Nest Site Selection and Nestling Diet of the Texas Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo Lineatus Texanus in South Texas by Bradley N. Strobel, B.S. A Thesis In WILDLIFE SCIENCE Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Approved Dr. Clint W. Boal Dr. Gad Perry Dr. Mark C. Wallace John Borrelli Dean of the Graduate School August, 2007 COPYRIGHT 2007, BRADLEY N. STROBEL Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The completion of this project was only possible through the help of several entities. The Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation provided indispensable financial and logistical assistance. I thank the directors of the refuge, Dr. D. L. Drawe, Dr. T. Blankenship and Dr. S. Glasscock, for council, support, suggestions, and camaraderie. In addition, I thank the refuge staff, especially Mr. J. Cox, Mr. B. Martinez and Mr. B. C. Glasscock, for their unfailing assistance with stuck trucks and “unique” problems. Furthermore, I thank Mr. Jeff Rooke, owner of the twin oaks hunting resort, for allowing us assess to his property. I thank my advisor, Dr. Clint W. Boal, for providing me invaluable encouragement and guidance. The dedication he shows his research and his students will be the mark I use to measure my own achievements and career. I thank my committee members; Dr. Gad Perry and Dr. Mark Wallace, their suggestions and involvement have improved the project and shaped my thinking. Many people have unknowingly contributed to the success of this project. My fellow researchers, C. Huber, N. Mannan and D. Butler, have provided counsel on all matters scientific, and otherwise. I thank my parents N. and D. Strobel for, aside from providing my genesis; have offered endless support and understanding through an arduous process. Finally, I thank my fiancée C. L. Haralson, who despite the trials of her own research, has never failed to lend assistance, encouragement, or love. ii Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vii CHAPTER I. II. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Introduction 1 Summary of Findings 2 Literature Cited 3 NESTING HABITAT SELECTION OF RED-SHOULDERED HAWKS IN SOUTH TEXAS III. 1 4 Abstract 4 Introduction 5 Study Area 7 Methods 8 Results 12 Discussion 14 Literature Cited 19 TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL VARIATION IN PREY USE BY BREEDING RED-SHOULDERED HAWKS 28 Abstract 28 Introduction 29 iii Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Study Area 31 Methods 32 Results 35 Discussion 39 Literature Cited 46 IV. NESTLING DIET AND ADULT PROVISIONING RATES OF TEXAS RED-SHOULDERED HAWKS IN SOUTH TEXAS 62 Abstract 62 Introduction 62 Study Area 64 Methods 65 Results 68 Discussion 70 Literature Cited 74 iv Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Candidate models describing the probability of a tree being selected as a red-shouldered hawk nest tree in south Texas from 2005-2006. 2.2 23 Candidate models describing the probability of a 0.04 ha site being selected as a red-shouldered hawk nest site in south Texas from 2005-2006. 2.3 24 Candidate models describing characteristics of trees and 0.04ha sites and their influence on the red-shouldered hawk nesting habitat selection in south Texas from 2005-2006. 2.4 26 Variables and coefficients of the resource selection probability functions for red-shouldered hawk nesting habitat selection at two scales in south Texas. 3.1 27 Species list of prey items delivered to nestlings in 7 Redshouldered hawk nests in 2005-2006 in south Texas. Percent of occurrence and biomass contributed to total nestling diet by each prey item. 50 v Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 3.2 Total number of each prey type used by breeding redshouldered hawks as reported in studies conducted across the red-shouldered hawk breeding range. 4.1 56 Species list of prey items delivered to nestlings in 7 Redshouldered hawk nests in 2005-2006 in south Texas. Percent of occurrence and biomass contributed to total nestling diet by each prey item. 4.2 77 Occurrences of prey types in diets of nestling red-shouldered hawks in south Texas. Data collected using video recorders at 7 nests in 2005 and 2 nests in 2006. vi 83 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 LIST OF FIGURES 3.1 Daily temporal prey fluctuations in the mean number of each taxonomic prey category delivered to 9 red-shouldered hawk nests in south Texas in 2005-2006. 3.2 58 2004 NAIP infrared imagery of Refugio and San Patricio counties, Texas. Locations of 9 red-shouldered hawk nests monitored using time-lapse videography on the Welder Wildlife Refuge and Twin Oaks 59 Hunting Resort. 3.3 Dendrogram of Morisita’s similarity index calculated for diets of nestling red-shouldered hawks in 7 nests in 2005 (02, 05, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12) and 2 in 2006 (14, 18) in south Texas. 3.4 60 Dendrogram of Morisita’s similarity index calculated for diets of nestling red-shouldered hawks in 7 different studies across redshouldered hawk breeding range. 4.1 61 Mean percent (±95% CI) of occurrence and biomass contributed to the diets of nestling Red-shouldered hawks by 5 prey categories. Data collected at 7 nests in 2005-2006 in south Texas. vii 84 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 4.2 Nestling provisioning rates between different sized clutches by adult Red-shouldered hawks in 2005-2006 in south Texas. Mean (±95% CI) frequency of prey deliveries and mean (±95% CI) number of grams of prey delivered per hour and per nestling 85 viii Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Introduction The collection of these data presented in this thesis was conducted during the summers of 2005 and 2006 on the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge in San Patricio County Texas and the Twin Oaks Hunting Resort in Refugio County Texas. The study focused on the breeding ecology of the Texas Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus texanus) and included aspects of nesting habitat selection, nestling diet, adult prey provisioning rates and productivity. Data presented here have been formatted into discrete chapters to facilitate future publication of results. Each chapter has been written as a stand-alone document and therefore, some redundancy exists in the description of the introduction, justification, and study area. In addition, some similarities exist in the data collection portions of the methodology sections, but analytical techniques used in each chapter differ. Beginning after the title page of each chapter (indicated by the table of contents) each document is formatted to follow the guidelines required by the Wildlife Society for publication in the Journal of Wildlife Management (Messmer and Morrison 2006). Analyses, interpretation, and presentation of these data are the responsibility of the author; however in publication each chapter will have more than1 author and hence I have retained the plural form (we) through each document. 1 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Summary of findings The following chapters of this thesis examine different aspects of the breeding ecology of the Texas subspecies of red-shouldered hawk. In the second chapter, titled “Nesting Habitat Selection of Red-shouldered Hawks In South Texas”, we create a resource selection probability function for red-shouldered hawk nesting habitat selection using a logistic regression model of characteristics measured at 15 active nest sites and 45 unused sites in 2005-2006 in south Texas. Vegetation characteristics were measured at two scales (center trees and 0.04ha sites). Models from both scales were evaluated independently with the best models from each scale then evaluated between scales. Tree height and diameter appeared to be the most important characteristics determining nest site selection at both scales, however the best model from the coarser 0.04ha site scale received a much greater weight than the best model from the finer center tree scale. The best site scale model used the parameters: canopy height, average tree diameter, and basal area to correctly predict nest sites 93.3% of the time. The resource selection probability function from this model can be applied to assess the suitably of forest stands as redshouldered hawk nesting habitat in south Texas. In chapter 3, titled “Temporal and Spatial Variation in Prey useby Breeding Redshouldered Hawks”, we examine daily temporal patterns in the prey use by redshouldered hawks to determine if prey type used is influenced by time of day. Additionally, we examine fine scale and large scale spatial variation in prey use by calculating Morisita’s similarity indices across nests within our study as well as across previously published studies. Through this we find significant temporal patterns in prey type used by red-shouldered hawks breeding in south Texas. More amphibians were used 2 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 during mid afternoon than during late evening, while more insects were used during late evening than earlier in the day. Breeding pairs of red-shouldered hawks within our study demonstrated differences in prey type used. Similarly, diets of red-shouldered hawks varied significantly across much of their breeding range, and coincided with latitudinal differences between study sites. These spatial patterns in prey use are likely caused by spatial differences in prey availability and demonstrate the dietary flexibility of redshouldered hawks. Furthermore, these findings indicate the potential of regional variations in prey availability to be an additional factor influencing reproductive success and survival of red-shouldered hawks in North America. In chapter 4, titled “Nestling Diet and Adult provisioning Rates of Texas Redshouldered Hawks in South Texas” we investigate the prey provisioning rates of adult red-shouldered hawks to determine its potential effect on red-shouldered hawk productivity. Through video surveillance we identified 1320 prey items delivered to nestlings. We found, insect, mammalian and reptilian prey were used more frequently than other prey types, however insect prey contributed less to the total biomass than all other prey types except avian prey. In addition, we found that nestlings in broods of 2 and broods of 3 were provided prey in similar proportions. Adults rearing larger broods delivered more prey per hour and more grams of prey per hour, but a similar number of deliveries and grams of prey on a per nestling basis. We conclude that provisioning rates and not the size of prey used are different between adults rearing different sized broods. Literature cited Messmer, T. A., and M. L. Morrison. Unified manuscript guidelines for The Wildlife Society peer-reviewed publications. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:304-320. 3 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 CHAPTER II NESTING HABITAT SELECTION OF RED-SHOULDERED HAWKS IN SOUTH TEXAS Abstract We created a resource selection probability function for red-shouldered hawk nesting habitat selection using a logistic regression model of characteristics measured at 15 active nest sites and 45 unused sites in 2005-2006 in south Texas. Vegetation characteristics were measured at two scales (center trees and 0.04ha sites). Models from both scales were evaluated separately using Akaike Information Criterion. The best models from each scale were again compared using Akaike Information Criterion to evaluate the importance of spatial scale to nesting habitat selection. Center tree height and average site canopy height appeared to be of greater importance to nesting habitat selection than the respective center tree diameter or the site basal area. When we compared models from each scale, the best model for the 0.04ha site scale received a much greater weight than the best model from the center tree scale (0.62 and 0.05, respectively). The best site scale model used the parameters: canopy height, average tree diameter, and basal area to correctly predict nest sites 93.3% of the time. The resource selection probability function from this model can be applied to assess the suitably of forest stands as red-shouldered hawk nesting habitat in south Texas. 