ISIT 2009, Seoul, Korea, June 28 - July 3, 2009 Estimation of the Distribution of Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensors Babar H. Khan, Merouane Debbah, Department of Electrical Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran, 31261, K.S.A Email: Alcatel-Lucent Chair, Supelec Plateau de Moulon, 3 rue Joliot-Curie 91192 Gif sur Yvette, France Email: 0yvind Ryan, Tareq Y. AI-Naffouri, Centre of Mathematics for Applications University of Oslo Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway Email: Department of Electrical Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran, 31261, K.S.A Email: Abstract- The distribution of randomly deployed wireless sensors plays an important role in the quality of the methods used for data acquisition and signal reconstruction. Mathematically speaking, the estimation of the distribution of randomly deployed sensors can be related to computing the spectrum of Vandermonde matrices with non-uniform entries. In this paper, we use the recent free deconvolution framework to recover, in noisy environments, the asymptotic moments of the structured random Vandermonde matrices and relate these moments to the distribution of the randomly deployed sensors. Remarkably, the results are valid in the finite case using only a limited number of sensors and sam pies. I. INTRODUCTION Sensor networks can be used for a variety of important applications, such as measuring or monitoring temperature, sunlight or seismic activity in an area [1]. The randomness of the deployment of the sensors may have several reasons. For example, a case of practical interest is when wireless sensors are released from an airplane at fixed intervals but happen to land on earth with random positions. For a given distribution of randomly deployed sensors, one would like to infer on the distribution of the sensors. There are several cases where this is of practical interest: typically, the change of the distribution of the sensors (from a fixed pattern to a random pattern) can provide an estimate of the speed of the weed in environment monitoring. The estimation of the entire distribution can also improve signal reconstruction as recently proposed in [2]-[3]. In environment monitoring, different algorithms can be used to estimate the sensors location [4]-[5] but these algorithms require a substantial amount of communication between the sensors in large networks. In this paper, we provide a way to estimate the distribution of the sensors in noisy environments without any communication between the sensors. The results are based on the recent framework of free deconvolution [10], [6], [7] and asymptotic Vandermonde random matrix theory [8]. Interestingly, although the result are valid in the asymptotic regime, simulations using realistic random distribution 978-1-4244-4313-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE deployment of sensors show the adequacy of the approach. This paper is organized as follows, Section II-A describes the system model used. Section III provides the algorithm to estimate the distribution of the sensors. Simulation results which sustain our theoretical claims are summarized in section IV followed by the conclusion. II. SENSOR DEPLOYMENT In the following, (.) H will represent the Hermitian transpose. We denote scalar quantities and matrices by lower case letters and upper case letters respectively while lower case boldface letters denote column vectors. Tr(A) represents a trace of a matrix A and trj, (A) represents a normalized trace (iTr(A)) of a matrix A. A. System Model In the following, for simplicity sake and without loss of generality, we consider a one dimensional physical field with L sensors deployed in the interval [0,1]. Let di E [0,1] represent the position of the i t h sensor in the normalized interval. The continuous-time band-limited sensed signal Y(Wi) measured at the spatial position Wi == 21fdi can be represented as the weighted sum of P harmonics, (1) where i == 1, 2, ... , L. X k is the corresponding Fourier coefharmonic. We suppose that the L samples ficients of the are sent from the sensors to a common data-collecting unit through an orthogonal multiple access (TDMA for example) additive Gaussian noise channel. In this case, the model can be written in a vector form as: r» y==VHx+an 2413 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 04:23 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. (2) where Y is the received signal vector of length L whose i