COMMUNITY RESPONSE TO USE OF PRESCRIBED GRAZING AND TEBUTHIURON HERBICIDE FOR RESTORATION OF SAND SHINNERY OAK COMMUNITIES by JENNIFER ZAVALETA, B. A. A THESIS IN WILDLIFE SCIENCE Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Approved Clint Boal Chair of Committee David Haukos Robert Cox Gad Perry Peggy Miller Interim Dean of Graduate School May, 2012 Copyright 2012 Jennifer Zavaleta i Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to acknowledge Dr. Dave Haukos for taking a risk and asking me to be his graduate student even though my background was nontraditional. It also speaks highly of a mentor who can foster a relationship and coach me through a thesis from a distance. Thank you for being amenable to dinner-time phone calls and late-night text messages. Dr. Clint Boal, thank you for accepting me into your lab and affording me opportunities to go to conferences and present my research. Thank you also for your mentorship and sending funny emails to keep us all sane. Dr. Cox, thank you for being available to talk to me and help me when I was in a pinch and frustrated with analysis. Dr. Perry, thank you for encouraging me to come to Texas Tech and serving on my committee. I would also like to acknowledge the folks at Weaver Ranch for facilitating this study, especially, Jim Weaver, Willard Heck, and Charles Dixon. Your leadership and commitment to restoring shinnery oak habitat is admirable. This was a lengthy project that took dedication and the help of many field technicians including Apple Wood, Tish McDaniel, and Robert Martin. None of this research would be possible without the financial and logistical support of these funding institutions: Grasslands Charitable Trust, Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative, The Nature Conservancy, New Mexico Game and Fish, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Texas Tech Department of Natural Resources Management, US Fish and Wildlife, and USGeological Survey. On a more personal note, I would like to thank my labmates, especially Blake Grisham and Matt VanLandeghem for their incredible patience, brilliant intellect, and passion for data analysis. I would like to thank my Lubbock-support network, Chris Cheek and Matthew Trawick, for encouraging me when I was frustrated and never distracting me from working on my thesis. Finally, I would like to thank my family for always supporting me and being proud of who I am. ii Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS………………………………………………………………...…iii ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………….……vi LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………ix LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………………xiv I. A LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction………………………………………………………………………....…1 Literature Cited…………………………………………………………………...….16 Tables ………………………………………………………………………………..20 Figures……………………………………………………………………………......22 II. EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON HERBICIDE AND GRAZING TREATMENTS ON SOIL MOISTURE, PLANT COMPOSITION, PLANT STRUCTURE. AND PLANT AND SEED PRODUCTION Introduction………………………………………………………………………..…24 Methods………………………………………………………………………………28 Results……………………………………………………………………………......35 Discussion……………………………………………………………………………42 Literature Cited………………………………………………………………….…...53 Tables………………………………………………………………………………...57 Figures………………………………………………………………………………..70 III. EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON HERBICIDE AND GRAZING TREATMENTS ON MAMMAL, HERPTILE, AND INVERTEBRATE COMMUNITIES Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..95 Methods………………………………………………………………………………98 Results………………………………………………………………………………103 Discussion…………………………………………………………………………..111 Literature Cited…………………………………………………………………......121 Tables ……………………………………………………………………………....124 Figures………………………………………………………………………………140 IV. TEBUTHIURON HERBICIDE AND GRAZING AS A MEANS OF RESTORING SHINNERY OAK GRASSLANDS Introduction………………………………………………………………………....156 Methods……………………………………………………………………………..160 Results………………………………………………………………………………163 Discussion…………………………………………………………………………..165 Literature Cited……………………………………………………………………..168 Tables ………………………………………………………………………………170 Figures……………………………………………………………………………....182 iii Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 APPENDICES $LIST OF PLANTS FOUND IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM ACCORDING TO ECOLOGICAL SITE DESCRIPTION………………..…………………….188 %LIST OF ALL SPECIES FOUND IN THE STUDY TESTING THE EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON AND GRAZING IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM………………………………………………..………………………….190 &LIST OF REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS FOUND FROM 2002-2010 IN A STUDY TESTING THE EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON AND GRAZING IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM………………………………………………192 'LIST OF MAMMALS FOUND FROM 2002-2010 IN A STUDY TESTING THE EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON AND GRAZING IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM……….……………………………………………………...193 (LIST OF INVERTEBRATES FOUND FROM 2003-2011 IN A STUDY TESTING THE EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON AND GRAZING IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM …………………………...................................................…194 F. CHAPTER II VARIABLES DESCRIBED IN TERMS OF MEANS AND SE FOR TREATED-GRAZED, TREATED-NON-GRAZED, NOT TREATEDGRAZED, AND NOT TREATED-NON-GRAZED PLOTS………….....…200 G. CHAPTER III VARIABLES DESCRIBED IN TERMS OF MEANS AND SE FOR TREATED-GRAZED, TREATED-NON-GRAZED, NOT TREATEDGRAZED, AND NOT TREATED-NON-GRAZED PLOTS…………….…210 iv Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 ABSTRACT The sand shinnery oak (Quercus havardii) mixed-grass community is an isolated, relict habitat located within short-grass prairie of the Southern High Plains. With the introduction of center-pivot agriculture, unmanaged grazing, oil and gas exploration and suppression of the natural fire regime, the vegetation composition of the shinnery oak community has changed during the past century. While some areas have become dominated by a monoculture of shinnery oak, the absolute amount of shinnery oak has been drastically reduced. This is particularly disconcerting not only because native biodiversity is lost, but also because this area is home to a number of species of conservation concern including the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchuspallidicinctus), sand dunes lizard (Sceloporus arenicolus), and Cassin’s sparrow (Aimophia cassinii). Land managers have used herbicides (e.g., tebuthiuron) and a variety of grazing systems as tools to manage shinnery oak. However, very little research has been done to test how these tools can be used to restore an altered shinnery oak-grass community to presettlement standards of species composition. This thesis tests the community response in terms of abiotic factors; plant composition, structure and production; and mammal, herptile, and invertebrate community responses in terms of abundance, dominance, and diversity to a designed restoration effort from 2000-2011. The primary objectives were to (1) determine the variable response to tebuthiuron and grazing treatments, (2) assess the temporal response of the variables to the use of four treatment combinations over a 12-year period, and (3) compare resultant vegetation composition to historical standards. In Roosevelt Co, New Mexico, on the Southern High Plains, 532 ha of private land were treated with tebuthiuron (rate of 0.60 kg/ha with dune avoidance) in 2000. The state of New Mexico owned 518 ha of adjacent land, representing extant shinnery oak community (experimental control). This application rate was approximately 50% of previously recommended rates because the goal was to reduce shinnery oak to historical levels, not to eliminate it. A moderate grazing treatment was designed to take a maximum of 50% of the annual herbaceous production. To allow for inference beyond the study site, the experimental design was a combined completely randomized design with a systematic application of treatments following random assignment of initial treatment combination. The four treatments were treated/grazed, treated/not grazed, not treated/grazed, and not treated/not v Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 grazed. There were four replicates for the four treatments, totaling 16 plots. To remove the variation of year-to-year precipitation on the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing, I first ranked precipitation variables (based on two winter, growing and annual precipitation indices) and then used an analysis of variance with precipitation as a covariate. Plant and abiotic variables include soil moisture; line intercept data that was used for percent composition of shrubs, grasses, forbs, litter, bare ground, percent shinnery oak and sand bluestem (Andropogongerardii) grass; Robel pole heights to measure visual obstruction; angle of obstruction to measure overhead obstruction; herbaceous production; and seed production for dropseed species (Sporobolus spp.), bluestems (Andropogon spp.), sand paspalum (Paspalummaritimum), and gramas (Bouteloua spp.). Small mammals and herptiles were trapped from May to September with 800 trap nights and 960 trap nights per plot per year from 2002-2010. Mammals were trapped with Sherman live traps and herptiles were trapped with pitfall and funnel traps. Abundance, dominance, diversity and the three most abundant mammals - kangaroo rat (Dipidomis ordii), spotted ground squirrel (Spermophilus spilosoma), and pocket mouse species (Perognathus spp.) - and herptiles (prairie lizard (Sceloporus lecontei), Great Plains skink (Eumeces obsoletus), and coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum)) were variables used in analyses. Invertebrates were collected in April and June with a terrestrial vacuum sampler. Invertebrate abundance, biomass, and number of taxonomic families as well as biomass of the three most abundant (grasshoppers (Acrididae), treehoppers (Acrididae), and caterpillars (Lepidoptera larvae) were variables used in analysis. My results show that at relatively low levels of tebuthiuron (0.60 kg/ha) and subsequent moderate grazing system, sand shinnery oak can be reduced and maintained at near historical levels without reapplying tebuthiuron because the tested management approach allowed grasses to remain competitive in the system. Over the ten years, there was 91% less shinnery oak in untreated areas.The removal of shinnery oak made environmental soil moisture more available for grasses and forbs to germinate and grow. Indeed, grasses increased by 149% and forbs increased by 257% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas throughout the study period. In terms of visual obstruction, there was both an herbicide and grazing effect in April such that visual obstruction increased by 30% in treated areas as compared to untreated and decreased by 6.5% in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. Similarly, there was an herbicide and grazing interaction effect such that treated areas vi Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 had a 14% decrease in overhead obstruction in grazed areas and non-treated areas had only 10% less in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. These changes in plant composition and structure increase biodiversity such that there are more available niches to fill. The results from mammal, herptile, and invertebrate data indicated that species react on an individual basis to herbicide and grazing combinations, so the treatments yielded mixed results. I found no significant herbicide effect of overall abundance of small mammals. However, there was a significant grazing effect such that there was 23% more abundance of small mammals in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas, which was likely driven by kangaroo rats. In terms of herptile abundance, there was an interaction effect such that more lizards were found in treated/non-grazed and not treated/grazed areas. This mixed result indicates that species act individually in response to herbicide and grazing. Invertebrates, for the most part, responded positively to herbicide treatment and negligibly in terms of grazing, presumably due to increases in forbs. Areas that were treated with tebuthiuron and had moderate grazing statistically reached historical standards only during one year, but showed trends that were comparable to historical standards throughout the study compared to other treatment combinations. The largest difference between treated areas and historical standards was that treated areas had more forbs. This may not necessarily be interpreted as a bad thing because increase in invertebrates due to forb presence indicates good habitat quality and increases food sources for animals higher on the food chain. With low rates of tebuthiuron (0.60 kg/ha) and moderate levels of grazing, shinnery oak communities can approach historical. With moderate levels of grazing, shinnery oak will not need to be re-treated as grasses remain competitive in the system. With the removal of shinnery oak, there is increased soil moisture such that grasses and forbs can establish. The change from a shrub monoculture to a mixed-grass prairie changes the plant composition and structure and provides more niches for invertebrates, mammals and herptiles to fill. Treatment with tebuthiuron at low doses is the first step in managing shinnery oak communities; however, given the incredible, absolute loss of shinnery oak managers should be cautious about treating all shinnery-oak dominated areas. vii Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 /,672)7$%/(6 1.1 Vegetation composition and cover means from control and tebuthiuron-treated area vegetation transects in Roosevelt County, New Mexico, before and after 2000 tebuthiuron application. Pre-application data were collected in 2000; post-application data were collected in 2001………………………..20 1.2 2001 grass seed production on control and treatment areas in eastern New Mexico, after tebuthiuron application……………………………………...21 2.1 List of top ranked AIC models for precipitation, W, precipitation effect’s F and P values, r2, and trend of precipitation regression for soil moisture, plant composition, plant structure, and plant and seed production. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – nongrazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010…………………………...57 2.2 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for soil moisture in April and June. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 20002010………………………………………………………………………...58 2.3 List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for soil moisture in April and June that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010...59 2.4. Summary of percent cover variables (grass, shrub, forb, litter, and bare ground) and their relationship with winter precipitation index, which was selected for the MANOVA following the trends of other plant variables. Data are from 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – nongrazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………………...60 2.5 Overall MANCOVA results for percent cover and individual ANCOVA results for percent cover with associated F and P values. Data are from 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010…………………………………..61 2.6. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for presence of shinnery oak and bluestem species. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron viii Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010………………………………….62 2.7 List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for presence of shinnery oak and sand bluestem that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 20012010…….…………………………………………………………………..63 2.8. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for visual and overhead obstruction in April and June. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010…………………………………..64 2.9. List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of visual and overhead obstruction in April and June in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 20002010………………………………………………………………………...65 2.10 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for herbaceous and seed production. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 20002010………………………………………………………………………...66 2.11 List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of herbaceous and seed production, specifically sand dropseed, bluestem, sand paspalum, and blue grama seed production. Herbaceous production measurements were taken from 2002-2010 and seed production was taken from 2004-2009. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – nongrazed in eastern New Mexico…………………………………………………………………….67 2.12 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for seed production of sand dropseed, bluestem, sand paspalum, and blue grama. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – nonix Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010……………………...68 3.1 Number of captured mammals during 800 trap nights each year from June to September from 2002-2010 (with 600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico…………………………………………………...124 3.2 Number of herptile species trapped for 960 trap nights a year from June to September from 2002-2010 (with 480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico…………………………………………………...125 3.3 Number of collected invertebrates by taxon group from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010……………………………………………….…126 3.4 List of top ranked AIC models for precipitation, W, r2 with associated F and P, and trend of precipitation regression for mammal data. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – nongrazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010………………..…128 3.5 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for mammal abundance, dominance (1-Simpson’s index) and diversity (Shannon’s index) that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………………………………………………….129 3.6 List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of mammal abundance, dominance, diversity and three most abundant species (Ord’s kangaroo rat, ground squirrel, and pocket mouse) that were captured in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………………………130 3.7 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for the three most abundant mammals, Ord’s kangaroo rat, ground squirrel, and pocket x Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 mouse. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) nontebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………………………………………………….131 3.8 List of top ranked AIC models for precipitation, W, precipitation effect’s F and P values, r2, and trend of precipitation regression for herptile data. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – nongrazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………..132 3.9 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for herptile abundance, dominance (1-Simpson’s index) and diversity (Shannon’s index) that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – nongrazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………..133 3.10 List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of herptile abundance, dominance, diversity and three most abundant species (prairie lizard, skink, and coachwhip). There were 960 trap nights per plot per year (in 2005 and 2010 there were only 480 trap nights. Data were from 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………….134 3.11 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for the most abundant herptiles, which were prairie lizard, Great Plains skink, and coachwhip. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) nontebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………………………………………………….135 3.12 List of top ranked AIC models for precipitation, W, r2 with associated F and P, and trend of precipitation regression for invert data. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2011……………………………..…136 3.13 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for total number of invertebrates, biomass of invertebrates, and number of invertebrate taxonomic groups that were collected in 16 experimental plots xi Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2011…………………………………………………………..137 3.14 List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of invertebrate abundance, number of invertebrate taxonomic groups, and invertebrate biomass and the three species with the most cumulative biomass, which were treehoppers, grasshoppers, and caterpillar larvae. Data were from a 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2011…………………………………138 3.15 List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for the invertebrates with the most biomass, treehopper, grasshopper, and caterpillar larvae. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) nontebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 20032011……………………………………………………………………….139 4.1 Chi-square values for comparing percent cover shrub, grass, and forb for each plot every year to historical standards of shrub (15%), grass (80%), and forb (5%). Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The critical value for a significant chi-squared test with 2 degrees of freedom is 5.991. So values less than 5.999 indicate there is no difference with historical standards………………………………………………….170 xii Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 LIST OF FIGURES 1.1.Current range of shinnery oak grassland across the southwest from Peterson and Boyd 1998……………………………………………………………..22 1.2 Study area in sand shinnery oak habitats of eastern New Mexico, showing application of tebuthiuron and grazing treatments that were applied in an assessment of restoration of habitats during 2000-2012…………………...23 2.1 Regression of June and April soil moisture and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010………………………………………………………………….69 2.2 Soil moisture in April as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010 (missing data 2002)……………..…70 2.3. Soil moisture in June as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010 (missing data 2002 and 2008)……..71 2.4 Percent composition of shrubs as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………….72 2.5 Percent composition of grass as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………….73 2.6 Percent composition of forbs as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………….76 2.7 Percent composition of litter as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………….77 2.8 Percent composition of bare ground as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………….78 2.9 Regression of shinnery oak and sand bluestem presence and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………………………...79 xiii Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 2.10 Abundance of shinnery oak, in terms of percent composition, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010………………………………………………………………………...78 2.11 Abundance of sand bluestem, in terms of percent composition, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………………………………………79 2.12 Regression of visual and overhead obstruction in April and June and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………………………..80 2.13 Visual obstruction in April, as measured by Robel pole, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010………………………………………………………………………..81 2.14 Visual obstruction in June, as measured by Robel pole, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010………………………………………………………………………...82 2.15 Overhead obstruction in April, as measured by angle of obstruction, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………………………………………83 2.16 Overhead obstruction in June, as measured by angle of obstruction, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………………………………………84 2.17 Regression of herbaceous production, total seed production, dropseed species seed production, sand paspalum species seed production, grama species seed production, and bluestem species seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 for herbaceous production and 2004-2009 for seed production………………………………………………………………….85 2.18 Annual herbaceous production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010...............................................................................................................86 xiv Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 2.19 Total seed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009…...…87 2.20 Sand dropseedseed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05)…………88 2.21 Bluestem seed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009……...89 2.22Paspalum species seed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05)…………90 2.23Gramaseed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05)……………...91 2.24 Bluestem species seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20042009…………………………………………………………………….......92 2.25Paspalum species seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20042009………………………………………………………………………...93 2.26Grama species seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20042009………………………………………………………………………...94 2.27 Total seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009…………95 3.1 Regression of mammal abundance, diversity, and dominance and winter precipitation as well as kangaroo rat, pocket mouse and ground squirrel (800 trap nights per plot per year except 600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) and xv Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………………………..140 3.2 Mammal abundance with 800 trap nights per plot per year as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in New Mexico from 2002-2010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010)……………………………………………141 3.3 Mammal dominance based on the Simpson’s index of diversity with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010)……………………………………………………………………...142 3.4 Mammal diversity based on the Shannon index of diversity with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 (missing data June 2002)……….143 3.5 Kangaroo rat abundance with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010)…………………………………144 3.6 Ground squirrel abundance with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010)………………………………....145 3.7 Pocket mouse species abundance with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010)…………………………………146 3.8 Regression of herptile abundance, diversity, and dominance and winter precipitation as well as prairie lizard, Great Plains skink, and coachwhip (960 trap nights per plot per year except 480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010………………...…147 3.9 Herptile abundance with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in New Mexico from 2002-2010…………………………………………….148 3.10 Herptile dominance based on the Simpson’s index of diversity with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent xvi Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………………………………………………….149 3.11 Herptile diversity based on the Shannon index of diversity with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010…………………………………………………………………….…150 3.12 Prairie lizard abundance with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………………151 3.13 Great Plains skink abundance with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………………152 3.14 Coachwhip abundance with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010………………………………………………….153 3.15 Regression of invertebrate abundance, biomass, and number of families and winter precipitation as well as regressions of grasshopper, treehopper, and caterpilars and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010…………………...154 3.16 Total invertebrate abundance from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20032010……………………………………………………………………….155 3.17 Number of invertebrate taxonomic groups from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010…………………………………………………………..156 3.18 Invertebrate biomass from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20032010……………………………………………………………………….157 3.19 Grasshopper abundance from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on xvii Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20032010………………………………………………………………………158 3.20 Treehopper abundance from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20032010………………………………………………………………………159 3.21 Caterpillar abundance from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20032010……………………………………………………………………….160 4.1 Annual precipitation (cm) on study site in eastern New Mexico…………...171 4.2 Summary across 2002-2010 for percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for treated- grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico…………………………………………………………………....172 4.3 Summary across 2002-2010 for percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for treated- non-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico………………………………………………………………173 4.4 Summary across 2002-2010 for percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for untreated- grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico……………………………………………………………………174 4.5 Summary across 2002-2010 for percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for untreated- non-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico………………………………………………………………175 4.6 Percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for treated-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……...176 4.7 Percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for treated-non-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010….177 4.8 Percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for untreated-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……...178 xviii Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 4.9 Percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for untreated-non-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico from 20022010………………………………………………………………………179 4.10 Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for treatedgrazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………….…………………………………….180 4.11 Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for treatednon-grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………….…………………………..…………181 4.12 Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for untreated-grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………….………………………….182 4.13 Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for untreated-non-grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………….………………………….183 4.14 Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for tebuthiuron treated plots in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010……………………………….……………184 4.15 Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for untreated plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………….………………………………………185 4.16 Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………………………………………………….186 4.17 Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for nongrazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010……………………………….