Summer 2015 - CE 3303.002 - MECHANICS OF SOLIDS (CRN: 9768364) STUDENT NAME is registered with Student Disability Services and has the right to receive the following in-class accommodations, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Letter of Accommodation (LOA) becomes effective the date received by the faculty member. Accommodations must be implemented within one week of receiving this letter. Please read carefully the information pertaining to specific accommodations for the student listed below. If requested, your prompt response will ensure that Texas Tech University is in compliance with Federal Statutes. Important Notice: The information in this letter is strictly confidential! STUDENT NAME has supplied Student Disability Services (SDS) with documentation that qualifies the student for the services indicated below. It is the student's responsibility to contact you to discuss accommodations. Please respect the student's right to confidentiality and limit your discussion of student's disability or accommodations to private conversations with him/her. It is the student's decision whether to share specifics about their disability. Specific accommodations the student is eligible to receive: 1. Alternative Testing Ex traTim e2.00x Additional Time Student is allowed 100 percent additional time than is allotted to other students in the course on exams, quizzes, and time needed to complete in-class work (this includes labs). This time does apply to both in class and online quizzes and exams. Option 1: Academic Testing Center (West Hall, Room 214). The STUDENT must arrange for his/her tests to be administered through the Academic Testing Center. A contract (pink form) will be signed by both the student and the instructor and must be returned to the Academic Testing Center at least 5 days prior to the first exam. Option 2: Department Location. The INSTRUCTOR may arrange for the student to take his/her exams within their department. Please note that all testing accommodations must be provided in order for the student to test within the department. Quiet Location Alternative Test Location Alternative test location that provides a quiet environment that reduces distractions. This accommodation does not apply to online courses. Option 1: Academic Testing Center (West Hall, Room 214). The STUDENT must arrange for his/her tests to be administered through the Academic Testing Center. A contract (pink form) will be signed by both the student and the instructor and must be returned to the Academic Testing Center at least 5 days prior to the first exam. Option 2: Department Location: The INSTRUCTOR may arrange for the student to take his/her exams within the department. The location must provide reduced distractions as well as accommodating the extra time requirement, when applicable. 2. Others P riority Scheduling Student is eligible for Priority Registration on the date as designated by Texas Tech University. Priority Registration is applicable only on the assigned date and Student Disability Services does not have the ability to override students into any course or section. If you want to learn more about providing services for students with disabilities, please visit: Thank You, Student Disability Services 335 West Hall MS 45007 Lubbock, TX 79409-5007 Phone: 806-742-2405 (Voice) Fax: 806-742-4837 Email: