THE MOTIVIC SEGAL CONJECTURE, LECTURE 4 JOHN ROGNES Abstract. Jeg vil snakke om de endelige underalgebraene A(n) i Steenrod-algebraen, analysere A(n)-modulstrukturen til den kontinuerlige kohomologien ΣP (x±1 ) til Tatekonstruksjonen, og skissere Lin-Davis-Mahowald-Adams’ bevis av Lins teorem. 1. The Steenrod operations Let p be a prime, let H = HFp be the Eilenberg–Mac Lane ring spectrum representing mod p cohomology, and let A = H ∗ (H) be the Steenrod algebra of stable mod p cohomology operations. For p = 2 the Steenrod reduced squares Sq i : H ∗ (X) → H ∗+i (X) defined for i ≥ 1 (Steenrod, 1947) are known to generate A as an algebra (Serre, 1953). For p odd the Bockstein operator β : H ∗ (X) → H ∗+1 (X) (satisfying β 2 = 0), together with the Steenrod reduced powers P i : H ∗ (X) → H ∗+2i(p−1) (X) defined for i ≥ 1 (Steenrod, 1953) are known to generate A as an algebra (Cartan, 1954, 1955). These operations are all natural in the space X. Setting Sq 0 and P 0 equal to the identities, these operations satisfy the Cartan formula X Sq i (x) ∪ Sq j (y) Sq k (x ∪ y) = i+j=k for p = 2, and β(x ∪ y) = β(x) ∪ y + (−1)|x| x ∪ β(y) X P i (x) ∪ y + x ∪ P j (y) P k (x ∪ y) = i+j=k ∗ P for p odd, with x, y ∈ H (X). Introducing the formal sum Sq(x) = i≥0 Sq i (x), we can write the first and last of these as Sq(x ∪ y) = Sq(x) ∪ Sq(y) and P (x ∪ y) = P (x) ∪ P (y). We have Sq i (x) = x ∪ x = x2 for |x| = i and P i (x) = x ∪ · · · ∪ x = xp for |x| = 2i. Finally, Sq i (x) = 0 if |x| < i and P i (x) = 0 if |x| < 2i. For p = 2 and X = RP ∞ = S ∞ /C2 we have H ∗ (X) = P (x) = F2 [x] with |x| = 1, so Sq 0 (x) = x, Sq 1 (x) = x2 and Sq i (x) = 0 for i ≥ 2. Hence Sq(x) = x + x2 = x(1 + x). By P j j the Cartan formula Sq(xj ) = Sq(x)j = xj (1 + x)j = i=0 i xi+j . Hence j i+j i j Sq (x ) = x i for i, j ≥ 0 determines the action of A on H ∗ (RP ∞ ). Only the residue class mod 2 of the binomial coefficient matters. Date: October 10th 2014. 1 For p odd and X = L∞ = S ∞ /Cp we have H ∗ (X) = E(x) ⊗ P (y) = Fp [x, y]/(x2 ) with |x| = 1 and |y| = 2, where β(x) = y and β(y) = 0. Then P 0 (x) = x and P i (x) = 0 for i ≥ 1. Furthermore, P 0 (y) = y, P 1 (y) = y p and P i (y) = 0 for i ≥ 2, so P (y) = y + y p = P y(1 + y p−1 ). Hence P (y j ) = P (y)j = y j (1 + y p−1 )j = ji=0 ji y j+i(p−1) , so that j j+i(p−1) i j P (y ) = y i for i, j ≥ 0, which determines the action of A on H ∗ (L∞ ). Only the residue class mod p of the binomial coefficient matters. 2. The Steenrod algebra The (non-commutative) algebra structure φ : A ⊗ A → A on A is given by composition of operations. The Steenrod squares satisfy the Adem relations (Adem, 1952) X b − i − 1 a b Sq Sq = Sq a+b−i Sq i a − 2i i for a < 2b, while the Steenrod powers satisfy X a b a+i (p − 1)(b − i) − 1 P P = (−1) P a+b−i P i a − pi i for a < pb and X X a b a+i (p − 1)(b − i) a+b−i i a+i+1 (p − 1)(b − i) − 1 P βP = (−1) βP P + (−1) P a+b−i βP i a − pi a − pi − 1 i i for a ≤ pb. For instance, Sq 1 Sq 1 = 0, Sq 1 Sq 2 = Sq 3 , Sq 2 Sq 2 = Sq 3 Sq 1 and Sq 3 Sq 2 = 0. These can be used to simplify composites of the form Sq I := Sq i1 Sq i2 . . . Sq ir for i1 , i2 , . . . , ir ≥ 1, unless is ≥ 2is+1 for all 1 ≤ s < r. In the latter case we say that I = (i1 , i2 , . . . , ir ) is an admissible sequence of length r, and Sq I is an admissible monomial. For p odd the Adem relations can simplify composites of the form β P I := β 0 P i1 β 1 . . . P ir β r with 0 , 1 , . . . , r ∈ {0, 1} and i1 , i2 , . . . , ir ≥ 1, unless is ≥ s + pis+1 for all 1 ≤ s < r. In the latter case we say that I = (0 , i1 , 1 , . . . , ir , r ) is an admissible sequence, and that β P I is an admissible monomial. In fact the admissible monomials of all lengths r ≥ 0 form a basis for A , A = F2 {Sq I | I admissible} for p = 2 and A = Fp {β P I | (, I) admissible} for p odd, so the Adem relations generate all other relations among the Sq i for p = 2, and among β and the P i for p odd, in the Steenrod algebra A . The Adem relations imply that the Steenrod operations Sq i are decomposable except when i = 2j for some j ≥ 0, and that the P i are decomposable except when i = pj for some j ≥ 0. Letting I(A ) = ker(A → Fp ) be the augmentation ideal, the quotient Q(A ) = I(A )/I(A )2 = cok(φ : I(A ) ⊗ I(A ) → I(A )) is the vector space of algebra indecomposables. We have j Q(A ) = F2 {Sq 2 | j ≥ 0} 2 for p = 2, and j Q(A ) = Fp {β, P p | j ≥ 0} for p odd. 3. The Hopf algebra structure The Steenrod algebra admits (Milnor, 1958) the structure of a connected, cocommutative Hopf algebra. The coproduct ψ : A → A ⊗ A is defined on the algebra generators by X ψ(Sq k ) = Sq i ⊗ Sq j i+j=k for p = 2, and by ψ(β) = β ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ β X ψ(P k ) = Pi ⊗ Pj i+j=k for p odd. The conjugation χ : A → A is the involutive anti-homomorphism recursively determined by the relations X Sq i χ(Sq j ) = 0 i+j=k for k ≥ 1, χ(β) = −β, and X 1 P i χ(P j ) = 0 i+j=k 1 for k ≥ 1. For instance, χ(Sq ) = Sq , χ(Sq 2 ) = Sq 2 and χ(Sq 3 ) = Sq 2 Sq 1 . By Milnor–Moore (1965, Section 8), any connected Hopf algebra admits a unique conjugation χ such that φ(1 ⊗ χ)ψ = η = φ(χ ⊗ 1)ψ, and such that χ(xy) = χ(y)χ(x). If φ is commutative, or ψ is cocommutative, then χ2 = 1. Letting J(A ) = cok(Fp → A ) be the unit/coaugmentation coideal, the kernel P (A ) = ker(ψ : J(A ) → J(A ) ⊗ J(A )) consists of the coalgebra primitives in A , i.e., the elements x ∈ A satisfying ψ(x) = j x ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ x. For p = 2 let Q0 = Sq 1 and recursively define Qj = [Sq 2 , Qj−1 ] = j j Sq 2 Qj−1 + Qj−1 Sq 2 for j ≥ 1. For instance, Q1 = [Sq 2 , Sq 1 ] = Sq 3 + Sq 2 Sq 1 , and j |Qj | = 2j − 1. For p odd let Q0 = β and define Qj+1 = [P p , Qj ] for j ≥ 0. When p = 2, these Milnor primitives are precisely the coalgebra primitives of A , so that P (A ) = F2 {Qj | j ≥ 0} . [[Also discuss p odd.]] 4. Finite sub Hopf algebras First consider p = 2. For n ≥ −1 let A(n) ⊂ A be the subalgebra generated by the Steenrod operations Sq i for 1 ≤ i < 2n+1 . Equivalently, A(n) is the subalgebra generated j by the Sq i for 1 ≤ i ≤ 2n , or by the Sq 2 for 0 ≤ j ≤ n. Clearly A(n−1) is a subalgebra of A(n) for each n ≥ 0. For instance, A(−1) = F2 , A(0) = F2 {1, Sq 1 } is the exterior algebra on one generator, • Sq 1 3 /• and A(1) = F2 {1, Sq 1 , Sq 2 , Sq 1 Sq 2 , Sq 2 Sq 1 , Sq 2 Sq 2 , Sq 2 Sq 1 Sq 2 , Sq 2 Sq 2 Sq 2 } = F2 {1, Sq 1 , Sq 2 , Sq 3 , Sq 2 Sq 1 , Sq 3 Sq 1 , Sq 5 + Sq 4 Sq 1 , Sq 5 Sq 1 } is a finite algebra of dimension eight. ?• Sq 2 • Sq 1 " /• /• • ? • /< • .• The next subalgebra, A(2), has dimension 64 and is more difficult to visualize. In general, n+2 A(n) is a finite algebra of dimension 2·22 ·. . .·2n+1 = 2( 2 ) . Since each algebra generator of A lies in some A(n), we have [ A = A(n) . n Hence each positive degree element in A is nilpotent. Clearly the coproduct ψ on A restricts to a coproduct on A(n), and likewise for the conjugation χ, so each A(n) is a connective, cocommutative sub Hopf algebra of A . For n ≥ −1 let E(n) ⊂ A(n) be the subalgebra generated by the Milnor primitives Qj for 0 ≤ j ≤ n. It turns out that these are commuting exterior generators with no further relations, so that E(n) = E(Q0 , Q1 , . . . , Qn ) is an exterior algebra on n + 1 generators. For instance, E(0) = A(0), while E(1) = F2 {1, Q0 , Q1 , Q0 Q1 } = F2 {1, Sq 1 , Sq 3 + Sq 2 Sq 1 , Sq 3 Sq 1 } is of dimension four. Q1 • # /• Q0 • /; • Since each Qj is coalgebra primitive, this is a primitively generated sub Hopf algebra of A(n). We write [ E= E(n) = E(Qj | j ≥ 0) n for the resulting primitively generated, connected, bicommutative sub Hopf algebra of A. [[Also discuss p odd.]] 4 5. Lin and Gunawardena’s theorems ∗ tG In order to make sense of Ext∗,∗ A (Hc (S ; Fp ), Fp ) for G = Cp , p = 2 or p odd, we first need to understand the A -module structure of Hc∗ (S tG ; Fp ) = colim ΣH ∗ (BG−kV ; Fp ) . k We previously used to Thom isomorphisms ∼ = Φ−kξ : H ∗+kd (BG; Fp ) −→ H ∗ (BG−kV ; Fp ) to get the additive description Hc∗ (S tG ; Fp ) = ΣH ∗ (BG; Fp )[e−1 V ], but the Thom isomorphisms and the homomorphisms given by multiplication by eV are not in general A -linear, so we need to be more careful to get a description of the left hand side as an A -module. It turns out to be convenient to specify the A -module S structure as a sequence of compatible A(n)-module structures, for all n, since A = n A(n). The Thom isomorphism Φ−kξ is A(n)-linear if A(n) acts trivially on the orientation class U−kξ , and for a fixed n, this is true whenever k is divisible by a sufficiently high power pN of p. (When p = 2 it suffices that 2n+1 | k, because then Sq(U−kξ ) = Sq(Uξ )−k is an integral power of X X n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 Sq(Uξ )2 = Sq j (Uξ )2 = Sq j·2 (Uξ2 ) , j≥0 j≥0 so Sq i (U−kξ ) = 0 for 0 < i < 2n+1 . These are the Sq i that generate A(n).) Likewise, multiplication by ekV is A(n)-linear when k is divisible by the same sufficiently high power of p. Thus the description of Hc∗ (S tG ; Fp ) as colim ΣH ∗+kd (BG) pN |k where k only ranges over the multiples of pN , and the homomorphisms in the sequence are N given by multiplication by epV , is indeed a description given entirely within the category of A(n)-modules and A(n)-linear homomorphisms. It follows that Sq i (Σxj · xk ) = Sq i (Σxj ) · xk whenever Sq i ∈ A(n) and 2n+1 | k. If we define the binomial coefficient by the formula j j(j − 1) · · · (j − i + 1) = i(i − 1) . . . 1 i for i ≥ 0 and j ∈ Z, then j+k j ≡ mod 2 i i whenever Sq i ∈ A(n) and 2n+1 | k. Hence the formula j i j Sq (Σx ) = Σxi+j i for the A(n)-module action on H ∗ (ΣRP ∞ ; F2 ) remains valid in the localization Hc∗ (S tC2 ; F2 ). And, since with these conventions the formula does not depend on n, it remains valid for the entire A -module action. 5 Proposition 5.1. Hc∗ (S tC2 ; F2 ) = ΣP (x±1 ) with j i j Sq (Σx ) = Σxi+j i for all i ≥ 0 and j ∈ Z. Hc∗ (S tCp ; Fp ) = ΣE(x) ⊗ P (y ±1 ) with β(x) = y, P i (x) = 0 for i > 0, β(y) = 0 and j i j P (Σy ) = Σy i(p−1)+j i for all i ≥ 0 and j ∈ Z. In particular, Sq i (Σx−1 ) = Σxi−1 P i (Σxy −1 ) = (−1)i Σxy (p−1)i−1 βP i (Σxy −1 ) = (−1)i+1 Σy (p−1)i [[check the last sign]] for all i ≥ 0 because −1 (−1)(−2) · · · (−i) = = (−1)i . i i(i − 1) · · · 1 The homomorphism : ΣP (x±1 ) → F2 given by (Σx−1 ) = 1 is A -linear. To see this, one can check that Σx−1 is not A -module decomposable, i.e., of the form Sq i (Σxj ) for any i≥ 1. For degree reasons we would have to have i + j = −1, but Sq i (Σx−i−1 ) = −i−1 Σx−1 and i −i − 1 (−i − 1)(−i − 2) · · · (−i − i) 2i = ≡ mod 2 , i i i(i − 1) · · · 1 which is always zero. Theorem 5.2 (Lin). : ΣP (x±1 ) → F2 induces isomorphisms ∼ = A ±1 # : TorA s,t (F2 , ΣP (x )) −→ Tors,t (F2 , F2 ) and ∼ = s,t ±1 # : Exts,t A (F2 , F2 ) −→ ExtA (ΣP (x ), F2 ) . Theorem 5.3 (Gunawardena). : ΣE(x) ⊗ P (y ±1 ) → Fp induces isomorphisms ∼ = A ±1 # : TorA s,t (Fp , ΣE(x) ⊗ P (y )) −→ Tors,t (Fp , Fp ) and ∼ = s,t ±1 # : Exts,t A (Fp , Fp ) −→ ExtA (ΣE(x) ⊗ P (y ), Fp ) . In each case the Ext-isomorphism follows from the Tor-isomorphism and the natural isomorphism A ∗ ∼ Exts,t A (L, Fp ) = (Tors,t (Fp , L)) , which is valid for each left A -module L [?LDMA80, Lemma 4.3], [?AGM85, Proposition 1.2]. Lin-Davis-Mahowald-Adams and Gunawardena prove the Tor-isomorphisms by first analyzing A(n) Tors,t (F2 , ΣP (x±1 )) and A(n) Tors,t (Fp , ΣE(x) ⊗ P (y ±1 )) 6 for each n ≥ 0, and thereafter passing to the colimit over n. Adams-GunawardenaMiller give a more conceptual proof by first recognizing ΣP (x±1 ) = R+ (F2 ) and ΣE(x) ⊗ P (y ±1 ) = R+ (Fp ) as special cases of the Singer construction on (left) A -modules M , and then proving more generally that : R+ (M ) → M is a Tor-equivalence. 6. The dual Steenrod algebra Following (Milnor, 1958) let A∗ = H∗ (H) be the linear dual of the Steenrod algebra. It inherits a product φ : A∗ ⊗ A∗ → A∗ from the ring spectrum structure on H, which is dual to the coproduct ψ on A . It also inherits a coproduct ψ : A∗ → A∗ ⊗ A∗ , dual to the product φ on A , which agrees with the composite η∗ H∗ (H) ∼ = π∗ (H ∧ S ∧ H) −→ π∗ (H ∧ H ∧ H) ∼ = H∗ (H) ⊗ H∗ (H) induced by the unit map η : S → H and the Künneth isomorphism on the right hand side. The conjugation χ : A∗ → A∗ is dual to the conjugation χ : A → A , and agrees with the homomorphism γ∗ H∗ (H) = π∗ (H ∧ H) −→ π∗ (H ∧ H) = H∗ (H) induced by the twist equivalence γ : H ∧H → H ∧H. In other words, A∗ is the