ENGINEERING TECHNICAL FIELD DATA I INF TECHNICAL NOTES RETRIEVAL REPORTS TEXTS CURRENT AWARENESS SYSTEM L 16 Notes Foeld Volume per day and per liter. Washington FppcsTSegyýF I lit ýYEMi0FA6KK. s Number Weight Calculating Aggregate 6 in Reduction Office December Pounds from Chemical Subject Base 12 or 1974 Liquid Flow Contaminant by Grid in in Gallons Milligrams Rolling Engineering News FOREST SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING FIELD NOTES This publication technical is monthly newsletter a or administrative the personal opinions This publication all This publication Headquarters. is If or and engineering engineers you not are now receiving a. However because of Office directly to Copies of back issues are also available for this purpose. all one like Information Coordinator to increase the number of copies Regional represents or approved the type of material in should read each issue. and would copy recommended as references. for engineers. technicians from the Washington distributed FSM and ideas of a information The text in the publication personnel. policy except by not intended to be exclusively is publication the instructions Service author and must not be construed of the respective procedures mandatory Forest exchange engineering to published among nature Regional Station and Area your Office ask sent to your from the Washington Manager office. Office or the Use Form 7100-60 and can be ordered on Form 7100-60. submitted to the Washington Material Office to see that engineers the information edit for all FSM Service-wide several typewritten grammar pages. Each Coordinators monthly - Forest The interpretation Coordinators or use should be Office R-6 Kjell Allen Groven R-8 Ernest R-3 Bill R-9 Ron Pokrandt R4 Fleet R-10 Bill R-5 Jim McCoy Strohschein Stanton WO concerning format is published The Department of this information an official by other than names evaluation product or service to the exclusion USDA for distribution retirees only. will typed double-spaced should submit both questions field personnel Bob Hinshaw its to Office and and are R-2 The use of trade firm or corporation not constitute whom The Washington and white photos. R-1 newsletter and news items are preferred. or glossy black of Engineering Forest Service Service or submitted to the Washington should direct questions Editor Division does articles by the respective Regional accurate informative and of interest to submitted may vary from several sentences of material length short be original drawings for publication. should be reviewed for publication Region has an Information Coordinator to material This 7113. The However only. All material illustrations should Office current timely technically is is of others which Vischer editing publishing D. Washington to employees C. of the dates etc. to Fran Owsley 20250. U. S. Department of Agriculture assumes no responsibility for the of Agriculture its Quinn Al Colley own employees. for the information conclusion Bakke and convenience recommendation may be suitable. endorsement of the reader. Such or approval use of any FIELD NOTES CALCULATING WEIGHT IN POUNDS FROM LIQUID FLOW IN GALLONS PER DAY AND SUBJECT CHEMICAL OR CONTAMINANT IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER By Sweany Bill 8 Region calcu-lated The Environmental and suspended solids be reported generally requires that weight discharge permits. from flow and BOD-5 and suspended A calculator circular shown Figure in As an added 1. chlorine or other chemical per liter The of mg/ can it Problem is based sewage treatment Figure 1 on a circular Set in BOD-5 of pounds of 45 mg/ Find 40 on the inner pounds outer circle may be used pounds to calculate GPD is of and milligrams The examples below scale. logarithmic and the lab report plant method a. these calculations fast and simple an idea will give be used. Determine the weight Calculator Pollutant must be This information from gallons per day computed additives make will calculator this National 1. calculator how benefit BOD-5 of pounds concentrations. solids 8 that devised in Region in once each month to comply with at least NPDES System Elimination Discharge Agency Protection of for 1 are flowing that in of 45 mg/ window under the thousands circle Answer BOD-5. GPD day shows an effluent BOD-5 when 40000 of GPD the mg/ 1 arrow from 1 a of BOD-5. as in and read the answer on the 15.0 lb of BOD-5. sus-pended Problem For a suspended weight in pounds shown in Figure solids Problem 1 b. of 2 mg/1 reading solids. Calculator Find 0.5 thousands value on the outer circle. Calculate 10000 GPD solids of suspended the gas chlorinator flow. Calculator method the answer on the outer circle opposite The components are available GPD of Answer Set a 2.0 mg/l 0.0084 Set 15 mg/1 in the window lb. in the window 10 on the inner circle. a 15 mg/ as in Answer l dose Figure 1.25 1 for a rate c. Read lb. calculators are shown in Figures 2 and 3. They with clear plastic. from Region 1 as on the inner circle and read the necessary to achieve setting The components necessary to make these made of cardboard and may be laminated durability. and a flow of 500 GPD. determine the method prior to assembly 8 Engineering if for greater you need them. are Calculator Circular - 1. 