Introduction New features Summary TbMon offline analysis framework: Getting started, newly added features Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk1 University of Oslo / ATLAS 3D Pixel R&D Collaboration 3D/PPS Eudet Software Tutorial, 7. June 2010, CERN 1 k.n.sjobak (a-with-pig’s-tail) Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 1 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Outline 1 Introduction to the TbMon offline analysis framework Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes 2 New features Simple key-value command line interface Command line usage Implementing new keys Simulation extensions 3 Summary Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 2 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes The TbMon offline analysis framework: What is it? A skeleton program for making it easier to extract useful information from testbeam data – So that you can do your analysis without thinking (so much) about technicalities like loading the data, skipping bad data, looping over discontinuous sets of data, finding clusters, etc. Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 3 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Data from one experiment event Run event event event Each event contains: ● Digits from DUTs ● Track information from telescope ● Timing information from HPTDC ● etc. Results: 99,6 % efficiency ... event Run event event event event er ov op ts Lo even ... event event ... ... File handling Run event TbMon: Unpacking & formatting Quality cuts, cluster finding, etc. Analysis Analysis Analysis ... Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 4 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Short glossary of TbMon Configuration A set of data files from one experiment, and a list of the EventBuilders needed to handle them EventBuilder Class that formats data, makes quality cuts, finds clusters etc; preparing the data for analysis Analysis Class that receives nicely formatted data, and makes plots etc. One instance is created per active DUT. Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 5 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Downloading and installing TbMon Warning: UNIX operating system with working ROOT installation assumed 1 cd to a suitable folder 2 Checkout from SVN: svn co svn+ssh://<CERN-USER> atlas3dpix/tbonline/trunk Source-code now stored in new subfolder trunk 3 Get the data for your experiment 4 Configure for your setup (see next slide) 5 Compile: run make in trunk folder Don’t check things to back into the SVN tree that isn’t working or is site-specific! Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 6 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Downloading and installing TbMon Warning: UNIX operating system with working ROOT installation assumed 1 cd to a suitable folder 2 Checkout from SVN: svn co svn+ssh://<CERN-USER> atlas3dpix/tbonline/trunk Source-code now stored in new subfolder trunk 3 Get the data for your experiment 4 Configure for your setup (see next slide) 5 Compile: run make in trunk folder Don’t check things to back into the SVN tree that isn’t working or is site-specific! Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 6 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Downloading and installing TbMon Warning: UNIX operating system with working ROOT installation assumed 1 cd to a suitable folder 2 Checkout from SVN: svn co svn+ssh://<CERN-USER> atlas3dpix/tbonline/trunk Source-code now stored in new subfolder trunk 3 Get the data for your experiment 4 Configure for your setup (see next slide) 5 Compile: run make in trunk folder Don’t check things to back into the SVN tree that isn’t working or is site-specific! Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 6 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Configure your setup TbMon needs to know where you have stored the data. This is done with the file siteconfig.h, stored in the trunk folder. 1 2 Copy siteconfig.h.example to siteconfig.h In siteconfig.h, you will find a lot of “blocks” like this: #define SITEEUDET2009_SET void siteEudet2009(TbConfig &config) { trySet(config.dataPath, (char*) "/home/haavagj/pixel/tb2009/eudet/results"); } 3 4 5 6 For the configurations (experiments) you have data from and want to use: Change the path to the folder containing the .root files For the configurations you are not interested in: Comment out the line containing the #define. Take a look at the function siteconfig(...); it defines default output paths etc. Save your newly created siteconfig.h ^ ¨ Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 7 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Compile and test • If everything has been done correctly, and you have the dependencies and tools installed, and there is a full moon: Compile it by running make in the trunk folder. • If it compiles successfully, you can try to run it: $ mkdir anaDemo_outdata $ ./tbmon -c may2009 -l runlists/may2009-boff-a0 -i 164 -o anaDemo_outdata/ -a beamprofile sumtot efficiency • This should produce