Towards Ethernet-based wireless mesh networks for fast moving users Filip De Greve, Wim Vandenberghe, Filip De Turck, Ingrid Moerman and Piet Demeester Ghent University - IBBT - IMEC - Department of Information Technology Gaston Crommenlaan 8 - bus 201, 9050 Gent, Belgium. Email: {Filip.DeGreve,Wim.Vandenberghe} Abstract In this paper we examine the capabilities of Switched Ethernet for building wireless mesh networks (WMNs) and more specific for the support of fast moving users. We will motivate that Switched Ethernet with wireless extensions is a promising auto-configurable WMN technology. An inherent Ethernet feature, topology modification according to the actual link rates, will be used to avoid poor wireless links in the active topology. We demonstrate that fast recovery is feasible in a WMN by extending the standard spanning tree protocols. Simulations and analytical results will reveal some basic differences if the wired links of Switched Ethernet are replaced by wireless links and this leads to a parameter evaluation of the IEEE 802.11e protocol for optimizing the bandwidth usage of the wireless medium. 1 1.1 Introduction Motivation Nowadays, a lot of multimedia applications are taken for granted in fixed networks. These applications require a high level of Quality of Service (QoS) and are generally characterized by high bandwidth requirements which can currently only be offered by fixed broadband access technologies. In previous work [1] we presented a network architecture which was designed to cope with the specific requirements of delivering broadband traffic to fast moving users. The aggregation part of this architecture deployed Layer 2 Ethernet techniques and this paper explores the possibilities of extending Ethernet-based architectures towards wireless mesh environments. The choice for wireless Ethernet networks will be detailed in the next section. However, in general a lot of challenges have to be tackled before wireless mesh networks will have a similar throughput or QoS experience as can be expected in a wired environment [2]. Despite the inherent vulnerability of the wireless technology for all kinds of interference wireless mesh networking will become important in access and aggregation networks. It is expected that network installation costs will be lower than the wired equivalent. WMNs diminish the amount of necessary cables and save on expensive digging costs. In this paper, we focus on IEEE 802.11 (also known as Wifi) but promising future technologies such as WiMax which developed a mobile extension of the standard (IEEE 802.16e), could also be used for mesh networking. 1.2 Related work Currently, a lot of research defines wireless mesh networks from scratch, proposing their own architecture and routing protocols. They mostly aim for deployment in aggregation networks because in this area mesh networks seem the most promising at this time. While many propose tree-like architectures [3–5], surprisingly almost no publications seem to be exploring the capabilities of Switched Ethernet in the wireless mesh. However, why develop a brand new protocol, if modifications to existing protocols can behave similarly? Shorter development times and easier acceptance due to the familiarity are straight-forward additional benefits. In addition, Ethernet is well suited for the problem statement with fast moving users due to the fact that Layer 2 forwarding mechanisms can rapidly adapt to new locations of moving users. Moreover, wireless mesh networks will look like tree-structures where the root acts as a gateway towards the wired backbone and with dominant communication between root and leafs. In [3] a new tree construction algorithm is presented and leaf-leaf communication is not supported by the architecture. In Ethernet-based networks leaf-leaf communication will naturally be supported. In [4, 5] good methods for channel assignment and load balancing are presented. [4] presents a new, yet basic, tree construction technique which is similar to the IEEE 802.1D spanning tree (ST) protocol. The loadsensitive path weight functions may however cause network instabilities because they are depending on traffic variations Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA'06) 0-7695-2594-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 which may be very large and irregular in WMNs. Therefore, [5] suggests topology-dependent path weight functions that base weights on topological properties such as hop count or link capacity. However, both use load-dependent distributed algorithms which take time to converge, while fast changing traffic characteristics are never considered. 