4 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Introduction The red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus, RSHA) was once regarded as the most common hawk in moist woodlands of North America (Bent 1937), but is currently considered to be rare or declining throughout much of its range (Gehring 2003). Populations of the RSHA subspecies resident to south Texas (B. l. texanus) declined an estimated 54% between 1950-1969 (Oberholser 1974), and may have continued to decline from 1966-2004 (Sauer et al. 2005). Red-shouldered hawks may be particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation and alteration (Bednarz and Dinsmore 1982, Bryant 1986, Moorman and Chapman 1996), and many have suggested that their population declines are due in part to the loss of wetland associated forests (Craighead and Craighead 1956, Bednarz and Dinsmore 1981, Jacobs and Jacobs 2002, Gehring 2003). Habitat fragmentation is detrimental to many species by increasing susceptibility to predation, changing biotic communities, altering prey populations and increasing extinction risk (Andren 1994, Herket 1994, Bayne and Hobson 1997, Fahrig 1997). Furthermore, habitat fragmentation is detrimental to RSHAs by favoring more generalist competitors such as great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) and red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis, RTHA, Crocoll 1994). By 1988 agricultural and urban development in south Texas had altered an estimated 95% of the historic vegetative communities and 99% of the riparian areas (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988), and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) forecasts an increasing rate of landscape fragmentation (TPWD 2005). With concerns regarding the management of this ecoregion and its potential effect on RSHAs, TPWD listed the gulf coast prairies and marshes as a Tier 1 – High Priority Ecoregion and the 5 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 RSHA as a species of state concern (TPWD 2005). The high and increasing rates of landscape fragmentation in south Texas raise concern of a possible long-term decline of RSHA populations rooted in a lack of adequate nesting habitat and decreased productivity. Throughout much of their breeding range, RSHA generally nest in taller trees than randomly available and in areas with taller average canopy height than randomly available (Morris and Lemon 1983, Parker 1986, Woodrey 1986, Preston et al. 1989, McLeod et al. 2000). Red-shouldered hawk nest trees are also characterized by having larger diameters at breast height (dbh) than randomly available trees (Parker 1986, Titus and Mosher 1997, McLeod et al. 2000, Rottenborn 2000). Similarly, Woodrey (1986) and Moorman and Chapman (1996) showed RSHA nest sites had more trees with “large” dbh (>50cm and > 69cm; respectively) than randomly available sites. Red-shouldered hawk nest sites in Minnesota had significantly higher basal areas than randomly available sites (McLeod et al. 2000). Percent canopy closure was significantly higher at RSHA nest sites than randomly available sites (Moorman and Chapman 1986, Parker 1986, Woodrey 1986) or RTHA nest sites (Bednarz and Dinsmore 1982). Larger scale factors also seem to be important in RSHA nest site selection. Bednarz and Dinsmore (1982) found that RSHA nests were significantly further from roads and buildings and in larger contiguous forest stands than RTHA nests. Additionally, RSHAs generally nest nearer to permanent water sources than random or than do RTHAs (Bednarz and Dinsmore 1982, Preston et al. 1989,McLeod et al. 2000). These factors suggest an importance of wetland systems to RSHAs and the potential for negative effects of landscape development or habitat degradation. Yet, despite research 6 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 documenting deleterious effects of habitat fragmentation and development on RSHAs, many apparently viable populations exist in highly developed human landscapes (e.g., Bloom et al. 1993, Dykstra et al. 2001). It is apparent that nest site selection is based on some general but flexible criteria, and likely occurs at multiple spatial scales (Wiens and Rotenberry 1981, Kotliar and Wiens 1990). Unfortunately, few data exist describing the relative importance of landscape and habitat variables to RSHA habitat selection at different scales. Previous research has provided valuable information on characteristics unique to RSHA nesting habitat, and thus apparently important in habitat selection. Many studies have examined habitat selection of individual trees and 0.04ha sites (i.e., nest sites), as suggested by James and Shugart (1970). However, these studies have been unable to determine relative importance of individual characteristics within or across scales. Understanding which characteristics increase the probability of a resource being selected would provide further information on RSHA nest site selection, and better direction for conservation and management efforts. This information may be identified using resource selection probability functions (RSPF; Manly et al. 2002). The objectives of this study were to (1) model RSHA nesting habitat selection at two scales within forest stands, and (2) compare the relative importance of models within and between these scales. Then using the best models from each scale (3) create a RSPF to assess the probability of an area being RSHA nesting habitat. Study area This study was conducted on the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge and the Twin Oaks Hunting Resort in San Patricio and Refugio Counties, Texas, respectively. 7 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 These adjacent sites are separated by the Aransas River 10 km from its outlet into Copano Bay in the Gulf of Mexico. The study site lies in the northern portion of the Tamaulipan Biotic Province (Blair 1950) within the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes Ecoregion (TPWD 2005). The Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge (3,156 ha) and the Twin Oaks Hunting Resort (2,857 ha) consist of a diverse mosaic of mesquite (Prosopis spp.)-mixed grass communities, live oak (Quercus virginiana)-chaparral communities and riparian woodlands dominated by pecan (Carya illinoinensis), hackberry (Celtis spp.) and cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia) (Drawe et al. 1978). Woodlands are primarily small (< 2.5 ha) discontinuous patches interspersed with more open communities. The growing season in this region is long, ranging from 275-320 days (Rappole and Blacklock 1985), but rainfall is often irregular, averaging 88 cm annually (Drawe et al. 1978). Elevation is low, usually less than 30 meters, and summer temperatures average 30 degrees C (Guckian and Garcia 1979). The diversity and types of vegetation communities on the study site make this area unique compared to other regions within the RSHAs range. Methods Field methods followed protocols approved by Texas Tech University’s animal care and use committee (protocols: 03015-02 and 05067-11). Nest searching We located active RSHA nests on the study site during the 2005 and 2006 breeding seasons using broadcast survey methods as described by McLeod and Anderson (1998). We systematically placed predefined survey points approximately 800m apart in all forested areas. At each survey point we broadcast a 20 second RSHA alarm call 8 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 followed by 40 seconds of silence. We made 6 such broadcasts, with each consecutive broadcast directed 120 degrees clockwise from the prior broadcast. We concluded surveying each point with a 4-minute listening period. Survey events were concluded at each point when either a bird responded or after the 10 minute survey had been completed. We conducted surveys between dawn and 1300 from April – June. We recorded the direction, distance, and number of RSHA responses at each point surveyed. Using the surveys to focus our efforts, we conducted nest search transects through all potential nesting habitat. Once nests were discovered, we recorded their location using a GPS unit and returned weekly to monitor breeding activity. We defined active nests as those in which at least one egg was laid that year. Vegetation Measurements Within 2 weeks after nesting attempts ended by either fledging young or failing, we measured vegetative characteristics at all active nests sites and at 3 random sites associated with each nest. For comparative purposes, we adapted vegetation measurements suggested by James and Shugart (1970). We defined nest sites and unused random sites (collectively – sites) as a 0.04 ha circle (11.3 m radius) centered on the nest tree or randomly selected unused tree (collectively – center trees). To ensure we were comparing nest site selection within a forest stand we used stratified random distances (between 75m and 200m) starting from the nest tree locate three unused trees and sites to associate with each nest location. To ensure randomly selected trees were potential nest trees, we constrained unused tree selection to living trees, greater than 3 m tall, that appeared structurally capable of supporting a RSHA nest. Because of the size and conspicuousness of RSHA nests, we are confident that all randomly selected trees were 9 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 unused for nesting by RSHA during that breeding season. If random points fell outside of the forest stand, in a markedly different vegetation type or age class, we used an alternate random location. Excluding nest-specific measurements, we measured the same vegetation characteristics at all center trees and 0.04ha sites. We identified the tree species, measured dbh (cm) with a diameter tape and height (m) with a clinometer, for all center trees. To provide information on stand composition and calculate basal area, we recorded the species and dbh of all trees with greater than 5cm dbh within each 0.04ha site. We then divided the site into quarters with, 4, 11.3 meter transects oriented in the cardinal directions. Each transect consisted of 11, 1 meter spaced points, resulting in 44 points at each site. We estimated the percent canopy closure for each site by recording the presence or absence of canopy cover at each of the 44 points, using a Geographic Resource Solutions Densitometer. To estimate the average canopy height within each site we measured the height of the four canopy trees nearest to the ending point of each transect. We measured the distance from the center trees to permanent water using GIS. Only data from active nests were included in analyses, and data from nests that were used in both years were only included in the data set once. Analyses Model building and justification. We used 7 variables to build 17 a priori models, 4 at the center tree scale and 13 at the 0.04ha site scale. We selected variables and constructed models based on the findings of previous RSHA nesting habitat research. We constructed models to examine both the importance of individual variables, combinations of variables and interactions between some variables. Prior research has 10 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 documented RSHA selection of taller and larger diameter trees than randomly available. Therefore, those variables and interactions of those variables were included more often than other potentially important variables. In addition, each model set included a global model consisting of all parameters and interactions. For models at the center tree scale, we included the parameters: dbh (CTDBH), height (CTHT), and their interaction (CTDBH*CTHT) (Table 1). At the site scale we included average dbh (ASDBH), basal area (BASAL), canopy cover (CANCOV), average canopy height (CANHT), the distance to a permanent/semi permanent wetland (H2ODIST) and the interaction between average dbh and average canopy height (ASDBH*CANHT) (Table 2). We then used the variables from the best predicting model of each scale, to build a set of 6 “mixed models” combining variables from each scale (Table 3). This allowed us to determine the relative importance of the two scales to RSHA nesting habitat selection and provide a best model regarding both of these scales. Despite being constructed prior to analysis, these models should not be considered genuinely a priori, because insight was drawn from modeling of each scale. However, we believe this iterative modeling process does not compromise the merit of these mixed models. Model selection and evaluation. All analyses were done using Minitab 15.1 software (Minitab Inc. State College, Pennsylvania). We conducted a logistic regression, with use or non-use as the dependent variable criteria. Logistic regression was appropriate because of its robustness to heteroscedasticity and no assumptions of normality. To confirm that the models selected for a particular scale fit the data, we tested the global model from that scale using the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test (Hosmer and 11 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Lemeshow 2002). To facilitate model evaluation and alleviate some concerns stemming from small sample sizes, we then calculated second order Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) values, differences between AICc values of all models and the lowest scoring model (∆i), and Akaike weights (ωi) for each model (Burnham and Anderson 2002). We used the Wald statistic to confirm the significance of the coefficients of individual variables in the best predicting models (Hosmer and Lemeshow 2002). We created a RSPF for the best models at each scale using the estimated coefficients of each variable. To compare the accuracy of the RSPFs we calculated the frequency of correct classifications (>50 %= Use) of data in the original data set. Few nest site data limited our ability to exclude a test set for evaluation of the RSPFs, instead we recognize the limitations of testing the models against the original data and use this only as a means to compare the accuracy between models. Results Center tree scale The best model at the center tree scale included both CTDBH and CTHT (Table 1). The global model was less plausible, with only 23% of the AIC weight. However, the Hosmer-Lemeshow test indicated that the global model was a good fit to the data (χ28 = 9.206, P = 0.325), suggesting that subsequent less parameterized models are also well fit to the data. The single variable models, CTHT and CTDBH were less plausible alternatives compared to the best model, with a combined AIC weight less than 0.09. The Wald statistic indicated the coefficients of the parameters CTDBH and CTHT were both significantly different from 0, and contributed significantly to the model (z = 2.18, P = 0.029 and z = 3.20, P = 0.001, respectively). Using the estimated coefficients 12 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 for these variables (Table 4), the RSPF correctly distinguished nest trees from random trees only 23.3% of time. Site scale Because the site scale model set contained 13 models, AIC weights were more broadly distributed and the best model was less clearly defined. The three best models combined had 71% of the AIC weight (Table 2). The best model was composed of 3 variables, ASDBH, BASAL and CANHT, and had 33% of the AIC weight. Because the parameters: ASDBH, BASAL and CANHT, were in all of the top three models, they likely accounted for the majority of each models importance, and were the only parameters from this scale that we included in further analysis. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test indicated the global model from the site scale also fit the data (χ28 = 6.434, P = 0.599). Site scale variables (ASDBH, BASAL and CANHT) coefficients significantly contributed to the model (z = 2.35, P = 0.019; z = 2.08, P = 0.038 and z = 2.91, P = 0.004, respectively). Using the estimated coefficients for these parameters (Table 4), the RSPF correctly identified nest sites and unused sites 93.3% of the time. Both scales The “mixed model” set included the best models from each scale, as well as unique models incorporating parameters from both scales. The best model in this set was also the best model from the site scale. In this set it earned an AICc of 42.06, and 62% of the total AIC weight (Table 3). The next nearest model had a ∆i of 3.07. Additionally, the model with site parameters: ASDBH, CANHT, was nearly 2 AICc values better than 13 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 the similar model with center tree parameters: CTDBH, CTHT. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed the global model in this set fit the data (χ2 = 10.752, df = 8, P = 0.216). Discussion Center tree models The best predicting model for the center tree scale consisted of both CTDBH and CTHT, showing that RSHA nest tree selection was influenced both by tree height and dbh. Previous studies have documented the importance of tree height to nest site selection of RSHAs (Morris and Lemon 1983, Woodrey 1986, Preston et al. 1989, McLeod et al. 2000). Dijak et al. (1990) showed that nests used by RSHAs in multiple years were in significantly taller trees than nests that were used once. Additionally, successively used nests had higher success rates, suggesting that nesting in taller trees provided a reproductive advantage over nesting in shorter trees (Dijak et al. 1990). Taller nest trees may provide thermal conditions beneficial to nestling survival, or be less accessible to potential predators of nestling. Several studies have shown that RSHAs select to nest in trees with larger dbh than randomly available (Parker 1986, Titus and Mosher 1997, McLeod et al. 2000). It is unlikely that the dbh directly influences nest tree selection, but instead is correlated to characteristics of the tree that are important to RSHA productivity. Bednarz and Dinsmore (1982) showed that despite RSHAs being markedly smaller than RTHAs, branches supporting RSHA nests had significantly larger diameters than those supporting RTHA nests. Furthermore, RSHAs, and the closely related broad winged hawk (Buteo platypterus), select to nest low within the canopy of nest trees (Bednarz and Dinsmore 1982, Keran 1978). Nests placed low within larger dbh trees may be more resistant to 14 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 windy conditions (Dijak et al. 1990), such as those which can occur during the RSHA breeding season in south Texas. Furthermore, the evidence ratio of the model CTHT versus the model CTDBH is 56.12 for our data. This shows that there is a considerably greater chance that the CTHT represents more important patterns in the data than CTDBH. Tree height may be more critical in RSHA nest tree selection than tree diameter. However, the AIC weights strongly suggest that the presence of the parameter CTDBH contributes substantially to the predictive power of the best model. The RSPF for the center tree scale correctly identified only 23.3% of the nest trees and random trees. The criterion we used to select potential nest locations may have hampered the models ability to detect differences in our data. However, the poor accuracy of this RSPF may also be caused by a lack of selection by RSHAs at this scale. Janes (1985) suggested that in most cases, suitable nest locations are not a limiting factor within a raptors homerange. If availability of nest trees is not limiting RSHA productivity, the patterns of tree selection found in other studies may be artifacts of habitat selection at larger scales. Site models The best model for the site scale included the parameters ASDBH, BASAL and CANHT. This shows that similar to the best nest tree selection model, RSHA nest site selection was influenced by both the height of the trees and their dbh. Additionally, the parameter BASAL indicates that the number of large dbh trees present is also important to RSHA nest site selection. Because the top three models each included all the parameters in the best predicting model, it was apparent that those three parameters contributed heavily to the explanatory power of the second and third best models. 15 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Previous studies have documented RSHAs selecting nest sites with taller canopies and larger dbh trees than randomly available (Woodrey 1986, Preston et al. 1989, McLeod at al. 2000). We found that similar to nest trees, RSHAs selected nest sites that consisted of taller and larger dbh trees than random sites. Sites with taller and larger diameter trees may provide security against inclement weather, or a canopy structure facilitating nestlings to evade predators or fledge safely. Additionally, we found that sites with higher basal area were more likely to be selected as a nest site by RSHAs. Previous studies have documented the importance of high basal area to nest site selection of RSHAs (Morris and Lemon 1983, Parker 1986, Belleman 1998, McLeod et al. 2000). RSHAs that nest in sites with higher basal area may incur a greater reproductive advantage through a lower risk of nest failure to wind events. Models not including a measure of tree diameter either through average diameter or basal area were not ranked as highly as models that included such parameters. In addition, the evidence ratio of the model ASDBH+CANHT versus the model CANHT+BASAL showed that the model ASDBH+CANHT was 5 times more likely to be the best model in the set. This suggests that presence of large diameter trees is more important to RSHA nest site selection than the basal area. The RSPF from the best predicting model at the site scale, correctly predicted nest sites and random sites far more often (93.3% accuracy) than the RSPF for the center tree scale. This suggests that the RSPF from the site scale is better able to identify RSHA nesting habitat than the RSPF from the center tree scale. 16 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Mixed models When models from both scales were compared, the best model at the site scale received 62% of the potential AIC weight, while the best model from the center tree scale only received 5%. This indicates that site variables are more important to Texas RSHAs in nesting habitat selection than the center tree variables. Greater variability between sites than between center trees may allow the RSPF to better predict the differences between nest sites and unused sites. Since trees and sites within the same stand are inherently similar, limiting the sample of unused center trees and sites may have caused a bias to center trees and sites with characteristics similar to the nest tree or nest site. However, the difference in the accuracy of the RSPFs from each scale could also indicate that nesting habitat selection is stronger at the site scale. Meaning that the vegetation characteristics at the site scale are more important to RSHA nesting habitat selection that characteristics of the center trees. Further analysis of characteristics of used and unused stands would provide a more complete RSPF. After the completion of the mixed model analysis, we conducted a best subsets logistic regression to compare the predictive power of our a priori models against that of all other possible models. We found that our best predicting model (ASDBH+BASAL+CANHT) had the second best AICc score compared to all possible models. It was only surpassed by the model (BASAL+CANHT+CTDBH) with a ∆i of 0.296. These two models accounted for 33.6% of the total AICc weights available in the set and both included the canopy height and basal area of the site scale. Interestingly, the best model of all possible models included the parameter ASDBH instead of the parameter CTDBH. The average dbh of the trees within the site weighted more heavily 17 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 in the nest habitat selection than the diameter of the center tree. This model could be interpreted hierarchically as: RSHAs select nesting habitat first as sites with many tall trees of large diameters, and then select nest trees within the site based on dbh, or more likely a beneficial characteristic correlated to dbh. We conclude that RSHA selection of an appropriate nesting habitat at the site scale has primacy over the individual tree scale. Therefore, available and apparently suitable trees may not be used as nest trees because of inadequacies of the surrounding site. By comparing the RSPF for the center tree and the site scale we found that patterns of univariate differences between characteristics of used and unused resources, such as those apparent in our data set and previously published RSHA habitat selection studies, do not necessarily confer important habitat selection processes. This forces us to look more deeply into previous habitat selection studies and examine whether significant differences between used and available resources reflect a biological process or are simply an artifact of the scale examined. We recognize that both the center tree scale and the 0.04ha site scale are thirdorder selection scales as described by Johnson (1980). Unfortunately, during this study we were unable to examine the importance of lower-orders of selection. Studying habitat selection across homeranges (second-order, Johnson 1980) could likely provide important information regarding forest stand selection by RSHA in south Texas. Additionally, a second-order RSPF would better facilitate forest management and species conservation at the landscape scale. 18 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Management implications This study indicates the importance of forest structure to RSHA nesting habitat selection, and its applicability to forest stand management in south Texas. Our results show that the height and the dbh of trees are important characteristics to RSHA nesting habitat selection. Additionally, we suggest that RSHAs are more selective of nesting habitat at the 0.04ha site scale than at the center tree scale. This reinforces the importance of forest management in providing RSHA nesting habitat. The RSPF from the best model includes parameters often measured in traditional forest management (canopy height, basal area, and average diameter) and therefore can be easily incorporated into current forest management efforts. However, vegetation types and structure in south Texas were atypical of those found in many portions of RSHA breeding range. Therefore, nesting habitat selection criterion likely differ and the RSPF created here, though useful, should be applied cautiously. Literature cited Andren, H. 1994. Effects of habitat fragmentation on birds and mammals in landscapes with different proportions of suitable habitat: a review. Oikos 71:355-366. Bayne, E. M., and K. A. Hobson. 1997. The effects of habitat fragmentation by forestry and agriculture on the abundance of small mammals in the southern boreal mixedwood forest. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:62-69. Bednarz, J. C., and J. J. Dinsmore. 1981. Status, habitat use, and management of redshouldered hawks in Iowa. 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Texas comprehensive wildlife conservation strategy. Bender, S., S. Shelton, K. C. Bender and A. Kalmbach editors. accessed 1/10/2007. Titus, K., and J. A. Moser. 1981. Nest-site habitat selected by woodland hawks in the central Appalachians. Auk 98:270-281. Wiens, J. A. and J. T. Rotenberry. 1981. Habitat associations and community structure of birds in shrubsteppe environments. Ecological Monographs 51:21-41. Woodrey, M. S. 1986. Characteristics of red-shouldered hawk nests in Ohio. Wilson Bulletin 98:469-471. 22 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 2.1 Candidate models describing the probability of a tree being selected as a redshouldered hawk nest tree in south Texas from 2005-2006. The -2 * log-likelihood (2LL), number of parameters (K), AICc, difference between AICc and the lowest AICc (∆i), and model probabilities (ωi). Modela K -2LL AICc ∆i ωi CTDBH + CTHT 3 40.56 46.99 0.00 0.70 4 40.52 49.25 2.25 0.23 CTHT 2 47.17 51.38 4.39 0.08 CTDBH 2 55.23 59.44 12.44 0.00 CTDBH + CTHT + CTDBH*CTHT a CTDBH = center tree dbh; CTHT = center tree height 23 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 2.2 Candidate models describing the probability of a 0.04 ha site being selected as a red-shouldered hawk nest site in south Texas from 2005-2006. The -2 * log-likelihood (-2LL), number of parameters (K), AICc, difference between AICc and the lowest AICc (∆i), and model probabilities (ωi). Modela K -2LL AICc ∆i ωi ASDBH + BASAL + CANHT 4 33.33 42.06 0.00 0.33 6 29.07 42.65 0.59 0.24 5 32.68 43.79 1.73 0.14 7 28.88 45.03 2.97 0.07 ASDBH + CANHT 3 38.62 45.05 2.99 0.07 BASAL + CANCOV + CANHT 4 38.25 46.98 4.92 0.03 4 38.32 47.04 4.98 0.03 ASDBH + CANHT + H2ODIST 4 38.44 47.17 5.11 0.03 ASDBH + CANCOV + CANHT 4 38.56 47.29 5.23 0.02 BASAL + CANHT 3 41.49 47.92 5.85 0.02 CANHT 2 44.47 48.68 6.62 0.01 ASDBH + BASAL + CANCOV + CANHT + H2ODIST ASDBH + BASAL + CANHT + ASDBH*CANHT ASDBH + BASAL + CANCOV + CANHT + H2ODIST + ASDBH*CANHT ASDBH + CANHT + ASDBH*CANHT 24 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 2.2 Continued Modela K -2LL AICc ∆i ωi 5 38.20 49.31 7.25 0.01 3 43.85 50.28 8.22 0.01 ASDBH + CANHT + H2ODIST + ASDBH*CANHT CANCOV + CANHT a ASDBH = average tree dbh; BASAL = basal area; CANCOV = percent canopy closure; CANHT = canopy height; H2ODIST = distance to permanent wetland 25 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 2.3 Candidate models describing characteristics of trees and 0.04ha sites and their influence on the red-shouldered hawk nesting habitat selection in south Texas from 20052006. The -2 * log-likelihood (-2LL), number of parameters (K), AICc, difference between AICc and the lowest AICc (∆i), and model probabilities (ωi). Modela K -2LL AICc ∆i ωi ASDBH + BASAL + CANHT 4 33.33 42.06 0.00 0.62 ASDBH + CANHT 3 38.62 45.05 3.07 0.13 CTDBH + CTHT 6 31.80 45.38 3.15 0.13 CTDBH + CTHT 3 40.56 46.99 5.01 0.05 BASAL + CTDBH + CTHT 4 38.28 47.01 4.95 0.05 BASAL + CANHT + CTHT 4 41.46 50.19 8.13 0.01 ASDBH + BASAL + CANHT + a ASDBH = average tree dbh; BASAL = basal area; CANHT = average canopy height; CTDBH = center tree dbh; CTHT = center tree height 26 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 2.4 Variables and coefficients of the resource selection probability functions for red-shouldered hawk nesting habitat selection at two scales in south Texas. Center Tree Scale Variable Namea Site Scale (0.04ha) Coefficient (±SE) Variable Nameb Coefficient (±SE) -12.8958 (3.6848) Constant -9.0709 (2.3453) Contstant CTDBH 0.0070 (0.0032) ASDBH 0.0102 (0.0043) CTHT 0.3429 (0.1071) BASAL 0.1275 (0.0613) CANHT 0.5379 (0.1849) a CTDBH = center tree dbh (cm); CTHT = center tree height (m) b ASDBH = average tree dbh; BASAL = basal area (m2/ha); CANHT = average canopy height (m) 27 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 CHAPTER III TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL VARIATION IN PREY USE BY BREEDING REDSHOULDERED HAWKS Abstract Patterns in resource use by animals provide important information regarding species ecology. We examine daily temporal patterns in the prey use by red-shouldered hawks to determine if prey type used is influenced by time of day. Additionally, we examine fine scale and large scale spatial variation in prey use by calculating Morisita’s similarity indices across nests within our study as well as across previously published studies. There are significant temporal patterns in prey type used by red-shouldered hawks breeding in south Texas. More amphibians were used during mid afternoon than during late evening, while more insects were used during late evening than earlier in the day. Breeding pairs of red-shouldered hawks within our study demonstrated differences in prey type used, likely based on spatial variations in prey abundances. Similarly, diets of red-shouldered hawks varied significantly across much of their breeding range, and coincided with latitudinal differences between study sites. Our study demonstrates the dietary flexibility of red-shouldered hawks in south Texas and suggests regional variations in prey availability as an additional factor influencing reproductive success and survival of red-shouldered hawks in North America. 