3 AUG 1972 YTT ENGINEERING TECHNICAL FI REPORTS jOS_.J1ECPffitPIL INFORMATION SYSTEM DATA RET RENT I TEXTS AWARENESS Notes Field Numbers 5 6 May-June 1972 Proceedings Divisions Engineering Meeting Washington I September 27 L ýpEST Sfm..U$ - October 11971 - FOREST SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING FIELD NOTES This publication The is a monthly among Forest ideas is publication in the material newsletter Service not intended be exclusive to all publication published to exchange and Engineering information personnel. engineers However for engineers. technicians and engineering because of the type of read each monthly should issue. The publication Center provide to would the It all like number issues Office directly Offices all to Adequate Forest Regional are printed copies If you are not now receiving a personal copy. a personal copy and Coordinator to increase ask your Office Manager or the Regional Information Use form 7100-60 for this purpose. copies sent to your office. Copies of back of that the from the Washington material Office and can be ordered on form 7100-60. Field Notes be primarily written and used by Forest material from other publications may be used. the in however Engineers Field from the Washington and Research Laboratory who wish one intended is distributed Area also available are Service is Station and cannot contain mandatory instructions always be informative from several an article sentences to several policy. length may vary typewritten Material need not be written or is or edited before typed neatly acceptable printed pages. Field Note material should The or being submitted camera Each copy Region to of to has Office. The Washington Office will edit and prepare format and allowable space. the Washington accommodate our an Information Coordinator and material for publication. questions The whom field personnel Coordinators are R-1 R-2 R-4 R-5 Information contained in R-6 Kjell Bakke Dan Roper R-8 R-9 Ernest Quinn Fleet R-10 Gerald Coghian Alfred R-3 interpretation or use of WO Paletti Clifford Hill Stan Bean has been developed for the guidance Forest Service its contractors and report Department of Agriculture The Federal and State agencies. U.S. the Buerger Stanton Chuck this submit both should to this - Department information of assumes Agriculture by other than its the of its employees of the cooperating no responsibility for own employees. names is for the information and convenience of trade firm or corporation Such use does not constitute an official evaluation conclusion recommendation endorsement or approval of any product or service to the exclusion of others which may The the be use of reader. suitable. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE WO REPLYTO SUBJECT 1360 Meetings 7100 WO RO and - Area Directors wish of Forest in a trust will facing of Enclosure Proceedings of the in Washington and D.C. Washington and to identify receive our these between problem Office Regional during the week of in Engineering and areas among top management and Regional the action related Divisions of Washington plans that and should organization. Proceedings organization. Where Engineering information share of the Washington representatives communication improve HOWLETT Director of the Meeting Participants which was held Meeting and and appreciated. M. R. the and more responsive engineering you problems you Foresters Directors Regional of this meeting were to Service Offices Regional result Uý$ 1971. primary purposes the Engineering I with Meeting 1971 Supervisors Engineering 27 September in Forest share to Divisions The 1 October Chief Division Directors Deputy I of Engineering Divisions 27 September ro. May 15 1972 in action order is to gain suggested a better insight your support is to key requested UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE WO REPLY TO. SUBJECT 1360 Meetings May 22 1972 _7100 WO RO and TO. and quality decisions while objectives at minimum produce however I that this suggest JOHN Chief confident R. us which see carry out that that We Forest quality programs that have establishment redeem to key assignments To do Service of priority our total relating public increased to this our engineers with full support works resources financial meet public needs the the require engineered all and personnel will will of balance. time established Service. are and once the at and demands. This will out carried is with same no easy task itself again distinguish a time by challenge. we by the following reported interested Engineerings a must officers end products am of Forest the sense same the of meeting deeply ahead expenditure I meeting The line to and pollution abatement. timber production their lie maintaining and responsibilities from UýS ýJ Recipients are essential projects hard Meeting 1971 demands on our limited resources have increasing Some 1 and Proceedings Participants Ever of Engineering Divisions 27 -October September in the issues devote efforts McGUIRE the to covered necessary resolve proceedings and look time the identified to was well timed forward review issues. and essential. to their satisfactory these proceedings I am resolution. and support F E I D L N 0 E T S FOREWORD From modest its become engineering for the engineering and better This been more In years the previous WASHO Officials engineering. no longer thin exceedingly abatement involving quality the adequate. whereby At the Regions and the of time The a .meetin agenda. leading panels mission been a identified agenda was drawn in up create Service. and problems were In an effort areas of mutual these concerns a way concern. A concerns were or action plans held as planned. were statements and to and problems into that selected The meeting was problem Concise identified. growing a called. for definitions of the problems and recommendations towards solutions of these problems. others and proper rightful to the Forest certain such pollution many and land managers for more meeting was Office structured for have been improve communications to a Service-wide Office in and Service vehicle or construction combined have Forest forum facilities Service engineers and problems to the Washington detailers assigned to Washington as road Highway State time and budgets there has conditions for problem solutions avenues explore talent this campground same part of the public Forest understand these concerns that programs such and uneasiness about the engineering better of Office and Regional Washington apparent buildings These changes. Association Western apparent. and sideways upwards downwards Engineering by on-going facilities. become has these need for the specialized engineers Service Forests. As and discuss problems regarding increasingly facilities. engineered concern group as Forest of the Services support National of rapid technological a forum concerns permits use special engineered demand on The is among meeting of the become has It communication stretched annual been used has the and more of information exchange of diversified than in these days communicate could engineers to vital in Service has Forest 1970s the In activities and development communication Service-wide the and complex. the in engineering diversified become more have communication has never of widely administration activities 1900s early sophisticated a multitude covers objectives more more significantly the in beginning Concerns and action prepared plans recommended. It is intended that recommendations Engineering analysis making Beyond these proceedings expressed meeting. It is and synthesis of the specific all developing this commitments it is at also this Office Washington intended findings that of the various hoped that these proceedings mission of the Forest v Regional panels Office record and problems give and Divisions of the post-meeting the rationale for the panels recommendations. will serve so vitally Service. - the concerns these proceedings and decisions regarding and improving communications the engineering and document record needed as a bridge in effectively and a vehicle for accomplishing TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Transmittal of Proceedings Memorandum from i Chief iii Foreword Table List v of Contents vii of Attendees ix xi Agenda Summary The of Remarks Managerial Summary Impacts by C.A. Shields 1-4 Environment of Remarks of Recent by L.M. Whitfield 5-10 Legislation 11-12 Discussion Summary of Remarks by J.R. McGuire Message from the Chief 13-14 15-22 Discussion Summary of Remarks Multiple-Use by C.W. Rupp 23-31 Planning 32-35 Discussion Summary of Remarks by M.R. Howlett Direction for Engineering Summary of Remarks Discussion Forest Service 37-42 by R.P. McRorey Public Works Construction General in Monday and Management September 43-46 47-57 27 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued Page Summary of Remarks V.M. DeKalb M.J. Multidiscipline by C.W. Rupp T.B. Glazebrook Hassell Planning Teams 59-89 . 90-94 Discussion Panel. Reports - Panel 1 FRT Panel 2 Pollution Panel 3 Engineering Panel 4 Geometronics Panel 5 Inspector Panel 6 Equipment Panel 7 Special Panel 8 Transportation Panel 9 Materials Engineering Panel 10 Training and Panel 11 Construction General Discussion 95-96 Programming .. Abatement 97-98 99-100 Quality Technological 101-102 Improvements Certification Development 103 and Equipment Management 105-106 107-108 Use Impacts .. 113-114 Manpower Development 115-116 Impact of Pollution Abatement 117-118 Thursday September Panel Reports -A Panel Reports - Priorities Decisions Review 109-111 System Operation 30 119 and Discussion 120-137 and Follow-up Action viii . 138-139 LIST A. Chiefs Office H.R. Bryant R. Carder C.C. Chandler Watershed Management Legislative Affairs Administrative Management J.W. Deinema Associate T.B. Glazebrook Watershed Management M.J. Hassell S.P. Hughes G.M. Leonard R.P. McRorey J.R. McGuire C.W. Rupp C.A. Shields L.M. Whitfield B. OF ATTENDEES Division M.R. of Engineering Howlett Chief Deputy Affairs Legislative Watershed Management Timber Management Associate Deputy Associate Chief National Forest Associate System Chief Deputy Affairs Legislative - Washington Chief Office Director Division of Engineering R.P. Allison Geometronics Cartographer O.D. Bockes Systems Development Geometronics O.A. Broadway Equipment Management L.D. Bruesch Chief Highway H.L. Cappleman Water Resource A.L. Colley Management H. Coorsh J.H. Daly J.F. C.F. D.L. F.J. Dixon Dwyer Hahn Hammond Electrical Engineer Engineer Engineer Recruitment Engineer Technical Aerial Tramways Solid Waste Management Management Engineer Engineer Systems Development D.L. Materials Engineer Engineer - Computers R.O. Mahan Geometronics Engineer L.E. Matson Equipment Management Engineer E.C. Neumann Highway T.R. Nielsen Chief Highway A. Pelzner Development Geometronics Cartographer J.D. Hogan Jones Engineer Structures Engineer Safety Engineer Design Chief Materials Engineer B.Y. Richardson Equipment Development R.W. Rhodes Landscape Architect ix - Engineer Roadside Controls LIST P.W. Simmons J.M. Sirmon D.L. Sirois H.L. Strickland Continued Geometronics Engineer - Operations Engineer Mechanical Engineer Assistant Director of Engineering J.R. Swinnerton Chief Geometronics Engineer H.T. Taylor Assistant Director D.B. Trask Chief Transportation S.J. Wilcox Chief Construction Weller Assistant Director C.R. C. - OF ATTENDEES of Engineering Division Region - C.A. 1 Miller Regional F.M. Burbank R. - Regional of Engineering Analysis Engineer and Maintenance Engineer of Engineering Office Engineer Equipment Development Center Landman B. Meinders G.W. Region L.A. Region Roberts 2 - R.W. Hepfl Wilke Regional Engineer Jr. 3 C.E. Carnahan D. Logan D.F. Roper D. Jordon Region R. 4 - J.M. Usher Regional Engineer Larse D. Loff Region C. 5 - D.C. Turner Howard J.D. Regional Engineer Equipment Development Center Kennedy W.E. Furen W.R. L.J. Kinworthy Stern V.M. DeKalb Region 6 - W.W. Transportation Gano Regional Engineer R.R. Chamard B.B. Plath T.E. Utterback x System Planning Project LIST Region J.W. 8 - J.A. Adams OF ATTENDEES Regional Lamb - Continued Engineer F. Ferrarelli Region 9 - F.E. Curfman G.R. Scherrer N.G. Sears Region 10 C.C. Ketcham Regional Engineer AGENDA Regional and Washington - October SPEAKER TOPIC Monday 27 9/27 - Conference Room South Chet Shields Impacts of Recent Larry Whitfield Message from the Chief Use Planning Multiple Direction in 1971 and/or Building Associate McGuire Craig Rupp NFS Room Deputy Director John LEADER DISCUSSION 3840-46 Chief of Legislative Affairs Chief for Engineering Forest Public 1 Agriculture Management Environment Legislation Meeting D.C. Washington September of Engineering Divisions Service Myles R. Howlett Director of Engineering Works Construction Management General Russel P. Discussion xi McRorey Associate Deputy Chief AGENDA - Continued SPEAKER TOPIC Tuesday 9/28 - Conference Multidiscipline Planning Room. South Teams Craig Tom Vic M.J. Multidiscipline Planning and/or Agriculture LEADER DISCUSSION Building Room 3840-46 Rupp NFS Glazebrook DeKaib Hassell Director Watershed Project Leader Programs Management TSPP Legislation Teams continued Panel Sessions see panel schedule meeting session for assignments and room Wednesday 9/29 Panel Sessions Thursday 9/30 Panel Sessions Panel Reports Room 813 Frida Panel Plaza C. Rosslyn Harold Strickland Assistant Director of Engineering Harold Strickland Assistant Director of Engineering 10/1 Reports -A and Discussion Review xii SCHEDULE 130-430 9/28 Tuesday R T Programing FOR PANEL SESSIONS Geometronics - Technological R. Larse Chairman R-4 J. F. Ferrarelli R-8 R. Swinnerton R. Chamard R-6 O. Bockes F. Hammond WO Rm C. Hogan Chairman Abatement WO WO Adm. Chandler Rm 702-703 Rosslyn Pollution 830-1230 9/29 Wednesday 813 Plaza C WO WO Rosslyn and Inspector Contracting Improvements Certification Program J. Kennedy Chairman R-5 Chairman R-1 G. Roberts J. Lamb R-8 D. J. Meade Admin. Services Rep. R-2 H. Smallwood D. Hahn Rm WO WO D. Jones Rm 704 Rosslyn Quality Roper R-3 of Results in Engineering WO WO 702-703 Rosslyn Equipment Development and Equipment Management T. Utterback Chairman R-6 R-9 G. Scherrer D. Jordon R-3 Rm WO 100-430 9/29 Wednesday B. Use Impacts Winders Chairman R-1 WO WO Cappleman S. Hughes WM WO C. Dwyer WO Recreation Rep. H. Rm 813 Plaza F. Burbank WO 3840 So. Building Special Howard Chairman O. Timber Management Rep. T. Nielsen C. C Rosslyn EDC San Dimas EDC Missoula Broadway WO Rm 704 Rosslyn 9/30 Thursday 830-1200 Training Manpower Development D. Loff Chairman R-4 E. Kinworthy R-5 N. Sears R-9 R. Landman R-1 J. Sirmon WO Rm 702 Xiii 703 704 Rosslyn SCHEDULE Transportation FOR PANEL System Operation SESSIONS - Continued Impact of Pollution Construction Abatement D. Trask Chairman F. Ferrarelli R-8 E. Neumann S. Wilcox Rm WO WO WO 702-703 Rosslyn B. Plath Chairman R-6 A. Colley Recreation Rm W. Furen Chairman R-5 Stern R-5 WO WO A. Pelzner D. Jones Rm Rep. 813 Plaza Materials Engineering L. WO Admin. Services Rep. 704 Rosslyn xiv WO WO C Rosslyn THE MANAGERIAL ENVIRONMENT this appreciate I about the facing use in longer roads - Administration Regional Deputy Associate Shields Office Chief for Washington 27 1971 pollution not will up alternatives land unacceptable Neither such well clean will setting or capitalism as The System we because are here and in other countries. and Office of Divisions to plan may be cetera or practices. or about or find suitable big polluters all no are adequate alone unaccepted scapegoats technology A. C. et but alarm management up systems problems we the solve alarm environment current concerns so or have tomorrows problems. clear-cutting to to growing the 10 years only and surely not solutions to justified of the of our managerial adequate today The of some light Many us. some face the in today we climate management to you to talk opportunity mans Western Engineering on a concentrate to ability concen-trate Meeting September Washington and problem D.C. But progress. has produced officials government The the scientists who contributes result painful process broad context house will will have been the successful way we in using which focuses collide with the principle of unity. aims by their attention own count the who total can their to and focus their jurisdiction. of society. We are in costs of our inventions consider problems early warning of unintended give has material a in harmful side advances. management us. We cannot shaped escape our to influence to need integrators be able to is of ability outside and fragmentation growing disunity the big problems facing that continue We and who we ignore solved is way this precisely what it the in about problems outside care enough of expanding our horizons of technological One of do not to the and systems. Increasingly effects and managers who persist much contributed until on see an individual We in the Forest earlier ourselves have is that we are in the development and experiences they and the way we deal with one another. organization or Service groups based of on functional activities but it specialization is beginning been allowing functions to pursue their to own lights. 1 y One result the predict impacts will Your we - and our optimize since specifying we a group goals the span to trying professionalism and not or it statement. are in Im organization. and actions concerns - of a professional a noble is of the rest range you sure to difficult it see this of our functions and management provide systems efforts. to admit like definition service the share some of our you no doubt Whether on since your responsibilities happening which of one of what paint the correct picture to struggling our organization. Worse yet we find and operate finance to required is today we find ourselves that is the It invites pursuit to you and criteria behooves it determine to on is trial. a spirit of public in art count the costs of your proposed actions of many professions objectives use of technology its of a learned the us work to good for the greatest in together greatest number. experimenta-tion Managements in job and systems which with several end that a own the Forest Service enhance will this organizational engineering you organizations put to land have of job combinations the kinds together A example current to improve concepts fragmented approach less to is teamwork. is and planning coordination management the latitude will Even result. break out to our the to within your of inter-professional functionalism. The solution many of to our toward quality management must to ensure that arrangements The McKinsey the better was since specialists decision-making then first and have at but not less of the use and organizational necessary some the job to that recognition organizational Ahead still your Regional path communications have a long were a level to go. Service must in make have added thousands of changes way move which was made the Forest gone a long way toward integrating we Our specialist. and certainly our management the best use of our specialists. substantial We made process you made changes our of specialists. use the we make report Gearing the Organization 1950s late more is more specialization for make and fact this accept problems calls The their recent to encourage into the talents organizational a higher degree of expertise and technical leadership. An change organizational shapes us needed. In and grow the people selecting or is not enough recruit meantime work - but if much We development plateau current stop the of technical - maybe to talent on - provide and we change takes time to will the level of skill the house that and leadership no doubt make some mistakes in we keep them in focus tomorrows better manned. leadership. a kind goes It itself. our objectives are good and organization will be cant the in process We of our must of senior engineers specialists provide them update program careers. 2 when with at they reach opportunities various intervals the to first keep in their We must improve our system of we that encourage controlled mans by the evaluate adequately our best men. We supervisor. and talent of identification and advance not these we lines are currently more our if be left to chance so or totally feedback effective who on the promote to be meaningful. Along cant This must have must be improved system for accountability and selection for promotion talent knows who system. Our manpower development programs the investigating to systems are of technical information kinds recommenda-tions needed systems awareness for all A program. on the kind One our professionals. task force was about a one-year and could study Chief to develop by the appointed of technical information a system would be a current aspect of such system the Forest constitute a major step Service needs. This will be forward improving the in quality of decisions. Another When we realities. cetera to challenge say The talents This The who earlier doing the cant much much new job keep many asking within we flak do advice criticism have attitude of despair out of legal What these now are the hallmark local points of our Rangers for a subsidiary of a Boise-Cascade and by the best executive is now represented but by legal talent full-time top with the deal directly government. of the There We on the part of management. or Supervisors Rangers et the ranks so that has been one of our strong This is the this. shoes tennis to involve desire. latitude sawmill in involvement through of our or more do concerns. chambers requirements ways to operate see know even voluntary decision-making We and imagination and managed Districts old lady the highest in administrative involvement. public order within cant a kind of closeness to the people was little dont policymakers Our and mutual on many Ranger America. this all time maintain order to The once home-owned years. operating in on general ages. to monitor and develop take creativity with the phrase sounds a lot simpler than been proud of our working relationships with our constituents and have always many will is the same at expertise of the highest communities the management and of dealing the question is the people to self-flagellation This frustration. over for against fact it must develop We to listen to challenge weigh we dont succumb and management we want public such others hasnt as afoot Our adequate. environmental moves strong been to current statements include the arent public in processes. we done have new arrangements. for independent frustration than to deserve any It action this We isnt going taken must instead to be easy away. Engineers other profession in the Service as we explore or painless to will as suffer adjust to these influences. Maybe you preached can also be our strongest that our actions have leaders pronounced in adjusting to impacts 3 this change. You have always and influence on an economy bigger immediate our than- the understanding employees them use statements we yet as not is your of a from input We intended. have all We to learn concerning a lot of our is only every to be and administration. policy a process to allow public involvement. are not skills to applied few but select analytical concerning be also the final outcome into influencing a responsibility to matters also can insight processes must allow meaningful management Service Environmental to. matters but technical move they as Service and the Service needs responsibility appliedto Forest Forest same This operation. stand publics the Managing actions. of areas of us. havent learned and timely effective public involvement. USDA Our the ects projects or organizations Iowa have we because wildlife facilitate this us shapes on the contrary we engineers advise can could originator are architects biologists landscape which interest have not broader and see the The see. look-see our on other agencies statements countrys way of broadening the context by which the We are not asked to review a road job in Podunk weighed. this is of these projects impacts environmental responsibility in reviewing actions our works a We about much in other broader effects the Forest fields the of project Service is to of the house that get out and both environmentally context we because it skills in certain side in words review to have of management challenge in cetera. decision-maker final at et asked are economically. More be will to develop it In this closing Managerial systems products process ways procedure criticism of resulting come arrange ourselves out to the Forest We suggestions but I urge tool and not coordinating to get a is much like a job you curse are for Service in hard working are still in the evolutionary overall progress and the solution every to area. improve. to all We all our ills seek nor can a better Lets turn the energy point to product we use in improvements. your work groups improve our management Mans ourselves. knows ourselves revolution. social of himself. The same can be We done. our values and concerns. our social reflection concerned with investigation your meeting is recommendations for in improvement. I know of your meeting a few may be more advanced than others our of managing or design. than are but determined by forces bigger than improved to way we in in this environment managerial arts his systems et cetera one person Most the are on a whole no better and although are pace No his for the said later tape. would-say I statements and help to properly use philosophy name of red the in about environmental said and systems. I of problem some welcome any recommendations The environment 4 is ripe for areas concrete hopefully proposals concerning suggestions. will ways IMPACTS OF RECENT LEGISLATION The ý on your of Recent Impacts x about the talk ts. area we but consider talk is When Legislation. legislative important that my for agenda title we think I not is it recent only di-rectly legislation pending also probably most think affected that of you by recent you with what might become law. I legislation are possibly would like to I dont think to talk about about both because to you talk more are than today become law has I legislation. you can separate them. In about this talking the legislative concerned t want I activity We about. we in the area that are concerned are of envi-ronment deal with the with things that course conserva-Office we Legis-lative M. L. Director Division Whitfield Regional Meeting Engineering questions - Washington Reporting and Liaison and of Divisions Office September of 27 1971 of all these are common of the concerned and as we think has should opened for concern the lot of people other effect it side picture interest in environment areas. I would say concern seems to express deals with in the real pending and that many more that of the interested The consequences is concerned very mixed up. Since is they you in activity active. very characterize can this The are be pending concerned I now area public about conservation represented will have to say generally also of those most of the concern the as think I a kind in together very is and ecology think Congress and reflected by the many in at is bills times to come. that this activity is going to be beneficial. It it. On knowledge all pot. mind that publics in concerned and areas which have held our up areas with which we are now that we can respond of Its beneficial to the extent a number years. to positively this to that become law and that environment their they have responsive very I about say I stirred legislative least the in ecological with concerned are tion and we find D.C. Washington we with concerned are are of all pretty this great to be appears conservation that this itself is in and a way ahead of knowledge and ecology probably lack really represented terms of preservation by a basic the fact rather than that any world of environment and conservation. legislation both that which as many of you 5 are has become law and well aware. I can cite for that which you several that consequences tends to legislation land limits limit use Another other agencies interjects that Some examples of statements that these has very would and water air direct We of this legislation. the West. He was stock and that were being harassed were not descendants they do have a establish owns Some of in because is it is quite has and the contrary legislation killed. an almost in the is and it you engineering that Policy have they who else anyone other agencies involving Environmental the an overlapping see bills some - Protection responsibility for control United States. being considered as which up to say that get have the off their would States in on their ordinarily set up. in the United property. those enforcing - that private come they killed things the action State would law enforcement acts It sets primarily responsibility. and creates so many problems use of some So while there the United the on private property so complicated limit other when them the think I been abused and among get started Most of these animals we animals anyone these animals. bills system of are there are some 6 much have that the the animals to may these quasi-judicial tends - in Bill descended from old Spanish over them. It limits to to gather them is the jackass some affects it about the wild mustangs of all as so that standards that as and how of the problems. these animals to the bill to protect they But value. those bill were he guess I of Land Management doesnt that that America and history of the West and they about 16 that where other agencies interests in with respect an example of a minor interjects line concerned these mustangs dominant be responsible Bureau which in sometimes referred to you can in take these bills provide one instance - historic interest could this with environmental and almost same the example of a minor little from old mustangs real our activities instances a real part of early abused or at least owners whole new and the property This property. States some owners property that a bill was good but basic idea there This one read that they were in is Environmental National agencies from Maryland became told or of Service. for this which resulted concern up have some in cope with probably involvement public standards and the many of example along quality just of a Congressman son effect you in you State agencies responsibility to give like the to have Another think I to land Forest - part the and monitoring time recording difficult of other area of our work. apparent Federal enforcement with the Forest I and again any as statements to comment. many Agency are from other might want the that much as the all increasingly which requires that we combine Act of 1969 comments standards becoming is into our business had to cope with that have much this on National takes place for instance and increases thing be might Another thing that you deal with every day land. standards sets standards. that few a Just blessings. activity classifies legislation is mixed have of our land and creates many values to this concern problems as well. standards Current and financing we say as coordinated leading to a Some recent 1969 which created involved directly Some of the land the whom with that we cannot the recently new creates impacts incorporated be to While Quality. have an Policy Act of dont they have any and function overriding and standards quality Environmental Agency the on the primitive areas it on proper name of our our it get areas. the land to I can of owners value. More we must pay for relocation introduction from apart fouls up the as for place on the land. through The close market fair Act of 1964 and the impact that felt as is appraisals option reimbursement it Uniform the are part but deals with our acquisition land we must that completely primitive effort of that but copies certain are its aware that are taking wilderness in they and water air certainly not is and aware of the Wilderness all are that negotiate business and other activities More the are additional provide Act importantly we must provide You budget employees and dont seem a great deal of our business. in Some of you may not be that we must provide fact the more requiring Federal Protection responsibilities they others come today. increase on Environmental Council and Relocation Acquisition these lines along the to to cut of the Environmental enforcement direct tend deal of frustration. great legislation enforcement the often face of efforts the in those there impact is new the that areas simply had on our work. it of that it bill which presently are diverts our work examinations and other work that must mineral go on. We have Land Water the deal not in only recreation terms money to provide the facility. We have We have what new we that facilities the acquire the National Act of 1965 which increased our workload a great Conservation of acquiring land but needed are on and yet that land this is Act and many Trails the Wild and Scenic Rivers call the instant rivers or the study There rivers. are several bills in also land. not of in providing This are involved Act and continuing rivers or trying to provide the where we have the case with the money to in that. efforts there to that were created now Congress the coordinated closely you is by the that would do that and expand bill we upon by adding anticipate many more. Then we have which you will the be recent directly Sisk Law involved Enforcement I suspect enforcement. 