A Model for the Loss of Hello-Messages in a Wireless Mesh Network Geir Egeland Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Stavanger, Norway Email:geir.egeland@gmail.com Abstract—The links in an ad hoc or wireless mesh network are normally kept alive by the exchange of Hello-messages between neighbouring nodes. These Hello-messages are prone to collisions with traffic from hidden nodes. If several Hello-messages are lost due to overlapping transmissions, the node expecting the Hellomessages erroneously assumes that the link is down. This is called an apparent link-failure. This paper provides an analytical model for the loss of Hello-messages in a mesh network. Knowing the probability of losing a Hello-message, the probability of apparent link-failures can easily be found, which can further be used in reliability analysis of wireless mesh networks. I. I NTRODUCTION The performance of an ad hoc network, such as a wireless mesh network, depends strongly on the routing protocol’s ability to preserve links between neighbouring nodes. A common method is to establish and maintain the links proactively by the use of one-hop Hello-messages, which are exchanged between neighbouring nodes. Regardless of the use of link maintenance schemes, link-failures will be present in ad hoc networks. Some link-failures are unavoidable, such as when a wireless node deliberately leaves a network or is subject to a power failure. Also, a link will cease to be operative when two nodes move out of each others radio transmission range. In addition to these, a set of link-failures which are referred to as apparent link-failures exist. They are primarily caused by loss of Hello-messages as a result of overlapping transmissions from hidden nodes [1]. The performance degradation can be significant in wireless mesh networks, and a model for apparent link-failures is needed in order to find ways to prevent them and improve the network reliability. This is the main motivation of this paper, where an analytical model for loss of Hello-messages is presented. Hello-messages are broadcasted in order to conserve network resources. Thus, every link on which a Hello-message is received effectively obtains maintenance from only one message. Broadcast packets are not acknowledged, and Hellomessages are therefore inherently unreliable. A node anticipates to receive a Hello-message from a neighbour node within a given time interval and can accept that messages occasionally will be missing due to various error conditions. However, if a node fails to receive a number (r + 1) of consecutive Hello-messages, it will assume that the node on the other side of the link is permanently unavailable and that the link is Paal E. Engelstad University of Oslo, Simula and Telenor GBD&R, Norway Email:paal.engelstad@telenor.com inoperable. The value of the configurable parameter r is a tradeoff between providing the routing protocol with stable and reliability links (a large r), and the ability to detect link failures in a timely and fast manner (a small r). Since Hello-messages are broadcasted, they are unable to take advantage of the Request-To-Send/Clear-To-Send (RTS/CTS) signalling, which adds protection against hidden nodes for the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol’s [2] unicast data transmissions. Although some Hello-message loss is avoided using RTS/CTS, it will only help the links of the node that issues the CTS. The result is that the Hello-messages will be susceptible to collisions with traffic from hidden nodes even if RTS/CTS is enabled. Thus, the utilisation of a link may be prevented since the link can be marked as inoperable due to Hello-message loss. An example of a routing protocol that makes use of Hello-messages is the proactive protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) [3]. Reactive routing protocols can also maintain links proactively using Hello-messages. Indeed, this is an optional mode of operation for the reactive Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol [4]. Not much published work relates directly to modelling of the loss of Hello-messages in wireless mesh networks. In [5] the performance of neighbour sensing in ad hoc networks is studied, but only parameters such as the transmission frequency of the Hello-messages and the link-layer feedback are covered. In [6] a model for packet collision and the effect of hidden and masked nodes are studied, but only for simple topologies, and the work is not directly applicable to the Hello-message problem. The work in [7] addresses link-failures in wireless ad hoc networks through