Research Article Received: 28 August 2009 Revised: 29 January 2010 Accepted: 5 February 2010 Published online in Wiley Interscience: 29 March 2010 ( DOI 10.1002/sia.3355 Characterization of thin and ultrathin transparent conducting oxide (TCO) films and TCO-Si interfaces with XPS, TEM and ab initio modeling† S. Diplas,a∗ O. M. Løvvik,a,c H. Nordmark,b D. M Kepaptsoglou,c J. Moe Graff,a C. Ladam,c F. Tyholdt,a J. C. Walmsley,b A. E. Gunnaes,c R. Fagerbergb and A. Ulyashina Interfaces play an important role in solar cell heterostructures, especially when film thicknesses decrease. In this work, we use XPS, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and density functional theory (DFT) to study both the film and the film–Si interface of electron beam deposited indium tin oxides (ITO) and pulsed laser deposition (PLD) deposited ZnO on p-Si (100). Vacuum evaporation of ITO resulted in a film that contained elemental Sn and In which oxidized after annealing at 300 ◦ C for 30 min. Ar etching of the HF-treated Si substrate in the PLD deposition chamber caused an increase of the interfacial oxide thickness independently of the deposition temperature as a result of Ar etching-induced dangling bonds. Deposition as well as annealing at elevated temperature also increases the interfacial oxide thickness for both ITO-Si and ZnO-Si systems. Copyright c 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Keywords: ITO; ZnO; thin films; interfaces; XPS; TEM; DFT Introduction 874 Transparent conducting oxides (TCO) like Indium Tin Oxides (ITO) and ZnO are widely used for different types of solar cells, both as antireflection coatings and transparent conducting electrodes, due to their attractive combination of electrical conductivity and transparency to visible light. In particular, ZnO (doped with Al) is a reliable and cost effective substitute for SiN as an antireflection coating material for Si-based solar cells. Interfaces may limit the performance of solar cells and other electronic devices. In heterojunction photovoltaics, a significant and increasing proportion of charge carrier loss is due to interfaces as film thickness decreases. Interfaces are also strongly influenced by processing conditions. For many applications, high-quality epitaxial films or fully amorphous films forming an abrupt interface with the substrate are desired. However, realizing such perfectly sharp interfaces may be very difficult. An important reason for this is the great complexity of the interfaces. It has been shown that TCO layers deposited on various Si-based substrates at different temperatures can exhibit formation of a SiOx thin layer on the TCO/Si interfaces.[1,2] Moreover, after high temperature anneals of TCO/Si interfaces formation of a specific interface layer occurs due to interdiffusion between the TCO material and Si.[3] The TCO/Si interface structure should be therefore known at the atomic level in order to understand the mechanisms governing its formation and function. In this work, we used XPS, high resolution electron microscopy (HREM) and density functional theory (DFT) modeling to study the morphology and electronic structure of thin ITO and ZnO films, as well as their interfaces with the Si substrate focusing on the effect of deposition and heat treatment Surf. Interface Anal. 2010, 42, 874–877 on the composition of ITO and the ITO-Si interface and the effect of substrate treatment on the ZnO-Si interface. Experimental ITO films were deposited on p-Si (100) 1–10 ohm sq with e-beam deposition in a CVC SC-5000 chamber having a Temescal STIH-2701 e-beam gun. The substrates were treated in 1% HF solution to remove native oxide before they were loaded into the chamber and pumped down to 5 × 10−6 Torr. However, the pressure increased significantly during evaporation, up to 10−5 Torr, suggesting that oxygen was removed from the ITO during the process. This was confirmed by the resulting dark and nontransparent samples. Annealing in air at 300 ◦ C for 30 min followed the deposition in order to reoxidize the samples. The In : Sn ratios (measured with XPS) in the target and the deposited films were 5 : 1 and 4 : 1, respectively. The ZnO films were grown on p-Si (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) using a ZnO target (American Elements, ∗ Correspondence to: S. Diplas, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Forskningsvn 1, O-0314, Oslo, Norway. E-mail: † Paper published as part of the ECASIA 2009 special issue. a SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Forskningsvn 1, O-0314, Oslo, Norway b SINTEFMaterialsandChemistry,Høgskoleringen 5,O-7465,Trondheim,Norway c Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Blindern, N-0316, Oslo, Norway c 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright Thin and ultrathin conducting oxide films Figure 1. TEM images of ZnO deposited at 500 ◦ C in O2 without (a) and after (b) Ar etching of the Si substrate; c) EDS line scan across the ZnO/Si interface in Fig. 1 b) and d) Si 2p HRXPS spectra of ultra thin films (3 nm) deposited at RT and at 500 ◦ C with and without Ar etching of the Si substrate. 