An emulation infrastructure for multi-hop wireless communication networks ∗ Vincent Guffensa Georges Bastina Olivier Bonaventureb a Centre for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics (CESAME) b Department of Computing Science and Engineering UniversiteĢ Catholique de Louvain B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium In this paper, a novel approach for wireless network emulation is proposed. The emulation infrastructure is built on a virtualized Linux kernel (User Mode Linux) which allows for highly realistic emulations. The virtualized kernel is extended with software based wireless cards which are plugged in a generic physical layer emulator. The emulator proposed in this paper tries to reduce the gap between simulations and implementations by allowing a developer to test his/her implementation in an almost real, but entirely software-based environment. The advantage of such an approach is that its cost, in terms of required infrastructure and learning curve for the developer is reduced to a minimum. I. Introduction Once a new protocol has been designed or when a given modification has been proposed for an existing standard, it is usually desirable to test it in an environment as close as possible to one encountered in a real life scenario. Development and testing are usually carried on in a network laboratory but equipment and maintenance costs may render this situation impractical. Furthermore, to test wireless protocols, equipments should be located at a suitable distance from each other and their mobility should be such as to allow for intermittent transmission. Maintaining this setup for days may be impossible. Obviously, new protocols may be tested on high level simulators such as the famous NS2 where it is easy to create a situation such as one described above. Unfortunately, factors such as interoperability with existing implementation, performance of integration which existing code might be overlooked. This tradeoff between simulation and laboratory testing is however blurred by the increasing use of virtualization. In [13], Keshav et al. propose a protocol testing environment which uses virtualized networking kernel. In this system, the BSD kernel API has been ported to User Space letting applications such as mrouted, gated or ping running without modification. ∗ This paper presents research results of the Belgian Programme on Interuniversity Attraction Poles, initiated by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office. The scientific responsibility rests with its author(s). The Linux kernel has also been ported to user space by J. Dike who has implemented the User Mode Linux architecture [5] referred to as UML. Multiple virtualized Linux machines may run on a single host and be interconnected via a software switch running on the host. UML has been used to implement web hosting solution, honeypot and its use has been reported in [7] for network protocol testing with the VNUML project. A mobile ad-hoc network simulator based on VNUML is also proposed in [11]. In this paper, we extend the idea of virtualization to the kernel driver level and describe how an existing driver for a wireless 802.11 card may be used with UML. UML machines running the wireless driver are interconnected through a physical layer emulator and represented in a graphical environment where they can be freely moved. This system therefore allows for a highly realistic emulation environment for multi-hop wireless communication networks where every tool already running in Linux may be used without modification. To the belief of the authors, this framework is of great practical interest for network software development, interoperability testing and educational purposes.To our knowledge, the emulator that we propose is the only software-based solution that allows to support wireless and mobile nodes in a virtual environment. Our simulation framework is described in Section II to VI and a practical illustration of the various possibilities of this system is given in Section VII. The chosen example is the implementation of the manet name resolution rfc draft [6] which relies on existing software Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 1, Number 2 1 and already implemented protocols. Some related works are presented in Section VIII. The network emulator described in this paper is freely available and can be found at Virtual machine App. syscal Linux hostap kernel exported symbols driver code II. Components used in the emulator As described in the introduction, the main components used in the emulator are the User Mode Linux kernel code and a wireless driver. For this work, we choose the hostap driver [10] because it supports different kind of hardware and its hardware dependent code is therefore neatly separated. Furthermore, the hostap driver may be setup as an access point and supports software-based encryption. The advantages of the Linux kernel are, among others, availability of the source code, availability