2 cý Figure L 01 4t g@ýooOýQd b 00084.QB Ans. 1. OOso jýýý 2 7 C ýý a t r OOJO 20 1 I a o ao. pij od - 40OOP 5009pd0.00649-ý 10000gpd125fk ýý aeCO o @ 45m9/1 @ j 2mg/R 15mg/1@ 0 EXAMPLES 15.0 Ans. r ýý1 viool A v ý so n O ýý ý1VE ý ýýý 4o o 7 k/17114N 1 00 Qý00 0600 OSw 0400 11111/11/ IIIIý CT O GIVE A jm HOOT s EXAMPLES 15 mg/4 2mg/L 45mg/1 Figure 2. @ 10000 g pd @ 1 a5 ti 500gpd0.00849ft @a 40000gpd15.0 Inner Circle 3 Component Component 4 Circle Outer - 3. Figure ýIýI t t ý1llkiiIj 60 50 40 30 \oo 09 0500 pg00 .040 .030 AGGREGATE BASE REDUCTION BY GRID ROLLING By Materials Engineer Grid rolling for a Shasta-Trinity manner means to obtain as a number National A on the wide variety of materials has been processed method This to chert. Forest of aggregate material has been employed reduction of years. from cinders ranging Pat Riley Shasta-Trinity minor exceptions with in this has proven to lithol-ogies and economical means of providing be a satisfactory the principles applying of process of analysis based mechanics soil on rock do not produce material and The may produce schist riding moisture subgrade In quantifying rock must be exercised In the product. is The typical we important to the control we must end product. spacing in grid about These in available Crushing rolling grid processing poor achievable when rolling. grid of input is by why will 25000 between a this method. and 30000 The 1-inch bar diameter. by dozers in The Grid to crushing. equipment companies usually towed is from input through output. small compared weighs This and processing of control obtained product end acceptable about the selection of control offers operations dozers such as the D-9 are also used in and moist conditions. confident combinations construction are This results traffic of aggregate depth and breakdown. 3 inches by 3 inches with rollers ultrabasic rocks granite properties. during be particularly for the greater degree is a that there are three areas over which control recognize are manufactured by such and Hyster. high plastic identifying what in proportional GMP Specifically or low stability empirically derived have found that certain 1 source 2 method of process and 3 equipment used The rollers Euclid vital is with fines We properties. grid rolling. cost for the benefit of the acceptable pounds. grid content processing produce an acceptable is for quality case of grid rolling past experience rolling many of the limited control source because cost however too poor weathering quality and By to the roadbed. stability we have to past experiences behavior suitable structural as Ateco the D-7 class. Caterpillar However proper-ties process-ing larger In the determination of grid rolling degradation. in In order to achieve identifiable operations. characteristics the narrow band of acceptable base material are low moisture the following rolling properties there are several which must be judged to qualify within sought in grid of rock material. susceptibility high stability behavior The and low mechanical these properties of quality base material by grid roll rock parameters have behavior 5 been empirically determined to indicate - igneous sedimentary metamorphic of lithology and type of Mineralogy - Rock - Existence - Hardness - Estimated compressive in-place - Fracturing properties Behavior - Lab fines in - Representative laboratory gradation minus. gradation field attempting are determined. The material tests are actual 2 2 sand is may again. traffic after rolling previously used if 1 breakdown equivalent - fines percent value at ambient problem from the aggregate source and analyzed field crushing between difference Sand conditions. to T-180 specifications The compaction during 1R control infiltration require laboratory then compacted performed performance to be expected depth and crushing to duplicate actual This ability gradation and verification analysis - and weathering of the material are obtained samples tests crushing stability sieve content - - maximum size road after Subgrade properties water in - - gradation as to prediction test T-180 and and weathering in field Weathered - maximum size ease of crushing strength - of and properties durability Properties exhibited - Type - of weather stain - durability and weathering - gradation or foliation cleavage - origin li Type if and equivalency material exceeds 3-inch and sand equivalency the two tests is indicative and of performance. hard-ness The items are considered following Examine after T-180 consider greater than If after T-180. No comparing the passing 3/4 durability and mineralogy results 4 and in decision 200 of the above tests sieves. If to accept an increase occurs or reject. MOH 5. sand If the percent after the equivalency sacrifice in 10 percent and percent the material should be durability will be acceptable. Other factors to be considered are Purpose and maintenance Availability examine mineralogy decreases increase exceeds level and type of rock Haul distances from crusher in of road area sites or commercial sources 6 passing rejected. 