NON-BERNOULLIAN QUANTUM K-SYSTEMS Valentin Ya. Golodets Sergey V. Neshveyev

Valentin Ya. Golodets
Sergey V. Neshveyev
Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering, Lenin Ave 47, Kharkov 310164, Ukraine
Dedicated to Professor Walter Thirring on his 70th birthday.
We construct an uncountable family of pairwise non-conjugate non-Bernoullian Ksystems of type III1 with the same finite CNT-entropy. We also investigate clustering
properties of multiple channels entropies for strong asymptotically abelian systems of
type II and III. We prove that a wide enough class of systems has the K-property. In
particular, such systems as the space translations of a one-dimensional quantum lattice
with the Gibbs states of Araki, the space translations of the CCR-algebra and the even
part of the CAR-algebra with the quasi-free states of Park and Shin, non-commutative
Markov shifts in Accardi sense are entropic K-systems.
Entropy for transformations of a measure space introduced by Kolmogorov and Sinai is an
important invariant in the ergodic theory. Connes, Narnhofer, Størmer and Thirring [11, 9,
10] defined and investigated dynamical entropy for automorphisms of an operator algebra.
A more detailed bibliography and applications of dynamical entropy (or CNT-entropy) to
mathematical physics can be found in the monographs [21],[3].
In the last years a lot of interesting results in computation of CNT-entropy in the models
of mathematical physics was obtained. Let us consider some of them. The dynamical entropy
of the space translation for Gibbs states of one-dimensional quantum lattice systems had been
studied by Araki [2], was investigated in [10]. Størmer and Voiculescu [31] found a nice formula
(predicted by A.Connes for the tracial state) for the entropy of Bogoliubov automorphisms of
the CAR-algebra, preserving a quasi-free state the modular operator of which has pure point
spectrum. Bezuglyi and Golodets [5] obtained the same formula for the entropy of Bogoliubov
actions on the CAR-algebra of the groups Zn , n ∈ N, and Z ⊕ Z ⊕ . . . . Important results
belong to Park and Shin. They proved that the CNT-entropy of the space translation of CARand CCR-algebras in n-dimensional (n < ∞) continuous spaces with respect to an invariant
quasi-free state is equal to the mean entropy and derived a simple formula for the CNTentropy [24]. Similar results were obtained by Petz for quantum spin lattices with Markov
states [21],[25]. Pimsner and Popa [26], Yin [32] and Choda [8] computed the CNT-entropy
of the shifts of Temperley-Lieb algebras. Golodets and Størmer [14], Price [27] computed the
entropy for a wide enough class of binary shifts. Narnhofer, Størmer and Thirring [18] proved
the existence of a binary shift with zero entropy (see [14] for a bibliography about binary
The progress in computation of CNT-entropy gives the possibility of investigating new
problems. The concept of K-system introduced by Rohlin and Sinai [28] is very important
in classical theory. Narnhofer and Thirring [19] suggested a non-commutative, or quantum,
version of K-systems as systems with ”complete memory loss” (see Definition 1.2 below). It
is natural to expect that these systems should have interesting properties and applications.
They were studied in [19],[20],[3] (see [3] for a more detailed bibliography). In particular,
Benatti and Narnhofer [4] proved that K-systems of type II1 are asymptotically abelian. In
[14] it was obtained a description of K-systems defined by bitstreams.
The simplest examples of K-systems can be constructed as follows. Let N be a von
Neumann algebra and ψ be a normal faithful state of N . For each integer n let (Nn , ψn ) be
a copy of (N, ψ). Denote by (M, φ) the W ∗ -tensor product of (Nn , ψn )n , that is (M, φ) =
⊗n∈Z (Nn , ψn ), and by γ the right shift automorphism of M . Then (M, φ, γ) is a K-system
(see Theorem 3.1 below). We shall call such systems as Bernoullian systems.
A natural problem is to prove the existence of K-systems which are non-isomorphic to
Bernoulli shift. In the commutative case the problem was solved by Ornstein [22] and Ornstein
and Shields [23].
In this paper we construct a quasi-free state ω of the CCR-algebra U and an uncountable
family of Bogoliubov automorphisms τθ , θ ∈ [0, 2π), of U such that (see Theorem 5.5 below)
(i) if x 7→ πω (x) is the GNS-representation of U with respect to ω (x ∈ U), then M =
πω (U)00 is the injective factor of type III1 ;
(ii) ω ◦ τθ = ω, θ ∈ [0, 2π);
(iii) (M, ω, τθ ) is a non-Bernoullian K-system;
(iv) the CNT-entropy hω (τθ ) of τθ is finite, positive and does not depend on θ ∈ [0, 2π);
(v) the systems (M, ω, τθ1 ) and (M, ω, τθ2 ) are non-conjugate for θ1 6= θ2 (see Definition
These results are based on the properties of quasi-free states of CCR-algebras and their
modular groups [7]. We also use the results of [24]. Let us note that the problem is still open
for systems of type II1 .
As we mentioned, K-systems of type II1 are asymptotically abelian according to [4]. More
exactly, if (M, τ, α) is a K-system, M is an algebra of type II1 , τ is a faithful normal trace
on M and α ∈ Aut M , τ ◦ α = τ , then
Hτ (A, αn (A)) → 2Hτ (A) for n → ∞
for any finite dimensional subalgebra A of M . It was shown in [4] that the strong asymptotic
abelianness of the system (M, τ, α) follows from this clustering property. We prove here (see
Section 2 below) the reverse statement.
It is naturally to ask whether asymptotic abelianness is equivalent to the K-property for
systems of type II and III. The answer is positive for the dynamical systems defined by
bitstreams [14]. In the general case the question is open.
In Section 3 we present a sufficient condition for the K-property. Using this condition we
prove in Sections 4 and 5 that most of the systems mentioned above are entropic K-systems.
In particular, such systems as the space translations of a one-dimensional quantum spin lattice
with the Gibbs state of Araki, the space translations of the CCR-algebra and the even part
of the CAR-algebra with the quasi-free states of Park and Shin, non-commutative Markov
shifts in Accardi sense are entropic K-systems. Thus it is true for the space translations of
ideal Fermi (the even part) and Bose gases.
A quantum dynamical system is a triple (M, ω, α), where M is a C ∗ -algebra (or W ∗ -algebra),
α is *-automorphism, and ω is an α-invariant state of M (supposed to be normal in the
W ∗ -case).
Definition 1.1. The systems (M1 , ω1 , α1 ) and (M2 , ω2 , α2 ) are said to be conjugate (or
isomorphic), if there exists a *-isomorphism θ: M1 → M2 such that ω2 ◦ θ = ω1 and θ ◦ α1 =
α2 ◦ θ.
Recall the definition of CNT-entropy [10].
Let A be a finite dimensional C ∗ -algebra, φ and ψ positive linear functionals on A. The
relative entropy is given by
S(φ, ψ) = Trace(Qψ (log Qψ − log Qφ )),
where Qφ and Qψ are the density operators corresponding to φ and ψ. The quantity S(φ) =
Tr η(Qφ ), where η(x) = −x log x, is called the von Neumann entropy of φ.