a lot of output in the subfolder anaDemo_outdata (see next slide) Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 8 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 9 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Doing analysis with TbMon: The anatomy of an analysis class An analysis class is an implementation of the interface class TbAnalysis, which defines the following functions: init(TbConfig &config) Stuff to be done before anything else initRun(const TbConfig &config) Stuff to be done at the beginning of each run event(const TbConfig &config, const Event &event) How to process an event finalizeRun(const TbConfig &config) Stuff to be done at the end of each run finalize(const TbConfig &config) Stuff to be done after all events have been processed Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 10 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Introduction Installing and configuring Analysis classes Doing analysis with TbMon: Implementing an analysis class 1 Create .h and .cc files in folders trunk/analysis/include and trunk/analysis/src 2 In the header: Include “tbanalysis.h”, and define a class inheriting from TbAnalysis, implementing its virtual methods. Remember header guards! 3 In the .cc file: Include the header, and implement the class. 4 In Include the header file, and add the analysis in the method allAnalyses(...) 5 In the Makefile: Add your analysis to the end of the line starting with ANALYSIS 6 Compile, run with ./tbmon (blahblah) -a yourAnalysis Look to already existing analysis for inspiration, such as clusize.h/.cc and beamprofile.h/.cc. Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 11 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Simple key-value command line interface Why: Make it simple to pass configurations to an analysis or eventBuilder Usage: New “family” of command line arguments to TbMon: $ ./tbmon <blah blah> -P:<key> <value> Example Set the track χ2 cut value to 10.0: $ ./tbmon <blah blah> -P:G_chi2cut 10 Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 12 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Simple key-value command line interface Why: Make it simple to pass configurations to an analysis or eventBuilder Usage: New “family” of command line arguments to TbMon: $ ./tbmon <blah blah> -P:<key> <value> Example Set the track χ2 cut value to 10.0: $ ./tbmon <blah blah> -P:G_chi2cut 10 Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 12 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Simple key-value command line interface At the beginning of processing, TbMon writes out currently used keys, together with their current value and a short description: [ TbConfig ]; Parameter arguments pushed onto cmdLineExtras: KEY VALUE DESCRIPTION B_simDutRunner_model Full3D_Vadim Name of model wanted. Leave to default ("passt B_simTruthBuilder_truthTrack False Use truth info for position estimation in devi G_chi2cut 3 Mark tracks with chi2 > this value as bad SD_Full3D_Vadim_R_bias 5 Radius of bias electrodes [u SD_Full3D_Vadim_R_readout 5 Radius of readout electrodes [u SD_Full3D_Vadim_S_bias 0.5 Efficiency fall-off distance around bias [u SD_Full3D_Vadim_S_readout 0.5 Efficiency fall-off distance around readout [u Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 13 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! The TbConfig class provides a set of functions use to get arguments of different kinds, or just set the default: Get double data: double cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, double defaultValue, string describeText); Get string data: string cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, string defaultValue, string describeText); Get bool data: bool cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, bool defaultValue, string describeText); The data and description text is stored in hash maps TbConfig::cmdLineExtras and TbConfig::cmdLineExtras_help Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 14 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! The TbConfig class provides a set of functions use to get arguments of different kinds, or just set the default: Get double data: double cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, double defaultValue, string describeText); Get string data: string cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, string defaultValue, string describeText); Get bool data: bool cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, bool defaultValue, string describeText); The data and description text is stored in hash maps TbConfig::cmdLineExtras and TbConfig::cmdLineExtras_help Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 14 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! The TbConfig class provides a set of functions use to get arguments of different kinds, or just set the default: Get double data: double cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, double defaultValue, string describeText); Get string data: string cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, string