28 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Introduction The Red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) was once considered to be the most abundant raptor in moist woodlands of North America (Bent 1932). However, recent declines in red-shouldered hawk populations have led to the species being listed as threatened or endangered by many states in the northern portions of its range (Jacobs and Jacobs 2002). Red-shouldered hawks (RSHA) are often associated with large tracts of moist forests and swamps (Bent 1932, Craighead and Craighead 1956). Because of this, recent declines in RSHA populations throughout the Midwestern and Northeastern United States have been attributed to forest fragmentation and resource loss (Bednarz and Dinsmore 1981, Jacobs and Jacobs 2002). Similar to other portions of the RSHAs range, agricultural and urban development in south Texas had altered an estimated 95% of the historic vegetative communities and 99% of the riparian areas by 1988 (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988). Despite few data regarding RSHAs in south Texas, these changes have certainly led to differences in resource availability and, likely, resource use by RSHAs. However, Breeding Bird Survey data suggest modest increases in RSHA populations in the south Texas brush lands (Sauer et al. 2005). Likewise, despite forecasting increasing rates of landscape fragmentation, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), considers Texas’s population of RSHA to be stable (TPWD 2005). Recent studies have documented apparently sustainable RSHA populations in highly human altered landscapes elsewhere (e.g. Bloom et al. 1993, Rottenborn 2000, Dykstra et al. 2001). This indicates that factors other than habitat alteration, such as prey availability, may be contributing to the inconsistencies in RSHA population trends. 29 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Bloom (1989) suggested that habitat use by RSHAs is greatly influenced by the presence of attainable prey. Therefore, the ability of RSHAs to cope with changes in land use is facilitated by its diverse diet. Previous studies of breeding season diet indicate that RSHAs use a variety of prey items across their range. Snyder and Wiley (1976) reported that invertebrates composed over 40% of the diet of RSHAs nesting in California. In Missouri, Parker (1986) documented that nearly 75% of the diet of breeding RSHAs consisted of herpetiles. Diets of RSHAs nesting in Maryland were made up of over 70% mammals, nearly 50% of which were eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus; Portnoy and Dodge 1979). In addition to these substantive regional diet variations, Bednarz and Dinsmore (1985) documented a dietary shift between two breeding seasons in Iowa, and found similar productivity of RSHA under both conditions. Clearly, RSHAs are capable of producing young under many habitat and prey conditions. Red-shouldered hawk population trends vary considerably throughout their range. While the apparent abundance of some populations in the southern U.S. has increased since the 1990s, more northern populations of RSHAs have not responded similarly (Sauer et al. 2005). Regional variation may be caused by inherent ecological differences in vegetation communities or prey types and abundances. However, anthropogenic changes in land use, such as forest conversion to agriculture, urbanization and pesticide use have also influenced the population trends of RSHA populations in North America (Brown 1971, Henny et al. 1973, Peterson and Crocoll 1992, Jacobs and Jacobs 2002). The ability of RSHAs to use various vegetation and prey types may support their successful reproduction under changing conditions. Yet with increasing rates of human induced landscape alteration it is critical to understand the degree to which RSHAs can 30 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 vary their diet within spatial and temporal scales. Further understanding of the flexibility of RSHA diet will provide insight into the potential influence of future landscape changes, as well as shed light on region differences in RSHA population trends. Study area This study was conducted on the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge and the Twin Oaks Hunting Resort in San Patricio and Refugio Counties, Texas (respectively). The adjacent sites are separated by the Aransas River 8 miles from its outlet into Copano Bay in the Gulf of Mexico. The study site lies in the northern portion of the Tamaulipan biotic province (Blair 1950) within the gulf coast prairies and marshes ecoregion (TPWD 2005). The Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge (3,156 ha) and the Twin Oaks Hunting Resort (2,857 ha) consist of a diverse mosaic of mesquite-mixed grass communities, live oak-chaparral communities dominated by live oak (Quercus virginiana) and riparian woodlands dominated by pecan (Carya illinoinensis), hackberry (Celtis spp.) and cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia) (Drawe et al. 1978). Woodlands are primarily small (< 2.5 ha) discontinuous patches interspersed with more open communities. The growing season in this region is long, ranging from 275-320 days (Rappole and Blacklock 1985), but rainfall is often irregular, averaging 88 cm annually (Drawe et al. 1978). Elevation is low, usually less than 30 meters, and summer temperatures average 30 degrees C (Guckian and Garcia 1979). The diversity and types of vegetation communities on the study site made this area unique compared to other regions within the RSHAs range. 31 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Methods Field methods used followed protocols approved by Texas Tech University’s animal care and use committee (protocols: 03015-02 and 05067-11). Data collection We located active RSHA nests on the study site during the 2005 and 2006 breeding seasons using broadcast survey methods as described by McLeod and Anderson (1998). We systematically placed predefined survey points approximately 800m apart in all wooded areas adequate for RSHA nesting. We conducted surveys from April – June between dawn and 1300. We recorded the direction, distance, and number of RSHA responses at each point surveyed. Using the surveys to focus our efforts, we conducted nest searching transects through all potential nesting habitat. Once nests were discovered, we recorded their location using a GPS unit and returned weekly to monitor breeding activity and determine if the eggs successfully hatched. After eggs hatched and young were approximately 1 week old, we installed color video surveillance cameras (Model OC-225, Clover Electronics®, Los Alamitos, CA U.S.A.) < 1 m above the nests. We recorded video feed from each camera using timelapse VHS recorders (Piczel video security products® and Security Labs®, Noblesville, IN U.S.A.). We set record speeds to 48Hr time-lapse mode, resulting in approximately 45 images recorded per minute. We programmed the time-lapse VCRs to record daily, beginning before sunrise and ending after sunset. Each recording system was powered by 12-volt deep cycle marine batteries and stored in latching plastic containers at least 25 meters away from the nest tree to avoid disturbing hawks while replacing batteries and VHS tapes. We replaced batteries and VHS tapes in each recording system every third 32 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 day. We recorded activities in the nest until after the young had fledged the nest or the nesting attempt had failed. However, to ensure an unbiased account of prey items delivered here we only analyze prey items delivered prior to fledging and for nests with more than 30 identified prey items. After retrieving VHS tapes, we reviewed each tape using a stop action VCR to allow scrutiny of still images of prey items delivered. We recorded all prey items delivered to the nest by the adult RSHAs as well as the respective date, time, and nest identification number. We used regional field guides, museum specimens and refuge staff biologist’s expertise to identify prey items to the lowest taxon possible. The advantages provided through video documentation of nestling diet yield far more detailed and accurate data than other methods such as prey remain, pellet analysis and direct observation (Marti 1987, Redpath et al. 2001). Despite the advantages of video documentation, we were not able to precisely identify all prey items. We pooled prey items that we could not identify to genus or species into categories based on general taxon and size (e.g. small mammal, large snake, etc.). We classified prey items that were delivered to the nest but were never visible on film as unidentified and did not include them in analyses. To compare diets of RSHA nestlings in south Texas to other RSHA populations, we conducted a literature search to find previously published studies of RSHA breeding season diet. There are no other published studies of RSHA diet using video recording techniques, therefore, we could only use studies that estimated diet using direct observations, pellet analysis and prey remains identification techniques. We pooled prey types into 4 categories: birds, mammals, herpetile and invertebrates. In addition, when 33 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 studies used multiple methods to assess diet we pooled results found using different methods. However, when studies published diet data for more than 1 year we analyzed each year independently to allow for temporal variation within published studies. Analysis Temporal variation. To test for temporal differences in types of prey delivered to nests in our study area, we pooled the prey items into 6 discrete taxonomic categories (birds, amphibians, insects, mammals, lizards and snakes). In addition, we pooled all prey delivery times to the hour in which prey items were delivered (0600 – 2000). We used a MANOVA to test for differences in the mean number of deliveries per hour for each of the six prey categories delivered to all nests. We then used a Tukey’s HSD test to determine where differences in means occurred for each prey category considered. Spatial variation. To examine spatial patterns of diet among nests within our study, we calculated a Morisita’s similarity index (Morisita 1959), based on the abundances of prey species delivered to each nest. We conducted analysis with the program MATLAB (Mathworks 1993), and a function written for this purpose (Strauss 2007). Similarly, we calculated a Morisita’s similarity index for our data and those from previously published studies, based on 4 prey categories: birds, herpetile, insects, and mammals. The values of the Morisita’s index range from 0 to 1, indicating no community overlap to complete community overlap. This index has been shown to be robust against bias incurred through differences in sample size, and analyzing data sets with many unique members in each community (Smith and Zaret 1982, Krebs 1989). When examining spatial patterns in diets among nests within our study, as well as across studies, we used the Morisita’s similarity index as the distance function within an 34 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic means (UPGMA) cluster analysis. Using the UPGMA cluster analysis, we generated a dendrogram illustrating the similarity between diets of nestlings in different nests within our study, as well as RSHA diets in our study and other published studies. To determine which clusters in the dendrogram were significant (alpha < 0.05), we ran 10,000 bootstrap iterations of the distance matrix across variables (prey items) to create a normal distribution of the dataset (Nemec and Brinkhurst 1988, Krebs 1989). By comparing the Morisita’s similarity index calculated from the data to the generated distribution we assigned alpha levels to each cluster. Upon identifying which clusters were significantly different, we used a post hoc test to identify which variables contributed to the differences between clusters. Prior to post hoc analysis, we compositionally transformed the data to allow traditional analysis of the respective proportion of each prey category independent of differences in sample size and sampling effort (Aitchison 2003). We then used a T2 test to determine which prey categories contributed to the differences in the diets of nestlings among significant clusters (Manly 1994). All analyses other than the calculation of the Morisita’s similarity indices and the bootstrap procedures were conducted using STATISTICA version 6.0 (Statsoft Tulsa, Oklahoma). Results We installed cameras at 7 active RSHA nests in 2005 and 3 active RSHA nests in 2006 with which we documented 1495 prey deliveries. In 2005 we were able to collect over 1300 hours of footage from which we identified over 1100 of the prey items delivered. In 2006, dramatically lower nesting density and nest success rates