Let γi : Ai → M, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, be a unital completely positive map of a finite dimensional
C ∗ -algebra Ai to M . The quantity Hω (γ1 , . . . , γn ) is defined as follows:
Hω (γ1 , . . . , γn ) = sup
n X
ηωi1 (1) +
i1 ,...,in
h X
k=1 ik
n X
ηωi1 (1) −
= sup
i1 ,...,in
S(ω ◦ γk , ωik ◦ γk )
ηωik (1)
k=1 ik
n X
ωik (1)S(ω ◦ γk , ω̂ik ◦ γk ) ,
k=1 ik
positive linear functionals, ωik =
ωi1 , ω̂ik =
ωi1 of ω in a sum of
i1 ,...,in
ωik (1)−1 ωik . If M is a W ∗ -
where the supremum is taken over all finite decompositions ω =
i1 ,...,in , ik fixed
algebra and ω is faithful, then any positive linear functional φ ≤ ω can be uniquely represented
in the form ω(·σ−i/2
(x)) for some x ∈ M, x ≥ 0. Thus decompositions ω = ωi1 are in
one-to-one correspondence to decompositions 1 = xi1 , xi1 ≥ 0.
The properties of Hω ([10],[19],[21]):
1. Hω (γ1 ◦θ1 , . . . , γn ◦θn ) ≤ Hω (γ1 , . . . , γn ) for any completely positive unital map θi : Bi →
Ai , 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
2. If α is an automorphism of M preserving ω, then Hω (α◦γ1 , . . . , α◦γn ) = Hω (γ1 , . . . , γn ).
3. Hω (γ1 , γ1 , . . . , γn ) = Hω (γ1 , . . . , γn ).
4. Hω (γ1 , . . . , γp , γp+1 , . . . , γn ) ≤ Hω (γ1 , . . . , γp ) + Hω (γp+1 , . . . , γn ).
5. If A is a subalgebra of the centralizer Mω of the state ω, then Hω (A) = S(ω|A ) and
an optimal decomposition is given by ω = i ω(·pi ), where {pi }i is a set of mutually
orthogonal minimal projections of A, i pi = 1.
6. If subalgebras A1 , . . . , An of M pairwise commute, and there exists an ω-preserving
conditional expectation M → Ai , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, then Hω (A1 , . . . , An ) = S(ω|A ), where A
is the algebra generated by A1 , . . . , An .
7. If M is a von Neumann algebra and ω is its faithful normal state, then Hω (N ) > 0
unless N = C1.
The properties 2 and 4 imply that the limit
hω (γ, α) = lim Hω (γ, α ◦ γ, . . . , αn−1 ◦ γ)
n→∞ n
exists for any γ.
The dynamical entropy (or the CNT-entropy) hω (α) is the supremum of hω (γ, α) over all
For a commutative W ∗ -dynamical system (M, ω, α), where ω is a normal faithful state,
the following properties are equivalent ([12],[19]).
1. For any finite dimensional subalgebra A of M , lim hω (A, αn ) = Hω (A).
2. For any finite dimensional subalgebra A of M, A 6= C1, we have hω (A, α) > 0.
3. There exists a von Neumann subalgebra A of M such that
(i) A ⊂ α(A);
(ii) ∩n αn (A) = C1;
(iii) ∪n αn (A) is weakly dense in M .
Definition 1.2.[19] A W ∗ -dynamical system (M, ω, α) is an entropic K-system (resp. has
completely positive entropy, is an algebraic K-system), if the property 1 (resp. 2, 3) is
In the non-commutative case the properties 1-3 are not equivalent. It is easy to show that
an entropic K-system has completely positive entropy. The existence of a system having the
property 3 and zero entropy was proved in [18]. A system with completely positive entropy
and without the K-property was constructed in [14]. It should be noted that both of the
mentioned systems are not asymptotically abelian. So the problem of equivalence of the
properties 1-3 for asymptotically abelian systems has been not solved yet.
Remark 1.3. Let N be an α-invariant W ∗ -subalgebra of M , γ = α|N , φ = ω|N . Suppose there exists a ω-preserving conditional expectation M → N . Then Hφ (A1 , . . . , An ) =
Hω (A1 , . . . , An ) for any subalgebras A1 , . . . , An of N . Hence, if (M, ω, α) is an entropic Ksystem or has completely positive entropy, then (N, φ, γ) has the same property.
Asymptotic abelianness and clustering of entropic functions.
In this section we consider asymptotically abelian systems. In particular we reverse the
Benatti-Narnhofer theorem [4, 3.1.3].
Theorem 2.1. Let (M, ω, α) be a strongly asymptotically abelian W ∗ -dynamical system.
Suppose ω is faithful and either ω is tracial or M is approximately finite dimensional. Suppose
also that, for given k ∈ N, for any x0 , . . . , xk ∈ Z(M ) (the center of M ),
lim ω x0 αn (x1 ) . . . αkn (xk ) = ω(x0 ) . . . ω(xk ).
Then, for any finite dimensional subalgebra A of M , we have
lim Hω A, αn (A), . . . , αkn (A) = (k + 1)Hω (A).
In particular, if (Z(M ), ω, α) is a commutative K-system, then the above convergence holds
for any k ∈ N.
To prove Theorem we need the following technical result.
Let M be a von Neumann algebra and φ a state of M . For any von Neumann subalgebra
Q of M , we introduce a semi-norm
φ,Q =
y1 ,y2 ∈Q
ky1 k,ky2 k≤1
(φ(y1∗ x∗ xy1 ) + φ(y2∗ xx∗ y2 ))1/2 .
For δ > 0 and subalgebras Q and P of M , we write Q ⊂ P if, for any x ∈ Q, kxk ≤ 1,
there exists an element y ∈ P , kyk ≤ 1, such that
kx − yk#
φ,Q < δ.
Lemma 2.2. Let n > 0 and ε > 0 be given. Then there exists δ = δn (ε) > 0 such that,
for any pair of von Neumann subalgebras Q and P of M with Q ⊂ P , dim Q = n, and any
system of matrix units {ekl }k,l=1,...,nm ,
of matrix units
{pkl }k,l=1,...,nm , m=1,...,s
m=1,...,s ,
k,m ekk
= 1, of Q, there exists a system
in P such that
kekl − pkl k#
φ,Q < ε ∀k, l, m.
This Lemma was used in a similar form in [10]. First, it was formulated and proved for
the tracial case in [11]. The same proof holds in the general case.
Proof of Theorem 2.1. Under the assumptions of Theorem, for any ε > 0, we can find a finite
dimensional subalgebra B of M and positive elements x1 , . . . , xl in B, i xi = 1, such that
Hω (A) ≤ ε +
ηω(xj ) +
S ω|A , ω ·σ−i/2 (xj ) |A .
We construct subalgebras B(0, n), . . . , B(k, n) of M and *-homomorphisms Fin : B →
B(i, n), 0 ≤ i ≤ k, such that
(i) B(i, n) = Fin (B) + C(1 − Fin (1)), 0 ≤ i ≤ k;
(ii) B(0, n), . . . , B(k, n) pairwise commute;
(iii) for any x ∈ B, Fin (x) − αin (x) → 0 in s-topology, as n → ∞.
