Avian Diversity, Productivity, Survival, and Ecology in the Texas Coastal Bend by EVONNE SCHROEDER, B.S. A Thesis In WILDLIFE SCIENCE Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Dr. Clint W. Boal Committee Chair Dr. Selma Glasscock Dr. Gad Perry Fred Hartmeister Dean of the Graduate School May 2010 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project would not have been possible without the funding support of the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation. I would especially like to thank the refuge directors, Dr. D.L. Drawe, Dr. Terry Blankenship and Dr. Selma Glasscock, for their support and assistance. I extend a special thanks to B.C. Glasscock who “volunteered” extra time and effort to help clear net lanes. I would especially like to thank my advisor, Dr. Clint Boal, for providing the opportunity to study at Texas Tech University and for his support of this project. I also thank my committee members: Dr. Gad Perry and Dr. Selma Glasscock for their input in the creation of this work. I extend a special thank you to Amy Potts and Brad Strobel who provided essential on the ground help when I needed it most. Finally, I acknowledge my family, especially my grandparents, who sent their love in the form of cookies and encouraging letters and my parents for their love, support and encouragement. Numerous people have provided support through encouraging words and friendship that it would be impossible to thank them all by name. Many thanks to all. ii Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................. ii LIST OF TABLES ..........................................................................................................v LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... vii I. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................1 Introduction .............................................................................................1 Literature Cited .......................................................................................1 II. AVIAN DIVERSITY AND SPECIES RICHNESS IN TWO VEGETATION COMMUNITIES IN THE TEXAS COASTAL BEND .....................................2 Abstract ...................................................................................................2 Introduction .............................................................................................3 Methods ...................................................................................................5 Results .....................................................................................................8 Discussion .............................................................................................10 Management Implications .....................................................................12 Literature Cited .....................................................................................12 III. AVIAN PRODUCTIVITY AND SURVIVORSHIP IN THE TEXAS COASTAL BEND ............................................................................................24 Abstract .................................................................................................24 Introduction ...........................................................................................25 Methods .................................................................................................27 iii Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Results ...................................................................................................30 Discussion .............................................................................................31 Management Implications .....................................................................33 Literature Cited .....................................................................................34 IV. NESTLING DIETS OF SYMPATRIC GOLDEN-FRONTED (MELANERPES AURIFRONS) AND LADDER-BACKED (PICOIDES SCALARIS) WOODPECKERS .............................................................................................45 Abstract .................................................................................................45 Introduction ...........................................................................................46 Methods .................................................................................................48 Results ...................................................................................................50 Discussion .............................................................................................51 Management Implications .....................................................................55 Literature Cited .....................................................................................55 iv Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Counts of species identified via point counts and mist nets in riparian forest and shrubland vegetation communities during the breeding seasons of 20072008 on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. ...............................................................20 2.2 Counts of breeding species identified via point counts and mist nets in riparian forest and shrubland vegetation communities during the breeding seasons of 2007-2008 on the Welder Wildlife Refuge .......................................................22 2.3 Avian community overlap for all species detected by vegetation type (shrubland and riparian forest) and method (point counts and mist nets) during 2007 and 2008 on the Welder Wildlife Refuge ................................................23 2.4 Avian community richness for breeding species detected and overlap by vegetation type (shrubland and riparian forest) and method (point counts and mist nets) during 2007 and 2008 on the Welder Wildlife Refuge ....................23 3.1 Number of captures for all individuals (N) and hatch-year birds (HY) by year for breeding species during 2007-2009 at Mesquite Pasture and Hackberry Motte study sites on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas .....................38 3.2 Summary of birds (Individuals, Recaptures and Totals) captured from 11 May to 8 August for 2007, 2008 and 2009 at study sites in shrubland and riparian forest vegetation communities. .........................................................................39 3.3 Apparent survival estimates (φ) and recapture probabilities (p) for Northern Cardinals and Painted Buntings derived from capture histories of adult birds on the Welder Wildlife Refuge during the summers of 2007, 2008, and 2009. ....41 3.4 Candidate models evaluating survival estimates (φ) and recapture probability (p) parameters for two common species within two vegetation communities on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. .............................................................................42 3.5 Changes between years in the reproductive index (young/adult) for three species and all species pooled at two MAPS stations on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas during 2007, 2008, and 2009 ........................................43 3.6 Changes between years in the reproductive index (young/adult) for MAPS stations across the south-central United States (from DeSante and Kashube 2009) .................................................................................................................44 v Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 4.1 Observation start and end dates and total hours for Golden-fronted (GFWO) and Ladder-backed (LBWO) Woodpecker cavities during summers of 2007, 2008 and 2009 ...................................................................................................61 4.2 Summary of observed prey deliveries by male and female Ladder-backed and Golden-fronted Woodpeckers to cavity nests at the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Texas, 2007-2009 ..............................................................................................62 4.3 Total number and percent of prey categories in diets of nestling Ladder-backed Woodpeckers in the Texas coastal bend. Data collected using video surveillance at 1 cavity in 2007, 1 cavity in 2008 and 2 cavities in 2009 .........63 4.4 Total number and percent of prey categories in diets of nestling Golden-fronted Woodpeckers in the Texas coastal bend. Data collected via direct observations at 1 cavity in 2007 and video surveillance at 2 cavities in 2007 and 1 cavity in 2008 ...................................................................................................................64 vi Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Total species richness of shrubland and riparian forest vegetation communities over two year period (2007–2008) by survey method at the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas. ......................................................................................18 2.2 Average species richness detected by survey methods for shrubland and riparian forest vegetation communities by year (2007 and 2008) at the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas .........................................................................19 vii Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The collection of data presented in this thesis occurred during the summers of 2007, 2008, and 2009 on the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge in San Patricio County, Texas. This study focused on avian ecology and communities in the Texas coastal bend. The objectives of this study were to assess avian productivity and survival through operation of two netting arrays, conduct point counts at netting arrays to estimate species richness and abundance, and monitor nestling diet of sympatric Goldenfronted (Melanerpes aurifrons) and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers (Picoides scalaris). The following chapters are formatted to facilitate future publications of results with each chapter written as a stand-alone document. Therefore there may be some repetition in sections regarding study area, methods, and introduction. These chapters are the responsibility of the author but in publication will have more than one author. The following chapters have been formatted to follow author submission guidelines for publication in the Wilson Journal of Ornithology (Wilson Ornithological Society 2006). LITERATURE CITED Wilson Ornithological Society. 2006. Guidelines for authors. http://www.wilsonsociety.org/documents/wjoguidelines_for_authors.pdf (accessed 3 November 2009). 