Economics Letters 43 (1993) Ol65-1765/93/$06.00 0 Network analysis Steinar * Department of Economics, Received 17 May 1993 Accepted 29 June Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved or pay-per-view? A welfare Holden 59 59-64 1993 Elsevier University of Oslo, Box llXL5 Blindern. 0317 Oslo. Norway 1993 Abstract The welfare pay-per-view effects television of pay-per-view admits third-degree television and advertising-supported price discrimination networks and may involve a large are compared. It is shown loss of consumer that surplus. 1. Introduction Technological progress is usually associated with the introduction of new or better products. Technological progress then generates revenues for the firms as far as consumers are willing to pay for the new or better products. However, technological progress may also mean new methods of paying for old products. Pay-per-view (PPV) is a case in point. The Tyson-Ruddock WC boxing match on 18 March 1991 appeared on PPV. At that time 16m American households were connected to the system and of these just over lm households ordered the fight, for $35 each (The Economist, 23 March 1991). The total revenues were $36m which, according to The Economist, was far more than the networks could ever have hoped to raise from advertising. The TysonRuddock match is not an exception, many other popular events are now broadcast on PPV only. PPV does not change the production function; the TV programs that can be made are no different from what could be made before. The innovation is that new technology makes it possible to let only the people who pay be able to view a specific program. In this paper I compare and show that the introduction of PPV has large PPV with advertising-supported networks. welfare-reducing effects. This is in spite of the fact that the introduction of PPV increases GDP, and thus is measured as economic growth. The motivation for the paper is to illustrate a few points in a simple fashion. No attempt at generality is made. * I am grateful to the United States Reference Center for providing me with information and to Nils-Henrik von der Fehr for useful comments on an earlier version. about pay-per-view television, 60 S. Holden I Economics Letters 43 (1993) 59-64 2. PPV and network Consider the broadcasting of a specific WC boxing match. Under PPV, the seller is assumed to charge a uniform price, q, for viewing the match. 1 Households will pay for and view the match if and only if their willingness to pay, u, is greater than or equal to q. The demand function for the boxing match is > x = D(q) (1) where x is the number of households that have a willingness to pay for the match greater than q, and thus pay for the match. If the match is broadcast by a network, the households may view the match without paying. However, they have to accept interruption of commercial breaks during the match. Such breaks may reduce the utility of the viewers. Let a(A)denote the perceived cost of viewing the match if the amount of advertising is A. [a(A) clearly varies among individuals, but this is neglected for simplicity.] It seems reasonable to assume that a(A)is convex, and increasing in A. The number of households that view the match if it is broadcast by a network is now x = D+(A)). (2) We first consider the case in which the match is broadcast by a network. The revenues of the network from advertising depend on the amount of advertising and the number of households that view the match. (I neglect uncertainty in the analysis, so there is no distinction between expected and actual number of viewers.) Let the net revenues of the network be R=R(x,A), where R is strictly determined by concave (3) and strictly increasing in both arguments. The amount A = argmax R(x,A),subject to x = D(a(A)) . The optimal amount R,(x*, of advertising, R,(x*,A*)=O, is (4) A*, is given by the first-order A*)D’(a*)a’(A*)+ of advertising condition (5) x * = D(u(A*)) and a(A*). Now consider the PPV system. In addition where to the costs of broadcasting, a PPV company has costs associated with collecting payment from the viewers. For simplicity, these costs are assumed to depend linearly on the number of viewers, so that the costs of the PPV companies are C(x) = Q + cx , Q, c > 0 . (6) Under PPV, the price will be set so that only a fraction of the viewers that would like to see the match are actually willing to pay the chosen price. This opens up the possibility of also sending a ‘low-quality’ version, in order to earn some revenue from the households that do not buy the version is usually sent later, when the news content has original version. ’ The low-quality I I neglect any fixed costs of being connected to a PPV channel. This simplifies where the households with sufficient willingness to pay already are connected would clearly make PPV less attractive in welfare terms. ’ This is an example of third-degree price discrimination, cf. Tirole (1988). the analysis, and corresponds to a situation to a PPV channel. Incorporating such costs S. Holden I Economics 61 Letters 4.3 (1993) 59-64 disappeared. I assume that the PPV channel does not charge any price for viewing this low-quality version (for example, because the willingness