Maximal abelian subalgebras of the hyperfinite factor, entropy and ergodic theory

Maximal abelian subalgebras of the hyperfinite factor,
entropy and ergodic theory
S. Neshveyev
E. Størmer
Given a free ergodic action of a discrete abelian group G on a measure space (X, µ),
the crossed product L∞ (X, µ) o G contains two distinguished maximal abelian subalgebras. We discuss what kind of information about the action can be extracted from the
positions of these two subalgebras inside the crossed product algebra.
Keywords: hyperfinite factor, maximal abelian subalgebra, dynamical system, entropy.
MR(2000) Subject Classification: 46L10, 46L55, 28D05.
Via the crossed product construction it is well known that ergodic theory is closely related
to the study of maximal abelian subalgebras, called masas in the sequal, of the hyperfinite
II1 -factor R. In the present note we shall discuss work of the authors [NS2] on this relationship, in particular how positions of some canonically defined masas determine the ergodic
transformation completely. Furthermore, we shall see that entropy is a local property of these
masas and the generating unitary.
To be more specific let us fix notation. Let (X, µ) be a Lebesgue space with µ a probability
measure, G a countable discrete abelian group and g → Tg a free ergodic measure preserving
action of G on X. This action defines an action α of automorphisms of L∞ (X, µ) by αg (f ) =
f ◦ Tg−1 . L∞ (X, µ) acts on L2 (X, µ) by multiplication. Define representations π and u of
L∞ (X, µ) and G on L2 (G, L2 (X, µ)) by
(π(f )ξ)(g) = α−g (f )ξ(g) ,
(uh ξ)(g) = ξ(g − h) .
ξ ∈ L2 (G, L2 (X, µ)),
f ∈ L∞ (X, µ)
Then u is a unitary representation, and
ug π(f )u∗g = π(αg (f )) .
Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, P.O.Box 1053 Blindern, N–0316 Oslo, Norway.
Let R be the von Neumann algebra generated by π(f ), ug , f ∈ L∞ (X, µ), g ∈ G. Then R is
the crossed product L∞ (X, µ) ×T G and is isomorphic to the hyperfinite II1 -factor with trace
τ given by
τ (π(f )) =
f dµ ,
τ (π(ug )) = 0 if g 6= 0 .
We shall denote by ST the (abelian) von Neumann algebra generated by ug , g ∈ G, and
denote L∞ (X, µ) by L∞ (T ). Each element x in R has a unique Fourier series expansion as a
fg ug ,
fg ∈ L∞ (T ) ,
which converges in the k k2 -norm defined by τ . From the uniqueness of the series expansion
it is easy to see that ST is a masa in R, and by ergodicity of T is also easy to see that L∞ (T )
is a masa in R.
The problem discussed in this note is: How much information on the action T can we read
out of what we know about the masa ST , or the pair (ST , L∞ (T ))?
The normalizer
A natural invariant first studied by Dixmier [D] is the normalizer N (ST ) of ST . By definition,
if A is a masa in R then its normalizer
N (A) = {u : u is unitary in R, uAu∗ = A} .
N (A) is a group; if it generates R we say A is a Cartan algebra (or regular), and if N (A) ⊂ A,
A is called singular. Since ug ∈ N (L∞ (T )) it is clear that L∞ (T ) is a Cartan algebra. If T is
weakly mixing, equivalently α has no eigenfunctions in L∞ (T ) other than the constants, then
ST is singular [N]. More generally one can show, see [P], [H].
Proposition 2.1 Let L∞
0 (X) be the subalgebra of L (T ) generated by the eigenfunctions of
α. Then the von Neumann algebra N (ST )00 generated by N (ST ) is L∞
0 (X) ×T G.
Even though N (L∞ (T ))00 = R, the normalizer itself is much smaller. With G ergodic and
freely acting as before it is rather straightforward to show that
ST ∩ N (L∞ (T )) = {zug : z ∈ C, |z| = 1, g ∈ G} .
Having this identity it follows that the pair (ST , L∞ (T )) determines T completely. Indeed,
we have
Proposition 2.2 Let g → Tg be a free measure preserving action of a countable abelian
group Gi on a Lebesgue space (Xi , µi ), i = 1, 2. Suppose there exists an isomorphism γ :
L∞ (T (1) )×T (1) G1 → L∞ (T (2) )×T (2) G2 such that γ(ST (1) ) = ST (2) and γ(L∞ (T (1) )) = L∞ (T (2) ).
Then there exist an isomorphism S : (X1 , µ) → (X2 , µ2 ) of measure spaces and a group
isomorphism β : G2 → G1 such that
Tg(2) = S Tβ(g) S −1
for g ∈ G2 .