the effect of routing instability. Here the authors study the throughput of TCP/UDP in networks where the routing protocol falsely assumes a link is inoperable. However, what causes a link to become unavailable to the routing protocol is not studied. The main contribution of this paper is an analytical model for the probability of losing Hello-messages caused by overlapping transmissions from hidden nodes. The model provides upper and lower bounds and can serve as input to link reliability analysis. The validity of the model is supported by simulations. Further, two example topologies are studied where we show that the probability of losing Hello-messages caused by overlapping transmissions can be significant. For simplicity, we refer to these Hello-messages as beacons in the analysis. From the model, we find the probability (perror ) that one such beacon is lost as a result of a packet collision, notably a collision with a transmission from hidden nodes. The probability that a receiving node considers a link to be inoperative at the time a beacon is expected, can then typically be found as pr+1 error . The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section II presents the network and the analytical model. This section also verifies the analytical model. The model is then compared with simulation results from the ns-2 network simulator [8] in section III, where the beacon loss in arbitrary mesh topologies also is analysed. Finally, conclusions are drawn in section IV. II. A M ODEL FOR B EACON L OSS P ROBABILITY A. Assumptions and example topologies In order to simplify the analysis, the model is based on a set of assumptions. First, it is assumed that a beacon sent by a node has a negligible probability of colliding with a beacon from any of the neighbouring nodes. This is a fair assumption, since beacons are short packets that are transmitted periodically and at a random instant at a relatively low rate. Second, it is assumed that the probability that the beacon collides with a data transmission from any of the (non-hidden) neighbouring nodes also is negligible. This is a relatively fair assumption, since a MAC layer often has mechanisms that reduce such collisions to a minimum. Examples of such mechanisms are the collision avoidance scheme of the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, with randomised access to the channel after a busy period, and the carrier- and virtual sense of the physical layer. Thus, the probability that beacons are lost, is the result of overlapping data packet transmissions from hidden nodes only. The two example topologies that are illustrated in Figure 1 will serve as reference for the explanation of the model. In the two topologies, node s0 transmits beacon packets to its neighbouring nodes (node s1 ). However, node s1 has three neighbour nodes that are hidden from node s0 . Thus, if any of the nodes in the set {s2 , s4 , s6 } have data (D) to transmit, this might overlap with the beacons (B) from node s0 , and overlap/collide at node s1 . In Figure 1(a) the hidden nodes are not within the radio transmission range of each other, while in Figure 1(b) they are all within each others range. These two examples represent two extremes, forming upper and lower bounds on the performance of a real system. The data traffic from the nodes in the set {s2 , s4 , s6 } is modelled as an M/M/1 queue where the data rate is Poisson distributed with parameter λc and the channel access and transmission time is exponential distributed with parameter 1/µ. This is not very realistic, since traffic in a real network will follow other distributions. However, it allows us to verify the model in a simple manner. Later in the paper we will provide upper and lower bounds for the beacon loss probability that is based on a large number of random independent traffic scenarios, which captures more of the characteristics of the traffic in a real network. D s2 s0 B s1 D s6 s4 s3 D D s2 s7 s0 s5 (a) Isolated hidden nodes B s1 s6 s4 s3 D D s7 s5 (b) Connected hidden nodes Figure 1. Sample topologies where the hidden nodes {s2 , s4 , s6 } are isolated or connected. When the hidden nodes send data (D), this may collide with the beacons (B) sent by node s0 . B. Beacon collision with only one hidden node Consider the topology in Figure 1(a). We want to find the probability (perror ) that the beacon from s1 and a data packet from the hidden node s2 collide. If qs2 (0) denotes the probability of node s2 having zero packets awaiting in its buffer, perror is expressed as [9]: perror = Pr{Collision|qs2 (0) > 0} · Pr{qs2 (0) > 0} + Pr{Collision|qs2 (0) = 0} · Pr{qs2 (0) = 0} = (1 − p0 ) · 1 + (1 − e−λc ωb /Tp ) · p0 (1) where p0 is the probability that the hidden node s2 has zero packets awaiting to be transmitted. The parameters Tp and ωb represent the average transmission time of the data packet and of the beacon packet, respectively. Both these transmission times are assumed to be exponentially distributed. The probability that a node has i data packets in its packet queue is given by pi = (1 − ρ)ρi , where ρ = λc /µ, thus p0 = 1 − ρ [10]. C. Isolated hidden nodes We will now evaluate the probability that a beacon collides with data transmissions from a set of hidden nodes using the topology illustrated in Figure 1(a). In this example topology, the hidden nodes are assumed to be isolated, i.e. outside the transmission range of each other. Individually, the probability that one of them sends a data packet which overlaps with a beacon from node s0 is given by Eq. 1 (denoted pe ). The number of data packets overlapping with a beacon is binomially distributed B(m, pe ) where m is the number of hidden nodes. The probability that a beacon is lost can then be expressed as: m X m k pIerror (m hidden nodes) = p (1 − pe )m−k (2) k e k=1 D. Connected hidden nodes In Figure 1(b) the hidden nodes are all within radio transmission range of each other. When all the hidden nodes are connected, the calculation of the beacon loss probability is not as straightforward, and we need to make some simplifying assumptions. First, it is assumed that the nodes access the common channel according to a 1-persistent CSMA protocol [11]. This might seem like a contradiction, since it was stated earlier that we assumed a MAC protocol that reduces the collisions between non-hidden neighbours to a minimum. However, for the case where the hidden nodes are connected, mλc x0 mλc x1 µz1 mλc µz2 mλc mλc ··· x2 µz3 xN −1 µzN −1 xN µzN Figure 2. A Markov model of the total number of packets waiting to be transmitted by the m hidden nodes where λc is the mean packet arrival rate, 1/µ is the mean service time and zn is the average number of the m hidden nodes transmitting simultaneously. there will be a parameter (zn ) in the model that can be set to control to which extent transmissions between the hidden nodes are permitted to collide with each other. Second, it is assumed that the arrival rates at the different hidden nodes are not coupled, hence a Markov model can be used for the analysis. Consider the Markov chain illustrated in Figure 2. Each state represents the sum of all packets queuing up in the m hidden nodes. Here zn is the average number of hidden nodes transmitting when a total of n packets are distributed amongst the hidden nodes. We now want to find the probability of being in state x0 , which is the case for which none of the hidden nodes have packets awaiting transmission (pC 0 ). Using standard queuing theory [10], it can easily be shown that this probability is given by: !−1 −1 N i X Y , ρ = λc (3) pC (mρ)i zn,i 0 = 1+ µ n=1 i=1 where zn,i is the average number of the m nodes transmitting simultaneously and is calculated according to: i=1 1 Pn m k(m β (1−ρ ) ) k,n n<m,i>1 Pn k m k=1 ρ=λc /µ ( )βk,n k=1 k (4) zn,i = Pm−1 m (1−ρm ) k( )β n≥m,i>1 Pm−1k mk,n k=1 +m·ρm ρ=λc /µ β ( k ) k,n k=1 The probability that one or more of the m nodes having zero packets in its buffer, given the sum of packets in the buffers is n, is given by the term 1 − ρm in Eq. 4. The combinations of k of m buffers containing packets, constrained by a total sum of n packets is given by m β , where βk,n is calculated k,n k using: k=1 1 n − 1 k=2 n−2− P n− n−(k−2)− k−1 βk,n = ij ik−1 (k−1) j=3 X X X Pk−1 ·· n − 1 − j=2 ij k>2 ik−1 =1 ik−2 =1 i2 =1 By substituting p0 in Eq. 1 with pC 0 (Eq. 3), the probability that transmissions from the connected hidden nodes overlap with a beacon can be calculated as: C −λc ωb /Tp pC error = 1 − p0 · e (5) (a) Results for Figure 1(a) (b) Results for Figure 1(b) Figure 3. The probability of beacon loss (ωb /Tp = 0.3) for the topologies illustrated in Figure 1. The results are shown with a 95% confidence interval. In order to test the model’s accuracy, a discrete-event simulator was developed. The simulator models a two-dimensional network where every node transmits with the same power on the same channel. Also, every node experiences the same path loss versus distance and have the same antenna gain and receiver sensitivity. A node receives a packet if and only if the packet does not overlap with any other packet transmitted by a node within its range. The propagation delay is assumed to be