Let B(0, n) = B and F0n = IdB .
Suppose algebras B(0, n), . . . , B(i, n) and *-homomorphisms F0n , . . . , Fin are constructed
for any n. Let {ekl }k,l=1,...,nm , m=1,...,s be a system of matrix units of B. Define Gi+1,n : M →
M by (see [17])
(m )
Gi+1,n (x) =
m0 ,...,mi
k0 ,...,ki
(m )
(m )
(m )
F0n (ek0 10 ) . . . Fin (eki 1i )xFin (e1kii ) . . . F0n (e1k00 ).
The map Gi+1,n has the following properties:
(i) kGi+1,n k ≤ 1;
(ii) Gi+1,n (x) ∈ (∪0≤j≤i B(j, n))0 ∩ M .
We assert that, for any x ∈ B,
kα(i+1)n (x) − Gi+1,n (α(i+1)n (x))k#
→ 0, as n → ∞.
ω,α(i+1)n (B)
In other words, for any x, y ∈ B,
k α(i+1)n (x) − Gi+1,n (α(i+1)n (x)) α(i+1)n (y)ξω k → 0, as n → ∞,
where ξω is the cyclic vector in the GNS-representation corresponding to ω.
First, we note that if a bounded sequence {xn }n in M converges to zero in s-topology,
then, for any y1 , . . . , yl ∈ M ,
kxn αm1 (y1 ) . . . αml (yl )ξω k → 0, as n → ∞,
uniformly on (m1 , . . . , ml ) ∈ Zl . Indeed, for any sequences {mn }n , 1 ≤ j ≤ l, of integers,
we have xn ξω → 0 ⇒ α
(xn )ξω → 0 ⇒ α
(xn )y1 ξω → 0 ⇒ xn αmn (y1 )ξω → 0 ⇒
. . . ⇒ xn αmn (y1 ) . . . αmn (yl )ξω → 0 .
Second, Fjn (x)α(i+1)n (y)−α(i+1)n (y)αjn (x) → 0 in s-topology for j < i+1, since Fjn (x)−
→ 0, [x, α(i−j+1)n (y)] → 0, and
Fjn (x)α(i+1)n (y) − α(i+1)n (y)αjn (x) =
αjn (x)
= α(i+1)n α−(i+1)n (Fjn (x) − αjn (x))y + αjn ([x, α(i−j+1)n (y)]).
these two observations we conclude that
lim k Gi+1,n (α(i+1)n (x))α(i+1)n (y) − α(i+1)n (xy) ξω k =
= lim k
m0 ,...,mi
k0 ,...,ki
(m )
(m )
(m )
(m )
F0n (ek0 10 ) . . . Fin (eki 1i )α(i+1)n (x)Fin (e1kii ) . . . F0n (e1k00 )α(i+1)n (y) −
−α(i+1)n (xy) ξω k
= lim k
(m )
(m )
(m )
(m )
(m )
F0n (ek0 10 ) . . . Fin (eki 1i )α(i+1)n (x)Fin (e1kii ) . . . F1n (e1k11 )α(i+1)n (y)e1k00 −
−α(i+1)n (xy) ξω k = . . . =
= lim k
(m )
(m )
(m )
(m )
F0n (ek0 10 ) . . . Fin (eki 1i )α(i+1)n (xy)αin (e1kii ) . . . e1k00 −
−α(i+1)n (xy) ξω k = . . . =
= lim k
(m )
(m )
(m )
(m )
α(i+1)n (xy)ek0 10 . . . αin (eki 1i )αin (e1kii ) . . . e1k00 − α(i+1)n (xy) ξω k = 0,
and our assertion is proved.
By Lemma 2.2 there exists a system of matrix units {pkl (n)} in (∪0≤j≤i B(j, n))0 ∩ M
such that
α(i+1)n (ekl ) − pkl (n) −→ 0
in s-topology.
We define a homomorphism Fi+1,n : B → M by Fi+1,n (ekl ) = pkl (n) and an algebra
B(i + 1, n) by B(i + 1, n) = Fi+1,n (B) + C(1 − Fi+1,n (1)).
Then, denoting Fin (xj ) + ω(xj )(1 − Fin (1)) by xj (n), we obtain
Hω (A, αn (A), . . . , αkn (A)) ≥
ηω(xj0 (n) . . . xjk (n))
S ω|αmn (A) , ω
·σ−i/2 (xj (n))
|αmn (A)
m=0 j
j0 ,...,jk
ηω(xj0 (n) . . . xjk (n))
k X X
k X X
S ω|A , ω ·σ−i/2 α
(xj (n))
|A .
m=0 j
j0 ,...,jk
lim Hω (A, αn (A), . . . , αkn (A)) ≥
≥ lim
≥ lim
ηω(xj0 αn (xj1 ) . . . αkn (xjk )) +
k X X
S ω|A , ω(·σ−i/2 (xj ))|A
m=0 j
j0 ,...,jk
X ηω(xj0 αn (xj1 ) . . . αkn (xjk )) − ηω(xj0 ) . . . ω(xjk )
j0 ,...,jk
+(k + 1)(Hω (A) − ε).
It remains to show that, for any y0 , . . . , yk , we have
lim ω(y0 αn (y1 ) . . . αkn (yk )) = ω(y0 ) . . . ω(yk ).
Let E: M → Z(M ) be an ω-preserving conditional expectation. Then, for any central
sequence {xn }n in M and any y ∈ M ,
lim(ω(yxn ) − ω(E(y)xn )) = 0.
Indeed, if z ∈ Z(M ) is a w-limit point for {xn }n , then ω(yz) = ω(E(y)z) is the corresponding
limit point for {ω(yxn )}n and {ω(E(y)xn )}n .
Since the sequence {αn (x1 )α2n (x2 ) . . . αln (xl )} is central for any l ∈ N and any x1 , . . . , xl ∈
M , we obtain
lim ω(y0 αn (y1 ) . . . αkn (yk )) = lim ω(E(y0 )αn (y1 ) . . . αkn (yk ))
= lim ω(y1 α−n (E(y0 ))αn (y2 ) . . . α(k−1)n (yk ))
= . . . = lim ω E(yk )α−n (E(yk−1 )) . . . α−kn (E(y0 ))
= ω(y0 ) . . . ω(yk ).
The last assertion of Theorem follows from the fact that any commutative K-system is
mixing of multiplicity k for any k ∈ N. 2
Sufficient condition for the K-property.
We present a sufficient condition for the K-property. This condition allows to show that many
well-known quantum systems are entropic K-systems.
Theorem 3.1. Let (M, ω, α) be a W ∗ -dynamical system. Suppose ω is faithful, and there
exists a W ∗ -subalgebra M0 in M such that
(i) M0 ⊂ α(M0 ) ;
(ii) ∩n αn (M0 ) = C1 ;
(iii) ∪n∈N (α−n (M0 )0 ∩ αn (M0 )) is weakly dense in M .
