209 Geol. Mag. 127 (3), 1990, pp. 209-224. Printed in Great Britain The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and associated rocks, west Norwegian Caledonides: geology, geochemistry and tectonic environment H. FURNES*, K. P. SKJERLIE*, R. B. PEDERSEN*, T. B. ANDERSENf, C J. STILLMANJ, R. J. SUTHREN§, M. TYSSELAND* & L. B. GARMANN* *Geologisk Institutt, Avd. A, Allegt. 41, 5007 Bergen, Norway t Institutt for Geologi, P.O. Box 1047, 0316 Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway % Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland § Department of Geology, Oxford Polytechnic, Oxford OX3 0BP U.K. (Received 18 May 1989; accepted! November 1989) Abstract - Metabasalts of the Upper Ordovician Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex of the westernmost Norwegian Caledonides, show N- to E-MORB affinity, with high Th/Ta (or Nb) ratios giving evidence of subduction influence. The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex is overlain by a heterogeneous assemblage of sedimentary and volcanic rocks, the Stavenes Group, of which the Heggoy Formation of metasandstones and phyllites conformably overlies the metabasalts of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex. The Heggoy Formation contains, in places, abundant metabasalt pillow lavas and minor intrusions, geochemically similar to those of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex, and basic metavolcaniclastites of island arc tholeiite (IAT) composition. This indicates that the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and Heggoy Formation developed in a marginal basin between a continental margin and an active subduction system, for which the presentday Andaman Sea may provide a realistic model. The other magmatic rocks of the Stavenes Group, showing both calc-alkaline and alkaline affinities, are less well time-constrained, but they are thought to represent an advanced stage of the island arc development, and ocean island build-up, respectively. 1. Introduction The area between Solund and Bremanger (Fig. 1) forms part of the westernmost Norwegian Caledonides. Tectonostratigraphic units comprising various types of gneiss, continental margin sediments, an ophiolite complex associated with volcanic and sedimentary cover rocks, and sedimentary as well as tectonic melanges, can be distinguished. The first petrographic and tectonostratigraphic studies were those by Kolderup (1921, 1928). Later work by Skjerlie (1969, 1974) and Gale (1975) added considerable information, in particular on the greenstone complexes. An extensive review of the general geology of the Stavfjorden area is summarized by Brekke & Solberg (1987), who divided the tectonostratigraphy into lower, middle and upper tectonic units. A modified tectonostratigraphic division has subsequently been presented by Andersen, Skjerlie & Fumes (1990), and a brief description of the tectonic units (Fig. 1) is given below. The lower tectonic unit comprises the Vevring Complex of eclogite-bearing gneisses belonging to the Western Gneiss Region of Precambrian age, and the Askvoll Group which consists of low- to mediumgrade sedimentary, volcanic and plutonic rocks. The middle tectonic unit, consisting of the Dalsfjord Suite and the Hoyvik and Herland groups, is separated from the lower tectonic unit by the extensional Kvamshesten Fault. The Dalsfjord Suite is composed of various syenitic to charnockitic orthogneisses, granites and gabbros (Kolderup, 1921), and has been correlated with similar rocks of the Jotun Nappe (Milnes & Koestler, 1985). The Hoyvik Group of preSilurian age, locally resting with a primary depositional contact on the rocks of the Dalsfjord Suite, consists mainly of meta-arkoses and quartzites which experienced polyphasal deformation and metamorphism in the upper greenschist - lower amphibolite facies prior to the deposition of the Herland Group. The Herland Group (Brekke & Solberg, 1987) of Silurian age, redefined by T. Berg (unpub. Cand. Scient. thesis, Univ. Bergen, 1988) and Andersen, Skjerlie & Furnes (1990), consists of two fossiliferous formations: the Sjoralden Formation of basal conglomerates, quartzites, meta-arkoses and graphitic black shales; and the overlying Brurastakken Formation of conglomerates, metasandstones, shales and marbles. The upper tectonic unit comprises the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex and its cover of metasediments and metavolcanites. A recent research programme of mapping, geochemical, geochronological, structural and sedimentological studies has been concentrated on the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex and its cover and 210 H. FURNES AND OTHERS TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHY ? Kalvag Melange O _O-^O_ < W 3 W -,0 Dalsfjord Suite Fault i I i—i I I I I i Askvoll Gp. Tectonic contact Western Gneiss Region Devonian x i Granodiorite Gabbronorite/diorite Y j Kalvag Melange SOLUND - STAVFJORD OPHIOLITE COMPLEX (SSOC) AND COVER SEQUENCE (THE STAVENES GROUP) Pillow lava, metavolcaniclastites Metagreywacke, metavolcaniclastites,lavas Metagreywacke, phyllite/ with L a s & intrusions Heggay Format.on Metagabbro, sheeted dykes ) . pillow lava, metahyaloclastite) b5»UO « | SunnfjordMelange Herland Group Heyvik Group + ] Dalsfjord Suite Askvoll Group W Gneiss Region Figure 1. Simplified geological map of the Solund-Bremanger area, with the stratigraphy/tectonostratigraphy of the various rock complexes. substrate. The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex is the youngest dated ophiolite complex in the Scandinavian Caldedonides, based on a U-Pb zircon date of 443 + 3 Ma (Dunning & Pedersen, 1988). The Sunnfjord Melange, occurring between the upper and middle tectonic units, has largely tectonic boundaries but in one crucial area is seen to overlie strati- graphically the Herland Group (Fig. 1) with a depositional contact. The melange developed during ophiolite obduction and thus provides a terrane link between the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and the continental margin (Andersen, Skjerlie & Fumes, 1990). Fundamental for the interpretation of the tectonic environment of formation of the Solund- 211 Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex is the continental affinity of its sedimentary cover, and the MORB and IAT character of the intercalated volcanites/intrusions and volcaniclastics, respectively. On the basis of the abundant geochemical data and our present knowledge of the field relationships between the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex and associated rocks, we will argue that the most appropriate geotectonic model is provided by the present-day Andaman Sea. 2. Geology of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and associated rocks In the area between Solund and Flora (Fig. 1), the relationship between the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and its cover can be demonstrated in a number of places. The tectonostratigraphy of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and the rocks between Kinn and Bremanger (Fig. 1) is uncertain, and can only be inferred. Brekke & Solberg (1987) included all the pre-Devonian strata of the upper tectonic unit in the Stavenes Group. In this context we retain this group name, but exclude the ophiolite, and further subdivide the remaining rocks into formal and informal units. The ophiolite complex has in a number of papers been referred to as the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex (Furnes et al. 1986; Pedersen, Furnes & Dunning, 1988; K. P. Skjerlie, unpub. Cand. Scient. thesis, Univ. Bergen, 1988; Andersen, Skjerlie & Furnes, 1990; Skjerlie, Furnes & Johansen, 1989), and is now proposed as a formal name. The extensive sedimentary and volcanic sequence, which can be demonstrated to overlie the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex, will be given the formal name Stavenes Group. The Stavenes Group is divided into the Heggoy Formation, which comprises the sediments and tholeiitic volcanic rocks conformably overlying the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex, and the Hersvik and Smelvjer units, which are volcanic/ volcaniclastic and sedimentary sequences seen in the Hersvik and Smelvaer/Moldvser areas (Fig. 1). They have been given informal names since their precise stratigraphic positions are unknown, and their chemistries are of calc-alkaline and alkaline affinities, respectively. In the Bremanger area, a sedimentary melange, the Kalvag Melange, is in a strongly sheared contact with quartzites which are correlated with the Hoyvik Group (Fig. I). 2.a. The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex mostly comprises sheeted dykes and volcanic rocks, i.e. the upper part of the standard ophiolite pseudostratigraphy (e.g. Coleman, 1977). In a few places, however, and best preserved on the island of Tviberg (Fig. 1), high-level isotropic gabbro and diorite occur. The gabbro is typically varitextured, with grain size ranging from fine to pegmatitic (Fig. 2 a), and may show diffuse as well as sharp transitions to diorite (Pedersen, 1986; K. P. Skjerlie, unpub. Cand. Scient. thesis, Univ. Bergen, 1988). Faintly laminated metagabbro occurs in Solund (Slotteneset area, Fig. 1). Sheeted dykes (Fig. 2 b) are particularly well displayed on some of the southwestern islands in Solund (Fig. 1). Individual dykes range in thickness from a few centimetres up to c. 2 m (mostly commonly < 1 m). A characteristic feature of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex is the high proportion of volcanic rocks, which in the Solund and Staveneset areas (Fig. 1) comprise non-amygdaloidal pillow lavas and meta-hyaloclastite breccias (Fig. 2c, d) (Furnes, 1972, 1973, 1974; Furnes & Skjerlie, 1972; Furnes, Skjerlie & Tysseland, 1976). On the islands of Vasrlandet and Alden (Fig. 1), the volcanic succession is dominated by sheet flows (Fig. 2e) and fossil lava lakes (Skjerlie, Furnes & Johansen, 1989). A composite profile of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex is shown in the left-hand part of Figure 2. An important tectonic feature of the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex is the presence of a broad shear zone (c. 500 m) on the island of Tviberg (Fig. 1), in which serpentinite bodies were emplaced contemporaneously with and prior to the last phases of magmatic activity. This tectonic zone is considered to have originated at the oceanic stage as part of a transform fault (K. P. Skjerlie, unpub. Cand. Scient. thesis, Univ. Bergen, 1988; Skjerlie & Furnes, in press), which subsequently became the site where obduction initiated, with the contemporaneous formation of the Sunnfjord Melange (Andersen, Skjerlie & Furnes, 1990). 2.b. The Stavenes Group 2.b.l. The Heggoy Formation The sedimentary cover to the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex has its largest extent in the area between Heggoy and Eikefjord (Fig. 1), and primary contacts with the metavolcanites can be seen both on Staveneset and in Solund. The best preserved and most important locality is on Slotteneset in Solund (Fig. 1), where a c. 3 m thick, dark green to black schist rests with a primary conformable contact on pillow lava. The dark schist, composed mainly of chlorite and magnetite, with subordinate garnet, pyrite and graphite, is rich in Fe, Mn, Cu, V, Zn and P, suggesting formation at an active spreading ridge (Boyle, in press). Intercalated with these sediments are fine laminae and beds of pale grey siltstone, composed of quartz, white mica and albite, with or without calcite. The cover metasediments are well preserved on the island of Heggoy (Fig. 1), where a c. 1000 m thick sequence of predominantly calcareous metagreywacke rests directly upon the sheeted dyke complex of the GEO 127 H. FURNES AND OTHERS 212 Solund-Stavfjorden composite profile ^7} Metasandstone, phyllite 3 Sill = ^ Sheet flows T | Lava lake d | Pillow lava A | Meta hyaloclastite rjJJ Sheeted dykes • + | Diorite v /"c'/j Gabbro (massive or varitextured) Figure 2. Composite profile of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex, with photographs showing its components (a-e), and associated cover sediments (0 of the Heggoy Formation, (a) Varitextured metagabbro grading into metadiorite; southwest Tviberg. (b) Sheeted mafic dyke complex; Oldra. (c) Metahyaloclastite breccia; Oldra. (d) Slightly deformed pillow lava; Oldra. (e) Numerous submarine, massive sheet flows, interbedded with pillow lava; Alden. (0 Thin- to thick-bedded, little deformed quartz-rich metasandstone of the Heggoy Formation; Tryggoy. Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex. The metagreywacke, hosting numerous intrusive bodies and pillow lava horizons (Fig. 3), is dominantly fine- to medium-grained, thin- to thick-bedded, light to dark greenish-grey metagreywacke (Fig. 2f) composed of quartz, albite, and minor rock fragments of greenstone and quartzite set in a matrix of white mica, chlorite, epidote and variable amounts of calcite. More Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex 213 THE STAVENES GROUP Heggoy Formation (HF) m 1000 Hersvik Unit (HU) Smelvaer Unit (SU) Heggoy Devonian Explanation (HF) Phyllite 800Fault Metasandslone with phyllite interbeds Pillow lava (Tholeiitic) Basic intrusive sheets (Thol.) 600Fault Metasandstone with green volcaniclastite interbeds (Thol.) «•'»'*•;*' Basement unknown 400Slotteneset -unconformity Basement unknown 200Fault Explanation (HU) > • « • • Conglomerate Metasandstone 0-1 with cgl. interbeds with green volcaniclastite interbeds Dykes & gabbro of the SSOC Pillow lava of the SSOC Massive lava & intrusions (calc-alcaline) Explanation (SU) Green volcaniclastites with chert interbeds Massive lava Pillow lava / with volcaniclastite interbeds All magmatic components of alkaline composition Figure 3. Volcanic and sedimentary development of the Stavenes Group, shown by composite stratigraphical logs of the Heggoy Formation and Hersvik and Smelvaer units. comprehensive petrographic descriptions of the metagreywacke are provided by Skjerlie (1974) and Furnes (1974). The metagreywackes occur as thick monotonous sequences, or alternate with dark grey phyllite, beds of quartzite, minor marbles, and greenish-grey to dark green metavolcaniclastic rocks (Fig. 3, Slotteneset profile). These lithologies may all show gradational as well as sharp boundaries to each other. The occurrence of metabasalts within the metasediments is highly variable. Thus in the Tryggoy area, on Heggoy and on the northern part of the Stavenes Peninsula (Fig. 1), pillow lava, massive lava and minor intrusions occur abundantly, whereas further north and north-northeast (in the area between Svanoy and Eikefjord, Fig. 1) only sporadic occurrences of lava can be found. Due to Caledonian deformation, it is only possible to reconstruct the sequence in a few places, such as on Heggoy, where younging directions can be observed in the graded-bedded metasandstone and intercalations of pillow lava. The relationships between the metasediments and the metabasalts of the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex are indicated in Figure 3. 2.b.2. The Hersvik Unit The rocks of the Hersvik Unit (Fig. 1) were previously divided into three groups (the Hersvik, Mjeltevikneset and Arneset groups; Furnes, 1974). With new data showing a coherent geochemical development of the volcanogenic rocks throughout the sequence of the Hersvik area (Fig. 1), we now find it unjustified to sustain this subdivision. 15-2 214 H. FURNES AND OTHERS Granodiorite Gabbronorite - diorite Chert / distal turbidite Conglomerate Ignimbrite Metasandstone (shallow marine) Brecciated metasandstone / metapelite Figure 4. Simplified geological map of the Kalvag Melange (from Bryhni & Lyse, 1985) and the Gasoy Intrusion (from Furnes et al. 1989). Photographs (see map for location) of typical block lithologies of the melange are. (a) Storm wave-generated bed (tempestite) of quartz-arenitic metasandstone. Note the sharp base and top, and the symmetrical ripples at the top of the bed. (b) Brecciated strata representing a debris flow, (c) Lower part of rhyolitic ignimbrite flow unit. Note the well-developed, largescale eutaxitic structure in the upper part, and homogeneous (due to extremely strong welding) lower part of the deposit, (d) Thin-bedded chert deposit (mainly turbidites) of deep-marine origin, (e) Portion of a sequence of polymict mass-flow metaconglomerates, between black meta-shales and thick metachert slump/turbidite deposits, representing submarine resedimentation of foreshore gravels. The lower part of the sequence consists predominantly of metagreywacke with abundant lava flows and minor intrusions. Interbedded with the metagreywacke are beds of dark green metavolcaniclastites and conglomerates (with a dominance of quartzite pebbles), which both increase in abundance up-sequence (Fig. 3). A fuller description of the various lithologies has been given by Furnes (1974). 2.b.3. The Smelvoer Unit The Smelvaer Unit is dominated by metabasaltic volcanic rocks. On the island of Smelvsr (Fig. 1), pillow laval predominates, but there are minor occurrences of massive lava flows, intercalated with metachert and brownish-green metavolcaniclastites (Fig. 3). The pillow lavas commonly show drain-out structures (Ballard & Moore, 1977; Grenne & Roberts, 1983), and some pillows have a moderate content of amygdales, indicating eruption at a relatively shallow water depth (e.g. Moore, 1965). The westernmost and northernmost islands of the Smelvaer Unit (Fig. 1) consist nearly exclusively of strongly foliated yellowish-green to dark green volcaniclastic metasediments, interbedded with dark metachert (up to 30 cm thick) and graphite-bearing black schist. Minor bodies of metagabbro, in some cases coarse-grained to pegmatitic, intrude the metavolcaniclastites. An exposed contact between the metavolcanic/metavolcaniclastic rocks of the Smelvaer Unit and the surrounding rocks has not been identified. 