200 Type of surfacing i.e. dust oil penetration or road mix Quantity of rock to be used In summary geologies of some the grid produce rolling properties of a rock grid rolling engineering produces the greatest exercised in material management amount of grid or determining types nor is needs. are predictable. the grid rolled We rollable type end product 7 of types desirable Quality engineering can be effectively method. all in terms have found that the metasedimentary geology material. of material that Not processed judgment can be by the grid roll WASHINGTON OFFICE ENGINEERING NEWS TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS Heyward T. Taylor Assistant Director ON LOW-COST ROADS OBSERVATIONS Professor Hudson W.R. Service-sponsored Professor He was and in invited invited the principal investigator for a Forest is the Conference on Asphalt to attend to visit the National had the opportunity addition of Texas of surfacing system design and management.. In August study Hudson was also of the University SOUTHERN AFRICA IN Rhodesia and the U.N. Protectorate Road Research of Institute to meet Paving South Africa Pretoria in 1974 for South Africa. from the Republic of with highway engineers of Southwest Africa. Accord-ingly It was recognized Hudson if Professor observe that would be of mutual benefit to the Forest it he made an assessment Hudson was asked low-volume roads during his report recording Professor Hudson of copies of the Coordinators extracted in and Professor Africa. southern to seek out sources of low-volume road information He was stay in South Africa. his on low-volume road technology observations delivered his report to the Washington further distribution within asked also in the Region. southern following a Africa. A Office in October. The and to to prepare and sent to the Regional report are being reproduced 15-page for Service of low-volume road technology limited number Information highlights have been from the report and are presented here for your information The road systems in the African approximating the Forest On dry the roads in the Africa the average daily wildlife traffic ADT is Road 18000-pound - A pitrun base of 6 to 8 inches axle loads. to of Southwest typically 100 to 500 units mostly but including 60 to 70 produce and with closest system. climate of the Protectorate desert-like consisting of light vehicles - and parks come reserves Service transportation surfacing is as cattle trucks follows well-trained tests Strength are used is placed on a prepared subgrade. high quality however judgment of deemed very important in assessing quality. to assure pro-truding engineers - The base is rolled is also to 95 percent through waterbound of fines 8 AASHTO is deemed T-180. A essential. stone mosaic - The - base .2 to MC of application a light of gallon per square yard or emulsion. 200 by distributor and blotted by sand locally applied penetration asphalt and without available fines. clay-like - .1 drying After is primed with is Expected life In Rhodesia of these surfaces sand-seal treatments seal single-surface slurry up to 10 is years. used are with to 3/4-inch 1/2- gal-Ion stone. low-volume roads In Transvaal surfacing is used when vehicle asphalt surfaces that per square stone and a 1/2-inch as In Krueger National Paving - Average cost - The Sand - Gravel seals There still traffic is about $25000 is with on some chip roads 3/8- to and sand applied seal. is the range in of per mile. test 1/2 used is in no systematic is Contrary to inch much investigation or technology. African authorities with It is per year. design. for maintenance. procedure paving existing the park. in much closer of low-volume interesting is done on some roads improved Before paving near the road. rainfall to the road. the visitors wildlife After would paving more animals and This situation permitted for the park visitors. situations to note low-volume roads by Blading a year. dusty dust had settled had been cleaned foliage game grazed better viewing methods inch thickness to view wild animals the dusty 1 roads about once or twice graze in the areas where better and pavement expectations opportunity year. 7 years. between aggregate after sound .2 with treatment covered asphalt Asphalt three low-cost of emulsified asphalt mixture Park recreation surfaced Hudsons seal The seal single-surface over an older but last 5 to loss - The CBR Professor sand 200 penetration program costs about $1 million per not 100 ADT. count exceeds are and asphalt surfaced. surfaced. done by the parks own crews. is - - gravel 1200 ADT. to - - slurry a secondary coverage 