Community & Pro Bono

Date: May 25, 2016
Community & Pro Bono
Cassels Brock in the Community & Pro Bono Initiatives
At Cassels Brock, we believe in giving back to the communities in which we work and live.
Through our established pro bono committee, Cassels Brock encourages our associates and partners to pursue
worthwhile causes and donate their time and expertise to pro bono activities. We believe that we have a responsibility to
help promote the public interest and to assist disadvantaged or marginalized people, as well as the charitable
organizations working on their behalf, in seeking legal solutions that could otherwise remain out of reach.
We've also introduced Dare to CareTM, an innovative program that encourages our lawyers and staff members to
address broader social needs through volunteer work, donations and sponsorships. Through Dare to Care, the firm
supports everyone who wishes to become involved with volunteer initiatives that interest them - and provides paid time off
to do so. From sponsoring the University of Toronto Lift Project, to helping to raise funds for the Barbra Schlifer
Commemorative Clinic, to volunteering legal services to buyers of Habitat for Humanity homes, our firm consistently
seeks ways to reach out to those in need. We also contribute regularly to causes such as the Canadian Foundation for
AIDS research, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Canadian Paraplegic Association and the United Way.
We asked some of our lawyers to tell us a bit about the community and pro bono activities that they are involved with so
that you can get an idea of who we are and what's important to us.
SUHUYINI ABUDULAI - ywca toronto
I am secretary of the board of directors of the YWCA Toronto. The
YWCA Toronto provides women with access to employment and training
programs, housing options and shelters, leadership development
programs for girls and other key supports for women and children who
have experienced violence. The strategic priorities of the YWCA Toronto
align with matters that are of importance to me, particularly the
commitment to improving the lives of women by addressing systemic
issues, such as violence against women and urban poverty. As a
member of the Advocacy Advisory Committee, I am afforded the
opportunity to discuss and promote issues that I am passionate about. I
have authored a couple of posts on the YWCA Toronto blog on topics on
sexual violence and issues affecting women’s rights during the 2015
federal election. My role on the board gives me a better understanding of
the community I live in and of those in the community that need
representation of their issues and require assistance and resources to
deal with everyday life matters.
deal with everyday life matters.
Chad Accursi - Right to play
I became involved in Right to Play (RTP) because I have an extensive
background in sports and wanted to get involved in my community. The
fact that RTP is a Canadian organization also appealed to me. I am a
securities lawyer with a specialization in mining. Most mines are located
outside of Canada in many of the places that RTP works, particularly in
Africa. RTP uses sport and play as a teaching tool for life lessons
(tolerance, leadership, sportsmanship, co-operation, teamwork as well
as basic health matters). Play and sport also brings moments of fun, joy
and laughter to difficult young lives that have been affected by terrible
adversities, including poverty, hunger, death and AIDS.
I’ve seen firsthand how the money is spent and the positive effect that
RTP has on kids in many disadvantaged areas of the world. It helps me
appreciate what we have here in Canada. I use it as a teaching tool with
my own kids to gain an appreciation for what we have and also the
importance of giving back.
kate byers, chris horkins, chris Selby & Stephanie voudouris - pro
bono law Ontario
L-R: Kate Byers, Chris Selby & Stephanie
Voudouris (Not Pictured: Chris Horkins)
One of our Pro Bono Committee’s current initiatives is representing
educators before the College of Early Childhood Educators’ discipline
tribunal. Clients are pre-screened on an income and means basis by Pro
Bono Law Ontario. Four of our Advocacy associates lend considerable
time and expertise to this initiative: Kate Byers, Chris Horkins, Chris
Selby and Stephanie Voudouris. They report that the College’s discipline
process is complicated, even for a lawyer to understand, and that their
clients are very grateful to have someone guiding them through it. The
stakes are high – if their clients lose their license, they lose not only
livelihood, but are precluded from following what is often a lifelong
passion for working with children. Their work differs from most corporate
disputes: Stephanie had a 22-year-old client attend a meeting with her
mother in tow. Our lawyers report that the claims against the educators
are often highly personal and devastating to their clients and that as well
as providing legal advice they also provide emotional support.
These Advocacy lawyers are clearly energized by their volunteer work.
Kate appeared before the tribunal in her first few months of practice and
was successful in clearing her client’s name. Kate noted, “It was an
opportunity to work on my written advocacy and see how it played out
before the tribunal. Being successful on my own was a big confidence
boost.” For Stephanie, it’s an opportunity for her work on the strategic
side of her skill set, normally something that a partner would take the
reins on. It was a learning experience for Chris Selby to see the
reins on. It was a learning experience for Chris Selby to see the
difference between the rules of evidence in a civil matter compared to an
administrative tribunal. Chris Horkins views the program as mutually
beneficial for all involved. “For the lawyers, it’s an opportunity to do well
and do good at the same time. We’re able to hone our administrative and
trial advocacy skills while providing assistance to worthy individuals. The
response from clients so far is immensely gratifying."