2.c. The Kalvag Melange A petrographic description of the various components of the Kalvag Melange (Figs 1, 4) and a discussion of the environment in which it formed, has been given by Bryhni & Lyse (1985). The melange, most likely Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex representing an olistostrome, has a matrix of metapelite and quartz-rich metasandstone, hosting olistoliths of different lithologies ranging in size up to more than 2 km. Some olistoliths are composed of shallowmarine metasandstones (Fig. 4a) showing various stages of disintegration due to syn-sedimentary slumping (Fig. 4b). Associated with the metasandstones are disrupted layers of rubbly, most probably subaerial, aa lava which may also occur as individual fragments surrounded by the metapelite/metagreywacke matrix. Strongly to slightly welded ignimbrite (Fig. 4c) occurs as > 300-m-long olistoliths in the melange. Blocks of deep-water distal turbidites interbedded with chert (Fig. 4d) are well represented on the western and southern parts of Froya (Fig. 4). A spectacular olistolith ( > 200 m long) of a coarse, unsorted and polymict conglomerate (Fig. 4e), in association with distal turbidites/chert and ignimbrite, occurs on the western part of Froya. Within this conglomerate, which contains well rounded pebbles and boulders of metagabbro, greenstones, quartz porphyry, chert, quartzite and rounded to angular fragments of metapelite and metagreywacke, are beds of coarse- to fine-grained metasandstone. In a sheared contact with this olistolith is black shale, from which Reusch (1903) reported the occurrence of Silurian graptolites. The melange is intruded by two plutons (Figs 1, 4), one of granodioritic and the other of gabbronorite/ dioritic composition, as well as by several thin felsic dykes. Mineral separates (plagioclase, clinopyroxene and apatite) from a sample of diorite from the syntectonic gabbronorite/diorite intrusion have yielded a Sm-Nd age of 380 + 26 Ma (Fumes et al. 1989). The geochemical composition of this intrusion is transitional between calc-alkaline and tholeiitic (Fumes et al. 1989). 215 3. Geochemistry A large number of geochemical analyses of the metabasalts and metavolcaniclastites from the various above-mentioned volcanic complexes have been carried out by XRF. For this account we have reported full analyses only of representative sample, for which the rare earth and other trace elements have also been determined by instrumental neutron activation analyses. The results are presented in Table 1. 3.a. Analytical methods Major oxides and the trace elements V, Cr, Rb, Sr, Y and Zr were determined by X-ray fluorescence. The glass-bead technique of Padfield & Gray (1971) was used for the major elements, and pressed powder pellets for the trace elements using international basalt standards for calibration and Flanagan's (1973) recommended values. The REE together with Hf, Ta, Th, U, Sc and Co were determined by instrumental neutron activation, using international standards for calibration. The gamma-ray activities were measured with a large Ge(Li) detector. Methods are described by Brunfelt & Steinnes (1969, 1971). Instrumental precisions for trace elements in this account are as follows: better then or c. ± 5 % : Sm, Tb, Ta, Th, Y, Zr, Sr, Sc, Cr, V; c. ± 5 - 1 0 % : La, Eu, Yb, Hf, Co; c. + 1 0 - 1 5 % : Ce, Nd, Ho, Tm, U, Rb, Ni. The complete analytical procedures are available on request (M.T. for XRF and L.B.G. for INAA). For two of the samples (83-MS-7 and H43) all the trace elements were determined by ICP-MS at Memorial University, Newfoundland. 3.b. Alteration effects 2.d. Undifferentiated rocks The western part of Skorpa (Fig. 1) and the neighbouring islands and skerries consist of a light grey, garnetiferous, mica-bearing gneiss, with minor thin layers and lenses of amphibolite. At most localities the gneiss has a porphyroclastic texture with augen development. On the western side of Batalden (Fig. 1) the dominant rock type is metabasalt (greenstones grading into amphibolites) of MORB composition (H. Fumes, unpublished data), containing minor bodies of metagabbro and layers of a light grey, micarich, quartz schist. These gneisses and metabasalts appear as isolated occurrences, and it is not yet possible to deduce to which part of the well-established tectonostratigraphy (in the Atloy area, Fig. 1) they belong. They will not be considered further in the discussion which follows. Since only minor and trace elements have been used in characterizing the rocks, only the behaviour of these particular elements during alteration and low-grade metamorphism will be discussed here. The elements Ti, Y, Zr, Hf and Ta are reported to remain stable (Cann, 1970; Hart, 1970; Hart, Erlank & Kable, 1974; Coish, 1977; Ludden, Gelinas & Trudel, 1982; Staudigel & Hart, 1983). The behaviour of Th is less well known, but Wood, Joron & Treuil (1979) have reported that the Th/La ratio remains stable in altered rocks. All studies concerning the behaviour of REE during various types of alteration have shown that HREE can be regarded as immobile. The behaviour of LREE, however, is debatable; some authors (e.g. Ludden & Thompson, 1979) have documented some mobility, whereas others (e.g. Dungan, Vance & Blanchard, 1983) have reported no mobility. Because the greenstones discussed in this paper generally show smooth REE patterns (Figs 5-7), we believe that their compositions largely reflect that of the original magma. — 196 — — 1 171 51 138 — 6.47 25 19 6.34 1.79 7.00 1.62 2.26 — 4.42 0.31 — 0.26 0.44 0.91 48.48 2.34 14.41 3.37 9.17 0.17 6.34 8.56 3.02 0.13 0.23 3.45 99.37 47.42 2.23 13.10 2.59 8.71 0.18 6.57 10.05 3.21 0.06 0.19 3.93 99.24 — 250 — — — 140 41 115 — 4.37 11 17 5.25 1.15 — 1.37 1.74 — 3.57 — — 0.20 0.57 0.60 2 PL 1 D — 291 — — — 137 30 81 — 3.50 12 — 4.00 1.40 — 0.90 1.30 — 2.90 0.30 — 0.10 0.30 0.40 48.68 1.55 14.38 2.40 8.06 0.16 7.47 11.38 3.70 0.08 0.13 1.25 99.24 3 D 49.36 1.66 15.60 2.69 6.51 0.16 6.89 10.90 3.47 0.24 0.20 2.25 99.93 — — 392 — — 3 240 31 111 — 4.90 13 16 4.70 2.00 — 0.90 — — 2.90 0.50 — 0.30 0.60 0.50 4 D — 346 — — 1 110 43 122 — 5.40 18 13 6.30 2.00 6.00 1.40 2.00 — 4.60 0.60 — 0.20 0.30 0.40 49.86 2.40 13.25 3.04 9.76 0.21 6.02 10.84 2.74 0.15 0.25 1.35 99.87 5 D 47.64 0.92 16.21 3.21 8.55 0.15 4.58 8.52 3.21 0.61 0.08 5.30 98.98 34.80 350 15 44.10 24 23 103 23 62 — 4.10 12 — 3.50 1.20 5.00 0.60 — 0.50 2.50 0.40 1.90 0.06 0.66 1.50 32.10 415 38 30.20 16 8 521 23 13 — 3.20 10 9 3.60 1.30 — 0.70 1.20 0.50 2.80 0.60 1.40 0.03 0.39 0.87 7 GS 49.56 1.08 17.01 7.32 6.66 0.27 3.98 9.01 3.24 0.13 0.08 1.70 100.13 6 GS 36.00 280 263 39.60 56 13 144 29 120 — 4.40 12 11 4.20 1.40 — 0.90 1.40 0.60 2.70 0.40 3.00 0.17 0.14 0.88 50.57 1.62 14.51 2.29 8.29 0.18 7.11 11.42 2.06 0.28 0.17 1.20 99.68 8 MG Heggoy Formation 