FAMILY HOUSING 1 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 12. DATE Il. COMPONENT AIR FORCE COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST INSTALLATION AND LOCATION AIR COMBAT COMMAND COST INDEX WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, 1.01 SUPPORTED PERMANENT STUDENTS I OFF 1 ENL I CIV OFF1 ENL 1 CIV 1 OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV TOTAL Grength AS OF 30 SEP 02 3580 375 422 0 1 0 13 45 67 4,503 END FY 2007 422 3580 375 0 1 0 13 45 67 4,503 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 5,214 Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 1,372,989 Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: a 18,221 Authorization Requested in this Program: Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 38,951 IPlanned in Next Three Years Program: 39,007 Remaining Deficiency: cl Grand Total: 1,469.168 I I Yl”“lII #“I 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY CODE 711-142 PROJECT TITLE Replace Family Housing (FY 2004) SCOPE 100 UN 9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: 711-142 711-142 Replace Family Housing Replace Family Housing (FY2005) 104 UN 113 UN Replace Family Housing Replace Family Housing 18,926 20,025 (FYO6-09) 9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: 711-142 711-142 COST DESIGN STATUS $,OOO S T A R T C M P L 18,221 Jul-02 May-03 76 UN 128 UN 14,579 24,428 102,649 9c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 10. Mission or Major Functions: A bomber wing with two squadrons of B-2 aircraft; and an Air Force Reserve fighter wing with one A/OA-10 squadron. DD Form 1390.24 Jul 00 1 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, MISSOURI REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING WITH LAND ACQUISITION PHASE 5 6. CATEGORY CODE 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 7. PROJECT NUMBER YWHG029300 711-142 88741 6. PROJECT COST ($000) 18,221 . 9. COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS LANDSCAPING RECREATION LAND ACQUISITION DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.7%) TOTAL REQUEST U/M QUANTITY UNIT COST UN LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 100 117,280 COST ww 11.728 4.689 (875) (1,120) (1,015) (439) (790) (75) (375) 16,417 &l 17,238 p3J 18,221 1.01 AREA COST FACTOR 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Design and construct 100 JNCO single or duplex family housing units with all necessary support. Includes: land acquisition. site development, utilities, roads, parking, sidewalks, street lighting, garages, storage, force protection, patios. privacy fencing, air conditioning, appliances, recreation facility and play areas, tot lots, landscaping. partial basements. and all other necessary support. Payqrade Bedroom El-E6 3 4 El-E6 Programmed NSF GSF 1,315 1,630 1,573 1,950 Maximum size: El-E6/3 Bedroom (1420 NSF/1760 GSF) Maximum SIX: E I-E6I-l Bedroom (1790 NSF/2220 GSF) 11. REQUIREMENT: 2,013 UN Project Factor 1.010 1.010 GSM 151 181 Cost Per GSM $754 $754 No Units 90 22 100 ($000) j&If 10,349 1.379 11,728 ’ ADEQUATE: 1,298 UN SUBSTANDARD: 693 UN PROJECT: Replace Military Family Housing (Phase 5) and acquire necessary land to meet “whole-house” and new housing SIX 3randards. (Current Mission) REQUIREMfiNT: This project is required to provide modern. effictcnt housin,cv for military members and their Families sturloncd ;11 WhIteman AFB. All units will meet “\vhole-house” standards and are programmed in accordance with the Hou>~n~ C‘ommunlty Plan. This housing \\ ill pro\ I& ;I ufc. comfortable and appealing living environment :omp;lrablc 10 the off-base clvilian community. Land acquislrlon \\ill be 25 acres 10 accommodate the increased lousin; size \landarrlh. MH 1 DE “3C” II-4 I C”lVHLL T PAGE NO UNTIL EXHAUSTED 361 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, MISSOURI 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING WITH LAND ACQUISITION I YWHG029300 CURRENT SITUATION: The rural community surrounding Whiteman AFB does not have sufficient, adequate housing assets to support existing requirements. The latest Housin_r Market Analysis indicates a deficit of 129 housing units. The deficit is significant for JNCO grades. These are the families that can least afford to live off-base. Off-base housing is very difficult to find and expensive. No land is available within current base boundaries to support construction of the larger sized replacement homes. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Air Force members and their families will be housed in unsatisfactory facilities, which will contribute to lowered morale. Housing inventory will continue to deteriorate without capital improvements. Without this project, the repair of these units will occur in a more costly. piecemeal fashion with little overall improvement to the quality of living. ADDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Part II of Military Handbook 1190, “Facility Planning and Design Guide”. An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of construction, leasing, and status quo operation. Based on the net present values and benefits of the respective alternatives, construction was found to be the most effective over the life of the project. The SIOH is 5.7% since the Army Corp of Engineers will be the construction agent. Base Civil Engineer. Major Richard Sloop, at DSN 97.53503. DD FORM 1391 c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 362 L. UHlt 1. LUMt’UNtN I AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 1 WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE. MISSOURI 5. PROJECT NUMBER t 4. PROJECT TITLE ~REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING WITII LXND ACQUISITION ~PHASE 5 ~12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: YWHG029300 (1) Status: ( a ), Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used - Design/Bid/Build 02 Jul31 N 35 02 Dee 15 03 May 15 NO N/A (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house ($835) 835 0 835 835 (4) Construction Start 04 Apr (5) Construction Completion 05 Jun b. Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391c. DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 363 12. MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING JUSTIFICATION 3. DOD COMPONENT AIR FORCE 5. DATA AS OF 1 1. DATE OF REPORT act-01 4. REPORTING INSTALLATION a. NAME WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE FISCAL YE A R 2004 IREPORT CONTROL IDD-ABL(ARj1716 SYMBOL b. LOCATION Phase 5 MISSOURI 5. REMARKS Item lZ.a.(l): 693 on-base units are inadequate. 364 3 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM I. COMPONENT 2. DATE AIR FORCE NSTALLATION AND LOCATION COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST vlALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, AIR FORCE SPACE COST INDEX vlONTANA COMMAND 1.15 5. Personnel STUDENTS JT SUPPORTED 1 CIV OFF1 E N L 1 CIV Strength OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV TQTAL 31 432 01 01 9s OF 30 SEP 02 0 01 01 0 3,996 :ND FY 2007 3 0 5 2 ) 4311 01 5111 01 01 01 01 3,99d 01 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) rotal Acreage: 3,701 nventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 1,247,51: juthorization Not Yet in Inventory: 4,71: Authorization Requested in this Program: 19,361 Authorization Included in the Following Program: I (FY 2005) ‘Ianned in Next Three Years Program: 36,38’ qemaining Deficiency: ( brand Total: 1,307,971 3. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: >ATEGORY PROJECT TITLE ZODE ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing (FY 2004) SCOPE 94 UN )a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: None COST DESIGN STATUS $,OOO S T A R T C M P L 19,368 Sep-02 Jun-0: (FY 2005) none * lb. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing (FYO6-09) 70 UN 72 UN 17,848 18,533 76,54( fc. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 0. Mission or Major Functions: AFSPC strategic missile base supporting the 341 st Space Wing and an \NG/ACC Red Horse Squadron. ID Form 1390,24 Jul 00 365 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2 DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 4. PROJECT TITLE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MONTANA 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING 7. PROJECT NUMBER 71 I-142 88741 8. PROJECT COST ($000) NZAS994006N 19.368 9. COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENT UTILITY MAINS STREETS LANDSCAPING RECREATION ENVIRONMENTAL SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.7%) TOTAL REQUEST U/M QUANTIl-Y UNIT COST UN LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 94 172,649 COST 6ow) 16,229 1,222 (380) wo (182) (180) fl801 (100) 17,451 873 18,324 1,044 19,368 1.15 AREA COST FACTOR 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Replace 93 existing military family housing units. Includes construction, site preparation, utilities, streets. landscapin g. recreation. and environmental remediation (lead-based paint and asbestos removal). Programmed Project Cost Per No ($000) GSM Factor Units Total Pavqrade Bedroom pl!3J GSF GSM 1,712 159 1.196 $754 36 5,162 2 1,381 El-E6 1.196 18 3,019 1,615 2,002 186 $754 El-E6 3 4 . 216 1.196 $754 779 4 1,873 2,322 El-E6 24 207 1.196 $754 4,480 3 1,800 2,232 01-03 4 $754 848 2,522 235 4 1.196 01-03 2,034 1.941 4 1.196 $754 269 2,332 2,892 06 s 94 16,229 Maximum size: El-E6/2 Bedroom (1210 NSF/1500 GSF). 3 Bedroom (1420 NSF11760 GSF). 4 Bedroom (1790 NSF/ 2220 GSF); Ol-03/3 Bedroom (1650 NSF12050 GSF). 3 Bedroom (2020 NSF/2500 GSF); O-614 Bedroom (2350 NSF/ 2920 GSF) 11. REQUIREMENT: 1,963 UN ADEQUATE: 397 UN SUBSTANDARD: 1,009 UN PROJECT: Replace 94 family housing units. (Current Minion) REQUIREMENT: Project will provide modern and efficient housing for military members and their families assigned lt Maimstrom AFB. All units are required to meet “whole hou~e/neifhborhood” standards, current AF housing size ;tandards. and provide a safe. comfortable. and appealin,~1 Irvin?c environment comparable to the off-base civilian Iommunity. Infrastructure items will be replaced. ah needed; 1.e. electrical wiring, gas piping. water piping and sanitary Jrain lines. -\n trl3PM ,203 nl=:r 7c Dc2lz\,lnl I< ~:nlTlnhl~ A.,A” l2c I ICFrl INTI=C)klAI I ” 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE. hlONTANA 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING NZAS994006N CURRENT SITUATION: This project replaces 9-l military family housing units constructed in 1965. These units are over 39 years old and none of the units meet current AF housing size standards or “whole house/neighborhood” standards. The units show the effects of age and continuous heavy use. The houses have deteriorated to the point where replacement is the most economical alternative. Wiring and fixtures have been identified as not meeting current codes. Wiring is brittle and exposed in many units and IS a fire hazard. There are no Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter protection, and outlets lack proper grounding protection. Lighting systems are inefficient and require replacement. Plumbing systems have succumbed to the effects of hard water and corrosion, resulting in severe constriction and pipe leakage. Plumbing fixtures are worn and discolored and require replacing with new items. Housing interiors are inadequate. Bedrooms are outdated and units are energy-Inefficient. Kitchens lack sufficient storage and counterspace, cabinets are old, and countertops and sinks are badly worn. Flooring throughout the units is outdated. Housing also lacks the arctic area that is authorized for northern tier installations. