t ENGINEERING TECHNICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM FIELD NOTESTECHNICAL REPORTS DATA RETRIEVALMANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT VOLUME 11 NUMBER Notes ield ENGINEER WINS NATIONAL AWARD FHWA LAUNCHES A MAJOR RESEARCH VOLUME ROADS PROGRAM SCS NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF STATE CONSERVATION ENGINEERS WASHINGTON OFFICE FOREST SERVICE - NEWS MARCH pUýS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1979 01S ENGINEERING Volume 11 FIELD NOTES Number 3 in this publication has been developed for guidance of employees its and its Department of Agri culture-Forest Service contractors and State agencies. The Department of Agriculture assumes no respon-sibility contained Information of the United cooperating States Federal for the The of the reader. Such product of others The that text in or service may be the or policy except engineers and engineering intended in this publication an use does not. constitute by the United publication be construed by names by other than is official States Department its own employees. for the information and endorsement or approval of Agriculture to the exclusion suitable. must not not of this information of trade firm or corporation use convenience of any interpretation or use as FSM exclusively the represents recommended references. personal Because technicians opinions or approved should of the of the respective procedures type read each issue however FOREST SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington D.C. 20013 mandatory instructions of material in the publication for engineers. U.S. author and this publication all is WO ENGINEER WINS NATIONAL AWARD In its first annual Presidents Award for Practical Papers the American Society of Photogrammetry ASP has awarded Terry Gossard third prize for his article Applications of DTM in the Forest Service. His article was published in Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing December 1978. Judging for the award was based on practical and applied values in advancing the state of the art in photogrammetry. Engineer-ing Office engineer on the Washington Terry is a geometronics Staff. The following three pages show copies of the letters of congratulations Terry received from John R. McGuire Chief of the and from Clifford J. Crandall President Forest Service of ASP and a copy of the award certificate presented at the ASP annual meeting. 1 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE wn March 22 1979 F Terry W. Gossard Engineering Staff Forest Service Mr. L U.S. of Department Agriculture Dear Terry While I was McHail Rex time of the the ASP meeting yesterday Presidents Congratulations meeting. in at for the awards award Sorry I given I could from learned to you not at get the there presentation. Sincerely JOHN R. McGUIRE Chief 6200-II ................................................................................................................................. I/69 1YAMERICAN 105 21 February Mr. 7205 It The TELEPHONE 703 for for in inform Prize that you of you have Presidents the your article Applications Photogrammetric Engineering 1577 pps. to Third of in DTM and been selected Award the for the Service Forest Sensing Remote as Practical December 1586. - Award presentation will be made at the ASP Annual Business and Awards Room of the Washington Hilton D. Meeting in the Lincoln Hotel Washington March 21 1979 convening at 830 a.m. We should Wednesday appreciate it if you could come to the room at 800 a.m. to meet the Officers and greet the other award winners. Coffee will be available. Please let the ASP know Headquarters in if you to plan be at meeting to the your Award accept person. Again of let this 534-6617 22153 pleasure a recipient published 1978 22046 Drive Virginia indeed Papers VIRGINIA Gossard Mr. is CHURCH AVE. FALLS VIRGINIA Gossard Springfield first N. 1979 Terry W. Ashview Dear SOCIETY OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY congratulate me Award new based for you on state-of-the-art in photogrammetry practical such papers as the being practical first winner of applied values we will and which hope in Prize Third the advancing stimulate more yours. Cordially Clifford President Crandall J. ASP M B E R N T E R N A T O N A L S O C 3 I E I M I CJC/ahd E T Y F O R P H O T O G R A M M E T R Y C. lýnadical for Pagers 34iz ZClýiril 3rrýbaedsAývarb Lie Io agm Ph of tt FHWA LAUNCHES A MAJOR RESEARCH PROGRAM IN LOW VOLUME ROADS Adrian PeZzner Chief Materials Engineer WO There are over 2 million miles 3218000 km of roads in the A wide United States carrying fewer than 400 vehicles per day. and and local operate manage portions governments array of agencies road system. Some but by no means all of the of this extensive in administering the system are State DOTs agencies involved counties townships and such Federal agencies as the Bureau of The Nations and the U. S. Forest Service. Land Management influenced its low volume road is well being directly by and maintenance for the construction Current expenditures system. billion $4 a year. of this road system are socio-economic an-nual construc-tion $4 billion a year is a vast sum of money it must be Although This sum is being spent for the placed in perspective As a basis and maintenance of over 2 million miles of roads. is less than the of comparison $4 billion a year considerably the mile on 42000 expenditure only for construction 67578 km Interstate Road System. metro-politan resources--funding Inter-state the Federal Government has placed great emphasis of funds on transportation problems in large its concentrated has The Government research effort--on