Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Introduction The third component of the OSA contains questions for the Mathematics core. The first questions ask the participants about how they fulfilled their Mathematics core requirement. The following table shows the number and percentage of participants who selected each response to the first question regarding where students took their core curriculum course. The number of participants selecting each response adds up to more than the 755 total participants because those who did not select “I took all my core curriculum classes in mathematics or logic at Tech” could select more than one of the other responses. How did you complete your core curriculum requirement in Mathematics? % of all % of all Response N Responses Participants I took at least one mathematics or logic core 85 10.4% 11.3% curriculum class through dual credit in high school. I took at least one advanced placement 78 9.5% 10.3% mathematics core curriculum class in high school. Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 1 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics How did you complete your core curriculum requirement in Mathematics? (Cont.) I took at least one CLEP exam for mathematics 21 2.6% 2.8% core curriculum credit. I received transfer core curriculum mathematics credit for at least one class that I took at another 251 30.6% 33.2% institution. I took all my core curriculum classes in 386 47.0% 51.1% mathematics or logic at Tech. 821 100.0% Total Responses For the analysis in this report the 755 participants are divided into the “TTU” group and the “ELSE” group. The TTU group represents the 386 participants (i.e., 51.1%) who selected “I took all my core curriculum classes in mathematics or logic at Tech” and the ELSE group represents the 369 participants (i.e., 48.9%) who selected one or more of the other responses indicating that they took their core curriculum class in Mathematics elsewhere. The following pie chart shows this division of the sample. Mathematics 369 (48.9%) TTU 386 (51.1%) ELSE The 369 participants in the ELSE group were also asked if the class they took outside of Tech counted for their core curriculum credit. Of the 369 participants who reported taking a Mathematics course elsewhere, 21 (i.e., 5.7%) reported that they did not know if the course counted for their Mathematics core curriculum credit and 348 (i.e., 94.3%) reported that the course did count for their Mathematics core curriculum credit. The 348 participants who reported that the course taken outside of Tech did count for their Mathematics core curriculum credit were also asked which one counted. The following table shows the number and percentage of the 348 participants who selected each response. Which one? Response A dual credit class. An advanced placement class. A CLEP exam. A class I took at another institution. I don't know. Total N % 68 19.5% 43 12.4% 9 2.6% 225 64.7% 3 0.9% 348 100.0% Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 2 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics The system stores some data for each of the participants and so it was possible to identify the respondents who major in Mathematics. Only 9 participants reported that they are mathematics majors, so our group of so-called experts will include all of the participants with majors that require any mathematics beyond Calculus II. The following majors were thus identified and classified as Mathematics majors: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Technology, Industrial Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, and Physics. The following table shows that there were a total of 127 Mathematics majors in the OSA sample. It also displays how many participants were in each of the Mathematics majors. Mathematics Majors Major Frequency Percentage Chemical Engineering 11 8.7% Civil Engineering 13 10.2% Computer Engineering 3 2.4% Computer Science 15 11.8% Electrical Engineering 13 10.2% Engineering Technology 10 7.9% Industrial Engineering 6 4.7% Mathematics 9 7.1% Mechanical Engineering 25 19.7% Petroleum Engineering 20 15.7% Physics 2 1.6% Total 127 100.0% Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 3 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Results The student learning outcomes for Mathematics are: Apply arithmetic, algebra, geometry and statistics to solve problems. Represent and evaluate basic mathematical information numerically, graphically, and symbolically. Use mathematical and logical reasoning to evaluate the validity of an argument. Interpret mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, tables and schematics, and draw inference from them. The first learning outcome seems to align well with the third and fourth question. The second learning outcome seems to align well with the first and second question. The third and fourth learning outcomes seem to align with the fifth question. The Mathematics section of the OSA contains five knowledge questions. These are shown below as a screenshot from the actual instrument. For analysis purposes, the answers were coded from 1 to 4 in the order they appear on the actual instrument. Attachment D shows how many times each answer choice was selected by the different participants for all of the Mathematics questions. Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 4 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 5 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Mathematics 1: The chart below shows the distributions of answers for the first question for participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU (blue) and participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement elsewhere (red). Answer 3 is the correct choice. It can be seen that just over half of both groups chose the correct answer. Overall, a few more people in the ELSE group chose the correct answer as compared to the TTU group (54.2% vs. 53.4%). This difference is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level (see attachment A for details). This means that on average students who take their class for the Mathematics core requirement elsewhere do not do better with this question than the students who take their Mathematics class at TTU. Since the first question aligns with the second learning outcome, this suggests that on average students who take their Mathematics course elsewhere meet this learning outcome similar to students who take their course at TTU. Mathematics 1 60.0% 53.4% 54.2% 50.0% 40.0% 35.2% 32.8% 30.0% TTU ELSE 20.0% 9.6% 10.0% 11.4% 1.8% 1.6% 0.0% 1 2 3 4 Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 6 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Mathematics 2: The chart below shows the distributions of answers for the second question for participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU (blue) and participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement elsewhere (red). Answer 1 is the correct choice. It can be seen that a majority of participants in both groups chose the correct answer, with a few in each group that chose other answers. Overall, a few more people in the TTU group chose the correct answer as compared to the ELSE group (73.8% vs. 71.3%). This difference is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level (see attachment A for details). This means that on average students who take their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU do not do better with this question than the students who take their Mathematics class elsewhere. Since the second question aligns with the second learning outcome, this suggests that on average students who take their Mathematics course at TTU meet this learning outcome similar to students who take their course elsewhere. Mathematics 2 80.0% 73.8% 71.3% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% TTU 30.0% ELSE 20.0% 13.5% 15.4% 10.0% 11.1% 11.9% 1.6% 1.4% 0.0% 1 2 3 4 Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 7 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Mathematics 3: The chart below shows the distributions of answers for the third question for participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU (blue) and participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement elsewhere (red). Answer 1 is the correct choice. It can be seen that approximately half of both groups chose the correct answer. The fact that almost 40% in both groups chose the second answer option might indicate that this question is a little bit too hard or that the answer choices are too similar. Overall, a few more people in the TTU group chose the correct answer as compared to the ELSE group (52.3% vs. 50.1%). This difference is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level (see attachment A for details). This means that on average students who take their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU do not do better with this question than the students who take their Mathematics class elsewhere. Since the third question aligns with the first learning outcome, this suggests that on average students who take their Mathematics course at TTU meet this learning outcome similar to students who take their course elsewhere. Mathematics 3 60.0% 52.3% 50.1% 50.0% 37.8% 40.0% 39.8% 30.0% TTU ELSE 20.0% 8.3% 7.6% 10.0% 1.6% 2.4% 0.0% 1 2 3 4 Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 8 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Mathematics 4: The chart below shows the distributions of answers for the fourth question for participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU (blue) and participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement elsewhere (red). Answer 1 is the correct choice. It can be seen that a large majority of both groups chose the correct answer. Overall, just slightly more in the ELSE group chose the correct answer as compared to the TTU group (85.1% vs. 85.0%). This difference is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level (see attachment A for details). This means that on average students who take their class for the Mathematics core requirement elsewhere do not do better with this question than the students who take their Mathematics class at TTU. Since the fourth question aligns with the first learning outcome, this suggests that on average students who take their Mathematics course elsewhere meet this learning outcome similar to students who take their course at TTU. Mathematics 4 90.0% 85.0% 85.1% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% TTU 40.0% ELSE 30.0% 20.0% 10.9% 10.8% 10.0% 3.9% 4.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 1 2 3 4 Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 9 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Mathematics 5: The chart below shows the distributions of answers for the fifth question for participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU (blue) and participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement elsewhere (red). Answer 4 is the correct choice. It can be seen that approximately half of both groups chose the correct answer. The fact that only about 50% of the participants in both groups selected the correct answer might indicate that this question is too difficult. Overall, more people in the TTU group chose the correct answer as compared to the Else group (50.5% vs. 47.2%). This difference is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level (see attachment A for details). This means that on average students who take their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU do not do better with this question than the students who take their Mathematics class elsewhere. Since the fifth question aligns with the third and fourth learning outcomes, this suggests that on average students who take