1 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 CHAPTER II AVIAN DIVERSITY AND SPECIES RICHNESS IN TWO VEGETATION COMMUNITIES IN THE TEXAS COASTAL BEND ABSTRACT Declining bird populations have been discovered across North America through the long-term monitoring of the Breeding Bird Survey. The Breeding Bird Survey for Texas suggests significant declines in a quarter of the surveyed species (n = 160). As part of a long-term monitoring program, I established banding stations in a riparian forest and a shrubland vegetation community at the Welder Wildlife Refuge, in San Patricio County, Texas. Stations were operated once every ten days from 11 May to 8 August 2007 and 2008. Point counts were also conducted during the peak of the breeding season (mid-May to mid-June) on the day prior to or following netting. Sixty-six total species were detected through mist nets and point counts. Fifteen species were observed but not captured, and twenty-six species were captured but not observed. Breeding bird species richness was greater in the shrubland vegetation community (n = 20) than riparian forest (n = 16). Of mist net captures in the vegetation communities, more unique species and total captures were obtained in the shrubland station than the riparian forest station. Species richness was greatest in the shrubland independent of survey method used. Vegetation can affect detection and capture of species; therefore, a combination of point 2 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 counts and mist nets may better facilitate intensive monitoring schemes dependent on research goals. INTRODUCTION Declining populations of breeding birds have been reported across the United States and Canada (Robbins et al. 1989, Askins 1993, Sauer et al. 2007) through longterm monitoring via the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). Of breeding birds surveyed from 1996-2006, 28% are experiencing a significant negative population trend, and when combined with those species with nonsignificant negative trends, the percentage increased to 54% (Sauer et al. 2007). Although attention has been given to the state of decline in grassland breeding birds (Brennan and Kuvlesky 2005), BBS data indicate shrubland and woodland breeding birds also show significant declines of 37% and 27%, respectively (Sauer et al. 2007). Texas BBS results echo those of the survey-wide census; 25% of surveyed breeding species experienced significant declining trends from 1966-2006 (Sauer et al. 2007). In 2005, Texas Parks and Wildlife issued the Texas Wildlife Action Plan (TWAP), which outlined species of concern in the various ecoregions of Texas (Bender et al. 2005). The listing of over 190 avian species in the TWAP illustrates the level of concern for Texas avifauna. Along with riparian forest habitats, the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes ecoregion is considered a top tier conservation priority for Texas Parks and Wildlife (Bender et al. 2005). Shrublands have received little conservation attention in the United States (Askins 2001), and this is reflected in the significant decline in 30% of shrubland breeding birds in Texas (Sauer et al. 2007). 3 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 The Rob & Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge is located within the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes ecoregion of the Texas coastal bend. The refuge provides an opportunity to monitor avian population trends in a high conservation priority area that is protected and managed for wildlife conservation. Breeding bird species that occur on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, such as the Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus), Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Picoides scalaris), Pyrrhuloxia (Cardinalis sinuatus), and Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris), have shown significant declines in the Texas BBS from 1966-2006 (Sauer et al. 2007). To better understand conservation needs of avian species of concern, monitoring programs are needed to assess avian populations within the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes ecoregion and vegetation communities of concern. Mist net surveys are useful in sampling and surveying for many species, especially those that may be cryptic or nonvocal, whereas point count data can account for species not normally caught in mist-nets (Blake and Loiselle 2001, Wang and Finch 2002). Therefore, point counts, when combined with mist-netting efforts, allow for a more complete assessment of avian species richness. This combination of survey techniques is recommended for avian monitoring programs (Dawson et al. 1995, Rappole et al. 1998, Whitman 2004). The objectives of this study were to (1) estimate avian abundance and species richness in a riparian forest and a shrubland vegetation community through mist net and point count surveys and (2) evaluate the efficacy and benefits of these two common methods of avian population monitoring. Herein, I present the results of a two year study examining diversity and species richness in two vegetation communities, riparian forest and shrubland, during the 2007 and 2008 breeding seasons. 4 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 METHODS Study Area The Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge (3,156 ha) is located approximately 13 km north of Sinton, Texas along the northern edge of San Patricio County in the coastal bend region of Texas. Average summer temperature is 30o C with average yearly rainfall totals of 74.4 cm for San Patricio County (Guckian and Garcia 1979). The refuge consists primarily of shrubland vegetation with a number of live oak and riparian woodlands. Within the Welder Wildlife Refuge, I selected two study sites, one each in riparian forest and shrubland vegetation communities. The first study site was located in transitional riparian woodland located along the Aransas River. This vegetation community was characterized by hackberry (Celtis spp.), anacua (Ehretia anacua), cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia) and mustang grape (Vitis mustangensis) (Rappole and Blacklock 1985). The second study site was in a shrubland community characterized by mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), silver bluestem (Bothriochloa saccharoides), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and lime pricklyash (Zanthoxylum fagara) (Drawe et al. 1978). Mist nets I established and operated constant effort mist netting stations within each of the two study sites during the summers of 2007 and 2008. Netting arrays were situated opportunistically throughout the mist net stations in locations suitable to catch birds moving through the habitat (Ralph et al. 1993, DeSante et al. 2009). Each station was established and operated according to Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship 5 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 (MAPS) guidelines to assess species composition, abundance, survivorship, and productivity. MAPS stations are operated within ten, 10-day periods with the starting period dependent upon latitudinal location and when many migrant species will have already passed through. The two stations were each operated one day during each MAPS periods 2 through 10, which occur 11 May to 8 August (DeSante et al. 2009). Operation of nets every ten days prevents local breeding birds from becoming accustomed to net locations (Burton and DeSante 2004, Faaborg et al. 2004, Ralph et al. 2004). Nets were opened a half-hour prior to sunrise and closed approximately five or six hours later depending upon sun exposure. Stations were each comprised of ten 12m long x 2.6m high, 36mm mesh mist nets. Nets were checked at 20-40 min intervals, depending upon weather conditions such as gusty or high winds and temperatures over 32oC in the shade. Captured birds were removed from the net, placed in cotton holding bags, and taken to a central processing location. All birds captured were marked with unique numbered aluminum bands from the USGS Bird Banding Laboratory in accordance with the banding permit. Those birds that were captured and unable to be banded (e.g. hummingbirds) were processed in the same way, but with data recorded as an unbanded bird as dictated by MAPS protocol. All birds were aged and sexed according to Pyle (1997) when age and sex determination characteristics were able to be determined. Age determinations were based on plumage characteristics and degree of skull ossification, whereas sex determination was based on plumage, wing chord, and indicators of breeding condition (i.e., brood patch or cloacal protuberance). Mass was measured using an electronic scale accurate to 0.1g (Model HH-320, Ohaus®, Pine Brook, New Jersey). Additional data were recorded, according to 6 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 MAPS protocol, on body fat, body molt, fight feather molt, flight feather wear, and extent of juvenal plumage. Point Counts Point counts are accepted as the standard avian census technique (Verner 1988, Ralph et al. 1993, Ralph et al. 1995) and conducted in monitoring programs to provide an index of bird abundance and species richness (Hutto et al. 1986, Petit et al. 1995, Siegel et al. 2001). To obtain accurate information regarding avian diversity, point counts were conducted at the MAPS stations, in addition to banding. As the purpose of these counts was to detect breeding birds by sight or sound, all surveys were conducted at the beginning of the breeding season (11 May through 19 June), when adults are most detectable (Ralph et al. 1993). Points were systematically placed 150 meters apart for a total of nine, 50-meter fixed-radius points within the boundaries of each MAPS station (Ralph et al. 1993). Surveys were conducted immediately prior to or following the banding day at that station. Point counts were started at sunrise and continuing until no later than 10:00 a.m. (Ralph et al. 1993). Counts were 5 minutes in duration (Ralph et al. 1995) and all birds heard or seen in the count radius were recorded along with their estimated distance from the plot center. Additional data were recorded on birds seen flying over point count locations but not seen utilizing the area. Birds were identified to species using visual or aural cues; unidentified individuals were assigned to the most specific group possible (e.g., unknown Myiarchus flycatcher). Common and scientific names of bird species follow the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds (1998). 