ENGINEERING TECHNICAL FIELD INFORMATION NOTES DATA TECHNICAL REPORTS CURRENT RETRIEVAL AWARENESS SYSTEM 71 L 111116- PP_ REVISED Notes ield Concrete Crib Check Collins A Note TEXTS Dams Computer Programs to Users Hewlett-Packard Model 65 Calculator Washington Office Engineering News FOREST SERVICE JUNE 1975 tpEST SERVq WOF U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE fogW SEgyq EMra ENGINEERING FIELD NOTES This publication among The Forest text This The and Because publication of the is not not Department Department interpretation exchange to published technical or administrative is the type of of as nature of opinions material should the in read the recommended or by FSM publication all or policy except instructions each issue however exclusively for engineers. published for distribution to Service and this no assumes Agriculture use personal construed of Agriculture-Forest of or be technicians intended newsletter monthly U.S. a represents must and engineering engineers the publication procedures mandatory references. this the author respective newsletter and ideas of Service personnel. in approved monthly a is information engineering information employees of its retirees by other only. for responsibility than its the own employees. The use of trade firm or corporation convenience evaluation any product of the reader. conclusion or service Such use names is does not recommendation to the exclusion for the information constitute endorsement of others or an approval which may be and official of suitable. clam. check crib Concrete 1. Figure The editorial of the Concrete of June Check Dams Crib and production serious editorial issue of the Engineering Field Notes staff article errors. 1975 and replace it with published You June 1975 the in and readers to the author apologizes to destroy are requested for the issue your original revision. this CONCRETE CRIB CHECK DAMS Robert M. Gallup Engineer Civil San Dimas Equipment Development Center BACKGROUND A line hardly from a recent Top 40 song goes It months During the winter ever. greater Los Angeles area. Heavy have long plagued the ask who were the folks from the San Gabriel denuded the mountain slopes of vegetation down surged covered from the houses to their check damsl were from another the European in Their County California in technique during floods in Dam techniques deposited. Concrete Crib cribs to Dam form or bays and streets in The 1940s mud and debris and basins about 40 concrete crib for flow. the mountain stabilizing Mountains local of Los Angeles mountains of these majority work research dam was constructed elevation of a channel bottom. - a gravity are then filled Just 1968 in and Glendora was protected Gabriel dams the were dams failed on debris soil was carried out by the Forest Service Region 5. As causes rectangular in following fires debris heavy sediment rocks. early Brush rains incident stabilized with check In the arch check - controls the channel bottom manner were erosion Originally part of this effort a concrete the this Alps check dams were used 1932 and 1938. mud reduction sewers overflowing was brought to the San 1915. Mountains 1969. during February of rock and wire or of stacked constructed lCheck land February in Following Runoff channels massive streams. rock roof tops. built. sudden For centuries mountains uncommon communities of Los Angeles County. foothill Glendora in living periodic heavy rains are not runoffs winter storms rains in Southern California well never downcutting dam constructed parallelpipeds with in rock or the Angeles National prevents where of reinforced which are called soil. 1 It channels in the eroding debris is beams placed cribs or bays. of being in. a These Forest in 1942. The dam stores It is 83 feet 3800 feet of the Arroyo Seco Canyon. high stabilizing about one million cubic yards of debris and has a benefit-cost ratio of 101 since removal of sediment from debris basins cubic yard. The Coon Canyon Mechanical These lined streams gravity dams concrete A concrete 1974. This project was District dam check Los Angeles 20-year Control crib dams 1 fig. and the fans at the mouths debris results removed to From the as 1950. in were monitored. of this project findings the best structure. Forest Angeles National Service areas residential $10.5 costing Pasadena Forest million. Water flowing from the canyons storm sewers channels