7 in Act the of 1971 matter that is now a law with of regulating road use and Those are just those are almost comment about that such Land Law Review by Mr. have how rigid and its you example For- with in us in some The can think you that land-use Senate H.R. much alike. version. I are pretty on the We dont again would have the same impacts they direction explicit in land-use of planning they of rule-making they would provide in planning management for dominant would subject they activities or State and local zoning Land Use over plans That could act. rigid rules pending House we have the in They them bills land-use plans and almost of. has the control State Federal give to State and local Administration provide but of land-use and yet hour some last implementation of the Public far the Senate. in more they our land-use doing cases else. anything are So use. the in they would create a whole host of Boards and Commissions which we must theories confer a whole host about to have with those are would generally implement use on land counterpart and we on 7211 heard I Some-of those deal with the Commission report familiar control. many pending - we have bills. been passed that has legislation things as land-use Aspinall hearings know by the eclipsed a wide spectrum. cover 7211 of the highlights of recent some private State to subject bill It 4332 - that the House in has also land-use us some possibly give H.F. -land. a provision plans if follow they an is effort seems to that the to make provisions of trouble. in-land-use have area that pending are replacing active is now but 1872 the Many of them by Federal who week a chance to consideration of what That product. have several land more These generally assistance is bills private better have a are and number Entry law through to have might be seek fire in that to the particularly increase incentive control our as I am We activity all is regarded of the in Forestry. Forest interior will in shortly bills last order to on some of the havent seen the going to be involved in. These generally seek to make - management our participation in to private lands and this of course 8. this testify althoughwe bill are in form of the sure they have been bills form of mineral well and small land parcels. to increase that on one of these mining bill. and one we deal with Cooperative take some government did not own of variety apparent of the Secretary Act and Leasing is generally Leasing Act had a hearing it wide dont know how many I which efforts a legislation. and substituting the Administration field cover think I leasing. bills the forth with their a very active productive providing and wider come but additional with the Mineral largely were of to plans be heard will Mining and Mineral We bill. final We never land-use but when the hearing was held the Federal them give there. deal also the own their of mining and mineral is government reviewing is have will Location leasing. the host and management you planning Another of these Most circumstances. whole a - we say I fire is in providing control getting complicated at this - As time in point because control We by the Federal have the problem and that appears 48 lower We of a host planned limiting Claims Act. claims which bills bills use. with dealing A few with areas special of these you to that basis claims and the with less in money. of the many a major are get something in the probably Indian in tribes the Idaho in an NRA Seward the are Snake the We NRA. give us some Alaska bill in and. problems we have that in Oregon bill in Canyon Moritorium a Hells have the Moritorium River and standards again creating higher provisions of the for the schedule our complicate program wider a native dollars any development on that river preclude mentioned I the will a billion deal also NRA in Oregon the Sawtooth Regions 1 4 and 6 which would create that would and Alaska in Alaska In the natives Dunes bill on sharing aid in grant the Yakimas. including have provide undoubtedly with native along bills the revenue government. neighborhood of 40 million acres These between conflict to effort and Native Indian it the -of Administrations current wilderness several interrupt and they and consideration primitive areas of those in the wilderness. We have more with revenue which sharing responsibility to the fewer strings Administration the instance the that through get thing is - to if which you governments to dont how they is an be held up because they will money but whether the tax for instance long to provide effort Federal grant there concern real and bill Forestry Cooperative real State and local There can mentioned just attached. the provisions of revenue Perhaps I other are bills for contradictory to sharing. concerning among members of Congress is reorganization among especially soil tremendous amount of support the conservation and the general groups public. We have - others which be debated In considering introduced dont heard individuals. or There directed on - American Mr. Hatfields three at to things lands and private before I we have think we they enough interest are introduced many others we out anything should a great deal of impact have are acts to to 9 Congressional greater understand that satisfy an interest and forestry on public land. Those on forestry which simply better Act will of that. or the sponsor doesnt have Society provide give of management and timber resources of these all that have simply it production some length at supply generally and guidance direction have are better management either of timber a variety in are there are never acted have enough some individual many on. bills They seniority or to group of and on which the committees us for a legislative ask on which we we will processes we will very are asked we will have have hearings strong and I will many am sure it because bills is action look forward to agreat is be the I on and which great deal of legislative can to report and that testify and that report am will the end of those of our become going to continue. that many will have law. direct are bearing laws that will be enacted 10 will be asked will From what There then we I that of all to report on see the interest going to be on others have and have hearings But throughout bills. sure which we And and we interest end of those bills. many these which is still bills and a us and our work will affect us directly. and we DISCUSSION WHITFIELD To bills. about know I is could I the move projects ahead what agencies report and ask for witnesses. chairman through many are we direction to a committee might all there if then interested are who Department first clears Briefly be to when any activity them to make a legislative back to the committee it OMB. Our with it like. going is request So we write a report and submit that bills we might You to tell the public. cleared Department. Its checked the uncommon to oftentimes and do. can we cant We cant have against position must be Only occasionally becomes - difficult the statement until position of the the Department what to has Interior. Administrations position the a position clear what is positions of other Departments and its not the Administration will this an official with influence cannot on and report report on a bill in connection That isnt to say that OMB. the in know what to you a brief idea of what happens when we get we think are worthwhile there is some concern with Administrationsopinion. compatible There the give and goes introduced to decide try that in we cant why legislation they maybe things off start these ourselves say they without unilaterally dont have - we is any going position. QUESTION Have bills detected you change in whether the any conservationists are trying to get more into Congress WHITFIELD I am sure there conservationist profession problems. is I is a great deal groups trying dont in are more legislative to looking some respect sense that groups the to in activity and more courts become this answer the Congress. more. The whole these to going to lay off the legislative are Obviously the legal environmental routes. HOWLETT We is a will lot a strong than want to discuss what of misunderstanding professional political about organization leadership at element of the whole constraints are on people the legislative it. I also that top we - we think are that 11 as we testify look going to have have process. who got to be to a lot because I the Forest think there Service as of professional rather extremely sensitive to this WHITFIELD I know we have agencies - because we in a great deal our have policy and been pretty more in flexibility developing straight in our what own with the system. professionally. 12 we do than can testimony. We have One played a lot of other of the reasons the is game square MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF Gentlemen - L Office. for welcome am I this happy very formal first the to Washington make comments to of Regional meeting engineers. The -_00 of accomplishments by engineers record the in and I Forest want Service of you to know each . could I road and or to McGuire Meeting Chief D.C. Forest 27 1971 September attention of Engineering Divisions our overall Washington more have or the developed to fight fires but benefits to the key Forest first spectacular developments plant trees. These and produced - Service of our bridge equipment you Washington am I and efforts with you about the reminisce bulldozer some R. that achieve-ments. of your appreciative J. one to be proud of is many more would I have you role have rather call in played Service programs. D.C. You have our The beginning. engineering Accelerated program. So was Engineering Programs the am confronted Kilmers Sandia tomorrow by daily to the with equally And from Forestry I and Programs. Highway controversial expansion of the in from programs 1963 do not management and direction controversies Crest Minarets Service Program of 1962 job Corps work. distinguished element that contributes vital I as Works Public been involved Forest I was think see the an largely of these engineering of our National as as a Forests. which require your input. Todays Joyce and the George Rogers Clarks will be replaced We projects. need your best analytical and professional advice. Demands are for special on the construction We are manpower on the National and we need your best over building inspection. uses Im sure so that Forest Annually we accommodate increase. 7000 you we can this and I private industry to minimize the impacts miles of road annually realize put talents by requiring need your help enough energy in 13 and other agencies hundreds of millions of dollars in proper arriving places of need. on our at worth of lands. supervision a balanced and use of We have economic and point where The service this your help am program we to glad recreation Technology machines that you to meet is and are giving us more complicated that why we have You must develop ecological engineer society is to you. on to apply see evaluating outlived our their the to plight here. now problem with under Executive The even better you know it you have You fully. having in the manpower Order 11507. I need analytical have the an even more There possibly use. much we less will than transport are so have and of them. all on you more we now many garbage understand rely of the most this is experience on the Forests to the in assist in an and environmental unfair of the indictment Which and expertise and you with the Supervisors will be and Regional anyone. important developments and better But what do we do for solutions training output his problems. that feel I he has developed. You work automation for creating credit today. manager tools to management and more timber machines assured rest more must increase can to list try on us for end pollution to of transportation development of these. all we than our problems better than technological land modern available You can the in being placed needed tools today you. giving .w problems Foresters and I now not begin to and the technology brings us back So . pioneering vitally the best possible solution all need your help I. have describe properly to deadlines means this gadgets would I thats called and involved And After the now are possible and trees reaching presents the demands harvest future. program a pollution-free environment. in You planning. funded. which facilities unable adequately told to meet are see means every is and buildings here. system planning by of yet we seem life abatement pollution restraints yet I thousands literally then role applying in the them future by to achieve sorting the goals out and we have established. with many of these problems in your go on and on. I see you plan to struggle and I work groups some concrete suggestions we can adopt and move hope you develop I could forward with immediately. You have my best wishes in this endeavor and I 14 will be looking forward to the results. DISCUSSION GANO face of these constraints of real managerial In the whom to we are reporting the carrying out the in program within Administration to what as the quality standards we as we are challenges ourselves expressing these constraints mean in them understand McGUIRE We are getting with us along if White House there are of expressing the ourselves The chaired hearings and We appropriation. to have went need to sympathy we come from it was quite up a by the body At the White Nation this more and there do a better job could effective that fact between balanced to our support more of that kind encourage go The to have us. impressed a group evenly as is would run into the problem in Maybe we it less having cut the timber. efficiency. invariably Sometimes are Secretary cant must be done to do first groups. Our of terms in We Secretary. money we the get what is outside Powell by Mr. conservationists of our White House. the things that question committee appropriations with things more at priority to outsiders tell our story than with a bit quite get road we dont look to of high a lot money - isnt enough to say if tend we while that and perhaps we were people House level that OMB with the progress way down a quite of in the this last timber for request set of industry additional thing. GANO I your remark about the appreciate a more forceful expression of using outside possibility of these problem to attempt to get groups situations. McGUIRE I we think the sell are competing in where the other needs - to in the field deal on it. Washington and preservation Washington contacts here contacts conservation in all of Agriculture Secretary principal with - that with key you have We have the are a large number We it is of representatives of the of key men. Perhaps kind men. and of the Nation have that opportunities to keep working at is not enough contacts. to Some associations - the problem here from day to day for am not it. DEINEMA Mike so I would proud to like see so to make one many point engineers clear in the before group 15 we as get I on the next question. am to see the I different kinds of you disciplines have you I think have there doubt no is that - have a career it isnt all engineers. I guess there no longer we or they is and that engineers no doubt is The day - we work has long passed where to foresters. foresters mind anyones in of our team approach. segment it to just engineers talking engineers - here in a mighty important are mind anyones in that engineers a team. as FUREN I whos wonder the all doing If things that are going we have work engineering now seeds planting Corps of Engineering. the Forest What Service. of having eventuality they Resources be will we doing now about are a the 3 to 50 years be happening in the next to of Natural a Department for for the organizationally DIENEMA We an outstanding have He Forest Service right has been working with different here - now - John McGuire committees that have been up to study set Iil to tell us. the in expert this whole problem. McGUIRE The two Houses of Congress now they planning are The departments. first held hearings have month probably next to be taken department of Natural of prospect anything Administration is anyones There get guess. down to Agriculture with away Forest always to are and do that away year pretty hard. it a bit of there is generally in the things Service argued quite overall we Soil are Next bit look very yeai being of opposition. Whether Conservation about Service they is ever to the we wanted to stay in Agriculture this engineering you will hear stories like this. The There new Department of Natural Resources. one for Water Resources. 16 but we cant proposal be is one although the an election year is but when you For example many together for for five a good is go part way and move In argue the of Natural past that point of Corps of Engineers will The Department may get around to abolishing Agriculture. with the Department. On year. this good get that if they over of but they dont want to do favor of reorganization concerned individual odds and ends. The for reorganization support a quite of Agriculture. Department they never Resources want the pushing is specifics members One of question. the the happening still and be the Department other up by the Senate doesnt this on hearings will plus some possibly will be taken Resources hold to up probably HUD Community Development which would be Department on the whole idea of reorganization we have now doing if administrations Land and they all Recreation in the the and - Its going to be present plans done not is planning substantial how you Except You consolidate can proposed to SCS and Bureau in work and barrel DNR. to There of Reclamation. there could but that might be consolidate like to stock move under have will of coordination over lock going the engineering all other kind not is is Each administrations. of Water they would case that Corps elements engineering but what the in two those see the Corps of the part arm research clear. all functions. planning the own its at to coordinate difficult dont I it the is just some are quite see be a consolidation of of planning no planning. On the land side of engineering consolidation Conservation Soil Service Under administration. Land and Recreation do If - WO with and proposal the to go through bureaus have a as staff - them administrator regional offices but imminent a more we know office would Regional become would were this away Service this Administrator and the to centralization some be may functions. be a move would possibility there again each for to the report for the Forest Regional of the Administrator Administration. DEINEMA I what think actually we should participating well into pretty say here that is and attending all we are not to let going the committee this We by. pass meetings and we have are our hands it. McGUIRE Yes we have had an excellent to participate opportunity in all of these proposals. Of course we couldnt oppose them or we wouldnt have been allowed and point to pitfalls. we have had a chance to lay out alternatives to But participate. ADAMS Could you us give us a short the timber in rundown on Club meeting the Sierra business and the road business or last week Are they after we anonymous are McGUIRE No we were going to not exactly a revival. It platform but then reasonable They forth. people talked The in I is press an emotional found the two a little bit was We anonymous. when organizations. about coming interested in to We even got some prospect. 17 all the substantial individuals restrictions that share of There was thing. talked I our caught that on -wilderness use We criticism there defense encountered Its like criticism. are from the quite from the rationing a few floor. and so a little difficulty getting down to consider them bluntly that dont I proposed we They with the this up doing will probably from the two in that thing there some people can that is about talk there if is about it but they talk going to wind are Society. all the Eastern some of the remove to opportunity to this we the problem. I think meet with us and we want to Then we Regions. They want Act. Wilderness A lot most of the meeting that day. throughout discussing them about to be an told I in the East that qualified for primitive Club and the Wilderness appoint appeals might way of Sierra eastern me to primitive areas in the East. that. up some set much there was thrown back agree with of protecting ways didnt think I areas and that was of people alternative to get some wilderness undesirable think folks The different angles. we are legislation of the aspects too our in pure interpretation of whats wilderness. HOWLETT I hope while were on that Dick Costley paper of lot as land us to you start would within discourse like to the certain we and what have We strengths. have that et one It organization that are the running upon easy now but will it among we interior why we reason particular has been very based means really said a given this a lot of thought have professionalism encourages cetera. Dick It It casts views. the agencies at is his We professional people top Secretary professional There. the wilderness with everything to agree As you look has an environment Assistant sound have did an excellent job of presenting of Engineering. Department. Secretary solid It sent to the Regions last week. just back a moment to reorganization. go adding Agriculture. was It and should be a must for every engineer. the positions You dont He thinking. be have managers. the Division would in wrote on wilderness. on why we light that everyone gets a chance to read the of wilderness subject a good thought-provoking is I this like the people all Department from for us to professional maintain the a good approach to land management. The Forest Service half of the a high professional been organized along Another thing we would strength in Interior strongest such such of overwhelming we would 4 has have people have a Department our as any in of the other is only than organization Our proposed Also would have almost other havent agencies preponderance of the professional the great certain activities agencies because We lines.. organization. that Department. the new Department the in these professional research of professional people. percentage that for our State and with are research not presently organization consolidation. private activities It is by would far be to the just would mean that ongoing programs closely related 18 common to each and every see individual that State. would it overshadows the look of the effect at on difficult the so in on the new Department you can this to Secretary of the Department rest now with ourselves you If- be have individual an many important We areas. which agency must concern our organizational integrity. maintaining CURFMAN Do understand I National in is priority that priorities Each Regions. be working the one to now is field in have he to put is and people dollars. Is in priorities to one program way you in which within develop that the are of a set develop what emphasis different the National each program instead of being directed within to going determining would place This Forester would Regional where of criteria be helpful will to another relation Chiefs Office the that correctly different he would a certain headed at set the level Washington McGUIRE Thats thing Our program right. a balanced program with planning the for decade Forests. Each the that process We ahead. Regional we want to develop hope the Region Engineer and each whats coming and whats agreed on in the way of balance when we want balance but we must get down with is turn will do the same in Forest Engineer It priorities. the Regions is fine to will know talk about brass tacks. to DEINEMA What form hunch can pick this will it take takes and how soon it comes about be a major topic of discussion program priorities things are going to try have at the along with the-pressure these reductions to and fund those is However I have a I dont see how we not decided. RFD meeting. for We increases. are going and do a quality adequately to job. have to Some go by the wayside. McGUIRE I sure agree. LARSE While we perceive programs recognize for the optimism for the the Forest future future restraints future Do you Service In the long-range for the about what these short-range all holds the time. We for increase see on our program and budget increasing field we try levels to note an increase in quality of 19 in of resource maintain the work and what do you development a high degree of amount of pessimism resource development. DEINEMA let Just - - election What dollars. in funds us. The Regions with am trying to say is dont we but I to have going are which almost is a cinch before the unemployment and the the programs to decrease and ecology. I think we are going to have environment ahead of bright days - war with complemented for the programs Vietnam to the something happen the proper give plans up on your planning My increases in the future. dollar some pretty going to get the increase are we efforts outlook is still lack optimistic. McGUIRE Our tentative Our expenditures and wouldnt I There years. program 10-year is now be if we came of popular how we too frequently I dont see why we wont in get close we our programs to and doing are maintain will to States payments that within doubling to we for what the funds over the next decade. $700 million including pretty support carry out of expenditures a doubling for are running around surprised a lot calls we dont if this 10 the next popular slip up support. go ahead. DEINEMA Gloomy about reductions Talking gloomy temporarily just look come. Every other year we have we bounce take the right back with more or the away sting future the long-range is people and reduction in look back of these periods of caution needed is does it howlfar we have off or even a depression leveling that - although see and people than ever before. dollars degree in dollars the last 5 yearsand over I am not now right but I but trying to think also optimistic. WILKE I believe we amount of road to make this much been trying to meet an allowable have miles that go with a reduction timber with it. this Jack you Dont you timber sales. in much money and still timber sales quota of the regardless you dont think we will be allowed we should tell OMB we cant sell said think do a quality job on the ground DEINEMA We didnt make conservation we stood testified increases we we until that if then we cant do f cuts we got could this Region last year. We didnt and other factors that leveled up and were counted on the future but not and allowable constraints this. actually 10 percent do such by Region I think know what this it is is have it out. what we like on the increase in our timber and such. As quickly or Forest as we by Forest we 20 road funds the We got some are going to ground-. sales have will let dollars We criticism We but have to do in just went up and our FRT specifications on it had be known. why We never should and poor roads ourselves TV ads are lost talks fancy an as Any more of these poor The only way we are going outfit. or anything else. It is It is to save going to be not the kind of job or sales goals. and showing them on the ground. out people ads newspaper be done right we think I by taking is quality for quantitative sacrifice that needs to out there on the ground. LARSE Is there any anticipation in the future make some at time this that in packaging shifts inter-Regional your Phase you have 2 programs you may or targets McGUIRE Its to going be a kind of negotiating need your estimates. When fashion this - bound theres so we to be shifts. all going to have are we think I or roads but in not just in timber we a target set After process. allocate to are some in it going to need to be the other functions all information we the flexible on as well. WILKE You asked the predicted maximum the for Region on the program they handle. can financing on which the Regions have historical This to build always is their present capability. McGUIRE That is right. That analyses. to try why we of roads take that trying our and both to get have set their It multifunctional also is We account. use. have and one of the reasons we have we havent made a good why we to resource relation and demand the supply this up techniques. the factors into all instances is was is to imprnve study to I planning in trouble with those in OMB to need new techniques been too loose to develop our WO the make a and we have our approaches who in recognized team here committed are We side in many budget levels Future The case. KREITLER Are we using Environmental year - about step request - we that this is took from input 10 months ago. to go. Environmental Future went Program for the you wanted direction for our the Now The what we basic are for information interested was out in Environmental to the Department the this in FY 1973 supplied doing. 21 Program for November in effect a 10-year Program for the with the or December of plan regarding Future was the minor changes. This was last what basis the first by the Regions and told the Department Now second step came the responded Regions would like 15 a as percent and Future much is Regional want it. It do me let up with percent using the input to to wanted they we are going entire and the Department questions Foresters wanted package it come up with will some to in cycle. will is get an was something much increase this as the various Through at a basis fundamental the they leeway in in Program for the In fact smaller. We all. back went figuring out what information negotiation on the information they the to total was that the we fed into processes within to us by supplied and Finance Budget Regions and the Regional feeding right The changes. We We send once again come up go to Congress iii a final appropriation. it with to think now in of coming the process for doing this is the 6 they Chief has priorities balance out. point in OMB. will new by have using our it. It requests has to Presumably they to go back the President is system. a very the and Congress yes we are using are significant be asking us will to what We Department the OMB comes When figures. the answer 22 things will with the allotment to continue a message I is initial basis back to the Regions the basic the information use probably and we intend their dollars use this as a beginning order to more your Environmental said you and used rely to the information. Regions this be will much has the to do. words other There additional we give didnt information. allotments level-in In effect can take this a step further. initial requested. back and This programs. not the exact Department we continued Now we if and where increase percent Forester Regional Around February process. a 6 like priorities. on the 6 percent various Forester on what The came high-all would responses the in is too we what asked 1973 planning would they their the Department FY the increase. reallocating the resources At that time with where to it. Regional up with the will finally MULTIPLE-USE PLANNING To - Im management is of variety directions take of we it EOs and ourselves We departmental to achieve have us direct an developed the to a series of efforts and we have others direct to .quit a and coordinate to organization and actions goals. meeting will that direction. authorize appropriate activities I responding are laws that National in of area this particular my thoughts see I the about and the talk on NFS management focusing most of to going required. Since is As define with other management integration that me let begin adopted man-agement of accomplishing means functions. C. Rupp W. and Office Washington Use Multiple of Engineering Divisions 27 1971 Washington Regional illustrate - Coordinator Office and this the emphasis for what So D.C. management One of Laws provided work from. purpose When the is of Ive I got say that desired achieved to get are would I guided had large set land base to organizational on impact and priorities targets. you of how remind to like NFS our and appropriate is today. us with an Laws to many ways organizing or creating an organization for a result of carried out us the efforts many is of people to achieve one time or another at or Get things my work things have our and volume individually and by how how efforts skillfully they or well are coordinated common By that effect. arent achieving organization and quality control a to is to ourselves or words to my seems wasted. So with influenced said organized of finding its usually as a result and most of commodity produced functions of organized to myself result as basic purposes Most objective. just this all towards synchronizing coordination or this must mesh. actions the major and very provide golly know already are think we have Presidential objectives National goals structure. You certain There September Meeting functioning organizational I basic production and even the kind these management towards meeting the objectives. The point remember is as the we direct focus and on the vital management relationship 23 function of planning of plannin to the today other we must functions of organizing directing This organization. a part of a total is order to other As management see it the I various the fulfill meet help thats changed functions is even more that change We direction. 