the primary and manpower and result of this As a emphasis there is ample Road Systems. road system is deteriorating at a evidence that the low volume maintenance and capital improvements. rapid rate due to lack of the over There is growing concern adequacy of local rural roads to needs the Nation. of meet present and future Over the years and expenditure areas. ex-penditure fund-ing of the importance The Federal Highway Administration recognizing the has the of low volume roads and increasing inadequacy system initiated a massive research effort to develop new and improved The research program calls for an for such roads. technology million to be obtained from several different of $7 by million of the total will be committed sources. Nearly $5 will take a direct contract The FHWA under its authority. program for of estimates a variety number of years to accomplish planning transfer workshops in three major categories studies and technology FY 1983. have been made through 5 STREAM CROSSINGS FOR LOW VOLUME ROADS -- Bridge Rehabilitation -- Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation -- Deficiencies of Existing Low Volume Stream Crossings -- Structural and Hydraulic for Low Water Considerations Bridge Design -- Rehabilitation or Replacement Decision Criteria -- Culvert vs. Bridge Usage Decision Criteria -- Depressed Structures for Crossings Over Intermittent Streams -- Fail-Safe Designs -- Where Fatigue Can be Omitted From Bridge Design -- Low-Cost Retaining Walls SURFACES FOR LOW VOLUME ROADS -- Defining -- Reducing ------ Road-beds the Low Volume Road System the Effects of Environment on the Utility of Low Volume Roads Criteria for Stabilization of Roadbeds Construction and Maintenance Practices for Low Volume and Surfaces A Simplified Design Method for Low Volume Road Surfaces Decision Criteria for Surfacing Low Volume Roads of Low Volume Roadways and Planning-Stage Construction Sur-facings -- Special Equipment Needs MATERIALS for Construction FOR LOW VOLUME and Maintenance ROADS of Substandard and Waste Materials for Construction and Maintenance Establish Requirements of Materials for Low Volume Roads Evaluation of Low-Cost Materials for Use in Low Volume Roads of Specifications Development for Materials Used in Low Volume Roads of Low Volume Roads Materials Manual Development -- Survey ----- The Federal Highway Administration has made arrangements for the Research Transportation Board TRB to review and critique this program of research on low volume roads. TRB in turn has selected a panel of engineers under the chairmanship of Professor Eldon Yoder of Purdue University to evaluate the program and to provide the necessary feedback and critique. The first meeting of the panel is scheduled for the latter part of April. One of the panel members is Adrian Pelzner of the Office. Another panel Washington member who will also be providing a logging road perspective is Professor Gary Hicks of Oregon State Professor Hicks University. has worked closely with the Forest Service on a variety of projects and administrative studies in Region 6. 6 of-fered Needless to say the Forest Service has endorsed this program of research on low volume roads and has offered its full support and It is entirely possible as the program develops that cooperation. We have the Forest Service will become more deeply involved. to make our road system available as a laboratory to test and evaluate any appropriate new or improved technology resulting from the research. We will keep you major program of informed research future developments regarding low volume roads. on 7 on this SCS OF STATE NATIONAL CONFERENCE CONSERVATION ENGINEERS con-tract Office Engineering representatives recently participated Washington in the Soil Conservation Services SCS first meeting of all State Conservation The week-long covered numerous conference Engineers. topics relating to issues such as internal communications A/E review and acceptance the engineers role and training. The comments and concerns discussed were quite similar to those Some of the key generally expressed at Forest Service meetings. issues presented were cer-tain 6 1. The administrator of SCS issued Engineering Memorandum on February 1979 requiring professional registration for The following is an excerpt from the directive engineers. 6 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION SCS designs are to meet applicable requirements of Federal State and local laws and regulations. To to regulatory comply with State laws to demonstrate agencies that SCS engineers are of proven competence and to promote confidence and respect of engineers in the private sector all State conservation are to be registered in the State they serve. The Head TSC Engineering Staff and the Director Engineering Division are to be registered in at least one State. engi-neers conser-vation registra-tion A new State conservation engineer is to be given a reasonable time to become registered. State engineers presently in position are encouraged to obtain registration even though they are exempt from this requirement by Civil Service regulations. In addition it is SCS policy to encourage of other engineers and landscape architects of engineering geologists and certification tech-nicians. as-sistance In the past SCS has monitored operation 2. and maintenance of all SCS-assisted dams in accordance with PL 534 and PL 566 for only 3 years after dam construction was completed. were made Exceptions if another agency or the local sponsors specifically requested for additional lengths of time. This 3-year policy has been dropped. At this time SCS State offices should be in the 9 mainte-nance