Ecography 30: 749758, 2007 doi: 10.1111/j.2007.0906-7590.05259.x # 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation # 2007 Ecography Subject Editor: Helmut Hillebrand. Accepted 3 September 2007 Energy input and zooplankton species richness Dag O. Hessen, Vegar Bakkestuen and Bjørn Walseng D. O. Hessen (, Dept of Biology, CEES, Univ. of Oslo, P.O. Box 1066 Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway. V. Bakkestuen, Natural History Museum, Dept of Botany, Univ. of Oslo, P.O. Box 1172 Blindern, NO-0318 Oslo, Norway, and Norwegian Inst. for Nature Research, P.O. Box 736 Sentrum, NO-0105, Oslo, Norway. B. Walseng, Norwegian Inst. for Nature Research, Gaustadalléen 21, NO-0349 Oslo, Norway. What are the relative contribution of temperature and solar irradiance as types of energy deliveries for species richness at the ecosystem level? In order to reveal this question in lake ecosystems, we assessed zooplankton species richness in 1891 Norwegian lakes covering a wide range in latitude, altitude, and lake area. Geographical variables could largely be replaced by temperature-related variables, e.g. annual monthly maximum temperature or growth season. Multivariate analysis (PCA) revealed that not only maximum monthly temperature, but also energy input in terms of solar radiation were closely associated with species richness. This was confirmed by stepwise, linear regression analysis in which lake area was also found to be significant. We tested the predictive power of the ‘‘metabolic scaling laws’’ for species richness by regressing Ln of species richness over the inverse of the air temperature (in Kelvin), corrected for the activation energy (eV) as predicted by the Boltzmann constant. A significant, negative slope of 0.78 for ln richness over temperature, given as 1/kT, was found, thus slightly higher than the range of slopes predicted from the scaling law (0.600.70). Temperature basically constrained the upper bound of species number, but it was only a modest predictor of actual richness. Both PCA-analysis and linear regression models left a large unexplained variance probably due to lake-specific properties such as catchment influence, lake productivity, food-web structure, immigration constraints or more stochastic effects. A large number of studies have clearly demonstrated that ‘‘energy’’ input in one form or another is vital for species diversity (Currie 1991). This is most clearly demonstrated by the observation of decreasing species diversity with decreased temperature along latitudinal or altitudinal gradient (Gaston 2000). The actual role of geographic or topographic variables is not straightforward, however, since these spatial variables often covary with ecosystem age (in previously glaciated areas), with colonization constraints (e.g. presence of mountain ranges), with productivity, and not the least with temperature. Energy input to ecosystems includes different entities that often (but not always) co-vary. For example, solar energy generates heat so that temperature generally correlates well with photon flux density along a latitudinal gradient. On the other hand, while solar input increases with altitude, temperature tends to decrease. Hence along altitudinal gradients, the effect of solar input and temperature could be separated. Temperature is important for almost all biological processes, from enzyme kinetics to growth rate. However, the role of temperature is somewhat ancillary; on the other hand, solar input is a direct driver for photosynthetic C-fixation and thus related to the energy input in terms of availability of organic matter. Nutrient availability and concentrations, along with solar radiation (and water for terrestrial systems), thus determine the production of organic matter at the base of the food web, and this organic matter serves as an overall energy source and potential determinant of consumer diversity. Thus, the effect of solar radiation, per se, in promoting diversity is closely linked with the availability of other limiting factors for autotrophs. In the search for general determinants of processes and patterns across ecosystems, metabolic scaling laws 749 have been advocated as a mechanistic and universal explanation for a wide range of biological patterns from metabolic activity in individuals, to population dynamics and richness (Gillooly et al. 2002, Brown et al. 2004). By regressing ln of species richness over the inverse of the temperature (in units of Kelvin and corrected for the activation energy, eV, predicted by the Boltzmann constant) a range of biological parameters, including diversity, fall close to the predicted slopes of 0.60.7 (Gillooly et al. 2002, Brown et al. 2004, Savage et al. 2004). This relationship is accounted for partly by the fact that metabolism scales with temperature, and partly by the idea that evolutionary rates also could be attributed to metabolic scaling laws (Allen et al. 2002, Gillooly et al. 2005). In order to reveal the relative contribution of temperature and solar irradiance as types of energy deliveries at the ecosystem level, we have here utilized