VLAAMSE OVERHEID DEPARTEMENT MOBILITEIT EN OPENBARE WERKEN WATERBOUWKUNDIG LABORATORIUM Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing Bestek 16EB/05/04 Deelrapport 2.13 : 13-uursmeting Sediview op 11/03/2008 tijdens springtij - Liefkenshoek (transect K) Report 2.13 : Through Tide Measurement Sediview on 11/03/2008 during spring tide - Liefkenshoek (transect K) 12 August 2008 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA i.s.m. International Marine and Dredging Consultants (IMDC) Wilrijkstraat 37-45 Bus 4 - 2140 Antwerpen – België tel: + - fax: + E-mail : info@imdc.be en IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Document Control Sheet Document Identification Title: Deelrapport 2.13: 13-uursmeting Sediview op 11/03/2008 Liefkenshoek (transect K) Project: Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing Client Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium File I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA reference: File name K:\PROJECTS\11\11283 Opvolging aanslibbing dgd\10Rap\DGD2\2_13_RA07089_13h_ADCP_transectK_080311\2_13_RA0789_Transect K_080311_v10.doc Revisions Version Date Author Description 1.0 JCA/YDK Concept 12/08/08 Distribution List Name # ex. Company/authorities Joris Vanlede 1 hard copy Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium Position in reference to the project Client Frederik Roose 1 pfd-file Afdeling Maritieme Toegang Client Approval Version Date 1.0 12/08/08 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Author JCA/YDK Project manager MBO I Commissioner MSA versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. THE ASSIGNMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.3. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.1. Reports.......................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.2. Measurement actions .................................................................................................... 3 1.4. STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 4 2. THE MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGN........................................................................................................ 5 2.1. OVERVIEW OF THE PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................. 5 2.2. DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGN ........................................................................................ 8 2.2.1. Purpose of the measurement campaign ........................................................................ 8 2.2.2. Measurement procedure ............................................................................................... 9 2.3. THE EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 10 2.3.1. ADCP.......................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.2. OBS - CTD.................................................................................................................. 10 2.3.3. Pump Sampler............................................................................................................. 10 3. COURSE OF THE MEASUREMENTS................................................................................................... 11 3.1. MEASUREMENT PERIODS ........................................................................................................................... 11 3.2. HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS DURING THE MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGN .................................... 11 3.2.1. Vertical tide during the measurements ....................................................................... 11 3.2.2. Meteorological data.................................................................................................... 12 3.3. NAVIGATION INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................... 12 3.4. REMARKS ON DATA ................................................................................................................................... 12 4. PROCESSING OF DATASETS ................................................................................................................ 13 4.1. CALIBRATION OF THE OBS TURBIDITY SENSOR ........................................................................................ 13 4.2. METHODOLOGY OF PROCESSING OF THE ADCP DATA WITH SEDIVIEW ..................................................... 13 4.2.1. Acoustic backscatter theory ........................................................................................ 13 4.2.2. Water sampling and transect sailing .......................................................................... 14 4.2.3. Calibration for suspended sediment concentration within Sediview .......................... 14 4.2.4. Sediview configuration ............................................................................................... 14 4.2.5. Output ......................................................................................................................... 17 5. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THE DATA ........................................................................................ 19 5.1. MARCH 11TH 2008 SURVEY........................................................................................................................ 19 5.2. INTERCOMPARISON WITH EARLIER SURVEYS ON NOVEMBER 17TH 2005, MARCH 22ND 2006, SEPTEMBER 27TH 2006 AND OCTOBER 24TH 2007............................................................................................................................... 19 6. REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................ 25 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA II versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDICES APPENDIX A. OVERVIEW OF MEASUREMENTS .................................................................... 31 A.1 OVERVIEW OF THE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS FOR THE WHOLE HCBS2 AND DEURGANCKDOK MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGNS ................................................................................................................................... 32 A.2 OVERVIEW OF ALL MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS HCBS AND DEURGANCKDOK MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGNS36 A.3 MEASUREMENT OVERVIEW AT TRANSECT K ON 11/03/2008 .................................................................... 37 APPENDIX B. TIDAL DATA ........................................................................................................... 39 APPENDIX C. NAVIGATION INFORMATION AS RECORDED ON SITE............................. 41 APPENDIX D. CALIBRATION GRAPH OF OBS3A TURBIDITY SENSOR............................ 45 APPENDIX E. UNESCO PPS-78 FORMULA FOR CALCULATING SALINITY .................... 47 APPENDIX F. OVERVIEW OF SEDIVIEW SETTINGS ............................................................. 49 APPENDIX G. CONTOURPLOTS OF FLOW VELOCITIES, SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION AND SEDIMENT FLUX PER SAILED TRANSECT ..................................................................................... 52 APPENDIX H. DISCHARGE AND SEDIMENT FLUX FOR THE TOTAL CROSS-SECTION138 APPENDIX I. SECTION AVERAGE SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION FOR THE TOTAL CROSS145 APPENDIX J. TEMPORAL VARIATION OF TOTAL FLUX, TOTAL DISCHARGE AND SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION .......................................................................................... 148 APPENDIX K. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA OVERVIEW OF HCBS2 AND AANSLIBBING DEURGANCKDOK REPORTS 152 III versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1-1: OVERVIEW OF DEURGANCKDOK REPORTS ............................................................................................ 2 TABLE 2-1:TRANSECT OF THE FLOW MEASUREMENTS ON 11TH OF MARCH 2008 (UTM31 ED50)........................... 9 TABLE 2-2: POSITIONS OF THE CALIBRATION POINTS FOR 11TH OF MARCH 2008 DURING FLOOD AND EBB............... 9 TABLE 2-3: MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS OF ADCP ....................................................................................... 10 TABLE 3-1: HIGH AND LOW TIDE AT LIEFKENSHOEK ON 11/03/2008 ..................................................................... 11 TABLE 3-2: COMPARISON OF THE TIDAL CHARACTERISTICS OF 11/03/2008 WITH THE AVERAGE TIDE, THE AVERAGE NEAP TIDE AND THE AVERAGE SPRING TIDE OVER THE DECADE 1991-2000 FOR LIEFKENSHOEK. .................. 12 TABLE 4-1: EXTRAPOLATION METHODS FOR TOP AND BOTTOM VARIABLES ........................................................... 16 TABLE 4-2: REFERENCE POINTS AT THE END OF THE MUD FLATS ON LEFT AND RIGHT BANK .................................. 17 TABLE 5-1: WATER VOLUME DURING EBB, FLOOD AND MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGN ON 16/02/2005 (NEAP TIDE), 22/03/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 23/09/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 27/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE), 28/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE) & 11/03/2008 (SPRING TIDE)......................................................................................................................... 24 TABLE 5-2: SUSPENDED SOLIDS DURING EBB, FLOOD AND MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGN ON 16/02/2005 (NEAP TIDE), 22/03/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 23/09/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 27/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE), 28/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE) & 11/03/2008 (SPRING TIDE)......................................................................................................................... 24 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2-1: ELEMENTS OF THE SEDIMENT BALANCE ............................................................................................... 5 FIGURE 2-2: DETERMINING A SEDIMENT BALANCE................................................................................................... 6 FIGURE 2-3: TRANSPORT MECHANISMS .................................................................................................................... 7 FIGURE 2-4: MAP OF SAILED TRANSECT AND CALIBRATION POINTS AT DEURGANCKDOK ON 11TH OF MARCH 2008. 8 FIGURE 4-1: UNMEASURED REGIONS IN THE CROSS SECTION (FROM RD INSTRUMENTS, 2003) ............................. 15 FIGURE 4-2: MEASURED AND ESTIMATED DISCHARGES AND SEDIMENT FLUXES WITHIN SEDIVIEW (DRL, 2005).. 15 FIGURE 4-3: PRINCIPAL OF BOTTOM ESTIMATE OF THE SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION IN SEDIVIEW ......................... 16 FIGURE 5-1: FRESH WATER DISCHARGE 8 - 18 FEBRUARY 2005, DURING HCBS1 ................................................. 20 FIGURE 5-2: FRESH WATER DISCHARGE 15 - 25 MARCH 2006, DURING HCBS2 WINTER ....................................... 20 FIGURE 5-3: FRESH DISCHARGE 21 SEPTEMBER – 1 OCTOBER 2006, DURING HCBS2 SUMMER ............................ 21 FIGURE 5-4: FRESH WATER DISCHARGE 3 MARCH – 13 MARCH OF 2008, DURING DGD2 ..................................... 21 FIGURE 5-5: MEAN FRESH WATER DISCHARGE ....................................................................................................... 21 FIGURE 5-6: TOTAL FLUX ON 16/02/2005 (NEAP TIDE), 22/03/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 23/09/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 27/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE), 28/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE) & 11/03/2008 (SPRING TIDE)........................... 