21648 J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 21648–21656 Surfaces and Clusters of Mg(NH2)2 Studied by Density Functional Theory Calculations Torleif A. T. Seip,† Roar A. Olsen,‡,§ and Ole Martin Løvvik*,†,| Department of Physics, UniVersity of Oslo, Gaustadalleen 21, N-0318 Oslo, Norway, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden UniVersity, P.O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands, Akershus UniVersity College, P.O. Box 423, N-2001 Lillestrøm, Norway, and SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, P.O. Box 124 Blindern, N-0314 Oslo, Norway ReceiVed: May 20, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: NoVember 18, 2009 Mg(NH2)2 was studied by bulk, slab, and cluster calculations based on density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation. Mg(NH2)2 is confirmed to have a tetragonal unit cell belonging to the space group I41/acd. Five different slabs and their corresponding cleavage energies have been calculated. The most stable surface was the (112) surface, supported by low cleavage energy, special symmetry properties, and small structural changes found during ionic relaxation. Comparison of the density of states calculated from bulk, slab, and clusters indicated that occupied states in the band gap of clusters can be one reason why complex hydrides with nanoparticle structure have enhanced kinetics (in addition to the increased surface area). Calculations of the energy change during removal of NH3 and H2 showed that it is energetically easier to remove NH3 than H2 from Mg(NH2)2, confirming a general trend for metal-N-H systems. 1. Introduction An interesting group of complex hydrides for hydrogen storage are the metal-N-H systems. Studies of these systems were initiated when Chen et al. demonstrated that 9.3 wt % of hydrogen can be reversibly stored in Li3N by a two-step reaction involving lithium imide (Li2NH) and lithium amide (LiNH2).1 However, the enthalpy of hydrogenation for the first step is -148 kJ/mol H2,2 which means that a temperature of more than 430 °C is needed for a complete reversible hydrogen storage cycle. The second reaction has a much lower and beneficial enthalpy change, -44.5 kJ/mol H2.2 The hydrogen storage capacity of this step is still rather large, 6.3 wt %, but the release temperature for hydrogen is high.1 Compositional alteration can greatly improve the thermodynamic properties of metal-N-H systems.3 Examples include Li-B-N-H,4,5 Mg-Ca-N-H,6 and Li-Mg-N-H,7-10 which all are new systems developed since 2004. In the ternary Li-Mg-N-H system, the thermodynamic properties are considerably improved compared with the binary Li-N-H and Mg-N-H systems.3 Ichikawa et al. found that a LiH/Mg(NH2)2 ratio of 8:3 is most suitable when it comes to hydrogen storage.11 The dehydrogenation reaction includes the decomposition from Mg(NH2)2 to Mg3N2 through MgNH, leading to a theoretical hydrogen capacity of 6.9 wt %.12 Leng et al. found that this mixture desorbs more than 5 wt % at 150 °C.12 They also confirmed the reversibility of the reaction by repeating the dehydrogenation after a hydrogenation under 10 MPa at 200 °C. One of the major problems with the Li-Mg-N-H systems, and metal-N-H systems, in general, is that NH3 often is included as one of the decomposition products. This is a serious problem because most low-temperature fuel cells are poisoned * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: o.m.lovvik@ fys.uio.no. † University of Oslo. ‡ Leiden University. § Akershus University College. | SINTEF Materials and Chemistry. by only small amounts of NH3.13 Another problem is that, if the decomposition of metal-N-H systems involves loss of nitrogen, this induces a change in the chemical composition of the material, which, consequently, will degrade the cycling hydrogen storage capacity. During investigation of the equilibrium concentration of NH3 in the Li-Mg-N-H system, Lie et al.13 found that the dominant source for NH3 formations stems from Mg(NH2)2. To improve the knowledge and understand the underlying physics of the Li-Mg-N-H systems, thorough knowledge about each component constituting these systems is important. This study intends to improve our understanding of the properties of Mg(NH2)2 using density functional theory calculations. The study includes an analysis of the crystal structure, the electronic density of states, and five selected slabs of Mg(NH2)2. Furthermore, a variety of clusters were built to investigate the properties of nanoparticles, as well as the energy barriers involved in the removal of H2 and NH3 from the clusters, and to try and understand why Mg(NH2)2 primarily releases NH3. A natural extension of the study will be to use the same methods to understand why the Li-Mg-N-H system primarily releases H2. It is also worth mentioning that cluster calculations on complex hydrides is in an early phase, so this study also aims to contribute to develop and increase the understanding of this methodology. 2. Methodology The majority of the calculations in this work has been performed using the Vienna Ab -initio Simulation Package (VASP)14,15 employing the projector augmented wave (PAW) method,16 using the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional17 at the generalized gradient approximation level. The standard potentials with the valence configurations 2s22p0 for Mg, 2s22p3 for N, and 1s1 for H were used. Self-consistency of the electron density was defined to be reached when the total energy of two consecutive cycles differed by less than 0.01 meV. The single-particle orbitals were smeared by a Gaussian convolution with a width of 0.01 eV (one exception is mentioned in Figure 8). 