negligible and the nodes are static. The correctness of the simulator was verified using mathematical expressions for the Aloha [12] and p-persistent CSMA [11] protocol, where MAC layer throughput was compared with the simulation results. Figure 3 shows the probability of overlapping transmissions for the topologies in Figure 1. Analytical and simulated results are shown. Packets at each node were generated independently according to a Poisson process with the average rate λc . The results in Figure 3 show that the model provides sufficient accuracy, even though the model assumes that the length of a packet from a hidden node is exponential distributed, while the simulation model uses a fixed packet length. This indicates that our simplification is fair and that the model provides satisfactory accuracy. E. Bounds for the beacon loss probability The beacon loss probability depends on how the hidden nodes of s1 access the channel and if they have packets in their buffer. For the case where the hidden nodes are isolated, any packet that arrives at one of these nodes will be transmitted immediately, since they will never sense the channel as busy. This will represent a lower bound for the beacon loss probability. When the hidden nodes are connected, i.e. within each others transmission range, a packet arriving at one of the hidden nodes might have to wait until an ongoing transmission is finished before it is transmitted. When all the buffers are filled, the m hidden nodes will transmit simultaneously after an ongoing transmission is finished, thus emptying the buffers at a rate of m · µ. If we however change the model for the connected case, and enforce that the hidden nodes access the d6 d10 d6 d10 d4 d8 d12 d4 D d2 D d7 d9 d11 d0 d1 D d3 d5 (a) Topology A Figure 4. The probability of beacon loss (ωb /Tp = 0.3) for the topology illustrated in Figure 1. Upper and lower bounds are calculated using Eq. 3 (connected hidden nodes and zn = 1∀n), and Eq. 2 (isolated hidden nodes), respectively. The case where zn is calculated according to Eq. 4 is also shown. channel one at a time, the rate of emptying the buffers of the hidden nodes is reduced to µ, and can be calculated using Eq. 3 with zn = 1∀n. The model will now resemble the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, which has mechanisms that aim to reduce collisions on the channel to a minimum. This will represent an upper bound for the beacon loss probability. Figure 4 illustrates the upper and lower bounds for the probability of overlapping transmissions for the topologies in Figure 1. An interesting result is that when using a MAC mechanism that reduces the probability of unicast packet collisions on the channel, the probability of beacon loss is increased. The reason is that the data packets of the hidden nodes then ”fills up” the channel more efficiently, leaving less residual time for a beacon to be transmitted on the channel without colliding with a data packet. III. B EACON L OSS IN A RBITRARY M ESH T OPOLOGIES A. Analysis of some selected traffic patterns Up to this point, the analysis has only considered the basic topologies in Figure 1. In this section we investigate how the analysis of these topologies can be applied to more complex mesh topologies and focus the study on the two topologies in Figure 5. We can observe that the analysis can easily be generalised for any arbitrary mesh topology. First, we study a specific traffic pattern as shown in Figure 5. Then, in the next sub-sections, the beacon loss probability for random traffic patterns will be analysed. In order to see how the model performs in a realistic situation, the self-developed discrete-event simulator used in previous section is abandoned. Instead, we now compare the analysis with results from the ns-2 network simulator, using the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol in the simulations. Table I shows the simulation parameters. The ns-2 model is configured such that the sensing range (CP) is equal to the transmission range (RX). The traffic is generated according to a Poisson process where the packet size is fixed. It is expected that the results for the probability of beacon loss might differ, since MAC layer Slot time Values 20µs d0 d7 B d9 d1 d11 d3 d5 (b) Topology B Figure 5. NS -2 d8 d2 D B D The simulation topologies. Table I S IMULATION PARAMETERS . Physical layer Propagation model SIFS/DIFS 10/50µs CPThreshold Queue Length 50 CS/RXThreshold RTS-CTS OFF Data rate Values Simulation Two Ray Simulation/ transient time 10 dB Traffic/ Distribution Equal Packet size (UDP/IP/MAC) 11.0Mbps #Replications