UPS Engineering Field Notes Administrative Professional Distribution Development Ser-vice-U.S. is an administrative document publication for the guidance of employees of the This Management cooperating in the Retrieval and its The text the represents personal opinions the of recom-mended instruc-tions authors. This information has not been approved for respective Data Forest Department of Agriculture its contractors Federal and State Government Agencies. publication was that developed and must not be construed to the public distribution as approved policy procedures or mandatory except by Forest Service Manual references. or in-formation con-venience The Forest Service-U.S. Department no responsibility for the interpretation by other than names and of the any product or own employees. The use is to the exclusion of others suitable. This information unlimited rights by private Please M.J. P.O. any comments Staff-Washington Carroll or recommendations Baggett Office Editor Editorial Box 2417-Washington Telephone may be parties. direct D.J. that the sole property of the Government with the usage thereof and cannot be copyrighted FOREST SERVICE-USDA Attn trade is in publication to the following address Engineering of for the reader such use does not constitute an official approval by the United States Government of service or Agriculture assumes application of this of firms or corporations identification endorsement its of or Assistant D.C. 20013 Area Code 703-235-8198 about this Close-Range Photogrammetry Leland D. Whitmill Geometronics Service Photogrammetry Unit Salt Lake City Utah Center The in is making advances Photogrammetry section CRP using analytical close-range photogrammetry CRP When used effectively stereoplotter systems. the and cost-effectively meet can accurately on measuring and mapping needs of Forest Engineers architectural projects such as two-dimensional drawings archaeological sites bridge site mapping and load testing detailed historical building and mapping and monitoring trail soil displacement slope erosion analysis. GSC The Geometronics Service Center following 1 Geometronics lead of Wayne Valentine Region Leader has completed several engineering projects that involved both horizontal and vertical close-range measuring and mapping the applica-tion tech-niques. We at the GSC also have been working with Rod Dawson Region 6 Engineering Geometronics to answer of the questions and help in daily operations Mapp-Pal-Albany programs which deal with and fully analytical bundle adjustments. of semi-analytical petro-glyphs Some projects recently completed for Regional of included map documentation archaeologists in Region 8 and map documentation of old and other structures on Forest Service buildings 5 and 6. property for Regions 1 4 concen-tric The Region 8 petroglyphs were exposed on a chlorite schist boulder that measured 9 feet by 9 feet by 3 feet. The petroglyphs consisted of several circles and spirals along with a partially The finished steatite vessel and several cup holes. interval of rock was contoured using a vertical 0.1 foot with 0.05-foot Digital supplementals. information was established on a grid pro-filing 1 digi-tal increment of 0.075 foot. Approximately 82 scan lines were created to cover the entire rock. The finished contour plot measured 2 feet by 2 feet and had a scale of 1 inch 0.05 foot. Some 6570 data points were collected during the profiling of the rock. The techniques programs and information this and other close-range photogrammetric are available at the Geometronics Service Photogrammetry Unit in Salt Lake City. used on projects Center on the petroglyphs was presented at the 17th annual joint ACSM-ASPRS-UCLS Conference at Salt Lake 1985. City in November from Copies are available this articles author at the Geometronics Service Center. A paper A detailed technical paper be presented and published National Spring Convention March 1986. EFN 2 on at in these petroglyphs the ACSM-ASPRS Washington D.C. will in Terrain Profiles for Cable Logging in Region 1 With Analytical Photo 9 rammetry Wayne Valentine Geometronics Regional Region 1 Group Leader Collecting profiles of terrain to design cable logging systems is a growing industry in Region 1. As in other Regions the easy terrain has been logged over leaving only the more rugged slopes available for harvest. Cable systems have been to around for some time but the technical approach designing spans and payloads has only comparatively The process of design demands a recently appeared. fairly accurate profile of the terrain under the proposed cable location to determine placement of towers and landings and compute allowable spans loads and cable systems. deflec-tions The usual method of obtaining data for a profile is send a survey party to the field. Surveyors locate and follow the proposed line measuring slope and distance. This field information is reduced later in the office to a form useful to the logging systems designer. to An alternative method is to scale the profile from a distances between contours and by measuring topo map This method plotting the distance and elevation. varies in reliability because of the nature of mapmaking--cartographers enjoy certain freedoms in This cartographic interpreting terrain shapes. license produces aesthetically pleasing maps but the expression of microrelief often is compromised. High-quality large scale and maps of sufficiently small contour interval are not available in many areas. logical notion is to use mapping tools to make direct measurements of the ground for profiles. After all a photogrammetric stereo plotter is basically a measuring device used to create models of the terrain. Why not use it to make site-specific measurements directly A graph-ical 3 Cartographers and photogrammetrists have their mind-sets like everyone else. To many of them a photogrammetric plotter is a machine made to produce The idea of using the maps--nothing else. plotter to make direct measurements of terrain profiles is foreign to them. Besides older mechanical plotters are not suited for making measurements of randomly placed lines in a stereo model. photo-grammetric sys-tematic The whole system of mapping is not well suited for these types of surveys. the computer For one thing programs used to determine scale of stereo models are designed for mapping not for measuring. Older mechanical stereo plotters are just not accurate For example a mapping enough for these surveys. plotter may need to be only accurate enough to a 40-foot produce contour not to make point accurate enough for cable profiles. mea-surements is also afactor. It often a topo map and produce Sales are comfortable with that. designers on the other hand need results in weeks or perhaps months. The turnaround takes years to time photo-grammetrists abso-lute Then there is the mysterious matter of control. The is used to working in absolutes photogrammetrist and he expects control related to an overall scheme. The idea of relative measurements is therefore foreign to the average photogrammetrist. Finally ground stereo there is the problem of reproducing on the the line the photogrammetrist measured in his model. Control turnaround ground replication accuracy limita-tions--its mapping bias computer systems plotter no wonder that previous attempts to use photogrammetry for direct measurement of terrain have been only marginally successful. There were just too many factors working against the routine of this technology. application Fortunately the analytical plotter