Ocean Dynamics (2005) 55: 213–221 DOI 10.1007/s10236-005-0021-6 J. H. LaCasce Statistics of low frequency currents over the western Norwegian shelf and slope I: current meters Received: 10 November 2004 / Accepted: 13 June 2005 / Published online: 25 August 2005 Ó Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract We examine records from current meters deployed over western Norwegian shelf and slope during the period of 1976 to present. Though many of the records are shorter than six months, when taken together they yield a coherent picture of the field. The mean flow is dominated by the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NwAC) near the shelfbreak, with surface velocities of order 60 cm/sec. The variance is surface-intensified and increases with water depth over the shelf, but is more homogeneous on the slope and just offshore. The variability is strongly seasonal over the shelf but much less so over the slope. Autocorrelations suggest short temporal (1–3 days) and spatial (10–20 km) scales, consistent with deformationscale eddies. There is evidence for a long range (O|100|km) correlation at the shelfbreak, in the core of the NwAC; otherwise the variability is strongly localized. Keywords Velocity statistics Æ Norwegian Æ Shelf Æ Slope 1 Introduction The dominant feature in the shallow, eastern Nordic Seas is the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NwAC), the northward continuation of the North Atlantic Current. The NwAC brings an average volume flux of roughly seven million cubic meters of warm Atlantic water into the Norwegian Sea, with a corresponding heat flux of roughly 0.25 Peta Watts. This heat transport contributes to the relatively mild climate in Norway compared with other locations at similar latitudes. From the perspective of hydrography, the NwAC appears as a broad slab of warm water, stretching from the shelfbreak to 300 km offshore (Fig. 1; Mauritzen (1996)). In contrast, the current’s velocities are predominantly confined to two compact cores, one near the 700 m isobath and the other over the 2000 m isobath (Orvik and Niiler 2002). The former lies near the shelfbreak and latter coincides with the density front between the Atlantic Water and the colder interior water of the Nordic Seas. These cores are strikingly narrow, roughly 20–30 km and are about 500 m deep. The NwAC is strongly steered by topography as it moves through the Nordic Seas and one can trace the path of the currents along isobaths (Poulain et al. 1996; Orvik and Niiler 2002). This is remarkable, given the surface-intensification of the velocity cores.1 As the NwAC flows through the Norwegian Sea it becomes both cooler and fresher. How this transformation occurs and how quickly are unresolved issues. A water parcel advected in the high-velocity cores would traverse the distance from the Faroes to Spitzbergen in a matter of months. But the observed temperature changes in the current indicate a longer exposure to atmospheric cooling (Mauritzen 1996). So fluid parcels are probably exiting the cores, perhaps mixing between them as well as into the Norwegian and Lofoten basins. Lateral mixing has also been invoked to explain the observed freshening of the current before it reaches Spitzbergen (by mixing with the adjacent Norwegian Coastal Current; Mauritzen 1996). But what causes the mixing? If the NwAC were baroclinically unstable, it would generate eddies which would mix the warm Atlantic water laterally. Eddy activity is clearly seen on the front between the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the Norwegian Coastal Current in satellite images of sea surface temperature (Poulain et al. 1996). But in situ velocity measurements are relatively few and the best recent estimates are based on a single current meter array (Skagseth and Orvik Responsible Editor: Phil Dyke J. H. LaCasce Norwegian Meteorological Institute, P.O. Box 43, Blindern, 0313 Oslo, Norway E-mail: josephhl@met.no 1 We know however that topography exerts a strong influence on the time-varying currents here (Isachsen et al. 2003), and this may in turn affect the path of the mean flow. 214 Mooring locations (T>6 months *) 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 2 The locations of the moorings for the in situ time series. The time series longer than six months are indicated by asterisks. In this and the following figures, the topography derives from the etopo5 data set; the contours indicate depths increasing in multiples of 500 m Fig. 1 The temperature across the Svinøy section. The solid lines indicate potential density. From this, the NwAC appears to be a broad surface flow. Courtesy C. Mauritzen and T. Kristiansson 2002). So there is a need for mapping the current using more widely distributed measurements; this is the present goal. Hereafter, we will examine velocity statistics from a set of current meters over the shelf and slope. The records are non-uniformly distributed and many are fairly short, but taken together they yield a reasonably consistent picture of the flow. This in turn can be used to infer characteristics of the NwAC and its eddy field. 