defaultValue, string describeText); Get bool data: bool cmdLineExtras_argGetter(string key, bool defaultValue, string describeText); The data and description text is stored in hash maps TbConfig::cmdLineExtras and TbConfig::cmdLineExtras_help Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 14 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! As shown on the previous slide, there are currently implemented three overloaded argGetter functions for simple datatypes. Warning: To use the the string argument getter, make sure to explicitly pass a string input argument: string myVar=cmdLineExtras_argGetter("A_myAna_myKey", string("MyDefault"), "describeText") Else it will end up selecting bool cmdLineExtras_argGetter (char*,bool,char*) because of C++ datatype rules. If you want to implement more argGetters, look at source-code. Histogram support range would be nice ^ ¨ Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 15 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! As shown on the previous slide, there are currently implemented three overloaded argGetter functions for simple datatypes. Warning: To use the the string argument getter, make sure to explicitly pass a string input argument: string myVar=cmdLineExtras_argGetter("A_myAna_myKey", string("MyDefault"), "describeText") Else it will end up selecting bool cmdLineExtras_argGetter (char*,bool,char*) because of C++ datatype rules. If you want to implement more argGetters, look at source-code. Histogram support range would be nice ^ ¨ Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 15 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! As shown on the previous slide, there are currently implemented three overloaded argGetter functions for simple datatypes. Warning: To use the the string argument getter, make sure to explicitly pass a string input argument: string myVar=cmdLineExtras_argGetter("A_myAna_myKey", string("MyDefault"), "describeText") Else it will end up selecting bool cmdLineExtras_argGetter (char*,bool,char*) because of C++ datatype rules. If you want to implement more argGetters, look at source-code. Histogram support range would be nice ^ ¨ Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 15 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! Example Getting/setting the χ2 -cut for chi2builder: cutVal = c o n f i g . cmdLineExtras_argGetter ( " G_chi2cut " , chi2default , " Mark t r a c k s w i t h c h i 2 > t h i s v a l u e a s bad " ) ; Naming rules for keys (avoiding clashes): Builders: B_<builderName>_<variableName> Analysis: A_<analysisName>_<variableName> SimDuts: SD_<modelName>_<variableName> Global: G_<variableName> Globals must only by read/set once in the code, but where might be depending on configuration: Both BAT and EUDET data can use a χ2 cut, but might do this in different places. Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 16 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! Example Getting/setting the χ2 -cut for chi2builder: cutVal = c o n f i g . cmdLineExtras_argGetter ( " G_chi2cut " , chi2default , " Mark t r a c k s w i t h c h i 2 > t h i s v a l u e a s bad " ) ; Naming rules for keys (avoiding clashes): Builders: B_<builderName>_<variableName> Analysis: A_<analysisName>_<variableName> SimDuts: SD_<modelName>_<variableName> Global: G_<variableName> Globals must only by read/set once in the code, but where might be depending on configuration: Both BAT and EUDET data can use a χ2 cut, but might do this in different places. Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 16 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Key-value command line interface: Implement your own! Example Getting/setting the χ2 -cut for chi2builder: cutVal = c o n f i g . cmdLineExtras_argGetter ( " G_chi2cut " , chi2default , " Mark t r a c k s w i t h c h i 2 > t h i s v a l u e a s bad " ) ; Naming rules for keys (avoiding clashes): Builders: B_<builderName>_<variableName> Analysis: A_<analysisName>_<variableName> SimDuts: SD_<modelName>_<variableName> Global: G_<variableName> Globals must only by read/set once in the code, but where might be depending on configuration: Both BAT and EUDET data can use a χ2 cut, but might do this in different places. Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 16 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions A few words on the TbMon simulation extensions Actual experiment hardware Tracks Entries Mean RMS 123745 58.83 22.35 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Beam 500 Digits Detectors tbreco: Allignment and reconstruction Simulation Energy deposits 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Cluster charge [ToT] DAQ/trigger TbAna: Simulation of trigger, detector responce, and DAQ Digits ntuples tbmon: Analysis framework Simulation− extensions: Truth and DUT model testing TestBeamSim (Geant4) Energy deposits, Truth • Enables access to raw simulation data from TbMon analysis (charge clusters and particle track truth) • Enables testing of DUT models (efficiency functions, charge-sharing etc.) • BUT: Currently the simulation covers BAT telescope only. . . Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 17 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions A few words on the TbMon simulation extensions Actual experiment hardware Tracks Entries Mean RMS 123745 58.83 22.35 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Beam 500 Digits Detectors tbreco: Allignment and reconstruction Simulation Energy deposits 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Cluster charge [ToT] DAQ/trigger TbAna: Simulation of trigger, detector responce, and DAQ Digits ntuples tbmon: Analysis framework Simulation− extensions: Truth and DUT model testing TestBeamSim (Geant4) Energy deposits, Truth • Enables access to raw simulation data from TbMon analysis (charge clusters and particle track truth) • Enables testing of DUT models (efficiency functions, charge-sharing etc.) • BUT: Currently the simulation covers BAT telescope only. . . Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 17 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Files and variables for simulation: A reference General rule Anything with a name starting with “sim” is related to simulation Configuration: Additions to siteconfig Setting a new DataPath, which specifies where to find extra sim data: t r y S e t ( c o n f i g . simDataPath , ( c h a r ∗ ) " / p a t h / t o / s i m R a w H i t s " ) Flag for specifying that this configuration has extra sim data: c o n f i g . i s S i m u l a t i o n = true Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 18 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Files and variables for simulation: A reference General rule Anything with a name starting with “sim” is related to simulation Configuration: Additions to siteconfig Setting a new DataPath, which specifies where to find extra sim data: t r y S e t ( c o n f i g . simDataPath , ( c h a r ∗ ) " / p a t h / t o / s i m R a w H i t s " ) Flag for specifying that this configuration has extra sim data: c o n f i g . i s S i m u l a t i o n = true Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 18 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Files and variables for simulation: A reference Configuration: TbConfig A few new variables added for pointing to data paths, synchronizing event numbers etc. Event object A few things has been added, mostly inside its own “auxilary” object simDataKeeper* Event::simData which is NULL for real data. In addition to this, there is a “goodness” flag fSimSync, which is kGood if SimBaseBuilder was successful in syncing reconstructed- and raw-data. Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 19 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Files and variables for simulation: A reference Configuration: TbConfig A few new variables added for pointing to data paths, synchronizing event numbers etc. Event object A few things has been added, mostly inside its own “auxilary” object simDataKeeper* Event::simData which is NULL for real data. In addition to this, there is a “goodness” flag fSimSync, which is kGood if SimBaseBuilder was successful in syncing reconstructed- and raw-data. Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 19 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Files and variables for simulation: A reference EventBuilders Three eventbuilders is used for getting simulation data: simBaseBuilder Finds the data folders, synchronizes pre- and postreconstruction event numbers simTruthBuilder Gets truth data (impact position etc.) simPixelEdepBuilder Gets charge cluster data Additionally, there is one builder called “simDutRunner” that executes simDuts and insert their output (simulated pixel digits) into the events. SimDuts These classes contains models of DUTs (efficiency functions, charge sharing, timing etc.). Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 20 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Key-value command line interface Simulation extensions Files and variables for simulation: A reference EventBuilders Three eventbuilders is used for getting simulation data: simBaseBuilder Finds the data folders, synchronizes pre- and postreconstruction event numbers simTruthBuilder Gets truth data (impact position etc.) simPixelEdepBuilder Gets charge cluster data Additionally, there is one builder called “simDutRunner” that executes simDuts and insert their output (simulated pixel digits) into the events. SimDuts These classes contains models of DUTs (efficiency functions, charge sharing, timing etc.). Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 20 / 21 Introduction New features Summary Summary • The TbMon framework is useful for analyzing testbeam data • Re-read this presentation for getting started • Some new features have been added: • Key-value command line interface to builders and analyses • Simulation extensions • If you can’t get it to work, try asking Håvar Gjersdal2 or me. 2 hgjersdal (a-with-pig’s-tail) Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk TbMod analysis framework June 2010 EUDET tutorial 21 / 21