1960s and that value lines go hand more in keep know that count is rising Yes youre relation direct And tie right NFS to to it been this major a of a major objective been and and has is land other Future and to for the Hasnt management planning and actions management in has just more is a on to any shifting intensity was system a group Thomas and constitutions a total in designed are of new far laws see I done in the early with which greater today are bringing Jefferson once said it of change what weve complexities But the complexities same subject laws than for the fine The way change throw out That planning numerous and in the of gears sense that we those years. this be Why the their I am not but laws and constitutions an must new as discoveries the a boy change We might civilized as are of made new circumstances must advance institutions well require a as society to remain and manners and truths discovered man to wear still the also coat to which forever under the regimen of their ancestors. not suggesting change on it in in society the acceleration that in factors and consultants of the rate our recent environment which ancestors and influence specialists of change. consider Im in our were As barbarous. we do everything lives. that all a matter is of fact change as a matter-of-fact suggesting to you that the I constant. do We many The item. pressures are and we must meet the challenge. Understanding now in with the times. management key place changes with now Im Well Framework swell of an System lands in order hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed him when barbarous question and more sharper change pace fitted can involved enlightened opinions in and the of planning of frequent advocate well as objectives next to bear. Speaking weight in and planning the production for Forest 10 years than over the past 10 years. level management was for more actions much taking use planning multiple planning perspective multiple-use to provide Okay targets. planning not proposing are its entire and visible. the is is identified in objectives production that all thats true then the Service National just the havent relationships the throughout multiple-use in between and values from National services management point. Our other several If Forest the for must be viewed objective for multiple-use planning of multiple-use objective discussion activities. optimum mix of goods to dependent my that picture coordination ensuring to basic is management the see and controlling understanding that we stand lets look at are not whats going to start all over again but different in the revision 24 will build of our planning from where we system. For thing there _.one and the objectives more multiple-use at A be. the Im have and Multiple-use we are going relates things - resource as be a will system of completed a and Now required. it never lets look a part of a complete - the temple Of course - these to It be can them. We pillars others of - here playing their many ways in this are just are resources illustrated specialists all of as to sag. start in will. Act Act of 1962 - basic The considered can be reached they involvement are you a comprehensive set of provide to or experience. and land these going if Weeks of coordinating planning. is The and Research the matter is Temple Use of 1970 States to three basic elements public demands Multiple about today talk The judgment teams interdisciplinary plan to is exists it Policy Act have three basic elements for action. studies as The and controlling directing and peoples demands. capability We the basic input. any one of them slipped plans involvement that of concept been applicable of modules. a chart called at The dynamic. remembering District. Ranger units has never Act of 1964 the Assistance planning land-oriented the if be to The Environmental organizing and what important have a look laws that have planning temple take to Wilderness all management options. The systematic system number of laws 1911 The the at public-interagency planning There at system of interdependent going a these are such positive multiple-use Here have more far the Chiefs statement between tie look designed is visible of projects for most administrative plan management We accomplishment planning and direct and deliberately intensive multiple-use will a more is NFS land through way - we center we have in this the in the rest of the many things that are roles to the plan. feed-in Of course this spelled out in what is area. Some the relationships and assumes greatly oversimplifies a detailed description intended lets walk through a hypothetical be made may compromise of the system. So the in in order to more planning but system fully understand situation for an Ill try and imagined describe an idealized situation. A Forest Supervisor is confronted of a part of his National in his relation to fulfilling Forest. his management team or he can make done before Assume he had with a need to develop an action The plans he objectives for that rational decisions. Area Planning has seem inadequate management. and Rangers staff now plan for He a more decides after Guides Basic Assumptions Forest Coordinating Planning Forest Required Requirements Units Identified for his Forest Situation Skills Statement Available either in- or out-Service 25 consulting with intensive planning - management or inappropriate job must be The forest a appoints work to other He may chairman usually his decision. the extent and Remember we which he may the the provides result planning an about talking team the team determines with planning for the process. He for alternatives guides for planning provides unit. of the judgment on-going and intensity of inventory which decisions critical with coupled area. planning project in relation establishes process. the planning estimate This He the as assigned units. planning best the extent and appoints the job of preparing the planning in his is of this planning the priority date for completing are from who individual that must be considered planning start he assembles membership from the non-government to participate desires To approach. include establishes a target sets objective or sideboards He He for his Forest. coordinator this team. planning appropriate He might take Supervisor of and data collection work. What kind of people. a negative necessary must be made will be the planning The people basis team then has the meetings and hearings are objectives to be met. session The a judgment planning clear Are implied within administratively the peoples demands information assignment The in as people considered to the flow chart tie this to the at this of holding and effectiveness limits flow that and we are order to formulate for the three major categories into the sequence is prepared and clear to a series are the can briefing They briefing is early. advisable. previously to to the stated specified and try capability of management is Are the objectives the for continued land be met. an in-house be done idea decks consider determined 26 with the job The should of other communication environment.. listed chart can established conflicts is planning its need to be that developed to visible and reasonable specific desirability availability to review is time. Meetings effort planning be held without time A set on the schedule. may be not preliminary time premises officer of individuals to a and out-Service in-Service tentatively objectives controllable planning of contacts same needs Based on the standards basic now personal available available cases factor that will help decide whether an in-house team there objectives the this is of events and objectives relating be considered. should is thing to avoid sequence and should At The of meetings specific be documented should on the team. In some serve an organizational job to do. list series of of operational expediency. early when be considered tools An meeting or public to expected or desired time frame. necessary a long-standing made up teams are not Planning the team. for going to break and areas of expertise identified by the skills available team job on the establish A right planning required statement. possessing the People Im teams on planning are people and make rule work. resolve One of resources alternatives. Sources and of demands Peoples process political are have provided direction management These objectives and or provided a direction on the nature National Forests and of various more of agency objectives of goods outputs the specifically coordinating Service the Forest step-down through the Regional requirements. organization provide and values desired from the services National Laws and sources. several and Forest guides area planning their from available are base for the formulation Forest involved in this planning effort. National for targets Agencies and National Regions or needed as a result desired Budgets are not some whole may provide Forests perspective other programs of the Administration Viewed from the involvement public Careful way National objectives to complementing be varied and administrative Another techniques sale relationship this in step basic items habitat effects necessary. without inventorying results write-up meaning is will that is or implication hydrologic to on the predict land. It This be a map showing areas. The and timing activities The There climatic is a series of At activities. form land to get of busy be avoided least soil and and other data some degree easy information provide to management may be data collecting by the reliability and collecting use. interdisciplinary significant write-up will include of these areas and their characteristics 27 of on resources. should be correlated by the an of attendant range data on land capability. with is is fulfill help of physical features roads other geology each will controlled. is for by people programs on the ground can being dealt with of need and expected should land describing these needed demands quality factors. ideas and scope may be mean fauna be able cause to of values people expressed desired design data collected for its usefullness. should correlation to as a programs of National hierarchy These more Size and that characteristics data on the basis their variables type idea regard on land capability of cover views a goals. identified and related to The relative activities. providing the kind of land land activities specific however Data are all area to the this the Present type. as in and of use of information to identify of what statements are Service and environmental for use multiple regulation units the assessing array aspects of actually executing meet to adjusted is short-term agency and viewed the of Forest of the knowledge comparisons of the while targets Many major category some added and of what the short range. mixes of uses develop outputs. timber buildings four tool for and weighing listening excellent used another is full Departments much activities. programs within on commodity goods opportunities place is of a perspective precisely on the relationship in to how peoples demands but may provide for priorities more us of our management of distributed activities tell a means of viewing really on the relationship insight and commodity goods planning team. land classifications statements indicating to management. The and a the The area of information third broad These inventories Data data. displayed the of map a good communication also and Recording predetermined avoided the in exist. It they standards inventory of the planning the job may be combined activities of the various Inventories working with that number of various within a resources members may want sharpens in existing All series should the now of alternative in and unit. planning for objectives development have the more by usability to according category Range or value must be collect the are specialists data collect as in using a unit on a number of data inventory Planning satisfactory. work. This of the by on the same planning skills inventory awareness to the team part of the job and features plans to one water National team planning for the The relationships stated resources land. step Each is to They are enhance to social a plan objectives for has published four council land develop alternative management to enhance economy on information next unit. planning or several of public management to. have not been of the who people satisfactory inventory to some available Presidents to enhance objectively resource area. to be responsive The are to their collective management be designed done each hand and peoples demands. on resources capability is one individual to participate We It focus and around the planning then. right be are best collected resource. with individual develop to These overlays make judgments on the way in which mix of goods services most advantageous team dame. Attempts simultaneously their resources specialists.who time as area. particular common scale and comparable count of the resources to produce the and values from the planning both the relationships and opportunities judgments on Field is These overlays relate readily apparent. for developed on. so it same the graphically. visually if other goods. must of getting an unbiased interest is with resources to activities are more tool in working inventorying team planning useful made on overlays display data between Conflicts Timber Water and Recreation way patterns of management complementary process Transparent the help most is inventories. compiled from existing be may or surveys to of resource a compilation is inventory the best is another. to field statistically. combinations one resource in resource this and unit base various in in graphically planning .use be collected can collected needed well-being National regional and to enhance the quality of the environment. As a start an favors deliberately consideration In some alternative one other This have does plan may the not are satisfy been developed and quantify be should developed for each objective that not mean that an objectives that alternative alternatives describe management that goal. for the cases reasonable possible alternative benefits several the being emphasized objectives planning consequences plan. 28 plan must exclude alternative in the alternative. simultaneously. team will After all identify and where costs and impacts for each we Before however to the now far team planning and values certain design too get The done. constraints heavily on rely Timber Range Recreation for program that and of anticipated and becomes the Just as the and experts partners must be able to have ability for solid achieving the point way things benefit greatest Our carefully. makes presented from the public with dealings and him to the decides on the public Local objectives and targets demands as to the specific the planning uses. The a pattern of The Forest great a unit they a planning and need. those range Service need found familiar in for in to an alternative organizational the widest considered When the the array of Several of derive the fully and line officer alternatives of the all considered of the provide do not that possible range and proposal management management that and facts in light of and helps qualify as to spectrum and with a Recently opportunities wilderness use. management fill for plans of choices we have heretofore opened up unfulfilled for experience wilderness similar according to to the Act. courses of action objective be involvement of management. range places that Wilderness specifications in the In constructing intensive with the extremes areas of land wilderness will to will unit. consider to their Methods one of the ways to understand National from consideration to very of back-country is planning varies geared public is our the job of matching up uses to identify alternative of mixes in the middle concept The is unit. must be sure of activities management variety new team begins structured from and situation. planning and frank. plan essential are activity. and to do so with a knowledge bearing for inputs a implement and Regional When for each be open will divisions is points are and circumstances Conditions varied. Public National relate to program Critical of into a All of the the the. best obtained. is specified. activities. is as to help molded are execute well necessary is divisions on the planning effect be planned to opinions they is to Staffing methods is inputs. to planning projects projects It as result management represented many and must be able he public involvement Public choice his the are input unit. management management a real and visible most appropriate the to clear. are public planning from resource and management process so too this the of development plan of uses or activities and other out. a guide for personnel items established. specialists alternative desired Timing spelled identified and control in the Wildlife area. are to apply so that plan needed actions the from the various Watershed management constraints will specialists parts of the precise how about lets talk able to prescribe a pattern is or set of for an area each objectives. 29 In alternative planning should for National respond Forest lands System responsive This in set of Regional Development 2. of National Economics 3. Enhancement of Environmental alternative will such management alternative wilderness Wilderness Other back as country should case the on delineated write-up should sequencing of write-up cultural local Service others not life be activities alternative and economic as alternative and be for considerations enhancement of alternative entirety its qualify to necessary envisioned activities This unit. of activities as or of the consider will major part in the as under the wilderness assure an systems and and acute prepared the each clearly may be emphasized alternative. need to itemize be listed and the to relate understand An needed. if this point. expected or predicted alternative. discussed. Benefits Public A of the explanation at the can be of activities Overlapping or events will add to understanding will unit will be and others costs consequences opinion is to provide a program of management in response demands. Public land managers must take into consideration of landowners and agencies affecting or being affected by their on planning of exploration planning team more to values. conflicts for for the the helps and of implementing the must also of course managers in in this to should be if possible. objective activities This does planning of the involved risks summarized and objectives unit and relationships or timing The the planning land of values is possibilities. activities descriptive and to information on timber production. is the distribution special Critical expected. of the map between relationships social multiple-use well-being. developed of uses kinds a the to be of management complete range quickly if social This Act. alternatives any of plan will itemize the expected comparison in this alternative of the management or Basic sawtimber and related this impacts. facilitate be developed responsive and enhancement for options to as The unit. environmental alternatives. but the emphasis will environment costs other against must be retained to maximize necessary and manner a is Quality from the planning outputs consequences in actions consider. product fibre be developed that plan will management Enhancement displayed The alternative of objectives Enhancement benefits In an 1. wood An case every to the following teams must make every and planning considerations. teams or utilized Members of in a consultant effort the programs and their to include the public or other agencies capacity. 30 to National work. the Forest plans of may be included Before even environmental satisfies the the entire What objectives identified or they say to our difference are is that an aggregate the for filed over environmental for the planning alternative unit. The that they plans will projects developed 1Iý Forest. 31 that most nearly plan decision made and an is made only after has been satisfied. functional period is analysis functional plans The years our of the an statements array of 8-10 roughly and prepared is process for environmental The today. until statement happens then a period a decision making considering for change will have still here is slight. resemble been repeatedly planning Over plans of adjusted units throughout the DISCUSSION WILKE Our present statements system multiple-use and plans make might It plans. combined environmental statements for guides for more sense plans rather than multiple-use statements make to environmental for transportation environmental the individual for we make that say environmental for statements transportation plan. RUPP If you far are the Those that basis. and financing individual to it to going multiple-use even have they get planning sales individual environmental we over mix a have transportation multiple-use the in it to down in any is Some hard to believe or ahead advance they would make some are is just like going to have the units projects. which nothing. here we have until on plan manpower present We project. get through of planning almost However a multiple-use The thought individual for plan of any type. That planning it. interim period when we types has indicate that with individual or that under the old system plans that then integrated plan would be adequate. 10 years to get make is of other it completely are Forest work on roads to two multiple-use up to now those a National statements will to get have a multiple-use in to take going hurdle hardest have done some have Until then completed. are that is timber make some The for the it planning we dont unit road that the about making your statement in down enough with unit planning we from range Forests in this day and of completion environmental complete National dont age. If of the unit statements. WILKE Are you saying we could make a transportation without having plan a unit planning done RUPP Its been done. multiple-use We have transportation plans on a lot of Forests that dont have plans. WILKE My point is I dont think the thinking behind the 32 directive is clear in that respect. RUPP We were talking of multiple-use planning same environmental are environmental on the are still statement multiple-use plan is not a transportation unit in old on these units only each for it almost think I Then are plan within that that would if meaningless We the old system units rather you make the when compared talking about making the plans. the unit. plans for example even is than be the not on the old type of multiple-use management and complete plan planning. is not transportation ahead with timber going planning. Under system about under the new system. talking You wouldnt make one We about talking are statement we what with come up with could you we what and transportation we had zoning and management where planning units as about unit planning though the going to continue. ADAMS Do we have any indication that will cover all that CEQ and GAO will an environmental accept statement these things RUPP We CEQ with working are GAO and and they pleased with what are very an environmental we are talking A. Ranger about. CURFMAN What package size do you see District Group of sales Forest in developing statement Service sale RUPP No. A 20000 - acres and everything unit planning some could thats included be much larger some in much it. These units can be around smaller. CURFMAN What happens if there made is some reason to change a part in the unit plan once it has been RUPP If there is a change If integrated. statement is it is then it takes acceptable necessary. Any plan to a reanalysis of the go some that cant other way be changed 33 entire unit because then isnt worth another much. everything is environmental -GANO Can you 5000 that any background give acre more or in wilderness these undeveloped may be areas my area study than less behind the instructions rationale to the regard point - being there some is for the possibility management unit a proper RUPP of the concern of many people Because much was if we wilderness available we had 5000 with selected for doesnt Act we doesnt Then when we go not that they be made are. go to the at we until fit take that wilderness areas first that area a look. - we propose are thing they The we First public also say that that they say this automatically where recognize are Some of to be studied. are we cant these all - that these areas be studied and say we propose the President to public with this the area Did you look those for a proposal what at said things that conflicted doesnt This it. how to as and we available and no obvious a look at Service had to take a look of what was no roads take the Forest be we should it to fall out in the first look but going or that fit should make study and then obviously are and where have had to make an inventory acres and if there were Wilderness the them should We first. and outside inside these areas be studied. to ask going knows where is did If we dont look you at this these areas are. GANO about the delineation of a planning worry drawn around a 5000-acre site. I see some we being given to a unit because of less possibility only looking are consistent with unit being I at a part of than what might be consideration total it. RUPP You are to describe people on the about talking basis these units on the of the socio-economic be 5000 area whether they will boundary interrelationship of the acres of land basis If situation. or not we not be around 5000 acres will will it capability they it. be much trying are get to and demands and needs within are use we However units. the potential However chances wilderness are the unit larger. WILKE Something ago Colorado in every traveler deciding keeping real that Highway Interstate whether about goes system. of that wilderness hazard me bothering right this across Its costing road money. these areas people is I that the we established most logical a lot the State am concerned are. eligible. I think we from saying we dont have here. 34 of a wilderness area sometime and economical routes and money we dont that are going to build to it is recognize have a that road of the going to cost little there. this in trouble I see a FOR ENGINEERING DIRECTION IN FOREST SERVICE As you will talk to to ýr asked I some of the need. Then advice I that Use report occasionally we time were came I into the at the it. Service thing. Service Forest functional performing was everyone the Forest in One in of haphazard growing been a kind At the Skills up and looks this picks through have. that hope I we important very In the past Engineering has we of Engineering Service. Forest of think back looking was think I going of advice dont I got am I direction for a lot started I the of the older material that thing the about you engineering. some on the agenda notice of types mainte-27 incidental operations M. R. Howlett Washington Divisions and Office of Engineering 1971 Washington - of Engineering Director Regional Meeting The Forest was Then the need the that many and construction a superintendent. Service service. Forests and there werent very basically nance D.C. for the Engineer had engineers office September to engineering Forest for multi-professional and recognized into input complex role. we employed Therefore numbers large task unique engineering prior to the time In this environment professional their skills very professional to do low demanded of we had offering skills engineering professional have been attacking to a very our work. This this difficult individual particular To Most is We still a 1950s and the late never did our 1960s when to do this organized truly work changing early we had and before we much very of professional engineers as accomplish. and no level. us. numbers large in However we of engineers. works sub-professional level. We a sudden change when we had had major engineering level we had of our problem for engineers opportunities organization extent a large a matter time bringing our overall we for the still engineering work of some concern some 37 time and to I is me think to to do our done and with them a to grow in of high engineering use continue up engineering for at I work at a a GS-7 or GS-9 know some it is success. to you. I would be we have in than candid less We had. a manner if must develop a high which we can in didnt say I am not I and organize talent to specific talent professional with the success all satisfied at of unique professional degree this apply that on the jobs out ground. we have This morning more becoming make ourselves engineering listened to speakers We critical. invulnerable and we skills skill or resource problem or advance a crucial of land the engineering talk I engineers in the Forest in the Forest engineers objectives suggesting of the we organize to skilled the art the broad context Some time ago stated supervision is of each Region signed Im not I various is what are be met. to know to ability what the help of others is to provide special Not only you and to solve a input thus allowing a its we need that engineering of managing am do land skills to we need I make or other any of forestry and of engineering kinds am - make to I can about talking per se of the normal terms in thinking terms in of Engineering can not about organizing talking a need received am and types how we advance what I. of as the am a better engineer about actual talking to meet and enhance a letter transmitting by Ed Schultz and Red for construction programs better management force as a whole. our which of social cultural political and context thinking This of engineering for Administration there in the art of forestry in of land management. recommendations Chief increase to complex engineering-oriented mechanical engineers the in Service. do. Service skills am I se or to make a better Division contributions to vehicle technique available of people when you need total its engineers Rather are Forest are going Service. civil as hire. we who or growing needs Only to the extent management. such we that that every and awareness about professional engineering skills an organizational in we jobs. way the If to have going are us and the public at attacks. decision. of forestry art skills in engineering per the hard do and recognize purpose of engineering better job As make ride be applied. All of you have the can staff we to to bear if the a keen understanding forces -must your immediate face these specific problems are to be solved and economic to attacks to high priority to be brought has technical skill but The going have have to learned perhaps have device these about people looking talk to going to are these skills can be applied Some of you are better and Red Nelson. was Deputy designs better a study Chief of roads program of Engineering with At the time for and NFS. critical development The are just ago 38 as valid today as transmittal letter public and of road funds and better management These recommendations Ed was Deputy works better better control of of our engineering they were three years The went letter competence to that concept or meet on major and rather than Office Washington the problems The Service must accept of the technical full be applied should order to bring adequate in Forest work of engineering entities. separate - these objectives critical of organization levels all complementary Regional To on to state bear Forest Service the to job are of the on the competence needed where the ground. With the has tended toward more this would on out like to be more the Forest anywhere but engineering this approach to we dont sense to getting the job properly fix to needed to do a the size organization program such how much we and of as of small has which projects has in when we and had the level to do a more require order to in the at been a truly a truly in him. In in people the professional engineers forces has of Regional expense the team rather than generalist also tended priorities. job level of competence. It we are are convinced that we than Our work where we can do the to determine supervision him meet the goals of the Forest. of a use were with trained competent perfectly them I never discussed - we hadnt fault job. Dispersal of engineering an acceptable at hire develop led to Forest at the ability do can to done first-class the engineer and he had good intelligent That was our continue Also this continues letter of experts who Engineer engineer of ours we approach The Forest an young engineering. organization academic but under professionally had absolutely no idea whatsoever of what was involved scattered highly that grow inherent in of weeks ago Dick Wilke a couple GS-12 a best Service supervisors. - this with but training processes professional on talked the weaknesses recognizing can engineers engineering specific and without few years the Forest the past in on that Forest. He was obviously academic formal Young of highly qualified supervision I decentralization of organization. type work of engineering great expansion has led to a multitude equipped to handle properly. Looking at organize This - to when I at they do occur the Forest District such major make better action as projects of our use the those or qualified establishment about centers to resolve I difficult am talking of a and must experienced technical projects specialized about centers within problems that do not occur at all not with enough frequency level. We are work when we the require handle talk technical skills if must job we engineering center which - or occur on any one Forest. infrequently Now will expanded We differently. engineers. centers our greatly think not talking about of these and Forest level. centers. What I large to have numbers on the kind saying 39 is that all of your Forests or of expertise available of people or even most of the The major part of the work am your organization of there is still has to be done at a part of that work that we cannot do work. professional skill This we contribution Such centers would fully staffed with three sections should to one cannot the Assistant a higher at of the Regional with modern be eliminated. or other Forest it a is design Administrative Instead specialized skills These top modern We This load. They would be needed equipment have level work Engineers. specialists. but of people Engineer. be encountered. will engineering Regional the at that large more complex for this level numbers provide. and equipped the .problem architects engineers to be prepared under the direction be of parts includes have to organize got not necessarily mean does again many of consolidate have specialists quality job. Here evaluate we there and are tools such to fully have to organization branches as would be organized staff specialists do a to going proposed units to should under or staff be of GS-13 caliber. Our purpose is When expertise. of a have got help at the than he is. more far job. You too many the GS-13 specialist The will The will development guidelines Forest feels we have Service and roads and other improvements supervision investigations Forest lands checking Forest level. similar capacity needed work Where as the reviews work He detract no better are done qualified of talent activities Use to hope plans and annual hear of all from the importance the Supervisors and Engineer will of Engineering you activities Regional engineer in private for compliance the by other use in of the occasionally. reconnaissance terrain for is not engineering of improvements by others on National structures for safety the the in Skills referring work of the direct to be determined plans of new staff lead will but the most complex projects some of the at this the technical centers. planning Forest report certainly engineering is the to ask for the right kind design of minor roads or major roads where owners plans is We do to Engineer wondering what are particular member of the to proposed construction such in multiple-use of the of construction and other improvements bridges at relating and Forest such C Formulation of long- and short-range complex - planning. I for terms in manager. skills special there in many of you to serving as a on the which man the would not in Appendix to know centers participate in particular not been looking Engineers job activities contained that professional to think Office. I stated of transportation engineering-related mans a tendency not rather of a program but Region of the In addition Engineer. Engineer have still but to provide such as going to get a GS-12 or GS-13 Forest of technical establishment the in the Regional also we when he do to the Forest job of Forest Forest not instances at transmittal letter concept are program these spots critical Office Regional In to fill technical engineer be to engineering in looking GS-13 top to run an engineering not level business. with stated 40 and maintenance of roads which logically the Forest He develops needs would remain Engineer makes acts a prospectus in a for on-the-ground program of plans and review plan-in-hand the technical center may check periodically to ensure that Forest The engineering Where other. Forest should that engineer action plans them giving The Forest have one manager the he can He will stagnate priorities He will tools jobs of the his contemporary their be at the GS-11 engineers offices Regional take to and technical or basic in part in the background engineering In the level and philosophy trained modern with Forest Service. engineering specialty Special his his in training He forestry. He must fire of be can to his career order to in Our than his specialty. continue concept job. Communicative listening writing play a key skills will jobs and continue to a advise of what of a good technical engineering reading to as whole scheme of the that see will begin into fits and enable him and his undergraduate urge job. and speaking role in his being a factor in whether or not be he level of leaves There college. trends practical of doing college is no He the only are must continue to beginning. if curiosity learn He not he to be aware of around him. knowledge. He must take the and the societies professional issues. at days for self-improvement an intellectual political the input supply the in engineering moment social with professional a properly. built-in himself between associate mark of the level Regional that he be well trained. at also be greater than the concept learn that and a each complement at supplemented and taking multiple-use should must be contemporary should it that They in areas where those for responsible must have is be should assignments grasp of things must be broader daily soon This dictates position well-trained technology. in a communicator. perform will resources him to take direction train his vital selected be also toughest or wrong He must be needed. for identifying promising including show him how to should levels to our organization. Engineer It will right are should of the specialist is training advantage specific own his Engineer made broad organization things. Forest be management resource control the of the should They centers. when assistance will Engineer that support. The importance future for when is knowing obtain to call Forest only be provided can skills of a fluctuating case the met. are and Regional or specialized higher-level Engineer needs Forest at organization but construction supervise In construction. supervises areas to where stay substitute communication. 