2 Regional characteristics The current meter records come from instruments deployed by oil companies in regional survey efforts (and are now archived at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute). The mooring locations are non-uniformly distributed and moreover most records are short, i.e., less than a year. An exception are four moorings in the Svinøy region, deployed by the K.A. Orvik at the University of Bergen (Skagseth and Orvik 2002). These are multi-year records, with the longest spanning some seven years. Taken together, the archive has over 500 records, at the locations shown in Fig. 2. The records span a range of depths and also times, from 1976 to present. The sampling rate also varies, from once a day to once an hour. But because we are interested in the sub-tidal frequencies, we smoothed all records with a low-pass filter (with a half-power point of 12 h). We then generated statistical moments from the velocities and these are presented in the following sections. We begin with the first moment (the means) and then the second (variances). For an indication of frequency of extreme events, we examine the velocity probability density functions. Lastly, we examine temporal correlations from single records and cross-correlations between records at different locations. 3 Means The mean currents calculated from instruments in the upper part of the water column are shown in Fig. 3. These derive from records longer than 60 d, in the depth range of 20–250 m (if multiple instruments were present at the same location, their means were averaged, weighted by record length, to produce a single velocity). Only means significant at the 95% level are plotted. The dominant feature is the inner branch of the NwAC, described above. The current appears distinctly as an intense northward flow in the region bordered by the 500 m and 1000 m isobaths. The maximum velocities at this depth are of order 60 cm/sec. In contrast, the means offshore and on the shelf are weaker. While significant, they do not indicate a clear pattern to the flow in these locations; some vectors are northward while others nearby are southward. Note too that the outer branch of the NwAC is not resolved, possibly due to the lack of moorings in its vicinity. The mean velocities at depth are shown in Fig. 4. These derive from instruments in the lower 40% of the water column; as such, the represented depths vary, 215 500 and 1000 m isobaths and has near-surface velocities of order 60 cm/sec. It is roughly 500–700 m deep and so is visible near the bottom near the shelfbreak. 4 Variances Fig. 3 The mean currents from instruments in the depth range of 20–250 m. The only means plotted are those with records longer than 60 d and which are significant at the 95% level The variances were calculated from all records longer than 50 d; variance ellipses corresponding to instruments with depths from 20 to 250 m are shown in Fig. 5. Several features are evident. First, the variance is greater offshore of the shelfbreak. If eddies are being generated over the slope, they are evidently spreading preferentially offshore. Second, the variability is anisotropic over the slope, with most ellipses oriented parallel to the isobaths. This suggests the bottom constrains the surface variations (despite the significant stratification here; Fig. 1). Offshore the anisotropy and orientation varies with location. Near Svinøy (near 64N, 4E), the ellipses are nearly isotropic while over the Vøring Plateau (near 67N, 6E), they have a distinct zonal orientation. Many ellipses on the shelf are anisotropic but do not exhibit a consistent orientation relative to the isobaths (although this may reflect unresolved topographic features; see below). Third, there is the regional variability. Offshore of the shelfbreak, the ellipses are similar in most regions, suggesting the variance is largely homogeneous. The variability is comparable at higher and lower latitudes, in the west and in the east. However, the variance increases with water depth across the shelf. This is clear if one bins the standard deviations as a function of water depth (Fig. 6). The deviations increase systematically crossing the shelf, but are nearly constant offshore of the 800 m isobath. The deviations are typically 5–10 cm/sec over the shelf, increasing to 15 cm/sec offshore. Fig. 4 The mean currents from instruments in the lower 40% of the water column. The means again come from records longer than 60 d and are significant at the 95% level from roughly 100–200 m over the shelf to over 1000 m offshore.2 As with the surface velocities, the inner branch of the NwAC is the prominent feature. The velocities are about 10 cm/sec over the middle slope but up to 20 cm/sec near the shelfbreak. Elsewhere, on the shelf and offshore, the means are weak and inconsistently oriented. The inner branch of the NwAC therefore dominates the means. It is confined to the slope region, between the 2 In the shallowest regions, only instruments in the upper half of the water column were used for the shallow statistics, to avoid overlap with the deep instruments. Fig. 5 The variance ellipses from all records longer than 50 d, in the depth range of 20–250 m. If multiple instruments were present at the same location, their variances were averaged 216 25 15 10 15 10 5 5 0 winter u winter v summer