Proof. If γ is as in the proposition it maps ST (1) ∩ N (L∞ (T (1) )) onto the corresponding
set for T (2) . Thus there exist by (∗) an isomorphism β : G2 → G1 and a character X ∈ G
such that
γ(uβ(g) ) = hX , giu(2)
g ∈ G2 ,
g ,
in obvious notation. Then for x ∈ L∞ (T (1) ) and g ∈ G2 we have
= αg(2) (γ(x)) .
γ(αβ(g) (x)) = γ(uβ(g) xuβ(g) ) = u(2)
g γ(x)ug
So for S we can take the transformation which implements the isomorphism γ of L∞ (T (1) )
onto L∞ (T (2) ).
The masa ST
From the result in section 2 it is natural to ask: How much information is contained in the
masa ST itself? If the spectrum is purely discrete, then ST is a Cartan algebra, and such
masas are all conjugate [CFW], i.e. there is an automorphism γ of R carrying one masa onto
the other, so in that case we get no information.
Conjecture 1 For a weakly mixing system the masa ST determines the system completely;
in other words, the assumption γ(L∞ (T (1) )) = L∞ (T (2) ) in Proposition 2.2 is redundant.
Our main result is the following generalization of Proposition 2.2. Recall that two masas A
and B of R are inner conjugate if there is an inner automorphism Ad w such that wAw∗ = B.
Theorem 3.1 With the notation of Proposition 2.2 suppose γ(ST (1) ) = ST (2) and that the
masas γ(L∞ (T (1) )) and L∞ (T (2) ) are inner conjugate. Then the conclusions of Proposition 2.2
It follows from a result of Popa [Po] that if for two Cartan algebras A and B of R we have
sup ku − EB uk2 : u unitary in A < 1
where EB is the canonical conditional expectation of R on B, then A and B are inner conjugate. Hence by Theorem 3.1 if γ(L∞ (T (1) )) is sufficiently close to L∞ (T (2) ) then T (1) and
T (2) are isomorphic.
The proof of the theorem is a consequence of the classification of the class of automorphisms described in the theorem. In other words let T and G be as before with T weakly
mixing. Let Aut(R, ST | L∞ (T )) consist of all automorphisms γ of R such that γ(ST ) = ST ,
and γ(L∞ (T )) and L∞ (T ) are inner conjugate.
It was shown by Feldman and Moore [FM] that any automorphism S of the orbit equivalence relation defined by the action α of G, extends canonically to an automorphism αS of
R. αS leaves ST globally invariant if and only if there exists an automorphism β of G such
that Tg S = S Tβ(g) . Denote by I(T ) the group of all such transformations. For S ∈ I(T ), αS
is defined by the identities,
αS (f ) = f ◦ S −1 ,
αS (ug ) = uβ −1 (g) ,
f ∈ L∞ (T )
b so that for X ∈ G,
Let σ be the dual action of G,
σX (f ) = f ,
f ∈ L∞ (T )
σX (ug ) = hX , −giug ,
Theorem 3.2 The group Aut(R, ST | L∞ (T )) of automorphisms γ of R for which γ(ST ) =
ST , and γ(L∞ (T )) and L∞ (T ) are inner conjugate, consists of automorphisms of the form
b S ∈ I(T ).
Ad w ◦ σX ◦ αS , where w is a unitary in ST , X ∈ G,
For the proof we refer to [NS2].
Since its introduction in 1958 by Kolmogoroff [K] entropy has been the most celebrated
invariant in ergodic theory. In 1975 Connes and Størmer [CS] extended the definition to finite
von Neumann algebras, and some years later it was shown, see [V, GN] that in the notation
of the previous sections the entropy H(T ) of the transformation T on (X, µ) with now G = Z,
equals the CS-entropy H(Ad uT ) of the inner automorphism Ad uT of R (where uT = u1 is the
generator for the group {un = (uT )n : n ∈ Z}), i.e. H(T ) = H(Ad uT ). It was shown in [S]
that if ST is Cartan in R then H(Ad uT ) = 0, a result which also follows from Proposition 2.1.
A weaker problem than that of the previous section can be phrased as follows.
Conjecture 2. If T is ergodic then the entropy H(T ) of T is determined by the conjugacy
class of the masa ST .
We shall show a local result which implies a partial solution to the conjecture. We start
with a more general situation. If M is a von Neumann algebra with a von Neumann subalgebra
N we denote by Aut(M, N ) the subgroup of Aut(M ) consisting of the automorphisms of M
which leave N globally invariant. If α ∈ Aut(M ) we denote by M α the fixed point algebra
for α in M .
Lemma 4.1 Let M be an injective von Neumann algebra with a faithful normal tracial state
τ . Let α ∈ Aut(M ) be τ -invariant with H(α) < ∞. Let Gα = {β ∈ Aut(M, M α ) : β ◦ α =
α ◦ β, τ ◦ β = τ }. Then the function τα defined on the projections p ∈ M α , p 6= 0, by
τα (p) = τ (p)H(α | pM p) ,
extends to a finite normal Gα -invariant trace on M α .