schedule for periodic a continuing process of developing dams. The change in policy inspection for all SCS-assisted reflects Forest Service and States concerns relative to the poor condition of many of the structures. maintenance between SCS The final key issue discussed was future coordination activities and the Forest Service to expand mutually supportive within the Department of Agriculture. Items addressed were -- Potential for uniform dam design standards -- Training for water resources engineers -- Policy for handling aging dams -- Maintenance of dams 10 WASHINGTON OFFICE NEWS OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director out-lined identi-fied RID PROJECT STATUS goals of the RID Project and its planned development were in the July 1977 issue of Field Notes. In the April 1978 issue those intra-Forest Service grid and polygon systems under consideration for inclusion as part of the RID System were and discussed. The sys-tem Engi-neering. RID Project Team has now concluded the short-range phase of the Project and has recommended adoption of a unified national to meet the existing needs of the field users. This system will be supported and maintained at a national level by the Systems Operation and Maintenance Group Washington Office Tom George formerly RID Project Leader now heads the SOM Group. The RID SOM The RID System now as constituted is composed of two subsystems Sys-tem 1. A versatile 2. A polygon and POLY geographic-based system cellular for manipulating system called digitized map data GRID called The selection of these two systems to be subsystems to the RID minimizes the impact on data previously collected for use by other Forest Service resource mapping systems. Dual subsystems also account for the different accuracy requirements for various users and the difference in computer costs for the two methods of data manipulation. The GRID subsystem is cheaper to use but it is not as accurate the POLY subsystem. as The RID Project Team has just published the Resource Information RID System Short-Range Phase Final Report together Display with a short summary document describing some of the key features of the RID System. A users manual has also been prepared and is 11 de-termine being finalized four RID System for distribution. training sessions Copies will be available being planned. at the coop-erative re-lated Co-ordinator mem-bers The To long-range phase of the RID Project has already begun. what the needs of the Forest Service will be in the 1980s the Service has decided to conduct an Information Needs Assessment INA. To help us in this INA effort we have entered into a with the State University of New York at Buffalo agreement which has extensive and expertise in SUNY-Buffalo experience work involving computer mapping systems. Region Station and Area has been asked to appoint an INA for the RID Project in this INA effort. During May of the INA Team will meet with the Regional INA Coordinators and visit selected forests. These fact-finding visits and meetings will serve to provide to the INA effort the essential field input needs for the 1980s. The subsequent regarding the Forest Services Service-wide which will be administered SUNY-Buffalo survey by will reflect the long-range concerns and needs of the Forest Service as perceived field by the INA Coordinators the respective units involved and Regions Stations and Areas. Each Pro-ject sys-tems ex-isting long-range SUNY will analyze the results and from this analysis the RID Team will be able to discern those resource information alternatives to the provide viable cost-effective System. Considering both the objectives of the phase of the RID Project and the impact that a comprehensive INA can have on realizing that objective we expect the INA and the participating Forests to look upon this INA venture to provide as a real opportunity leadership in the area of resource information management for the 1980s. which RID Coordi-nators accom-modate com-posed The Project Team has the new direction of four members RID 1. Ed Chapman 2. George 3. Bill 4. Hue some personnel undergone of the RID Project. The Project Holguin changes Team is to now Leader Computer Ubbens Computer Specialist Specialist McOsker Secretary you are interested in keeping posted on the progress of the RID System Project or have comments suggestions or questions please contact the Project Leader Ed Chapman at FTS 235-2306. If 12 CONSULTATION Walter Assistant HUMAN RESOURCE AND STANDARDS Furen Director E. PROGRAM BRIEFS distri-bution. New Planning and Design Guides proce-dures Fa-cility Two new are currently being prepared for field publications The first is titled A Facility Planning and Design Guide This document will Corps Residential Camps. for Youth Conservation serve as a national guide to provide criteria policies and to be used for planning design acquisition and utilization facilities of for the YCC program. The second publication is A Planning and Design Guide for the Young Adult Conservation Corps and will provide similar guidance for the YACC program. This guide is actually an update of a publication of a similar title that received limited field distribution in June of 1977. Field distribution of the YACC guide for July.. YCC guide is scheduled for May and the ade-quacy construc-tion re-placement Job Corps Facility Survey A field survey of Job Corps facilities was recently completed by a Office Team of Human Resource Program and Engineering The objective of the survey was to evaluate the facility function planning design and and cost effectiveness of Job Corps facility sequence Washington personnel. of 1 program. 