to pay is too low compared with the costs of collecting payment). The low-quality version thus only generates revenue through advertising. If a household has willingness to pay, u, for the original version, then I assume that the willingness to pay for the low-quality version (gross of any perceived costs of advertising) is CYU, where (YE (0, 1). For simplicity, I let (Y be exogenous, although in reality CYclearly depends on the specification of the low-quality version. Households will only pay for the first version of the match if this gives higher utility than to wait for the low-quality version with advertising A, that is, if u-qzau-a(A). (7) [In equilibrium we must have that for all households Rearranging (7) yields u 2 [q -a(A)]/@ The number of households Wq, we also have u - q > 0.1 - a) . (8) It follows from (8) that the number of households low-quality version has advertising A is F(q, A) = Nq for which (7) holds, - G>l/(l that view the first version at price q when - (.y>> that view the low-quality (9) version is then - F(q, A) > A) = W(A)la) the (10) that is, the ‘gross’ number of households that want to see the low-quality version [where u 2 a(A)/a] minus the number of households that have already seen the first version (for simplicity, it is assumed that nobody wants to see the match twice, possibly because some households have already recorded the first version on video tape). The PPV channel determines q and A simultaneously by max GT= (q - c)F(q, The first-order conditions A) + R(H(q, A), A) - Q . (11) may be written (12) (13) Let up = u(AP) be the perceived costs of advertising in the low-quality the PPV are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. The Marshallian consumer broadcast on network is version. surplus The network and ’ if the match is (14) while the consumer ‘See Tirole (1988, surplus on PPV is pp. 7-12) for a discussion on the use of consumer surplus S. Holden 62 I Economics Letters 4.3 (1993) 59-64 9 ? Consumer surplus $ q-a l-a Consumer surplus 9 ah-4 l-a a(A) L_ _.. .~ _ D(a) D(q) Fig. 2. Pay-per-view. Fig. 1. Network. (15) where the two first terms are the consumer surplus of the households that view the first version, while the last two terms are the consumer surplus of the households that view the second version. For the households, the introduction of PPV has three effects. First, for the households with a willingness to pay that,fulfills (8) (so that they buy the first version), PPV involves an additional cost of viewing the program, q. Although the PPV may send the first version without advertising (which is assumed here), it seems reasonable to assume that q > a(A*) so that PPV involves a reduction in the consumer surplus for these households. Secondly, households with a lower willingness to pay, that do not buy the first version, experience a reduction in consumer surplus because the utility of viewing the second version is lower than the utility of viewing the first version. Thirdly, the amount of advertising chosen in the second version of PPV will in general be different from the amount of advertising under network. Here there are two opposing effects. On the one hand, the PPV has an incentive to have more advertising, because the more advertising in the second version, the lower the consumer surplus from seeing this version, and the more households will choose to buy the first version. On the other hand, households have a lower utility so that with too many commercials, a large part of the from viewing the second version, households will choose not to view at all. To illustrate these effects, consider two numerical examples, one with constant elasticity of demand and one with a linear demand curve. Under constant elasticity of demand I also assume that there is a maximum willingness to pay, 4 (which does not affect the reduction in consumer surplus), so that the demand function is of the form x = Kq-” for q 5 tj and x = 0 otherwise. For on network is simplicity, I also set aA = up = a. The consumer surplus if the match is broadcast Q I II Kv-E dv = _&(u-t+’ while the consumer surplus on PPV is _ q-E+l), (16) S. Holden I Economtcs Lrttm 4_l (199.Z) S-64 63 Kv-” dv + 49 - a) i which is equal l-a -+o). (17) to Consider the Tyson-Ruddock match which was seen by about lm households, at a price $35. Assume that the maximum willingness to pay is 4 = $200. Furthermore, let the perceived costs of advertising, a = $1 (both under network and in the second version of PPV), and assume that the utility of viewing the second version is half of the utility of viewing the first version, cy = 0.5. Assume also that if the match had been broadcast only at network, it would have been seen by 1OOm households. Thus, from 1OOm = Ku-‘, and u = 1, we obtain K = 1OOm. From (9) we find that lm = K ((35-I)/(1 - 0.5)))‘;. and inserting for K we obtain E = 1.1. From (16) and (18) it follows that the total consumer surplus when the match is broadcast at network is $411m, while the consumer surplus under PPV is $206m. The loss in consumer surplus under PPV is thus 411-206 = $205m. On comparison, the revenues of the match under PPV are only $35m. With linear demand, demand is D(q) = K,, - K, q. As above, we assume the