has arrived on scene just in time to finesse these barriers for the Forest Service. The analytical plotter will permit use of crude sources of control to scale stereomodels for accurate relative not absolute measurements. It will shorten the turnaround time needed for making direct measurements allow direct measurements of randomly placed lines in the stereo the 4 model and permit the direct plotting of the measured line onto a large-scale photo to facilitate placement of the line directly onto the ground. How is all this possible The analytical plotter a computer-controlled of high measuring machine Since the computer is tied accuracy and utility. directly to the plotter the lag time in computing results of measurements is shortened tremendously. control from widely spaced points By substituting the analytical plotter will permit relatively scale on a small portion of the model even though absolute position is not known accurately. is accu-rate rela-tive When use the system we purchase controlled photos or take control from maps or orthophotos by scaling points separated by several miles We compress the error in scale by measuring only in a very small portion positions of the model land expanding this small portion to serve as control for a larger-scale model of the area needing profiles. we We scale the end points of the line to be measured store them in the plotters computer. The plotter then drives down the line so defined and the operator makes direct elevation measurements on the line. The computers file stores these data and later plots them out as a profile in machine-readable format for the logging system designers applications The data also are converted to photo programs. coordinates and plotted directly onto a large-scale This permits direct layout of photo of the area. the line from the photo. and The turnaround shortens because we need considerably expensive error-prone field control and no offsite computing. All plotting and miscellaneous are performed onsite. computations no and Costs of this process are amazingly low. The only direct costs are for making the diapositive and the operators time involved in making the Typically one operator can measure between 50 and 80 profiles per day each profile is several thousand feet long. Costs per profile are less than $7--certainly much cheaper than the $200 by ground measure-ments. methods What are the this process If you cant drawbacks The worst shortcoming of involves the old aerial-photo bugaboo. see the ground you cant measure it. 5 So very heavy tree cover that obliterates much of ground from the observers eye is a problem. Even in these conditions however the logging systems designer can gather enough information to make intelligent decisions about the need for measurements as long as the ground supplemental We label those ground shape is fairly uniform. profiles or portions of profiles where the operator had trouble seeing the ground so the user is aware the of this. What about accuracy We have checked several In each case we proved the field. profiles As a rule of thumb you accuracy process. can expect a vertical feet or better accuracy of the along profile. in of the the 5 What about timing We are committed to sending results to the field within 1 month after we receive materials copies of the photos etc. from our sources. This usually takes less than 6 weeks so the usual total time is less than 21 months from the time we get the request from the field. analyti-cal tech-nology We believe that measuring cable profiles by photogrammetry has tremendous potential to save the Forest Service money and time. As with all it does have but the systems advantages drawbacks far outweigh any shortcomings. The Forest Service should aggressively pursue this important new for making field measurements. fN 6 Region 3 Crew Quarters Standard Louis Archambault Engineering Architect Region 3 its newly developed During 1985 Region 3 employed Crew Quarters Standard at three different project sites. The relatively large number of living units required in the same year the similarity of the functional programs and the belief that a modular contractors to would encourage plan for the our design prompted gear-up Our preliminary design research included the plans of 11 recently built and analyzing crew quarters from four different Regions occupied and interviewing the operators and crews of six sites in two Regions. Our analysis of these plans revealed a differential in total allotted space per crew member from 140 to 520 square feet spaces designed for as few as two and as many toilets for two to six and as eight people for two to six. The interviewers discovered that given a choice crew members would trade off many features of the facility for a private bedroom space that kitchens designed for more than four and unsanitary that space people become inefficient and food is for refrigerated frozen consistently undersized and that crews with both sexes are increasing and the ratios are highly unpredictable from season to season. The Forests involved the list of design requirements following developed repeti-tive standardiza-tion. kitchen/-dining bed-rooms 1 2 3 4 Sleeping be under toilet one and roof. Each bedroom two persons. should The plan should installation of eating facilities accommodate a should maximum provide for the optional and dryer. a washer of sleep-ing Living spaces spaces. 7 may be separated from the I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 accommo-date Each unit living/dining/kitchen maximum of four people. should a There should be a toilet for every Kitchens should have space for as well as a conventional oven. The plan should include a a covered two people. microwave oven porch. i Heating with Modules should The in wood plan should smallest the be should be easily relocatable. an option. allow for a crew of feasible increment. both sexes The plan should be easily converted from housing regular crews to preferred singles childless couples. or When the design was 75-percent completed a value analysis was performed and an estimated cost savings of 7 percent was realized. One of the changes was a $600 pantry in place of $3400 of kitchen cabinetry for each four-person The value living unit. analysis process probably could provide even greater savings during the schematic design stage. We recommend a value analysis group of nonfacility personnel because they can see alternatives more easily. The 1 room/-recreation Region 3 Standard as issued see Plan No. 2 in figure implemented a consolidated living hall. For project sites with fewer than 10 people the separate commons building cannot be justified and instead the enclosed porches of two adjacent units can form an enclosed living room. The four-bed two-bedroom unit can easily convert to atwo-bed two-bedroom unit that will accommodate two preferred crew members. It also can convert to a one-bed one-bedroom plus living room for a couple. child-less We are pleased with the bids received on our 1985 each is a remote site the projects. Although cost per square foot is $48. average Also each of the three low bidders chose an alternate method of construction USDA truss frame and stick-built factory-prebuilt. The Forest Service contracted and supplied the truss frames to the site for the 8 111 I FAMTNY_IIEF. -AE7011LE UTL.ETOIIýGEA.GY- LAYOUTS TYPICAL II 1 CLOI 7 O. LO. QUARTER PLAN R3 CREW 2 NO. STANDARD PERSONS 2 MODULE-FAMILY awE r.Y SOFA----------reLEApsroýrASroGýGeCLO.LAY. GEGGOaL roOULEnoouEroa1LELaouEuvwe avLAriworts MODULE-4 CROSS-SECTION IIEF. ý. IM 1 IY L PERSONS _ ORC11 jIJi OR PLAN 2. so. Figure Z.