La Altadena San Gabriel Mountains they are of the lined in check dams built crib of canyons. prevent finished dams metal bin check dams crib dams and others. As a part concrete USDA the Los Angeles River Watershed Canada and Sunland border the edge the was and the Project was begun In alluvial about $1 per costs 1954 and completed in program between the Los Angeles County Flood a cooperative LACFCD the valley program check was chosen Watershed River Region 5. There were 365 concrete on pilot cement soil arch a constructed 156 structures were constructed. of the pilot project the devices were stabilization included concrete Stabilization Project in and built must have streets from becoming filled and overflowing. Debris is removed from the flows by debris basins and check dams. Figures 2 and 3 are sketches of a channel before and after of a check construction Debris basins store the dam. must be periodically emptied debris which the disposal areas diverting debris-free water into spreading ground water storage. Check dams store debris which forms behind a check erosion.rate from these walls A or Unstable basic segment Angeles they The are filled. canyon debris cone walls and reduces 4.. Streams when designing stable or unstable. consideration reach River downcutting fig. until as a buttress to the acts hauled to for recharging CHECK DAMS DESIGNING Stable dam and basins is is Watershed halted Project was and bank erosion a dam The that is is to determine definition of stability state of channel if a channel used regime reduced to an absolute at in or the which a Los all minimum.2 Inter-Agency 2Ferrell in W. Barr 1963. Criteria and Methods for Use of Check Dams Channel Banks and Beds LACFCD. Presented at Federal R. and W. Stabilizing Sedimentation R. Conference Jackson 2 Mississippi January 1963. / ý dam. check crib concrete X. 3 a of construction SILL CRIB ý% after Channel CHECK CRIB 3. Figure CONCRETE CONE DEBRIS EAMBED - AýlI FAP - CONCRETE DAM i- ý 7ý MMA tr rii STR NATURAL \ AFTER dam. check / crib f / / aý r concrete a of construction / / x 1r before Channel - 2. Figure /ý f / /r ýýIllislri AAr A.IAýr. JNwhlbrhA j 3 V111 l BEFORE .sod deaf a Xuztoys pauun ya apgw.wsun uy-Yop p qj f puuI3q Quo suq r ofi au41k074ujo p jn steep mountain In very streams the presence bottom and on the canyon walls debris debris unstable stream. conditions LACFCD determines and cleanout conducted records. research LACFCD soil further evidence evidence are grades of of an with an absence of rock of instability is the dry by gravity and wind fig. 5. in The Forest dam rates from debris production Dimas Experimental Forest San Service and debris production erosion and debris basin surveys rates. These the in rates also Los cubic yards per square mile per year. range from 1000 to 9000 in debris production after the check value of 37 reduction uses a percent River Angeles Large quantities and Reduction Rates Production Debris A of instability. of loose soil on hillsides caused erosion The considered stream the in outcrops a stable condition. movement and steep channel-bottom Loose sloughing steep canyon walls of are also outcrops is of solid-rock basin dams have become filled with debris. This figure percentage is only used for channel segments that have check dams. Cones Debris Debris - including boulders rocks soil mud and stored behind the check dams. Unlike a pond the channel been verified cone is in profiles taken of channels is which the Los Angeles in but fluctuates at the River side channel and the upper end. The Figure of the dam Alps and has basin. background upper end from a check dam which is further downstream. a in being gradient of 0.7 of the original in up behind a lies level from projects was obtained 0.7 value very stable at the spillway foreground Site 6. The fig. cone debris of water of the debris cone forms a gradient which the surface - end other substances a debris 7 shows a debris cone Selection Factors at directly dam for not be directed debris cones will so that construction end cost selecting the height and spillway for different size debris flow site include lines fit are found the channels spillway heights. Although good storage also stability rate and flow should lines site and locations debris be considered selection. 