i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/he Atomistic study of LaNbO4; surface properties and hydrogen adsorption K. Hadidi a, R. Hancke b, T. Norby b, A.E. Gunnæs a, O.M. Løvvik a,c,* a Department of Physics, University of Oslo, FERMiO, Gaustadalleen 21, NO-0349 Oslo, Norway Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, FERMiO, Gaustadalleen 21, NO-0349 Oslo, Norway c SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Forskningsveien 1, NO-0314 Oslo, Norway b article info abstract Article history: We have calculated fundamental properties of pure and hydrogen-covered (010), (101), Received 29 November 2011 (100) and (001) surfaces of the low temperature monoclinic phase of LaNbO4 (LN). The (010) Received in revised form surface was the most stable one, exhibiting electronic structure and local geometric 13 January 2012 configurations similar to bulk. As the first stage of proton migration into the electrolyte, the Accepted 17 January 2012 ability of LN surfaces to split H2 molecules was probed indirectly by calculating the Available online 15 February 2012 adsorption energy of H atoms on two of the LN surfaces. H adsorption on the (010) surface was found to be strongly endothermic, and thus cannot contribute much in splitting H2. Keywords: The adsorption energy on the relatively unstable (101) surface was on the other hand LaNbO4 approximately 0.6 eV, in the right range for surface H2 to be catalyzed beneficially. H Density functional theory adsorption on this surface was induced by surface states in the band gap of the clean Surface energy surface. Since the unstable (101) surface is not abundant, the rate of dissociative adsorption Hydrogen adsorption of H2 on the LN surface can be anticipated to be very low. Application of the energies to simple adsorption isotherm calculations for typical proton conducting fuel cells (PCFCs) operating temperatures correspondingly showed very low H coverage, and it is not expected that LaNbO4 surfaces can contribute much to the H2 activation reaction of a PCFC anode. Copyright ª 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Ceramic ion conducting materials find potential applications in many important energy conversion technologies such as fuel cells. In solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) depending on the type of ions responsible for the charge transport (e.g. oxide ions or protons) and on the general properties of the electrolyte, a variety of fuel cell operating conditions and functions can be obtained. In principle, proton conducting fuel cells (PCFCs) can provide more efficient fuel utilization than oxide ion conducting solid oxide fuel cells, since water is produced at the cathode side so that the fuel is not diluted at the anode side. Furthermore, water vapor production at the anode side of the SOFCs reduces the cell voltage and can also cause metal components in the anode to oxidize [1]. Perovskite-structured doped barium cerates are state of the art proton conducting electrolytes with excellent proton conductivities in the order of 0.01 S cm1 [2e5]. The application of these compounds suffers, however, from their decomposition by reaction with acidic gases such as CO2. The efficiency of Ba zirconates is also affected by their high grain boundary resistance. More recent proton conducting * Corresponding author. SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Forskningsveien 1, NO-0314 Oslo, Norway. E-mail address: o.m.lovvik@fys.uio.no (O.M. Løvvik). 0360-3199/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.01.065 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 materials are the rare-earth ortho-niobates and tantalates [6]. The highest proton conductivity in this class has been reported for acceptor-doped LaNbO4 (LN); w0.001 S cm1 at 950 C in wet atmospheres [7]. Despite this moderate proton transport, LN is still of interest as a model electrolyte in proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells due to its chemical stability towards CO2 under operating conditions and has been investigated with respect to thermodynamics and mobility of protons, dopants and defects [8e11]. A number of other advantageous properties besides proton transport are also found in LN, such as blue and ultraviolet emission when being excited by X-Ray radiation [12]. It also exhibits dielectric microwave properties which have been associated with the ferroelasticity of LN in its monoclinic phase [13,14]. In order to have proton transport through PCFCs the hydrogen molecule should be adsorbed dissociatively at a surface. This can occur at the surfaces of heterogeneous catalysts such as Pt or Ni through the anode, where H2 enters to the fuel cell operational system. To increase the functionality of the anodes, they are made in the form of cermets containing Ni and a ceramic phase which is the same as the implemented electrolyte. Therefor it is also interesting to investigate the interaction of H2 in gas phase directly with the surface of the proton conducting membrane. Furthermore, a thorough understanding of the oxide surfaces and their interaction with hydrogen is essential to analyze the physical phenomena taking place, when hydrogen moves at the electrolyte-electrode and electrolyte-gas interfaces and also the triple phase boundary of an electrode. We have investigated such issues in a recent paper [15]. In the present work we have calculated the detailed electronic and geometric properties of the perfect, low index (001), (010), (100) and (101) surfaces of LN. Also, the ability of the (010) and (101) surfaces to dissociate and adsorb H2, as a model system of oxide surface interactions in a PCFC, has been investigated. The possibility for hydrogen to donate its electron locally when interacting with surfaces of LN grains were also clarified. To support the interpretation of our studies, simple thermodynamic considerations were applied to quantify the hydrogen coverage at finite temperatures. LN has a monoclinic fergusonite type structure at low temperature and transforms into a tetragonal scheelite type structure between 490 C and 525 C [16]. Although it is in the tetragonal state at typical operating temperatures, we chose to study the monoclinic phase (Fig. 1) in order to remain consistent with the calculations which were performed at 0 K. We expect that the results should not deviate much from those of the tetragonal phase since the surface properties are primarily determined by the local bonding configurations at the surface, which are similar in both polymorphs. All calculations were performed on perfect LN surfaces. However, acceptor doped materials are usually used as electrolyte in PCFCs in order to increase the mobility of protons. This results in oxygen vacancies as structural defects with the potential to affect the electronic and geometric structure of the electrolyte even near the surface. This is beyond the scope of this study, but we nevertheless believe that our calculations are highly relevant for the first part of the process in which hydrogen gas is transported to the LN surface and converted to protons. 6675 Fig. 1 e The bulk structure of LaNbO4. Yellow (bright), green (dark), and orange (small) balls designate Nb, La, and O atoms, respectively. The shaded surface specifies the (100) plane and the dashed contour presents one layer of the structure including one formula unit. Four oxygen atoms participate in a tetrahedral construction with Nb at the center; this has been shown as a shaded tetrahedron in the figure. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 2. Computational method The computations were based on plane wave density functional theory using the Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP) [17,18]. In all calculations, we utilized the generalized gradient approximation within the PerdeweBurkeeErnzerhof (PBE-GGA) scheme [18,19]. The projector augmented wave (PAW) method was employed to treat the core regions [20,21]. To set the partial occupancies [22e24] for density of states (DOS) and highly accurate total energy calculations we used the tetrahedron method with Blöchl corrections [25,26]; otherwise Gaussian smearing was employed [27]. Close to the local minimum, geometry optimization was implemented using the residual minimization scheme with direct inversion in the iterative subspace (RMM-DIIS) [28], whereas the conjugate gradient algorithm [29] was chosen when relaxation started from a position far from the local minimum. The relaxation procedure was applied to the bulk structure and slabs until the forces on all unconstrained atoms were less than 0.05 eV/Å. Soft potentials [20,21], which only treat the electrons in the outermost shells as valence electrons, were utilized for all calculations after confirming that the results 6676 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 did not change significantly when including additional valence electrons. Thus the valence electrons were 5s25p66s25d1 for La, 4p65s24d3 for Nb and 2s22p4 for O. The numerical parameters were chosen to obtain convergence of the total energy within 1 meV per unit cell. A MonkhorstePack k-point grid with minimum density corresponding to a k-point distance of 0.16 Å1 and a cutoff energy equal to 850 eV were found to be necessary to evaluate the total electronic energy within 1 meV per unit cell. In the vacuum direction of slabs only the gamma point was used. Since the calculated forces converged to within 0.1 eV/Å using a cutoff energy of 450 eV, we applied this value to relax the structures. LN is nonmagnetic in the ground state, so no spin-polarization was taken into account in the bulk calculations. It was also clarified, that spin-polarization does not affect on the calculated energies for the slabs. To calculate local density of states, empirical covalent radii of 1.69, 1.37 and 0.73 Å were chosen as WignereSeitz radii for La, Nb and O, respectively [30]. To ensure that the electron density of slabs tails off to zero in the vacuum and that the top of one slab has negligible effect on the bottom of the next, a vacuum layer of at least 10 Å was applied to make the slab structures. To quantify zero point energy corrections of the adsorbed H atoms, the Hessian matrix was calculated and diagonalized to find the normal modes and energies for localized vibrations of hydrogen ad-atoms in the most stable binding sites. The Hessian matrix for the BorneOppenheimer potential energy surface was estimated numerically using a finite difference approximation. Hydrogen atoms were then moved around the local minimum with a displacement of 0.1 Å in each direction. All the other atoms in the slabs model were constrained at their positions. We used the conventional bulk unit cell [31] with four formula units in our calculations (Fig. 1). In the slab models, each layer contained one formula unit in the (010) plane, while the slabs in the (101), (001), and (100) planes contained two formula units per layer (Fig. 2). All the results presented in this work were produced with slabs containing the correct stoichiometry, that is, without adding or removing oxygen at the surface. Tests of slabs with excess oxygen did not show improved stability and were not considered any further. 