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Air Force members and their families will continue to be housed in inadequate housing units. Low morale and retention problems can be expected since suitable. affordable off-base housing is not readily available. Without the replacement, housing units will continue to deteriorate resulting in escalating operations, maintenance, and repair costs to the Government. ADDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Part II of Military Handbook 1190, “Facilities Planning and Design Guide.” An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of replacement construction. improvement. and status quo. Based on the net present values and benefit of this respective alternative, replacement construction was found to be most COSI effective over the life of the project. Since this is replacement ilousing. there will be no increase in the student population or impact on the ability of the local school district to support base dependents. The improvement cost represents more than 70% of the replacement cost. U.S. Army Corps If Engineers will be the construction agent. Resulting the SIOH of 5.7%. Base Civil Engineer: PHILIP E. RAINFORTH, Lt Col. USAF (commercial 406-73 I-6188). ID FORM 1391c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY tiNTlL EXHAUSTED 367 1. COMPONENT .4IR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE. MONTANA 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: NZAS993006N ( 1) status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or (d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house Design/Bid/Build 02 Sep 06 N 35 02 Dee 30 03 Jun 30 NO N/A W390) 890 0 890 890 (-I) Construction Start 04 May (5) Construction Completion 05 Sep 1. Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391 c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 3643 MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING JUSTIFICATION 1 1. DATE OF REPORT Ott-02 4. REPORTING INSTALLATION a. NAME 3. DOD COMPONENT AIR FORCE I 2. ! YEAR SYMBOL b. LOCATION MONTANA CURRENT ANALYSIS IREPORT CONTROL IDD-ABL(AR)1716 2004 Phase 4 MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE 5. DATA AS OF 2002 FlscAL PROJECTED c. UNACCEPTABLE HOUSED IN COMMUNITY 0 0 0 0 3 1 65 69 3 1 59 63 347 200 1.474 2.021 345 196 1,422 1.963 311 200 1.416 1.927 309 196 1.364 1,669 222 136 954 1,312 222 136 954 1.312 36 0 56 94 36 0 59 94 IO. VOLUNTARY SEPARATIONS I I I Il. EFFECTIVE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS 12. HOUSING ASSETS (a + b) a. UNDER MILITARY CONTROL (1) HOUSED IN EXISTING DOD OWNED/CONTROLLED (2) UNDER CONTRACT/APPROVED (3) VACANT (4) INACTIVE b. PRIVATE HOUSING (1) ACCEPTABLY HOUSED (2) ACCEPTABLE VACANT RENTAL 4. PROPOSED PROJECT 5. REMARKS Item 12.a.(l): 1,009 On-base units are inadequate. 369 I 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2. DATE AIR FORCE INSTALLATION AND LOCATION COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, AIR COMBAT COMMAND COST INDEX 0.82 NORTH CAROLINA 6. Personnel PERMANENT STUDENTS SUPPORTED Strength OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV OFF\ ENL 1 CIV OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV AS OF 30 SEP 02 5321 43441 385 51 11 0 01 01 170 END FY 2007 5321 43441 3851 5) 11 01 01 01 1701 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 4,107 Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: Authorization Requested in this Program: Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) Planned in Next Three Years Program: Remaining Deficiency: Grand Total: B. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY CODE 711-142 PROJECT TITLE Replace Family Housing Replace Family Housing Replace Family Housing SCOPE 138 UN Replace Family Housing Replace Family Housing 904,31 COST DESIGN STATUI $,OOO S T A R T C M P L 18,336 Jul-02 May-O: (FY2005) 150 UN 150 UN ab. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: 711-142 71 l-142 791,71 lo,60 18,33 4184 41,821 (FY 2004) 3a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: 711-142 711-142 TOTA 5.4: 5,43 20,331 21,511 (FYO6-09) 150 UN 150 UN 20,716 21,110 )c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 116,13’ IO. Mission or Major Functions: A fighter wing with 4 F-l 5E squadrons, including 2 which conduct all initial qualification training, and an Air Force Reserve KC-135 air refueling wing. COMPONENl AIR FORCE 1 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 1 4. PROJECTTITLE SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE. NORTII CAROLINA 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT ( 6. CATEGORY CODE 1 7. PROJECTNUMBER \ 71 l-132 88741 REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 7 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 4G036002 . 18.336 9. COST E TIMAl ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS LANDSCAPING RECREATION DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.5%) TOTAL REQUEST U/M OUANTITY UNIT COST UN LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 13s 85.862 COST ($OW 11.849 4,703 (1,493) ( 1,020) (645) (190) cmo) (1,155) 16.552 828 17,380 956 18,336 o.s:! AREA COST FACTOR 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Replace S housing units. Includes den ition, site clearing, replacement/upgrade of utility systems and roads. and construction of new town house and duplex housing units. Provides normal amenities to include parkin g. air conditioning. single garages, exterior patios and privacy Fencing. neighborhood playgrounds and recreational areas. and landscaping. Includes asbestos and lead based paint -emoval. Pavqrade Bedroom El-E6 2 El-E6 3 Programmed pl!sJ GSF 1,081 1,340 1,315 1,630 GSM 124 151 Project Factor 0.820 0.820 Cost Per GSM $754 $754 No Units 62 E 138 ($000) m 4,764 7.095 11,849 Maximum size: El-E6/2 Bedroom (1210 NSF/I500 GSF) Maximum size: E I-E6/3 Bedroom ( 1420 NSF/l 760 GSF) Il. REQUIREMENT: 2,532 UN ADEQUATE: 1,400 UN SUBSTANDARD: 1 ,132 UN (1 Phase 7. (Current Mission) ‘ROJECT: Replace Military Family Housin,. IEQUIREhlENT: This project is required to provide modern and efficient housing for military members and their iependents stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB. All units \vill meet “whole house” standards and are programmed in accordance with the Housing Community Profile. Replacement housing will provide a safe, comfortable, and appealing living environment comparable to the off-base civilian community. This is the seventh of multiple phases to jrovide adequate housing for base personnel. The replacement housing will provide a modern kitchen. living room. jedroom and bath configuration. with ample interior and exterior storage and a single car garage. Exterior parking will re provided for :I second occupant vehicle and guests. The basic neighborhood support infrastructure will be upgraded I) meet modern housina needs. )D FORM 1391, DEC 76 F‘AGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 371 2. UAlt 1. LUMVUNtN I FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE. NORTlI CAROLINA 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 7 VKAG036002 CURRENT SITUATION: This project replaces 13s housin g units. which were constructed in 1958. These 44 year-old houses are showing the effects of age and continuous heavy use. They have had no major upgrades since construction and do not meet the needs of today’s families. nor do thev provide a modern home environment. Roofs and exterior walls require major repair or replacement owing to the effects of age and the environment. Ceiling and wall insulation are inadequate. Foundations and pavements are showing signs of failure due to settlement. Plumbing and electrical systems are antiquated and do not meet current standards for efficiency or safety. Housing interiors are inadequate by any modem criteria. Bedrooms are small and lack adequate closet space. Bathrooms are small and fixtures are outdated. Kitchens have insufficient cabinets. countertops. and storage space. Cabinets are old and unsightly. and countertops and sinks are worn. Flooring throughout the house is outdated. and contains evidence of asbestos. Plumbing and electrical systems are outdated and require abnormal maintenance and repair. Lighting systems throughout the house are inefficient and do not meet modern needs. Heating and air conditioning systems require upgrade or replacement. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Air Force members and their families will continue to live in extremely outdated and unsatisfactory housing. The housing units will continue to deteriorate with age, resulting in increased maintenance and repair costs, increased inconvenience to the occupants. and will ultimately become uninhabitable. Piecemeal repairs will continue to be accomplished with little or no substantial improvement in occupant’s quality of life. These conditions will have an adverse impact on morale and degrade mission execution. ADDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Part II of the Military Handbook 1190, “Facility Planning and Design Guide”. An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of new construction, improvements. and status quo operation. Based on the net present values and benefits of the respective alternatives, replacement construction was found to be the most cost effective over the life of the project. Since this is replacement housing. there will be no increase in the student population or impact on the ability of the local school district to support base dependents. The cost to improve this housing is 74% of the replacement cost. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Kevin E. Rumsey. DSN 722-5 142. . DD FORM 1391 c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 372 2. DATE 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE. NORTlI CAROLIN.-\ 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 7 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed: (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house (4) Construction Start VKAG036002 Design/Bid/Build 02 Jul 15 N 35 02 Dee 07 03 May 15 NO N/A ($840) 840 0 840 840 04 Mar (5) Construction Completion 05 Jul 3. Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A )D FORM 1391c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 373 1. DATE OF REPORT Ott-00 4. REPORTING INSTALLATION a. NAME SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING JUSTIFICATION 3. DOD COMPONENT AIR FORCE 5. DATA AS OF Jul-00 I ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS AND ASSETS 6. TOTAL PERSONNEL STRENGTH 2. FISCAL YEAR 2004 REPORT CONTROL SYMBOL DD-ABL(AR)1716 b. LOCATION Phase 7 NORTH CAROLINA I CURRENT OFFICER E9-E7 1 lb) (a) 5 7. PERMANENT PARTY PERSONNEL 5 6 374 j TOTAL ‘I? (d) 3.644 4,574 PROJECTED OFFICER E9-E7 (e) (f) 547 368 E6-El (9) TOTAL (h) 3,582 4,497 I 5. REMARKS Item 12.a.(l): 1132 on-base units are inadequate. 374 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2. DATE 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE COMMAND: INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 5. AREA CONST AIR MOBILITY COMMAND COST INDEX GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE 1 .Ol NORTH DAKOTA STUDENTS PERMANENT SUPPORTED 6. Personnel I I 1 CIV 1 OFF1 ENL 1 CIV 1 OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV TOTAL OFF ENL Strength AS OF 30 SEP 02 319 2405 326 0 0 0 1 1 END FY 2007 319 2405 324 0 0 0 1 1 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 5,422 Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 1,316,163 Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 55,461 Authorization Requested in this Program: 29,550 Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 18,966 Planned in Next Three Years Program: 59,828 Remaining Deficiency: 0 Grand Total: 1,479,968 r 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY PROJECT TITLE CODE 711-142 Replace Family Housing I 9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: 711-142 Replace Family Housing Typical Planned Next Three Years: Replace Family Housing Replace Family Housing (FY2004) SCOPE 144 UN COST DESIGN STATUS $,OOO S T A R T C M P L 29,550 Jul-02 May-03 (FY 2005) 88 UN 18,966 (FYO6-09) 180 UN 90 UN 40,135 19,693 9c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This lnstallatron 10. Mission and Major Functions: An air refueling wing with four KC-l 35 squadrons. I I 110,433 1 DD Form 1390,24 Jul 00 375 r 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE. NORTlI DAKOT.-\ 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 88741 REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE G 7. PROJECT NUMBER 8. PROJECT COST ($000) JFSD990079 711-132 29.550 9 COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS RECREATION DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.7’;;) TOTAL REQUEST U/M QUANTITY UNIT COST UN LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 144 155,95 1 COST ww 22,457 4,168 (558) (668) (572) (900) (670) (800) 26,625 1.331 27,956 1.594 29,550 AREA COST FACTOR 1.01 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Replace 141 housing units. Site improvements include underground utilities. parkin e, landscaping, patios, privacy fencin,, v and community improvements. Amenities include Energy efficiency. heating. air conditioning, floor coverings. attached garages, storage, and at least 6 units constructed as handicapped adaptable. Includes demolition of 14-l existing units and environmental hazard remediation. Pavqrade Bedroom El-E6 3 4 El-E6 E7-E9 3 4 E7-E9 Programmed pJsJ GSF 1,615 2,002 1,873 2,322 1,800 2,232 2,034 2,522 GSM 186 216 207 235 Project Factor 1.010 1.010 1.010 1.010 Cost Per GSM $754 $754 $754 $754 No Units 64 58 4 18 144 ($000) w 9,066 9,540 630 3.221 22,457 Maximum size: E I -E6/3 Bedroom ( 1720 NSF/3 133 GSF) Maximum size: El-EO/J Bedroom (2090 NSF/2592 GSF) Maximum size: E7-E9/3 Bedroom (1950 NSF/24 18 GSF) Maximum size: E7-E9/4 Bedroom (2320 NSF/2877 GSF) 11. REQUIREMENT: 1,585 UN ADEQUATE: 788 UN SUBSTANDARD: 797 UN ?ROJECT: Replace Military Family Housing Phase G (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: Prqject will provide modern and efficient housing for military members and their families assigned it Grand Forks AFB. All units will meet “whole house/ neighborhood” standards and provide a safe, comfortable. and lppealinf living environment comparable to the off-base civilian community. Pro.iect is programmed in accordance Nith the HousIng Community Plan and Family Housing Master Plan. At least 6 units will be constructed as landicapped adaptable. Each unit includes additional 300 net square feet (NSF) authorized for recreation space at larsh climate baseh. L D PAGE NO I. b"NIl-"NtlY I AIR FORCE ii. IJAlt FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE. NORTH DAKOTA 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE G I JFSD990079 ’ CURRENT SITUATION: This project replaces houses constructed 19581959. The units are undersized, meet few of the “whole house/neighborhood” standards. and show the effects of age and continuous heavy use. They have had no major upgrades since construction and do not meet the needs of today‘s families. Roofs. walls, foundations. and exterior pavements require major repair or replacement owing to the effects of age. Roof structures show signs of rot. Plumbing and electrical systems are antiquated and do not meet current standards for efficiency or safety. Housing interiors are inadequate by any modern criteria. Bedrooms are small and lack closet space. Bathrooms are small, and fixtures are outdated and energy-inefficient. Kitchens lack sufficient storage and counter space, cabinets are old and unsightly, and countertops and sinks are badly worn. Flooring throughout the house is outdated and contains asbestos. Outlets lack grounding protection, and there is no Ground Fault Interrupter circuit protection. Lighting systems are inefficient and require replacement, and units have no air conditioning. The units have no patio or backyard privacy. Housing lacks additional 300 net square feet for indoor recreation space authorized at harsh climate bases. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Air Force members and families will continue to be inadequately housed. Low morale and retention problems can be expected since comparable. affordable off-base housing is not available. Units will continue to deteriorate resulting in escalating operations, maintenance, and repair costs to the Government. ADDITIONAL.: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Part II of Military Handbook 1190, “Facilities Planning and Design Guide”. Since this is replacement housin,. (1 there will be no increase in the student population or impact on the ability of the local school district to support base dependents. An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of new construction. revitalization. leasing and status quo operation. Based on the net present values and benefits of the respective alternatives. new construction was found to be the most cost efficient over the life of the project. The cost to improve this housing is 85% of the replacement cost. ,The construction agent for this project is the Army Corps of Engineers resulting in SIOH costs of 5.7%. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Col Douglas Tarbett, (701) 7374768. DD FORM 1391 c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 1. COMPONENr Z.lJAlt FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE. NORTH D.AKOTA 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE G 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: JFSD990079 (1) Status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used - Design/Bid/Build 02 Jul31 N 35 02 Dee 15 03 May 30 NO N/A (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house ($1,350) 1.350 0 1,350 1,350 (4) Construction Start 04 May (5) Construction Completion 05 Aug b. Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A . DD FORM 1391c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 378 MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING JUSTIFICATION 3. DOD COMPONENT AIR FORCE 5. DATA AS OF Jul-01 1. DATE OF REPORT Dee-01 4. REPORTING INSTALLATION a. NAME GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS AND ASSETS 6. TOTAL PERSONNEL STRENGTH 2. FISCAL YEAR 2004 REPORT CONTROL SYMBOL DD-ABL(AR)1716 b. LOCATION Phase G CURRENT OFFICER E9-E7 (a) (b) NORTH DAKOTA E6-El (cl TOTAL (d) PROJECTED OFFICER E9-E7 (d (0 E6-El (9) TOTAL W 312 245 2.152 2,709 307 236 2,093 2,636 312 245 2.152 2.709 307 236 2,093 2,636 185 218 1,241 1.644 0 22 122 144 0 0 0 0 0 22 122 144 n n n n 7. PERMANENT PARTY PERSONNEL 6. GROSS FAMILY HOUSING REQUIREMENTS 9. TOTAL UNACCEPTABLY HOUSED (a + b + c) a. INVOLUNTARILY SEPARATED b. IN MILITARY HOUSING TO BE DISPOSED/REPLACED c. UNACCEPTABLE HOUSED IN COMMUNITY Il. EFFECTIVE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS 12. HOUSING ASSETS (a + b) a. UNDER MILITARY CONTROL (1) HOUSED IN EXISTING DOD Item 12.a.(l): 797 on-base units are inadequate. 289 surplus units (241 Officer, 48 SNCO) will be demolished when useful life ends. 379 AIR FORCE COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST INSTALLATION AND LOCATION AIR COMBAT COMMAND COST INDEX MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, NORTH DAKOTA 1.10 PERMANENT STUDENTS SUPPORTED 6. Personnel TOTAL ENL ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV OFF CIV Strength OFF AS OF 30 SEP 02 596 4112 498 0 0 0 0 1 54 5,26’ END FY 2007 596 4113 498 0 0 0 0 1 54 5,26: 7: INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 5,383 1,202,67: Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 18,00( Authorization Requested in this Program: 41,11; Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 40,66( 215,22( Planned in Next Three Years Program: Remaining Deficiency: ( 1,517,68f Grand Total: 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY CODE 711-142 PROJECT TITLE Replace Family Housing (FY 2004) SCOPE 200 UN COST DESl,GN STATUS $.OOO S T A R T C M P L 41 ,117 Jul-02 May-O: 9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: (FY2005) 711-142 Replace Family Housing (FYO6-09) 3b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: 71 l-142 711-142 711-142 711-142 711-142 Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Family Family Family Family Family Housing Housing Housing Housing Housing 40,668 170 UN 198 186 178 190 178 UN UN UN UN UN 41,440 42,227 43,030 43,848 44,681 332,258 3c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation IO. Mission or Major Functions: A host bomb wing with B-52H aircraft, and an AF Space Command space Ning with Mrnuteman III missiles. ID Form 1390. 24 Jul 00 380 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION -I PROJECT TITLE MINOT AIR FORCE BASE. NORTH DAKOTA REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 10 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7 PROJECT NUMBER QJ L’F0.4900 1 71 I-142 88731 8. PROJECT COST.