Values 900s/25s Poisson 1478 10 the CSMA protocol in the analytical model is different from the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol used in the ns-2 simulator. In addition, effects such as retransmission by the MAC layer in the ns-2 simulator will cause the packet buffers to be emptied differently than in an M/M/1 queue. However, the traffic pattern chosen in Figure 5 is such that probability of MAC retransmissions is negligible. Figure 6 shows the beacon loss probability for the topologies in Figure 5. The maximum traffic load per node in the ns2-simulation is 2Mbps ≈ 0.27(λc T ). The results in Figure 6 show simulated and analytical beacon loss probability. The parameters Tp and ωb in Eq. 1 is calculated according to [13] and the parameters in Table I. In topology A, node d1 has two hidden nodes and these two nodes transmit data to one of their 1-hop neighbours (d7 →d8 and d3 →d5 ). The beacon is sent from d0 →d1 and ωb is calculated to be 1104µs. The traffic/topology scenario is the same as in Figure 1(a) and the results are shown in Figure 6(a). From the figure we can see that the model provides satisfactory accuracy compared to the simulation results from ns-2. This is as expected, since there is no data packet loss, thus no retransmissions or any contention for channel access in this topology. In topology B, node d7 has three hidden nodes which transmit data to one of their 1-hop neighbours (d0 →d1 , d2 →d4 and d8 →d10 ). The beacon is sent from d9 →d7 and ωb is calculated to 1392µs. The analytical 1persistent CSMA model was modified in order to resemble the results from the ns-2 simulation. By setting zn = 1∀n in Eq. 3, we imitate the channel access behaviour of the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, where the probability of a collision between transmissions of the connected hidden nodes is minimal. The results in Figure 6(b) show the beacon loss probability for topology B. We observe that the simulation result also in this scenario matches well with the analytical model. (a) Results for topology A (b) Results for topology B Figure 6. The probability of beacon loss for the topology illustrated in Figure 5. The results are shown with a 95% confidence interval. B. Complex traffic patterns Before attempting to model more complex traffic patterns, we must ensure that the basic model is capturing all possible transmission configurations. In fact, the initial model did not take into account the possibility that a neighbouring node receiving the beacon could be transmitting any data packets. Therefore, an approximate model will be provided, where the channel access time of the neighbouring node receiving the beacon is also taken into account. This model will be used in the next sub-section when random traffic patterns is analysed. Again, consider the sample topology illustrated in Figure 1(a). Let us assume that node s1 has a traffic load with the rate λc and the probability that it gains access to the channel in order to transmit a packet is ps1 . If the nodes {s1 , s2 , s4 , s6 } are modelled as M/M/1 queues, the probability that e.g. node s2 has no packets in its buffer can be expressed as: " k #−1 N X ρ qs2 (0) = 1 + , ρ = λc /µ (6) 1 − ps1 k=1 An approximate expression for ps1 is the probability that none of the neighbour nodes of s1 have Q a packet in its buffer. The probability ps1 is then given by i∈{2,4,6} qsi (0) and can now be written as: " k #−n N X ρ (7) ps1 ≈ 1 + 1 − ps1 k=1 where solutions for ps1 can be found numerically and n = |{s2 , s4 , s6 }|. For the case of isolated hidden nodes in Figure 1(a), the parameter p0 in Eq. 1 can now be expressed as qsi (0) in Eq. 6. For the connected hidden nodes in Figure 1(b), the probability ps1 is equal to 1/(m + 1), since each of the m + 1 nodes gets an equal share of the common channel. Thus, pC 0 is rewritten as: i !−1 −1 N i X Y 1 C i (8) p0 = 1 + (mρ) zn,i 1 − m+1 n=1 i=1 (a) Results for topology A (b) Results for topology B Figure 7. The probability of beacon loss for the topology illustrated in Figure 5. In topology A, the beacon is sent from d0 →d1 and data from d7 →d8 , d3 →d5 and d7 →d9 (ωb |d0 = 1104µs). In topology B, the beacon is sent from d9 →d7 and data from d2 →d4 , d8 →d10 , d0 →d1 and d7 →d9 (ωb |d9 = 1392µs). Maximum traffic load per node in the ns2-simulation is 2Mbps ≈ 0.27(λc T ). The results are shown with a 95% confidence interval. Using Eq. 6-8, we can now calculate the beacon loss probability in the case where node d1 transmits data to node d0 in Figure 5(a) (topology A), and where node d9 transmits data packet to node