Then the system (M, ω, α) is an entropic K-system.
First, we need the following known result. We prove it for the reader’s convenience.
Lemma 3.2. Let (X, µ) be a Lebesgue space, ξ and η its measurable partitions, ξ =
(X1 , . . . , Xd ). Suppose
g dµ − µ(Xi )
g dµ| ≤ ε||g||∞ ∀g ∈ L∞ (X/η), i = 1, . . . , d.
Then H(ξ|η) ≥ H(ξ) − δ(ε, d), where δ(ε, d) = (ε d)1/2 ( 23 + 2 log d + 3 log(1 + ( dε )1/2 )) → 0.
Proof. Let Y = X/η, ν the measure on Y induced by µ, µ = Y µy dν(y) the disintegration
of µ with respect to ν. If we denote by ω (resp. ωy ) the state on L∞ (X/ξ) determined by µ
(resp. µy ), then
H(ξ|η) =
S(ωy ) dν(y),
H(ξ) = S(ω),
and the assumption of Lemma means that
ωy (pi )g(y)dν(y) − ω(pi )
g(y)dν(y)| ≤ ε||g||∞ ,
where pi is the characteristic function of the set Xi , hence
|ωy (pi ) − ω(pi )|dν(y) ≤ ε,
so that
||ωy − ω||dν(y) ≤ ε d.
Let Z = {y ∈ Y | ||ωy − ω|| ≥ (ε d)1/2 }. Then ν(Z) ≤ (ε d)1/2 , |S(ωy ) − S(ω)| ≤ 2 log d for
any y ∈ Z, and |S(ωy ) − S(ω)| ≤ 3(ε d)1/2 (1/2 + log(1 + d1/2 /ε1/2 )) for any y ∈ Y \Z by [10,
Lemma IV.1]. Thus we obtain the desired. 2
Proof of Theorem 3.1. Let N be a finite dimensional subalgebra of M . For any ε > 0 there
exist m ∈ N and elements x1 , . . . , xd ∈ α−m (M0 )0 ∩ αm (M0 ), xi = 1, such that
Hω (N ) < ε +
ηω(xj ) +
S(ω|N , ω(·σ−i/2 (xj ))|N ).
Choose ε1 > 0 such that δ(ε1 , d) < ε. By [6, 2.6.1] there exists n0 ≥ 2m such that
|ω(xj y) − ω(xj )ω(y)| ≤ ε1 ||y|| ∀y ∈ αm−n0 (M0 ), j = 1, . . . , d.
Let us fix n ≥ n0 . For each j ∈ Z, let Aj be a copy of a finite dimensional abelian C ∗ algebra A0 with minimal projections p1 , . . . , pd , and for a finite subset J = {j1 , . . . , jm } of Z,
AJ = Aj1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ Ajm . We define a unital positive map FJ : AJ → M by
FJ (pi1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ pim ) = αnj1 (xi1 ) . . . αnjm (xim ).
Let A be the infinite C ∗ -tensor product ⊗j∈Z Aj . Since A is the inductive limit of {AJ }J ,
the coherent system {FJ }J defines a positive unital map F : A → M .
Let µ = ω ◦ F , γ the right shift automorphism of A, πµ the GNS-representation corresponding to µ, Ā = πµ (A)00 , µ̄ and γ̄ the state and the automorphism of Ā corresponding to
µ and γ respectively.
Since ω is faithful, F induces a normal unital positive map F̄ : Ā → M . Indeed, any
bounded linear map of A (in particular F , πµ , µ) can be uniquely extended to a normal map
of the W ∗ -enveloping algebra A∗∗ of the algebra A which we denote by the same letter. Then
Ā = πµ (A∗∗ ), and we only have to show that Ker πµ ⊂KerF . This follows from the Schwarz
inequality F (x)∗ F (x) ≤ F (x∗ x): Ker πµ = {x ∈ A∗∗ | µ(x∗ x) = 0} = {x ∈ A∗∗ | F (x∗ x) =
0} ⊂ {x ∈ A∗∗ | F (x) = 0} = KerF .
For any subset J of Z, we denote by ĀJ the von Neumann subalgebra of Ā generated by
πµ (Aj ), j ∈ J. Then
1) F̄ (Ā(−∞,k] ) ⊂ αm+nk (M0 );
2) if a ∈ ĀJ1 , b ∈ ĀJ2 and J1 ∩ J2 = ∅, then F̄ (ab) = F̄ (a)F̄ (b);
3) µ̄ = ω ◦ F̄ and F̄ ◦ γ̄ = αn ◦ F̄ .
For any a ∈ Ā(−∞,−1] and i ∈ {1, . . . , d} we have
|µ̄(pi a) − µ̄(pi )µ̄(a)| = |ω(xi F̄ (a)) − ω(xi )ω(F̄ (a))| ≤ ε1 ||F̄ (a)|| ≤ ε1 ||a||.
By Lemma 3.2 Hµ̄ (Ā0 |Ā(−∞,−1] ) ≥ Hµ̄ (Ā0 ) − δ(ε1 , d).
j ηω(xj ) and
On the other hand, Hµ̄ (Ā0 ) =
Hµ̄ (Ā[0,k−1] )
k→∞ k
Hµ̄ (Ā0 |Ā(−∞,−1] ) = hµ̄ (Ā0 , γ) = lim
1 X
ηω(xi1 αn (xi2 ) . . . αn(k−1) (xik )).
k→∞ k
i ,...,i
By the definition of Hω we have
Hω (N, αn (N ), . . . , αn(k−1) (N )) ≥
ηω(xi1 αn (xi2 ) . . . αn(k−1) (xik ))+
i1 ,...,ik
k X X
S ω|αn(l−1) (N ) , ω ·σ−i/2 (αn(l−1) (xil )) |αn(l−1) (N ) ,
l=1 il
so that
hω (N, αn ) ≥
1 X
ηω(xi1 αn (xi2 ) . . . αn(k−1) (xik )) +
S(ω|N , ω(·σ−i/2 (xj ))|N )
k→∞ k
i ,...,i
ηω(xj ) − δ(ε1 , d) +
S(ω|N , ω(·σ−i/2 (xj ))|N )
≥ Hω (N ) − ε − δ(ε1 , d) ≥ Hω (N ) − 2ε.
Entropic properties of quantum systems with Markov states.
An example of a system, for which the conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied, is the space
translation for the Gibbs state of a one-dimensional quantum lattice system corresponding
to a finite range interaction. Such a state is always factorial and has exponential decay of
correlations [2].
In this section we study entropic properties of a quantum spin system with a Markov state
and its subsystem given by the restriction to the centralizer of the Markov state. We prove
that these systems are entropic K-systems too.
So, let B = M ats (C) be a full matrix algebra. For every i ∈ Z a copy Ai of B is associated
and A is the infinite C ∗ -tensor product ⊗i Ai . The right shift automorphism of the algebra A
will be denoted by γ.