…………………………………….187 xix Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 CHAPTER I A LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction Sand shinnery oak (Quercus havardii) communities occur across the Southern Great Plains from western Oklahoma and northern Texas, southward to southeastern New Mexico (Fig. 1.1). Sand shinnery oak communities comprise the nation’s largest stand of oak, occupying 2-3 million hectares (Peterson and Boyd 1998). The oak forest is about a meter tall and made up of ancient plants, most of which are hundreds or thousands of years old. Historically, sand shinnery oak co-dominated the plant community in association with midand tall grasses that typically grew higher than the sand shinnery oak (Peterson and Boyd 1998). These plant communities are considered isolated relict communities surrounded by short-grass prairie of the High Plains (Smythe and Haukos 2009). Sand shinnery oak grasslands are ecologically important to providing habitat for many species of conservation concern. In particular, numerous grassland bird species with declining population trends (Peterjohn and Sauer 1999) occupy sand shinnery oak grassland communities. Perhaps best known among these is the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus), considered an indicator species for the region and also a candidate for protection under the Endangered Species Act (Smythe and Haukos 2009; Federal Register 2010). Conservation efforts for the lesser prairie-chicken and other grassland birds are largely contingent on the ability to restore historical habitats. The current landscape in eastern New Mexico has dramatically changed during the past 100 years; habitat loss has occurred through degradation and fragmentation with the introduction of row-crop agriculture, fire suppression, and oil and gas exploration. 1 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Furthermore, unmanaged, continuous livestock grazing has replaced the historical ecological drivers of seasonal grazing by bison (Bison bison) and recurrent fire. These changes in land use have increased the proportion of shrubs in plant communities and reduced the total area of the shinnery oak grassland, but not the absolute area of shrubs across much of the region (Peterson and Boyd 1998). In many areas, due to anthropogenic impacts, sand shinnery oak has become a monoculture, which has led to a decline of floral and faunal diversity. Although sand shinnery oak is not considered an invasive plant, it is an effective water gatherer and has the potential to out-compete native grasses in unmanaged, continuous grazing systems (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Historical accounts indicate that there may have been as much as 607,000 hectares of shinnery oak in New Mexico (Peterson and Boyd 1998). However, with much of the historical range being converted to monoculture grassland and croplands, Baily and Painter (1994) considered sand shinnery oak habitat highly threatened in eastern New Mexico. To restore and conserve the shinnery oak community in eastern New Mexico, land should be restored to historical proportions of tall- and mid-grasses, shrubs, and forbs in these communities. Weaver and Clements (1938) considered the sand shinnery oak forest as a postclimax community, meaning that it is no longer in a state of equilibrium. By implementing combinations of herbicide and grazing, managers can potentially restore land to historical standards and manage for both wildlife conservation and cattle production. Tebuthiuron is a dry pelleted herbicide that has been used to eradicate sand shinnery oak since 1974. Several studies have examined the application of tebuthiuron and its effects on controlling sand shinnery oak. Researchers have also documented effects of grazing and stocking rates in sand shinnery oak communities. However, there is no research on how the 2 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 herbicide treatment and grazing interact to affect the plant composition or native wildlife species. The goal of my research was to evaluate the use of grazing management and tebuthiuron application to restore plant assemblages to pre-settlement conditions, and the influence of these treatments on biodiversity in sand shinnery oak grasslands. This thesis will report the results of a twelve-year data set documenting the community response to the use of tebuthiuron and grazing to restore the sand shinnery oak grassland of eastern New Mexico. Objectives Restoring sand shinnery oak communities to historical vegetation composition levels with the use of tebuthiuron and grazing management is a relatively new approach. Shrub control and grazing greatly affect overhead and horizontal vegetation structure, so it is important to consider both when designing and evaluating restoration and management plans. Livestock grazing is an important economic resource for ranchers in the area and will continue in the future. As such, understanding how grazing and shrub control affect the composition and structure of plant communities is essential for management recommendations to restore and then maintain restored communities in this relict ecosystem. My goal was to assess the effects of two treatments with two levels: tebuthiuron (treated and not treated) and grazing (grazed and non-grazed). The variables of interest include vegetation composition, diversity, structure, and production, and also the diversity and relative abundance of small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. Specifically, my first objective was to compare the vegetation response from 2002-2010 herbicide and grazing treatments in terms of plant diversity, percent vertical and overhead obstruction, seed production, and plant biomass. The second objective was to compare relative abundance, diversity of common species of mammals, reptile, amphibian, and 3 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 invertebrates among treatments. My third objective was to assess the influence of herbicide and grazing treatments on restoring the community historical standards. Hypotheses 1. Low levels of tebuthiuron and subsequent grazing management will restore sand shinnery oak grasslands to historical composition. 2. Restoration of sand shinnery oak grasslands will increase grass species occurrence, biomass, and biodiversity. 3. Due to increased habitat heterogeneity, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates will increase in abundance and diversity in treated and non-grazed plots. Historical accounts of sand shinnery oak communities The absolute amount and proportion of shinnery oak is widely debated throughout the literature. Garrison and McDaniel (1982) estimated 1,068,370 hectares in New Mexico. However, this seems to be a liberal estimate considering Peterson and Boyd’s (1998) subsequent conclusionfollowing an extensive literature review of 607,000 hectares in the entire shinnery oak range. What remains clear is that the absolute amount of shinnery oak communities has been decreasing due to conversion into cropland and monotypic grassland. In the last 100 years, greater than 500,000 ha of sand shinnery oak communities have been converted in Texas and New Mexico (Peterson and Boyd 1998). The shinnery oak community has become one of the most imperiled vegetation community types in the world (Baily and Painter 1994, Bell et al. 2010). Historically, USDA Soil Conservation Service (now Natural Resources Conservation Service [NRCS]) surveys indicate that shinnery oak made up 5% to 25% of plant composition in the pre-settlement plant community (Conner et al. 1974, Hodson et al. 1980). 4 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 However, other researchers claim that, historically, shinnery oak may have constituted 80% to 90% of plant mass or ground cover in the community (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Under grazing pressure, USDA defines shinnery oak in historical soil surveys as an “increaser,” which at the time was defined as a species that increased in percentage composition of the community although it could be decreasing in absolute amount. Lenfesty (1983) found that shinnery oak increased in absolute amount under grazing pressure, which is the current definition of “increaser” (Society for Range Management 1995). However, the NRCS has not been able to support this claim with data. Moreover, there are no data to support that shinnery oak is limited by competition with grasses, so shinnery oak may not be increasing in absolute terms. The NRCS and others (Herbel 1979, Herndon 1981, Lenfesty 1983, York and DickPeddie 1979) claim that shinnery oak invades over-grazed rangeland (Peterson and Boyd 1998). However, this is disputed given the stable existence of shinnery oak for hundreds of years and the fact that shinnery oak expands slowly with rhizomes and rarely by seed (acorn) germination. The assumption that shinnery oak was not a significant part of the historical community has influenced the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to treat 40,500 hectares in New Mexico with herbicide (Peterson and Boyd 1998, USDI BLM 1979, BLM Roswell District Manager letter to the Sierra Club September 24, 1991). It is reasonable to consider that with the loss of historical ecological drivers, the increase of cattle production, and the consequent depletion of grass production, there may be an appearance of a greater proportion of sand shinnery oak than before in extant communities. Weaver and Clements (1938) considered shinnery oak forests as a post-climax community (Peterson and Boyd 1998). They attributed the extension of mid- and tallgrass 5 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 prairie in the region to previously wetter climates. The survival of sand shinnery oak may be in part due to deep sands that developed during the Pleistocene drying of the Southern Great Plains (Peterson and Boyd 1998). The environment can be harsh, with an average, though highly variable, annual precipitation at 45.9 cm, and with average high and low temperatures ranging from 37.4°C to 13.3°C in July and from 22.9°C to -13.1°C in January (C. Dixon, Wildlife Plus Consulting, unpubl. data). Those species that are deep-rooted, soil-stabilizing, and drought-tolerant are the most suited to thrive in these abiotic conditions (NRCS 2011). The assumed historic climax plant community was a mixture of tall grasses (50%), mid-grasses (25%), short grasses (5%), shrubs (15%), and perennial forbs (5%) (NRCS 2011). See Appendix A for the common and scientific names of grasses, forbs and shrubs that are found in Roosevelt County and Appendix B for plants found on the study site. The amount of annual forbs found was dependent on the soil moisture in a given year (NRCS 2011). Proportions of grasses and forbs declined somewhat in dryer years, and in wet years forb growth was profuse (NRCS 2011). The woody shrubs were more stable across years as they are more tolerant of climatic extremes. It is, therefore, evident that shrubs were a major component in historic plant communities (NRCS 2011). Sand shinnery oak, yucca (Yucca glauca), purple three-awn (Aristida purpurea), fall witchgrass (Digitaria cognata), and sand dropseed (Sporobolus contractus) made up 80% of 149 10-by-20 m, survey plots across four counties in New Mexico (Martin 1990). The remaining 20% was comprised of fifteen additional species. Based on this, Martin (1990) classified eight distinct vegetation communities within the region, expanding on Ahlborn’s (1980) three classifications following changes in ecological drivers of bison and fire. Sand Shinnery Oak 6 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Sand shinnery oak is a slowly reproducing, short shrub with up to 100 or more aerial shoots in shallow and deep root systems (Pettit 1986). The shrub spreads via rhizomes and rarely by seed (acorn) germination in natural settings (Peterson and Boyd 1988). The lateral stems can spread to form plants 3-15 m across (Muller 1951). Sears (1982) found that 73% by weight of the roots were found in the first 30 cm of soil. However, the vertical root system can reach depths of 4.5-6 m below the soil surface (McIlivan 1954). This root structure makes sand shinnery oak effective at both obtaining and storing water and preventing wind induced soil erosion (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Water availability is a limiting factor for plant growth in sand shinnery oak communities, but sand shinnery oak does not use more water than grasses and forbs (Peterson and Boyd 1998). However, it begins spring growth two weeks earlier than competing vegetation (Jones and Pettit 1980), which provides several advantages and some disadvantages. The early spring growth means that shinnery oak has access to water earlier so it has longer to grow roots. Another advantage is that it is a more effective light gatherer because it develops leaves and shoots first. However, shinnery oak must deal with colder temperatures and less predictable moisture. Sand shinnery oak rhizomes absorb much water during wet periods, with up to 50% of their mass being water (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Thus, the effects of drought are more severe for grasses than on shinnery oak, which can store water and carbohydrates, has an extensive root system and does not leaf out or can drop leaves during drought conditions to conserve water (Galbraith 1983). The poisonous buds of sand shinnery oak make it undesirable for livestock grazing during spring. The phenolic compounds responsible for the toxicity in shinnery oak can lead 7 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 to malaise, reduced conception rates, lower weight gains, and occasional death (Jones and Pettit 1984). This and the desire for increased grass forage for cattle production has encouraged land managers to eradicate sand shinnery oak for the benefit of grass production. Herbicides Sand shinnery oak is most commonly eradicated with herbicides. Early attempts at eradication were done with phenoxy herbicides including 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T and Silvex (2(2,4,5-T) propionic acid), benzoic acids, including dicamba, and a picolenic acid, picloram (Tordon) (Peterson and Boyd 1998). However, these herbicides usually only resulted in temporary top kill of sand shinnery oak (Pettit 1979). In addition, the high application rates used to kill sand shinnery oak also reduced associated grasses and forbs. Tebuthiuron (N-[5-(1,-dimehylethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]-N,N’-dimehylurea) is a dry pelleted herbicide currently used to control mesquite (Prosopis spp.), whitebrush (Aloysia lyciodes), and oak (Quercus spp.). Tebuthiuron attacks the root systems of the woody stems (Peterson and Boyd 1988). Tebuthiuron has the distinct advantages of relative nontoxicity to non-target species, requires only one application (Scifres et al. 1981), and does not result in an overspray, which is characteristic of liquid herbicides (Peterson and Boyd 1998). The half-life of tebuthiuron is about 360 days (U.S. Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Administration 2000). In a completely randomized design, Pettit (1979) applied picloram and tebuthiuron pellets to 20 m² plots at rates of 1, 3, 5, and 7 kg/ha with three replications of each treatment. Results from the study indicated that the herbicide rate of 7 kg/ha was much greater than required to effectively kill oak. Pettit (1979) also concluded that herbicide application changed species composition. Applications of tebuthiuron at 1kg/ha killed most of the sand 8 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 shinnery oak. However, rates greater than 1 kg/ha killed some of the better forage plants, allowing false buffalo grass (Munroa squarrosa), an undesirable annual, to become dominate. Picloram pellets were not as detrimental to the plant community as the tebuthiuron at similar application rates. Plots treated with ≥3 kg/ha of picloram killed all sand shinnery oak, but did not kill all forbs and grasses were less injured. Pettit (1979) ultimately concluded that 1-2 kg/ha of tebuthiuron could eradicate sand shinnery oak without permanently affecting other plant species in the community. Jones and Pettit (1984) conducted experiments with lower rates of tebuthiuron. Tebuthiuron was applied in 0.2 kg increments from 0.2 to 1.0 kg/ha. They concluded that treatments of >0.40 kg/ha reduced oak canopy 98% and standing crop at least 90%, while grasses were unaffected the first year. Therefore, above-ground grass increased from 420 to 690 kg/ha as compared to the control of 140 kg/ha. Also, during drought, grasses on untreated plots became quiescent up to 6 weeks earlier than on treated areas. The BLM has used tebuthiuron as a management technique to eradicate shrubs. The agency treated 40,469 hectares of shinnery oak in New Mexico with tebuthiuron in the 1980s and early 1990s (Peterson and Boyd 1998). However, complete eradication of shrubs is nowconsidered detrimental to biodiversity and landscape heterogeneity of the region. Therefore, the NRCS has more recently proposed reducing shinnery oak canopy cover to less than 40% to increase grass production with no loss of biodiversity. As such, it has encouraged and cost-shared ranchers in eastern New Mexico to apply 0.56-0.84 kg/ha of tebuthiuron (USDA NRCS 2000). Tebuthiuron and Prairie Chickens 9 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Although tebuthiuron is the most effective and economically feasible way to control sand shinnery oak (Ethridge et al. 1987), some question the ecological effectiveness of control. Bell et al. (2010) found that tebuthiuron increased basal and canopy cover contacts for grasses and decreased canopy cover and stem density of sand shinnery oak. They also found direct evidence supporting thermal selection and the dependency of lesser prairiechicken broods on shinnery oak. Even though prairie-chickens selected habitat that was treated with tebuthiuron to avoid extreme temperatures, they selected for greater amounts of oak, irrespective of thermal cover, suggesting that sand shinnery oak is a preferred habitat. However, other research indicates that prairie-chickens select grass to nest in, even if the surrounding area is shinnery oak. Haukos and Smith (1989) found that of the measured vegetation characteristics, vertical screening cover and percent overhead cover were the most important features of selected nest sites. Of 10 female prairie-chickens radio collared in treated areas, eight were nesting in untreated sand shinnery oak, and all nests were found in residual grasses. Purple three-awn was the dominant vegetation species at the majority of nest sites, followed by little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and sand bluestem (Andropogonhallii). After comparing successful and unsuccessful nesting sites for the lesser prairiechicken in eastern New Mexico, Riley et al. (1992) determined that female prairie-chickens primarily used bluestem grasses as nesting cover because it commonly formed tall, wide clumps with spreading stems that concealed nesting females from fround and overhead predators. Basal composition of sand bluestem was greater and taller than unsuccessful nests. Areas with >25% in composition of tall sand bluestem may offer relief from high temperatures, strong winds, low relative humidity, and intense solar radiation common in 10 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 eastern New Mexico during nesting season. Riley et al. (1992) suggested that grazing utilization levels should be set at <25% of annual growth to allow for key forage species like sand bluestem and little bluestem to grow tall enough to provide nesting cover. They also suggested that nesting habitats would be improved by increasing the composition and height of sand bluestem within potential nesting habitats. After using radio telemetry on adults, Patten et al. (2005) also found that microhabitat features and physiognomy, more so than floristic composition, were important for adult survivorship of the lesser prairie-chicken. Within the shinnery oak community, occupied sites were characterized by greater cover and density of shrubs and a higher proportion of shrubs. On average, prairie-chickens avoided areas that were hotter, drier, and more exposed to the wind, suggesting they perceive their habitat as patchy with regard to microclimate. So while prairie-chickens were found in shrub heavy areas, they also need grass for nesting. Grazing Livestock grazing is an important factor in determining grass response to shrub control. The shinnery oak communities coevolved with grazing of large mammals like pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), bison, elk (Cervus canadensis), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Today, grazing is predominantly by cattle, and grazing intensity is much greater than historical standards. Historically, grazing was by roaming herds of ungulates; now ranchers often implement continuous grazing by cattle. High stocking densities with heavy or moderate continuous grazing have transformed much of the shinnery community. The most palatable plants are pressured more severely and consequently, the tall grass-oak communities change away from historic climax community to short grass-oak or predominately sand shinnery oak 11 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 communities (NCRS 2011). Heavy disturbance by hoof action to the soil surface results in increases in annual grasses and forbs at the expense of perennial grasses (NCRS 2011). Moreover, grazed areas have more bare ground, which increases wind erosion (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Grazing impacts the total production and composition of residual grass cover (Wolfe 1978, Sullivan 1980, Holland 1994). Uneven grazing under season- and year-long continuous grazing creates a mixture of short grasses, bare ground, and tall, lightly-grazed bunches of undesirable grass (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Unmanaged grazing typically results in a decrease of species richness, with a few species tending to dominate. Non-grazed pastures are mostly perennial grasses, whereas grazed areas have shifted toward annual forbs and annual grasses (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Areas that are used primarily for livestock grazing have reduced herbaceous production and require careful management to prevent soil erosion (Sears et al. 1986). Grazing also influences vegetation in terms of vertical and horizontal cover. Knopf et al. (1988) argued that grazing greatly influenced nongame habitat because it alters the horizontal patterning of the lower vegetation layers. Structural diversity provides critical habitat features—travel lanes for broods, abundant access to seeds and insects, and close escape cover (Boyd et al. 2001; Smythe and Haukos 2009, Smythe and Haukos 2010). There is a need to develop and test grazing systems in sand shinnery oak communities that mimic historical patterns to determine how to best restore the community to historical standards. New Mexico Partners in Flight (2003) have identified unmanaged grazing and eradication of shrubs as the two factors that most influence species using shinnery oak in eastern New Mexico. Rangelands with light to moderate livestock stocking rates and patch 12 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 grazing produce more food (seeds and insects) for prairie-chickens than non-grazed or heavily grazed areas (Boyd et al. 2001). The composition of the plant community (including the types of plants, biomass of plants, as well as vertical and horizontal cover of plants) directly influences reproductive success of the lesser prairie-chicken and other grassland birds (Smythe and Haukos 2009). Height and density of grass are “Clearly more important to the prairie chickens than species composition”(Hamerstrom et al 1957: 12). Riley et al. (1992) determined that nest success for lesser prairie-chickens was greater in taller vegetation. They concluded that the tall, wide clumps of vegetation provide better overhead and lateral concealment of nesting birds from predators. Haukos and Smith (1989) explained that lesser prairie-chickens use of sand shinnery oak increased as stocking rates increased because vertical screening cover and percent overhead cover are the most important features of lesser prairie-chicken nest sites. Study Site The study site for this project was a 1,040 ha area south of Portales, New Mexico. The study site included 518 ha of private land on the Weaver Ranch and 518 adjacent ha on the North Bluit Prairie Chicken Area owned by the New Mexico State Game Commission (Fig. 1.2). The area was characterized by gentling undulating plains with sandy and loamy soils that range from shallow to deep (NRCS 2011). The soils on the study site were very deep soils formed in sandy eolian materials (NCRS 2011). The landform for Sand Hills is dunes and sheets. Shinnery oak soils are generally permeable and water erosion is low (Peterson and Boyd 1998). Native vegetation includes short-medium grasses and sandy sites support tall grasses with shinnery oak. Currently, the predominant land use is livestock grazing, 13 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 although irrigated croplands and oil and gas production are becoming more prevalent (NRCS 2011). Climatic Features The climate is characterized by large variation in the magnitude of ranges in daily temperature extremes, low relative humidity, and irregularly spaced rainfall of moderate amounts. The climate regime is also known for being semi-arid with mild winters (NRCS 2011). From 2001-2010, the average annual precipitation on mystudy site in eastern New Mexico was 42 cm, but ranged from 21 cm to 82 cm. Droughts occur often, although there are some years with relatively large rain events (NRCS 2011). Precipitation during spring and summer months results in increased annual production, even if the remainder of the year is relatively dry. April through June are generally dry and July through September is relatively wet (Peterson and Boyd 1998). The winters are typically mild but cold fronts with strong winds are common (NRCS 2011). While the winter brings little snow and precipitation, dust storms that leave dust lingering for several days afterward occur in late winter and early spring. Daytime temperatures in July are an average of 24.5°C with highs and lows ranging from 22.9°C to 4.0°C and January averages are at 4°C with highs and lows ranging from 23°C to -13°C (C. Dixon, Wildlife Plus Consulting, unpubl. Data). Initial Assessment of Plant Composition In the summer of 2000, line point and line intercept methods were used to measure the vegetative composition prior to application of treatments. Three 100-m transects were placed randomly within each of the 12 plots. Line point transects were conducted to determine percent composition of bare ground, litter, and species of rooted plants every 14 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 meter for 100 m (Heady et al. 1959). The line intercept method was also employed (Canfield 1941) within a randomly selected 50-m portion of each 100-m transect. The length of individual plant species that intercepted the line was recorded and converted to percent composition. Surveys concluded that vegetative composition was homogeneous across the study area (F15, 11 =0.65, P=0.24 for point transect, F9, 14=0.66, P=0.74 for line transects) (Smythe 2006). Smythe (2006) determined that there were significant differences between control and treated areas after spraying, the details of which are the crux of this investigation. These differences were significant (F10,5 =46.21, P=0.0003 for point transects, F8,7 =17.68, P=0.006 for line transects; Table 1.1). There was also a 6.5-fold increase in the herbaceous production and a 29-fold difference in seed production in the treated versus untreated areas one year after application (Table 1.2). 15 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Literature Cited Ahlborn, C. G. 1980. Brood-rearing habitat and fall-winter movements of lesser prairie chickens in eastern New Mexico. Master of Science thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 73 pp. Baily, J. and C. Painter. 1994. What good is this lizard? New Mexico Wildlife 39 (4): 22-33. Bell, L. A., S. D. Fuhlendorf, M. A. Patten, D. H.Wolfe, and S. K. Sherrod. 2010. Lesser prairie-chicken hen and brood habitat use on sand shinnery oak. Rangeland Ecology and Management 63:478-486. Boyd, C. S. and T. G. Bidwell. 2001. Influence of prescribed fire on lesser prairie-chicken habitat in shinnery oak communities in western Oklahoma. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 938-947. Canfield, R. H. 1941. Application of the Line Interception Method in Sampling Range Vegetation. Journal of Forestry 39(4): 388-394. Conner, N. R., H. W. Hyde, andH. R. Stoner 1974. Soil survey Andrews County, Texas. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 46 pp. +maps. Davis, C. A., T. Z.Riley, H. R. Suminski, and M. J. Wisdom. 1979. Habitat evaluation of lesser prairie chickens in eastern Chaves County, New Mexico. Final Report to Bureau of Land Management, Rosewell, Contract YA-512-CT6-61. Las Cruces: New Mexico State University, Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences. 142pp. Dickerson, R. J., Jr. 1985. Short duration versus continuous grazing on sand shinnery oak range. Master of Science thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. 88pp. Ethridge, D. E., R. D. Pettit, T. J. Neal, and V. E. Jones.1987. Economic returns from treating sand shinnery oak with tebuthiuron in West Texas. Journal of Range Management 40(4) 346-348. Federal Register. November 10, 2010. Proposed Rules Vol 75, No 217, pg 69222. Galbraith, J. M. 1983. Plant and soil water relationships following sand shin-oak control. Master of Science thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. 81pp. Garrison, G. L. and K. C. McDaniel. 1982. New Mexico brush inventory. Special Report No.1. Las Cruces, NM: New State University and New Mexico Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 68 pp.+maps. 16 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Hamerstrom, F. N., Jr.,O. E. Mattson, and F. Hamerstrom. 1957. A guide to prairie chicken management. Wisconsin Conservation Department of Technology, Wildlife Bulletin, 15. 128 pp. Haukos, D. A. and L. M. Smith. 1989. Lesser prairie-chicken nest site selection and vegetation characteristic in tebuthiuron-treated and untreated sand shinnery oak in Texas. Great Basin Naturalist 49: 624-626. Heady, H. F., R. P. Gibbens, and R. W. Powell. 1959. A comparison of the charting line intercept, and line point methods of sampling shrub types of vegetation. Rangeland Management 12: 180-188. Hodson, M. V., T. E. Calhoun, C. L. Chastain, L. W. Hacker, W. G. Henerson, and C. R.Seagraves. 1980. Soil survey of Chaves County, New Mexico, southern part. Washington, DC: USDA Soil Conservation Service. 148 pp. + maps. Holland, M. 1994. Disturbance, environmental heterogeneity, and plant community structure in sand shinnery oak community. Master of Science thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. 112 pp. Jones, V. E. and R. D. Pettit. 1980. Soil water in Graslan® and untreated oak plots. Research Highlights 1979 Noxious Brush and Weed Control. Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management 10:31. Texas Tech University, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Lubbock, Texas. Jones, V. E. and R. D. Pettit. 1984. Low rates of tebuthiuron for control of sand shinnery oak. Journal of Range Management 37: 488-490. Knopf, F. L., J. A. Sedgwick, and R. W. Cannon. 1998. Guild structure of riparian avaifauna relative to seasonal cattle grazing. Journal of Wildlife Management 52: 280-290. Lenfesty, C. D. 1983. Soil survey of Chaves County, New Mexico, northern part. Washington, DC: USDA, Soil Conservation Service. 