Frank DeLuca - Villa Charities
I am on the board of trustees of Villa Charities Inc. The mission
statement of Villa Charities is “to develop, administer, and co-ordinate
projects in the health, social, cultural and educational fields which enrich
and enhance the quality of life and honour the Italian heritage." Villa
Charities began as an idea to create a home for seniors in 1971 and has
evolved into a vibrant organization designed to meet the needs of an
ever-growing multicultural community. In addition to providing culturally
sensitive care for the elderly, the Villa Charities family of organizations is
also committed to assisting individuals with intellectual disabilities and
has a mandate of encouraging community participation through fitness,
culture and the arts.
Deepak Gill - North American South Asian Bar Association and
Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce
I chose to become involved with the North American South Asian Bar
Association (NASABA) because I was inspired by its mission, which,
among other things, is to act as a link between South Asian lawyers and
the South Asian community across North America. As a member of
NASABA, I’m supporting the betterment of the South Asian community
in North America, while getting to know and develop friendships with
some of the finest legal minds from across North America.
I became involved with the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce
(B.C.) (ICCC) at the behest of Ab Berar, an elder in the Indo-Canadian
community, and one of its first finance professionals. Mr. Berar and I met
through a common ancestral connection (we hail, on different sides of
our families, from the same village in India). Mr. Berar started the ICCC
with a view to fostering the development of professionals and
businesspersons in the Indo-Canadian community, as well as a means
of increasing trade between Canada and India. Today, the organization
boasts some of the Indo-Canadian community’s leading
businesspersons and philanthropists as its directors, and it works
actively with Canadian and Indian governments at all levels to support
and promote increased Canada-India trade. As a Director of ICCC, I’m
helping to facilitate and promote trade between Canada and India.
Lara Jackson - Pro Bono Duty Counsel
I act as pro-bono duty counsel to lawyers facing disciplinary hearings
at the Law Society who can't afford counsel. I chose this pro bono
activity because it allows me to use my advocacy skills to help other
lawyers who can’t afford to hire their own legal representation. The
majority of lawyers who end up before the discipline committee are sole
practitioners who are struggling to make a living from the practice of law
and don’t have the same access to mentors and other resources that we
have at our firm.
Rob Kligman - Big Brothers
I’ve been a big brother for over 20 years. My wife and I don’t have kids
of our own and I wanted to keep in touch with what interests young
people. It also presented an opportunity to help potentially at-risk boys at
a grass roots level. Little brothers and their families that I have met over
the years have been varied in backgrounds and interests and the
dynamic is something I would not otherwise have been exposed to. I
think I get more out of it than the kids do!
Steven Kennedy - Lawyers' Zambia School Project
I recently participated in the Lawyers’ Zambia School Project which
took place in Munenga, Zambia. The project was spearheaded by
Justice Robert Beaudoin in memory of his late son, Iain Beaudoin. It
culminated in the construction of a brand new school house in a
developing part of rural Zambia. Many of the children in this region had
never attended school as the nearest existing school was many
kilometres away.
Choosing this project was a very easy decision for me. Iain Beaudoin
was a colleague of mine when I lived and worked in Ottawa. During my
time as a summer and articling student, he became a mentor and friend
as he helped me navigate those tough years at the beginning of a legal
career. His passing devastated all who knew him, and the chance to
create something in his memory was something I couldn’t pass up.
I’ve always had a passion for travel and exploring new corners of the
world. In the past, my travel had always been recreational, and while I
will always treasure the memories I’ve taken home from my destinations,
I felt that it was time for me to leave something meaningful behind for a
change. As it turned out, I ended up taking home more memories and
experiences from this trip than any other. Immediately on arriving with
our build team in the remote Munenga region, the local villagers and
children surrounded our bus and greeted us with Tonga welcome songs
and warm embraces. The pasty, digital-age lawyers got straight to work
with the locals, and despite having no power tools, no running water, or
any modern conveniences to help with our build, we quickly formed
bonds and learned how to work despite language barriers. While we left
behind a schoolhouse, I got to take home a new understanding of what
one can accomplish by stepping out of the “comfort zone” and into the
shoes of someone who lives and works in a completely different world. I
look forward to the next project and its associated adventures. Besides,
now I know how to make mortar by hand!
Emily Larose - Law Help Ontario
I am the co-chair of Cassels Brock’s Pro Bono Committee and a
volunteer with Law Help Ontario.