u summer v 20 20 Standard deviation (cm/sec) Major axis std. dev. (cm/sec) Seasonal variations (T>20 d, 20<z<250 m) Deviations; 20<z<250 m; T>50 days 25 0 0 200 400 600 0 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Water depth Fig. 6 The standard deviations along the major axis of variability plotted as a function of water depth. The results come from instruments in the depth range 20<z<250 m, for records longer than 50 d The deep variances are shown in Fig. 7. The variability here is noticeably weaker than near the surface, consistent with the eddy activity over the slope and offshore being surface-intensified. Interestingly though, the deep variances are approximately the same on the shelf and offshore. As with the surface variances there is substantial anisotropy, with the greatest fluctuations being those parallel to the isobaths. To generate Figs. 5 and 7, we used records from different years. This was possible because the year to year changes are relatively small, ie., the variance is approximately stationary. We exploit stationarity later on when generating the velocity probability densities (Sec. 5). 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Water depth(m) Fig. 8 Velocity standard deviations for winter and summer months from all records longer than 20 d, as a function of water depth. The records have been grouped into three bins, as described in the text However, there is a degree of seasonality in the variance. To quantify this, we extracted portions from the records which covered more than 20 d during the winter or summer periods and combined them to calculate standard deviations during those seasons. Because the variance increases with water depth, we divided the data into three groups: inshore of 500 m, between 500 and 1000 m and offshore of 1000 m. We focused in addition on the shallow depth range (20–250 m) and projected the velocities along and across the local isobaths.3 The results (Fig. 8) suggest the variability on the shelf is about 60% greater during winter than summer. In addition the standard deviations are about the same along and across the isobaths. Over the slope, the winter standard deviations are greater, but only by about 25%. Moreover, the slope variance is anisotropic with respect to the topography (and evidently more so in the wintertime). Offshore, the wintertime variability is likewise only about 25% greater than in the summer. Note the offshore variance is anisotropic, but greater across the isobaths; this stems in part from the zonal variability over the Vøring Plateau. Thus the greatest variability occurs near the surface, offshore of the shelfbreak; it is weaker at depth and over the shelf. Topographic steering is most pronounced over the slope while seasonality is accentuated over the shelf. 5 Probability densities Next, we examine the extreme currents, i.e., velocities exceeding the mean by several standard deviations. Such 3 Fig. 7 The variance ellipses from instruments in the lower 40% of the water column, from records longer than 50 d The projection was made onto the etopo5 topographic data set, smoothed to remove scales smaller than about 15 km. As such, the along-isobath direction will differ somewhat from reality, depending on the location. 217 c Fig. 9 a The along- and cross-isobath velocity PDFs offshore of the shelfbreak, at shallow depths. Only records longer than 30 d have been used. b The along- and cross-isobath velocity PDFs offshore of the shelfbreak, in the deep. c The along- and crossisobath velocity PDFs inshore of the shelfbreak a 10 0 events are infrequent and thus are not well-captured by the lower statistical moments, like the variance. A mooring which experiences mostly weak variability but also occasionally experiences strong currents might have the same variance as a mooring which sees a constant level of intermediate variability. To gauge the frequency of extreme currents, we employ the PDF. The probability density function (PDF) gauges the probability of a given velocity occurring (in this case, at a chosen location and depth). All the statistical moments (mean, variance, etc.) are derived from it. The central limit theorem states that if the data has non-infinite variance, averages of independent sub-samples will have a Gaussian (‘‘normal’’) PDF as long as the number of samples is large enough. But coherent flow features, like jets and vortices, can cause deviations from Gaussian distributions. PDFs from the open ocean are known to be weakly non-Gaussian (Bracco et al. 2000; LaCasce 2005), reflecting more energetic events than expected from a Gaussian process. Ideally, one uses long records to calculate PDFs because anomalous events occur infrequently. But as stated, only the Svinøy records exceed a couple of years in duration. So we invoke stationarity (that the PDFs do not change from year to year) and combine the records together. We normalize the records by dividing by their respective standard deviations, prior to combining them. For a similar analysis, see LaCasce (2005). An example of a ‘‘reconstructed’’ velocity PDF, from the shallow offshore region, is shown in Fig. 9a. The numbers in the upper right corner of the figure are the kurtoses, defined: P 4 u Ku P i i 2 ð i u2i