45.27 418 286 55.00 73 1 156 46 178 1.65 4.65 16 16 5.53 1.76 6.50 1.29 1.81 0.76 4.68 0.63 2.81 — 0.19 0.07 49.77 2.35 13.96 2.52 9.40 0.23 8.64 10.17 2.88 0.23 0.39 2.42 101.04 9 S 29.14 — 98 — — 12 653 35 247 13.11 34.55 72 34 7.30 2.20 7.25 1.20 1.46 0.53 2.94 0.40 2.78 — 4.49 1.06 52.70 1.46 15.49 7.25 3.72 0.15 4.33 5.20 4.96 0.57 0.39 2.50 99.46 10 ML 1\j inil HI i Hersvik 14.50 85 4 15.80 6 5 313 62 415 — 50.60 118 64 16.00 3.60 15.00 1.90 2.40 1.00 4.80 — 10.30 4.10 5.60 1.80 57.10 2.45 13.82 2.78 8.24 0.22 2.13 5.63 4.79 0.36 0.85 0.70 99.07 11 PL 27.60 418 6 31.90 9 7 176 51 326 — 34.00 68 35 10.30 2.70 11.00 1.60 2.10 0.80 4.10 — 7.80 2.70 3.10 1.40 49.68 3.77 15.32 2.63 10.44 0.18 5.12 7.63 4.19 0.45 0.65 2.00 101.97 12 ML 31.30 323 105 38.10 52 9 372 31 144 — 23.60 52 25 6.70 1.90 — 0.90 1.20 0.50 2.50 — 4.00 1.00 1.20 1.10 48.00 2.71 16.15 4.15 5.72 0.08 5.20 11.98 1.55 0.31 0.30 1.90 98.05 13 PL Smelvaer Unit 30.20 501 73 31.70 33 25 236 51 286 — 36.30 68 31 8.80 2.30 10.00 1.40 1.80 0.80 4.10 — 6.00 3.30 3.90 1.10 50.64 2.97 15.33 1.58 9.43 0.17 5.71 6.17 4.37 0.84 0.55 2.30 100.06 14 MeG 30.10 246 61 33.70 22 66 152 32 66 — 3.70 13 9 3.30 1.20 5.00 0.70 1.00 0.50 2.50 0.50 1.30 0.04 0.31 1.10 54.29 0.92 15.33 1.61 8.73 0.21 5.62 5.72 2.82 1.71 0.11 1.70 98.77 15 GrC 36.10 337 239 40.40 72 11 162 41 128 — 4.60 15 13 4.70 1.30 — 1.00 1.60 0.70 3.70 0.70 3.10 0.17 0.21 1.10 49.56 1.87 14.67 1.95 10.14 0.34 6.61 9.06 2.55 0.49 0.14 1.70 99.08 16 GrC 42.00 339 347 26.20 43 8 205 40 138 — 5.50 16 13 4.90 1.30 — 1.10 1.70 0.70 3.90 — 3.33 0.17 0.31 1.20 50.97 2.14 16.88 3.16 5.96 0.12 5.00 11.51 1.87 0.38 0.29 2.20 99.59 17 GrC 10.40 0 10 5.20 2 11 94 19 69 — 3.40 9 — 2.30 0.90 — 0.50 0.90 0.50 2.50 — 2.50 0.10 1.20 1.00 75.83 0.25 11.68 1.68 1.37 0.06 0.76 2.31 4.21 0.33 0.06 2.50 101.05 18 QpC Kalvag Melange 15.90 151 20 22.30 18 62 893 28 313 — 23.50 44 24 5.30 1.60 6.00 0.60 0.70 0.30 1.50 — 4.60 0.99 5.40 2.20 54.43 1.47 20.67 1.50 4.59 0.07 3.42 2.86 4.78 1.41 0.26 3.20 99.61 19 PD 31.90 291 238 46.50 69 125 715 48 367 — 23.00 54 33 9.60 2.80 — 1.20 1.30 0.50 2.20 0.20 5.90 2.80 3.20 4.00 51.63 2.68 21.84 1.30 2.81 0.12 2.08 10.03 0.53 6.32 0.53 1.35 101.22 20 RL Abbreviations: D = dyke; PL = pillow lava; GS = greenschist; MG = microgabbro; S = sill; ML = massive lava; MeG = metagabbro; GrC = greenstone clasts; QpC = quartz porphyry clasts; PD = porphyritic dyke; RL = rubbly lava. Field numbers of samples corresponding to reference numbers: 1 = Sol; 2 = So3; 3 = Sf3; 4 = Sf5; 5 = Sf6; 6 = 86-SF-129; 7 = 86-SF-165; 8 = 86-SF153; 9 = 83-MS-7; 10 = H43; 11 = 84-SF-5; 12 = 8 4 - S F - l l ; 13 = 84-SF-16; 14 = 86-SF-24; 15 = 87-SF-I4; 16 = 87-SF-15; 17 = 87-SF-16; 18 = 87-SF-27; 19 = 87 : SF-59; 20 = 87-SF-63. Hf Ta Th U Lu Sc V Cr Co Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Ho Tm Yb LOI 5 Total SiO 2 TiO 2 A12O3 Fe 2 O 3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na 2 O K2O Ref. no. Rock Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex Table 1. Representative major and trace element analyses from the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and associated rocks to o z m Z 73 c X ON 217 Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex 12J eg Tviberg, dykes Alden, dykes & pillows Oldra, dykes & pillows 2- CfP o 200 200 400 400 Zr- Zr- Zr- i 200 400 Stavfjorden area Solund 40-, o O 20O 20- 10- 10- La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Ho Yb Lu La Ce Sm Eu Gd Tb Nd • So 1 • So 3 Yb Lu Ho a S I 3 (Staveneset) • Sf 5 (Tviberg) + Sf 6 (Alden) Th Ta Ce P Zr Sm Ti Y Yb Cr Figure 5. Geochemical data from the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex, showing TiO 2 -Zr relationships (a, b, c), and representative samples from the Solund (Oldra) and Stavfjorden (Alden and Tviberg) areas, showing REE (d, e) and trace element (f, g) patterns. Chondrite data from Haskin et al. (1968). MORB values of Ta, Ce, P, Zr, Hf, Sm, Ti, Y, Yb, Sc and Cr from Pearce (1980), and Th from Tarney et al. (1980). 3.c. Metabasalts of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex Representative major and trace element analyses of metabasalts from the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex are given in Table 1. Figure 5 a, b, c shows the TiO 2 -Zr relationships of dykes and pillow lavas. The Oldra and Alden metabasalts, and in particular the samples from Oldra, are enriched in TiO 2 and Zr relative to average MORB (e.g. Pearce, 1980), whereas the Tviberg samples show a much larger spread in these elements. REE analyses of the metabasalts from Solund (Oldra) and Stavfjorden (Alden and Tviberg) are shown in Figure 5d, e. A characteristic pattern of all samples is their upward convex pattern. The Solund and Alden samples show significant to slight negative Eu anomalies, respectively, which are not seen in the Staveneset and Tviberg samples. MORBnormalized trace element diagrams are shown in Figure 5f, g. The samples from Solund, Alden and Staveneset show patterns which are similar to, or somewhat enriched relative to, average MORB but with slight to pronounced negative Ta anomalies. The sample from Tviberg shows a slightly different trend with a continuous and gradual increase in the MORBnormalized trace element values from Yb (less than MORB) through to Th (c. 3 x MORB). 3.d. Metabasalt lavas, intrusions and metavolcaniclastites of the Stavenes Group Representative analyses of the metabasaltic intrusions, lavas and volcaniclastites (greenschists) are shown in Table 1. The geochemistry of the lavas/intrusions and the volcaniclastic rocks are here described separately. 