--Plan PORCH CLEARSTORY--CLEARSTOIIYSTORAGE-----LAY.USE.. 0 oil PLAN tp contractor. general built we contract As more of these units are will approach a more error-free set of documents and more predictable costs. During the design phase we tried to accommodate the crews desire for private bedrooms. To make the cost of such an amenity competitive with the standard approach we proposed trading the kitchen/dining space and the living room for centralized facilities .se Plan No. 1 in figure 2. The plan created sleeping modules or pods small enough for easy relocation as the work loads moved from one area to another. Setting the pods on a fixed platform or raised deck minimized the impact and the one-person bedrooms provided the ultimate flexibility for mixed-sex crews. The centralized kitchen contained minikitchens for groups of four to six people and the dining room and living space/recreation room were common to all. This plan was rejected because of the separate kitchen/dining facility but I am intrigued with this concept and in the hope to see it adapted future. indi-vidual environ-mental FN 10 ALL ECR W1 CNIO ý I I wpm MODULE MODULE WG REC./KITCNEN/DW LAYOUT TYPICAL 1 NO. WEATHER roWJLE MODULE CREW ARCVE R PLAN PLAN SITE SLOPED ELEVATION OOHLE REC. i-M CLO.HOTCHEW/OMIO waýEOMWEM rm HRRIIi ST. n PERSON SOLARSRW.NXTSOLAIt-SKYUQff 4 FLOOR 2.--Plan ATERWpCH WATEJtSHELVESMODULE ER wTLME aKaOOK oHEA WAM I TWO Figure 1. so. Report on the Photogrammetric Survey on the Kaibab National Forest Hearst Mountain Project 1984 Dennis J. Mouland Professional Land Region 3 INTRODUCTION in Surveyor Fiscal Years 1983 William E. Stephens Professional Land Surveyor Region 3 fiscal year 1983 the Forest Service created During a Productivity Team PIT to examine the Improvement Cadastral Survey Program throughout the Forest Service. The team made several recommendations to increase use of new and existing technology to increase productivity. In the PIT report Landlines--A Productivity Analysis Issue 3 the increased use and application of photogrammetry for cadastral work. In July 1983 Region 3 began planning a demonstration of technology applied to a cadastral surveying project on the Kaibab National Forest in Arizona. Two sections were to be field controlled and subdivided to 1/256 corners using currently existing photogrammetric technology. men-tioned photo-grammetric The principal people involved in the project were Dennis Mouland Professional Land Surveyor then the Supervisory Land Surveyor for the-Kaibab National Forest and Bill Stephens Professional Land Surveyor and Region 3 Geometronics Group Leader. The site is located about 10 miles northwest project Williams in Township 22 North Range 1 East sections 8 and Gila and Salt River Meridian Coconino County Arizona. The project has an elevation of 6500 feet above mean sea level average and is covered with pinon and juniper with scattered large meadows. of SCOPE of WORK 9 Sections 8 and 9 each contained Forest Homestead Patents in need of surveying monumentation and The project was conducted posting. in the following sequence 1 Locate all the controlling section and quarter corners originally established the General by Land Office in 1883. 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC CONTROL REQUIREMENTS Determine the approximate locations section subdivisional corners. Place ground and 2 above. Establish to a targets network on of all ground targets corners in item 1. Acquire special aerial all points field placed in control at all of the items 1 and ties controlling photography. Using analytical aerotriangulation procedures determine the coordinate positions of the uncontrolled ground targets set in item 2. Perform section subdivision computations accordance with Bureau of Land Management manual procedures. Make to all corner the computed in moves from the ground targets corner positions. subdivisional Field measure all distances and angles between subdivisional corners for the newly established derived comparison with the analytically posi-tions. Post and monument all private making any adjustments. lands Prepare and file plats of with Arizona law. survey after accor-dance the in Because of the requirements of the survey and the of the field surveyor the demonstration apprehension followed traditional methods as closely as possible. would closely Thus all the procedures conceptually parallel those typically used in the field. The required photogrammetric field control and flight lines were planned in the Regional Office. sections Since the project area was two rectangular that were longer from east to west the flight was oriented in the same direction with four flight lines at a scale of 13000 and with 60 percent The forward overlap. This produced 56 exposures. black-and-white which was acquired by photography contract was shot with a 6-inch focal length metric aerial camera. 14 The team suggested that Forest personnel responsible for providing the field control use electronic traverse procedures. Since the primary concern from the photogrammetric point of view was the accuracy of horizontal measurements all vertical control was with a reciprocal vertical accomplished angle traverse and the resulting closures were well within the required limits. Following the receipt of the field control the project was submitted for analytical The results were very good. Of the 15 control points used only one had a questionable value. As it turned out later that ground target been had disturbed and was not in the correct position. aerotriangu-lation. FIELD WORK 4 7 and 11 described under Scope through were performed by Land Line Location The Forest. personnel from the Kaibab National Office Geometronics Group accomplished Regional items 5 and 6 by contract and the Kaibab National and 10 under a contract Forest handled items with a Registered Land Surveyor. Items of l Work 8 9 The project proceeded well with few problems and minor to only some ground targets before damage time. All corners controlling the section flight were subdivision found with the exception of the north 1/4 corner of section 8. This corner was reset by single proportionate measurement using the same photogrammetric methods described earlier for corners from ground target setting subdivisional coordinate points. contractor The.surveying the corner moves as computed by the Forest Service and then checked all angles and distances between the newly established subdivisional corners. The results of these field checks were extraordinarily These comparisons are good. per-formed dis-cussed later. After the placement of all the corners defining private lands the land surveying contractor posted the boundary in accordance with Forest Service standards. COMPARISON of RESULTS-FIELD VERSUS ANALYTICAL Two field methods were used to determine comparisons with the analytically derived coordinate positions 1 estab-lished Coordinate not positions were physically four of the ground targets but were provided for the analytical computations. on 15 2 The analytically derived coordinate values of these targets were then compared to the results from traditional field procedures. The maximum This positional difference was 0.31 foot. comparison was well within the acceptable and limits. predicted analyti-cally The the primary method of evaluating derived coordinates was by performing a traverse through all of the precise electronic subdivisional corners established by corner moves from the ground targets set at the location of the subdivisional approximate corners. Closed traverses were run and accepted only if the closure was 1 part in 10000 or better. All angles were balanced The results prior to the closure computations. were excellent. No traverse adjustments were made afterward. field-measured Table compares computed distances and distances and gives the resultant error ratio for each particular line. These results are representative sample of the project. 