1000 used are of 150 to yard are roads in South Africa that parallels much our own. any of our managers have had to contend with elephants 9 as uncovered of the experience However it is no new of South doubtful users of the road system that and One very useful reference National Rural Roads. Constructed Regional CHIEF by Professor acquired Road Research for Institute Information This Hudson publication is Treatments for Newly Surface being reproduced and will be sent to the for further distribution within Coordinators the Regions. SAN DIMAS EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT CENTER VISITS On October 11 1974 Chief John McGuire Deputy Chief for Research PSW Director Bob Harris and Region 5 Regional Forester Doug Leisy party their by the South Africa a publication is entitled Bituminous the San Dimas visited Equipment Development M.B. Dickerman along with Center. After briefing on of others being greeted by process-ing Center and Boone Richardson some research work being Director also of the Center highlighted of dirty waste or charred vision The CHANGE PERSONNEL Farnum Burbank Staff Engineer Richardson during party returned first was and the other and equipped with forward in in an in lab a chain pump test activities in flail cleaner and a progress a tour for solid to be given rides in helicopters where night County helicopter Army helicopter FLIR. on loan Office on October arrived in the Washington who moved the Centers session they were given this to the Forest Service WASHINGTON OFFICE IN THE for Equipment fire the evening Los Angeles in a infrared looking the slash chipping a prior to The flying. goggles were used Following conducted. by demonstrations residue disposal system. equipped for night were given a short they Development. to the San Dimas This is 15 to assume the duties of the position vacated Equipment Development by Boone Center as Director the summer. EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT RECORDS Project Records are documents benefit of the sponsors much more and Equip progress detailed information Tips. results They directed. during than are intended of investigations limited to the Washington Records prepared are available by the Equipment of the equipment development for to cover and similar projects. They center publications project milepost answering is questions given 10 EDT Distribution of these reports a for the list as Reports of a project is However and providing information below as events a phase project activities. an idea of the scope Centers generally provide such Office sponsors and project cooperators. In order to provide the last six months the other Development most often Project requested or of those written EDT No. Title 2423 Fuel Treatment Systems for 1904 Weathermeasure Partially Cut Stands August 1974 Model WS 750 - Automatic Corporation Weather Station August 1974 2004 Linear 2129 Fire Detection System Fireline Explosive Systems for Seed July 1974 or Small High Orchards Areas Value May 1971 1710 Helicopter Mounted Grenade Dispenser and Incendiary Grenades August 1974 1983 Road Traffic Recommended August Counters Study June 1974 Firefighters Physiological 2240 Site 2340 Investigation 2354 Spray Aircraft 2431 An If - Small Seed - I - Investigation System Survey to A Analysis Forest Investigation of Fish Passage Problems through 2432 Investigation of Equipment Needs are interested in one of the topics Development 1974 Concept May 1974 Service Posters 1974 2427 you May Lot Processing Equipment August 1974 Tracking/Guidance Investigation July - Phase Machine Preparation 1974 in U.S. Culverts and Test Office Engineering Staff Unit Washington 1974 September Nurseries please address your request May 1974 to the Equipment Office. AND STANDARDS CONSULTATION Charles R. Weller Assistant Director SER VICE WIDE TRANSPORTATION This meeting was held October meeting was to provide of new transportation what is a ANALYSIS MEETING 7-11 1974 in Concord forum where Regional analysis techniques necessary to ensure application and could The purpose of the learn about the application advise Washington on the ground. 11 California. managers could Office managers of addi-tion All one were represented Regions except discussion articles In or their assistants. Engineers Land Use Planners Planners and Forester delegates participated. Regional This Planners Recreation Transportation Regional by Regional focus will highlight some will of the meeting. of the results and explorations on the separate experiences of a booklet papers will be sent to the field in the form areas of discussion It Later FIELD NOTES In addition presented. Some of of the proceedings. the are indicated below. differences between Model Service Timber Allocation that the Forest was recognized on design alternatives be used can road at a very low cost a single as describ-ing aware-ness for analyzing well as for analyzing The a networks large in a more expensive Service has just received the Forest for