3.d.1. The Heggey Formation Metabasalt lavas and intrusions. In the TiO 2 -Zr diagram (Fig. 6a) the majority of the samples plot on the same trend as the metabasalts of the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex (Fig. 5 a, b, c). The TiO 2 and Zr data show a large spread, comparable to those from Tviberg (Fig. 5 c), but the majority plot within 218 H. FURNES AND OTHERS ) The Heggoy Formation 4-1 Pillow lava & intrusions 4T 0 0 volcaniclastites t D D 0 400 200 400 Zr—• 30- o La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Ho Tm Yb Lu La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb • 86-SF-153 • 83-MS-7 > Ho Tm Yb Lu D 86-SF-129 • 86-SF-165 pa=e .3-1 Th Ta Ce P Zr (Nb) Hf Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Th Ta Ce P Zr The Smelvaer Unit The Hersvik Unit 2- Hf Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr D D Q i0 200 Zr—• 400 La Ce La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Ho Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Ho Tm Yb Tm Yb Lu D H43 Th Nb Ce P Zr HI Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Th Ta Ce P Zr HI Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Figure 6. Geochemical data of metabasalt pillow/massive lava, volcaniclastites and intrusions of the Stavenes Group (the Heggoy Formation, and Hersvik and Smelvaer units). In the TiO 2 -Zr diagram of the Hersvik Unit (g) the fields of the Heggoy Formation (HF) (a, d) are indicated. Squares with crosses: massive lava; open squares: volcaniclastites. In the Nb-Zr diagram of the Smeh/Tr Unit (j) the fields of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex (SSOC), Heggoy Formation (HF) and Hersvik Unit (HU) are shown. Chondrite and MORB data as in Figure 5. Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex the more restricted (enriched MORB type) range: TiO 2 c. 1.7-2.5 wt%, and Zr c. 100-200 ppm, i.e. approximately the same as the field defined by the Alden samples (Fig. 5 b). Two samples, however, plot away from the majority of the samples in the TiO 2 -Zr diagram, and are characterized by relatively low TiO2 and high Zr concentrations, i.e. more akin to calcalkaline magmas. Representative samples of the MORB type (83-MS-7, 86-SF-153) show a rather flat REE pattern, slightly depleted in the LREE and HREE (Fig. 6b), and in the trace element diagram (Fig. 6 c) they define a flat MORB-comparable pattern which may show a negative Nb anomaly. Basic metavolcaniclastic rocks. With the exception of a few samples, the majority of the metabasaltic greenschists intercalated with the metagreywackes have considerably lower TiO 2 and Zr contents (Fig. 6d) than those of the lavas and intrusions (Fig. 6a). The flat REE patterns (Fig. 6e), combined with the generally low abundance of incompatible elements, with the exception of Th, and the pronounced negative Ta anomalies (Fig. 6f), show that these rocks share the characteristic geochemical signature of island arc tholeiites (e.g. Wood, Joron & Treuil, 1979; Holm, 1985). 219 3.e. Magmatic rocks of the Kalvag Melange The geochemical affinities of some of the magmatic rocks occurring as (1) pebbles in the conglomerate blocks of the melange, and (2) intercalated lava and intrusive rocks, are described. Their geochemical compositions are shown in Table 1. 3.e.l. Pebbles in the conglomerate blocks Metabasalt pebbles occur abundantly, and analyses of three samples are shown in Table 1. They exhibit a flat REE pattern (Fig. 7 a) and trace element diagrams show a typical MORB and IAT character, in the latter case with negative Ta anomalies (Fig. 7 b). Quartz porphyry is another dominant clast type. The REE pattern of one of these pebbles shows a depleted nature, and the chondrite-normalized REE pattern is flat (Fig. 7c). Other trace element concentrations are, with the exception of Th, lower than those of MORB (Fig. 7d). These characteristics indicate that the quartz porphyry pebbles represent derivation from a strongly depleted IAT parent (e.g. Holm, 1985). 3.e.2. Lavas and intrusions 3.d.2. The Hersvik Unit The metabasalt lavas and most of the basic metavolcaniclastites of the Hersvik Unit have lower TiO 2 and higher Zr contents than those of the Heggoy Formation (Fig. 6g). The REE pattern of a representative metabasalt samples (Table 1) shows a LREE enrichment (Fig. 6h), and in the trace element diagram (Fig. 6i) the most incompatible elements (e.g. Th) show the highest MORB-normalized values, with a marked negative Nb anomaly as well as minor negative Hf and Ti anomalies. These features are typical of calc-alkaline magmas (e.g. Thompson et al. 1984). 3.d.3. The Smelvctr Unit The geochemical compositions of some representative samples of the metabasaltic volcanigenic and intrusive rocks of the Smelvaer Unit are shown in Table 1. Compositionally they differ from those of the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex, the Heggoy Formation and the Hersvik Unit. This is particularly well demonstrated with respect to their generally high Nb concentrations (Fig. 6j), but also in their LREEenriched REE patterns (Fig. 6 k), and continuous enrichment in their trace elements from Yb to Th (Fig. 61). Geochemically they are thus to be classified as alkaline magmatic products (e.g. Thompson et al. 1984). This, combined with their field characteristics as submarine volcanites, would be compatible with the evolution of an ocean island complex. The REE patterns and trace element diagrams of the basic lava interbedded with the shallow-marine metasandstone occurring as blocks in the melange (87-SF63), and dykes cutting it (87-SF-59), show an alkaline affinity with an enrichment in the most incompatible elements such as LREE, Th and Ta (Fig. 7e, f)- 4. Tectonic environment The tectono-magmatic environment in which the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and associated rocks formed must be consistent with the following geochemical and geological features: (a) The metabasalts of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex show N- to E-MORB affinities with a clearly detectable influence from a subduction zone, as demonstrated by a moderate to strong depletion in Ta and enrichment in Th, relative to average MORB; (b) The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex is overlain by quartz-rich, continentally-derived metasediments which contain pillow lavas, metavolcaniclastites and intrusions of MORB, IAT, calc-alkaline and alkaline compositions (the Stavenes Group); (c) The presence of the Kalvag Melange, which contains olistoliths of (i) shallow-marine metasandstones with associated subaerial lavas, (ii) conglomerate containing a variety of magmatic (MORB, IAT, calc-alkaline) and sedimentary (chert, sandstone) clasts, and (iii) ignimbrite; (d) The evidence for a transform fault, which may 220 H. FURNES AND OTHERS 10-1 30n O 87-SF-14 • 87-SF-15 X 87-SF-16 10- Greenstone Clasts 10—i c o O |O 87-SF-27| 10- Quartz Porphyry Clast o o cc m cc O 1O o cc 100-1 30O 87-SF-59 • 87-SF-63 10- lava (•) dyke (o) La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Ho Tm Yb Lu Th Ta Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Figure 7. REE and trace element diagrams of greenstone and quartz-porphyry clasts from a conglomerate block (Fig. 4e); metabasalt lava and a dyke of the Kalvag Melange. Chondrite and MORB data as in Figure 5. have acted as the obduction surface and thereby developed as a tectonic melange during accretion of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and sedimentary cover onto the continental margin. 