1 Table I.--Comparison distances in feet. of computed Computed Distance Fiel 1959.39 distances and field-measured Error d Measurement 1959.83 a Difference Ratio1/X 0.44 4454 16024 --2608.85 640.93 640.97 0.04 648.34 648.34 0.00 2609.36 0.51 5116 659.09 0.21 3138 1270.56 1270.64 0.08 15881 1331.70 1332.04 0.34 3918 654.70 654.79 0.09 7275 675.64 675.46 0.18 3750 670.62 670.57 0.05 13412 659.30 16 disturb-ance We should and ninth note here that the first fifth seventh lines probably were affected by a of the temporary monuments at the ground target Cattle were present in the area and the positions. Z-inch diameter rebar used to mark the center of the bent over. In another situation targets was not shown in the table the rebar was completely removed requiring some secondary methods to set the final corners. All in all the results were very satisfying. Some minor adjustments were made to ensure that all lines would fall within 1 part in 5000 of the computed distance. The plats have been prepared and filed in accordance with Arizona State law. COST ANALYSIS associ-ated The team maintained a record for all costs with the project. Scope of work item 9 is not included in this cost analysis as it was a checking system for this project and would not be included in similar future projects. Items 7 10 and 11 would cost the same regardless of the method used to perform the survey. 1 Table method the costs of the traditional closed traverse and the analytical method. photo-grammetric 2 compares survey One of the reasons the project area was selected was that much of it was free from dense trees and brush. This allowed easy access and good visibility for the intended demonstration. It also minimized the number of system variables in our assessment of the results. Items 4 and 8 could increase significantly with the traditional method in dense vegetative cover. Assuming that a project was in moderately dense Ponderosa pine the total cost of the method would increase by approximately $1800 to a total of $11861. tradi-tional Among the things we learned in this project was that smaller scale photographs could have yielded fewer the same desired exposures while maintaining results. Also not all of the uncontrolled points That is where adjacent required a ground target. 1/256 corners were to be established some positions could have been left untargeted and set by using the nearby analytically derived corner coordinates. This would reduce some of the and analytical aerotriangulation costs of the photogrammetric process and cause no significant increase in field costs. approxi-mate photog-raphy 17 Table 2.--Comparison of traditional survey method and photogrammetric method costs for scope of work items Item 908 1 Photogrammetric 0 325 3 0 361 1835 471 5 0 1200 6 0 3300 7 104 104 8 4200 1220 9 2024 2024 10 Total Estimated Method 908 2 4 CONCLUSION of the FIELD SURVEYOR Method Traditional analytical in dollars. 990 990 10061 10903 cost. the field surveyor Mouland was somewhat Although to this approach skeptical of the photogrammetric about enthusiastic he is now quite project at first it. The relatively minor problems mentioned in the section of this article comparing the field and analytical results could have been avoided if the period between originally setting the ground targets In the and finalizing the field work was minimized. interval this that time approached case of project 6 months. No other significant problems were work and Mouland the of the course during welcomed the opportunity to sign and file the plats. encoun-tered com-pleted demon-stration The savings resulting from the use of photogrammetry However this were not as great as hoped. executed with undue care to project was factors could blunders. Two additional ensure no there is some affect potential savings. First of scale. Savings merit to the idea of economy could be increased proportionally with a larger size the less accessible terrain the Second project. the benefit from the greater the potential approach. g photo-rammetric 18 This and enlightening to observe situation was The projected rewarding. savings from using are 35 percent of the cost for the approach. project was very interesting field surveyor the opportunity the the two methods side by side in a real to photo-grammetry tradi-tional CONCLUSION PHOTO- of the GRAM M ETRIST that the primary objective of this Recalling the use and value of was to demonstrate project on a Land Line Location photogrammetric technology in the 1983 PIT as suggested property boundary the the result that feels report photogrammetrist is very positive and that the objective was met in several ways 1 2 3 similar previous projects showed no Although substantial savings this project clearly demonstrated that a considerable amount of could the Forests and time be saved personnel human resources redirected into other projects. The result of this project will serve as a positive testimonial to encourage potential users who may not have a clear understanding of the value benefits and applications of in its photogrammetry to be less apprehensive use. inten-tionally The used in this photogrammetric approach project was overkill but it was done indeed be so that the results would This shows that the same positive. project results can be achieved with a more approach. conserva-tive EFM 19 Electronic Navigation Systems May Offer Accurate Field Coordinate Location for Resource Activities David S. Gasvoda Project Manager Missoula Equipment Management Development Center Electronic navigation equipment is improving all the time and so are the chances of getting some kind of electronic position-fixing system that operates with Products accuracy in the Forest environment. are into smaller better and cheaper evolving Loran C and satellite navigation receivers and more reliable and are becoming more accurate their price and size are declining as well. pack-ages. Such developments are important to the Forest Service because so many activities depend on knowing ones exact location in the field. One example of the potential for revolutionizing the way we do business is computer-based vehicle monitoring. A firm uses Loran system developed by a Massachusetts together with radio transmitters to monitor the positions of up to 1000 vehicles on a large computer-generated map display. Imagine such a system at work on your Forest. contin-uously C doubt that kind of system is a long way off for us but accurate electronic position fixing for. timber cruisers road surveyors and others who work in the Forests could be a reality soon. No The challenge for the Forest Service is to keep up with whats happening in the industry so we can begin to link equipment with the needs of our people for a better position location system. effi-ciently. Field people recognize that better position-fixing equipment would help them do their jobs more In a 1984 survey timber sales people told us their number one problem was the need for a better method of locating positions in the field. To begin addressing this field need the