224pp. + maps. Martin, B. H. 1990. Avian and vegetation research in the shinnery oak ecosystem of southeastern New Mexico. Master of Science Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. McIlivan, E. H. 1954. Interim report on shinnery oak control studies in the southern Great Plains. Proceedings,Eleventh Annual Meeting, North Central Weed Control Conference, December 6-9, 1954, Fargo, ND. pp. 96. Muller, C. H. 1951. The significance of vegetative reproduction in Quercus. Madroño 11:129-137. 17 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 New Mexico Partners in Flight. 2003. Draft Land Bird Conservation Plan for the State of New Mexico. Christopher Rustay, compiler. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Patten, M. A.,D. H. Wolfe, E. Shochat, and S. K. Sherrod. 2005. Effects of microhabitat and microclimate selection on adult survivorship of the lesser prairie-chicken. Journal of Wildlife Management 69 (3): 1270-1278. Peterjohn, B. G. and J. R. Sauer. 1999. Population status of North American grassland birds from the North American Breeding Bird Survey, 1966-1996. Studies in Avian Biology 19: 27-44. Peterson, R. S. and C. S. Boyd. 1998. Ecology and management of sand shinnery communities: a literature review. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-16. United States Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Pettit, R. D. 1979. Effects of picloram and tebuthiuron pellets on sand shinnery oak communities. Journal of Range and Management 32:196-200. Pettit, R. D. 1986. Sand shinnery oak. pp. 106. In: T. N. Shiflet, editor, Rangeland Cover Types of the United States. SRM 730. Denver: Society for Range and Wildlife Management. 5 pp. Riley, T. Z., C. A. Davis, M. Ortiz, and M. J. Wisdom. 1992. Vegetative characteristics of successful and unsuccessful nests of lesser prairie chickens. Journal of Wildlife Management 56 (2): 383-387. Scifres, C. J., J. W. Smith, and R. W. Bovey. 1981. Control of oaks (Quercus spp.) and associated woody species on rangeland with tebuthiuron. Weed Science 29: 270-275. Sears, W. E.,C. M. Britton, D. B. Wester, and R. D.Pettit. 1986. Herbicide conversion of sand shinnery oak (Quercus havardii) community: effects of nitrogen. Journal of Range Management 39: 403-407. Sears, W. E. 1982. Biomass and nitrogen dynamics of herbicide converted sand shinnery oak community. Master of Science Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. 105 pp. Smythe, L.A. 2006. Response of nesting grassland birds to sand shinnery oak communities treated with tebuthiuron and grazing in eastern New Mexico. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Smythe, L. A. and D. A Haukos. 2009. Nesting success of grassland birds in shinnery oak communities treated with tebuthiuron and grazing in eastern New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 54(2): 136-145. 18 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Society for Range Management. 1995. New concepts for assessment of rangeland condition. Journal of Rangeland Management 48:271-282. Sullivan, J. C. 1980. Differentiation of sand shinnery oak communities in west Texas. Master of Science thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. 100 pp. U.S. Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Administration. March 2000.Tebuthiuron fact sheet. Accessed April 11, 2012: Weaver, J. E. and F. E. Clements. 1938. Plant ecology, New York McGraw-Hill 599 pp. Western Region Climate Center. 2010. Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary from 1/ 1/1905 to 1/31/2012. Accessed February 1, 2012. Wolfe, H. G., editor. 1978. An environmental baseline study on the Los Medaños Waster Isolation pilot Plant (WIPP) project area of New Mexico: a progress report. Sandia Laboratory Studies SAND 77-7017. Albuquerque: U. S. Department of Energy. 112 pp. York, J. C. and W. A. Dick-Peddie. 1969. Vegetation changes in southern New Mexico during the past hundred years. pp. 157. In: W. G. McGinnies and B. J. Goldman, editors, Arid Lands in Perspective. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 19 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Table 1.1. Vegetation composition and cover means from control and tebuthiuron-treated area vegetation transects in Roosevelt County, New Mexico, before and after 2000 tebuthiuron application. Pre-application data were collected in 2000; post-application data were collected in 2001.1 Vegetation Type Shinnery oak Other shrubs Before Application Control Treatment 22.9 23.1 4.5 5.1 18.5 16.5 1.2 0.9 52.7 54.3 After Application Control Treatment 14.7 0.3 1.4 1.0 11.6 47.5 0.9 0.7 71.7 50.3 Before Application Control Treatment 42.2 39.6 9.4 6.8 41.3 48.4 3.6 4.8 0 0 After Application Control Treatment 38.4 0.5 3.7 1.8 53.3 96.0 4.3 1.6 0 0 Line Transect (%) Before Application Control Treatment 25.6 25.4 3.4 8.0 36.0 35.4 1.8 1.2 0 0 After Application Control Treatment 14.3 0.1 2.9 2.2 29.0 63.9 1.9 1.4 0 0 25.6 25.7 7.1 5.2 33.4 25.5 1.2 0.7 41.6 45.4 After Application Control 21.5 4.9 26.5 Treatment 0.5 2.5 67.6 1 Source: C. Dixon, Wildlife Plus Consulting, unpubl. data. 1.6 1.3 80.5 65.8 Community Measure Point Transects (%) Grasses Forbs Non-plant Nearest Plant (%) Quadrat Estimate (%) Before Application Control Treatment 20 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Table 1.2. 2001 grass seed production on control and treatment areas in eastern New Mexico after tebuthiuron application.1 Seed Production (kg/ha) Sand Gramas Total Paspalum Dropseed Bluestem Community Measure Control 1.06 0.71 1.50 1.06 (no tebuthiuron applied) Treatment 6.06 16.84 42.55 61.08 (tebuthiuron applied) 1 Source: Smythe 2006 and C. Dixon, Wildlife Plus Consulting, unpubl. data. 21 4.83 126.53 associated with this community. Although occurring in other regions of the United States, sand shinnery oak likely has the greatest ecological influence in the sandy soils of the southwestern Southern High Plains (Peterson & Boyd, 1998; Fig. 2). The natural form of Tech University, 100 or greater short, aerialJennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 sand shinnery oak in this region is that of a low shrub with up to Texas shoots from a massive underground stem and root system (Peterson & Boyd, 1998; Pettit, 1986). The underground root system is the primary reproductive structure for sand shinnery oak. Figure 1.1. Range of shinnery oak grassland across the southwest. Fig. 2. Distribution of sand shinnery in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma (Peterson & Boyd, 1989). 22 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 1.2. Study area in sand shinnery oak habitats of eastern New Mexico, showing application of tebuthiuron and grazing treatments that were applied in an assessment of restoration of habitats during 2000-2012. 23 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 CHAPTER II EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON HERBICIDE AND GRAZING TREATMENTS ON SOIL MOISTURE, PLANT COMPOSITION, PLANT STRUCTURE, AND PLANT AND SEED PRODUCTION Introduction The sand shinnery oak (Quercus havardii) (hereafter shinnery oak) community is an important part of the southwestern High Plains (Haukos 2011). Based on evidence for arid to semi-arid or sub-humid environments, the Southern High Plains have likely existed as a grassland for about 11 million years (Holliday 1990, Haukos 2011). The sandy soils of the High Plains of eastern New Mexico and northwestern Texas create a distinct ecosystem from surrounding short-grass prairie. Dune fields and sandy soils were formed during the Altithermal periods (Holliday 1989) along with more than 20,000 ephemeral playa lakes, and 40 saline lakes (many of which are now dry with the advent of irrigation technology and the expansion of farming; Haukos 2011). These deep, sandy soils have always supported a mixed-grass prairie with a co-dominant shrub component (USDA NRCS 2010). Expanding from southeastern New Mexico, northward through the Texas panhandle, and into southwest Oklahoma, the shinnery oak community is an isolated, relict vegetation community. Pettit (1979) recognized the significance of this community, and stated, “These lands are perhaps the most fragile of all ecosystems on the Southern High Plains of Texas and the landowners cannot afford to abuse it” (Haukos 2011: 106). With continuous, unmanaged grazing, suppression of periodic natural fire, and other anthropogenic impacts, the composition of the shinnery oak-grassland community has changed dramatically during the past 100 years (Peterson and Boyd 1998, Haukos 2011). Due to these factors along with 24 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 its capacity as an effective water gatherer, the density of shinnery oak has increased and, in many areas, monotypic stands have developed. Although shinnery oak has frequently been accused of being invasive and increasing under grazing pressure, its presence for over 3,000 years as evidenced through pollen profiles (Gross and Dick Peddie 1979) and its slow growth through rhizomes negates this claim. In fact, due to habitat fragmentation through oil and gas exploration, urban development, and row-crop agriculture, shinnery oak habitat has declined in absolute terms. While the historical acreage of the shinnery oak community is disputed, Peterson and Boyd (1998) estimated that the species historically covered 405,000 ha in Oklahoma, 607,000 in New Mexico and 1.4 million in Texas. It was estimated that Texas had converted at least 200,000 hectares by 1972. With expansion of center-pivot irrigation and advancements in the technology of herbicides, shinnery oak has been lost from at least half of its historical range. However, there is an important need for conservation and restoration of this relicthabitat to a species composition representative of pre-settlement conditions; it provides the primary habitat for a number of species of conservation concern including the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicintus), dune sagebrush lizard (a.k.a. sand dunes lizard Sceloporus arenicolus), and Cassin’s sparrow (Aimophia cassinii). Similar to short-grass prairie, the important historical ecological drivers in the region were herbivory, natural fire, and precipitation. However, there was probably less frequent grazing and fire because the sandy soils were more difficult for bison(Bison bison) to traverse and more fuel load would need to accumulate for fire to travel across patchy vegetation (Haukos 2011). Annual precipitation is highly variable in the region, and is a limiting factor in this semi-arid grassland community (Peterson and Boyd 1988). For example, from 2001- 25 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 2010 the average annual precipitation on mystudy site in eastern New Mexico was 42 cm, but ranged from 21 cm to 82 cm. There are several potential precipitation measures that may be related to plant community response. These include measures of seasonal, annual, and growing season moisture. It is important for land managers to know which precipitation index has the greatest influence on the shinnery oak-grassland ecosystem. For example, recharge of soil moisture is primarily the result of winter and early spring precipitation (Inouye 2005). As such, winter precipitation can predict, to a certain extent, annual production, which is essential to plan stocking rates for the following year. With a lack of other historical drivers like grazing and fire, the shinnery oak community has changed in composition from a mixed-grass prairie to monotypic stands with dense shrubs. Tebuthiuron (N-[5-(1,-dimehylethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]-N,N’-dimehylurea) is an herbicide that attacks the root systems of the woody stems and has been used to eradicate shrubs (Peterson and Boyd 1988). Thehalf-life of tebuthiuron is about 360 days (U.S. Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Administration 2000). As a dry-pelleted herbicide, tebuthiuron has the distinct advantages of relative nontoxicity to non-target species, requires only one application (Scifres et al. 1981), and does not result in an overspray characteristic of liquid herbicides (Peterson and Boyd 1998). In the 1980s and early 1990s, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) treated 40,469 hectares of shinnery oak in New Mexico with tebuthiuron under the assumption that shinnery oak was not a part of the historic composition (Peterson and Boyd 1998). BLM treated shinnery oak with the goal of eradication for the benefit of grass production in order to eradicate it to increase grass and because shinnery oak’s buds can be toxic to cattle in the 26 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 spring. A complete eradication should be avoided because elimination of vegetation roots, including shinnery oak, can cause the sandy soils tobecome severely eroded (Grover 1990, Haukos 2011). It is now recognized that complete eradication of shrubs is considered detrimental to biodiversity and landscape heterogeneity in the region. Therefore, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has more recently proposed reducing shinnery oak canopy cover to less than 40% to increase grass production with no loss of biodiversity. As such, NRCS has encouraged and cost-shared ranchers in eastern New Mexico to apply 0.560.84 kg/ha of tebuthiuron (USDA NRCS 2000). Numerous studies have addressed the effects of tebuthiuron application in shinnery oak communities. This study is the first to evaluate the potential use of the herbicide and grazing as tools for restoration of the historical vegetation community, which is particularly important because much of the land in the region is managed for cattle production. This study is also unique in that it evaluates restoration with 12 years of data, allowing inference regarding temporal responses. My goal was to measure attributes of shinnery oak grasslands during an effort to restore a historical shinnery oak-mixed-grass prairie. Specific objectives were to measure the (1) abiotic response of soil moisture, (2) changes in the plant community composition,(3) changes in community structure, and (4) impacts to plant production in terms of total aboveground biomass and seed production. The focus of this chapter is an assessment of the treatments without regard to annual variation in precipitation. Therefore, for each objective, several indices of precipitation were tested to determine the measure of precipitation that explained the most variation within each dependent variable. The selected precipitation index was used to remove the variation due to annual precipitation levels to focus on the treatment 27 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 effects of herbicide treatment and grazing management. Knowing more about the effects of herbicide coupled with grazing will offer better insight as to how the community can be restored with techniques that are already prevalent in the region. Methods Experimental Design Before beginning the experiment, initial surveys were conducted in the summer of 2000 to test homogeneity of the study site. Three 100 meter (m) transects were placed randomly within each of the 12 plots. The line intercept method was employed (Canfield 1941) within randomly selected 50 m portion of each 100 m transect. The individual plant species that intercepted the line was recorded and converted to percent composition. Surveys concluded that vegetative composition was homogeneous across the study area (F 9, 14=0.66, P=0.74 for line transects) (Smythe 2006) (Tables 1.1 and 1.2). After initial surveys, another replicate for each treatment was added for statistical power. In Roosevelt County, New Mexico, on the Southern High Plains, 532 ha of private land were treated with tebuthiuron (rate of 0.60 kg/ha with dune avoidance) in 2000. This application rate was approximately 50% of previously recommended rates because the goal was to reduce shinnery oak, not to eliminate it. The state of New Mexico owned 523 ha of adjacent land, representing an extant shinnery oak community serving as an experimental control. This herbicide control area had not been grazed for 7 years before the study and the private land was grazed immediately prior to the herbicide treatment; neither area was grazed until two growing seasons following herbicide treatment. A moderate grazing treatment was designed to take a maximum of 50% 28 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 of the annual herbaceous production between two grazing seasons in the growing and dormant seasons in July and January, respectively, starting in December 2002. Due to logistical constraints, there was no growing season grazing in 2009 or 2010. Because grass production differed substantially between the tebuthiuron-treated and control plots, cattle grazed for approximately 300 animal-days per plot on the control areas and 2,000 animaldays per plot of the tebuthiuron-treated areas to achieve similar grazing intensity within each treatment combination. To allow for inference beyond the study site, the experimental design was a combined completely randomized design with a systematic application of treatments following random assignment of initial treatment combination (Cochran and Cox 1957, Smythe and Haukos 2009). My independent variables were herbicide treatment (two levels of treated and untreated) and grazing (two levels of grazed and non-grazed). These were considered fixed effects and the replicates of the treatments were treated as random effects. There were four replicates for the four treatments, totaling 16 plots each 1 hectare across (Fig. 1.2). Historical Climax Plant Community Using the ecological site description, I created an index of the historical percentage of plant occurrence in terms of tallgrasses, midgrasses, shortgrasses, shrubs, and forbs (, site ID R077DY045TX). I then used the index to compare the historic plant community to that in each of the four treatments to determine which treatment combination best approaches a restored sand shinnery oak grass community. Field Methods To evaluate the community response to the treatments, abiotic and vegetation characteristics were measured at each treatment plot. Abiotic variables were precipitation and 29 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 soil moisture. Vegetation data were partitioned into categories of composition, structure, and production. Composition included percent composition of grass, shrub, forb, bare ground and litter. In addition, I separated out shinnery oak and bluestem (Andropogon spp.) for additional analyses. Visual and horizontal obstruction, measured with the Robel pole and angle of obstruction respectively, were measured to assess vegetation structure. Because lesser prairie-chickens and other avian species utilizing these communities may respond differently to vegetation structure during nesting and brooding seasons, these variables, along with soil moisture, were recorded in April and June. Plant production was measured in terms of end-of-growing-season standing crop of total herbaceous production and seed production separated by bluestem species (Andropogon spp.), grama species (Bouteloua spp.), sand paspalum (Paspalum maritimum), and dropseed species (Sporobolusspp.). Weather Data A digital recording rain gauge (Rainwise, Inc.) was established in the study area to monitor precipitation. In addition, a weather station was placed near the site to monitor daily weather conditions, including monthly precipitation (cm). Becauseprecipitation in semi arid regions is widely recognized as being low and highly variable (Sala and Lauenroth 1982, Noy-Meir 1973), it was an important to retain in the model as a covariate. Potential precipitation variables for each year were calculated as winter I (November to March), winter II (October to March), growing season (April to October), and annual season (April to March). Environmental Soil Moisture Plant growth is largely determined by soil moisture; thus, it was important to measure the effect of treatments on environmental soil moisture. From 2001-2010, soil moisture was 30 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 measured April and June with quick draw soil moisture meter (Aquaterr model 200), with the exception of April 2002 and in June 2002 and 2008). In each of the 16 plots, the probe was placed 15 cm into the soil at 10-m intervals along three 100-m line transects in a randomly selected direction from a permanently marked t-post. Soil moisture was recorded in centibars (cb). Vegetative Composition Each September from 2001–2010, vegetative surveys were conducted to monitor vegetation response to treatments. A pre-vegetation survey conducted in 2000 found that the study area was homogenous prior to application of the herbicide treatment (Table 1.1). Within each replicate, percent composition of grass, shrub, forb, bare ground and litter were measured based on occurrence every meter along three, 10-m transects (Heady et al. 1959). Percent composition of grass, shrub, forb, bare ground and litter within each replication was estimated by dividing the number of points at which each occurred by the total number of points sampled. Also, shinnery oak presence and sand bluestem (Andropogon hallii), an example of desirable grass, were analyzed. Visual Obstruction Visual obstruction was measured each April and June from 2001-2010 (excluding June 2003) using a Robel pole (Robel et al. 1970) placed 4 m to the right of a point every 10 m along each of the three 100-m transects within each replicate. An observer estimated the lowest visible decimeter of the pole that was visible from the transect line at an eye-level of 1 m. 31 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Overhead Obstruction Overhead obstruction was measured with angle of obstruction each April and June from 2001-2010 (excluding June 2002). The angle of obstruction is a function of plant height and the ground distance of the plant from a point in space, indicating that it is a direct mathematical integration of vertical and horizontal dimensions of habitat structure (Harrell et al. 2002). A digital level was attached to a pole that was lowered down until it came into contact with a plant (Kopp et al. 1998). Angular readings (degrees) were recorded in each cardinal direction at 10 intervals on three 100-m transects within each plot. Herbaceous Production Herbaceous production was measured each October from 2002-2010 to estimate available above-ground standing crop, which was an index of residual cover for wintering wildlife and nesting birds. Clip plots were used to measure above-ground production. A 0.25 by 1 m quadrat frame was placed at 10-m intervals in a randomly selected direction. Five such samples were collected within each replicate of all four treatments. All herbaceous growth was clipped at ground level, dried at 40°C with a 2002 Cabela's Commercial Food Dehydrator (160 liter 89 cm x 44 cm x 60 cm) to a constant mass, and then weighed on a 2002 ChargeMaster 1500 scale to the nearest 0.01 g. Above-ground standing crop was recorded as kg/ha. Seed Production Seeds production was estimated for the most abundant grass species during September from 2004-2009. A 0.25 by 1 m quadrat frame was placed at 10-m intervals in a randomly selected direction from a randomly selected point. Five samples were taken from each plot. Seeds were stripped from Andropogon species, Bouteloua species, Paspalum 32 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 maritimum, and Sporobolus species. Seeds from the same species were grouped and dried at 40°C with a 2002 Cabela's Commercial Food Dehydrator (160 liter-89 cm x 44 cm x 60 cm) to a constant mass, and then weighed on a 2002 ChargeMaster 1500 scale to the nearest 0.01g. Seed production was recorded as kg/ha. Statistical Methods Soil moisture exerts a relative influence on each measured dependent variable included in this study. Thus, determination of a relevant precipitation index for each dependent variable was necessary to create a covariate that removed the maximum amount of variation due to annual precipitation. This enabled me to test the relative effects of the treatments while minimizing the effect of annual precipitation, which varied from 21-82 cm during the study (Fig. 4.1). For each dependent variable, I tested four potential indices of precipitation that are potentially biologically relevant, using 1 April and 1 October as the start and end of the growing season, respectively. These four indices are previous annual precipitation (1 April to 31 March), spring/summer precipitation (1 April to 30 September), and two measures of winter precipitation (1 October to 31 March and 1 November to 31 March). Historically, from 1981-2010, the average precipitation from April to March was 42.45 cm, from April to October was 36.3 cm, from October to March was 9.77 cm, and from November to March was 6.16 cm (WRCC, 2010). I chose two different indices of winter precipitation as it has been used as a predictor variable for topographic features in the region (Brown et al. 2002). I tested growing-season precipitation because plant structure may be related to growth during the previous growing season. I also tested annual precipitation, which is a combination of spring and winter precipitation. 33 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Precipitation was treated as a continuous annual fixed effect. For each dependent variable, I used Akaike Information Criterion for small samples (AICc) to rank the models containing the 4 precipitation indices to determine the index with the greatest influence on each dependent variables (Anderson and Burham 1997). The resultant precipitation measure from the highest ranked model was then used as a covariate in an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), removing the effect of variation in annual precipitation prior to testing the main effects of herbicide treatment (treated vs. untreated) and grazing (grazing vs. non-grazed) as well as the their interaction. Data were tested for normality (Shapiro-Wilk Test) and homogeneity of variance (Levene’s Test and Welch’s Test) (Cochran and Cox 1957). Independence was assumed, as the samples were randomly selected. The Satterthwaite approximation was used to pool variances, if the variance estimates among the independent variables of herbicide treatment, grazing, and herbicide*grazing were homogeneous (Zar 2009). If the precipitation covariate was significant (P< 0.05), I used simple linear regression to evaluate the strength of the influence of the precipitation measure on the dependent variable. I performed statistical analyses using PROCMIX in SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA). A similar process was used for percent composition, but I initially used a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) to simultaneously test the effects of herbicide treatment and grazing for all plant species composition variables. Plant species composition was categorized into groups of vegetation types (grass, shrub, and forb) as well as variables for bare ground and litter. Following a statistically significant MANCOVA (Wilks’ lambda), univariate mixed effects analysis of variance (ANCOVA) was used to test each dependent variable in the same study design. For all statistical tests, I set α = 0.05. 34 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Results Precipitation covariate The highest-ranking index for all precipitation indices was winter precipitation from either October or November to March, except for overhead obstruction in April. In that case, growing season (April to March) best explained the variation (Table 2.1, Figs. 2.24-2.28). The effect of precipitation was statistically significant on all considered variables, except for annual seed production and blue grama seed production. The linear relationship between dependent variables and precipitation was marginally biologically relevant as all relationships had low r2 values. The trends of these relationships were negative with the exception of herbaceous production, dropseed production, and sand paspalum. Soil Moisture in April Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation measure for soil moisture in April (Table 2.2). Winter precipitation had a significant effect in the ANCOVA (F8, 396=541.91, P<0.0001). However, even though the slope for winter precipitation was statistically significant, it offered little ecological explanatory ability (r2 = 0.12; F1, 430 =59.36, P=0.0001; Fig. 2.1). Plots treated with tebuthiuron had 16% more soil moisture in April than those that were not treated (F1, 396=105.04, P<0.0001; Table 2.3; Fig. 2.2). There was also a grazing effect (F1, 396=7.67, P=0.006; Fig. 2.2) such that soil moisture increased by 4% in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. There was no herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 428=0.16, P=0.69). Soil Moisture in June Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation measure for soil moisture in June (Table 2.2). Winter precipitation was a significant factor in the ANCOVA (F8, 360=503.30, P<0.0001). The slope between winter precipitation and soil 35 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 moisture in June was statistically significant, but there was little explanatory power in the relationship (r2 =0.01; F1, 391=3.97, P=0.05; Fig. 2.1). Soil moisture in June was 17% greater in plots treated with tebuthiuron (F1, 360=71.89, P<0.0001; Table 2.3; Fig. 2.3). There was no grazing effect (F1, 360=1.72, P=0.19), nor was there an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 360=1.03, P=0.32) for June soil moisture. Percent Composition The winter precipitation from November to March was used in the MANCOVA model for community composition (Wilks’ lambda= 0.78, F1,120 =6.63, P<0.0001). However, for each dependent variable, the winter precipitation index did not have a significant effect: grass - r2=0.007, F1,120 =1.01, P=0.32; shrub - r2=0.008, F1,120 =1.22, P=0.27; forb - r2 =0.0002, F1,120 =0.04, P=0.85; litter - r2 =0.005, F1,120 =0.68, P=0.41; and bare ground - r2 =0.0001, F1,120 =0.01, P=0.91 (Table 2.4). The overall MANCOVA had significant herbicide effect (Wilks’ lambda=0.081, F 5,124 =282.2, P<0.0001) and grazing effects (Wilks’ lambda=0.69, F 5,124 =11.14, P<0.0001), but no interaction effect (Wilks’ lambda=0.99, F 5,124 =0.33, P=0.89). Recognizing this, I tested herbicide and grazing treatments for each dependent variable using individual ANCOVAs (Table 2.5). Herbicide effect was found for percent cover of shrub (Fig. 2.4), grass (Fig. 2.5), forb (Fig. 2.6), and litter (Fig. 2.7). Grazing had an effect on litter and bare ground (Fig. 2.8). Shrubs were 117% lower in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. Consequently, grasses increased by 149% and forbs increased by 257% in treated areas compared to untreated areas. Litter decreased by 17% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. There was 13% more litter and 28% more bare ground in grazed than nongrazed pastures. 