1.3 Wired backbone SGW Wireless Mesh Network WGW Contribution WLAN WLAN WLAN In this paper we examine infrastructure-based mesh networks and we will show that extended Switched Ethernet is a promising WMN technology. Therefore, we present the necessary modifications which enable efficient Ethernetbased WMNs. If Switched Ethernet would be deployed with wireless links, some basic but important performance differences can be derived. This leads to a parameter optimization of IEEE 802.11e (i.e. the priority handling extension of standard IEEE 802.11) to ensure efficient bandwidth usage. In a test bed environment we illustrate how Ethernet-based WMNs can automatically adapt their topology in coordination with a link rate adaptation protocol. Because trees are not constructed based on the shortest path to the root but on the widest path to the root, poor wireless links are automatically avoided by the active topology. We also prove that wireless recovery can be as fast as wired recovery without important drawbacks. system shortly before train traffic will effectively be using a VLAN tunnel at the next WGW on its track. This paper won’t detail this reservation mechanism but all the necessary alterations of the distributed Ethernet mechanisms in order to enable efficient Ethernet-based WMNs. The next section discusses the performance differences if wired links are replaced by wireless links and parameter optimizations of the wireless medium for WMNs. 2 3 Figure 1. Wireless aggregation networks for fast moving users Aggregation network architecture The architecture (presented in Fig. 1) aims at aggregation networks where typically a lot of leave nodes require connectivity from and to a limited set of service gateways (SGWs). The leave nodes are connecting one or more trackside WLANs; these leave nodes are called WLAN gateways (WGWs). Users can connect to the closest WGW. With the current BW limitations of IEEE 802.11 WMNs a wired backbone is still indispensable. If multiple gateways towards the backbone are geographically spread, loadbalancing techniques can increase the mesh throughput significantly. Every SGW will be root of a one or more ST instances and WMN nodes will be member of multiple ST instances. Our architecture will be optimised for root-leaf traffic but leaf-leaf communication will still be possible without necessarily passing the root node. In a wired aggregation network bandwidth guarantees are delivered by means of VLAN (Virtual LAN) tunnels and an associated Layer 2 reservation protocol [1]. The Layer 2 reservation mechanism enables to maintain an up-to-date view of the resource usage at all times. This view can be used by the central management that handles the fast moving aspect by reserving for every moving vehicle the best path towards the WGW. In order to have continuous bandwidth guarantees the reservation system has to be activated by the centralized Wired Ethernet vs. Wireless Ethernet The range of current WMN systems can be situated between the following two extremes: single-frequency WMNs and multi-channel WMNs with directional antennas. For single-frequency systems WMN collisions can occur with every transmission of nodes within interference range. This deployment has great resemblance with half-duplex Shared Ethernet with its Ethernet collision domains (CSMA/CD or Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) and bus systems. Shared Ethernet (the oldest and original Ethernet standard) was specifically designed for local area networks (LAN) but the lack of QoS and throughput limitations due to shared resources were reasons to deploy full-duplex Switched Ethernet. In this standard dedicated point-to-point links are introduced which are able to transport traffic in two directions at the same time. These same reasons are driving the extension of WMNs with multiple interfaces and multiple channels. At the other end of the spectrum multi-channel WMNs with directional antennas are practically able to eliminate all interlink interference. This is an equivalent of wired Switched Ethernet except for the fact that wireless links remain halfduplex because a single interface cannot send and receive at the same time. In practice, a WMN will be situated in between these two extremes: collisions will be reduced but 2 Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA'06) 0-7695-2594-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 47.4 it remains hard (or expensive) to eliminate all interference. Undoubtedly, future WMNs will have more and more similarities with Switched Ethernet networks due to the inherent limitations of shared media. Therefore, we focus in this section on