Engineering and Timber Management staffs in the Washington Office asked the Missoula Equipment Development 21 equip-ment Center to determine the Forest Service requirements for a field locating system and to learn what is available to meet these needs. We began with a market and literature search to learn what equipment might help accomplish Forest Service tasks. We also initiated a survey of timber and engineering personnel in the different Regions to help us determine what Forest Service people wanted in a field location system. Our survey revealed that personnel in the field have many specific uses for a system to fix positions accurately. Through our market and literature search we found that both public and private organizations are new ones. expanding existing systems and developing Some of these systems have been around for years and are merely being expanded or refined. Others are totally new and operate with orbiting satellites. They all offer the potential for accurate position fixing in the field. Just how well some of these systems might work in the varied terrain and vegetation typical of National Forest land is not clear and separating claims for the new systems from performance is not With this possible until they become operational. Then well look in mind lets review the systems. at some of the specific needs for a Forest Service system as revealed in responses to our survey. RADIO DIRECTION FINDING wild-life trans-mitter. loca-tion Radio direction finding is one of the oldest methods It is commonly used by fixing a position. The direction managers to track game animals. finder provides a relative direction to a A transmitter can be pinpointed by two direction headings from knownlocations. Or if the locations of two transmitters are-known the of the direction finder can be calculated. for The accuracy of direction finders ranges from 1 to and on method equipment degrees depending skill. The absolute of location a operator accuracy the of the reference points on depends accuracy angle measurement accuracy geometry of the points and the distance between points. 5 The area of coverage depends on radio frequency and used terrain equipment. Typical range is from 1 mile to hundreds of miles under ideal conditions. 22 direc-tion Receivers range in price from $400 for manual finders to $10000 for sophisticated automatic A low-power portable transmitter costs equipment. dollars. But installation and only a few hundred maintenance can increase operating costs. Automatic direction finders establish the heading to and a transmitter nearly instantaneously require On the less training to use than manual systems. other hand manual range finders are more accurate when used by skilled operators under multiple-path Manual direction finding is signal conditions. nearly impossible to use in brushy areas. LORAN C posi-tion C is a navigation system that provides fixes based on the arrival time of radio transmitting signals from a network of land-based stations. Loran receivers analyze and process these signals to provide position information in longitude and latitude. Costs for portable receivers range from $2000 to $4000. These receivers provide continuous nearly instantaneous position display of latitude and longitude and can be operated by skilled personnel. Loran moder-atel the years Loran has been expanded from a navigation system solely for coastal zones and open waters. Today Loran stations cover all but a Accuracies of portion of the central United States. 400 to 1500 feet are typical. Loran gives the person in the field the ability to return to within 60 to 300 feet of an established point. relative position operation can enhance station to broadcast error by using a reference corrections to nearby users. Differential mode with is 26 to 66 feet. While land coverage accuracy mountainous this system is now extensive--including and areas--soil conductivity terrain can combine to reduce its accuracy to no better than 2 miles. For this reason accuracy and good signal is not available for many inland National coverage Forests. Over Differen-tial accur-acy OMEGA Omega is a very-low-frequency very-long-distance by phase Position is determined navigation system. wave signals from two comparison of continuous transmitters separated by 5000 to 6000 nautical miles a nautical mile is 6076 feet. Omegas is 2 to 4 nautical with a miles accuracy of 1 to 2 nautical miles and differential repeata-bility 23 relative position accuracies are 1000 so it would have little Forest Service NAVY NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM TRANSIT to 2000 feet application. and is a space-based radio positioning navigation system consisting of four or more satellites in polar orbit and four ground monitors. in October 1968. TRANSIT It began operating provides worldwide coverage and it is possible to Fix rate in the world. gain a position fix anywhere varies with latitude theoretically from an average of of 110 minutes at the equator to an average 30 minutes at 80 degrees latitude. TRANSIT and on 150 satellites broadcast continuously with one A position can be determined 400 MHz. but more accuracy is obtained using two. frequency A receiver measures successive Doppler or apparent shifts of the signal as the satellite frequency The receiver or passes the user. approaches of the the users position based on knowledge satellite position that is transmitted from the of the satellite every 2 minutes and a knowledge The calcu-lates fre-quency Doppler shift of the satellite signal. for a single Predictable position accuracies receiver is about 12000 feet for a dual 75 feet. frequency receiver Repeatable positioning feet receiver is 150 for a single frequency accuracy Relative receiver. and 45 feet for a dual frequency than 30 feet has been of less positioning accuracy measured through translocation techniques. A typical receiver 15 minutes or more costs about $3000 and requires to obtain a position fix. in 1988. The plan is to begin phasing out TRANSIT will be completely phased out by 1994 TRANSIT replaced by the Department of Defense Global System. Posi-tioning GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM The Global Positioning System GPS--sometimescalled NAVSTAR--is the Defense Departments anywhere and position-fixing anytime any weather navigation It is a system. satellite-based radio-navigation that three-dimensional system provides accurate and When speed. fully operational in late position 18 satellites and 3 active 1988 spares will circle inclined at the Earth in six orbital planes 55 degrees. Each plane will contain three satellites spaced 120 degrees apart in 12-hour 24 orbits. Currently six satellites provide up to about 4 hours of coverage per day to most of the continental United States. Position fixes are based on the transit time of from four satellites within the radio frequencies constellation. Ranges to the satellites are determined by scaling the transit time by the speed The transmitted messages contain of light. parame-ters trans-mits ephemeris computed positions of satellites that enable the users receiver to calculate the position of each satellite at the time it The users position is calculated a signal. from the range intersection of spheres centered on the satellites. GPS will provide two basic accuracies one for DOD-approved users and the other for the general The Precise Positioning Service PPS will public. be restricted primarily to the military for national It will provide 40-foot security considerations. The Standard to