41 for he calls plugged personal initiative to for assistance. in to experience broaden He must discussions and on face-to-face This is our challenge. engineering I think organization. It Divisions of Engineering However we must not a long way to go in stop. that I at think get the we been giving challenges have started several first order to more about the people we might we years ago WO level more can be proud of what effectively - but when we and the people 42 use we the people have. for sometime for our reorganizing the suggested recently we have we at the RO done but we have. I am not level. have talking AND MANAGEMENT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION The which topics discussion this the in urgent you have week are both of activities belt and a constant the change in - concern one public It management. of present self-appraisal to the modify or business. -1 to speak an area which of and construction major you areas major works is- for opportunities and doing opportunity on detail timely improve to of ways for our tightening need the appreciate of context outlined provides forward steps toward better ways. con-27 It has this morning association R. P. McRorey Washington Associate Office of Engineering Divisions 1971 Washington Regional Meeting involved Chief - Deputy and every Office September problem areas where What are are Forest 1. improvements going to adequately disciplines. You Major increases $49 million The Timber the Forest but is Sale Credit 3. action Legislative construction structural Road and and in the land improvements Trail in in 1972. growth allowances in This 12 item line acquisition out Program. 43 as a You other therefore in some of if we the the Forest and changes in the National Trail still Program from not caught has up years. in are in of the are define for road construction 1971 appropriation funding group about particular come to mind. $110 million per year FY in aspect of our Program. Road and Development a substantial $44 million to an estimated actions legislative work Four 1961 to $173 million in with our needs 2. in our works are any and must be made can the public significant Program areas which affect position a as disciplines Service. than better to in involved deeply activities or changes manage of the specific some more Engineers indirectly the Forest times several as other and/or struction a Service the in activity out you that with directly however D.C. been pointed already increasing from the same 12 years. process creating financing. multi-year fund This our new sets our similar to the The Environmental 4. legislation other considerations we this have am I road if bridge not the in both Service activity than A I moment ago maintenance set allowances credit and for final that at any given time we budget civilian largest we would be These investments or the We facility sense They se. are large these solving functional. maintenance functional Region funding needs of you stages why or in interest should two least and according to its you Service in Forest this to you is a realize Year Programs manage. efficiently news Engineering sale That million. When or three Fiscal ability and with the timber facilities. government. With Federal of the items of construction when combined and maintained at and does it have. The levels. land for making if Because not. personal the translating and maintenance totaled $324 with as and structural group responsible why program many problems in of our terms At Service Programs. this record the sixth timber credits They They You you were or Bureau all on. confidently added probably In many know cases 44 manage creating new maintaining and operating activities ahead to obtain of it the specific is an many to make fully full the the financed field total people. of influence facility operation of other funding instances outside sets in times on a functional facilities of Reclamation project which and problems. are manner. look cannot always to better ability same time they constructing acceptable of related functional cannot programs. or Forest both architects all direct at least Service particular. service of monies going into new of funding programs. of Engineers on the Forest programs may be creating a deep frustration amounts and a lack basis fully that the 1972 budget make us an environmentally in in and reason existing problems of adequately to adding at largest. Forest aspects of the specific as on the organization works agency public many abatement pollution a major impact to more specific FY working are items alone fourth the reconstructed a major impact line of Along with cases. developments carried out by the Forest road construction new is front in you may be thought of seldom individuals as the in this of mentioned some in concerning services acting any other group or out out individual many engineers function works investment then By regardless sizable The aware reality. public a group as quality from concept through or building does it well are into plans involvement have Order 11507 and architectural be involved must management often you sure landscape that public eye others but these four alone add up are in and clean air facilities. a whole and on engineering As the with clean along environmental placed in Executive Federal existing There has water of 1969 Act Policy this such related within as and the a Corps the stage for the coordinated In any case your help land him in We talk about the almost limit anything then possibly the erosion control into of implementation of process the of development alternatives and future funds to a constructed management consider There facilities of man equipment used on or buildings structures and it retaining walls items we can goods and roads major communicationspower trails and conveyors control stream and equipment would include and water then however we If Structural system or systems. particular these word the items pipelines related the in dams mean by and storing and conserving facilities transport defines goods assist the line item in constructed in man than included. is and facility. really this Webster as for tramways waterways and include more to investment facilities down break do we what is job done to getting a specific transport equipment would facilities the the Line Officer physical plant or capital further heliports airfields structures networks systems cetera. These The may facilities but they still it is well or involve may Environment presentation organizational concepts. The many terms under our authority fully architects in connotations of very depending you heard word the on such functions specific for funding the in and context within Management broadest its effort. management as fleet Forest. In the used or control needs management the total term of done more in the last year to focus abatement program has probably on the wide range of management problems real and imagined in public pollution attention works. We For and broad sense of management of the National the as has in come not engineers management used. We use it term which as we If throughout and facilities but we for housing facilities resources. even the them categorize structural by contributing to facilities meant is to existing works for instance If budget. commit to public terms and what needed of the first and long-term costs of systems and facilities decisions his is to identify management plans and the consequence- et staff as the have managed of purposes management of a facility should the reports this mean funding presentation the facilities and coordination as of sites food- for identified et cetera. thought I need for and suggest service with Planning and programming. Design and specifications. work. Construction Operation of the completed facility at or below design capacity. Maintenance to Similar actions assure performance at level on related but different 45 of service functionally initially controlled identified. facilities. that criteria You have different entirely concern designed purpose maintained uses and a problem is problem How to big. life of has do we show around the caused of cost total a reservoir funding This facilities the is of a complex The such development into several separated systems approach. do we manage of parts is of systems How fragmentation. elements all when and you were design. complexities requires a sophisticated In total In parts Or in accumulation recreation of inadequate an for operated standard questionable plus increased facility Functionalism for one purpose Foresters must address ourselves. investment capital finite some because failed everything which we and your Regional to rapidly expanded and and constructed facilities when called probably A seen all such sub-items a as the in budget process Is a system of planning programming and replacement expansion Do we for provide accelerated a system responsive How we do which Should amortization as present District works or operation 10 20 or such maintenance 30 years feasible Can we make it needs of complexities Forest of period intensity of use increases a complex situation in a Ranger in public all the programs results a time to the field peoples total budget reduce multi-facility cycled construction design over initiating as and the coordinating a major recreation development expansion program programs come under one authority and for execution management week Later this some detailed tools your problem-solving problems of management and new methods. should are in serve suggest to broaden the identified which Regions I and us in WO. problems and opportunities the clarification scope We as you keep the might provide the sessions such of your the you personnel total Public discussions. handle will we need I be addressing programming Works for change of the problem and its innovation and improvement. scope but that would be a good 46 in mind. It items specific objectives for must work toward an early solution new quality Program hope that some to set to yourselves you in the to these growing It may start. only be GENERAL DISCUSSION MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27 DEINEMA My remarks opening challenges ý listening get have like to you pin us W. Deinema Forest and Regional Meeting D. would down of advice feel all it do to fellows. frank is would I where discussion kind of you ask the where you like really from you good a after is us the Give you. necessary. HOWLETT r National I the he has covered that are bothering questions kind Chet What the in and approach feedback the today think I brief just about you tell us multidisciplinary to be to going to facing pretty well. J. was presentation Washington Divisions Office stimulated is personnel C. to way get on what for a discussion reduction percent Washington one maybe thought I Office of Engineering 27 1971 September Chief - Deputy Associate Systems Forest in this a 2.9 Service means. DEINEMA This is the ceilings. How of challenge type Management do we get out of is hitting us the reduction more and more and giving that demanding this spot I in is think this is the type dollars personnel and less less to of thing we can do it and with. discuss. SHIELDS the FY 1972 final Administrations additional funds staffing. Now August which something like Our expected come budget estimates call call then was for a permanent for an the given That positions is full-time positions a figure 2.9 below our calculated during positions. 47 funds staffing us under this proposal attrition based on experience down some 600 the additional of 1024 increase ceiling 21526. 1700 include percent needs over is positions. our end the staffing below the for added to that Congress of 22539 g Our the size of FY we had 22539 so The 1971 as it of is of the program. that time will be only 967. We must QUESTION What do we have other alternatives full quote permanent time what of other Where types of appointments they doing with other types of appointments terms in are you SHIELDS The probably get a and we could We are on others. We do ceiling cannot turn also do. OMB of Management and Budget Office will impound going to dropped the that a certain other on the constraints work for the to contract hasnt have shoe amount of We yet. full-time ceilings personnel the dollars. DEINEMA What we have - control reach do to we have major where see is we need more men with to go it. We for instance increases cant men get the in therefore pollution we cant these program goals. SHIELDS At this point in time guidelines and give the prescribed the objective is and the Department we must guidelines how we to determine OMB describe the picture. we cant and the consequences do the job within can If the do the job within what they do about see it. QUESTION How they are control going to contracting SHIELDS I would doubt that anybody The the way they Indians arrive to figure describing the at in OMB has these things out the management is details. checked a top-level I am not process that takes out arbitrary being the details decision. cynical as to They or negative how to do this. then leave here. I it to am just place nationally. QUESTION I guess run that I didnt get the significance of that limitation on contracting by again 48 Chet. Could you SHIELDS-Let me read the the effecting as priorities exact employment required by established be increased or used not Unavoidable increases We guidelines. Careful statement. and ingenuity planning reductions to the President. Contracts assure a way to circumvent work loads must be absorbed. of trying to are in the process what out figure That it sum means and will employment. in the is in of program private firms or individuals with the required reductions as in be necessary will maintenance of the total how we apply it. QUESTION Jack do we such as what have feedback any to may happen on the Administrationsprograms Do we and pollution abatement timber cutting from that statement have programs That we might be these real any directed feedback to yet as to these carry out programs to something else DEINEMA Realistically there no doubt that we is OMB abatement program. Also OMB Eventually meet and them fields. million this year. after the all fights $11 million back say they it still think I timber is is contracting Timber We but they out the timber the stand to proposing however is the improvements our The President program have never us live with in addition us to do let in Now will we have up given off the hook reached all as to 49 the be at morning they do we engineering $11 the especially to is hat And when I the office of for - We program. This the give along preservationists whether as are to carry are also Administration this approach is severe are unanswered same time a compromise. people program. How the it politically. - but and that and this past we havent been this to the harvesting off of these things. sales before. money back the on the Hill and the and whether the reductions tells but proposal our pollution programs increased program with these cutbacks. us back let timber have especially turning with one of the things we wear the white to do the job. In the up part of the people However we Our gray world someplace reduce our harvesting not about to resources is hopes hook by Congressmen industry. This going to give us more people questions. off the going to let not are kind of an outside Management and Budget with let they and planting improvements to get this program going. as goals real to continue off on our us slack let one of our is be going to have demand output stand not will not will to going are takes We have away given proposed to be given up. meeting our commitments. USHER of realism where comes to a point It many make Now people. the if wrong and they we absorb were goals that were right. management and if you to work our own opportunity percent we take 6 days people well we week is are taken we were then a lousy job doing the as then people away. in Somebody realism set and go ahead and personnel that as a to be accomplished by so than we have slack money overtime in people much the away reduction more have that window and out the dreaming go If much work so is a 2.9 percent for 2.9 set of does there Now to draw has the where a line someplace. DEINEMA I your point and see muscle. dont I have just hard going agree have with you 100 percent. be made in our programs we within entirely the to give Forest Administration in the White House and think I programs. have we think I Service OMB we up. But are to have think are going they to the hard means we paring going dont I down are the field and any more fat left in any up something on what decisions to we feel to give I the to choices be made to will make are the in as well. QUESTION This will bring us back we had GS-7 and -9s we can live with some of the to doing equivalent we things have seen before GS-13 work. To me this in is our programs where wrong. dont I see how that. DEINEMA You know the field in people a lot better than it I do. I to rely on your judgment. have SHIELDS Well at to there opposite give That is I think my that The purposes. and just no question is it is these pull-backs in average OMB more is looking likely pretty hard to give at and grade this. on the average I are working ceilings would expect something on the grades than ceiling. opinion. DEINEMA One thing quality wrong I would letting locations like to stress is that if we ever take the easy GS-7s supervise GS-13 work and we end up with and sale layouts that are too large 50 for clear route sloppy cut blocks out roads we and lower put in the are lost as an Agency. quality McGuire gun by with would Chief has the would we as stress think I for quantitative have stress goals. to get acceptable in We know I quality. its easy There age. are not and people. I dont just john under the are many too that outfits we unless really about quality when talk we feel sacrifice think I the past and gotten in survive to going up here and glibly to stand We done. are not will and that stress a quality job day and this to whittle us up and spit us out. like we that time after better been before. The things we may have done never getting pinched for dollars are have just time this we had think I We it. no longer are reiterated do anything can you else. QUESTION As week the see I whether the program than others has really their put we If priority. here and with developing would like to know This is name on direction candid it and where achieve about giving National talk been directed that would be a good time to meet and say we your to which as been badly has the line and said some want really has field this a higher is feedback then OK is here No one a lower is end of the meeting the here direction priority past. or this priority towards the the in lacking I priorities a higher is is the start. Can we going are DEINEMA Excellent suggestion. I will make myself available. QUESTION I would like house we - we approach that maybe - when where Perhaps we should happens a more approach the letter. hero and to the people been over a has take same the playing score was tallied. final somebody we stop what at almost these constraints to we its time the took I approach - of the an extremely conservative What who didnt would I like outside this play hero. lined against to suggest house think I of a case in the past and then a product are and budget constraints many our noses stick dont know little bit liberal we simple. Chet said relatively house has gone through personnel this followed and look minute lost and time Every times. about something talk to live in is for a maybe we - maybe you do the wall and shot. a more liberal interpretation - and not honor these constraints so conscientiously. DEINEMA I think we do have to gamble hole on some get in the One thing career along then this coming up to a certain of these things line really to the shocked Washington we point. could me. However really Sitting in we gamble too far and be racked. the field as Office really opened 51 if my I have eyes. for most of When we my testified at the us if appropriations hearing we didnt want we where we set money have FRT in Yet we it. day and there day after sat I needed desperately realized that limits more Recreation - no said play on the Administration to listened the legislators to Watershed this is all - team we that ask and other places handle. can we have I finally these budget for us. QUESTION I would like just If credibility. there and the Service ought to point out to is we need anything but within public about talk when we that is the Forest long as credibility as about quality we should talk it we also Service. like to about quality talking are would I the suggest in about talk credibility not only between Forest that we the rest of the meeting program. DEINEMA I we do have think a credibility We gap. need better communication also especially with those in the field. HOWLETT One never that happened thing extra for the ceilings a got new pollution abatement We ceiling. so over-committed already pollution abatement. authority to do affected specifically We on were group at ceilings the time that year. gave all the field Service as a whole Forest we were we We going We to take. were these extra ceilings gave told by the Chief to go ahead and to do just over and above the ceilings he was it last program but the that this was a risk felt just this for He had no it. allotted. SHIELDS I think better the in years in terms over the head too much terms current example is get we 5 is of obtaining in or better. percent conservative over ways of meeting goals beat ourselves the of being point our own well is of both because output if taking agency is even dollars it a 2.9 percent taking 5 I think and personnel. we examine manpower and Agriculture - taken Forest is play the game has resulted in some degree think Service we neednt success pretty good a to seek over story. A when government-wide it When you consider that we cut percent. totaling $38 million over the Administrationsbudget add-ons I we need I would say the way of success. WILKE One of we the think problems of engineering we are going to in the Forest Service is that we design projects that build then we have to design the project we actually 52 build. We waste- a lot of engineering-effort Part of is this get the never find they think in-house part road the somehow design decisions in of change because out-of-house. involved public really out is way this Public involvement plays a part They dont decisions. planning management in we should so we dont out figure have to get way a hunting involved public the project after changes the involved get going by their door or opening up their favorite is planning. in We in this. until area. I and planning designed. is DEINEMA I am from an expert but you far hammer down the publics these hearings - On hand the other the get people know I unless there your meetings throat - we right present areas if especially wont give going to be a road past have always We one way or another. many is are can there which we a plan take multiple-use is some plans to of controversy. sort You wont a darn. to try get anybody to their front door. WILKE - Thats the problem these people dont come. CURFMAN In reference more Study defined areas the jobs many of the things that the Engineering to quality engineering than 10 years ago are with still us. requirements me seems to It for a quality job are increasing faster than that Skills in many to perform capability to do a our ability the quality jobs on the ground. McROREY I we think better are doing a quality job. However quality job. faced continually demands on I am with not satisfied think I we have the with the job and one of the reasons we where crisis situations have to use our is we that are to meet initial people us. LUPIEN Regarding the question to Once we is of quality jobs and manpower ceilings of personnel. primarily in the vein effective establish the Forest position Russ and dynamic topic Service personnel a ceiling instead we section should takes maintain of waiting x number going to be vacant we should of losing a quarter It of a man-year to advertise deliver a 53 an My it new question forever to fill to to direct why cant we personnel prior to the person is like and a day. to optimum of days would I that job. If within we know departure We a positions. backlog a position. mans fill my have lose a instead a lot of time our dragging better from the campaign on campuses recruitment an active of the vast resources use not just ongoing program of recruitment but-an the springtime we make cant industry Cant we have aerospace in Why feet. McROREY This tremendous a is continually be done. with the we we constraints of the Civil some headway. making are from have can improvements the confines within probing think I which area in the Service Commission to Some We and should be made. actions Department are pretty and from to see what what see tightly the are can tied in Service Civil Commission. With respect to the aerospace former aerospace employing must be a better way to do we industry employees. have been asked think I all of your points we are do about can There excellent. it. LUPIEN we If decrease employment teams. If our work force we are going otherwise you take one out link becomes it that imperative to do a poorer job of that chain you break in it. making It we keep up maximum interdisciplinary takes time to weld it back together. WILKE What about designating GS-13 engineering jobs to the Regions McROREY I am no not aware this at One of decision. time the available competent people There has been considerable of any decision. considerations throughout goes back to your point - discussion the but need to have the area in highly specialized fields. LOFF I have something on personnel were spent on personnel the Government. follow-up action report came I want to follow up on. Some time ago time and energy of model in It was set up as a kind programs and systems review. havent other I seen than that we have implemented the recommendations one example sent to Regions about out. 54 six months or any after the SIRMON There was some recommendations which with of jobs restructuring recommendation own up our had to develop of the out brought with office study. within personnel we dealing of routine engineers came that been has Eachunit follow-up. better We We function. have are one of approaches have officer We for implementing plan two taken Administrative of people. use management have Division. our an in We own their reorganization to trying followed of terms in relieve the staff of cleaning in terms in the programming Division. LARSE Would you comment on the new direction and budgeting process in the Forest that we might be taking Service SHIELDS OMB are The Department and FY 1973 they do that going with program think really create the happening to excellent handle it. more at Congress If book Power way you in look Resources. because of the across going are than just several I agencies dont know really .wan get in apparently how they are an frustrations. functional insight how timber do you lines think I lines. a uniform approach. to to agencies or regional OMB in in interrelationships of any one some to have of moving terms people In the budget review resource all For example considering activities. when you it to look in of Natural meaningful resource budget examiners a tendency anything staffed any other roads along with consider I in from programs of the new Department anticipation to to building blocks. going to look at going are I dont They into the it are process will see not an and the Purse by Pennell describes the budget and committee process. CHAMARD Could you the tell group where we stand on computers right now SHIELDS We have has done within how completed the the same. our analyses Their Department. of what proposition is our that needs there are. The Department of should There was a task force working for to go about acquiring a system of hardware for the entire proposition of five major computer centers across the country 55 Agriculture be a centralized computer some time-on determining Department based on the - each run by a different Forest how I One of Agriculture. agency Service. It appears a trip to Region to relate attempted have 6 with to them how and propose situation does not constitute have a lot may shifting of sympathy for our needs be mostly run by the attitude a little bit and a member of Elliott was we got approval result would be met. I can we dont but to as specify any details. deviation. All for its importance of computer programs The needs our approval be Assistant Secretary the critical programs and organization. Service yet to area would Mountain Rocky Department to go about this-but they made the in the say clear very that at this point is our Forest further define to was made It We his staff. in our that this time they in a thing nailed down. have HEPFL What about Department for approval equipment use of outside Is that still mandatory SHIELDS Right. we think I some have of the delegation from the Department. approval I dont really up certain levels. to We any problem on expect get rather prompt that. HOWLETT morning and This from all our field people the of National light moment the in with the receiving our for submission or lose with OMB isnt very a member of the these becomes - this is team can if the only budget you always appropriated get to specified may not be finished do in purposes making areas Forest an inspection for which they come Service related in Region are et cetera. popular are process we not we 2. argue what We the at have be to down was OMB. What we adequately if people have say be to you dont as through Congress purposes. alternatives. a tremendous funded. You needed. win an extremely Some for. for specific up is play going to play on the team. from cast have is a budget together team and are come back They 56 for will. to what goes to publicly play on the back put from Congress. This argue they there lose can not you dont someone who funds Department back the or we and that we should are things from the Regions What we win budget we request the process of the Administration. estimates initial dollar professional on the team they When priorities frustrations process these are defined In this whole not. are about allocation Some areas. particular and some to the Department. important concept this in priorities Administration mostly concerned After about ceilings the budget process mentioned that when we go into our budgeting Jack and John in afternoon over and over again we have heard this This is I the These have just amount of work causing to not only funding distortions in we by which process the to proportion but- are giving funds Regions were financed The to send back would like however we must be We exist the in opportunities in opportunities way we me will land. We never think be are going as have that will we never you from a viable cast relate into fit as to is the in particularly furnished not projects specific in the we program services total a to can the the we and it cast the to National light going is of National of the managers only way we all back. 57 up land priority. will opportunities American never priority up these opportunities. for the benefit going to get them be what Congress the overall in into National precisely casting not the Administration. priorities fit up opportunities are to may be modified to certain for of National up discourage must not financing for the programs Forests light cast do to be done responsive responsive do not necessarily we let totally National opportunities Dont They to about balanced talking are Dollars on what needs field to us to do. We priority. Manpower allocations. manpower authorized. allocations manpower to accomplish. from the requests distortions in also We must be balanced. total These take our The goals. must. can be responsive of the public. We that It is the only managers American of the public. But PLANNING TEAMS MULTIDISCIPLINE We with the me Let place an ate. ti done coordinative was Rupp Washington Use Multiple and Office of Engineering Divisions 27 1971 Washington - Coordinator Regional Meeting Office the type of teams planning set up so far that September D.C. 8 using a going Directive to send to each of the will grow multiple-use with experience. from our present knowledge and doer planner. It implementing and administering the planning planning the of his responsibilities Rangers role part of staff be will is job. concerned to would discipline priorities must be done by the Forest expertise may be yesterday upon to serve on whats expected called coming to is often out others discipline 59 may as be to that are an Emergency in today enough copies staff have Their training. but we can in skills operate has been a mixture of of meeting requirements new this directive of the to plans. relate planning man is man single thats removing the are by trying The by a or no time for working little we on or lead a multiple subject. teams instructions you know what start Supervisor. been Regions and for some review on execution multiple Our think many people as fact That more have teams and multiple detail level. concentrate I have projects left him with Recognizing team. evaluation discipline I are .. facts this some. planning Forests. as doing team that has multiple We the help The Rangers job to the forest free staff training far doing is Regional off the press in can matter of facing a is base. 1 without substantial formalized operate Formal I discipline. They We have coordinators degree. to plans produced single Nation. next few weeks. the teams cant Obviously here. in hopefully entire 4 and 5 As produces a superior plan of action expected. for the 1 Regions some the as This basically training. a planning the intensive such planning been spoke of yesterday on individual it or a do to Region has 9 has compared to tie this together to training or less on few teams have however involved Region W. 6 Region also Region C. team more is West are unit A functional systems team discipline today the in logging level. basis. on-the-job trained taking multiple being is teams. from the National report it planning discipline on whats a status we know of the that about yesterday of multiple use give as Most V some talked his do. Thus As far as to the by Establishing knowledge team. discipline something multiple-use will jobs done to teams. with on I and spoke say about in this THE RESOURCE CAPABILITY SYSTEM j E been Ive i panel asked considerable ýd y7rs go into In case I into on spring into the be Ill Management Regional Meeting Washington Office September mineral and Office of Divisions We evaluate resources the To do legitimate. a specialists policy analysis Watershed Systems Development Invaluable assistance has Research The in Unit Watershed this effort is still Specific purposes 1. can collectively of the RCS be used to Using these evaluating the at got the Berkely team make Service the sounds This matter Subject management scientists have total of this complexity effort. and water and the to productivity watershed in and component a job of California from Forest assist in it basic resources and all Research attached and the been involved. other operational the Region to procedures analytical Resource 5 Divisions Division or been management capabilities tools which and limitations of the resources methods response 61 for simulating to functional and of resulting from System Capability development have evaluating develop now the develop and climatic is tools called component research tools soil Regional though been basic soil water 2. Unit The methods existing Utilizing in Service. existence Management. have selected been received and the Economic the at out set System. Forest required and to a nation-wide can economic National Washington D.C. programs it of the soil water management and social Engineering 27 1971 weapon pro-gram Watershed of Director - my for deep know why we to business. to for Glazebrook I to expect secret reveal composite contributions B. too a interested RCS beginning T. not as on our time. opportune You may - you do water have I do so to capitalize I this Resource unless pressed to do so. detail get of part the or investment. much as pleased to time its comprehension -ý Im System. that feel discuss RCS presentation Capability truly to quantitatively program alternatives RCS. Combining 3. this capability and functions disciplines an of management resource develop analysis of resource interdisciplinary allocation Training and quality soil various selected tools to utilize it with alternatives water yield and minimizing balanced a in productivity mix situation multiple-use 4. water yield the plus analytical major emphasis on the objectives of optimizing sediment from data quantitative objectives and constraints management in with and Forest Regional and hydrologists soil scientists the in of use these tools and methods. Developments New 1. methods tools interdisciplinary the simulation scientific of water quantity with support this guide are now of the On-National and Most Forest and downstream quality. and remaining entire approved requested their Region RCS to the analysis. be available will also for implementing training FY includes new 1972 level trial in team. on the Monongahela this use permits. Region National 9 are quite A field use their in sophisticated. manual and users been developed. Both the of one man each training of the individual concepts. Six Rivers in man on each of the Forests In addition Region National and components Forest which has a man trained Forest. 