basic but important performance differences if Switched Ethernet would be deployed with wireless links. Wired Switched Ethernet has following features: (i) autoconfiguration, (ii) self-recovery, (iii) full duplex links, (iv) priority queuing, (v) constant bandwidth, (vi) fixed link rate and (vii) proportional fairness. The first two features, auto-configuration and selfrecovery, are partly responsible for the popularity of Ethernet and must clearly be maintained in the wireless Ethernet architecture (see Section 4). The spanning tree protocol is basically responsible for these two features. The spanning tree organises the nodes in a forwarding topology which allows nodes to automatically join. The active topology must be absolutely free of loops which is crucial for correct Ethernet forwarding. In case of failures a new spanning tree topology is formed. The original standard used the legacy IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) to maintain a loop free topology. Enhancement of the recovery times has been addressed by introduction of the IEEE 802.1W Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP). Finally, IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) was introduced which maintains multiple trees instead of a single tree. Because all links can now be used in the network (instead of at most N1 links in an network of N nodes), the bandwidth efficiency of IEEE 802.1D/W Ethernet networks is improved. Full duplex links (iii) can only be created if upand downstream traffic are decoupled by using separate interfaces on different non-interfering channels. However, in practice this option doesn’t seem feasible due to the limited range of available non-interfering channels. IEEE 802.11b/802.11g standards provide 3 nonoverlapping channels while IEEE 802.11a provides 12 nonoverlapping channels. Priority queueing in wireless networks will be discussed in Section 3.3. The final three features - (v), (vi) and (vii) - are quite straight-forward features for full-duplex links. However, we should be aware that constant bandwidth or fixed link rate are non-existent in wireless environment as will be explained in this section. The proportional fairness problem will be discussed in Section 3.2. 3.1 47.2 Effective BW usage (%) 47 46.8 46.6 46.4 46.2 46 45.8 45.6 0 10 1 10 2 factor α 10 3 10 Figure 2. Effective BW usage at the drop off point (relative to the link rate) as a function of the factor α of the dominant source. ance (CSMA/CA). The default transmission scheme requires positive acknowledgement of every successfully received packet by the destination station. Retransmission of not-acknowledged packets is handled with binary exponential backoff rules. The QoS-extension of DCF, the enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) of IEEE 802.11e, permits up to 4 access categories (ACs) at each wireless interface. Each AC i has its own wireless access parameters such as initial backoff window (Wi,init ), retransmission limit (Ri,max ) and arbitration interframe space (AIF Si ). Also the factor σi which is used for increasing the window size after frame collisions is differentiated. Each AC behaves roughly as a single DCF interface but each AC has its own backoff counter and internal collisions are handled by a virtual collision handler based on priority: the contending AC with highest priority gains access to the medium and other contending ACs go into the backoff phase. If one AC has a smaller Wi,init , smaller AIF Si or smaller Ri,max , the AC has a better chance of accessing the medium earlier. 3.2 Proportional fairness Proportional fairness is achieved if the available bandwidth in a medium is proportionally distributed according to the traffic loads of the different flows. In Switched Ethernet temporary packet losses during bursty periods will be shared proportionally amongst the different flows assuming equal packet lengths. However, in a wireless medium this is no longer true. Opnet-simulations can reveal this unfairness. We simulated 4 wireless senders with a single dominant node which sends 3 times more traffic than the other nodes (with equal packet size). We will note this factor as α. If traffic load is increased proportionally, the dominant source will drop off at a certain point while the other nodes IEEE 802.11 specifics The 802.11 standard includes two medium access mechanisms: a mandatory contention-based channel access function and an optional centrally controlled access function. We will only discuss the first one: the distributed coordination function (DCF). DCF is a random access scheme based on carrier-sense multiple access with collision avoid3 Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA'06) 0-7695-2594-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 50 will continue increasing their throughput. We call this point the drop off point. Further traffic load increase leads to complete saturation where all traffic flows end up with an equal share of the wireless medium. Ideally a mesh reservation system should try to avoid saturation and maximize the resource usage up to the drop off point. The drop off point as a function of α is shown in Fig. 2. For increasing α (< 8) the BW usage will mainly increase while for higher α (≥ 8) the BW usage will start decreasing again and will saturate to 46.068% of the link rate. This saturation is noticeable at α-values higher than 200. The saturation value equals the effective BW usage of a saturated medium with a single sender (= 46.073%). This means that for high α values nondominant sources no longer influence the total BW usage. The absolute α-dependency of the drop off point remains limited but it accentuates the irregularities in wireless BW usage that may occur under various conditions. 3.3 Total bandwidth without QoS Total bandwidth with QoS (Xiao) Bandwidth QoS class 0 (Xiao) Bandwidth QoS class 1 (Xiao) Bandwidth QoS class 2 (Xiao) Total bandwidth with QoS (Paal) Bandwidth QoS class 0 (Paal) Bandwidth QoS class 1 (Paal) Bandwidth QoS class 2 (Paal) 45 Effective BW usage (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Initial size of the backoff window Figure 3. Total effective BW usage and BW usage per AC as a function of the W0,init . IEEE 802.11e parameter optimization systems would just further favor the highest QoS classes which is not relevant in this study. Keep in mind that this model is developed for WLANs and that a similar exact model for mesh networks does not exist. However, under saturation conditions this model can still be used for optimizing the wireless access parameters. The parameter n indicating the amount of senders which are interfering, can simply be derived in a WLAN, namely the amount of stations in range of the access point. In multi-hop networks the number of interfering stations is different for every node. The parameter n is chosen by selecting the bottleneck link in the mesh topology and counting all senders in the same frequency range which can interfere transmission on this link. This link can be found easily and is typically located close to the aggregation gateway where efficient BW usage is the most critical and saturation is most likely to occur. In Ethernet the IEEE 802.1p standard introduced priority-based scheduling. The QoS-extension of IEEE 802.11 is called IEEE 802.11e. However, important differences can be noticed in comparison to its wired equivalent. Our analytical study of the medium usage is based on models presented in a series of IEEE 802.11 performance studies [6] [7] which are based on Bianchi’s work [8]. Bianchi introduced the basic model for describing the saturation behaviour of IEEE 802.11 WLANs. Xiao [7] extended this model for 802.11e and also added delay studies. Paal [6] further improved the model and achieved the highest accuracy by modelling correctly the virtual collision handler and added a model for the non-saturated mode which can predict the starvation point of lower ACs. For all these models a thorough verification is performed with simulation results. In our simulations, we used Paal’s model (unless mentioned otherwise) because this is the most complete model. The current value Wij of the backoff window for AC i and the jth backoff stage is determined as follows with σ ≥ 1.0: Wij = σ j · Wi,init , for j = 0, 1, ... , Ri,max Wi,init = σ i · W0,init , for i = 0, 1, ... , N oQ − 1 3.3.1 Influence of the number of output queues per AC Introduction of multiple output queues per AC surprisingly affects the maximal bandwidth usage. This is illustrated on Fig. 3 which represents the effective total BW usage and the BW usage per AC as a function of the initial window size. For low initial backoff windows the BW usage decreases if three ACs are introduced. For higher initial backoff windows the BW usage without QoS will drop earlier. Actually this effect is similar to the findings in [8] according to the number of IEEE 802.11 stations n: the maximum BW differs for different values of n. As explained in 3.1 every AC acts as a single DCF sender; this means that by adding QoS queues there are no longer n senders but rather n · N oQ senders. This explains the shift in maximal BW usage. Two models, Xiao and Paal, are compared: it is clear that due to the virtual collision handler Paal achieves a higher through- (1) (2) The