ENGINEERING TECHNICAL FIELD TECHNICAL REPORTS NOTES MANAGEMENT DATA RETRIEVAL INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM P VOLUME Notes Field Design Alternatives 8 for Low-Volume Forest Roads Design Guide for Native Log Stringer Bridges Analysis and Load Rating of Native Log Stringer Bridges Washington Office News FOREST SERVICE EST _ AUGUST SEgy AUýS EN mK U.S. DEPARTMENTOFAGRICULTURE 1976 US FIELD NOTES ENGINEERING Volume Number 8 8 August 1976 Information contained in this has been developed for of employees guidance respon-sibility of the United cooperating Federal for the The use of of any that or service may be text in the as by FSM or policy except engineers and engineering intended names by use does not the United in this by other than publication an constitute is official States Department its own its employees. for the information and endorsement or approval of Agriculture to the exclusion suitable. publication must not be construed not of this information trade firm or corporation product of others The interpretation or use of the reader. Such convenience publication its contractors and Service Department of Agriculture-Forest and State agencies. The Department of Agriculture assumes no States exclusively the represents recommended references. personal Because technicians opinions or approved should of the respective procedures of the type of material read each issue FOREST SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington D.C. 20250 in however for engineers. author and mandatory instructions the publication this publication all is FOR LOW DESIGN ALTERNATIVES VOLUME FOREST ROADS - Russ Huskey Boise National Forest Region 4 INTRODUCTION Low on standard the local Boise roads are the roads vary designated-system The Forest. National workload largest for engineers methods present involved for survey little-only in precision-fromone road construction in and construction design standard of to another. distance-measuring Surveys from vary Designs completed are Collins Computer high-precision in surveys low-precision applications surveyed. involves The provide engineer who or maps. Final poles two and and poles range at abneys vertical H.I. points. horizontal breaks. Next curvature run through are Fort the and mostly for only the be can process automated are the for computations methods following and environmental for computer abney alignment has field a is reduction vertical cloth The tape. slope cross in set established for the to alternatives into focus. protection sections the in flag centerline field line are between taken. traffic. bearings 1 by Thus field location established is be placed stations are staked by at the original to the computer. line is is to two minimal between is not aerial using some measured centerline and control line and flag the transfers should The for vertical survey control Survey stakes a format acceptable with horizontal PAL level the distances that will facilitate These survey notes are recorded notes The level. methods a system to roads. a percent running Horizontal distance. photography interval low-volume or automated to I method horizontal range on in computations design and presented organized manually limited variations that control to automatic level are computed or field practices and can bring economics METHOD This the horizontal tape from hand control varies Recognizing we low-precision present cloth FCCC with Center surveys. and compass staff Vertical devices. laid the out to the L-line. Exhibits of run on the P-line are shown PAL in survey the RDS Road. Creek Rock of Profile and Plan 1. Figure ........................................... -au IL 3 _ r 4 E ý y s 9ý rý rl.yýi ýF ýýySýYM -ýý -ý ttjMý aýý. tiýýs ýs. ý ý ýý... $ýý b tvi- ýtiýýý1ýý f. ýý i t L T.YYr/.fý. i ý. 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A handbook. bearing for a figure to complete the of raw reduction must be notes field inserted in the computer. As indicated 2400 intermediate such points station first point. All the ground except These intermediate number running overlaps. The This points. horizontal RDS programs design earthwork phase or c.t. The 49s not are To input only compaction The a Construction Stakes distances on conventional needs output 00 to a manner in the in distances are are also. a horizontal with the two last record and turning digits bearing not that stations are and the using 49 the at in this order to two digits indicate first the prevent to are intermediate section to provide of the program. must be generated c.t. in last an increase end section or last on input without methods-the on only types computer zeros these the one shows that and the from the offset the program To compute HAL-OFFSETS-Roadway by the offsets of utilization complete of design can earthwork be drafted are set on the uphill printout. methods of resource templates or generate clearing c.t. system. 40 template c.t. Thus P-line. for data. Method I 40s manual templates may be and seeding types 20s profile grade record or aerial photo the to with can by using side At many in formats. be included and least the a reference If there profile computer-generated flags one with the in on the downhill five stake. sections Variations and accuracy. 3 in slope section notes data 35s data. is a need to show views Figure slope-stake side and and stakeout acres data 30s 40s template data and 50s topography profile stakes set are to introduce 100 as 00 other than digits recorded are with two recorded is card following following map point are stored computed by manual factor and plan zeros such needed. obtain the 00 as versatile variations to be are used two in reduction true horizontal and meet the requirements very are last are recorded designer program may be run roadway used. location the substituted c.t. 49s the earthwork design Offsets enable will the between stations all control information design enables that After indicated is They P-line. number section last computer the Those ending points. numbers section down that end with two points P-ground elevations are computed field on the with a section number to the field are marked numbers 102 5010. thereafter point points in section angle points. 2401 as zeros to indicate intermediate the The and are assigned to these computed The horizontal are stations all on the ground. station 10400 or RDS handbook the in the identify all the horizontal 1. notes as the horizontal at culvert staking locations should field and tables. vertical are set by be determined by METHOD II method This horizontal horizontal The of The only input designer to Method to RDS at method desired alignment the and fit it shown RDS is differs the in the from Method The are from the topography. P-line is RDS staff to compass provide handbook. only in one respect-the plotted input other projects are with as with chords to simulate curvature. replaced P-line I with an element of designer with a curves offset the provides PAL method locations. of horizontal Designs must be careful not to improve uses for survey notes for this offsets I however also survey The format manual control. to The control. 