10.1021/jp9047264 2009 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/08/2009 Surfaces and Clusters of Mg(NH2)2 Studied by DFT The convergence of the VASP calculations with respect to the cutoff energy was checked thoroughly. It was found that a cutoff energy of 450 eV was necessary to obtain calculated forces with errors less than 0.05 eV/Å; 550 eV was needed for calculated pressures converged within 0.5 MPa, and 800 eV was required for the total energy to have a numerical error due to the cutoff energy less than 1 meV/formula unit. A k-point mesh of 2 × 2 × 1 assured an error of less than 1 meV in the total energy of one unit cell of Mg(NH2)2. During the slab calculations, the same k-point density was used within the plane of the slabs, while only the Γ point was used in the perpendicular direction. In the cluster calculations, only the Γ point was used. All calculations were spin-restricted, after testing that this did not imply any significant changes in energies or geometric structure. Dipole corrections were not added to any of the slabs. The ionic relaxations in VASP were performed using the residual minimization method with direct inversion in iterative subspace.15 This is an implementation of the quasi-Newton algorithm and the atomic positions were relaxed simultaneously with the cell parameters for the bulk structure. The ionic relaxation of the slabs was more difficult, so here, the conjugate gradient algorithm was first used on the initial structure, before the quasi-Newton algorithm was used to give the final structure. For the slabs, the bulk relaxed lattice constants were kept constant, and only the atomic positions were optimized. To assist the ionic relaxation of the clusters, the Amsterdam Density Functional (ADF)18 program was employed in addition to VASP (see section 3.3 for a detailed description of the procedure). The criterion for relaxation of bulk, slab, and clusters was that the forces between two atoms in the unit cell were less than 0.05 eV/Å. The calculations in ADF were performed using the PBE functional17 at the GGA19 level. A triple-ζ plus one polarization function (TZP) basis set18,20 with no frozen core was used. Furthermore, the general accuracy parameter in ADF18,20 was set to 4.0 based on initial convergence tests of the total energy of the clusters. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Bulk Structure. The relaxed bulk structure of Mg(NH2)2 was found by ionic relaxation of the experimental bulk structure of Mg(ND2)2 found by Sørby et al.21 Figure 1 shows one unit cell of the relaxed Mg(NH2)2 bulk structure viewed from the [100] direction, where the tetrahedral configuration of amides around Mg is shown. The unit cell remains in space group I41/ acd21 during the relaxation. The tetragonal conventional cell consists of 224 atoms, which means that the calculations performed were computationally demanding. To further explore some of the geometric properties relevant for the slab and cluster calculations, selected parts of the relaxed Mg(NH2)2 structure are shown in Figures 2 and 3. In Figure 2, the bulk structure is viewed from the [111j] direction, providing a side view of the (112) planes. This figure demonstrates how the layers are arranged as pairs oscillating together along the horizontal axis. There is thus an increased distance between every second layer of atoms in the (112) plane, while the interlayer distance is virtually constant within the pairs. This indicates that the chemical bonds between every second layer of atoms in the (112) plane are weak and that the (112) surface should be among the most stable ones. This is further discussed in section 3.2. In Figure 3, the bulk structure is viewed from the [11j0] direction, giving a side view of both the (112) and the (112j) planes. Comparison between this figure and Figure 2 shows that Mg(NH2)2 is organized in weakly connected branches pointing in the [11j0] or the [1j10] direction and that each branch is separated from the other branches by (112) and (112j) planes. J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 52, 2009 21649 Figure 1. One unit cell of the relaxed Mg(NH2)2 bulk structure, visualizing the tetrahedral configuration of amide units around the magnesium ions. The large, green spheres represent Mg atoms, the medium, blue spheres represent N atoms, and the small, red spheres represent H atoms. This representation of the atoms is used throughout this article. In Table 1, the structural parameters calculated in this work are compared to those found experimentally by Sørby et al.21 and those calculated by Velikokhatnyi et al.22 Our calculated values for the lattice constants a and c are 1.1% and 1.8% larger than the experimental values found by Sørby et al.21 and approximately 0.5% larger than those previously calculated.22 Here, it should be mentioned that the deuterium in the experimental structure found by Sørby et al. is for the sake of simplicity and is referred to as hydrogen in the remainder of this article, both in the text and in the tables. Table 2 shows a comparison of the measured21 and calculated22 interatomic distances. It is clear that our results are in excellent agreement with those found by Sørby et al.;21 ranges of interatomic distances are virtually the same. The distances found