3. Results 3.1. Bulk geometric structure The experimental lattice parameters and atomic coordinates presented by Tsunekawa et al. [31] were utilized for the initialization of the structural relaxation. The bulk unit cell was relaxed with respect to ionic positions and cell size and shape simultaneously. The resulting calculated lattice parameters and atomic sites accompanied by previously published GGA based results of Kuwabara et al. [11] are shown in Table 1. In comparison with the experimental values, the calculated lattice constants are overestimated by 1.2, 1.3 and 0.4% and the monoclinic g angle is underestimated by 0.5%. As a result, the cell volume is overestimated by almost 3%, compared to a corresponding 4% overestimation of the cell volume in the preceding calculations. Furthermore, all errors in the atomic coordinates are less than 2%, as compared to 3% of the previously reported values. The modest discrepancy between the two sets of DFT results can be ascribed to differences in numerical parameters, numerical noise or different starting geometries. Since the DFT calculations are valid at 0 K and the experiments are taken at room temperature, we can expect that the discrepancy between theory and experiment is somewhat larger if temperature were taken into account. Fig. 2 e Upper panels: Side view of 4 layers relaxed slabs representing the specified surfaces. The surface direction is upwards in the paper plane. Lower panels: Top view of the same slabs. The atoms are represented in the same manner as in Fig. 1. 6677 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 0.8 O2,16f This work Kuwabara et al.b 5.20 11.52 5.56 94.09 332.99 0.62292 0.1036 0.2376, 0.0334, 0.0564 0. 1460, 0.2042, 0.4888 5.26 11.67 5.58 93.65 343.51 0.629 0.105 0.241, 0.033, 0.055 0.145, 0.205, 0.491 5.38 11.69 5.49 91.20 345.52 0.626 0.118 0.246, 0.037, 0.080 0.157, 0.209, 0.495 a Ref. [31]. b Ref. [11]. 3.2. displacement (Å) a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) a(degrees) Volume (Å3) La,4e (0,y,0.25) Nb,4e(0,y,0.25) O1,16f Experimental (293 K)a 101 - 4layer 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extending coordinate (Å) 0.3 010 - 4 layers displacement (Å) Table 1 e Equilibrium lattice constants, volume and atomic coordinates for monoclinic LaNbO4 (space group I2/c). 0.2 0.1 Slab geometric structure To make the slab models, we used the relaxed bulk unit cell as the starting point; this we call the bulk cut slabs (Fig. 2). When relaxing the surfaces there are three possibilities. One is to relax a number of layers on one side and keep the remaining layers fixed at the bulk positions. This approach defines an asymmetric slab [32]; layers on one side are relaxed to mimic the surface, while layers on the other side are kept fixed to mimic continuation into the bulk. An important potential problem of an asymmetric slab model is that this may generate an electrostatic dipole. Another alternative is to describe the surface using a symmetric model where atoms in the middle layers are fixed at their bulk geometries and the layers above and below are allowed to relax. This avoids the formation of artificial dipoles, but makes it necessary to include a relatively large number of layers; this can be computationally intensive for complicated structures like that of LaNbO4. The third option, which was chosen in this work, is to allow all atoms in the slab to be relaxed. This has many features common with the second approach above, except the restriction on the middle atoms. This can also serve as a test of whether we have included a sufficient number of layers in the slab models: If this is the case, we expect that the middle layers are very close to the bulk geometry after relaxation. This is illustrated for the (010) and (101) four layers slabs in Fig. 3. It can be seen that for both these slabs, very small displacements occur in the middle of slabs, whereupon four layers are sufficient to evaluate surface properties in these surfaces. Although LN is known to be an ionic oxide, the studied surfaces are nonpolar and also neutral since each slab layer is stoichiometric and the number of cations and anions in both terminations of the slabs is the same. The force minimizations could not be completed for the (001) and (100) surfaces, as significant forces always remained despite various efforts to relax the structures. As shown in the next section, these surfaces are considerably less stable than the two others, when using un-relaxed surface structures to assess the surface stability. This instability explains the difficulty to converge the forces for the (100) and (001) surfaces. 