49s horizontal similar control. design c.t. is if it is will not necessary. Offsets offset only those are sections P-line L-line Figure 2. Automatic offsets with curves. P-line Lline Figure 3. Manual offsets with chords. P-line and L-line 4 stationing are the same. used for which a of the alignment be 49 has been entered. c.t. When P-line. The methods required. The main elements surveys of manual involved made with are more offsets personnel inexperienced and chorded alignment offsets and proper are good field location shown are in will 2 and Figures 3. The a manual with is actual in the of distance error and plan this L from the profile Construction stakes side stakes R. P.s distance FY Method than The of grade 1973 had II are similar a of with are set every is P-line a cloth on both 100 feet The limits. indicated in the distance the L-line station is the greater the error some will reflect change Rock Creek Road No. 10238 Figure maximum to The radius curves. stationing locations are set construction error in true horizontal any in 1 For low standard of 0.3 percent. station tape sides and catchpoints a the on the RDS by the level and selected flagging is tied P drawn as hand however other plans elevation and grades are computed culvert uphill the rather P-line. the P-line station becomes that the greater the offset insignificant. for profile chorded alignment obvious is error in percent during is when the L-line The distance. The and constructed designed same. It of grade. road construction offset in minimal. is horizontal percent The that occurs offset the and view shows plan design alignment stations as remain the program. and a level rod. All points are slope stations on the downhill downhill the L show are side staked. catchpoints located on the Reference to define by chaining the slope stake notes. computer-generated SUMMARY The two methods product combination range the with existing control cost comparison - Table 5402980 to practices from 27 to 71 percent 2910 to reduce are intended and to maintain 1. the protect required the of man-hours These two broaden the base for engineering depending on the method. The number resource. average _ $2150. 5 applications. The two methods savings per mile will be to complete methods used a in any Savings can are summarized in Table METHOD I SURVEY Cost comparisons 1. CONSTRUCTION STAKING DESIGN PLANS PAL without Design Computer horizontal earthwork notes control without used TOTAL COST stakeout as tables horizontal control II $180/mile $180/mile PAL Design Slope earthwork hill with manual culvert $180/mile up-staff with compass for horizontal control $540/mile stakes side and locations offsets for horizontal control $240/mile $330/mile $410/mile $980/mile construc-Methods Regular Regular with survey staff compass Regular Regular RDS tion survey design P-line by for horizontal plotted control computer $620/mile $440/mile based on offsets from and plans $1850/mile 6 $2910/mile DESIGN GUIDE FOR NATIVE LOG STRINGER BRIDGES Muchmore Frank W. The design engineer log stringer minimum The The bridges can be used also AASHTO should bridges OPERATING exceed 1.33 maximum to determine the species and 3-3 size to present basic design determine whether to safely support criteria and meet loadings specific to lane native single RATING. the to that Typical This The first RATING. level The to rate in given are known. and the procedure for the bridges Manual the log stringer fill for Maintenance Inspection upper or stresses. level stress The operating to which a structure second working at or lower stress rating stress may be level at unit safely not stresses is the to absolute subjected. working unit stresses equal to stresses. Bridge procedure placed stringers The applies to butt-to-tip stringers are log stringer and lashed lashed together on the directly curbs. sill stringers Abutments or piling see and serves may 1 Figure superstructures together. with be used for longer spans see design safety rating of existing capacity levels normal allowable permissible stress the normal allowable stress live-load and condition and depth of rock are used vehicles conform rated at two of INVENTORY and intended is accurately and constructed stringer 3 3S2 Type may be bridge to bridges to readily and 1974 AASHTO. of Bridges logs. log stringer field designed are when span length rating existing Each the in safety criteria. guide bridges for native guide enable the P.E. 10 Region the Broken running 7 sheet. of be used longitudinal additional rock or crushed Brow logs rock should log between to chink abutment with blast surface. consist of mud-sill only typical detail consisting should cables at each criteria. as Poles is lashing placed be used for mud-sill and wing logs log-crib post Agriculture-Forest Region of Department U.S. lTYP oerpindicu/ar lays 8 Alaska The bridges. Service stringer sue ý ý Bottom log for sheet detail see/s Typical 1. Figure No ELVAT/ON Sill - - /Yster Low ý a Character .e e/c. fit dri hyh between ice Wafer o and gmount with c%a.on Mn.nrn ar%d wa/cr sfrig9ers. do Clearance dehs .d /dr Provide - Detail See Typ. Marker TYp Object 5-0 2Q Sea/. Crossing N. Skew Typical PLAN fill of Toe \ ýýY\ js /Y/akeD. \ Object Typ. sfrearn. to ASe opPax. Winywall Frest Service-. by oved app t/ie curve widenny on/Y used be /4ff be/wee reasons other or aceornodate to and shoo/d ft 24 widths Bridge Sea/e erossiny minimum. f//ý o/ t heiyh // to ý or 6 Equo contain f// N No-skew PLAN 10 Typical /any enough logs Wing p I o // \ Toe ý - J ýý - -I \ý e% \ \ r ý / Shou/dcr Roadwayy gpprao fi// the caitoin long fo enough be must they are muds//s -ýý n \ J -i - - t F/J_ f used When Ma kt of Toe X SO 020 SO SOMin. SO SO Mn. Min. 0 jl X20. 50 Min it is povde not f be Prncta/ 20 the betrueen brýdye reduced to min. -- and - - - o./ - - sed. s be used obe ec be used to de%neo-e .shoo/ 9uordro%/ end. TURNOUT Brow Loy LL 15 DETAIL Sv/e No Brow M.- 27Max. - 27 SMin. Lag Max. - Typ. Po ypropy/see Typ. ket. Fabric A6 / cable wraPPer required atrrios/o for spans less than i Use Tumbuckies Axod use of penefrofiny fasteners such W Cob/e opPer Po/ypro slap/es except fb short duration less than inata//efiau. Stabilizer lashed brow ivo 4 years. mdsPan spans pafn-s AX a// Typical M14 grate Fyhýpy/Ne ý 01 36 Alternate tý5 bear. SECT/ON MID-5PAN NEAR Nn stee/Post or white marker 4X4 Even face of with brow lag. /n5fa//afiA7 that stringers past Min Black a/umnum oý i --ý Lo on ý pe/eddý.ýP h lfiýw 3. 1oPk 5 /oys 4L Sca/e X ýMi wood Material pecking bxlween /nsta//Of/0/y No yye B/onkef0/ Chink to SECT/ON NEAR M/DSPAN S -A. 2 dia. such po%s Us. -o Moon/ Q 5tabd4er Notch p forandso 35 r Min. /f. the P /2 wrappers as shown 20 pans M r ý ref/ectonietd A -tan Use lays or exterior stringers. if Use turnbuckles insta/latim is be mas b dkenkei. ft be to lay to Tursbuck/e AA-. SECT/O/V NEAR ABUTMENT eta. 4 yews Py/ex 20 at t. CO spikes QI - - wy PROIr/DED Iquard-rol fmarCes guord - _ If Oi OBJECT MARKER DETA/L sea/. No Scale NOTE material to be /21nae. thickness blast-rock crushed iack. No or the t4ckness larger than surfacing be used. Decking of se/co rt / may re9uire More coicu/aions ca// If brow logs are 0/7ve stiiq -y cr average rock she// LL than the oimyn stringers -o Cons-ruct fhe bridge for used v/ secuos m each side as abate w%// h- a an the add./ono/ bsreýiirrd ke/f Rewsed-913175 DESIGNED si/s SHEET 9 1 1 OF SUlNITTED APPROVED 2MlMi n DRAWN O --rCV--eL ný/ _ 1 ýs1cý DATE 9 - DATA TEýýý--ýý///ýý--yyy///ýý_-----ýýt APPROVE t DESIGN CRITERIA The design procedure DEAD-LOAD DISTRIBUTION. and that portion the unit weight LIVE-LOAD of the rock of It wood and 120 DISTRIBUTION. assumed that each is which fill criteria The Bending. assumed is It that the own dead-load Forty pcf was stringer. of rock pcf as the unit weight its used as fill. live-load distributed is bending moment distribution factor that portion live-load bending moment applied For rock to one stringer 2 feet fills the to fills over distributed to 2 feet depth in the wholly within factor 1 /No. of exceed or L90 Log Loaders equally distributed to all with a section Allowable Bending bending W of 6 13/4d /No. modulus above determined stringers bending moment in feet where but not to may be considered to be but not brow logs. the bridge of stringers. moment for bending of short spans for bending should required 1 designed Stringers properly with the possible exception stringers a width be equally shall 0.3. the stringers Distribution factor Shear. bending moment truck fill. Distribution For L70 bending moment of the truck percent 0.3. stringers all depth of rock d be depth 30 or less in Distribution factor For rock shall of the total to any one stringer. be applied shall Allowable over directly is carries stringer the follows as stringers on the following based is Table under 20 1 will feet. resist shear effectively For spans under 20 feet approximately 25 percent be used to increase the shear greater than resistance. Stress stresses are based and data outlined on the methods in ASTM D2899 D25 Use of these shake decay considerably exceed stresses 5 is excessive affect inches their and on dependent twist quality spiral grain more Knot strength. stringers high with large size knots in straight than the 1 in 8 sound and logs all free defects middle half of the length opposite of wind that may should not each other should not be used. Stringer Diameters Stringer diameters considered as given the average are average midspan diameters of the diameters of 10 all stringers inside in of bark. the bridge. Such diameter is Table DIAM CIRCUM IN IN AREA S3.IN. 10 31.4 11 34.5 78.5 95.0 12 37.6 40.8 43.9 113.0 132.7 153.9 13 14 16 47.1 50.2 17 53.4 18 56.5 59.6 15 19 62.8 65.9 20 21 22 29 32 33 34 35 21.8 171.0 183.4 290.0 196.3 300.0 100.5 706.8 754.7 804.2 103.6 106.8 10909 962.1 141.3 144. 