allowed us to only document 145 hours of footage during which we identified 149 of the prey items 35 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 delivered. In total we identified 1320 unique prey items during 1457 hours of video monitoring (Table 1). Of the 1320 prey items identified, 41% were insects, primarily June bugs (Scarabaeidae), leaf footed beetles (Coreid spp.) and cicadas (Tibicen spp.). Snakes, most of which were rough green snakes (Opheodrys aestivus), garter snakes (Thamnophis spp.) and yellowbelly racers (Coluber constrictor), comprised 24% of the prey items delivered to nestlings. Mammals, such as deer and white-footed mice (Peromyscus spp.) and cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus), comprised 15% of the prey items delivered to RSHA nestlings. In addition, lizards, primarily green anoles (Anolis carolinensis), and amphibians, primarily Rio Grande leopard frogs (Rana berlandieri) and bullfrogs (R. catesbeiana), each made up 8% of prey items in nestling diets. Birds were least often found in nestling diets (5%), and were most often songbirds or juvenile water birds such as common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus,). Temporal variation We found the time of delivery influenced the average number of deliveries of prey types (F84 = 2.009, P < 0.001). The mean number of snakes delivered to nests was lower at 0600 than it was at 1700 (F14 = 3.557, P < 0.001) but showed a bimodal pattern of use throughout the day (Figure 1). The average number of amphibians delivered to RSHA nests rose steadily from 0600 until it peaked at 1400; when it was higher than anytime after 1700 (F14 = 2.647, P = 0.002; Figure 1). The mean number of insects delivered to nests remain relatively low throughout most of the day until it sharply increased from 1700 until 1900 when there were significantly more delivered than at any period prior to 1700 (F14 = 2.901, P < 0.001; Figure 1). We were unable to detect a 36 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 difference in the mean number of birds (F14 = 0.669, P = 0.799), lizards (F14 = 1.687, P = 0.068), or mammals (F14 = 0.988, P = 0.469) in regards to the time of delivery. Spatial variation within our study Nest locations within our study site were located along an 11km section of the riparian corridor of the Aransas River (Figure 2). Using a cluster analysis of the Morisita’s similarity index we produced a dendrogram illustrating the similarity of the diets of nestlings based on all prey items delivered to each nest (Figure 3). The results of the bootstrap procedure indicated that the nests could be simplified into 7 significantly different clusters. The diets of nestlings in nest 14 and nest 18 were not found to be different (P = 0.071) from each other, nor were the diets of nestlings in Nest 09 and Nest 11 (P = 0.085). Two primary clusters grouped nests with more similar diets within the cluster than between clusters. Cluster 1 consisted of nests: 02, 08, 12, 14, 18, while cluster 2 included nests: 05, 07, 09, 11 (Figure 3). Using a T2 test on the compositionally transformed diet data we found 4 prey items contributed differently to the diets of nestlings in nests in cluster 1 and nests in cluster 2. Nests in cluster 1 had more yellowbelly racers and more Texas patchnose snakes (Salvadora grahamiae) than nests in cluster 2 (t7 = 4.751, P = 0.002 and t7 = 3.434, P = 0.010, respectively). In addition, nests in cluster 1 had more insects delivered than nests in cluster 2 (t7 = 5.709 P < 0.001). Conversely, nestlings from cluster 2 had more rough green snakes delivered than nests in cluster 1 (t7 = -2.812, P = 0.026). Spatial variation across studies We used our data and those reported by 7 published studies on RSHA (Table 2) to assess breeding season diet similarities across the species distribution. Craighead and 37 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Craighead (1956) analyzed pellets and prey remains to identify prey items consumed at RSHA nests in Michigan in 1942 and 1948. Portnoy and Dodge (1979) used visual observation and pellet analysis to document prey items delivered to 7 RSHA nests in central Massachusetts in 1974. Bednarz and Dinsmore (1985) documented RHSA diets in eastern Iowa in the summers of 1977 and 1978. Janik and Mosher (1982) summarized RSHA diets in the Appalachians of western Maryland in 1978 and 1979 through direct observation methods. Similarly, Penak (1982) used direct observation at 3 nests in 1979 and 5 nests in 1980 near the northern extent of RSHA breeding range in southwestern Quebec. Diet of RSHA nestlings in the Georgia piedmont in 1994, were documented at 8 nests by direct observation (Howell and Chapman 1998). Snyder and Wiley (1976) reported the diets of breeding RSHA through direct observation and prey remains from nests in California and Florida. The UPGMA cluster analysis of the Morisita’s similarity index for the 13 unique study years recognized 12 clusters because differences between data reported in Maryland and Massachusetts were slight. The cluster analysis created 2 primary clusters correlating with the latitudinal differences across the study sites. The high latitude cluster (HLC) included data from 1977 in Iowa (Bednarz and Dinsmore 1985), Maryland (Janik and Mosher 1982), Massachusetts (Portnoy and Dodge 1979), Michigan (Craighead and Craighead 1956), and Quebec (Penak 1982). The low latitude cluster (LLC) included data from 1978 in Iowa (Bednarz and Dinsmore 1985), Georgia (Howell and Chapman 1998), California and Florida (Snyder and Wiley 1976) and our study in Texas. Out of all potential clusters, 10,000 bootstrap iterations found several clusters to be significantly different (P < 0.05, Figure 3). Diet data reported in Michigan and Quebec were not found 38 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 to be different, nor were diets reported for Maryland, Massachusetts and the 1979 data from Iowa. In addition, the 2005 data from our study was clustered with data from Iowa in 1978, California, Florida and Georgia and, as a cluster, was different from the diet of RSHA nestlings in our study in 2006. The T2 test used on the compositionally transformed data confirmed that differences existed between diets reported for nests in the HLC and LLC (F4,6 = 10.742, P < 0.006). Nests in the HLC had significantly higher proportions of mammalian prey than nests in the LLC (t11 = 7.022, P < 0.001). Although not statistically different, nests in the LLC appear to have used proportionally more herpetiles than nests in the HLC (X̄ HLC = 23%, X̄ LLC = 40%; t11 = -2.011, P = 0.069). Birds and insects were used in similar proportions by nests in both clusters (X̄ HLC = 6%, X̄ LLC = 3% and X̄ HLC = 34%, X̄ LLC = 38%, respectively). Discussion Temporal patterns Many previous studies have documented temporal patterns in resource use by predators (see Korpimäki and Krebs 1996). Fluctuations in prey use have been documented for several European raptors and are often attributed to differences in prey abundance (Korpimäki and Norrdahl 1991). Patterns of prey availability are also evident at shorter temporal scales such as bimodal activity patterns in small birds (McNamara et al. 1994) and temperature correlates to activity of reptiles (Adolph and Porter 1993). Indeed, Janik and Mosher (1982) noted that increased small mammal activity on their study site correlated with increases of small mammal occurrences in the diets of breeding RSHAs in Maryland. In addition, Roth and Lima (2007) documented increased Cooper’s 39 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 hawk (Accipiter cooperii) activity in early morning and late evening to be in conjunction with increased activity of prey species. Analyses of temporal patterns in prey use by RSHA in our study indicate that different prey types are not used randomly through the day with respect to time. The average number of amphibians delivered hourly slowly rose from sunrise until late afternoon, then declined until sunset. This trend could be explained by activity levels of amphibians increasing as ambient temperature increases throughout the day (Bridges and Dorcas 2000). Although no significant differences were discernable, these patterns are echoed by the average number of lizard and snake prey items delivered to RSHA nestlings per hour. In addition, the sharp increase in the average number of insects delivered to nests per hour coincides with crepuscular emergences patterns of large insect prey. In contrast, the patterns of use of birds by RSHAs showed no apparent temporal pattern. This may be caused by the relatively low predation rate on birds due to their presumably greater difficulty of capture. The lack of a trend in bird predation could also be caused by the patterns of activity of endothermic prey item being more evenly dispersed throughout the day than that of poikliothermic prey items. In support of this, the average number of mammalian prey items delivered to RSHA nestlings also remained relatively consistent throughout the day, though slightly increasing during the morning and evening hours. Increased use of mammals during mornings and evenings coincides with crepuscular activity patterns of many small mammal species (Killduff and Dube 1979). The temporal patterns in prey use across all nests in our study raise questions regarding the behavior and resource selection processes used by hunting adult RSHAs. 40 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 The distinctness of nestling diets in 2006 from those in 2005 suggests that RSHAs in south Texas may exhibit climate influenced differences in prey use similar to those found by Bednarz and Dinsmore (1985) in Iowa. Abundant winter rains in 2005 were contrasted by drought conditions in 2006 and coincided with significant differences in RSHA nestling diets, nesting densities and productivity (Strobel and Boal, unpublished data). In addition to climate driven prey fluctuations causing differences in predator diets, Price (1987) suggested variations in diet might be caused by factors external to the prey type, such as specific foraging areas facilitating vigilance or territorial behaviors. Further implications of temporal patterns in prey use by RSHAs may include temporal variation in foraging habitat selection, hunting techniques, behavior and predation risk incurred by RSHAs. Spatial patterns within our study Cluster analysis revealed that the diets of nestlings at most of the RSHA nests in our study had lower overlap than would be expected by chance, with nests divided into two primary clusters (Figure 3). The average number of nestlings per nest in cluster 1 (2.4 ± 0.5) was similar to cluster 2 (2.3 ± 0.5), suggesting that nutritional demand did not cause differences in prey use. It is possible that patterns in prey use were caused by individual preference of specific resources (Price 1987). However, the inability of the cluster analysis to discriminate the data recorded at nests during the dry conditions of 2006 (nest 14 and nest 18) suggest that prey availability is the most likely explanation for spatial variations in prey type used. The diets of nestlings in cluster 1 were comprised of a higher proportion of yellowbelly racers, Texas patchnose snakes and insects, while those in cluster 2 consisted 41 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 of proportionally more rough green snakes. Yellow bellied racers and Texas patchnose snakes both favor dry grassland or mixed grassland forest communities (Tennant 1998). In contrast, the arboreal rough green snakes are more commonly found in areas of dense foliage often around wetlands (Plummer 1990). Although we did not quantitatively assess landscape composition around nests, our qualitative impression is that nests in cluster 1 have markedly fewer wetlands in close proximity compared to nests in cluster 2. The correlation between the differences in prey use and apparent differences in habitat types indicate that spatial differences in prey availability across RSHA homeranges likely influence spatial patterns found in prey use. The high diversity of plant and animal communities in south Texas clearly influence the availability of RSHA prey items. Therefore, it is not surprising that diets between RSHA broods within our study were often significantly different despite their proximity. Assuming that spatial variation in RSHA diet is due in part to spatial variation in prey abundances, it could be assumed that such variation in raptor breeding season diets occur only in areas of high biodiversity. However, in a presumably more contiguous forest community in Minnesota, Smithers et al. (2005) documented spatial patterns in prey use by breeding Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentiles). In addition to nesting in more homogeneous forest communities, diets of Northern Goshawks are usually less diverse than RSHAs (Squires and Reynolds 1997). This indicates that spatial variation in raptor diets may be prevalent in many raptor species, potentially due to spatial variation in prey abundance. Furthermore, much of the information regarding diets of raptors may be misleading due to the high spatial variation, paucity of research, and differences in accuracy of prey identification techniques. 