Recurrences CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 1 Recurrences Coming up Merge Sort (Chap 2.3) Recurrences (Chap 4.1-4.3) CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 2 Merge Sort Merge Sort Insertion Sort : divide-and-conquer approach : Incremental approach The Divide-and-Conquer Paradigm: Divide: Divide the problem into a number of subproblems. Conquer: If the subproblem sizes are small enough, solve them directly. Otherwise solve them recursively. Combine: Combine the solutions to the subproblems into the solution for the original problem. CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 3 Merge Sort Suppose there are some people called Mr. MergeSort. They are identical. They don’t know how to do sorting. But each of them has a secretary called Mr. Merge, who can merge 2 sorted sequences into one sorted sequence. CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 4 Merge Sort At the beginning, a Mr. MergeSort is called to sort: Then 2 other Mr. MergeSorts are called to sort: Then 4 other Mr. MergeSorts are called to sort: Then 8 other Mr. MergeSorts are called to sort: CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 5 2 4 7 1 3 2 6 5 2 4 7 1 3 2 6 5 2 4 7 1 3 2 6 5 2 4 7 1 3 2 6 “So complicated!!, I’ll split them and call other Mr. MergeSorts to handle.” Both of them say “Still complicated! I’ll split them and call other Mr. MergeSorts to handle.” All of them say “Still complicated! I’ll split them and call other Mr. MergeSorts to handle.” All of them say ‘This is easy. No need to do anything.’ 4. Recurrences - 5 Merge Sort Then the first Mr. MergeSort succeeds and returns. Then each of the 2 Mr. MergeSorts returns the merged numbers. Then the 4 Mr. MergeSorts returns the merged numbers. Then the 8 Mr. MergeSorts return. CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 15 2 42 73 14 35 26 67 52 24 45 7 1 32 23 6 52 25 4 7 1 3 2 6 5 2 4 7 1 3 2 6 The first Mr. MergeSort calls his secretary Mr. Merge to merge the returned numbers Both Mr. MergeSorts call their secretaries Mr. Merge to merge the returned numbers The 4 Mr. MergeSorts call their secretaries Mr. Merge to merge the returned numbers All of them say ‘This is easy. No need do anything.’ 4. Recurrences - 6 Merge Sort The MERGE-SORT(A,p,r) procedure sorts the elements A[p,..r]: A = .. 5 2 4 7 1 3 2 6 .. pth rth MERGE-SORT (A,p,r) 1 if p < r 2 Then q (p+r)/2 3 MERGE-SORT(A,p,q) 4 MERGE-SORT(A,q+1,r) 5 MERGE (A,p,q,r) CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong x: “Floor” The least integer greater than x x: “Ceiling” The greatest integer less than x 4. Recurrences - 7 Merge Sort The MERGE(A,p,q,r) procedure merges 2 sorted sequences: A[p..q] and A[q+1..r] A = .. 2 4 5 7 1 2 3 6 .. pth qth rth Step 1: Copy A[p..q], A[q+1..r] to 2 temporary arrays L and R. L= 2 4 5 7 R= 1 2 3 6 Step 2: Adds a largest value, (a sentinel: ending condition), to each of L and R. L= 2 4 5 7 R= 1 2 3 6 L= 2 754 4 75 5 7 7 R= 21 63 32 6 636 Step 3: Continuously remove the smallest one from L and R back to A until finished. CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong A = .. 