Note that the entropy H(α | pM p) is taken with respect to the tracial state τp = τ (p)−1 τ
on pM p.
The proof of the fact that τα is countably additive on orthogonal families of
projections in M α can be found in [NS2]. The crucial part is to show finite additivity. The
idea is as follows. Let p1 , . . . , pn be pairwise orthogonal nonzero projections in M α , and let
pi . Let
B = p 1 M p1 + · · · + p n M pn
By affinity of entropy
H(α | B) =
τ (pi )
τ (p)
H(α | pi M pi ) = τ (p)
τα (pi )
Thus finite additivity follows if we can show H(α | pM p) = H(α | B). The trace preserving
conditional expectation EB : pM p → B is given by
EB (x) =
pi xpi .
EB has finite index, indeed EB (x) ≥ n1 x for x ≥ 0 in pM p. Thus by [NS1], the assertion
H(α | pM p) = H(α | B) follows.
Let β ∈ Gα . Then the systems (pM p, τp , α | pM p) and (β(p)M β(p), τβ(p) , α | β(p)M β(p))
are isomorphic, hence have equal entropies. Thus τα is Gα -invariant on projections. By [C,
Y], see also the arguments in [KR, Ch. 8], τα extends to a normal trace on M α unless possibly
M has a type I2 direct summand. In the latter case τα extends at least to a trace on the
center Z of M α . If p is an abelian projection in the I2 -summand let cp be its central support.
Then there is a unitary u ∈ M α such that upu∗ = cp (1 − p), hence τα (p) = τα (cp (1 − p)). Thus
τα (p) = 21 (τα (p) + τα (cp (1 − p))) = 12 τα (cp )
= 12 τ (h cp ) = τ (h p) ,
where h is the Radon-Nikodym derivative of τα Z with respect to τ |Z . It follows that τ (h ·)
is the desired extension of τα .
Theorem 4.2 In the notation of Lemma 4.1 assume Gα acts ergodically on the center of
M α . Then
H(α | pM p) = H(α) for all nonzero projections p ∈ M α .
By Lemma 4.1 there is a positive self-adjoint Gα -invariant operator h affiliated
with the center of M α such that
τα (x) = τ (h x) for x ∈ M α .
Since Gα acts ergodically on the center, h is a scalar operator, hence there is c > 0 such that
τα (x) = c τ (x) ,
x ∈ Mα .
c = τα (1) = τ (1)H(α) = H(α) .
Hence we have for a projection p ∈ M α ,
H(α | pM p) = τ (p)−1 τα (p) = c = H(α) .
Corollary 4.3 Let M, α, τ be as above. If M α is a factor then H(α | pM p) = H(α) for all
nonzero projections p ∈ M α .
Corollary 4.4 Let R = L∞ (T ) ×T Z with T ergodic. Then H(Ad uT | pRp) = H(Ad uT ) for
all nonzero projections p ∈ ST .
The dual automorphisms are all in Gα and act ergodically on ST = RAd uT .
We next show that classical entropy is a local property in the setting of the crossed product.
Theorem 4.5 Let T (i) be an ergodic measure preserving transformations of a Lebesgue space
(Xi , µi ), and let uT (i) be the generator for ST (i) implementing T (i) , i = 1, 2. Suppose there
are nonzero projections pi ∈ ST (i) and an isomorphism γ : p1 R1 p1 → p2 R2 p2 such that
γ(p1 uT (1) ) = λp2 uT (2) , λ ∈ C, where Ri = L∞ (T (i) ) ×T (i) Z. Then H(T (1) ) = H(T (2) ).
We have H(T (i) ) = H(Ad uT (i) ). By assumption
Ad γ(p1 uT (1) ) | p2 Rp2 = Ad p2 uT (2) | p2 Rp2 .
Thus by Corollary 4.4
H(T (1) ) = H(Ad uT (1) ) = H(Ad u(T (1) | p1 Rp1 )
= H(Ad γ(p1 uT (1) ) | p2 Rp2 ) = (Ad uT (2) | p2 Rp2 )
= H(T (2) ) .
The next result is a partial result towards Conjecture 2.
Corollary 4.6 In the notation of Theorem 4.5 if there is an isomorphism γ : L∞ (T (1) ) ×T (1)
Z → L∞ (T (2) ) ×T (2) Z such that γ(ST (1) ) = ST (2) and such that the unitary γ(uT (1) )u∗T (2) has
an eigenvalue, then H(T (1) ) = H(T (2) ).
If λ is an eigenvalue then there is a nonzero projection p ∈ ST (2) such that
γ(uT (1) )uT (2) p = λp, or γ(uT (1) )p = λuT (2) p. Thus the result follows from Theorem 4.5.
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