by Velikokhatnyi et al.22 exhibit, in general, a smaller spread than ours. When turning to the H-N-H angles, however, there was a notable spread (101-107°) in the experimental study,21 whereas the angles found in our and Velikokhatnyi et al.’s22 models were much more homogeneous (102.5-102.7° and 102.5-102.9°, respectively). All in all, the differences between our calculated and the previously published structural parameters21,22 are small. The most notable difference was in the interatomic distances 21650 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 52, 2009 Seip et al. TABLE 1: DFT Calculated and Experimental Structural Parameters for Mg(NH2)2 Figure 2. Chosen part of the bulk structure of Mg(NH2)2 viewed from the [111j] direction. Mg-N and Mg-H bonds are drawn for interatomic distances between 1.4 and 2.8 Å, whereas N-H bonds are drawn for interatomic distances between 0.6 and 1.2 Å. Notice the increased distance between every second atom layer. A (Å) C (Å) V (Å3) Mg(32g) x y z N1(16e) x y z N2(16d) x y z N3(32g) x y z H1(32g) x y z H2(32g) x y z H3(32g) x y z H4(32g) x y z exptl21 calcd (this work) calcd22 10.376 20.062 2160 10.494 20.426 2249 10.445 20.312 2216 0.373 0.105 0.188 0.373 0.109 0.188 0.289 0.750 0.375 0.289 0.750 0.375 0.000 0.000 0.381 0.000 0.000 0.382 0.228 0.488 0.248 0.226 0.486 0.251 0.229 0.813 0.403 0.228 0.806 0.402 0.058 0.953 0.351 0.058 0.951 0.351 0.287 0.434 0.225 0.286 0.430 0.224 0.286 0.537 0.276 0.289 0.539 0.278 TABLE 2: Selected Experimental and Calculated Interatomic Distances in Mg(NH2)2 distances (Å) Figure 3. Chosen part of the bulk structure of Mg(NH2)2 viewed from the [11j0] direction, which is perpendicular to Figure 2. Hydrogen atoms are hidden in order to elucidate the branch structure. The Mg-N bonds are drawn for interatomic Mg-N distances from 1.4 to 2.8 Å. found here and in ref 22. The most likely reason for this are the different functionals used; Velikokhatnyi et al. used PW91, whereas the PBE was used in the present work. Furthermore, Velikokhatnyi et al. used a different experimental structure as the starting point for their relaxations (the Mg(NH2)2 structure from ref 23). DFT calculations within the GGA approximation performed by Løvvik et al.24 on a number of hydrides showed that different starting points gave significant variations in the size of the calculated lattice constants when the force relaxation criterion is in the order of 0.05 eV/Å (the same as in the present study). The last important deviation was that between the experimental and DFT predicted H-N-H angles, which most readily may be explained by the different temperatures of the studiessroom temperature for the experiment and 0 K for the modeling. Also, the calculations did not include zero-point energies, which can give significant contributions in hydrides. The total and local electronic density of states for Mg(NH2)2 are plotted in Figure 4. The atomic covalent radii of 1.30, 0.75, and 0.37 Å have been used as the Wigner-Seitz radii for Mg, N, and H, respectively. The plot is very similar to that calculated by Velikokhatnyi et al.,22 validating both calculations. atoms exptl21 calcd (this work) calcd22 Mg-N (min) Mg-N (max) Mg-H (min) Mg-H (max) Mg-Mg (min) Mg-Mg (max) N-H (min) N-H (max) H-H (min) H-H (max) 2.00 2.17 2.51 2.68 3.42 3.47 0.95 1.07 1.48 2.19 2.00 2.17 2.52 2.68 3.42 3.47 0.95 1.07 1.48 2.19 2.08 2.10 2.59 2.64 3.51 3.53 1.02 1.03 1.59 2.31 The DOS consists of three main regions below the Fermi level. The lower region (from -7 to -4.5 eV) is almost entirely populated by H s electrons and N p electrons, with a very small contribution of Mg p and d electrons. The mid region (from -4.5 to -3.5 eV) is only populated with Mg s, p, and d electrons, while the upper region (from -3.5 to 0 eV) is mainly populated with Mg s, p, and d electrons. In addition, there is a major contribution of N p electrons, as well as some N s and H s electrons in the upper region. The band gap is approximately 3 eV. This indicates that Mg(NH2)2 is an insulator since DFT at the GGA level is known to systematically underestimate the band gap,25 meaning that the actual band gap is probably larger. In the conduction band, Mg once more contributes with all three kinds of electrons, with some contributions from N p electrons and H s electrons. Surfaces and Clusters of Mg(NH2)2 Studied by DFT J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 52, 2009 21651 Figure 4. Total and local electronic density of states for Mg(NH2)2 as a function of the energy relative to the Fermi level in eV. s, p, and d states are shown as shaded blue, solid green, and dotted red lines, respectively. The local DOS is shown for Mg (upper pane), N (mid-upper), and H (mid-lower) atoms, whereas the total DOS is shown in the lower pane. From the DOS, we can identify strong overlap between the low-lying electronic states for N and H, which indicates a strong bond between N and H. Higher in the conduction band, there is an overlap between Mg and N, supporting the presumption that the material consists of ionically bonded Mg2+ and NH2units. 