of advanced networking features, increasing use in embedded network devices and huge amount of networking related softwares. In the context of this paper, the availability of a stable User Mode port is of course essential. Linking the hostap driver with the User Mode kernel requires the resolution of all symbols from the kernel’s exported symbol table which is not possible as User Mode Linux does not contain any bus implementation. Unresolved symbols, whose names are selfexplanatory are for instance : pci enable device, writew and readw. The first component that had to be implemented was therefore a simple bus suitable to export the required symbols for the hostap driver to be inserted in the kernel. The modification of the hostap driver are minimum and consists in replacing unresolved symbols with the new ones, along with some minor modifications due to the simpler implementation of our bus compared to a standard PCI bus. We refer to this bus as “netbus” as its primary use is to connect a network device to UML. The functionalities of this bus, sending and receiving data as well as transmitting interrupt signals are implemented with TCP connections. Once the hostap driver is successfully linked into the kernel, it must of course act on a device which also has to be emulated. As any other device, our emulated wireless card has to be connected or “virtually plugged” into the UML via netbus. This situation is depicted in Fig. 1 showing the different interconnections existing between the components introduced above. The emulated wireless card runs as a different process, which is the emulator itself. This core program is written in QT/C++ and also implements the physical layer emulation as well as a visualisation system. netbus tcp separated processes new exported symbols virtual external device Figure 1: Interconnection of the driver with the UML kernel As mentioned above, netbus is built with TCP connections and the core emulator is therefore written as a TCP server. The architecture of the emulator is depicted in Fig. 2 where it can be seen that the hostap driver is depicted as a TCP client which is implemented on top of netbus. When the driver tries to register itself, it calls a function netbus register device which tries to bind to the emulator server socket. If the operation is successful, a new object implementing the virtual wireless card is instantiated in the emulator. The visualisation system displays an icon representing the mobile node with a surrounding circle which represents the reachability zone of the card. Each component is described in more details in the following sections. III. Netbus implementation As mentioned previously, the connection between the emulated card and the driver is realised with a TCP connection. Using TCP makes it possible to run multiple UML machines on different hosts. The simulation can therefore be distributed among multiple CPU’s. The TCP protocol has been chosen for its reliability. Indeed, it is not desirable to introduce uncertainty in the delivery of interrupt and data as one would like to control in a deterministic fashion if packet drops occur or not. In our prototype, two different TCP connections are used : one connection is used for data transmission while the other is only used for interrupt emission. Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 1, Number 2 2 UML machine hostap driver tcp client1 machine2 0x0 0x1 UML machine hostap driver tcp clientN netbus netbus virtual wireless card virtual wireless card simulation server Figure 2: Architecture of our wireless emulator The client socket corresponding to the interrupt line at the UML side is configured in ASYNC mode and the associated SIGIO signal is registered in UML as an interrupt signal associated with the wireless card. The data line operates in blocking mode. This is necessary as, from the UML point of view, the read/write operation has to be “atomic” and must be completed entirely before the UML may continue to execute. Every command sent on the data line is therefore followed by a blocking recv call which waits for an acknowledgement from the card and synchronises the kernel with the card. As packets are transmitted by the hostap driver by a series of writew command (programmed IO), the synchronisation mode described above induces a high latency in packet transmission. Therefore, an extra feature has been implemented in netbus which permits to send a block of “len” bytes of data in a single blocking operation. In some sense, this feature is analogous to a DMA in a real hardware. IV. Implementation of the emulated wireless card The virtual wireless card is implemented so as to react, from the driver perspective, as a real hardware card would have reacted. To that end, several registers are implemented such as the command register and commands issued by the driver are interpreted. Among the most important implemented com- 0xfff fid_entry 0xabc Wireless network Physical layer emulation Network visualisation window 