users. stationary accuracy Service SPS will be continuously available to all users and will provide 325-foot accuracy. Posi-tioning accuracy can be enhanced by using what is called relative positioning. a reference By placing receiver at a known accurate position measurement to DOD corrections can be determined. According 93-foot accuracy is possible for real-time relative However some equipment. manufacturers positioning. S-foot anticipate accuracy over a 200-mile range. of a few inches can be obtained by Also accuracy GPS data at a fixed position for later recording with similar data obtained at a known comparison receiver location. GPS under a dense tree canopy or Forestry applications mountainous steep country will adversely affect Just how much this access to the satellite signals. will complicate operations not be fully known may until the system is operational. ..i port-able manage-ment receivers are available today for but they are not easily because most weigh more than 50 pounds. Lightweight receivers suitable for resource activities will cost about $10000 when GPS Civilian $24500 GPS to $150000 becomes fully operational come down to about $1000 25 in 1988. by the The year price 2000. should GEOSTAR SATELLITE SYSTEM Unlike It is 1987. GPS Geostar expected to be financed venture. a privately operational sometime in late is Geostar consists of three elements a trio of communication satellites covering the continental United States a ground station and computer center and portable transceivers for getting position information and for sending messages to others. The satellites are simply relay stations that exchange data with the transceivers and retransmit this information to the central computer. to Geostar founder Dr. Gerard K. ONeill According a Princeton University physicist the system will be able to provide three-dimensional with positioning accuracies of 3 to 23 feet. Like GPS this systems line of availability depends on an unobstructed sight to the orbiting satellites and interference from terrain and foliage can limit areas of use. Geostar is designed so that all the sophisticated instrumentation is at a central computer facility. This means user equipment--mobile transceivers--can be kept simple easy to use and relatively cheap. ONeill estimates these units will cost about $450 with a monthly service charge ranging from $30 to $40 depending on the number of messages sent. FIELD SURVEY In an attempt to find out what Forest Service people want in a position-fixing system we surveyed engineering and timber personnel Service-wide. We sent questionnaires to each Regional Office. In some cases the Timber or Engineering Staff the and sent it on to their questionnaire Forests or other units for comments. We received 22 responses. dupli-cated The asked respondents about the kinds questionnaire tasks a position locator system would help them We asked their opinions about real-time accomplish. of response equipment portability accuracy price complexity and type of readout and we solicited any general comments they might have. The question on tasks produced of a multitude answers. Our respondents identified 46 separate uses for such a system. These included timber plot between leasable and boundary locations boundaries nonleasable land road/trail/ski locations sale areas oil/gas wellhead locations cabins 26 geotechnical mapping mine entrances helispots aircraft guidance topographic mapping and location of crews in emergencies. answer to our questions on real-time response field people strongly indicated that the shorter the Forty-two percent of real-time response the better. indicated a need for a response.of all respondents less than 1 minute. However the job to be done-and influenced on opinions the required accuracy felt time. For engineering example people response if it meant that longer response time was acceptable Timber management more accuracy. people whose favored tasks require less stringent accuracy faster response time. In about portability ranged from a desire for units weighing only a few pounds to a 60 Most people felt a of model pounds. backpack unit weighing less than 30 pounds would be best. About 70 percent of the timber management indicated they wanted hand-held units while a majority of engineering personnel felt a backpack be unit weighing as much as 30 pounds would No doubt the engineering responses were surveying probably influenced by current electronic equipment which is fairly heavy and bulky. Responses hand-held respon-dents accept-able. felt they one-third of our respondents Roughly of 2 to 10 feet but 23 percent of needed accuracies all those responding felt they needed 1 foot or less of 26 to and another 23 percent felt accuracies 50 feet would be adequate. prices for a position-locating device Acceptable from $200 to $100000 for a very accurate ranged Many unit obviously a surveying-grade instrument. indicated would on the price depend respondents units accuracy and response time. Fully half felt Most timber the unit should be less than $5000. indicated an price management acceptable responses would be under $3000. Engineering responses showed a willingness to pay up to $100000. Again this the need for an accurate surveying reflects probably instrument to replace time-consuming methods and increase productivity. complexity can responses we received concerning summed in statement be one keep it as simple as up both to training This sentiment applied possible. and to actual field operation. The 27 loca-tion There was a general consensus on the type of readout. Most respondents favored coordinates in latitude/longitude. While these do not appear on Forest Service maps computer programs are available to convert them. We encouraged those filling out the questionnaire to include any general comments they had. The vast majority of them were concerned that the unit must be weatherproof and rugged enough to withstand hard field use. The FUTURE We are continuing to monitor new developments in as well as encouraging position-fixing equipment and assisting manufacturers to produce equipment that will meet the needs of field people that were identified in our survey. We hope to initiate an evaluation program for commercially available we identify as being most likely to meet resource management needs. Beyond that we will be working to implement position-fixing equipment in the Forest Service so that there is orderly and use throughout all Regions. equip-ment accep-tance that operationaltests are the best way to answer the many questions about just how well systems such as GPS and Geostar will work in a Forest. As these systems become fully operational in the next few years and as increasingly mobile receivers come on the market the future looks promising for position-fixing that will fulfill many of the techniques Forest Service people have about a locator system. We feel sophisti-cated expecta-tions FN 28 Microcomputer Programs Available on the RTIP Bulletin Board Chris Schwarzhoff Civil Engineer Washington Office Engineering The publication Road TIPS EM-7100-5 October 1985 described the RTIP Bulletin Board in general terms and provided an abbreviated users guide. As described the RTIP Bulletin Board provides the functions following 1 2 3 4 Bulletin Road posting. engineering User-to-user File upload topic contact and conferencing. list. download. device including many Data Any telecommunications General terminals can access the bulletin board by calling FTS 235-3573 or commercial 703 235-3573. The file upload