3.2. Surface Calculations. One of the most important issues in current hydride research is to understand the hydrogenation kinetics of the different hydrides. To describe this theoretically, it is crucial to know the properties of their surfaces. This is even more important when the hydride is nanostructured. Each particle has many different surface facets, and by identifying the surfaces that are most stable, essential information about the morphology of nanoparticles can be gained. Five different slabs of Mg(NH2)2 have been investigated, cleaved along the (100), (001), (110), (012), and (112) surfaces (see Figure 5). Each slab was constructed by inserting a vacuum layer with the preferred orientation into the unit cell. It is important that this vacuum layer is thick enough to prevent electronic interactions between the slabs but, at the same time, small enough to avoid unnecessary computational time. Initial tests showed that converged cleavage energies were reached when a vacuum layer of 14 Å was used. This vacuum layer thickness has, therefore, been used in all the slab calculations. When a vacuum layer is inserted in the preferred orientation of the unit cell, two surfaces are created. In three of the cases, the two surfaces have similar composition: the (110), (012), and (112) slabs. In these cases, the cleavage energy is the same as the surface energy. The two remaining slabs exhibit surfaces with different composition: the (100) and (001) slabs. For these slabs, the cleavage energy represents a mixture of two different surface energies and can thus not be used for direct comparison of surface stability. It is, here, worth mentioning that the NH2 units were always kept intact when the slabs were constructed since we assumed that a very high energy was needed for splitting these units (this was later confirmed during the cluster calculations (see section 3.3)). This means that only Mg-N bonds were broken during the construction of the slabs. Another important aspect during the construction of the slabs is the number of layers. A thick slab reassures that there will Figure 5. Figures on the left- and right-hand sides show, from top to bottom, the initial and relaxed (100), (001), (110), (012), and (112) slabs. Notice that Mg consistently moves into the surface during relaxation, while the amides move outward with H pointing out. be no electronic interaction between the two surfaces of a slab, but it also means that the calculations are more demanding. In this work, most of the slab calculations have been performed on slabs containing three formula units (except the (112) slab, which contained four formula units, because of the special symmetry of this face). From previous calculations on another complex hydride (NaAlH4, ref 29), we believe that the thickness 21652 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 52, 2009 Seip et al. TABLE 3: Cleavage Energies, Number of Broken Mg-N bonds/nm2, and the Corresponding Energy and Structure Changes ∆E and ∆rav during Relaxationa surface Ecleav (J/m2) broken bonds/nm2 |∆E| (eV) ∆rav(Å) (100) (001) (110) (012) (112) Z16st Z16nst 1.30 1.26 0.51 0.53 0.26 6.1 5.9 4.9 5.2 2.2 0.80 0.53 0.46 0.76 0.20 0.48 0.23 3.72 2.37 0.30 0.63 0.11 0.63 0.44 a Due to the limited number of layers, the uncertainty in the calculated cleavage energies is unknown. We have, nevertheless, presented three digits to elucidate the magnitude of their differences. is large enough to avoid interactions between the two surfaces so that the cleavage energies are converged. The cleavage energy is defined as half the energy needed to cut a crystal in two and then separate the two parts at infinite distance. There are several ways to determine it26,27 based on the general formula Ecleav(N) ) Eslab(N) - NEbulk 2A (1) where Ecleav(N) is the cleavage energy, Eslab(N) is the energy of a slab consisting of N formula units, and A is the area of the slab surface per slab unit cell. Ebulk represents the bulk energy, which, in our case, is the energy taken from bulk calculations; other options26,27 were not available with the limited number of layers in this study. The uncertainty in cleavage energy from the limited number of layers, using the bulk energy as reference, is difficult to estimate but can, from previous studies, be inferred to be in the order of 0.1 J/m. In addition to this uncertainty, two of the slabs (the (001)- and (100)-terminated ones) consist of multiple dipoles due to the alternating Mg2+ and NH2- layers. There is no easy solution to this problem, and we can only conclude that the cleavage energies of these slabs are highly uncertain. They have been included for completeness, but the values should be taken with a grain of salt. The calculated cleavage energy for the various surfaces is shown in Table 3. It is clear that the most stable slab is the (112)-terminated one, with a cleavage energy only half of the second most stable slabssthe (110)- and (012)-terminated ones. It is also clear that the cleavage energy is correlated with the number of broken bonds per square length unitsconsistent with previous studies on complex aluminohydrides28,29sand with the structural changes ∆rav and the energy changes ∆E resulting from the surface relaxations. In addition to exhibiting the lowest cleavage energy, the (112) slab has distinctly lower ∆rav and ∆E than any of the other slabs. This should be compared to Figure 2, where it is evident that (112)-terminated slabs with an even number of layers have a very low number of broken bonds and form the basis of the “branches” of this material. 