5 ground not flow from the walls. the this of the in profile shows where spillway heights most economical reduction and determining the economics should channel segment measured be normal to the dam. Flow discharging toward the canyon good foundations debris cones dam For example the upstream flow an abutment but should After sites with varied of visible a good foundation. should a selecting direction profiles stability when consider to channel must dam turn be size the may be of considered. dam In the channel flow rate relates back to the site auoa sugap v Jo pua iaddn puv 9 vam apzs v uz A auos sugap v L aartkai 3 ro a r gtM. yaaga pu2qq p21 of si7j dtflf jaýaipmn L p v - azoa Eldgaa - 9 ý nrticv f alVnp a n V n3tytj al Dam The Size wall and cutoff economical maximum was 27 feet to the top flow Spillway CLH rate water through flowing a Sills and Sills are used to prevent from the dams five Los bays through River Angeles thick. cribs strength of top flowing equal of the plus the water is 3000 reduce depth psi and based3 is in 3.0 Figure for 9 shows Sills stilling are located to pools downstream plus 18 feet. on a stable pool the spillway datum base a bearing of one third of the hd. The hs 1/3 for computing elevation of the elevation of the Cobble rock bearing fill dam. The native dumped stress 3- to 12-inch soil in the length sill. after certain The psi. blocks heights with a compressive reinforcing steel called pillow blocks reached are they is are are placed points. stone is dumped into some bays to provide fill for the and rock from the channel are dumped into other bays. Cobble the front end and center two bays to decrease hydrostatic free applied of the 3Criteria taken of 750 strength particularly on the abutments. two bays allowing Pneumatically for concrete deformed bars. Small concrete stretchers next to column pressures and to provide over the spillways. to spillway height sill the dam of the slabs and cutoff walls are designed intermediate-grade to formula C of of 10 fps. velocity weir general value a Design Concrete between approach undercutting of water elevation of the Structural the using by using spillway. the bottom of the cutoff wall for and was spillway dam of a crib the in the is single double cross section constructed computed an assumed distances at spillway height is of the cost Pools Stilling dissipate the energy rock dam The most dam. crib construction 8 shows the cross section crib are capacities weirs with used of the These capacities are computed 3/2 broad-crested The of standpoint for the configuration height high for a low or high size the Size Spillway Q same dam from crib bays of the dam. Figure The highest concrete spillway. basin a spillway triple etc. the of size slab are the drainage concrete dam through gunite is A cone cobble the center is placed of the dam. shot onto the top to form a protective crest. Gunite of the cobble-filled is also shot onto the from Corps of Engineers recommendations on 7 behind the center stilling pools. cribs bank spillway. a through 8 flowing darn crib a of section STREAMBED NATURAL Water Cross 8. 9. Figure Figure SLAB WALL CUTOFF -BATTER RUCrIOpj RAMP AY CoIVSr IPCF /lll ýfPSTCEA.IVI RljCr rION C6 Y DivSr8A 01ýjs A.OPE ý dVý Gil.SeiL DEBRIS 7lll/O C. FINAL. SSSLc71O\ /Zý C I IC n T between dam the on the spillway and the section low-flow down the crest reduces it 3 inches is by the size governed is thick except of the boulders that the channel. into the built is the cutoff wall. of the concrete to erosion abutments the where the thickness crest can be moved down A and onto sill This low flows keeps members crib of gunite a curtain spillway with the center in the area of continuous in from extending dam of the and flow. Economy Benefit-cost cubic dollar values of cubic and acre-foot of water conservation yard with storage the cost and maintenance. Other benefits might be fisheries conservation construction soil are determined by comparing ratios yard of debris reduction and obtaining and vegetation more usable by land to assign to these benefits and thus values are difficult preventing of of top Dollar gullying. are not included. CONSTRUCTING CHECK DAMS Access Access usually is Channel-bottom roads require canyon. These access little disturbance revegetated to from other the than blend the natural the work to The construction. e.g. road that Some barrier a and constructed roads should then A structure. uppermost after bottom channel surroundings. of the the cones be carefully