Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Test of 3D Silicon pixel detectors: Simulation and measurements Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk University of Oslo / ATLAS 3D Pixel R&D Collaboration Spåtind 2010, Nordic Conference in Particle Physics Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 1 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Outline 1 Introduction 3D Pixel Detectors Testbeam Characterization 2 Experimental Results Tracking Efficiency Charge Sharing Position Resolution 3 Simulations Track Resolution Beam Telescope Model Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 2 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary 3D Pixel Detectors Testbeam Characterization Pixel detectors • Used for tracking/vertexing in high-intensity environments, such as the ATLAS innermost layers • Crucial for identifying B-jets and other short-lived particles • Detectors in ATLAS inner layer has to withstand a radiation dose in excess of 1015 cm−2 1 MeV neutron equivalents Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 3 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary 3D Pixel Detectors Testbeam Characterization ATLAS Pixel Inserted B-Layer (IBL) • Project to place an extra layer of pixel sensors inside current ATLAS B-layer • ≈ 3.2 cm from interaction point ⇒ High demands on radiation hardness • Plan is to install during shutdown around 2015 Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 4 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary 3D Pixel Detectors Testbeam Characterization 3D Silicon pixel detectors • Novel tracking sensors fabricated with MEMS technology • Electrodes are vertical columns going through the sensor bulk Full 3D • Shorter charge collection distance ⇒ Less charge loss in irradiated detectors • No need for guard rings ⇒ Elimination of loss of efficiency at edge Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Double side Double-Type Column (DDTC) Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 5 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary 3D Pixel Detectors Testbeam Characterization Testbeam – SPS H8 May 2009 setup Morpurgo magnet ~ 1.6 T Devices under test (DUTs) in cooling box Trigger scintillators BAT telescope for tracking CERN North Area SPS target hall, H8 beamline, 180 GeV pions Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 6 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary 3D Pixel Detectors Testbeam Characterization Testbeam – SPS H8 May 2009 setup • Tracking using the Bonn Atlas Telescope (BAT) • Four pixel devices under test (DUT’s): • Planar device, standard ATLAS type • Stanford full 3D with active edge, three electrodes • Two FBK-irst sensors, Double sided Double Type Column (DDTC) (non-penetrating holes etched from two sides) • 1.6 T Morpurgo magnet used to measure sensor response in magnetic field Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 7 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Efficiency Charge Sharing Position Resolution ◦ Hit efficiencies at 0 , B = 0 Planar sensor, eff = 99.9% Mask detail for Full 3D sensors with 3 electrodes Stanford Full 3D, eff = 96.7% FBK DDTC, eff = 99.2% Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 8 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Efficiency Charge Sharing Position Resolution ◦ Hit efficiencies at ≈ 15 , B≈ 1.6 T Planar sensor, eff = 100.0% Mask detail for 3D sensors with 3 electrodes Stanford Full 3D, eff = 99.9% FBK DDTC, eff = 99.8% Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 9 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Efficiency Charge Sharing Position Resolution Charge sharing Planar sensor, magnet off, angle = 0◦ Stanford Full 3D, magnet off, angle = 0◦ Planar sensor, magnet on, angle ≈ 15◦ Stanford full-3d, magnet on, angle ≈ 15◦ Non-perpendicular track ⇒ Charge sharing ⇒ Good position resolution Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 10 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Efficiency Charge Sharing Position Resolution Position resolution Planar: Stanford: FBK: 0◦ ≈ 15◦ RMS around 10µm for both planar and 3D devices under IBL conditions Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 11 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Track resolution BAT model Testbeam simulation • Better understanding of the tracking setup • Track resolution in the devices under test • Effects of sensor (mis-)alignment • Testbed for sensor models Geometry + particle/matter interaction + device physics/electronics should yield plots that are comparable to real data Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 12 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Track resolution BAT model Overview of the testbeam simulation framework DAQ Hardware Tracking and allignment Energy depositions dE, position Geant 4 Simulation Analysis framework Simulation of Trigger & digitalization Simulation and data-taking soon fully integrated Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 13 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Track resolution BAT model Simulated SPS H8 setup Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 14 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Track resolution BAT model Simulated residuals in device planes 5 µm smearing: No smearing of hit: h_yResDUT3 Y residual in DUT 3 Entries Mean 500 RMS χ 2 / ndf Constant 400 Mean Sigma h_yResDUT3 Y residual in DUT 3 4758 