(SOOO) 41.117 9. COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES UTILITY MAINS STREETS LANDSCAPING RECREATION SEPCIAL CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%-) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.75 ) TOTAL REQUEST U/M QUANTITY UNIT COST UN LS LS LS LS LS LS 200 149.255 COST ww 29.85 1 7,197 (1,800) (1,707) (295) (995) (2,400) 37,048 1.852 38,900 2.217 41,117 AREA COST FACTOR 1.10 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Rephi.CL’ NO housing units with all necessary supporting facilities including: garages, patios, fencin g, utiltties. air conditiomnf. appliances. exterior storage, roads, parking, sidewalks. playground. landscapin,,0 and all other necessary support facilities. Units will be new construction to replace units removed by the Walking Shield program. Pavorade Bedroom El-E6 3 4 El-E6 Programmed p&J GSF 1.615 2,002 1,873 2,322 GSM 186 216 ProJect Factor Cost Per GSM $754 $754 1.023 1.023 No Units 150 32 200 ($000) m 21,521 8.330 29,851 Maximum size: E 1 -Eb/i Bedroom (1720 NSF/2 I33 GSF) Maximum size: E 1 -Eb/-t Bedroom (2090 NSF/3592 GSF) 11. REQUIREMENT: 2,591 UN ADEQUATE: 1,265 UN SUBSTANDARD: 1,326 UN ~1 Phase 10. (Current Mission). PROJECT: Replace hlilitary Family Housin,. REQUIRE~XIENT: This project is required to provide modern and efficient housin,0 for military members and their dependents stnttoncd at hlinot AFB. Units will bc new construction to replace units removed by the Walking Shield program and will provide a safe, comfortable, and appealm,(1 living environment comparable to the off-base civilian zommuntty. This project IS programmed in accordance with the f lousing Community Plan. The new housing units will provide a modern kitchen. livin,(7 room. and bath configuration with ample interior and exterior storage plus an additional 700 SF per unit to provide an indoor “Arctic” recreation room as authorized for harsh climate bases. Single Jr double car parages 1, ill be provided. Off street parking will be provided for a second vehicle if a double car garage IS not provided. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 381 COMPONENT AIR FORCE 1 2. DATE I FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MINOT AIR FORCE BASE. NORTH DAKOTA 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING PHASE IO QJVFO49001 CURRENT SITUATION: This project was originally programmed to replace the relocatable units that were put at Minot AFB in the late 1960s to support the Space Win,0 mission. The relocatables are currently being removed through the Walking Shield program and moved to various Indian reservations at no expense to the Air Force. The Walking shield program is saving Minot AFB approximately S2.1 million in demolition costs. This also provides a clean site to build on. With the shortened construction season at MAFB and the scope of the MFH program it is imperative that we have a clean site to build on. Therefore, the demolition costs saved on this phase can then be used for demolition of 176 units on phase 11 and the conveying of 24 units to Walking Shield. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Air Force members and their families will be housed in unsatisfactory facilities. which will contribute to lowered morale. Housing inventory will continue to deteriorate without capital improvements. Without this project, the repair of these units will occur in a more costly, piecemeal fashion with little overall improvement to the quality of living. ADDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Part II of the Military Handbook 1190, Facility Planning Design Guide. The improvement cost represents 7 1.3% of the replacement cost. Since this is replacement housing, there will be no increase in the student population or impact on the local school district to support base dependents. 5.7% Supervision, Inspection, and Overhead (SIOH) is being programmed for Army Corps of Engineers. The neighborhood support infrastructure will be upgraded to meet modern housing needs, to include landscaping, playgrounds and recreation areas. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Les Martin. (701) 723-3895. 3D FORM 1391c. DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 382 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE f=Y 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MINOT AIR FORCE BASE. NORTH DAKOTA 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 10 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: QJVFO49001 (1) Status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house . Design/Bid/Build 02 Jul31 N 35 02 Dee 20 03 May 30 NO N/A ($1.880) 1,880 0 1,880 1,880 (4) Construction Start 04 Mar (5) Construction Completion 05 Jun ). Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A ID FORM 1391~. DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 383 3. DOD COMPONENT AIR FORCE 5. DATA AS OF May-01 ,. ._......_. - - .~ b. LOCATION NORTH DAKOTA PRO.lFCTFll CURRENT E9-E7 OFFICER lb) (a) ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS AND ASSETS 5. TOTAL PERSONNEL STRENGTH REPORT CONTROL SYMBOL DD-ABL(AR)1716 2. FISCAL YEAR 2004 1. DATE OF REPORT Aug-01 4. REPORTING INSTALLATION a. NAME Phase 10 MINOT AIR FORCE BASE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING JUSTIFICATION EG-El w TOTAL (d) OFFICER (e) E9-E7 (0 E~-EI (9) TOTAL 0’0 580 334 3,753 4,667 570 341 3.677 4.588 580 334 3.753 4,667 570 341 3,677 4,588 ~~ 7 PFRMANFNT PARTY PERSONNEL 3. GROSS FAMILY HOUSING REQUIREMENTS a. INVOLUNTARILY SEPARATED b. IN MILITARY HOUSING TO BE DISPOSED/REPLACED c. UNACCEPTABLE HOUSED IN COMMUNITY 0. VOLUNTARY SEPARATIONS 1 I IIDFUENTC ” Dcnl r\LY”II\LI.ILI. I” 1. EFFECTIVE HOUSlh.IC 5 1 I 6 1 I 22 ) I 33 1 I 5 6 1 I I 22 I i 2. ,.lnl h\ . - -IPINC -. . _ - ,ASSFTS .-- - . - la \ - + -, 479 326 1.959 2,764 476 333 1,939 2.748 474 254 1.459 2,187 474 254 1,459 2.187 2.187 i 4:, a. UNDER MILITARY CONTROL II1 HOUSED IN EXISTING DOD _....__.__ - I FD .----- I ’ ’ ~WNFI-VCONTRC-H 474 1 240 1 1.459 1 / 29 / 1,~ / 2.b” I i (2) UNDER CONTRACT/APPROVED I (3) VACANT 0 0 0 0 5 72 500 577 (4) INACTIVE -.h PRIVATE - - HOUSING - (I) ACCEPTABLY HOUSED (2) ACCEPTABLE VACANT RENTAL 3. EFFECTIVE HOUSING DEFICIT 5. REMARKS . Item 12.a.(l): 1326 on-base units are inadequate. 157 surplus units (84 Officer, 18 SNCO, 55 JNCO) will be demolished when useful life ends. 384 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2. DATE AIR FORCE INSTALLATION AND LOCATION COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, AIR COMBAT COMMAND COST INDEX SOUTH DAKOTA 0.91 6. Personnel PERNIANENT 1 STUDENTS [ SUPPORTED I I Strength OFF ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV ENL CIV TOTAL OFF AS OF 30 SEP 02 336 3066 377 0 5 2 1 1 54 3,842 END FY 2007 336 3065 377 0 5 2 1 1 54 3,841 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 6,395 Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 1,749,801 8 I Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 24,441 Authorization Requested in this Program: 16,24r Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 14,89 Planned in Next Three Years Program: 46,101 Remaining Deficiency: I Grand Total: 1,851,49! 3. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY CODE 711-142 PROJECT TITLE Replace Family Housing (FY 2004) SCOPE 75 UN 3a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: 711-142 Replace Family Housing (FY2005) 83 UN 3b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: ‘1 l-142 ‘11-142 ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing Replace Family Housing Replace Family Housing COST DESIGN STATUS $.OOO S T A R T C M P L 16,240 Jul-02 May-O: 14,897 (FYO6-09) 98 UN 93 UN 64 UN )c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation IO. Mission or Major Functions: A wing with two B-l squadrons. 17,188 17,515 11,401 64,176 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2 DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4 PROJECT TITLE ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE. SOUTH DAKOT.+\ 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 8874 1 REPLACE FAhlILY HOUSING PHASE 3 7 PROJECT NUMBER 71 l-142 8. PROJECT COST ($000) IXBh199350-t 16.740 0 COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS LANDSCAPING RECREATION DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.75) TOTAL REQUEST U/M LIN OUANTIN UNIT COST 75 126.440 COST 6000) . 9.483 5,149 (1.973) (672) (793) (497) (314) (900) 14,632 732 15,364 876 16,240 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 0.91 AREA COST FACTOR 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Replace - houslng umts. includes demc ion, site zlearinf. replacement/upgrade of utility systems and roads. and dcslfn/construction of single and duplex housing units Nith basements. Provides normal amenities, to include appliances. garapes, parking. air conditioning, patios, privacy renting. neighborhood playgrounds. and recreation areas. Provides fire detection. Pavqrade Bedroom El-E6 3 El-E6 4 E7-E9 3 E7-E9 4 Programmed @J pK3.J 1,315 1,630 1,573 1,950 1,500 1,860 1,734 2,150 GSM 151 181 172 200 Project Factor 0.946 0.946 0.946 0.946 Cost Per GSM $754 $754 $754 $754 No Units 8 25 30 12 75 ($000) w 862 3,228 3,681 1.712 9,483 Maximum size: El-E6/3 Bedroom (1370 NSF11760 GSF) Waximum size: El-E6/J Bedroom (1790 NSF/2XO GSF) Maximum size: E7-E9/3 Bedroom (1650 NSF/3050 GSF) Maximum size: E7-EO/J Bedroom (3020 NSF/X00 GSF) Il. REQUIREMENT: 2.108 UN ADEQUATE: 1,605 UN SUBSTANDARD: 503 UN ~1 Phase 3. (Current Mission). ‘ROJECT: Replace hlllltary Farnil!, Housin,. IEOUIREMENT: This project is required to provide modern and efticient housin,(7 for military members and their dependents stationed at Ellsworth AFB. All units will meet “whole house” standards and are programmed in Iccordancc \\ith the Housing Communitv Plan. Replacement housing will provide a safe. comfortable. and appealing ivinf environment comparable to the off base civilian community. This is the second phase of an initiative to provide Idequate housing for base personnel. The replacement housin,(1 uill provide a modern kitchen. IlvlnE room, family oom and bath configuration. \b Ith ample Intcrlor and cuterior storafc. A double car garage will be provided. The basic leishborh<,od support Infrastructure will be upcraded 10 meet modern housirw needs. Neiehborhood enhancements ID FORM 1391, DEC 76 ‘AGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED . . --.... -..-... AIR FORCE L. Y”IL FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE. SOUTH DAKOTA REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 3 I FXBM994504 I will include landscaping. playgrounds. and recreation areas. Proper drsposal of asbestos and lead-based paint is included. The expansive clay soils require special foundation consrdcrations. Antiterrorism/force protection measures are included. CURRENT SITUATION: This project replaces housing that was constructed in 1961-1964. They have had no major upgrades or renovation since construction, and do not meet the needs of today’s families, nor do they provide a modern home environment. Kitchens are undersized and do not provide adequate cabinet and countertop space. The bathrooms are small and in poor condition. Bathroom fixtures and lighting thrclughout the houses are outdated and energy inefficient. The exterior of these units lack landscaping and recreation space. There are no garages, and vehicles are subjected to extremely cold winters with no protection from the elements. There is inadequate exterior storage. There is no ground fault circuit interrupter protection as required by current National Electrical building codes. There is no air conditioning. The current Housing Market Analysrs recommends no reduction in military family houses. Ellsworth has a vision of walkable neighborhoods as an investment In a qualtty of life initiative. This initiative is a commitment to the Air Force (AF) mission and an improved sense of community or social cohesion among AF personnel and their families. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: AF members and their families will continue to live in extremely outdated, unsuitable and unsatisfactory housing. This 40 to 43 year old housin=(* neighborhood will continue to deteriorate with age, resulting in increasing and unacceptable maintenance and repair costs. and extreme inconvenience to the occupants. Without this and subsequent phases of this initiative. repairs will continue in a costly, piecemeal fashion with little or no improvement in occupant quality of life. These deticiencres will continue to adversely affect the morale of all personnel assigned to Ellsworth AFB. ADDJTIONAL: An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of new construction, revitalization. leasing and status quo operation. Based on the net present values and benefits of the respective alternatives. the status quo operatron was found to be the most cost efficient over the life of the project. However. this alternative is unacceptable because it does not repair the deteriorated structures and would force Air Force personnel to continue to live in inadequate housing. Since this is replacement housing there will be no increase in the student population or impact on the ability of the local school to support base dependents. The improvement cost is 120% of the replacement cost. The SIOH is 5.7% since the Army Corp of Engineers will be the construction agent. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Col Richard (605) 385-2658 DD FORM 1391 c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 387 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE. SOUTH DAK0T.A 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 3 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: FXBM993504 (1) Status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house 03 Jul31 N 35 02 Dee 15 03 May 15 NO N/A ($745) 745 0 745 745 04 May (4) Construction Start 05 Jul (5) Construction Completion ). Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A ID FORM 1391~. DEC 76 PAGE NO Design/Bid/Build PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED Sep-00 (DD-ABL(AR)1716 b. LOCATION ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE 5. DATA AS OF 2000 2004 4. REPORTING INSTALLATION a. NAME 3. DOD COMPONENT AIR FORCE Phase 3 SOUTH DAKOTA I ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS AND ASSETS 6. TOTAL PERSONNEL STRENGTH CURRENT OFFICER E9-E7 (b) (a) 395 283 E6-El w TOTAL W 2.591 3,269 PROJECTED OFFICER E9-E7 (e) (0 376 205 E6-El (9) TOTAL (h) , 2,631 3,292 7. PERMANENT PARTY PERSONNEL 5. REMARKS Item 12.a.(l): 503 on-base units are inadequate. 392 surplus units (198 Officer, 133 SNCO, 61 JNCO) will be demolished when useful life ends. 389 1. COMPONENT 1 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 12. DATE AIR FORCE COMMAND: INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 5. AREA CONST DYE!% AIR FORCE, TEXAS AIR COMBAT COMMAND COST INDEX 0.97 6. Personnel PERMANENT STUDENTS SUPPORTED Strength OFF ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV TOTAL 60 5,49! 3 1 9 0 10 332 394 289 4400 AS OF 30 SEP 02 60 1 9 5,48;7 0 10 332 394 289 4392 END FY 2007 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 6,342 Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 1,345,45 I2 Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 28,65 ‘4 Authorization Requested in this Program: 19,97 3 Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 42,69 5 Planned in Next Three Years Program: 65,04 7 Remaining Deficiency: 0 Grand Total: 1,501,82 1 3. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: ZATEGORY ZODE PROJECT TITLE 711-142 Replace Family Housing (FY 2004) SCOPE 116 UN COST DESIGN STATUI; $,OOO S T A R T C M P L 19,973 Jul-02 May-O 3 (FY 2005) )a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program ‘1 l-142 Replace Family Housing ‘1 l-142 Replace Family Housing 84 UN 110 UN )b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing . ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing 110UN 110 UN 96 UN 20,745 21,950 (FYO6-09) 21,139 21,541 22,367 118,481 3 #c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 0. Mission or Major Functions: A wing with three B-l bomber squadrons, one of which is responsible or training all B-l aircrews, and two C-l 30 airlift squadrons in an AMC airlift group. 330 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION .I PROJECT TITLE DYESS AIR FORCE BASE. TEXAS 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 4 6. CATEGORY CODE 8874 1 7 PROJECT NUMBER 71 I-141 8. PROJECT COST ($000) FNWZ01300 1 19,973 9 COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS LANDSCAPING RECREATION DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL ZONTINGENCY (5%) I-OTAL CONTRACT COST , SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.7% ) rOTAL REQUEST U/M QUANTITY UNIT COST UN LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 116 113,845 COST ww 13,206 4.790 (610) ( 1.430) (1.150) (400) (320) (880) 17.996 900 18,896 1.077 19,973 WA COST FACTOR 0.97 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Replacc 116 single and multiplex family housing units with ;III necessary amenities including sound reduction as needed and supporting facilities. Project includes site preparation, ;attached garages. air conditioning. vehicle parkin=. 0 exterior patios and privacy fencing, support infrastructure of roads 2md utilities. neighborhood playgrounds, recreation areas. and all landscaping. Includes demolition of 116 single and Inultiplex housing units. site demolition and asbestos removal. 1 I Pavorade Bedroom El-E6 3 4 El-E6 Programmed pJsJ GSF 1,315 1,630 1,573 1,950 GSM 151 181 Project Factor 0.970 0.970 Cost Per GSM $754 $754 No Units 98 18 116 ($000) m 10,823 2,383 13,206 Ylaximum size: E I -E6/3 Bedroom (1420 NSF/1760 GSF) vlaximum size: E 1 -Ebl-l Bedroom ( 1790 NSF/7210 GSF) b b 1 1. REQUIREMENT: 2,489 UN ADEQUATE: 1,766 UN SUBSTANDARD: 723 UN 0 Phase 4. (Current Mission). z‘ROJECT: Replace Military Family Housin,. EREQUIREMENT: This project is required tO provide modern and efficient housing for military members and their dlependents stationed at Dyess AFB. All units will meet modern housin g standards and are programmed in accordance vvith the Housing Community Profile. The housing will provide safe, comfortable, and appealing living environment C omparable to the off-base civilian community. The design will provide a modern kitchen. living room, family room, bledroom and bath configuration. with ample interior and exterior storage. The number of bedrooms will range from 11Iree to four. as identified in the most recent housing market analysis. Units will be provided with an attached garage a nd exterior parklng for a second vehicle. Land area will be used for adequate infrastructure requirements (roads, I-(xreatmns areas. utilities). This is the fourth phase of a multiphase initiative to replace all substandard housing units at I:)yess AFB. Replacement of all supportin g facilities is required. To support the whole neighborhood concept, new r(Dads. utility systems. neirhborhood playcrounds. recreation areas and area landscapin? must be installed. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76, PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 391 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION DYESS AIR FORCE BASE. TEXAS 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE FAhlILY HOUSING PHASE 4 FNW~OLII~K)I CURRENT SITUATION: Existing family housing units were constructed in 1957. They show the effects of age and heavy use. These units have had no comprehensive up+c program since construction, and they do not meet the needs of today’s military families, nor do they provide ;I modern home environment. Budget constraints have limited Dyess AFB’s ability to maintain and repair these housln F units to mlnlmallv acceptable occupancy standards. Interiors are inadequate by modern criteria. The existing Jnlousle Lvlndows-are those originally installed when the housing units were constructed. These windows are dlfticult to open and drafty. with broken latches and cranks. These Capehart units were constructed with one bathroom. \k hlch is small and lacks adequate closet space. Kitchens have insufficient cabinets. storage and counter space. Lighting. heating and air-conditioning systems require upgrade and replacement. Plumbing and electrical systems are antiquated and do not meet current standards for efficiency and safety. Original aged electrical wiring is causing increased faults and potential for fire and safety problcmh. The eslstlnp under-slab piping systems are old and deteriorated. Frequency of leaking pipes under the concrete tloor slab IS increasing. Roof, walls. foundations, and exterior pavements require maJor repalr or replacement due to age. Severe summer heat. extreme winter freezing ice and snow storms, routine high \\ Inds and dust storms, frequent turbulent hail/ thunderstorms. occasional tornados and highly expansive clay soil conditions have an adverse aging effect on the family housing units. The built-up roofing system on most housIng untt carports is old and deteriorated. The membrane felts are cracking, blistering, and wrinkltng. Carport support structure and decking are experiencing structural deterioration due to chronic leaks. Termtte damape to farnlly housing units is encountered frequently. The existing concrete sidewalks and driveways are cracking and liftIn,. (I- the potential for a tripping hazard exists. The soffits and fascia on the family housing units are deterloratlng and need resurfacing. The shingle roofs are experiencing serious loss of surfacing IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Air Force members and thclr famllles will be housed in unsatisfactory facilities, which will contribute to lowered morale. Housing inventory will contlnuc to deteriorate without capital improvements. Without this project. the repair of these units Lvill occur In a more costly. piecemeal fashion with little overall improvement to the qualitv of living. ADDITIONAL: A rate of 5.7% will be used for supervision. inspection, and overhead for using the Army Corps of Engineers. This project meets the criteria/scope specified in part II of Military Handbook 1190. Facility Planning and Design Guide. The local school authority indicates a capability exists to accept the increase in the student population generated by this proJect. No additIona school construction kvill be required. An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of new construction and improvement. New construction was found to be most cost effecti\,e over the life of the project. The cost to improve this housin,(7 is 113% of the replacement cost. Commander, 71h Ci\,il Engineer Squadron: Lt CoI Darren R. Danlels. (915) 696-2150. I DD FORM 1391 c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 392 2. DATE 1. COMPONEN r AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION DYESS AIR FORCE BASE. TEXAS 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 4 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: FNWz04300 1 (1) Status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used - Design/Bid/Build 02 Ju126 N 35 62 Dee 13 03 May 30 NO N/A (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e J: ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house ($910) 910 0 910 910 (4) Construction Start 04 Mar (5) Construction Completion 05 Jun b. Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391~. DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 393 DYES AIR FORCE BASE OF Item 12.a.41): 723 on-base units are inadequate. 394 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2. DATE 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE COMMAND: INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 5. AREA CONST RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, AIR EDUCATION AND COST INDEX TRAINING COMMAND TEXAS 0.83 PERMANENT 5. Personnel STUDENTS SUPPORTED Strength OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV OFF] ENL 1 CIV OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV TOTAI 4s OF 30 SEP 02 9601 21481 5079 4781 01 0 161 321 7 8,72 21251 53161 478) 7) END FY 2007 9601 01 01 161 321 8,93 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 3,129 nventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 1,059,53r Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 19,31 Authorization Requested in this Program: 13,75 I Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) ‘Ianned in Next Three Years Program: 22,15 I qemaining Deficiency: Zrand Total: 1,114,75: 3. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: ZATEGORY PROJECT TITLE ;ODE ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing (FY 2004) SCOPE 96 UN )a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: COST DESIGN STATUS $,OOO S T A R T C M P L 13,754 Jul-02 May-O: (FY 2005) none )b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: Replace Family Housing ‘11-142 Replace Family Housing ‘11-142 109 UN 64 UN (FY 06-09) 14,557 7,600 tc. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 40,73: 0. Mission or Major Functions: Headquarters Air Education and Training Command, a flying training wing vhich conducts navigator training and AETC instructor pilot training and the AF Personnel Center, the AF services Agency, Hq AF Recruiting Service, the AF Manpower and Innovation Center, and an AMC airlift light operating C-21 s. L )D Form 1390,24 Jul 00 395 I. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 4. PROJECT TITLE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE. TEXAS REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 2 6. CATEGORY CODE 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 88741 71 l-142 7. PROJECT NUMBER 8. PROJECT COST (SOOO) TYMX030004 13.754 9 COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.7%) TOTAL REQUEST U/M QUANTITY UNIT COST UN LS LS LS LS LS 96 98.260 COST (SOOO) 9.433 2.959 (420) ( 1.039) GW (1,000) 12,392 620 13,012 742 13,754 AREA COST FACTOR 0.83 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Replace 96 Wherry housing units. Includes demolition, site clearing, replacement/upgrade/relocation of utility systems and roads. and construction of new multiplex housing. Provides parking. exterior patios, and privacy fencin g. neighborhood playgrounds, recreation areas. Includes clean-up of asbestos and lead based paint. Project Cost Per No ($000) Bedroom pJ!sJ Units Pavurade GSF GSM Factor Total GSM 754 3 1,315 1,630 151 El-E6 0.863 9.433 !z 96 9,433 Maximum size: El-E6/3 Bedroom (1420 NSF/I760 GSF) 11. REQUIREMENT: 2,860 UN ADEQUATE: 2,170 UN SUBSTANDARD: 690 UN ?ROJECT: Replace Wherry Housing (Current Mission). REQUIREMENT: This project is required to provide modern and efficient housing for military members and their dependents stationed at Randolph AFB, TX. All units will meet whole house standards and are programmed in accordance with the Housing Community Profile. Replacement housing will provide a safe, comfortable, and appealing living environment comparable to the off base civilian community. This is the second phase of an initiative o provide adequate housing for base personnel. The replacement housing will provide a modern kitchen, living room, hmily room, three bedroom, and bath configuration. with ample interior and exterior storage and a single car garage. Exterior parking will be provided for a second vehicle. The basic neighborhood support infrastructure will be upgraded o meet modern housing needs. Neighborhood improvement include landscaping and recreation areas. CURRENT SITUATION: The East and West Wherry units, constructed in 1962, are showing the effects of age and :ontinuous heavy use. They have had no major upgrades since construction, and do not meet the needs of today’s amilies. nor do they provide a modern home envtronment. Walls and exterior pavements require major replacement lue to the effects of age and weather. Wall insulation IS inadequate. Plumbing and electrical systems are antiquated and lo not meet current standard for efficiency or safety. There are no GFI circuits, and the number of outlets is minimal vhich results in haphazard usage of extension cords. Housing interiors are inadequate by any modern criteria. bedrooms are small and lack adequate closet space. Bathrooms are small, and fixtures are outdated and energy nefficient. Kitchens have inadequate storage and counter space. cabinets are old and unsightly, “L” PAGE NO l”lrn 1 “L UdLV II” I L”lY,-tLL 1 UNTIL EXHAUSTED 1 2. DATE AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING, PHASE 2 TYMX030004 countertops and sinks are badly worn. Flooring throughout the house is outdated. Lighting throughout the houses is inefficient and does not meet modern needs. Heating and air conditioning systems require upgrade or replacement. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: AF personnel will continue to occupy substandard housing. The housing will continue to be occupied until it becomes uninhabitable because adequate, affordable off-base housing is not available. The current Housing Market for the base shows an on-base deficit. Without this project and subsequent phases of this initiative, repairs of these units will be in a costly, piecemeal fashion, with no improvement in living quality. ADDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Part II of Military Handbook 1190, Facility Planning and Design Guide. An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of status quo operation, replacement, and direct compensation. Based on the net present values and benefits of the respective alternatives, new construction was found to be the most cost efficient over the life of the project. The cost to improve this housing is 72% of the replacement cost. The SIOH is 5.7% since the Army Corp of Engineers will be the construction agent. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Col Allen J. Benefield. (210) 652-2301. LID FORM 1391c. DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 2. DATE AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE. TEXAS 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE FAMILY HOUSING, PHASE 2 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e J: ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house TYMX030004 Design/Bid/Build 02 Jul20 N 35 02 Dee 20 03 May 20 \ NO N/A ($630) 630 0 630 630 04 Mar (4) Construction Start 05 Jul (5) Construction Completion 3. Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A )D FORM 1391c. DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UhTIL EXHAUSTED 398 1. DATE OF REPORT act-00 4. REPORTING INSTALLATION a. NAME MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING JUSTIFICATION 3. DOD COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. FISCAL YEAR 2004 b. LOCATION Phase 2 RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE 5. DATA AS OF 2000 ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS AND ASSETS 6. TOTAL PERSONNEL STRENGTH REPORT CONTROL SYMBOL DD-A&L(AR)1716 CURRENT O F F I C E R I E9-E7 (a) 1 (bJ TEXAS E6-El (Cl TOTAL VU PROJECTED OFFICER E9-E7 W (0 E6-El (9) TOTAL P) 1,379 775 1.236 3,390 1,439 a32 1.680 3,951 1,379 775 1.236 3,390 1,439 a32 1,690 3,951 7. PERMANENT PARTY PERSONNEL a . GROSS FAMILY HOUSING Item 12.a.(l): REQUIREMENTS 690 on-base units are inadequate. 1. COMPONENT 1 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 12. DATE AIR FORCE COMMAND: INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 5. AREA CONST LAJES AIR BASE, PORTUGAL U.S. AIR FORCES IN EUROPE COST INDEX 1.28 6. Personnel PERMANENT STUDENTS SUPPORTED Strength OFF ENL OFF ENL CIV CIV OFF ENL CIV AS OF 30 SEP 02 96 853 692 20 69 6 4 6 45 END FY 2007 96 853 693 20 69 6 4 6 45 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 944 Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: Authorization Requested in this Program: Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) Planned in Next Three Years Program: Remaining Deficiency: Grand Total: TOTAL 1,79 11 1,79‘2 732,16 0 0 13,42 8 0 /0 I0 745,58( 8 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: /C ATEGORY ICODE PROJECT TITLE 71 l-142 Replace Family Housing (FY 2004) COST DESIGN STATUS; SCOPE $.OOO S T A R T C M P L 42 UN 13,428 Jul-02 May-O:3 ,3a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program Replace Family Housing 711-142 none I3b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: 711-142 Replace Family Housing none (FY 2005) (FYO6-09) (3c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 19,93: 3 10. Mission or Major Functions: The host air base wing provides en route support to transiting aircraft and tcosts Headquarters US Forces Azores. Lajes Field serves as a logistical bridge to Europe, Africa, and ,Southwest Asia by providing a ground refueling and stop-over capability, functioning as a tanker staging ;ocation for in-flight refueling and serving as a primary divert base for deploying aircraft. 