7 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Analyses I used Sorensen’s similarity coefficient (Ss) to examine similarity between methods (point count and mist net surveys) and between vegetation communities (shrubland and riparian forest) calculated from the formula Ss = 2a / (a + b + c) where a = number of species at both site A and B; b = number of species at site A only; c = number of species at site B only (Krebs 1998). Sorensen’s similarity coefficient (SSC) values are interpreted as the proportion of species in common between sites or methods. A SSC index of 1 indicates that species are the same at both sites, whereas an index of 0 indicates no species in common occur between the sites. I used t-tests to calculate differences in species richness (i.e., species diversity) between the vegetation communities and estimated by different survey methods. RESULTS Species composition varied within vegetation communities by survey method (Fig. 2.1) and by year (Fig. 2.2). A total of 66 species were seen, heard, or captured through mist net and point count surveys (Table 2.1). Of these, 15 species were observed on point counts, but not captured, and 26 species were captured in mist nets, but not observed on point counts. In the shrubland, 26 species were observed on point counts and 38 species were captured in netting arrays; while in the riparian forest 25 species were observed on point counts and 29 species were captured in netting arrays. A total of 40 species were captured or observed in riparian forest and 46 species were captured or observed in shrubland. Species richness estimated from mist net captures differed significantly between the two vegetation communities (t = 2.11, df = 17, P < 0.001), but not within communities between years (shrubland, t = 2.31, df = 8, P = 0.38; riparian 8 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 forest, t = 2.31, df = 8, P = 0.16). Species richness estimates based on point counts were not significantly different between the two vegetation communities (t = 2.11, df = 17, P = 0.23) or within communities between years (shrubland, t = 2.31, df = 8, P = 0.62; riparian forest, t = 2.31, df = 8, P = 0.06). Species richness estimates based on mist nets compared to point counts differed significantly in the riparian forest (t = 2.11, df = 17, P < 0.001), but were similar in the shrubland community (t = 2.11, df = 17, P = 0.44). Both vegetation communities had similar numbers of migrant species, with riparian forest migrants (n = 14) accounting for 33% of captures and shrubland migrants (n = 13) accounting for 25% of captures. Although shrubland and riparian forest vegetation communities vary in terms of plant structure, composition, and density, 23 species detected occurred within both vegetation communities. Of these 23 shared species, only 12 were considered to be resident breeders. A total of 37 breeding species were detected in the vegetation communities with 21 captured or observed in the riparian forest and 26 captured or observed in the shrubland (Table 2.2). Sorensen’s similarity coefficient values were similar among all comparisons of methods and vegetation communities (Table 2.3). Mist net and point count survey methods had an overlap of 43% of species within each vegetation community. Mist net surveys always resulted in the greatest diversity of species independent of vegetation community except for breeding species in the riparian forest (Table 2.4). Examination of SSC values for breeding species indicate a greater overlap between survey methods (50%) compared to all detected species. Overlap of breeding species in the two vegetation communities was 40.7%. 9 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 DISCUSSION Disadvantages and merits of point counts and mist nets have been discussed within the literature. Many studies have compared aspects of point counts and mist nets for wintering (Dawson et al. 1995, Wallace et al. 1996, Gram and Faaborg 1997, Whitman et al. 1997, Blake and Loiselle 2001, Faaborg et al. 2004) and migratory species (Dawson et al. 1995, Rappole et al. 1998, Wang and Finch 2002), but few have compared these methods during the breeding season (Rappole et al. 1993, Dawson et al 1995). Studies conducted during the breeding season evaluated these methods in “pasture and forest” communities in Mexico (Dawson et al. 1995) and oak forest in Virginia (Rappole et al. 1993). This study examined differences between the results produced by these methods within shrubland and riparian forest communities in the Texas coastal bend. Regardless of season or vegetation communities, no single method best surveyed the avian community. Detection and capture of avian species varies according to a suite of factors. These include observer detection and identification biases, structure of the vegetation community, and bird behavior which varies by season and species. More species were detected with mist nets, regardless of vegetation community, than were detected on point counts. This is likely due to the presence of late migrants captured in netting arrays that went undetected during point counts due to their quiet behavior while away from the breeding grounds; point counts are dependent upon brief aural or visual cues for species detection and identification. Of the 26 species detected by only mist nets, 19 were migrants. Some species that would not likely be encountered in mist nets because of their size and behavior (e.g., Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo, Cattle Egrets Bubulcus ibis, 10 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus). These were only detected during point counts. Therefore, limitations of survey methods should be acknowledged, and use of both methods should provide a more complete census of the avian community. Species richness was greatest in shrubland regardless of survey method used (Figure 2.1). Average species richness detected by the two methods was significantly different within the forest, but not the shrubland. This is likely a reflection of the vegetation structure and the ability of the survey methods to accurately sample the species of the riparian forest avian community. For example, Yellow-billed Cuckoos in the riparian forest were regularly observed on point counts, though often heard on netting days, were never captured in mist nets. As this species regularly forages in the forest canopy above net height of 2.6m (Hughes 1999), mist net captures were unlikely. However, Yellow-billed Cuckoos were regularly captured in shrubland nets since net height was closer to the maximum height of the vegetation in this community. Faaborg et al. (2004) suggests mist-netting results may be most accurate in areas with “short, scrubby” vegetation. Though not recommended according to MAPS protocols (DeSante et al. 2009), canopy nets, in addition to ground level nets, may improve sampling of the forest avian community via mist nets (Jenni et al. 1996, Bonter et al. 2008). Overlap SSC values for mist net and point count surveys for breeding species was 0.526 for shrubland and 0.511 for riparian forest. Although the overlap of the avian community among survey methods was higher among breeding species, about 50% of the resident species would be overlooked using a single method. A combination of point count and mist net surveys may better facilitate intensive avian monitoring schemes due to detection limitations of each survey method. Point 11 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 counts are often favored as an inexpensive alternative to more costly and intensive studies using mist nets. However, long-term mist net monitoring usually provides additional data, such as population demographics (see next chapter), unavailable through point count surveys. Monitoring demographic parameters of productivity and survivorship provide additional information for discerning the patterns of avian declines and are important data for conservation and management planning. Additionally, mist nets run by properly trained and permitted personnel have the auxiliary benefit of serving as a tool for public education programs regarding avian conservation (Hansrote 1996). MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS This study indicates the benefits of using two survey methods, point counts and mist nets, to assess avian populations. Operating two banding stations, in addition to conducting point counts, would be labor intensive for the Welder Wildlife Foundation, therefore a focus on one vegetation community may best suit the needs of the Foundation. Shrublands constitute the majority of vegetation on the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge. Therefore, continuation of the shrubland netting array would be most beneficial to understanding the breeding avian community across the refuge. Continuation of the rotating burn schedule would help maintain the open habitat structure needed by the shrubland-nesting avian community. In addition to surveying during the breeding season, this netting array could also be used to monitor the wintering shrubland avian community. LITERATURE CITED American Ornithologists’ Union. 1998. Check-list of North American birds, 7th Edition. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D. C., USA. 12 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Askins, R. A. 1993. Population trends in grassland, shrubland and forest birds in eastern North America. Current Ornithology 6:1−34. Askins, R. A. 2001. 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Pages 49−56 in Monitoring Bird Populations by Point Counts (C. J. Ralph, J. R. Sauer, and S. Droege, Editors). Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, California, USA. Ralph, C. J., G. R. Geupel, P. Pyle, T. E. Martin, and D. F. DeSante. 1993. Handbook of field methods for monitoring landbirds. General Technical Report PSW-GTR144. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Albany, California, USA. Ralph, C. J., S. Droege, and J. R. Sauer. 1995. Managing and monitoring birds using point counts: standards and applications. Pages 161−169 in Monitoring Bird Populations by Point Counts (C. J. Ralph, J. R. Sauer, and S. Droege, Editors). Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, California, USA. Ralph, C. J., E. H. Dunn, W. J. Peach, and C. M Handel. 2004. Recommendations for the use of mist nets for inventory and monitoring of bird populations. Studies in Avian Biology 29:187−196. Pyle, P. 1997. 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Using point counts to establish conservation priorities: how many visits are optimal? Journal of Field Ornithology 72:228−235. Verner, J. 1988. Optimizing the duration of point counts for monitoring trends in bird populations. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Berkeley, California, USA. Wallace, G. E., H. G. Alonso, M. K. McNicholl, D. R. Batista, R. O. Prieto, A. L. Sosa, B. S. Oria, and E. A. H. Wallace. 1996. Winter surveys of forest-dwelling neotropical migrant and resident birds in three regions of Cuba. Condor 98:745−768. Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch. 2002. Consistency of mist netting and point counts in assessing landbird species richness and relative abundance during migration. Condor 104:59−72. 16 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Whitman, A. A., J. M. Hagan, III, and N. V. L. Brokaw. 1997. A comparison of two bird survey techniques used in a subtropical forest. Condor 99:955−965. Whitman, A. A. 2004. Use of mist nets for study of neotropical bird communities. Studies in Avian Biology 29:161−167. 