ALICE The ALICE Experiment H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE Henrik Qvigstad University of Oslo ITS TPC PHOS 30 March 2012 Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 1 / 42 1 Physics Part I: Motivation ALICE H. Qvigstad Why We Collide? Quark Gluon Plasma Flow Photons As an Probe Other Signals Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS 2 ALICE ITS TPC PHOS 3 Physics Part II: The Results Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Elliptic Flow And more... 4 My Work and ALICE Activity In the Oslo H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 2 / 42 The Large Hadron Collider ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Beam of (Design): √ • p-p at 7 TeV, s = 14 TeV, and √ • Pb-Pb at 2.76 TeV, s = 5.5 TeV H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 3 / 42 Why We Collide particles and nuclei ALICE H. Qvigstad For Particles, collisions inform: • structure, Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals • fundamental interactions, and • resonances (particles.) For Nuclei, collisions inform: ALICE ITS TPC PHOS • structure, • collective effects, Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO • nuclear phase diagram. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 4 / 42 Why We Collide Particles Collisions provide information about structure. ALICE • The classic Rutherford Scattering: H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO with GeigerMarsden (Gold foil) experiment disproved the plum pudding model in favor of nuclear model. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 5 / 42 Why We Collide Particles Collisions provide information about fundamental interaction ALICE H. Qvigstad • Electron-positron annihilation produce “3-Jet Topology” events: Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO interpreted within the standard model to be product of qq̄ creation and radiation of gluons through QCD Bremsstrahlung. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 6 / 42 Why We Collide Composite Particles Protons ALICE • can be accelerated at a smaller accelerator radius H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals , and collisions of • provide a large range of discovery. ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO A proton-proton collision at LHC typically consists of ∼ 10 hard interactions (collisions). H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 7 / 42 Why We Collide Nuclei Nuclear collisions ALICE • provide an insight into the collective behavior of high H. Qvigstad density, high energy density, Nuclear Matter. Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 8 / 42 Why We Collide Nuclei, QGP The beginning of the universe was also quite dense and hot. ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 9 / 42 Quark Gluon Plasma The evolution of the nuclear matter in an nuclear - nuclear collisions ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals , produces a state of matter not seen since t ' 10−6 after The Big Bang. ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 10 / 42 Quark Gluon Plasma What is QGP really? Imagine an Nuclear Phase Diagram, ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO with an transition/crossover to an de-confided state of quarks and gluons. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 11 / 42 Flow Non-central Nuclear-Nuclear collisions exhibit flow: ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II In “low” energy collisions, this is considered the product of: Flow Me & ALICE UiO • Bounce-Off, the collective “deflection” of the “spectating” region of the collision, and • Squeeze-Out, pressure gradiants act out of plane for the “participating” region of the collision. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 12 / 42 Flow At “high” energy, flow is an product of the anisotropi of an non-central collision. ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Flow can be mathematically described as Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) 1 dN ∝ [1 + Σ∞ n=1 2vn cos n(φ − Ψn )] dφ 2π ∝ 1 + 2v1 cos φ + 2v2 cos 2φ + . . . ALICE (1) (2) 2012-03-30 13 / 42 Flow Flow is an product of all the stages of the collision ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO • Understanding all the phases of the collision and the their contribution to the final state is an massive undertaking. • Flow components are essential to understanding the collision in terms of Hydrodynamic Models. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 14 / 42 Flow The Equation Of Stadte (EOS), the relationship between Temperature, Pressure, and Volume, is informed by the two first flow components. ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I • Direct Flow, v1 , • Elliptic Flow, v2 . Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS The higher order flow components, • v3 , v4 ... Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO contain information about Viscosity. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 15 / 42 Photons ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals Photons are not affected by the nuclear medium of the collision, and are thus excellent candidates as an direct probe of the interaction in the medium. Sources of Photons: • Direct Photons • Prompt Photons, photons from initial hard scattering; • Fragmentation Photons, photons that are part of the fragmentation of an quark into a jet; ALICE ITS TPC PHOS • Thermal Photons; • Bremsstrahlung of high momentum quarks in the medium. Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO • Decay Photons, • decay of mesons, π 0 , η, ω, ... • pair production, bremsstrahlung, • ... H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 16 / 42 Photon-Jet Hard scatterings of patrons give rise to photon-jet, gq → γq, ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO • The photon escapes the medium un–perturbed. • The quark looses energy through Nuclear Bremsstrahlung as it traverses the medium. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 17 / 42 RAA ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 18 / 42 RAA ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 19 / 42 ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Figure: quark scaling at the PHENIX, RHIC Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 20 / 42 ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Figure: ALICE Detektor Eksperimentet H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 21 / 42 ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) ALICE H. Qvigstad Only a small selection of particles have a lifetime large enough to reach the detectors: • Charged Particles, e.g. e −/+ , µ−/+ ,π −/+ , p/p̄, and K −/+ ; Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE • Photons (γ); • Neutrons (n/n̄); and • Neutrinos: νe , νµ , ντ , ν̄e , ν̄µ , and ν̄τ . ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Charged Particles are measured by the tracking detectors (ITS/TPC/TRD) Photons/Hadrons are measured by calorimeters (PHOS/EMCAL). Together with special purpose detectors (HMPID/TOF/ACORDE/TRD) particle identification is achieved for a large range. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 22 / 42 ALICE Tracking The tracks of an heavy Ion Collisions: ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO . The measurement and reconstruction of tracks is one of the main challenges in HIC. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 23 / 42 ALICE Tracking ITS The Inner Tracking System (ITS) of ALICE consists of 6 Layers: ALICE H. Qvigstad • 2 Layers of Silicon Pixel Detectors (SPD), • 2 Layers of Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD), and Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals • 2 Layers of Silicon Strip Detectors (SSD). ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 24 / 42 ALICE Tracking ITS The Inner Tracking System (ITS): ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO • is used for vertex determination, and in conjunction with the TPC for track parameterisation. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 25 / 42 ALICE Tracking TPC The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS • . Charged particles Ionize the contained Ne-CO 2 gas. The Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO ions travel toward the central electrode, and the electrons travel towards the end planes, where they are measured. • Position on the plane combined with the drift time, gives position in 3D-space. • dE /dx is measured through ionization charge. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 26 / 42 PID and tracking ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals The momentum of an particle traversing the TPC can be measured by finding the radios of its track: pT R= qB Identification can be achieved when this momentum is combined with energy loss: (3) ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Figure: Stopping power for positive muons in copper ( dE dx ) H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 27 / 42 ALICE Tracking PID ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Figure: TPC H. Qvigstad (UiO) dE dx momentum performance. ALICE 2012-03-30 28 / 42 ALICE Calorimeters The Photon Spectrometer (PHOS), is • high energy resolution, ALICE H. Qvigstad • high granularity (position), Physics I • small acceptance, Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals electromagnetic calorimeter. ALICE ITS TPC PHOS The ALICE ElectroMagnetic Calorimeter (EMCAL) Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO • is of lower resolution, • but has higher acceptance. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 29 / 42 PHOS The ALICE PHOton Spectrometer ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I CARD A Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals CASE BODY CARD B Figure: A PHOS Module ALICE ITS TPC PHOS • At design, PHOS consists of 5 modules, each containing 64 × 56 cells positioned in a array. Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO • Each cell consists of a PbWO2 scintillation crystal and a Avalanche Photo–Diode (APD). Figure: A diagram and image of the assembly of a single PHOS cell. H. Qvigstad (UiO) • The crystals are 18 cm long, or ALICE 20 radiation lengths 2012-03-30 (X ). 