located roads should with bottom debris the to the terrain as possible. may undo constructed by covered are access canyons channel the in provided to cause be obliterated is in as and poorly located or program. stabilization Foundation Frequent blasting may be is required raised or lowered changing the design in for slabs and the cutoff walls. the excavation a foot or two depending of the dam to eliminate on the height rock excavation of the dam A dam without or to obtain a better When occurs foundation. Cutoff walls are excavated the cutoff wall to is notched get good ties into the 6 feet into deep unless rock the rock. abutting is encountered. this Frequently the ends of the cutoff are blasted canyon walls. Concrete Sills Cutoff cutoff walls walls and members. Figure crib members and slabs are constructed slabs are allowed 10 shows to cure reinforcing shows the reinforced concrete crib for three days bars being placed members. 9 of reinforced prior to in the placing slab and concrete. the Figure crib 11 b_ers. 10 merr concrete of Dimensions - 11. Figure STRETCHER HEADER CHAMFER o Y- 4 construction. during slab main in placed steel Reinforcing - 10. Figure 4 E Lu dý c Placing Cribs and Cribs are placed filled in 13. is 4-foot This placed distance Fill to form bays high prevents between lifts. the the end bays built filled placed on a with in cobble the batter rock Capping the or native behind the lifts fig. 8 from fill. dam bay of cribs is feet wide sliding. placed a slab above the They are figs. and the canyon walls to form abutments. abutment and another called a step slab fig. fig. cribs is between the bay and the canyon wall becomes 6 top of the concrete After the and are Backfill is 12 and Concrete When the placed slab. This on is 14. Dam dam has been erected a gunite cap 15. 11 is applied to the crest and the abutments bay. first the AI 12 placed been has roe. Cobble 13. Far Figure Fly i ý--- r .1 Construction ae ýitln 13 of step Coýr slab. FORT COLLINS COMPUTER PROGRAMS Transportation Group Analysis Region 5 The Timber Transport Model the model can be used for now is in small analysis problems A large network analysis applications. to has been sent to the system instructions The complete Instructions include access brief listing Regional know people a small cost as well as for the of directions This Offices. Network the printout TAG User Guide. Analysis access for to be used in place is of the will be a few months. 1 in programs are now on the Ft. Collins computer. have been sent to all Regions. These programs are described in Handbook Traffic Surveillance data storage The flow history. traffic of at field traffic-surveillance for the manuscript They 1 new Chapter a publishing Chapter in all As many use at Ft. Collins. computerized in Ft. and a variety of computerized formulations statistical This Collins. sent to all Forests contained enables a in of variety August of 1973. in graphic the about printouts Handbook have been and sampling precision alternatives to be rapidly investigated to determine the best sampling method for the job. A NOTE TO USERS OF THE HEWLETT-PACKARD MODEL 65 CALCULATOR Michael O. Brown Cadastral Engineer Region The field H.P. 00115B and angle are supplied by Hewlett-Packard the in 4 bearing their survey HP 00116A traverse programs that PAC-1 give erroneous area solutions. starting-coordinates. The magnitude of the error is Certain closure errors can cause cases this might cause discrepancy form of method in their notification. of reaching solution to the bearing or distance method it Meanwhile it seemed that FIELD individuals who might be problem is field-angle entry to erratic program and aware of the possible problems that A some the for calculate area. assumed that the they has will NOTES of size been follow In some notified up with would be an these programs using the solutions. acreage Hewlett-Packard serious problems. is to proportional directly of the some effective without being exist. following course See program. direction figs. 14 1 It and and 2. gives uses the the option of either double-meridian HP 65 HP-65 User Instructions Page BRG. QUAD. FIELD I INPUT ENTER PROGRAM 2 ENTER STARTING NORTH COORDINATE 3 ENTER STARTING EAST 4 ENTER BEARING BRG 4a ENTER BEARING QUAD Note The bearing of continue 5 IF the at COORDINATE used course of first Step is as a reference the traverse NORTH BEGINNING