ENGINEERING TECHNICAL FIELD NOTES TECHNICAL REPORTS MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DATA INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM VOLUME Field Index 1 LO Engineering and 9 NUMBER 11 Nlýotes i Publications Washington FOREST SERVICE NOVEMBER 1977 US ptST 5tRvv U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING FIELD NOTES Volume 9 Number 11 in this publication has been developed for guidance of employees its and its Service contractors Department of Agriculture-Forest The Department of Agriculture assumes no Federal and State agencies. Information contained respon-sibility of the United cooperating the interpretation or use for The use of trade text must not in be may the not own employees. publication by as FSM States the represents recommended Department of Agriculture technicians exclusively for personal opinions or approved Because references. and engineering intended by the United to the exclusion be suitable. construed orpolicy except engineers its firm or corporation names in this publication is for the information and Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval or service product of others that The by other than of this information of the reader. convenience of any States should procedures of the type read each however engineers. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington D.C. author and mandatory instructions of material in the publication issue FOREST SERVICE U.S. of the respective 20013 this publication all is ff METRICUBES 1. 00 ýrPc 4J J sim-plicity A desk top tool for metric measurements is being distributed separately to all recipients of this issue of Field Notes. An aid to metric the METRICUBES are provided as a followup to the June 1977 issue of Field Notes which covered metrication in detail. it CHANGE TO SEPTEMBER Volume A HISTORY OF EXPLOSIVES USE BY THE 9 FIELD NOTES Number FOREST 9 SERVICE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Change page 19 Last paragraph 2nd sentence Recently developed ExplodingBridgewire and shunted detonators cap safety fuses safer explosives detonation. EBW have to read blasting machines EBW contributed materially to INDEX This OF ENGINEERING AND ED9T PUBLICATIONS index contains the field in the information on publications of the Engineering Staff Washington Office and in the Equipment Development in Engi-neering Centers. The listing is arranged by the series of publications Field Notes Technical Reports etc. title author document number and date of publication. It is not a comprehensive list and previous compilations are cited with each group. Copies of request these publications are by writing or calling available to Forest Service personnel upon Forest Service--USDA TIC Engineering P.O. Box 2417 Washington DC Telephone FTý ENGINEERING 2.0 3 35-1424 FIELD NOTES publication is a monthly newsletter published to exchange engineering information and ideas of a technical and administrative nature among Forest Service personnel If you are not now Station and Area Headquarters. receiving a copy and would like one ask your Office Manager or the Regional Information Coordinator to increase the number of copies sent to your This Wash-ington office. Articles published prior to September 1976 are 8 No. 10 October 1976. Copies of back issues in Field Notes Vol. available from the listed are Office. Index of Field Notes October 1976 METRIC--Are You Ready Reprinted from USDA Newsletter - Vol. October 35 No. 1976 Revision of the Specifications Signs Weller Charles 1977 17 FN Vol. High Hazard Clause in Powerline Special Construction of Roads and Bridges for L. FN Vol. 8 No. 10 October 1 1976 8 No. 10 October Use Permits Geometronics Strickland Service Center Harold L. FN Vol. 8 San Dimas Forest Residues Machine Taylor Heyward T. FN Vol. 8 No. No. 10 October 1976 Completes Field Tests 10 October 1976 Observations on Low-Cost Roads in New Zealand Lund John W. FN Vol. 8 No. 11 November 1976 Vertical Curves and Their Influence on the Performance FN Vol. 8 No. 11 November 1976 of Log Ohmstede Robert Federal Aid Plots McCall Ron FN for Vol. 8 Percent Abney Level PAL No. 11 November 1976 Liability of Government Employees Harold L. FN Vol. 8 No. 11 Strickland Trucks Surveys Civil New RDS Taylor Solar Data File System Heyward T. FN Vol. Energy Update Charles R. Weller FN Vol 8 8. November No. 11 November 1976 No. 11 November 1976 A Transportation Planning Workload Analysis Groven Allen C. Gomez Juan Martin William December R. FN Vol. 8 1976 Comments About Bump 1976 Gary F. Computerized Programs at Fort Collins FN Vol. 8 No. 12 December 1976 Engineering Resources Fire Aviation Safety and Forest Insect Disease Management Taylor Heyward T. FN Vol. 8 No. 12 December 1976 Aerial Tramway Seminar--Electromagnetic Testing of Wire Rope Weller Charles R. FN Vol. 8 No. 12 December 1976 Management Handbook Driver-Operator Handbook Forest Service History Harold L. FN Vol. Strickland Fleet What Bugs Engineers Most About Smith Terry C. FN Vol. 9 No. 8 No. 12 December Report Writing 1 January 1977 2 1976 No. 12 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 Weller Charles. FN Vol. 9 No. 1 January 1977 New Mapping Strickland A Pavement Program Affects Forest Service Harold L. FN Vol. 9 No. 1 January 1977 Design and Model Taylor Heyward T. Management FN Energy From Water Jerry M. FN Vol. Hyde Vol. 9 No. 9 2 No. System for Forest Service Roads--A Working 2 January 1977 February 1977 Forest Service Safety of Dams Studies James A. FN Vol. 9 No. 2 February 1977 Wolfe Low-Volume Roads Bibliography Harold L. FN Vol. Strickland 9 No. 2 February 1977 Region 5 Fire Equipment Committee Multiregional Anchor Project Steering Committee Cooperators From the University of California-Davis Ad Hoc Slash Equipment Group Steep-Slope Stabilization Group American Society of Agricultural Engineers ASAE Winter Meeting Taylor Heyward T. FN Vol. 9 No. 2 February 1977 Buildings Handbook Update Alternate Energy Sources Weller Charles R. FN Vol. No. 9 2 February 1977 The Problems of Using Standard SpecificationsWithout Adjusting for Specific Conditions Design FN Vol. 9 No. 3 March 1977 Coghlan Gerald T. Skip Polypropylene Construction Fabric as a Reinforcement of Muskeg Subgrade in Road Lively Morris Vischer William Documentation Taylor of Road Heyward T. Design FN Vol. Compatibility of Electrical Weller Charles R. FN Vol. A. System 9 No. 3 FN Vol. No. 9 9 No. March RDS March 1977 Equipment With Electric 9 No. 3 March 1977 Emergency Relief Funds Harold L. FN Vol. Strickland 3 3 3 March 1977 Service 1977 Use of Reinforced Earth Companys Retaining National Forest Erwin Dave FN Vol. 9 No. April 1977 Structures on the Olympic 4 The Brownhouse B.D. Franklin Study Road FN Vol. 9 No. 4 April 1977 New Forest Service General Provisions and Specifications Roads and Bridges Cadastral Engineering Weller Charles R. FN Vol. 9 No. April 1977 for Construction of 4 A Standard Strickland Forest Service Scale Harold L. FN Vol. The American Taylor Society Heyward T. 9 for Resource Aerial Photography No. April 1977 4 of Agricultural Engineers FN Vol. 9 No. April 1977 4 Career Counseling for Engineering Personnel E. Duane FN Vol. 9 No. 5 May 1977 Davey A Mathematical Programming Approach for the Analysis of Transport/Logging Systems for Timber Sale May 1977 Cox Wallace R. Wong Peter FN Vol. 9 No. 5 Energy Conservation Harold L. Strickland Traffic Surveillance Taylor Heyward T. FN Vol. Survey FN Vol. 9 9 No. No. 5 5 May 1977 May 1977 Progress in Consultation and Standards More About the Press-Lam Bridge Weller Charles R. FN Vol. 9 No. May 1977 5 Presidential Statement on the Metric Conversion Act June 1977 FN Vol. 9 No. 6 Part I Metric Conversion Act of 1975 Public Law FN Vol. 9 No. 6 Part I June 1977 America FN Vol. Joins a Metric World 6 Part June 1977 9 No. I The Metric System of Measurement June 1977 FN Vol. 9 No. 6 Part I Brief History of Measurement Systems FN Vol. 9 No. 6 Part June 1977 I 4 94-168 of 1975 onthe Impact of Metrication Vol. 9 No. 6 Part I FN Development FN Vol. 9 Metrication FN Vol. 9 American FN Vol. of Metric No. of No. Part 6 Society 9 No. 6 Standards for Wire June 1977 I National Standards for Traffic Part June 1977 the 6 Construction Industry June 1977 I for Testing I Part and Materials Control Devices Instruction on Metric June 1977 Metric Education Guide for Employee Training FN Vol. 9 No. 6 Part June 1977 I Metric Editorial Guide FN Vol. 9 No. 6 Part I June 1977 U.S.-Metric Measurement Converters FN Vol. 9 No. 6 Metrication Whats FN 6 Vol. 9 No. I Part June 1977 Next I Part June 1977 Metric Conversion Tables FN Vol. 9 No. 6 Part II June 1977 Concrete Larson Tinker Toy Ed A Method 9 Bridge No. 7 July 1977 of Marking Boundary Lines Using Dennis Vol. 9 No. July 1977 7 Moonier Minimum-Cost Wong FN Vol. Peter Network Design FN Vol. 9 No. the HP 25 Calculator for Timber Transport 7 July 1977 International Conference on Low-Volume Roads Taylor Heyward T. FN Vol. 9 No. 7 July 1977 Review Weller Road and Bridge Preconstruction Activity Charles R. FN Vol. 9 No. 7 July 1977 of Resource Information Display System RIDS. Harold L. FN Vol. 9 No. 7 July 1977 Strickland Wiring Mutch Systems for Sewage Lift Stations Frank FN Vol. 9 No. August 1977 8 5 Conversion Skycrane Saves the Day In Alaska Gregory L. Muchmore Frank Vol. 9 No. August 1977 May 8 of Directory Vol. 9 8 No. W. Williams Geotechnical/Materials August Russell J. Personnel 1977 Report on the Status of Safety Design Standards Sign Specifications and Sign Catalog Furen Walter Vol. 9 No. August 1977 for Low-Volume Roads 8 Study of Service-wide Engineering Computer Systems Harold L. Vol. 9 No. Strickland August 1977 8 Field Tests Taylor at San Heyward T Dimas Equipment Development Center Vol. Research Publications Colley A.L. Vol. No. 9 No. 9 9 8 1977 August September 1977 Slope Inclinometer Data Reduction Kaufman Robert E. Vol. 9 No. 9 September 1977 A History of Explosives Use by the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Adolphson Ray Vol. 9 No. 9 September 1977 Geometronics Strickland Region Application of Digitizing Techniques Harold L. Vol. 9 No. 9 September 1977 FRT Study on Transportation Investment Decision Policies and Furen Walter Vol. 9 No. 9 September 1977 Noise Pollution Prediction Method Taylor Heyward No. T. Vol. 9 9 Analysis September 1977 Benefits of Computer Models for Transportation System Analysis Vol. 9 No. 10 October 1977 DeKalb Victor M Native Log Muchmore Stringer Bridge Research Frank W. Tuomi Roger L. Wolfe Ronald 1977 Highway Safety Traffic Furen Walter Geometronics Strickland Vol. 9 Control No. 10 Service Center Harold L. Vol. 9 October No. 10 1977 October 6 1977 Vol. 9 No. 10 October 1 Road Design System Taylor Heyward T. Vol. 9 No. 10 October ENGINEERING 1977 TECHNICAL REPORTS The Engineering Technical Reports ETR series are detailed specific engineering topics or closely-related subjects. discussions of Material published in the ETR series prior to the period included listed in Field Notes Vol. 7 No. 10 October 1975. Measurement of Soil Ziemer Robert