1590.4 441.7 1661e9 46 47 48 49 147.6 150.7 153.9 1809.5 502.6 50 51 157.0 160.2 52 163.3 166.5 169.6 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 172.7 175.9 179.0 182.2 185.3 188.4 1194.5 1256.6 1385.4 1452.1 1520.5 1734.9 1885.7 1963.4 2042.8 2123.7 2206.1 2290.2 2375.8 2463.0 2551.7 2642.0 2733.9 2827.4 270.0 280.0 310.0 320.0 330.0 340.0 252.1 267.2 282.7 45 46 _ 909.1 615.7 660.5 855.2 907.9 350.0 360.0 370.0 298.6 315.0 331.8 349.0 380.0 390.0 400.0 410.0 420.0 430.0 440.0 450.0 460.0 470.0 480.0 490.0 366.7 384.8 403.3 422.3 . 481.9 523.8 545.4 567.4 500.0 510.0 520.0 589.9 612.8 636.1 530.0 540.0 550.0 659.9 684.1 560.0 708.8 733.9 570.0 785.3 600.0 580.0 759.4 590.0 11 98.1 130.6 169.6 215.6 269.3 331.3 402.1 482.3 210.0 220.0 240.0 250.0 260.0 223.4 237.5 MOD 572.5 230.0 2096 IN3 SEC 180.0 190.0 200.0 572.5 1320.2 4 160.0 170.0 87.2 96.2 128. 131.9 135.0 138.2 39 40 150.0_____ 63.0 70.6 78.7 42 43 44 38 130.0 140.0 42.7 49.0 55.8 1017.8 1075.2 1134.1 37 100.0 110.0 120.0 26.3 31.4 36.8 113.0 116.2 119.3 122.5 125.6 36 DECK 84.8 87.9 415.4 sections LB/FT 78.5_ 9703 31 DL 136.3 147.4 159.0 91.1 94.2 30 346.3 380.1 LOG LB/FT 490.8 530.9 81.6 26 27 28 283.5 314.1 DL 452.3 75.3 25 176.7 201.0 226.9 254.4 Properties of circular 105.5 115.4 125.6 69.1 72.2 23 24 1. 673.3 785.3 1045.3 1194.4 1357.1 1533.9 1725.5 1932.3 2155.1 2394.3 2650.7 2924.7 3216.9 3528.1 3858.6 4209.2 4580.4 4972.8 5387.0 5823.6 6283.1 6766.2 7273.5 7805.5 8362.9 8946.1 9 55.9 10192.7 10857.3 11550.1 12271.8 13022.9 13804.1 14615.9 15458.9 16333.8 17241.0 18181.2 19155.0 20163.0 21205.7 MOM IN4 INERT 490.8 718.6 1017.8 1401.9 1885.7 2485.0 3216.9 4099.8 5152.9 6397.1 78530 9546.5 11499.0 13736.6 16286.0 19174.7 22431.7 26087.0 30171.8 34718.5 39760.7 45333.1 51471.8 58213.7 65597.1 73661.6 82447.8 91997.5 102353.7 113560.6 125663.6 138709.1 152744.8 167819.8 183984.0 201288.7 219 86.4 239530.5 260576.0 282978.7 306795.8 332085.7 358907.8 387322.7 417392.4 449179.8 482749.2 518166.0 555496.7 594809.0 6361719 Width Bridge Minimum be used should brow logs shall be 14 feet. Bridge widths between 14 and 24 feet accommodate a curve widening see FSM 7718.22 or for other width between justifiable to only reasons. Rock Depth The depth of rock average bridges. The average rock fill be kept should to a minimum be used unless there should formula following especially on the longer good reason is to increase span the depth. Spans less than 20 feet Spans less than 35 feet Spans more than 35 - 12 inches. 6 to - feet 12 inches. 6 inches. Lashing should Stringers Turnbuckles should be Minimum if possible. 20 than Spans less Spans 20 Spans greater than feet with together 3/4 inch a be used and driving penetrating should be avoided lashed minimum nails spikes fasteners wire staples rope. etc. lashing shall be as follows - at abutments only. - at abutments and midspan. feet - at abutments and stabilizer feet diameter to 35 feet 35 log at midspan. PROCEDURE The log stringer section for various vehicles. in bending stresses dead-load allowable properties moments have been tabulated Tables Approximate through 1 stringer 5. diameters Table 6 gives required momentsand live-load are given in resisting bending moments Table 7. Design The basic design approach is as follows Step 1. Determine allowable Step 2. Find approximate Step 3. Enter Table 3 stringer with Determine dead-load Step 4. Enter Table 4 stress diameter span length 2. required and from Table approximate bending moment due to dead-load with Determine dead-load from Table span length and bending moment 12 approximate due to dead-load 7. stringer of diameter. stringer. stringer of rock diameter. fill. If 12 inches of fill not used are take the ratio of actual depth be used to to 12 inches. Step S. Enter Step 6. Multiply 7. Add Step 8. with 5 Example Given II 9. Compare Step 8. 5 by the distribution live-load to and diameter stringer and stringer rock deck to bending moment. to determine total bending allowable stress. bending moment. Determine allowable Step due moment bending live-load Table moments bending dead-load Enter bending moment. live-load live-load under design criteria. See distributed length and determine bending moment Step the live-load factor. Step 6 with span Table total bending Adjust stringer moment size if 7 Step to necessary and repeat moment bending allowable Steps 3 through 8. 1. Span length U80 loading 45 feet of bridge with occasional for lifetime with 6 inches of rock Sitka spruce stringers Step 1. Allowable bending Step 2. Approximate Step 3. Dead-load bending 4. diameter stringer moment 1600 2 required psi. 7 Table for 32 inch 32 inches. diameter bending moment for 6 -inch rock deck Dead-load 40.5 from Table loading. 56.5 stringer ft. 81.0 Table 4 6 moment Table S. Live-load bending Step 6. Distributed Step 7. Total Step 8. Allowable bending moment Table live-load moment Therefore 1028 308.4 405.4 40.5 stringers 5 are O.K. 428 Use 6 kips. ft. bending moment 56.5 32-inch 1028 X 0.3 ft. ft. 308.4 ft. kips. kips. kips. stringers. Check for L90 Loading 1. kips X 6/12 kips. Step Step ft. 3. Table Step stress L90 fill. Allowable bending stress 2100 13 psi Table 2 for one-time loading. 32-inch from above. Step 2. 4 3 Step S. Live-load bending Step 6. Distributed Steps Step 7. Step 8. stringer Dead-load moments same 6 moment Table 56.5 40.5 32-inch 5 ft. kips. 1688 X 378 281 Allowable bending moment Table Therefore 1688 bending moment live-load moment Total above. as 1 281 /6 ft. kips. kips. ft. 562 ft. kips. are O.K. stringers Analysis of Existing Structures Analysis for loading Step 1. Determine 2. Enter 3. Enter Enter and inspection and average span length report for stringer diameter. Determine diameter. Determine to stringer. and average stringer bending moment due to 12 inches of rock depth of 4. 2 ratings. 4 with span length Table Table stress bending moment due dead-load Step 3 with follows as bending allowable Table dead-load Step be done and operating inventory Step should capacity fill and ratio to actual fill. Table 5 with average diameter. Determine allowable stringer bending moment. Step S. Subtract moment Step 6. Divide 7. available Divide total for Example total available available live-load stringer and rock available live-load Table 6 that configuration moment by the distribution and multiply by the gross weight live-load capacity length Average of vehicle. and inventory 55 stringer rating for feet diameter Average depth rock deck Spruce from bending 31 inches. 15 inches. stringers. 14 factor to the following live-load of the rating of the structure 2. Bridge fill bending moment. bending moment by the tabulated live-load tons to determine the in Determine the operating Given to determine to bending live-load bending moment vehicle due per stringer. determine the Step moment bending allowable moment bending dead-load bridge. in tons Step Allowable 1. a b stress 2100 psi. Inventory stress 1600 psi. Step 2. Dead-load Step 3. Dead-load 146.5 Step Step a 4. b a 5. b Step a 6. b Step a 7. b Table 2. stress Operating bending moment due to bending moment ft. Table stringer due to rock Operating allowable Inventory allowable Available operating 146.5 285.3 Available 146.5 Total 951 live-load ft. available Total available 544.3 ft. Operating overload3 on for 511 ft. kips. 389 ft. kips. - per stringer 511 moment per stringer 389 - 79.2 79.2 live-load live-load bending moment 285.3 _ 0.3 inventory live-load bending moment 163.3 Type 3S2 3. Type 3-3 vehicle Inventory - 0.3 rating for 2. 