22 FIGURE 5-7: TOTAL DISCHARGE ON 16/02/2005 (NEAP TIDE), 22/03/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 23/09/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 27/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE), 28/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE) & 11/03/2008 (SPRING TIDE)........................... 23 FIGURE 5-8: SS CONCENTRATION 16/02/2005 (NEAP TIDE), 22/03/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 23/09/2006 (NEAP TIDE), 27/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE), 28/09/2006 (AVERAGE TIDE) & 11/03/2008 (SPRING TIDE)........................... 23 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA IV versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The assignment This report is part of the set of reports describing the results of the long-term measurements This report is part of the set of reports describing the results of the long-term measurements conducted in Deurganckdok aiming at the monitoring and analysis of silt accretion. This measurement campaign is an extension of the study “Extension of the study about density currents in the Beneden Zeeschelde” as part of the Long Term Vision for the Scheldt estuary. It is complementary to the study ‘Field measurements high-concentration benthic suspensions (HCBS 2)’. The terms of reference for this study were prepared by the ‘Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken van de Vlaamse Overheid, Afdeling Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium’ (16EB/05/04). The repetition of this study was awarded to International Marine and Dredging Consultants NV in association with WL|Delft Hydraulics and Gems International on 10/01/2006. The project term was prolonged with an extra year from April 2007 till March 2008. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium– Cel Hydrometrie Schelde provided data on discharge, tide, salinity and turbidity along the river Scheldt and provided survey vessels for the long term and through tide measurements. Afdeling Maritieme Toegang provided maintenance dredging data. Agentschap voor Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust – Afdeling Kust and Port of Antwerp provided depth sounding measurements. The execution of the study involves a twofold assignment: Part 1: Setting up a sediment balance of Deurganckdok covering a period of one year, i.e. 04/2007 – 03/2008 Part 2: An analysis of the parameters contributing to siltation in Deurganckdok 1.2. Purpose of the study The Lower Sea Scheldt (Beneden Zeeschelde) is the stretch of the Scheldt estuary between the Belgium-Dutch border and Rupelmonde, where the entrance channels to the Antwerp sea locks are located. The navigation channel has a sandy bed, whereas the shallower areas (intertidal areas, mud flats, salt marshes) consist of sandy clay or even pure mud sometimes. This part of the Scheldt is characterized by large horizontal salinity gradients and the presence of a turbidity maximum with depth-averaged concentrations ranging from 50 to 500 mg/l at grain sizes of 60 100 m. The salinity gradients generate significant density currents between the river and the entrance channels to the locks, causing large siltation rates. It is to be expected that in the near future also the Deurganckdok will suffer from such large siltation rates, which may double the amount of dredging material to be dumped in the Lower Sea Scheldt. Results from the study may be interpreted by comparison with results from the HCBS and HCBS2 studies covering the whole Lower Sea Scheldt. These studies included through-tide measurement campaigns in the vicinity of Deurganckdok and long term measurements of turbidity and salinity in and near Deurganckdok. The first part of the study focuses on obtaining a sediment balance of Deurganckdok. Aside from natural sedimentation, the sediment balance is influenced by the maintenance and capital dredging works. This involves sediment influx from capital dredging works in the Deurganckdok, and internal relocation and removal of sediment by maintenance dredging works. To compute a sediment balance an inventory of bathymetric data (depth soundings), density measurements of the I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 1 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K deposited material and detailed information of capital and maintenance dredging works will be made up. The second part of the study is to gain insight in the mechanisms causing siltation in Deurganckdok, it is important to follow the evolution of the parameters involved, and this on a long and short term basis (long term & through-tide measurements). Previous research has shown the importance of water exchange at the entrance of Deurganckdok is essential for understanding sediment transport between the dock and the river Scheldt. 1.3. Overview of the study 1.3.1. Reports Reports of the project ‘Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok’ between April 2007 till March 2008 are summarized in Table 1-1. An overview of the HCBS2 and ‘Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok’ (between April 2006 till March 2007) reports are given in APPENDIX K. This report 2.13, is one of a set of reports that gains insight in sediment and water transport between Deurganckdok and the river Scheldt, which belongs to the second part of this project. Table 1-1: Overview of Deurganckdok Reports Report Description Sediment Balance: Bathymetry surveys, Density measurements, Maintenance and construction dredging activities Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/4/2007 - 30/06/2007 1.10 (I/RA/11283/07.081/MSA) Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/7/2007 – 30/09/2007 1.11 (I/RA/11283/07.082/MSA) Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/10/2007 – 31/12/2007 1.12 (I/RA/11283/07.083/MSA) Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/1/2007 – 31/03/2007 1.13 (I/RA/11283/07.084/MSA) 1.14 Annual Sediment Balance (I/RA/11283/07.085/MSA) Factors contributing to salt and sediment distribution in Deurganckdok: Salt-Silt (OBS3A) & Frame measurements, Through tide measurements (SiltProfiling & ADCP) & Calibrations 2.09 Calibration stationary equipment autumn (I/RA/11283/07.095/MSA) 2.10 Through tide measurement Siltprofiler 23 October 2007 (I/RA/11283/07.086/MSA) 2.11 Through tide measurement Salinity Profiling winter (I/RA/11283/07.087/MSA) Through tide measurement Sediview winter 11 March 2008 Transect I 2.12 (I/RA/11283/07.088/MSA) Through tide measurement Sediview winter 11 March 2008 Transect K 2.13 (I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA) Through tide measurement Sediview winter 11 March 2008 Transect DGD 2.14 (I/RA/11283/07.090/MSA) 2.15 Through tide measurement Siltprofiler 12 March 2008 (I/RA/11283/07.091/MSA) Salt-Silt distribution Deurganckdok summer (21/6/2007 – 30/07/2007) 2.16 (I/RA/11283/07.092/MSA) Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok autumn (17/09/2007 2.17 10/12/2007) (I/RA/11283/07.093/MSA) I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 2 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Report Description Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok winter (18/02/2008 2.18 31/3/2008) (I/RA/11283/07.094/MSA) 2.19 Calibration stationary & mobile equipment winter (I/RA/11283/07.096/MSA) Boundary Conditions: Upriver Discharge, Salt concentration Scheldt, Bathymetric evolution in access channels, dredging activities in Lower Sea Scheldt and access channels Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/4/2007 – 30/06/2007 3.10 (I/RA/11283/07.097/MSA) Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/7/2007 – 30/09/2007 3.11 (I/RA/11283/07.098/MSA) Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/10/2007 – 31/12/2007 3.12 (I/RA/11283/07.099/MSA) Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/1/2008 – 31/03/2008 3.13 (I/RA/11283/07.100/MSA) 3.14 Boundary conditions: Annual report (I/RA/11283/07.101/MSA) Analysis 4.10 Analysis of Siltation Processes and Factors (I/RA/11283/07.102/MSA) 1.3.2. Measurement actions Following measurements have been carried out during the course of this project: 1. Monitoring upstream discharge in the Scheldt river 2. Monitoring Salt and sediment concentration in the Lower Sea Scheldt taken from on permanent data acquisition sites at Lillo, Oosterweel and up- and downstream of the Deurganckdok. 3. Long term measurement of salt distribution in Deurganckdok. 4. Long term measurement of sediment concentration in Deurganckdok 5. Monitoring near-bed processes in the central trench in the dock, near the entrance as well as near the landward end: near-bed turbidity, near-bed current velocity and bed elevation variations are measured from a fixed frame placed on the dock’s bed. 6. Measurement of current, salt and sediment transport at the entrance of Deurganckdok for which ADCP backscatter intensity over a full cross section are calibrated with the Sediview procedure and vertical sediment and salt profiles are recorded with the SiltProfiler equipment 7. Through tide measurements of vertical sediment concentration profiles -including near bed highly concentrated suspensions- with the SiltProfiler equipment. Executed over a grid of points near the entrance of Deurganckdok. 8. Monitoring dredging activities at entrance channels towards the Kallo, Zandvliet and Berendrecht locks 9. Monitoring dredging and dumping activities in the Lower Sea Scheldt I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 3 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K In situ calibrations were conducted on several dates to calibrate all turbidity and conductivity sensors, a description can be found in IMDC (2006a; 2007a; 2008f; 2008o). 1.4. Structure of the report This report is the factual data report of the through tide measurements upstream of Deurganckdok on the 11th of March 2008. The first chapter comprises an introduction. The second chapter describes the measurement campaign and the equipment. Chapter 3 describes the course of the actual measurements. The results and processed data are presented in Chapter 4, whereas chapter 5 gives a preliminary analysis of the data. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 4 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 2. THE MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGN 2.1. Overview of the parameters The first part of the study aims at determining a sediment balance of Deurganckdok and the net influx of sediment. The sediment balance comprises a number of sediment transport modes: deposition, influx from capital dredging works, internal replacement and removal of sediments due to maintenance dredging (Figure 2-1). Figure 2-1: Elements of the sediment balance A net deposition can be calculated from a comparison with a chosen initial condition t0 (Figure 2-2). The mass of deposited sediment is determined from the integration of bed density profiles recorded at grid points covering the dock. Subtracting bed sediment mass at t0 leads to the change in mass of sediments present in the dock (mass growth). Adding cumulated dry matter mass of dredged material removed since t0 and subtracting any sediment influx due to capital dredging works leads to the total cumulated mass entered from the Scheldt river since t0. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 5 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Figure 2-2: Determining a sediment balance The main purpose of the second part of the study is to gain insight in the mechanisms causing siltation in Deurganckdok. The following mechanisms will be aimed at in this part of the study: Tidal prism, i.e. the extra volume in a water body due to high tide Vortex patterns due to passing tidal current Density currents due to salt gradient between the Scheldt river and the dock Density currents due to highly concentrated benthic suspensions I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 6 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Figure 2-3: Transport mechanisms These aspects of hydrodynamics and sediment transport have been landmark in determining the parameters to be measured during the project. Measurements will be focussed on three types of timescales: one tidal cycle, one neap-spring cycle and seasonal variation within one year. Following data are being collected to understand these mechanisms: Monitoring the freshwater input (discharge) from the tributaries into the river Scheldt. Monitoring salinity and sediment concentration in the Lower Sea Scheldt at permanent measurement locations at Oosterweel, up- and downstream of the Deurganckdok. Long term measurement of salinity and suspended sediment distribution in Deurganckdok. Monitoring near-bed processes (current velocity, turbidity, and bed elevation variations) in the central trench in the dock, near the entrance as well as near the current deflecting wall location. Dynamic measurements of flow pattern, salinity and sediment transport at the entrance of Deurganckdok. Through tide measurements of vertical sediment concentration profiles -including near bed high concentrated benthic suspensions. Monitoring dredging activities at the entrance channels towards the Kallo, Zandvliet and Berendrecht locks as well as dredging and dumping activities in the Lower Sea Scheldt and Deurganckdok in particular. In situ calibrations were conducted on several dates to calibrate all turbidity and conductivity sensors. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 7 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 2.2. Description of the measurement campaign 2.2.1. Purpose of the measurement campaign The purpose of the measurements was to determine the cross-section distribution of the suspended sediment concentration, sediment flux, flow velocity and water discharge over a sailed transect K during a complete tidal cycle. The final purpose is to make a water and a sediment balance from the river Scheldt at Deurganckdok during a tidal cycle by integrating the water discharge and sediment flux. To get up a water and sediment balance at Deurganckdok, 3 transects were sailed during the same tidal cycle on the 11th of March at the river Scheldt (Figure 2-4): at the entrance of Deurganckdok (transect DGD), upstream of Deurganckdok (transect I) and downstream of Deurganckdok (transect K). This report focuses on the through tide measurements downstream of Deurganckdok (transect K) and the two others measurement campaigns are described in IMDC reports 2008j and 2008k. th Figure 2-4: Map of sailed transect and calibration points at Deurganckdok on 11 of March 2008 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 8 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 2.2.2. Measurement procedure Flow velocity, Turbidity, Salinity and Temperature measurements were conducted on the 11th of March from 7h00 MET until 20h00 MET. From the survey vessel Veremans a measurement cycle was completed every 30 minutes. The vessel with a mounted ADCP sailed a fixed transect from the right bank to the left bank and vice versa as a short backup transect (Table 2-1). Profiles were gathered to calibrate the ADCP transects for temperature, salinity and suspended sediment concentration to be used in Sediview. Two calibration profiles were collected for each transect (Table 2-2): One before sailing the transect at the bank where the start of the transect was One after sailing the transect at the bank where the transect ended During these calibrations, a fish with a CTD-OBS was lowered to the bottom. The downcast was interrupted at three depths, one in the upper half of the water column (between 4 and 7 m from the water surface), one at 4 meters above the bottom and the last one at the water bottom. At the two first depths samples were taken for calibration, and are used as ‘ground truth’ for all suspended sediment concentration measurements (OBS and Sediview). The turbidity measurement at the third depth is used to estimate the SS concentration at the bottom (see The other instruments logged continuously during the downcast. Conductivity, Temperature and Depth was logged by the CTD-probe, while turbidity was recorded by the OBS. th Table 2-1:Transect of the Flow Measurements on 11 of March 2008 (UTM31 ED50) Measurement location Transect I Transect DGD Transect K Left Bank Easting 590 318 588 541 588 484 Left Bank Northing Right Bank Easting Right Bank Northing Avg Length [m] 5 683 302 5 684 527 5 684 924 590 771 588 765 589 775 5 684 557 5 684 056 5 685 384 1057 521 1371 Avg Course [degr.] 25 335 70 th Table 2-2: Positions of the calibration points for 11 of March 2008 during flood and ebb. Measurement point Bank Easting (UTM31 ED50) Northing (UTM31 ED50) Flood Ibu Idu DGDau DGDbu Left Right Left Right 590476 590589 588561 588682 5683514 5683744 5684369 5684113 Kbu Kdu Left Right 588746 589033 5684965 5685066 Ibd Idd DGDad DGDbd Left Right Left Right 590384 590485 588623 588745 5683557 5683778 5684470 5684214 Kbd Kdd Left Right 588706 588999 5685055 5685160 Ebb I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 9 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 2.3. The equipment 2.3.1. ADCP The current measurements were conducted using an RD Instruments ADCP 600 kHz Workhorse. For positioning the GPS onboard the vessel Veremans was used. For the measurement of the heading a gyrocompass was installed. This 600 KHz ADCP system was mounted on a steel pole underneath the central axis of the vessel. The transducer set was looking vertically downwards to the bottom. Transceiver unit and computer system were connected to peripherals such as the differential GPS-receiver, the heave compensator and the gyrocompass. During the measurements the ADCP constantly measured upstream from the vessel. The acquisition software of Winriver was used. The main settings are given in Table 2-3. Table 2-3: Main Configuration Settings of ADCP Main configuration settings of ADCP 600kHz Worhhorse: Cell depth: 0.5 m Number of cells: 50 Number of Water pings per ensemble: 2 Number of Bottom Track pings per ensemble: 2 Time between ensembles: 0 Averaging: None Speed of Sound: Fixed 1500 m/s Salinity 0 psu 3-beam solution: enabled 2.3.2. OBS - CTD A D&A type OBS 3A was used to measure depth, conductivity, temperature and turbidity. Measured parameters by the OBS 3A sensor: temperature (°C), conductivity (µS/cm), absolute pressure (m), turbidity (NTU). On Veremans the OBS 3A device was mounted on a towfish. The resulting record is filled-up with GPS-time, sample number, and planimetric position of the GPS-receiver. Sampling frequency is 1 reading per second. The technical details on the OBS 3A are given in the winter calibration Report of the HCBS 1 measurement campaign. (IMDC, 2006a) 2.3.3. Pump Sampler A water sampler was attached nearby the turbidity sensor taking water samples. Samples were collected in 1 litre sampling bottles. The pumping speed of the water sampler was tested at the start of the measurement campaign on board. Dye was used to time the duration between the intake of the dye and exit at the sampling end of the sampler on board. The duration between intake and exit at the end was 24 seconds. Around 8h45 MET the hose was screwed into the propeller so a new sampling period had to be measured with the shorter hose: 18 seconds. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 10 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 3. COURSE OF THE MEASUREMENTS 3.1. Measurement periods At Deurganckdok ADCP tracks were sailed once every 15 minutes for 13 hours, in total 52 crosssections. Calibration profiles were taken at 2 locations (left bank, right bank). During every cycle, 1 calibration profile was taken serving as the second calibration of the previous transect and as the first calibration point of the current transect, resulting in a total of 42 profiles. APPENDIX A gives the start and end points of the tracks, the sailed length and the course. 3.2. Hydro-meteorological campaign conditions during the measurement 3.2.1. Vertical tide during the measurements The vertical tide was measured at the Liefkenshoek tidal gauges. Graphs of the tide at Liefkenshoek on the 11th March of 2008 can be found in APPENDIX B. Table 3-1 gives the most important characteristics (high and low tide) of the tide at those gauges on the 11th of March 2008. Table 3-1: High and low tide at Liefkenshoek on 11/03/2008 Liefkenshoek Tidal Gauge 11 March 2008 HW (1) Time [MET] 5:00 Water level [m TAW] 6.22 LW (2) 12:30 0.08 HW (3) 17:50 5.93 In Table 3-2 the tidal characteristics of the tide on the 11th of March 2008 are compared to the average tide over the decade 1991-2000 (AMT, 2003). I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 11 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Table 3-2: Comparison of the tidal characteristics of 11/03/2008 with the average tide, the average neap tide and the average spring tide over the decade 1991-2000 for Liefkenshoek. Neap tide (1991 - 2000) Avg Tide Spring Tide (1991 - 2000) (1991 - 2000) Tide 11/03/2008 Water level [m TAW] HW (1) 4.63 5.19 5.63 6.22 LW (2) 0.39 0.05 -0.18 0.08 HW (3) - - - 5.93 Falling (1 to 2) 4.24 5.14 5.81 6.14 Rising (2 to 3) 4.24 5.14 5.81 5.85 Falling (1 to 2) 6:40 6:50 7:02 7:30 Rising (2 to 3) 5:59 5:34 5:16 5:20 Tide (1 to 3) 12:39 12:24 12:18 12:50 Falling (1 to 2) 0.82 1.00 1.13 1.19 Rising (2 to 3) 0.82 1.00 1.13 1.14 Tidal difference [m] Duration [hh:mm] Tidal coefficient The tidal coefficients from 1.14 up to 1.19 for the measured tide of the 11th of March 2008 indicate that this tide has a larger tidal range than the average tide for the decade of 1991-2000, and can be classified as spring tide. 3.2.2. Meteorological data Meteorological data at Deurne was obtained from the Weather Underground website (Wunderground, 2008). The weather on the 11th of March 2008 was stormy and the wind blew from the west at an average velocity of 22 km/h with maximal gust velocity of 67 km/h. The air temperature varied between 5 and 12°C. The sky was cloudy with precipitation. 3.3. Navigation information An overview of the navigation at the measurement location is given in APPENDIX C. 3.4. Remarks on data Shipwakes were removed from the data. In the 4th cycle the OBS cable with hose got cut off in the screw so no measurements of the bottom were taken. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 12 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 4. PROCESSING OF DATASETS 4.1. Calibration of the OBS turbidity sensor A crucial aspect of the accuracy and reliability of the data concerns the calibration of the OBS turbidity sensor. The calibration of the OBS sensor is necessary to covert turbidity into Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC). We use here an in situ calibration, which is more representative of the actual measurement conditions at that moment. At some depths water samples were taken by the pump sampler and were analysed by a laboratory for SSC. These SSC were used as ‘ground truth’ to calibrate the OBS turbidity sensor. The calibration curve can be found in APPENDIX D. 4.2. Methodology of processing of the ADCP data with Sediview DRL Software’s Sediview was used to process the ADCP data. Sediview is designed to derive estimates of suspended sediment concentration throughout the water column using acoustic backscatter data obtained by ADCPs manufactured by RD Instruments of San Diego, California. 