4.a. Models 4.a.l. Gulf of California Field relations such as the quartz-rich metasediments overlying the MORB-type pillow lavas of the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex, hosting pillowed metabasalts and intrusions (Figs 2, 3), also of MORB-type (Fig. 6a, b, c), provide strong evidence that the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex developed in the near vicinity of a continental margin (cf. Moores, 1982). Such a development appears comparable to that of the present-day Gulf of California, where young to recent N-MORB at the East Pacific Rise are intercalated with sandstone, siltstone, or claystone (Saunders et al. 1982; Saunders, 1983). However, the geochemical signature of the metabasalts of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex, giving support for subduction influence (Figs. 5f, g) and, even more significantly, the presence of typical I AT (Fig. 6d, e, f) and calc-alkaline lavas and metavolcaniclastites (Fig. 6g, h, i) of the cover sequence to the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex, does not correspond to a Gulf of California setting. 4.a.2. Andaman Sea A more appropriate environment in which the rocks of the Solund-Bremanger area may have formed is thought to be represented by the area between Burma and Sumatra, i.e. the Andaman Sea region of the Indonesian Arc system. In this region, oblique subduction of the Indian Plate beneath the northwardmoving Burma Plate has, since mid-Miocene times, resulted in pull-apart opening of the Andaman Sea and generation of oceanic crust along several ridgetransform systems (Curray et al. 1979, 1982; Fig. 8 a). Thus the Andaman Sea ocean crust developed adjacent to the continental margin of the Malay Peninsula to the east and a subduction system to the west and southwest. The latter consists of an inner active volcanic arc (Sumatra), a forearc region with active volcanoes (extending into Burma), and an outer ridge representing a well-developed accretionary prism (Fig. 8 a) in which ophiolite fragments occur (Ray, Sengupta & van den Hul, 1988). The relationship between continentally-derived sediments and the pillow lava/intrusions from the active spreading ridge may here, in principle, be identical to that in the Gulf of California, but the basalt geochemistry would contain a subduction zone signature. In the Andaman Sea model, the MORB of the ocean crust may or may not have a geochemical 221 Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex A: Andaman Sea Region Present time S againg BURMA [si, Fault B: Andaman Sea model applied to the Solund-Bremanger Region Time: ~440 Ma Time: post~440 Ma pre~380 Ma edge of continental crust •a 2 \'°i Spreading ax' Transform fault Indian Plate Line of separation Forearc Basin A I Volcano j Continental Crust 500km Figure 8. The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and associated rocks reconstructed by using the present-day tectonomagmatic evolution of the Andaman Sea as a model. In (Bl) we have indicated geochemical effects from subduction activity upon the metabasalts of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex. We further indicate the beginning stage of subaerial island arc volcanoes for supplying air-borne IAT tuffaceous material to the near-continent spreading centre of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and its cover sequence (the Heggoy Formation). For explanation of the Dalsfjord Suite, the Hoyvik and Herland groups, see Figure 1 and the text. For explanation of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and the Heggoy Formation, see Figures 2 and 3, respectively. In (B2) we present a speculative and uncertain model in which we relate the Hersvik Unit to an evolved, near-continent island arc, and the Kalvag Melange to have received material from an eroded, but still active, mature island arc, with the possibility of also receiving material supply from the erosion of an accretionary prism. The Smelvrer Unit is proposed to have developed as an oceanic island, distant enough from the continental margin and island arc not to receive quartz-dominated sediments, and for the magmatic products not be influenced by subduction processes, respectively. Further age determinations of these three sequences are needed in order to refine this model. For explanation of the Smelvaer and Hersvik units see Figure 3. For explanation of the Kalvag Melange see Figure 4. subduction-related fingerprint, and the volcaniclastic rocks intercalated with the sediments might be derived from the ash-fall of subduction-generated volcanoes. On the basis of geological relationships and geochemistry, we tentatively suggest that the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex and associated sedimentary cover with lavas, intrusions and volcaniclastites of the Heggoy Formation could have developed in a tectonic environment comparable to that of the Andaman Sea (Fig. 8 b). The subaerial calc-alkaline lavas and volcaniclastites of the Hersvik Unit and the alkaline volcanic rocks of the Smelvar Unit are more difficult to fit into the model, because of their uncertain stratigraphic relationship to the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and the Heggoy Formation, but they are suitable analogies (Fig. 1). Basalts generated close to transform faults are often enriched in incompatible elements (e.g. Langmuir & Bender, 1984), and alkaline oceanic islands may develop over mantle plumes on oceanic crust (e.g. Mitchell-Thome, 