400 1. COMPONENT 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE LAJES FIELD. PORTUGAL REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 3 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 88741 8. PROJECT COST (SOOO) 7. PROJECT NUMBER 711.112 13,428 MQNA023005 9. COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS LANDSCAPING RECREATION DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (6.5%) TOTAL REQUEST U/M QUANTITY UNIT COST UN LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 42 186,976 COST ww 7.853 4.155 (880) 6-w (920) (340) (235) (955) 12,008 600 12,608 820 13,428 AREA COST FACTOR 1.28 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Replace 42 housing units. Includes demolition, site clearing, replacement/upgrade of utility systems and roads, and construction of new multiplex family housing units. Provides normal amenities to include appliances, storage. off-street parking, patios, privacy fencing, landscaping, and neighborhood playgrounds. Includes asbestos and lead based paint removal. Pavorade Bedroom El-E6 3 04-05 06 3 4 Programmed pJsJ GSF GSM 1,630 151 1,315 1,629 2,032 2,020 2,520 Project Factor Cost Per GSM $764 $764 $764 1.408 1.408 187 234 1.408 No Units 18 22 2 42 ($000) Total 2,924 4,425 504 7,853 vIaximum size: El-E613 Bedroom (1420 NSF/1760 GSF) vIaximum size: 04-05/3 Bedroom ( 1850 NSF/2300 GSF) vIaximum size: 0614 Bedroom (2350 NSF/2930 GSF) Il. REQUIREMENT: 561 UN ADEQUATE: 369 UN SUBSTANDARD: 192 UN ‘ROJECT: Replace Military Family Housin,. (1 Phase 3. (Current Mission). <EQUIREMENT: This project is required to provide modern and efficient replacement housing for military members ind their dependents stationed at Lajes Field. Azores. All units will meet “whole house” standards and are programmed n accordance with the Housing Community Plan and the Housing Master Plan. Replacement housing will provide a afe, comfortable, and appealing living environment comparable to typical off-base civilian communities found in the ,ontinental United States. This is the third phase of multiple phases to provide adequate housing for base personnel .ssigned to a remote location. The first two phases have been funded and are under construction providing 1 I4 new eplacement units. This replacement project will provide a modern kitchen. livinr! room. dining room, and bathroom Isln PAGE NO I YL “c)LY II” 1 l-r II”T)LL UNTIL EXHAUSTED I 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION LtUES FIELD. PORTUGAL 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING PHASE 3 MQNA023005 configuration with ample interior and exterior storage and a single car garage. Exterior parking will be provided for a second occupant vehicle and guests. The basic neighborhood support infrastructure will be upgraded. CURRENT SITUATION: This project replaces housin,0 units constructed in 1952 and 1961. These 41-plus year old homes have long been showing the effects of age, continuous heavy use. and the harsh climatic environment associated with being located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Heavy rains that are routinely driven by hurricane-force winds subject the residents to poor drainage, leaking windows and doors. and infiltration. The units have had no major upgrades since construction and do not meet the needs of today’s families. nor do they provide a modem home environment. Roofs, floors, and pavements require extensive repairs and replacement. Plumbing, electrical, and mechanical systems are antiquated, require excessive maintenance, and do not meet current standards for efficiency and safety. Sinks, tubs, and sanitary lines drain exceptionally slow resultin,u in health hazards. Scaling in the sewer lines has significantly reduced the systems capacity causing frequent backups. Electrical systems lack ground fault circuits in bathrooms, kitchens, and on exterior outlets causing breakers to trip regularly. Interiors are generally inadequate by modern standards. Bathrooms are small with outdated fixtures. kitchens have inadequate storage and counter space, floors and counter tops are badly worn and cabinets are old and unsightly. Lead based paint and asbestos are present. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Air Force members and their families will continue to live in outdated and unsatisfactory housing. As a result, major morale problems will continue to be an issue at this remote and isolated location. The existing housing will continue to deteriorate with age, driving up maintenance and repair costs, as well as impacting the quality of life of its occupants. Piecemeal repairs will continue with little or no substantive improvement in the resident’s standards of living. ADDITIONAL: This project has been programmed in accordance with the criteria and scope limitations outlined in AFI 32-6003, Family Housing Plannin,, u Programming. Design. and Construction. Since this is replacement housing, there will be no impact on the student population at the local DOD school. An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of new construction, revitalization, leasin,0 and status quo operation. Based on the net present values and benefits of the respective alternatives. new construction was found to be the most cost efficient over the life of the project. The improvement cost is 80% of the replacement cost. This project is not eligible for NATO funding. The Naval Facilities Command will be the construction agent. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Col Terry Watkins, DSN 5356113. The project will be solicited and awarded with US dollar. ID FORM 1391c, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 402 2. DATE 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION LAJES FIELD. PORTUGAL 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING PHASE i 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: MQNA023005 (1) Status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 3.5%- Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house Design/Bid/Build 02 Jul29 N 35 02 Dee 14 03 May 30 NO N/A ($615) 615 0 615 615 (4) Construction Start 04 Mar (5) Construction Completion 05 Jun 1. Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A ID FORM 1391c, DEC 76 AGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 403 LAJES FIELD OWNED/CONTROLLED (3) VACANT 0 0 0 16 2 66 16 2 aa 0 (4) INACTIVE b. PRIVATE HOUSING 106 (1) ACCEPTABLY HOUSED (2) ACCEPTABLEVACANTRENTAL 3. EFFECTIVE HOUSING DEFICIT I ” ” I I I I n I I I I n ” 106 I , n ” I 4. PROPOSED PROJECT 5. REMARKS Item 12.a.(l): 192 on-base units are inadequate. 404 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2. DATE AIR FORCE COMMAND: INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 5. AREA CONST INCIRLIK AIR BASE, TURKEY AIR COMBAT COMMAND COST INDEX 0.91 STUDENTS 8. Personnel PERMANENT SUPPORTED ENL CIV Strength OFF ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV OFF 89 229 0 0 0 1807 133 1246 255 4s OF 30 SEP 02 89 229 0 0 0 1807 133 1255 255 END FY 2007 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) 3,328 Total Acreage: nventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 4uthorization Not Yet in Inventory: l\uthorization Requested in this Program: 4uthorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) ‘Ianned in Next Three Years Program: ?emaining Deficiency: Zrand Total: I 3. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: ZATEGORY PROJECT TITLE ZODE ‘1 l-142 Replace Family Housing TOTAL 3,759 3,768 779 8 17 I I 806,251 (FY 2004) SCOPE 100 UN COST DESIGN STATUS $,OOO S T A R T C M P L May-O: 17,538 Jul-02 (FY 2005) )a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program none (FYO6-09) lb. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: none 14,19I Ic. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 0. Mission or Major Functions: The 39th Wing provides host services to forces deployed in support If Operation Northern Watch. It is also home to an AMC Air Mobility Squadron. ID Form 1390,24 Jul 00 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4 PROJECT TITLE INCIRLIK AIR BASE, TURKEY 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING 1 6. CATEGORY CODE 88741 1 7. PROJECT NUMBER 71 l-142 8. PROJECT COST ($000) LJYCO34004 9 COSTE ITEM U/M MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS LANDSCAPING RECREATION FORCE PROTECTION DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (6.5%) TOTAL REQUEST 17.538 rIMATE QUANTITY 100 UN LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS UNIT COST 137,410 COST ($000) 13.741 I.943 (300) (350) (300) (140) (113) (450) 2% ‘784 16,468 1,070 17,538 0.91 AREA COST FACTOR 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: Rep~acc I VU nousmg untts. tnctudes, den70 lition, site :learing. replacement/upgrade of utility systems and roads. and construction of new multiplex units. Provide normal amenities to include vehicle parkin g. air conditioning. exterior patios. privacy fencing and playgrounds. Includes Demolition. asbestos and lead-based paint removal. ..a Paygrade Bedroom 4 El-E6 E7-E9 101-3 4 04-05 06 06+ SCP 07 4 4 4 4 Programmed NSF GSF 1,573 1.950 1,734 2,150 1,863 2,310 2,032 2,235 2,686 vlasimum size: E 1 -E6/4 Bedroom tiaximum size: E7-E9/4 Bedroom viaximum size: 04-05/4 Bedroom vlaximum size: 0614 Bedroom tiaximum size: 0614 Bedroom SCP Ylaximum size: 07/4 Bedroom Il. REQUIREMENT: 850 UN 2,520 2,772 3,330 GSM 181 200 Project Factor 0.910 215 234 258 309 0.910 0.910 0.910 0.910 0.910 Cost Per GSM $764 $764 $764 $764 $764 $764 . No Units 50 ($000) Total 6,292 1 1 IOG 215 13,741 14 32 2 1,946 4.783 326 179 (1790 NSF/2220 GSF) (2020 NSF/2500 GSF) (2 I80 NSF/2700 GSF) (3350 NSF/2920 GSF) (2585 NSF/32 12 GSF) (3270 NSF/4060 GSF) ADEQUATE: 582 UN SUBSTANDARD: 268 UN ‘ROJECT: Replace Military Family Housing. Project includes replacement of one General Officers Quarters. Current Mission) ID FORM 1391, DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 406 AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION INCIRLIK AIR BASE. TURKEY 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING LJYCO33004 REQUIREMENT: The project is required to provide modern and efficient housing for military members and their dependants stationed at Incirlik AB. All units will meet “whole-house” standards and are programmed in accordance with the Family Housing Master Plan. Replacement housing will provide a safe, comfortable, and appealing living environment. The new housing units will provide a modern kitchen. laundry room, family room. living room. bedroom and bath configuration, with ample interior and exterior storage and a single car garage. Exterior parking will be provided for a second occupant car or guests. CURRENT SITUATION: The current MFH at Incirlik consists of 900 units; 750 units were constructed in 1983 thru 1985; 582 of these units are adequate facilities and I68 umts need improvements to meet acceptable living standards. The remaining 1.50 units were constructed in 1961, which are in substandard condition and beyond economical upgrade/improvement. These units were surplus and prefabricated buildings, which were constructed into housing. Despite extensive maintenance and repair efforts and expenses. settlement and shifting of foundations continue to cause structural damages. Electric. mechanical, and other utility systems are outdated and do not meet USAF code regulations, energy capacity and efficiency requirements. The off-base housing is not a viable option at Incirlik due to force protection requirements. Incirlik’s geographical location in relation to Iran, Iraq and other hot spots in the Middle East makes it a primary target for terrorist activity endangering the llves of our military and U.S. Government civilian personnel and their families. [MPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The assigned personnel and their families will continue to be housed in substandard housing units, resulting in poorer quality of life. These unsatisfactory conditions will affect the morale and welfare of 3ur military personnel and their families. Also. the U.S. Government will continue to spend MFW funds conducting 3iecemeal maintenance and repair on outdated facilities. 