t h element is Y(Wi), x is the transmitted signal of length P whose k t h element is Xk, 0 is the additive white Gaussian noise with unit variance noise vector of length L whereas (J"2 is the noise variance. Y is a P x L Vandermonde matrix given by, 1 Y == _1_ VP ISIT 2009, Seoul, Korea, June 28 - July 3, 2009 Where B Cl is Rectangular additive free deconvolution (section III-A) and lSJ is multiplicative free deconvolution (section 111B). In algorithmic terms, the moments estimation procedure follows four steps: A. Step 1: Rectangular additive free deconvolution Consider the covariance matrix 1 e- j w l vv" == (A + N)(A + N)H e- j w L (3) e-j(P-l)Wl e-j(P-l)WL Here WI, W2, ... , W L are i.i.d random variables with a certain distribution (related to the position of the sensors) and are bounded within the interval [0, 27r). We suppose that we have K observations of the signal vector y. In this case, the model takes the following matrix form: (7) where A == yHX. Rectangular additive free deconvolution (B Cl ) provides us with the moments of yyH in terms of moments of AA H and moments of NN H. In order to compute the series of moments, it turns out that it is much easier to compute cumulants. In free probability theory, the moments (m n ) are related to the sequence of numbers called the rectangular free cumulants (t n ) via the probability measure E. [9] gives the following set of equations for the relation between the two. (4) Where Y == [Yl' Y2,···, YK], X == [xj , X2,···, XK] and N == [01,02 ... OK]' vv". where The sample covariance matrix is defined as In this paper, we assume that the matrix X of unknown transmitted symbols and the noise matrix N are zero mean Gaussian matrices with i.i.d. entries of unit variance. Without loss of generality, we will consider (J"2 == 1. We will define the sample covariance associated with Y as vv". Moreover, we will consider the asymptotic regime where Cl == limp-too C2 == limp-too ~ and C3 == limK-too ft. Note that although L (number of sensors) and K are known (number of samples), P is unknown. TE(z) == The estimation of the distribution of W in eq. (3) enables us to retrieve the distribution location of the sensors. In a blind context, with no training sequence and no communication between the sensors, this can be a hard task. However, as we will see afterwards, the moments of V'V H can be estimated and related to the distribution of the deployed sensors by using the moments approach. In particular, we relate the moments of vv" up to a certain order with a polynomial approximation of the distribution of w. III. (5) As recently shown in [6], [8], Free deconvolution relates the eigenvalue distribution of the covariance matrix (J-LyyH) with the eigenvalue distribution of the Vandermonde matrix (J-LvVH) as (J-LyyH B Cl J-LNNH) lSJ J-LXXH mO(E) 1 mn(E) tn(E) n-l + L c~tk(E) k=l L v», (E) ... ml 2k (E) h ,... ,l2k ~O h+...+l2k=n-k Let " TJ and r be the probability measure of yy H, AA H and NN H respectively. In this case, these are related by [10]: Note that as N is a random matrix with independent Gaussian entries with variance then the eigenvalue distribution of NN H follow a Marchenko-Pastur distribution with parameter --L. In this case the rectangular free cumulants of NN H are C3 given by [10] tn(r) == 8n , 1 1, \In 2:: 1. Hence, the rectangular additive free deconvolution provides us with the moments of yHXXHy. t B. Step 2: Multiplicative free deconvolution MOMENTS ApPROACH The moments approach [9] provides us with a good estimator of the moments of the Vandermonde matrix. The moment (m n ) of a P x P matrix H is defined as J-LVVH == n~l This equation can be written in a recursive form as -f, B. Distribution Estimation L tn(E)Zn and M E2(Z) == L mn(E)Zn. n~l In this section, we show how one can extract the moments of vv" from yHXXHy. As a first step, note that: mn(XXHyyH) == C2mn(yHXXHy) (8) We can therefore use the concept of Multiplicative free deconvolution (lSJ) which computes the moments of vv" in 1 The dirac delta function is defined as, (6) 2414 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 04:23 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. if n else == 1 terms of the moments of XX H VV H and moments of XX H . As previously, from an algorithmic perspective, it is easier to compute cumulants. The relationship between the moments m., and the multiplicative free cumulants (sn) is given by [8]: where, SE(Z) == ISIT 2009, Seoul, Korea, June 28 - July. 3, 2009 Vandermonde mixed moment expansion coefficient and are defined, in the case where W is a uniform distribution w rv U(O, 1)2 as L Sn(E)Zn-l and ME(z) == L mn(E)Zn. n~l n~l These set of equations can be represented in a recursive form as ml(E)Sl(E) == 1, n+l mn(E) == L Sk(E) k=l L Interestingly, the moments of the Vandermonde matrix can be written in terms of the distribution of Pw of w as m n -- v», (E) ... mi; (E) h, ,h~l h+ +h=n+l where lipi = (27r)!p!