a unique and distinctive data set of crustacean, zooplankton diversity from a large number of lakes. For assessment of diversity patterns within ecosystems, lakes have the advantage of fixed boundaries with restricted immigration and emigration (yet there may be some input and losses from inputs and outlets); homogenous habitats (relative to most terrestrial ecosystems); and importantly, there is no water deficiency, in contrast with terrestrial systems where evapotranspiration generally is a stronger predictor of diversity than temperature alone (Kerr and Packer 1999). Material and methods This study is based on samples of microcrustaceans from 1891 locations (Fig. 1) encompassing the entire mainland of Norway (58.371.48N). Thus, it spanned a wide range in altitude, latitude, longitude, temperature regime, growing season, solar radiation, water properties (conductivity and pH), and estimated ecosystem age (Table 1). All lakes had inlets and outlets, i.e. no true seepage lakes were included, and also systems with high flushing rate were avoided. The lakes were sampled for both pelagic and littoral species, which is important since, in general, species with littoral preference make up 60 to 70% of total microcrustacean species number (Walseng et al. 2006). 1163 of the lakes were sampled for both pelagic and littoral species and 728 lakes were only sampled for littoral species. The inclusion of the latter dataset is justified by the fact that nearly all plankton species within a lake is represented in the littoral samples (Walseng et al. 2006). PCA analyses run both with and without this littoral dataset produced nearly identical results. The lakes were sampled once or twice during summer or early autumn. For lakes sampled over long time spans, cumulative species number may be almost 750 50% higher than that of single samples (Arnott et al. 1998). Despite this, such cumulative numbers may not give a good representation of the mean diversity, since many of the contributors to the cumulative richness are occasional visitors and not representative of resident populations. Shurin et al. (2007) demonstrated that daily zooplankton richness was linearly related to annual richness and inter-annual richness in a survey of 36 lakes over several years. Hence we believe that our sampling regime should give a fair representation of ‘‘actual’’ species richness. For zooplankton sampling, a net haul (27.530 cm diameter, 90 mm mesh size) was taken from the deepest part of the lake. This method ensures a high number of individuals and an almost complete species list. The littoral species were sampled by a net haul horizontally at low speed (ca 25 m min1), both outside and inside vegetation stands. A smaller (10 cm diameter, 90 mm) net was used in a few cases where littoral vegetation was too dense to allow use of the regular net. All crustaceans were identified to species (rotifers were not included in this survey). Cladoceran species were identified in accordance with Flössner (2000), and copepods were identified after Kiefer (1978). The taxonomic affinities remain vague for some of the cladoceran species. This holds especially for the Daphnia group (Schwenk et al. 2004, Hobaek 2005), and there is no doubt that further genetic screening will reveal taxonomic revisions both for the daphnids as well as for other groups. However, these somewhat unclear taxonomic affinities for some species would not have a major consequence for species richness per se in this large data set. Previous studies on another, independent, and smaller data set strongly suggested that lake productivity in terms of phosphorus concentration and algal biomass was an important contributor to zooplankton richness in lakes (Hessen et al. 2006). In the work we are presenting here there are no data on lake nutrients; instead, as variables for assessing ambient drivers of zooplankton diversity, we include altitude, latitude, and longitude, as well as lake area, maximum summer air temperature, growth season, estimated potential solar irradiance, conductivity, pH, and estimated age (from ice-age data and land elevation). Furthermore, we tested the observed richness against metabolic scaling predictions. We obtained terrain data (100 m resolution digital elevation model DEM) from the National Map Authorities; raster climatic data with 1-km resolution based on the 19601990 normal compiled by the Meteorological Inst. (Tveito et al. 2000); length of growth season and growing degree days compiled by the national Meteorological Inst. (Skaugen and Tveito 2002); and potential solar irradiance maps also produced from data from the Meteorological Inst. Fig. 1. Temperature (air) distribution map of Norway, with sampled locations categorized as species-poor (B10 species, white), medium species richness (1020, grey) and speciesrich (black). Ecosystem age was estimated by combining land upheaval data and Holocene deglaciation maps showing time since deglaciation in different parts of Norway. This gave 7 classes of estimated age. While the majority of lakes range from 9000 to 10 000 yr, there also were 45 coastal