For each subset J of Z, let AJ be the C ∗ -subalgebra of A generated by Ai , i ∈ J. Recall
that a state φ of A is called locally faithful provided its restriction to AJ is faithful for any
finite J. We restrict ourselves to locally faithful states.
According to the definition of Accardi [1] a translation invariant state φ of A is called
Markov state if the following condition is satisfied.
For every n ∈ N there exists a completely positive unital mapping Fn : A[0,n+2] → A[0,n+1]
which preserves the state φ and leaves A[0,n] pointwise invariant.
Petz proved that the latter condition is equivalent to the next one:
S(φ|A[0,n+2] ) + S(φ|An+1 ) = S(φ|A[0,n+1] ) + S(φ|A[n+1,n+2] )
This equality implies that the mean entropy s(φ) of a Markov state φ is equal to
S(φ|A[0,1] ) − S(φ|A0 ).
Theorem 4.1. Let φ be a Markov state. Then
1) φ is separating, i. e. the cyclic vector ξφ is separating for M = πφ (A)00 ;
2) M is a factor;
3) the centralizer Mφ of the state φ is the hyperfinite II1 -factor.
Proof. 1) Define φ0 = φ|A[0,∞) . The state φ0 is separating and, for any n ≥ 1, there exists a
σtφ0 -invariant *-subalgebra Nn of A[0,n+1] such that A[0,n] ⊂ Nn (see [15]).
Let En be a φ0 -preserving conditional expectation of A[0,∞] onto Nn ∩ N10 ⊂ A[0,n+1] ∩
A0[0,1] = A[2,n+1] . The map γ −k ◦ Em+2k ◦ γ k : A[−k,∞) → A[−k+2,∞) leaves Nm ∩ N10 pointwise
invariant for any k ≥ 0, since γ k (Nm ∩ N10 ) ⊂ A[k+2,k+m+1] ⊂ N[2k+m] ∩ N10 for k ≥ 1. Hence
the formula
En,m = Em ◦ γ −1 ◦ Em+2 ◦ γ −1 ◦ . . . ◦ Em+2(n−1) ◦ γ −1 ◦ Em+2n ◦ γ n
defines a φ-preserving conditional expectation A[−n,∞) → Nm ∩ N10 . Then {En,m }n defines a
φ-preserving conditional expectation of A onto Nm ∩ N10 .
So, the algebra A∞ = ∪n A[−n,n] is the union of such finite dimensional subalgebras that
there exists a φ-preserving conditional expectation onto each of them. Hence φ is separating
2) Since A[0,n] is a type I subfactor of Nn , the algebra Nn is generated by A[0,n] and its
relative commutant Nn ∩ An+1 in Nn . So, taking Ñn = γ −n−1 (Nn ∩ An+1 ) ⊂ A0 , we have
Nn = A[0,n] ⊗ γ n+1 (Ñn ).
A φ0 -preserving conditional expectation A[0,∞) → Nn maps A[m,∞) to A0[0,m−1] ∩ Nn =
A[m,n] ⊗ γ n+1 (Ñn ) for m ≤ n, and A[n+1,∞) to γ n+1 (Ñn ). Hence the algebras Ñn and A[0,m] ⊗
γ m+1 (Ñn ), m ≤ n, are the images of φ0 -preserving conditional expectations.
Let N = ∪∞
n=1 ∩m=n Ñm . Then N is a subalgebra of A0 , and there exist φ0 -preserving
conditionnal expectations onto N and A[0,n] ⊗ γ n+1 (N ), n ≥ 0.
Let E: A[0,∞) → N be a φ0 -preserving conditional expectation. Since, for any n,
γ n+1 ◦ E ◦ γ −n−1 : A[n+1,∞) → γ n+1 (N )
is a φ0 -preserving conditional expectation, the unique φ0 -preserving conditional expectation
A[0,∞) = A[0,n] ⊗ A[n+1,∞) → A[0,n] ⊗ γ n+1 (N )
coincides with IdA[0,n] ⊗ (γ n+1 ◦ E ◦ γ −n−1 ). Hence, for a0 , . . . , an ∈ A0 , we have
E(a0 γ(a1 ) . . . γ n (an )) = E ◦ (IdA0 ⊗ γ ◦ E ◦ γ −1 ) (a0 . . . γ n (an ))
= E a0 γ E(a1 . . . γ
(an ))
= . . . = (Ea0 ◦ . . . ◦ Ean )(1),
where Ea : N → N, a ∈ A0 , maps b ∈ N to E(aγ(b)). (In other words, φ is a C ∗ -finitely
correlated state, see [13]).
E1 maps N to the center Z(N ) of the algebra N . If p1 , . . . , pn is the list of minimal
projections of Z(N ), then the matrix φ(pi )−1 φ(pi γ(pj )) ij of the mapping E1 |Z(N ) with
respect to this basis is a stochastic matrix with strictly positive elements. The probability
distribution (φ(p1 ), . . . , φ(pn )) is invariant for the corresponding Markov process, and the
Markov dynamical system so obtained is simply (Z, φ, γ), where Z = (∪n∈Z γ n (Z(N )))00 . We
want to use mixing properties of this system. We need two lemmas to do it.
Lemma 4.2. Let z be a minimal projection of Z(N ), a ∈ A(−∞,−1] , b ∈ A[1,∞) . Then
φ(z)φ(azb) = φ(az)φ(zb).
Proof. Suppose a = γ −n (an ) . . . γ −1 (a1 ) and b = γ(b1 ) . . . γ n (bn ), where a1 , . . . , an , b1 , . . . , bn ∈
A0 . Then
φ(azb) = φ((Ean ◦ . . . ◦ Ea1 ◦ Ez ◦ Eb1 ◦ . . . ◦ Ebn )(1)).
Since z is minimal in Z(N ), the element Ez (n) = zE1 (n) is a scalar multiple of z for any
n ∈ N , so
(Ez ◦ Eb1 ◦ . . . ◦ Ebn )(1) =
φ(azb) =
φ((Ean ◦ . . . ◦ Ea1 )(z)) =
φ(az). 2
Lemma 4.3. The subalgebra Z of M lies in the centralizer Mφ of φ. In particular, there
exists a φ-preserving conditional expectation G: M → Z. We have:
(i) if a ∈ A[n,m] , then G(a) ∈ A[n−1,m+1] ;
(ii) if a ∈ A(−∞,n] , b ∈ A[n+2,∞) , then G(ab) = G(a)G(b).
Proof. If a = γ −n (a−n ) . . . γ n (an ), z ∈ Z(N ), where a−n , . . . , an ∈ A0 , then by (4.1)
φ(az) = φ((Ea−n ◦ . . . Ea−1 ◦ Ea0 z ◦ Ea1 ◦ . . . Ean )(1)).
Since Ea0 z = Eza0 , this implies that Z(N ) lies in the centralizer of φ.
Let a ∈ A[−n,−1] , b ∈ A[1,n] . It is sufficient to prove that if ã (resp. b̃) is the image
−k (Z) (resp.
of a (resp. b) under a φ-preserving conditional expectation A[−n−1,0] → ∨n+1
k=0 γ
A[0,n+1] → ∨n+1
k+0 γ (Z)), then G(ab) = ãb̃.