connected, commutative Hopf algebra dual to the Steenrod algebra. The n-th space in the spectrum H is the Eilenberg–Mac Lane space K(Fp , n), and there is a canonical homomorphism x∗ : H̃∗+1 (K(Fp , 1)) −→ colim H̃∗+n (K(Fp , n)) = H∗ (H) . n ∞ It is induced by the map Σ K(Fp , 1) → ΣH representing the generator x ∈ H 1 (K(Fp , 1)). Here K(F2 , 1) ' RP ∞ and K(Fp , 1) ' L∞ for p odd, so H∗ (RP ∞ ) = F2 {αi | i ≥ 0} with αi dual to xi in H ∗ (RP ∞ ) = P (x), and H∗ (L∞ ) = E(α1 ) ⊗ Fp {α2i | i ≥ 0} with α1 dual to x and α2i dual to y i in H ∗ (L∞ ) = E(x) ⊗ P (y). The loop space structure on K(Fp , 1) ' ΩK(Fp , 2) makes H∗ (K(Fp , 1)) an algebra, and x∗ takes all decomposables (for this so-called Pontryagin product) to zero. However, the algebra indecomposables all turn out to map non-trivially to A∗ . These are dual to the j coalgebra primitives in H ∗ (K(Fp , 1)), which are the classes x2 for j ≥ 0 when p = 2, and j the classes x and y p for j ≥ 0 when p is odd. Thus the algebra indecomposables are α2j for j ≥ 0 when p = 2, and α1 and α2pj for j ≥ 0 when p is odd. For p = 2 let ξj = x∗ (α2j ) ∈ A∗ for each j ≥ 0, with |ξj | = 2j − 1 and ξ0 = 1. For p odd let τj = x∗ (α2pj ) ∈ A∗ for each j ≥ 0, with |τj | = 2pj − 1. [[The class x∗ (α1 ) = 1.]] Furthermore, let ξj = β∗ (τj ) = y∗ (α2pj ) ∈ A∗ , with |ξj | = 2p2 − 2, where β∗ : H∗ (H) → H∗−1 (H) is induced by the Bockstein map β : H → ΣH, and y∗ = β∗ x∗ is induced by the map β ◦ x : K(Fp , 1) → Σ2 H representing y = β(x) ∈ H 2 (K(Fp , 1)). Again ξ0 = 1. Theorem 6.1 (Milnor). There are algebra isomorphisms A∗ = P (ξk | k ≥ 1) for p = 2, and A∗ = E(τk | k ≥ 0) ⊗ P (ξk | k ≥ 1) 7 for p odd. The coproduct on A∗ satisfies j X ψ(ξk ) = ξi2 ⊗ ξj i+j=k for p = 2, and X ψ(τk ) = τk ⊗ 1 + j ξip ⊗ τj i+j=k ψ(ξk ) = j ξip X ⊗ ξj i+j=k for p odd. [[Deduce these formulas from the coaction on H∗ (K(Fp , 1))?]] For instance, ψ(ξ1 ) = ξ1 ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ ξ1 ψ(ξ2 ) = ξ2 ⊗ 1 + ξ1p ⊗ ξ1 + 1 ⊗ ξ2 for p = 2 and for p odd, and ψ(τ0 ) = τ0 ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ τ0 ψ(τ1 ) = τ1 ⊗ 1 + ξ1p ⊗ τ0 + 1 ⊗ τ1 for p odd. These formulas for the coproduct in A∗ are often more convenient for calculations than the Adem relations for the product in A . We write ξ¯j = χ(ξj ) and τ̄j = χ(τj ) for the images of the Milnor generators under the conjugation. These are recursively determined by X pj ξi χ(ξj ) = 0 i+j=k for any p and k ≥ 1, and τk + j X ξip χ(τj ) = 0 i+j=k for p odd and k ≥ 0. Hence ξ¯1 = −ξ1 , ξ¯2 = −ξ2 + ξ1p+1 , τ̄0 = −τ0 and τ̄1 = −τ1 + τ0 ξ1p . We shall write ξ1 in place of ξ¯1 for p = 2. Corollary 6.2. We have algebra isomorphisms A∗ = P (ξ¯k | k ≥ 1) for p = 2 and A∗ = E(τ̄k | k ≥ 1) ⊗ P (ξ¯k | k ≥ 1) for p odd, and the coproducts satisfy X i ξ¯i ⊗ ξ¯j2 ψ(ξ¯k ) = i+j=k for p = 2 and ψ(τ̄k ) = 1 ⊗ τ̄k + X i+j=k ψ(ξ¯k ) = X i ξ¯i ⊗ ξ¯jp i+j=k for p odd. 8 i τ̄i ⊗ ξ¯jp Proof. These formulas follow from the fact that χ : A → A is an anti-homomorphism, meaning that χ(xy) = χ(y)χ(x) for all x, y ∈ A. In terms of homomorphisms, this asserts that χφ = φ(χ ⊗ χ)γ : A ⊗ A → A. Dually, ψχ = γ(χ ⊗ χ)ψ : A∗ → A∗ ⊗ A∗ , which gives the claimed formulas. 7. Comparison of bases In order to be able to translate facts about A∗ back to A , we need to understand the perfect pairing A ⊗ A∗ → Fp in terms of the given bases. This is the special case X = H of the Kronecker pairing h , i : H ∗ (X) ⊗ H∗ (X) → Fp . It turns out that Sq i is dual to ξ1i in the basis for A that is dual to the monomial basis {ξ1e1 ξ2e2 · · · ξrer | e1 , . . . , er ≥ 0} for A∗ . This basis for A is known as the Milnor basis, and is different from the basis {Sq I } consisting of the admissible monomials. Lemma 7.1. For p = 2 let j ≥ 1 and i = 2j − 1. Then ( 1 if j = 1, hSq i , ξj i = 0 otherwise. More generally, let e1 , e2 , . . . , er ≥ 0 and i = e1 + (22 − 1)e2 + · · · + (2r − 1)er . Then ( 1 if e2 = · · · = er = 0, hSq i , ξ1e1 ξ2e2 · · · ξrer i = 0 otherwise. Proof. hSq i , ξj i = hSq i , x∗ (α2j )i = hx∗ (Sq i ), α2j i = hSq i (x), α2j i. Here Sq 1 (x) = x2 and Sq i (x) = 0 for i ≥ 2, so hSq 1 , ξ1 i = hx2 , α2 i = 1, while hSq i , ξj i = h0, α2j i = 0 