lakes with an estimated age of 16 000 yr, i.e. probably not permanently frozen during the last glaciation, and there were 45 lakes of 8000 yr, and 47 of 6000 yr estimated age. Six lakes belonged to a small group of very young, coastal lakes (estimated age 3000 yr). For the south-eastern subset of lakes, almost all lakes were from 9000 to 10 000 yr of estimated age. Some lakes in the southern regions were acidified due to high deposition of long-range transported sulphuric acids and NOx plus NH3 that may strongly affect both fish and aquatic invertebrates. Hence, lakes with pH B5.0 were omitted from the final analysis, as were a few lakes with very high salinity due to marine influence. This gave a total of 1574 lakes. Each water polygon from the lake-zooplankton database was superimposed on the grids from the spatial database layers, and the corresponding mean value aggregated over the whole lake was extracted to the polygons. The DEM is based on interpolated data from the contour lines of 20-m resolution from the national map series N50. Annual monthly average temperature data for May, June, July, August, and September were extracted, and the warmest month for 751 Table 1. Major parameters for the surveyed lakes (n1574). Age is estimated age since retreat of ice, max temp is interpolated mean air temperature for the month with highest average temperature (generally July) at the lake site. Lake area (km2) Altitude (m) Latitude (8N) Longitude (8E) Age (yr) Max temp (8C) pH Cond (mS m1) Max Min Median Mean 365 1544 71 31 16000 16.5 9.9 100 0.01 1 58 5 3000 4.5 5.0 0.4 0.19 308 62 11 9000 11.1 6.5 2.5 1.35 437 64 12 9400 11.2 6.4 4.1 each lake was selected to create the ‘‘max temperature’’ variable. Growth season is defined as number of days with average temperature above 58C, and growing degree-days is defined as the sum of average temperature in those days where average temperature was above 58C (Tveito et al. 2001). The potential summer sun radiation map was rasterized from vector format with a scale of 1:7 000 000 (unpubl.). Principal component analysis was performed on the set of 13 predictor variables following ter Braak and Prentice (1988) using CANOCO v. 4.5 (ter Braak and Smilauer 2002). PCA was run on a correlation matrix of centred, standardized, and transformed variables using correlation biplot scaling of the PCA axes. Species richness variables were added by passive ordination to identify possible relationships between diversity and lake characteristics. Skewness and kurtosis were standardized for all predictor variables by dividing by their expected deviations, estimated as (6/n) 0.5 (Sokal and Rohlf 1995). Homogeneity of variance (homoscedasticity) was achieved by transforming all variables to zero skewness. Three transformations were applied (Økland et al. 2001, Hessen et al. 2006): y?kj eck xkj (1) y?kj ln(ck xkj ) (2) y?kj ln(ck )ln(ck xkj ) (3) where xkj is the original value of variable k in plot j and ck is a variable specific parameter that gives the transformed variable Y? {ykj? } zero skewness. Equation (1) was applied to left-skewed variables (standardised skewness B0), eq. (2) next equation to right-skewed variables. Equation (3) was applied to right-skewed for which no ck could be found eq. (2) that resulted in standardised skewness 0. After transformation, all variables Y? were ranged to obtain new variables Y {ykj} on a 01 scale: ykj [y?kj min(y?kj )]=[max(y?kj )min(y?kj )] (4) We also performed a stepwise, multiple linear analysis including the same parameters as those for 752 the PCA-analysis except that growing degree days and growth season were omitted due to their close correlation with maximum monthly temperature. We also performed separate least square linear regression analysis for species richness versus maximum monthly temperature and lake area. By treating irradiation as a nominal variable, we likewise did a two-way Anova to judge the relative contribution from temperature and irradiation. Tests for species richness across the nominal parameters, solar irradiation and ecosystem age, were performed by Tukey-Kramer HSD test. All statistical analyses were performed with JMP 5.1 (SAS Inst., Cary, NC). Results Because our samples were from lakes throughout the entire mainland of Norway (Fig. 1), our dataset covered a wide climatic range. There was a strong gradient in maximum monthly temperatures, ranging from 5 to nearly 178C. Maximum monthly temperature was closely correlated with altitude, but less so with latitude (Fig. 2a and b) due to the highly variable effect of oceanic climate. Furthermore, maximum monthly summer temperature does not necessarily reflect actual growing season due to variable snow and ice cover and variable influence of mild coastal climate for coastal localities relative to the more continental climate in eastern regions. Nevertheless, there was a fairly good correlation between these two climate proxies (Fig. 2c), justifying the use of the latter parameter in the stepwise linear models. Total number of species varied from 2 to 47 per location typically with species-rich lakes in the southern