12 42 52 73 14 25 36 67 .. pth rth 4. Recurrences - 8 Merge Sort The MERGE(A,p,q,r) procedure merges 2 sorted sequences: A[p..q] and A[q+1..r] Step 1: Copy A[p..q], A[q+1..r] to 2 temporary arrays L and R. Step 2: Adds a largest value, (a sentinel: ending condition), to each of L and R. Step 3: Continuously remove the smallest one from L and R back to A until finished. CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong MERGE (A,p,q,r) 1 n1 q-p+1 2 n2 r-q 3 create L[1..n1+1], R[1..n2+1] 4 for i 1 to n1 5 do L[i] A[p+i-1] 6 for j 1 to n2 7 do R[j] A[q+j] 8 L[n1+1] 9 R[n2+1] 10 i 1 11 j 1 12 for k p to r 13 do if L[i] R[j] 14 then A[k] L[i] 15 i i+1 16 else 17 j j+1 4. Recurrences - 9 Analysis of MERGE Procedure • Let n=n1+ n2 • Line 1-3 and 8-11 takes constant time. So, (1). • Line 4-5 and Line 6-7 takes (n1+n2) = (n) time. • In line 12-17, the loop iterates n times, each of which takes constant time. So, (n). • Conclusion: The MERGE procedure runs in (1) + (n) + (n) = (n) time. CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong MERGE (A,p,q,r) 1 n1 q-p+1 2 n2 r-q 3 create L[1..n1+1], R[1..n2+1] 4 for i 1 to n1 5 do L[i] A[p+i-1] 6 for j 1 to n2 7 do R[j] A[q+j] 8 L[n1+1] 9 R[n2+1] 10 i 1 11 j 1 12 for k p to r 13 do if L[i] R[j] 14 then A[k] L[i] 15 i i+1 16 else 17 j j+1 4. Recurrences - 10 Analysis of Merge Sort MERGE-SORT (A,p,r) 1 if p < r 2 Then q (p+r)/2 3 MERGE-SORT(A,p,q) 4 MERGE-SORT(A,q+1,r) 5 MERGE (A,p,q,r) Then, what is the complexity of Merge Sort? To sort A[1..n] using Merge Sort, we call MERGE-SORT(A,1,n) MERGE-SORT has a recursive call to itself, plus a call to MERGE. The Running time: (1) T(n) = Or simplified: if n=1 Tn/2 + Tn/2 + (n) if n>1 T(n) = c if n=1 2T(n/2)+cn if n>1 Recurrence Equation CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 11 Solving Recurrences T(n) = c 2T(n/2)+cn if n=1 if n>1 => T(n) = (?) When an algorithm contains recursive call(s) to itself, (eg. Divide-and-conquer approaches), its running time can often be described by a recurrence equation. 3 methods to solve recurrences: Recursion-tree method Can directly prove or help to guess MI Substitution method guess a bound + prove by mathematical induction Master method Based on the Master Theorem CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 12 Solving Recurrence (Recursion-tree method) Recursion-tree method T(n) = c if n=1 2T(n/2)+cn if n>1 Expanding the recursion tree: T(n) cn T(n/2) cn T(n/2) cn/2 cn/2 T(n/4) T(n/4) T(n/4) T(n/4) CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 13 Solving Recurrence (Recursion-tree method) Fully Expanded recursion tree: cn cn/2 cn/4 cn cn/2 cn/4 cn/4 cn/4 cn cn c*1c*1 c*1 c*1 c*1 c*1 c*1 c*1 n CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong Total: cn lg n + cn ie. T(n) = (n lg n) 4. Recurrences - 14 Solving Recurrence (Substitution method) MI Substitution method Step 1. Guess the form of the solution Example. Given: 1 if n=1 T(n) = 2T(n/2)+n if n>1 We guess that T(n)=O(n lg n) To prove this we need to show “There exists positive constants c and n0 such that ...T(n) cn lg n, for all n n0 ” CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong Step 2 4. Recurrences - 15 Solving Recurrence (Substitution method) T(n) = 1 if n=1 2T(n/2)+n if n>1 MI T(n)=O(n lg n) “There exists a positive constants c and n0 such that T(n) cn lg n, for all n n0 ” Step 2. Use mathematical induction to find the constants and prove. Assume it holds for n/2, ie. There exists positive constants c and n0 such that T(n/2) c n/2 lg (n/2). By substitution: T(n) 2 (c n/2 lg (n/2)) + n cn lg (n/2) + n = cn (lg(n)-lg(2))+n = cn (lg(n)-1)+n = cn lg n -cn + n This holds as long as c 1 cn lg n CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 16 Solving Recurrence (Substitution method) T(n) = 1 if n=1 2T(n/2)+n if n>1 MI T(n)=O(n lg n) “There exists a positive