AC access parameters are bound to the following rule with AC 0 referred to as the highest AC: for 0 ≤ k < l < N oQ: Wk,init ≤ Wl,init , Rk,max ≤ Rl,max and AIF Sk ≤ AIF Sl . N oQ indicates the number of active QoS queues per station. Equation 1 implicates that all ACs have the same exponential backoff mechanism and that access control chances don’t depend on the exact backoff stage. Equation 2 indicates that the initial backoff windows ratios are constant, meaning W0,init /W1,init = W1,init /W2,init = W2,init /W3,init = 1/σ. More complex 4 Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA'06) 0-7695-2594-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 2 Total effective BW usage (%) 45 40 35 30 n=3 n=8 n=25 n=50 n=100 25 20 8 16 64 128 256 Ratio: σ=1 Ratio: σ=1.25 Ratio: σ=1.33 Ratio: σ=1.5 Ratio: σ=2 Ratio: σ=3 4.5 4 1.6 3.5 1.4 3 2.5 1.2 2 1 1.5 8 16 32 64 128 256 1 Initial size of the backoff window 512 Initial size of the backoff window Figure 5. Total effective BW usage as a function of the initial backoff window. Figure 4. Total effective BW usage for N oQ=3 for different numbers of interfering nodes n. 3.3.3 put for the highest AC and that other ACs get less access to the medium in comparison with Xiao. The influence is the highest for low initial backoff windows and decreases for increasing Wi,init which is logical because the amount of internal collisions is strongly reduced for higher backoff windows. It is clearly shown that the lowest AC’s BW usage doesn’t drop to zero in saturation. In Switched Ethernet the highest QoS class would starve all other classes. From our point of view this seems the appropriate behavior while many authors find this starvation effect a disadvantage. IEEE 802.11e lacks this feature due to the fact that AC queues have an independent backoff timer as explained previously. Implementations which freeze the backoff timer of lower classes if the highest AC queue is non-empty, could achieve a pure priority-based access control where all lower ACs would be starved by the highest AC. 3.3.2 1.8 0.8 32 5 BW: σ=1 BW: σ=1.25 BW: σ=1.33 BW: σ=1.5 BW: σ=2 BW: σ=3 Ratio of BW usages class 0 and class 1 Total BW usage (%), relative to without QoS 50 Influence of the parameter σ In Fig. 5 we examine the influence of varying the parameter σ. Focussing on maximizing the BW usage two operating modes are clear: for high Winit it is better to choose a low σ while for low Winit higher σ values improve the BW usage. However, low σ values imply that BW usage of high priority ACs are influenced by the BW usage of the lower ACs. This is visualized on the second axis: a high BW usage ratio of class 0 and class 1 is desired. For mesh networks which have to be deployed with low Winit according to the previous study, this means that high σ values are preferred. At this point there seems no upper limit for the σ value but this changes if the influence of σ on the different average delays per AC is taken into account. This is depicted in Fig. 6. In the IEEE standards default values are recommended for the initial backoff window size: 32 time slots for IEEE 802.11b and 16 time slots for IEEE 802.11a but we will proof that this is not always the best value for mesh networks. To illustrate this we will optimise the BW usage for n=5 and N oQ = 3 and with the following perhop averaged delay constraints: delayAC0 < 500μsec, delayAC1 < 1000μsec and delayAC2 < 2000μsec. For high σ it seems hard to fulfill the delay constraints of the lower classes. If we operate close to saturation, a high σ will restrict the medium access of the lower values too much leading to high average delays. If we start max =32 not a single delay with σ=3 and Winit,0 = Winit,0 constraint is met: delayAC0 = 656μsec, delayAC1 = 1515μsec and delayAC2 = 4004μsec. It is not until Winit,0 is increased to 512, that all delay conditions are met: delayAC0 = 349μsec, delayAC1 = 570μsec and delayAC2 = 1231μsec. At this point the BW usage has dropped to approximately 53% of the maximum BW usmax . In this evaluation the lowest QoS class age with Winit,0 Influence of the parameter n In Fig. 4 the influence of the number of senders is depicted. For high n the BW usage drops severely for low Winit and it is better to choose high Winit . However, infrastructure-based mesh networks will probably operate with much lower n ranges: between 2 and 10. In this area low Winit are preferred: for n=3 the maximum BW usage is achieved for W0,init =16 but there is no BW gain by adding three QoS queues as can be seen in the previous Fig. 3: BW usage drops with 3% compared to DCF. For higher Winit gains will increase compared to DCF: up to 50% for W0,init =512. High Winit are of course less interesting for mesh networks due to the decreased AC differentiation. 