0 0 5 10 15 Extending coordinate (Å) Fig. 3 e Displacement of atoms due to relaxation of the slab models, shown here as a function of the slab depth (the “extending coordinate” is perpendicular to the slab plane) for a four layers slab of the (010) surface (lower panel) and a four layers slab of the (101) surface (upper panel). The minimum atomic displacements in the middle represent typical bulk behavior. The relaxed interatomic distances are summarized in Table 2. The small unit cell size of the slabs does not allow any surface reconstructions, so this possibility cannot be excluded by our study. Some variations in the interatomic distances do occur, as shown in Table 2, but they cannot be taken as reconstructions. We first note that all the minimum interatomic distances between metal and oxygen atoms in the slabs are smaller than those in the bulk. Inspecting the relaxed slab structures reveals that these short bonds are all placed between the surface oxygen atoms and surface-subsurface metal atoms. At the same time, we can see an increase of the bond lengths between the subsurface metal and oxygen atoms. Surface oxygen atoms have lost some of their bonds, and therefore strengthen their bonds with the remaining surface-subsurface metal atoms; at the same time the oxygen bonds with the subsurface metal atoms are elongated. Predictably, this change of interatomic distances is more pronounced in the less stable surfaces. As an example, the difference between maximum and minimum distances of LaeO is 13% for the most stable (010) surface, as compared to 4% in the bulk. This difference is increased to 27% for the less stable (101) surface. Similarly, the spread of the other interatomic distances is significantly larger for the (101) surface than for the (010) surface. In most of the cases the spread is 6678 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 Table 2 e Interatomic distances in Å for the relaxed bulk unit cell and slabs of monoclinic LaNbO4. The minimum and maximum distances within the first coordination shells are listed. Minimum LaeO NbeO LaeNb LaeLa NbeNb LaeO NbeO LaeNb LaeLa NbeNb 2.476 2.320 2.124 1.879 1.850 1.810 3.727 3.730 3.470 3.973 3.988 3.657 3.607 3.696 3.330 2.547 2.621 2.702 1.940 1.930 1.963 3.971 3.967 3.963 4.004 3.995 4.057 4.384 4.151 4.112 smallest in the bulk, but in some cases it is even smaller for the (010) surface. These results are consistent with the surface energy calculations of the next section, showing that the (010) surface is the most stable one. The minimum LaeO bond at the (101) surface is 14% smaller than that of the bulk. This reflects a very strong interaction between oxygen and lanthanum at this surface which we will return to when presenting density of states (DOS) calculations. 3.3. Surface stability Surface energies (s) were calculated by comparing the total energy of the slab with the bulk energy multiplied with the number of layers in the slab through the relationship: s¼ 1 EN NEBulk 2A Slab (1) Here ENSlab is the energy of a slab with N layers, A is the surface area, and EBulk is the bulk energy [33,34]. It has been shown that Eq. (1) diverges linearly as N increases when EBulk is taken from a true bulk calculation. The solution to this problem is to utilize a linear fit method in which the quantity EBulk is calculated from a linear fit to the slabs’ cohesive energies versus N. To make sure that we could obtain convergence using this method, the variation of computed surface energies s versus the number of layers for relaxed (101) and (010) and un-relaxed (001) and (100) surfaces was plotted in Fig. 4. It is evident that the energies are relatively well converged already at three layers, the very unstable (100) surface being an exception. We also note that many of the slabs exhibit an oscillating behavior, with odd and even numbers of layers converging to different values. A notable example of this is the (010) slab, which converges to 0.76 and 0.63 J/m2 for the even- and odd-numbered slabs, respectively. The explanation of this behavior is the different symmetry of every second layer, leading to different geometrical configurations of odd and even numbered layers. Calculated surface energies for different layers of relaxed and un-relaxed slabs are summarized in Table 3. As is also shown in Fig. 4, these values establish the (010) surface as the most stable one with the lowest surface energy. Since the (100) and (001) surfaces are nonpolar and neutral, their considerable instability can be attributed to a large number of dangling bonds. From Table 3 it can be also concluded that the change in surface energies due to geometry optimization is larger for the less stable (101) surface (34e40%) than for the (010) surface (1e25%). Since the relaxation process was successful only for the two more stable surfaces, we chose them for the following analysis. 3.4. bulk Electronic structure of the LN clean surfaces and The total density of states of the tetragonal and monoclinic phases of LN has previously been calculated for the bulk by Arai et al. [35]. The calculated total (DOS) and local (LDOS) density of states of the LN bulk and the (010) and (101) four layers slabs are shown in Fig. 5. The LDOS of slabs were projected on the surface and subsurface atoms and only the most important valence orbitals have been included. The energy is defined relative to the Fermi level, which by default is placed at the valence band maximum. We have shifted the energy of the (101) slab so that the conduction band minimum matches that of LN bulk; this makes it easier to compare the DOS plots. The band gap of the relaxed bulk unit cell was here found to be 3.6 eV, which agrees reasonably well with 3.8 eV found by Arai et al. Compared to the experimental value (4.8 eV), the calculated band gap is considerably underestimated, which is typical for standard DFT calculations at the GGA level. Our aim in this paper is primarily to compare the electronic structure of surfaces to that of the bulk, so the absolute value of the band gap is not crucial. 001 100 re-010 re-101 4 Surface Energy (eV) Bulk (010) (101) Maximum 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 Number of layers Fig. 4 e Convergence behavior of the surface energies for different surfaces of lanthanum niobate. In the [010] direction the surface energy converges to different values for odd and even layers. Refer to the text for the method of calculating the surface energy. The (010) and (101) surfaces are relaxed, while the others are kept fixed at the bulk cut structure. 