their Mathematics course at TTU meet these learning outcomes similar to students who take their course elsewhere. Mathematics 5 60.0% 50.5% 47.2% 50.0% 40.0% 32.5% 28.0% 30.0% TTU ELSE 20.0% 15.8% 13.6% 5.7% 6.8% 10.0% 0.0% 1 2 3 4 Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 10 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Mathematics Average: The table below compares the differences between TTU and ELSE when the results for all the questions are averaged (e.g., if a student got 4 out of the 5 questions correct, his score will be 4 / 5 = .80). The mean is slightly higher for students who took their core requirement for Mathematics at TTU. However, this difference is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level. This means that on average students who take their Mathematics course at TTU do not do better with the Mathematics section of the OSA than students who take their Mathematics course elsewhere. N Mathematics Overall 386 Core at TTU Mean SD 63.0% Core Elsewhere Mean SD N 27.5% 369 61.6% T-stat 28.7% 0.701 P-value 0.483 The chart below shows the distributions of the average scores for participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement at TTU (blue) and participants who took their class for the Mathematics core requirement elsewhere (red). The distributions are similar, but it looks like a few more participants in the TTU group answered 4 out of 5 correct and that a few more in the ELSE group answered 2 out of 5 correct. Mathematics Overall: TTU vs. ELSE 30.0% 24.9% 24.4% 25.0% 21.2% 20.0% 21.0% 21.1% 21.7% 19.9% 18.2% 15.0% TTU 11.7% 10.4% ELSE 10.0% 5.0% 2.6%3.0% 0.0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 11 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics The table below shows a comparison of the average scores for the participants selecting each course option within the ELSE group (those selecting more than one course option were excluded from the analysis). The table includes the F value and P value for an analysis of variance comparing the means. Although the table shows information for all four ELSE options, the group with less than 15 participants (i.e., CLEP Exam) was excluded from the analysis of variance. Elsewhere Dual Credit Advanced Placement CLEP Exam Another Institution Total N 47 45 11 215 318 Mean 65.5% 74.2% 61.8% 56.5% 60.5% St. Dev. 28.2% 30.0% 28.9% 28.1% 29.0% F-value P-value 8.174 < 0.001 Based on the mean, students who took their Mathematics course through advanced placement are the highest-performing group and students who took their course at another institution are the lowest-performing group. The means are significantly different at the 0.05 level. This suggests that on average for the students who take their Mathematics course elsewhere, which course option they use to take their Mathematics course makes a difference in how they perform on the Mathematics section of the OSA. Tukey’s method for multiple comparisons was used to find which course option means are significantly different. The following table shows the significant differences at the 0.05 level. Comparison Advanced Placement vs. Another Institution P-value < 0.001 The table shows the one difference that was significant at the 0.05 level. This difference suggest that on average students who take their Mathematics course through advanced placement do better on the Mathematics section of the OSA than students who take their Mathematics course at another institution. This outcome makes sense when considering that students who take an AP course need to pass an exam to receive credit, which suggests that they performed well in their AP class. Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 12 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics The chart below shows the distributions of the average scores for those participants in the Mathematics majors group (blue) and those participants who are not in the Mathematics majors group (red). Almost half of the Mathematics majors answered all of the questions correctly, while the non-majors seem to center more around two or three correct answers. Overall, the majors have a higher average than the non-majors (78.1% vs. 59.1%). This difference is statistically significant at the .05 level (see attachment B for details). This means that on average Mathematics majors perform better than non-majors on the Mathematics section of the OSA. Mathematics Overall: Majors vs. Non-majors 45.0% 42.5% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.2% 20.0% 22.3% Majors 16.5% 15.0% 16.4% Non-Majors 12.4% 8.7% 10.0% 5.0% 26.8% 25.6% 3.0% 3.9% 1.6% 0.0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 13 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics The chart below shows the distribution of the average scores for the female participants (blue) and the male participants (red). The male participants had higher overall average scores than the female participants (mean of 72.7% vs. 55.0%). This is significant at the 0.05 level (see attachment C). This suggests that on average male students do better than female students with the Mathematics section of the OSA. It appears in the chart below that the significant difference is due to more male participants answering 4 or 5 out of 5 questions correct and more female participants answering 0, 1, or 2 out of 5 questions correct. Mathematics Overall by Sex 35.0% 29.8% 29.5% 30.0% 31.4% 25.0% 20.6% 18.3% 18.4% 20.0% 14.7% 15.0% Female 13.5% 13.2% Male 10.0% 5.0% 3.6% 1.6% 5.4% 0.0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 14 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics The following table shows the correlations between the overall average for the Mathematics questions and time to complete OSA, GPA, SAT score, ACT score, transfer credits, total credits earned, and age (p-values for the correlations are in parenthesis). The correlations with GPA, SAT score, ACT