QUADRANT bearing entered bearing. then skip to If this is also 6 if not Step NORTH COORD. EAGINNING EAST EAST COORD. I 5. ANGLE ANGLE RIGHT IF ENTER RT. fDMSt ANGLE ANGLE LEFT IF DEFLECTION ANGLE RIGHT DEFLECTION ANGLE LEFT 5 IF 6 HORIZONTAL 7 Note DEFL. RT. DEFL. LT DISTANCE DIST. OPTIONAL Repeat CHS LT. 180 5 AZIMUTH II the 180 5 OUTPUT DATA/UNITS KEYS DATA/UNITS 1 first DD appropriate steps 4-7 for successive OPTIONAL Compute Square 9 OPTIONAL Compute Acres courses. DD CHS DD ýD II II II I IR/S Feet I R/S uý Figure 1. - HP-65 User 15 Instruction Form AZIMUTH ENTER fDMSt R/S 8 2 DIST. INSTRUCTIONS STEP of DMD AREA TRAVERSE N E 1 AZIMUTH AZIMUTH AZIMUTH W NORTH C_OORD. NEW EA O ORD.ST SQ. FT. ACRES HP 65 TO KEY ENTRY W/PRGM. PRGM PRESS CODE Page CLEAR MEMORY. COMMENTS SHOWN LBL TO KEY ENTRY SHOWN gxy 35-07 t- 32 R-P 01 STO 33 23 A 11 f 31 REG 43 CLEAR REGISTERS STORE STARTING STO 8 33-08 STO 6 33-06 8 08 24 gx-y 35-07 LBL 23 STO 33 A 11 RTN 10STO 7 33-07 STO 5 33-05 RTN 24 LBL 23 B 12 NO. COORD. CODE STORE STARTING E. COORD. 7 07 STO 33 60 NEW EAST ACCUMULATE 03 34-03 -D.MS 03 X 71 RTN 24 STO 33 LBL 23 13 BEARINGS QUADRANT 02 ENTER R H. DIST. 2 EEI R3 DEPARTURE R4 DMD DEPARTURE R5 STARTING X2 EAST DOUBLE DEPARTURE R6 STARTING NORTH ACCUMULATE DMD 04 4 70gx- R7 NEW EAST 35-07 y STR 81 33 R8 NEW NORTH 61 41 31 3 03 INT 83 RCL-8 34-08 gxy 35-21 R/S 84 GTO 22 RCL-7 34-07 f AZIMUTH 61 - 20 R1 61 3 RCL-3 2 2 61 32 C of REGISTERS NEW NORTH 35-07 l COMMENTS 61 gxy c 2 - SWITCH HP-65 Program Form DISPLAY NEW N. COORD. DISPLAY NEW E. COORD. R9 USED R/S 84 35-09 RCL-4 34-04 Rt 35-09 2 02 A 81 B BEARINGS C D QUAD. 1 g - 01 gRt 42 30CHS - 80 g Rt 35-09 g 35 g Rt 35-09 ABS 06 LBL 23 R/S 84 1 01 CONVERT TO AZ LABELS DISPLAY AREA SQ. FT. E 4 04 35-08 3 03 f 31 5 05 2 g R4 1 INT 83 6 06 3 01 0 00 4 8 08 - 81 0 X 71 LBL 23 61 D 14 f-l 32 -ýD.MS 03 RCL-1 34-01 E 33-01 RTN 24 LBL 23 NEW COORDINATES E 15 AREA STO 2 50 RCL AND FIELD IN ACRES 6 7 ANGLE 8 FLAGS 61 33 STO-1 33-01 RTN 24 DISTANCE 2 ACCUMULATION 34-01 100 TO RECORD PROGRAM Figure 2. - HP-65 16 QUAD. 9 61 02 1 - STO-1 SOLN. 5 DISPLAY AREA 24 90RTN 00 FIELD O 1 40 COORDS INSERT MAGNETIC CARD Program Form WITH SWITCH SET AT W/PRGM. 4 WASHINGTON NEWS OFFICE ENGINEERING CONSULTATION AND STANDARDS Charles Weller R. Assistant Director OF THE FOREST SER STA TUS The summary with of events leading of the Ohio the collapse bridges. evaluate the President River task make and assured the Bureau the that 1969 we proposed new an amendment was issued In 1971 April Federal is with the now sound 7718 in corrections to than 20 a copy of the bridges Forest in a total in of any all Standards Federal-aid Forest operation safe of the task suit On in must compete Service inspection the Federal we force. October and placing for They have been economical which in bridge the negligence. values task of the an system. courts effective proper can Both Forest safety priority with the FSM funds and manpower. program was officially initiated in of the job was complete in July 1973. of inspections by November and their comments. definition of the length Of that number 6306 had been 17 inspection System since they provide against the this structures fitting the bridge regulation. in the 7718 was revised to comply government of the published Since others. and safe aware in Administration system structures. of care claiming are arise a were Highway and Development standard technicians Difficulties 7101 for possible inspection procedures Federal FSM January 1970. Approximately 25 percent feet all guarantee The Regions were then asked to complete the first round 1974 in December 1974 they were asked for the results reported a uniform developed enclosed inspect which included for maintaining other tasks that present to Highway Departments Service Manual Service to the and inspection program. The the Bureau April 1970. are a national they managers in safe and to collapse agreement with the concerns material which apply to procedures logical many 1968 were prepared by the measure our performance the July Roads of Public 1 the Forest by the Forest Furthermore Service the investigate were requested in full guide State obsolete with the Standards applied to National Bridge Inspection the Register. They consultation guide Bureau necessary we were force highway and railway bridges. On We began Virginia and the general died Forty-six people was furnished with copies of the uniform inspection guide. Region 6 a task force the inspection guide. West Pleasant Point concern over the problems of maintaining of active guide with a letter to Chief Cliff. 