3 vehicle vehicle 951/497 X 951/536 X 951/449 X 23 544.3/497 544.3/536 X 23 X 36 25 tons. 544.3/449 X 37 45 tons. 44 tons. 36 64 tons. 37 78 tons. rating for 1. Type 2. Type 3S2 vehicle 3. Type 3 vehicle 3 -3 vehicle Allowable bending 2. years permit basis 37 tons. stress STRESS HEMLOCKI SPRUCE1 PSI DOUGLAS FIR2 W. LARCH2 1600 1800 2000 2000 1800 2000 2300 2300 2100 2400 2600 2600 on clearwood strength values established 2Based on clearwood strength values set forth accordance with psi 1600 psi operating Type 1Based in 15/12 moment rating 3Derived X kips. 1. rating Operating 117.2 kips. years One-time kips. kips. ft. SITKA 1-2 ft. kips. ft. inventory 163.3 5 ALLOWABLE 8-10 4 5 for 2100 moment Table moment Table USE Inventory Table fill 79.2 kips. Table Lifetime of bridge 3 by FPL and in ASTM D2899-70T ASTM - set forth D2555-73. 7/29/74 15 - R10. in FPL-1. Table 3. Dead-load bending moments SPAN DIA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.7 1.7 2.4 3.3 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.8 8.2 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.5 4.1 5.5 6.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.4 4.3 5.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.3 1.5 4.8 5.5 7.9 9.3 10.8 9.8 11.5 13.3 6.2 7.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.6 6.2 7.3 8.5 9.8 11.1 12.6 12.4 14.1 15.9 15.3 17.4 19.7 7.9 8.8 9.8 10.8 12.0 13.3 14.1 15.7 17.4 17.8 19.9 22.0 22.0 24.6 27.2 26.7 29.7 10.3 11.8 14.7 19.2 21.1 23.0 24.3 26.7 29.2 30.0 32.9 36.0 36.3 39.9 43.6 25.1 27.2 29.4 31.8 34.5 37.3 39.2 47.5 51.5 55.7 0.6 C.6 17 0.7 18 0.8 19 0.9 1.0 20 21 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.7 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 4.8 7.5 5.2 5.7 6.2 6.8 7.3 8.2 9.0 9.8 10.6 11.5 7.9 8.5 12.4 13.3 25 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 26 27 28 1.8 1.9 2.1 4.1 4.4 4.8 29 30 32 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7 5.1 5.5 5.8 6.2 9.1 9.8 10.4 11.1 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.4 33 2.9 34 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 6.6 7.0 11.8 12.6 7.5 7.9 13.3 14.1 18.5 19.7 20.8 26.7 28.3 30.0 36.3 38.6 40.9 8.4 8.8 9.3 14.9 15.7 16.5 22.0 23.3 31.8 33.6 43.2 45.7 56.5 59.7 17.4 19.3 35.4 37.3 39.2 41.2 48.2 9.8 10.3 24.6 25.9 27.2 63.0 60.3 69.8 73.3 10.8 11.3 11.8 19.2 20.1 21.1 12.4 22.0 23.0 22 23 24 31 35 36 37 38 3.9 39 4.1 4.3 4.5 40 4 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.7 2.9 3.2 3.5 3.8 28.6 30.0 24.3 26.1 28.0 31.8 34.2 36.6 40.2 43.2 49.7 53.4 57.3 22.0 23.5 25.1 30.0 32.1 34.2 39.2 41.9 44.6 47.5 49.7 53.0 56.5 60.1 61.3 65.5 69.8 74.2 50.4 53.4 63.8 67.6 78.8 83.5 95.3 101.0 71.5 75.6 79.7 88.3 93.3 106.9 112.9 119.1 47.5 49.7 51.9 54.2 39.2 56.5 58.9 61.3 12.9 13.5 14.1 14.7 6.8 7.0 7.3 7.6 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.2 7.9 8.2 8.5 17.8 18.5 19.2 31.8 32.9 34.2 49.7 51.5 63.8 66.3 68.9 71.5 74.2 3.8 9.1 19.9 20.6 55.3 76.9 79.7 9.4 9.8 21.3 22.0 35.4 36.6 37.9 28.3 29.4 30.6 39.2 47.8 53.4 57.3 59.3 61.3 82.5 85.4 50.88 53.4 55.1 58.9 61.7 46.4 83.9 88.3 92.8 42.6 46.0 98.4 103.6 109.0 60.1 64.6 69.3 74.2 79.2 84.4 89.8 125.4 131.9 76.9 80.6 97.4 102.1 114.6 120.2 126.0 138.6 145.5 152.5 64.6 67.6 84.4 88.3 106.9 111.8 131.9 138.0 159.7 167.0 70.6 73.7 92.3 96.3 116.8 121.9 144.2 150.6 76.9 80.2 83.5 86.8 100.5 104.7 109.0 113.4 127.2 132.5 138.0 143.6 157.0 163.6 170.4 177.3 174.5 182.2 190.0 198.0 90.3 93.8 97.4 117.9 122.5 127.2 149.3 155.1 184.3 191.5 198.8 101.0 104.7 131.9 136.8 108.5 141.7 161.0 167.0 173.1 179.4 112.3 116.2 146.7 151.8 157.0 185.7 192.2 198.8 88@391202 16 32.9 17.8 19.2 20.6 34.5 36.0 37.5 40.9 42.6 44.3 46.0 21.1 23.8 12.9 14.1 15.3 16.5 6.0 6.2 6.5 24.0 25.1 26.1 27.2 8.2 969 1108 13.9 16.1 18.5 16.1 17.6 19.2 20.8 22.5 43.2 45.3 31.5 32.9 55 206.2 213.8 221.5 229.3 237.3 245.4 206.2 214.5 223.0 231.7 240.5 249.5 258.7 268.0 277.5 287.1 296.9 due to LENGTH 60 log stringers in foot kips FT 65 70 75 80 9.8 11.5 11.8 14.1 13.9 13.3 16.1 15.3 18.5 16.5 19.4 22.5 25.9 19.2 22.5 25.9 26.1 30.0 30.0 29.4 33.2 37.3 34.2 38.6 16.5 19.2 22.0 25.1 28.3 31.8 35.4 39.2 85 90 95 100 17.4 19.7 23.8 28.3 22.0 26.7 24.6 21.1 25.1 27.2 32.9 34.5 29.4 34.2 39.2 33.2 38.6 44.3 31.8 37.3 43.2 49.7 39.2 44..6 50.4 56.5 63.0 69.8 50.4 56.9 63.8 71.1 78.8 56.5 63.8 71.5 79.7 88.3 63.0 71.1 79.7 88.8 98.4 22.0 44.3 49.7 29.7 35.4 41.5 48.2 55.3 41.5 46.0 43.2 48.2 53.4 55.3 50.8 55.7 60.9 58.9 64.6 70.6 74.2 76.9 84.4 86.8 95.3 97.4 106.9 108.5 119.1 66.3 72.0 76.9 83.5 90.3 81.1 88.3 95.8 103.6 92.3 100.5 109.0 117.9 104.2 113.4 123.1 133.1 116.8 127.2 138.0 130.1 141.7 97.4 104.7 112.3 111.8 120.2 129.0 127.2 136.8 146.7 143.6 154.4 165.7 161.0 173.1 185.7 138.0 14 157.0 198.8 212.2 167.0 157.0 167.7 178.7 190.0 177.3 189.3 201.7 125.4 120.2 128.4 136.8 145.5 214.5 226.1 240.5 133.1 141.1 149.3 154.4 163.6 173.1 177.3 187.9 201.7 213.8 227.7 255.3 284.5 120.2 127.2 270.5 301.4 198.8 157.7 166.3 182.9 149.3 157.0 165.0 173.1 175.2 184.3 193.6 203.2 181.5 190.0 213.0 223.0 235.7 247.0 258.7 233.3 243.8 254.5 270.5 282.7 295.1 265.4 307.8 320.8 334.0 347.5 210.0 221.5 233.3 245.4 257.8 270.5 283.6 296.9 310.6 324.5 338.8 353.4 368.3 383.4 398.9 414.7 430.8 447.3 464.0 481.0 498.3 516.0 533.9 552.2 226.1 134.4 141.7 43.2 47.5 51.9 56.5 61.3 66.3 71.5 76.9 82.5 88.3 94.3 100.5 106.9 113.4 198.8 2070 216.8 226.1 235.7 245.4 255.3 265.4 275.7 286.2 296.9 307.8 318.9 330.2 341.7 353.4 E77 77.8 83.9 90.3 96.8 103.6 1107 117.9 276.6 288.0 299.6 311.5 323.6 335.9 348.5 361.3 374.3 192.9 203.2 213.8 224.6 361.3 375.3 389.6 404.2 419.0 434.1 449.5 61.3 67.6 . 238.9 252.0 265.4 279. 293.3 307.8 322.7 337.8 353.4 369.3 385.5 402.1 419.0 436.3 453.9 471.9 490.2 241.3 255.3 269.7 284.5 299.6 315a2 331.2 347.5 364.3 381.4 398.9 416.9 435.2 453.9 473.0 492.5 512.4 532.7 553.4 508.9 574.5 527.9 547.3 596.0 617.8 567.0 587.1 640.1 662.8 685.8 709.3 149.3 286.2 302.4 318.9 335.9 3 371.3 389.6 408.4 427.6 447.3 467.4 487.9 508.9 530.3 552-.2 574.5 597.2 620.4 644.1 668.2 692 717.6 465.1 481.0 607.5 628.3 46.0 53.4 61.3 69.8 78.8 88.3 98.4 109.0 120.2 131.9 144.2 157.0 153.8 166.3 170.4 179.4 192.9 206.9 221.5 236.5 252.0 268.0 198.8 213.8 184.3 318.9 229.3 245.4 262.0 279.2 296.9 315.2 334.0 353.4 336.9 373.3 355.3 374.3 393.7 414.7 436o3 458.4 481.0 7 413.7 434.1 455.0 476.4 498.3 520.7 543.6 567.0 590.9 615.2 640.1 665.5 691.3 717.6 744.5 7718 743.0 768.9 799.6 827.9 856.7 795.2 886.0 --17 387.5 401.0 414.7 39.2 504.2 527.9 552.2 577.0 602.4 628.3 654.7 681.7 709.3 737.4 766.0 795.2 824.9 8552 886.0 917.3 949.2 981.7 Table 4. Bending moments due SPAN DIA 10 10 15 20 25 1.2 2.8 3.0 3.3 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.8 8.5 9.3 10.1 10.9 12.3 13.5 14.6 15.7 7.5 11.7 16.8 8.5 13.2 14 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 15 1.8 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 2U 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 20 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.7 2.8 3.0 6.4 6.7 7.0 12.0 12.5 13.0 18.7 19.5 20.3 13.5 14.0 14.5 21.0 21.8 22.6 27.0 28.1 29.2 30.3 32.1 33.6 35.2 36.7 15.0 15.5 23.4 31.5 32.6 33.7 24.2 25.0 34.8 36.0 25.7 37.1 38.2 39.3 40.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.5 7.3 7.5 7.8 39 40 41 4.7 4.8 5.0 5.1 42 43 44 5.2 5.3 5.5 45 5.6 5.7 5.8 54 55 56 57 180 30.6 38 53 19.1 20.2 21.3 22.9 2495 26.0 27.5 29.0 23.6 24.7 25.8 4.5 4.6 52 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 2eU 22.5 36 37 51 18.3 19.9 21.4 16.4 17.1 17.9 35 50 20.0 22.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 9.5 9.8 10.1 48 49 15.3 16.8 5.9 6.1 4.2 4.3 46 47 11.2 2.6 2.7 9.0 9.2 34 40 14.0 14.8 15.6 4.0 4.1 33 125 35 9.0 9.5 10.0 8.1 8.4 8.7 32 80 30 5.0 5.3 5.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 31 to 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 7.0 58 7.1 7.2 59 6U 7.3 7.