42 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Spatial patterns across studies We found several significant patterns when comparing the diets reported for breeding RSHAs in many areas of their breeding range. Although biases in methodology used by some studies may hinder our analyses, we suspect that patterns present in the data are valid for evaluation and interpretation of geographic patterns in RHSA breeding season diets. The cluster analysis identified 2 primary clusters. Interestingly, the clusters grouped the studies nearly perfectly by the latitude of their study site (Figure 4). Diets of breeding RSHAs in the northernmost studies (Quebec, Michigan, Massachusetts, Maryland and Iowa 1977) were pooled into one significant cluster, while diets in the southernmost studies (California, Florida, Georgia, Texas and Iowa 1978) were pooled into another significant cluster. The distinctness of RSHAs diets Bednarz and Dinsmore (1985) found in Iowa in 1977 and 1978, likely caused the two years of the study to be separated into significantly different clusters in our analysis. They reported the majority of prey items in 1977 were mammalian (56.9%) while in 1978 most of the prey items were amphibians and invertebrates (62%). The posthoc compositional analysis indicated that diets reported for nestlings in the HLC contained significantly higher proportions of mammalian prey than nestlings in the LLC. Not surprisingly, the diet reported by Bednarz and Dinsmore (19865) from 1977 was pooled with the studies conducted at more northern latitudes, while the diet reported from 1978 was pooled with the studies conducted on more southerly RSHA populations. Patterns in abundance of different species in accordance with latitude have long been recognized (see Pianka 1966). These patterns are echoed by our results indicating differences in mammalian prey use between studies conducted at different latitudes. This 43 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 may be caused by proportional differences in the abundance of mammalian prey throughout the RSHA breeding range or lower abundances of alternative prey types such as herpetile. Although not significantly different, the data indicate that RSHAs in the northern studies used fewer herpetile than those in the southern studies. Higher abundance of herpetile at southern study sites probably leads to proportional differences in the diets of RSHAs there. This suggests that RSHAs breeding in northern latitudes may have a less diverse prey base to select from during the breeding season. Nationwide RSHA populations declined precipitously (Henny et al. 1973, Crocoll 1994, Jacobs and Jacobs 2002). More recently, however, many populations of RSHAs, especially in the southern U.S., have shown steady increases in breeding abundance (Sauer et al. 2005, TPWD 2005). Although declines may have been induced by habitat fragmentation benefiting competitors of RSHAs such as red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaeciensis) or great-horned owls (Bubo virginianus; Crocoll 1994), recent increases in some RSHA populations appear to be occurring independent of rates of landscape fragmentation and alteration. The results of our cluster analysis indicate spatial patterns in prey use, which may provide some alternative explanations for the dissimilarity of RSHA population trends nation wide. The higher use of mammalian prey in northern breeding populations may put the northern birds at greater risk of food stress and hence reduce survival and productivity. Small mammal populations are heavily predated by a plethora of predators and often demonstrate cyclic patterns (Korpimäki and Krebs 1996). In combination with natural prey cycles, landscape alteration resulting in a more open and heterogeneous environment may directly effect small mammal populations or benefit species competing for 44 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 mammalian prey with RSHA. The uncertainty of small mammal populations may have deleterious effects that are more visible in RSHA populations breeding in northern latitudes where alternative prey types such as reptiles, amphibians, and large insects are less abundant. Lower diversity of prey types available in northern latitudes compared to southern latitudes may make it more difficult for breeding RSHAs to adjust to landscape changes. The dietary flexibility provided by higher prey diversity might help explain why RSHA populations in Texas appear to be stable in the face of high and increasing rates of habitat fragmentation. This indicates that similar land management practices applied throughout the RSHAs range could result in markedly different population responses. This also demonstrates the potential importance of regional variation in RSHA breeding ecology, and illustrates the need for local data prior to making decisions regarding land use and wildlife population management. Management Implications Temporal patterns in RSHA diet may indicate temporal patterns in RSHA foraging habitat selection. Most raptor habitat selection studies have been limited to the breeding season. Our results suggest that temporal patterns in resource use likely occur at several scales and further research should be conducted prior to management decisions. Additionally, the spatial variation in RSHA diet illustrates the importance of local information to sound land management decisions. We suggest that reduced prey diversity in northern areas of the RSHAs breeding range may make those populations more susceptible to lower survival and productivity caused by landscape alteration and fragmentation. 45 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Literature cited Adolph, S. C., and W. P. Porter. 1993. Temperature, activity, and lizard life histories. The American Naturalist 142:273-295. Aitchison, J. 2003. A concise guide to compositional data analysis. CDA workshop. Girona. 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N %N Mass (g) % Mass Cicada (Tibicen spp.) 38 1.81 3a 0.15 Leaf-footed bug (Coreidae spp.) 2 0.16 3a 0.01 Unidentified beetles (Scarabaeidae spp.) 6 0.71 1a 0.02 Unidentifed insects 500 37.64 2a 2.11 Subtotal 536 40.61 Gulf cost toad (Bufo valliceps) 2 0.16 20b 0.09 Bullfrog (Rana catesbieana) 12 0.82 500b 11.49 Rio Grande leopard frog (Rana 1 0.11 30b 0.09 Unidentified frog (Rana spp.) 93 6.78 30b 5.70 Subtotal 108 8.18 Insectaa 2.37 Amphibiab berlandieri) 50 19.13 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 3.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass 1 0.05 10b 0.02 Green anole (Anolis carolinensis) 71 4.10 3.34c 0.38 Slender glass lizard (Ophisaurus 3 0.27 109b 0.84 21 1.86 17b 0.89 Unidentified lizard 10 0.66 17b 0.31 Checkered garter snake (Thamnophis 4 0.38 109b 1.17 1 0.05 62d 0.09 3 0.22 109b 0.67 16 0.88 178d 4.36 1 0.16 68.75e 0.32 Reptilia Common ground skink (Scincella lateralis) attenuatus) Unidentified tree lizard (Sceloporus spp.) marcianus) Diamondback watersnake (Nerodia rhombifer) Easter garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) Eastern coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) Eastern hog-nosed snake (Heterodon platirhinos) 51 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 3.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass Great plains rat snake (Elaphe gutatta) 4 0.22 120d 0.74 Gulf coast ribbon snake (Thamnophis 5 0.49 109b 1.50 1 0.05 40d 0.06 2 0.11 9b 0.03 164 16.03 30f 13.47 12 1.09 109b 3.34 Texas rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta) 5 0.27 135d 1.03 Yellow belly racer (Coluber constrictor) 26 2.02 77b 4.37 Yellow-bellied watersnake (Nerodia 1 0.05 62d 0.09 Unidentified watersnake (Nerodia spp.) 1 0.05 62d 0.09 Unidentified garter snake (Thamnophis 6 0.44 109b 1.34 Unidentified small snake 16 0.98 9b 0.25 Unidentified medium snake 38 3.12 109b 9.52 Reptilia (continued) proximus) Prairie king snake (Lampropeltis calligaster) Rough earth snake (Virignia striatula) Rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus) Texas patch nose snake (Salvadora grahamiae) erythrogaster) spp.) 52 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 3.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass 4 0.44 111b 1.36 416 31.52 6 0.33 100g 0.92 European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) 1 0.05 82g 0.13 Hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina) 2 0.11 10.5g 0.03 Indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea) 1 0.05 15.5g 0.02 Mourning warbler (Oporornis 1 0.05 12.5g 0.02 Northern cardinal (Cardnalis cardinalis) 2 0.11 45g 0.14 Plain chachalaca (Ortalis vetula) 1 0.05 100g 0.15 Prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria 1 0.05 16g 0.02 Red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus) 1 0.05 17g 0.03 Sora (Porzana carolina) 1 0.05 75g 0.11 Yellow billed cuckoo (Coccyzus 1 0.05 52g 0.08 2i / 2 0.33 40 / 85g 0.51 Reptilia (continued) Unidentified reptile Subtotal 43.92 Aves Common moorhen (Gallinula cholorpus) philadelphia) citrea) americanus) Unidentified rail (Rallus spp.) 53 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 3.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass Unidentified small bird 39 2.19 10g 0.61 Unidentified medium bird 1 0.05 25g 0.04 Unidentified large bird 1 0.05 50g 0.08 Subtotal 63 4.77 1i 0.22 750h 4.60 4 0.22 18h 0.11 2 0.11 52h 0.16 Hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hisipidus) 63 4.43 115h 14.27 Least shrew (Cryptotis parva) 4 0.27 5.75h 0.04 Marsh rice rat (Oryzymus palustris) 4 0.27 51h 0.39 No. grasshopper mouse (Onychomys 1 0.05 36.5h 0.06 Pocket gopher (Geomys spp.) 9 0.55 212h 3.25 Southern plains wood rat (Neotoma 1 0.05 257h 0.39 Aves 3.88 Mammalia Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) Fulvous harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys fulvescens) Gulf coast kangaroo rat (Dipodomys compactus) leucogaster) micropus) 54 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 3.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass Unidentified mouse (Peromyscus spp.) 57 3.67 22.75h 2.34 Unidentified shrew (Scoricidae) 3 0.22 5.2h 0.03 Unidentified small mammal 8 0.66 13h 0.24 Unidentified medium mammal 36 2.90 50h 4.06 Unidentified large mammal 4 0.33 100h 0.92 Subtotal 197 14.92 30.70 TOTAL 1320 100 100 a – estimated mass from video images b – mass from nearest related species reported by Steenhof (1983) c – average mass reported by Jenssen et al. (1995) d – calculated from equation reported by Kaufman and Gibbons (1975) and estimated lengths e – median value from 160 individuals reported by Platt (1969) f – calculated from equation reported by Plummer (1985) with estimated lengths g – mass reported by Sibley (2003) h – mass reported by Davis and Schmidly (1994) i – represent subadult animals 55 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 3.2 Total number of each prey type used by breeding red-shouldered hawks as reported in studies conducted across the red-shouldered hawk breeding range. Location Year Mamm. Bird Herp. Invert. Source California 1976 6 2 11 14 Snyder and Wiley 1976 Florida 1976 3 2 50 0 Snyder and Wiley 1976 Georgia 1994 34 15 89 43 Howell and Chapman 1998b Bednarz and Dinsmore Iowa 1977 33 1 2 0 1985b Bednarz and Dinsmore Iowa Maryland Massachusetts 1978 8 2 39 30 1985b 1978/79 23 1 6 0 Janik and Mosher 1982b 1974 33 2 11 0 Portnoy and Dodge 1979b Craighead and Craighead Michigan 1942 332 64 190 104 1956a Craighead and Craighead Michigan 1948 223 138 148 93 1956a Quebec 1979 44 5 52 0 Penak 1982b Quebec 1980 76 6 48 3 Penak 1982b Texas 2005 182 61 481 443 this studyc Texas 2006 15 2 38 93 this studyc 56 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 3.2 Continued. a - diet determined through pellet and prey remain analysis b - diet determined through direct observations c - diet determined through remote video surveillance 57 0.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Mammals (n = 198) 28 2.5 24 1.5 1.0 0.5 4 0.0 0 Snakes (n = 311) 3.5 2.0 Lizards (n = 103) 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 58 0.0 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 2.0 mean # delivered 3.0 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 4.0 mean # delivered 0.5 mean # delivered Birds (n = 63) 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 mean # delivered 1.0 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 3.0 mean # delivered 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 0.0 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 mean # delivered Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Inse cts (n = 538) 20 16 12 8 Amphibians (n = 107) 1.0 0.5 0.5 Figure 3.1 Daily temporal prey fluctuations in the mean number of each taxonomic prey category delivered to 9 red-shouldered hawk nests in south Texas in 2005-2006. 59 nests monitored using time-lapse videography on the Welder Wildlife Refuge and Twin Oaks Hunting Resort. Figure 3.2 2004 NAIP infrared imagery of Refugio and San Patricio counties, Texas. Locations of 9 red-shouldered hawk Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Figure 3.3 Dendrogram of Morisita’s similarity index calculated for diets of nestling red-shouldered hawks in 7 nests in 2005 (02, 05, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12) and 2 in 2006 (14, 18) in south Texas. * - indicates separation into significantly (p < 0.05) different groups based on 10,000 bootstrap iterations of the original topology matrix of an UPGMA cluster analysis. 60 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Figure 3.4 Dendrogram of Morisita’s similarity index calculated for diets of nestling red-shouldered hawks in 7 studies across red-shouldered hawk breeding range. * indicates separation into significantly (p < 0.05) different groups based on 10,000 bootstrap iterations of the original topology matrix of an UPGMA cluster analysis. 