1967. inspection program bridge between Bridge of the Nations of the highway bridge Each our current to appointed condition At the request weaknesses up Ohio on December 15 and Gallipolis public was jarred into a state The BRIDGE INSPECTION PROGRAM VICE They greater inspected and Table Total Region Road 1. - Number Forest Service Bridge Number Rated Inspection Status January 1975. Number Number Posted Closed Inspection Cost Total Cost to2 Bridges Inspected 1358 1346 684 120 24 130000 8000000 2 503 503 503 320 21 150000 4300000 3 349 290 276 20 0 70000 500000 4 1082 808 554 202 48 150400 5160000 5 586 549 549 98 5 120000 10000000 6 1653 1381 946 163 41 464000 8500000 8 874 857 785 667 28 78000 34000000 9 426 397 328 214 9 100000 10000000 10 270 175 170 72 4 21000 15024000 7101 6306 4795 1876 178 11 Maintain or Repair 00 Totals 1Region reported 2Construction all cost. bridges. Figures shown are based on an estimate of the number of bridges over Does not include preconstruction or overhead. 1284000 20 feet in length. 95984000 4795 rated for load carrying structures 1876 for designed bridges HS 20 trucks a load required Many of capacity. was Estimated cost of the inspection program contract manpower equipment and man-days State legal of and 178 limit up to minimum condition shows the breakdown includes costs. An for inspection and 1 for rating. 1 structures I than the $1284000. This The average is AE Table less new total closure. required bring or rated were inspected on closed road systems.. A and those that limit those not $96000000 estimated with Forest Service was 2 time per bridge are needed to heavy maintenance or replacement. of these figures by Regions. TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS Heyward T. Taylor Assistant Director EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT AND TEST BOARD MEETING EDT On April 16 1975 the Annual The meeting was opened by Russell followed by presentations on accomplishment the Centers. planning and from both within the on the year-long planning required support this planning effort Tony Timber Management Office Dorrell are involved. In addition Dave team Farnum Burbank Vice-Chairman and of McRorey Chairman in Washington D.C. Board. He was of the relating to on-going programs at both the Missoula and San Dimas Equipment Development presentation Board Meeting was held P. Center and Secretary 5 These committees that its Tixier talked Board of the consisting Washington MEDC their made a program gave of the a brief run-down EDT Office and Program. In Washington Ben Carson ad hoc committees in which they primarily field of into Range Management about the during the planning process to insure that Rising goes cooperators. for the development Stan Fire Management Region effort of field people needs are considered provide when input setting priorities. At the time of the meeting assigned more work. the indications Increased including utilization emphasis personnel safety will were that in FY 76 both Centers be placed on reduction will and rehabilitation of disturbed lands. 19 be of forest residues OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director EQUIPMENT COSTS CAN BE REDUCED Forest Service equipment These rate annually. very high during the past few years have been increasing costs are appearing costs the use rate yet they have not provided we had several years ago. This automotive the Government is especially true in the case trends industry Forest GSA Services Administration over that which better equipment significantly Service a at both the fixed ownership and in where of the light vehicles vehicle trends ordering and Specifications and Standards have gone uncontrolled. The following formulated. is On an example of how procurement 15 April 3000 conference result there is With the 292C Truck specifications of acceptance will maximum But managers vehicle look at The Forest minimum Service is operators we feel Specification Commercial Gasoline GSA 4x4 Engine for the purpose of and requirements. of specifications and standards were previously a manufacturer could While bid additional many will If be Federal Specifications the and for specifications the project