Creep by Inclinometer September 1977. ETR 7100-4 Status Report of Emulsified Asphalt Pavements Williamson Ronald March 1977. ENGINEERING herein is in Region MANAGEMENT 6 ETR 7700-10 SERIES The Engineering Management Series contains publications serving a special several disciplines which are applied purpose or reader and those involving to a specific problem. publications have such interest for readers outside of the Forest Service and Department of Agriculture that requests for them exceed the number of copies Available funds are insufficient to initially printed. meet these additional demands. The particular items are submitted to the Superintendent of Documents of the Government Printing Office who Some of these GPO prints copies for the public. The cognizant Engineering and publications staff advises GPO and other agencies and offices of planned publication whenever the interest of those agencies is likely. order They may then copies to be printed at the same time that GPO prints its stock. Among the publications listed below those currently available through GPO are marked with an asterisk Inquires and orders from outside the Department of Agriculture for those items should cite the full title and identification number and should be addressed to Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington FRT DC 20402 Study Policy Team Report--Transportation Investment Decision Policies and Analysis EM 8320 June 1977 Topographic Translated Analysis System in Spanish Albee William Mahan TOPAS Richard EM 7140-1A Mahoney Robert August 7 1977 FS General Provisions Roads and Bridges Standard Specifications 7720-100 Unruh Marion Badger David A. GPO Stock No. 001-001-00425-1 Price $5.65 Road and Johnston EM Bridge Preconstruction Beryl July 1977 Engineering EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT AND for Construction of EM 7730-3 TEST PUBLICATIONS The Equipment Development and-Test Reports EDT series are produced through the Forest Service Equipment Development Centers at San Dimas California SDEDC and Missoula Montana MEDC. These publications are the result of projects assigned to the Centers by the for the evaluation and development of equipment to meet the needs of Forest land managers in the field. Chief Copies or of these by requests A comprehensive EDT Program publications may be obtained from the the Centers at the addresses below. to description Progress FY of the TIC publications listed Plans FY 1977. Washington below are Office carried in 1976/1976T Forest Service--USDA San Dimas Equipment Development Center 444 E. Bonita Avenue San Dimas California 91773 Forest Service--USDA Missoula Equipment Development Center Fort Missoula Missoula Montana 59801 An Equip Tips is a brief description of new equipment techniques materials or operating procedures. An EDIT Report is a general publication containing the results of studies investigations tests evaluations or extension development projects. Specifications and Standards describe requirements items purchased in quantity or for special Forest Service use. of Other reports prepared by the Centers are published as papers for technical society meetings and transactions bulletins descriptive pamphlets and special purpose articles. Project Record FiZms are sound motion pictures showing new equipment in operation or new operating techniques. Project Records are detailed engineering reports which generally include procedures techniques systems of measurement results analyses special circumstances and recommendations rationale. conclusions Requests for these documents or films should be directed to the Center listed as the author. The authors are shown as MEDC for Missoula Equipment Development for San Dimas Equipment Development Center. Center and SDEDC The publications listed include only Development Centers within the past those 5 published years. 8 by the two Equipment Equip Tips TITLE The SPH-4 helmet flight Orthographic AUTHOR DATE projector Chemicals and support equipment reduce friction in hose lays January 1977 SDEDC October MEDC 1976 to July 1976 SDEDC June 1976 MEDC reports June 1976 MEDC Resource publications February 1976 MEDC February 1976 MEDC 1976 MEDC New slide insert for physical fitness calculator Traffic surveillance Equipment-mounted system New equipment air filtering Safety Fuse Igniter Jaunuary September 1975 MEDC September 1975 MEDC September 1975 MEDC September 1975 MEDC equipment August 1975 MEDC Comfort station interior finishes August 1975 SDEDC Oil-recirculating waterless toilet August 1975 SDEDC Plastic tops--picnic tables benches July 1975 SDEDC June MEDC Firefighters equipment Belt Two first new aid fire pack kit camp kits shelter Lighter forest fire Date available on earth sciences Trail equipment publications and and films Automation of Safe the versatile seismic work ISCO water sampler 1975 May 1975 MEDC May 1975 MEDC firing set for 9 Tractor light Making New kit culverts fish good porcupine-resistant Safer detonator passages signs available May 1975 MEDC January 1975 MEDC January 1975 MEDC October MEDC 1974 Aids for battery selection September 1974 MEDC GSA hardhats September 1974 MEDC Road August MEDC traffic counters recommended Protect your hearing Crossbow tree trees up to New 1974 SDEDC marking system for 90 Firefighters July 1974 feet tall trousers lgok in 2- and 4-quart canteens for Hearing protection vehicle operators June 1974 MEDC June MEDC 1974 March 1974 MEDC March 1974 SDEDC off-road Microphor model H-12 flush toilet treatment unit February 1974 SDEDC