and eastern regions, and species-poor lakes in northern and alpine areas (Fig. 1). The median number of species was 12, and 71% of the species were cladocerans. The fraction constituted by the cladocerans was fairly constant and did not vary with temperature or with lake area. Lake area did not co-vary with latitude (p 0.29) or altitude (Fig. 3a and b); and although there was a significant correlation between Log area and altitude due to high number of samples, r2 was no more than 0.01. Neither did lake area co-vary with temperate (Fig. 3c); even though there was a slightly positive correlation (p 0.02), r2 was only 0.006. Hence, these parameters should be regarded as independent. The PCA axes accounted for 42.4% of observed variance in environmental variables (Fig. 4). Maximum summer temperature, growth season (GS), and growing degree days (GDD) gave high positive loadings on PCA1; while altitude, longitude, and latitude were negatively correlated with this axis. Consequently, PCA1 can be interpreted as a temperature gradient (a) LogArea, km2 Max temp, °C (a) Latitude, °N (b) LogArea, km2 Max temp, °C (b) Latitude, °N (c) Max temperature °C Max temp, °C (c) LogArea, km2 Fig. 2. Relationship between maximum monthly temperature and altitude (a), latitude (b), and growing season (c). Fig. 3. Scatter plots of lake area versus latitude (a), lake areas versus altitude (b), and monthly maximum temperature over lake area (c). Least square linear regressions are given. that was inversely related to altitude and latitude of the lake. Conductivity and pH, together with latitude and longitude, were correlated with PCA2, and reflects more dilute waters at high altitudes. When species richness variables were added passively to the PCA ordination, zooplankton diversity appeared to be strongly related to PCA1, the main gradient of temperature influence. Both temperature and irradiation thus gave independent, positive contributions to zooplankton richness. Lake area only contributed marginally to zooplankton richness as judged from the PCA analysis. By stepwise removal, the multiple linear regression model explained 35% of the observed variability with 753 Fig. 4. PCA plot with all major variables entered (see text for further explanation). log lake area and maximum temperature as the two major contributors, and altitude, longitude and radiation as significant, but minor contributors (Table 2). When regressing species richness versus log lake area and maximum temperature, there was a pronounced scatter for both parameters (r2 0.06 and 0.21 respectively, Fig. 5), yet both regressions were significantly positive (p B0.0001). While temperature set the upper bound for richness, it still was a poor predictor of actual richness for any given temperature. This means that while the maximum number of species decreased with decreasing temperature, the full range of species richness, from very low to very high, could be found in lakes at higher temperatures. This points to other determinants of richness besides temperature. Ln species richness (LnR) plotted against 1/kT (Fig. 6) was highly significant (LnR 34.2 to 0.78 1/kT, F-ratio 383, pB0.0001), but with a pronounced scatter, (R2 0.20). When testing species richness for the various age classes, the only significant difference between the age Table 2. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis for total species richness. Full model predictions: r2: 0.35, DF: 5, SSQ: 30561, F-ratio: 163. Source SSQ F-ratio Prob(F) log10 Area MaxTemp Altitude Longitude Radiation 5317 5252 2220 684 334 141.8 140.1 59.2 18.2 8.9 B0.0001 B0.0001 B0.0001 B0.0001 0.0029 754 categories was that the oldest lakes had significantly lower species richness than the others (p B0.05, TukeyKramer HSD-test). But there were only a few of these oldest locations and they were all from northern, coastal regions. For theoretical solar radiation, we found the highest richness for highest solar inputs (p B0.05, Tukey-Kramer HSD-test). Discussion Our analysis strongly suggested that temperature per se or temperature-related parameters were the major determinants of richness. Lake area appeared as a modest predictor of richness as judged from the PCAanalysis and the linear regression analysis (Fig. 5). This is in support of other national surveys: Hessen et al. 2006, Walseng et al. 2006, but contrasts with the general findings from other studies on richnessarea relations (cf. Gaston 2000), including studies on zooplankton (Browne 1981, Dodson 1992). As a covariate in the multiple regression model, lake area became a highly significant predictor, however, as it did at more local, climatically homogenous scales (Hessen et al. unpubl). This could suggest that at a sufficiently large and climatically heterogeneous scale, temperature and dispersal constraints could be superimposed on lake area. The fact that both altitude and longitude contributed significantly to observed species richness likewise points to dispersal constraints across mountain ridges. It should be noted, however, that even if this MaxTemp, °C Fig. 6. Scatter plot of species richness