3 2 obser-vations 6 in Regions and 2 While considerable differences existed from center to center in nearly all phases of the facilities program several overall were made. A total of six Job Corps Centers were visited 8. en-hance Voca-tional Attitudes toward the Job Corps Program appeared very good and a for improved facility management general feeling of concern and quality improvement prevailed. Strong efforts are underway to the development facilities program in all Regions. Like-wise The overall quality of construction accomplished through the Skills Training Program was judged to be very good. the preparation of construction drawings to support this 13 rea-sonable provid-ed strength-ening tech-nical main-tain program was being timeframe at a quality level and within accomplished the adversities encountered. considering a In reviewing the facilities program at each center a number of problem areas were noted and specific recommendations were with emphasis on Service-wide needs. Some major needs included improvements of the master planning and funding process of the Work Program Officer position better control of support for Job Corps projects improved compliance with health and safety requirements and the need to establish and a standard operational philosophy for centers. Based on the specific recommendations made action plan will be formulated in the near Reloeatable the survey future. in report an Buildings residen-tial reloca-table have leased During recent years many Regions acquired and/or constructed new YCC residential camps in order to meet the National program target of having 75 percent of our enrollees in a program by 1980. Region 8 has had good success with modular buildings at YCC camps. concrete/masonry pri-mary dur-ability Analyzing total facility need was for toilet needs the Region determined that the with excellent buildings and kitchens characteristics low operating and maintenance costs and minimum sanitation problems. The Region concluded that buildings floor poured within a structural having a reinforced concrete steel base frame reinforced masonry walls and conventional pitched roof would best meet requirements. After some marketing research the Region arranged for an A/E to prepare working drawings and specifications for -- A -- -- fully equipped compact kitchen to feed 60 people - firm 12 40 size 3.7 m x 12.2 m A mens toilet building for 30 people both with laundry facilities - 12 x 28 size 3.7 m x 8.5 m and without laundry facilities - 12 x 24 size 3.7 m x 7.3 m A womens x toilet building for 30 people both with laundry and without facilities - 12 x 28 size 3.7 m x 8.5 laundry facilities - 12 x 24 size 3.7 m x 7.3 m The m preliminary designs were reviewed by a Forest Service team of program administrators and a Job Corps cook. Upon modification and acceptance of the design and specifications the Region awarded a construction contract for two kitchens and four toilet buildings to be delivered to sites in Texas and Virginia. The units were transported to the sites and placed on prepared foundations. Evaluation after one season of use has shown that the engineers 14 units are as good as or better than those constructed Contract prices for January 1979 are estimated to be on site. -- Kitchen fully equipped - $43000 -- Toilet building with laundry - $19400 $38800 -- Toilet each or total of for two one mens and one womens building without laundry - $16600 each or total of for two one mens and one womens connec-tions en-closures $33200 These estimates do not include site preparation utility transportation costs or setup costs. screened Adjacent for dish tray return garbage and service exits are cans also additional expenses however these enclosures can be easily constructed by YCC enrollees at a minimal cost. Additional information may be obtained in Region 8 FTS 257-3367. Engineer 15 from Tom Smith RO Staff INVITATION TO READERS OF FIELD NOTES Every reader is a potential author would to of an article for Field Notes. If have you news item a or ac-curate short article you Field Notes. share with we Service engineers invite send to you for it in publication Material like submitted the to Office for Washington should publication be reviewed the by Washing-ton Office Regional respective and of informative material submitted however short is interest to from vary the that see or news information several sentences short items are preferred. and All timely FSM to technically 7113. The length several typewritten material submitted to the ideally all illustrations should of pages be original or negatives. distributed from the Washington Area Headquarters current is Forest Service Engineers be typed double-spaced prints glossy Field Notes may articles Office should drawings to Forests Office directly and Forest Service retirees. If to all you Regional are not Station currently and on the ask your Office Manager or the Regional Engineering Data Systems Technical Coordinator to increase the number of copies sent to your office. Copies of back issues are also available from the Washington Office. mailing Field to list personnel their should Regional R-1 Melvin R-2 Royal R-3 submit material Dittmer M. Ryser Juan Gomez Coordinators publication for or questions should direct R-4 Ted Wood R-9 Fred R-5 Walt R-10 F. R-6 Kjell R-8 Bob Bowers questions Weaver WO Bakke concerning format editing problems to Forest Service Attn P.O. Gordon Telephone GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE USDA L. RP-E Bldg Rome Editor Box 2417 D.C. 20013 Washington U.S. - Staff Engineering A concerning Field Notes Coordinators Area Code 703 1979-620-039/FS-5217 235-8198 Al W. Hintsala Baxandall Colley publishing dates and other