36 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Presence of Shinnery Oak Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation index relative to the occurrence of sand shinnery oak (Table 2.6). There was a significant precipitation effect on presence of shinnery oak (F3, 144 =4.60, P=0.004). However, despite a significant slope in the relationship between shinnery oak occurrence and precipitation index was weak (r2=0.03; F1, 158=5.46, P=0.02; Fig. 2.9). Treated areas had 91% less shinnery oak than untreated areas (F1, 12=744.68, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.10; Table 2.7). There was no grazing effect (F1, 12=0.23, P=0.64). There was a marginal herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 12=4.33, P=0.06) on the occurrence of shinnery oak. Presence of Sand Bluestem Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked covariate for the occurrence of sand bluestem (Table 2.6). This precipitation index had a significant effect on the occurrence of sand bluestem (F9, 108=39.25, P<0.0001). However, it was had a significant slope in regression (r2=0.06; F1,158 =9.24, P=0.003; Fig. 2.9). There was an herbicide effect (F1, 156=29.28, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.11; Table 2.7) such that the treated pastures had 118% more sand bluestem than those that were not treated. There was no grazing effect (F1, 156=0.03, P=0.87), nor herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 156=0.47, P=0.49). Visual Obstruction in April Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for visual obstruction in April (Table 2.8). In the subsequent ANCOVA, this precipitation index had a significant effect (F9, 439=59.79, P<0.0001). Although there was a statistically significant slope in the regression, the index had low predictive ability for visual obstruction in April (r2=0.023; F1, 477=14.07, P=0.0002; Fig. 2.12). There were significant 37 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 main effects of herbicide (F1, 439 =187.27, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.13; Table 2.9) and grazing (F1, 439 =12.50, P=0.0004; Fig.2.13). Treated plots had 30% more visual obstruction, or taller vegetation, than untreated plots. Grazed plots had 6.5% less visual obstruction than nongrazed plots. There was no herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 439 =3.01, P=0.08). Visual Obstruction in June Winter precipitation from November to March best explained the variation of visual obstruction in June (Table 2.8). There was significant precipitation index effect (F8, 388=13.47, P<0.0001). However, using regression, the relationship between winter precipitation and visual obstruction in June was not predictive and had a non-significant slope (r2=0.005; F1, 430 =3.14, P=0.08; Fig. 2.12). Visual obstruction was 50% greater in treated areas as compared to untreated areas (F1, 8 =155.63, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.14; Table 2.9). There was no grazing effect (F1, 8=1.15, P=0.31), nor herbicide and grazing interaction (F1, 8=.92, P=0.33) effects. Overhead Obstruction in April Growing season precipitation from April to October was the highest ranked precipitation for overhead obstruction in April, which deviated from the trend of other dependent variables that were primarily associated with winter precipitation (Table 2.8). Overall growing season precipitation had an effect on the model (F8, 396=125.07, P<0.0001). The relationship between overhead obstruction in April and this precipitation index had a significant slope (r2=0.12; F1, 430=60.27, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.12). There was a significant herbicide effect (F1, 396=239.18, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.15; Table 2.9). There was also a main effect of grazing (F1, 396=218.37, P<0.0001). There was an herbicide and grazing effect interaction effect (F1, 396=12.36 P=0.0005; Fig. 2.15). In treated areas, overhead obstruction 38 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 decreased by 14% in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. Non-treated areas had only 10% less overhead obstruction in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. In grazed areas, there was 11% increase in overhead obstruction in treated areas. In non-grazed areas, there was 14% more overhead obstruction in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. Overhead Obstruction in June Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for overhead obstruction in June (Table 2.8). There was a winter precipitation effect (F8, 356=49.19, P<0.0001) and its relationship with overhead obstruction was significant (r2=0.09; F1, 387=56.31, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.12). There was a main effect of herbicide (F1, 356=97.62, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.16; Table 2.9) and grazing (F1, 356=40.44, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.16). There was an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 356=5.10, P=0.025; Fig. 2.16). In treated areas, overhead obstruction decreased 7% in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. In untreated areas, overhead obstruction decreased by 4% in grazed areas. In grazed areas, overhead obstruction increased by 7.5% in treated areas compared to untreated areas. However, in non-grazed areas, overhead obstruction increased by 11% in treated areas compared to untreated areas. Annual Herbaceous Production Precipitation from November to March was the top ranked precipitation index related to annual herbaceous production (Table 2.10). Precipitation had an effect on the overall ANCOVA (F8, 108 =6.47, P<0.0001). The relationship between winter precipitation and herbaceous production was not predictive (r2=0.002; F1, 142=0.25, P=0.62, Fig. 2.17). 39 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 There was 212% more herbaceous production in treated areas than in non-treated areas (F1, 108 =385.65, P<0.0001; Fig. 2.18; Table 2.11). There was also a grazing effect (F1,108 =4.64, P=0.03; Fig. 2.18) such that there was 11% less herbaceous production in areas that had been grazed as compared to non-grazed areas. There was no herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1,108 =0.0, P=0.98). Total Seed Production Winter precipitation from November to March was the precipitation index that was the highest ranked of tested precipitation measures tested for influence on total seed production (Table 2.10). However, that particular precipitation index did not have an influence on the total production of seeds (F1, 40 =1.76, P=0.19; Fig. 2.17). Neither of the main effects of herbicide (F1, 40 =1.22, P=0.28; Table 2.11; Fig. 2.19) or grazing (F1, 40 =1.36, P=0.25) affected seed production. There was not an herbicide effect and grazing interaction (F1, 40 =0.31, P=0.58). Sand Dropseed Seed Production Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for sand dropseed seed production (Table 2.12). This effect was significant in the ANCOVA (F1, 41 =6.85, P=0.01). The influence of precipitation on sand dropseed seed production was statistically significant (r2=0.08; F1, 47 =4.14, P=0.05; Fig. 2.17). There was an herbicide effect (F1, 41 =15.38, P=0.0003; Table 2.10; Fig. 2.20) such that there were 273% more seeds produced on treated areas as compared to untreated areas. There was no effect of grazing (F1, 41 =0.41, P=0.56), nor was there an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 41 =0.86, P=0.36). 40 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Bluestem Seed Production Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for production of bluestem seeds (Table 2.12). However, this index was not significant in the ANCOVA (F1, 41 =3.69; P=0.06; Fig. 2.17). Seed production of bluestem species was not effected by herbicide treatment (F1, 41 =0.35, P=0.56; Table 2.10, Fig. 2.21). There was no grazing effect (F1, 41 =0.78, P=0.38), nor was there an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 41 =0.62, P=0.43). Sand Paspalum Seed Production Winter precipitation from November to March was the precipitation index that ranked highest for sand paspalum seed production (Table 2.12). There was a precipitation effect in the ANCOVA (F1, 41 =4.03, P=0.05). However, this precipitation index was not predictive of sand paspalum seed production (r2= 0.03; F1, 47 =1.53, P=0.22; Fig. 2.17). There was an effect of herbicide (F1, 41 =14.47, P=0.0005; Fig. 2.20; Table 2.10; Fig. 2.22). Sand paspalum increased by 1698% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. There was no effect of grazing (F1, 41 =0.54, P=0.47), nor was there an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 41 =0.57, P=0.45) for seed production of sand paspalum. Grama Seed Production Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for grama seed production (Table 2.12). However, when tested in the ANCOVA, precipitation did not have a significant effect (F1, 41 =1.12, P=0.30; Fig. 2.17). There was no herbicide effect (F1, 41 =0.07, P=0.80; Table 2.10; 2.23), grazing effect (F1, 41 =3.40, P=0.07), nor an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 41 =0.43, P=0.52) on seed production of grama 41 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Discussion When a nearly monotypic shinnery oak site was treated with 0.60 kg/ha of tebuthiuron, shinnery oak was reduced by 94% in treated areas that were not grazed and 88% in treated areas that were grazed throughout a ten-year period. Moreover, when coupled with a grazing system that removes a maximum of 50% herbaceous production, shinnery oak did not increase in density following herbicide treatment (Chapter IV). Because shinnery oak is an effective water gatherer, control to levels conducted in this study increased soil moisture that becomes available for other plants. With increased soil moisture, there was more biomass of herbaceous production. Abiotic Factors The highest-ranking precipitation models for soil moisture in April and June included winter precipitation. This is consistent with the literature. Inouye (2005) found that the recharge of soil moisture was primarily the result of winter and early spring precipitation, with soil moisture declining during spring and summer growing season as evaporation and transpiration increased. Soil moisture increased by 16 and 17% in treated areas compared to untreated areas in April and July, respectively. Inouye (2005) found that soil moisture was greater at depths from 120-180 cm in areas that had shrub removal. She did not find significant differences at more shallow depths. However, four of the five years of her study were drought years, which may have affected shallow soil moisture measurements. Also, her study was in Idaho, which has a different soil type than the deep sands of New Mexico. Similar results have been found in semi-arid shrub-grassland plant communities. In the Chaparral of California, brush control through the use of 2,4-D, fire, and hand clearing was found to decrease soil moisture stress, 42 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 which improved the chance of establishment of perennial grass (Test 1972). Similarly, in Nevada, Robertson (1947) found that removal of big sagebrush increased available water for grass production. Soil moisture dynamics affects not only overall production, but what types of plants can grow. The limiting influence of soil moisture is accentuated in semi-arid environments. Pettit (1979) explained that shinnery oak does not require more water than grasses. Instead, shinnery oak is able to outcompete grasses in dry years because it starts spring growth two weeks earlier. This is confirmed in the literature; the pattern of recharge and depletion of soil moisture favors plants that can quickly extract soil moisture early in the growing season (Inouye 2005). In periods of drought, shinnery oak has an advantage over grass because it stores up to 50% of its weight as water. However, when water is available, grasses extract more deep soil water (Jones and Pettit 1980). With the removal of shinnery oak, more water is available to support herbaceous production, which may mitigate grass loss during drought to a certain extent. Rates of Tebuthiuron It has been argued that herbicides, at a low rate, only offer temporary increases in herbaceous production and must be reapplied for 2 and 3 consecutive years (Scrifres 1972, Pettit 1979); this contention is not supported by these data. My results show that when there is moderate grazing, shinnery oak will not redevelop to pre-treatment levels because grasses remain competitive under this grazing pressure. In fact, shinnery oak decreased by 88% and 94% in grazed areas and non-grazed areas, respectively, over ten years. 43 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Other research indicates that lower application rates (<0.5 kg/ha) of tebuthiuron can achieve a significant reduction in plant counts of shinnery oak. Jacoby et al. (1983) found that mortality of sand shinnery oak, based on stem counts, was estimated at 42% and 94% with application rates of 0.5 kg/ha and 1.0 kg/ha rates of tebuthiuron, respectively, 18 months following treatment. Jones and Pettit (1989) found that at a rate of 0.4 kg/ha sand shinnery oak was reduced by 95% after three years. This is consistent with my research, where, at a rate of 0.60 kg/ha, there was a significant herbicide effect. I used the examples of shinnery oak and sand bluestemto illustrate the relationship between shrub removal and forgeable grass growth. Both were significantly influenced by treatment such that shinnery oak was 91% less and bluestem was 118% more in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume land managers could use comparable tebuthiuron rates to achieve historical standards of 15% of total shrub composition (USDA NRCS 2010, Chapter IV). The goal of treatment should not be to eliminate the shinnery oak completely in favor of grass production and instead should be to restore it to historical standards. Some land managers have recognized this paradigm shift and since about 2000 land managers have reduced tebuthiuron application rates to less than 1.0 kg/ha and deliberately avoided dune areas (Haukos 2011). Changes in composition Even at low doses, tebuthiuron treatment resulted in changes to the plant composition of the community. There was a significant herbicide effect for the proportions of grass, shrub, forb, and litter, but not for bare ground. Litter and bare ground were the only variables that were significantly affected by grazing. Grasses increased by 149%, shrubs decreased by 79%, and forbs by 257% in treated areas compared to untreated areas. Litter decreased by 44 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 17% in treated areas compared to untreated areas and decreased by 13% in grazed areas compared to non-grazed areas. However, grazed plots had 28% more bare ground than nongrazed plots. Many studies have tested the effect of tebuthiuron not only on shrub control, but also on grass production. Depending on the rate of tebuthiuron, grass production and the types of grasses that grow will change. In my study, the percent cover of grasses was substantially changed such that it increased 149% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. This is comparable to the literature. In a study with tebuthiuron rates between 0.4-1.0 (kg/ha), the highest grass yield was four times as much as control at a rate of 0.8 (kg/ha), but even at a rate of 0.4 (kg/ha) grass production increased 2.5 times the control after three years (Jones and Pettit 1984). Doerr (1980) found that grass production increased 88-130%, with bunch grasses increasing 12-32%, when application rates were between 0.2 and 1.0 kg/ha. While there is a relationship between increasing grass production with greater rates of tebuthiuron, it is important to realize that this is not a linear relationship. At application levels greater than 1.0 kg/ha the increased benefit of grass production becomes muted. At a rate of >3 kg/ha non-target grasses and forbs are killed. Based on research in Jayton, Texas, Jacoby et al. (1983) reported that at a rate of 1.1 kg/ha grass yields only doubled in treated as compared to untreated plots. Furthermore, it is important to note that the quality of grass production is also affected by high rates of tebuthiuron. At high application rates, most of the production is of annuals and undesirable species (Haukos 2011). Much like grass production, forb production is benefited by tebuthiuron treatment. In mystudy, forbs increased nearly three-fold in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. Forbs generally increase in diversity and production 2 years after application (Doerr and 45 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Guthery 1983, Haukos 2011). Similar to grass production, there is a threshold in which tebuthiuron application is no longer beneficial. Doerr (1980) found that forb densities were decreased in plots with 0.8 and 1.0 kg/ha. Scifres and Mutz (1978) found that most forb species were killed at application rates of 2.0 and 3.0 kg/ha. Percent litter was affected by both treatment and grazing such that litter decreased by 17% in treated areas and 12% in grazed areas. This is consistent with the literature;Sears et al. (1986) found that litter decreased 32% in treated plots as compared to control six years after treatment. Treated areas have more rooted herbaceous production so there is less litter compared to untreated areas. In my study, tebuthiuron did not affect the amount of bare ground, but bare ground increased by 28% in grazed as compared to non-grazed treatments. Grazed areas are more likely to have bare ground because of herbaceous production removal by cattle. This is different than other studies where untreated plots contained almost twice as much bare ground as compared to treated plots (Jacoby et al. 1983). Differences in our results is likely due to the higher tebuthiuron application rate (1.0 kg/ha) than our study (0.6 kg/ha) Grazing In arid systems, livestock grazing can significantly alter changes in soil properties and vegetative structure complexity (Castellano 2006). However, the magnitude of these changes depends on the stocking rate and the level of grazing. In my study, grasses and forbs were able to persist because they remained a competitive part of the system. Litter and bare ground were the most affected by grazing with each increasing 13% and 28%, respectively. The increase in litter and bare ground provides more heterogeneity of the habitat, which may be beneficial for some types of rodents and herptiles (Chapter III). It is also important to note 46 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 that the regime of grazing also included deferment of cattle two years after tebuthiuron spraying. This lag gave grasses and forbs time to establish before grazing or herbaceous removal ensued. Plant Structure In terms of visual obstruction, there was both an herbicide and grazing effect in April such that visual obstruction increased by 30% in treated areas compared to untreated, decreased by 6.5% in grazed areas compared to non-grazed areas. However, there was only an herbicide effect in June such that visual obstruction increased by 50% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. After tebuthiuron treatment, the bunch grasses that grew back were often taller than shinnery oak. My findings about plant structure are consistent with the literature. Depending on the rate of application, vertical screening is reduced immediately following application as shrubs die. When bunch grasses grow back they can be taller than the shinnery oak and will provide more vertical screening (Doerr and Guthery 1983, Haukos 2011). During grazing the herbaceous production is removed, which affects the structure or height of the herbaceous production. It is, therefore, not surprising that there was a grazing effect. There no grazing effect in June because it was the last month before grazing in July and production height is based on the growth from the year before. In terms of overhead obstruction, there was an herbicide and grazing interaction effect in April and June. In April, treated areas had a 14% decrease in overhead obstruction in grazed areas and non-treated areas had only 10% less overhead obstruction in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. This indicates grazed areas have more horizontal obstruction in untreated than in treated areas. In grazed areas, there was 11% increase in 47 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 overhead obstruction in treated areas. In non-grazed areas, there is 14% more overhead obstruction in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. This indicates that in treated areas, there is more overhead obstruction in non-grazed areas. In June, treated areas had 7% less overhead obstruction and similarly untreated areas had 4% less overhead obstruction in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. In grazed areas, overhead obstruction increased by 7.5% in treated areas and in non-grazed areas, overhead obstruction increased by 11% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. This indicates that in treated areas, non-grazed areas provide more overhead obstruction. Plant structure is particularly important for management of lesser prairie-chickens. Microhabitat selection by prairie chickens is driven more by physiognomy than by floristic composition (Patten et al. 2005). Given that prairie chickens have declined precipitously with about 90% of their population and range lost (Taylor and Guthrey 1980), it is important to know which land management practices are most beneficial. There is conflicting information about how herbicide treatment and removal of shinnery oak affect prairie chickens directly. However, structural characteristics of nest sites are important. Haukos (2011) found that composition and structure were both important for nest selection. Specifically, vertical screening and percent overhead cover were found to be the most important features of selected nest sites in New Mexico. Riley et al. (1992) determined plant height around nests provides concealment from predators and protects the nest from extreme temperature, wind, and solar radiation. The best management strategy for prairie chickens would be to treat at low levels of tebuthiuron such that grasses can grow taller than the shrubs offering more visual and 48 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 overhead obstruction. Grazing at moderate levels could also be beneficial to prairie chickens as it prevents grass from getting too thick. Olawsky and Smith (1991) found that prairie chicken densities were similar in treated and untreated areas even though grass and shrubs were greater and shrubs were less in treated areas. They recommended that cover in tebuthiuron-treated pastures provided better concealment than untreated pastures, especially in the winter after oak leaves had dropped. Grasses may therefore be preferred areas for loafing and roosting during cool seasons as they continue to provide cover throughout the winter (Taylor and Guthery 1980, Olawksy and Smith 1991). Herbaceous Production Herbaceous production is also influenced by herbicide and grazing, especially in light of shrub removal and consequent increases in soil moisture. One of the most important benefits of increased soil moisture is an increase in herbaceous production (Inouye 2005). Sears et al. (1986) concluded that annual fluctuations in biomass primarily occurred as a function of precipitation. Herbaceous production did not seem to be influenced specifically by previous winter precipitation, indicating that the relationship between precipitation and herbaceous production is complex. There was 212% more herbaceous production in treated areas than untreated areas. There was a grazing effect such that 11% of herbaceous production was removed in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. Because grazing, by definition, is the removal of herbaceous production, the small grazing effect demonstrates how this plant community responds to managed grazing compared to the traditional, continuous grazing. It is important to note that grazing did not occur in this study until two years after herbicide treatment and 49 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 the grazing system had an objective to use only 50% of available standing crop. Incorporating managed grazing should replace the traditional system of continuous, unmanaged grazing. Thus, while inference can be made beyond the study site, one must recognize the distinct difference of how this land was grazed as compared to other ranchers in the area. It is, therefore, recommended that land managers implement a grazing regime that takes about 50% of herbaceous production in discrete grazing sessions. Under these circumstances, the historical driver of grazing by roaming ungulates like bison can be mimicked. If grazing is not deferred for a few years or if it is continuously grazed, these potential benefits will be muted and application of herbicides will once again be necessary within a few years. When grazing levels remain low to moderate, the benefit of increased herbaceous production is sustainable. The combination of low rates of tebuthiuron and moderate grazing can restore a mixed-grass prairie (Chapter IV). Similarly, Sears et al. (1986) determined that following 0.6 kg/ha of tebuthiuron application in the shinnery oak system in Yoakum County, Texas, the physiognomy changed from a shinnery oak shrubland to mixed-grass prairie with a shrub component. They found above-ground herbaceous material increased approximately 6-fold on treated sites as compared to untreated sites 3 and 6 years after treatment. This is slightly greater than our results but my data includes more growing seasons and precipitation levels, including immediately after treatment. Earlier years when grass was being reestablished it was shorter and may be disproportionately affect the observed effect size. Other studies indicate that higher rates of tebuthiuron (1.0-2.0 kg/ha) are required to increase herbaceous production. Scifres and Mutz (1978) found that herbaceous production 50 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 increased 1, 2, and 3 years after application of tebuthiuron at rates of 2.24 kg/ha. They found that lower rates (1.12 kg/ha) did not increase grass standing crop compared to treated and untreated areas, regardless of year of evaluation. However, they concluded that 1 to 2 kg/ha was required for range improvement relative to increasing grass standing crop. This conflicts with myfindings. Scifres and Mutz (1978) only measured production for 1, 2, and 3 years after treatment, which may not be enough time for grasses to reestablish in the area, especially when dosed with a large amount of herbicide. Also, they had a much smaller sample size with only two 0.25 by 0.25-m2 quadrat samples taken from each plot. We had 100 1 by 0.25-m2 samples for each treatment every year. It remains that low doses of tebuthiuron (0.6 kg/ha) can achieve the benefits of increased herbaceous production. Seed production With the exception of blue grama species and total seed production, the highest ranked precipitation index for all variables was a form of winter precipitation (either from October to March or November to March). For gramaspecies, winter precipitation did not explain the variation in seed production. Sala and Lauenroth (1982) explained that grama species is adapted to the region takes advantage of small precipitation events (<5 mm). Because the wet season is typically between July and September (Peterson and Boyd 1998), it could be that gramaseed production variation is better explained by intermittent rain events during the current growing season. Sand dropseedand sand paspalum species were the only species that had a significant herbicide effect in terms of seed production. The increase in seed production is likely a product of more of those plants being present in treated areas and thus more plants available 51 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 to produce seeds. Similarly, Doerr (1980) found that seed production increased in plots treated with 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 (kg/ha). The lack of herbicide effect in other species could be due to high variance and small sample sizes of seeds. So while there may be an effect with other species, five quadrats per plot may not have been a big enough sample size to detect differences. Conclusion These data show that at relatively low levels of tebuthiuron (0.60 kg/ha) and moderate grazing regimes, shinnery oak can be kept at bay without reapplication, and that grasses remain competitive in the system. With the removal of shinnery oak there is more environmental soil moisture available for grasses and forbs to grow. Sand dropseedand sand paspalum seed production is dramatically increased in treated areas. This increase in herbaceous production affects the vegetation structure such that there is more visual and overhead obstruction, which may be beneficial for roosting prairie chickens. The effects of grazing, when designed to take only 50% of herbaceous production, are statistically significant, but not deleterious. This is best noted by the lack of grazing effect on visual obstruction in June and decrease of only 11% in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. When low levels of tebuthiuron and moderate grazing are used, mixed-grass prairie can be established such that there is more diversity in terms of percent composition, more visual and overhead obstruction, and more herbaceous production. 52 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Literature Cited Anderson, D.R. and K.P. Burnham. (2002): Avoiding pitfalls when using informationtheoretic methods. Journal of Wildlife Management. 66: 912-918. Brown, D. P. and A. C. Comrie. 2002. 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Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – nongrazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010. Visual obstruction in April Presence of bluestem species Growing season Winter I Winter I Winter II 0.780 0.569 0.996 0.824 0.986 0.646 0.987 0.578 1 W F8, 356=49.19 F8, 396=125.07 F8, 388=13.47 F9, 439=59.79 F9, 108=39.25 F3, 144 =4.60 F8, 360=503.30 F8, 396=541.91 F P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P=0.004 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P 0.002 0.09 0.12 0.005 023 0.06 0.03 .01 0.12 r2 + - - - - - - - - Trend2 Top ranked model Winter II1 Visual obstruction in June Winter I 0.520 F1, 41 =6.85 F1, 40 =1.76 P=0.06 P=0.01 P=0.19 0.03 - 0.08 - Winter II Winter I Overhead obstruction in April Winter I Soil moisture in April Soil moisture in June Overhead obstruction in June 0.666 F1, 41 =3.69 P=0.05 Presence of shinnery oak Herbaceous production 0.768 F1, 41 =4.03 - + + F8, 108 =6.47 Winter I 0.908 P=0.30 Winter I Winter I F1, 41 =1.12 Winter I Bluestem seed production 0.619 Annual seed production Sand paspalum seed production Winter I Sand dropseed seed production Blue grama seed production 1 Winter II is October to March Winter I is November to March Growing season is April to March Trend of precipitation regression 2 57 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 2 1 4 3 2 1 Model Rank Growing season Winter II Winter I Annual season4 Growing season3 Winter I2 Winter II1 Precipitation Index 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 3503.5 3497.9 3491.2 3490.5 3798.4 3792.6 3751.6 3733.3 AICc -13 -7.4 -0.7 0 -65.1 -59.3 -18.3 0 Δ AIC 0.001 0.014 0.407 0.578 0 0 0 1 W Table 2.2. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for soil moisture in April and June. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010. 