4DDITIONAL: This project is not eligible for NATO funding. This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Part [I of Military Handbook 1190, “Facility Planning and Design Guide”. An Economic Analysis has been prepared :omparing the alternatives of new construction and status quo operation. Based on the net present values and benefit of he respective alternatives, new construction was found to be most cost effective over the life of the project. :mprovement is not considered as a viable alternative because of the unrecoverable foundation problems. The cost to mprove this housing is lOtI%+ of the replacement cost. There will be no increase in the student population generated with this project. SIOH is 6.5% to fund U.S. Army Corps of Engineers execution agent and Air Force oversight. Base 3ivil Engineer: Larry L. Meinders, Civ., DSN 676-6898. The project will be solicited and awarded with US dollar. ID FORM 1391~. DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 407 AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION INCIRLIK AIR BASE. TURKEY 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE LJYC03400-l REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: Design/Bid/Build ( 1) Status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used - 03 Jul31 N 35 02 Dee 15 03 May 15 NO N/A (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house ($730) 730 0 730 730 (4) Construction Start 04 Apr (5) Construction Completion 05 Sep 1. Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A PAGE NO UNTIL EXHAUSTED INCIRLIK AIR BASE (2) ACCEPTABLE VACANT RENTAL 14. PROPOSED PROJECT 15. REMARKS Item 12.a.(l): 268 on-base units are inadequate. 50 surplus units (18 Officer, 22 SNCO, 10 JNCO) will be demolished when useful life ends. 409 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 1 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST RAF LAKENHEATH, GREAT BRITAIN I 6. Personnel PERMANENT STUDENTS OFF/ ENL 1 CIV 1 CIV OFF 1 ENL ‘Strength 0 01 01 41831 652 5201 AS OF 30 SEP 02 01 01 01 41911 6581 5201 END FY 2007 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 2,004 Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: Authorization Requested in this Program: Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) Planned in Next Three Years Program: Remaining Deficiency: Grand Total: 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY CODE PROJECT TITLE 711-142 Replace Family Housing 12. DATE 1.35 SUPPORTED OFF 1 ENL 1 61 41 61 4) CIV 45 45 TOTP 5.4 514: 1,234.2~ 118.7; 23.6~ 24,O; loo,91 1.501.6: (FY 2004) COST DESIGN STATU SCOPE $,OOO S T A R T C M P L 89 UN 23,640 Jut-02 May-C t3a. Future Projects: Included in the Followrng Program 711-142 Replace Family Housing 87 UN !3b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years. /711-142 Replace Family Housing 1711-142 Replace Family Housing ;711-142 Replace Family Housing i‘11-142 Replace Family Housing 87 87 87 87 (FY 2005) 24,073 (FYO6-09) UN UN UN UN 25,470 24,995 25,955 24,529 E)c. Real Proper-y Maintenance Backlog This lnstallatron 114.07 1IO. Mission or Major Functtons: A fighter wing equipped with two squadrons of F-l 5Es and one squadron c FI-1 5C/Ds. 410 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4 RAF LAKENHEATH. UNITED KINGDOXI 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING 6. CATEGORY CODE 88741 PROJECT TITLE 7. PROJECT NUMBER 71 l-142 8. PROJECT COST ($000) XlSET044034 23.640 9 COST ESTIMATE ITEM MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING SUPPORTING FACILITIES SITE IMPROVEMENTS UTILITY MAINS STREETS’ LANDSCAPING RECREATION DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL ZONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (-lr;; j TOTAL REQUEST U/M QUANTITY UNIT COST 1:s LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 89 168,056 COST ww 14,957 6.692 (2,065) (2.290) (749) (170) (330) (1,088) 21,649 1.082 22.73 I 909 23,640 4REA COST FACTOR 1.35 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRlrCTION. Replaic S9 housing units. Includes demolition, site :learinf. replacement/up~rading utility systems. ne\v roads. and cc)nstruction of new single and multiplex units meeting urrent size standards. Provide normal amenities including parhrng. farafes, patios, privacy fencing, support nfrastructure of roads and utilities. neighborhood playgrounds. and recreation areas. Payorade Bedroom El-E6 3 E7-E9 3 Programmed pK3J GSF 1,315 1,630 1,500 1,860 GSM 151 172 Project Factor Cost Per GSM No Units - ($000) u 1.404 1.404 $764 $764 65 24 89 10.529 4,428 14,957 lllaximum size: E I -E6/3 Bedroom ( 1420 NSF/l 760 GSF) vlaximum SIZC: E7-E9/3 Bedroom (1650 NSF/2050 GSF) 1. REQUIREMENT: 5.094 UN ADEQUATE: 4,528 UN SUBSTANDARD: 566 UN ‘ROJECT: Replace 89 housing units. Includes demo. site clearing. replacement/upgrade of utilities, new roads, and onstructk)n of new single and multiplex units meeting current size standards. Provide parking, garages, fencing, kiyfrounds. and support infrastructure. (Current Mission) !EQl~IKl:1IENT: This project is required to pro\,idc modern and cflicient housing for military members stationed at :AF Lahcnheath and RAF Mildenhall. All units will meet “whole-house” standards and are programmed in ccordance \vith the Housing Community Profile. Replacement housing will provide safe, comfortable, and appealing lvinf en\ ironments comparable to the off-base civilian community. This project is one of multiple phases to provide dequate housrns for hase personnel. The replacement housing \\111 provide a modern kitchen, laundry room, family oom. Iivins room. bedroom and bath conft~urntion. with ample interior and exterior storage and a single car garage. larking \\ill he provided for a second occupant vehicle and guests. Replacement construction includes reconfiguring ei~hborh~~od to create sense of communitv and increase cfliciency. Neiphborhood support infrastructure will be :placcd or upsradcd IO meet modern need;. Ne\r landscapin;. playgrounds. and recreation areas will enhance the eichhorhood. ru‘ylti I DC “3CU II” I C”lYHLL T PAGE NO UNTIL EXHAUSTED AIR FORCE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION RAF LAKENHEATH. UNITED KINGDOhl 4. PROJECT TITLE 5. PROJECT NUMBER REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING MSET044024 CURRENT SITUATION: This project replaces 89 housmg units which were constructed in 1950. These 50-plus yearold houses are showing the effects of age and continuous heavy use. They have had no major upgrades since construction and do not meet the needs of today’s families. nor do they provide a modem home environment. Plumbing and electrical systems are antiquated and do not meet modem building codes. Electrical systems are undersized and quantity of receptacles is inadequate. Llghtmg systems throughout the houses are inefficient and require replacement. Existing house plans do not meet suitability standards. Three-bedroom units have only one undersized bathroom per unit and do not have family rooms. Units have no covered entry. inadequate storage, and no separate laundry rooms. Kitchens are undersized and galley shaped with old cabinets and badly worn countertops and sinks. Flooring throughout the house is outdated. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Major morale problems bvill result if this replacement initiative is not supported. The housing will continue to be occupied until it becomes uninhabitable because adequate, affordable off-base housing is not available. The current Housing Market Analysis states a proJected housing deficit of 1,492 units. If units are not replaced, costly piecemeal repairs will continue with no Improvement in the living quality. ADDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Part II of the Military Handbook 1190, “Facility Planning and Design Guide”. An economic analysis has been prepared comparing the alternatives of new :onstruction, acquisition. and status quo operation. Based on the net present values and benefit of this respective alternative, new construction was found to be most cost effective over the life of the project. The cost to improve this lousing is approximately 85% of the replacement cost. Since this IS replacement housing, there will be no increase in .he student population or impact on the ability of the local school district to support base dependents. This project is lot eligible for NATO funding. SIOH is 4% to fund United Kmgdom execution agent. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Thomas D. Quasney 44 1638 522 100. :OREIGN CURRENCY: FCF Budget Rate Used: Brltlsh PoundUS S 0.6517 ID FORM 1391c; DEC 76 PAGE NO PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED 412 1. COMPONENT AIR FORCE 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION RAF LAKENHEATH, UNITED KINGDOM 5. PROJECT NUMBER 4. PROJECT TITLE MSET04-4024 REPLACE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: Design/Bid/Build (1) Status: ( a ) Date Design Started ( b ) Parametric Cost Estimate used to develop costs ( c ) Percent Complete as of Jan 2002 ( d ) Date 35% Designed ( e ) Date Design Complete ( f ) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was performed; (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where design was most recently used (3) Total Cost ( c ) = ( a ) + ( b ) or ( d ) + ( e ): ( a ) Production of Plans and Specifications ( b ) All other Design Costs ( c ) Total ( d ) Contract ( e ) In-house 02 Jul31 N 3.5 02 Dee 20 03 May 30 NO N/A ($1,ow 1,060 0 1,060 1,060 (4) Construction Start 04 Mar (5) Construction Completion 05 Aug ). Equipment associated with this project will be provided from other appropriations: N/A PAGE NO UNTIL EXHAUSTED 413 RAF LAKENHEATH UNITED KINGDOM 19 3 107 129 la 3 107 128 977 597 3,502 5.076 972 600 3,522 5,094 664 473 2,417 3,554 679 488 2435 3,602 412 323 1,618 2,353 412 323 1,616 2353 11. EFFECTIVE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS 12. HOUSING ASSETS (a + b) a. UNDER MILITARY CONTROL (I) HOUSED IN EXISTING DOD (1) ACCEPTABLY HOUSED (2) ACCEPTABLEVACANTRENTAL 5. REMARKS Item lZ.a.(l): 566 on-base units are inadequate.