GBG Audit PO Box 37 687 Parnell Auckland 1151 NEW ZEALAND 13 April 2016 Mark Wray, Procurement Adviser, Ports of Auckland Limited, PO Box 1281, Shortland Street, Auckland 1040 Dear Mr. Wray, Re : Audit Opinion, Fuel Adjustment Factor Calculation March 2016 We have examined forward pricing advice and a sample of invoices for March 2016 from your diesel suppliers and advise that in our opinion the diesel buying price for the weeks commencing 29 February and 7, 14, 21 and 28 March 2016 were all less than the 1 September 2006 reference price. The margins of the price differences were all greater than 40% but none was greater than 60%. Yours faithfully, GBG Audit Graeme Brown Mob 0274 372 972 GBG Audit is the trading name of GBG Associates Limited a limited liability company incorporated in New Zealand