-1 (J027f Pw(x)IPldx) and u Let {), < and 1/J be the probability measures of XX H VV H, XXHand VV H respectively. Then these probability measures are related to each other thought the multiplicative free cumulants as Sl(~)Sl(1/J) Sl ({)) Sl(~)Sn(1/J) sn({)) - Sn(~)Sl(1/J) L n-l k=2 C. Step 3: Moments ofVV H In the following, we assume that Wi == 27f(i-1) +w~ where i == 1, 2, ... , L. In other words, all the sensors are centered at equally spaced positions with a certain off-set. Here w~ is a random variable with continuous (not necessarily uniform) distribution and is bounded by [0,27f). We suppose that all w~ , i == 1,2, ... ,L have the same distribution. The asymptotic moments of the Vandermonde matrix are defined as P-----too lpl 'Z:: " K p,w c2 pEP(n) Ipi - kEpj °< == i,, K r1,r2, ...,rk where I'oil == represented as m., == ll(O, 1). L kEpj t; (13) r., == L Kp,u (14) ,8EP(n) Vi. In this case, the moments can be L L Krl,r2, ...,rkc~lk (15) k=1,2, ...,n rl ;i;~.'::+~~=n (9) It has been shown recently in [8] that for any distribution of the random phases, the moments of the Vandermonde matrix can be calculated as rv lk :::; 1. This volume is calculated after expressing 1 variables in terms of n + 1 - Ipi free variables and is bounded within [0,1]. Note that Kp,u == 1 when the partitions of P are non-crossing [11] otherwise it is smaller the 1. As llpl depends on the block cardinalities IPj I, we can therefore group together Kp,u for P with equal block cardinalities. Hence, we group the cardinalities in descending order Tl 2: T2 2: ... 2: Tk and define with Note that if X is a P x K random matrix with independent Gaussian entries with variance -is then the eigenvalue distribution of XX H follow a Marchenko-Pastur distribution with parameter lCl. In this case the multiplicative free cumulants of XX H are given by sn(~) == (-Cl)n-l, Vn 2: 1. (12) In general, it is extremely difficult to obtain an explicit expression of Kp,u for any moments (in [8] only the first seven moments were computed). In this paper, we provide an algorithm to calculate all the moments: Algorithm: Kp,u can be expressed as the volume of the solution set of - L Sk(~)Sn+l-k(1/J) m., == lim E[trp(VVH)n] 'L...t " K P, uc2Ipil Ipl pEP(n) As an example, the first moments expand to: (10) where P(n) is the set of all partitions of {I, 2, ... , n} and P is the notation for a particular partition in P(n ). This can be also written as P == {PI, ... , Pk}, where Pj are the blocks of P and Ipi is the number of blocks in p. Kp,w are called the ml m2 m3 m.; K 1C2 l l K 2C2 ll + Kl,lC~l2 K 3C2 ll + K2,lC~l2 + Kl,1,lC~l3 K 4C2 ll + (K3,1 + K2,2)c~l2 + K2,1,lC~l3 +Kl,1,1,lC~l4 (16) 2here 11 is the uniform distribution. 2415 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 04:23 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ISIT 2009, Seoul Korea, June 28 - July 3, 2009 D. Step 4: distribution Approximation Now in order to estimate the distribution of w, where w is bounded within [0, 1), we use the Weierstrass approximation and multinomial expansion to derive an alternative form of In given by Figure I plots the relative distance for n = 1,2, .. . ,20 (n is the order of the moments) with K = L = P = 1000 when w with a uniform distribution. Interestingly, even with only K = 1000 samples, the error is quite low for moments inferior to 10. If one requires higher moments, one would need more moments. B. Von Mises Distribution Let us consider the case where w has a Von Mises distribution. Von Mises distribution have an inverted bell shape and are bounded within (0, 27f]. The parameter 1/1), of the distribution is analogous to (J in a Gaussian distribution. The value of 12 for a von mises distribution is given by where Pw(x) represents the unknown distribution of wand Pw(O) ,PWC~l ) ,PWC~l)' · · · ,Pw(1) are the unknowns of the weierstrass approximation. By equating (17) with (16), this will give us a set of non-linear equations to solve. As the number of unknowns should be equal to the number of equations, we take n = t. One can solve this by using any optimization algorithm. 