for j ≥ 2. It follows that hSq i , ξje i = hSq i , Φ(ξj ⊗ · · · ⊗ ξj )i = hΨ(Sq i ), ξj ⊗ · · · ⊗ ξj i X X = hSq i1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Sq ie , ξj ⊗ · · · ⊗ ξj i = i1 +···+ie =i hSq i1 , ξj i · · · hSq ie , ξj i , i1 +···+ie =i where Φ and Ψ denote the e-fold products and coproducts, respectively. Here hSq i1 , ξj i · · · hSq ie , ξj i equals 1 if i1 = · · · = ie = 1 and j = 1, and is 0 otherwise. Hence hSq i , ξje i is 1 if i = e and j = 1, or if e = 0, and is 0 otherwise. In the same fashion, hSq i , ξ1e1 · · · ξrer i = hSq i , Φ(ξ1e1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ξrer )i = hΨ(Sq i ), ξ1e1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ξrer i X X hSq i1 , ξ1e1 i · · · hSq ir , ξrer i , = hSq i1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Sq ir , ξ1e1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ξrer i = i1 +···+ir =i i1 +···+ir =i where Φ and Ψ now denote r-fold products and coproducts, respectively. Here hSq i1 , ξ1e1 i · · · hSq ir , ξrer i equals 1 if i1 = e1 and e2 = · · · = er = 0, and is 0 otherwise. Hence hSq i , ξ1e1 · · · ξrer i equals 1 if i = e1 and e2 = · · · = er = 0, and is 0 otherwise. 8. Finite quotient Hopf algebras The finite sub Hopf algebras A(n) ⊂ A have dual finite quotient Hopf algebras A(n)∗ = A∗ /I(n)∗ . 9 Definition 8.1. For p = 2 and n ≥ −1 let I(n)∗ = (ξ12 n+1 2 n 2 , ξk | k ≥ n + 2) ⊂ A∗ , ξ22 , . . . , ξn2 , ξn+1 e be the ideal generated by the listed elements ξk2 with k ≥ 1, e ≥ 0 and k + e ≥ n + 2, and let A(n)∗ = A∗ /I(n)∗ = P2n+1 (ξ1 ) ⊗ P2n (ξ2 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ E(ξn+1 ) be the quotient algebra. [[Also discuss p odd.]] Here Ph denotes the truncated polynomial algebra of height h, with P2 = E. Note that n+2 A(n)∗ is a finite algebra of dimension 2n+1 · 2n · . . . · 2 = 2( 2 ) . For instance, A(−1)∗ = F2 , A(0)∗ = E(ξ1 ) and A(1)∗ = P4 (ξ1 ) ⊗ E(ξ2 ). Since I(n)∗ ⊂ I(n−1)∗ we get an infinite sequence of surjective algebra homomorphisms A∗ → · · · → A(n)∗ → A(n−1)∗ → · · · → A(0)∗ → F2 . Lemma 8.2. I(n)∗ is a Hopf ideal in A∗ . This means that the coproduct ψ : A∗ → A∗ ⊗ A∗ maps I(n)∗ into the kernel I(n)∗ ⊗ A∗ + A∗ ⊗ I(n)∗ of A∗ ⊗ A∗ → A(n)∗ ⊗ A(n)∗ , hence induces a coproduct ψ : A(n)∗ −→ A(n)∗ ⊗ A(n)∗ making the diagram of horizontal extensions / A∗ I(n)∗ / A(n)∗ ψ I(n)∗ ⊗ A∗ + A∗ ⊗ I(n)∗ / A∗ ⊗ A∗ ψ / A(n)∗ ⊗ A(n)∗ commute. Proof. It suffices to observe that e e ψ(ξk2 ) = ψ(ξk )2 = X j e (ξi2 ⊗ ξj )2 = i+j=k X j+e ξi2 e ⊗ ξj2 i+j=k j+e maps to zero in A(n)∗ ⊗ A(n)∗ whenever k ≥ 1, e ≥ 0 and k + e ≥ n + 2. In fact ξi2 e I(n)∗ under these conditions, unless i = 0, in which case j = k and ξj2 ∈ I(n)∗ . ∈ It follows that A(n)∗ is itself a connected, commutative Hopf algebra, and the infinite sequence above consists of Hopf algebra homomorphisms. This also implies that I(n)∗ is closed under the conjugation, hence can equally well be generated by the conjugate e classes ξ¯k2 for k ≥ 1, e ≥ 0 and k + e ≥ k + 2. Proposition 8.3. The quotient Hopf algebra A(n)∗ of A∗ is dual to the sub Hopf algebra A(n) of A . Proof. The dual of A(n)∗ consists of the classes in A that annihilate I(n)∗ under the Kronecker pairing with A∗ . For 1 ≤ i < 2n+1 we have e hSq i , ξs2 i = 0 whenever s ≥ 1, e ≥ 0 and s + e ≥ n + 2 (which for s = 1 implies e ≥ n + 1), so these Sq i annihilate the ideal generators of I(n)∗ . A general class in I(n)∗ is a sum of terms e α · ξs2 , with α ∈ A∗ , and X e e hSq k , α · ξs2 i = hSq i , αihSq j , ξs2 i . i+j=k 10 For 1 ≤ k < 2n+1 we have 0 ≤ j < 2n+1 , so the right hand factor vanishes unless j = 0 e and i = k, leaving hSq k , αihSq 0 , ξs2 i, which is zero for degree reasons. Hence the algebra generators of A(n) all lie in the dual of A(n)∗ , proving that A(n) is contained in that dual. j It remains to prove that the images of the Sq 2 for 0 ≤ j ≤ n suffice to span the algebra indecomposables of the dual of A(n)∗ . By duality, this is equivalent to asking that the j coalgebra primitives P (A(n)∗ ) map injectively to the span of ξ12 for 0 ≤ j ≤ n. [[Refer to Milnor (1958) for the opposite inclusion?]] 