17 Texas Tech University, Evonne nne Schroeder, May 2010 40 Mist Nets 35 Point Counts Species Richness 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Shrubland Riparian Forest FIG. 2.1. Total species richness of shrubland and riparian iparian forest vegetation communities over two year period (2007–2008) (2007 2008) by survey method at the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas. 18 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 8.0 Mist Nets 7.0 Average Number of Species Point Counts 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Shrubland 2007 Riparian Forest 2007 2008 2008 FIG. 2.2. Average species richness detected by survey methods for shrubland and riparian forest vegetation communities by year (2007 and 2008) at the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas. 19 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 2.1. Counts of species identified via point counts and mist nets in riparian forest and shrubland vegetation communities during the breeding seasons of 2007-2008 on Welder Wildlife Refuge. Mist Nets Species Acadian Flycatcher Ash-throated Flycatcher Audubon's Oriole Bewick's Wren Black-and-white Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Black-crested Titmouse Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Bronzed Cowbird Brown-crested Flycatcher Brown-headed Cowbird Buff-bellied Hummingbird Bullock's Oriole Canada Warbler Carolina Chickadee Carolina Wren Cattle Egret Chestnut-sided Warbler Common Ground Dove Common Yellow-throat Dickcissel Eastern Wood-Pewee Golden-fronted Woodpecker Gray Catbird Great Egret Great Kiskadee Greater Roadrunner Great-tailed Grackle Green Jay Green Kingfisher Inca Dove Ladder-backed Woodpecker Point Counts Riparian Forest Shrubland Riparian Forest Shrubland 5 1 3 9 1 3 2 5 2 20 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 10 7 1 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 5 13 2 7 25 3 1 2 3 6 1 2 2 3 2 14 8 8 25 1 2 2 6 20 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 2.1. Continued. Mist Nets Species Lark Sparrow Long-billed Thrasher Louisiana Waterthrush Magnolia Warbler Mourning Dove Mourning Warbler Northern Bobwhite Northern Cardinal Northern Mockingbird Olive Sparrow Olive-sided Flycatcher Orchard Oriole Painted Bunting Pyrrhuloxia Red-eyed Vireo Red-shouldered Hawk Red-winged Blackbird Ruby-throated Hummingbird Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Summer Tanager Swainson's Thrush Traill's Flycatcher Unknown Flycatcher Unknown Hummingbird Unk. Myiarchus Flycatcher Unknown Species Veery Verdin White-eyed Vireo White-tipped Dove Wild Turkey Willow Flycatcher Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Yellow-billed Cuckoo Point Counts Riparian Forest Shrubland Riparian Forest Shrubland 2 1 1 1 186 3 5 1 13 1 1 9 1 1 3 - 4 1 80 26 4 1 4 55 6 1 4 1 2 4 2 2 1 46 1 16 3 132 1 2 8 3 1 1 3 19 2 2 32 1 7 18 49 27 1 37 6 4 8 1 1 1 18 14 21 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Counts of breeding species identified via point counts and mist nets in riparian forest and shrubland vegetation communities during the 2007-2008 breeding seasons on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. TABLE 2.2. Species Ash-throated Flycatcher Audubon's Oriole Bewick's Wren Black-crested Titmouse Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Bronzed Cowbird Brown-crested Flycatcher Brown-headed Cowbird Buff-bellied Hummingbird Carolina Chickadee Carolina Wren Common Ground Dove Dickcissel Golden-fronted Woodpecker Great Kiskadee Greater Roadrunner Green Jay Green Kingfisher Inca Dove Ladder-backed Woodpecker Lark Sparrow Long-billed Thrasher Mourning Dove Northern Bobwhite Northern Cardinal Northern Mockingbird Olive Sparrow Painted Bunting Pyrrhuloxia Red-shouldered Hawk Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Summer Tanager Verdin White-eyed Vireo White-tipped Dove Wild Turkey Yellow-billed Cuckoo Species Detected Mist Nets Riparian Forest Shrubland 1 1 1 9 3 1 1 3 10 3 7 2 2 2 20 4 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 4 186 80 26 3 4 5 55 6 2 13 1 9 46 1 16 17 22 22 Point Counts Riparian Forest Shrubland 2 5 13 3 2 2 14 7 25 8 25 2 2 6 1 2 6 1 3 7 18 132 49 27 1 1 37 6 2 8 8 1 19 18 2 2 32 14 18 20 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 2.3. Avian community overlap for all species detected within vegetation type (shrubland and riparian forest) and by method (point counts and mist nets) during 2007 and 2008 on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Sorensen’s Similarity Coefficient (SSC) values are interpreted as the proportion of species in common between sites or methods (where 1 = complete overlap; 0 = no overlap). Point Counts Mist Nets Shared Species SSC Value Shrubland 26 38 18 0.439 Riparian Forest 25 30 14 0.406 Method 40 51 25 0.431 Habitat 46 41 24 0.432 TABLE 2.4. Avian community richness for breeding species detected and overlap by vegetation type (shrubland and riparian forest) and method (point counts and mist nets) during 2007 and 2008 on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Sorensen’s Similarity Coefficient (SSC) values are interpreted as the proportion of species in common between sites or methods (where 1 = complete overlap; 0 = no overlap). Point Counts Mist Nets Shared Species SSC Value Shrubland 20 22 15 0.526 Riparian Forest 18 17 12 0.511 Method 30 29 22 0.543 Habitat 26 21 12 0.407 23 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 CHAPTER III AVIAN PRODUCTIVITY AND SURVIVORSHIP IN THE TEXAS COASTAL BEND ABSTRACT Widespread avian population declines have been documented across the United States and Canada through the Breeding Bird Survey, but causes of these declines are often undetermined. Monitoring avian vital rates, such as survivorship and productivity, are essential to understanding conservation needs and dynamics of avian populations. The Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship program was established as a continent-wide effort to better understand population trends of avian species and identify possible factors influencing avian populations. I operated mist netting stations during the breeding seasons of 2007, 2008, and 2009 in two vegetation communities, shrubland and riparian forest, to determine productivity and survivorship of resident avian species in the Texas coastal bend. Capture rates (birds/100 net hours) and numbers of hatch-year birds were higher in the shrubland but did not statistically differ from those found in the riparian forest. Productivity indices were not statistically different between the two vegetation communities (shrubland, 0.6; riparian forest, 0.4; P = 0.368); productivity in riparian forest decreased consistently throughout this study. Apparent survival estimates and recapture probabilities were calculated for adult Painted Buntings and Northern Cardinals using Live Recapture Models in Program MARK. Model AICc weights indicate little support for site specific influences on survivorship or recapture 24 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 probabilities. However, considerable effort must be expended to accumulate sufficient data to allow meaningful interpretations of population trends. This may be especially problematic for those species of greatest interest, as their numbers may be low and result in few recaptures for survival modeling. INTRODUCTION Declining populations of breeding birds have been reported across the United States and Canada (Robbins et al. 1989, Askins 1993, Sauer et al. 2007) through longterm monitoring via the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). Of breeding birds surveyed from 1966-2006, 28% are experiencing a significant negative population trend and when combined with those species with nonsignificant negative trends, the percentage increased to 54% (Sauer et al. 2007). Although attention has been given to the state of decline in grassland breeding birds (Brennan and Kuvlesky 2005), BBS data indicate shrubland and woodland breeding birds also show significant declines of 37% and 27%, respectively (Sauer et al. 2007). Texas BBS results echo those of the United States BBS census as 25% of surveyed breeding species experienced significant declining trends from 1966-2006 (Sauer et al. 2007). In 2005, Texas Parks and Wildlife issued the Texas Wildlife Action Plan (TWAP) which outlined species of concern in the various ecoregions of Texas (Bender et al. 2005). The listing of over 190 avian species in the TWAP illustrates the level of concern for Texas avifauna. Furthermore, the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes ecoregion is considered a top tier conservation priority for Texas Parks and Wildlife along with riparian forest habitats (Bender et al. 2005). Shrublands have received little 25 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 conservation attention in the United States (Askins 2001) and this is reflected in the significant decline in 30% of shrubland breeding birds in Texas (Sauer et al. 2007). The Rob & Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge is located within an ecotone of the South Texas Plains and the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes ecoregions of the Texas coastal bend. This provides an opportunity to monitor avian population trends in a high conservation priority area that is protected and managed for wildlife conservation. Breeding bird species that occur on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, such as the Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus), Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Picoides scalaris), Pyrrhuloxia (Cardinalis sinuatus) and Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris), have shown significant declines in the Texas BBS from 1966-2006 (Sauer et al. 2007). However, the proximate causes of the declining trends are often unclear. Mark-recapture based banding studies provide the best opportunity to obtain population demography information such as age and sex ratios, survivorship and productivity (Ralph et al. 1993, Dunn and Ralph 2004). Although there are many disturbances in establishment and monitoring of mist nets, Jennings et al. (2009) demonstrated the use of mist nets and their associated activity do not negatively affect reproduction in passerines. Productivity and survival estimates obtained through mistnetting have been shown to be consistent with population changes (DeSante et al. 1999). In turn, this allows insights as to factors affecting population changes (DeSante 1992, 1998, 2004). Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program was designed to identify whether population changes were due to activities on the breeding grounds that may influence productivity, on the wintering grounds through survivorship, or both (DeSante et al. 2004). The Institute for Bird Populations (IBP) created the MAPS 26 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 program in 1989. The original program of 16 stations has since grown to over 400 stations across the United States and Canada (DeSante et al. 2009). For the south-central United States, which includes portions of Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas, IBP pools species across states and vegetation communities for survival estimates, recapture probabilities, and reproductive estimates (DeSante et al. 2009). Thus, MAPS programs provide beneficial information regarding yearly productivity estimates and population trends across large regions (Bart et al. 1999). I assisted the Welder Wildlife Foundation in development of MAPS stations that could be used as an ecological monitoring tool for resident breeding birds on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, and as a tool for the foundation’s conservation education program. As part of this program I collected productivity and survivorship data for breeding birds in two common vegetation communities of the coastal bend region of Texas during the breeding seasons of 2007, 2008, and 2009 to assess population demographics of shrubland and riparian forest avian communities. METHODS The Welder Wildlife Refuge (3,156 ha) is located approximately 13 km north of Sinton, Texas along the northern edge of San Patricio County in the coastal bend region of Texas. Average summer temperature is 30o C with average yearly rainfall totals of 74.4 cm for San Patricio County (Guckian and Garcia 1979). Two vegetation communities selected for this project were 1) riparian forest and 2) shrubland. Located along the Aransas River, Hackberry Motte, was a transitional riparian forest vegetation community characterized by hackberry (Celtis spp.), anacua (Ehretia anacua), cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia) and mustang grape (Vitis mustangensis) (Rappole and Blacklock 27 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 1985). A shrubland community was chosen in Mesquite Pasture which was characterized by honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), silver bluestem (Bothriochloa saccharoides), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and lime pricklyash (Zanthoxylum fagara) (Drawe et al. 1978). I established and operated constant effort mist netting stations according to MAPS guidelines to assess resident bird survivorship and productivity within the two vegetation communities. Stations are operated one day within ten 10-day periods (1 May to 8 August) with the starting period for the station dependent upon latitudinal location and timing of northbound passage of migrants (DeSante et al. 2009). For this study, I operated each station for one day during each MAPS periods 2 through 10, which occurred annually from 11 May to 8 August (DeSante et al. 2009). Operation of nets once every ten days allows time between netting to prevent resident breeding birds from becoming accustomed to net locations and therefore avoiding capture in the future. Mist nets (n = 10) were 12m long x 2.6m high with 36mm black nylon mesh, and were opened from a half-hour prior to sunrise until approximately five or six hours later. Netting arrays were situated opportunistically throughout the core area of the stations in locations deemed suitable to catch birds moving through the habitat (Ralph et al. 1993, DeSante et al. 2009). Nets were checked at 20-40 minute intervals dependent upon weather conditions. Captured birds were extracted from netting, placed in cotton holding bags and taken to a central processing location. All birds captured were marked with unique numbered aluminum bands from the USGS Bird Banding Laboratory; birds that were captured and unable to be banded (e.g. hummingbirds) were processed as other captures with data recorded as an unbanded bird. 28 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 All birds were aged and sexed according to Pyle (1997) when possible. Age determinations were based on plumage characteristics (such as shape and wear) and degree of skull pneumaticization, while sex determination was based on plumage characteristics, wing chord, and indicators of breeding condition (i.e., brood patch and cloacal protuberance). Additional data were taken, according to MAPS protocol, on body fat, body molt, fight feather molt, flight feather wear, extent of juvenal plumage, and body mass. Body mass was measured using an electronic scale accurate to 0.1g (Model HH-320, Ohaus®). Common and scientific names of bird species follow the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds (1998). Productivity estimates are based on a reproductive index of a species, the proportion of hatch-year (HY) birds per resident after hatch-year (AHY) birds caught (Nur et al. 1999). Live Recaptures Models in Program MARK were used to develop a priori models (White and Burnham 1999) for two species present at both sites, Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) and Painted Buntings (Passerina ciris). Only these two species were encountered enough times (see previous chapter) to provide sufficient sample sizes of recaptures needed for models. In the null model, survival and recapture rates were held constant; in the site specific models, survival and recapture were modeled as a function of the vegetation community where individuals were captured. A global model was incorporated in order to compare residuals between the fully parameterized model and the reduced model. Corrected Akaike’s information criterion (AICc) was used to evaluate candidate models for survival estimates and recapture probabilities. To eliminate the confounding factor of juvenile dispersal, apparent survival and recapture 29 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 probabilities were estimated using only adults. Apparent survival estimates (φ) and recapture probabilities (p) are presented with their associated standard error (SE). RESULTS Adult population size (all resident breeding species pooled) was highest in 2007 for riparian forest and 2008 in the shrubland and lowest for both stations in 2009 (Table 3.1). Total capture rates (birds per 100 net hours) of individuals were numerically greater for shrubland than for riparian forest, but was not statistically different between sites (t = 4.30, df = 2, P = 0.242). Total recaptures (n = 117) were higher in riparian forest most likely due to greater mist net effort due to weather and temperature conditions. The shrubland nets were affected more by wind, heat and sun exposure than the riparian forest nets due to the trees providing wind breaks and shading nets from the sun. When adjusted for effort, recapture rates (birds per 100 net hours) were similar between shrubland (9.24) and riparian forest (8.55) (Table 3.2). Reproductive Index (HY/AHY) was highest overall in shrubland (0.6) though not statistically different between vegetation communities (riparian forest, 0.4; t = 4.30, df = 2, P = 0.368). Estimates of apparent survival and recapture probabilities were calculated for Painted Buntings and Northern Cardinals (Table 3.3). AICc weights indicate none of the models supported site-specific survivorship or recapture probabilities, suggesting the estimates for these parameters were equivalent between shrubland and riparian forest (Table 3.4). Constant survival models for Painted Buntings were supported by 0.5128 AICc weight which estimated annual apparent survival at 0.609 (± 0.440) with a recapture probability of 0.283 (± 0.266). The annual apparent survival estimate for Northern Cardinals was 0.478 (± 0.141) with a recapture probability of 0.400 (± 0.155). 30 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Models did not support site specific recapture probability for the riparian forest and shrubland, therefore the recapture probability estimate within both vegetation communities was 0.408 (± 0.136). DISCUSSION Whereas species composition may vary between vegetation communities, results from this three-year study indicate that overall apparent survival estimates, recapture probabilities, and productivity indexes were equivalent between the riparian forest and shrubland communities in this study area. Survival rate estimates from this study for Northern Cardinals were lower compared to other MAPS stations in the south-central United States yet recapture probabilities were higher (DeSante and Kashube 2009). However, Painted Buntings survival estimates were higher and recapture probabilities were lower (DeSante and Kashube 2009). This is likely an affect of sample size as the standard error for Painted Buntings were larger than that for Northern Cardinals. Recaptures of hatch-year birds in subsequent years was low. Within the scope of this study, it could not be determined if this was the effect of dispersal of juvenile birds from the natal area (Greenwood and Harvey 1982, Davis and Howe 1992, Anders et al. 1998) or an effect of juvenile or overwinter survival (Anders et al. 1997). Recapture sample sizes of adults and hatch-year birds were insufficient to test between year survival estimates and recapture probability differences for Painted Buntings or Northern Cardinals. IBP South-Central Region survival estimates (0.491± 0.088) and recapture probabilities (0.330 ± 0.096) fall within the standard error of the estimates for this study (DeSante and Kaschube 2009). Karr et al. (1990) reported an annual survival rate of 0.60 ± 0.06 for Northern Cardinals in Maryland which also falls within the standard error 31 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 estimates for DeSante and Kaschube (2009) and this study. Sample size of captures for survival and recapture probability estimates for this study was insufficient to detect differences. However, this study encompassed only three years of a program that requires longer periods of monitoring; continued monitoring of these populations will provide improved estimates of survival and recapture probabilities and population trends. Yearly reproductive indices for the avian communities within the two vegetation communities indicate that productivity was variable in the shrubland but consistently declining in the riparian forest. Changes in the reproductive index for all captured species between 2007 and 2008 was positive for shrubland (0.358) and negative for riparian forest (-0.329), while both experienced negative changes (shrubland, -0.745; riparian forest, -0.228) between 2008 and 2009 (Table 3.5). This may be explained in part by the environmental conditions during this study. During the 2007 breeding season, rainfall was sufficient to flood low lying areas, especially in riparian corridors. This flood event occurred in July; therefore the flooding probably did not greatly affect productivity as it likely only affected the renest attempts of individuals with nests in the low lying areas. At the start of the 2009 breeding season, cumulative precipitation totals were 14.2 cm below normal for the year (Fernandez 2009). Productivity indices were lowest at both sites during 2009, possibly caused by reduced food availability from drought. Avian populations in the riparian forest may be unable to maintain themselves with this apparent continual decreasing trend in productivity without a source population. Although no regional data are available for this time period, south-central US MAPS stations also had periods of decreased productivity for Northern Cardinals, Painted Buntings, White-eyed Vireos and all species pooled for 2004-2005 and, except for 32 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Northern Cardinals, again for 2005-2006 (Table 3.6). As fluctuations in avian populations occur regularly, it is unclear how the severely reduced reproductive indices seen during this study will affect future productivity without long-term monitoring. Located within an ecotone of two high conservation priority ecoregions for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the Gulf Coast Prairie and South Texas Plains (Bender et al. 2005), the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge has documented over 114 avian species within refuge boundaries that are currently listed as species of concern (Welder Wildlife Foundation 2005, Bender et al. 2005). Though species of concern may exist in lower population numbers which make estimates of survival and recapture probabilities fallible, long-term monitoring can provide baseline data on the stability of the population. Therefore, long-term monitoring of avian populations through the establishment and continuation of a MAPS station at the Welder Wildlife Refuge will provide beneficial data regarding avian population dynamics, including avian productivity and survivorship, in the Texas coastal bend. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Survival estimates and recapture probabilities in this study were greatly influenced by the number of Northern Cardinals captured, especially in the riparian forest. Shrubland vegetation community did not show this skew capture bias to a single species. Therefore, long-term monitoring in the shrubland would provide the most information on a variety of breeding species and lead to a better understanding of vital rates of the breeding avian community across the refuge. In addition to productivity, survival estimates and recapture probabilities, monitoring avian populations in the 33 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 shrubland can also provide data on responses to prescribed burning. However, burn plots should be conducted after the main breeding season to reduce the impact on productivity. LITERATURE CITED Anders, A. D., J. Faaborg, and F. R. Thompson, III. 1998. Postfledgling dispersal, habitat use, and home-range size of juvenile Wood Thrushes. 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Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, USA. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/business/grants/wildlife/wildlife_action_plan/ (accessed 10 June 2007). Brennan, L.A. and W. P. Kuvlesky, Jr. 2005. North American grassland birds: an unfolding conservation crisis? Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1−13. 34 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Davis, G. J. and R. W. Howe. 1992. Juvenile dispersal, limited breeding sites, and the dynamics of metapopulations. Theoretical Population Biology 41:184−207. DeSante, D. F. 1992. Monitoring avian productivity and survivorship (MAPS): a sharp, rather than blunt, tool for monitoring and assessing landbird populations. Pages 511−521 in Wildlife 2001: Populations. (D. R. McCullough and R. H. Barrett, Editors). Elsevier Applied Science, London, England. DeSante, D. F. and D. R. Kaschube. 2009. The Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program 2004, 2005, and 2006 report. Bird Populations 9:86−169. DeSante, D. F., D. R. 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Institute for Bird Populations Contribution Number 127. Point Reyes Station, California, USA. Drawe, D. L., A. D. Chamrad, and T. W. Box. 1978. Plant Communities of the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Welder Wildlife Foundation Contribution Number 5. Sinton, Texas, USA. Dunn, E. H. and C. J. Ralph. 2004. Use of mist nets as a tool for bird population monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology 29:1−6. Fernandez, C. J. 2009. Crop weather program: rainfall tool, Version 3.0. Texas AgriLife Research & Extension Center at Corpus Christi. http://cwp.tamu.edu (accessed 18 November 2009). Greenwood, P. J. 1980. Mating systems, philopatry, and dispersal in birds and mammals. Animal Behavior 28:1140−1162. Guckian, W. J., and R. N. Garcia. 1979. Soil Survey of San Patricio and Aransas Counties. USDA Soil Conservation Service. Jennings, S. T. Gardali, N. E. Seavy, and G. R. Geupel. 2009. Effects of mist netting on reproductive performance of Wrentits and Song Sparrows in central coastal California. 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College Station, Texas, USA. Robbins, C. S., J. R. Sauer, R. S. Greenberg, and S. Droege. 1989. Population declines in North American birds that migrate to the neotropics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86:7658–7662. Sauer, J. R., J. E. Hines, and J. Fallon. 2007. The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966–2006, Version 10.13.2007. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland, USA. Welder Wildlife Foundation. 2005. Birds of the Welder Wildlife Refuge, San Patricio County, Texas, USA. White, G. C., and K. P. Burnham. 1999. Program MARK: Survival estimation from populations of marked animals. Bird Study 46(supplement):S120−138. 37 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 3.1. Number of captures for all individuals (N) and hatch-year birds (HY) by year for breeding species during 2007-2009 at shrubland and riparian forest study sites on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas. Bold italics indicate breeding birds that are listed as species of concern in the Texas Wildlife Action Plan. Species listed in alphabetical order. Shrubland Species Ash-throated Flycatcher Audubon's Oriole Bewick's Wren Black-and-white Warbler Black-crested Titmouse Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Bronzed Cowbird Brown-crested Flycatcher Brown-headed Cowbird Buff-bellied hummingbird Carolina Chickadee Carolina Wren Common Ground Dove Dickcissel Golden-fronted Woodpecker Great-crested Flycatcher Great-tailed Grackle Green Jay Green Kingfisher Ladder-backed Woodpecker Lark Sparrow Long-billed Thrasher Louisiana Waterthrush Northern Bobwhite Northern Cardinal Northern Mockingbird Olive Sparrow Orchard Oriole Painted Bunting Pyrrhuloxia Red-winged Blackbird Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Summer Tanager Verdin White-eyed Vireo White-tipped Dove Yellow-billed Cuckoo Total Captures Net hours Birds per 100 net hours Reproductive Index (HY/AHY) 2007 N HY 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 4 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 28 9 4 1 2 1 1 0 23 9 3 1 15 12 7 0 101 36 401.7 25.1 9.0 0.6 2008 N HY 3 0 5 0 2 0 3 0 3 3 3 0 1 0 3 1 32 18 21 15 1 1 3 21 10 1 0 4 0 2 2 1 0 16 12 5 0 130 62 356.3 36.5 17.4 0.9 38 Riparian Forest 2009 N HY 2 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 3 0 4 31 3 5 1 2 0 21 3 2 1 5 1 1 1 5 3 7 1 90 19 367.8 24.5 5.2 0.3 2007 N HY 1 0 1 0 5 1 2 0 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 88 44 1 1 1 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 115 47 469.6 24.5 10.0 0.7 2008 N HY 2 0 3 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 58 19 2 2 4 0 7 0 5 0 94 25 485.0 19.4 5.2 0.4 2009 N HY 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 4 2 2 0 5 0 50 6 1 0 3 1 4 0 3 0 76 9 413.2 18.4 2.2 0.1 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 3.2. Summary of birds (Individuals, Recaptures and Totals) captured from 11 May to 8 August for 2007, 2008 and 2009 at study sites in shrubland and riparian forest vegetation communities. Species shown in bold italics denote Texas Wildlife Action Plan Species of Concern. Shrubland Riparian Forest Species New Recaps Total New Recaps Total Acadian Flycatcher American Redstart Ash-throated Flycatcher Audubon's Oriole Bewick's Wren Black-and-white Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Black-crested Titmouse Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Bronzed Cowbird Brown-crested Flycatcher Brown-headed Cowbird Buff-bellied hummingbird Bullock's Oriole Canada Warbler Carolina Chickadee Carolina Wren Chestnut-sided Warbler Common Ground Dove Dickcissel Eastern Wood-Pewee Golden-fronted Woodpecker Gray Catbird Great-crested Flycatcher Great-tailed Grackle Green Jay Green Kingfisher Indigo Bunting Ladder-backed Woodpecker Lark Sparrow Long-billed Thrasher Louisiana Waterthrush 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 11 5 1 6 2 2 6 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 1 7 - 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 12 9 1 6 2 2 6 2 1 3 4 2 3 2 1 7 - 6 2 4 7 1 1 3 3 5 2 10 2 7 4 1 1 1 7 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 2 4 8 1 1 4 3 5 2 25 2 7 4 1 1 1 8 1 39 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 3.2. Continued. Species Magnolia Warbler Mourning Warbler Northern Bobwhite Northern Cardinal Northern Mockingbird Northern Waterthrush Olive Sparrow Olive-sided Flycatcher Orchard Oriole Painted Bunting Pyrrhuloxia Red-eyed Vireo Red-winged Blackbird Ruby-throated Hummingbird Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Summer Tanager Swainson's Thrush "Traill's" Flycatcher Veery Verdin "Western" Flycatcher White-eyed Vireo White-tipped Dove Willow Flycatcher Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Yellow-billed Cuckoo Capture Totals Net hours Birds per 100 net hours Shrubland New Recaps Total 4 2 6 1 1 2 4 0 4 79 39 118 30 1 31 5 1 6 1 0 1 4 0 4 57 20 77 6 2 8 3 0 3 9 0 9 2 0 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 5 0 5 15 0 15 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 32 25 57 1 0 1 1 0 1 19 5 24 350 104 454 1125.8 31.1 9.2 40.3 Riparian Forest New Recaps Total 1 0 1 1 0 1 164 89 253 1 0 1 4 0 4 8 0 8 1 0 1 1 0 1 13 6 19 2 1 3 1 0 1 10 3 13 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 3 274 117 391 1367.8 20.0 8.6 28.6 Note: "Traill's" flycatcher grouping consists of two species that are either Willow or Alder flycatchers and "Western" Flycatcher is a grouping of Pacific-slope and Cordilleran Flycatchers that were impossible to identify to species. 40 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 3.3. Apparent survival estimates (φ) and recapture probabilities (p) for Northern Cardinals and Painted Buntings derived from capture histories of adult birds on the Welder Wildlife Refuge during the summers of 2007, 2008, and 2009. Species Number of Survival Probability Recapture Probability Individuals Captures φ ± SE p ± SE Northern Cardinal 161 185 0.478 ± 0.142 0.400 ± 0.155 Painted Bunting 43 49 0.609 ± 0.440 0.283 ± 0.266 41 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 3.4. Candidate models evaluating survival estimates (φ) and recapture probability (p) parameters for two common species (Northern Cardinal and Painted Bunting) within two vegetation communities on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Northern Cardinal Model ∆AICc AICw K Deviance φ.p. 0.0000 0.5463 2 14.4796 φ . p site 2.0624 0.1948 3 14.4330 φ site p . 2.0946 0.1917 3 14.4652 φ site p site 4.1887 0.0673 4 14.4119 Painted Bunting Model ∆AICc AICw K Deviance φ.p. 0.0000 0.2692 2 8.9981 φ . p site 0.1995 0.2436 3 6.6991 φ site p . 