5 Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA'06) 0-7695-2594-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 6000 5000 4000 Delay (μsec) limited to the link initiation phase. It is still dependent on the NIC capabilities (such as IEEE 802.11 version or supported rates) but the highest-level operational mode will also depend on the wireless link conditions. We will not further describe such LRA algorithms [9] but our architecture is able to use LRA feedback to adapt the active topology. σ=2 class=0 σ=2 class=1 σ=2 class=2 σ=2.5 class=0 σ=2.5 class=1 σ=2.5 class=2 σ=3 class=0 σ=3 class=1 σ=3 class=2 3000 4 2000 4.1 1000 0 8 16 32 64 128 256 Prototype node architecture The node architecture of a wireless Ethernet node is depicted in Fig. 7. The representation is concordant with Click Modular Router [10] configurations. The Click Modular Router is a modular software architecture for building flexible and configurable network devices. The Click configuration consists of packet processing modules which are interconnected in a directed graph. Packets are flowing along the edges of the graph and enter/exit via decoupled network interface modules: incoming interfaces on the left and outgoing interfaces on the right. The dark grey zone contains the representation of a standard VLAN-aware multispanning tree Ethernet switch. At the network edges traffic will be VLAN-tagged: a VLAN tag can uniquely be associated with a single spanning tree instance and will define the end-to-end path because every tree contains a single path between every two nodes. As presented in previous work [1] we extended the switch with a fast and efficient failure detection mechanism, called Link Probe. We proved that very fast recovery in Ethernet networks of realistic size is still possible even though recovery times of a distributed recovery system are dependent on the network size. We use a Link Probe send module per link port and a single Link Probe analyser module. In the section about fast recovery we will further detail both these modules. The key blocks for extending the Ethernet switch are the linkbinder (wireless-interface-to-link conversion) and the linkunbinder (link-to-wireless-interface conversion). The linkbinder is controlled by the neighbor-interface binding (NIB) module which gets its information from the neighborhood table. The NIB module will decide which neighbours will be connected over a direct link. The linkbinder module is responsible for the forwarding to the correct link port (e.g. link port 1-4 on Fig. 7). The linkunbinder will do the exact reverse operation of the linkbinder module and map the link port on the correct wireless output NIC. The wifi-dependent control traffic are probes, beacons or control messages for distributing wireless information in the WMN. This information is used for creating the singlehop neighbourhood table. The link-dependent control traffic include spanning tree messages but also messages for future building blocks like distributed channel assignment and power control modules. Additionally the link rate adapta- 512 Initial backoff window size Figure 6. Average saturation delay per AC as a function of the initial backoff window. condition seemed the biggest driver for increasing Winit,0 . Taking a look at the delay curves in Fig. 6 shows that decreasing σ will positively affect the delays of the lowest classes while the delay of the highest class is increased. Important to notice is that the impact gradually increases for lower ACs and (less important) for lower Winit,0 . This means that delays for the highest AC will relatively change less. If we increase σ to 2.5 all constraints are met for Winit,0 =128: delayAC0 = 481μsec, delayAC1 = 848μsec and delayAC2 = 1757μsec. At this point the BW usage reaches 89% of the maximum possible BW usage. In this evaluation all 3 constraints are decisive and the highest AC constraint is just met. These findings suggest that σ cannot be much further decreased in order to reach lower Winit,0 and increase the BW usage. Indeed, for σ=2 the conditions are met for Winit,0 =256: delayAC0 = 438μsec, delayAC1 = 639μsec and delayAC2 = 1038μsec with AC 0 as the biggest driver. The BW usage only reached 77% for σ=2. In this way an ideal σ-value can be derived. 