61 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 CHAPTER IV NESTLING DIET AND ADULT PROVISIONING RATES OF TEXAS REDSHOULDERED HAWKS IN SOUTH TEXAS Abstract Prey provisioning rates are known to affect avian productivity. To determine the effects diet has on red-shouldered hawk productivity, we monitored the diets of nestlings in south Texas in 2005 and 2006. We used video surveillance cameras to identified 1320 prey items delivered to nestlings, and examined patterns in prey types used and provisioning rates of adult red-shouldered hawks. Insect, mammalian and reptilian prey were used more often than other prey types, however insect prey contributed less to the total biomass than all other prey types except avian prey. Nestlings in broods of 2 and broods of 3 were provided prey in similar proportions. Adults rearing larger broods delivered more prey per hour and more grams of prey per hour, but a similar number of deliveries and grams of prey on a per nestling basis. We conclude that to meet higher caloric demands of larger broods, red-shouldered hawks increase their provisioning rate. Introduction Prey use has frequently been investigated as a factor limiting avian reproduction (Lack 1954, Martin 1987). Many studies have examined the effects of prey provisioning on reproductive output and reproductive success (Boutin 1990 and references therein). Results primarily show that increased prey abundance lead to earlier nest initiation, larger 62 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 clutch sizes, higher nest success and greater nestling survival (e.g. Yom-Tov 1974, Newton and Marquiss 1981, Simons and Martin 1990). These studies have provided valuable information on the breeding ecology of, and population limitation in, birds. However, few studies have examined the relationship between natural provisioning rates and productivity of raptors in North America. Once considered the most abundant raptor in moist woodlands of North America (Bent 1937), red-shouldered hawk (RSHA) populations decreased drastically from 19501970, with declines estimated from 35-65% in the eastern U.S., 85-94% in the Midwest, and 54% in Texas (Brown 1971, Oberholser 1974). With the ban of DDT and changing land management practices, many RSHA populations have begun to rebound. However, RSHA trends vary considerably throughout their range. While populations in the southern U.S. have apparently increased since the 1990s, more northern portions of RSHAs have continued to decline (Sauer et al. 2005). Regional variation may be caused by inherent ecological differences in vegetation communities or prey types and abundances. Prey availability has been shown to have dramatic effects on productivity of many species of bird (Lack 1954). The ability of the RSHA to use various prey types make it an ideal species through which to understand the effects of prey use on productivity. Previous studies of breeding season diet of RSHAs suggest they use a variety of prey items across their range. Snyder and Wiley (1976) reported that invertebrates composed over 40% of the diet of RSHAs nesting in California. Parker (1986) documented nearly 75% of the diet of breeding RSHAs in Missouri consisted of herpetiles. In contrast, diets of RSHAs nesting in Maryland consisited of over 70% 63 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 mammals, nearly 50% of which were eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus, Portnoy and Dodge 1979). Bednarz and Dinsmore (1985) documented dietary shifts between breeding seasons, but found similar productivity of RSHA under both conditions. Clearly, RSHAs are capable of producing young under many habitat and prey conditions, but additional research would aid in developing a better understanding of the effects of prey on RSHA productivity (Crocoll 1994) and their ecological role as top-trophic predators. We examine the composition of diets of nestling red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus, RSHAs), in south Texas, based on frequency of occurrence and biomass contributed by unique prey categories of RSHAs. Study area This study was conducted on the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge and the Twin Oaks Hunting Resort in San Patricio and Refugio Counties, Texas (respectively). The adjacent study sites are separated by the Aransas River 8 miles from its outlet into Copano Bay in the Gulf of Mexico. The study site lies in the northern portion of the Tamaulipan biotic province (Blair 1950) within the gulf coast prairies and marshes ecoregion (TPWD 2005). The Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge (3,156 ha) and the Twin Oaks Hunting Resort (2,857 ha) consist of a diverse mosaic of mesquite-mixed grass communities, live oak-chaparral communities dominated by live oak (Quercus virginiana) and riparian woodlands dominated by pecan (Carya illinoinensis), hackberry (Celtis spp.) and cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia) (Drawe et al. 1978). Woodlands are primarily small (< 2.5 ha) discontinuous patches interspersed with more open communities. The growing season in this region is long, ranging from 275-320 days (Rappole and Blacklock 1985), but rainfall is often irregular, averaging 88 cm annually 64 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 (Drawe et al. 1978). Elevation is low, usually less than 30 meters, and summer temperatures average 30 degrees C (Guckian and Garcia 1979). The diversity and types of vegetation communities on the study site made this area unique compared to other regions within the RSHAs range. Methods Data animal handling methods followed protocols approved by Texas Tech University’s animal care and use committee (protocols: 03015-02 and 05067-11). Data collection We located active RSHA nests on the study site during the 2005 and 2006 breeding seasons using broadcast survey methods as described by McLeod and Anderson (1998). We systematically placed predefined survey points approximately 800m apart in all forested areas of the study area. At each survey point we broadcast a 20 second RSHA alarm call followed by 40 seconds of silence. We made 6 such broadcasts with each consecutive broadcast directed 120 degrees clockwise from the prior broadcast. We concluded surveying each point with a 4-minute listening period. Survey events were concluded at each point when either a bird responded or after the 10 minute survey had been completed. We conducted surveys from April – June between dawn and 1300. We recorded the direction, distance, and number of RSHA responses at each point surveyed. Using the surveys to focus our efforts, we conducted nest search transects through all potential nesting habitat. Once nests were discovered, we recorded their location using a GPS unit and returned weekly to monitor breeding activity. We defined active nests as those in which at least one egg was laid that year. 65 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 After eggs hatched and young were approximately 1 week old, we installed color video surveillance cameras (Model OC-225, Clover Electronics®, Los Alamitos, CA U.S.A.) < 1 m above active RSHA nests. We recorded video feed from each camera using time-lapse VHS recorders (Piczel video security products® and Security Labs®, Noblesville, IN U.S.A.). We set the recorders to record in the 48Hr time-lapse mode, resulting in approximately 45 images recorded per minute. We programmed the timelapse VCRs to record daily, beginning before sunrise and ending after sunset. Each recording system was powered by 12-volt deep cycle marine batteries, and stored least 25 meters away from the nest tree in latching plastic containers. We replaced batteries and VHS tapes in each recording system every third day. We recorded all prey deliveries to the nest until after the young had fledged or the nesting attempt had failed. We reviewed VHS tapes using a stop action VCR to allow scrutiny of still images of prey items delivered. We recorded all prey items delivered to the nest by the adult RSHAs as well as the respective date, time, and nest identification number. We used regional field guides, museum specimens and refuge staff biologist’s expertise to identify prey items to the lowest possible taxonomic level. We estimated the mass of prey items delivered using those reported in several published sources (Table 1). However, despite the advantages of video documentation, we were not able to precisely identify all prey items. We categorized prey items that we could not identify to at least genus into groups based on general physical features and size (i.e. small mammal, large snake, etc.) and used the average biomass of similar identified prey items. To facilitate analysis we pooled prey items into 5 taxonomic groups: amphibians, birds, insects, mammals and reptiles. We identified prey items that 66 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 were not fully consumed, cached and subsequently delivered and only included the original delivery in analyses. In addition, we excluded from analyses, all prey items that were unidentifiable to at least a taxon group or were unseen (Table 1). Analysis To ensure an unbiased estimate of delivery rates and proportions of prey types delivered to nestlings we restricted our analysis to data collected prior to fledging. We included data collected at nests that failed if the mortalities were likely independent of provisioning rates (i.e., predation) and more than 30 prey items had been identified. We conducted all analyses using STATISTICA version 6.0 (Statsoft Tulsa, Oklahoma). We used compositionally transformed data (Aitchison 2003) in ANOVA, and Tukey’s HSD test to determine if all prey categories were used similarly across all nests. We examined the frequency of occurrence and proportion of biomass for each prey category. In addition, we used brood size as the independent variable in an ANOVA to test for differences in prey categories used between brood sizes. Furthermore, we used a t-test to compared average prey size delivered by adults rearing broods of 2 nestlings and broods of 3 nestlings. To assess provisioning rates of adult RSHAs we analyzed the average daily frequency of occurrence and the average biomass delivery rates of each prey category for each nest. We define the frequency of occurrence as the total number of prey items in each category delivered per hour each day. Similarly, we define the biomass delivery rate as the total number of estimated grams of prey in each category delivered per hour each day. To assess the relationships of brood size and prey provisioning rates we also analyzed the frequency of occurrence and the biomass delivery rates of each prey 67 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 category on a per-nestling basis. To control for potential bias caused by the age of nestlings, we estimated hatch date by back dating from the estimated age of nestlings when first found, and included nestling age as a covariate in an ANCOVA. We tested the effects of brood size as the independent variable on the daily delivery rates using dependent variables: occurrences/hour, grams/hour, occurrences/hour/nestling and grams/hour/nestling. Results We installed cameras at 7 active RSHA nests in 2005 and 3 active RSHA nests in 2006; all nests contained clutches of 2 or 3 young. In 2005 we were able to collect over 1300 hours of footage yielding over 1100 identified prey items. In 2006, due to dramatically lower nesting density and nest success rates we were only able to document 145 hours of footage during which we identified 149 prey items delivered. In total we identified 1320 of the 1495 (88.3%) prey items delivered during 1457 hours of video monitoring (Tables 1 & 2). Adults delivered an average of 11.8 ± 7.7(X̄ ± SD) prey items and 433 ± 340 of prey per day. On average each nestling received 5 ± 4 prey items and 183 ± 131g of prey each day. Assuming a 35-day nestling period (Crocoll 1994) we estimate that adult RSHAs provide an average of 183 prey items and 6391g of prey to fledge one nestling. The large standard deviations around these means indicate the variable nature of nestling diets and reflect differences in prey availability across nests and between study years. For example, nest 12 was initiated 28 days later than other nests monitored in 2005. Adults from nest 12 delivered more prey items (22 ± 10) but fewer grams of prey (295 ± 187) per day than adults from other nests. 68 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Composition of diet Using ANOVA, we found significant differences between the occurrence and biomass contributed by prey categories to RSHA nestling diets (F2,78 = 16.142, P < 0.001). Further examination with univariate tests indicated that prey category significantly influenced both the relative proportion of occurrences and biomass contributed to RSHA nestling diets (F4,40 = 12.423, P < 0.001 and F4,40 = 6.268, P < 0.001; respectively). Using Tukey’s HSD test, we found that insect and reptilian prey were delivered more often than bird prey, but at rates similar to amphibian and mammalian prey items (Figure 1). We found that insects and birds contributed less biomass to nestling diets than all other prey categories. In addition, mammalian and reptilian prey items contributed more biomass than all other prey categories other than amphibians. We were unable to detect a difference in frequency of occurrence of prey categories between brood sizes (F5,3 = 2.66, P = 0.224). Furthermore, we found that the biomass contributed by prey category was similar between brood sizes (F5,3 = 0.608, P = 0.670). When considering the average size of prey items delivered by adults at all nests, we initially found that adults raising 3 nestlings delivered larger prey items (30.4 ± 67.4g) than those with 2 nestlings (44.5 ± 67.3g; t1822 = 4.330, P < 0.001). However, because of the much later initiation date, we were concerned about the potential bias caused by the data collected at nest 12. To evaluate the possible influence of data collected at nest 12, we again compared mean prey size between all nests excluding nest 12. Results then showed no detectable difference in mean prey size delivered to the different clutches (2 nestlings = 41.9 ± 77.2g, 3 nestlings = 44.5 ± 67.3g; t1336 = 0.655, P = 0.512). Research 69 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 as early as Lack (1954) has shown differences in brood size and survival of late initiated nests. Because of this, we conclude that the data recorded at nest 12 is likely not representative of those found during the normal breeding season, and hence they were excluded from analyses of prey provisioning rates. Provisioning rates and productivity Using ANCOVA, we found that clutch size was associated with both the number of prey items delivered per hour as well as the amount of biomass delivered per hour (F4,106 = 47.439, P < 0.001; Figure 2). Adults with larger broods delivered more prey per hour than adults with smaller broods (F1,109 = 5.544, P = 0.020), but similar number of prey per hour per nestling (F1,109 = 0.700, P = 0.404). In addition, adults provisioning broods of 3 delivered more biomass per hour than those providing for 2 nestlings (F1,109 = 8.544, P = 0.004), but did not provide significantly different amounts of biomass per nestling (F1,109 = 0.099, P = 0.752). Discussion Composition of diet Red-shouldered hawks in south Texas did not use all prey categories in similar frequencies. Mammalian, reptilian, and insect prey items were used more often than any other type of prey but the majority of biomass came from mammalian and reptilian prey. This pattern can be explained through optimal foraging theory wherein predators attempt to maximize the nutritional gain while minimizing the energetic cost incurred through travel, prey pursuit, capture, and handling time (Schoener 1979). Red-shouldered hawk productivity may be most befitted by utilizing prey in