Þ 10 –2 A Gaussian distribution has a kurtosis of three, and larger kurtoses reflect extended ‘‘wings,’’ i.e., more occurrences of extreme events. The numbers at upper left are the significance levels from the Kolmogorov– Smirnov (K–S) test, a goodness-of-fit test which can be used to compare an empirical PDF with a Gaussian (e.g., Press et al. 1992). Values nearer unity reflect an increased likelihood of a Gaussian distribution; if the value exceeds 0.05, one cannot rule out a Gaussian distribution with 95% confidence. To evaluate the K–S statistic, we must take into account that the daily velocities are not independent but rather are correlated over a period of roughly 3 days (Sec. 6). For Fig. 9a, we used records longer than 30 d (because the mean and standard deviations from shorter 20<Z<250m, H>500m, T>30 days 0.744, 0.882 Along (3.1) Across (3.1) 10 –1 10 –3 10 –4 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 u/std(u) Z>500m, H>500m, T>30 days b 10 0 0.010, 0.051 Along (3.6) Across (4.1) 10 –1 10 –2 10 –3 10 –4 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 u/std(u) c 10 0 H<500m, T>30 days 0.000, 0.000 Along (3.9) Across (4.7) 10 –1 10 –2 10 –3 10 –4 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 u/std(u) records have lower significance). By taking all records together like this, the composite time series has over 20,000 d (55 years), much longer than we could hope to 218 Fig. 10 Velocity autocorrelations from four instruments in the region. Shown are the correlations for the along- and cross-isobath velocities, as well as exponentials with comparable decay rates Svinoy slope, 700m Svinoy slope, 100m Along Across exp(t/3) 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 –0.2 0 2 4 6 8 Along Across exp(t/1) 0.8 10 –0.2 0 Halten Bank shelf, 50m 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 2 4 6 obtain with one mooring. The normalized PDF for velocities projected along and across isobaths are plotted over a Gaussian distribution with unit variance.4 We see the PDFs are very nearly Gaussian. There are deviations in the wings, but these are small. The PDFs at depth are less Gaussian (Fig. 9b). The kurtoses are 3.6 and 4.1, and the K–S test suggests the null hypothesis (that the distributions are Gaussian) can be rejected with 95% and 90% confidence in the alongand cross-isobath directions. The PDFs differ from a Gaussian because there are too many extreme events and the cross-isobath velocity is more episodic than the along-isobath velocity. The distributions are also weakly skewed, with more extreme events southward and offshore. The individual records which show the largest kurtoses are those in water deeper than 1000 m, i.e., off the slope. The PDFs from the shelf (Fig. 9c) are even less Gaussian than the deep records offshore. They have elevated kurtoses and the K–S test indicates rejection of Gaussianity at the 99% level. The PDFs in fact appear closer to an exponential distribution. As with the deep offshore region, it is the cross-isobath velocity which exhibits the most pronounced wings. So the PDFs deviate from a Gaussian distribution in the deep water offshore of the shelfbreak and over the 4 The PDF is normalized. To evaluate the actual strength of the currents, one must know the standard deviation, as shown in Fig. 6. 8 6 8 10 Along Across exp(t/1.5) 0.8 0.6 –0.2 4 Halten Bank shelf, 250m Along Across exp(t/1.7) 0.8 2 10 –0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 shelf, due to an excess of large velocity events. The deviations from Gaussianity are more pronounced in the cross-isobath velocity. However, the PDFs in the shallow waters offshore of the shelfbreak are nearly Gaussian. 6 Temporal correlations Next we deduce coherence time scales by calculating velocity autocorrelations at different locations. The autocorrelation, with lag s, is defined: P P ui ðtÞui ðt þ sÞ RðsÞ ¼ i t P ; ð1Þ i Ni where the index i refers to the velocity record and the Ni indicates the number of velocity products for each record (at that lag). Records with gaps are treated as multiple time series. The autocorrelation is normalized by the variance so that the value at zero lag is one. Results for the along- and cross-isobath velocities at two representative locations are shown in Fig. 10. Also, shown are exponential autocorrelations with similar decay times. The curves for the 100 m instrument at Svinøy are representative of the behavior in the core of the NwAC (upper-left panel). The decay in the along-isobath direction is slower than in the cross-isobath direction; the comparison exponential has an e-folding time of 3 d along the isobaths and about 1 d across. Note the decay 219 at short times is actually closer to a Gaussian than an exponential (probably, indicating a non-trivial decorrelation time for the acceleration; Sawford 1991), but the exponential yields a better indication of the integral time. The autocorrelations at 700 m (upper-right panel) are more isotropic, with integral times of about 1 d in both directions. The results downstream along the slope, at Ormen Lange (63.5N, 6E), are very similar to those at Svinøy, with the longest correlation occurring near the surface in the along-isobath direction. Representative examples of the correlations on the shelf are shown in the lower panels. The correlations nearer the surface, at 50 m depth, indicate approximately isotropic decay with time scales on the order of 1.5 d. Similar results are found here with a very shallow instrument, at 2 m depth. They are also similar at 250 m depth (lower right panel), with isotropic correlations and a comparable decay time. So the autocorrelations suggest time scales between 1 and 3 d, with the longest time scales occurring near the surface and in the core of the NwAC. The estimates are nearly identical to those inferred previously from surface drifter data (Poulain et al. 1996). 