62 Regions for have inputs the training of one organization the past four years in during the fall. includes the and implementation on the multidiscipline planning these concepts for early to and others simple manpower as systems and economics operational It been provided are being remedied the analytical being revised have Some analysis. are Chiefs Program of Work The the both work. and Weaknesses and gaps for of program of the roads and impacts Approximately 50 computer programs have been developed connection soil of these resources and evaluation analysis physical and economic the including model for the evaluation value of the required facilities A and tools permitting permitting alternatives 4. and limitations capabilities to program alternatives response New the analyzing methods Analytical 3. for and climatic resources water 2. been the past four years have during is for 5 use has by implementing Im you sure will from here than me for is it models say this what went in an engineer as usable in whole elements is all very on in Im first more interested the past and second First what RCS is what just of Its a kit process which are in RCS is be what goes on and what good tools interrelated analytical or in part depending on the problem to the decision-making in well but Some solved. handled by parts of RCS of the are characterization Physical Response simulation Resource allocation Development planning Project design Performance monitoring RCS might be also structured so analytical context I Level If C as think the the field. be responsive can management resource Action Planning of planning levels AB letters M.U. list a bit whatever at I called paper which some points from which as and C. They which planning It in level is an of of you may discuss to the NF to related resource allocation project Planning. handled by of elements about it and RCS this for all plan will you note planning levels AB no more terribly what resource it. data An inventories. AB it our do resource fundamental understood varies from me than is goal design and it all is. my usable is understanding For those as A B to C. to RCS you will discover Sometimes we do not act times when we make of course necessary to allocation are level definition of opt for a standardized uses. all tool of intensity help collect our original true such is time and analytical or recall of planning fundamental we must know project levels scientists the resource and 10-year short term resource and development planning intensity using any levels problems of three Individual inventory i.e. of 1970 Multiple-Use C at and watershed geology in structured. is Forest 5- for problem-solving pattern by other names. though In the A glance you that soil to used the I B Level you we use effort. Level and the seen planning If my in proposed have that the problem intensity a logic called - practical I have two inputs. at but of For example if I want For economy certainly I purposes they and C. 63 to analyze of of inventory wish wish fundamental a problem statement levels different the intensity this I to analyze. we would led to the an These intensity. dollars This act as I should may sound though we restructuring are structured to relate first individual to of soil planning RCS handle can physical resource base the soil water controlled is moving on to some wonder a headed in week in the thinking in terms Let me resource have actions After the have short in This of the resource - run this I developed and to jean sure depth but we go from Houston NASA Hassel where has I believe question to bulk of our the Service was with same this we seemed because principally began to I the Forest wrestled analytical Im now right Frankly here. I to be could not well. work - or that - will be concerned with already-made MDT teams will be illustrating the effects of short run way - of the is our officers not trade-offs is National line give line Forest. officers have decided already but the balanced Thus our into insight biggest job right the effect cut to or tolerable - now proposed their environmental or ecological complex. to began our short wonder of that to with contrasted is or previously more a bit this in of where That is we the The between addition to Put another Actually allocation. into to the in on the physical discriminating the i.e. controlled a is characteristics capability. began to wonder I priority roads. discerned I go Im beginning on other resources in again can down going allocation. and build impact tools top resource timber we month. Im allocations. a given inputs of sophisticated tools to perform processes which either or where our current mode of operation fills the bill pretty illustrate. will intensity. on previously known observations development. last the need for which after systems the RCS alternatives. other ago question see simulation response important it however climate interaction. the by management think you If the to according systems which depend uncontrolled accepted varied is of analysis intensities varying system which works with the physical analytical i.e. RCS these characterization if take heart term needs we have any results illustrating and and we believe our other role needs some have of way term resource for long to play in the use of analytical or searching for the optimum balanced solution. I by statute True an area to road. I or solution move believe is fully that of be provided in full roading to of these this package. versus most cases and you or recreationists of some process will be physical limitations problems the dimensions adaptable we may need the will timber allocation direction may be some must have thought RCS the resource management there allocation that feel genuinely will i.e. made much public as in or pressures no roading but you be asked the past - constraints. believe I the get the job of roading will to optimize of the job on hand must be understood. the resulting Jean Hassel trends. direction if it proves to be the More and more engineers 64 are way it being works asked out. However to look at total costs of transportation or similar systems like not worked have and hydrologists sedimentation or change we which Six are tried Rivers and the water in Forest Forest One them five at pat looking. I services the next too is the Forests have watershed related team - has We 500000 some ingredients the words to acres have National Monongahela expose we In addition - the Forest of most of the tool trying to get the Forest to other in the the are RCS - Soil Scientist physical responses meet the and needs priority you is though there has been a lot done RCS family of software and other models the of hard work lot being as decade. involved is still level. In other comfortable. bit. examining the both as guilty direction to believe I effects as words A lot from one outputs the chart for the level RCS and of strengthening hydrologists along these lines within by line of not I find the to RCS of proposed road construction - two a year perform years analysis at there is is much are not family of is gap-filling disciplining as myself enough suggest a change on soil and water. are ready to the outside. I believe you to unless the necessity for from a lack of Regional get indicated is family of software soil scientists suffers and program managers such officers as anyone such programs. will you or teams of hydrologists and whole area of use of computers attention to in find that will provide am Where individual to leave with summarize a will models useful This in needed. closing You A and engineers telling Southwest. Pacific use to of real estate chart for and other models software In want The useable in automatically still I to do. RCS parts of as alternative. the with outside far except so watersheds trial 10 except environmental in this much such beyond multidiscipline Hydrologist thought final much more too brief or logic capability. of the trained very a road to capability such total Region every due regime provide constraints of a given piece see and reasoning which goes to the point of providing services kit and can use them on specified problems. we A of a facility. costs tools them use individual helping million acres National team and planning level management to 42 characterize in RCS in using Office Regional to acquire requests specific far the at functional elements we have So investment that analytical RCS -at least a system - will be appropriate. to soils scientists to responsive made the just clear it to the land manager options We and not facilities of this big order makes consideration Engineers. a firm grip you want to I on the abdicate computer technologists or systems people. These are all only tools. They do not supplant management decisions them. As program managers you must make decisions relating to they only of inventories to use in analysis. There is no universal inventory. Each must be intensity facilitate tailored in intensity to the questions to be answered. 65 Another Are-you serious question of the going kit of tools womans work I have to build enjoyed is an to elite whom corps shall or by of -all your transportation never visiting done. training in training planning computer will engineers 66 be given this technology Finally planning Its dynamic and will always be thus. with you. technology you make part like a THE FOREST SERVICE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLANNING PROJECT A PROGRESS REPORT 1971 1968 to September INTRODUCTION Am- N This of discussion for field techniques specific on primarily focused is Brief discussions on background planning are presented basis process for and the to provide to techniques relating status application. a their application. BACKGROUND Transporta-tion TSPP The Service-wide Planning by the Chief DeKalb System Transportation Washington Divisions Leader Project of Engineering 27 1971 Regional Meeting September New only developments and simulation The TSPP managed project travel that clarify use established the but they probability in Berkeley agreements with three of California natural to are new methods. applying are needed to allow changing systems various analyze quickly resource through available analysis resource - Building with one Forest universities values. Not technological network analysis with Service specialities employee used as uses and management interrelationships and predictive 67 policies. Descriptive who follows models of key relationships among users consequences. i Service concepts. was cooperative University needed computer similar of Forest alterna-tives methods in in for planning resources. were and methods under new methods nucleus a personnel planners were initiated Office D.C. Washington new to Forest Train 2. - Planning Project and Office Servicewide was 1966 to in access M. Service Project Develop 1. V. Forest models models for predicting future - Stanford Developing for procedures and analyzing among choosing alternatives. - San Jose State The was project established and universities coordination. Developing tools the in allowed the Forest of the Service of experienced availability resource to be close to leader project volumes. use in estimating travel because Berkeley of other presence It also for for projects analysis employees in training at the University. At the present the project has project and four Forest the It time has which techniques from. development changing Two several developed areas will continue to should project extensive to receive development Most Washington revision effort its is field and development of newer information are require such activities as training. about 3 years more and the Office They effort. other techniques analysis and implementation package.At total the operate and soon be implemented will on full-time enrolled in the training program. trainees implementation. Management and Evaluation Techniques. verification handbook writing and user The Service employees working three Forest Service engineering order to complete in determine to whether in line techniques and implement the project will be reviewed that time it should a by be employed in with new technology. IMPLEMENTATION A of discussion orientation About 15 design. turned taken want this necessary years to early many Forest 12 or more is Service expected that specialists programmed universities Of special all will importance necessary is use of tools away reluctance analysis emphasize the of photogrammetry from to use training and developed. used and consequently personnel this to application incorrectly engineering this new costly technique. photogrammetry. and evaluation to road errors It has We dont techniques therefore necessary. that are developed will be carefully studied techniques develop train is tried with transportation training will were years to overcome to happen who project Service Forest applications careful implementation It of the assure competent and effective the ago Many this phase specific seminar teachers will type in implementation procedures training other cases and others. In such some as by training audio-visual cases TSPP or processes will be developed to train users. be programs to orient management and resource 68 specialists. One of the on two National be for the We use. to combine others and TSPP with the and will training be will rewritten as of Watershed Division RCS with techniques a trial operation is analysis training programs working are summer next of network both the techniques handbooks trials Service-wide Management and trial where Forests After tested. necessary to be initiated implementation approaches processes on the same Forest. ACADEMIC TRAINING In preparation each a to year The Leader. for implementation transportation at planning the either Regional producing as better graduates every each of seven Regions and one It is now to look appropriate project. 1972 of He network 2. He exposed is to He decision-maker. been has 4. He way Cruiser as Service and The project future. of that facilities the in to natural serve must facility system analysis analysis. resources and for presentation analysis an environment to learn and which to public and learning and the serve encourages .Productio does evaluate. including of duty tours Appraiser Watershed Engineer experience in as a Fire Control Management Planning includes 69 Officer and Regional assignments the Southern California Forests. is in A graduate not get in the learns. Assistant Regional Trails. this to resources. operating he program for the and decision for measurement learns a graduate It improving continuously of gone to success. under a project leader who has had a variety of experiences learns Forest evaluation He the be been a of probability theory programming so he takes time research in his the of will program have has in or Stanford Berkeley at. this Project work graduate experience. techniques techniques minimize damage 3. new program engineers Office. the training at seriously analysis linear through new the to exposed is there the Washington in of the present program has the following 1. This because year By June development environment. Graduates of Planners. Transportation full-time of California two of the TSPP guidance of one year University and one year on-the-job training on the Offices under the consists program training been sending Service has Forest training program two-year two-year the in the Officer Forest Timber Engineer Chief of Roads and exposed public arena of Forest 5. to been Management Service these young train a in Learning devote half his least at this time does atmosphere production on In capitalizing engineers. to encouraged that the project leader has a special feels not ability he has characteristic to development. their allow for of kind this attention. There other aspects of the are valuable for continued those exactly work technical relationships the in public involvement to exposure a future the seven Forests Forest are program spend need the number of Forest years recommended. including be out is It also least it the 15 percent. Regional above discussion that in in can recommend decisions that planning. planning now Forests that resource expect transportation National of a person to of transportation charge of the mind we are phases of make to weigh and no change for this the in Washington An program. Engineers of because graduates have of this responsible that deciding and the expanded attrition a program of two personnel that before all it Forests. Consequently suggested in understanding remain strongly program two-year invaluable in preparing in engineers would appear trained for Foresters as candidates early this Fall. consider assistant At necessary. is ability are not long will program years on National level the operations teams and we planning above discussion the at this to set up several attributes With the above considerations maintenance. multidisciplinary From of continuing and operation of Forest Engineer. graduates These Service. the during needed by engineers says are make program which should training learned things management Forest and a broad understanding be The support. which attributes formal two-year for a format or training objective Office for for encouraging Region is and Regions consider announcement the a year engineers will applicants should do can candidates it better or we dont need any more. PLANNING PROCESS In order planning to discuss process. the The tools thin available Process there is Overview California shows a simplified process which is a need report illustrated THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT published in them to relate by the modified form PLANNING PROCESS STRUCTURE THE PROBLEM DEFINITION OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 70 to a resource University as follows of OF THE INFORMATION DETERMINATION REQUIRED AND SELECTION OF ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES OF ALTERNATE PLANS DEFINITION .COLLECTIO MANIPULATION AND PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF DATA ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES PLAN SELECTION Note All have feed-back Based on the techniques below about systemizing because been of a three ensured could nor more that low level about level of eight agencies schedule and costing TSPP effort is had government over the experience and phase the development for. of TSPP. and the processes to employ all supporting At the time of formation of the purchased system programs on a one-year the last three years indicates the occurred in a computer system for field-use the following 71 systems services. less This of the complex problem facets In most cases has any one project not in with engineers This involved techniques that this TSPP phases are several development could not be slower deliberate producing better products. In developing of analysis or any other unit in the Forest slow process financing a million dollars. over process the decision-making phase. was planned be understood and accounted used. TSPP development went slowly enough so that in or collection been done by of financing than planning data PROCESS concern relatively development. The than much the the evaluation TECHNIQUE DEVELOPMENT There has others. into fall phase. Very little has an alternative Service all flow chart of any illustrated discussed to loops followed Formulate the Technique 1. Conceptualize 2. Validate and formulate Pre-Implementation 3. Final operating 4. Writing user and training 5. Trial system programming guides implementation Implementation Apply on a Service-wide 6. These phases important phase to technique requires is not that this many the If field require short-handed is cooperator 4 years of from Implementation usually requires handbook study so a unit would usually find immediately to In developing 1. The for use are Forest at to be done on Regional Forest Service standard Forest the Service the following levels additional several it phase usually needed before time needed. is sessions training difficult although access techniques to to put model manipulation are computers ready not are of for use. may big enough levels all In many to handle of cases complex models. 3. Techniques systems being development 4. Techniques needs early complement will developed. units needed continuous publication difficulty other resource not duplicate analysis TSPP personnel work closely with other to assure that first field of by this low occurs. most Forests interaction priority will be developed to be sure of meeting techniques of development of high priority 72 may techniques. this occur is and the This and a technique policies computers it Service-wide to Office computers. have will when sophistication is two receipt. techniques TSPP has pursued Techniques have 2. work upon in conceptualization implementation. intensive of time. However investigation minimum of two summers lead-time average of lack because explained techniques situation a ready. an be further will note In five. basis first. TSPP policy. because The of TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE FOR USE WITHIN TWO YEARS Note Data available for trial competent instructors and at use means that any unit can use techniques with help from a certain risk. Service-Name Date for of Technique and Remarks Process ready Date trial for use. wide ready use. TRAVEL DEMAND MODELS Macro-Allocation Model Determines the amount of recreation traffic which ed to enter Forest from can a large be expect- planning area gates at designated surrounding population centers. By changing inputs such as study area population attrac-tiveness and difficulty of travel a variety of alterna-tive future states can be investigated. Also useful planning. in recreation Usually used in with the combination micro-model. Not applicable where there are to areas no population centers. Developed for use on and probably Univac CDC 1108 computers. University of California development. 73 6400 Spring Summer 1972 1973 TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE FOR USE WITHIN TWO YEARS - Continued Service-Name Date ready for of Technique Micro-Allocation Model and Remarks Process Allocates to network the tion traffic traffic. recreation the 1972 1973 recrea- the to various trips is measured gates derived macro-model from of from of other sources. model This sub-models has measuring 1 gen-erated by traffic travel to various recreation and 2 in attractiveness by traffic generated desires touring which units compete this can also be used for trials. By varying inputs including road characteristics recreation and/or area characteris-tics alternative future states plans can be This is investigated. applicable operation in planning and maintenance in planning. The model is designed custom-tailored Data use. amount of areas. is wide Summer traffic entering This ready Spring usually daily Generation area. use. Date for each link in a Also allocates amount of trial for collected to be each Forest. inter-views traffic through counting measurements network and recreation unit evaluation. 74 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE FOR USE WITHIN TWO YEARS - Continued Service-Name Date for of Technique 6400 and probably Univac 1108 computers. University California Allocation Model travel to a use. ready wide use. of development. timber harvest Allocates Date for CDC on for use Developed Timber and Remarks Process ready trial various network. of links Spring Spring 1972 1973 Through proba-bility can applications where estimate traffic will go. considerable logging - Requires from input timber management people on various timber harvest alternatives. From manipulation of road standards alternatives and network various can harvest alternatives future states plans be investigated. timber transport Includes model below listed as a sub-model. Useful for opera-tion planning and maintenance University analysis. of California development. Uses Univac 1108. NETWORK ANALYSIS MODELS Timber Transport Model May be published network as a timber analysis model. 75 February February 1972 1972 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE FOR USE WITHIN TWO YEARS - Continued Service-Name Date for of Technique Process and Remarks ready trial use. Date ready for wide use. Analyzes a transportation network to efficient haul trucks logging sale a determine most for route from a given and through a mill to market railhead etc.. can be made of Analysis time shortest shortest lowest distance cost. Determines route effi-ciency measures for all three In criteria. addition to timber been this has appraisal used for estimating of various wilderness which and section road to unimproved rebuild first. of California University Network Scheduling Model of a boundary for analyzing of an effects locations TSPP effort use a 1108 or CDC and Univac 3100 computer. Administrative Travel February February Provides 1972 1972 gram a computer most for scheduling travel routes efficient crews required at various the to haul for work locations network. garbage pro- in For example campground clean-up. 76 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE FOR USE WITHIN TWO YEARS - Continued Service-Name Date for of Technique and Remarks Process Coordinated University Fire Control Staff 1108. A transport in wide of control model. Transport Model Not use. ready effort. Uses a Univac fire for Management Service Sciences Date TSPP and California Forest ready trial Spring Spring 1974 1974 August August 1972 1972 fully conceptualized cooperation with the of California University and the Forest Riverside Fire Service Lab. SINGLE LINK ANALYSIS PROGRAMS One-Lane Road Simulator flow of traffic Simulates on one-lane one kind suring.truck and light vehicle kind Mea- road. one travel speeds various under such conditions as amount of vehicles each going way cent per of each classification in each direction turnouts turnouts. costly to designers spacing and length Program of of is run so a guide will be issued for typical situa-tion used for analyses establishing design criteria in planning and design. 77 use. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE FOR USE WITHIN TWO YEARS - Continued Service-Name Date for of Technique Can be used to check also TSPP Stanford The Effects of Horizontal Alignment A handbook use. wide ready use. a design. and Region 6. with nomographs between difference Vehicle Running sizes Costs in for Now Now an roads curves. excellent Financial Design Criteria alignment for determining Economic Cost Model different of curves. Can be used single for Date for determining running costs on planned A and Remarks Process ready trial or in designing Appendix D discussion on Political factors Will evaluate and in analysis. costs basis of has a system road development on total Fall 1973 proposed project. Analyzes cost of construction and maintenance operation under various including alternatives stage construction situations. Cooperator under May be handled by consideration. M.I.T. or of California. University SUPPORT FUNCTIONS Decision-Making Primer A handbook samples decision for with specific applying theory to investi-gation problems. How much traffic site counting testing should be write-up done for foundation and sampling easy Very simple understanding. 78 February February 1972 1972 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE FOR USE WITHIN TWO YEARS - Continued Service-Name Date ready for Traffic lance Surveil- Handbook and Remarks Process Covers of traffic facets all surveillance use. Rough for Forest draft roads including Service for volume June to 1972 1972 also include programs use. February view procedures. Will wide Forests sampling and inter- traffic ready for all on direction specific Date computer Regional use in II of Technique trial and classification data manipulation and summarizing. Will be rewritten after one of use to clarify year obscurities. Programs 1108 on Univac operate and CDC Coordination 3100. TSPP between San Jose State and Region Data Management Specifically - 4. and revision of road inventory update forms to make a more manage-able program include computer inventory data analysis for and incorporate accomplishment Use INFORM Work reports. if possible. will start aggressively 1 January a. network 1972 questionnaire Forests and include to all on needs. Cooperative TSPP and University of California. 79 January January 1973 1974 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE FOR USE WITHIN TWO YEARS - Continued Service-Name Date for of Technique and Remarks Process ready Date trial for ready wide use. use. WORK BY OTHER OR FUTURE UNITS IN Missoula Equipment Counter Traffic ment Center Evaluation methods work be proceeds. for installing loops devices counting a and compiler data issued as will counter evaluation traffic best on working is Handbooks Develop- investi-gating devices for mechanical classification. Running Costs There are few studies on running costs for Analysis b trucks The Say 1973. logging on vehicle any dirt or gravel a Unknown. Date roads. San Dimas Equipment begin-ning TSPP re-write Center Development studies will arrange the Nelson to Byrnes Googins Study Road Logging Handbook when become is in this area. data cost available. THE TOTAL PLANNING PROCESS While a total process studies has during three reports Through project planning the considerable last formally three developed years the it Forest has system analysis and evaluation been investigated by TSPP. Service and its cooperators have From issued in this area. careful a been not a transportation process including reading transportation guidance in and underlining planner the or process a of sections relevant multidisciplinary from the following 80 to a particular planning reports. team planning can obtain II TRANS-PORTATION Forest 1. Service Report No. Technical Engineering ETR-7700-4a FOR FOREST RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TO THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLANNING PLANNING INTRODUCTION CONCEPT PROJECT-A TRANS-PORTATION MAN-AGEMENT Forest 2. Service ETR-7700-4b Report No. Technical Engineering SYSTEM PLANNING FOR FOREST RESOURCE SOME ASPECTS OF RESOURCE AND TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANS-PORTATION MAN-AGEMENT Forest 3. Service Technical Engineering Report No. ETR-7700-4c FOR FOREST RESOURCE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES - A PROCESS REVIEW SYSTEM addition one of the In best PLANNING planning available guides today found is in Cooperative Research Board Report No. 96. Highway STRATEGIES FOR THE EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION PLANS A prototype the total resource Washington Office on transportation any transportation of Planning After analysis. process planning Division analysis areas this be developed will and Policy Review. and winter by include It will completed is publication this fall TSPP will sections supplement further explanation. needing EVALUATION Techniques system analysis of them During and can produce techniques involve the under developed or next be used also few months TSPP techniques presenting are irreducible developed by TSPP or new approaches programming to can its the then programming will the evaluation area. process can in to which the From difficult to cost-effectiveness say in be evaluated. 