2 [[The quotient Hopf algebra E(n)∗ = A∗ /(ξ12 , . . . , ξn+1 , ξk | k ≥ n+2) = E(ξ1 , . . . , ξn+1 ) of A∗ is dual to the sub Hopf algebra E(n) of A .]] Let k be a field. We sometimes use the notation A//B = A ⊗B k for the tensor product over an augmented subalgebra B of a k-algebra A. It is the coequalizer in left A-modules / / A//B A⊗B /A of the two homomorphisms A ⊗ B → A taking a ⊗ b to ab and a(b), respectively, where : B → k is the augmentation. As such, it equals the quotient A/AI(B), where I(B) = ker() is the augmentation ideal of B, and AI(B) is the left ideal in A generated by I(B). If B is normal in A, in the sense that AI(B) = I(B)A, then this quotient is a quotient algebra of A, but this does not hold in general. If A is a Hopf algebra and B a sub Hopf algebra, then for a ∈ A, b ∈ I(B) we have ψ(ab) = ψ(a)ψ(b) and ψ(b) ∈ B ⊗ I(B) + I(B) ⊗ B, so ψ(ab) ∈ A ⊗ AI(B) + AI(B) ⊗ A. Hence AI(B) is a Hopf ideal in A, and A//B inherits a coalgebra structure from A, making the quotient map A → A//B a unital coalgebra homomorphism. [[More generally so for A a left or right B-module coalgebra.]] The following theorem is due to Milnor–Moore (1965, Theorem 4.4). It implies that a Hopf algebra is free as a (left or right) module over any sub Hopf algebra, as long as they are both connected. Theorem 8.4. If B is a connected Hopf algebra and A is a connected left B-module coalgebra such that i : B → A is injective, then A∼ = B ⊗ (k ⊗B A) as left B-modules and right k ⊗B A-comodules. If A is instead a connected right B-module coalgebra, then A∼ = (A ⊗B k) ⊗ B as right B-modules and left A ⊗B k-comodules. Dually, we can consider the cotensor product A∗ B∗ k over a unital quotient coalgebra B∗ of a k-coalgebra A∗ . It is the equalizer in left A∗ -comodules / / A∗ A∗ B∗ k / A∗ ⊗ B∗ of the two homomorphisms A∗ → A∗ ⊗ B∗ given by the coproduct on A∗ followed by the projection to B∗ in the right hand factor, and A∗ tensored with the unit of B∗ , respectively. If A∗ → B∗ is dual to B ⊂ A, the cotensor product is dual to the tensor product A ⊗B k = A/AI(B), hence is the left A∗ -subcomodule of A∗ that annihilates AI(B) under the pairing with A. It is not in general a subcoalgebra of A∗ . If A∗ → B∗ is a surjection of Hopf algebras, then the two homomorphisms are algebra homomorphisms, so the equalizer is a subalgebra of A∗ , making the inclusion A∗ B∗ k → A∗ an (augmented) algebra homomorphism. [[More generally so for A∗ a left or right B∗ -comodule algebra.]] 11 Here is the dual Milnor–Moore theorem (1965, Theorem 4.7). Theorem 8.5. If B∗ is a connected Hopf algebra and A∗ is a connected left B∗ -comodule algebra such that j : A∗ → B∗ is surjective, then A∗ ∼ = B∗ ⊗ (k B∗ A∗ ) as left B∗ -comodules and right k B∗ A∗ -modules. If A∗ is instead a connected right B∗ -comodule algebra, then A∗ ∼ = (A∗ B∗ k) ⊗ B∗ as right B∗ -comodules and left A∗ B∗ k-modules. n n−1 Proposition 8.6. The subalgebra E(ξ12 , ξ¯22 , . . . , ξ¯n+1 ) = A(n)∗ A(n−1)∗ F2 of A(n)∗ is dual to the quotient coalgebra A(n)//A(n−1) = A(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 of A(n). Proof. We know that A(n) is a free right A(n−1)-module by the Milnor–Moore theorem, n+1 n+2 so A(n)⊗A(n−1) F2 has dimension 2( 2 ) /2( 2 ) = 2n+1 , hence by duality A(n)∗ A(n−1)∗ F2 also has this dimension. It is the equalizer of two algebra homomorphisms / A(n)∗ / A(n)∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ , hence is a subalgebra of A(n)∗ . It contains the n + 1 elements ξ12 , ξ¯22 X e i+e e ξ¯i2 ⊗ ξ¯j2 , ψ(ξ¯k2 ) = n n−1 , . . . , ξ¯n+1 , because i+j=k i+e and ξ¯j2 maps to zero in A(n−1)∗ for i + j = k ≥ 1, e ≥ 0 and k + e ≥ n + 1, unless e e j = 0. Thus the image of ξ¯k2 in A(n)∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ is ξ¯k2 ⊗ 1 under both homomorphisms. n n−1 These n + 1 elements generate the exterior algebra E(ξ12 , ξ¯22 , . . . , ξ¯n+1 ) inside A(n)∗ , of dimension 2n+1 . Hence, by a dimension count, this is the whole of A(n)∗ A(n−1)∗ F2 . 