d7 in Figure 5(b) (topology B). Analytical and ns-2 simulation results are shown in Figure 7. As can be seen from the figure, the approximation for complex traffic patterns in the model achieves acceptable results. C. Random traffic pattern of bursty traffic In this section we investigate the case for where the data traffic is bursty and the traffic pattern is random. The simplest approach to analyse a bursty traffic pattern, is to generate a snapshot of the traffic in the topology. It is assumed that the time between each snapshot is sufficiently long for the traffic patterns of each snapshot to be considered independent. For each link in the topologies in Figure 5, we now assume that a burst of data packets is transmitted with the probability ptx /2. The data packets within a burst are generated according to a Poisson process with the rate parameter λc = 0.2. This snapshot represents a possible data transmission pattern. Generating a large number of random independent snapshots for a given ptx , the overall average beacon loss probability for a given λc can be found. The Figures 8-9 show results for Topology A and B, respectively and illustrates that the beacon loss probability is significant even at a relatively low load of λc T = 0.2. The simulation results are generated using the self-developed discrete-event simulator and show the average beacon loss probability based on 100 random generated traffic patterns with a 95% confidence interval. The simulation time for each burst is 600s. The figures also show analytical results based on the 100 random independent generated traffic patterns, where average upper and lower bounds for the beacon loss probability are calculated. The upper bound corresponds to the extreme case where all hidden nodes are connected with zn = 1∀n, while the lower bound corresponds to the other Figure 8. Probability of beacon loss (simulated and analytical) for the topology illustrated in Figure 5(a) (topology A). Traffic flows from di → dj , i 6= j with probability ptx at the rate λc T = 0.2. advanced simulation tool (ns-2), it was observed that the model provides acceptable accuracy for simple topologies. Also, more advanced topologies with random traffic patterns and bursty traffic have been studied, where the model manages to provide average upper and lower bounds for the beacon loss probability with satisfactory accuracy. As shown in this paper, the Hello-message loss probability caused by overlapping transmissions can be significant in wireless mesh networks. Both in the analysis and simulations it has been assumed that all arrival rates are decoupled. Extending the analysis to also consider multi-hop packet flows could be an interesting topic for further research. Also, in reliability studies of wireless mesh networks, a given link failure probability often is assumed. The Hello-message loss probability is a key element of a routing protocol’s link-failure detection mechanism. An interesting topic for future work would be to extend the model to also cover link-failure probability for beacon based linkmaintenance in wireless mesh networks, where a good model is missing in order to determine the bounds for the link-failure probability. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work has been financed by the Research Council of Norway through the SWACOM project. R EFERENCES Figure 9. Probability of beacon loss (simulated and analytical) for the topology illustrated in Figure 5(b) (topology B). Traffic flows from di → dj , i 6= j with probability ptx at the rate λc T = 0.2. extreme where all hidden nodes are isolated. As the results show, the analytical upper and lower bound provide a good indication of the expected beacon-loss probability. However, as ptx increases it can be seen that the gap between the upper and lower bound increases. This is a result of complex traffic pattern and interaction between the nodes. For the case when ptx → 1 (i.e. there is traffic on every link) and the relatively low traffic load of λc T = 0.2, it is natural that the upper and the lower bound differ. However, for high values of ptx and as λc T → 1, we expect that the gap between the upper and lower bound will be small, since the probability that any of the hidden nodes have a packet awaiting transmission is close to 1. The study of this is however an area for future work. IV. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK This paper introduces an approximate model for the Hellomessages loss probability caused by overlapping transmissions is wireless mesh networks. 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