3 Annual season Soil moisture in June Soil moisture in April 4 1 Winter II is October- March 2 Winter I is November-March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 58 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Soil moisture in April F1, 360=71.89, P<0.0001 F1, 396=105.04, P<0.0001 F, P Herbicide effect F1, 360=1.72, P=0.19 F1, 396=7.67, P=0.006 F, P Grazing effect F1, 360=1.03, P=0.32 F1, 428=0.16, P=0.69 F, P Interaction effect Table 2.3. List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for soil moisture in April and June that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – nongrazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010. Soil moisture in June 59 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 grass F1,120 =1.22 F1,120 =1.01 F1,120 =6.63 F P=0.41 P=0.8511 P=0.2722 P=0.3168 P<0.0001 P 0.0001 0.0048 0.0002 0.0085 0.0071 + trend Table 2.4. Summary of percent cover variables (grass, shrub, forb, litter, and bare ground) and their relationship with winter precipitation index, which was selected for the MANOVA following the trends of other plant variables. Data are from 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – nongrazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. shrub F1,120 =0.04 P=0.91 r2 forb F1,120 =0.68 Top rank precipitation index Winter II* litter F1,120 =0.01 Overall Percent cover bare ground 60 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 F 235.91 238.75 64.38 17.92 2.42 Wilks’ Lambda 0.081 0.69 0.99 Herbicide P <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.14 F (df) 282.2 (5, 124) 11.14 (5, 124) 0.33 (5,124) F 0.05 0.44 0.0 7.28 24.59 Grazed P 0.83 0.51 0.96 0.0078 0.0003 P <0.0001 <0.0001 0.89 Table 2.5. Overall MANCOVA results for percent cover and individual ANCOVA results for percent cover with associated F and P values. Data are from 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010. Herbicide Grazing Herbicide*Grazing Percent Cover Grass Shrub Forb Litter Bare ground 61 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Table 2.6. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for presence of shinnery oak and bluestem species. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010. 2 1 Annual season4 Growing season Winter I1 Winter II Model 4 4 4 4 4 K 949.1 947.2 1392.2 1390.3 1387.9 1378.6 AICc -4 -1.9 0 -13.6 -11.7 -9.3 0 Δ AIC 0.017 0.087 0.25 0.646 0.001 0.003 0.009 0.987 W Model Rank 3 Winter II 4 951.2 -7.3 4 Presence of bluestem species Presence of shinnery oak 1 Winter I 4 954.5 1 2 Growing season3 4 2 3 3 Annual season4 1 4 1 Winter II is October- March 2 Winter I is November-March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 62 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Presence of shinnery oak F1, 156=29.28, P<0.0001 F1, 12=744.68, P<0.0001 F, P Herbicide effect F1, 156=0.03, P=0.87 F1, 12=0.23, P=0.64 F, P Grazing effect F1, 156=0.47, P=0.49 F1, 12=4.33, P=0.06 F, P Interaction effect Table 2.7. List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for presence of shinnery oak and sand bluestem that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – nongrazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010. Presence of sand bluestem 63 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Precipitation Index Winter I Annual season Winter II Growing season Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season Growing season Annual season Winter I Winter II Winter I Annual season Growing season Winter II 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 2770.1 2771.4 2773 2810.1 3190.6 3201.5 3233.3 3263.7 1991.3 1994.5 2000.9 2003.1 1980.7 1989.3 1998.7 1998.7 AICc 0 -1.3 -2.9 -40 0 -10.9 -42.7 -73.1 0 -3.2 -9.6 -11.8 0 -8.6 -18 -18 Δ AIC 0.569 0.297 0.134 0 0.996 0.004 0 0 0.824 0.166 0.007 0.002 0.986 0.013 0 0 W Table 2.8. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for visual and overhead obstruction in April and June. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010 Model Rank Visual obstruction in April 1 2 3 4 Visual obstruction in June 1 2 3 4 Overhead obstruction in April 1 2 3 4 Overhead obstruction in June 1 2 3 4 1 Winter I is November-March 2 Winter II is October- March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 64 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Overhead obstruction April Visual obstruction in June Visual obstruction in April F1, 356=97.62, P<0.0001 F1, 396=239.18, P<0.0001 F1, 8 =155.63, P<0.0001 F1, 439 =187.27, P<0.0001 F, P Herbicide effect F1, 356=5.10, P=0.025 F1, 396=218.37, P<0.0001 F1, 8=.92, P=0.33 F1, 439 =12.5, P=0.0004 F, P Grazing effect F1, 356=5.10, P=0.025 F1, 396=12.36 P=0.0005 F1, 145=3.48, P=0.10 F1, 439 =3.01, P=0.08 F, P Interaction effect Table 2.9. List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of visual and overhead obstruction in April and June in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – nongrazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010. Overhead obstruction in June 65 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 2 1 4 3 2 1 Model Rank Growing season Winter II Winter I Annual season4 Growing season3 Winter II2 Winter I1 Precipitation Index 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 315 312.4 306 305.7 1691.4 1690.2 1689.1 1685.3 AICc 9.3 6.7 0.3 0 6.1 4.9 3.8 0 Δ AIC 0.0005 0.020 0.450 0.520 0.037 0.07 0.120 0.780 W Table 2.10. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for herbaceous and seed production. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010. 3 Annual season Seed production Herbaceous production 4 11 Winter II is October- March 2 Winter I is November-March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 66 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Herbaceous production F1, 41 =0.35, P=0.56 F1, 41 =15.38, P=0.0003 F1, 40 =1.22, P=0.28 F1, 108 =385.65, P<0.0001 F, P Herbicide effect F1, 41 =0.54, P=0.47 F1, 41 =0.78, P=0.38 F1, 41 =0.41, P=0.56 F1, 40 =1.36, P=0.25 F1,108 =4.64, P=0.033 F, P Grazing effect F1, 41 =0.43, P=0.52 F1, 41 =0.57, P=0.45 F1, 41 =0.62, P=0.43 F1, 41 =0.86, P=0.36 F1, 40 =0.31, P=0.58 F1,108 =0.0, P=0.98 F, P Interaction effect Table 2.11. List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of herbaceous and seed production, specifically sand dropseed, bluestem, sand paspalum, and blue grama seed production. Herbaceous production measurements were taken from 2002-2010 and seed production was taken from 2004-2009. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico. Total seed production F1, 41 =14.47, P=0.0005 F1, 41 =3.40, P=0.0723 Sand paspalum seed production Bluestem seed production Sand dropseed seed production F1, 41 =0.07, P=0.80 Blue grama seed production 67 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season Winter I1 Winter II2 Growing season3 Annual season4 Model 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 166.5 167.5 176.8 178.7 175.6 180.3 186.8 188.1 305.7 309.2 310.2 313.2 130.7 129.3 141.1 143 AICc 0 1 10.3 12.2 0 4.7 11.2 12.5 0 3.5 4.5 7.5 0 1.4 11.8 13.7 Δ AIC 0.619 0.376 0.004 0.001 0.908 0.087 0.003 0.002 0.768 0.133 0.081 0.018 0.666 0.331 0.002 0.001 W Table 2.12. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for seed production of sand dropseed, bluestem, sand paspalum, and blue grama. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) nontebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2000-2010. Model Rank Sand dropseed seed production 1 2 3 4 Bluestem seed production 1 2 3 4 Sand paspalum seed production 1 2 3 4 Blue grama seed production 1 2 3 4 1 Winter II is October- March 2 Winter I is November-March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 68 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.1. Regression of environmental moisture and winter precipitation for April and June from a study of sand shinnery oakgrass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. 69 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.2. Soil moisture in April as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010 (missing data 2002) 70 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.3. Soil moisture in June as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2001-2010 (missing data 2002 and 2008). The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 71 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.4 .Percent composition of shrubs as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 72 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.5. Percent composition of grass as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010.The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 73 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.6. Percent composition of forbs as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 74 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.7. Percent composition of litter as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 75 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.8. Percent composition of bare ground as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 76 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.9. Regression of shinnery oak and sand bluestem presence and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 77 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.10. Abundance of shinnery oak, in terms of percent composition, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 78 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.11. Abundance of sand bluestem, in terms of percent composition, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 79 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.12. Regression of visual and overhead obstruction in April and June and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 80 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.13. Visual obstruction in April, as measured by Robel pole, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 81 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.14. Visual obstruction in June, as measured by Robel pole, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 82 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.15. Overhead obstruction in April, as measured by angle of obstruction, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 83 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.16. Overhead obstruction in June, as measured by angle of obstruction, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments in sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 84 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.17. Regression of herbaceous production, total seed production, dropseed species seed production, sand paspalum species seed production, grama species seed production, and bluestem species seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 for herbaceous production and 2004-2009 for seed production. 85 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.18. Annual herbaceous production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 86 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.19. Total seed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009 87 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.20. Sand dropseed seed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 88 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.21. Bluestem seed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009 89 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.22. Paspalum species seed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 90 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 2.23. Grama seed production, measured in dry weight (kg/ha) with 100 samples of 1 by 0.25m2 quadrats in each plot every year, as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 91 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 50 40 30 20 10 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year 2008 2009 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Precipitation (cm) 92 Figure 2.24. Bluestem species seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009. Bluestem spp seed production (g) Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 50 40 30 20 10 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year 2008 2009 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Precipitation (cm) 93 Figure 2.25. Paspalum species seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009 Paspalum spp seed production (g) Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 50 40 30 20 10 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year 2008 2009 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Precipitation (cm) 94 Figure 2.26. Grama species seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009 Grama spp seed production (g) Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year 2008 2009 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Precipitation (cm) 95 Figure 2.27. Total seed production and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2004-2009 Total Seed Production (g) Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 CHAPTER III EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON HERBICIDE AND GRAZING TREATMENTS ON MAMMAL, HERPTILE, AND INVERTEBRATE COMMUNITIES Introduction Expanding from southeastern New Mexico, northward through the Texas panhandle, and into southwest Oklahoma, the sand shinnery oak (scientific name; hereafter shinnery oak) community is an isolated, relict vegetation community. Pettit (1979) recognized the significance of this community, and stated “These lands are perhaps the most fragile of all ecosystems on the Southern High Plains of Texas and the landowners cannot afford to abuse it” (Haukos 2011: 106). With continuous, unmanaged grazing, suppression of periodic natural fire, and other anthropogenic impacts, the composition of the shinnery oak-grassland community has changed dramatically during the past 100 years (Peterson and Boyd 1998, Haukos 2011). Due to these factors along with its capacity as an effective water gatherer, the density of shinnery oak has increased and, in many areas, monotypic stands have developed. Because habitat characteristics, including vegetation structure and composition, affect mammal, herptile, and invertebrate communities, it is imperative to study the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing on these communities. The need for restoration is magnified when one considers how fragmented the habitat has become. Due to habitat fragmentation through oil and gas exploration, urban development, and row-crop agriculture, shinnery oak habitat has declined in absolute terms. While the historical acreage of the shinnery oak community is disputed, Peterson and Boyd (1998) estimated that the species historically covered 405,000 ha in Oklahoma, 607,000 in New Mexico and 1.4 million in Texas. It was estimated that Texas had converted at least 95 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 200,000 hectares by 1972. With expansion of center-pivot irrigation and advancements in the technology of herbicides, shinnery oak has been lost from at least half of its historical range. However, there is an important need for conservation and restoration of this relict habitat to a species composition representative of pre-settlement conditions; it provides the primary habitat for a number of species of conservation concern including the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicintus), dune sagebrush lizard (a.k.a. sand dunes lizard Sceloporus arenicolus), and Cassin’s sparrow (Aimophia cassinii). Similar to short-grass prairie, the important historical ecological drivers in the region were herbivory, natural fire, and precipitation. However, there was probably less frequent grazing and fire because the sandy soils were more difficult for bison (Bison bison) to traverse and more fuel load would need to accumulate for fire to travel across patchy vegetation (Haukos 2011). Annual precipitation is highly variable in the region, and is a limiting factor in this semi-arid grassland community (Peterson and Boyd 1988). For example , from 2001-2010 the average annual precipitation on my study site in eastern New Mexico was 42 cm, but ranged from 21 cm to 82 cm. There are several potential precipitation measures that may be related to plant community response. These include measures of seasonal, annual, and growing season moisture. It is important for land managers to know which precipitation index has the greatest influence on the shinnery oak-grassland ecosystem. For example, recharge of soil moisture is primarily the result of winter and early spring precipitation (Inouye 2005). As such, winter precipitation can predict, to a certain extent, annual production, which is essential to planning stocking rates for the following year. 96 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 With a lack of other historical drivers like grazing and fire, the shinnery oak community has changed in composition from a mixed-grass prairie to monotypic stands with dense shrubs. Tebuthiuron (N-[5-(1,-dimehylethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]-N,N’-dimehylurea) is an herbicide that attacks the root systems of the woody stems and has been used to eradicate shrubs (Peterson and Boyd 1988). As a dry-pelleted herbicide, tebuthiuron has the distinct advantages of relative nontoxicity to non-target species, requires only one application (Scifres et al. 1981), and does not result in an overspray characteristic of liquid herbicides (Peterson and Boyd 1998). A complete eradication should be avoided because elimination of vegetation roots, including shinnery oak, can cause the sandy soils to become severely eroded (Grover 1990, Haukos 2011). It is now recognized that complete eradication of shrubs is considered detrimental to biodiversity and landscape heterogeneity of the region. There have been numerous studies addressing the effects of tebuthiuron application in shinnery oak communities. This study is, however, the first to evaluate the potential use of the herbicide as a tool for restoration of the historical community in conjunction with managed grazing designed to sustain the restoration effort. This is particularly important because much of the land in the region is managed for cattle production. This study is also unique in that it evaluates restoration with 12 years of data and allows inference regarding temporal responses. However, the scope of this chapter is to test the effects of using an herbicide and subsequent grazing management as potential conservation strategies to restore a degraded shinnery oak grassland community in terms of mammal, herptile, and invertebrate communities. The overarching goal of this project was to restore the historical composition of shinnery oak grasslands. Specific objectives of my research associated with this project, and 97 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 presented here, were to measure the (1) abundance of mammals, herptiles and invertebrates; (2) dominance in terms of Simpson’s index and diversity in terms of Shannon’s indices for mammals and herptiles; and (3) abundance of the three most abundant mammals, herptiles and invertebrates in response to two primary treatments (treated with herbicide and managed grazing) in four combinations. The focus of this chapter is an assessment of the treatments without regard to annual variation in precipitation. Therefore, for each objective, several indices of precipitation will be tested to determine the measure of precipitation that had the greatest influence on each dependent variable. The selected precipitation index will then be used to control the variation due to annual precipitation levels to focus on the treatment effects of herbicide treatment and grazing management. Methods Experimental Design This study was conducted on private and public lands in Roosevelt Co, New Mexico. The soils in the area include the Brownfield and Tivoli series, and are characterized by deep, loose, light colored, neutral sandy soils and deep, loose, light colored sands that occur as dunes that are two to five meters high and have slopes as much as 30 percent, respectively (Newman 1964). The landscape is comprised of a matrix of rangeland, cropland, and gently undulating sandhills and dominated by shinnery oak and sand sagebrush (Artemisia filifolia) with mixed grasses and forbs. The major land use for ranches not included in the study was cattle production. In 2000, 532 ha of private land were treated with tebuthiuron (rate of 0.60 kg/ha with dune avoidance). This application rate was approximately 50% of previously recommended rates because the goal was to reduce shinnery oak, not to eliminate it. Adjacent to the private 98 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 land was 518 ha of New Mexico state land. The public land consisted of extant shinnery oak community and was used as an experimental control in relation to herbicide treatment on the private lands. The herbicide control had not been grazed for 7 years before the study and the private land was grazed immediately prior to the herbicide treatment and neither was grazed until 2 growing seasons following herbicide treatment. A moderate grazing treatment was designed to take a maximum of 50% of the annual herbaceous production between two grazing seasons in the growing and dormant seasons in July and January, respectively, starting in January 2002. Due to logistical constraints, there was no growing season grazing in 2009 or 2010. Because grass production differed substantially between the tebuthiuron-treated and control plots, cattle grazed for approximately 300 animal-days per plot on the control areas and 2,000 animal-days per plot of the tebuthiuron-treated areas to achieve similar grazing intensity within each treatment combination. To allow for inference beyond the study site, the experimental design was a combined completely randomized design with a systematic application of treatments following random assignment of initial treatment combination (Cochran and Cox 1957, Smythe and Haukos 2009). The four treatments were treated/grazed, treated/not grazed, not treated/grazed, and not treated/not grazed, with the latter serving as an experimental control. My independent variables were herbicide treatment (two levels of treated and untreated) and grazing (two levels of grazed and non-grazed). These were considered fixed effects and the replicates of the treatments were treated as random effect. There were four replicates for each treatment, totaling 16 plots in the study (Fig. 1.2). 99 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Mammals Small mammals were sampled monthly from June through September with 800 trap nights per plot per year (except for 2005 and 2010 when there were only 600 trap nights). Sherman live traps (7.6 x 7.6 x 22.9 cm) were used on each study plot. Four plots, one from each treatment combination, were trapped at the same time. Within each study plot, forty traps were placed 25.4 cm apart in each cardinal direction. A trapping period was five nights with traps baited near dusk and checked in the early morning to minimize mortality associated with capture. Mammals were identified, individually marked, and released. Traps were baited with rolled oats dampened to make a paste (2001-2006) and pelleted horse feed (2007-2010) (Cramer et al. 2002). Sites were surveyed in random order, with all sites being surveyed once before any other was surveyed a second time. All small mammals captured were identified to species. Herptiles Reptiles and amphibians were trapped from May to September with 960 trap nights per plot per year (except 2005 and 2010 had 480 trap nights). Reptiles and amphibians were captured with pitfall and funnel traps that were checked each morning, identified by species, individually marked, and released. Four 7.62 m silt erosion drift fences were placed in each cardinal direction with a 15.4 m gap between fences. Pitfall traps were 7.51 l jugs buried at the end of each line of drift fence. Funnel traps were placed in the middle and on both sides of the drift fence, for a total of eight traps on each study area. Wooden boards (20.32 by 40.64 cm and 40.64 by 60.96 cm) were placed in traps to provide shade and reduce heat stress of captives. All captured individuals were identified to species. 100 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Invertebrates Invertebrate samples were collected in April, during avian nest initiation, and June, when avian broods become active. Samples were collected in each study plot with a terrestrial vacuum sampler (Harper and Guynn 1998). Five samples were collected from each study plot with a 0.5 by 0.5 m box placed at 10-m intervals in a randomly selected direction. All samples were sorted into taxonomic orders and dried at 40°C for 48 hours with a 2002 Cabela's Commercial Food Dehydrator (160 liter-89 cm x 44 cm x 60 cm) to a constant mass, and then weighed on a 2002 ChargeMaster 1500 scale to the nearest 0.01 g. Invertebrates were identified to the order and production was recorded as kg/ha. Statistical Methods In order to evaluate the mammal and herptile community’s response to herbicide and grazing, I calculated dominance (1- Simpson’s index) and diversity as measured with Shannon’s indices (Magurran 1988). Dominance measures are weighted toward the abundances of the commonest species and diversity increases as dominance increases. Simpson’s index specifically measures the probability that any two individuals drawn at random from an infinitely large community will belong to different species. Shannon’s index is weighted toward more rare species and looks at the evenness of the abundances of species. To examine how individual species may be affected by herbicide and grazing, I focused analysis on community and species-specific variables that were dependent variables in the model. The community variables were abundance, dominance, and diversity of mammals and herptiles as well as number of invertebrate taxonomic groups. I also 101 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 considered the three most abundant mammals and herptiles as well as the most abundant invertebrates in terms of biomass and total number of invertebrates. Because soil moisture exerts a relative influence for each dependent variable, determination of a relevant precipitation index for each dependent variable was necessary to create a covariate that removed the maximum amount of variation due to annual precipitation. This enabled me to test the relative effects of the treatments while minimizing the effect of annual precipitation, which varied from 21-82 cm during the study (Fig. 4.1). For each dependent variable, I tested four indices of precipitation that are potentially biologically relevant, using 1 April and 1 October as the start and end of the growing season, respectively. These four indices were previous 12-month precipitation (1 April to 31 March), spring/summer precipitation (1 April to 30 September), and two measures of winter precipitation (1 October to 31 March and 1 November to 31 March). Historically, from 19812010, the average precipitation from April to March was 42.45 cm, from April to October was 36.3 cm, from October to March was 9.77 cm, and from November to March was 6.16 cm (WRCC, 2010). I chose two different indices of winter precipitation as it has been used as a predictor variable for topographic features in the region (Brown et al. 2002). I tested growing-season precipitation because plant structure may be related to growth during the previous growing season. I also tested annual precipitation, which is a combination of spring and winter precipitation. Precipitation was treated as a continuous annual fixed effect. For each dependent variable, I used Akaike Information Criterion for small samples (AICc) to rank the models containing the 4 precipitation indices to determine the index with the greatest influence in the models (Anderson and Burham 1997). The resultant precipitation measure from the highest 102 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 ranked model was then used as a covariate in an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to remove the effect of variation in annual precipitation prior to testing the main effects of herbicide treatment (treated vs. untreated) and grazing (grazing vs. non-grazed) as well as the their interaction. Data were tested for normality (Shapiro-Wilk Test) and homogeneity of variance (Levene’s Test and Welch’s Test) (Cochran and Cox 1957). Independence was assumed, as the samples were randomly selected. The Satterthwaite approximation was used to pool variances, if the variance estimates among the independent variables of herbicide treatment, grazing, and herbicide*grazing were homogeneous (Zar 2009). If the precipitation covariate was significant (P< 0.05), I used simple linear regression to evaluate the strength of the influence of the precipitation measure on the dependent variable. I performed statistical analyses using PROCMIX in SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA). Results When assessing the data collected over a ten year period, 14 mammal species were detected, but occurred inconsistently across treatments (Table 3.1), 21 herptile species with the most found in treated/grazed areas (Table 3.2), and 45 taxonomic groups of invertebrates (Table 3.3). It is important to note that some Perognathusspp. could not be identified to species, so were pooled into genus in 2009 and 2010. There were no trends that fit all species and most reactions to herbicide and grazing were species-specific. The most abundant mammals were Ord’s kangaroo rat (Dipidomis ordii), spotted ground squirrel (Spermophilus spilosoma), and pocket mouse species (Perognathus spp.). The most abundant herptiles were prairie lizard (Sceloporus lecontei), Great Plains skink (Eumeces obsoletus), and coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum). The most abundant invertebrate taxonomic groups were 103 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 grasshoppers (Acrididae), treehoppers (Acrididae), and caterpillars (Lepidoptera larvae). Mammal abundance Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation measure and used as the covariate in the analysis of abundance of small mammals (Tables 3.4 and 3.5). The effect of precipitation was significant in the ANCOVA (F7, 83=19.26, P<0.0001). Winter precipitation had weak predictive power for variation in small mammal abundance (r2 =0.11; F1, 125=15.54, P =0.001; Fig. 3.2). There was no herbicide effect (F1, 95=0.0, P =0.99; Table 3.6) on abundance, but there was a significant grazing effect (F1, 95=3.94, P =0.05) such that mammal abundance increased by 23% on grazed areas compared to non-grazed areas. There was no herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 95=0.06, P =0.82). Dominance of mammals (1-Simpson’s index) Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation measure and used as the covariate in the analysis of Simpson’s index for mammals in the model (Tables 3.4 and 3.5). However, it offered little explanatory power because there was no apparent precipitation effect in the ANCOVA (F 7, 88=0.88, P =0.53). There was not an herbicide (F1, 88=0.23, P =0.63; Table 3.6) or grazing effect (F1, 88=0.06, P =0.81) on patterns of species dominance. There was no herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 88=0.57, P =0.45) on the Simpson’s index for small mammals. Diversity of mammals (Shannon’s index) 104 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation measure and used as the covariate in the analysis of Shannon’s index for mammals in the model (Tables 3.4 and 3.5). There was little explanatory power because of the marginally significant precipitation effect in the ANCOVA (F 7, 95 =1.95, P =0.07). There was no significant effect of herbicide (F1, 95=0.18, P =0.67; Table 3.6), or grazing (F 1, 95=1.17, P =0.28) on diversity. There was a marginal herbicide and grazing interaction (F1, 95=3.26, P =0.07) on the Shannon’s index for small mammals. In herbicide-treated areas, mammal diversity increased by 13% in grazed areas compared to non-grazed. However, in untreated areas, diversity decreased by 39% in grazed areas relative to non-grazed. In grazed areas, mammal diversity increased by 50% in treated areas compared to untreated. On the other hand, non-grazed areas had 18% less mammal diversity in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. This indicates that there was the most mammal diversity in treated and grazed areas. Ord’s kangaroo rat (Dipidomis ordii) abundance Winter precipitation from October to March was the top ranked precipitation index for kangaroo rat abundance (Tables 3.4 and 3.7). There was a significant effect of precipitation index in the ANCOVA (F8, 108=6.23, P<0.0001). The precipitation index had a statistically significant slope (r2 =0.07; F1,142=10.51, P =0.002; Fig. 3.1). There was no herbicide effect (F1,108=0.00, P =0.95; Table 3.6). There was a significant grazing effect (F1,108=4.44, P=0.04) such that kangaroo rat abundance increased 35% in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas (Fig. 3.5). There was no herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 108=0.08 P =0.89) Ground squirrel (Spermophilus spilosomoa) abundance 105 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation index relative to ground squirrel abundance (Tables 3.4 and 3.7). The winter precipitation index was significant in the ANCOVA (F8, 108=3.75, P=0.0007). However, the selected precipitation index was a weak predictor of ground squirrel abundance despite a significant slope (r2=0.06; F1,142=8.76, P =0.004; Fig. 3.6). There was a herbicide effect (F1, 108=4.44, P=0.037; Table 3.6), such that the abundance of ground squirrels increased by 49% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. There was no grazing effect (F1, 108=0.77, P=0.38), nor was there an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 108=0.0, P=0.96). Pocket mouse species (Perognathus sp.) abundance Winter precipitation from October to March was highest ranked index for pocket mouse species abundance (Table 3.7 and Table 3.4). Precipitation was significant in the ANCOVA (F8, 108=23.77, P<0.0001). Despite a significant slope, winter precipitation was a weak predictive variable of pocket mouse species abundance (r2=0.06; F1,142=9.42, P =0.003). There was an herbicide effect (F8, 108=3.48, P=0.06; Fig. 3.7; Table 3.10), such that pocket mouse abundance was 42% greater in treated areas as opposed to untreated areas. There was no grazing effect (F1, 108=0.48, P=0.49), nor herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 108=0.79, P=0.38). Herptile abundance Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for the abundance of herptiles (Table 3.8 and 3.9). The effect of precipitation index was significant in the ANCOVA (F7, 32=10.10, P<0.0001). This index had predictive power for herptile abundance (r2=0.20; F1, 62=15.54, P =0.002; Fig. 3.8). There was no herbicide effect (F1, 32=0.25, P =0.62; Table 3.10), nor was there a grazing effect (F1, 60=0.34, P=0.56). 