0.1995 0.2436 3 6.6991 φ site p site 0.1995 0.2436 3 6.6991 42 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 3.5. Changes between years in the reproductive index (young/adult) for three species and all species pooled at two MAPS stations on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas during 2007, 2008, and 2009. Reproductive Index % Change Species 2007 2008 2009 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 SHRUBLAND Northern Cardinal Painted Bunting White-eyed Vireo All Species Pooled 0.474 0.643 4.000 0.554 1.286 0.909 3.000 0.912 0.107 0.167 1.500 0.167 171.4 41.4 -25.0 64.6 -91.7 -81.7 -50.0 -81.7 RIPARIAN FOREST Northern Cardinal All Species Pooled 1.000 0.691 0.487 0.362 0.136 0.134 -51.3 -47.6 -72.0 -62.9 43 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 3.6. Changes between years in the reproductive index (young/adult) for MAPS stations across the South-central United States (from DeSante and Kashube 2009). Reproductive Index % Change Species 2004 2005 2006 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 Northern Cardinal 0.626 0.428 0.557 -31.6 24.9 Painted Bunting 0.215 0.185 0.196 -14.2 -18.1 White-eyed Vireo 0.477 0.418 0.346 -12.4 -8.3 All Species Pooled 0.375 0.372 0.349 -0.9 -3.5 44 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 CHAPTER IV NESTLING DIETS AND PARENTAL CARE OF SYMPATRIC GOLDEN-FRONTED (MELANERPES AURIFRONS) AND LADDER-BACKED (PICOIDES SCALARIS) WOODPECKERS ABSTRACT Diets of nestling Golden-fronted (Melanerpes aurifrons) and Ladder-backed (Picoides scalaris) Woodpeckers were examined to assess the ecological overlap of these species at the Rob and Bessie Welder Foundation Wildlife Refuge, in San Patricio County, Texas. Video surveillance and direct observations were used to monitor provisioning rates and identify items delivered by adult woodpeckers to their nestlings. Observations were made at Ladder-backed Woodpecker cavities (n = 4) for 328 hours ( x = 89.4 ± 36.5 SE) and at Golden-fronted Woodpecker cavities (n = 4) for 230 hours ( x = 57.4 ± 19.1 SE). Invertebrate prey items were identified to order when possible, and plant items to species. Food items were grouped into the following categories: animal matter (adult invertebrates and invertebrate larvae), vegetable matter (berries), other items (snail shells and rocks) and unknown items. Of identifiable food items, Ladderbacked Woodpecker nestling diets consisted of 100% animal matter, comprised of invertebrate larvae (99%) and invertebrate adults (1%). Diets of Golden-fronted Woodpecker nestlings were also high in animal matter (77.5%), with more invertebrate adults (55%) and fewer invertebrate larvae (27%), but also included vegetable matter 45 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 (16%). In coarse food classification, Morisita’s measure of overlap suggested a 31% dietary overlap between these two sympatric woodpecker species. Foraging methods employed by these species may explain the low dietary overlap and may also facilitate their coexistence. INTRODUCTION Declining populations of breeding birds have been reported across the United States and Canada (Askins 1993, Sauer et. al 2007) through long-term monitoring via the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). Survey-wide BBS data indicate 44% of cavity-nesting species are in decline including ten excavator species (e.g. flickers, woodpeckers and sapsuckers). Texas BBS results echo these showing similar declines in proportions of cavity-nesting birds (0.44) and excavator species (0.50). Golden-fronted (Melanerpes aurifrons) and Ladder-backed (Picoides scalaris) Woodpeckers have experienced a decline in Texas from 1966 to 2007 according to the BBS (Sauer et al. 2007) and are currently listed as priority species of concern on the Wildlife Action Plan for Texas (Bender et al. 2005). They are also the only woodpeckers to occur year-round at the Welder Wildlife Refuge in the coastal bend region of Texas. These excavator species provide nesting or roosting locations for secondary cavity users that are also species of concern, such as breeding Black-crested Titmice (Parus atricristatus) and wintering American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) (Bender et al. 2005). Skutch (1950) provided an outline of information that should be included in detailed life histories of avian species, which includes period of incubation, rate of fooddelivery, types of food, length of nestling period and nest failure causes. There have been no quantitative studies on aspects of parental care, such as feeding rates, brooding bouts, 46 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 or nest sanitation for either Golden-fronted Woodpeckers or Ladder-backed Woodpeckers (Husak and Maxwell 1998, Lowther 2001). Parental care tasks, such as food provisioning and nest sanitation, are often reported among woodpeckers as the males having the greater role in these tasks (Kendeigh 1952, Kilham 1983, Hawkins and Ritchison 1996). Although sometimes the investment of parental care is more equally divided between the pair (Kilham 1983, Lawrence 1966). Published quantitative diet analyses of Ladder-backed and Golden-fronted Woodpeckers have only been studied using stomach contents from birds of unreported ages (Beal 1911). However, diets from stomach analysis can be biased due to deterioration of samples before processing or from different digestion rates of food items (Dillery 1965, Coleman 1974, Rosenberg and Cooper 1990). Other studies have provided observations of the Golden-fronted Woodpecker food items which consist of a variety of invertebrates (adult and larval forms), fruits, nuts and grains (Bent 1939, Leck 1969, Oberholser 1974, Martin and Kroll 1975, Short 1982, Kujawa 1984, Husak and Maxwell 1998). In contrast, the bulk of Ladder-backed Woodpecker diet is composed of larval arthropods (Simmons in Bent 1939, Short 1971). However, these qualitative data provide little information as to the extent which food items are important in their respective diets. Nestling diets in avian species are known to vary from adult diets because of nutritional needs for developing chicks (Johnston 1993, Pechacek and Kristin 2004, Koenig et al. 2008). To address the lack of quantitative information on nestling diets for Golden-fronted and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers, I conducted a study of comparative food habits of sympatric Golden-fronted and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers nesting in the coastal bend region of Texas. 47 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 METHODS The study site was on the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge (3,156 ha) near Sinton, Texas along the northern edge of San Patricio County in the coastal bend region of Texas. Average summer temperature is 30o C with average yearly rainfall totals of 74.4 cm for San Patricio County (Guckian and Garcia 1979). Mesquitegrassland mosaic vegetation communities constitute the majority of the vegetation types on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. This shrubland vegetation community was characterized by honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), agarita (Mahonia trifoliolata), lotebush (Ziziphus obtusifolia), granjeno (Celtis pallida), silver bluestem (Bothriochloa saccharoides), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and lime pricklyash (Zanthoxylum fagara) (Drawe et al. 1978). This study was conducted during woodpecker breeding seasons from 14 May to 5 July in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Nests were found opportunistically while traveling along refuge roads and trails, or reported by other researchers and refuge staff. Because of the lengthy nestling stage for woodpeckers (Yom-Tov and Ar 1993), most nests were found during this stage. Contents of accessible cavities were examined with a mirror and flashlight to determine clutch size and nestling age (Ligon 1970, Jackson 1976, Nilsson 1984) and for proper analyzation of feeding rates (Lawrence 1966). To prevent a decrease in nest success caused by flushing adults off the nest, I attempted to examine cavity contents only when the adults were away from the nest. Statuses of inaccessible cavities were determined by behavioral cues of adults (Lawrence 1966, Jackson 1976). 48 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 A combination of direct observations and video recordings were used to assess food deliveries by adult woodpeckers to nestlings at nest cavities. To minimize disturbance of nesting behavior, direct observations were made with binoculars and spotting scopes ≥ 10 m from nests but at a distance from which male and female woodpeckers could be distinguished and the cavity could be viewed without obstruction. Color video cameras (Model OC-225, Clover Electronics®, Los Alamitos, CA U.S.A.) were installed adjacent (< 0.5 m) to cavity entrance when monitored cavities reached the nestling stage. Camera images were recorded using time-lapse VHS recorders (Model SL820, Security Labs®, Noblesville, IN U.S.A.) programmed to record in 48Hr timelapse mode daily from before sunrise (06:00) to after sunset (20:45). Tapes were subsequently reviewed for delivery of food items to the cavity. I grouped food items into the following categories: animal matter (adult invertebrates and invertebrate larvae), vegetable matter (berries), other items (snail shells and rocks) and unknown items. Delivered food items were identified to highest possible degree. Invertebrate adults were identified by the presence of wings or legs but were not identified to order if key features were not recognizable. I used Morisita’s measure of overlap to quantify diet similarity between Golden-fronted and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers calculated with the formula (from Krebs 1998) C = 2∑ Pij Pik / {∑ Pij [(nij – 1)/(Nj – 1) + ∑ Pik [(nik – 1)/(Nk – 1)]} where: Pij = proportion resources i is of the total resources used by species j; Pik = proportion resources i is of the total resources used by species k; Nij = number of individuals of species j that use resources i; Nik = number of individuals of species k that use resource category i; Nj, Nk = total number of individuals of each species in sample. 49 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Morisita’s measure of overlap is considered the most unbiased overlap estimator (Smith and Zaret 1982). I used t-tests to compare delivery rates by adults and per nestling provisioning rates between the species. RESULTS Observations were made at Ladder-backed Woodpecker cavities (n = 4) for 328 hrs ( x = 89.4 ± 36.5 SE) and at Golden-fronted Woodpecker cavities (n = 4) for 230 hrs ( x = 57.4 ± 19.1 SE) during summers of 2007, 2008 and 2009 (Table 4.1). Prey items (n = 1902) were identified through direct observations and video observations (Table 4.2). Overall 76.7% and 53.1% of food items delivered were identifiable for Ladder-backed and Golden-fronted Woodpeckers, respectively (Table 4.3 and 4.4). Identification of some prey items was not possible due to adults blocking view of item, backlit or foggy conditions, or the adults manipulating prey items beyond recognition before bringing items to the cavity entrance. Of identifiable food items, Ladder-backed Woodpecker nestling diets consisted of 100% animal matter, comprised of invertebrate larvae (99.5%) and invertebrate adults (0.5%). Diets of Golden-fronted Woodpecker nestlings were also high in animal matter (77.5%), with more invertebrate adults (56.3%) and fewer invertebrate larvae (21.2%), but also included vegetable matter (20.1%). Morisita’s measure of overlap suggested a 31% overlap in diet of the two sympatric woodpeckers. There were no sex-specific differences in delivery rates among Golden-fronted Woodpeckers (t = 3.182, df = 3, P = 0.629) or Ladder-backed Woodpecker (t = 3.182, df = 3, P = 0.734). Although the overall prey delivery rate for Ladder-backed Woodpeckers ( 3.6 ± 0.4/hr SE) was significantly lower (t = 2.13, df = 7, P < 0.001) than that of 50 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Golden-fronted Woodpeckers (10.4 ±1.3/hr SE), per nestling provisioning rates were not significantly different between the species (t = 3.182, df = 3, P = 0.201) (Table 4.2). DISCUSSION These results support previous observations on diets of Ladder-backed and Golden-fronted Woodpeckers. Ladder-backed Woodpeckers generally consume larval forms of arthropods while Golden-fronted Woodpeckers are more diverse in their diet. Berries constituted 20.1% of identified Golden-fronted Woodpecker food in my study. This is low compared to that reported by Beal (1911) for Golden-fronted Woodpecker (45.3%) and other melanerpine woodpeckers (e.g., Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) 69.0% and Gila Woodpecker (Melanerpes uropygialis) 60.0%). Although there were no berries in the Ladder-backed Woodpecker diet in this study, Beal (1911) reported vegetable matter constituted 7.9% of the species diet based on stomach contents of 14 individuals. Diets of other closely related woodpeckers of the genus Picoides, such as the Red-cockaded (P. borealis) and Nuttall’s (P. nuttalli) Woodpeckers, include approximately 20% vegetable food (Beal 1911). I also observed Golden-fronted Woodpecker adults provided small rocks and snail shells as a portion of nestling diets (0.024). Calcium is an important mineral for growing nestlings (Tilgar et al. 2004, Dawson and Bidwell 2005) and snail shells can provide a high source of calcium for nestlings (Bures et al. 2000). Adults feeding nestlings grit or snail shells have not been previously reported for Golden-fronted Woodpeckers, although it has been observed among other woodpeckers (Williams and Batzli 1979, Koenig et al. 1995, Hanula et al. 2000). 