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 10.4 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.5 11.8 12.0 12.3 12.6 12.9 13.2 30.4 31.2 32.0 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 32.8 33.5 34.3 35.1 35.9 36.7 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 14.6 14.9 15.1 26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 15.4 15.7 16.0 16.3 16.5 16.8 28.1 28.9 29.6 19.5 20.0 20.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 13.5 13.7 14.0 14.3 26.5 27.3 41.6 42.7 43.8 45.0 46.1 47.2 48.3 49.5 50.6 51.7 52.8 38.2 39.8 41.3 42.8 44.4 45.9 47.4 49.0 50.5 52.0 53.5 55.1 56.6 58.1 59.7 61.2 62.7 64.3 65.8 67.3 68.9 70.4 71.9 73.5 37.5 38.2 39.0 54.0 55.1 56.2 39.8 42.1 57.3 58.5 59.6 60.7 43.7 61.8 63.0 82.6 84.2 85.7 40.6 41.4 42.9 75.0 76.5 78.0 79.6 81.1 28.5 29.0 44.5 45.3 29.5 30.0 46.0 64.1 65.2 66.3 87.2 88.8 90.3 46.8 67.5 91.8 . 18 45 50 55 25.3 31.2 37.8 27.8 30.3 32.9 35.4 34.3 37.5 40.6 41.5 45.3 49.1 52.9 37.9 4Ue5 43.0 46.8 56.7 6Qe5 64.2 45.5 48.0 50.6 56.2 59.3 62.5 68.0 71.8 42.0 44.0 46.0 53.1 55.6 58.2 65.6 68.7 71.8 79.4 83.1 86.9 48.0 50.0 60.7 63.2 65.8 75.0 78.1 81.2 90.7 94.5 98.3 68.3 70.8 84.3 87.5 75.9 78.4 90.6 93.7 96.8 102.0 105.8 109.6 64.0 66.0 68.0 81.0 83.5 86.0 100.0 103.1 106.2 70.0 72.0 74.0 76.0 88.5 91.1 93.6 34.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 62.0 73.4 43.7 500 53.1 75.6 113.4 117.2 121.0 124.7 128.5 132.3 96.1 109.3 112.5 115.6 118.7 78.0 80.0 82.0 101.2 103.7 121.8 125.0 128.1 147.4 151.2 155.0 84.0 86.0 88.0 90.0 106.3 108.9 111.3 113.9 131.2 134.3 137.5 92.0 94.0 96.0 116.4 118.9 121.5 158.8 162.5 166.3 170.1 173.9 177.7 98.0 100.0 102.0 124.0 126.5 129.0 153.1 156.2 159.3 104.0 106.0 108.0 131.6 134.1 136.6 139.2 162.5 165.6 168.7 171.8 141.7 175.0 178.1 181.2 211.7 184.3 223.0 110.0 112.0 114.0 116.0 118.0 120.0 98.7 144.2 146.8 149.3 151.8 140.6 143.7 146.8 150.0 187.5 136.1 139.9 143.6 181.5 185.2 189.0 192.8 196.6 200.4 204.1 207.9 215.5 219.3 226.8 12 inches of rock fill in foot-kips LENGTH FT 60 65 70 75 80 85 45.0 49.5 52.8 58.0 61.2 70.3 77.3 90.3 54.0 58.5 63.0 63.3 68.6 73.9 79.2 80.0 88.0 96.0 67.5 72.0 76.5 81.0 67.3 73.5 79.6 85.7 91.8 98. 104.1 84.3 91.4 98.4 105.4 104.0 112.0 112.5 119.5 120.0 128.0 136.0 105.6 110.1 116.3 122.5 126.5 133.5 140.6 144.0 152.0 160.0 99.0 103.5 110.9 116.1 121.4 128.6 134.7 140.8 147.6 154.6 161.7 168.0 176.0 184.0 108.0 112.5 117.0 126.7 132.0 137.3 147.0 153.1 168.7 192.0 142.5 147.8 159.2 165.3 182.8 121.5 126.0 130.5 135.0 139.5 153.1 156.4 163.7 171.5 177.6 183.7 189.8 144.0 148.5 169.0 174.2 179.5 196.0 202.1 208.2 184.8 190.1 195.4 214.3 220.5 226.6 200.6 205.9 211.2 232.7 238.8 216.5 221.8 227.0 232.3 251.1 257.2 263.3 269.5 211.5 237.6 242.9 248.2 275.6 281.7 287.8 216.0 220.5 225.0 253.5 258.7 264.0 294.0 300.1 306.2 229.5 234.0 238.5 243.0 269.3 274.6 279.9 312.3 318.5 324.6 247.5 252.0 285.1 290.4 295.7 330.7 336.8 343.0 256.5 261.0 265.5 301.0 306.3 311.5 270.0 316.8 349.1 355.2 361.3 367.5 85.5 90.0 94.5 153.0 157.5 162.0 166.5 171.0 175.5 180.0 184.E 189.0 193.5 198.0 84.5 89.7 95.0 100.3 175.7 189.8 196.8 203.9 210.9 217.9 225.0 232.0 239.0 246.0 253.1 200.0 208.0 216.0 224.0 232.0 240.0 248.0 256.0 264.0 272.0 280.0 288.0 260.1 296.0 267.1 274.2 245.0 281.2 304.0 312.0 320.0 288.2 295.3 302.3 328.0 336.0 99.3 108.3 117.4 126.4 135.4 144.5 153.5 161.5 171.5 90 95 101.2 111.3 112.8 124.0 125.0 137.5 121.5 131.6 141.7 135.3 146.6 157.9 150.0 162.5 175.0 151.8 162.0 172.1 182.2 169.2 180.5 191.7 192.3 428.6 439.9 462.5 500.0 512.5 203.0 214.3 202.5 212.6 198.6 207.7 222.7 236.9 248.1 232.8 259.4 216.7 225.7 234.8 243.8 243.0 270.7 282.0 252.8 261.9 283.5 316.0 325.1 334.1 343.1 352.2 361.2 370.2 379.3 388.3 397.3 253.1 263.2 273.3 293.6 303.7 313.8 324.0 334.1 344.2 354.3 364.5 374.6 384.7 394.8 405.0 415. 425.2 435.3 445.5 187.5 200.0 212.5 225.0 237.5 250.0 262.5 275.0 287.5 300.0 312.5 325.0 337.5 350.0 362.5 375.0 387.5 400.0 412.5 425.0 437.5 450.0 462.5 475.0 487.5 180.6 189.6 270.9 279.9 289.0 298.0 307.0 100 225.6 293.3 304.5 315.8 327.1 338.4 349.7 361.0 372.2 383.5 394.8 406.1 417.4 451.2 473.8 485.0 496.3 507.6 518.9 530.2 525.0 537.5 541.5 552.7 600.0 612.5 564.0 575.3 625.0 637.5 586.6 597.9 609.1 650.0 562o5-20790 202.5 309.3 316.4 323.4 330.4 337.5 344.5 351.5 358.5 365.6 372.6 379.6 386.7 393.7 400.7 407.8 414.8 421.8 344.0 352.0 360.0 368.0 376.0 384.0 392.0 400.0 408.0 416.0 424.0 432.0 440.0 448.0 456.0 464.0 472.0 480.0 406.4 415.4 424.4 433.5 442.5 451.5 460.5 469.6 478.6 487.6 496.7 505.7 514.7 523.8 532.8 541.8 455.6 465.7 475.8 486.0 496.1 506.2 516.3 526.5 536.6 546.7 550.0 575.0 587.5 662.5 675.0 687.5 700.0 556.8 567.0 577.1 587.2 620.4 631.7 643.0 654.3 712.5 597.3 607.5 665.5 676.8 737.5 19 725.0 750.0 1 Table 5. Allowable bending moments ALLOWABLE DIA 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 10 8. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 11 100 11. 130 14. 12 14. 15. 16. 13 17. 19. 14 22. 15 24. 30. 36. 18 27. 33. 40. 47. 21. 26. 33. 40. 18. 230 29. 150 190 160 19 56. 20 21 16 48. 57. 67. 650 44. 52. 61. 71. 75. 83. 22 87. 23 99. 95. 109. 90. 104. 119. 17 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4U 4 42 43 44 113. 127. 143. 161. 179. 199. 220. 243. 268. 294. 321. 350. 666. 904. 962. 1022. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 385 606. 650. 48 52 294. 323. 353. 485. 523. 563. 47 51 8. 533. 575. 620. 849. 50 2 381. 414. 448. 46 49 197. 219. 242. 419. 455. 493. 696. 745. 796. 45 124. 140. 158. 177. 1085. 1150. 1217. 1288. 1361. 1436. 1515. 1596. 1680. 1767. 715. 766. 820. 78. 135. 153. 172. 193. 215. 239. 265. -T9-T-- 321. 62. 72. 850 98. 113. 129. 147. 166. 186. 209. 233 259. 287. 316. 348. 560 66. 78. 910 106. 121. 139. 158. 178. 201. 225. 251. 279. 3090 341. 375. 411. 450. 352. 385. 420. 458. 497. 382. 418. 456. 496. 534. 580. 538. 582. 628. 583. 628. 679. 733. 6 6. 727. 780. 836. 875. 894. 955. 934. 995. 1058. 1019. 1085. 1155. 1124. 1133. 1265. 1339. 1227. 1302. 1380. 1417. 1497. 1580. 350 43. 52. 25. 31. 386 460 1461. 1545. 1633. 1666. 1724. 1818. 1755. 1848. 1943. 1915. 2016. 2120. 538 33. 50. 44. 53. 41 60. 71. 84. 98. 113. 130. 149. 169. 191. 215. 331. 365. 402. 441. 432. 470. 514. 561. 572. 610. 663. 4910526. 621. 673. 1043. 1114. 1118. 1194. 1189. 1266. 1274. 1357. 1251. 1329. 1347. 1431. 14 000 1495. 1583. 1519. 1610. 1705. 1674. 1769. 1867. 1803. 1905. 2011. 1969. 2075. 2184. 2121. 2297. 20 2234. 2352. 24740 159. 180. 204. 353. 389. 428. 909. 975. 1045. 1035. 1104. 1176. 104. 121. 139. 230. 257. 2870 319. 848. 910. 975. 905. 969. 64. 76. 39. 241. 269. 299. 789. 787. 845. 130 17. 22. 28. 35. 21. 26. 727. 785. 845. 630. 680. 733. 1600 718. 776. 837. 902. 969. 1040. 1115. 1192. 1274. 1359. 1700 1800 13. 14. 18. 24. 25. 30. 38. 46. 56. 68. 81. 95. 111. 128. 148. 169. 192. 217. 244. 273. 305. 339. 375. 414. 455. 499. 546. 596. 648. 704. 763. 825. 890. 958. 1030. 1105. 1184. 1267. 1353. 1443. 1538. 1443. 1533. 1627. 1447. 1540. 1636. 1736. 1725. 1826. 1932. 1840. 1948. 2061. 1955. 2070. 2190. 2041. 2155. 2272. 2177. 2313. 2442. 2575. 2713. 2298 2394. 2520. 2424. 2554. 2688. 2650. 28270 STRESS 1636. 1738. 1844. 2856. 3004. 19. 320 40. 49. 40. 72. 85. 101. 117. 136. 156. 1790 203. 230. 258. 2890 323. 359. 397. 438. 482. 529. 578. 631. 687. 745. 808. 873. 942. 1014. 1091. 1170. 1254. 1341. 1433. 1528. 1628. 1732. 1840. 1953. 2070. 2192. 2318. 2450. 2586. 2727. 2873. 3024. 3180. for log stringers LEVEL 1900 in foot-kips PSI 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 15. 16. 17. 17. 18. 20. 26. 34. 21. 28. 22. 23. 25. 19. 26. 29. 37. 47. 31. 39. 49. 32. 33. 41. 43. 530 57. 70. 84. 60. 73. 42. 52 63. 76. 90. 35. 44. ý5. 67. 80. 106. 124. 143. 95. 112. 130. 151. 165. 189. 174. 199. 214. 226. 255. 287. 242 273. 305. 341 379. 419 463. 509. 558 610. 666. 725. 787. 8524 922. 994. 1071. 1151. 1235. 1324. 1416. 1513. 1613. 1719. 1828. 1943. 2061. 2185. 2314. 2447. 322. 359. 399. 441. 487. 536. 588. 643. 701. 753. 828. 897. 970. 1047. 1127. 1212. 1300. 1393. 1491. 1592. 1698. 1809. 1925. 2045. 2170. 2300. 2435 100. 117. 137. 88. 104. 123. 143. 159. 182. 166. 191. 209. 237. 218. 248. 268. 301. 338. 377. 281. 3160 419. 