9. Some bicomodule algebras and bimodule coalgebras Definition 9.1. For n ≥ 0 let n 2 2 J(n)∗ = (ξ22 , . . . , ξn2 , ξn+1 , ξk | k ≥ n + 2) ⊂ A∗ e be the ideal generated by the elements ξk2 with k ≥ 2, e ≥ 0 and k + e ≥ n + 2, and let C(n)∗ = A∗ /J(n)∗ = P (ξ1 ) ⊗ P2n (ξ2 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ E(ξn+1 ) be the quotient algebra. Let C(n) ⊂ A be the dual sub coalgebra. For instance, C(0)∗ = P (ξ1 ) is dual to C(0) = F2 {Sq i | i ≥ 0}, and C(1)∗ = P (ξ1 ) ⊗ E(ξ2 ). The ideal J(n)∗ is not a Hopf ideal, so C(n)∗ is not a Hopf algebra. However, it admits interesting left and right coactions. Lemma 9.2. J(n)∗ is an A(n)∗ -A(n−1)∗ bicomodule ideal in A∗ . This means that the left A(n)∗ -coaction A∗ → A∗ ⊗ A∗ → A(n)∗ ⊗ A∗ maps J(n)∗ into the kernel A(n)∗ ⊗ J(n)∗ of A(n)∗ ⊗ A∗ → A(n)∗ ⊗ C(n)∗ , and that the right A(n−1)∗ coaction A∗ → A∗ ⊗ A∗ → A∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ maps J(n)∗ into the kernel J(n)∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ of A∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ → C(n)∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ . 12 e Proof. The left and right coactions take ξk2 with k ≥ 2, e ≥ 0 and k + e ≥ n + 2 to the images of X j+e e e ψ(ξk2 ) = ξi2 ⊗ ξj2 i+j=k in A(n)∗ ⊗ A∗ and A∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ , respectively. Regarding the left A(n)∗ -coaction, ξi2 e e with i + j = k maps to zero in A(n)∗ unless i = 0, so ψ(ξk2 ) maps to 1 ⊗ ξk2 , which lies j+e in the ideal A(n)∗ ⊗ J(n)∗ . Regarding the right A(n−1)∗ -coaction, ξi2 with i + j = k e lies in J(n)∗ unless i = 0 or i = 1, so ψ(ξk2 ) maps to j+e e k−1+e 1 ⊗ ξk2 + ξ12 e e 2 ⊗ ξk−1 , e 2 and ξk2 and ξk−1 both map to zero in A(n−1)∗ . Both coactions are algebra maps, so this implies the claim. It follows that these coactions induce a left A(n)∗ -coaction C(n)∗ → A(n)∗ ⊗ C(n)∗ and a right A(n−1)∗ -coaction C(n)∗ → C(n)∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ , and that these two coactions commute. In particular the diagram A∗ / A(n)∗ ⊗ A∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ / A∗ ⊗ A∗ ⊗ A∗ Ψ C(n)∗ / A(n)∗ ⊗ C(n)∗ ⊗ A(n−1)∗ commutes. Lemma 9.3. The surjection A∗ → C(n)∗ is a homomorphism of A(n)∗ -A(n−1)∗ bicomodule algebras. Dually, the inclusion C(n) ⊂ A is a homomorphism of A(n)-A(n−1) bimodule coalgebras. Definition 9.4. We define B(n)∗ = C(n)∗ [ξ1−1 ] = colim Σ−k C(n)∗ , k −k and let B(n) = limk Σ C(n) be the dual of B(n)∗ . Lemma 9.5. Multiplication by ξ12 module homomorphism. n+1 n+1 : Σ2 C(n)∗ → C(n)∗ is an A(n)∗ -A(n−1)∗ bico- n+1 n+1 Proof. The left A(n)∗ -coaction takes ξ12 to 1 ⊗ ξ12 , while the right A(n−1)∗ -coaction n+1 n+1 n+1 to ξ12 ⊗ 1, hence multiplication by ξ12 commutes with both coactions. takes ξ12 Lemma 9.6. The short exact sequence 2n+1 0→Σ ξ12 n+1 · C(n)∗ −→ C(n)∗ −→ A(n)∗ → 0 and the injection n+1 C(n)∗ −→ B(n)∗ = colim Σ−j·2 j C(n)∗ both consist of A(n)-A(n−1) bicomodules and A(n)-A(n−1) bicomodule homomorphisms. Dually, the short exact sequence n+1 0 → A(n) −→ C(n) −→ Σ2 C(n) → 0 and the surjection n+1 B(n) = lim Σ−j·2 j C(n) −→ C(n) both consist of A(n)-A(n−1) bimodules and A(n)-A(n−1) bimodule homomorphisms. 13 n n Proof. Note that I(n)∗ is the ideal generated by J(n)∗ and ξ12 , and multiplication by ξ12 acts injectively on C(n)∗ . 10. The A(n)-module structure of ΣP (x±1 ) [[and ΣE(x) ⊗ P (y ±1 )]] Consider the A(1)-module structure on ΣP (x±1 ), where A(1) ⊂ A is generated by Sq 1 and Sq 2 . Sq 2 ... Σx −5 % / Σx−4 −4 Σx ; / Σx−2 −3 −2 Σx −1 $ / Σ1 Σx ; 0 Sq 1 / Σx2 Σx 2 3 % / Σx4 4 It is 4-periodic, and is obtained by non-trivial extensions from infinitely many copies of the cyclic A(1)-module A(1)//A(0) = F2 {1, Sq 2 , Sq 1 Sq 2 , Sq 2 Sq 1 Sq 2 }, suspended by all integer multiples of four. The quotient by the submodule A(1)F<0 generated by classes in negative degree appears as follows Σx −1 0 Σx ; / Σx2 2 Σx 3 % / Σx4 Σx ; 4 5 / Σx6 6 Σx 7 % / Σx8 .: . . , 8 and there is a short exact sequence of A(1)-modules ΣP (x±1 ) ΣP (x±1 ) −→ Σ4 → 0. A(1)F<0 A(1)F<0 These patterns generalize to all larger n. 0 → A(1)//A(0) −→ Definition 10.1. Let F<k = F2 {Σxi | i + 1 < k} ⊂ ΣP (x±1 ) be the subspace of classes in degree less than k, and let A(n)F<k ⊂ ΣP (x±1 ) be the left A(n)-submodule generated by F<k . We get a tower of surjections ΣP (x±1 ) ΣP (x±1 ) . . . −→ −→ −→ . . . , A(n)F<k A(n)F<k+1 in the category of A(n)-modules. Since A(n) is bounded above (and below) we get an isomorphism ΣP (x±1 ) ΣP (x±1 ) ∼ , = lim k A(n)F<k where in each degree the limit is achieved at a finite stage. n+1 Multiplication by x2 acts A(n)-linearly on ΣP (x±1 ), hence induces isomorphisms n+1 Σ2 ΣP (x±1 ) ∼ ΣP (x±1 ) . = A(n)F<k A(n)F<k+2n+1 Restricting k = −j · 2n+1 to integer multiples of 2n+1 , we can write ±1 ΣP (x±1 ) ∼ ) n+1 ΣP (x ΣP (x±1 ) ∼ . = lim = lim Σ−j·2 j A(n)F<−j·2n+1 j A(n)F<0 14 .