January 1974 SDEDC September 1973 MEDC September 1973 MEDC Trail traffic counter now available on GSA contract September 1973 MEDC Nomex July 1973 MEDC June 1973 MEDC June 1973 MEDC Helicopter-serviced Improving the wood signs durability of routed Caution Electric fabric Emergency Improved toilet system power converters firefighters jacks for light trucks emergency ration A minimum water toilet the shirt fixture Duner 509 Gloves for forest workers 10 March 1973 SDEDC March 1973 MEDC EDT Reports Catalytic converter temperature tests Clearing of road exhaust system and disposing grubbing construction slash January 1977 SDEDC October SDEDC 1976 Development of the Forest Service trail traffic counter September 1976 MEDC Iodine dispenser disinfection January 1976 SDEDC for water supply Pickup truck slip-on equipment for cleaning recreation facilities July Slash-equipment and methods for treatment and utilization April Surfacing rock 1975 1.975 SDEDC SDEDC forest trails with crushed January 1975 MEDC Roadside slope revegetation past and current practice on the National Forests June 1974 SDEDC Functional evaluation of Deere 570 motor grader June 1974 SDEDC Sound propagation and annoyance under forest conditions March SDEDC Snowmobile noise January 1974 SDEDC Flexible downdrains January 1974 SDEDC June SDEDC the John 1974 Flight evaluation of Short Brothers and Harland Limited SC7 Military Skyvan--series 3M 1973 Project Records Static-line load anchor cables requirements for Development of specification for painted metal signs Survey of high-production grass collectors January 1977 MEDC January 1977 MEDC January 1977 SDEDC seed 11 Parameters for the design of efficient forest residues reduction machinery December 1976 SDEDC Remote sensing for big game December 1976 MEDC counts A case history Traffic service and repair counter Controlling stinging and insects at campsites biting October 1976 MEDC October 1976 MEDC October 1976 MEDC October 1976 MEDC program October 1976 SDEDC Liquid concentrate fire retardant blenders for ground tankers October 1976 SDEDC Chemicals and support equipment reduce friction in hose lays October 1976 SDEDC Results of equipment two timber management needs surveys Orthographic projector Trailer tractix equations and for curve widening computer to Helicopter noise and its effects on personnel--a preliminary survey September 1976 SDEDC Evaluating precision seeders Forest Service nurseries August 1976 MEDC Developing and testing a shear/plow for fireline construction August 1976 MEDC Evaluating the Bowie Industries Vac-U-Seed harvester August 1976 MEDC for Chain-flail barker development Roadside ditch-cleaning development June 1976 SDEDC machine April 1976 SDEDC Mobile equipment for servicing recirculating chemical toilets and pumping vault toilets March 1976 SDEDC Chemical fire retardant test methods March 1976 SDEDC corrosion 12 Evaluation of backpack March frames 1976 MEDC Evaluation of the Vermeer Model TS-44A tree spade for transplanting trees on surface-mined land February 1976 MEDC An analysis of substrates inks and paints for improving outdoor posters February 1976 MEDC Mechanically harvesting seeds southern orchards February 1976 MEDC Investigation of equipment needs for chemically treating hardwoods and conifers February 1976 MEDC Evaluation November MEDC of the wayfinder in 360 system 1975 Wildlife habitat management needs results of the 1975 followup survey October 1975 MEDC Surveys on the use of fire retardants in ground tankers October 1975 SDEDC Night helicopter July 1975 SDEDC July 1975 SDEDC Survey of portable wheel and axle load scales and State statutory limits weight June 1975 MEDC An evaluation of two-man backpacking crews for trail maintenance June 1975 MEDC An operational system for constructing fireline with explosives June 1975 MEDC operations Impact of off-road vehicle noise a National Forest on Firefighters exposure to carbon monoxide on the Deadline and Outlaw Fires May 1975 MEDC Qualifications test of two fire retardant chemicals Fire-Trol 931-N Fire-Trol 931-P May 1975 SDEDC Small check April 1975 - dam energy dissipator 13 SDEDC Analysis of reflective overglow and readability of the Forest Service National Forest logo April 1975 MEDC Comfort station interior finishes February 1975 SDEDC Experimental blends of dry liquids February 1975 MEDC May 1975 SDEDC Test and evaluation of model Evaluation of Development of 70 tanker the Vari-Dozer marking systems Limited accuracy tests of inductive loop counters Earth sciences equipment an introductory plan the SDEDC December 1974 MEDC November 1974 MEDC November 1974 MEDC November 1974 SDEDC needs Wildlife habitat management results of 1973 survey of 1974 two Ignition time vs. temperature for selected forest fuels Investigation December needs October 1974 MEDC need and feasibility of improving ground detectors September 1974 MEDC Investigation of equipment needs in United States nurseries September 1974 MEDC September 1974 MEDC Equipment for in sale timber Fuel orthographic projection layout treatment systems for partially August 1974 MEDC August 1974 MEDC Weather Measure Corporation Model WS750 Automatic Weather Station August 1974 MEDC All-terrain vehicle noise August 1974 SDEDC cut stands Investigation small seed processing equipment Firefighters lot physiological study July 14 1974 MEDC An investigation survey and Forest Service posters analysis July 1974 MEDC Linear fireline explosive system July 1974 MEDC incendiary grenades June 1974 MEDC of fish passage Investigation