106 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 There was a marginal herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F 1, 32=3.72, P =0.06; Fig. 3.9). In treated areas, herptile abundance decreased by 8% in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. However, in untreated areas, herptile abundance increased by 27% in grazed areas compared to non-grazed areas. In grazed areas, herptile abundance decreased by 13% in treated areas relative to untreated areas. Non-grazed areas had 20% more herptile abundance in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. This indicates that herptile abundance was greatest in treated and grazed areas. Herptile dominance (1-Simpson’s index) Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation index in the analysis of the Simpson’s diversity index for herptiles (Tables 3.8 and 3.9). The effect of winter precipitation was only marginally significant in the ANCOVA (F7, 32=2.20, P =0.06). Furthermore, precipitation was not predictive for Simpson’s index for herptiles (r2 =0.027; F1, 62 =1.75, P =0.19; Fig. 3.8). There was an herbicide effect (F1, 32=4.91, P =0.03; Table 3.10). Herptile diversity, measured by the Simpson’s index, increased by 7% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas (Fig. 3.10). There was no grazing effect (F1, 32=0.77, P =0.39), nor was there an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 32 =1.81, P =0.19). Herptile diversity (Shannon’s index) Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for Shannon’s index for herptiles (Table 3.8 and 3.9). However, there was not a significant effect of precipitation in the ANCOVA (F7, 32 =0.87, P=0.54). There was no herbicide effect (F1, 32 =2.43, P=0.13; Table 3.10), grazing effect (F1, 32 =1.12, P=0.30), nor an herbicide and grazing interaction (F1, 32 =1.01, P=0.32) for Shannon’s index (Fig. 3.11). Prairie lizard (Sceloporus lecontei) abundance 107 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for prairie lizard abundance (Tables 3.8 and 3.11). There was a significant precipitation effect in the ANCOVA (F8, 36=15.88, P<0.0001). Winter precipitation was statistically significant for prairie lizard abundance (r2=0.12; F1, 70 =9.43, P =0.003; Fig. 3.8). There was a significant herbicide effect (F1, 36=4.80, P=0.03; Table 3.10) such that there were 23% fewer prairie lizards treated areas than in untreated areas (Fig. 3.12). There was no grazing effect (F1, 36=2.32, P=0.14), nor was there a herbicide and grazing interaction (F1, 68=0.03, P=0.85). Great Plains Skink (Eumeces obsoletus)abundance Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for skink abundance (F8, 25=6.22, P<0.0001; Tables 3.8 and 3.11). However, the precipitation index did not have predictive power despite a significant regression model (r2=0.01; F1, 62=7.73, P =0.007; Fig. 3.8). There was a significant herbicide effect (F1, 36=5.31, P=0.027; Table 3.10), a significant grazing effect (F1, 36=8.90, P=0.005), and a significant herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 36=4.32, P=0.04). In treated areas, skink abundance increased by 93% in grazed areas as compared to non-grazed areas. In untreated areas, skink abundance increased by only 18% in grazed areas. In grazed areas, skink abundance increased by 71% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. In nongrazed areas skink abundance only increased by 4% in treated areas. This indicates that the most skinks were found in areas that were both treated with herbicide and grazed. Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) abundance Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for coachwhip abundance (Table 3.11 and Table 3.8). However, the winter 108 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 precipitation index was not a significant covariate in the ANCOVA (F1, 68=1.33, P=0.26). There was no herbicide effect (F1, 36=2.35, P=0.13; Table 3.10), grazing effect (F1, 36=1.45, P=0.24), nor an herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 36=2.02, P=0.16) for coachwhip abundance. Invertebrate abundance Winter precipitation from October to March was highest ranked precipitation index for the abundance of invertebrates (Table 3.13). There was an effect of precipitation in the ANCOVA (F7, 96=15.57, P<0.0001). The winter precipitation index was significant for invertebrate abundance (r2=0.28; F7, 84=50.09, P<0.0001; Fig. 3.15). There was a significant herbicide effect (F 1,96=9.94, P =0.002; Fig. 3.16) such that the total number of invertebrates increased by 54% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. There was no grazing effect (F1, 96=1.53, P =0.22), nor was there a herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 96=0.04, P =0.86). Number of invertebrate taxonomic groups Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for the number of invertebrate taxonomic groups. There was a significant precipitation effect in the ANCOVA (F8, 105=29.23, P<0.0001). The relationship between number of taxonomic groups and precipitation was biologically relevant (r2=0.34; F1, 139=71.06, P<0.0001; Fig. 3.15). There was a significant herbicide effect (F1,105=33.33, P<0.0001) such that the number of invertebrate taxonomic groups increased 25% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. There was no grazing effect (F1, 105=0.02, P =0.88), nor was there a herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 105=1.01, P=0.31). Invertebrate biomass 109 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for in invertebrate biomass (Table 3.13). Winter precipitation index was a significant covariant in the ANCOVA (F7, 84=8.17, P<0.0001). This precipitation index explained a marginal amount of variation in invertebrate biomass (r2=0.17; F1, 126=25.60, P<0.0001; Fig. 3.15). There was not a significant herbicide (F1, 96=2.71, P=0.10) or grazing effect (F1, 96=1.12, P=0.29). There was no herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 96=0.44, P =0.51) (Fig. 3.18). Grasshopper (Acrididae) Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for grasshopper biomass (Table 3.15). Winter precipitation was a significant covariate (F7, 96=13.30, P<0.0001). However, this precipitation index explained little variation in grasshopper biomass (r2=0.0004; F1, 126=0.05, P=0.82; Fig. 3.15). There was a significant herbicide effect (F1, 96=13.17, P=0.0005), such that grasshoppers increased by 200% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. There was no grazing effect (F1, 96=2.08, P=0.15), nor was there a herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 96=1.93, P =0.17) (Fig. 3.19). Treehopper (Acrididae) Winter precipitation from October to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for treehopper biomass (Table 3.15). Winter precipitation was significant (F7, 96=13.35, P<0.0001). This precipitation index explained a marginal amount of variation in treehopper biomass (r2=0.15; F1, 126=23.50, P<0.0001; Fig. 3.15). There was not a significant herbicide (F1, 96=1.1, P=0.30) or grazing (F1, 96=0.02, P=0.90) effect. There was no herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 96=0.24, P =0.63) (Fig. 3.20). 110 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Caterpillars (Lepid) Winter precipitation from November to March was the highest ranked precipitation index for caterpillar biomass (Table 3.15). Winter precipitation was significant as a covariate (F7, 96=4.72, P<0.0001). This precipitation index did not explain variation in caterpillar biomass (r2=0.004; F1, 126=0.47, P=0.49; Fig. 3.12). There was a significant herbicide effect (F1, 96=13.53, P=0.0005), such that caterpillars decreased by 92% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas. There was no grazing effect (F1, 96=0.16, P=0.69), nor was there a herbicide and grazing interaction effect (F1, 96=0.01, P =0.93) (Fig. 3.21). Discussion Mammals There were fourteen species of small mammals captured on our study site. It is important to note that the capture techniques with Sherman live traps prevented capture of species past a certain size. So, larger mammals such as western cottontail rabbits (Svlvilagus auduboni) and blacktail jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) were excluded. Shrews (Sorex araneus) were also excluded from trapping because they are carnivorous and, therefore, unlikely to go into a grain-baited Sherman trap. Another study that tested the effects of shrub removal with similar rates of tebuthiuron in shinnery oak communities in Yoakum County, Texas, Colbert (1986) found 16 mammals of all sizes, seven of which were also found in our study. Similarly in the same area, Johnson (2002) found 7 species that overlapped with our study site, some of which were not found by Colbert (1986). Precipitation from October or November to March had the strongest influence on the mammalian species parameters assessed, with the exception of mammal dominance and 111 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 diversity. Willig (1993) found that mammal abundance was related to behavioral responses to temperature and precipitation. Munger et al. (1983) determined that increases in rodent abundance are due to annual plant growth, especially of annuals, that follow favorable rains. However, Mathis (2006) recognized that desert rodents have a complex, yet undeniable relationship with precipitation, which may explain why all variables were not more influenced by winter precipitation. I found no significant herbicide effect of overall abundance of small mammals. However, there was 23% greater abundance of small mammals in grazed areas compared to non-grazed areas. This phenomenon was likely driven by the abundance of Ord’s kangaroo rats, which made up 52% of all mammals, and also had a significant grazing effect. Although there was no apparent effect of the herbicide treatment when all mammals were combined, pocket mice and ground squirrels, which made up 21% and 17% of total abundance, appear to have responded positively to changes due to herbicide treatment, such that they increased in treated areas by 42% and 49%, respectively. These results are consistent with the literature that indicates that vegetative structure, whether manipulated by grazing or shrub removal, is important to rodent abundance and distribution. Vegetation is a source of cover and food for rodent populations (Paramenter and MacMahon 1983). Johnson and Hansen (1969) found that herbicide treatment affected rodent populations through changes in the availability of food. Cover is also a main factor affecting rodent populations in arid and semi-arid environments (Rosenzweig and Winakur 1969, Parmenter and MacMahon 1983, Willig 1993). Hafner (1977) believed that desert rodent species do not respond to a particular parameter because even animals of the same species are influenced by different environmental factors. It is reasonable to assume that 112 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 small mammals in the region will respond to grazing differently based on any of the aforementioned factors. Grazing regimes have marked effects on the shaping of vegetation in arid regions (Eccard 2000). Munger (1983) found that physiognomy, or vegetation structure, is an important factor of desert rodent distribution. I found that there was 23% greater abundance of all mammals combined in grazed areas. At the same stocking rate, which was designed to remove 50% of available production, Mathis et al. (2006) found that there was no difference in species richness between grazed and non-grazed areas 1-3 years after grazing commenced in Las Cruces, New Mexico. However, Mathis et al. (2006) did not include an element of shrub removal, which drastically increases the amount of grasses and changes the plant composition and structure of the community (Chapter II). Tebuthiuron drastically alters the habitat by changing cover, food resources, foliage height diversity, and water availability to other plants (Willig 1993). Studies that tested the effect of shrub removal on rodent populations have had mixed results. Using 0.56 kg/ha tebuthiuron, Willig (1993) found that rodent diversity was greater in treated areas that exhibited greater canopy cover and vertical height in Yoakum County, Texas, 2 to 3 years after treatment. Although the grasshopper mouse was more common in untreated areas, this was largely driven by more than double the number of detections among grazed plots compared to non-grazed plots. These results indicate that, not surprisingly, the effects of herbicide treatments are species-specific and, depending on the time of year of trapping, different animals will be more abundant (Willig 1993). Similarly, Johnson and Hansen (1969) found that responses to herbicide were species-specific when using 1-1.5 kg/ha in the shrub-grass range of western Colorado. In their study, deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) 113 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 were not affected by herbicide whereas pocket gophers (Thomomys talpoides) and chipmunks (Eutamias minimus) decreased in treated areas. Kangaroo rats are generalist species (Willig 1993) and have been characterized as a “superior competitor” (Parmenter and MacMahon 1983, Muenger 1983). Kangaroo rats avoid areas with thick cover and are associated more frequently with sparse vegetation (Willig 1993). Rosenzweig (1973) found that shrub removal permitted increased use of the cleared areas by kangaroo rats. Similarly, our study found that kangaroo rats were more abundant in areas with increased bare ground. There was 28% more bare ground in grazed plots in our study, which may explain why there are more kangaroo rats in grazed areas. There were 42% more pocket mice in treated areas than untreated areas. This is likely because pocket mouse species tend to inhabit areas of high vegetation and coarse substrate types, while kangaroo rats tend to inhabit more open microhabitats and finer substrates (Munger et al. 1983). Parmenter and MacMahon (1983) found that the presence of kangaroo rats in open areas evidently precludes pocket mice from foraging there simultaneously. They found that shrubs can function as a mediating variable in interspecific competition among rodents. While the interspecific competition between rodents is beyond the scope of this thesis, it may offer insights as to why kangaroo rats and pocket mice respond differently to grazing and herbicide treatments. Similar to pocket mice, ground squirrels were 49% more abundant in treated areas with few shrubs as compared to untreated areas this a high density of shrubs. Parmenter and MacMahon (1983) found that while pocket mice and ground squirrels will climb shrubs to forage, they do not require it. Their study in southwest Wyoming was based on sampling before, and one year after, hand-shrub removal. However, they report that density and 114 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 percent cover in shrubs was essentially the same in treated and untreated plots, so it follows that there were no effects of shrub removal evident in rodent abundance. Herptiles Winter precipitation had the strongest influence on the herptile species parameters assessed, with the exception of overall herptile diversity and coachwhip abundance. All significant relationships were positively associated with winter precipitation such that herptile abundance increased with precipitation. The three most abundant species, prairie lizard, Great Plains skink, and coachwhip, reacted differently to herbicide and grazing treatments. The result of herbicide treatment appears to have influenced the vegetation community such that lizards were 22% less abundant in treated areas. Skinks were influenced by an interaction effect and were more abundant in treated/non-grazed and not treated/grazed areas. Coachwhip snakes were not affected by either treatment. While each species reacted differently toward herbicide and grazing treatment, they are likely reacting to changes in vegetation (Jones 1981). Complexity of vegetation may affect predation risk, food abundance, or thermoregulatory functions (Daryanto et al. 2012, Castellano 2006). Thus, it is difficult to discern why species are reacting toward treatments differently. The prairie lizard and Great Plains skink were the two most abundant species, accounting for 28% and 26%, respectively, of all herptiles captured. The prairie lizard was found mostly in not treated/non-grazed areas, with 22% less abundance in treated areas. 115 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Prairie lizards are a generalist species that can be found in all treatments, but perhaps prefer untreated areas. I found that Great Plains skink was most abundant in treated-grazed areas, which had a composition of mainly grasses with some shrubs and forbs, and was most similar to historical standards (Chapter IV). A similar response was also found in relative lizard abundance in Arizona. Castellano (2006) found that changes in vegetation structure complexity and perennial grass cover were positively correlated with lizard relative abundance. When describing the habitat of skinks, Fitch (1955) found that skinks favored vegetation types and conditions that were created by the combination of burning and heavy grazing. Though not exactly the same as burning and grazing, herbicide treated and grazed areas may create similar vegetation composition. However, he noted, in xeric conditions where vegetation is sparse because of severe burning or overgrazing, the skinks will be sparse. This indicates that there is a threshold of grazing, and perhaps also tebuthiuron. When these treatments are overused, they will no longer benefit skink abundance. The coachwhip snakes were not influenced by either herbicide or grazing. This is unsurprising since coachwhip snakes are widely foraging, diurnal predators that “cruise through habitat searching for active and sedentary prey” (Secor 1995). Similarly, Castellano (2006) found that widely foraging species may benefit from increased vegetative structure complexity to a lesser extent than opportunistic or “sit and wait” predators. It is important to recognize that species have individual responses to herbicide and grazing when designing management strategies. One theme that has been consistent in the literature is that lizard abundance and diversity is reduced in heavily grazed sites because of changes in vegetative structure (Jones 1981, Castellano 2006). Jones (1981) thought it was 116 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 due primarily loss of low-height vegetation and Castellano(2006) suspected it was due to a lack of forbs and lessened perennial grass cover. Thus, it is important to maintain moderate grazing even if the effects of herbicide and grazing appear mixed. Invertebrates Although many animals use invertebrates as a food source, little is known about the ecology of invertebrates in shinnery oak communities (Haukos and McDaniel 2011). I found > 47 taxonomic groups in the data. This is a substantive increase from the 23 families reported in the shinnery oak community by Haukos and McDaniel (2011) likely because we sampled for 10 years. The highest-ranking precipitation model for all invertebrate variables was winter precipitation from either October or November until March. Also, the linear relationship between winter precipitation and invertebrate abundance and number of families explained a moderate amount of variation, which was among the highest relationships for all fauna. Biomass and tree hopper abundance was explained only slightly by varying precipitation. Because many invertebrates require water for their life cycle, it is unsurprising that precipitation is linked to abundance and biomass. What is surprising about this relationship, however, is that the relationship is negative, which is not intuitive. Similarly, Haukos and McDaniel (2011) found that overall biomass fluctuations were not related to annual precipitation. Joern (2004) found that weather significantly contributed to grasshopper population dynamics. These mixed results indicate that the relationship between precipitation and biomass and abundance of invertebrates is complicated. 117 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 There was a significant herbicide effect on both invertebrate abundance and the number of families such that each increased by 54% and 25% in treated areas compared to untreated areas, respectively. This is slightly different from Doerr and Guthery (1983), who studied the effects on invertebrate biomass and diversity immediately and a year after plots had been treated with 5 rates of tebuthiuron (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 kg/ha). They found that the abundance and diversity of insects were slightly, positively affected by tebuthiuron treatments when using sweep nets. When using pitfall traps, they found that total insects as well as grasshoppers were positively affected by treatment. They noted that more samples were needed given the high variation. The high variation may be due to the timing of Doerr and Guthery’s (1983) experiment. It is possible that not enough time had elapsed between treatment and the data collection for the subsequent changes in plant composition and structure to be taken into account. Invertebrate abundance is highly patchy and dependent on herbaceous cover and structure (Hagen et al. 2005, Baines et al. 1996). Jamison (2002) suggests that invertebrate biomass varies with the composition and structure of vegetation. A positive relationship between invertebrate biomass and forb presence has also been established (Boyd and Bidwell 2001, Jamison 2002, Hagen 2005). My study is consistent with these earlier reports. Treated areas had 257% greater abundance of forbs than untreated areas and invertebrate abundance and number of invertebrate taxonomic groups increased 54% and 25%, respectively. Similarly, Jamison (2002) found that of all composition variables, forbs had the strongest association with invertebrate biomass. In the case of prescribed fire, Boyd and Bidwell (2001) reported concurrent increases in forb cover and grasshopper densities. Doerr and 118 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Guthery (1983) found a positive but statistically insignificant trend of forbs and invertebrate biomass, which as discussed may be due to the short sampling time after treatment. With regression modeling, Jamison (2002) determined that shrubs were the least important determinants of invertebrate biomass. This indicates that the consequent forb and grass production, either in what it provides physiologically or in terms of structure, is more important to the invertebrate community than the immediate removal of shrubs. Baines (1996) found that taller vegetation yielded more invertebrates in the United Kingdom. Our results support this because visual obstruction, measured with a Robel pole, was 30 and 50% higher in treated areas than in untreated areas in April and June, respectively. Individual invertebrate taxonomic groups reacted differently to treatment. Grasshoppers increased 200% and caterpillar larvae decreased by 92% in treated areas as compared to untreated areas, while treehoppers seemed to not be affected at all. The increase of grasshoppers in treated areas is positively associated with grass growth in treated areas. There were 200% more grasshoppers in treated areas that had 149% more grass than untreated areas. Conclusions about grasshopper abundance are supported by Hagen (2005) who found that sand sage density was the best linear predictor of grasshopper biomass, with lower densities of tebuthiuron (0.2-0.4 k/ha) having the most grasshopper biomass. While there is a correlation between grasshoppers and grass, areas that were managed to maximize grass cover usually led to reductions in invertebrate biomass (Baines 1996, Hagen 2005). Understanding the habitats in which invertebrates flourish is important for wildlife management. It has been found that prairie chicken nesting areas, for example, have higher invertebrate biomass than associated random points (Hagen 2005, Jamison 2002). Parmenter and MacMahon (1983) found that insects were also important for rodent community and 119 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 structure. Though directly influencing the numbers and types of invertebrates is challenging, vegetation can be managed such that it is conducive to supporting complex invertebrate communities. This would be facilitated by establishing mixed-grass prairies that have a forb component because invertebrates are correlated with forb abundance. It is also important to apply herbicide in low doses (0.2-0.6 kg/ha) as there was more invertebrate biomass associated with lower rates of tebuthiuron (Doerr and Guthery 1983, Hagen 2005). The lower rate is suggested not because it is less toxic during application, but because the long-term benefits of mixed-grass prairie are more apparent with lower doses. Conclusions This study provides a comprehensive list of mammals, herptiles, and invertebrates that can be found in sand shinnery oak community in eastern New Mexico. Mammal abundance was influenced positively by a grazing effect, herptile diversity was negatively affected by herbicide effect, and the abundance and biomass of invertebrates was positively associated with herbicide. It is important to note that while many of the overall variables that combined species into one category like abundance, dominance and diversity were not significant. However, when parsed out to a species-level examination, it becomes clear that species respond differently to herbicide and grazing treatments. Mammals, herptiles and invertebrates reaction is likely associated with changes in vegetation composition and structure that result from herbicide and grazing. This indicates that further investigation on the species-level will be necessary to make more informed management decisions. It is also important that to note that management of mammals, herptiles, and invertebrates may be best administered through changes in plant composition and structure. 120 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Literature Cited Baines, D., I. A. Wilson, and G. Beeley. 1996. Timing of breeding in black grouse Tetrao tetrix and Capercaillie Tetrao urgogallus and distribution of insect food for the chicks. Ibis 138: 181-187. Boyd, C. S. and T. G. Bidwell. 2001. Influence of prescribed fire on lesser prairie-chicken habitat in shinnery oak communities in western Oklahoma. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 938-947. Brown, J. H. and Z. Zongyong. 1989. Comparative population ecology of eleven species of rodents in the Chihahuan Desert. Ecological Society of America 70 (5):1507-1525 Castellano, M. J. and T. J. Valone. 2006. Effects of livestock removal and perennial grass recovery on the lizards of a desertified arid grassland. Journal of Arid Environments 66: 87-95. Colbert, R. L. 1986. The effect of the shrub component on small mammal populations in a sand shinnery oak ecosystem. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock pp. 57. Daryanto, S. and D. J. Eldridge. 2012. Shrub hummocks as foci for small animal disturbances in an encroached shrubland. Journal of Arid Environments 80: 35-39. Doerr T. B. and F. S. Guthery. 1983. Effects of tebuthiuron on lesser prairie chicken habitat and food. Journal of Wildlife Management 47:1138-1142. Eccard, J. A., R. B. Walther, and S. J. Milton. 2000. How livestock grazing affects vegetation structures and small mammal distribution in the semi-arid Karoo. Journal of Arid Environment 46: 103-106. Fitch, H. S. 1955. Habitats and adaptations of the Great Plains skink (Eumeces obsoletus). Ecological Society of America 25: 59-83. Hafner, M. S. 1977. Density and diversity in Mojave Desert rodent and shrub communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 46: 925-938. Hagen, C. A, G. C. Salter, J. C. Pitman, R. J. Robel, and R. D. Applegate. 2005. Lesser prairie-chicken brood habitat in sand sagebrush: invertebrate biomass and vegetation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(3): 1080-1091. Haukos, D. A. 2011. Use of tebuthiuron to restore sand shinnery oak grasslands of the Southern High Plains. M. N. A El-Ghany Hasanee (Ed.) In Herbicides: Mechanisms and mode of action (103-124). Rijeka, Croatia. Haukos, D. A., andP. McDaniel. (2011). Results of long-term monitoring of lesser prairiechicken habitat on the Milnesand Prairie Preserve, The Nature Conservancy of New Mexico. The Nature Conservancy, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 121 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Jamison, B. E., R. J. Robel, J. S. Pontius, and R. D. Applegate. 