12 = Jo(21),) (18) JO(I), )2 where J o is the bessel function of the zero order. o 0 - I 12 Estimaleofl( (~10 ) Actual value of" (1\", '=10) Estimate of" (... -=4) _ .- Actual value of t.: (,,"'=4) + IV. SIM ULATION RES ULTS In this section, we provide some simulation results to sustain our theoretical claims . We apply the previous four step procedure for various values of K , Land P. We restrict also our analysis to some specific distribution in order to assess the validity of our results in various case. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of observ ations A. Estimation of the moments of VV H By applying rectangular additive free deconvolution and multiplicative free deconvolution on the covariance matrix we can compute the moments of VV H . To check the validity of the moments approach, we plot the relative distance between the estimated moments of VV H and the actual moments of VV H . The relative distance we use is defined as, "In : vv», mn [(llvvlI B el IlNNII) mn [VVH ] I [SJ IlXX II ] _ 1 I 0.4 ~ 0.3 ~ 0.25 ~ 0.2 ~ 0: for Von Mises distribution with K = L = P = 100. The value of I), is estimated by solving equation (16) and (18). Figure 2 shows the simulation result for I), = 4 and I), = 10 with K = L = P = 100 averaged over a varying number of observations. Figure 3 simulates the result for the estimation of I), as K, Land P increase linearly. It can be seen that by asymptotically increasing the value of K , Land P the estimation gets better. We consider now the general case where there is no constraint on the distribution of w except that it is bounded in the interval [0, 1]. For simulations purposes, we consider w to have a beta distribution with two degrees of freedom a and (3. The PDF is given by, 045 . K, C. Distribution Approximation 0.5.----~--~--~--_, 0.35 Fig. 2. Estimation of Pw(x) 0.15 0.1 0.05 + + + 10 15 20 Fig. I. Relative distance of the moments of VV If and the estimated moments by applying the moments approach with K = L = P = 1000. x <>(1 - x) f3 = B(a, (3) (19) By taking n = t = 9 in (17) with (16), we obtain a a set of non-linear equations of order 9. Here we use nonlinear leastsquares based algorithm [12] to calculate the unknowns. Figure 4 shows the simulation result for the estimation ofthe distribution of w with t = 3, 5, 9 when w has beta distribution with a = 2 and (3 = 5. Figure 5 represents the estimation of the PDF when w has beta distribution with a = 1, (3 = 3 and 2416 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 04:23 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ISIT 2009, Seoul, Korea, June 28 - July 3, 2009 I " 9.5 Actual value of " 3.5 o o o 10.5 10 Estimate of" - 11.5 :.< 0 00 a 0 o 0 00 00 0 .on 0 00 CO 00 -rJ~ O/? 00-u~OO O~~ 00 '{}'~ o c9J 0 0 @u a o o 0 .0 o 0 CO 0 0 0 ,, ,, , , Actual PDF - - - Estim ated PDF (t=3) ----iIl Estim ated PDF (t=5) ---e--- Estim ated PDF (t=9) , ,, ,, ,, -, 0", 0 0 o 8.5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 K, Land P Fig. 3. P. Estimation of K, for Von Mises distribution with varying K , Land - Fig. 5. Estimation of the PDF of w, where w has a beta distribution with a = 1 and f3 = 3. AcbJaI PDF - - - - Estimated PDF (t=3) - - Estimated PDF (t=5) Estimated PDF (t=9) Actual PDF PDF (t=3) PDF (t=5) ---e--- Estim ated 1.6 --+-- Estim ated 1.6 -, -, -, , 0.5 Fig. 4. Estimation of the PDF of w, where w has a beta distribution with a = 2 and f3 = 5. t = 3,5,9. Similarly, Figure 6 shows the estimate of the beta distribution with a = 1, (3 = 3 and t = 3,5. In each case, with more than 5 moments we already get a good approximation of the distribution. Note that we can loosen the bound on the range of w from [0, 1) to [0, 21r) by replacing t by t /21r in (17). V. CON CL USION In this paper, we showed that by using the moments approach, we can find an estimate for the distribution of the sensors with very few noisy observations and without any communication between the sensors. This is very helpful for large networks of randomly deployed sensors where one needs to recover the distribution. REF ERE NCES w. S. Conner, J. Heidemann, L. Krishnamurthy, X. Wang, and M. Yarvis, " Workplace Applications of Sensor Networks," Technical Report ISI-TR2004-591, USC/Inf ormation Sciences Institute, July, 2004. [2] A Nordio, C.F. Chiasserini and E. Viterbo, "Bandlimited Field Reconstruction for Wireless Sensor Networks," http:/ 707/0 707.1954vl.pdf [3] P. Marziliano, M. 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