81 by have promise Some of dollar dollars. analysis evaluation. these in should concepts and readjust until techniques will now further 12 to 18 months a better be techniques be forthcoming not and evaluating the development of evaluation FRT to analyze At that-time upon These resources. Most cannot be measured coordinated appear of the recognize for transportation very closely with resource working decision-maker. cooperators. allocation be be effect against which effects will useful are planning operation and maintenance. order to assure available data FRT in of consideration and systems development units Several in TSPP by which must be measured results the development and considered. work is done programming OBSERVATIONS From the techniques significant change in way we the in changes In answer findings come observations several to this recommended by many. units of Highlights 1. of imminent with macro-system Forest has should level - What a result of TSPP as TSPP not made Observations analysis been asked occur that culture out pointed approaches. planning is causing a here are discussed will the approach of consideration careful Service include the Forest in procedures - we be systemized will Planning at be system transportation mind. The question the Service as well as outsiders. in changes and to plan should it Service planning Forest of planning overview brief preceding process in of a terms and components all their interactions. 2. be will Planning 3. The change biggest alternative or and plans understand that plans must continually by management understanding what is and with on analysis using probability concepts based innovation their being be will in This presented. that so consequence change. method the the includes the of presenting decision-maker can to presentations the public. 4. Based on the above observations need will one functions historical system analysis skills. more or Few is apparent three usually timber like or can people that most National skilled specialists and engineering computer probability production it in techniques competently fill new and Forests one or more in techniques similar of planning these positions without intensive retraining. 5. Because of the will 6. computer changes terminals access to computers be necessary items on Forests. This additional commitment 7. above The systemized maintenance of application effort will quickly changes in analysis to planning work activities become and facilities like information much more managers than will the extend systems of the system. 82 and its and today. into operation and Forest. Plans and their which human body. collection lead-time dollars seen on a National self-adaptive and easily development and operation take procedures planning continuous will by Forest adjust This use to external requires a greater in analyzing the and As a public agency-gets 8. desires the addition large world in changes The planning the has of the listed not will above take development handbook for transportation be completed within place two are considered Most before up to the use never implementation is it. to allow new by two once. in in reasonable planning On units. coordinated is processes on based Forests under great public pressure and of us in planning changing. Many from such with the total hand other the planning resource some certain units for by and want innovator of by with the enough technique of users types risk-adverse The thought of a manipulation by before time. field. are managers they applications meet to operates years may not be applied New techniques occurred never are already analysis which is work at all are learning groups Carrying the ball individual. has well as adjustment as management environment right This environment unique instant demands where a situation are heard. public This technique to created public preferences. changes new technology in publics history. and and serving public needs recognizing at aspirations rise and people demand more amenities. In television sectors better the a guarantee time will take time to a Regional and then the that the technique for office him to to effective support for study engineer work with will and develop technique One approach developer. and risk-adverse risk-taker Forests and in its application. TSPP was developed to work were established additional recognized specialists techniques support from needed transportation the in best can be applied where knowledge transportation by TSPP. Please advise us they do of such the. of system needs most good. 83 at analysis so the Forest Forest analysis that level. needs. the Priorities There which trained are may of be not being skills of our INTRODUCTION t E I the appreciate you my to to present opportunity account an of the events version of the Multi-functional the to leading establishment Devel-opment MPT Process Program Planning Team given to and asked by Mike Team will Chief. the by it Howlett assignment also been have what to predict the could be foolish to predict this early in my Though accomplish. considered the I new assignment will I do to try it so. DEVELOPMENT In describe to trying which caused M J. Hassell Legislative Regional Staff Meeting of Divisions September 27 1971 Service and Office and program of in Division - Washington Affairs Office Assistant attempted first I this where Engineering and established. Plans is work which demand in changes our of Forest could say that This seemed expensive do not evolve in a it and of themselves. approach is which process to start and programming planning planning or to cause The I it forces believe at are follows all of its many and Questions priority exerted Policy actions those coupled with expectation growth Population of use facets challenges for these has do not the will provide correct with resources. their at Internal On human a proposed action many their participation Traditionally this as forest an input and participation The Act environment. people into and and external pressures are being level the Environmental a strong and range lands. extent a National supportable and understandable of to the as in living and Range Forest levels all of standards and public consultation the developed leaving management and use include affect significantly agree Polarized extremes have will and resources. detailed analysis required which would who lands nationwide raised and higher higher on the Nations great impacts are being program emphasis and mix. to influence Act having is for way searching answers lands. plans to They has been a leadership opportunity challenge agencies. for leadership which to their for use for has provided seek concerns about leadership which of the land for the Forest and its Service. 85 ti as I because forces strong it where the re-quires D.C. once me to superficial Washington difficult to change in happened. it MPT the the evolution planning a point of events series establish follow to land up to is the the Chief to The Forest from the Service plans problems programs must take into account Forest and Service A vacuum. Executive Branch evaluation. The problems its The their await The Agency. and evaluation. short term by must reflect world. and this but areas is is extended and real themselves than programming or must be able to always meet among trial call of action to two-way the ground objectives and range field with complete channel the policies and on the land and programs which goals Considerable action planning through Several is underway and programming. the use Re ýons have variety of land-use planning and in some cases Forests to and costs benefits and manpower are is not limited Agency. Competition who back sit are Plans and challenges. which uses are present and for responsible talent and data which and mold these into consequences the real on firmer and planning will permit them courses There must be an open from the highest to programs alternative of each. define long or in must be based organizational and consistent with realistic justify estimates and operational programs. and unit programs responsive the shift toward multifunctional been made to strengthen teams qualified to prepare rapidly in this direction. procedures as his drive and programming planning Those tools area plans Efforts have progressed to better level National of forest Conversely to National needs. in of interdisciplinary the justification error. demands capabilities prospective and Regional within leadership must be able as well as local planning must be demonstrated andclearly present and of communication units must be able to keep land the and responsibility of all agencies alternatives a the level to strengthen be present. Those resource appraisals of the Agency level. program in assigned National money and manpower time a at decisions analysis intuition those recognition. function no longer in not present are Because money for to understand interrelationships and capabilities effective Laws problems. the continues the is sub-units will it inter-relationships means that This one traditional the foundation It efficiency to turn will not receive adequate means that This isolated agencies. of Management and Budget office responsibility to compete itself problem their manpower. of Agriculture Secretary At improvements require use must be efficient communicated. between and the and economic problems confront supported programs complete them clearly. and to communicate fully the we are private and opportunities local with consequences to to and funds established stronger program planning limited and State social challenges limited continues President meet these requirements. prepare Federal and urban rural of National Regional host responsibility of allocating for nor for planning responsibility other policy made The sole of and public demand require that plans and programs be coordinated Forest Service plans and mutually complementary to the extent possible. regulations and not have does and that they see them. are evolving The 86 Forest These to fit or interdisciplinary multiple-use land efforts planning management plans. have resulted hav the needs in a of each Region Service Environmental Program for the Future has the rising of techniques development development. we know Several whether system Which now want planning be are What analysis SPF MPT I best we should thema are those Can any of believe properly been done has are in various ready into an the of How effective purpose What are who have developed the in stages for implementation. we do about new should procedures Much efforts be united can which say to What this These analysis. for of the interrelationshipsjbetween capabilities. where they concerned all the recognition and planning the point by efforts in activities for at to implement and used by establish are efforts involved factors continued to develop of resource-use level do planning time and cost tools and analysis proposals develop to the tools developed or under development describes under the leadership of the Deputy the for setting which Programs and Chief to led the Legislation. OBJECTIVES It also is brings to develop process me an must to the based the link package. upon where objectives must be discussed. multifunctional on-going program-planning outputs point Field to a process which 1. Physical 2. Expected 3. Value of resources 4. Constraints the Washington package Office will overall through provide a objective process. The unified single analysis of inputs and includes of land capability use and consumption - program planning The program The and evaluation goods and esthetic of resources goods and services services - pollution air water and other environmental requirements As I 5. Multifunctional 6. Public see 1. approach to planning involvement it full achievement of this objective Chiefs Office his staff Further mixes and benefits. and to it It SPF. - A computerized will levels permit and between National priorities examination and display of of intensity should permit something process which would permit examine on a broad base should require complete with costs examination of the proper Regions in 87 accordance the following the Chief and and demands. alternative program consequences balance with like their between and NFS capability to produce goods of 2. tentative and-services. production Offices Regional computerized funds and balance National for for the - d services Work reasonable of proposals alternatives presented. c therein with each for by given targets funding environmental the quality constraints Foresters Regional tentative consequences e b several Display of the presentation be the f Compare resource output proposed capability g Respond and proposals for basis tentative needs local program program to produce goods and clear and responding units of land specific this step should to Forester Regional and targets for Costs - A fit targets program alternatives one important output of public involvement the c Identify programs and consequences output Finally Determine capability up and analyze forest a to would this tentative Alternative all to tentative replies. and Regions. Areas that The Chiefs a for assignment a basis as targets WO Forests procedure alternative outputs costs serve funding analyzing b A Determine resources should distributing basis funding Forests it tentative Area Offices to the extent and benefits of trade-offs 3. and on Chief the to and process Forests to Finally and to present alternatives. 4. A the Forests a selection until between for negotiating procedure and periodically update Chiefs Office Regional made. same This the at in be should procedure all levels Office and counterproposals mixes program levels concerning is the order to used reflect to changing values and priorities. In of spite overall It process. and that National also that new direction opportunities we need process This brings 1. me so system. already of the National is because a framework that we Lack of or can this Forests. there has at least on soon be a not are almost The outline is overall has and we holding 88 It reality. now is for MPT is being all This done It better efforts will still is true ways to from to tie into. accomplish. the new far must be done to this underway true that find ourselves process. up refinement developed. is daily for finding reason way from a long lands under development. been a baseline of the what are NFS for the short-term what relate outline will and others themselves we to date planning this effort guide present to predicting Develop soon to multifunctional been developed have conduct management the that true is techniques analysis and accomplishment of the effort all overall and use of subsystems 2. the Using computerized 3. is the National 4. MPTs assignment planning has of phases new and developed or are are recommending for the planning where procedures system. and techniques to plug the gaps. One more obvious process. given them of the an and eliminate as liaison serve concerned groups This effort. planning and to opportunity individuals work development which the basis as in process various dimensions different serve new various analysis will be employed overall between coordinator planning Get action underway needed. are the analyze analysis might the in gaps knowledge gap The these techniques Pinpoint for techniques under development. how a baseline as process should confusion and with up some speed better through communication. In the effort management underway. A SPF NFS member which 6. 7. will a and present Search Last Their to for I basis successful innovations data into Forest that before years will this have and and planning This a IE effort is and suggested one glossary finalization. units to future case useability. by the Chiefs direction planning Service effort produce collection management in developed. prior to interfacing for the Administration be to comment presently underway of ecosystems several will standardize problems of system predict operational for in with representatives from Research Coordinator initial effort circulated in efforts Participate MU including group together incorporate 9. glossary of terms. will be a be widely Get communication improving been assembled group has MPT. of land on the 8. of interest to classify purposes. and public involvement and where appropriate. overall process is fully developed and gone by. 89 III 5. DISCUSSION WELLER Im 3 interested in the project in Region considerable what effort of linkup kind Region the in but have to keep managed Glazebrooks coordination or Creek watershed study. the Beaver they had have efforts It has on taken I wonder the Beaver afloat. it Creek watershed. GLAZEBROOK At the We Flagstaff. for the in RCS that were built the effects for specific of and for being salvageable and useable How make teams or others to to Some of it. With use TSPP we systems about the program be a way on the available This is next should years. software in Creek was that systems in here. RCS that realize but the present find out to on water-yield and priority At are in Flagstaff. beginning are package total 10 of the question how much of was PSW. the These to built This components its are was its highly around the same thing built Or are at will and we are trying the things be go material that this firing line we the Forest at people all going with in to in furnish level the engineering to develop a for over the last 4 paid level for interdisciplinary to have number of Are we going sell. the capabilities specialists to and some those specialists made without you Forest will all the problem program managers have can communicate these decisions computer is it of tools who coordinators we We purposes. on the Forests people these kinds use the a going are of present background not is a question is other contexts. Beaver in It the individual by what soil-water had to against placed. the technical organization utilize or interface or 5 years and all of the at improvements. do we salvage have a it It observed of the proposed plans that project over and some be overwhelmed to systems - water-yield make. particular members of the illustrate reason Creek can into that be we on what deliberating review can priority techniques to dont need We much Beaver put known are how of the some time of process 10 years and a technical be can funding are see contribution the in are ask for a technical review going to next to activities we time present these if you dont get various and to those in components who ask there and pitch for for use for them. I with the think this future. TURNER I was that What pretty interested aspect sort in your remarks of the job that needs of scheme do you as to be have going to done. how I the soil scientists havent really are observed going to handle this on the reorienting of these fellows 90 in action. GLAZEBROOK We were asked inventory where stand they planning the at 10 Region go. which We than less is that There the is about in is soil these planning have of outputs than backlog larger to trace that were expected. 3 Region think is 8 had Region I For 4 has Region in to philosophy tried processes good shape. T.C. Green particularly serve way a long the four years at our current level of effort. the inputs to the kind to surveys the whole Region. or so to cover years in We 5. the acquiring have or another Region in in the Regions as to up Regions that Some way hold take five two are other. usable inventory but they have a reoriented 5 - maybe 8 making are totaled .inventory-reconnaissance-typ levels. have only We to do our job. morning did not resource soil the idea of tailoring 5 survey good shape. Region very we need intensity this it. with attained even soil one and Region is enunciated I instance in in kind of progress we to what as which various genesis of the GAO by information Region else. anyone USHER I have some heard to begin that feel way We myself. but the basic data consequences Maybe we that. concern expressed are more sophisticated to going than that have is our systems are fine pretty suspect. I wind up with a the relationships available outstripping for systems data taking data. I to develop wonder what your general feeling is about of sophisticated models which are much lot of the data that goes into them. .GLAZEBROO We are a at The balance. Forest where they two We cant a way that different kinds to him as wants an At the as entirely present INFORM display far is what for two analysis. individual. purposes the We If usefulness had quite a job to new computer a manager species and as far as brush time we not keeping information one of timber is things in information this. will They the for are at be needed. to determine inventory this get This technology. that Their allowable for range data structured thing again is timber he trying to manage in a job that may want on a map. These may be important of ecological communities delineated different realized of inputs kinds these two get providing in gap to is sales. can be used by this be done by any data Timber Management determine to broaden have it severe a tailored timber and hydrological purposes such been have to has trying to to lay out going are one of the major problems and hardware. are inputs heretofore cuts and Service software sophisticated point here where point competition is concerned. The range manager delineation. do not have up with other for use in our input capabilities. computer structured The technology. 91 to current Suppose facilitate idea in you do use. every INFORM not is want to to display it but use it look at one or linear into another it model We dont way you have to go. Its going to it a We yet. computer To jobs. print You want to to to it give you one or one program to kind different out and it talk models to bring them to bear on software of made some have technology. to another talk of various need of level different one computer to for use the effects to program arrangements. long to put one thing but is to another a want along the line. These are two all INFORM - conceptual but we progress have still a take years. RUPP I think we have - to recognize have not example immediately have was not just individual we inventory. going have to go out People to we phase. This planning Then of is or esthetics something an never we are the rotation However it it may be it is It we that much as a roadside with the in planning team can do. interdisciplinary sale and to be used for an to harvest going because for and bases whole thing further when by wrapping not timber several intended the complicated systems lets take to an individual or even basis - past done work on designed we these the in have take a timber inventory. going to lengthen are We was never into input to cut that area because area because It inventories sound. on a block it sound. on a block. or even trying our statistically to apply tried statistically sale started been that are not in that zone. This is a not an inventory is job. The same in inventory but it are Range leads us werent be thing can down some proposing units Why in this - not Because here roads that have the first place new system over entire have National that done some werent this same this try to fill type that deep trouble because statistically inventory be but by planning Forests of - we a gap us into some gotten and they is is gap they So what we sound. statistically units. of sound by think this will I difference. ý make some in we about Rangebecause Management. coordinated planning said It is going of inventory to take a reorientation on the by Forests basis of what is planned. methods and Its a job that is priorities going to be set are going to have to t be done. b USHER Craig from that standpoint sees that progress his inventory to a point and the information level where one comes is along interdependent RUPP Right now in with no one. 92 the the field software who in_ the Chiefs programs on the other and the other so is that office they available USHER That bothers us in the field. of coordination of programs that point a is RUPP This subject going is going do that services the this needs A together. function. their it done and be to of people lot makes It necessary to done it get from the functional in a about what have to this going to do away In standpoint. is competent very manner which provides not is mandatory that we do a better job than we have it them He about today. talking is concerned are for there on the ground needs. It unit out system or any planning inventory make to pull to do what to people have to to what jean Hassell is the with any its going to fact the past. in USHER The Agreed. basic concern inventory for the has to it of The We models or software needs inventory. of the resource. management put Therefore the resource for requirements that the computer is material. the have this system may computer inventory farther ahead than get not are people sure the the dictate this is proper back and forth and someone banging together. HASSELL I think you actually understated between a balance dont know have. job job what we dont think I hand. at as know and at to have that by doing use. I level know to this think a we we data. We dont know how there everything to this do. I planning of accuracy everything is really rule to is have and effort we need - automatically the problem we think to to me. know know is We to figure it. to data data needs approach I to try out think what any do it already to planning It too is little bit of is we want to that just to we we the a getting us into trouble. a lot of data that We is. use the data about everything. to learn really what out match of trying to situation than just getting deeper little we dont know what think I it. get or famine feast know start available when it think its a I understand the concept difficult what data at all like to we before - dont have and too expensive thinking seems It we if do with to the problem. and software I approach also think have that we that serious. is DeKALB We found acre area because multidiscipline planning they that is spent all they two and really a teams in Region half months knew how of 1 had three months that to do. They 93 time collecting spent the last to plan a data. 20000 This was week analyzing and wasnt it a very job good would probably it they If had collected they data and spent more less time analyzing had a pretty good plan. have BRYANT You folks what out what extent to you way back start personally That involved the is but the toughest with - can you Find doing now. find that there will of your answer unless reliability and to to get your people who the people to get being is that so are of ten you to yourself it to do he of the answers the in enough what you in times out can communicate for a manager thing involved you help nine You owe process. so that you limitations and accuracies will increase little very Get obligation. this them because to use in a real tools like investment a fantastic is cost will it have managers as determine doing the job. are qualified enough to know the with. supplied USHER I dont how care sophistication are reliable data poor not very helpful is. its If wrong its degree of using to see and reliability the decision-making. to HOWLETT We have they are to run of data we analyses on the kind sensitivity are how sensitive to the final decision. HASSELL From my of view point whole approach this and its kind of amazing to task be so still from where far into so gotten we want to Yet go. I we think can a lot to learn and if anyone all spend so dont I we is quite a and money and effort It taking. time is and the problems. - we has any suggestions much any other way we could have see are the conflicts see and programming to planning could many things without the approach something together. have me how we can now to put would say we I the help. use HOWLETT Thank you Jean. the processes This was discussed last year at material and the about the processes before in planning. saying we this have is It is an we been spinning people including programs were could our we are wheels. the Regional to begin extremely complex a program and the I all need 94 it. this to It We are wont has all that would be useful not going work been very be told this. these planning had to learn something methodology and we field think discussed. develop going to use Foresters RFD meeting to settle that way. useful. I it just dont by think All of our field PANEL FRT 1 PROGRAM PLANNING .AN MANAGEMENT R. Larse Chairman R. Chamard F. Ferrarelli F. Hammond PROBLEM STATEMENT The Forest Service does not have FRT an decision-makers programming system which in confi-dence. and have program managers BACKGROUND The search for a programming both provides some program to flexibility meet as future well demands changing and somewhat challenge of certainty and continuity direction that process is as a of a paradox for the program manager and decision-maker. fr At There R. W. the Larse R-4 are many conclusion indicators that need of overhaul. Some that present are as us direct system is to in follows i Chairman the 1. 2. The GAO has directed the Forest Service Service-wide and Regional management objectives on a priority There is a lack to establish program management and implement both systems consistent with basis. of resemblance between tentative and final programs and accomplishment. 3. Resource with 4. program goals appear FRT Present resulting basis in out-of-step with our capability to match funds. much for of funds apportionment dissatisfaction and inhibits Administrationsgoals. 95 to Regions and objective Forests commitment to is our 5. The demand is do more and more with to deep creating in frustrations field all money less development work for They cannot people. confidently look ahead to better days. These and other indicators program and in management the Our future. offer methods and demand that we develop challenges to better position satisfy today the resource managers of reaction rather one is and refine needs than of today planning programming to meet recurrent and new demands. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. define Further multiple-use 2. National Better identify and fund the basic Provide levels - recurrent to relation workload of Regions for recurrent FRT and program support. Regions with a in objectives and Regions. program needs related activities 3. and goals more minimum of forecasts of future specific 3 advance in years of program funding the budget year is recommended. 4. Develop program management and evaluate program as effectiveness. and processes to better manage techniques The system to improve the follows a. Certainty so that planned accomplishment b. Flexibility to ensure continuity results from budgets. and effectiveness-in spite of changing and emphasis. levels c. be designed should Stability in recurrent multiple-use demands program regardless activities of to support shifts in the National broad range of Administration goals. 5. Design facility program benefits Review in order adequacy the intent techniques to better Project Worthiness decisions. 6. management guide measuring and improve transportation quality of program Evaluation. of present program system and its purpose and goals of the Federal Highway 96 I for effectiveness relative Act of 1958. our to and PANEL ABATEMENT POLLUTION R. Kennedy Hahn J. Lamb J. Mead J. 2 Chairman PROBLEM STATEMENT Considerable expressed to date continues concern to be about the lack of accomplishment With Program. Water the in the the compliance Abatement Pollution established deadlines for to be behind Regions seem schedule. BACKGROUND The program on for water National in Kennedy R-5 to Chairman the various 4 This 1970. Federal directions Water Pollution Since the individual More handle Abatement of E.O. projects with estimated have strong increased been 11507 is Forest and of and to gather legislation in this and air this on February pollution program. to this Executive risen at existing The current Order. to $130 million as of June a deferred status. The over 30 1600 1971. Chief program and of our capability the established 97 quality. program has Service placed growth of projects within water response was agency nationwide the Nixon issued E.O. 11507 costs rising to over the in to improve water to abate - Activities leadership for accomplishing in direct the identified concern about numbers deadlines Program issuance projects expressed each agency and established Federal of Water 1966 and directed each Order and subsequent to this Executive under one Order President Order directed facilities July provide effort to lack of response - is-sued Pollution- by Due new a 11288 Control and Abatement Prevention J.D. not is Order Executive program. abatement pollution lands Forest deadlines. has to Differences within FS Regions led to confusion and permittees timely. have Solid waste received There However consistency receiving the also confusion from planned actions that is moving various in much months relating were not facilities to this same 11507 E.O. the all the is program and confusion past approaching an even to accomplishment reporting lack program Time keel. is It factors lag rapidly. recommended is complementary 2. its confidence It is in 3. It problems causes latter not that and retained for use in all sites input and should facilities role its gives to clarify our respective of sewage treatment of FS representation to message tentative plans. to the The carrying. and then approval pollution in management and land-use As planning. Program has developed many projects have the program and The then dropped subsequently as data accumulated on these projects and for management be lost even not abatement data be documented if decisions of Federal on operations the projects are not included in the Abatement ement Program. IIII Pollution water for this program. valuable are their when EPA subsequent been identified included non-qualifiers EPA from support ranging or Abatement Water Pollution the if exercise task at hand. the meet with the reaffirm office the decision. support recommended is EPA ways different WO the Chiefs the that organization and with be recognized factor lag the States for approval of Regions States in that with dealing Different time this of the the Regions in accomplishing in recommended roles will that nature 4. It is recommended concentrated Abatement vaults Program is units many of which are to the and portable increasingly from sewage wastes related In technical of additives for use criteria develop area of the problem of disposal of concentrated the becoming are concentrated problems trailer WO the wastes. sewage camp systems that the varying incompatible toilets National Forest controls with treatment 98 is for processes. from Community treatment facilities. on additives in Pollution wastes significant. unavailable of now view of a program a distorted cause implementation. apparent The levels. organizational and management on RECOMMENDATIONS 1. of well understood. low-use response Regions of at recognized of in Forests to inclusion of response. degrees attention Policies of high-cost management programs relating been has project use recent in identification. to continuing varying much was in land developments in joint systems were not private decisions Management Regions and between interpretation of project eligibility between in to One of such of the wastes PANEL 3 ENGINEERING QUALITY T. Utterback Chairman D. Logan G. Leonard T. Nielsen G. Scherrer PROBLEM STATEMENT How be uniform compliance can obtained for all road to standards on construction Forests National BACKGROUND One of.the the Forest allowable land management Service to is As of timber. cut Environment 70s for the objectives maintain quality the out pointed in timber and use of land resources depend harvest of on manage-ment. road construction proper road specifications and contract requirements Utterback and R-6 Chairman Lacking guidelines to the toward upcoming skills than are that service minimize to assist in scheduling field action Obviously programs. fluctuations barely be supplied of financing in at the The best. past they field are less adverse to manpower. in pointed it will and other an engineering have Engineers convinced that people a direction when particularly Forest will impacts limited engineering energy of subsequent programs cannot be tolerated can their more not require implemented recently quality of our timber access roads the T.E. for good im-prove New experienced happen in the future. The WO The accelerated without would naturally influences and adequate have road program engineering is most knowledgeable of directions apt to be taken. is a prime example lead-time. been most appreciative People of even basis. 