For this it is enough to show that, for any system z−k , . . . , z0 , . . . , zk , k ≥ n+1, of minimal
projections of Z, we have
φ(abγ −k (z−k )γ −k+1 (z−k+1 ) . . . γ k (zk )) = φ(ãb̃γ −k (z−k ) . . . γ k (zk )).
Apply Lemma 4.2:
φ(abγ −k (z−k ) . . . γ k (zk )) =
φ(aγ −k (z−k ) . . . z0 )φ(bz0 . . . γ k (zk ))
φ(z0 )
φ(γ −k (z−k ) . . . γ −n−1 (z−n−1 )) ×
φ(z0 ) φ(z−n−1 )
φ(aγ −n−1 (z−n−1 ) . . . z0 ) ×
φ(bz0 . . . γ n+1 (zn+1 )) ×
φ(zn+1 )
φ(γ n+1 (zn+1 ) . . . γ k (zk )).
Since φ(aγ −n−1 (z−n−1 ) . . . z0 ) = φ(ãγ −n−1 (z−n−1 ) . . . z0 ) and ãγ −n−1 (z−n−1 ) . . . z0 is a
scalar multiple of γ −n−1 (z−n−1 ) . . . z0 , we obtain the same result for φ(ãb̃γ −k (z−k ) . . . γ k (zk )).
For a subset J of Z, let ZJ be the W ∗ -subalgebra of Z generated by γ j (Z(N )), j ∈ J.
Since (Z, φ, γ) is a classical mixing Markov dynamical system, ∩n∈N Z(−∞,−n]∪[n,∞) = C1. By
[6, 2.6.1] it is equivalent to the convergence
|φ(ab) − φ(a)φ(b)|
→ 0, ∀a ∈ Z.
By virtue of Lemma 4.3 it follows that
|φ(ab) − φ(a)φ(b)|
→ 0, ∀a ∈ ∪m∈N A[−m,m] .
Hence φ is factorial by [6, 2.6.10].
3) We prove that the center Z(Mφ ) of the centralizer Mφ is contained in the center of the
algebra M .
As we showed above, the *-algebra A∞ is the union of the finite dimensional σtφ -invariant
subalgebras. Hence the linear span of elements b ∈ A∞ such that ∆φ bξφ = λ1/2 bξφ for some
λ > 0 is s-dense in M . So, it is sufficient to prove that any such an element commutes with
Z(Mφ ).
First, we prove that [γ n (b), a] → 0 in s-topology for any a ∈ M .
Let ε > 0. There exists an aε ∈ A∞ such that k(a − aε )ξφ k < ε. Then
(a − aε )γ n (b)ξφ = λ−1/2 (a − aε )jγ n (b∗ )ξφ = λ−1/2 (jγ n (b∗ )j)(a − aε )ξφ ,
so that
k[a, γ n (b)]ξφ k ≤ (1 + λ−1/2 )kbkε + k[aε , γ n (b)]ξφ k.
Since [aε , γ n (b)] = 0 for n sufficiently large, our assertion is proved.
For any n, γ n (b∗ )b ∈ Mφ . Hence, for z ∈ Z(Mφ ), zγ n (b∗ )b = γ n (b∗ )bz. Then
γ n (b)zγ n (b∗ )b = γ n (bb∗ )bz.
Since M is a factor and {γ n (bb∗ )}n is central, letting n → ∞, at the right hand side of (4.2)
we obtain φ(bb∗ )bz. The left hand side of (4.2) is equal to γ n (b)[z, γ n (b∗ )]b + γ n (bb∗ )zb, so it
weakly converges to φ(bb∗ )zb. Hence z lies in the center of M , which is trivial.
Hyperfiniteness of the factor Mφ is evident: if {Mn }n is an increasing sequence of σtφ invariant finite dimensional subalgebras of M such that ∪n Mn is weakly dense in M , then
∪n (Mn ∩ Mφ ) is weakly dense in Mφ . 2
Remark 4.4. It follows from the Perron-Frobenius theorem and the above considerations that
a Markov state has exponential decay of correlations. More precisely, if λ is the maximum of
|µ| over all eigenvalues µ of E1 different from 1, then there exists a constant C > 0 such that
|φ(ab) − φ(a)φ(b)| ≤ Cλn φ(|G(a)|)φ(|G(b)|),
∀a ∈ A[k,l] ∀b ∈ A(−∞,k−n]∪[l+n,∞) .
Theorem 4.5. Let (M, φ, γ) be as in Theorem 4.1, then the systems (M, φ, γ) and
(Mφ , φ|Mφ , γ|Mφ ) are entropic K-systems and
hφ (γ|Mφ ) = hφ (γ) = s(φ) = S(φ|A[0,1] ) − S(φ|A0 ).
Proof. Since φ is factorial, the K-property follows from Theorem 3.1.
The equality hφ (γ) = s(φ) was obtained by Petz [25]. Equality of hφ (γ|Mφ ) and hφ (γ)
also follows from his proof, but for the sake of completeness we give a proof.
The inequalities hφ (γ|Mφ ) ≤ hφ (γ) ≤ s(φ) always hold.
We will use the notations of the proof of Theorem 4.1. Let Mn be a σtφ -invariant subalgebra
of M such that A[0,n] ⊂ Mn ⊂ A[−1,n+1] (see the proof of Theorem 4.1,1) ), and let M̃n =
Mn ∩ Mφ . Then hφ (γ|Mφ ) = lim hφ (M̃n , γ) by a Kolmogorov-Sinai type theorem [10].
For any k, we have
Hφ (M̃n , γ(M̃n ), . . . , γ k(n+3) (M̃n )) ≥ Hφ (M̃n , γ n+3 (M̃n ), . . . , γ k(n+3) (M̃n )) = S(φ|Mn,k ),
where Mn,k is the algebra generated by Mn , γ n+3 (Mn ), . . . , γ k(n+3) (Mn ) [10].
We need the following lemma to estimate S(φ|Mn,k ):
Lemma 4.6. Let A ⊂ N ⊂ B be finite dimensional C ∗ -algebras, A = M atp (C), B =
M atq (C), ψ be a state of B.Then
S(ψ|A ) + log q/p ≥ S(ψ|N ) ≥ S(ψ) − log q/p.
Proof. Let τ = TrB (1)−1 TrB be the unique tracial state of B. Let Qτ ∈ N be the density
matrix of τ |N , i. e. τ |N = TrN (·Qτ ). Then
S(ψ|N ) = −ψ(log Qτ ) − S(τ |N , ψ|N ).
Every minimal projection e of N majorizes a minimal projection of B and is equivalent
to a projection which is majorized by a minimal projection of A. Hence 1/q ≤ τ (e) ≤ 1/p, so
that 1/q ≤ Qτ ≤ 1/p.
Using monotonicity of the relative entropy, we obtain
S(ψ|N ) ≥ log p − S(τ, ψ) = S(ψ) − log q/p.