3.4 Wireless MST Ethernet Mesh Network Link rate adaptation (LRA) The rate of a wired link between two nodes is determined by an auto-negotiation protocol which outcome is dependent on the capabilities of the two network interface cards (NICs). The purpose of auto-negotiation is to find a way for two NICs that share a link, to communicate with each other, regardless of whether they both implement the same Ethernet version or option set. Auto-negotiation is performed during link initiation and configures each NIC for the highest-level operational mode that both NICs support. In a wireless environment similar techniques exist to determine the optimal rate for two wireless NICs to communicate. However, this process is continuous and no longer 6 Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA'06) 0-7695-2594-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 Single-hop Neighborhood Info Table PDU or data packets configuration messages Interface – Power frequency Table Label over different trees (requires configuration) Constructing Trees Link-dependent control traffic uses Neighbor Interface binding Label -Tree Table Block/ unblock Block/ unblock alters OUT LinkProbe Send Module 1 Interface 1 Data packets other 2 3 Interface 1 LinkProbe Send Module Link Probe Analyser Data packets LinkProbe Send Module Data packets LinkProbe Send Module 4 Interface 2 wifi-dependent control traffic Link-dependent control traffic MSTP wifi-dependent control traffic IN Labels identifying trees (autoconfiguration) Interface 2 Data packets other link ports feedback Set rate outgoing packets Link Rate Adaptation Figure 7. Node architecture for 2 wireless NICs, max. 4 connected neighbors and 2 tree instances 4.2.1 Max Neighbours=1 WMN A 0 36 Mb/s Max Neighbours=2 12 Mb/s WMN A WMN B 555555 0 12 Mb/s In order to adapt the active topology to the effective link rates we used the stripped MADWIFI driver and combined it with the standard Click element MadwifiRate. The specifics of the LRA protocol implemented in MadwifiRate are not presented (but can be found in [9]); however, any LRA protocol could be used to adapt the ST parameters. The Ethernet standard suggests how the ST parameters can be adjusted to the current link rates: port path cost parameters can be modified according to the conversion table (pp. 154 - IEEE 802.1D-2004) as presented in Table 1. In order to avoid instable topologies multiple successful transmissions are required after link rate increase before port path cost parameters are effectively adjusted. WMN B 36 Mb/s WMN C 1111110 WMN C 1666667 Max Neighbours=1 Figure 8. Test bed with three WMN nodes. tion module will monitor the incoming traffic on all wireless NICs and will determine appropriate output rates per destination address. This is demonstrated in Section 4.2.1. 4.2 Tree modification due to LRA Root Root As test a stream is sent from node A to node C, consisting of short 14 Mbps bursts with packet size 1404 bytes. Between node A and node C (see Fig. 8), a wall reduces the maximum attainable link rate. Assume the LRA protocol starts at the lowest 802.11a rate, 6 MBps and while the LRA protocol will increase sequentially the rate according to current medium conditions. Figure 9 shows how the link rate is sequentially increased to 9, 12 and 18 Mbps. At a link rate of 18 Mbps the bursts successfully pass with full peak rate. During the process no Spanning Tree instabilities are detected and a single topology change (with obligatory MAC address flushing) occurs in the network when the port path cost parameters associated with the link between A and C are not further decreased. The ST protocol converges with root path costs 0 for node A, 555555 for node B and 1111110 for node C. Test bed implementation We implemented this data plane on a Click Modular Router test bed with three Linux PCs (see Fig. 8). We used two D-Link wireless NICs with Atheros AR5212 chipset (802.11a/b/g compliant) per station (at the time of writing 802.11e compliant NICs are still rare) and the complete Linux driver is available from the Multiband Atheros Driver for Wifi (MADWIFI) project [11]. We also used a stripped MADWIFI driver [12] which allows us to send and receive 802.11-frames in Click; other device drivers would only allow you to exchange 802.3-frames. 