4.2.1. Acoustic backscatter theory The acoustic theory governing backscatter from particles suspended in the water column is complex, but the following simplified formula serves to introduce the main factors that are relevant: E = SL + SV + Constant - 20 log(R) - 2 w R Where: E = echo intensity, SL = transmitted power, SV = backscatter intensity due to the particles suspended in the water column, w = a coefficient describing the absorption of energy by the water, R the distance from the transducer to the measurement bin. = The term 20log(R) is a simple geometric function which accounts for the spherical spreading of the beam. The constant is required because each ADCP has specific performance characteristics. In order to measure the suspended sediment concentration in the water column it is necessary to relate the backscattered sound intensity to the mass concentration in the water. For the purposes of measuring solids concentration on site, it can be shown that the relationship is as follows (derived from Thorne and Campbell, 1992 and Hay, 1991 in DRL (2003)): Log 10 M r dB 2r w s K s S 1 Where: M(r) = mass concentration per unit volume at range, r S = relative backscatter coefficient Ks = site and instrument constant dB = the measured relative backscatter intensity (corrected for beam spreading) w = water attenuation coefficient s = sediment attenuation coefficient, which is a function of the effective particle size I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 13 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K In this expression there are four unknowns: S, Ks, w and s. These parameters are to be determined within Sediview (APPENDIX F). 4.2.2. Water sampling and transect sailing To calibrate Sediview for suspended sediment concentration, two water samples are taken at the beginning and at the end of each transect (see 3.1). Both samples are taken within the range of reliable data of the ADCP. For the near-surface sample this means in bin 3 or 4, for the near-bed sample this means at about one or two meter above the sidelobe. Water sampling is done together with CTD-OBS measurement in order to have two independent suspended sediment concentration measurements for each sample. OBS measurements were compared to the water samples and recalibrated as mentioned in § 4. The water samples were used for Sediview calibration, while cross-calibrated OBS measurements were used as a back up check. The salinity and temperature was used to compute the acoustic water absorption (water attenuation coefficient). All water samples were analysed as is described in 4.2.3. Calibration for suspended sediment concentration within Sediview Calibration workset The calibration workset consists of ADCP-files, sampling times, sampling depths, SSC obtained from water samples and SSC, temperature and salinity obtained from CTD-OBS readings. The suspended sediment concentration of the water samples was determined. One-litre samples were filtered over a preweighed desiccated 0.45 micron filter, after which the filter is dried in an oven at 105°C, cooled and weighted (NEN 6484). SSC calibration per ensemble pair In the Sediview calibration process the following parameters must be defined: the site and instrument constant (Ks), the relative backscatter coefficient (S) and the effective particle size per ensemble-pair (near-surface sample and near-bed sample) in order to fit the Sediview-estimate with the suspended sediment concentration of the water samples. These parameter sets may not differ too much from the previous parameter sets, as the environmental conditions will not change that much over a small time interval. To obtain a smooth progress in time of Ks, S and effective particle size an iterative approach is used. 4.2.4. Sediview configuration Discharge and suspended sediment concentration estimates The ADCP measures most of the water column from just in front of the ADCP to 6% above the bottom. The shallow layer of water near the bottom is not used to compute discharge and suspended sediment concentration due to side-lobe interference. When the ADCP sends out an acoustic pulse, a small amount of energy is transmitted in side lobes rather than in the direction of the ADCP beam. Side lobe reflection from the bottom can interfere with the water echoes and can give erroneous data. The thickness of the side lobe layer is 6% of the distance from the transducers to the bottom. Near the banks the water depth is too shallow for the ADCP to profile. For each of those unmeasured regions, Sediview will make an estimate of the discharges and suspended sediment concentration. The measured and unmeasured regions in the cross section are shown in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 14 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Figure 4-1: Unmeasured regions in the cross section (from RD Instruments, 2003) Figure 4-2: Measured and estimated discharges and sediment fluxes within Sediview (DRL, 2005) Top/bottom estimates The sediment concentration and discharge at the top of the water column is assumed to be the same as the concentration and discharge in the first measured bin. The sediment concentration between the bottom and the lowest valid bin is assumed to be an increase of the lowest valid bin. The SSC increase between the lowest valid bin (position of the sidelobe) and the bottom is calculated from the CTD-OBS profile, which was lowered in the unmeasured sidelobe layer. The CTD-OBS profiles show that the bottom value of the SSC at the calibration points transect K vary during a tidal cycle between approximately 99 and 328 % of the SSC-value at the position of the sidelobe. As the concentration grows approximately linear from the lowest valid bin to the bottom, and as Sediview uses a constant concentration factor for these deepest bins, we use a concentration factor that varies between 100 and 214% (Figure 4-3). An overview of the used power concentration factor is given in APPENDIX F. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 15 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Figure 4-3: Principal of bottom estimate of the sediment concentration in Sediview Table 4-1: Extrapolation methods for top and bottom variables Top Bottom Variable Discharge Method Constant Power 100% 100 - 214% Concentration factor The discharge for the bottom water layer is estimated by using the power method. Chen (1991) discusses the theory of power laws for flow resistance. Simpson and Oltmann (1990) discuss Chen’s power law equivalent of Manning’s formula for open channels (with b=1/6) (RD Instruments, 2003). u / u* 9.5( z / z0 )b Where: z = Distance to the channel bed [m] u = Velocity at distance z from bed [m/s] u* = Shear velocity [m/s] z0 = Bottom roughness height [m] b = Exponent (1/6) Edge estimates The shape of the edges of the cross section is assumed to be near triangular due to the banks of the river Scheldt. Five data ensembles are to be averaged to determine the left and right bank mean velocities used for calculation of edge estimates. The distance from start- and endpoint to the bank is calculated from the theoretical start- and endpoint at the bank to the effective start- and endpoint. The theoretical points are taken at the banks. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 16 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Coordinates Table 4-2: Reference points at the end of the mud flats on left and right bank Easting Northing Easting Northing (UTM31 ED50) Left bank 588 548 Transect K Left bank Right bank 5 684 947 589 535 Right bank 5 689 950 The formula for determining the near shore discharge is: Qshore CVm Ld m [m³/s] Where: C = Coefficient (0.35 for triangular, 0.91 for rectangular shape) Vm = Mean water velocity in the first or the last segment [m/s] L = Distance from the shore to the first or the last segment specified by the user [m] dm = Depth of the first or the last segment [m] The coefficient (C) has been set to 0.35 (triangular shape of the banks). Contour plots of the transects All contour plots show perpendicular and parallel projected values on the straightened sailed transects. The heading of the straightened sailed transect is defined by picking 2 points in the straight part of the line after having corrected the heading of the ADCP compass. The compass offset is derived from a comparison of the ADCPs bottom track with the external GPS data. 4.2.5. Output General transect information containing start-stop coordinates of each sailed transects with stop time, track length and heading is given in APPENDIX A. In 0, four contourplots were generated for each transect showing the distribution of suspended sediment concentration & sediment flux as well as the flow velocity perpendicular and parallel to the transect. The following conventions were used: Distances on the X-axis were referenced to the starting point of the transect, the start of the sailed transect is always at distance equal to zero. Left bank is always shown left, right bank on the right side. For transect DGD, left bank was taken to be the western quay wall and the right bank to be the eastern quay wall considering the dock as being a tributuary to the Scheldt river. Perpendicular flow velocities and fluxes are positive for downstream flow (ebb, out of Deurganckdok), negative for upstream flow (flood, inbound). Parallel flow velocities are positive for flow going from the left bank to the right bank, and negative for flow going from the right bank to the left bank. Absolute Depth is given in meters above TAW. Also a depth-averaged velocity plot was generated for the flow velocity perpendicular to the transect. (See 0). Tables in APPENDIX H give the values for discharges and sediment fluxes for the total crosssection and the average measured SSC is shown in APPENDIX I. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 17 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Mid = measured part of the cross-section Top = top part of the cross-section Bottom = bottom part underneath the sidelobe Edge (left, right) = edge estimates to left & right bank Total = Mid+Top+Bottom+ Edge values The graph in APPENDIX J gives the temporal variation of the total flux, total discharge and total measured SSC for the whole through tide measurement at Deurganckdok. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 18 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 5. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THE DATA 5.1. March 11th 2008 survey It appears from the recorded data that the highest water velocities occur near the navigation channel at about 3 hours after HW in which velocities exceed 1 m/s. The total calculated discharge ranges between 350 and -18885 m³/s. Average cross-section concentrations vary from about 172 up to about 612 mg/l. The highest measured concentration from a watersample is 940 mg/l (recorded near the right bank at 7 meters deep about a 5h25 after HW). Considering the sediment fluxes APPENDIX J shows that incoming transport is dominating during flood while a residual outgoing sediment transport can be observed from HW until the end of the measurement. The maximal calculated flux during ebb occurs around 4h15 after HW and is about 6463 kg/s. During flood, the highest flux is about -5812 kg/s, 0h51 before HW. 5.2. Intercomparison with earlier surveys on November 17th 2005, March 22nd 2006, September 27th 2006 and October 24th 2007 On November 17th 2005 (HCBS1), March 22nd 2006 5HCB2 winter), September 27th (HCBS2 summer) and October 24th 2007 (DGD2, current report) the same transect has been sailed during through tide measurements, a description is given by IMDC (2005), IMDC (2006c), IMDC (2007c) and IMDC (2008a). Conditions near the entrance of Deurganckdok have been simulated in Delft3D and processed by IMDC (2006g) in order to compare simulation with observed data. It is important to underline that lower fresh water discharges from the tributaries were recorded during the former measurement campaigns (Figure 5-1, Figure 5-2, Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4): on 16/11/2005 the discharges prior to the measurements were about 230 m³/s; on 22/03/2006 and 23/03/2006 about 95 m³/s and on 27/09/2006 and 28/09/2006 about 40 m³/s. All measurement days correspond to the mean discharge -1, which is rather low (Figure 5-5). The results presented in Figure 5-5 are based on a long-term simulation over a period of 30 year (1971-2000) with the SIGMA-model for MKBA (IMDC, 2006g). The mean discharge is the annual average ten days’ discharge, calculated with simulated long-term measurements. The high and low discharges are also annual ten days’ discharges, and are calculated as mean discharge +2 and mean discharge -2. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 19 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Figure 5-1: Fresh water discharge 8 - 18 February 2005, during HCBS1 Figure 5-2: Fresh water discharge 15 - 25 March 2006, during HCBS2 winter I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 20 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Figure 5-3: Fresh discharge 21 September – 1 October 2006, during HCBS2 summer Figure 5-4: Fresh water discharge 3 March – 13 March of 2008, during DGD2 450 average discharge high discharge 400 low discharge 350 300 Q [m³/s] DGD II 250 HCBS I 200 150 100 HCBS II w inter 50 HCBS II summer dec nov okt sep aug jul jun mei apr mrt feb jan 0 Figure 5-5: Mean fresh water discharge I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 21 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K The fluxes, total discharges and suspended sediment concentrations, of all measurement campaigns at Liefkenshoek are illustrated in Figure 5-6, Figure 5-7 and Figure 5-8. It can be seen that the discharges, fluxes and SS concentrations of this campaign are higher than the previous campaigns. The volume of water, crossing transect K during flood or ebb on a measurement day, was calculated by integrating the discharge curve (Figure 5-7) during flood and ebb respectively. Table 5-1 shows the results. During flood on the 11th of March 2008, 177.653.000 m³ water crossed transect K and during ebb 212.191.000 m³. Comparing to the other campaigns, the volume during ebb is extreme low and during flood a lot higher. The stormy weather causes this phenomenon. The mass of the suspended sediment, crossing transect K during flood or ebb on a measurement day, was calculated on a similar manner as the volume. The flux curve was integrated (Figure 5-6) and (Figure 5-8) shows the results. During ebb 11th of May of 2008, 88.476 tonnes SS crossed the transect K and during flood 52.743 tonnes. 35.733 tonnes SS was deposited in the dock during the tidal cycle. Comparing with other campaigns, 35.733 tonnes are a lot. (Table 5-2). Since flux is calculated with discharge and SS concentration, a similar overestimation and underestimation as the water volumes will achieve in the calculated SS masses. Figure 5-6: Total flux on 16/02/2005 (Neap tide), 22/03/2006 (Neap tide), 23/09/2006 (Neap tide), 27/09/2006 (Average tide), 28/09/2006 (Average tide) & 11/03/2008 (Spring tide) I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 22 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Figure 5-7: Total discharge on 16/02/2005 (Neap tide), 22/03/2006 (Neap tide), 23/09/2006 (Neap tide), 27/09/2006 (Average tide), 28/09/2006 (Average tide) & 11/03/2008 (Spring tide) Figure 5-8: SS Concentration 16/02/2005 (Neap tide), 22/03/2006 (Neap tide), 23/09/2006 (Neap tide), 27/09/2006 (Average tide), 28/09/2006 (Average tide) & 11/03/2008 (Spring tide) I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 23 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Table 5-1: Water volume during ebb, flood and measurement campaign on 16/02/2005 (Neap tide), 22/03/2006 (Neap tide), 23/09/2006 (Neap tide), 27/09/2006 (Average tide), 28/09/2006 (Average tide) & 11/03/2008 (Spring tide) Measurement Day 16/02/’05 22/03/’06 23/03/’06 27/09/’06 28/09/’06 11/03/’08 131 650 136 071 131 962 139 360 135 231 212 191 Duration [HH:MM] 6:50 6:20 6:21 6:17 6:40 7:04 Tidal Difference [m] 4.95 4.68 4.22 5.26 4.94 6.14 Volume [1000x m³] -95 386 -116 707 -120 353 -134 575 -140 558 -177 653 Duration [HH:MM] 5:50 6:10 6:09 6:01 5:55 5:45 Tidal Difference [m] 4.68 4.38 4.06 5.24 5.12 5.85 Volume [1000x m³] 36 282 19 364 11 609 4 785 -5 327 34 538 Duration [HH:MM] 12:40 12:30 12:31 12:18 12:35 12:50 Discharge [m³/s] 796 430 258 108 -118 748 Volume [1000x m³] 10 679 4 248 4 100 1 453 1 406 13 213 Duration [HH:MM] 12:40 12:30 12:31 12:18 12:35 12:50 234 94 91 33 31 286 Volume [1000x m³] Ebb Flood Net Fresh water Discharge [m³/s] Table 5-2: Suspended solids during ebb, flood and measurement campaign on 16/02/2005 (Neap tide), 22/03/2006 (Neap tide), 23/09/2006 (Neap tide), 27/09/2006 (Average tide), 28/09/2006 (Average tide) & 11/03/2008 (Spring tide) Measurement Day Ebb Flood Net 16/02/’05 22/03/’06 23/03/’06 27/09/’06 28/09/’06 11/03/’08 SS Mass [Tonnes] 13 217 27 455 17 301 9 908 10 542 88 476 Duration [HH:MM] 6:50 6:20 6:23 6:14 6:12 7:03 Tidal Difference [m] 4.95 4.68 4.22 5.26 4.94 6.14 SS Mass [Tonnes] -7 386 -19 508 -12 653 -9 843 -8 629 -52 743 Duration [HH:MM] 5:50 6:10 6:12 5:59 5:59 5:46 Tidal Difference [m] 4.68 4.38 4.06 5.24 5.12 5.85 SS Mass [Tonnes] 5 830 7 947 4 648 64 1 913 35 733 Duration [HH:MM] 12:40 12:30 12:36 12:14 12:12 12:50 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 24 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 6. REFERENCES AMT (2003). Intern rapport, Getij-informatie Scheldebekken 1991-2000. IMDC (2002). Studie Densiteitsstroming in het kader van LTV Schelde, Stroom- en saliniteitsmeting t.h.v. Deurganckdok uitgevoerd op 12/06/202, I/RA/11216/02.042/CMA. IMDC (2005a). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 1: Test survey 17/02/2005, I/RA/11265/05.008/MSA. IMDC (2005b). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 2.1: Deurganckdok 17/02/2005, I/RA/11265/05.009/MSA. IMDC (2005c). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 2.2: Zandvliet 17/02/2005, I/RA/11265/05.010/MSA. IMDC (2005d). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 2.3: Liefkenshoek 17/02/2005, I/RA/11265/05.0011/MSA. IMDC (2005e). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 2.4: Schelle 17/02/2005, I/RA/11265/05.0012/MSA. IMDC (2005f). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 2.5: Deurganckdok 16/02/2005, I/RA/11265/05.013/MSA. IMDC (2005g). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 2.6: Kallosluis 18/02/2005, I/RA/11265/05.014/MSA. IMDC (2005h). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 2.7: Near bed continious monitoring: february 2005, I/RA/11265/05.015/MSA. IMDC (2005i). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 3: Settling velocity INSSEV february 2005, I/RA/11265/05.016/MSA. IMDC (2005j). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 4: Cohesive sediment properties february 2005, I/RA/11265/05.017/MSA IMDC (2005k). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 5.1: Overview of ambient conditions in the river Scheldt January-June 2005, I/RA/11265/05.018/MSA. IMDC (2005l). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 5.2: Overview of ambient conditions in the river Scheldt July-December 2005, I/RA/11265/05.019/MSA. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 25 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K IMDC (2006a) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 6.1 Calibration Winter 15 March & 14 April 2006? I/RA/11291/06.092/MSA. IMDC (2006b) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 7.1 21 March 2006 Scheldewacht – Deurganckdok, I/RA/11291/06.094/MSA. IMDC (2006c) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 7.2 22 March 2006 Parel 2 – Deurganckdok (downstream), I/RA/11291/06.095/MSA. IMDC (2006d) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 7.3 22 March 2006 Laure Marie – Liefkenshoek, I/RA/11291/06.096/MSA. IMDC (2006e) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 7.4 23 March 2006 Parel 2 – Schelle, I/RA/11291/06.097/MSA. IMDC (2006f) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 7.5 23 March 2006 Laure Marie – Deurganckdok (downstream), I/RA/11291/06.098/MSA. IMDC (2006g) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 7.6 23 March 2006 Veremans – Waarde, I/RA/11291/06.099/MSA. IMDC (2006h) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.1 Opmeting stroming en zout- en sedimentbeweging aan de ingang van het Deurganckdok (SiltProfiler), I/RA/11283/06.087/WGO. IMDC (2006i) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.3. Opmeting stroming en zout-en sedimentbeweging aan de ingang van het Deurganckdok (ADCP), I/RA/11283/06.110/BDC IMDC (2006j). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 8.1: Vaste meetopstelling in zake bodemgedrag, I/RA/11291/06.100/MSA. IMDC (2006k) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.6 Zout en slibverdeling Deurganckdok 17/03/2006 – 23/05/2006, I/RA/11283/06.121/MSA. IMDC (2006l) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 5.3 Overview of ambient conditions in the river Scheldt – Januari-June 2006 (I/RA/11291/06.089/MSA), in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2006m): Studie van de stromingsvelden en sedimentuitwisseling aan de ingang van Deurganckdok. Current and Sediment flux measurements November 17th 2005 (I/RA/15030/06.021/BDC). IMDC (2006n). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 9: Valsnelheid slib – INSSEV, I/RA/11291/06.102/MSA, in opdracht van AWZ. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 26 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K IMDC (2006o). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 2.7: Silt distribution and frame measurements 15/07/2006 – 31/10/2006. (I/RA/11291/06.122/MSA). IMDC (2006p) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 5.3 Overview of ambient conditions in the river Scheldt – Januari-June 2006 (I/RA/11291/06.089/MSA), in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2007a) Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 6.2 Summer calibration and Final report, I/RA/11291/06.093/MSA. IMDC (2007b). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 5.4 Overview of ambient conditions in the river Scheldt – July-December 2006 (I/RA/11291/06.089/MSA), in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2007c). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 11.1 Through tide Measurement Sediview & Siltprofiler 27/9 Stream - Liefkenshoek (I/RA/11291/06.104/MSA), in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2007d). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 11.2 Through tide Measurement Sediview 27/9 Veremans - Raai K (I/RA/11291/06.105/MSA), in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2007e). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 11.3 Through tide Measurement Sediview & Siltprofiler 28/9 Stream - Raai K (I/RA/11291/06.106/MSA), in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2007f). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 11.4 Through tide Measurement Sediview 28/9 Veremans - Waarde(I/RA/11291/06.107/MSA), in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2007g). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 11.5 Through tide Measurement Sediview 28/9 Parel 2 - Schelle (I/RA/11291/06.108/MSA), in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2007h). Uitbreiding studie densiteitsstromingen in de Beneden Zeeschelde in het kader van LTV Meetcampagne naar hooggeconcentreerde slibsuspensies Deelrapport 11.6 Through tide Measurement Salinity Distribution 26/9 Scheldewacht – Deurganckdok in opdracht van AWZ. IMDC (2007i) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.1 Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/4/2006 – 30/06/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.113/MSA) IMDC (2007j) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.2 Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/7/2006 – 30/09/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.114/MSA) IMDC (2007k) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.3 Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/10/2006 – 31/12/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.115/MSA) IMDC (2007l) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.4 Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/1/2007 – 31/03/2007 (I/RA/11283/06.116/MSA) I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 27 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K IMDC (2007m) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.5 Annual Sediment Balance (I/RA/11283/06.117/MSA) IMDC (2007n) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.2 Through tide measurement SiltProfiler 26/09/2006 Stream (I/RA/11283/06.068/MSA) IMDC (2007o) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.7 Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok 15/07/2006 – 31/10/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.122/MSA) IMDC (2007p) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.8 Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok 15/01/2007 – 15/03/2007 (I/RA/11283/06.123/MSA) IMDC (2007q) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 3.1 Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/1/2007 – 31/03/2007 (I/RA/11283/06.127/MSA) IMDC (2007r) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing Deelrapport 1.10: Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/4/2007 – 30/06/2007 (I/RA/11283/07.081/MSA) IMDC (2007s) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.11: Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/7/2007 – 30/09/2007 (I/RA/11283/07.082/MSA) IMDC (2007t) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.16: Salt-Silt distribution Deurganckdok summer (21/6/2007 – 30/07/2007) (I/RA/11283/07.092/MSA) IMDC (2007v) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 3.10: Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/04/2007 – 30/06/2007 (I/RA/11283/07.097/MSA) IMDC (2007w) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 3.11: Boundary conditions: Two monthly report 1/07/2007 – 30/09/2007 (I/RA/11283/07.098/MSA) IMDC (2008a) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.5: Through tide measurement Sediview average tide 24/10/2007 (I/RA/11283/06.120/MSA) IMDC (2008b) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 4.1: Analysis of siltation Processes and Factors (I/RA/11283/06.129/MSA) IMDC (2008c) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.12: Sediment Balance: Four monthly report 1/9/2007 – 31/12/2007 (I/RA/11283/07.083/MSA) IMDC (2008d) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.13: Sediment Balance: Four monthly report 1/01/2007 – 31/03/2007 (I/RA/11283/07.084/MSA) IMDC (2008e) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 1.14: Annual Sediment Balance. (I/RA/11283/07.085/MSA) I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 28 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K IMDC (2008f) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.09: Calibration stationary equipment autumn (I/RA/11283/07.095/MSA) IMDC (2008g) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.10: Through tide measurement SiltProfiler 23 October 2007 (I/RA/11283/07.086/MSA) IMDC (2008h) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.11: Through tide measurement Salinity Profiling winter 12 March 2008 (I/RA/11283/07.087/MSA) IMDC (2008i) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.12: Through tide measurement Sediview winter 11 March 2008 – Transect I (I/RA/11283/07.088/MSA) IMDC (2008j) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.13: Through tide measurement Sediview winter 11 March 2008 – Transect K (I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA) IMDC (2008k) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.14: Through tide measurement Sediview winter 11 March 2008 – Transect DGD (I/RA/11283/07.090/MSA) IMDC (2008l) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.15: Through tide measurement SiltProfiler winter 12 March 2008 (I/RA/11283/07.091/MSA) IMDC (2008m) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.17: Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok autumn (17/9/200710/12/2007) (I/RA/11283/07.093/MSA) IMDC (2008n) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.18: Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok winter (18/02/200731/03/2008) (I/RA/11283/07.094/MSA) IMDC (2008o) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 2.19: Calibration stationary & mobile equipment winter (I/RA/11283/07.096/MSA) IMDC (2008p) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 3.12: Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/9/2007 – 31/12/2007 (I/RA/11283/07.099/MSA) IMDC (2008q) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 3.13: Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/1/2008 – 31/3/2007 (I/RA/11283/07.100/MSA) IMDC (2008r) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 3.14: Boundary conditions: Annual report (I/RA/11283/07.101/MSA) IMDC (2008s) Langdurige metingen Deurganckdok: Opvolging en analyse aanslibbing. Deelrapport 4.10: Analysis of siltation Processes and Factors (I/RA/11283/07.102/MSA) TV SAM (2006a) Langdurige stationaire ADCP stroommetingen te Oosterweel dukdalf 01/200506/2005. 42SR S032PIB 2A. TV SAM (2006b) Langdurige stationaire ADCP stroommetingen te Oosterweel dukdalf 07/200512/2005. 42SR S033PIB 2A. TV SAM (2006c) Langdurige stationaire ADCP stroommetingen te Oosterweel dukdalf 01/200606/2006. 42SR S032PIB 2A. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 29 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Unesco (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater, UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science, 44. UNESCO, France. Wunderground (2008). Weather Underground: www.wunderground.com I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 30 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX A. OVERVIEW OF MEASUREMENTS I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 31 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K A.1 Overview of the measurement locations for the whole HCBS2 and Deurganckdok measurement campaigns Annex Figure A-1: Overview of the measurement locations I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 32 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Annex Figure A-2: Overview of the measurement locations at Deurganckdok I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 33 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Annex Figure A-3: Transect S in Schelle I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 34 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Annex Figure A-4: Transect W in Waarde I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 35 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K A.2 Overview of all measurement Deurganckdok measurement campaigns locations HCBS and Annex Table A-1: coordinates of theoretical transects Transect Start Easting Start Northing End Easting End Northing I 590318.00 5683302.00 590771.00 5684257.00 K 588484.00 5684924.00 589775.00 5685384.00 SCHELLE 592645.07 5665794.06 592952.68 5665682.28 DGD 588764.88 5684056.49 588540.95 5684526.94 Y 589059.09 5684948.36 587898.76 5683076.56 WAARDE 573541.00 5696848.20 571318.00 5694932.90 Annex Table A-2: coordinates of SiltProfiler gauging locations SP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA EASTING NORTHING 588737 5684638 588690 5684562 588643 5684486 588596 5684411 588549 5684335 588606 5684217 588653 5684293 588700 5684368 588747 5684444 588793 5684520 588850 5684402 588803 5684326 588756 5684250 588709 5684174 588662 5684099 36 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K A.3 Measurement overview at Transect K on 11/03/2008 FileName 3002Ktrl 3004Klr 3006Ktrl 3008Ktlr 3010Ktrl 3012Ktlr 3014Ktrl 3016Ktlr 3017Ktrl 3019Ktlr 3021Ktrl 3023Ktlr 3025Ktrl 3027Ktlr 3029Ktrl 3031Ktlr 3033Ktrl 3035Ktlr 3037Ktrl 3039Ktlr 3041Ktrl 3043Ktlr 3045Ktrl 3047Ktlr 3049Ktrl 3051Ktlr 3053Ktrl 3055Ktlr 3057Ktrl 3059Ktlr 3061Ktrl 3063Ktlr 3065Ktrl 3067Ktlr 3069Ktrl 3071Ktlr 3073Ktrl 3075Ktlr 3077Ktrl 3079Ktlr Start time Easting Northing Easting Northing End time Time Transect Transect [hh:mm Start Start Stop Stop [hh:mm after HW length heading MET (UTM31 (UTM31 (UTM31 (UTM31 MET] [hh:mm] [m] [°] ED50) ED50) ED50) ED50) 590686 5684129 590360 5683500 7:07 7:13 2:10 835 22 590408 5683744 590454 5683872 7:32 7:37 2:34 778 21 590669 5684127 590384 5683489 7:48 7:54 2:51 813 21 590415 5683628 590464 5683878 8:04 8:08 3:06 737 20 590615 5684033 590357 5683490 8:21 8:27 3:24 777 22 590375 5683687 590451 5683872 8:41 8:44 3:43 738 21 590668 5684131 590374 5683479 9:02 9:07 4:05 762 22 590377 5683485 590657 5684114 9:20 9:24 4:22 709 20 590664 5684101 590423 5683505 9:49 9:54 4:52 666 21 590395 5683924 590424 5683607 10:10 10:14 5:12 701 19 590450 5683515 590676 5684112 10:26 10:30 5:28 672 21 590676 5684096 590370 5683504 10:47 10:50 5:49 642 20 590412 5683486 590631 5684079 11:00 11:05 6:02 675 21 590472 5683698 590376 5683520 11:19 11:23 6:21 625 18 590402 5683520 590629 5684075 11:35 11:37 6:35 682 20 590645 5684061 590364 5683516 11:49 11:52 6:51 602 19 590393 5683518 590636 5684068 12:05 12:10 7:08 580 20 590630 5684057 590363 5683541 12:19 12:22 7:21 536 18 590464 5683666 590515 5683844 12:42 12:45 -5:06 514 22 590613 5684051 590387 5683547 12:57 13:00 -4:51 506 20 590416 5683530 590613 5684035 13:14 13:18 -4:33 561 23 590641 5684016 590400 5683531 13:26 13:29 -4:22 556 19 590378 5683527 590640 5684054 13:38 13:42 -4:09 551 21 590630 5684022 590412 5683523 13:59 14:03 -3:48 666 23 590395 5683558 590652 5684062 14:25 14:31 -3:21 725 21 590667 5684054 590392 5683519 14:42 14:47 -3:04 749 22 590433 5683674 590633 5683809 14:57 15:01 -2:50 727 23 590658 5684057 590405 5683498 15:15 15:19 -2:32 774 23 590493 5683646 590610 5683833 15:34 15:38 -2:13 642 21 590672 5684079 590371 5683504 15:54 15:58 -1:53 747 23 590440 5683670 590617 5683854 16:09 16:15 -1:37 748 18 590636 5684082 590384 5683504 16:32 16:38 -1:14 832 25 590393 5683494 590645 5684077 16:55 17:00 -0:51 779 18 590723 5684057 590413 5683492 17:14 17:19 -0:33 822 19 590461 5683651 590558 5683810 17:29 17:34 -0:18 767 20 590662 5684096 590397 5683529 17:48 17:52 0:00 788 18 590409 5683535 590702 5684114 18:06 18:11 0:18 724 17 590723 5684094 590432 5683526 18:22 18:26 0:34 732 21 590425 5683512 590742 5684128 18:46 18:51 0:58 769 20 590671 5684088 590382 5683507 19:03 19:07 1:15 728 20 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 37 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K FileName 3081Ktrl 3083Ktlr Start time Easting Northing Easting Northing End time Time Transect Transect [hh:mm Start Start Stop Stop [hh:mm after HW length heading MET (UTM31 (UTM31 (UTM31 (UTM31 MET] [hh:mm] [m] [°] ED50) ED50) ED50) ED50) 590707 5683682 590565 5683839 19:19 19:24 1:31 782 20 590676 5684140 590405 5683549 19:37 19:41 1:49 707 22 Annex Figure A-5: Location of start en end points of the sailed tracks I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 38 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX B. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA TIDAL DATA 39 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, en Gems Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 11283 – March 2008 SURVEY Measured tide on 11/03/2008 at Liefkenshoek Location: River Scheldt I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Data processed by: Date: In association with: 11/03/2008 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 40 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX C. NAVIGATION INFORMATION AS RECORDED ON SITE I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 41 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Nr. 1 Ship: Scheldewacht II Location: Liefkenshoek (transect K) Time (MET) Type ship Direction (Upstream, Downstream) 6:50 Sleepboot Upstream 2 7:03 Binnenschip Downstream 3 7:04 Binnenschip Downstream 4 7:28 Binnenschip Upstream 5 7:29 Binnenschip Upstream 6 7:30 Binnenschip Upstream 7 7:35 Binnenschip Upstream 8 7:37 Binnenschip Downstream 9 7:40 Binnenschip Downstream 10 7:45 Zeeboot Downstream 11 7:52 Binnenschip Upstream 12 7:54 Binnenschip Downstream 13 8:06 Sleepboot Upstream 14 8:35 Duwbak Upstream 15 8:38 Binnenschip Upstream 16 8:46 Baggerboot Upstream 17 9:02 Binnenschip Downstream 18 9:12 Zeebootje Upstream 19 9:40 Zeeboot Upstream 20 9:41 Binnenschip Upstream 21 10:47 Binnenschip Upstream 22 10:48 Zeeschip Upstream 23 11:00 Zeeboot Upstream 24 11:01 Sleepboot Upstream 25 11:03 Binnenschip Downstream 26 11:03 Sleepboot Upstream 27 11:10 3 Binnenschepen Downstream 28 11:17 Zeeboot Downstream 29 11:29 Binnenschip Upstream 30 11:47 Toeristenboot Downstream 31 11:48 Binnenschip Downstream I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 42 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Nr. 32 Ship: Scheldewacht II Location: Liefkenshoek (transect K) Time (MET) Type ship Direction (Upstream, Downstream) 11:55 Binnenschip Downstream 33 11:59 Binnenschip Downstream 34 12:05 Binnenschip Upstream 35 12:13 Binnenschip Upstream 36 12:27 Binnenschip Downstream 37 12:34 Binnenschip Downstream 38 12:34 Zeeschip Downstream 39 12:35 Duwbak Upstream 40 12:38 Binnenschip Upstream 41 12:42 Binnenschip Upstream 42 12:42 Binnenschip Downstream 43 12:47 Binnenschip Upstream 44 13:13 3x Binnenschip Downstream 45 13:15 2x Binnenschip Upstream 46 13:17 1x Binnenschip Upstream 47 13:40 Binnenschip Downstream 48 13:40 Binnenschip Upstream 49 13:44 Binnenschip Upstream 50 13:50 Binnenschip Downstream 51 13:50 Binnenschip Upstream 52 14:20 3x Binnenschip Downstream 53 14:25 2x Binnenschip Upstream 54 14:30 1x Binnenschip Downstream 55 14:35 Zeeschip Downstream 56 14:35 Binnenschip Downstream 57 15:04 Binnenschip Upstream 58 15:38 Binnenschip Upstream 59 15:45 Gastanker Upstream 60 15:50 Duw eenheid Downstream 61 16:08 Zeeboot Downstream 62 16:18 Binnenschip Upstream 63 16:30 Sleper Upstream 64 16:32 Binnenschip Downstream I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 43 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Nr. 65 Ship: Scheldewacht II Location: Liefkenshoek (transect K) Time (MET) Type ship Direction (Upstream, Downstream) 16:50 Sleepboot Downstream 66 16:51 Zeeschip Downstream 67 16:52 Binnenschip Upstream 68 16:55 Zeeschip Downstream 69 16:56 Zeeschip Upstream 70 16:59 2x Binnenschip Downstream 71 17:05 Zeeboot Downstream 72 17:06 Binnenschip Downstream 73 17:13 Sleepboot Upstream 74 17:14 Binnenschip Upstream 75 17:34 Sleep-+zeeboot Upstream 76 17:35 Zeeschip Upstream 77 17:47 Zeeschip Downstream 78 18:10 Binnenschip Upstream 79 18:15 Binnenschip Upstream 80 18:24 Zeeboot Upstream 81 18:34 2 Binnenschepen Downstream 82 18:36 1 Zeeschip Downstream 83 19:04 Binnenschip Downstream 84 19:10 Binnenschip Downstream 85 19:28 Binnenschip Upstream I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 44 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX D. CALIBRATION GRAPH OF OBS3A TURBIDITY SENSOR I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 45 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, en Gems Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 11283 – March 2008 SURVEY Calibration Graph of OBS3A s/n 313 Location: River Scheldt (Transect K) I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Data processed by: Date: In association with: 11/03/2008 I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 46 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX E. UNESCO PPS-78 FORMULA FOR CALCULATING SALINITY I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 47 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, en Gems Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Practical Salinity Scale (PPS 78) Salinity in the range of 2 to 42 Constants from the 19th Edition of Standard Methods 0.0117 R = R cond.ratio C Cond at t t deg. C P dBar C 42.914mS / cm 0.5 22.00 20 Input conductivity in mS/cm of sample Input temperature of sample solution Input pressure at which sample is measured in decibars p(e1 + e 2 p + e 3 p 2 ) 1 + d 1t + d 2 t 2 + (d 3 + d 4 t)R Rp 1.0020845 Rp = 1 + rt 1.1641102 rt = c 0 + c 1 t + c 2 t2 + c 3 t3 + c 4 t4 Rt 0.0099879 R t R = R x r p t (t-15) 1/2 -0.0010 Delta S = 1+k(t-15) (b0 + b1Rt Delta S S = Salinity a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 1/2 0.257 S = a0 + a1R t 0.0080 -0.1692 25.3851 14.0941 -7.0261 2.7081 3/2 2 5/2 + b2R t + b3R t + b4R t + b5R t ) 3/2 2 5/2 + a2Rt + a3Rt + a4Rt + a5Rt + delta S b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 k 0.0005 -0.0056 -0.0066 -0.0375 0.0636 -0.0144 0.0162 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 0.6766097 2.00564E-02 1.104259E-04 -6.9698E-07 1.0031E-09 d1 d2 d3 d4 3.426E-02 4.464E-04 4.215E-01 -3.107E-03 e1 e2 e3 2.070E-04 -6.370E-08 3.989E-12 R = ratio of measured conductivity to the conductivity of the Standard Seawater Solution Conductivity Ratio R is a function of salinity, temperature, and hydraulic pressure. So that we can factor R into three parts i.e. R = Rt x Rp x rt R = C(S,t,p)/C(35,15,0) C = 42.914 mS/cm at 15 deg C and 0 dbar pressure ie C(35,15,0) where 35 is the salinity Ocean pressure is usually measured in decibars. 1 dbar = 10^-1 bar = 10^5 dyne/cm^2 = 10^4 Pascal. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 48 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX F. OVERVIEW OF SEDIVIEW SETTINGS I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 49 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Ship: Veremans Location: Liefkenshoek (transect K) Date 11/03/2008 Parameters Value Parameters Value Inst. Depth (m) 2.0 Compass offset (°) -1.2 Force depth (m) 0 Beam 3 misalignment (°) 0 Velocity reference BT Effective particle size (µm) 20 Speed of sound algorithm Urick Beam1 scale factor 0.440 Error velocity YES Beam2 scale factor 0.430 External heading NO Beam3 scale factor 0.425 External Depth NO Beam4 scale factor 0.425 SSC factor top (%) 100 Discharge factor top Constant SSC factor bottom (%) Variable Discharge factor bottom Power Shape factor left bank 0.35 Shape factor right bank 0.35 Filename Calibration const (Ks) Backscatter coefficient (S) SSC factor bottom (%) Distance to the left bank (m) Distance to the right bank (m) 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 20.25 20.00 20.00 20.38 20.13 20.00 19.50 19.00 19.00 19.25 19.00 19.00 19.25 19.38 19.50 19.50 19.50 19.63 20.13 20.75 21.25 21.25 110 122 124 117 109 109 106 100 107 107 109 109 110 110 118 118 106 106 104 115 116 115 125.42 160.77 130.71 188.17 142.65 179.1 145.84 187.28 149.27 190.99 157.5 184.18 160.23 179.45 145.9 189.62 153.37 173.24 146.53 197.31 148.04 164.11 411.29 431.79 427.33 445.13 451.24 453.93 463.5 473.89 555.39 478.47 540.77 544.72 535.65 565.98 542.11 578.69 637.47 661.1 711.05 666.83 662.44 650.41 3002 Ktrl 3004 Ktlr 3006 Ktrl 3008 Ktlr 3010 Ktrl 3012 Ktlr 3014 Ktrl 3016 Ktlr 3017 Krl 3019 Ktlr 3021 Ktrl 3023 Ktlr 3025 Ktrl 3027 Ktlr 3029 Ktrl 3031 Ktlr 3033 Ktrl 3035 Ktlr 3037 Ktrl 3039 Ktlr 3041 Ktrl 3043 Ktlr I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 50 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Filename Calibration const (Ks) Backscatter coefficient (S) SSC factor bottom (%) Distance to the left bank (m) Distance to the right bank (m) 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 21.75 22.38 22.50 22.38 21.88 21.50 21.00 20.13 20.25 20.88 20.75 20.38 19.75 19.25 19.38 20.00 21.00 21.50 21.50 21.50 144 143 214 212 189 181 108 134 131 107 106 104 105 110 141 143 107 119 143 148 183.6 137.01 141.28 158.04 161.53 148.06 148.88 138.48 134.49 124.18 141.77 153.05 158.82 174.34 186.73 217.5 138.29 197.84 142.56 197.57 635.57 568.72 504.3 464.29 483.63 449.17 579.96 486.03 488.68 418.1 449.69 395.35 444.89 408.42 460.24 421.1 463.06 444.42 446.11 466.8 3045 Ktrl 3047 Ktlr 3049 Ktrl 3051 Ktlr 3053 Ktrl 3055 Ktlr 3057 Ktrl 3059 Ktlr 3061 Ktrl 3063 Ktlr 3065 Ktrl 3067 Ktlr 3069 Ktrl 3071 Ktlr 3073 Ktrl 3075 Ktlr 3077 Ktrl 3079 Ktlr 3081 Ktrl 3083 Ktlr I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 51 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX G. CONTOURPLOTS OF FLOW VELOCITIES, SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION AND SEDIMENT FLUX PER SAILED TRANSECT I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 52 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics, Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K This page is intentionally left blank. I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 53 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX H. DISCHARGE AND SEDIMENT FLUX FOR THE TOTAL CROSS-SECTION I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 138 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Discharge distribution over the cross section: positive is from dock to river Filename 3002Ktrl 3004Klr 3006Ktrl 3008Ktlr 3010Ktrl 3012Ktlr 3014Ktrl 3016Ktlr 3017Ktrl 3019Ktlr 3021Ktrl 3023Ktlr 3025Ktrl 3027Ktlr 3029Ktrl 3031Ktlr 3033Ktrl 3035Ktlr 3037Ktrl 3039Ktlr 3041Ktrl 3043Ktlr 3045Ktrl 3047Ktlr 3049Ktrl 3051Ktlr 3053Ktrl 3055Ktlr 3057Ktrl 3059Ktlr 3061Ktrl 3063Ktlr 3065Ktrl 3067Ktlr 3069Ktrl 3071Ktlr 3073Ktrl 3075Ktlr 3077Ktrl 3079Ktlr I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Time to HW [hh:mm] 2:10 2:34 2:51 3:06 3:24 3:43 4:05 4:22 4:52 5:12 5:28 5:49 6:02 6:21 6:35 6:51 7:08 7:21 -5:06 -4:51 -4:33 -4:22 -4:09 -3:48 -3:21 -3:04 -2:50 -2:32 -2:13 -1:53 -1:37 -1:14 -0:51 -0:33 -0:18 0:00 0:18 0:34 0:58 1:15 Qmid [m³/s] Qtop [m³/s] Qbottom [m³/s] Qleft [m³/s] Qright [m³/s] Qtotal [m³/s] 5587 7202 8071 7760 8660 7913 7568 6410 6338 5542 5544 4987 4958 4338 4337 3653 3502 2912 1854 295 -1550 -2557 -3049 -3866 -4600 -4305 -4056 -4412 -4703 -5577 -6862 -10289 -12443 -11246 -8384 -5892 -3921 -2468 -545 895 1603 1950 2268 2298 2392 2325 2359 2106 1845 1808 1826 1678 1740 1508 1548 1288 1216 1013 654 182 -400 -625 -774 -1211 -1386 -1184 -1085 -1328 -1366 -1770 -2141 -3093 -3415 -2751 -2020 -1360 -775 -254 356 698 457 587 670 630 691 654 648 552 528 485 473 439 432 390 393 325 308 248 151 14 -151 -239 -273 -341 -399 -360 -342 -370 -395 -483 -583 -870 -984 -904 -672 -465 -303 -198 -32 89 243 737 384 1217 641 1341 612 1103 314 1078 736 828 800 1044 469 816 614 877 284 190 -216 -474 -707 -369 -379 -624 -612 -346 -329 -352 -197 -434 -384 -1103 -522 -683 -369 -1377 37 -957 611 684 689 867 707 1019 663 932 650 267 495 799 536 304 472 195 318 545 735 -332 -828 -697 -1268 -612 -590 -643 -236 -125 -750 -575 -620 -645 -1659 -920 -1646 -830 -672 -641 917 487 8501 11160 12082 12772 13091 13253 11850 11103 9675 9180 9074 8730 8467 7584 7218 6277 5957 5595 3678 350 -3145 -4592 -6071 -6398 -7354 -7115 -6331 -6581 -7542 -8757 -10403 -15330 -18885 -16924 -13243 -9231 -6040 -4939 732 1211 139 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Filename 3081Ktrl 3083Ktlr I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Time to HW [hh:mm] 1:31 1:49 Qmid [m³/s] Qtop [m³/s] Qbottom [m³/s] Qleft [m³/s] Qright [m³/s] Qtotal [m³/s] 2812 3906 1065 1303 241 325 381 1063 531 814 5029 7411 140 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Discharge distribution over the cross section: positive is from dock