implementing the transportation process Analysis Group Transportation program a management which coordinates in final analysis from the consultant report support the other three. user training an four activities program and program The participants recommended a by the developed techniques process includes This Berkeley. activity. a monitor that immediate activity emphasis hand-outs be placed on the awareness program. manual Copies of a rough draft System TIS were handed advance review Regions March in so that November and when Regional discussed. It was suggested the manuscript can critique on the new Transportation that Regions give for the manual be expedited. A Information is target formally the sent to the date for conversion is 1975. Participants very out section small information complex informational were surprised that the information need even package. less system was designed than the present Road Inventory Either approach is to be at the option Record of field to handle as a well as a units. OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The following Directors AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES vacancy announcement and Forest Supervisors Interested persons should contact was transmitted by J.W. their to Regional Deinemas 6140 supervisors. 12 letter Foresters of October Directors 18 1974. Area REPLY DUE JANUARY 20 1975 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT engi-neers quali-fied Career development and professional specialization challenging and to specialty programs. foresters who meet the requirements careful consideration give The development programs the remainder of the The participants The in their consist of 9 who all two are programs and the undergraduate work as Chart and Each candidate in a you ask that Each should Office or Forest Regional in each average schools. examination if management and Service resource candidate B consider least a to most graduate record 5. 6. carefully At interests. must be strong of Forest with Berkeley Oregon with Corvallis in in and assigned to Region of passing a graduate systems. a staff specialist be located required for admission is mathematics and have a working knowledge objectives and land use planning we and professional must be capable school. will and assigned to Region for these positions candidates required by the graduate Suggested in Service graduate-level training Berkeley in be located will Oregon State University qualifications motivation work months formal of California Logging Systems Program attending previous to Forest urge Service-wide System Analysis Program the University In addition candidates desire We available are all 2 years in a planned on-the-job development program at the same attending considering applicants open to below. listed to these continuing will Transportation Advanced participants When is for career enhancement. opportunity location. opportunities This announcement also management have a Supervisors strong Office. of Qualifications or Forester - B.S. or M.S. A. Engineer B. Grade point average C. Minimum D. Willingness E. Presently GS-9 or GS-11 F. Up-to-date - minimum of 2 years with Forest degree B in undergraduate 6100-10 work Service in related permanent to relocate for up to a 2-year period GS-12 will PRI - AAA studies transfer of station be considered for promotion to next higher grade ABA will be considered G. A strong background communicative The Washington Region in mathematics through calculus analytical mechanics arts Office through 6 for Advanced Region 5 for Logging Systems will 13 Transportation provide funding System Planning to cover the cost or of and transfer of station salary tuition will be furnished by the receiving will provide Regional after personnel identify target each candidate. staff positions to which the nominees the program. completing satisfactorily a promotion to cover ceilings Offices should Return transfer of station costs books and supplies. Regions Region when the training period is completed. must be prepared certificate promotions If listing all are anticipated at will applicants for the Regional return that time program in-cluded and documenting the basis submit applications Candidates should attention Engineering with for selection. Staff Unit B. Current C. Statement of D. Four copies of candidates E. Justification PRI 6100-10 interest 1975. Forester to the Chief The should following be who reflecting undergraduate including in this specialized field grade Regional transcripts placement plans for candidate endorsed Forester pass a preliminary orientation per diem expenses qualifications from the candidate statement by the Regional Management 20 SF-171 Updated for a 2-day through the Regional January the applications A. Candidates by will screening process on the program be covered its goals and by the Washington may be its sent to the project future implications. Office Engineering location Travel and Timber Staff Units. 14 GPO 882.620 and