and download of the capabilities bulletin board should interest engineering personnel with access to microcomputers--particularly those using either MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating systems. There are available about 200 public domain program files for downloading transferring to your You will need a telecommunication system. device capable of XMODEM file transfer. If you do not have a program with XMODEM capabilities you still can call the bulletin board and look over the Then if you find something you like leave a message and a diskette with the program will be sent to you. There are several excellent public domain telecommunications programs with XMODEM capabilities on the bulletin board. Other programs range from simple DOS enhancements to sophisticated such as road design. The engineering applications files are grouped by subject matter into 11 on the bulletin board. The rest of this article briefly describes what is available by directory. selec-tions. direc-tories organ-ized 29 DIRECTORY 1-PROGRAMMING AIDS BASICA Programmers Help for an OBJ file that provides many that are not available from BASIC programs compiled with either the MICROSOFT or IBM If you are still using the version 1.0 compilers. this compiler utility is a must and should still be with the new compiler valuable version 2. very ADVBAS. routines that are This is cross-reference BASICAID. compress and line General programming aid to expand and Will generate a program listing. list of reserved words program variables numbers called by branching calls. Utility that allows direct commands in a BASIC program. EXEC. LISTER. they are to use. use of DOS Utility program to format.BASIC programs so much easier to read and understand. Easy Useful utility for large BASIC programs to reduce size when program is compiled. Several nifty options and easy to use. SQUýISSHH Help for PASCAL Programmers PIBMENU. in 0 Subroutines for implementing menu windows PASCAL program. devel-oping VISIBLE-PASCAL. prove Special version of PASCAL to eginning programmers an easy way of initial skills in writing PASCAL programs. a TURBO-LESSONS. A series of tutorials to help All work beginners get started using TURBO PASCAL. is done online and is easy to follow. General Programming Aids DIRECTORY 2- DATABASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMERS CALCULATOR. Converts Octal. Helps keep track of stack should be useful for Data General require converting HEX to Octal. HEX to Decimal commands and programs that to This is a data base management pBASE. system--a programmable relational data base program that provides facilities for querying and manipulating data as well as report writing. This is a powerful system but not particularly user friendly. an PC-DBMC. This is a data base management system. is excellent all-purpose data base management with help screens and tutorial. 30 It FILE EXPRESS. An information management It system. an easy-to-use data base management system that includes report writer global search merge data bases and mailmerge files. has DBMEMOPO. It makes dBASE3. it A utility program easy to add data for use with dBASE3. to memo fields in dGENERATE. A utility program for use with dBASE3. It has a screen generator for dBASE3 and it executes command files. DIRECTORY 3- DESK HELPERS PC-DESK. desk calculator miniword automatic phone dialer cannot use memory memory partitioning with some other memory resident programs. General manager parti-tioner processor and calendar clock emula-tion PC-DESK MATES. General desk manager notepad printer control phone dialer and typewriter good for filling out forms. MANAGERS PLANNER. effectively DIRECTORY4DISK MANAGEMENT CD. wit Super calendar to plan time Wordstar-type word processor. An easy-to-use DOSamatic. File selection DIRENAME. DIR-X. file selection Rename Another FINDUP21. Nice LF. A powerful ND. Another PC-SWEEP. a directory easy to use simplified DOS. without substitute to use deleting file selection little program to substitute Easy and program. for find DOS program. files on HD. DIR. for DOS DIR. disk maintenance utility. Directory utility and command run BASICA programs directly. shell that SDIR26. Only file lister with up to 6 cam by Great that extends PATH utility and SDIR. SEARCH. program programs. ZIP. Super shell. file management 31 files. will columns. to files command DISKCAT. Most powerful and flexible stand alone disk catalog program does take a little study to Disk Catalog Programs use. CATUTILITY. Easy DSI dCAT. If you the for you. noe FANSI-Console DIRECTORY FINANCIAL 5- ECONOMIC STATISTICAL to use are a catalog utility. dBASE3 user thenthis use of dBASE3. is Requires Very powerful DOS console driver and BIOS driver speeds up nearly all screen operations takes snow of IBM color displays screen saver and lots out more. ALOAN. Very AMORTIZE. to easy Multipart use loan loan amortization amortization EPISTAT. Collection of all common in BASICA not analysis procedures abbreviated manual. program. program. statistical compiled. HOME FINANCIAL ANALYST. Anyone considering transfer or change -in -home ownership should a Has job try this program. MULTREG. Powerful stepwise linear regression with data weighing and confidence limits forecasting transformations. SOLVER. Easy to use formula solver--can almost any combination of commands. input inter-active Programs for Personal Computer. driven help screens and easy to use statistical program. No manual but help screens are reproduced here. SPPC. Statistical Menu TIME AND MONEY. Basically a home financial those who still keep cuff records For program. want to track costs on a special project this should be a help. or FINANCE. internal General economic analysis plus calculates rate of return. Menu-driven BASICA manual or doc. program--no DIRECTORY HIGHWAY 6- ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS NETWORK ANALYSIS COMPUTERS. Demo NETWORK ANALYSIS. FOR PLANNING USING MICRO MS-DOS version of Program allows for multiple logging systems destinations products road road standards and different time periods. LOGGING loca-tions but 32 operational Works well but next version will be much faster with more links. Fairly easy to run as it is menu driven however you really need the documentation to get the program working quickly. many situa-tions MINNESOTA DOT HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. Set of hydraulic for a variety of drainage culvert including analysis flood routing gutter design archpipe analysis and open channel flow. Be sure to review instructions before running analysis the programs programs. TENNESSEE COORDINATE GEOMETRY PROGRAM. Powerful This program program but not very user friendly. will require a detailed review of input instructions before it can be used. IVY LEAGUE PROJECT MANAGEMENT. This Critical Path Project Manager is easy to use and does a good job of basic CPM. Shortcomings are lack of calendar function and project tracking. DIRECTORY 7-SPREADSHEET APPLICATIONS LOTUS123 Utilities Worksheets Allows you to vertically divide ASCII 123PREP. files into fields and quickly create a properly formatted input file for 123s IMPORT feature with numeric values preserved and fields correctly split into separate columns. A main menu AUT0123.WKS. LOTUS.AR for 123 use with LOTUS.ARC. 123SHELL Easy to use main menu and files that include predefined Macros supporting ASCII character set help menu graphics and colorful terminal driver. BREAKEUN. ana Fairly straightforward no doc. ysis LOTUSP. New LOTUS printer better handled. nters pr PC-CALC This is a very nice 90 percent of in the Forest all Service. 