over the inverse of temperature as 1/kT (see text for explanation). Fig. 5. Scatter plots of species richness over maximum monthly temperature and log lake area. study covers a rather wide altitudinal and latitudinal range, is is still locally constrained compared with global analysis like those of Gaston (2000). While temperature was a major predictor of richness, there still was a wide scatter in the richness-versustemperature plot, and temperature explained no more than 21% of observed species richness. The slope of ln species richness was 0.78, and thus fairly close to the range of slopes (0.600.70) predicted from the metabolic scaling law for species richness (Allen et al. 2002, Brown et al. 2004). Therefore our data does not contradict the general predictions of metabolic scaling, but again the huge scatter strongly suggests that other parameters are superimposed on the temperature effects. We here report maximum air and not lake temperatures. Given the close correspondence between the monthly max temperature, growth season, and growing degree-days, we assume that air temperature should serve as a good proxy of epilimnetic summer temperatures (cf. Saloranta and Andersen 2007). On an areal basis, there should be no a prior differences in surface water temperatures, since the specific heat input would not be expected to differ substantially. There are very few truly shallow lakes (B5 m) in this survey, but lake volume and water mixing regimes could induce deviations between air and water temperatures. Hence, the temperature predictions should be judged with some caution. Nevertheless, the observations that temperature constrains the upper bound of species number, but at best is a poor predictor of actual richness seem robust. Solar radiation also provides an energy input, which heats surface waters and promotes carbon fixation. In our data, temperature (or growing season) and solar radiation showed different spatial variation, allowing for a separate assessment of their relative contributions to zooplankton richness. The statistical analysis did suggest a positive effect of direct solar radiation per se. This effect of radiation could partly be a product of direct heating, but may also promote primary production by increasing the euphotic zone. The solar input peaks at high elevation sites in southern areas, but this could be offset by low air temperatures and high levels of detrimental UV-radiation at high altitudes (cf. Hessen 2006). On the one hand, high light intensities promote C-fixation, but it could also lead to reduced food quality for zooplankton by increasing the light: nutrient ratio (cf. Urabe and Sterner 1996) in these nutrient-poor lakes. The net effect of radiation could thus be subtle, but judged from this study it seems to promote zooplankton richness. Ecosystem age did not have any strong effect on richness. This may be explained in three ways. First, simply the majority of the lakes were of a rather uniform age. Second, it may be that, for those very few ‘‘relict’’ lakes (situated in regions that were probably not covered by the latest glaciation), extended periods of ice 755 cover and extreme cold during glacial times did not allow support of a permanent zooplankton population. Thirdly, a time-span of a few thousand years may not be a major determinant of richness unless dispersal rates were strongly constrained. The generally low species richness in coastal areas of central and southern lakes, in spite of mild winters and a favourable climate, could be interpreted as an effect of migration constraint (Hessen et al. 2006). On the other hand, apparent species turnover rates in Norwegian lakes are fairly high, with an estimated resident species pool of B50% of the asymptotic species pool, i.e. in any given year no more than 50% of the cumulative species number over a 10 yr period was found (Hessen et al. unpubl). Colonization of species seems to occur within a decade (Arnott et al. 1998, Shurin 2000, Shurin et al. 2000, Havel and Shurin 2004). There is no consensus, however, on dispersal abilities or on how much dispersal has been achieved by zooplankton at different regional scales (Bohanak and Jenkins 2003). The general assumption of high dispersal abilities is also countered by studies on local genetic affinities that suggest rather limited gene flow at the metapopulation scale (De Meester et al. 2002). This somewhat paradoxical situation could be caused either by a lack of colonization abilities by newcomers that might be competitively inferior relative to the locally adapted population (i.e. the monopolization hypothesis by De Meester et al. 2002), or by a fast genotypic adaptation to the new environment (cf. Hairson 1996). On a regional scale similar to the most constrained data set, it is thus very unlikely that richness reflects dispersal constraints. Hence, at least on regional scales corresponding to the smaller of the two subsets, species richness would most likely be in equilibrium and thus reflect biotic and abiotic properties of the given locations. But on scales of tens to thousands of kilometres, dispersal