7 Spatial correlations Lastly, we address the question of coherence between simultaneous records at different locations. Such coherence might occur, for example, with topographic waves propagating along the isobaths. We calculate cross correlations by using concurrent records wherever they exist. First, we consider the correlations across the slope. There is a weak correlation, at zero lag, for the 100 m Fig. 11 Examples of lagged correlations between different moorings. The upper panel pertains to the 100 m instruments at Svinøy moorings S2 and SE1, which lie 13 km apart in the cross-slope direction. The lower panel shows the correlations for the 100 m instruments at moorings S1 and TH7, 94 km apart along the shelfbreak. The peaks near zero lag are significant at the 95% level velocities at the Svinøy moorings S2 and SE1, which lie over the mid-slope and are about 13 km apart (upper panel, Fig. 11). The coefficients are similar in both the along- and cross-isobath directions and are significant at the 95% level. However, they are not large (r 0.4), given the small separation. The correlations for the 500 m velocities are less, nearer r=0.25. Moorings S1 (near the shelfbreak) and S2 are about 10 km apart and yield a similar correlation (r 0.4) at 100 m and weaker correlations at depth. There is a lag of a few days in the along-slope correlation between S2 and SE1 (with SE1 leading) but no such lag exists between S1 and S2, so this is probably insignificant. Moorings S1 and SE1, roughly 24 km apart, are uncorrelated, as are moorings SE1 and SE2, which are 25 km apart. So there is coherence across the slope only at scales less than about 15 km. Then there are the along-slope correlations. For this, we compare the Svinøy records with those at Ormen Lange, roughly 100 km to the north. Moorings S1 and TH7 both lie near the shelfbreak and are about 94 km apart. Interestingly, they are weakly correlated in the along-isobath component at 100 m depth (lower-left panel, Fig. 11); the correlation, with r 0.4, is as large as that between S2 and SE1; it is significant at the 95% level and occurs at zero lag. The cross-isobath component, however, is uncorrelated. A similar result holds for moorings S2 (100 m) and OLI (200 m), which lie over the mid-slope. But not all the shallow slope instruments are so correlated; two others (moorings S2 and TH8) are also about 94 km apart and are uncorrelated in both directions. Furthermore, the correlation does not exist deeper down; none of the Svinøy-Ormen Lange deep instruments are correlated. What causes the correlation near the surface? One candidate is coastal trapped waves. Assuming a typical S2, SE1; 100 m (δx=13km) 0.5 Along Across 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 –0.2 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 S1, TH7; 100 m (δx=94km) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 –0.2 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 220 phase speed of about 100 km/d (e.g. Gill, 1982), such a wave would traverse the distance from Svinøy to Ormen Lange in about a day. So, with 24 h-filtered velocities, a lag of zero is possibly consistent with wave propagation. But the lack of correlation at depth appears to be at odds with this explanation. More likely is that there are coherent fluctuations in the NwAC which affect the along-isobath component for instruments which lie in its core. We found no correlations between moorings on the slope and on the shelf. And the records on the shelf were mostly uncorrelated as well. An exception was two moorings inshore of Ormen Lange (named B9 and B11) which were roughly 17 km apart and were weakly correlated in the cross-isobath velocity. But other similarly spaced meters were uncorrelated. For example, there was a cluster of deep instruments all within a 5 km radius which were mostly uncorrelated. The reason was probably related to the drastic, small scale topographic variations here (and not captured in the etopo5 data set). To conclude, the spatial correlations suggest decay scales of 10–15 km and perhaps less over the shelf. This is on the low end of the range of scales (10–40 km) inferred previously from drifter data (Poulain et al. 1996). There is however evidence of coherent variations in the along-isobath velocity at the shelfbreak over scales of at least 100 km at the shallower depths, probably due to fluctuations in the NwAC. 8 Summary We have examined the statistical moments of the subtidal currents over the western Norwegian shelf and slope. The moments are as follows: – The mean is dominated by the inner