problems through culverts May 1974 MEDC aircraft tracking/guidance system A concept May 1974 MEDC Fire detection systems for seed orchards or small high-value areas May 1974 MEDC Site preparation machine phase investigation May 1974 MEDC May 1974 MEDC April 1974 SDEDC shoes April 1974 MEDC Snowmobile survival kit March MEDC A field evaluation helicopter-mounted grenade dispenser and Spray I preparation machine phase II development Site Vault toilet pumper vacuum interruptors Federal prison industries safety non-surfaced Treatment of oversized 1974 rock on February 1974 SDEDC February 1974 SDEDC Motorcycle noise February 1974 SDEDC of selected problems Investigation in range habitat improvement February 1974 MEDC January 1974 SDEDC February 1977 MEDC roads Bridge inspection equipment Retardant bases flowmeter for airtanker Other Reports Equipment land for reclaiming strip-mined Handbook 15 Fitness and work capacity available from Supt. of Doc. U.S. Govt. Printing Office Wash. DC 20402 February 1977 MEDC Summary--smokejumper injuries parachute malfunctions 1975 January 1977 MEDC December 1976 SDEDC December 1976 MEDC Potential for heating western tree seedling greenhouses with geothermal energy November 1976 MEDC Nursery equipment October 1976 MEDC October 1976 SDEDC October 1976 MEDC Implement hitch operations for forest Fireline explosive use and instruction Steep-slope and purchase catalog scarifier/seeder maintaining specifica-tions Forest Service Equipment Reviewing at and the Development Center Missoula Vegetative rehabilitation and equipment workshop annual report September 1976 MEDC Evaluation of interregional travelway closure and rehabilitation problems and techniques June MEDC Evaluating the need for environmental monitoring to predict timber harvesting impacts May 1976 MEDC 100-man medical treatment kit May 1976 MEDC May 1976 MEDC Emergency medical field station road-tire 1976 Lessening energy waste in the vehicle-driver system copies are available from Univ. of CA-Berkeley Instit. of Transp. Studies McLaughlin Hall Berkeley CA for $6.50/copy 94720 $0.40 handling charge--CA residents add sale tax April 1976 SDEDC Rating method--chain March MEDC 109 saw hazard 16 1976 Vault toilets maintenance design and considerations February 1976 SDEDC Machine for row-mulching logging slash to enhance site--a concept December 1975 SDEDC The San Dimas slash November 1975 SDEDC November 1975 MEDC November 1975 SDEDC machine Purchasing description trailblazer for Morrison international conference on noise from recreational off-road vehicles copies available from Univ. of Montana Missoula MT 59801 Attn 1st Dr. to R. the Chaney Jr. for $10 of Montana payable Univ. service-wide Progress report for the conference on planting product Greenhouse instrumentation Traffic surveillance Night helicopter stock September study publications operations Summary--smokejumper injuries 1974 parachute malfunctions Catalytic converter 1976 MEDC August 1975 MEDC August 1975 MEDC August 1975 SDEDC August 1975 MEDC eight temperature tests preliminary July 1975 SDEDC percent June 1975 SDEDC Night helicopter operations steering committee a chronology of the project June 1975 SDEDC Cassette traffic recording system brochure May 1975. MEDC May 1975 MEDC Feasibility study of self-contained tether cable system for operating equipment on slopes of 20 to 75 Equipment for processing lots Catalog small seed 17 Automated classifier for analyzing traffic data March 1975 MEDC Distribution of particles by number and size in Micro-cel E and HI SIL 233 dry liquids data report U.S. February 1975 MEDC January 1975 MEDC January 1975 MEDC Engineers December 1974 MEDC A survey of nursery practices and equipment needs presented Winter Meeting American Society of Agricultural Engineers Chicago IL December 1974 MEDC Evaluation of power requirements and blade design for slash-cutting machinery December 1974 SDEDC Relating operational variables tire wear October Army Dugway Proving Ground An engineering approach to the problem of maximizing Zectran particle capture on spruce budworms in a dense coniferous forest. U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground Technical Note butter-fly Aerial spray evaluation pine test Bitterroot National Forest MT Data Report U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground USDA Forest Service R-1 Division of State and Private Forestry and Missoula Equipment Development Center Greenhouses for forestry seedlings Ekblad 1974 Winter Meeting American Society of Agricultural to Night helicopter operations for fighting wildfires Off-road vehicle noise operators and 1974 SDEDC September 1974 SDEDC September 1974 SDEDC effects on bystanders 18 raising containerized trees United States--a computer program paper presented at North American Containerized Forest Tree Cost in of the Seedling Symposium Denver CO August 1974 MEDC August 1974 MEDC Systems engineering for greenhouse operations proceedings of the North American Containerized Forest Tree Seedling Symposium Denver CO Great Plains Agricultural Council Publication No. 68 Field trails with Super 8 movie cameras for traffic classification Crosscut saws description July MEDC 1974 sharpening reconditioning April 1974 MEDC Application of meteorological prediction models to forest spray Workshop aerial application problems. of insecticides against forest defoliators Missoula MT April 1974 MEDC History Range Seeding Equipment Committee 1946-1973 January 1974 MEDC Evaluation of brushcutters and Kershaw December R-8 