3.3. Cluster Calculations. This section presents cluster calculations on Mg(NH2)2. So far, most DFT calculations on such systems have been periodic, either bulk or slab calculations. One exception are the studies by Marashdeh et al. on Ti-doped30,31 and TiH2-doped32 NaAlH4, where semispherical clusters served as models for nanosized NaAlH4 particles. Those studies used the ADF program, which is a molecular DFT code employing Slater-type orbitals as basis functions. Cluster calculations can provide improved insight in combination with bulk and slab calculations. First, real materials exhibit a range of surface facets. Figure 6. Bulk-cut (left) and the relaxed (right) stoichiometric Z16st cluster. A cluster model can represent this situation very well since it usually exhibits different surface terminations as well as edges and corners. Furthermore, there are no boundary conditions stemming from periodicity in cluster calculations, which allows direct comparisons between defects at specific surface positions. Also, the lack of periodicity opens the possibility to represent more than one phase in the same model, facilitating studies of phase transitions, decompositions, etc. Nevertheless, the use of cluster models is not straightforward. Calculated properties will, to some degree, depend on both the size and the shape of the cluster. This is clearly a problem since current cluster models usually are limited to approximately 1 nm (see below), whereas real nanoparticles have diameters ranging from 60 nm and larger. One can hope that this gap soon will be filled, with improved synthesis techniques and development in computer codes and hardware. Thus, calculations on clusters with the same size as real nanoparticles can probably soon be performed. The cluster calculations performed during this work have, therefore, practical benefit (increased knowledge about the chemical/physical properties of Mg(NH2)2) and can, in addition, serve as a guideline for further cluster calculations. The present cluster calculations may, hence, contribute to the development and increased understanding of this methodology. The construction of cluster models for the periodic calculations performed with VASP was done by inserting a vacuum between the clusters in all three dimensions. A distance between the clusters of 12 Å was found to give convergence of the total energy of one formula unit within 5 meV. Relaxation of the cluster models with VASP turned out to be difficult. Both quasi-Newton and conjugate gradient algorithms were tried, but none of the methods were able to relax the bulk-cut clusters directly; the residual forces were in the order of 0.5-1.0 eV/Å, and the structures moved unreasonably far away from the bulk-cut structures. This motivated the use of ADF for the ionic relaxations. This was more successful, and with the quasi-Newton algorithm there was no problem relaxing the clusters. If a cluster was partially relaxed in ADF, it was possible to complete the relaxation using VASP. Actually, tests showed that VASP was equally effective as or more effective than ADF when starting from a partially converged structure. The change in total energy between the bulk-cut and relaxed cluster was very similar for the two methods; the difference was at most a few percent. Also, the relaxed structures were similar, with the average and median differences of relaxed atomic positions calculated with the two methods being within 0.1 Å. On the basis of this experience, all cluster relaxations in this work were done using the following procedure: the initial cluster was, first, partially relaxed in ADF with residual forces less than 0.3 eV/Å; then relaxation was completed using VASP with the final force convergence criterion being 0.05 eV/Å. The problems with using VASP for relaxing some of the clusters from their bulk-cut starting point have two possible reasons. It Surfaces and Clusters of Mg(NH2)2 Studied by DFT J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 52, 2009 21653 Figure 7. Bulk-cut (left) and the relaxed (middle) nonstoichiometric Z16nst cluster. The relaxed cluster is also shown to the right, rotated by 90° and with Mg-N inserted. The (112) plane is also drawn (light blue) to expose how the branch structure is represented in the cluster. Figure 8. Total electronic DOS for the (from top) bulk structure, the (110) slab, the Z16st, and the Z16nst clusters (the single-particle orbitals were smeared by a Gaussian convolution with a width of 0.2 eV). could be due to the fact that Mg(NH2)2 consists of molecular units, making a localized basis set more appropriate. However, there is also a possibility that the chosen size of the clusters is too small and that the relaxed structures are actually local minima. This is supported by the total energy of the VASPrelaxed structures, which decreased even after several hundred relaxation steps. Because the resulting geometric structures from the VASP calculations were very far away from the bulk crystal structure of Mg(NH2)2 (and because the relaxations were extremely tedious), we chose to neglect this possibility and used the above-mentioned method to obtain (possibly metastable) clusters with a geometric structure resembling the bulk. Also, using VASP makes it easier to compare the results from cluster calculations with those obtained from bulk and slab calculations. One important property in this respect is the electronic density of states, presented below. This will serve as a validation of using a plane-wave code for describing clusters of a molecular solid. Our initial calculations included a number of clusters with different sizes ranging from Z ) 6 to Z ) 22 (Z is the number of formula units), following the scheme of Marashdeh et al.30 The optimal cluster size turned out to be Z ) 16, which was large enough