managers work planners Service employees must take a critical selecting equipment. to the we cannot increasing to afford equipment options are contributing 20 where point must be conducted costs the changes and Forest or nonstandard and maintenance each item number. vehicles. not complete getting hardship for Service and other agencies from which to standardize when is basic-vehicle needs In times of economic purchasing our job job requirements options. by GVWRs the Forest recommended be good documents fleet their GVWR therefore specifications our recommendations our light vehicles. operation proposed Federal resulted in the formulation of receiving the appropriate-size Standards and GVWR The was minimum and input incorporates assured Industry are Government on several item numbers. truck Our primary GSA the agencies recommendations ones agencies. minimum with designed have previous as Government various size covered and As a that encompass the options available from each manufacturer. no standardization among the large numbers of vehicles purchased by and standards one an Standard No. and proposed Federal industry and Government considering the it and standards specifications attended 10000 lbs Gross Vehicle Weight Rating The Development Conference was coordinated to Powered. This 1975 Conference Specification Development KKK-T-645G we a new evaluation determine what the job to of purchase unnecessary costs are inflationary factors. a direct prices Some vehicles result and of this is our requires. of our increased a result of the Occupational Agency EPA requirements worldwide petroleum factors by reducing Forest owning operating equipment. equipment with manufacturers partially reduce to be more concerned Furthermore equipment fewer Protection as well the as the of these effect requirements. of energy purchase price and the operating smaller Environmental and vehicle our objectives and to meet our responsibilities more economical purchase upon However we can these unnecessary and the enactment shortage OSHA Act the Manual we need Service and Health placed situation. In order for us to achieve the and Safety costs. options our conservation both This lighter from Nations measures the as about the costs rising recent dictate standpoint forth in set petroleum that of of we must the initial can be accomplished by purchasing duty systems and smaller engines. manufac-turers. Finally we can competitive standardize our and more economical Service-wide bidding 21 requirements situation for the and create equipment a more ENGINEERING FIELD NOTES Invitation NOTES. respective technically The 7113. you invite submitted Material reader Every length Office Office for and be should Washington Office will edit Each for Region has an Information both questions and material Bill R-2 Allen Groven R-3 Bill R-4 Fleet Stanton other Engineering should problems Staff grammar only. publication. direct to Unit glossy Kjell Ernest questions Gordon Forest L. Service WO USDA are E. white and all The photos. submit should personnel to All preferred. are Bill Vischer Al Colley format Rita FSM sentences Norbert Smith R-10 concerning or field R-9 Quinn Rome and black Coordinators Bakke R-6 R-8 items short by timely Service-wide be typed double-spaced whom The Jim McCoy R-5 Strohschein Coordinators drawings or Coordinator to for McCabe R-1 and original Office should current is engineers or news articles be reviewed should information to share with Service publication. publication the of interest short material submitted to the Washington illustrations that for FIELD for article like to submitted may vary from several however pages FIELD NOTES to an of you would article see to informative of material several typewritten it the Washington to Regional accurate submit to author a potential is you have a news item or short we engineers the Readers to If editing Wright Washington dates publishing Editorial D.C. Services 20250 703 235-8198. This publication Station one the ask Form distributed from the your Office number back is and Area Headquarters. issues Manager If or the Regional of copies sent to your are also Washington Office directly to all Regional you are not now receiving a copy and would office use available from the Information Form 7100-60 Washington Coordinator for this like to increase purpose. Copies Office and can be ordered of on 7100-60. 22 GPO 891 454