99 of committed responsible a few months FRT for engineering notice financing schedules on a possibility Studies the conducted presently to date indicate that even with the best organization and technique workload cannot be carried out to a projected level satisfactory of quality. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Establish objectives should other WO at the level be carried out to include activities activities. Create rules with of the game insufficient priority ranking assigning This manpower. which may be abandoned for for before priority statement quality suffers commitment of on engineering effort. 2. Select merits a joint of a timber Service management-engineering task force to audit system to standards. 100 evaluate conformance investigate with the quality PANEL 4 GEOMETRONICSAND TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS Hogan Chairman J. 0. Bockes C. Chandler R. Swinnerton PROBLEM STATEMENT We 1. do not have adequate and administrative todays cannot to meet maps Forest Service needs. afford to demand the work keep up with We with present pro-duction methods and organization rather than develop-mental work. BACKGROUND s. Each discussion describing organization J.D. engineering ADP systems of the attendees interest for Regional concern to be involved to centered setting in Rangers with providing primarily involvement in priority his place in from space up-to-date to Technological the in improvements Improvements liaison on implementing work maps. The on the operational mapping the Technological brief and the problems he saw. These remote sensing Chairman new a presented problems ranged from interagency WO Hogan member panel problems and a They want projects. area. RECOMMENDATION Define the production alternative develop program needs mapping action plans to for the next 5 years short range and accomplish the program. ACTION Hold a workshop for with representatives from implementing the asked to attend recommendations. - scheduled for all All Regions AREs in responsible Denver October 27-29 101 order to develop 1971. a framework for geometronics were PROBLEM STATEMENT 2. There lack a is of direction in the and implementation of development computer applications and geometronics. engineering RECOMMENDATION Establish a steering committee Promote that by of Regional group composed and Washington which will Office personnel 1 or advisory the communications between the wants or problems of the user computer engineering oriented user are and the developer defined technology so and so that advances and geometronics are made known. 2 Prepare a program to satisfy of the 3 the immediate wants and problems user. and Prepare computer Forest or solve oriented advances program to explore and geometronics technology update a in engineering for applicability to Service problems. ACTION Swinnerton and Hogan WO to develop groups. IIýýI advisory Bockes 102 proposals for implementing the PANEL 5 INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION Chairman G. Roberts B. Bowen D. Roper D. Jones D. Williamson PROBLEM STATEMENT How do both formal we insure adequate and contract on inspection timber operator III construction BACKGROUND construc-tion In the past timber road purchaser ques-tion not received has to formal how is done on more What is for certification G. W. Roberts R-1 some needed to be is comparable The an adequate get purchaser in progress others. we do timber inspection construction. contract job roads There Regions than is in a uniform program administered by the Regions. Chairman RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended certification 1. Director 3. Chiefs Service develop the following program by taking of the Division the specific 2. that the Forest of office should required on Training material all by September issue jobs after July to initiate the inspector should designate an individual with the program. a policy 1 construction steps Engineering responsibility to develop a Service-wide that a certified inspector shall be 1974. program must be 1972. 103 available to the Regions PANEL AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT C.W. F. 6 Howard Chairman Burbank 0. Broadway PROBLEM STATEMENT The Equipment Program does well as functional Regions nor realize fully a clear do field the extent and Test Development of the picture of all the or managers foresters of as Development and requirements needs Test with the Regions Equipment do not have personnel tow not should. it and Development relate the services Equipment available to them. loose-C. BACKGROUND In W. Howard EDC San Dimas knit become and the only Regional are fragments these of functional committees coming in. However committees. equipment are The they not have are were instigated of a The committee. equipment has been for these committee meetings objectives. The the whole covering centers projects recommendations the Regional trend a rehash new past through Chairman to the On working to regenerate not been too board equipment advisory field. a nationwide some basis life back into for their successful. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide review 2. Regions with copies or synopses comment Regional Equipment management 3. Place more proposals and the priorities as they of new relate to Advisory Boards should project proposals their emphasis on informing the and repair Regions of.actions taken they 105 the represent user and those who must maintain submitted by them-that Regions. were accepted in interests of equipment. on project whole or in part as new proposals deferred 4. Coordinate common 5. Provide Regional activities in other approved projects or that they were and reasons why. of various committees and groups working opportunity to on equipment development programs. Equipment Equipment activities Development Advisory to providing staff personnel Board meetings information Il their included or rejected 106 as and advice. needed but attend restricting PANEL 7 SPECIAL USE IMPACTS Meinders Chairman B. H. Cappleman C. Dwyer S. Hughes M. Loverage PROBLEM STATEMENT programs must. be Financed manpower qualified connected reduced shifted to unfinanced with and work do Use Special Permits. BACKGROUND There our are numerous that Forests These program. highway the Corps of R-1 Meinders for Chairman In the past so great that we have neither However the impact supervise their design outside generated is given We are we are shift and the also are permits we cannot such agencies as Bureau many of requests from private sources. completely or prevent land we must recognize that their the to recognition that point we must In order to properly forced our to efforts take to nor have ignored properly review money away cover we them. review and and supervise these from existing financed programs over which we have no control. responsible responsible other them proper and construction. projects Forest by other FHWA construction ignore them. increasing and manpower and programs planning on National efforts we cannot FPC FRT for engineers the for protecting safety of the must be reviewed our public to and resources on National determine if ecology. Forest The lands. safety and ecology Forest Service The work is of are adequately 107 III impacts are include projects There use special Although these construction control not part of the Engineers Reclamation. B.E. are construction and construction projects on construction 0 protected. funds However POSSIBLE Forests. It manpower and allowance is recognized that this is our inability of permittee an impractical to get additional construction solution. SOLUTIONS Realistically provide 2. in seems to be to discontinue the alternative the National 1. with the reduction recognize financing Sharply define the increased workload and increase ceilings to and qualified manpower. legal of the job and do no more requirements than legally required. 3. Require the permittee to finance Forest Service support services. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Washington 2. Regions Office define assess legal responsibility. manpower requirements in connection with Special Use Permits. 3. Washington funding Office develop policy and procedures and manpower. 108 for furnishing adequate on PANEL 8 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM OPERATION Chairman D. Trask F. Ferrarelli E. Neumann S. Wilcox Three topics were Maintenance Road Third considered discussed Use the by Regulations Each System. panel The and will topic be separately. MAINTENANCE 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT A uniform not exist. vary in of maintenance definition on Practices condition does surveys each Region. BACKGROUND Some W would Regions like to system sys-tem be-tween Trask D.B. roads It was The that apparent 6000 the cover occasional each probably for Further year. was obligations probabilities before did not feel miles of additional discussion and reconstruction. roads that Uniform are during funds being of periods through some that maintenance a lack revealed expense be given access avoid other means. were adequate to added to the road of understanding and distinction definitions do not exist. Practices on and maintenance with the number of Regions and vary in accordance with the number of Forests. It was clear that no Region has a definitive system systematic additional group could to -surveys maintenance assessing There the 7000 to maintenance condition user or hunter put manner a positive in maintenance Chairman non-use. to bed priority some and needs on discussion the tort discussion deciding in accordance claims on to build where use new of recent effects both from an environmental of funds with these needs on a basis. standpoint adequate of network legislation maintenance analysis roads. 109 on our Clean Air Act leading is et maintenance cetera and the not performed. to total cost There was consideration RECOMMENDATIONS 1 The Washington definition present 2 There Office need a is determining is should of out the for priorities the since date. Office Washington for maintenance standards redefine to new methods develop of maintenance and reconstruction investments in should do use and control. 3 The Forest Service maintenance as it engineers relates with better advice on job of analyzing a better road road costs and furnish the land managers to total alternatives be to used in decision-making. USE REGULATION 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT It is to difficult very enforce road use service special to be a more uniform understanding There needs haulers. and designate commercial by and use of P.L. 92-82. BACKGROUND It was with to the called Chap. 11 - Safety uniform attention groups Order No. control traffic that but devices to comply with the modified requirements. Road regulations use There problem as applicable to Forest to enforce enforcement Forest was the roads on types of land interested in Police a Washington it is Law Public to reimburse of our Since imperative. Service the The Service Forest appropriate 92-82 recently under Forest authorities Office that the that was given State this will and will a regulation laws be be asked law facilitate enforcement. interpretation and guidance Act. special become traffic or counties enacted of will traffic State Service jurisdiction for some on be able road management or enforcement is CFR working is Service should tighter Law under 23 requires compliance designation need for roads. fall Office Washington our objective 110 I This on system roads and the need for law or laws. all use in now roads Act. Safety the and Special interest these Service Sisk-Johnson expressed and control become will discussed increases traffic enforcement were was to direct operations Service with the Department of Transportation. modifications attention. Forest 13 of the Highway allow The under P.L. the group 92-82 RECOMMENDATIONS The 1. order 212.7 Road Service Special should seek so signing of modification of commercial haulers notification to permit minimize to of Engineering Office Division Washington CFR 36 as by mail avoid to in sign pollution. The 2. Office Washington the proper write additional manual and interpretation of the various use road use closures direct The Washington 3. should for Office manual publishes concerning and regulations to control resource accomplishing material objectives. under P.L. material on operations 92-82. 3. THIRD ROAD SYSTEM PROBLEM STATEMENT The number of roads abandoned by the counties are The increasing. which require the Forest Service to maintain impossible restrictions counties are placing these roads. BACKGROUND These on roads are the county counties are on both the road is too either in a on The of the problem extent roads the area road. public restrictions the National poor to maintain program often or State and Forest county approaching the systems them. The Forest the making is Forest was not these roads cases Service known or the In many upon very these roads may put and yet impractical the following recommendations RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The Washington this problem Office and should contact discuss possible solutions. and attempt to 2. The solve Washington and maintenance the The gather data National Regions should responsibilities provide 111 of County to begin the various guides between authorities. of Association these problems within Office on the magnitude and nature should the for making Officials local contacts States. determining Forest Service the to accomplish. difficult group made the cases abandoning occasionally are county activities therefore System or those roads boundary. dependent frequently some In Service Forest jurisdiction and county PANEL MATERIALS 9 ENGINEERING W. Furen Chairman D. Jones A. Pelzner L. Stern PROBLEM STATEMENT Over $300 million are being on engineered The vast on Forest That System. this expressed AL inordinate repair are W.E. costs. on built Forest efficient and This This adequate is and has resulted turn maintenance and works materials. materials In not are attention engineering in design turn in inadequate of many of our engineered has resulted in very and construction attention is resulting works and degradation basic of the and serious problems management and development of the National effective in impact Service engineered earth receiving significant sediment in and from earth general planning performance environment. a This dust construction these This unsatisfactory system and mainte-nance. Furen R-5 Chairman in have unquestioned. Forest spent impact on the Forest excessive failures. unsightly in is Service. are Transportation transportation works engineered in Forest dollars Service and often detrimental environment the in of these majority the other works annually spent for Forests. BACKGROUND There are Forest Service are not receiving adequate many indications 1. Using wrong 2. Poor 3. Lack of knowledge results skills to - that try the earth materials used attention. Some of skills in problems earth science fields 113 engineered these are geotechnic to solve failures of in works in the 4. Inadequate or untimely to Forest 5. Imbalances of materials engineering 6. Trial 1. $10 million/year 8. Dusty roads and unstabilized surfaces 9. Slope response needs organizations across the Service - inordinate costs III and error design techniques storm damage system to transportation failures road safety 10. Forest 11. Excessive 12. Insufficient road life 13. GFI 14. Line deficiencies maintenance costs reports decisions Foresters by Regional a. No b. Stabilized surfaces slip no Region slide 6 Region 5 RECOMMENDATIONS Since works are engineered materials are basic to National 1. That a Timber high level Harvesting on built fact Forest in and from earth materials management it is recommended group such as Committee examine finding Review and since these earth the group enlisted Forest in the Service practices in ecommenda-II the handling 2. That this tions to of these earth resources. group develop the Chief for specific the proper detailed and comprehensive and appropriate be given to these earth resources. III 114 engineering attention to PANEL TRAINING 10 AND MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT Loff Chairman D. W. Kinworthy Landman R. N. Sears Sirmon J. PROBLEM STATEMENT Due the to engineers for reluctant The training. do staff workload heavy are understand not engineers Forester Regional Division of Engineering supervising to release the role and his of the training position. BACKGROUND It is obvious with the better ý jI$ ý - job informing Yý D.D. Lou R-4 the that To Management. must have He should deficiencies and has the knowledge We also need out-Service If the the the of the develop identify quality training to improve Forest panel a system and deficiencies deficiencies and of The problems. we must to engineers members in the competence to an engineering be one who has training or can coordinator acquire to of work with skills to identify - specifically to correct them. explore develop and make known training opportunities opportunities. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. our can be corrected have. do this each Region Personnel skills people. by training we must be able to provide we of quality job we must do a have training staff I Chairman the people of to do a are we people Supervisor believes we if Get understanding and commitment from the Regional the need for the engineering training and development 115 Engineers position. regarding 2. A paper assist is being developed Regional Engineers gain an understanding 3. Reaffirm the obvious a. b. how out-Service capabilities. development of role technical Determine the Sirmon due February 1972 which these the this commitment original take Jeff informing of the Service-wide WO by in to Regional leadership coordinators be doing an develop action plan training needs and corrected with to position. engineering can will Forester and staff utilizing either in-Service or training and Regional engineering the work staff to examine deficiencies. and to the spend on report Regions on progress by July 1972. 4. Analyze the self-development amount and of relate time this other to the personnel. 116 similar professions needs of Forest Service engineering PANEL 11 CONSTRUCTION IMPACT OF POLLUTION ABATEMENT Plath Chairman B. B. Bradley A. Colley Feuchter R. PROBLEM STATEMENT We now are plants operators. We the t have trained will be we the to difficult licensed require neither manpower It will plants. that 500 sewage over constructing treatment ceilings operate for this contract to nor these behind exist-ing service as already are and maintenance funds operation and cannot take facilities work unfunded in our for on additional in this area. BACKGROUND The no posed Plath R-6 major should supervision Chairman ranks after major impact is construction. designs would operation Recognizing a the future and Staff in required have the decisive be in Personnel and for construction within available carried out itself the the planning these projects. for and maintenance of the pollution abatement systems that impact and our construction problem. of those who and design The that administration contract B.B. held panel ability decisions made amount on the to finance today of it the operations panel the concerning system and maintenance developed the following statement Line have not given adequate attention to the operation and maintenance aspects of pollution abatement systems. Full implementation of E.O. projects and all solid waste 11507 requires that disposal systems we have operational 117 all water by the pollution abatement end of FY 1974. As a estimate $20 million per year conservative be required will to and maintain operate these systems. 500 Approximately should have To immediately to begin we connot Where contract ensure that Region waste all actions funded and and the this WO will we must service develop of the construction on a timely basis carried out critical for the paths licensed require for securing their up to the operational leading develop plants alternatives explore for on board during our operators recognized sewage treatment this in-house respective phase water operators. trained this manpower. capabilities recommends panel and plants. of these systems pollution Action are fully that each abatement and solid disposal programs. RECOMMENDATIONS In carrying out the above the be identified and appropriate should following actions taken 1. Forest and Supervisors Engineers OM must consider costs in the selection of a pollution abatement process. This requires an examination of alternate methods 2. the required for carrying out must Offices Regional 3. The This costs. will need to develop Currently funds financed through contributing amount for general functions required is critical Office Divisions Washington Recreation OM identify qualification requirements. for if the OM. of and needs a State license Administrative is Management of administrative operation budgets This are may not increased pollution abatement at administrative 118 a present their required. a system for identifying and funding assessments. their personnel where and OM facilities are problem for to cover facilities. the GENERAL DISCUSSION THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30 TURNER As it National see I the going have to have going to are program and pollution abatement program. timber - been set we have priorities to use on our people all other areas of concern Many are to suffer. GANO Someone we suggested hes of job that kind what we understand audit to we have the admit that uneasiness to We are at skills deep concern to have a study considering that are of necessarily I uneasy. we arent performing is of skills manpower - suggest that that not perhaps use we to we havent are built of things here that We necessarily money. we an arrangement practical a whole host the establish to conduct available of our real problems are to attempting attempting are motivations use required. There and its not we and we attitudes may be one are that underway to be adequacy tools training in itself into our people cause We quality standards are looking that recognizing a poor job of telling the Chief doing after. our qualify goals. cetera et are should indicate our a quality job. The the Chief. KETCHAM In the Chiefs Program Chief needs to for the 1970s know what we need in the the first way statement of facilities concerns to do a quality job. WILKE think there has spending time I suggested we are reviewing as far as going been quite a to changing have bit design of discussion on establishing plans priorities to change our trying to do business as usual without made by or direction - just an exercise emphasis and cut out changing 119 anything. We priorities. There hasnt others. in something. should been semantics. I stop anything believe I think we are AND - A REVIEW PANEL REPORTS DISCUSSION HOWLETT We Jack Deinema Russ McRorey and Paul Neff with us today. I would like to them up to date with respect to our panel reports and recommendations. we had a report from each chairman. We would like to review these reports Yesterday have bring today. DEINEMA How do you intend up to follow Are you going to this put form into written HOWLETT from we what finalize be will ilt Everything We you. in put final down put not are as we would are not - we answers for too just some like want to we volume. Before into a proceedings recommendations asking recommendations we make form written and input guidance make sure that the far off. UTTERBACK I was on the for quality panel applies to everything engineering we do An a small part of quality engineering. we a support are however service. the overlook lowest irreplaceable A action. or assist further are cost. study impacts an economic analysis and Legislative of actions. cannot be Most considered of resources quality to zero in on just quality engineering that is These must standpoint. that provide be run to find the best has management been result engineered in until alternative pointed at related particularly projects adequately required and cost factors unique to direction engineering as in which could should land we had engineering executive of alternatives an alternatives as loss to us that apparent felt meeting land management objectives in from such We minimum managers of the various irrevocable project land rather engineering. obvious considerations adverse Considering comprehensive have to of these alternatives each for there to a total relate effort in was It engineering. an all a to irrevocable alternatives been considered. USHER I think cant we engineers do everything. need priority Nevertheless problem. With our present definitions we want constraints we as far as programming to be part of the feel 120 solution is concerned. not part We of the uneasy about the projects for which we The accountable. are Regional Forester on engineering uncomfortable related to management aspects about the RFs advise the direction real which we in giving advice for responsible is Engineer We objectives. going. are are just a little bit want to be able to just I to the Regional properly. III TURNER I uncomfortable feel to our called to take the We are attention. of pollution care done. things with This financed abatement. mean will situation present timber to produce our I we that seems National It dont really have to much see our lessen cut. are priorities We choice efforts but to get these areas and other in being financed also are con-sequently do consequently or accept that. support a quality job in other fields. I feel I am I we ought what than less than less talking about more money or more not a trap. in to do in am confident not must do the I other areas. see a way I think RFs and We things priority dont I that out. will are people. MILLER business of quality engineering This problems have the to satisfy to reach the trying to satisfy in is beyond we people are has been bothering me We have land manager. working for the really what a land manager just all week to go beyond We public. might be happy - one of our that idea have - we responsibility with. WILKE We today of for. It asking that is demanded is dont have program. what We engineering you are people want. just at 2 put in that You it.and we have as can the 2 saying all We well directed. have 1 man with engineers agree so the of quality they some of our efforts that of our efforts. We road building other of just our road building what things to emphasize and terms single phase of our total of getting something many people no matter how we are at a point of doing with else efficient think on roads are from phase on one in faced level other juggling priorities to forego dont kind of quality job we to yet willing I can some are of quality that has been redirect engineering week about do so much only or not we What thing. the kind is number of the have this we that construction we would be how that saying engineering total the de-emphasize. In Region this simple in a relative is engineering have been furnishing are been talking have job accomplished. as Region to things we past construction would have agencies quality people just not to in the in Now us. preconstruction on that ought to recognize with that people are now telling the us they of what road would be using per 10 agency any other one aspect of our job. 121 I IOW LETT We do have number largest of people panel on programming. going far enough become that shifts our manpower of majority some to make- of the problems we so that the in priority toward One pollution abatement. One advance in can is organize the panel where in the we are to meet those jobs efficiently had some second Our.. was suggested this dont know just more The are very limited. road program. help to we that Bob Larses future. manpower shifts in directed already is in is however any recommendations on this. LARSE One of problems we the we constraints have 2 3 to be going Regions think we may involve are We new going to have in changes organizational the programming was the and the apparent need to shift people of what our range forecasts program is At the present program direction work on to to. funds need longer and 4 years from today. forecast what to our panel with respect in manpower and in today job demands. meet changing to discussed time it is very of our manpower and flexibility for difficult might be 3 years from now. there skills. I This concepts. HOWLETT We do not jobs. We than just I the not arent going about make some numbers to There happen. We feel hard decisions a is the engineering project put strong we have reached we are not going to or funds constraint that people We do priority much larger sometimes bolster the there for projects that just organizationally a point to Its organization. about whole Forests. talking manpower and with this. are of just movement of the accomplish terms in We engineering. organization to flexibility talking Forest anything E have are where we are against doing going to have to meet our goals without increasing our of people. DEINEMA Will this w some help It is to going give we that effort reorganization more are going through flexibility Forest of two Forests per Region be of by Forest isnt it HOWLETT We have been discouraged studies are to made and do and what we the are almost total to the lack going to put point of frustration of relationship out there to do 122 of what it. No in we one the are will way some going get to down of these be financed to the basic that fact have you to look at what got around a fixed organize you are and then organize proposing we rather than around what concept have to do We it. do on the ground to DEINEMA These the trial reorganizations on the Forests much job more Its just easily. a more have so trial They flexibility. isnt but far that can to do organize the right the Multiple-Use Act a step in direction HOWLETT What Jack happens that specific This We things. making is the adverse it are we that we what describes is are to going extremely we manage difficult are to such basic legislation but then to do the first and organized conditions some have we we funded and required to do get never to do the second. organize an effective carry out as program under particularly facing. CURFMAN We to have four that forests 1 you each one of the forests additional cant have additional was assumed from the beginning It money. and we had enough studied. There were two being are dollars. It was just to work something without a foundation the constraints that were given people that and 2 you cant have we had enough people there improper mix. So we trying to achieve are from. HOWLETT There out brought a also is in serious problem panel the develop time and during to engineers Many those the divert projects on -the which they are we we on put we are are far financed etc. taking We more important to We undertake. We have These other large that This is not recognized the field to do these jobs. 123 level these cant many either in as and most talented to the management have such problems that particular our highest feel impacts tremendous users of our are with They have a tremendous job of managing not funded. was It jobs. we do about 7 times the number plans work - unfinanced regarding lifts do. to to these fields. efforts their ski projects review course of construction lands. in to Region say financed are - effort times these impacts impacts people than every highway program water interstate engineering that discussion of man-years of work in Forests be abandoned. of the lands than that have large these other programs for job loads or in the types of DEINEMA One on this I have point been here a year and one month. in make many recommendations similar to this. It was WO when I was in the Regional Office and on the Then Forest. a solution the in for this We rec.gnized. to came I through of kind went began I to need This thing. some see and there it Management and Budget and over Congress and you people in the some of it. So we end up with a there field slight are it is but year on the was on the I dont just impacts get a known well It got more Office of it to goes restores Congress near what anywhere have is little wiped out. Then when not used to finger go to the will it your needs but use I for this purpose. probably then really making increase I life. special Well back. the Department with arguing slashed got when of facts this wiser. Office Regional concerning lot to put the easy of the about $2.5 million additional after Department restored here and too am a I is necessary on the ground. Now how can give Office in the do we overcome The us. way we It are is WO that falls work on the but we and our funds use even you people impacts the scratching surface somehow to is We with are the convince done your job of have needed. is and help you fellows the thought all to get the job done think I special are not going to take going of Management and Budget. Department big ax only that us selling able to convince OMB. the Theres where the really get cut back. HOWLETT we want you to know what We dont want to become part of Jack we handicaps will have in the over and over during we do want problem however our job. doing help in solving some internal has been reiterated We of these difficult want some general this to point meeting. out the and some recognition problems. TURNER This is efforts that exactly what I of our people we were of these going problems. I The be rescheduled said I uncomfortable was programs. priority We in we had schedule outside but if it understand the problems that we impacts is set up for we were not we will try not trying to were very able with your help and understanding to be showing these tremendous trip will when meant toward financed your trip financed to do our hopeful show to was part in this fall OMB some aimed largely to handle. the shift I getting at hope the OMB to face. DEINEMA Thats any probably what relief in sight. its going The same think our only salvation is to take - to get OMB-people pressures and the same to look to contracting. 