMISSION ASSESMENT USING EXTENSION BUDGETS AND REAL FARM DATA: COTTON IN THE TEXAS PLAINS Sanja Zivkovic Darren Hudson INTRODUCTION Increasing interest in global warming Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – potential negative consequences on the environment Carbon dioxide (CO2) constitutes 80% of current GHG emissions (Lashof and Ahuja, 1990) INTRODUCTION Agricultural activity contributes to CO2 emissions due to: 11. fuel consumption (farm machinery and field operations; irrigation) 22. fertilizer and pesticide usage (herbicides, (herbicides insecticides, insecticides fungicides) CROP PRODUCTION BUDGET Previous studies depended on crop production budget from state extension services Providing a planning tool to generate farming costs and returns Advantage - being convenient Disadvantage - not intended to represent "real" farm operations METHODS Sample of farming operations across a multiyear period from 2005 to 2010 Data source: Texas Alliance for Water Conservation (TAWC) p diesel, nitrogen, g pphosphorous, p herbicides, insecticides and water Inputs: Crop: irrigated cotton CARBON EQUIVALENTS Each input on each farm in each year was converted to an estimated carbon emissions equivalent Carbon equivalents, or pounds of carbon emitted per unit of input per acre, were applied to the gross quantity of each input The resulting value specified the total carbon emitted per acre CARBON EQUIVALENTS Input Carbon-equivalent Diesel 6.1 lbs C/gallon Nitrogen 1.3 lbs C/lb Phosphorous 0.2 lbs C/lb Herbicide 6.3 lbs C/lb Insecticide 5.1 lbs C/lb Water 11.7 lbs CO2/acre-inch AVERAGE CARBON EMISSIONS PER ACRE Year Diesel Nitrogen Phosphoro us 2005 22.84 125.38 6.28 27.09 1.51 103.93 287.03 2006 21 35 21.35 122 51 122.51 2 34 2.34 30 28 30.28 0 27 0.27 180 09 180.09 356 85 356.85 2007 21.33 123.37 4.53 23.01 3.28 140.67 316.19 2008 18.97 109.80 6.56 12.04 0.18 126.67 274.22 2009 12.36 129.79 4.79 15.03 0.36 148.01 310.34 2010 27.66 153.92 7.96 13.13 1.21 86.49 290.36 Average 20.75 127.46 5.41 20.10 1.14 130.97 305.83 Herbicide Insecticide Water Total STATISTICAL ANALYSIS EasyFit Program - examines a variety of probability density functions (pdf) choosing the function that best fits the data Statistical Analysis System (SAS) – calculation of the 95% quantiles il based b d on the h estimated i d pdf df for f iirrigated i d cotton GOODNESS-OF-FIT GOODNESS OF FIT TESTS All indicated that the lognormal distribution was appropriate Test Statistic p Value Kolmogorov-Smirnov D 0.06149205 Pr > D 0.187 Cramer-von Mises W-Sq 0.09260494 Pr > W-Sq 0.072 Anderson-Darling A-Sq 0 68912708 Pr > A-Sq 0.68912708 0 025 0.025 PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION 95% CONFIDENCE LIMIT QUANTILES Lower bound Upper bound (lbs. C/acre) 166.56 (lbs. C/acre) 533.52 Budgeted amount (547.06 (547 06 lbs. lbs C/acre) was 77% higher than the mean (309.39 lbs. C/acre) Less than 5% p probabilityy that the budgeted g value for carbon emissions is representative of the carbon emissions from the sample of farms CONCLUSION Carbon emissions from 62 cotton production sites are significantly lower than extension budget value Farms used are not a representative sample of farms in the Texas Plains St Study d raises i a valid lid question ti as to t the th accuracy off the th carbon b emissions estimates for cotton production Carbon emissions as a public and policy concern Reliable information about carbon emissions is important ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the Cotton Incorporated Texas State Support Committee for financial support of this project and Don Ethridge for his reviews of the paper