score, transfer credits, and total credits earned are significant at the 0.05 level. These correlations suggest that on average students with higher GPA’s, higher SAT scores, higher ACT scores, less transfer credit, and more total credits do better on the Mathematics section of the OSA. Some of these correlations are small and are more likely to be found statistically significant because of the large sample size. Correlation Mathematics P-value Overall N Time -0.069 (0.058) 755 GPA 0.138 (<0.001) 755 SAT 0.444 (<0.001) 511 ACT 0.462 (<0.001) 388 Transfer Credits -0.103 (0.005) 755 Total Credits 0.162 (<0.001) 755 Age 0.021 (0.562) 755 The following tables show the results of regression models for the overall average for the Mathematics questions including all of the variables that have been explored in this analysis. There are three separate regression models because not all of the participants have SAT or ACT scores. Since few students have both a SAT score and an ACT score, there would be too many missing values if both scores were included in the same regression model. The first model excludes both in order to include most respondents in the analysis. Mathematics Model 1 N F P-value 753 20.68 < 0.001 Variable Coefficient P-value Intercept 0.2415 0.007 Time -0.000035 0.039 Sex -0.150 < 0.001 GPA 0.097 < 0.001 Transfer Credits -0.00029 0.606 Total Credits 0.0010 0.020 Age 0.0028 0.126 Mathematics Major 0.123 < 0.001 Mathematics class taken at TTU -0.0055 0.797 This first model excludes SAT and ACT score to include 753 of the 755 participants. The model overall is significant at the 0.05 level (R2 = 0.1819). For this model time to complete OSA, sex, GPA, total credits earned, and Mathematics major are the significant predictors at the 0.05 level for the overall average for the Mathematics questions. These predictors suggest that on average students who took less time to complete the OSA, male students, students with higher GPA’s, students with more total Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 15 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics credits earned, and Mathematics majors do better on the Mathematics section of the OSA when the other variables in the model are held constant. Mathematics Model 2 N F P-value 511 24.01 < 0.001 Variable Coefficient P-value Intercept -0.419 0.003 Time -0.000050 0.028 Sex -0.137 < 0.001 GPA 0.036 0.085 Transfer Credits 0.00051 0.485 Total Credits 0.00062 0.258 Age 0.0073 0.026 Mathematics Major 0.092 0.004 Mathematics class taken at TTU 0.035 0.162 SAT 0.00068 < 0.001 This second model includes SAT score and excludes ACT score to include 511 of the 755 participants. The model overall is significant at the 0.05 level (R2 = 0.3014). For this model time to complete OSA, sex, age, Mathematics major, and SAT score are the significant predictors at the 0.05 level for the overall average for the Mathematics questions. These predictors suggest that on average students who took less time to complete the OSA, male students, older students, Mathematics majors, and students with higher SAT scores do better on the Mathematics section of the OSA when the other variables in the model are held constant. Mathematics Model 3 N F P-value 387 20.07 < 0.001 Variable Coefficient P-value Intercept -0.246 0.086 Time -0.000053 0.379 Sex -0.131 < 0.001 GPA 0.027 0.275 Transfer Credits -0.000160 0.826 Total Credits 0.00036 0.543 Age 0.0050 0.186 Mathematics Major 0.104 0.003 Mathematics class taken at TTU 0.037 0.166 ACT 0.029 < 0.001 Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 16 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics This third model includes ACT score and excludes SAT score to include 387 of the 755 participants. The model overall is significant at the 0.05 level (R2 = 0.3239). For this model sex, Mathematics major, and ACT score are the significant predictors at the 0.05 level for the overall average for the Mathematics questions. These predictors suggest that on average male students, Mathematics majors, and students with higher ACT scores do better on the Mathematics section of the OSA when the other variables in the model are held constant. Limitations It is difficult to measure Mathematics knowledge with only five questions. The questions, though, do seem to challenge participants and seem to be good discriminators of Mathematical understanding. However, two questions might be a little bit too hard since only about 50% selected the correct answers. Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 17 of 19 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Attachments Attachment A: Summary of Chi-Square Tests for Questions 1 - 5 TTU (N=386) correct incorrect 206 180 285 101 202 184 328 58 195 191 Mathematics 1 Mathematics 2 Mathematics 3 Mathematics 4 Mathematics 5 Else (N=348) correct incorrect 200 169 263 106 185 184 314 55 174 195 Chi Statistic 0.05 0.62 0.36 0.00 0.85 Chi Probability 0.8186 0.4305 0.5462 0.9629 0.3554 Attachment B: 2-Sample T-Test for Average Scores of Majors and Non-Majors Majors Mean SD N Mathematics Overall 127 78.1% N 24.9% 628 Non-Majors Mean SD 59.1% T-stat 27.6% 7.188 P-value < 0.001 Attachment C: 2-Sample T-Test for Average Scores by Sex N Mathematics Overall 441 Female Mean SD 55.0% N 27.3% 312 Male Mean SD 72.7% T-stat 25.7% -8.991 Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 18 of 19 P-value < 0.001 Online Senior Assessment 2010: Mathematics Attachment D: Number of Participants Selecting Each Answer for Each Question Mathematics 1 Answer TTU 1 7 2 37 3 206 4 136 Mathematics 4 Answer TTU 1 328 2 42 3 15 4 1 ELSE 6 42 200 121 ELSE 314 40 15 0 Mathematics 2 Answer TTU 1 285 2 6 3 52 4 43 Mathematics 5 Answer TTU 1 61 2 108 3 22 4 195 ELSE 263 5 57 44 Mathematics 3 Answer TTU ELSE 1 202 185 2 146 147 3 32 28 4 6 9 ELSE 50 120 25 174 Office of Planning and Assessment, Devin DuPree and Sabrina Sattler, July 2010 Page 19 of 19