Hydro-Ax at-ear noise exposure Operators off-road recreational vehicles 1973 for October 1973 SDEDC October 1973 MEDC Application of dry liquids to insecticide dissemination October 1973 MEDC Civilian needs and case studies for the USDA Forest Service technical transfer colloquium American University September 1973 MEDC Relation of noise measurements to temporary threshold shift in users June SDEDC Using heat for sagebrush control snow-mobile 19 1973 particle ignition character-istics. Cooperative study between Exhaust USDA Forest Service SDEDC of Calif. Riverside Dept. CA of and Univ. Statistics February 1973 SDEDC A field experiment on the impaction of Zectran particles on spruce larvae. Technical Report. USDA R-1 Division of State and Private Forestry and Missoula Equipment Development Center February 1973 MEDC The CL-215 summary of its an airtanker 1973 SDEDC undated SDEDC bud-worm perform- FFSAR Developmental model chain-flail barker/cleaner Limited evaluation Canadair CL-215 Amphibious Airplane. Cooperative study between SDEDC and Edwards AFB CA October 1972 SDEDC A guide to cleaning recreation sites. Cooperative project between Rocky Mountain Region and SDEDC 1972 Implement-carrying hitch use December 1972 SDEDC December 1972 SDEDC for SDEDC forestry Efficiency and economy of an air curtain destructor used for slash disposal in the Northwest 20 FWWAASHHINGTON CONSULTATION OFFICE AND NEWS STANDARDS Walter E. Furen Assistant Director PRACTICES AND EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS Equip-ment IN ROAD MAINTENANCE In FY 1975 the Forest Service through the San Dimas and Missoula Equipment Development Centers initiated a study to assess road maintenance equipment needs and to identify equipment problems that might be solved by the Development Centers. An interview technique was used to gather data from 38 National Forests. Many of you participated in this process and willingness to provide This No. so input was greatly appreciated. your study identified as EDIT 2521 has been completed and Special Report 7771-2813 was published in September 1977. If you have not already done obtain a copy of the Special Report to review it in depth. The study did not identify new highly significant areas of improvement of an equipment development nature. 27 different Although this situation existed project ideas were determined to be useful and they are shown in table 1. These projects will be included in the EDT program as time and funding permit. The major issue identified by this EDT study was that road maintenance personnel are dissatisfied with maintenance management direction and emphasis as it existed at the time the field interviews were conducted. The Special imple-mentation Report contains discussion of 17 problem statements to support The Chief has written a letter to the Regional Foresters expressing his concern and emphasizing the importance of appropriate of the maintenance management system. A copy of his letter is included in the Foreword of the Special Report. the EDT a listing and finding. The Transportation System Maintenance Handbook FSH 7709.15 published in October 1975 outlines the maintenance management system that has been adopted for use in the Forest Service. We have had approximately 2 years to become acquainted with and to begin using this system. In order to evaluate recommen-dations problems in implementing this system and to develop we have scheduled a Road Maintenance Management improvement Each Region will be Workshop to be held the week of January 9-13 1978. Please communicate represented by its Regional Road Maintenanance Engineer. your comments and recommendations to your Regional Maintenance Engineer so that he can present them at the January workshop. from the ground Input progress and for 21 Table 1--Promising project ideas arranged by value engineering staffs to Regional Regional Project Project Priority Techniques 1 2 if for surveying 2 Road 3 Training 4 Impact of road design 5 Pavement maintenance 6 Maintenance 7 Traffic 8 Transportation 9 Grader cutting maintenance 2.8 lifetime costs 7043 New 2.8 - New 2.8 7048 New 2.8 - New 2.8 on road maint. support 2.6 user instructions 2537 Completed 2.6 cost study 2285 Continuing 2.5 edges 7052 New 2.5 reflective signs 7068 New 2.5 2609 Continuing 2.5 7019 New 2.4 7070 Continuing 2.4 7067 New 2.4 7053 New 2.4 7071 New 2.4 2677 Renew 2.4 2683 Continuing 2.4 - New 2.3 - New 2.3 2674 New 2.3 7065 New 2.3 - New 2.1 Continuing 2.1 - Renew 2.1 - New 2.0 - New 2.0 control equipment surveillance Rock rakes 13 Road grader operator 14 Reduction 15 Culvert 16 Reducing equipment 17 Roadside 18 Slope 19 Outfit 20 Project signals 21 Culvert cleaning 22 Motor 23 Redundant 24 Maintenance 25 Ditch 26 Backhoe 27 Grader blade little New Continuing 12 rated 7066 2685 deterioration of studies maintenance for road work safety belts of sign theft devices inlet brush vandalism equipment control equipment revegetation sign trucks and signs devices grader substitutes brakes systems for treatment of oversized 2055 rock cleaner accessories each value conditions and construction traffic Road 1 Status signs of 11 staffs No. title aids Low-cost unsure road equipment 10 Regional proposal extensions project value. for rock idea 1 Scores were to 3 based on averaged to its rank benefit project 22 to the Region ideas. 