< . . Proposition 10.2. There is an A(n)-module [[coalgebra?]] isomorphism ∼ = C(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 −→ ΣP (x±1 ) A(n)F<0 mapping the class of c ⊗ 1 to the class of c(Σx−1 ). Proof. The displayed map is well defined because j n j −1−2n Sq 2 (Σx−1 ) = Sq 2 (Σx2 ) ∈ A(n)F<0 j for 0 < j < n, and these Sq 2 generate A(n−1). By the Milnor–Moore theorem C(n) is free as a right A(n−1)-module, and c(Σx−1 ) lies in A(n)F<2n+1 when c ∈ A(n), so there is a map of short exact sequences 0 / A(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 / C(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 / Σ2n+1 C(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 /0 0 / A(n)F<2n+1 /A(n)F<0 / ΣP (x±1 )/A(n)F<0 / ΣP (x±1 )/A(n)F<2n+1 /0 of left A(n)-modules, where the right hand vertical map is isomorphic to the 2n+1 -th suspension of the middle vertical map. The left hand vertical map is surjective because Sq i (Σx−1 ) = Σxi−1 for 0 ≤ i < 2n+1 generate the target as an A(n)-module, and these Sq i lie in A(n). That target contains precisely one generator in each congruence class of degrees modulo 2n+1 , so it has the same dimension as A(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 . Hence the left hand vertical map is an isomorphism, and it follows by induction that the middle vertical map is also an isomorphism. Theorem 10.3. There is an A(n)-module isomorphism ∼ = B(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 −→ ΣP (x±1 ) . Proof. The canonical homomorphism n+1 n+1 B(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 ∼ = lim Σ−j·2 C(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 −→ lim Σ−j·2 C(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 j j ΣP (x±1 ) ∼ ) ∼ n+1 ΣP (x ∼ = lim = ΣP (x±1 ) = lim Σ−j·2 j j A(n)F<0 A(n)F<−j·2n+1 ±1 is an isomorphism, because in each degree both limits are achieved for all sufficiently n+1 large j, so Σ−j·2 C(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 maps isomorphically and compatibly to both sides, in a range of degrees that grows to cover all degrees as j increases to ∞. To proceed from here, Davis and Mahowald [?LDMA80, Lemma 1.3] obtained the following splitting, after base change along A(n) ⊂ A . Lemma 10.4. There is an A -module isomorphism ΣP (x±1 ) ∼ M j·2n+1 A ⊗A(n) Σ (A ⊗A(n−1) F2 ) . = A(n)F<0 j≥0 Proof. The composition µ : A ⊗A(n) C(n) ⊂ A ⊗A(n) A → A 15 induces a splitting µ ⊗A(n−1) 1 of the short exact sequence n+1 0 → A ⊗A(n−1) F2 −→ A ⊗A(n) C(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 −→ A ⊗A(n) Σ2 C(n) ⊗A(n−1) F2 → 0 of left A -modules. Hence there is an A -module splitting of the short exact sequence n+1 0 → A ⊗A(n−1) F2 −→ A ⊗A(n) ΣP (x)/A(n)F<0 −→ A ⊗A(n) Σ2 (ΣP (x)/A(n)F<0 ) → 0 . Iterating, these combine to define the asserted isomorphism. Corollary 10.5. A(n) Tors,t (F2 , ΣP (x±1 ) ∼ M n+1 A(n−1) )= Tors,t (F2 , Σj·2 F2 ) . A(n)F<0 j≥0 Proof. Apply TorA s,t (F2 , −) and change-of-rings. Corollary 10.6. A(n) Tors,t (F2 , ΣP (x±1 )) ∼ = M A(n−1) Tors,t (F2 , Σj·2 n+1 F2 ) . j∈Z Proof. Pass to the (achieved) limit over the desuspensions ΣP (x±1 )/A(n)F<k for (negative) multiples k of 2n+1 . Corollary 10.7. A∗ ±1 ∼ TorA s,t (F2 , ΣP (x )) = Tors,t (F2 , F2 ) . Proof. Pass to the colimit over n, checking that only the summand with j = 0 survives. This approach requires some careful control of the splitting maps and their behavior under passage from A(n) to A(n+1). We shall instead give the details in the more conceptual argument of [?AGM85]. References [AGM85] J. F. Adams, J. H. Gunawardena, and H. 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