1982). An important feature of the magmatic development of the Karmoy Ophiolite Complex, southwest Norway, is the evolution towards alkaline magmatism, with a concomitant lowering of the eNd values relative to the MORB/IAT products (Pedersen & Hertogen, in press). Similar features have recently been discovered in basalts from the Lau Basin (Volpe, MacDougall & Hawkins, 1988). It is therefore interesting to note that the metabasalts of the Smelvaer Unit and the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex have eNd (T = 430 Ma) values of c. 5 and 8, respectively (R. B. Pedersen, 222 unpublished data), This could well indicate that the Smelvasr Unit represents a late stage of ocean island growth in the back-arc basin within which the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex developed (Fig. 8 b). The subaerial calc-alkaline metabasalts and metavolcaniclastites, associated with metagreywackes and conglomerate beds of the Hersvik Unit, indicate evolution in a mature arc setting near a continental margin (Fig. 8 b). The Kalvag Melange cannot, on the basis of field relations, be directly connected to the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex and its cover sequence. It is cut by a transitional tholeiitic/calc-alkaline intrusion (the Gasoy Intrusion), dated as 380 + 26 Ma (Furnes el al. 1989), which is thus at least 36 Ma younger than the oldest known part of the SolundStavfjord Ophiolite Complex, dated to 443 + 3 Ma (Dunning & Pedersen, 1988). Based on the geochemistry of conglomerate pebbles and the environment of formation of the various lithologies, we suggest that the Kalvag Melange represents material derived from an active, mature arc near a continent, containing an exposed basement of ophiolitic rocks. Alternatively, the ophiolitic metabasalt pebble material may be derived from an accretionary prism, as indicated in Figure 8 b. Occurring between the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and the continental-type sediments of the Herland Group, is the Sunnfjord Melange (Fig. 1), a deposit which was first initiated in a transform setting (K. P. Skjerlie, unpub. Cand. Scient. thesis, Univ. Bergen, 1988; Skjerlie & Furnes, in press), and later developed into an obduction melange (Andersen, Skjerlie & Furnes, 1990). In the Andaman Sea there are several transform faults that are parallel to the arc and subparallel to the continental margin. The most extensive fault, the Sagaing Fault (Hla Maung, 1987), defines the active boundary between two different terranes, i.e. the continental margin, and the ocean floor of the Andaman Sea (Fig. 8 a). This tectonic feature may be a modern analogue to the early stage in the development of the Sunnfjord Melange, which appears to have received material from both the oceanic (Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex) and continental (Herland and Hoyvik groups) environments. 5. Summary The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex of late Ordovician age (U-Pb zircon age of 443 + 3 Ma) consists, from bottom to top, of the following components: (1) Varitextured, massive or faintly laminated metagabbro, (2) a sheeted dyke complex, and (3) a thick sequence of pillow lavas, metahyaloclastites and massive metabasalt units which in some cases represent lava lakes, in other cases sheet H. FURNES AND OTHERS flows. The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex is conformably overlain by a sequence of quartz-rich metasandstones, phyllites and basic metavolcaniclastites (the Heggey Formation), hosting metabasalt intrusions and pillow lavas. The geochemistry of the metabasalts of the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex and the Heggoy Formation are of N- to EMORB composition, with positive evidence of a subduction-related influence, indicated by high Th/Ta (or Nb) ratios, and the basic metavolcaniclastites are geochemically similar to IAT. These geological and geochemical features are best explained by the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex having formed in a marginal basin near enough to a continental margin for sandstones to be deposited at the active spreading ridge, and subsequently become intruded and interlayered by MORB and island-arc-influenced basalts. Contemporaneously, IAT volcanites, probably representing tuffs from an emerging island arc, became interbedded with the continentally-derived metasediments. This tectonomagmatic development is in many ways similar to that of the present-day Andaman Sea region of the Indonesian Arc system. Calc-alkaline metabasalt lavas and volcaniclastites, interbedded with metasandstones and quartz-pebble conglomerates (the Hersvik Unit), probably reflect a more advanced stage in the development of the island arc system, in the proximity of a continental margin. A sedimentary melange, the Kalvag Melange, consisting of pebble material of MORB, IAT and quartz porphyry, as well as olistoliths of rhyolitic ignimbrite, shallow-marine metasandstone with interbedded alkaline lava, may also have developed in connection with a mature island arc/accretionary prism, prior to 380 + 26 Ma (the age of a gabbronorite intruding the melange). Pillow lavas and associated metavolcaniclastites of alkaline composition, the Smelvaer Unit, probably developed on a Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex basement as an oceanic island. A tentative model for these three, poorly age-constrained rock units, as representing part of an evolved arc system (the Hersvik Unit and Kalvag Melange) and oceanic island development (the Smelvaer Unit), is presented (Fig. 8 b). Acknowledgements. Financial support for this study has been provided through grants (D.41.31.147) from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities. R.J.S. acknowledges financial support for fieldwork from Oxford Polytechnic. We express our thanks to F. J. Skjerlie for many useful discussions about the general geology of the area, J. Boyle, J. R. Cann and J. Malpas for their contributions in mapping minor parts of the Heggoy Formation and the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex at an early stage of the project, and D. 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