3 if it would benefit opera-tional level will assure that significant problems be addressed at the workshop and will provide guidance as we proceed from the implementation to the phase of the maintenance management system. SERVICE-WIDE 1. PROBLEM STATEMENTS IN ROAD MAINTENANCE A sound base for actual maintenance needs does not exist on National Forests due to a lack of documented conditions and traffic using the transportation system and road user Without this base safety is not adequately considered. planning and budgeting procedures for road maintenance activities cannot accurately describe the work to be done with associated cost or evaluate results when activity has been complete. 2. 3. 4. frus-trated Most Forest personnel are aware of needs and dedicated to efficient performance but in some cases they are of a clear and concise means of implementing by lack the maintenance management system. Roads even some constructed recently are substandard and need reconstruction or completion effort to be put into a maintainable state. Some in-house maintenance organizations are not of a size and equipment to maximize management and manpower skills or to allow for flexibility. utilization 5. 6. opera-tions The required skills at various organizational levels not been totally identified in either road systems of road maintenance. or specialized areas effec-tively Some Service-wide programs in road maintenance training and information dissemination are lacking in order to main-tain carry out 7. have The operations. Forest Service lacks equipment and techniques to paved roads which are being constructed in increasing numbers. 8. 9. accom-plished Timber maintenance is not being uniformly in accordance with the contracts or with applicable maintenance standards. sale road Increased costs are reported because inappropriately sized local parts availability and local downtime equipment service are not considered when decisions about available Fleet managers and users feel they are equipment are made. involved in the equipment selection process. not adequately 23 They have 12. proper equipment to that the is not local being used to be job in done. ap-praised ad-dressed i-ciencies Where Development Centers have made available equipment and materials the maintenance staffs at the Forest level often are not fully in agreement with or of the goals and are left on their own to integrate the use into their operations. Equipment managers feel the projects have been too narrow in scope and have not the the 11. expert opinion special-ized matching 10. some the problem in many cases. Transportation planning design and construction def continue to adversely impact maintenance procedures and costs. Maintenance activities frequently do not consider problems by contaminants interfering with regular maintenance For example contaminants such as grass leaves procedures. have an adverse effect pine needles and rocks on motor grader performance. caused 13. Current timber not defin-itive and 14. sale agreement procedures and clauses are all cases compatible with existing road management maintenance standards and directions. in Roads under questionable jurisdiction and lacking maintenance agreements continually create maintenance performance responsibility problems.. main-tenance 15. The 16. manage-ment enforce-ment historic emphasis to increase contracting is receiving limited acceptance. of Road closure is an important part of maintenance locked gates are vandalized or bypassed is felt to be lacking by maintenance personnel and as an effective tool there is a reluctance to use closures to balance available capabilities with road use. but 17. does not give the Management road maintenance. necessary emphasis to the job of CONSULTATION AND STANDARDS PERSONNEL CHANGES 9 October 1977 Jim Wolfe was assigned to the WO as the Hydraulic Jim worked for the A Engineer. graduate of New Mexico State University to the Forest Bureau of Reclamation and Corps of Engineers before coming Service in 1971 as the Water and Sanitation Engineer for R-3. Effective Jim was responsible for providing direction and guidance concerning dams related water resource developments such as reservoirs canals ditches 24 and ponds erosion control structures. This work involved feasibility design construction and maintenance of structures preliminary engineering built on or affecting lands administered by the Forest Service. and Engi-neer 4c ýk ýe 4 1977 George Lippert became the new Structures his George is a graduate of South Dakota State University Forest Service experience includes assignments on the Snoqualmie NF at the R-6 Regional Office and most recently in R-8 where he was the Facilities Engineer in the Regional Office. Effective in December the WO. design George is the technical specialist responsible for the planning and appurtenant facilities. construction of building structures 25 and OPERATIONS Harold L. StickZand Assistant Director The budget process has resulted in many ramifications to the way we conduct business in the Forest Service. Direction is often given by Congress to the and in committee reports. For agency as footnotes to our appropriations three such footnotes follow which apply for FY 1978. your information 1978 ITEMS OF INTEREST--DIRECTION FROM CONGRESS House Appropriations Committee Report 1. The Committee expects as a result of fund increases that special attention be given to the establishment of realistic output goals by Region individual National Forests and Ranger Districts for the various activities administered by the Forest Service so maximum results are achieved for the benefit of the American people. The Forest Service is to monitor the of the Regional expected closely success individual National Forest and Ranger District Managers in meeting these goals and to include the goals and actual max-imum accomplishments Our goals in in future budget justifications. be related to the RPA program. Beginning 1978 special attention will be given to achieving results. This will include close scrutiny of should accomplishments.. 