6679 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 Table 3 e The calculated surface energy s of low index surfaces of monoclinic LaNbO4 in J/m2. s (J/m2) Relaxed (010) Relaxed (101) Un-relaxed (101) Un-relaxed (010) Un-relaxed (001) Un-relaxed (100) 2 layers 3 layers 4 layers 5 layers 6 layers 7 layers 0.74 0.64 e 0.54 2.04 3.95 2.13 0.76 1.3 0.70 1.98 3.74 2.27 0.63 1.2 0.62 1.96 3.4 2.19 0.76 1.3 0.91 1.92 2.92 2.16 0.63 e 0.84 e e e 0.75 1.94 3.35 2.63 A comparison of the band gap for the (010) slab and the bulk shows that they are virtually the same, while the band gap is slightly decreased for the (101) surface due to a new band. This sharp, strong and non-dispersed band is located at the upper 0.5 eV of the valence band. Note that the energy levels of this surface were 0.5 eV shifted as explained in the figure caption. The surface LDOS plots show that the energy bands above 3.5 eV of the conduction band for bulk and the (010) slab, primarily consist of Nb 4d with a contribution of La 4f and 5d. There are also traces of La 6s and Nb 5s orbitals in the conduction band, but to a much smaller degree. The band close to the Fermi level of the (101) surface which is responsible for the band gap reduction as discussed above is constructed from overlap of La s and d with O p orbitals. In order to interpret this special band, the density of states of O p and La s and d orbitals projected at the (101) subsurface sites were also plotted. The density of these energy states is slightly reduced for the La s and d orbitals, while a significant reduction is seen for the O p orbital. The reduced DOS of this band when going from the surface to the subsurface combined with its presence at the band gap of the (101) surface strongly suggest that these states are surface states. A pure surface state is generally located in a projected band gap and its wave function decays exponentially to zero in the bulk. In the case of semiconductors, such states are usually due to dangling covalent bonds at the surface [36]. The relaxed interatomic distances within the (101) surface (Table 2) affirm stronger bonding between surface oxygen atoms and lanthanum atoms located both at the surface and in the subsurface layer. Hence, La d and s and O p orbitals participate to construct the surface states. Turning to the valence bands, they extend continuously from the Fermi level down to 4 eV for both the (010) surface (101) slab bulk La-s,subsurface (010) slab La-s, surface 0.1 La-d, surface 0.4 0.0 O-p,surface O-p, subsurface 4 0 Nb-d, surface 6 La-f, surface 3 0 (States/eV.cell) LDOS (states/eV.atom) 0.0 0.8 La-d, subsurface Nb-s, surface 0.2 0.0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Energy (eV) 2 3 4 5 80 0 DOS -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Energy (eV) Fig. 5 e Comparison between the electronic structure of the (010) and (101) slabs and bulk. Local density of states was projected onto the top-most atoms, except the O 2p and La s and d orbitals which also have been plotted for the subsurface of (101) slab either. The latter plots have been specified by “subsurface” in their labels. The Fermi levels of bulk and the (010) surface are shown by the vertical dotted line, while that of the (101) surface is shown by vertical solid line. The energy levels of the (101) surface were shifted by 0.5 eV to match the conduction band levels of this surface with those of the bulk. 6680 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 and bulk. Nb s and d as well as La s and d orbitals participate in the valence bands below 1 eV. The O p states contribute to the entire valence bands. The very unstable (100) and (001) surfaces could not be relaxed. Thus the DOS of these surfaces have not been included, since geometry optimization is essential for a precise calculation of density of states. But it can be mentioned that the band gaps for these un-relaxed surfaces completely disappeared due to appearance of the surface states. This confirms a large number of dangling bonds at these surfaces (as already remarked in Section 3.3), which means that these surfaces will likely not exist in reality. 3.5. Hydrogen adsorption As demonstrated in Section 3.2, a four-layer slab is sufficient to reliably assess surface properties for the (010) and (101) surfaces. Hence hydrogen adsorption calculations were performed using these slab models. At each stage, One H atom was placed on the 1 1 surface model, which corresponds to the one monolayer H coverage. The limited size of the surface unit cell can lead to repulsion between the periodically distributed hydrogen atoms; we therefore repeated some of our calculations using a larger surface unit cell, which approaches a lower H coverage. The dimensions of the surface models and also the results of calculations are shown in Table 4. The adsorption energy of a H atom from the gas phase is defined as: Eads ¼ EH=slab Eslab 1 EH ðgÞ 2 2 (2) where EH/slab and Eslab are the total energies of the slab models with and without the H adsorbate, respectively and EH2 ðgÞ is the calculated total electronic energy of a hydrogen molecule. For H2, the binding energy defined as EðgÞ 2E (subtracting the energy of H atoms) was found to be 4.52 eV from our calculations. It is somewhat higher than the experimental value of 4.75 eV but comparable with typical results from GGA based calculations [37]. Since the LaNbO4 surfaces display quite complicated structures, we considered a large number of possible adsorption sites, depicted in Fig. 6. Adsorption energies were calculated moving H atom in steps of 0.2 Å from the surface to the vacuum, thus creating a 3D potential energy surface (PES). The minimum of this PES was used as input to a relaxation of all degrees of freedom, including the LN atoms. This was done to avoid ending up in a local minimum, and is expected to be a robust procedure to search for the global minimum of an adsorbate on such a complicated surface. The widths of the potential energy curves of adsorbed H atoms are quite different; one can thus expect significant effects from the vibrational energies of the very light hydrogen atom. We therefore calculated zero point energy (ZPE) corrections of the most stable sites in order to provide more realistic adsorption energies. By adding two terms to Eq. (2), the contribution of vibrational energies in the H adsorption energy can be obtained: Eads ¼ EH=slab Eslab 1 1 ZPE EH ðgÞ þ EZPE E H=slab 2 2 2 H2 (3) ZPE Here, the additional terms EZPE H=slab and ð1=2ÞEH2 are zero point energies of the adsorbed H atom and gas phase H2 molecule, respectively. The ground state vibrational energy for H2 (g) was evaluated to be 0.55 eV, which agrees well with the experimental value (0.516 eV) [38,39]. The zero point corrections for the H adsorbate at the (010) and (101) surfaces were found to be 0.32 and 0.337 eV, respectively, which shows the significance of ZPE corrections for this sort of calculations (Table 4). From Fig. 7, we find that the most stable site for H at the (010) surface is above the surface oxygen atoms (the labels 6 and 7 in Fig. 6). The optimal adsorption energy of H above a (010) surface oxygen atom is approximately 2.1 eV. This value decreases by almost 1.2 eV when all the atoms of the surface are allowed to relax (Table 4). The final adsorption energy with ZPE correction for the most stable site of this surface is 1.5 eV, which clearly signifies that H adsorption is not stable at the pure and perfect (010) surface. This is probably an effect of the high stability of this surface, which gives poor possibilities for bonding interactions. The most stable position of H at this surface is illustrated in Fig. 8. For the (101) surface, the most stable sites are above the two oxygen atoms labeled 1 and 3 and also the interstitial site between O8 and La2 (Fig. 6). From the (101) surface density of states, the surface energy levels within the band gap are due to hybridization of the O p and La d states. These states participate significantly in the charge density distribution at the solidvacuum interface and also contribute to physical processes at the surface. We can therefore expect that the most stable sites lie in the vicinity of the O and La atoms responsible for the surface states (for instance between O8 and La2 in Fig. 6). After force minimization of the H adsorbed surface model, the lowest adsorption energy was found for hydrogen, residing in the binding site between the topmost surface O and subsurface La (labeled as “O3” and “subsurface” in Fig. 8). We see from Table 4 that the most stable site on the (101) surface exhibits negative adsorption energy (0.96 eV) when the ZPE corrections have not been applied. This value is Table 4 e Characteristics of hydrogen adsorbed at the most stable sites of the rigid (Ri) and relaxed (Re) (010) and (101) surfaces. The hydrogen height above the surface (h) and surface unit cell dimensions are given in Å, and the energies are shown in eV/atom. Surface (101) (010) O2 O2-like (010) surface Surface unit cell size (Å) H (Å) Eads, Ri-surface (eV) Eads, Re-surface (eV) Eads þ ZPE (eV) 7.92, 11.67 5.56, 5.2 7.92, 7.43 1.89 1.48 1.48 1.94 2.08 3.33 0.96 1.175 1.167 0.64 1.512 1.456 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 6681 Fig. 6 e Top view of the 2 3 2 (010) and 1 3 1 (101) surfaces of LaNbO4. The surface atoms are signed with numerical labels. Interstitial sites at the surface as well as sites above the topmost metal and oxygen atoms were chosen as the possible adsorption sites. The labels of the interstitial sites, shown in the figure, designate the surrounding surface atoms. increased to 0.41 eV when applying the ZPE correction, but still remains negative. The difference between the H binding energies for the most stable sites of the (101) and (010) surfaces is more than 2 eV, which clearly demonstrates that adsorption can be strongly affected by surface (in-)stability. As already mentioned, we checked the effect of the surface unit cell size by repeating some of the calculations with a larger unit cell model for the (010) surface. We chose to study the O2 O2-like surface unit cell with 48 atoms including one surface H atom, which gives a hydrogen coverage 1/2 monolayer. From Table 4, we find that the change of adsorption energy arising from the limited surface unit cell size is in the order of 102 eV. We can thus safely neglect such contributions to our results. This conclusion can be extended to the (101) surface, since the size of the (101) surface unit cell is larger than that in the O2 O2-like (010) surface model. The nearest neighbors of hydrogen adsorbate at the (010) and (101) surfaces are tabulated in Table 5. It is shown that the interatomic distance between adsorbed H and nearest surface O is 0.98 Ǻ for both the (010) and (101) surfaces of LN. This is a typical value for the OeH bond length in solids where the H atom has a formal charge of þ1. Since in this study the application of LN as a proton conducting membrane is emphasized, it would be interesting to investigate where the electron of adsorbed hydrogen atom is located. The DOS plots in Fig. 9 present how the Fermi levels of Fig. 7 e Hydrogen adsorption energy as a function of height above surface. This height was measured from the lower surface metal atom (Nb in the case of the (101) surface and La for the (010) surface). Adsorption sites with high energies are not shown. The red squares designate the final energy for the most stable site after geometry optimization of the surface. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 6682 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 Fig. 8 e The relaxed (010) and (101) surfaces of LN including the most stable H at its optimized sites. the clean (010) and (101) surfaces move from the VBM, next to the CBM when H is adsorbed. As clearly exhibited in the insets of the hydrogenated slabs, the conduction band has a tail around 0.1 eV into the valence band. The band which causes the conduction band to stretch below the Fermi level can be attributed to the H electron added to the LN electronic structure. To clarify the localization of the H electron we performed band decomposed calculations in the relevant range of energies across the Fermi level. Fig. 10 presents the spatial distribution of the charge density in the mentioned energy range for the (010) and (101) surfaces. The delocalization of the H electron is evident from this figure. We see that for the less stable (101) surface with a stable hydrogen atom, the hydrogen atom has donated its electron completely. For the most stable (010) surface, the unstable H atom has conversely a partial share of its delocalized electron. This band can thus be regarded as a possible contribution to an external electronic circuit, forming the basis of a proton conducting fuel cell. It can be also concluded that hydrogenation of the LN surfaces can result in electron conductivity at these surfaces. In order to investigate the influence of surface hydrogenation on the surface stability, we have compared the change of energy per unit of surface area for the clean slab models when adsorbing one monolayer hydrogen atom at the surface: DEsurface ¼ EH=slab Eslab A (4) Table 5 e The interatomic distances d in Ǻ between adsorbed H and its nearest neighbors at the most stable sites of the fully covered (010) and (101) surfaces. d (Å) (101), O3 top (010), O6 top OeH LaeH NbeH 0.973 2.791 3.260 0.972 3.188 2.616 Although this is not a complete calculation of the adsorbent surface energy, it may provide useful insight into the final H adsorption, since it quantifies the surface stability after H adsorption. Our calculations concluded that DEsurface ¼ 0.076 and 0.046 eV/Å2 for the hydrogen covered (010) and (101) surfaces, respectively. The difference between the stability of the two surfaces is thus significantly reduced upon hydrogen adsorption, but the (010) surface is still the most stable one. 3.6. Entropy consideration Under real operating conditions, the effect of temperature and entropy on dissociative hydrogen adsorption may be estimated by applying a simple Langmuir adsorption isotherm [40]: 1 DSads DHads P2H2 exp 2R 2RT qH ¼ 1 DSads DHads 2 1 þ PH2 exp 2R 2RT (5) Here qH and DSads designate the surface hydrogen atom coverage and the standard change in entropy by dissociative hydrogen adsorption, respectively. DHads is the standard change in enthalpy upon adsorption, and is in this case equal to the calculated Eads. DSads is defined as the difference between the molar entropy of gaseous H2 at a standard pressure of 1 bar and the total molar entropy of two adsorbed hydrogen atoms: DSads ¼ 2SH;ads SH2 ðgÞ . For chemisorption e which we consider here e the adsorbed H atoms are expected to be localized and immobile, and the only important contribution to SH,ads is that associated with vibrational motion. Furthermore, given the small change in SH2 ðgÞ with temperature (between 500 and 800 C, SH2 ðgÞ goes from 160 to 170 J mol1 K1 [41]), and restricting ourselves to low H coverage, we can assume that DSads is independent of both coverage and temperature. 6683 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 DOS ( states/eV cell) 100 200 clean (010) slab 50 100 0 -5 60 DOS ( states/eV cell) clean (101) slab -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 -5 120 -4 -3 -2 -1 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 -6 -5 -4 2 3 4 5 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0 -7 1 H-adsorbed (101) slab H-adsorbed (010) slab -8 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Energy (eV) 2 0 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Energy (eV) Fig. 9 e The electronic structure of the clean and H adsorbed (010) and (101) slabs. In order to demonstrate density of states around the Fermi level, they are shown in the insets within a limited range of energy next to the Fermi level. DSads cannot easily be calculated without performing tedious phonon calculations beyond the scope of this work. We can nevertheless estimate numerical values of DSads by using a general guiding rule shown to be valid for both dissociative and non-dissociative adsorption: 41:8 DSads 51:0 0:0014,DHads [42], where DSads and DHads are given in J mol1 K1 and kJ mol1, respectively. Inserting the calculated adsorption enthalpy for the (101) surface of 59.8 kJ mol1 Fig. 10 e Side view of the isosurfaces from the band decomposed charge density calculations for the H adsorbed (101) (left side) and (010) (right side) surfaces across the Fermi level. Isosurface levels for the (101) and (010) surfaces correspond to 0.0002 e/Å3 and 0.001 e/Å3. 