branch of the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NwAC), near the shelfbreak. The NwAC is strongly surface-intensified, with velocities of order 60 cm/sec at the surface and falling to near zero near the bottom and is strikingly narrow, of order 20–30 km. The structure is consistent with that described by Skagseth and Orvik (2002) at Svinøy (see their Fig. 3). The means elsewhere are generally weak. We do not resolve the outer branch of the NwAC, inferred previously from drifter data (Poulain et al. 1996; Orvik and Niiler 2002). – The variances are greatest near the surface. They increase with water depth across the shelf, but are approximately constant over the slope and just offshore. There is significant topographic steering of the variability over the slope, but less on the shelf. And there is significant seasonality over the shelf, with winter fluctuations roughly 50% greater than those in summer, but less seasonality on the slope. – The PDFs of the surface velocities are nearly Gaussian over the slope and offshore. They are however significantly non-Gaussian at depth and over the shelf as well. The deviations from Gaussianity stem from an excess of energetic events and are more important in terms of the cross-isobath flow. – The temporal correlations indicate Eulerian timescales of 1–3 days. – The spatial correlations indicate Eulerian length scales on the order 10–15 km. The only exception is a possible long-range correlation in the along-isobath velocities near the shelfbreak. 9 Discussion From the present results, it appears that the NwAC is generating eddies roughly 10 km in scale which spread preferentially offshore. The internal deformation radius here is also about 10 km, so it is possible the eddies are the product of baroclinic instability. The offshore spreading could account for the hydrographic structure of the inflow, as suggested in (Sec. 1). If so, then there is presumably a significant offshore heat flux over the slope. We checked for this (by calculating correlations between residual temperature and the cross-slope velocity) but did not obtain significant results, probably because the records are too short. Temperature records do exist for the data at Svinøy (Orvik, pers. comm.), so a heat flux calculation should be possible there. The usual framework for interpreting current fluctuations on the shelf and slope is in terms of topographic waves and/or coastally-trapped waves (Rhines 1970; Gill and Clarke (1974), Allen (1975). In this, forcing (wind, or an unstable current) excites waves which propagate along the isobaths, northward in this case. But apart the core of the NwAC, there is no evidence for correlations at distances greater than 20 km. This is not to say that topographic waves do not exist; but if so, they are incoherent over long distances, perhaps due to topographic scattering. However, an alternate dynamical framework may be applicable. This is the notion of geostrophic turbulence over a slope (e.g., Vallis and Maltrud 1993; LaCasce and Brink 2000). This concerns an energetic, baroclinic eddy field in the presence of a topographic grade. In this, the character of the flow depends on the stratification and the severity of the slope. With a weak slope and/or weak stratification, the eddies are nearly barotropic and their size is controlled by the slope itself. With a strong slope and/or strong stratification, the eddies are surfaceintensified and deformation scale while the deep flow is dominated by small-scale topographic waves and possibly jets (LaCasce and Brink 2000). The present results bear qualitative similarities. The weak slope case may apply to the shelf, where the variance depends little on depth. These eddies might be generated by wind-forcing and moreover may co-exist with topographic waves. The strong slope case may pertain offshore of the shelfbreak, with the stratification due to the Atlantic inflow and the steep slope. As in the turbulence simulations, we observe intense, eddy-like 221 motion in the surface layer and topographically-aligned variability at depth. The similarities to the turbulence simulations may be coincidental but do suggest a route for future investigation. It is worth noting that the shelf and slope eddy field, with its time scales of a few days and length scales of 10 km, present formidable difficulties for numerical models and for current forecasting. Models require fine resolution, but even then the chaotic nature of the flow will likely cause a sensitive dependence on initial conditions. We examine how well a state-of-the-art operational model does in simulating the field in the accompanying paper. Acknowledgments The work was supported under a grant from the Norwegian Deep Water Program (NDP) by Norske Shell and by the Ormen Lange license by Norsk Hydro. Further support was provided by the NOCLIM program, funded by the Norwegian Research Foundation. The data were collected and archived under NDP, except for the Svinøy data, which were graciously provided by K.A. Orvik, University of Bergen. C. Mauritzen provided useful input on the local circulation and commentary from two anonymous reviewers helped improve the manuscript. 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