463. 511. 562. 354. 393. 438. 485. 536. 2500 20 27. 35. 44. 56. 69. 83. 100. 119. 71. 87. 104. 124. 150. 174. 134. 157. 181. 145. 170. 200. 228. 209. 238. 140. 163. 189. 217. 260. 294. 330. 271. 306. 345. 63. 77. 92. 109. 129. 248. 319. 359. 294. 332. 3739 282 402. 448. 498. 552. 609. 670. 418. 466. 518. 574. 735. 603. 876. 764. 771. 841. 953. 916. 994. 954. 1036. 992. 1077. 1032. 1115. 1077. 1164. 1122. 1167. 1256. 1353. 1454. 1561. 1672. 1213. 1309. 1409. 1515. 1626. 1742. 1261. 1361. 1466. 1575. 1691. 1i11. 1938. 2070. 3700. 413. 458. 508. 560. 616. 386. 431. 478. 530. 514. 643. 705. 771. 801. 870. 942. 839. 911. 987. 1019. 1099. 1184. 1067. 1151. 1240. 1272. 1365. 1463. 1333. 1431. 1533. 1204. 1296. 1394. 1496. 1602. 1565. 1672. 1783. 1640. 1751. 1868. 1714. 1831. 1953. 1789. 1911. 2038. 1863. 1990. 2123. 1900. 2021. 2147. 2279. 1990. 2117. 2249. 2080. 2213. 2352. 2171. 2261. 2406. 2556. 2387. 2530. 2679. 2496. 2645. 2801. 2962. 2604. 2760. 2923. 2586. 2729 2878. 3030. 3181. 3032. 3192. 33579 3192. 3360. 35349 3352. 3528. 37119 2858. 3017. 3511. 3696. 38879 196. 226. 1580 736. 2834. 2994. 3160. 3333. 36. 66. 80. 96. 114. 51. 617. 675. 2576. 2722. 2873. 21. 28. 46. 58. 589. 646. 707. 2415. 2557. 2705. 2600 676. 739. 806. 877. 3130. 3304. 3484. 3671. 3864. 4064. 2310. 2454. 3091. 3266. 3448. 3636. 3831. 4032. 4241. 21 2713. 2875. 3044. 3220. X97. 836 912. 2208. 2352. 2502. 2658. 2821. 2990. 3166. 3402. 3591. 3787. 3349. 3539. 3735. 3939. 3990. 4200. 4417. 4150. 4368. 4594. Table Maximum 6. bending moments live-load in foot-kips TYPE VEHICLE SPAN LENGTH AASHTO LOADS See figure 2 ft Type 3S2 3 Type Type HS20 3-3 DESIGN R-10 U54 U80 LOADS See figure 3 U102 L70 L90 10 51 51 45 80 72 111 168 117 150 15 90 90 79 120 130 201 304 263 338 20 130 130 113 160 189 292 441 438 563 25 169 174 148 207 248 383 580 613 788 1013 30 212 224 183 282 324 500 719 788 35 268 274 232 361 430 662 858 963 1238 40 326 324 284 450 545 841 998 1138 1463 45 383 374 336 539 670 1028 1137 1313 1688 50 440 448 388 628 804 1225 1277 1488 1913 55 497 536 449 717 939 1423 60 555 624 534 807 65 612 713 620 70 669 801 706 75 727 890 798 1417 1663 2138 1622 1556 1820 1696 1838 2013 2363 896 1073 1207 986 1342 2019 1836 2188 2813 1075 1476 2218 1976 2363 3038 2588 80 784 979 889 1165 1611 2417 2116 2538 3263 85 842 1068 982 1255 1746 2617 2398 2713 3488 90 899 1158 1074 1344 1880 2816 2668 2888 3712 95 956 1247 1166 1434 2015 3015 2906 3063 3938 1336 1259 1524 2150 3215 3145 3238 4163 1014 100 Note The maximum the q moment of the span is occurs equidistant at the wheel from that nearest to the wheel and the 22 CL of the span resultant of all when the wheel position loads. of the truck is such that HS 20-44 STANDARD AASHTO HIGHWAY AXLE LOADS LOAD - GVW -o-8000 32000 32000 O O lbs. 6-0 TONS 36 lbs. lbs. 14-o 14 to 14 30 ý1 I Type 3 AASHTO TYPICAL RATING LOAD - GVW 14000 16000 16000 lbs. lbs. lbs. 0 0 L Type 3S2 AASHTO TYPICAL TONS 23 RATING LOAD - GVW 8000 lbs. L o 151-0 OO 36 TONS 16000 16000 bs. lbs. l 4-o 11-0 16000 l 16000 O 4-0 221-0 10 Type 3-3 AASHTO TYPICAL RATING LOAD - 8000 GVW 37 12000 12000 14000 14ooo 14000 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. OO O lbs. -015.-0 151-011 Figure 2. TONS Standard AASHTO 23 bridge live-load. O I. OO 161-011 141 -0 U54 OFF HIGHWAY TRUCK-GVW AXLELOADS 54 TONS -12000 24000 lbs. fl644-0 U80 HIGHWAY OFF TRUCK-GVW 80 24000 24000 24000 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 4-6 -6 14to30 TONS 12000 37000 37000 37000 37000 lbs. lbs. lbs. @@ @n 4-U102 lbs. n lbs. @ n - 4 0 61- OFF HIGHWAY TRUCK-GVW 102.5 4-6 14to30 TONS 4-L70 8000 42500 lbs. 74 HIGHWAY LOADER-GVW 56000 lbs. lbs. 4-6 14- LOG 56000 lbs. 909 n OFF 42500 lbs. 40to48 TONS 70 GROSS 7000 0000 70000 lbs. 3 L90 OFF 9000 140 lbs. O O 6-4 3 12 -404 HIGHWAY LOG LOADER-GVW TONS 90 GROSS 0 000 90000 lbs. lbs lbs. O 7M- i b O -.-Figure 3. Standard bridge 24 design live-load. Table Approximate 7. diameters 1 sitka spruce stringer required for design loads TYPE VEHICLE SPAN LENGTH ft HS20 U54 U80 U102 10 18 18 18 18 15 18 18 19 21 20 18 19 21 23 25 19 20 22 25 30 21 22 25 27 35 23 24 27 29 40 24 26 29 31 45 27 28 32 33 50 28 30 34 34 55 30 32 36 36 60 32 34 38 38 65 34 36 40 40 70 36 38 42 42 75 37 40 44 43 80 39 42 46 45 85 41 44 49 47 90 43 46 51 50 95 45 48 53 52 aver-age 47 100 1The diameters given midspan the depth used to calculate spans are in of rock the representing feet to Depths surfacing. table 20 feet-12 to spans of 20 inches 54 Required diameterswill vary diameters. with 55 50 of rock are inches 35 feet-9 spans over 35 feet-6 inches inches. Bibliography of Log Bridges 1. Design 2. Distribution of Wheel Laboratory March I. Klima British Columbia Loads on Two Alaska Log Lumberman Stringer April 1969. Bridges E. C. O. Erickson Forest Products 1965. - 7718 - March 1974 Amendment Trans-portation Service Manual 3. Forest 4. Manual for Maintenance Native Log Stringer of Bridges American Inspection second edition Officials 5. F. 17. Association of State Highway and 1974. Bridges Timothy Windle USDA Forest Service R-1 0 Juneau Alaska September 1973 unpublished. 6. Standard eleventh 7. Specifications edition Characteristics for Highway Bridges American Association of State Highway Officials 1973. of Alaska Woods FPL 1 USDA Forest 1963. 25 Service Forest Products Laboratory January ANALYSIS AND LOAD-RATING OF NATIVE LOG STRINGER BRIDGES Frank W. Muchmore Region P.E. 10 Authors Note This HP-65 Program was developed Design Guide for Native Input data required program card can are Stringer Bridges found be inserted load-rating for inventory Type 3-3 rating Log following in the or operating execution ratings for the vehicles. 26 procedures outlined load-rate this type included tables following the to in the of in AASHTO Type 3 R-10 bridge. design guide. of the program the to A separate output the Type 3S2 and HP-65 Program Form Title Analysis SWITCH TOW of PRGM Log Existing PRESS PRGM f_ CODE SHOWN KEY ENTRY LBL A R/S X STO 91 DLM 1 01 Hier LRag pr.Allow nmý 2 91 33 02 RCL Opr Allow 3 g1 33 03 DLM Rock 10STO R/S 33 04 84 STO 5 g1 Deck 2 Di Rock tbu Deck 01 2 02 RCL 3 X Factor Depth deck-. 3403 DLM X 71 for deck 20RCL4 3404 STO 4 3304 DLM RCL 2 34 02 Opr. 12 12 Entert RCL 4 05 2 3402 Opr. Entert 41 RCL5 3405 DLM Log Deck Mom. 9 Entert 41 Q RCL5 3405 Dist. DLM Log Opr.Allow. 2 RCL 2 J J Q 1 07 X 71 8 1 34 01 Total 41 RCL4 3404 Mom. - DLM Log Deck Avail. 5 - 3 1 R/S 41 DLM 01 84 5 40STO 91 81 2 02 3 03 71 STO 3 RCL 1 LLM 4 33 05 33 04 STO 3 33 03 RCL 2 3402 Entert RCL3 R5 Operating - Rating Allow. Inv. Type 3-3 R7 Mom. LLM - Type 3 R8 Allow. Inv. Inventory 3401 Inv. M Allow R9 X 23 -Type Rating 3 Mom. LABELS 41 LLM -Type A B 3S2 81 C 03 Deck KRCL Dist. M.- DLM Log Deck Factor Total Avail. LLM - D LLM -Type Inventory 3401 Inv. Entert 41 RCL5 3405 Opr. Allow. e3S2 -Type Rating Allow. E 36 3S2 0 Mom. 1 2 LCM -Type 3 3-3 4 81 LLM-Type33-3 3 3-3 07 907 71 ST0 3S2 5 33 05 RTN LLM -Type x 03j v. 33 04 X LLM -Type AIM 71 Inventory LLM Type 3-Enter 3 2LLM-T e3S2-Enter 3508 g 33 Type R6 3303 -Operating 3508 STO 34 03 Mom. LogDLM Inv. Allow. 34 05 33 01 - 81 STO R4 41 Entert 51 RCL 34 X Deck factor Inv. Allow. LLM - Type 3S2 Mom. Allow. 06 Entert Entert 33 08 34 04 33 02 - Rating 03 7 81 30STO X 36 w.- r..411 Operating RCL 41 51 6 H nv. Inv Inventory MO1 Rating X 7 37 -Type 8 3-3 9 24 3 Mom. FLAGS 41 3403 1 LLM -Type 3 2 81 02 2 03 03 lt-i 2 352 R3 33 07 70Entert DLM -Type 7 RCL 34 04 1 3 Mom Allow LLM 71 STO deck ratio Allow. R - Type Rating 81 61 O 03 6 3 81 REGISTERS X 23 R 34 04 Depth deck 41 1 Opr. 3 RCL r-R F n Distribution inches -Enter 3508 Entert 34 02 w. 41 4 60STO Log. Depm 1 33 05 Operating X DLM of 81 35 08 4 71 33 05 Mom. 3508 STO 2 COMMENTS 9al Entert 35 08 STO 6 RCL -nter Mom. Allow Inv. CODE SHOWN KEY ENTRY 11 33 1 _.._ MEMORY TO CLEAR COMMENTS 23 84 STO Page 8ritlgeS 100 TO hlF Figure 1. RECORD PROGRAM INSERT MAGNETIC CARD WITH HP-65 Program Form. 27 SWITCH SET AT W%PRGM 4_ Title Analysis of M HP-65 User Existing Frank Programmer Log Analysis of STEP Date Log Existing Bridges INPUT DATA/UNITS GO A A 3 Input Dead Load Moment 4 Input Dead Load 5 Input Operating 6 Input Inventory 7 Input Depth 8 Input 9 Input 10 Input 11 Input Live Live Live Live Moment Allow. Allow. of - Rock 3 Log Table 12 Rock Table 5 Moment Table 5 Decking Table Fill Moment in DLM-Log Dk. inches Distribution Load Moment - Type Load Moment - Type 3S2 Truck Load Moment -Type factor 3 D. Truck Table Type - Type 3S2 Truck 14 -Type 3-3 Truck - Type 3 16 - Type 3S2 Truck 17 -Type Operating Rating in Tons Tons 6 OUTPUT DATA/UNITS 5 3 I Enterl R/S Enterl Depth R/S F. L Entert EnterT LLM-3-3 Truck R/S RCL Inv.