6684 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 (0.64 eV), the adsorption entropy should then be less negative than 135 J mol1 K1. The guiding rule requires exothermic adsorption energies, and does thus not apply for the (010) surface which has an endothermic enthalpy of adsorption. In Fig. 11 the coverage on the (101) surface at 1 atm H2 is plotted as a function of temperature for two different values of DSads, arbitrarily chosen within the window permitted by the guiding rule. The coverage is plotted on a logarithmic scale in order to get a better picture of the temperature dependency of the coverage when it approaches zero. The hydrogen coverage decreases with increasing temperature and a more negative adsorption entropy. As an example, DSads ¼ 120 J mol1 K1 would result in a coverage between 0.5 and 0.08 at temperatures relevant for fuel cell operation, i.e. 500e800 C. 4. Discussion We have demonstrated that the LN (010) surface, which is the most stable one, is repulsive towards hydrogen adsorption. The less stable (101) surface can on the other hand adsorb H exothermically. The H adsorption energy at this surface is comparable to what is found for good heterogeneous hydrogenation catalysts [43]. If this trend is general, we can expect that even less stable surfaces like the (100) or (001) surfaces exhibit yet stronger hydrogen receptivity. We should keep in mind that the surfaces with high stability are more abundant than the less stable ones, which means that the number of sites with hydrogen adsorption energy beneficial for hydrogen splitting is probably very low. This result can be generalized since the order of stability was found not to be affected by hydrogenation of the surfaces; the less stable but more recipient surface remained at a higher energy level than the most stable one. All in all, this suggests that when hydrogen atoms are oxidized to protons log θ 1 0.1 ΔSads = -120 J mol K -1 -1 on the anode of a fuel cell with LN-based electrolyte, the hydrogen gas would proceed through surfaces of an electron conducting material (e.g. Ni) rather than through the surface of the LN ceramic component. Similarly, a hydrogen pump or steam electrolyzer would have to distribute the hydrogen atoms reduced from protons through the surface of the electron conducting material in order for efficient dehydrogenation to take place. 5. Conclusions We have predicted the surface energy of different lowindex surfaces of monoclinic lanthanum niobate (LN) based on density functional theory calculations. The lowest surface energy was found to be 0.63 J/m2, for the (010) surface. This was supported by small variation of the electronic structure and of the relaxed interatomic distances at the (010) surface compared to the bulk. In comparison, the less stable (101) surface with a surface energy of 1.3 J/m2 was significantly modified relative to the bulk, when relaxing the slab model. It was furthermore shown that surface states located in the band gap of this surface contributed to making the surface more reactive. These states consisted of O p orbitals with a small contribution of La d and s orbitals. Consequently, the most stable binding site for hydrogen at the (101) surface was found in the neighborhood of the uppermost O and subsurface La atoms. The calculated energy for splitting and adsorbing of H2 was 0.64 eV at the most receptive site of the (101) surface. The corresponding adsorption energy for the most stable (010) surface was 1.5 eV; this surface is thus not accessible for H. The distance between the H adsorbate and surface O is 0.98 Å on both the LN surfaces we studied, which closely resembles the typical OeH bond length in bulk materials where H has a formal charge of þ1. This strongly indicates that the H atoms are ionized to protons already at the LN surface. It is also shown that the hydrogen’s electron is delocalized and consequently has the possibility to take part in an external electronic circuit which is required for proton conducting fuel cells. Since the (101) surface has significantly higher surface energy than the (010) one, the overall accessible surface area for hydrogen interaction will exhibit a very small share of (101) and similar surfaces. We can therefore expect that in the anode cermet of LN-based electrolyte proton conducting fuel cells, the average LN surface is incapable of efficient splitting of hydrogen molecule from the gas phase. ΔSads = - 80 J mol K -1 400 -1 800 1200 T (K) Fig. 11 e A logarithmic plot of the H coverage q estimated theoretically on the (101) surface of monoclinic LaNbO4 as a function of temperature with DSads of L120 and L80 J molL1 KL1. These values represent the lower and upper limits of DSads, so the real values would be in between the two curves. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank the Norwegian Research Council for financial support and the NOTUR consortium for computational resources. This study was a part of the NANIONET project under the NANOMAT program; Project number: 182065/S10. i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 6 7 4 e6 6 8 5 references [1] Norby T. Proton conductivity in perovskite oxides. In: Ishihara T, editor. Perovskite oxide for solid oxide fuel cells. US: Springer; 2009. p. 217e41. [2] Iwahara H, Uchida H, Ono K, Ogaki K. Proton conduction in sintered oxides based on BaCeO3. 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