99.999%). Prior to the PLD, the substrates were etched in 5% HF for 30 sec. On some of the substrates, before the ZnO deposition, a gentle argon ion milling was performed for 2 min inside the PLD chamber to further remove any remaining oxide. The films were grown using a KrF excimer laser at 248 nm wavelength (Lambda Physik LPX Pro 210i). The base pressure of the vacuum chamber before deposition was less than 1 × 10−6 Torr. Depositions were carried out at ambient temperature, or at 500 ◦ C, in the oxygen remaining base pressure or in 10−3 Torr oxygen atmosphere. Two film thicknesses were produced, 3–5 and 80 nm. The thinnest films allowed for direct investigation of the TCO-Si interface by XPS standard (zero angle of emission) and angle resolved (AR) mode. XPS was performed using a KRATOS AXIS ULTRA with monochromatic Al Ka radiation (hν = 1486.6 eV) at 15 kV and 10 mA. TEM was performed on a field emission gun TEM Jeol 2010F equipped with an EDS detector. DFT calculations were performed using the Vienna ab initio Simulation Package (VASP). Results and Discussion ZnO/p-type Si (100) interface Surf. Interface Anal. 2010, 42, 874–877 c 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright 875 Figures 1 a) and b) show HREM images of ZnO deposited at 500 ◦ C with (Fig. 1b)) and without (Fig. 1a)) Ar sputtering of the Si substrate, respectively, prior to deposition. High-resolution Si 2p XPS (HRXPS) spectra of ultrathin ZnO films treated at various conditions, in Fig. 1 d) show that the interfacial oxide is much thicker where the Si substrate was Ar-etched in the deposition chamber prior to deposition. The interfacial oxide is shown to be mixed Si-Zn oxide(s) by the broad peak at ∼102 eV in the Si 2p XPS spectra which corresponds to Si-Zn mixed oxide(s).[4,5] This is supported by the intermixing of the Si and Zn profiles in the line scan across the ZnO-Si interface shown in Fig. 1 c). It appears that there is a compositional gradient with a Zn-rich and a Si-rich side on the ZnO and Si-substrate side, respectively. This, combined with a contrast change in the interfacial oxide in Fig. 1 b) indicates that the interfacial oxide consists of two layers; a Zn-rich mixed oxide on the ZnO side of the interface, and a Si-rich mixed oxide on the Si side. The thickness of the interfacial oxide approximately defined by the distance between the two vertical broken lines in Fig. 1 c), is about 7–8 nm in agreement with the HREM image in Fig. 1 b). It should be mentioned that experimental conditions during EDS line scans like specimen drift (although drift compensation was applied) and carbon contamination can affect the sharpness of the profile. Owing to this we performed point analysis which confirmed mixing of Zn and Si in the oxide. Moreover, the XPS evidence (Fig. 1 d)) for existence of a Zn-Si oxide along the interface of the ultrathin films supports the presence of Si and Zn gradients in the interfacial oxide. In the absence of Ar etching (Fig. 1 a)) of the substrate prior to deposition, the oxide was much thinner (∼3 nm) for deposition in O2 , both at RT and at 500 ◦ C (comparison not shown here). EDS analysis (both point and line scans) on the interfacial oxide formed during RT deposition, look similar to that formed during deposition at 500 ◦ C. Considering the XPS results in Fig. 1 d), and with respect to the interfacial oxide formation between the thin films and the substrates, we can suggest that in the initial stages the oxide(s) formed between the Ar-etched substrate and the film is of mixed nature (Zn-Si oxide). Deposition at RT on non-Aretched substrate results in a negligible initial interfacial oxide S. Diplas et al. Figure 2. a) and b) HREM images of ITO e-beam deposited on p-Si(100), as-deposited and annealed at 300 ◦ C for 30 mins, respectively; c) EDS line scan across the interface in Fig. 2 b), showing chemical composition variation across the interface; and d) high-resolution Si 2p XPS of 3 nm ITO on p-type Si (001), as-deposited and after heat treatment, showing negligible Si-oxide at the interface and an increase in the interfacial oxide, respectively. in Si create vacancy-related complexes.[8,9] However, it is difficult to distinguish whether an amorphous Si-oxide forms before ZnO deposition, followed by a formation of a mixed amorphous Zn-Si oxide which is covered finally by ZnO, or an amorphous ZnO or Zn-Si mixed oxide forms from the first moments of deposition. Amorphization of the Si substrate due to Ar etching cannot be excluded.[10] ITO/p-type Si (001) interface Figure 3. Detail from an atomistic model of a ITO/p-Si interface before (left) and after (right) FP molecular dynamics for 1300 fs at 300 K. 876 formation with average oxidation state probably lower than 3+. Annealing promotes an oxidation state closer to 4+, as shown by the shift of the oxide to higher binding energy, whilst deposition at 500 ◦ C seems to promote a thicker (as shown by the XPS intensity) interfacial oxide close to SiO2 . It seems that the interfacial oxide thickness depends on the ZnO thickness, and for small ZnO thicknesses it depends on the deposition temperature. This indirectly supports the mixed nature of the interfacial oxide. The increase in the interfacial oxide thickness in the samples with Ar sputtering occurring prior to deposition is attributed to an increase of the surface roughness (more effective area subjected to oxidation)[6] and/or to the activation of dangling bonds induced by the Ar sputtering.