0xcba "on board memory" machine1 0x0 0x1 0xfff { char * ptr; short int len; short int refcnt; } len [ data...] Figure 3: Memory management for the “on-board memory” showing a data segment shared between two different machines. mands, we describe (see Sec. IV.A and IV.B) the COMMAND CODE ALLOC which allocates memory segments and CMD CODE TRANSMIT which instructs the card to transmit a frame previously copied into the memory through netbus. IV.A. Memory management The memory available in each virtual wireless card is managed using a simple segmentation scheme [4] as shown in Fig. 3. Each machine may allocate 0xfff segments of length smaller than 4kB (0xfff). During memory initialisation, memory zone accessed by the driver are preallocated and formatted so that the driver finds the expected information. For instance, the segment 0xfc0 is preallocated and the hardware address of the virtual card is copied at memory address 0xfc0100 where the driver expects to find it. Memory may also be dynamically allocated by the driver to be used for packet transmission as detailed in the next subsection. IV.B. Packet transmission During initialisation, the driver allocates memory segments large enough to accommodate a packet length equal to the configured MTU and remembers the segment and the offset necessary to access these memory zones. In fact, only a fid entry structure (See Fig. 3) is allocated as the pointer toward the actual data is set later on. For packet transmission and reception, the driver and the card use a mechanism referred to as “Buffer Access Path”: to access a given buffer, the driver first issues a setup bap command by writing the corresponding code into a command register. This command consists in writing the previously stored segment and offset in some specified reg- Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 1, Number 2 3 isters. The frame to be transmitted is then sent through the data connection. The ptr entry of the preallocated fid entry structure is modified to point toward the data received by the server data socket. This operation as the effect of copying the received frame at the right place in the virtual machine memory. A loop iterates over every virtual machine and allocates a fid entry whose ptr entry points toward the same shared data segment increasing the refcnt entry by one. In fact, the packet is transmitted between two UML machines according to some physical models described in Section V and may therefore be dropped or corrupted at that stage. Each virtual wireless card issues a receive interrupt after having setup the buffer access path registers to point toward their received packet. The driver may now issue a from bap command with the corresponding segment and offset value. The fid entry is unallocated when the receive interrupt is acknowledged and the data segment is freed if the rfcnt has reached zero. V. In order to ease protocol testing, it might be convenient to adopt a much simpler view on the physical layer. Results presented in this paper therefore use a simple threshold based propagation model. The transmission power configured at each node (using the Linux command iwconfig wlan0 txpower [power]) is linearly converted to a suitable distance (in pixels) and machines falling in that range receive transmitted packets with probability one. A yellow circle (see Fig. 4) is depicted around each machine so that the operator of the simulation may easily move machines from a reachable zone to an unreachable one and easily create an arbitrary topology. Obviously, the choice of a physical model will depend upon the type of experiment to be carried on. Physical layer emulation As described previously, packet transmission is realized in the server code by pointer passing between virtual machines. The physical layer emulation essentially consists in determining if this operation is to be realized successfully or if this operation should fail and result in packet loss or packet mangling. In other term, the physical layer emulation is equivalent to the determination of a “Packet Error Rate” (P ER) between a pair of machines. The “Bit Error Rate” (BER) and the P ER are linked through the following formula : P ER = 1 − (1 − BER)len Where len is the length of the packet being transmitted. The BER mainly depends on the type of digital modulation being used and on the Signal To Noise Ratio (SN R) at the receiver. Theoretical formulas that give the BER as a function of the SN R for a given modulation scheme are widely available in the literature and usually rely on the assumption of an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) which may be entirely specified by its variance. A global variable therefore exists in the emulator to specify the variance of a background thermal noise. The signal power at the receiver obviously depends on the distance between the emitter and the receiver and is estimated via a Path Lost function P L(d) where the distance d is calculated via the distance in pixels between two