2002. Invertebrate biomass: associations with lesser prairie-chicken habitat use and sand sagebrush density in southwestern Kansas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30: 517-526. Joern, A. 2005. Disturbance by fire frequency and bison grazing modulate grasshopper assemblages in tallgrass prairie. Ecology 86: 861-873. Johnson, D. R. and R. M. Hansen. 1969. Effects of range treatment with 2, 4-D on rodent populations. The Journal of Wildlife Management 33: 125-132. Jones, K. B. 1981. Effects of grazing on lizard abundance and diversity in western Arizona. Southwestern Association of Naturalists 26 (2): 107-115. Parmenter, R. R. and J. A. MacMahon. 1983. Factors determining the abundance and distribution of rodents in a shrub-steppe ecosystem: the role of shrubs. Oecologia 59: 145-156. Mathis, V. L., W. G. Whitford, F. R. Kay, and P. U. Alkon. 2005. Effects of grazing and shrub removal on small mammals populations in southern New Mexico, USA. Journal of Arid Environments 66: 76-86. Munger, J. C., M. A. Bowers, and W. T. Jones. 1983. Desert rodent populations: factors affecting abundance, distribution and genetic structure. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs. No. 7. Rosenzweig, M. L. and J. Winakur. 1969. Population ecology of desert rodent communities: habitats and environmental complexity. Ecology 50: 558-572. Rosenzweig, M. L. 1973. Habitat selection experiments with a pair of coexisting heteromyid rodents. Ecology 54: 145-156. SAS Version 9.2, SAS institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA. Secor, S. M. 1995. Ecological aspects of foraging mode for the snakes Crotalus cerastes and Masticophis flagellum. Herpetologsts’ League. 9: 169-186. Smythe, L. A. and Haukos D. A. 2009. Nesting success of grassland birds in shinnery oak communities treated with tebuthiuron and grazing in eastern New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 54(2): 136-145. Western Region Climate Center. 2010. Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary from 1/ 1/1905 to 1/31/2012. Accessed February 1, 2012. 122 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Willig, M. R., R. L Colbert, R. D. Pettit, and R. D. Stevens. 1993. Response of small mammals to conversion of a sand shinnery oak woodland into mixed-grass prairie. The Texas Journal of Science 4. 123 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Scientific name Chaetodipus hispidus Dipidomis ordii Geomys bursarius Neotoma albigula Neotoma micropus Onychomysleucogaste r Perognathusflavescens Perognathusmerriami Perognathus sp. Peromyscusleucopus Reithrodontomysmegal otis Reithrodontomysmont anus Sigmodonhirsutus Plains harvest mouse Western harvest mouse Common name Hispid pocket mouse Ord's kangaroo rat Plains pocket mouse White throated wood rat Southern Plains woodrat Northern grasshopper mouse Plains pocket gopher Merriam's pocket mouse Perognathus species White footed mouse 0 0 0 3 21 82 0 16 47 0 5 1 0 24 57 1 16 448 94 2 1 0 0 8 47 0 44 345 71 1 0 0 0 18 66 0 12 1598 275 3 6 1 3 71 252 1 96 Total 11 833 23 4 16 Southern cotton rat 63 348 No Tebuthiuron Grazed Non-grazed 1 2 245 157 2 7 0 3 1 0 Spotted ground squirrel 457 Total In 2009 and 2010 Perognathus species (Pocket mice) were identified to the genus. Spermophilus spilosoma Tebuthiuron Grazed Non-grazed 0 8 254 177 7 7 0 1 11 4 Table 3.1. Number of captured mammals during 800 trap nights each year from June to September from 2002-2010 (with 600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico. 1 Table 3.2. Number of herptile species trapped for 960 trap nights a year from June to September from 2002-2010 (with 480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) 124 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 2 0 10 25 0 0 6 7 18 0 2 6 0 68 14 8 4 1 73 4 7 2 121 12 2 2 15 373 5 30 2 2 1 3 401 44 27 19 8 253 14 24 23 425 53 12 14 43 1537 40 100 4 4 23 3 Glossy snake 27 10 1 81 9 5 4 1 53 6 2 5 111 11 4 4 16 347 Untreated Grazed Non-grazed 1 0 Great Plains toad Woodhouse's toad 18 1 82 9 6 3 0 57 1 8 9 97 16 3 6 4 344 Treated Non-grazed 1 Six-lined racerunner 1 170 12 8 8 6 70 3 7 7 96 14 3 2 8 473 Grazed 1 Western (prairie) rattlesnake Ringneck snake Great Plains skink Western ognosed snake Lesser earless lizard Milk snake Texas blind snake Coachwhip Texas horned lizard Gopher snake Long nosed snake Prairie lizard Masassauga Plains spadefoot Plains black headed snake Ornate box turtle Total Tiger salamander tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico. Total Ambystomatigrinum Arizona elegansarenicola Bufocognatus Bufowoodhousei Cnemidophorussexlineat us Crotalusviridis Diadophispuctatus Eumeces obsoletus HeterodonNasicus Holbrookiamaculata Lampropeltistriangulum Leptotyphlopsdulis Masticophis flagellum Phrynosomacornutum Pituophismelanoleucus Rhinocheiluslecontei Sceloporus lecontei Sistruruscatenatus Speabombifrons TantillaNigriceps Tertapeneornata 125 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Grams 0.453 8.500 Abundance 6.306 0.000 0.345 0.000 0.006 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.061 0.004 0.002 0.017 0.000 0.017 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.008 0.006 0.002 0.005 0.055 0.005 1.151 0.299 Grams 0.519 0.056 2.667 0.000 1.389 0.306 0.250 0.167 2.361 1.586 0.056 2.917 0.000 3.306 0.139 0.972 0.690 1.350 3.172 0.389 0.276 12.944 0.150 25.500 7.778 0.000 0.045 0.000 0.017 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.033 0.008 0.002 0.021 0.000 0.009 0.001 0.003 0.009 0.005 0.006 0.002 0.003 0.121 0.007 2.336 0.513 0.035 2.319 0.021 0.861 0.278 0.236 0.250 1.660 0.841 0.028 2.167 0.038 3.042 0.306 0.715 0.416 1.203 1.752 0.375 0.265 10.389 0.101 23.114 5.514 0.001 0.106 0.001 0.012 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.037 0.004 0.002 0.012 0.000 0.010 0.003 0.002 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.003 0.070 0.003 1.448 0.270 Total Grams Abundance 5.556 0.134 0.028 2.583 0.000 0.806 0.389 0.306 0.333 2.278 0.821 0.028 3.000 0.000 4.611 0.222 1.111 0.429 2.300 2.250 0.417 0.429 9.778 0.200 30.000 Untreated-Grazed Grams 0.483 2.722 0.001 0.021 0.001 0.012 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.035 0.002 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.005 0.006 0.000 0.005 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.053 0.000 0.996 Treated-Non-Grazed Abundance 5.583 0.133 0.028 1.917 0.042 0.583 0.222 0.139 0.167 1.083 0.500 0.000 1.278 0.050 1.694 0.444 0.167 0.357 0.550 0.679 0.194 0.179 11.472 0.050 18.450 Treated-Grazed 3.056 0.002 0.012 0.001 0.013 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.019 0.003 0.004 0.007 0.000 0.008 0.005 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.051 0.000 1.300 0.505 0.028 2.111 0.042 0.667 0.194 0.250 0.333 0.917 0.429 0.028 1.472 0.105 2.556 0.417 0.611 0.179 0.579 0.857 0.500 0.179 7.361 0.000 18.263 Untreated-NonTotal Grazed Abundance Abundance Grams 5.750 0.563 5.799 Table 3.3. Number of invertebrate taxonomic from vacuum sampler in May and June 2002-2010 in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico. Acrididae (Forb) Acrididae (Grass) Apidae Arachnids Asilidae Blattidae Braconidae Bruchidae Buprestidae Carabidae Cercopidae Chilopoda Chrysomellidae Chrysopidae Cicadellidae Coccinellidae Corimelaenidae Curculionidae Cydnidae Dictyopharidae Diptera Elateriidae Formicidae Gryllidae Halictidae 126 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Grams 0.000 0.002 0.448 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.017 0.001 0.180 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.017 0.016 0.001 0.053 Treated-Grazed Abundance 0.000 0.393 0.778 1.000 0.111 0.000 3.056 0.357 245.403 0.211 0.053 0.107 0.036 0.107 0.028 0.111 0.028 0.083 0.472 0.361 0.056 7.237 Table 3.3. Continued Largidae Lepid adult Lepid Larva Lygaeidae Mantidae Meloidae Membracidae Miridae Misc. Parts Mordellidae Mutillidae Myrmeleontidae Nabidae Pentatomidae Phasmatidae Reduviidae Scarabaeidae Scutelleridae Tenebrionidae Tettigoniidae Vespidae Grand Total Grams 0.012 0.001 0.415 0.005 0.004 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.177 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.025 0.009 0.000 0.049 Treated-Non-Grazed Abundance 0.250 0.321 0.472 2.139 0.139 0.000 3.056 0.036 230.944 0.150 0.000 0.036 0.036 0.107 0.028 0.111 0.083 0.083 0.611 0.139 0.000 6.912 127 Grams 0.000 0.000 0.060 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.009 0.002 0.000 0.005 0.019 0.024 0.003 0.057 Untreated-Grazed Abundance 0.000 0.143 0.250 1.250 0.194 0.083 0.333 0.321 201.361 0.200 0.000 0.250 0.071 0.107 0.194 0.194 0.000 0.639 0.389 0.167 0.083 6.654 Untreated-NonTotal Grazed Abundance Abundance Grams 0.050 0.000 0.076 0.207 0.001 0.265 0.250 0.006 0.438 2.694 0.005 1.771 0.222 0.004 0.167 0.028 0.000 0.028 0.556 0.001 1.750 0.552 0.002 0.319 202.056 0.176 219.941 0.300 0.000 0.215 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.379 0.004 0.195 0.552 0.002 0.177 0.345 0.006 0.168 0.194 0.006 0.111 0.167 0.004 0.146 0.111 0.007 0.056 0.583 0.004 0.347 0.611 0.029 0.521 0.111 0.078 0.194 0.083 0.001 0.056 6.684 0.074 6.871 Total Grams 0.003 0.001 0.232 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.008 0.001 0.174 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.022 0.032 0.001 0.058 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Ord's 1dance Mammal diversity Mammal dominance Mammal abundance Winter II Winter II Winter I Winter I Top ranked model 1 Winter II 0.449 0.437 0.985 0.921 0.61 0.993 W F8, 108=23.77 F8, 108=3.75 F8, 108=6.23, F 7, 95 =1.95 F 7, 88=0.88 F7, 83=19.26 F P<0.0001 P=0.0007 P<0.0001 P =0.07 P =0.53 P<0.0001 P 0.06 0.06 0.07 - - 0.11 r2 + + + - - + Trend2 Table 3.4. List of top ranked AIC models for precipitation, W, r2 with associated F and P, and trend of precipitation regression for mammal data. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. Ground squirrel abundance Winter II 2 Pocket mouse abundance 1 Winter II is October- March, Winter I is November-March Trend of precipitation regression 2 128 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 1 2 3 4 4 3 1 2 Model Rank Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season Annual season 4 Growing season3 Winter II 1 Winter I 2 Model 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 294.7 300 303.4 306.9 47.5 48.5 55.3 56.1 1017 1014.2 995 1005 AICc 0 5.3 8.7 12.2 0 1 7.8 8.6 22 19.2 0 10 Δ AIC 0.921 0.065 0.012 0.002 0.61 0.37 0.012 0.008 0 0 0.993 0.007 W Table 3.5. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for mammal abundance, dominance (1-Simpson’s index) and diversity (Shannon’s index) that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. Mammal abundance Mammal dominance Mammal diversity 1 2 3 4 1 Winter II is October- March 2 Winter I is November-March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 129 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Ground squirrel abundance Ord’s kangaroo rat abundance Diversity of mammals Dominance of mammals Mammal abundance F8,108=3.48, P=0.06 F1,108=4.44, P=0.037 F1,108=0.0, P =0.95 F1, 95=0.18, P =0.67 F1, 88=0.23, P =0.63 F1, 95=0.0, P =0.99 F, P Herbicide effect F1, 108=0.48, P=0.49 F1, 108=0.77, P=0.38 F1,108=4.44, P=0.04 F 1, 95=1.17, P =0.28 F1, 88=0.06, P =0.81 F1, 95=3.94, P =0.05 F, P Grazing effect F1, 108=0.79, P=0.38 F1, 108=0.0, P=0.96 F1, 108=0.08 P =0.89 F1, 95=3.26, P =0.07 F1, 88=0.57, P =0.4 F1, 95=0.06, P =0.82 F, P Interaction effect Table 3.6. List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of mammal abundance, dominance, diversity and three most abundant species (Ord’s kangaroo rat, ground squirrel, and pocket mouse) that were captured in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. Pocket mouse abundance 130 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Winter II Winter I Growing season Annual season Winter II Winter I Growing season Annual season Winter II Winter I Growing season Annual season Model 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 808.4 812.8 821.2 823.1 657.6 661.5 671.1 673 891.3 899.7 908.2 911.6 AICc 0 4.4 12.8 14.7 0 3.9 13.5 15.4 0 8.4 16.9 20.3 Δ AIC 0.449 0.05 0.001 0 0.437 0.062 0.001 0 0.985 0.015 0 0 W Table 3.7. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for the three most abundant mammals, Ord’s kangaroo rat, ground squirrel, and pocket mouse. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. Model Organism Rank Ord’s kangaroo rat abundance 1 2 3 4 Ground squirrel abundance 1 2 3 4 Pocket mouse abundance 1 2 3 4 1 Winter I is November-March 2 Winter II is October- March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 131 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Great Plains skink abundance Prairie lizard abundance Herptile diversity Herptile dominance Herptile abundance Winter II Winter I Winter I Winter I Winter II Winter II1 Top ranked model 0.466 0.371 0.402 0.808 0.608 0.904 W F1, 68=1.33 F8, 25=6.22 F8, 36=15.88 F7, 32 =0.87 F7, 32=2.20 F7, 32=10.10 F P=0.26 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P=0.54 P =0.06 P<0.0001 P - 0.01 0.12 - 0.027 0.20 r2 + + + + - + Trend2 Table 3.8. List of top ranked AIC models for precipitation, W, precipitation effect’s F and P values, r2, and trend of precipitation regression for herptile data. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – nongrazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. Coachwhip abundance 1 Winter II is October- March, Winter I is November-March Trend of precipitation regression 2 132 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Annual season Winter II Winter I Growing season Winter II Winter I2 Growing season3 4 Annual season Model 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 132.1 135.1 141.1 143.2 -65.8 -78.6 -77.7 -67.9 502.2 506.7 518.7 520 AICc 0 3 9 11.1 12.8 0 0.9 10.7 0 4.5 16.5 17.8 Δ AIC 0.808 0.18 0.009 0.003 0.001 0.608 0.388 0.003 0.904 0.095 0 0 W Table 3.9. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for herptile abundance, dominance (1-Simpson’s index) and diversity (Shannon’s index) that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. Model Rank Herptile abundance 1 2 3 4 Herptile dominance 1 2 3 Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season 1 4 Herptiles diversity 1 2 3 4 1 Winter II is October- March 2 Winter I is November-March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 133 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Skink abundance Prairie lizard abundance Diversity of herptiles Dominance of herptiles Herptile abundance F1, 36=2.35, P=0.13 F1, 36=5.31, P=0.027 F1, 36=4.80, P=0.03 F1, 32 =2.43, P=0.13 F1, 32=4.91, P =0.03 F1, 32=0.25, P =0.62 F, P Herbicide effect F1, 36=1.45, P=0.24 F1, 36=8.90, P=0.005 F1, 36=2.32, P=0.14 F1, 32 =1.12, P=0.30 F1, 32=0.77, P =0.39 F1, 60=0.34, P =0.56 F, P Grazing effect F1, 36=2.02, P=0.16 F1, 36=4.32, P=0.04 F1, 68=0.03, P=0.85 F1, 32 =1.01, P=0.32 F1, 32 =1.81, P =0.19 F 1, 32=3.72, P =0.06 F, P Interaction effect Table 3.10. List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of herptile abundance, dominance, diversity and three most abundant species (prairie lizard, skink, and coachwhip). There were 960 trap nights per plot per year (in 2005 and 2010 there were only 480 trap nights. Data were from 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. Coachwip abundance 134 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 4 3 2 3 2 1 Winter I Annual season4 Growing season3 Winter II Winter I Annual season Growing season Winter I Winter II Model 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 317.4 318.3 314 414.4 411.6 408.5 405.2 443.6 440.4 432.1 426.8 AICc 6.1 3.4 4.3 0 9.2 6.4 3.3 0 16.8 13.6 5.3 0 Δ AIC 0.018 0.068 0.043 0.371 0.004 0.016 0.077 0.402 0 0.001 0.033 0.466 W Table 3.11. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for the most abundant herptiles, which were prairie lizard, Great Plains skink, and coachwhip. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) nontebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 1 Winter II 4 320.1 Organism Model Rank Prairie lizard abundance 2 Growing season 4 Coachwhip abundance 2 1 3 Annual season 4 Great Plains skink abundance 1 4 1 Winter I is November-March 2 Winter II is October- March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 135 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Treehopper biomass Invertebrate number of families Invertebrate biomass Invertebrate abundance Winter I Winter II Winter II Winter II Winter II Top ranked model 0.719 0.795 0.987 1 0.987 1 W F7, 96=4.72 F8, 108=3.75 F7, 96=13.35 F8, 105=29.23 F7, 84=8.17 F7, 96=15.57 F P<0.0001 P=0.0007 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P 0.004 0.0004 0.15 0.34 0.17 0.28 r2 - + - - - - Trend2 Table 3.12. List of top ranked AIC models for precipitation, W, r2 with associated F and P, and trend of precipitation regression for invert data. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2011. Grasshopper biomass Winter I 1 Caterpillar larvae biomass 1 Winter II is October- March, Winter I is November-March Trend of precipitation regression 2 136 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Table 3.13. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for total number of invertebrates, biomass of invertebrates, and number of invertebrate taxonomic groups that were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2011. Winter II1 Winter I2 3 Annual season Model 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 755.4 773.4 809.1 665.4 645.4 654.1 665.2 803.5 755.4 773.4 809.1 AICc 48.1 0 18 53.7 20 0 8.7 19.8 48.1 0 18 53.7 Δ AIC 0 1 0 0 0 0.987 0.013 0 0 1 0 0 W Model Rank Invertebrate abundance 1 2 3 4 4 4 803.5 Winter II Winter I Annual season 4 4 Growing season 4 Growing season Number of invertebrate taxonomic groups 1 Winter II 2 Winter I 3 Annual season 4 Biomass of invertebrates 1 2 3 Growing season 4 1 Winter II is October- March 2 Winter I is November-March 3 Growing season is April- October Annual season is April- March 4 137 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Grasshopper Treehopper Invertebrate biomass Number of invertebrate taxonomic groups Invertebrate abundance F1, 96=13.53, P=0.0005 F1, 96=13.17, P=0.0005 F1, 96=1.1, P=0.30 F1, 96=2.71, P=0.10 F1,105=33.33, P<0.0001 F 1,96=9.94, P =0.002 F, P Herbicide effect F1, 96=0.16, P=0.69 F1, 96=2.08, P=0.15 F1, 96=0.02, P=0.90 F1, 96=1.12, P=0.29 F1, 105=0.02, P =0.88 F1, 96=1.53, P =0.22 F, P Grazing effect F1, 96=0.01, P =0.93 F1, 96=1.93, P =0.17 F1, 96=0.24, P =0.63 F1, 96=0.44, P =0.51 F1, 105=1.01, P=0.31 F1, 96=0.04, P =0.86 F, P Interaction effect Table 3.14. List of herbicide, grazing, and interaction effect for measures of invertebrate abundance, number of invertebrate taxonomic groups, and invertebrate biomass and the three species with the most cumulative biomass, which were treehoppers, grasshoppers, and caterpillar larvae. Data were from a 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2011. Caterpillar larvae 138 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season Winter I Winter II Growing season Annual season Winter II Winter I Growing season Annual season Model 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 K 342.4 344.4 350.5 352.7 281.3 284.3 288.6 290.9 256.9 265.6 279.2 281.8 AICc 0 2 8.1 10.3 0 3 7.3 9.6 0 8.7 22.3 24.9 Δ AIC 0.719 0.264 0.013 0.004 0.795 0.177 0.021 0.007 0.987 0.013 0 0 W Table 3.15. List of ranked AIC models for precipitation, AICc, Δ AIC, and W for the invertebrates with the most biomass, treehopper, grasshopper, and caterpillar. Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiuron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiuron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiuron treated – grazed, and (4) non-tebuthiuron treated – nongrazed in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2011. Model Rank Treehopper biomass 1 2 3 4 Grasshopper biomass 1 2 3 4 Caterpillar biomass 1 2 3 4 139 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.1. Regression of mammal abundance, diversity, and dominance and winter precipitation as well as kangaroo rat, pocket mouse and ground squirrel (800 trap nights per plot per year except 600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. 140 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.2.Mean small mammal abundance (SE) with 800 trap nights per plot per year as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in New Mexico from 2002-2010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010). The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 141 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.3. Mean small mammal dominance (SE) based on the Simpson’s index of diversity with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) 142 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.4. Mean small mammal diversity (SE) based on the Shannon index of diversity with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 (missing data June 2002) 143 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.5.Mean kangaroo rat abundance (SE) with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010). The presence of * indicates that the means differ (P<0.05). 144 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.6. Ground squirrel abundance with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010).The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 145 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.7. Pocket mouse species abundance with 800 trap nights per plot each year as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 (600 trap nights in 2005 and 2010).The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 146 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.8. Regression of herptile abundance, diversity, and dominance and winter precipitation as well as prairie lizard, Great Plains skink, and coachwhip (960 trap nights per plot per year except 480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 147 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.9. Herptile abundance with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing the effect of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in New Mexico from 2002-2010 148 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.10. Herptile dominance based on the Simpson’s index of diversity with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010.The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 149 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.11. Herptile diversity based on the Shannon index of diversity with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 150 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.12. Prairie lizard abundance with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010.The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 151 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.13. Great Plains skink abundance with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 152 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.14. Coachwhip abundance with 960 trap nights per plot per year (480 trap nights in 2005 and 2010) as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 20022010 153 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.15. Regression of invertebrate abundance, biomass, and number of families and winter precipitation as well as regressions of grasshopper, treehopper, and caterpilars and winter precipitation from a study of sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010 154 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.16. Total invertebrate abundance from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010. The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 155 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.17. Number of invertebrate taxonomic groups from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 156 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.18. Invertebrate biomass from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010 157 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.19. Grasshopper abundance from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 158 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.20. Treehopper abundance from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 159 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 3.21. Caterpillar abundance from five, 0.5 by 0.5m samples per plot as a dependent variable in models testing of herbicide and grazing treatments on sand shinnery oak grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2003-2010 The presence of * indicates that the mean values differ (P<0.05). 160 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 CHAPTER IV TEBUTHIURON HERBICIDE AND GRAZING AS A MEANS OF RESTORING SHINNERY OAK GRASSLANDS Introduction The sand shinnery oak (Quercus havardii) (hereafter shinnery oak) community is an important part of the southwestern High Plains (Haukos 2011). Based on evidence for arid to semi-arid or sub-humid environment, the Southern High Plains have likely existed as a grassland for about 11 million years (Holliday 1990, Haukos 2011). The sandy soils of the Southern High Plains of eastern New Mexico and northwestern Texas create a distinct ecosystem from surrounding short-grass prairie. Dune fields and sandy soils were formed during the Altithermal periods (Holliday 1989) along with more than 20,000 ephemeral playa lakes, and 40 saline lakes (many of which are now dry with the advent of irrigation technology and the expansion of farming) (Haukos 2011). These deep, sandy soils have always supported a mixed-grass prairie with a co-dominant shrub component (USDA NRCS 2010) Expanding from southeastern New Mexico, through the Texas panhandle, and into southwest Oklahoma, the shinnery oak community is recognized as an isolated, relict community. Pettit (1979) recognized the significance of this community, and stated “These lands are perhaps the most fragile of all ecosystems on the Southern High Plains of Texas and the landowners cannot afford to abuse it.” With continuous, unmanaged grazing, suppression of periodic natural fire, and other anthropogenic impacts, the composition of the shinnery oak-grassland community has changed dramatically during the past 100 years (Peterson Boyd 1998, Haukos 2011). Due to these factors along with its life-history strategy 161 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 as an effective water gatherer, the density of shinnery oak has increased and, in many areas, monotypic stands have developed. Shinnery oak has frequently been accused of being invasive and an increaser under grazing pressure, but its presence for over 3,000 years as evident with pollen profiles (Gross and Dick Peddie 1979) and slow growth from rhizomes negates these postulations. In fact, due to habitat fragmentation through oil and gas exploration, urban development, and rowcrop agriculture, shinnery oak habitat has declined in absolute terms. While the historical acreage of the shinnery oak community is disputed, Peterson and Boyd (1998) estimated that the species historically covered 405,000 ha in Oklahoma, 607,000 ha in New Mexico and 1.4 million ha in Texas (Garrison and McDaniel 1982). It was estimated that Texas had converted at least 200,000 ha by 1972. With expansion of center-pivot irrigation and advancements in the technology of herbicides at least half of its historical range has been lost. There is an important need to restore this relict habitat to a species composition representative of pre-settlement because it provides the primary habitat for a number of species of conservation concern including the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicintus), dune sagebrush lizard (a.k.a. sand dunes lizard Sceloporus arenicolus), and Cassin’s sparrow (Aimophia cassinii). Similar to short-grass prairie, the important historical ecological drivers in the region were herbivory, natural fire, and precipitation. However, there was probably less frequent grazing and fire because the sandy soils were more difficult for bison (Bison bison) to traverse and more fuel load would need to accumulate for fire to travel across patchy vegetation (Haukos 2011). Annual precipitation is highly variable in the region, and is a limiting factor in this semi-arid grassland community (Peterson and Boyd 1988). For 162 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 example, from 2001-2010 the average annual precipitation on my study site in eastern New Mexico was 42 cm, but ranged from 21 cm to 82 cm. Herbicides, like tebuthiuron, are one tool to restore a shinnery oak community by limiting the amount of shrub cover. Tebuthiuron (N-[5-(1,-dimehylethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2yl]-N,N’-dimehylurea) is an herbicide that attacks the root systems of the woody stems and has been used to eradicate shrubs (Peterson and Boyd 1988). As a dry-pelleted herbicide, tebuthiuron has the distinct advantages of relative nontoxicity to non-target species, requires only one application (Scifres et al. 1981), and does not result in an overspray, which is characteristic of liquid herbicides (Peterson and Boyd 1998). In the 1980s and early 1990s, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) treated 40,469 hectares of shinnery oak in New Mexico with tebuthiuron (Peterson and Boyd 1998). The BLM treated shinnery oak in order to eradicate it to increase grass and because shinnery oak’s buds can be toxic to cattle in the spring. A complete eradication should be avoided because elimination of vegetation roots, including shinnery oak, can cause the sandy soils to become severely eroded (Grover 1990, Haukos 2011). It is now recognized that complete eradication of shrubs is considered detrimental to biodiversity and landscape heterogeneity of the region. In the last decade a paradigm shift has occurred. Reduction of shinnery oak, as opposed to complete eradication, is preferred land practice. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has more recently proposed reducing shinnery oak canopy cover to less than 40% to increase grass production with the assumption of no loss of biodiversity. As such, it has encouraged and cost-shared ranchers in eastern New Mexico to apply 0.56-0.84 kg/ha of tebuthiuron and deliberate avoid dune areas (USDA NRCS 2000). 163 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 It is important to restore sand shinnery oak to historical standards to conserve this relict ecosystem. Restoration efforts can be judged through a number of criteria. In this case, restoring ecological function of biomass production, maximizing the biodiversity of native species, and connecting fragmented patches of sand shinnery oak grassland habitats are approaches to evaluating the restoration of the mixed-grass community. While there have been numerous studies about the effects of tebuthiuron application in shinnery oak communities, this is the first study to evaluate the potential use of the herbicide to restore the historical vegetation community in conjunction with a component of managed grazing designed to sustain the restoration effort. This is particularly important because much of the land in the region is managed for cattle production. Knowing more about the effects of herbicide coupled with a sustainable managed grazing system will offer better insight in how the community can be restored using techniques prevalent in the region. Because the goal of my project was to restore shinnery oak-grassland community, it was necessary to monitor the full impact of the restoration effort and collect data on plant composition, structure, and production as well as mammals, herptiles, and invertebrates across a number of years (Chapters II, III). This study is also unique in that it evaluates restoration with 12 years of data and allows inference regarding the temporal response. My goal was to measure composition of shrubs, grasses, and forbs under different treatments during an effort to restore a community to a historical shinnery oak-mixed-grass prairie. Specific objectives were to test the hypothesis that herbicide application and grazing management can be used to successfully restore a sand shinnery oak grassland and determine if achieving historical standards are a realistic goal for restoration. 