constraints are more likely (Havel and Shurin 2004). This could explain why, in this data set, southern and eastern immigrants were poorly represented in the richness measures of the northern and western lakes. The ultimate reasons for the positive effects of temperature are not straightforward. Temperature as a driver for species richness in an evolutionary sense can be ruled out in this context none of the species were unique to Norway, and the time span since last glaciation is insufficient for species radiation. Many of these lakes have prevailing low temperatures, and temperatures B108C are not uncommon in alpine areas. Hence, physiological constraints do probably play a role with regard to metabolic processes and growth that scales with temperature. Yet the ultimate link to species richness must be that low temperatures exclude a number of species that may (and probably do) spread to, but not colonize these low-temperature habitats. 756 Many species will also have problems with completing their life cycles at low temperatures. Low temperature could also slow down productivity among autotrophs. Phytoplankton in cold lakes have been demonstrated to have low photosynthetic activity per mole of photons absorbed, which may reflect a slowing of enzymatic activity (Markager et al. 1999, Flanagan et al. 2003); and there is also a tendency for lower chlorophyll: phosphorus ratios in alpine lakes (Hessen et al. 2005). A large variance remained unexplained in this analysis, suggesting that there might be stochastic processes as well as water quality parameters or biotic interactions that play major roles for zooplankton species richness. Since each location is represented by only one year of sampling, and there might be fairly large inter-annual variability in species numbers, this is likely one source of unresolved scatter. In addition, lake productivity and fish predation could play a major role, not only for community composition, but also for biodiversity. A previous survey of a smaller and different set of Norwegian lakes revealed that zooplankton species richness exhibited a strong positive response to both productivity (concentrations of phosphorus or phytoplankton biomass) and fish diversity (Hessen et al. 2006). Unfortunately, data on lake productivity, phosphorus or chlorophyll was not available for the present dataset. A number of studies have pointed to a positive, linear correlation between species richness and productivity, yet a hump-shaped curve is often invoked when highly productive systems are included (cf. Gaston 2000, Mittelbach et al. 2001, Chase and Ryberg 2004). Metabolic processes may scale different to ambient temperature than to energy in terms of food. Given the fast heat exchange in tiny animals in the aquatic medium, ambient temperature would have a large influence on temperature-dependent metabolic processes. But these processes also depend on food quantity and food quality. Since metabolic rate is equal to the respiration rate in heterotrophs (cf. Brown et al. 2004), food quantity will affect metabolism first and foremost via Specific Dynamic Action (SDA), i.e. the energetic costs of processing food that is seen as an elevation of respiration rate from basal metabolism during feeding (Jensen and Hessen 2007). In addition, food quality in terms of elemental composition could affect metabolic rates. Animals, including zooplankton, when feeding on P-deficient food, may dispose of ‘‘excess C’’ by increasing their respiratory outputs (Darchambeau et al. 2003, Anderson et al. 2005). Thus both food quantity and stoichiometric quality (C:P-ratio) may affect metabolic and richness responses due to temperature (Brown et al. 2004, Jeyasingh 2007). A full evaluation of the impact of various forms of energy input to zooplankton richness would require combined data on temperature (preferably integrated water temperature over the growing season), solar radiation and potential food supply in terms of edible seston quantity and quality. Nevertheless, this study does suggest temperature as a major determinant of zooplankton species richness. While increased temperatures in general will promote increased species richness, the wide scatter in species richness over the temperature gradient means that predictions of effects from climate change can hardly be made with high accuracy. It is also apparent that global warming will not only affect summer temperatures and extend the growth season; it will also affect water quality in various ways, including nutrient loading, and may thus affect both thermal energy as well as organic energy supply. Acknowledgements This paper is based both on a number of published reports and unpublished data and we want to thank all those who have contributed with data to this study. We also thank Bror Jonsson for most helpful comments to the manuscript. The study has received financial support from CAS (Centre for Advanced Study), Global Diversity Information Facility Norway ( ) and NINA (Norwegian Inst. for Nature Research). References Allen, A. P. et al. 2002. 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