-3 RCL Inv.-3S2 Inv.-3-3 Truck IRCL Opr.-3S2 2. Opr.-3-3 HP-65 User 28 Instruction O L 1Cý 5 RCL Opr.-3 3-3 Truck Figure LLM LLM-3S2 II EnterT LLM LLM-3 3-3 Truck 13 Rating of 9/6/74 Entert DLM-Rock Inv. Load in 4 Opr. - Inventory ýý l KEYS 2 4 ll Press 15 U. program 2 12 Zj INSTRUCTIONS Enter Page Bridges Muchmore GO 1 Instructions 00 00 ýo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Form. use Existing RCL RCL OR 88 Log Bridges Program see Pg. HP-65 Program Form Title Rating SWITCH TO WPRGM of Existing Log PRGM J PRESS CODE SHOWN KEY ENTRY LBL Page Bridges Stringer TO CLEAR 11 KEY ENTRY COMMENTS CODE SHOWN COMMENTS LBL R2 13 RCL6 3406 RTN 24 LBL 23 D 14 RCL4 34 04 LBL 3405 RTN 24 RTN 24 LBL 23 B 12 LBL / 3 R3 Inv. Rating -Type 3S2 - R4 60 Inv. Rating -Type RS 3-3 R6 Operating Rating 23 C R7 13 40RCL3 3403 RTN 24 LBL 23 D 14 7 34 07 RTN 24 LBL 23 30RTN -Type 15 RCL5 RTN Rating 23 E RCL8 Op. 24 10RTN E 1 Rating 23 C RCL 4 REGISTERS R Inventory of MEMORY 23 A 3 Inv. Rating -Type 70 3 R8 Operating Rating -Type 3S2 R9 15 3408 Operating Rating -Type LABELS 3-3 A 24 24 B 80 C D E 0 2 3 4 5 6 90 40 7 8 9 FLAGS 2 100 50 TO Figure 3. RECORD PROGRAM INSERT MAGNETIC CARD WITH HP-65 Program Form. 29 SWITCH SET AT W1PRGM HP-65 User UseHPbe... Title of Rating Programmer Log Existing Frank of Operating Log Existing or Inventory Type Inventoryperatin STEP Stringer Rating 3 JType 3S2 Program Analysis Press A or After in CD or E Bridges or INPUT DATA/UNITS Program 3 3S2 or 3-3 for Fý Fý KEYS A desired or Tons. Figure 9/9/74 of 3-3 Operating Type 4 Date Tons Type running Log B Inventory by followed Rating - of Existing Page Bridges. in INSTRUCTIONS Enter 2 Bridges Muchmore Rating 13 Stringer Instructio 4. HP-65 User 30 Instruction Form. B C D or E OUTPUT DATA/UNITS 4 WASHINGTON OFFICE NEWS I OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director SELF-STUDY COURSE BOOKS We are reprinting an lb and for the a After c. 1 remaining is will A as task force came guide a JPRs printed 1 to Washington the completing in books EM-7110-1 a and new texts material will be updated the existing be written. material and Self-Study Course of the four distributed Regions to use all have study to is reprint categories sample text for intent emergency supply this May in to develop assigned text material. The and distributed by the spring of 1977. CERTIFICATION EXAMINATIONS This you spring Advanced Timber written received Sales in formerly referred multiple-choice immediate feedback of the score distributed JPR either examinations when they to Sampling Advanced essay-type Machine Wang Equipment. achieved and which JPRs need further study. Hewlitt-Packard for the other or categories are being rewritten Testing Administration These exams certification. of grading and grading presently were questions can and give will be are completed. BOOK Your Little Green JPR be part of JPRs in briefcase JPRs in the handbook your pocket with the contract Book system. and that take will An the documents on a new look when earlier standard of survey indicated Forest similar size. fall. 31 1 and format which eliminates the necessity by certification examinations certification Administration Works as Timber Purchaser Administration Public and permits grading The revised four Service We are it is The revised. few handbook if planning to that any size new of you edition would pack well distribute will carried the the in a revised CERTIFICATION SYMBOLS A new of certification supply symbols new four ones symbols was printed Advanced Pp They are were added. Timber Sales formerly referred to I MBF 9A Pý ýpN-TIM@F am y and shown below 110N -PUe 9A Administration and Administration certification are to the ten standard and Advanced Administration The symbols PP 0 In addition spring. Timber Purchaser as Administration Public Works. ýýON-T this i Pp ZION -PV @4lc \yý y CONTRACT CONTRACT pr. us us VANCEO gOVAN TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS Heyward T. Taylor Assistant Director SER VICE EQ UIPMENT The the challenges to enable to and management of protection these forest workers then Program carried Service forest. personnel In by the the more their the a role of managers and of managing field many the and utilizing form of employee Service-wide Development Centers at with equipment minimum forest the boards ad These ideas and Development Missoula hazard resources Regional suggestions. Equipment To meet challenges. personnel equipment needs through their in is efficiently at less cost and with role make known Equipment PROGRAM and wildlands provides workshops and often become projects in out TEST forests to be performed and the field hoc committees suggestions Forest work users managers and DE VEL OPMENT Mont. and and Test San Dimas Calif. and in the Southern Region by an Equipment Development Engineer at Atlanta Ga. The program encompasses development test analysis standardization and evaluation of all types of equipment and To keep the Centers one of the highlighted in field materials. informed on the progress of on-going Centers will be featured in this issue. 32 projects at Field Notes on a the Equipment quarterly basis. Development San Dimas is FORESTLAND RESIDUES MACHINE The San Dimas been appropriately Machine Slash featured the redesignated cutter reduction head Hydro-Ax 1000 prime mover. The for program and logging thinning Slash Lab during In to head Forest delivery monitor the versions is machine and use of the reduction RECREATION on the Hydro-Ax the collected data a on a and mounted Dimas of the Centers development result field-tested California and Oregon on of the in data gathered under actual working the San Dimas conditions. The new bid. The Centers 1976. industry both treat on the Deschutes 1000 and used to encourage in to for competitive to industry Service in December expected to the Forest machine total has has work and Forests. Most head design was presented 1976 March improvement been has prototype 3 No. 8 San at a direct timber-stand National be mounted will is has been confirmed the field testing July the new reduction reduction The fabricated head reduction accomplish residues. and Vol. Machine. The Residues Forestland designed Plumas and Deschutes Tahoe the machine a was that Notes Field in National will engineers commercial to furnish head. EQUIPMENT FACILITIES Vault .. design and aspects of maintenance toilets-construction In 1976 February a was considerations The Center continuing SDEDC 1975 Tips is 2300 remote-type nonelectrical Toa-throne are Unfortunately intended it being retardant Fire 101 and systems. are In chemical toilets oil-recirculating plastic vault and additives use possible if the lower in compost tops the for low-pressure two compost-type addition 2300 Tips Also modifications. evaluated being Equip table tops and bench picnic venting toilet currently for evaluated vault principle will Equip watersure low-flow Multrum and toilets Clivus wilderness visitor-use August be acceptable sites. for the MANAGEMENT Management Work specification. and safety has color spoilage market search and in-line on the and vault Staff retardants and retardant-related -work A all application. Centers health and biological water flush toilets requires years to determine FIRE AND A VIA TION The evaluations SDEDC 1975 models 050 Toilets considers soon. low-volume July chlorinators its that report techniques venting be published inventories-will Another published. materials entitled report special feasibility viscometers and specific has this considerable spent The main year. time and been