7 Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA'06) 0-7695-2594-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 16 250 Minimized detection time (wired) Offset value (wired) Minimized detection time (wireless−ng) Offset value (wireless−ng) Minimized detection time (wireless−stripped) Offset value (wireless−stripped) 200 12 10 Time (ms) Effective throughput (Mbps) 14 8 6 150 100 4 50 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time (s) 2.5 3 3.5 4 7 0 x 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Send Interval (ms) Figure 9. Illustration of LRA algorithm. Figure 10. Minimized detection times. Table 1. IEEE 802.1D path cost parameters. Link speed Recommended value ≤ 100 Kb/s 200 000 000 1 Mb/s 20 000 000 10 Mb/s 2 000 000 100 Mb/s 200 000 4.2.2 the Link Probe modules are bound by the following equation: Receive Interval > Send Interval · 2 + offset value. The stripped driver which was based on an old driver implementation, is less efficient for small send intervals. The new driver Madwifi-ng (2006-02-22) performed better and had only slightly higher offsets than wired Ethernet (in the 5msrange). Detection times near 25 ms can be achieved on standard Linux PCs with 3GHz CPU clock speed. We stresstested the performance by saturating the medium with two other nearby nodes. The additional offset was in the msrange concordant with the saturation delay calculations of Section 3.3. If the Link Probe packets could be given priority with 802.11e NICs, detection times could be made less load-dependent. After detection recovery of connectivity is performed quickly but this is not sufficient to recover the data operation: out-dated MAC addresses still need to be deleted as fast as possible. Because the faster Link Probe mechanism takes over from the slow standard detection mechanism, we payed extra attention to MSTP’s implementation of the flushing mechanism. Otherwise, flushing risks to be postponed for a single period of the Hello time. Fast recovery in wireless mesh networks Instead of adding a novel management component the distributed Link Probe mechanism is used in cooperation with the MSTP protocol in order to maintain the plug-and-play feature of Ethernet. Link Probe was developed to bypass the MSTP failure detection by deploying a more bandwidth efficient heart beat mechanism that monitors the link status in wired environment. In wireless environment Link Probe is even more suited due to the fact that hardware detection techniques (e.g. for UTP or coax failures) are useless and that even link quality degradations can now easily be detected. When monitoring the link status there is no need to look for specific packets since any packet is fine to assert that the link is operational. The receiver module of Link Probe will reset the receive interval at the receiving side every time a packet arrives. The send module of Link Probe will assure that every send interval at least one packet is transmitted on the link. The send module will monitor outgoing packets: if a packet passes during the send interval, the sender does not need to send a packet. This means that send and receive interval can be reduced without sacrificing usable bandwidth. As shown in Section 3.2 on proportional fairness the Link Probe streams will have no impact on the BW usage. With a send interval of 10ms Link Probe rates are approximately 50kbps, which means α is easily larger than 100 in an IEEE 802.11a medium. The detection times of our implementation in the Click Modular Router are presented in Fig. 10 and compared with the results in wired Ethernet. Send and receive interval of However, the coordination of Link Probe with MSTP is not sufficient in a wireless medium because as stated previously mesh network throughput can only be increased significantly if frequency usages are dispersed across the entire WMN. If a node gets disconnected after a node failure, neighbour nodes may be communicating on other frequencies. This is the case in the network example of Fig. 8. We configured arbitrarily-chosen frequencies: WMN node A and WMN node B communicate on channel 36 and WMN node B and WMN node C communicate on channel 132. If node B fails, node C gets disconnected but has no active interface that can communicate with node A. The disconnected node would want to connect to a neighbour node which has the best connectivity with the root or in other words, to the neighbour node with lowest ST root distance. 8 Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA'06) 0-7695-2594-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 6 the wireless access parameters do not automatically guarantee optimal bandwidth usage of the medium. Effective throughput (Mbps) 5 References 4 [1] De Greve F., Van Quickenborne F., et al., A new carrier-grade aggregation network model for delivering broadband service to fast moving users, To appear in International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, 2006. 3 2 1 0 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 Time (s) 1.04 1.06 [2] Bruno R., Conti M. and Gregori E., Mesh networks: commodity multihop ad hoc networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Mar 2005. 1.08 7 x 10 Figure 11. 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