S(ψ|N ) ≤ log q − S(τ |A , ψ|A ) = S(ψ|A ) + log q/p. 2
Applying the lemma to A = A[0,n] ⊗ A[n+3,2n+3] ⊗ . . . ⊗ A[k(n+3),k(n+3)+n] , N = Mn,k and
B = A[−1,k(n+3)+n+1] , we obtain
S(φ|Mn,k ) ≥ S(φ|A[−1,k(n+3)+n+1] ) − log
(recall that A0 = M ats (C)). Hence
S(φ|A[−1,k(n+3)+n+1] ) − 2(k + 1) log s
k→∞ k(n + 3)
= s(φ) −
log s.
hφ (M̃n , γ) ≥
This ends the proof of Theorem. 2
Remark 4.7. It is not difficult to construct a system (M, φ, γ) where φ is a Markov state
and Z is a Cartan subalgebra of M . In [11] non-commutative Bernoulli shifts are defined.
Analogously it is naturally to call the system (Mφ , φ, γ) a non-commutative Markov shift.
It is well-known that a classical mixing Markov system is conjugate to a Bernoulli shift
with the same entropy. Is this true in the non-commutative case?
Non-isomorphic entropic K-systems.
In this section we obtain an uncountable family of non-conjugate K-systems on the injective
III1 -factor all having the same finite entropy.
Besides the space translation of a one-dimensional quantum lattice system the examples of
systems, for which the conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied, are also the space translations
of the CCR-algebra over the pre-Hilbert space L20 (R) and the space translations of the even
part of the CAR-algebra, when all the systems are in factor states.
Let us consider the case of space translation of CCR-algebra in more detail.
So, let U be the CCR-algebra over L2 (R), τ the Bogoliubov automorphism of U corresponding to the space translation of 1, i. e.
τ (W (f )) = W (V f ), (V f )(x) = f (x − 1).
(For all the facts and the definitions concerning CCR-algebra we refer the reader to [7].) Let
A be a positive bounded operator on L2 (R) that commutes with V , and ω be the quasi-free
state corresponding to A. If KerA = 0, then the state ω is separating and
σtω (W (f )) = W (B it f ), where B =
The GNS-triple (Hω , πω , ξω ) corresponding to ω can be expressed in terms of the Fock representation as follows:
H ω = F+ ⊗ F+ ,
ξω = Ω ⊗ Ω,
πω (a∗ (f )) = a∗ ((1 + A)1/2 f ) ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ a(JA1/2 f ),
where F+ is the symmetric Fock space over L2 (R), Ω is the vacuum vector, and J is an
anti-linear isometric involution on L2 (R).
Then the automorphism τ is implemented by the unitary
Γ(V ) ⊗ Γ(JV J),
where Γ is the operator of second quantization.
Using (5.1) and (5.2) one also concludes that
ω = Γ(B ) ⊗ Γ(JB J) = Γ(B ) ⊗ Γ((JBJ)
∆ω = Γ(B) ⊗ Γ((JBJ)−1 ) = Γ(B) ⊗ Γ(JB −1 J).
So we see that the discrete part of the spectrum of ∆ω is the group generated by the eigenvalues
of B. Moreover, if the spectrum of B is continuous then ξω is the unique eigenvector of ∆ω .
In the latter case the centralizer of the state ω is trivial, and hence M = πω (U)00 is a type
III1 factor (see [30, Theorem 29.9]). This factor is injective, since U is nuclear.
For a subset Λ of R, let UΛ be the C ∗ -subalgebra of U generated by W (f ), suppf ⊂
Λ. Then UΛ is the CCR-algebra over L2 (Λ), UΛ1 and UΛ2 commute for Λ1 ∩ Λ2 = ∅, and
∪Λ compact πω (UΛ ) is weakly dense in M (though ∪Λ UΛ is not norm-dense in U). So that the
assumptions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied with M0 = U(−∞,0]
Let us summarize what we have proved:
Proposition 5.1. Under the above notations, let A has pure continuous spectrum. Then
M = πω (U)00 is the injective III1 -factor, the cyclic vector ξω is the unique eigenvector of the
modular operator ∆ω , and the system (M, ω, τ ) is an entropic K-system. 2
It is worth to note that the same result holds for the even part of the CAR-algebra.
Park and Shin considered the situation, when A is the operator of convolution with a
function K. Under certain conditions on K they proved that
hω (τ ) =
Z η K̂(x) − η(1 + K̂(x)) dx,
where K̂(x) = K(y)eiyx dy is the Fourier transform of K.
The operator A can be considered via the Fourier transform as the operator of multiplication by the function K̂. Let us suppose that
K(x) = o(e−α|x| ), as |x| → ∞, for certain α > 0.
Then K̂ is analytic in the strip |Im z| < α, and hence A has pure continuous spectrum
and Proposition 5.1 can be applied. The next theorem shows that such systems are usually
Theorem 5.2. Let Ki be a function satisfying (5.6) such that K̂i ≥ 0, and ωi be the state
corresponding to Ki , i = 1, 2. Suppose the systems (M, ω1 , τ ) and (M, ω2 , τ ) are isomorphic.
It follows that
K̂2 (x) = K̂1 (x + 2πn)
for certain n ∈ Z, equivalently K2 (x) = ei2πnx K1 (x).
Proof. It is more convenient for us to pass to the Fourier transform, i. e. we consider the
automorphism τ as the Bogoliubov automorphism corresponding to the operator of multiplication by the function eix and the states ω1 and ω2 as the quasi-free states corresponding to
the operators of multiplication by the functions K̂1 and K̂2 respectively.
The space of the GNS-representation corresponding to ωi , i = 1, 2, is identified with F+ ⊗
F+ as described above, and we choose J to be the usual pointwise conjugation on L2 (R).
An isomorphism of our systems is implemented by a unitary U on F+ ⊗ F+ . This operator maps ξω1 to ξω2 , conjugates the modular operators and the operators implementing the
automorphisms. In view of the identities (5.3), (5.4) this means that
U (Ω ⊗ Ω) = Ω ⊗ Ω,
U Γ(eiX ) ⊗ Γ(e−iX )U ∗ = Γ(eiX ) ⊗ Γ(e−iX ),
U Γ(B1it ) ⊗ Γ(B1−it )U ∗ = Γ(B2it ) ⊗ Γ(B2−it ),
where X is the operator of multiplication by x and Bj is the operator of multiplication by
the function Dj = K̂j (1 + K̂j )−1 , j = 1, 2.
For non-negative integers l, m let Pl,m be the projection onto the subspace (F+ )l ⊗ (F+ )m
of F+ ⊗F+ . There exist l and m such that l+m ≥ 1 and T = Pl,m U P1,0 6= 0. Then, identifying
(F+ )p ⊗ (F+ )q with the subspace of L2 (Rp+q ) consisting of functions f (x1 , . . . , xp , y1 , . . . , yq )
symmetric on each group of variables, we can rewrite the identities (5.7) and (5.8) as follows:
T eiX = ei(X1 +...+Xl −Y1 −...−Ym ) T,
T D1 (X)it =
D2 (X1 ) . . . D2 (Xl )
D2 (Y1 ) . . . D2 (Ym )
(5.70 )
(5.80 )
The identity (5.70 ) implies that
T f (X) = f (X1 + . . . + Xl − Y1 − . . . − Ym )T
for any bounded measurable 2π-periodic function f on R. Indeed, the algebra of functions
for which (5.9) holds is closed under pointwise limits of bounded sequences and contains eix .