164 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Methods Experimental Design Data on community response to tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oakgrassland community were collected as part of a ten-year data set starting in 2000. The study was a completely randomized design with two levels of two treatments such that replicated plots were either tebuthiuron treated or not treated and either grazed or non-grazed. The goal was to determine which treatment combination and at what point in the restoration effort most closely restored shinnery oak grasslands to historical standards. In Roosevelt County, New Mexico, on the Southern High Plains, 532 ha of private land were treated with tebuthiuron (rate of 0.60 kg/ha with dune avoidance) in 2000. The state of New Mexico owned 518 ha of adjacent land, representing an extant shinnery oak community serving as an experimental control. This application rate was approximately 50% of previously recommended rates because the goal was to reduce shinnery oak, not to eliminate it. Before beginning the experiment, initial surveys were conducted in the summer of 2000 to test homogeneity of the study site. Three 100-m transects were placed randomly within each of the 12 plots. The line intercept method was employed (Canfield 1941) within a randomly selected 50-m portion of each 100-m transect. The individual plant species that intercepted the line was recorded and converted to percent composition. Survey results indicated that vegetative composition was homogeneous across the study area (F 9, 14=0.66, P=0.74 for line transects) (Smythe 2006) (Table 1.1). After initial surveys, another replicate for each treatment was added for statistical power. 165 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 The herbicide control had not been grazed for 7 years before the study and the private land was grazed immediately prior to the herbicide treatment and neither was grazed until 2 growing seasons following herbicide treatment. A moderate grazing treatment was designed to take a maximum of 50% of the annual herbaceous production between two grazing seasons in the growing and dormant seasons in July and January, respectively, starting in January 2002. Due to logistical constraints, there was no growing season grazing in 2009 or 2010. Because grass production differed substantially between the tebuthiuron-treated and control plots, cattle grazed for approximately 300 animal-days per plot on the control areas and 2,000 animal-days per plot of the tebuthiuron-treated areas to achieve similar grazing intensity within each treatment combination. To allow for inference beyond the study site, the experimental design was a combined completely randomized design with a systematic application of treatments following random assignment of initial treatment combination (Cochran and Cox 1957, Smythe and Haukos 2009). The four treatment combinations were treated/grazed (T-G), treated/not grazed (TNG), not treated/grazed (NT-G), and not treated/not grazed (NT-NG). There were four replicates for the four treatments, totaling 16 plots (Fig. 1.1). Historical Climax Plant Community According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS ecological site description, pre-settlement standards were 80% grasses, 15% shrubs and 5% forbs (, site ID R077DY045TX). Ecological site descriptions (ESD) are prepared by the NRCS and seek to identify the site characteristics, plant communities, site interpretations, and supporting information. The goal of the site description is to provide information to managers about the individual sites and their interrelationships to one another 166 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 on the landscape. They also provide information on the climax community or a biological community of plants that has reached a steady state through the process of ecological succession. This information is important while restoring the landscape to an equilibrium in which the species in the community are adapted to average conditions in that area. This semiarid environment is characterized by marked fluctuations about average conditions, especially in regard to precipitation (NRCS 2011). I will compare historic plant community to that in each of the four treatments to determine which treatment combination best approaches a restored sand shinnery oak-grass community. Vegetative Composition Each September from 2001–2010, vegetative surveys were conducted to monitor vegetation response to treatments. A pre-vegetation survey conducted in 2000 found that the study area was homogenous prior to application of the herbicide treatment (Table 1.1). Within each replicate, percent composition of grass, shrub, forb, bare ground and litter were measured based on occurrence every meter along three, 10-m transects (Heady et al. 1959). Percent composition of grass, shrub, forb, bare ground and litter within each replication was estimated by dividing the number of points at which each occurred by the total number of points sampled. Statistical Analysis I used a 3 by 2 chi-square test to determine if and when historical standards were reached based on percent composition of shrubs, grasses, and forbs. The assumptions for a chi-square test are that the samples are random and independent, the sample size is sufficiently large, and there are at least five observations in each cover type. 167 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Results Overall, untreated areas were dominated by shrubs with a moderate amount of grasses and few forbs (Fig. 4.2, 4.3). Treated areas, on the other hand, were dominated by grasses with more forbs than shrubs in years with greater than average precipitation, but there were more shrubs than forbs in dryer years (Fig. 4.4, 4.5). The historical standard of grasses (80%), shrubs (15%), and forbs (5%) was statistically met only in treated/grazed plots in 2009; this was the year that had less than the usual treatment of grazing because of logistical constraints of land managers. However, most often the treated/grazed plots were the closest to historical standards compared to untreated areas due to substantially more grass in treated areas (Chapter II). Treated areas often did not achieve historical standards because the percent of forbs was greater than historical standards. The composition of shrubs, grasses and forbs fluctuated from year to year, presumably due to changes in amount and timing of precipitation among years. Treated-grazed plots Across the study, treated-grazed (T-G) plots were the most comparable to historical standards with 20.2% shrub, 69.7% grass, and 10.2% forb (Fig. 4.2). These results were relatively consistent over time with percent forbs and grass fluctuating from year to year (Fig. 4.6). T-G areas had twice as many forbs and, on average, slightly too many shrubs to meet historical standards. Also, the grass cover was high, but fell short of historical standards. Treated-non-grazed plots Treated-non-grazed (T-NG) plots were also relatively comparable to historical standards with 20.2% shinnery oak, 67.3% grass, and 12.6% forb (Fig. 4.3). Similar to T-G 168 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 areas, year-to-year variations were due to changes in grasses and forbs (Fig. 4.7). In general, there was a slight increase of forbs in non-grazed areas as compared to grazed areas in treated sites. When compared to historical standards, the shrub component was slightly lower and forbs were slightly higher. Also, there was too little grass to strictly meet historical standards, although there was little difference in grass coverage between T-G and T-NG. Untreated-grazed areas Untreated-grazed (UT-G) plots had 60.7% shrub, 32.4% grass, and 6.6% forbs (Fig. 4.4). Without herbicide treatment, the shrub component was much too large and consequently grass coverage was too low to reach historical standards. The forb component, however, was only slightly greater than historical standards. There were about half as many forbs in untreated plots as treated plots. Over time there were year-to-year fluctuations in shrubs, grasses, and forbs (Fig. 4.8). The relative year-to-year changes of shinnery oak were greater in untreated plots than treated plots. Untreated-non-grazed plots Untreated-non-grazed (UT-NG) plots had 61.1% shrubs, 33.2% grass and 5.6% forbs (Fig. 4.5). Similar to UT-G, UT-NG did not approach historical standards because of high shrub coverage and low grass coverage. UT-NG, however, came closest to historical standards in terms of percent forb, which was the lowest of all plots. There were year-to-year fluctuations and, like UT-G, relative shrub abundance changed more between years in untreated plots than in treated plots (Fig. 4.9). 169 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Discussion Over the last century the American southwest has suffered an encroachment of shrubs with a corresponding decrease in grass cover due to overgrazing by domestic livestock, fire suppression, and periods of severe drought (Grover and Musick 1990). Restoration to historical proportions of grass, shrub and forb requires retarding growth of monotypic shinnery oak to allow development of stable herbaceous growth (Haukos 2011). The ecological site description indicates that in the southwestern part of the Southern High Plains, pre-settlement standards were 80% grasses, 15% shrubs, and 5% forbs. My data indicates that when treatment of shinnery oak is combined with moderate grazing, long-term restoration is possible. The plot type that was treated with low levels of tebuthiuron and exposed to light to moderate grazing (plot T-G) came closest to the ecological site description. However, T-G only statistically achieved the ESD in 2009, nine years after treatment. Before discussing why plot T-G was able to reach ESD standards, it is important to discuss why other plots did not. The untreated plots, whether grazed or not, had much greater percentages of shrubs. This, along with the consequently low percent cover of grasses inhibited untreated plots from ever reaching historical standards. The plot that was treated but not grazed also came close to historical standards but never achieved it mainly due to the abundance of forbs. So, it seems reasonable that herbicide treatment at low levels is the first step in reestablishing historical standards. Although T-G plots achieved the same proportions as the ESD in 2009 a trend, consistent with the ESD has emerged. The ESD provides a static target for a dynamic environment. So natural variation from year to year may not exactly meet the ESD. The trend 170 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 is important since historically standards may not have been exactly the ESD but varied around the target. Given that we are trying to achieve trends, it is worth noting T-NG areas were comparable in their composition, although there were more forbs in T-NG areas. With herbicide treatment and consequent reduction of shrubs followed by a managed, moderate grazing system, grasses can establish, grow, and remain competitive in the system. Perhaps with more time, the forb component may also decline in treated plots because of replacement of grasses. If this is the case, then T-G plots may come closer to historical standards. The main difference between what we observed in treated areas and the historical standard is that there are more forbs than there may have been historically. However, this is not necessarily a negative. Forbs are important not only for increasing biodiversity of the flora, but also for providing new niches for mammals, herptiles, and invertebrates (Chapter III). Invertebrates are especially important when managing for the lesser prairie- chickens. Jamison (2002) warned against practices, like intensive herbicide treatment, aimed at reducing cover of native forbs because it may negatively influence habitat quality by reducing standing crops of important invertebrate and plant food taxa. Similarly, Doerr and Guthery (1983) recommended lower rates of tebuthiuron to improve the availability of forbs and that forb diversity should be a goal of habitat management of prairie chickens. Moreover, Hagen (2005) found that broods have increased survival rates in areas with greater forb and invertebrate abundance. Beyond prairie chickens, managing for diversity of vegetation provides more opportunities and niches for other animals to fill. Mechanisms behind this relationship may include niche separation, variation in prey abundance and variation in predation risk 171 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 (Castellano 2006). Community diversity and abundance in arid and semi-arid lands are greatest in vegetation associations that are a mix of grasses and shrubs (Peterson and Boyd 1998, Castellano 2006, Haukos 2011). Management decisions that emphasize diversity are also important given that many species react differently to herbicide and grazing treatments (Chapter III). The trend in increased diversity remains a theme in treated areas throughout the twelve-year study. However, there was tremendous annual variation in the relative proportions of shrubs, grasses, and forbs. Grasses and forbs were particularly susceptible to changes during above average precipitation events. For example, 2004 was almost twice the average precipitation with 82 cm. In that year, forbs increased substantially, even in untreated areas. Annual fluctuations indicate perhaps that historical standards should serve as a guide for management as opposed to a goal for restoration. Historical standards provide managers with a framework to make management decisions but should not be a criterion to evaluate success. Instead, success of a restoration project should be based on maximizing native biodiversity and conserving species of concern. The treatment that best achieves this is the one that was treated with low levels of tebuthiuron (0.60 kg/ha) and light to moderate grazing system. However, managers should be wary of converting too much shrub community into mixed grass prairie in this fragile ecosystem. 172 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Literature Cited Canfield, R. H. 1941. Application of the Line Interception Method in Sampling Range Vegetation. Journal of Forestry. 39(4): 388-394. Castellano, M. J. and T. J. Valone. 2006. Effects of livestock removal and perennial grass recovery on the lizards of a desertified arid grassland. Journal of Arid Environments 66: 87-95. Cochran, W. G. and G. M. Cox. 1957. Experimental designs. John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York, USA. Deering, D. W. and R. D. Pettit. 1972. Sand shinnery oak acreage survey. Research Highlights Noxious Brush and Weed Control; Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management 2: 14. Lubbock: Texas Tech University, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Doerr, T. B.and F. S. Guthery. 1983. Effects of tebuthiuron on lesser prairie-chicken habitat and foods. Journal of Wildlife Management 47:1138-1142. Gross, F. A. and W. Dick-Peddie. A. 1979. A map of primeval vegetation in New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 24: 115-122. Grover, H. D. and H. B. Musick. 1990. Shrubland encroachment in southern New Mexico, U.S.A: an analysis of desertification processes in the American Southwest. Climate Change 17: 305-330. Hagen, C. A, G. C. Salter, J. C. Pitman, R. J. Robel, and R. D. Applegate. 2005. Lesser prairie-chicken brood habitat in sand sagebrush: invertebrate biomass and vegetation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(3): 1080-1091. Haukos, D. A. 2011. Use of tebuthiuron to restore sand shinnery oak grasslands of the Southern High Plains. M. N. A El-Ghany Hasanee (Ed.) In Herbicides: Mechanisms and mode of action (103-124). Rijeka, Croatia. Heady, H. F., R. P. Gibbens, and R. W. Powell. 1959. A comparison of the charting line intercept, and line point methods of sampling shrub types of vegetation. Rangeland Management 12: 180-188. Holliday, V. (1989). Middle Holocene drought on the Southern High Plains. Quaternary Research 31:74-82. Holliday, V. (1990). Soils and landscape evolution of eolian plains: the Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico. Geomorphology 3:489-515. 173 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Jamison, B. E., R. J. Robel, J. S. Pontius, and R. D. Applegate. 2002. Invertebrate biomass: associations with lesser prairie-chicken habitat use and sand sagebrush density in southwestern Kansas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30: 517-526. Peterson, R. S. and C. S. Boyd. 1998. Ecology and management of sand shinnery communities: a literature review. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-16. United States Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Pettit, R. D. 1979. Effects of picloram and tebuthiuron pellets on sand shinnery oak communities. Journal of Range Management. 32 (3): 196-200 Scifres, C. J., J. W. Smith, and R. W. Bovey. 1981. Control of oaks (Quercus spp.) and associated woody species on rangeland with tebuthiuron. Weed Science 29: 270-275. Smythe, L.A. 2006. Response of nesting grassland birds to sand shinnery oak communities treated with tebuthiuron and grazing in eastern New Mexico. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Smythe, L. A. and Haukos D. A. 2009. Nesting success of grassland birds in shinnery oak communities treated with tebuthiuron and grazing in eastern New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 54(2): 136-145. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS). 2011. Ecological Site Description for R077DY045TX. l&approved=yes 174 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Treated/ grazed 14.60 26.68 289.58 84.85 43.88 133.45 30.20 3.52 60.98 Treated/ non-grazed 16.00 57.21 177.98 31.65 38.07 147.52 85.78 17.72 60.88 Not treated/ grazed 113.58 138.81 191.80 211.65 300.12 180.32 130.58 151.88 189.07 Not treated/ non-grazed 145.08 151.92 173.27 243.08 273.48 138.07 135.98 145.07 166.58 Table 4.1 .Chi-square values for comparing percent cover shrub, grass, and forb for each plot every year to historical standards of shrub (15%), grass (80%), and forb (5%). Data were collected in 16 experimental plots consisting of the combinations of (1) tebuthiron (herbicide) treated – grazed, (2) tebuthiron treated – non-grazed, (3) non-tebuthiron treated – grazed, and (4) non tebuthiron treated – non-grazed in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. The critical value for a significant chi-squared test with 2 degrees of freedom is 5.991. So values less than 5.999 indicate there is no difference with historical standards. Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 175 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.1. Annual precipitation (cm) on study site in eastern New Mexico. The dashed line is the 10-year average. 176 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.2. Summary across 2002-2010 for percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for treated- grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico 177 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.3. Summary across 2002-2010 for percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for treated- non-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico 178 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.4. Summary across 2002-2010 for percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for untreated- grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico 179 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.5. Summary across 2002-2010 for percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for untreated- non-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico. 180 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.6. Percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for treated-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 181 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.7. Percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for treated-non-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 182 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.8. Percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for untreated-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 183 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Figure 4.9. Percent composition of shrub, grass, and forb for untreated-non-grazed plots in an experiment designed to examine the effects of tebuthiuron and grazing in the shinnery oak community of eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 184 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year Litter Bare ground Forb Grass Shrub 185 Figure 4.10. Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for treated-grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010. Percent composition for treated-grazed plots Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year Litter Bare ground Forb Grass Shrub 186 Figure 4.11. Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for treated-non-grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 Percent composition for treated-non-grazed plots Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year Litter Bare ground Forb Grass Shrub 187 Figure 4.12. Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for untreated-grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 Percent composition of untreated-grazed plots Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year Litter Bare ground Forb Grass Shrub 188 Figure 4.13. Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for untreated-non-grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 Percent composition for untreated-non-grazed plots Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year Litter Bare ground Forb Grass Shrub 189 Figure 4.14. Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for tebuthiuron treated plots in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 Percent composition for treated plots Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Litter Bare ground Forb Grass Shrub 190 Figure 4.15. Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for untreated plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 Percent composition for untreated plots Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year Litter Bare ground Forb Grass Shrub 191 Figure 4.16. Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2010 Percent composition for non-grazed plots Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year Litter Bare ground Forb Grass Shrub 192 Figure 4.17. Percent composition of shrub, grass, forb, bare ground and litter for non-grazed plots in a study looking at the effect of tebuthiuron and grazing in sand shinnery oak-grass communities in eastern New Mexico from 2002-2 Percent composition for grazed plots Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 APPENDIX A LIST OF PLANTS FOUND IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM ACCORDING TO ECOLOGICAL SITEDESCRIPTION Group Group Name Scientific Name Common Name Grasses Shrubs Forbs Tallgrasses Andropogon hallii Calamovilfa gigantea Panicum havardii Schizachyriumscoparium Sporobolusgiganteus Midgrass Bothriochloabarbinodis Boutelouacurtipendula Sporoboluscontractus Sporoboluscryptandrus Sporobolusflexuosus Aristida purpurea Shortgrass var.wrightii Chloriscucullata Digitaria cognata Paspalumsetaceum Artemisia campestris Artemisia filifolia Calylophusserrulatus Chrysothamnuspulchellus Quercus havardii Eriogonumannuum Gaura Hesperostipacomata Hymenopappusfilifolius Kramerialanceolata Liatrispunctata Mentzeliadecapetala Oenothera spp. Penstemonambiguus Yucca glauca 193 sand bluestem giant sandreed Havard’s panigrass little bluestem giant dropseed cane bluestem sideoatsgrama spike dropseed sand dropseed mesa dropseed wright threeawn hooded windmillgrass fall witchgrass fringeleafpaspalum field stagewort sand sagebrush halfshrubsundrop southwest rabbitbrush sand shinoak annual wildbuckwheat gaura sp. needle and thread fineleafhymenopappus trailing ratany dotted gayfeather tenpetalmentzelia evening primrose giliapenstemon small soapweed Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 APPENDIX B LIST OF ALL PLANT SPECIES FOUND IN THE STUDY TESTING THE EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON AND GRAZING IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM Andropogonscoparius little bluestem Grasses Andropogon hallii big bluestem Andropogongerardii sand bluestem Aristida sp. Threeawn Boutelouacurtipendula Sideoatsgrama Boutelouaeriopoda black grama Boutelouagracilis blue grama Boutelouahirsuta hairy grama Bothrichloasaccharoides silver bluestem Cenchruspauciflorus field sandbur Chloris Sw. windmill grass Eragrostis sp. lovegrass Leptplomacognatum fall witchgrass Lycurusphleoides wolftail Munroa squarrosa false buffalograss Paspalumstramineum sand paspalum Setarialeucopila Plains bristlegrass Sporobolus sp. sand dropseed Stipa sp. stipa Shrubs Artemisiafilifolia Chrysothamnuspulchellus Gutierreziasarothrae Opuntia Prosopisglandulosa Quercus havardii Yucca glauca sand sagebrush southwest rabbitbrush broom snakeweed pricklypear cactus mesquite shinnery oak soapweed yucca Forbs Amaranthusalbus Ambrosia sp. Artemisia campestris Asclepias sp. Symphyotrichum patens Symphyotrichumporteri Eastwoodiaelegans Conyzacanadensis Commelina sp. Croton sp. Dimorphacarpawislizenii Erogonumanuum tumble pigweed ragweed common sagewort Milkweed late purple aster white aster yellow aster horseweed widows teer croton species tourist plant wild buckwheat 194 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Euforbiaprostrata Euforbiaserpyllifolia Froelichiafloridiana Gauravillosa Helianthus annuus Hoffmanseggiaglauca Krameria sp. Liatrispunctata Linum sp. Mentzelia sp. Parenchyrajamesii Schrankiaoccidentalus Senecioflaccicus Senecio sp. Silenescouleria Stellaria media prostrate euforb upright euforb snake cotton woolly gaura sunflower hog potato ratany dotted blazingstar flax stickyleaf forb stickleaf yellow forb western sensitive briar threadleafand Riddell's groundsel butterweed sleepy catchfly common chickweed 195 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 APPENDIX C LIST OF REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS FOUND FROM 2002-2010 IN A STUDY TESTING THE EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON AND GRAZING IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM Ambystomatigrinum tiger salamander Anaxyrusdebilis green toad Arizona elegans glossy snake Bufocognatus Great Plains toad Bufowoodhousii Woodhouse's toad Cnemidophorussexlineatus six-lined racerunner Crotalusviridis prairie rattler Crotaphytuscollaris collard lizard Diadophispuctatus ringneck snake Eumeces obsoletus Great Plains skink Heterodonnasicus western hognose snake Holbrookiamaculata lesser earless lizard Lampropeltistriangulum milk snake Leptotyphlopsdulis Texas blind snake Masticophis flagellum coachwhip Phrynosomacornutum Texas horned toad Pituophiscatenifersayi bull snake Pituophismelanoleucus gopher snake Rhinocheiluslecontei long nosed snake Sceloporus lecontei prairie lizard Sistruruscatenatus masassauga Speabombifrons Plains spadefoot Tantillanigriceps Plains black headed snake Terrapeneornataluteola desert box turtle Tertapeneornata ornate box turtle 196 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 APPENDIX D LIST OF MAMMALS FOUND FROM 2002-2010 IN A STUDY TESTING THE EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON AND GRAZING IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM Chaetodipus hispidus Cratogeomyscastanops Dipidomis ordii Geomys bursarius Geomys sp. Ictidomysmexicanus Neotoma albigula Neotoma micropus Onychomysleucogaster Onychomystorridus Perognathusflavescens Perognathusmerriami Perognathus sp. Peromyscusleucopus Reithrodontomysmegalotis Reithrodontomysmontanus Sigmodonhispidus Spermophilus spilosoma Spermophilustridecemlineatus Sylvilagusaudubonii Sylvilagusfloridanus hispid pocket mouse yellow-faced pocket gopher Ord's kangaroo rat Plains pocket gopher pocket gopher species Mexican ground squirrel white throated woodrat Southern Plains woodrat northern grasshopper mouse grasshopper mouse Plains pocket mouse Merriam's pocket mouse pocket mouse sp. white footed mouse western harvest mouse Plains harvest mouse hispid cotton rat spotted ground squirrel thirteen-lined ground squirrel desert cottontail eastern cottontail 197 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 APPENDIX E LIST OF INVERTEBRATES FOUND FROM 2003-2011 IN A STUDY TESTING THE EFFECTS OF TEBUTHIURON AND GRAZING IN ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NM Acrididae (Forb) Acrididae (Grass) Apidae Arachnids Asilidae Blattidae Braconidae Bruchidae Buprestidae Carabidae Cercopidae Chilopoda Chrysomellidae Chrysopidae Cicadellidae Coccinellidae Corimelaenidae Curculionidae Cydnidae Dictyopharidae Diptera Elateridae Formicidae Gryllidae Halictidae Largidae Lepid adult Lepid Larva Lygaeidae Mantidae Meloidae Miridae Mordellidae Myrmeleontidae Nabidae Pentatomidae Phasmatidae Reduviidae Scarabaeidae Scutelleridae treehopper grasshopper bee spider robber fly cockroach braconid wasp seed beetle jewel beetle ground beetle froghopper centipede leaf beetle lacewing leafhopper ladybird beetle negro bug snout and bark beetle burrowing bug planthopper fly click beetle ant true cricket sweat bee bordered plant bug butterfly and moth butterfly and moth larva seed bug praying mantis blister beetle capsid bug tumbling flower beetle antlion damsel bug stink bug walking stick assassin bug June beetle shield backed bug 198 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 Tenebrionidae Tettigoniidae Vespidae darkling beetle katydid vespid wasps 199 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 APPENDIX F CHAPTER II VARIABLES DESCRIBED IN TERMS OF MEANS AND SE FOR TREATED-GRAZED, TREATED-NONGRAZED, NOT TREATED-GRAZED, AND NOT TREATED-NON-GRAZED PLOTS 200 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 201 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 202 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 203 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 204 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 205 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 206 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 207 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 208 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 209 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 APPENDIX G CHAPTER III VARIABLES DESCRIBED IN TERMS OF MEANS AND SE FOR TREATED-GRAZED, TREATED-NONGRAZED, NOT TREATED-GRAZED, AND NOT TREATED-NON-GRAZED PLOTS 210 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 211 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 212 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 213 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 214 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 215 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 216 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 217 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 218 Texas Tech University, Jennifer Zavaleta, May 2012 219