to preserve the overall bulk geometrical structure without leading to excessive consumption of computer resources. It was also clear that the surfaces of the cluster should consist of amide ions with H atoms pointing outward; this lead to minimal structural changes and low energy. This surface structure may be explained by the ionic nature of the Mg-N bonds; when Mg and N atoms are present on the surface, they will generate electrostatic fields that destabilize the surface. Hydrogen forms strong, covalent bonds with nitrogen that, at the same time, neutralize these fields. Moreover, if H points out of the surface, the amides are oriented in such a way that most of the broken bonds are weak hydrogen bonds (like the H-H bonds between the branches; see Figure 2). When magnesium is located in the surface, the bonds between Mg in the surface and subsurface N will be strengthened, reducing the interatomic distance between Mg and N (this was observed in both the slab and the cluster calculations). The first cluster meeting these requirements was the stoichiometric Z16st cluster, consisting of 16 formula units. This cluster has, however, an uneven distribution of the amides. The initial and relaxed Z16st clusters are shown in Figure 6. It is clear that the considerable structural changes in the upper right-hand corner of the cluster are related to the uneven distribution of the amides. We, therefore, built a nonstoichiometric cluster, Z16nst. Here, one of the amides in Z16st was removed, giving a more even distribution of the amides. The initial and relaxed Z16nst clusters are shown in Figure 7. From these figures and Table 3, where the structural and energy changes during 21654 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 52, 2009 Seip et al. Figure 9. Z16nst cluster on the left (right)-hand side has a hydrogen atom removed from a “corner” (“center”) amide. Figure 10. Figures show the two different ways of removing H2 from the Z16nst cluster: H2.1 (left) and H2.2 (right). relaxation are shown, it is obvious that Z16nst is the cluster with the least changes during relaxation. Because NH2 was removed to create Z16nst, it is timely to raise the question whether this cluster is charged due to the missing NH2- ion. We will investigate potential problems with this, in what follows, but emphasize that only neutral atoms were removed. This means that the removal of an NH20 unit leaves an excess electron with the cluster, which otherwise would have been associated with an NH2- ion. The most important test of the Z16nst cluster is to compare its electronic density of states (DOS) with that of the Z16st cluster, the (110) slab, and the bulk structure. Figure 8 shows the total DOS for all these structures, and we immediately note some major trends. The bands are narrower for the slab and clusters than for the bulk structure. This is a usual effect, explained by surface states for the slabs. In the case of clusters, they should ideally have band structures like large molecules, that is, with discrete energy levels. This shows up as narrow bands after the numerical approximations of the methodology. Furthermore, there are states filling the band gap of the slab and the clusters. These states may be a reason why complex hydrides with a nanoparticle structure have enhanced kinetics, in addition to their increased surface area. All in all, the DOS of the slab can be said to be intermediate between that of the bulk and of the clusters. Perhaps most important, the DOS for the Z16nst cluster is almost identical to that of the Z16st cluster. On the basis of this and the small structure and energy changes found during relaxation, we consider Z16nst to be a good cluster model for further calculations. We also created a cluster with two NH2 units removed, Z16nst2. This gives a broader background for judging the validity of a nonstoichiometric model and could also represent the second step in a decomposition of the Z16st cluster. The electronic DOS for Z16nst2 was very similar to that of Z16nst, further supporting that Z16nst is a good model for further calculations. Our next task was to simulate the first decomposition steps by removing different species from the Z16nst cluster. Thus, H, H2, NH2, and NH3 were removed from different surface sites to see if some positions were more favorable than others and to compare the different molecules. Only local energy minima have been considered. This means that, when a species was removed from the relaxed Z16nst cluster, the resulting cluster was relaxed again. The total energy of this cluster, Enew, was compared to the initial energy of the cluster, Einitial, and adjusted with the standard state (gas phase H2, NH2, and NH3) energy of the removed species Efree, to give the energy difference ∆E between local energy minima: TABLE 4: Energies (∆E from eq 2) Involved in the Removal of H, H2, NH2, and NH3 from Different Surface Positions of the Z16st, Z16nst, and Z16nst2 Clusters ∆E ) Enew + Efree - Einitial (2) First, a hydrogen atom was removed from two different surface positions: a “corner” position and a “center” position ∆E (eV) after removal of Z16st H (corner) H (center) H2.1 H2.2 NH2.1 (corner) NH2.2 (asym corner) NH2.3 (center) NH2.4 (asym center) NH3.1 NH3.2 NH3.3 1.92 2.32 4.79 2.02 1.49 1.71 2.35 Z16nst 0.96 2.02 3.66 4.78 1.38 Z16nst2 0.59 2.06 3.61 1.09 1.91 1.78 1.79 -0.65 1.29 1.87 -0.06 (see Figure 9). Table 4 shows the energies involved in the removal of different species from the clusters. We