Now we take an integer k such that T |L2 (2πk,2π(k+1)) 6= 0. Denoting by D the 2π-periodic
function that coincides with D1 on (2πk, 2π(k + 1)) and taking a function ξ ∈ L2 (2πk, 2π(k +
1)) for which T ξ 6= 0, we obtain:
D2 (X1 ) . . . D2 (Xl )
D2 (Y1 ) . . . D2 (Ym )
T ξ = T D1 (X)it ξ
= T D(X)it ξ
= D(X1 + . . . + Xl − Y1 − . . . − Ym )it T ξ
D2 (x1 ) . . . D2 (xl )
D2 (y1 ) . . . D2 (ym )
= D(x1 + . . . + xl − y1 − . . . − ym )it
for any t ∈ R for almost all (x1 , . . . , ym ) belonging to the support of T ξ. Hence there exists
a set Λ ⊂ Rl+m of positive measure such that
D2 (x1 ) . . . D2 (xl )
= D(x1 + . . . + xl − y1 − . . . − ym )
D2 (y1 ) . . . D2 (ym )
on Λ (we can take Λ to be the set of (x1 , . . . , ym ) for which (5.10) holds for any rational
t). Replacing, if necessary, Λ by a subset of positive measure we find an integer n such that
(x1 + . . . + xl − y1 − . . . − ym ) ∈ (2π(k − n), 2π(k − n + 1)) for any (x1 , . . . , ym ) ∈ Λ. Then
D2 (x1 ) . . . D2 (xl )
= D1 (x1 + . . . + xl − y1 − . . . − ym + 2πn)
D2 (y1 ) . . . D2 (ym )
on Λ. Using the Fubini theorem and the uniqueness theorem for meromorphic functions we
conclude that (5.11) holds on Rl+m . (Indeed, there exists a subset Λ̃ of Rl+m−1 of positive
measure such that, for any (x1 , . . . , xl , y1 , . . . , ym−1 ) ∈ Λ̃, the identity (5.11) holds on a set of
positive measure on ym . Then (5.11) holds on Λ̃ × R, and so on.)
The following cases are possible:
1) l + m ≥ 2.
Comparing the level sets of the functions in (5.11) corresponding to the values 0 and ∞,
we see that D1 and D2 have neither roots nor poles on the real axis. Taking the logarithm and
comparing the power-series expansions for log Di , i = 1, 2, one concludes that the functions
log D1 and log D2 are linear. So,
D2 (x) = ceax , D1 (x) = cl−m ea(x−2πn)
for certain real c and a. This contradicts the fact that Di (x) = K̂i (x)(1 + K̂i (x))−1 → 0, as
|x| → ∞.
2) l = 0, m = 1.
Then we have D2 (y)−1 = D1 (2πn − y). This is impossible by the same reason as above.
3) l = 1, m = 0.
Then D2 (x) = D1 (x + 2πn). Hence K̂2 (x) = D2 (x)(1 − D2 (x))−1 = K̂1 (x + 2πn). 2
The simplest example of an entropic K-system is the shift automorphism of an infinite
tensor product algebra with a faithful product-state. We shall call such systems Bernoullian.
Theorem 5.3. Let N be a von Neumann algebra and ψ be a normal faithful state of N .
For each integer n, let (Nn , ψn ) be a copy of (N, ψ) and (M, φ) be the W ∗ -tensor product
⊗n (Nn , ψn ). The right shift automorphism of M is denoted by γ. Suppose that hφ (γ) < ∞.
Then N is at most a countable sum of factors of type I.
Proof. Let S̃(ψ) = sup i λi S(ψ|A , ψi |A ), where the supremum is taken over all finite convex
decompositions ψ = i λi ψi into states, over all finite dimensional abelian subalgebras A of
N . The proof of Theorem 6.10 in [21] shows that if S̃(ψ) < ∞, then N is at most a countable
sum of factors of type I.
On the other hand, for any finite dimensional subalgebra A of N0 , we have
hφ (A, γ) ≥
ψ0 =
λi ψi
λi S(ψ0 |A , ψi |A ),
so that hφ (γ) ≥ S̃(ψ). 2
Corollary 5.4. Let (M, ω, α) be an entropic K-system. Suppose hω (α) < ∞, ω is faithful, and the modular operator ∆ω is not diagonalizable. Then the system (M, ω, α) is nonBernoullian. 2
Now we return to the Park-Shin systems considered above.
Let U and Vθ , θ ∈ R, be the unitary operators on L2 (R) defined by
(U f )(x) = f (x − 1), (Vθ f )(x) = eiθx f (x),
and τθ be the Bogoliubov automorphism of U corresponding to the operator Vθ U V−θ . (Note
that τθ+2π = τθ .)
Theorem 5.5. Let L be a non-zero smooth compactly supported function such that L̂ ≥ 0,
K = L ∗ L, ω the quasi-free state of U corresponding to K, M = πω (U)00 . Then M is the
injective III1 -factor and
1) for any θ, the system (M, ω, τθ ) is a non-Bernoullian entropic K-system with the entropy
Z 1
hω (τθ ) =
η K̂(x) − η(1 + K̂(x)) dx;
2) for 0 ≤ θ < 2π, the systems (M, ω, τθ ) are pairwise non-conjugate.
Proof. M is the injective III1 -factor and (M, ω, τ0 ) is a K-system by Proposition 5.1.
(M, ω, τ0 ) is non-Bernoullian by virtue of Corollary 5.4.
Let A be the operator of convolution with the function K. Since V−θ AVθ is the operator
of convolution with the function e−iθx K(x), the Bogoliubov automorphism corresponding
to V−θ conjugates the systems (U, ω, τθ ) and (U, ω−θ , τ0 ), where ω−θ is the quasi-free state
corresponding to the operator of convolution with the function e−iθx K(x). Hence
hω (τθ ) = hω−θ (τ0 )
1 =
η K̂(x − θ) − η(1 + K̂(x − θ)) dx
1 =
η K̂(x) − η(1 + K̂(x)) dx
= hω (τ0 ).
Thus our Theorem follows from what we have proved and Theorem 5.2. 2
Remark 5.6. Under the assumptions of Theorem 5.5 K has a compact support, and if suppfi ∩
(suppfj + suppK) = ∅ and suppfi ∩ suppfj = ∅ for i 6= j, then
ω(W (f1 ) . . . W (fn )) = ω(W (f1 )) . . . ω(W (fn )).
Recalling the proof of Theorem 3.1 one sees that such a clustering property simplifies the proof
crucially. So that the K-property for the systems in Theorem 5.5 (as well as for Bernoullian
systems) is rather evident.
Acknowledgement. One of the authors (V.G.) would like to thank Prof. E.Kissin and the University of North London for the hospitality.
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