I have 2 possible projects for this summer (2016): 1) Red-­‐noise-­‐based EEMD (Ensemble Empirical Mode DecomposiEon) Fields: Numerical Analysis, MathemaEcal Modeling Pre-­‐req: Basic numerical analysis / scienEfic compuEng, basic skill in coding (we'll be working in Matlab), basic staEsEcs (preference for Eme series analysis) This is primarily a numerical analysis project with applicaEon to the analysis of dynamical system simulaEons. Empirical Mode DecomposiEon (EMD) is a relaEvely new Eme series analysis technique; Ensemble EMD (EEMD) is a noise-­‐assisted variaEon which uses white noise and averaging to address some of the short-­‐comings of regular EMD. White noise is a random Eme series whose elements are serially uncorrelated. Recently, our applicaEon of EEMD to dynamical system simulaEons of geophysical processes have resulted in unusual arEfacts in the analysis. Geophysical systems are beGer characterized by red noise processes than white noise (shi6 to longer Eme scale correlaEons -­‐ there's memory in the noise.) The arEfacts might be ameliorated by the replacement of white noise with red noise in the EEMD algorithm. This project would implement this change to EEMD and study the implicaEons of the change both from a theoreEcal perspecEve and from a experimental one. 2. Analyzing a conceptual model for the Pleistocene glacial cycles. Fields: Dynamical Systems, MathemaEcal Modeling, Paleoclimate Pre-­‐reqs: Math 416, some understanding of staEsEcs and random variables, basic programing skills (eg. Matlab) There are many conceptual models (low complexity models) which aGempt to explain the observed glacial cycles and their changes over the last 2-­‐5 Myr (the Pliocene and the Pleistocene). The various models are based on different hypotheses as to the suite of interacEng underlying processes. The model results can be compared to data (called validaEon) to test such hypotheses. There is a relaEvely new model, Paillard and Parrenin (2004), posiEng that the fundamental relaEonship lies between atmospheric carbon dioxide and the AntarcEc ice sheet. We will be implemenEng the model, running simulaEons and analyzing them using EEMD (see above.) These analyses will be compared to analyses already done of other models for the same system. Paillard, D. and F. Parrenin (2004); The AntarcEc ice sheet and the triggering of deglaciaEons; Earth Planet Sci. LeG., 227, (263– 271)