124 binds are in the going field. I dont to stay with see us. I -WILKE Thats one of the we that said most discouraging not are to be going things allowed have I heard whole week. our contracting increase to this Chet Shields efforts order to in our objectives. accomplish DEINEMA I think some there will be on adding more going to have relief to our rolls. There people there feel is going to be any relief be a need to add more would I we think I ceilings. may else. dont I contracting. be cut back someplace to on these personnel salvation in have but engineers its bad trying to offer any hope or feel hope for contracting. McROREY What Chet was paragraph when held will I agree Don - Jack when you to have going the President abatement. we with are I to is dont to in see written material to contracting is we have around get to date carried a But people. hiring emphasis on pollution abatement and we puts great there some is room negotiating going have to to there with OMB. I are give. I think we that we contracting. spoke of the quality engineering initially the the highest at priorities - President any way out to have to channel going the something about it something establish saying that use President be able to go further think are the for doing responsible certainly not us directing nevertheless about was talking - if we gave level job you of funding said and that is what additional us only have those into the highest money for pollution so many men and so many dollars which are coming down priorities from the highest source-the President. TURNER Then what happens when lot an FPC project comes along - what than pollution abatement more do I tell and its going my Regional his Regional to affect the Forest Forester a then DEINEMA Concerning different your Don to perfectly Timber Id priorities Regional desire Turners Manual willing quality. that we its in on point Forester what achieve clear be are the I is good think not convincing to bet all going my last dollar quality the to he will that back way through sacrifice Chiefs statement 125 the Forester when you up Service in it quality for quantity its every place about these and tell you- stand up else. If your - common been made has in the fellows are this you is under pressure and to get hillside be defend I youve got - then have else. counted. professional allowable youve and remiss or a Ranger take me what down the dont - Im that defensible. If by in if if an allowable cut - I know Id know or anything trail does project we have then wayside reasons where the I cut if you didnt stand up and be that accept and up your boss to an allowable road a the Forester would back make a proposed you the stand that have darned quality is on your job fact goes you why you cant quality is tell state else everything But where What are to going District down slide professionally you didnt if of excuses lot falling up and you practices cut got a be really stand you you cannot that or be behind you. that on you fellows to you would to Forest a road thats build your hand slapped for not making to get on. shaky ground. are If really on the National cut have refuse to build that road. Every Regional going where. depend feel almost not are out you to I you would reasons like its an easy cut you displeasing esthetically think You up. allowable an allowable him and challenge you make to that this meet to would meet not be the morally indefensible. NEFF Of course have is - correct the cant statement be disputed. along and sometimes very much impeded pushed being who Jack interests et cetera special so by In we respects are and by people public opinion isnt surprising that it many a quality job might not look the same to everyone. When insist we go to OMB and to Congress that we attach You know goals. money going Where but we we particular along Chief the particularly money right wont get into area it is with a to they didnt offer dilemma on allowable As a matter allowable of policy the accomplish I public we think at which we say reasons. There we say we get We to are all No we degrees of arent going beyond cut the is that political if we to offer fail give us the arena. timber Foresters and or in Congressional hearings have to been agreed goals that have You hearings in a Forest to as why cut. do this at the expense of the resource. and place into immediately goes their and say or Congress meet the goals. become embroiled in Supervisors FRT OMB to go to willing be able money to finance our job they immediately when we ask for timber money or No one goals we are supposed to accomplish. that the are it for I are quality. this say that to we are the Chief by going and think the whole problem not We going have point. That to to OMB. is I agree the difficult of these the point part of it where however when a point where we can stand up and defend our position with our 126 we cant ascertaining the time meet these goals because a hard time getting to is do our best to critics and be successful that because we if the is we time the sell should we timber No say will we the damage not are going - resource timber the sell to and that is not just acceptable. meantime the In on accomplishment of goals .emphasi At our session panel do be dont money. money Why to enough think that take the think the goals have the them dollars spending I see we dont said else have this engineers work we the first think I we things that have to say. not we OMB and Congress it but If to put have do to to going say We us the to take the give continue to a right the goals accomplish are should dont properly therefore job have to going enough we know that is can do otherwise. you say said you money. Forester Regional dont I dont how we money and spend the accomplish with the because everybody and we can demonstrate it then we do to one of the is suppose to the point get engineers accomplish do you could I I I - day we other to the resource damaging have the Okay when we quality work. will Chief Jack and the going is have to to do the people and then say we to job. just I Dont say dont couldnt accomplish money more us give how we see the keep taking can the goals. WILKE Jack I to case have the Forester Regional him to tell erosion getting your example about the poor road but with agree construction is getting land damage we are proper we do we would and the Chief cant him We is that have we some on contractors some dont. In additional - and white are that that we in drainage its a shade So it is order to the project to enforce really purchaser make have the and people have to state of grey and where because we are the whole road. What we therefore at the site are during culverts. do you draw the line not I assuring ourselves We that sure not this black in that job we now have that and white. What I have to tell of the miles of road. one-tenth good jobs not because or a timber adequately fills 10 times the people- to have buy that. the and compaction along these roads. To assure ourselves drainage can only build way we the to lose and therefore we dont have enough the form of erosion have going are we dont compact the the way we dont along to design getting not that all So its not black is of policy to give that all or engineering us a good job. Some of them of them the specifications. 127 but because do we have to have we depended do the however people on DEINEMA You put acceptable your finger right on it and it has always bothered me in the field - what is erosion We cant have a complete finished product everywhere all the time and thats where just has it take to good judgment. It to have going is depend upon to the situation. KREITLER FY In you 1972 give made the Chief indication us any agreement with Congress an what the Chief as to is Can that there would be goals. about for thinking FY 1973 DEINEMA In When generalities. for after felt we had 1973 allowable sale we had we had and cut the money and We goals. do to a did not into the the think that water. our request a request production in We for are Chief the to what as were interested we were in any increases in our allowable we earned going meeting our cut until make the right to especially is field. for is a for a desire to administration. an increase for try will timber is we increases in He fighting just as hard getting dust-free felt is are when we not really timber but there closer in really decided on water-related Progress in we were keeping is not a balance. show you what we thought was dollars but no increase dont that in quality. goals and concerned. up and being counted. standing that - we bring about a to an increase of 48 percent as far as - of discussion lot He there. getting the boat ramps in to the Department really is recreation improvements in use special not There up for increases in all other activities There was The million poor. above heads desire I is increases Special uses came $2.5 development our want We and a good recreation base out campgrounds watershed. in add to meeting. quality job and Following that the Chief wanted low staff through thinning and seeding. the cut roads budget session our preliminary a Chief as he can I think to get this balance is being recognized and quality point across. HOWLETT Theres bring it one subject out that again and that we is talked about yesterday Transportation and I think System Operation. 128 it would be well if we III TRASK We getting hurt in are already 100000 .th We built. many have just we miles of trails We system. are do can old which would Maybe we need of level a We a look could we should look - we existence about have time just system and to maintain growing experiencing dust we find there are some with of the get at things Maybe we need a definition that first of $28 how a system and ask back in down we could that the million our panel it that that condition on was agreed as was constructed. it ties to redefine to development look Maybe we better. we use and could its Maybe when we means more it be managed should control system. line whole thing-maintenance the that things maintenance at under which the condition in looked climate. a good investment that - we maintenance of facility definition. with a budget realize at of that use find dissatisfaction keep the new One use. that think that in system we have the road to overlook tend miles of roads $28 million at the present spending increased definition maintenance under todays We we Perhaps differently. For example our activity are seeing that system. pressure on we ways. under 200000 at a maintain new control reconstruction we project Maybe we maintenance. - so it should as a feel a all package. The second growing could area that we spent that we are concern use our regulations area that that lies between our the because on which perhaps with a lot experiencing to control panel forest unclear maintenance thwarted time was of the of use We regulations. on resources. pressure that use. Lets build some Perhaps we of into our use flexibility of regulations. the system by use Another some dealt with responsibilities WO is that system development system and the county system. Jurisdiction of lack of county the was the third road system. This should unclear. are provide some Oftentimes our The maintenance. kind panel resource identified of guidance and this plans is are area as one direction. HOWLETT Following right along that in same line relating to operations was the panel on the impact of our pollution abatement program. PLATH It became clear maintenance and in the panel operation discussion of our that treatment 129 our big systems-. impact In rough was going estimates to we be have in a cost about program that will havent considered even We and Recreation many people during We What that and coordinate future and retrained Administrative We efforts. that we didnt have We required We licensed. and we are going to build Management need to have and operate to maintain of skills are type recruited construction the next the in involved reassigned abatement pay We for operators. salaries and suggested this together get needed is are people coordinate to should of what picture get we had decided to Over and above to maintain. million a year dollars into the program. built everything $4.3 the these facilities. need a are critical this starting tremendous a total operational How path to pollution problems 2 years. need a completely coordinated effort. DEINEMA Where does the Why lie fault isnt this coordination now - done being is Recreation l failing to participate PLATH Recreation has planning recreation havent been and have has concerned been working been together. recognize this about been plugging now and over dont I in it. The We havent pulled figures. here and we have think the time were doing engineers their too is the it basic design all been working together over there - yet - we but we must to get together late or get going. HOWLETT Of the new treatment sophistication to licensing people that will comply with the 650 plants that we We need and we how soon State laws. qualified to the are are are level have in place. a going community have that We should they can got to be on board. we to building are some there go ahead and be licensed lot many of We also have attrition. We have to recognize We plants. 130 will States at already 650 of sufficient going to require are least by the toward a development program. to get qualified people are are going to build there are looking the operators we plants that need qualified plant operators. Most make State. sure that our In addition to constructed. We have got to determine got to start a training program in this highly skilled probably be training for area that the local FUREN I am not we that sure be quite to getting the full impact of this. are plants but the operation and maintenance of the more. Everybody a bit concerned is group is in keeping I plants. the back of their minds that about treatment talking are systems are probably going pollution abatement because want just the day-to-day make to sure that the waste in solid operations a tremendous impact. to have are going now right .ha been dealing principally with the treatment We waste solid COLLEY I would water We pollution. and current can make to like costs a point hidden. that unequivocally state and operating It will the to be 3 to going is of land fills take around $15 million per year and probably cost maintenance cost for million annual $4.3 for operation and Maintenance no firm estimates have are the concerning we 4 times the cost of maintaining pollution abatement system. water PLATH Dont you waste think that disposal than the with will the be more probably and with water people to go along personnel balance That dollars pollution is the way dollars abatement we that I look the in required will solid need more the broad picture at there. COLLEY bet a good Its of hauling waste solid abatement waste. waste solid systems. projects. However we that have but on the ground people not the to We staffing probably wont for these jobs that will be required extent Maybe 500 operators have have is today engaged collection in to handle the and new to be trained for major water pollution to bring that a big problem and many people on for we need to get with the solid it. STERN In the water required confidence operation that judgment in they are to going be the best maintenance they their not abatement pollution will selecting select an get the program dollars. these They dollars field are is so concerned very much concerned to the the initial construction alternatives in alternative that is solution. 131 relatively concerned that point they that about the really it is swaying phase. In other maintenance-free but lack words this may HOWLETT This of operating problem come to grips with .Th next abatement pollution is but we must difficult very it. on Materials Engineering panel facilities concerned with a and while it was.also - problem difficult one that we have Service-wide. FUREN Our and earth We materials materials engineering basically were This materials. of National mission total define to tried panel struck Forest Service. about $10 million per year How much simply So I soil think really something as need to week spirit are - lots of things with the use of earth basic and fundamental quite when this to the about the use of earth talked that $300 over for the repair of flood million are One a tremendous figure. is spent we we its impressive sidelight damage being that is primarily to build from. how much How erosion in to a high - - doing Service or even much We tolerable is that doing the to all of us Service the resources. and practical to do this is are to have uneasy somehow National our The as we to Forests and standards a high-level - should in just as - We impressive. are and works have doing. heard I am a system for us to measure what important something we dont unbiased This no for significant. engineered kind of quality job we develop just have works and our use for our tremendously We works. tremendously is figure a means to be doing. engineered soils engineered dollar is to the needs as we dont have that is what management group to study level of earth recommendation of these earth resources use Forest our in on and from earth materials that meaningful of are actually for the enlist long suggesting way the basic abuse perhaps constructed we think being slides in we what standards quality all I are lost is involves concerned is dont know. nieasure We is Service of the job works to the earth materials damage repair engineering Forest management. magnitude for engineered spent annually the of earth materials use Forest the by the materials in in and develop to identify have now. We group take a long hard look feel at the best our present practices. DEINEMA Would it be held to the construction and whats planned land 132 in the long-range future of the FUREN I what guess look am I what at we do quality and until .o saying we that is our posture is right are practical have We a base from which to improve. we for something as basic as these earth resources top of the problem. We need somehow acceptable We trying to do a better job. all now - to taken not a cant define never will measure our present practices and get establish for these earth resources. quality standards GANO supplement Just in materials engineering the we would have degree of effort type of situation. after-the-fact we after applied of materials engineering level adequate is that afraid an is materials engineering then am I of these some avoided been applied have able to put on of our effort in are Most a damaging have experienced should we that A more beginning and situation. the in problems. costly HOWLETT There is one thing the there engineering than in always to none What some accept at the are all - - Forests than there no as quite It in very chairman of that from Forests sophisticated there Obviously of not engineering is middle the the at I think or think I carefully. we need places that we we are political on Training to look at job or not this I am sure reaching of being of can realistic again. doing it carefully. Regions more a lot the point more plans and Development very between making probably are advantage and Manpower You an aspect of quality engineering of materials engineering variations How in a lot is job. complete engineering. doing of doing a complete materials engineering afford. In some can was and between varies variation. investigations and our present way of checking panel In materials significant. Regions undertake. Service-wide a cost particular financial preliminary next we is between about the value of a complete materials engineering failures we need to look mistakes think I investigations to none at all from good quality control quality Materials is we activity tremendous consequences and between Our all or something Certainly is at of opinion we - what are engineering and predesign preconstruction difference mentioned which panel probably a greater variation other any contacts is careful where in our specs. and Don Loff was the panel. LOFF It is the obvious people better job from what we have we I heard have this morning that to do a better job of improving their confidence. We must 133 if of we are training develop going to do a better job with our people. We a system which have to do a identifies the and the skills deficiencies by training then Our voids. the panel some Region we it. We will we have. to one - out-Service provide man who and the training to appropriate training coordinator who has the skills or and knowledge the fill each in can acquire do to authority and make known the training opprotunities need to develop specifically a deficiencies be corrected these deficiencies can If an engineering develop have peoples identify we have people that suggested something about our people the in obvious is Regions already to skills it training opportunities. you would discuss for Too many of our for in-Service courses lack the needed quality. HOWLETT Jeff think I would it be well if which we have been pointing out a minute of work the need for this type some of the ways in the Regions. in SIRMON whole This of manpower development hasnt been defined field of people working lot There people are ceilings also or very well and we have a areas. manpower this - We development. and they planning of thing. sort employment of people manpower called in operating of control and span deployment in different We have placement and have people think other in who people this sort involved in of numbers terms in operate - and of thing - recruitment this is getting people on board. The whole manpower program recommendations the to speaks et type of contribution whole responsible field kinds a of manpower for getting we professional consolidate technical division We needed. deals the job with thrust of our panel of people - are synthesis. concerned in a job doing its that a paper in responsibility with bringing a man on with want to identify the type man of our panel hope to develop redeems division is and one together We a job of development and making a needed maximum to the organization. recommendations Another that been drawn type of a technical Eventually we want cetera. This skills A never this of how question manpower development. the has to do with has should teachers. We to the point from the standpoint been put into a clear of a person focus. being One of the better use that. is that with this emphasis on cutting back be using instructors who training needs. of needs development done has never need to take We that have we a real are qualified to teach look at a recommendation can get adequate instruction. 134 outside and/or the subject sources matter of training and dealing with consolidating these training and improve the level of DEINEMA I think in manpower been outstanding has always Engineering and a leader and the whole training placement the whole Forest in of personnel field Service management. .HOWLET Are there any more discussion points NEFF I how dont know do know want we you Mike work to continue with you have the same call going to be able to improve our quality of are and this of you all the at the at much more it tL Engineering to improve time we to improve going are to say to going rapidly rapidly if fellows levels. on Timber Management we I we that office Washington Regional we work would in work with you will So a team. but I a team. as make I I only Timber Management level like to as work are hope we the offer that any We to get things clarified. objectives and we want the same accomplishments. HOWLETT I want to say that than together they Timber running Regional feeling now. are In every level. Management and We Management that inspection single Timber Washington that I have been fortunate Office. in Timber Management people of cooperation possible to meet Region been very have the in think I some of it is one of the the challenges have Engineering facing the I the also been any we people noticed gone out strengths we with us. closer have this 3 years there hasnt last havent real in have never had the at been a There is on to make can build a it us. CURFMAN On the also first day brought I out credibility I would liketo talk again on credibility and bring in quantity. Credibility - the walking WO John are McGuire outspoken affecting I think this this Forest room realizes the tight-rope that you people in that there are certain rules. did a pretty good job about the - everyone on or that issue in saying or that Service. 135 that they the Washington wont participate Office in cant the be too decisions from quantity. the going back to a We been removed from 1950s which was supposed been talking about talked staff to his planned out and We had a and Ranger am I Supervisor for me. I the jobs is This how he was coming drop he to wins a race We are going we else are doing. that they all much me. when I that satisfied quantity we are here as far as priorities - much that we if it Now which one of extra job He said job he doesnt extra the are really We problems. have that if a guy feel he flags the road didnt get run he are We attention. he over. is think I situation. If they arent going to get is anyone the doing go ahead without to going the same in concerned are want you to do I system-temporary roads. There is little or system of roads which is disturbing more soil than that to be pretty going next week. Finally and him an give the man would the staff it said also for that. done. get attention the race week all when he and when retirement project I getting no engineering is won he the late a fourth also fourth This to special and he stays ahead of the bulldozer while demonstrated a utopia and into the that who one of you accountable to drop in order to do this is in never about here and have of individual 3 or 4 weeks for experience me like sees just the third system of roads anything good that arent getting the jobs no engineering take about to going is on a have program back he expected to get to to it but about story I every one of you has your job close getting true ago and talking type Now hold each was about Ranger so-and-so like what Basically been who man very is the was very emphatic. you would that it I This said said thing me job. supervisor was are a tell time planning problems we to personally going staff to like just started a long new work a the cure The week. all would ask him the ask started in with to would I that situation respond that he hadnt got always The it. recreation Supervisor quantity of standpoint am I has it normal for looking it. DEINEMA One of it think we it priorities is of level. how to put will have to say I to out. I reduction take. I what we just feel where to establish hope you the record that the Chief will help us set priorities One other thing communication. on this Somehow credibility we are The are it promise will an Assistant Regional work program his I felt jobs are broader not I is - to going going priorities constraints will tell that and I Forester was I had to do just it. and you ill-defined on them. the parameters on Monday. going laid had was to something out and grade personnel form ever the Washington to have going I at emphasized that are jobs to take tougher gets dont know I toughest to have going But the cut to be lie. my that This is in is solidly dont look getting the at think it especially dollars. do what will commitment that he 136 I I imperative that more so than you out. I. we as the staff true with these dont know what can to get to this loud and clear. behind as I McGuire John these feel I us. credibility as much as I do story of whats happening told to the ji Now My field. how discovered levels. with Rangers contacts little television into a system like that. in minutes put staff here. knew about what was they would hope- that Engineering being I system of closed .an summer shocked this I think solutions for it I our as bright as just to the all are can they Regions so you something we have to but in work get wouldnt it the field at the all I and Regional the National at meeting and somehow staff when nearly half to death going on dont want more paperwork out is in me come up with hurt to have a tied supervisors Chief know whats happening the time. I have no ready it. CURFMAN I is think would be very helpful this Jack. I think this culture to decentralize organization good. DEINEMA One other working point as people than We feel are in a team in closing and that real strides Foresters making real have the - I been made think we think think Mike decisions I feel have engineers have ever come seen own and into their brighter days in dollars are and outlook now. breakthroughs different disciplines. sure I dont the long-range working together made some I - - it and you in is mentioned that getting away line officers. real it goes throughout from the Engineers we are progress to opening up fellows have earned that. I all key career avenues to it. I they. It is not spots - we have am personally what your profession has done and how the Service has responded 137 and in the Service. very for the proud of The discussions Service 1 of problem on our To concerns. solved is time meeting covered this The recommendations today. these at we think 1. Efforts will are 3. 4. Quality Region 6 audit due 1973. FY Geometronics Denver and made some already have approach in worthiness a as staff in The -- first One of staff. Bill this new - and Technological a multi-layer January and A will Stephens approach. this area. weigh programs MASS with conjunction - hence of business order his Sirmon Jeff system and develop February and March. and in progress evaluation following available. with underway efforts first to better the a stated rational map series. - The of Panel This is due in a Sanitary to develop will proposal of follow the adoption Workshop held in 4 concluded with a plan was presented Foresters and staff a detailed analysis Their report be for Service-wide task force consisting of Jeff make get will Wilcox Sterling Improvements Regional to assignments an approach 1 to is sewage wastes. and a result.of recommendation to implement identified the have be made with the forces for use of additives in concentrated. Engineering the setting. WO on the Engineer have We at Abatement Pollution criteria arrive to priority approach we experiencing can output-oriented to objectives presto and recommend discuss and depth the breadth also reflect to better identify objectives and then objectives. an describe 2. - We continue these against and this the Forest in Solutions may come slow and hard. In view of demands isnt realistic. Programming of engineering major concerns meet can and the constraints we FRT the reflect where a substantial contribution areas ACTION DECISIONS AND FOLLOW-UP - PRIORITIES PANEL REPORTS in all to Chief Regions in Sirmon Terry Gossard how to best implement early summer. recommenda-tion Efforts to establish a steering committee are underway see 2. Wash-ington Jeff and M. Sirmon Regional Administrative Office Divisions Management and Data of Engineering D.C. 138 Meeting Retrieval September Washington 27 1971 Office 5. how the and testing 1974 to redeem Rich Weller 7 - Panel use special dam highway Charles to permits. phases. He System - Operation special Due will started already Due February alternatives. Ed Neumann will Fall be will et in and 3 dealing in paper involving for steps be to in requirements the planning in the activities studies cetera. Wilcox MASS uses 1972. needs consider a develop manpower included Sterling 1 2 and with power lines railroads mining with Trask will assess To be Some work Dave to matter training subject Dwyer responsibilities. implementing recommendations investment Consideration recommendations include efforts and operation has be met. associated will paper coordinate will Transportation chart soon a flow to develop program description the engineers with Jones has been assigned the job of is date can target responsibilities The taken construction 7. program. He population. legal sports. connection 1 Impacts concerning winter Dave development trainee Use Special are July to policy given 6. Service-wide a developing outline - Certification Program Inspector will the take with lead in maintenance. maintenance determining 1973. recommendations handle 1 2 and 3 dealing with road operations. 8. Material and pose - Engineering a Adrian Pelzner fact-finding group will composed a problem develop of skills necessary statement to meet the objectives as per his statement. 9. Training and Manpower Development - Jeff Sirmon will a paper develop on manpower development by early Spring. 10. Construction Jeff planning Sirmon program for for State to define and will in our needs with personnel. examinations. to define the subsequent work OM Abatement- Pollution how guidelines on develop initial of Impact EPA One and display annual operating and other agencies Hammond both in will the plan. to explore a training aspect of the program will be preparation Funds have been earmarked and develop Frank OM cost a training 139 program. in the FY_ 1973 Due March 1973. budget ENGINEERING MEETINGS - SEPTEMBER N O T E 27 - OCTOBER 1 1971 S GPO 932.246