completed on new requirements corrosion study gravity was effort in the field of thrust has been on the proposed 1977 and test procedures on and pumpability. conducted meters on strain and flow meters 33 gauging of retardant for liquid concentrate aircraft L.C. retardant Two bases. were tested flow meters the Medford at one addition three friction-reducing In Equip Tips The 20FD Hale Mark and the Chemonics for in L.C. prototype blender field service this $2.00 The to stock The the in prototype field. plastic Accessory Standard for medium and of the high-use items such several and weather sheaths and an pumper has been completed on a Model under test and shelter and on next nets swivels tanker be placed sheaths the result will be time for in lines. on the being published is for year. and lead and an Equip Tips 51 will plastic successful prove with numerous units. helicopters was published light cargo as along installed currently is portable the If valves for other tools will be worked Sheaths crew helmet evaluation air SPH4 A season. saving per sheath. Helicopter GSA fire tested and backpack system blender have been tested systems successfully been tested unit has a dry powder be placed pulaskis will also over Also evaluation. field pump driven electrically ones. pumps have been hose couplings wye other accessories including A and induction chemicals 26 an Ore. on the two successful being published is meter and gravity specific Base Airtanker helmet. Over 6000 field and of a new edition copies demand is of the Spark Arrester Guide have been distributed in the increasing. HELICOPTER NIGHT OPERATIONS For the last program to night-vision years the expand has Department when is the forest home resulted This fires. helicopter and crew support flight spots or Night coals in which resulted Goggles near the facilities IR in Night The experimental new delivered evaluations lightweight and 73 adapted to The Los region of but during many the hours range lb Forward the to with the National provide San the Fire County Forest Calif. night dispatching hours on in with delivery search and rescue operations the of were of the injured from mountains of darkness. Goggles or NVG spectrum. In become has fires addition deterring nocturnal as by current using Angeles for South Zone available fought Vision Padres by activities operations have been used most successfully on as laser quick night the rapid transport during successfully for other ground purposes such for County of Los trained and equipped for night operations are currently fires night hours development this service. contractor several as the helicopter of ground crews device known Vision to grant have required and remote highways to hospital low-light-level operations and Development a Research in into for experimental routine Not only were for direct successfully conducted use. Service crews in been engaged has firefighting base for the first helicopter suppressants The Service Forest flight emergencies California Region. also A operational Center Forest helicopter technology. experienced Dimas two when NVG Christmas hot viewing are being tree for popular used poachers and pole viewers. Looking mounting on Infrared a 34 Bell FLIR 205 thermal helicopter at imaging the end system was of 1975. It provides The includes equipment eye. The to the Land the IR doubt display that a video will be future engineering temperature gradients recording IR spectrum. of the range of the scene a record day or night providing operates the imagery Currently a Alaskan micron 8-14 provides Since data. uses. the in that smoke and environmental the in operates recorder tape through pass to record Manager will no TV real-time a is new a visible is tool for there temperature-related FLIR system similar that used being is for pipeline. PERSONNEL CHANGES pro-moted Since the of beginning and additions to changes of Staff position to Mike Lamberts Washington Office Engineering Materials Staff Assistant Mike vacated 6 seat. Fischer Supervisory position San to Dimas Staff leadership to the design and development engineering equipment and equipment systems. Jerry Edwards Region transferred to San Dimas to assume Luigi DeBernardos Jones Assistant he provides In this position Activities. Dave Airall. for took over a new position Investigations and Studies. Luigi DeBernardo and Related the as was on the Ochoco Engineer by Claude held previously transferred Civil of Office in the Claude Airall Mechanical Engineer Sirois. Phillip Engineer for Fire Prevention had a number has Lambert was promoted to the Washington the accepted Richardson Boone Director by Don vacated Materials expertise and technical SDEDC year his staff. Engineer Forest Region National the the 8 Equipment position of fire prevention Development Assistant as as the Engineer Director for and Testing. Development STANDARDS CONSULTATION Charles R. Weller Assistant Director NATIONAL SIGN PROCUREMENT COORDINATOR The of being process It Sign Procurement National is Prison located Western Regions FPI may of is FPI Industries Regions FPI The vacancy announcement filled. hoped that by establishing Federal Coordinator position closest to may this Atlanta. be reduced. The benefit If be considered the for is located Atlanta Ga. in was closed July the cost and delay in the procurement position will which issued Service-wide Atlanta position Lompoc will undoubtedly works well Calif. and any be sign in of signs greatest the 8th. from for the to serve shop operations that a similar new is position establish. currently investigating the of establishing another possibilities shop somewhere sign west Mississippi. Manual directives developed. comment. A We and rough are procedural draft hoping to of the guides for material have the position the will procurement be sent to filled 35 the and operating of signs Regions by this from soon fall. FPI are for review being and CHANGE TO JUNE 8 Volume POLYESTER RESIN Correct for use in The jack the used on the jacking Number 6 ANCHORAGE SYSTEM PRAIRIE PORTAGE DAM page 12 4th paragraph Consequently NOTES FIELD a jacking 3rd sentence bridge pullout test for the pullout bearing this set-up test was at a to point would a read test four feet the on each anchor as hollow cylinder jack that bridge. 36 side of the bar was specified well as the rock for anchorage. fitted over the bar and rested TO READERS OF FIELD NOTES INVITATION Every reader is a of an author potential article you have a news item or we invite you to send it for for Field Notes. If accu-rate short article publication you would with Service engineers to share like Field Notes. in submitted to the Washington Material Office for publication should be reviewed by the Washing-ton respective Office Regional to see that informative and of submitted material however short Office glossy black Field Notes mailing the short several to 7113. The length of pages typewritten several be should illustrations all original drawings or photos. ask your Office Manager Office directly Service or the sent to your office. retirees. Regional If to all you Copies of back issues Regional Station are not currently Information are and on the Coordinator to increase also available from the Office. to whom Region has an Information Coordinator and material for The Coordinators questions publication. McCabe R-1 Bill R-2 Allen Groven R-3 Bill problems FSM sentences Each Coordinators current timely technically items are preferred. All material submitted to the Forests and Forest copies is Service-wide engineers distributed from the Washington number of Washington vary from information be typed double-spaced and white is to interest or news articles should Area Headquarters list may the Strohschein should direct Ted R-5 Jim McCoy R-6 Kjell Bakke R-8 Ernest Quinn concerning personnel Forest Engineering Attn Norbert Smith R-10 Frank Muchmore WO format editing 12th Staff L. Rm. 1108 RP-E Rome Independence Washington Telephone D.C. or Rita E. Wright Ave. S.W. 20250 Area Code 703-235-8198 Al Colley publishing dates and other Service Gordon submit both R-9 to USDA should are Wood R-4 questions field