can see that it is energetically favorable to remove a hydrogen atom from a corner amide compared with removing it from the center for all the three clusters. The relatively large energy differences between the different clusters probably stem from the different number of excess electrons in the clusters. Another reason can be that the Z16st and Z16nst2 clusters have more substantial structural changes than the Z16nst cluster because of a more uneven distribution of the amides. The reason why it is easier to remove a hydrogen atom from a corner amide than from a center amide is that the corner amide is more strongly bonded to Mg than the center amide. This must be due to larger electrostatic effects near the corners, making the corner Mg-N bond stronger. The strong Mg-N bond will thus weaken the N-H binding, making it easier to remove H from the corner amide. H2 was then removed in two different ways from the Z16nst cluster. For H2.1, the H atoms were removed from two different amides, whereas for H2.2, both H atoms were removed from the same amide (see Figure 10). As expected, H2.1 was energetically favorable compared with H2.2 (a difference of 1.12 eV; see Table 4). In the H2.1 cluster, two imide molecules were left after removal of the H2 molecule, while a separate N atom without any H bonds was left in the H2.2 cluster. This was not tested for the other clusters, but we assume that this behavior is general. An amide radical was then removed from both a corner (NH2.1 (symmetric) and NH2.2 (asymmetric)) and a center position (NH2.3 (symmetric) and NH2.4 (asymmetric)) for the different clusters (see Figure 11). Here, it was energetically favorable to remove the center amides compared with the corner amides. This confirms what we already assumed from the experience gained from the removal of monatomic H: the corner amide is more strongly bonded to Mg than the center amide. Surfaces and Clusters of Mg(NH2)2 Studied by DFT J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 52, 2009 21655 Figure 11. Z16nst cluster on the left (right)-hand side has removed an amide radical from a corner (center) position. Figure 13. Energy change versus distance for removal of H2 and NH3 from Z16nst along a linear pathway. Both H2 and NH3 were moved 4 Å outward compared to their initial position (six steps of 0.667 Å). The red line and points are for H2, whereas the blue line and points are for NH3. The lines are drawn as guides for the eye only. Figure 12. Figures show the final cluster when ammonia has been removed from the Z16nst cluster in one or two steps: the NH3.1 (left) and the NH3.2 (right) clusters. The energy difference for the thermodynamical equilibrium states for the initial clusters and the new clusters plus the energy of NH2 gas (from -0.65 to 1.71 eV; see Table 4) was notably smaller than the energies involved in the removal of H2 gas; in one of the cases, it was even negative, meaning that desorption will be thermodynamically advantageous. The reason for this stems from the geometric properties of Mg(NH2)2 (see section 3.1 and Figure 3). The N atom in the NH2.4 molecule is weakly linked to its nearest neighbor Mg due to a large Mg-N distance; it belongs to another “branch” of the crystal structure. The last molecule removed from the clusters was ammonia (NH3). First, it was removed from the Z16nst cluster in two different ways: For NH3.1, a center amide plus a neighbor H atom from a corner amide were removed at the same time and the new cluster was then relaxed. For NH3.2, a H atom from a corner amide was first moved to the center amide, constructing an imide ion and an ammonia molecule; this cluster was then relaxed. The ammonia molecule was then removed, and the cluster was again relaxed. These two procedures should yield the same result, and this test was done to ensure that the relaxation procedure was robust and did not result in different local minima for different starting points. The final relaxed clusters are shown in Figure 12, and it is indeed clear that the two relaxed clusters are very similar. In addition, Table 4 shows that their energies are very similar; within 15 meV (the remaining difference must be due to the relaxations being incomplete since we are using a finite force as convergence criterion). This supports that the relaxations performed on the Z16nst cluster are reliable and unrelated to the relaxation procedure. There was also a possibility to remove an NH3 molecule without breaking any strong Mg-N bonds; this was named NH3.3. It is placed in a similar position as NH3.1, but the Mg-N bond strength is so much smaller that the removal is exothermic, similar to that of NH2.4 above. Ammonia was also removed from the two other clusters using the NH3.1 scheme since this can be seen as the most representative removal from the main constituentssbranchessof the crystal structure. The energy difference for the thermodynamic equilibrium states for the initial clusters and the new clusters plus the energy of NH3 gas was within the range from 1.78 to 2.36 eV (see Table 4). This means that it is, in all cases, much more difficult to remove pure H in the atomic or molecular form than H bonded to N, that is, NH2 and NH3, from Mg(NH2)2. This is not unexpected since the former case involves the restructuring of multiple covalent bonds, whereas the removal of NH2 can be seen as removing an ion from an ionic material. Because there are two possibilities to remove molecules exothermically from this cluster, one can