to river Filename 3002Ktrl 3004Klr 3006Ktrl 3008Ktlr 3010Ktrl 3012Ktlr 3014Ktrl 3016Ktlr 3017Ktrl 3019Ktlr 3021Ktrl 3023Ktlr 3025Ktrl 3027Ktlr 3029Ktrl 3031Ktlr 3033Ktrl 3035Ktlr 3037Ktrl 3039Ktlr 3041Ktrl 3043Ktlr 3045Ktrl 3047Ktlr 3049Ktrl 3051Ktlr 3053Ktrl 3055Ktlr 3057Ktrl 3059Ktlr 3061Ktrl 3063Ktlr 3065Ktrl 3067Ktlr 3069Ktrl 3071Ktlr 3073Ktrl 3075Ktlr 3077Ktrl 3079Ktlr I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Time to HW [hh:mm] 2:10 2:34 2:51 3:06 3:24 3:43 4:05 4:22 4:52 5:12 5:28 5:49 6:02 6:21 6:35 6:51 7:08 7:21 -5:06 -4:51 -4:33 -4:22 -4:09 -3:48 -3:21 -3:04 -2:50 -2:32 -2:13 -1:53 -1:37 -1:14 -0:51 -0:33 -0:18 0:00 0:18 0:34 0:58 1:15 Fmid [kg/s] Ftop [kg/s] Fbottom [kg/s] Fleft [kg/s] Fright [kg/s] Ftotal [kg/s] 1526 1908 1889 2405 2953 3309 4058 4067 3552 3033 3340 2806 2515 2127 2078 1687 1557 1159 641 88 -433 -652 -713 -704 -742 -679 -692 -855 -1049 -1658 -1877 -2735 -3510 -3777 -3250 -2705 -2031 -1008 -166 141 237 319 347 497 640 729 883 917 759 705 736 683 677 578 556 439 419 320 194 39 -72 -93 -118 -144 -135 -130 -131 -168 -185 -274 -295 -523 -673 -628 -534 -473 -271 -59 66 103 209 291 448 393 459 426 636 540 446 319 396 315 295 232 213 181 159 108 58 3 -62 -95 -132 -128 -212 -204 -173 -187 -193 -369 -465 -486 -611 -570 -410 -265 -240 -140 -12 21 79 157 111 219 251 272 164 276 138 354 281 269 217 275 132 200 161 170 75 43 -54 -130 -180 -79 -66 -129 -116 -73 -88 -95 -42 -75 -98 -352 -202 -365 -249 -633 17 -301 339 518 572 809 677 1053 722 614 547 152 263 408 280 128 229 78 125 193 355 -104 -214 -191 -629 -144 -94 -85 -30 -31 -187 -465 -396 -309 -921 -446 -690 -316 -235 -197 376 61 2390 3194 3368 4322 4979 5788 6463 6414 5440 4563 5016 4482 3983 3340 3209 2586 2421 1951 1324 69 -835 -1161 -1772 -1199 -1249 -1226 -1141 -1314 -1701 -2860 -3074 -4128 -5812 -5773 -5086 -4124 -3026 -2037 283 24 141 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Filename 3081Ktrl 3083Ktlr I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Time to HW [hh:mm] 1:31 1:49 Fmid [kg/s] Ftop [kg/s] Fbottom [kg/s] Fleft [kg/s] Fright [kg/s] Ftotal [kg/s] 602 743 139 162 80 130 148 317 83 164 1052 1515 142 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Concentration distribution over the cross section. Filename 3002Ktrl 3004Klr 3006Ktrl 3008Ktlr 3010Ktrl 3012Ktlr 3014Ktrl 3016Ktlr 3017Ktrl 3019Ktlr 3021Ktrl 3023Ktlr 3025Ktrl 3027Ktlr 3029Ktrl 3031Ktlr 3033Ktrl 3035Ktlr 3037Ktrl 3039Ktlr 3041Ktrl 3043Ktlr 3045Ktrl 3047Ktlr 3049Ktrl 3051Ktlr 3053Ktrl 3055Ktlr 3057Ktrl 3059Ktlr 3061Ktrl 3063Ktlr 3065Ktrl 3067Ktlr 3069Ktrl 3071Ktlr 3073Ktrl 3075Ktlr 3077Ktrl 3079Ktlr I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Time to HW [hh:mm] 2:10 2:34 2:51 3:06 3:24 3:43 4:05 4:22 4:52 5:12 5:28 5:49 6:02 6:21 6:35 6:51 7:08 7:21 -5:06 -4:51 -4:33 -4:22 -4:09 -3:48 -3:21 -3:04 -2:50 -2:32 -2:13 -1:53 -1:37 -1:14 -0:51 -0:33 -0:18 0:00 0:18 0:34 0:58 1:15 Cmid [mg/l] Ctop [mg/l] Cbottom [mg/l] Cleft [mg/l] Cright [mg/l] Ctotal [mg/l] 273 265 234 310 341 418 536 635 560 547 602 563 507 490 479 462 445 398 346 299 279 255 234 182 161 158 171 194 223 297 274 266 282 336 388 459 518 408 304 157 148 164 153 216 267 313 374 435 411 390 403 407 389 383 359 341 345 316 297 213 181 149 152 119 97 110 121 126 135 155 138 169 197 228 265 348 349 231 187 147 458 497 670 623 664 651 981 978 844 658 838 717 682 596 542 557 516 434 385 213 411 396 483 376 531 566 505 505 489 764 797 558 621 631 610 571 791 705 368 236 324 213 289 180 391 203 267 250 438 328 382 325 271 264 282 245 262 194 265 226 248 274 254 214 174 207 189 210 267 270 211 172 256 319 386 534 675 460 475 314 555 758 830 933 958 1033 1090 659 840 570 532 511 522 419 486 401 394 355 482 314 259 273 496 235 159 131 127 251 249 808 638 479 555 485 419 380 351 307 410 125 281 286 279 338 380 437 545 578 562 497 553 513 470 440 445 412 406 349 360 197 266 253 292 187 170 172 180 200 226 327 295 269 308 341 384 447 501 412 386 20 143 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Filename 3081Ktrl 3083Ktlr I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Time to HW [hh:mm] 1:31 1:49 Cmid [mg/l] Ctop [mg/l] Cbottom [mg/l] Cleft [mg/l] Cright [mg/l] Ctotal [mg/l] 214 190 130 124 332 398 388 298 156 201 209 204 144 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX I. AVERAGE SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION FOR THE TOTAL CROSS-SECTION I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 145 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Transect name 3002Ktrl 3004Klr 3006Ktrl 3008Ktlr 3010Ktrl 3012Ktlr 3014Ktrl 3016Ktlr 3017Ktrl 3019Ktlr 3021Ktrl 3023Ktlr 3025Ktrl 3027Ktlr 3029Ktrl 3031Ktlr 3033Ktrl 3035Ktlr 3037Ktrl 3039Ktlr 3041Ktrl 3043Ktlr 3045Ktrl 3047Ktlr 3049Ktrl 3051Ktlr 3053Ktrl 3055Ktlr 3057Ktrl 3059Ktlr 3061Ktrl 3063Ktlr 3065Ktrl 3067Ktlr 3069Ktrl 3071Ktlr 3073Ktrl 3075Ktlr 3077Ktrl 3079Ktlr 3081Ktrl I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA Average Time Time after measured SS [hh:mm HW Concentration MET] [hh:mm] [mg/l] 7:07 2:10 331 7:32 2:34 311 7:48 2:51 260 8:04 3:06 321 8:21 3:24 349 8:41 3:43 399 9:02 4:05 509 9:20 4:22 612 9:49 4:52 521 10:10 5:12 508 10:26 5:28 556 10:47 5:49 540 11:00 6:02 474 11:19 6:21 459 11:35 6:35 418 11:49 6:51 437 12:05 7:08 406 12:19 7:21 416 12:42 -5:06 328 12:57 -4:51 339 13:14 -4:33 278 13:26 -4:22 272 13:38 -4:09 246 13:59 -3:48 196 14:25 -3:21 172 14:42 -3:04 177 14:57 -2:50 183 15:15 -2:32 201 15:34 -2:13 261 15:54 -1:53 335 16:09 -1:37 322 16:32 -1:14 255 16:55 -0:51 280 17:14 -0:33 331 17:29 -0:18 390 17:48 0:00 460 18:06 0:18 531 18:22 0:34 405 18:46 0:58 276 19:03 1:15 234 19:19 1:31 263 146 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K 3083Ktlr Tide Ebb Flood I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 19:37 1:49 240 Concentration [mg/l] Average 409 269 Minimum 234 172 147 Maximum 612 390 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX J. TEMPORAL VARIATION OF TOTAL FLUX, TOTAL DISCHARGE AND SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 148 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Total discharge through the measured cross section, positive is from dock to river I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 149 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Total flux through the measured cross section, positive is from dock to river I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 150 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Suspended sediment concentration through the measured cross section I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 151 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K APPENDIX K. OVERVIEW OF HCBS2 AND AANSLIBBING DEURGANCKDOK REPORTS I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 152 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Report Description of HCBS2 Ambient Conditions Lower Sea Scheldt Overview of ambient conditions in the river Scheldt – January-June 2006 5.3 (I/RA/11291/06.088/MSA) 5.4 Overview of ambient conditions in the river Scheldt – July-December 2006 (I/RA/11291/06.089/MSA) 5.5 Overview of ambient conditions in the river Scheldt : RCM-9 buoy 84 & 97 (1/1/2007 -31/3/2007) (I/RA/11291/06.090/MSA) 5.6 Analysis of ambient conditions during 2006 (I/RA/11291/06.091/MSA) Calibration 6.1 Winter Calibration (I/RA/11291/06.092/MSA) 6.2 Summer Calibration and Final Report (I/RA/11291/06.093/MSA) Through tide Measurements Winter 2006 21/3 Scheldewacht – Deurganckdok – Salinity Distribution 7.1 (I/RA/11291/06.094/MSA) 7.2 22/3 Parel 2 – Deurganckdok (I/RA/11291/06.095/MSA) 7.3 22/3 Laure Marie – Liefkenshoek (I/RA/11291/06.096/MSA) 7.4 23/3 Parel 2 – Schelle (I/RA/11291/06.097/MSA) 7.5 23/3 Laure Marie – Deurganckdok (I/RA/11291/06.098/MSA) 7.6 23/3 Veremans Waarde (I/RA/11291/06.099/MSA) HCBS Near bed continuous monitoring (Frames) 8.1 Near bed continuous monitoring winter 2006 (I/RA/11291/06.100/MSA) INSSEV 9 Settling Velocity - INSSEV summer 2006 (I/RA/11291/06.102/MSA) Cohesive Sediment 10 Cohesive sediment properties summer 2006 (I/RA/11291/06.103/MSA) Through tide Measurements Summer 2006 Through Tide Measurement Sediview and Siltprofiler 27/9 Stream - Liefkenshoek 11.1 (I/RA/11291/06.104/MSA) 11.2 Through Tide Measurement Sediview 27/9 Veremans - Raai K (I/RA/11291/06.105/MSA) 11.3 Through Tide Measurement Sediview and Siltprofiler 28/9 Stream - Raai K (I/RA/11291/06.106/MSA) 11.4 Through Tide Measurement Sediview 28/9 Veremans Waarde(I/RA/11291/06.107/MSA) 11.5 Through Tide Measurements Sediview 28/9 Parel 2 - Schelle (I/RA/11291/06.108/MSA) 11.6 Through Tide measurement 26/9 Scheldewacht – Deurganckdok – Salinity Distribution (I/RA/11291/06.161/MSA) I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 153 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Analysis 12 Report concerning the presence of HCBS layers in the Scheldt river (I/RA/11291/06.109/MSA) Report Description of Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok between April 2006 till March 2007 Sediment Balance: Bathymetry surveys, Density measurements, Maintenance and construction dredging activities Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/4/2006 – 30/06/2006 1.1 (I/RA/11283/06.113/MSA) 1.2 Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/7/2006 – 30/09/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.114/MSA) 1.3 Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/10/2006 – 31/12/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.115/MSA) 1.4 Sediment Balance: Three monthly report 1/1/2007 – 31/03/2007 (I/RA/11283/06.116/MSA) 1.5 Annual Sediment Balance (I/RA/11283/06.117/MSA) 1.6 Sediment balance Bathymetry: 2005 – 3/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.118/MSA) Factors contributing to salt and sediment distribution in Deurganckdok: Salt-Silt (OBS3A) & Frame measurements, Through tide measurements (SiltProfiling & ADCP) Through tide measurement Siltprofiler 21/03/2006 Laure Marie 2.1 (I/RA/11283/06.087/WGO) 2.2 Through tide measurement Siltprofiler 26/09/2006 Stream (I/RA/11283/06.068/MSA) 2.3 Through tide measurement Sediview spring tide 22/03/2006 Veremans (I/RA/11283/06.110/BDC) 2.4 Through tide measurement Sediview spring tide 27/09/2006 Parel 2 (I/RA/11283/06.119/MSA) 2.5 Through tide measurement Sediview average tide 24/10/2007 Parel 2 (I/RA/11283/06.120/MSA) 2.6 Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok 13/3/2006 – 31/05/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.121/MSA) 2.7 Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok 15/07/2006 – 31/10/2006 (I/RA/11283/06.122/MSA) 2.8 Salt-Silt distribution & Frame Measurements Deurganckdok 12/02/2007 – 18/04/2007 (I/RA/11283/06.123/MSA) 2.9 Calibration stationary equipment autumn (I/RA/11283/07.095/MSA) I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 154 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08 IMDC NV i.s.m. WL|Delft Hydraulics Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok en Gems Report 2.13: Through Tide Measurement Sediview 11/03/2008 Transect K Report Description of Opvolging aanslibbing Deurganckdok between April 2006 till March 2007 Boundary Conditions: Upriver Discharge, Salt concentration Scheldt, Bathymetric evolution in access channels, dredging activities in Lower Sea Scheldt and access channels Boundary conditions: Three monthly report 1/1/2007 – 31/03/2007 3.1 (I/RA/11283/06.127/MSA) including HCBS 2 report 5.5 3.2 Boundary condtions: Annual report (I/RA/11283/06.128/MSA)1 Analysis 4.1 Analysis of Siltation Processes and Factors (I/RA/11283/06.129/MSA) 1 considered in report 5.6 ‘Analysis of ambient conditions during 2006’ (I/RA/11291/06.091/MSA) in the framework of the study ‘Extension of the study about density currents in the Beneden Zeeschelde’ I/RA/11283/07.089/MSA 155 versie 1.0 - 12/08/08