33 driver--many more and it will handle I have seen used applications spreadsheet the break-even DIRECTORY TELE- 8- COMMUNICATIONS Versatile Telecommunications program many features and good support programs does not support odd parity. This is the one I use most. 9 MODEM. PCTQMD. Convert DIRUTIL. PC-Talk Sort QMODEM PC-TALK. phone phone This is the all supports XMODEM but does is optional. director director to QMODEM. many ways. time best seller--only handle odd parity and DTR PC-VT. Emulates DEC VT102 or VT100 Terminal Excellent DEC and UNIVAC with KERMIT. accesses manual. Versatile Telecommunications PIBTERM. program many ilk a transfer protocols good manual and mini bulletin board will automatically convert QMODEM phone directory to PIBTERM. DIRECTORY 9-UTILITY PROGRAMS Miscellaneous Utilities Library Programs Squeeze More than 30 small programs to do many of the chores file that PC-DOS left out that is backscrolling fixers ram disks help menus file listers speaker control and improved DOS editing. and library program automatically squeezes the library. files as they are added to unsqueezes It also allows you to run execute any COM EXE or Nearly all files BAT file from within the library. have been libraried with this in these volumes files generated by ARC normally Library program. have a file name with the extension ARC. ARC. This VBUERG.ARC. versions of 1 2 3 4 This the file contains three of the series of programs. LU early Removes files from library file with L.R extension. LUE. LUT18. Lists extension. files from library file with Adds or replaces individual library file with LBR extension. LUU. LU87. adds with files in the LBR a This is a single program that lists and extracts files from a library file the LBR extension. It does not squeeze. 34 5 6 one--it UNLBR. If none of the above work to extract file from a library LBR file try this is a bit slow but thorough. a SQ UNSQ. a b SQPC. This program squeezes This program unsqueezes NUSQ. have been squeezed by SQPC. any file. files that DIRECTORY 10-WORD PROCESSING PC WRITE This is the premier word processing user-supported It is often used as a vital program. part of public domain software such as the structural design and engineering programs from analysis and construction the Tennessee DOT. The program has nearly all the features of most commercial word processors. The user interface is not quite as smooth as most software although most people find it only takes an hour or so to be cooking with PC-WRITE. commer-cial Wordstar Utilities A major challenge with Wordstar files is using them in other applications or telecommunicating them to someone who does not have programs convert Wordstar The following Wordstar. files to ASCII and ASCII to Wordstar CONVERT WSTODOS WSDOS no XWORD and WSCNVNI1. Each program is a little different so you may want to try each for your circumstances normally use WSDOS. doc I Also included is an informational text file WS33LPT.ARC on nondocumented patches for WS to run it off the hard disk along with several other informational items. Printer Control Utilities These files offer a wide variety of options for printing text and graphics characters including one program that turns the IBM-PC into a $300 typewriter ever tried filling out a form with a word processor. Text File Filters These programs are used to filter out or add special control codes to a text file. If you have ever converted a Data General CEO file to the IBM-PC you will understand the need for these programs. Text Editors Because the only editor supplied very crude EDLIN several public editors have been developed. 35 with PC-DOS is the domain program text Full screen editor that includes built-in with XMODEM. and telecommunications OmniEdit. calculator EZ-FORM. This is a unique for making and filling out FRED. text editor forms. you are just looking for then this is what you want. If EDLIN screen editor. that great is for replacement is full It a a If you are hooked on line editors then It has great tErow away EDLIN and use this one. Good for programmers because keyboard redefinition. it is compatible with DEBUG. CED. DIRECTORY 11GRAPHICS dbGRAF. BASICA fairly easy printer. PROGRAMS type use to slow but graphics editor uses standard screen dump to DRAWMAN Draftsman. Excellent Business Graphics bar charts pie c arts line diagram good dumps to printer plotters and Polaroid Palette. ESCREENS. Another FORTRAN programs. I6CGRAFS. 16-color screen generator graphics and for BASICA in BASICA and FORTRAN programs. MACH Similar to BASICA graphics fonts good editing capabilities good text slides. II. PICTURE version of PC Public GRAPHICS PCGRAFIX. IBM graphics program. allows 5 text for making domain PRESENT. Versatile graphics program good for shows for making computer slide training sessions. Slide shows will run on timer. SUPER GRAPHICS the 256 ASCII VINCENT. function programs. Graphics word processor aracters into text files. 3. c Screen painter for ANSI screens from BASICA video ram files use USEANS1.TXT. An excellent description the most out of DOS ANSI.SYS including redefinition. e N U.S. Government Printing Office 1986 -619-897/40560 36 of to enter call in BAT how to keyboard get Ups The Series Engineering Technical Information System ENGINEERING FIELD NOTES SERIES is published means of as a exchanging engineering-related periodically THE information on activities problems encountered and other data that or developed may be of value to ideas and solutions Engineers Service-wide. Articles are usually less than six pages and include material that is not appropriate for an Engineering Technical Report or suitable for Engineering Management publications Distribution Each FSM Notes Field 1630 and edition is 7113. distributed to the Engineering Staff Offices Forests Stations and Area Headquarters well Forest Service as to as Engineering Retirees. If your office is not receiving the Field Notes ask your Office Manager or at Regional Information Regional copies limited number available increase Copies the Washington Office of in Engineering Center. Information Every reader the back issues are to of from quantities Technical Submittals Coordinator for your location. author of a Field Notes article. you work that you your wish to share with Forest Service Engineers we invite you to should send Field Personnel submit the article for publication. is a potential have a news item or short If description about material to their Regional Information Coordinator for review by the Regional Office to assure inclusion of information that is accurate timely and Service-wide short articles and Type the manuscript double-spaced include original drawings and black-and-white photographs if or only color photographs are available send transparencies negatives and two machine copies of the manuscript. news Inquiries of interest items are preferred. Information Regional publication publishing and Coordinators direct questions schedules etc. to should concerning send articles for format editing FOREST SERVICE-USDA Engineering Attn M.J. P.O. Box Telephone Regional Coordinators Staff-Washington Carroll D.J. Baggett Editorial 2417-Washington Assistant D.C. 20013 Area Code 703-235-8198 HOGAN R-1 JIM R-2 RAY OLLILA ART MARTY R-3 Office Editor R-5 TED WOOD LARRY GRUVER R-6 HOMER CHAPPELL R-8 JIM R-4 GILPIN R-9 R-10 WO FRED HINTSALA RON HAYDEN AL COLLEY SEIM._ bS otEST ENTOFA6Rw rýT INFORMATION Volume 18 March-April 1986 Engineering Field Notes