30 / 42 PHOS The ALICE PHOton Spectrometer ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE Figure: Illustration of an Electron Magnetic Shower. X0 is an ”Radiation Length”. ITS TPC PHOS Physics II • A high energy photon (or electron) Flow Me & ALICE UiO Figure: Close–up of the front of a crystal array. entering PHOS deposits its energy in the form of a electromagnetic shower. • The cell APDs measure this energy in the form of scintillation light. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 31 / 42 PHOS Electronics ALICE Array of crystals + APD + preamp + trigger logic + readout H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals DAQ energy TOF L0/L1 trigger ALICE • tasks ITS TPC PHOS • shower finder • energy sum Physics II Flow • implementation Me & ALICE UiO L0/L1 trigger • FPGA 11 • VHDL firmware H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 32 / 42 PHOS 3 Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ×10 - � 0 → γγγγ → e+e e+e pt > 0.4 GeV/c 14 - ALICE Performance pp @ 7TeV Data: 9.572e+07 MinBias events 12 10 8 6 4 2 ALICE 0 ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 arXiv: 1103.2217 H. Qvigstad Counts/ 2.0e+00 MeV/c 2 ALICE IP π0 + π γ γ 0.8 0.9 1 Mγ γ (GeV/c2 ) Figure: Invariant mass distribution of all photon pairs with pT > 0.4 GeV/c H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 33 / 42 Physics Part II: The Results Elliptic Flow ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Remember, flow that happens in-plane*, Elliptic Flow, has a positive v2 , dN = 2v2 cos 2φ. dφ H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 34 / 42 Elliptic Flow 0.08 0.06 ALICE 0.04 H. Qvigstad 0.02 v2 Physics I PRL 105, Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS ALICE STAR 0 PHOBOS PHENIX -0.02 NA49 CERES -0.04 E877 EOS -0.06 E895 FOPI -0.08 Physics II 1 Flow 10 102 3 10 104 sNN (GeV) Me & ALICE UiO Figure: Integrated elliptic flow at 2.76 TeV in Pb-Pb 20%-30% centrality class compared with results from lower energies taken at similar centralities. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 35 / 42 v2 Elliptic Flow 0.3 v2{SP, |∆η|>0.4, AA-pp} ALICE 5-10% ALICE Preliminary Pb-Pb at sNN =2.76 TeV H. Qvigstad 0.2 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals 40-50% 0.1 ALICE ITS TPC PHOS 0 Physics II 0 Flow 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 p (GeV/c) Me & ALICE UiO T Figure: Integrated elliptic flow at 2.76 TeV in Pb-Pb H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 36 / 42 Elliptic Flow ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Figure: Preliminary elliptic flow of Identified particles in ALICE. Take note of mass splitting. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 37 / 42 Flow, Higher harmonics ALICE H. Qvigstad Higher harmonics of flow has gotten allot of attention as of late: Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 38 / 42 Flow v2 {2, | | > 1} v3 {2, | | > 1} v4 {2, | | > 1} v3 {4} v3/ RP 100 v 23/ 2 Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals vn H. Qvigstad Physics I PRL 107, 032301 (2011) ALICE 0.05 ALICE ITS TPC PHOS arXiv: 1105.3865 0.1 Physics II Flow 0 Me & ALICE UiO 10 20 30 40 50 centrality percentile 60 70 80 Figure: measurement of higher harmonics of flow at ALICE. The Low contribution of higher order flow components indicates high viscosity. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 39 / 42 RAA ALICE H. Qvigstad Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO Figure: pion RAA in central (0-20) and peripheral (60-80) H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 40 / 42 My Work • I started studying for a bachelor at UiB Fall 2004 • continued with a master in Nuclear Physics with the ALICE Bergen Nuclear/ALICE group Fall 2007, where I H. Qvigstad • did testing of electronics for PHOS, and • wrote a thesis based on a study of the π 0 based calibration Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals algorithm of PHOS. • I started as an PhD Student at UiO Spring 2010, where I am involved • with the analysis of data from the Trigger System of ALICE ITS TPC PHOS PHOS, • contribute to the maintenance/development of PHOS and Physics II its control system, Flow Me & ALICE UiO • am studying the possibility of an production cross section measurement of the η 0 meson, • and am currently functioning as the Run Coordination Representative for PHOS, which entails 100% presence at CERN for the period. H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 41 / 42 Fin ALICE H. Qvigstad Contacts for the ALICE group in Oslo: Physics I Why Collide? QGP Flow Photons Other Signals ALICE ITS TPC PHOS • Trine S. Tveter (group leader): • Matthias Richter (postdoc): • Henrik Qvigstad (Phd): ALICE Norway is also present in Bergen (UiB, HiB). Also, take note of the opportunity to come to CERN as an summer students. Physics II Flow Me & ALICE UiO H. Qvigstad (UiO) ALICE 2012-03-30 42 / 42