The Pro Bono Committee looks for rewarding and meaningful
opportunities for members of the firm to volunteer their legal skills in the
community. One of the first projects we identified in this regard was the
duty counsel program at Law Help Ontario, which provides free legal
advice and guidance to low-income unrepresented litigants in Toronto
Currently, 15 members of our advocacy department (from associates to
senior partners) volunteer with the Law Help Ontario program. I am one
of those volunteers.
As a duty counsel advisor at Law Help Ontario I never know who is
going to come in the door or what questions they might ask. Often,
clients are simply looking for help navigating court procedures and
documents. Sometimes they are facing looming deadlines and are at risk
of crippling financial consequences. We aren’t able to spend a lot of time
with each client, but I do my best to understand the basic facts of their
cases, identify their most pressing issues and provide practical guidance
in a clear and understandable way.
Although I also work with many lovely and appreciative clients in my
regular practice, I look forward to my duty counsel shifts and the genuine
gratitude of the Law Help Ontario clients I am able to help there.
Rob Lysy - AIESC Ryerson
I’m on the board of advisors of AIESEC Ryerson, a local chapter of the
international student organization dedicated to fostering cross-cultural
cooperation and experience for students.
AIESEC is a global organization dedicated to developing its members
through cross-cultural exchange programs. It has committees in
through cross-cultural exchange programs. It has committees in
universities in over 100 countries around the world. I was a member of
this organization when I was a student and was able to participate in
exchanges and other AIESEC activities in dozens of countries on 6
continents. I strongly believe in the power of cross-cultural interactions
and experiences to educate and empower our youth to build better
societies. When I was asked to become an advisor to the AIESEC
committee at Ryerson University, I was happy to have the chance to
reacquaint myself with the organization and to help contribute to its
AIESEC exchanges are life-changing experiences and having a role in
helping more students participate is very satisfying and I’ll continue to do
whatever I can to help this organization.
I am "proud" to be the secretary of the board of directors of Pride at
Work Canada (PAW). PAW is a national non-profit organization with a
mission of empowering employers to foster a workplace culture that
recognizes LGBT employees as an important part of a diverse workforce
through dialogue, education and leadership. PAW's ultimate goal is to
facilitate Canada becoming a nation where LGBT individuals can
achieve their full potential at work. I joined this organization because I
know first-hand what it is like to be uncomfortable bringing my "full self"
to work and I am dedicated to working towards a society where others
do not experience the same limitations. My belief is that if all employers
foster an environment where all their members can feel comfortable
being open about all of their personal characteristics without fear of
discrimination in any form, the world will be a better place. PAW strives
to achieve this goal from an LGBT perspective but the work being done
is transferable to eliminating discrimination in regards to all other
personal characteristics of employees as well. The education I receive
by being on this board assists me with my role on the Firm's Diversity
Committee so I can help CBB be the most welcoming work place
I have also acted as co-sponsorship director (responsible for seeking
corporate sponsorship and donors) on the board of directors of the
annual Pride and Remembrance Run in Toronto. The Pride and
Remembrance Run is organized each summer by the board formed by
the Pride and Remembrance Association. It's goal is to promote and
foster diversity, community spirit and sportsmanship (all causes I am
happy to support). I have been excited about contributing to this cause
because it echoes my commitment to diversity in the community while
also encouraging an active lifestyle. I hope CBB will join me on a team
again this summer!
Raivo Uukkivi - Estonian House
I am a director on the board for the Estonian House in Toronto, which is
a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide educational and
cultural opportunities and programming for the Estonian community in
Toronto and the surrounding area.
I picked this activity because the Estonian community currently faces
complex business, legal and community issues that must be addressed
in order to have a facility where Estonians can gather and learn about
their heritage. There are few financial resources to accomplish these
goals and I saw this as an excellent opportunity to use the skills that I
have acquired and give back to the organization that, through its
programming and resources, has given me many friends over the years
and is partially responsible for who I am today.
I get a tremendous amount back from my role, both on a professional
and personal level. It requires me to focus on business and operational
issues that I might not otherwise have the opportunity to consider in my
law practice. Most importantly, I have developed great friendships that
will last a lifetime.
various associates & Students - Ronald McDonald House
Zohar Barzilai, Michael Brown, Caroline
Durran, Jennifer Poirier, Andrew Spencer,
Grace Steer and Melissa Tang
In August, we prepared a BBQ dinner for families staying at the Ronald
McDonald House in Vancouver. Our Toronto office had done the same
in May. The Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver provides
out-of-town families with a “home away from home” while their seriously
ill children receive life-saving medical treatment at local hospitals.
Visiting the Ronald McDonald House, participating in the Family Dinner
Program and interacting with the families provided all of us with a real
and tangible opportunity to connect and give back to our community. We
were inspired by the warmth and positivity of everyone we met, and we
look forward to cooking up a storm with the Ronald McDonald House
again soon.