constants c and n0 such that T(n) cn lg n, for all n n0 ” Step 2 (cont’d). Then we need to find n0. Try n0=1 When n=1, Try n0=2 When n=2, Try n0=3 When n=3, T(n)= 1 cn lg n = (c*1) lg (1) = c * 0 = 0 => T(n) cn lg n ? T(n) = 2T(1) + 2 = 2(1) + 2 = 4 cn lg n = (c*2) lg (2) = c*2*1 = 2c => T(n) cn lg n ? T(n) = 2T(1) + 3 = 2(1) + 3 = 5 cn lg n = (c*3) lg (3) = 3*1.585*c = 4.755*c => T(n) cn lg n ? Since n0=2 and n0=3 form the base cases for all n>=2, we thus completed the prove: T(n) cn lg n is true when c>=2 and n>=2. CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 17 Solving Recurrence (Master method) Master method A cookbook method For solving recurrences of the form: T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) Where a >= 1 and b > 1 and f(n) is an asymptotically positive function These algorithms work recursively by dividing a problem of size n into a subproblems, each of size n/b. f(n) = cost of dividing the problem and combining the results. We omit floors and ceilings (eg. interpret n/b to mean either n/b or n/b.) CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 18 Solving Recurrence (Master method) Master Theorem Let T(n) be defined as T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) where a >=1 and b > 1. Then If f(n) = O(nlogba-) for some constant >0, then T(n) = (nlogba) If f(n) = (nlogba), then T(n) = (nlogbalg n) If f(n) = (nlogba+) for some constant >0, and if a f (n/b) <= c f(n) for some constant c <1 and all sufficiently large n, then T(n) = (f(n)) The master method can be used only if f(n) satisfies any of the 3 cases. CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 19 Solving Recurrence (Master method) Master Theorem For T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) where a >=1 and b > 1. Example 1: If f(n) = O(nlogba-) for some constant >0, If f(n) = (nlogba), If f(n) = (nlogba+) for some constant >0, .. T(n) = 9T(n/3) + n a = 9, b = 3 => nlogba = nlog39 = n2 Since f(n) = n = n(2-1) = O(nlog39 -) Where =1 => Case 1 => T(n) = (nlogba) => T(n) = (n2) CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong then T(n) = (nlogba) then T(n) = (nlogbalg n) then T(n) = (f(n)) T(n) = T(2n/3) + 1 a = 1, b = 3/2 => nlogba = nlog3/21 = n0 = 1 Since f(n) = 1 = (nlogba) => Case 2 => T(n) = (nlogbalg n) => T(n) = (lg n) 4. Recurrences - 20 Solving Recurrence (Master method) Master Theorem For T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) where a >=1 and b > 1. If f(n) = O(nlogba-) for some constant >0, If f(n) = (nlogba), If f(n) = (nlogba+) for some constant >0, then T(n) = (nlogba) then T(n) = (nlogbalg n) and if a f (n/b) <= c f(n) for some constant c <1 and all sufficiently large n, Example 3: then T(n) = (f(n)) T(n) = 3T(n/4) + n lg n a=3, b=4 => nlogba = nlog43 = n0.793 Since f(n) = n lg n When n 2, f(n) n lg 2 = n = n1 = n0.793+, where =0.201 => f(n) = (nlogba+) a f(n/b) = a (n/b * lg(n/b)) = 3 (n/4 * lg (n/4)) = 3/4 n lg(n/4) = 3/4 (n lg(n)) - 3/4 (n lg(4)) 3/4 f(n) => a f(n/b) c f(n) where c=3/4. => Case 3. ie. T(n) = (f(n)) = (n lg n) CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 21 Recurrences Summary The Divide-and-Conquer Paradigm Merge Sort (MERGE-SORT Procedure + MERGE Procedure) Analysis of MERGE: (n) Analysis of MERGE-SORT: A recurrence problem (n lg n)) 3 Methods to solve recurrences: Recursion-tree method Substitution method Master method CS3381 Des & Anal of Alg (2001-2002 SemA) City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 4. Recurrences - 22