2. The Committee cannot state too strongly that if significant increased resources are going to continue to be provided to the Forest Service a management system must be implemented so that the productivity of the forestry personnel and managers can be adequately determined and improved as The Committee will expect a full report on the achievement of the Forest Service in this the fiscal year re-quired. 1979 We budget Italic added. hearings. are taking management actions 1. minimize the need 2. develop for a workforce to additional Federal planning 26 process and employees develop 3. These efforts are management 3. It a new and work measurement system. expected to further improve Forest Service productivity. the attention of the Committee that timber construction costs are significantly less purchaser than the road construction costs under direct funding from the Forest Service. The Forest Service indicates this cost has come to road deter-mine differential is merely one of bookkeeping and accounting The Committee has directed its Investigative techniques. Staff to review the Forest Service roads program to the reasons for the cost differential and validity of This investigation will also the Forest Service assertion. review whether the roads constructed by the timber established by the Forest Service. meet the standards pur-chasers investiga-ting publica-tion. the The investigation of road costs is underway Forests in Regions 1 staff visited several Normal procedure is are now preparing a report. the report to the House Committee for review and This will probably be done appropriations hearings. 27 just 2 to and 6 submit prior to the FY 1979 and TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS Heyward T. Taylor Assistant Director DATA A new system for storing Collins Computer Center. STORAGE SYSTEM road design data is being implemented at the Ft. system uses an individual file for each the designer or the Forest control of individual gives project old system in use since 1970 placed all RDS project data in a per Region which necessitated Regional job directories direc-tory project and files. The This re-ducing single file and RDS file backup routines. support routines That method caused considerable maintenance support activity both at the Regional Office and FCCC. The new system uses the data file maintenance capabilities of the Central Computer Operating System and interfaces them to RDS thereby input at FCCC and Regional levels. More user control and should reduce data files so that only those necessary files will remain on the system. at responsi-bility elim-inates flex-ibility terminal transmission time Storing data at the central site reduces data format conversion and improves user aids such as Interactive Road Design of System. Online/onsite storage capabilities enhance the and economic processing through slow-speed rapid response terminals. Region 2 pilot-tested the new system and afterward Region By January 1 1978 all Regions should be using the system. 9 began using it. Another significant advantage of the new system is that training adjustments are needed when using either RDS or IRDS. This system minimizes overall costs to the Forest Service allocates costs closer to the actual user and minimizes overall Forest Service data support activities. The concept for the system is a direct result of suggestions and documentation work done in cooperation with Colorado State University. 28 TO READERS OF INVITATION NOTES FIELD Every reader a is author potential of an article for Field Notes. If we you have news a item or accu-rate short Material Field in publication would you article to share with like Service engineers to send you invite it for Notes. to the submitted Office Washington for should publication be by the reviewed Washing-ton Office Regional respective and of informative may material submitted however short articles Office glossy Field and white Notes is the list ask number Washington Each from vary or news short several FSM to should be to original of pages typewritten several material submitted All illustrations all timely technically 7113. The length current sentences items are preferred. double-spaced is Service-wide engineers the drawings or photos. Forests and Forest your Office Manager of copies sent to your Office or the Regional to directly Service retirees. If you are Information Copies of back issues office. Regional all are not Station currently to increase Coordinator also and on the available from the Office. Region questions to information distributed from the Washington Area Headquarters mailing see interest be typed should black to the that an Information has Coordinator The and material for publication. Melvin R-4 Ted R-2 Royal M. Ryser R-5 Jim McCoy R-3 Juan R-6 Kjoll R-8 Bob Bowers Gomez should direct questions field Bakke concerning personnel USDA Forest Attn Gordon P.O. Box 2417 Washington Telephone L. Frank Muchmore WO format editing D.C. or Rita E. Wright 20013 Area Code 703-235-8198 Al Colley publishing dates and other Rm. 1108 RP-E Rome both Smith Norbert R-10 Service Staff submit R-9 problems to Engineering should are Wood R-1 Coordinators Dittmer whom to Coordinators