Entries -2.214e-05 Mean 4758 -1.333e-05 0.004701 418.8 / 92 RMS 250 χ 2 / ndf 445 ± 9.5 -2.169e-05 ± 3.505e-05 0.002281 ± 0.000034 Constant 200 Mean 300 Sigma 0.005502 264.3 / 91 264 ± 5.4 -2.329e-05 ± 6.010e-05 0.003984 ± 0.000054 150 200 100 100 0 -0.03 50 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 trackPosition - hitPosition [mm] 0 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 trackPosition - hitPosition [mm] 2.3[um] < Track resolution in DUT < 4.0[um] Compatible with measurements using two planes for tracking into third plane, and toy MonteCarlo model. Full reconstruction chain from simulation not working right now, using charge-weighted mean as hit position Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 15 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Track resolution BAT model BAT beam telescope – device model • Start from localized energy depositions from Geant4 • Each energy deposition creates a localized charge-cloud QL x0 QR x • For each cloud: Calculate simultaneous drift/diffusion ⇒ Get the charge deposited on six closest strips • Simulate electronics readout Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk ξ 0 C(x,t’) Result: Realistic charge sharing, BAT digits Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 16 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Track resolution BAT model BAT beam telescope – device model – η-distributions Real data: Simulation: BAT_1_eta_p Entries 11062 Mean 0.5026 RMS 0.3705 BAT1 p-side eta distribution 500 BAT_1_eta_p Entries 36076 Mean 0.4996 RMS 0.3656 BAT1 p-side eta distribution 1400 1200 400 1000 300 800 600 200 400 100 200 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 η= 0.8 0.9 1 Eta 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Eta QL (6= pseudorapidity) QL + QR is a measure of charge sharing between two adjacent strips. Charge-sharing in BAT planes are reasonably well described Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 17 / 18 Introduction Measurements Simulations Summary Summary • New technology for radiation-hard tracking sensors • Efficient and good position resolution in ATLAS IBL conditions • Simulation useful to better understand the testbeam measurements • Outlook • Angle-scan • Integration of simulation with reconstruction and analysis software • Real models for pixel devices Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 18 / 18 Backup BACKUP SLIDES Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 19 / 18 Backup C. Da Viá et al., “Radiation hardness properties of full-3D active edge silicon sensors” (2008) 3 yr LHC luminocity ⇒≈ 1015 [cm−2 ] 1 MeV neutron equiv. at B-layer Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 20 / 18 Backup Cluster charge Planar: Stanford Full 3D: B=OFF 0.2 B=OFF 0.2 B=ON 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 B=ON 0.18 0 0 50000 60000 70000 Cluster charge[e-] 0◦ 10000 20000 30000 40000 B=OFF 0.2 B=OFF 0.2 B=ON 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 B=ON 0.18 0.16 0 0 50000 60000 70000 Cluster charge[e-] ≈ 15◦ 0.02 10000 20000 30000 Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk 40000 50000 60000 70000 Cluster charge[e-] 0 0 10000 20000 Test of 3DSi pixel detectors 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 Cluster charge[e-] Spåtind 2010 21 / 18 Backup ◦ Hit efficiencies at 0 , B≈ 1.6 T row position [um] Planar sensor, eff = 100.0% column position [um] Mask detail for 3D sensors with 3 electrodes row position [um] Stanford Full 3D, eff = 96.5% column position [um] row position [um] FBK DDTC, eff = 99.1% column position [um] Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 22 / 18 Backup η-corrections BAT_1_eta_p Entries 36076 Mean 0.4996 RMS 0.3656 BAT1 p-side eta distribution 1400 • Assume a flat distribution of dN dx incoming particles = N0 ∆ • Assume the charge is 1200 1000 800 distributed over two strips 600 400 • Measure the dN dη -distribution, where η is defined as L , and N0 is a η = QLQ+Q R normalization constant 200 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Eta 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Eta BAT1 p-side eta distribution CDF 1 0.8 • By integration, the track 0.6 position is given as 0.4 ∆ x (η) = N0 Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Z η dN 0 dη 0 dη 0 +x (η = 0) 0.2 0 0 0.1 Test of 3DSi pixel detectors 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Spåtind 2010 23 / 18 Backup Definition charge-weighted mean (as used in track residuals) • Geant4 simulation provides Sigma of hit spread (y) (Clustered & trigged) in BAT2 Counts a set of sensor-local (x , y , z) of hit positions / energy deposition h_hitposLocal_sigma_clustered_trigged_y_BAT2 Entries 8857 Mean 2.278e-05 RMS 3.378e-05 800 700 600 500 • Use this data directly to provide an (x , y ) hit position in the sensor plane, defined as P qi xi x̂ ≡ Pi i qi 400 300 200 100 0.02 0.04 (equiv. for y) • Not using simulated device ×10 0.18 0.2 [mm] -3 0 0 0.06 0.08 0.1 qP σx ≡ i 0.12 0.14 0.16 qi2 (xi − x̂ )2 P i qi response Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 24 / 18 Backup Definition hit efficiency eff ≡ Number of tracks through center region of sensor w/ matching hit Number of tracks through center region of sensor • Matching hit: Hit within 1200 × 250µm from track (3 × 5 pixels ) • Cuts: χ2 for tracks, masked pixels (noisy pixels) Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Test of 3DSi pixel detectors Spåtind 2010 25 / 18