The Glorified Résumé
Because the typical application already includes a
résumé, why would the Committee want to read a
longer (and probably more boring) version of the same?
Each piece of the application should add something new
to the picture, and a Glorified Résumé Essay does not
achieve that aim. Solution: Read your résumé. Then
read your essay. Does your essay sound like your
résumé, only with longer sentences? Discard.
The Town Crier
If done correctly, an essay about personal suffering can
be quite successful. However, most applicants tend to
make essays of this type into personal pity parties, and
that is very negative. If you have a personal history that
lends itself to sympathetic treatment (you overcame a
serious illness, you overcame addiction, you've fought
intense personal battles and come out stronger on the
other side), it is essential that you turn the essay into a
story of personal triumph instead of a story where you
complain about the problems in your life. Remember,
you're a survivor, not a victim. Show the Admissions
Committee your strengths, not the tears you shed to
get them.
The Perry Mason Wannabe
Just because Matlock/LA Law/The Practice/Boston Legal
made someone want to be a lawyer does not mean
anyone wants to read about it.
Generalissimo Personal Statement
Remember this phrase when dealing with generalities
anywhere in an essay: “Put the person in the personal
statement.” Applicants often think general statements
sound dramatic (“The law has the power to change
lives!”), but to a trained reader they sound empty and
reveal a writer who has very little to say. If you truly
believe these statements, then back them up with
specific, personal details.
The Revenge Essay — “I want to get in to show
everyone up”
This is the essay that turns any applicant into an
automatic reject. Think about it: Would you want a
vengeful psycho as an applicant or classmate?
The Travelogue — “I learned so much on my big trip to
Yes, travel is fun and builds character, but when an
Admissions Committee member has to read 100
different travel stories, the topic loses its luster. Unless
you can pinpoint specific life-changing moments (and
they're actually life-changing, and not just
demonstrative of how much you liked the Venice
Canal), don't go there.
The Plea
No Committee is swayed by the appeal to take a chance
on an applicant. They are already doing that with every
applicant, but in each case they feel there is a valid
reason to do so.
Like I said, some of these can be turned into effective
personal statements. It just doesn't happen often. If you
read your personal statement and find any of these
topics resonating, stop and have someone else read it.
If they see it, start over. Sure, if you write any of these
essays, you may end up being remembered by the
Admissions Committee...in the worst possible way. Your
essay needs to be positively memorable and impactful;
let it be the jewel atop a golden crown of an
application, and not the flaw in the diamond.
SOURCE: http://blog.powerscore.com/lsat/bid/153303/Law-School-PersonalStatements-You-SHOULDN-T-Write