51 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Few studies have examined foraging methods used by Golden-fronted and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers. Kujawa (1984) states “gleaning, pecking, probing, and ground foraging” are the main foraging methods for Golden-fronted Woodpeckers. Although I did not record data on foraging events, in addition to the main foraging methods noted by Kujawa (1984), I also observed Golden-fronted Woodpeckers flycatching. These foraging techniques are reflected in the diversity of arthropods and fruits reported in their diet. Foraging methods of Ladder-backed Woodpeckers also are reflective of their diet, as their main techniques are probing, pecking and prying (Short 1971) which provides access to prey under bark, such as invertebrate larvae. Morisita’s measure of diet overlap was 31% for this study. Percent of diet overlap would likely change if unknown items for Golden-fronted and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers (n = 854 and 284, respectively) could have been identified. In direct observations, adult Golden-fronted Woodpeckers were observed to manipulate adult invertebrates prior to arriving at cavity. Manipulated prey items were often fed to nestlings by the adults making several trips to cavity with portions of large adult invertebrates. Thus the large number of unknowns may be an artifact of multiple deliveries of manipulated, and therefore unidentifiable, adult invertebrates and would thereby increase the number of adult invertebrates in the nestling diet of Golden-fronted Woodpeckers. Adult invertebrates, although well represented in nestling diets of Goldenfronted Woodpeckers, were lacking in the Ladder-backed Woodpecker observations in this study. In addition to invertebrate larvae, Beal (1911) reports the stomach contents of Ladder-backed Woodpeckers contained ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) which would be hard to detect via direct or video observations due to their small size. Unknown items for 52 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 Ladder-backed Woodpeckers tended to be small and held in the bill in a way that prevented identification. Of adult invertebrates (n = 4) observed for Ladder-backed Woodpeckers in this study, half (n = 2) were captured by the male while in the cavity. The results of this study are likely biased to larger or more visible prey items (e.g. invertebrate larvae), especially for the Ladder-backed Woodpecker. Bill size differences between Golden-fronted (27.9-35.7mm) and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers (17.522.1mm) (Pyle 1997) may reduce dietary overlap of invertebrates due to the ability of the two species to capture and manipulate different sized prey items. A more in depth study with regards to size of prey items or with finer scale classification of prey items to genus or species level would elucidate more details on dietary overlap. Although, interspecific competition for food is likely low as suggested by Morisita’s measure of overlap, competition may exist between these two sympatric woodpeckers and other secondary-cavity nesting species for cavity locations. Nest sites did not appear to be limiting in this study as all nests monitored were located in wooden gate and fence posts or utility poles which were plentiful across the landscape. Although not quantified in this study, woodpeckers may prefer these poles to other hardwoods present in area, such as live oak (Quercus virginiana) or mesquite, as poles may be of a softer wood and therefore easier to excavate cavities. Golden-fronted Woodpeckers reused nest cavities for multiple broods within the breeding season and the following years, while Ladder-backed Woodpeckers were not observed to reuse nest cavities the following breeding season and were single-brooded. The presence of these posts across the landscape possibly allows the Golden-fronted Woodpecker to be more abundant and successful in areas without large trees (Husak and Maxwell 2000), though overall 53 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 woodpecker density may decrease as ranchers change from aging wooden posts to modern metal fences. The presence of excavator species is essential to the reproductive efforts of secondary cavity users. In Texas, 44% of surveyed cavity-nesting species show a declining trend from 1966 to 2007 (Sauer et al. 2007). Several secondary cavity nesting species, which included Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis), European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), and Brown-crested Flycatchers (Myiarchus tyrannulus), were observed utilizing previous year or older woodpecker cavities and nest boxes. European Starlings were the only species observed to impact woodpecker nesting attempts by commandeering cavities from Golden-fronted Woodpeckers. Aggressive takeover of woodpecker cavities by European Starlings have been widely reported for Golden-fronted Woodpeckers (Husak and Maxwell 1998) and other picid species (Shelley 1935; Howell 1943; Ingold 1989; Kerpez and Smith 1990; Ingold 1994, 1996, 1998; Vierling 1998). Nest boxes could be installed in areas in which wooden fence posts have been removed to provide additional nesting and roosting locations and ease competition for cavities. Although Golden-fronted and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers were not observed to have utilized nest boxes in the area, McComb and Noble (1981) reported that Red-bellied, Red-headed (Melanerpes erythrocephalus), and Hairy Woodpeckers (Dendrocopus villosus) will utilize nest boxes in addition to natural cavities. Monitoring nest boxes through participation in citizen science projects such as NestWatch can provide educational benefits for school and community groups by increasing public knowledge and interest about breeding biology of local avifauna. The standardized protocol for NestWatch provides a structural basis of data collection which 54 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 allows locally collected data to be added to the larger, continent-wide database of nest survival and success (Philips et al. 2007). Declines in excavator species may impact populations of secondary cavity-nesting species (Short 1979). Therefore, continual monitoring of excavator and secondary cavity-nesting species are essential for knowledge about population fluctuations. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Populations of excavator species, such as Golden-fronted and Ladder-backed woodpeckers, and secondary cavity-nesters, such as Eastern Bluebirds and Myiarchus flycatchers require cavities in which to raise their young. Wide use of fence posts and utility poles by cavity-nesting species shows the influence anthropogenic items placed across the landscape has on avian populations. As aged fencing will eventually need to be replaced to meet the needs of landowners, nest boxes placed along fence lines could diminish the effects of post removal and their associated cavities. Thereby, maintaining nesting locations for populations of cavity-nesting species. LITERATURE CITED Askins, R. A. 1993. Population trends in grassland, shrubland and forest birds in eastern North America. Current Ornithology 6:1−34. Beal, F. E. L. 1911. 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Observation Dates Year Cavity # Species Start End Total Hours 2007 702 GFWO 23-May 24-May 7.0 2007 702B GFWO 28-Jun 5-Jul 99.8 2007 704B GFWO 21-Jun 1-Jul 64.9 2007 720 LBWO 20-Jun 28-Jun 120.6 2008 842 LBWO 14-May 9-Jun 56.7 2008 845 GFWO 13-Jun 17-Jun 57.9 2009 960 LBWO 9-Jun 26-Jun 173.7 2009 961 LBWO 2-Jun 3-Jun 6.6 61 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 4.2. Summary of observed prey deliveries by male and female Ladder-backed and Golden-fronted Woodpeckers to cavity nests at the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Texas, 2007-2009. Ladder-backed Woodpecker Golden-fronted Woodpecker Male Female Both Male Female Both Invertebrate Larvae 519 414 993 67 137 205 Adult Invertebrate 2 2 4 300 24 543 Vegetable Matter 0 0 0 112 82 194 Other Items 0 0 0 11 12 23 Unknown Items 129 154 284 412 423 854 Prey Deliveries 650 570 1221 902 878 1819 1.94(0.46) 1.70(0.24) 3.63(0.36) 5.03(0.54) 5.19(0.80) 10.37(1.29) Deliveries Per Hour (SE) Per Nestling Per Hour 1.08(0.15) 62 3.11(1.15) Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 4.3. Total number and percent of prey categories in diets of nestling Ladder-backed Woodpeckers in the Texas coastal bend. Data collected using video surveillance at 1 cavity in 2007, 1 cavity in 2008, and 2 cavities in 2009. Invertebrate Larvae Adult Invertebrates Vegetable Matter N % N % N % N % N % Subtotal Cavity 720 280 73.11 4 1.04 0 0.00 0 0.00 99 25.85 383 Cavity 842 153 60.24 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 101 39.76 254 Cavity 960 475 85.13 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 83 14.87 558 Cavity 961 25 96.15 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 3.85 26 Other Unknown Total Subtotal 933 76.41 4 0.33 0 0.00 63 0 0.00 284 23.26 1221 Texas Tech University, Evonne Schroeder, May 2010 TABLE 4.4. Total number and percent of prey categories in diets of nestling Golden-fronted Woodpeckers in the Texas coastal bend. Data collected via direct observations at 1 cavity in 2007 and video surveillance at 2 cavities in 2007 and 1 cavity in 2008. Invertebrate Larvae Adult Invertebrates Vegetable Matter N % N % N % N % N % Subtotal Cavity 702B 97 20.46 132 27.85 2 0.42 1 0.21 242 51.05 474 Cavity 704B 70 11.84 187 31.64 70 11.84 10 1.69 254 42.98 591 Cavity 702 18 20.22 28 31.46 21 23.60 0 0.00 22 24.72 89 Cavity 845 20 3.01 196 29.47 101 15.19 12 1.80 336 50.53 665 Other Unknown Total Subtotal 205 11.27 543 29.85 194 10.67 64 23 1.26 854 46.95 1819