virtual machines. Once again, Path 4 Lost functions are widely available in the literature [12] and may be easily plugged in the emulator. If the SNR at the receiver is below a given sensitivity threshold, the packet is dropped, if the SNR is greater than the sensitivity, a random bit in the packet may be modified before transmission with a probability given by the PER. Note that packet mangling requires a hard copy of the buffer being transmitted. VI. Packets visualisation In order to obtain a visualisation of the traffic through the network, packets emitted by each machine are represented by moving dots in the visualisation window. This graphical representation is meant to give an impression of how many packets are being transmitted. The moving dots are implemented with animated canvas object available in QT. Whenever a packet is to be transmitted from one node to another, an animated canvas item is released from a recycle bin and is displayed on the visualisation screen. The QT animated canvas system takes care of the correct displacement of the item. Once this animated item has reached its destination, the corresponding object is put back into the recycle bin. This system is illustrated in Fig. 4 showing the visualisation window with five UML machines. The machines uml01,uml02 and uml03 are running the AODV routing protocol and uml01 is pinging uml03. Meanwhile, uml04 is flooding uml05 with ping requests (ping -f). It is indeed straightforward to determine from this figure that the number of packets exchanged between uml04 and uml05 is greater than the rate of packets between uml01 and uml03. Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 1, Number 2 Figure 4: The network visualisation window with packets flowing between virtual machines. Packets representation allows the operator to see where the traffic is flowing in the network. VII. Example: name resolution in adhoc network In a recent IETF draft [6], an extension to the AODV protocol was proposed to resolve name in multihop ad-hoc networks. As an example, we used our emulation framework to develop and test a prototype implementation of this draft in a short time frame. To simplify our implementation, we rely modify an existing DNS proxy [1]. The proposed name resolution protocol has been added to the NIST implementation of the AODV protocol [9] which runs as a kernel module in Linux. Fig. 5 illustrates the different stages needed to resolve a name in a multi-hop wireless environment, as described in the name resolution draft mentioned above. Fig. 5 shows three machines called uml01.air, uml02.air and uml03.air. Whenever an application wants to resolve a name (1), a DNS request is sent to a DNS server (2). In our implementation, each machine runs a DNS proxy which translates this request into an AODV route request query (RREQ) to which a Name Request extension (NREQ EXT) is appended (3). Using virtualized kernel allows to test the system with unmodified applications and actual DNS queries which gives a strong confidence that the system would work well in a real scenario. The RREQ is forwarded (4,5) by intermediary nodes because it contains a request for an address that may not be in the routing table. The RREQ eventually reaches the node whose name matches the query in the NREQ EXT (6). A Route Reply (RREP) with a Name Reply extension (NREP EXT) is sent back to the originator of the query (7). The proxy finally forges a DNS reply to answer the DNS query. This draft implementation has been developed using UML and tested successfully with our emulator in a network made of 10 nodes. Although this implementation could have been tested with existing UML Ethernet interfaces, the wireless environment has some unique characteristics such as unidirectional links and multiple broadcast domains on a single interface. Furthermore, machines may be moved and the topology may be changed easily by simply moving the nodes with the mouse. This can be done, for instance, while a TCP connection is active between two machines and the effect on the connectivity may be appreciated in real time. More accurate measurement may of course be obtained using packet capture programs. Profiling tools such as gprof may also be used to profile the execution of the driver and of the implemented protocol. Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 1, Number 2 5 8 dns reply 2 DNS protocol AODV protocol dns query DNS PROXY app. lo uml01.air 6 this is my name 1 ping uml03.air 7 RREP NREP_EXT uml03.air uml02.air 4 not my name 3 RREQ NREQ_EXT 5 RREQ NREQ_EXT Figure 5: Resolution of a name in a multi-hop wireless network. VIII. Related work When the performance or stability of new protocols and mechanisms must be evaluated, researchers usually rely on three types of tools : mathematical models, simulations and implementation. Mathematical models are usually very abstract and allow to understand the key parameters of the proposed mechanism. When mathematical models are not possible or too complex, researchers often use simulators such as NS2 [3], J-Sim [14], OPnet [2] or others. All those simulators contain simulation models of the main protocols and mechanism and can be easily enhanced to support new protocols. The advantage of testing a new idea in a simulator is that it can be evaluated in a completely controlled environment. However, as simulations are based on models, they do not always take into account the complexity of adding a new mechanism or protocol to an existing implementation. Developing an implementation is often very complex and time consuming. Furthermore, deploying the proposed solution in a real network requires a lot of infrastructure which is not always available. The emulator proposed in this paper tries to reduce the gap between simulations and implementations by allowing a developer to test his/her implementation in an almost real, but entirely software-based environment. The cost is thus limited to one or a few workstations for large networks. To our knowledge, the emulator that we propose is 6 the only software-based solution that allows to support wireless and mobile nodes in a virtual environment. Several types of emulators have been proposed in the literature. In [13], Keshav et al. virtualised the networking stack of a FreeBSD kernel and allowed to run routing protocols and other networking applications in an emulated environment. Another similar approach is IMUNES proposed in [15]. IMUNES allows a FreeBSD kernel to maintain several networking stacks that are used to support different applications. However, those two solutions do not support wireless interfaces. In [8], Judd and Steenkiste propose a hardwarebased emulator to reproduce the characteristics of wireless links. Compared to our emulator, this solution provides a more accurate emulation of the physical layer, but its cost is much higher. Another approach is the emulab testbed ( that was recently upgraded with several wireless nodes. As mentioned in the introduction, VNUML can be used to simulate wireless ad-hoc networks. However, this approach is less flexible as it requires an explicit description of the topology. Furthermore, communication links are bidirectional and symmetrical. In contrast, our physical model allows for a more realistic description of the transmission medium. Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 1, Number 2 IX. Conclusion and future work In this paper, we have described a UML-based emulator for wireless networks. In our emulator, each emulated node is implemented as a UML Linux kernel. The wireless interfaces of all the emulated nodes are implemented by using modified hostap driver that interact via TCP connections with the physical layer emulation. By changing the physical layer emulation, it is possible to test various scenarios for packet losses or bit errors. Finally, a visualisation window allows to track in realtime the behaviour of the emulator. We have shown how the emulator could be used as a simple testbed to implement extensions to existing protocols. In practice, our emulator is not limited to such usages. It could be used as a testbed to implement new routing or transport protocols in a completely controlled and low-cost environment. It could also be very useful as a teaching aid for students willing to better understand the behaviour of protocols in wireless networks. [10] Jouni Malinen. Host ap driver for intersil prism2/2.5/3, [11] Luca Mottola. How to simulate mobile ad hoc networks using vnuml, vnuml/doc/1.3/examples/. [12] J.G. Proakis. Digital communication. McGraw Hill, fourth edition, 2001. [13] X.W.Huang, R. Sharma, and S. Keshav. The entrapid protocol development environment. In Proc. of Infocom, March 1999. [14] Hung ying Tyan. Design, realization and evaluation of a component-based compositional software architecture for network simulation. PhD thesis, Ohio State University, 2002. [15] Marko Zec. Implementing a clonable network stack in the freebsd kernel,. In Proceedings of the 2003. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, San Antonio, Texas, June 2003. References [1] Dnrd - domain name relay daemon. [2] Opnet simulator, [3] Ucb/lbl/vint, network simulator 2), (version [4] D. P. Bovet and M. Cesati. Understanding the Linux Kernel. O’Reilly, 2001. [5] J. Dike. User mode linux. In 5th Annual Linux Showcase & conf., Oakland CA, 2001. [6] Paal E. Engelstad and al. Name resolution in ondemand manets and over external ip networks, internet draft, January 2004. [7] D. Fernandez, Tomas de Miguel, and F. Galan. Study and emulation of ipv6 internet-exchangebased addressing models. IEEE Communication Magazine, pages 105–112, January 2004. [8] Glenn Judd and Peter Steenkiste. Repeatable and realistic wireless experimentation through physical emulation. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 34(1):63–68, 2004. [9] Luke Klein-Berndt. Kernel aodv,national institue of standards and technology , kernel/. Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 1, Number 2 7