proportion to some function of the ease with which it can be obtained and the energy provided by it. The low frequency and 70 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 biomass avian prey contributed to the diets of RSHAs may be explained by a presumably greater difficulty of capturing comparatively quick and agile prey. Grieco (2001) found that smaller prey items correlated with higher prey delivery rates in nesting blue tits (Parus caeruleus). This is likely caused by the necessity of adults to meet a minimum caloric value to maintain the clutch. Red-shouldered hawks demonstrated similar patterns while providing nestlings with small prey items such as insects. Optimal foraging theory would suggest that during periods when RSHAs used insect prey items, the energetic costs in procuring them was likely low. To successfully meet higher prey demands of larger clutch sizes adults must increase the total caloric values of food provided to young. Adults birds can compensate heightened demands in two conceivable ways: first adults may select prey in accordance with their nutritional value (i.e. biomass), or second, adults may deliver prey to nestlings at a higher rate. Grieco (2001) showed that decreased rates of food begging by nestling blue tits resulted in lower prey delivery rates but larger prey items delivered. This suggests that provided less demand adults blue tits changed their foraging efforts by being more selective in prey types delivered to nestlings. Similarly, nesting American kestrels (Falco sparverious) minimized travel costs by delivering larger prey items to nestlings while consuming smaller prey items (Rudolph 1982). Further, Golet et al. (2000) have shown that adult pigeon guillemots (Cepphus clumba) that specialized in larger and higher-energy prey species fledged more young than those that used a variety of prey. In order to successfully fledge larger broods, adults must meet the greater caloric demands of more young. To meet these demands adults could be more selective regarding the type or size of prey used. However, in our study, clutch size did not appear 71 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 to influence the types of prey adult RSHAs delivered to nestlings, nor the average size of prey used. Thus as our results show, in order to fledge broods of 3 nestlings, RSHAs provided prey items at higher rates than adults rearing 2 young. Provisioning rates and productivity Experiments on the effects of prey availability and brood sizes have documented significant responses of prey provisioning by adult birds. Wright et al. (1998) altered brood sizes of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to find that larger brood sizes resulted in higher delivery rates and changes in prey types used by adults. Similarly, female Eurasian kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) demonstrated lower hunting effort and prey delivery rates when their broods were provided a supplementary food source (Wiehn and Korpimäki 1997). Cooper’s hawks (Accipiter cooperii), however, did not show any increase in prey provisioning rates as brood sizes were manipulated (Snyder and Snyder 1973). Similar to results found for starlings and Eurasian kestrels, we found that under natural circumstances adult RSHAs rearing broods of 3 made more deliveries than adults rearing broods of 2 nestlings. However, these higher delivery rates did not result in more deliveries per nestling. Similarly, adult RSHAs rearing broods of 3 delivered significantly more biomass per hour than adults raising only 2 nestlings, yet on a per nestling basis, nestlings in broods of 3 were provided a similar biomass of prey as those in broods of 2. The apparent compensation for brood size through delivery rates has often been suggested to be a life history trait to maximize adult productivity under variable conditions (Lack 1954). Lack (1954) argued that the availability of resources such as prey determine avian clutch sizes and hence productivity. Similarly, studies have shown 72 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 that supplemental feeding often induces earlier nest initiation, larger clutches and higher productivity in raptors (Newton and Marquiss 1981, Dijkstra et al. 1982). The increased productivity of RSHAs rearing larger broods appears to result from higher delivery rates of prey items and biomass of prey. Higher delivery rates may be indicative of higher quality habitat or greater hunting proficiency of adults (Newton 1979). However, larger brood sizes may not directly relate to higher productivity. Wright et al. (1998), found that starlings originating form larger broods fledged at lower body masses and likely had lower survival than those of smaller clutches. Further research should be conducted to examine the survival rates and productivity of individuals reared in different sized broods. Management Implications Red-shouldered hawks in south Texas use mammalian and reptilian prey items more often than most other prey types. Mammalian and reptilian prey may be selected more often because their higher biomass and abundance make them a more energetically economic. In addition RSHAs with higher delivery rates succeeded in fledging more nestlings than adults with lower delivery rates. This suggests that breeding habitat containing high abundances of mammalian and reptilian prey items is likely of higher value to RSHA and will result in higher productivity. Therefore, management practices intended to enhance RSHA productivity should include management benefiting small mammal and herpetile populations. 73 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Literature cited Aitchison, J. 2003. A concise guide to compositional data analysis. CDA workshop. Girona. Bednarz, J. C. and J. J. Dinsmore. 1985. Flexible dietary response and feeding ecology of the red-shouldered hawk, Buteo lineatus, in Iowa. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 99:262-264. Bent, A. C. 1937. Life histories of American birds of prey. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 167, Washington, D.C. Blair, W. F. 1950. The biotic provinces of Texas. Texas Journal of Science 2:93-116. Boutin, S. 1990. Food supplementation experiments with terrestrial vertebrates: patterns, problems and the future. 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The effect of food and predation on breeding density and success, clutch size and laying date of the crow (Corvus corone L.). Journal of Animal Ecology 43:479-498. 76 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 4.1 Species list of prey items delivered to nestlings in 7 Red-shouldered hawk nests in 2005-2006 in south Texas. Percent of occurrence and biomass contributed to total nestling diet by each prey item. N = number of individuals, %N = percent occurrence of prey, Mass = estimated biomass (g), and % Mass = percent of total biomass contributed by prey type. N %N Mass (g) % Mass Cicada (Tibicen spp.) 38 1.81 3a 0.15 Leaf-footed bug (Coreidae spp.) 2 0.16 3a 0.01 Unidentified beetles (Scarabaeidae spp.) 6 0.71 1a 0.02 Unidentifed insects 500 37.64 2a 2.11 Subtotal 536 40.61 Gulf cost toad (Bufo valliceps) 2 0.16 20b 0.09 Bullfrog (Rana catesbieana) 12 0.82 500b 11.49 Rio Grande leopard frog (Rana 1 0.11 30b 0.09 Unidentified frog (Rana spp.) 93 6.78 30b 5.70 Subtotal 108 8.18 Insectaa 2.37 Amphibiab berlandieri) 77 19.13 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 4.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass 1 0.05 10b 0.02 Green anole (Anolis carolinensis) 71 4.10 3.34c 0.38 Slender glass lizard (Ophisaurus 3 0.27 109b 0.84 21 1.86 17b 0.89 Unidentified lizard 10 0.66 17b 0.31 Checkered garter snake (Thamnophis 4 0.38 109b 1.17 1 0.05 62d 0.09 3 0.22 109b 0.67 16 0.88 178d 4.36 1 0.16 68.75e 0.32 Reptilia Common ground skink (Scincella lateralis) attenuatus) Unidentified tree lizard (Sceloporus spp.) marcianus) Diamondback watersnake (Nerodia rhombifer) Easter garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) Eastern coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) Eastern hog-nosed snake (Heterodon platirhinos) 78 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 4.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass Great plains rat snake (Elaphe gutatta) 4 0.22 120d 0.74 Gulf coast ribbon snake (Thamnophis 5 0.49 109b 1.50 1 0.05 40d 0.06 2 0.11 9b 0.03 164 16.03 30f 13.47 12 1.09 109b 3.34 Texas rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta) 5 0.27 135d 1.03 Yellow belly racer (Coluber constrictor) 26 2.02 77b 4.37 Yellow-bellied watersnake (Nerodia 1 0.05 62d 0.09 Unidentified watersnake (Nerodia spp.) 1 0.05 62d 0.09 Unidentified garter snake (Thamnophis 6 0.44 109b 1.34 Unidentified small snake 16 0.98 9b 0.25 Unidentified medium snake 38 3.12 109b 9.52 Reptilia (continued) proximus) Prairie king snake (Lampropeltis calligaster) Rough earth snake (Virignia striatula) Rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus) Texas patch nose snake (Salvadora grahamiae) erythrogaster) spp.) 79 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 4.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass 4 0.44 111b 1.36 416 31.52 6 0.33 100g 0.92 European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) 1 0.05 82g 0.13 Hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina) 2 0.11 10.5g 0.03 Indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea) 1 0.05 15.5g 0.02 Mourning warbler (Oporornis 1 0.05 12.5g 0.02 Northern cardinal (Cardnalis cardinalis) 2 0.11 45g 0.14 Plain chachalaca (Ortalis vetula) 1 0.05 100g 0.15 Prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria 1 0.05 16g 0.02 Red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus) 1 0.05 17g 0.03 Sora (Porzana carolina) 1 0.05 75g 0.11 Yellow billed cuckoo (Coccyzus 1 0.05 52g 0.08 2i / 2 0.33 40 / 85g 0.51 Reptilia (continued) Unidentified reptile Subtotal 43.92 Aves Common moorhen (Gallinula cholorpus) philadelphia) citrea) americanus) Unidentified rail (Rallus spp.) 80 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 4.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass Unidentified small bird 39 2.19 10g 0.61 Unidentified medium bird 1 0.05 25g 0.04 Unidentified large bird 1 0.05 50g 0.08 Subtotal 63 4.77 1i 0.22 750h 4.60 4 0.22 18h 0.11 2 0.11 52h 0.16 Hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hisipidus) 63 4.43 115h 14.27 Least shrew (Cryptotis parva) 4 0.27 5.75h 0.04 Marsh rice rat (Oryzymus palustris) 4 0.27 51h 0.39 No. grasshopper mouse (Onychomys 1 0.05 36.5h 0.06 Pocket gopher (Geomys spp.) 9 0.55 212h 3.25 Southern plains wood rat (Neotoma 1 0.05 257h 0.39 Aves 3.88 Mammalia Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) Fulvous harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys fulvescens) Gulf coast kangaroo rat (Dipodomys compactus) leucogaster) micropus) 81 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Table 4.1 Continued N %N Mass (g) % Mass Unidentified mouse (Peromyscus spp.) 57 3.67 22.75h 2.34 Unidentified shrew (Scoricidae) 3 0.22 5.2h 0.03 Unidentified small mammal 8 0.66 13h 0.24 Unidentified medium mammal 36 2.90 50h 4.06 Unidentified large mammal 4 0.33 100h 0.92 Subtotal 197 14.92 30.70 TOTAL 1320 100 100 a – estimated mass from video images b – mass from nearest related species reported by Steenhof (1983) c – average mass reported by Jenssen et al. (1995) d – calculated from equation reported by Kaufman and Gibbons (1975) and estimated lengths e – median value from 160 individuals reported by Platt (1969) f – calculated from equation reported by Plummer (1985) with estimated lengths g – mass reported by Sibley (2003) h – mass reported by Davis and Schmidly (1994) i – represent subadult animals 82 28 2 9 69 3 13 319 71 22 536 Nest 02 Nest 05 Nest 05 Nest 08 Nest 09 Nest 11 Nest 12 Nest 14 Nest 18 Subtotal N 35.85 37.29 57.72 74.01 9.35 2.16 29.36 5.52 2.78 20.90 % Insecta 108 3 3 18 9 13 6 26 8 22 N 7.22 5.08 2.44 4.18 6.47 9.35 2.55 15.95 11.11 16.42 % Amphibia 416 11 21 33 60 66 110 58 27 30 27.83 18.64 17.07 7.66 43.17 47.48 46.81 35.58 37.50 22.39 % Reptilia N recorders at 7 nests in 2005 and 2 nests in 2006. 83 63 0 2 0 18 10 2 16 7 8 N % 4.21 0.00 1.63 0.00 12.95 7.19 0.85 9.82 9.72 5.97 Aves 197 12 3 19 25 24 28 43 19 24 N 13.18 20.34 2.44 4.41 17.99 17.27 11.91 26.38 26.39 17.91 % Mammalia 175 11 23 42 14 23 20 11 9 22 N 11.71 18.64 18.70 9.74 10.07 16.55 8.51 6.75 12.50 16.42 % Unknown 1495 Total 59 123 431 139 139 235 163 72 134 Subtotal Table 4.2 Occurrence of prey types in diets of nestling red-shouldered hawks in south Texas. Data collected using video Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Insecta Amphibia Reptilia prey category percent occurence Aves Mammalia percent biomass Figure 4.1 Mean percent (±95% CI) of occurrence and estimated biomass contributed by 5 prey categories to the diets of nestling red-shouldered hawks. Data collected at 7 RSHA nests in 2005-2006 in south Texas. 84 1.25 50 1.00 40 0.75 30 0.50 20 0.25 10 0.00 2 nestlings 3 nestlings grams of prey delivered prey items delivered Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 0 Clutch Size deliveries / hr deliveries / hr / nestling biomass / hr biomass / hr / nestling Figure 4.2 Comparison of nestling provisioning rates between different sized clutches by adult Red-shouldered hawks in 2005-2006 in south Texas. Mean (±95% CI) frequency of prey deliveries and mean (±95% CI) estimated grams of prey delivered per hour and per nestling. Data collected at 7 RSHA nests in 2005-2006 in south Texas. 85 Texas Tech University, Strobel, August 2007 PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at Texas Tech University or Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, I agree that the Library and my major department shall make it freely available for research purposes. Permission to copy this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the Director of the Library or my major professor. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my further written permission and that any user may be liable for copyright infringement. Agree (Permission is granted.) ________________________________________________ Student Signature ________________ Date Disagree (Permission is not granted.) Bradley N. Strobel _______________________________________________ Student Signature 7/24/2007 _________________ Date