perceived cost of advertising a = 1, and the reduction in utility of the second version, (Y = 0.5. Now we assume that if the match had been broadcast on network, it would have been seen by 50m households. From 5O=K,,-K,u=K,,-K, and l=K,,-K,(q-u)/(l-a)=K,,-K, 68, we obtain K,,=50.731, K, = 0.731 and thus the maximum willingness to pay i = 69.4 (given by K,, - K,q = 0). Straightforward calculations using (14) and (15) (or simpler, calculate the areas of the triangles and squares in Figs. 1 and 2) give us the consumer surplus under network as $1,71Om, whereas the consumer surplus under PPV is $842m. In this case the reduction in consumer surplus is $1710m-$842m = $868m. Thus, under linear demand the reduction in consumer surplus is much larger than under constant elasticity of demand, which reflects the fact that under linear demand there are many more households with a quite large willingness to pay. 3. What about the revenues? According to The Economist, 23 March 1991, the introduction of PPV raises the revenues from WC matches considerably. This yields a potential for big profits for the PPV companies. However, in the United States today there are several PPV companies that compete for the TV-rights of the matches. This will increase the price for the TV-rights. If we consider the bidding for TV-rights of one match in isolation, then the unique Nash equilibrium price is equal to the net profits the winner of the TV-rights can expect to make from broadcasting the match. In this case the seller of the TV-rights obtain the whole rise in profits due to the introduction of PPV. On the other hand, the number of PPV companies is limited and there is an endless stream of new matches. The theory of repeated games with infinite horizon [see, for example, Tirole, 19SS)] has taught us that this gives scope for collusion among the PPV companies. Yet in practice the extent of collusion 64 S. Holden I Economics Letters 43 (1993) 59-64 appears limited. According to Business Week, 2 September 1991, the Holyfield vs. Foreman match in April 1991 gave revenues of $55m. Of these, the PPV company Time Warner paid $20 to promote the bout, more than $20m to the fighters and $5m to local cable companies. Time Warner, say its executives ‘made a few million’ on the match. (On the other hand, Time Warner has lost money on its new series of smaller-time fights, Business Week, 2 September 1991.) These figures suggest that it is the fighters who obtain the lion’s share of the increase in revenues. But this cannot be the end of the argument. First, although the income distribution usually is neglected in analyses of economic efficiency, it is tempting to make an exception here. Comparing the utilities of different individuals is very problematic from a theoretical point of view. On the other hand, it seems to me fairly uncontroversial that the increase in utility E. Holyfield or G. Foreman obtain from their share of $20m cannot be 20 million times the utility of an extra dollar for an average household. Secondly, even neglecting income distribution, the analysis must include the effort the fighters have made to be in the position to fight WC matches. Posner (1975) shows that all monopoly rents may be dissipated in the costs of a contest between firms to become a monopolist [see also Tirole (1988)]. In the present setting, this would be the case if there is free entry of equally talented youths (so that the expected utility of participating in the contest of becoming World Champion is zero), and if the effort has no socially valuable by-products. 4. Concluding remarks The main motivation of this paper is to illustrate how the introduction of PPV television will have a large negative impact on consumer surplus. Two rough numerical examples gave reductions in the consumer surplus from sending one WC match in boxing on PPV of $205m under constant elasticity of demand and $868m under linear demand. Obviously, these figures cannot be taken as more than rough illustrations of the possible size of the efficiency loss. Yet they should indicate that the problem is worthy of further research. The comparison between PPV and advertising-supported network is based on an analysis of an event that would be broadcast under both systems (a WC boxing match). This neglects the fact that PPV makes it possible to finance programs that could not be financed within a system with advertising. A total analysis of whether the introduction of PPV is welfare reducing would of course have to include this aspect. The paper also illustrates a more general point. Technological progress is, as emphasized in the recent literature on endogenous growth, often the result of conscious effort to make profits. But, as the introduction of PPV television illustrates, the rise in profits may not reflect a rise in the increase in profits may arise precisely because willingness to pay. On the contrary, technological progress enables the producer to capture a larger share of the consumer surplus. References Power, Tirole. R.. 1975, The social cost of monopoly and regulation, Journal of Political Economy J., 1988, The theory of industrial organization (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA). 83, 807-827.