ask whether this cluster is a valid starting point for the decomposition. A better procedure would probably be to start from the (nonstoichiometric) cluster(s) remaining after all exothermic removals. Alternatively, the starting cluster could be annealed out of the local minimum with first-principles molecular dynamics. Nevertheless, we believe that the contribution to removal energies of the other species from the presence of NH2.4 and NH3.3 is relatively small since they are not nearest neighbors of the other removed species. Also, we think it is important to describe our methodology in detail since there are very few similar studies in the literature. Finally, the energy changes versus distance (a crude estimate of the transition barriers) involved in the removal of H2 and NH3 molecules from Mg(NH2)2 were calculated. A linear reaction path without relaxation of the intermediate structures was considered for simplicity. Both H2 and NH3 were moved 4 Å outward compared to their initial position (six steps of 0.66 Å). This procedure overestimates the energy barriers but forms a basis for comparing different reaction paths. To find the energy barriers using more sophisticated transition path searches, for instance, by the nudged elastic band (NEB) method, would form an interesting future study; preliminary calculations in this direction support qualitatively the results presented in this paper. In Figure 13, the energy changes versus distance for desorption of H2 and NH3 from Z16nst along such a linear pathway are shown. The desorbed molecules were originally located at the H2.1 and NH3.1 sites depicted in Figures 10 and 12. The activation energy needed to remove H2 is clearly higher than that needed to remove NH3 from Mg(NH2)2. This gives a further indication of why it is much harder to remove pure H2 than NH3 from Mg(NH2)2. It is well-known that the prevalence of gas desorbing from Mg(NH2)2 is reversed when mixing with a hydride, for example, 21656 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 52, 2009 LiH. This can be a thermodynamic or kinetic effect or a combination of both. These possibilities could most likely be probed by creating a cluster model containing both phases and studying various decomposition paths from such a combined model. This would form an exciting future study. 4. Conclusions Density functional calculations have been performed on the magnesium amide Mg(NH2)2 using bulk and slab geometries as well as cluster models. The bulk calculations confirm previous studies of the complex hydride, but we uncovered the necessity to use a very high energy cutoff in the plane-wave expansion (800 eV) to obtain converged total electronic energies. Calculated cleavage energies of a number of slabs showed that the (112) slab is the most stable one. The (112) surface also exhibits particularly small structure and energy changes during relaxation from the bulk-cut structure, reflecting the branchlike structure of this compound, with long and presumably weak Mg-N bonds perpendicular to the (112) surfaces (Figure 2). When building cluster models of this compound, we found that at least 16 formula units were needed to build a stable cluster without unreasonable restructuring. The exposed surfaces of the cluster should primarily consist of NH2 ions. Such a small cluster was very sensitive to a noneven distribution of ions, which led to instabilities and reconstructions. To avoid this, a nonstoichiometric model with one lacking NH2 unit was constructed. These cluster models facilitated direct comparisons between removals of different species at various locations, representing possible starting points for decomposition of the clusters. Stronger Mg-N bonds at the corners led to easier removal of hydrogen but more difficult removal of NH2 at the corners; this was reversed when moving to the side centers. The energy required to remove an NH3 molecule is much smaller than that required to remove H2, which explains why primarily NH3 is released when pure magnesium amide is heated. This is supported by calculations of energy changes versus distance for removal of NH3 and H2 molecules, which tentatively suggest a large kinetic barrier for H2 release. In general, we have demonstrated that a combination of bulk, slab, and cluster calculations in a plane-wave code can be used to provide new and important insights of complex hydrides, such as Mg(NH2)2. Acknowledgment. Funding from the Research Council of Norway through the NANOMAT program is acknowledged by O.M.L. The work was supported by a grant of computational time on the Notur metacenter for supercomputing. Seip et al. References and Notes (1) Chen, P.; Xiong, Z.; Luo, J.; Lin, J.; Tan, K. L. Nature 2002, 420, 302–304. (2) Ichikawa, T.; Hanada, N.; Isobe, S.; Leng, H. Y.; Fujii, H. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 7887–7892. (3) Chen, P.; Xiong, Z. T.; Wu, G. T.; Liu, Y. F.; Hu, J. J.; Luo, W. F. Scr. Mater. 2007, 56, 817–822. (4) Pinkerton, F. E.; Meisner, G. P.; Meyer, M. S.; Balogh, M. P.; Kundrat, M. D. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 6–8. (5) Aoki, M.; Miwa, K.; Noritake, T.; Kitahara, G.; Nakamori, Y.; Orimo, S.; Towata, S. Appl. Phys. A: Mater. Sci. Process. 2005, 80, 1409– 1412. (6) Liu, Y. F.; Hu, J. J.; Xiong, Z. T.; Wu, G. T.; Chen, P.; Murata, K.; Sakata, K. J. Alloys Compd. 2007, 432, 298–302. (7) Xiong, Z. T.; Wu, G. T.; Hu, H. J.; Chen, P. AdV. Mater. 2004, 16, 1522–1525. 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