[7] It has been also shown that noble gases Figures 2 a) and b) show HREM images of the ITO/p-Si (100) interface, in the as-deposited condition and after air annealing at 300 ◦ C for 30 min, respectively. Figure 2c) shows EDS line scan profiles across the interface in Fig. 2b). Figure 2d) shows Si 2p HRXPS spectra of ultrathin of the as-deposited and annealed ITO films. The as-deposited film was amorphous and became fully crystalline after annealing at 300 ◦ C for 30 minutes. During e-beam deposition in vacuum, a thin (∼2 nm) amorphous layer of Si containing oxide (not stoichiometric SiO2 as shown by XPS in Fig. 2d)) is formed at the Si–ITO interface, as a result of a redox reaction between In, Sn and O,[11] which is typical of ITO deposition with other methods.[1] Air annealing leads to the crystallization of the ITO layer, while the thickness of the interfacial amorphous layer increases and becomes less uniform than that of the as-deposited, possible due to further oxidation of Si during annealing. Figure 3 illustrates the mechanism of the oxidation as revealed by first principle molecular dynamics for 1300 fs at 300 K. Several Si- c 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright Surf. Interface Anal. 2010, 42, 874–877 Thin and ultrathin conducting oxide films Figure 4. a, b) XPS Sn 3d and O 1s spectra 3 nm from ITO on p-type Si (001) e-beam deposited, respectively and c) XPS VB spectra 3 nm ITO on p-type Si (001) e-beam deposited) showing presence of increase intensity (DOS) in the near EF region. O bonds are formed during the simulation, and one oxygen atom (marked with arrow) has started to move into the Si matrix. This may be regarded as the first step of oxidation of Si, leaving metallic Sn and In close to the interface. Since annealing was performed in air the oxygen vacancy is expected to be replaced during diffusion. A metal-rich interfacial layer has also been detected by SIMS in ITO/Si structure.[12] Effect of deposition on ITO oxidation state Figures 4a), b) and c) show Sn 3d, O 1s HRXPS and valence band XPS spectra of ultrathin ITO (3–5 nm) deposited on p-Si (100) (also representative for the 80 nm samples). The e-beam deposition in vacuum resulted in the presence of nonoxidized Sn and In (not shown) in the film. After air annealing, the films appear reoxidized and the XPS core level spectra (e.g. In Fig. 3 d)) obtain their normal asymmetry which is characteristic of the ITO.[13,14] ARXPS (not shown) showed that the presence of elemental Sn and In was more enhanced in the bulk of the film, due to expected reoxidation in the surface and near-surface areas. The presence of elemental Sn and In is attributed to partial reduction of ITO during evaporation in vacuum. The O 1s spectrum in Fig. 4 b) is also indicative of the influence of deposition and annealing on the oxidation state of the film. In ITO films the low binding energy O1s component (labeled as A) at ∼530 eV is attributed to oxygen in the oxide crystal, while the high binding energy one(s) (labeled as B) at ∼532 eV has been assigned to: (a) oxygen ions in oxygen-deficient regions, (b) oxygen atoms in an amorphous phase, (c) oxygen bound to Sn, (d) adsorbed oxygen species (Omx-) (e) hydroxyl groups associated to either adsorbed OH or In(OH)x, e.g.[15,16] Angle-resolved XPS data (not shown) suggested that adsorbed species did not have significant contribution to the presence of the high-binding energy shoulder. We suggest that the 532 eV component is attributed to the oxygen deficiency and the presence of the as-deposited amorphous ITO phase (Fig. 2 a) above). VB spectra in Fig. 4 d) show increased intensity in the near-EF region, presumably due to enhanced density of states (DOS) owing to presence of metallic Sn and/or In. Conclusion ZnO films deposited with PLD on p-Si (100) showed that Ar etching of the Si substrate prior to deposition dramatically increases the interfacial oxide thickness. The interfacial oxide, which seems to consist of a mixture of Si and Zn oxides, also increases in thickness for deposition at elevated temperatures compared to deposition at ambient conditions. Electron beam deposition of ITO on p-Si (001) produces an oxygen-deficient (Sn, In-rich) film which reoxidizes upon air annealing. Air annealing also causes a small increase in the interfacial ITO-Si oxide. References [1] A. G. Ulyashin, R. Job, M. Scherff, M. Gao, W. R. Fahrner, D. Lyebyedyev, N. Roos, H. C. Scheer, Thin Solid Films. 2002, 359, 403. [2] H. Kobayashi, T. Ishida, Y. Nakato, H. Tsubomura, J. Appl. Phys. 1991, 63, 1736. [3] J. M. Yuk, J. Y. Lee, J. H. Jung, D. U. Lee, T. W. Kim, D. I. Son, W. K. Choi, J. Appl. Phys. 2008, 103, 083520. [4] L. S. Dake, D. R. Baer, J. M. Zachara, Surf. 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