Manufacturing Restructuring and the Role of Real Exchange Rate Shocks Karolina Ekholm, Sveriges Riksbank and CEPR Andreas Moxnes, Dartmouth College Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe, University of Oslo and CEPR We are grateful to Jonathan Eaton, Simon Evenett, Ann Harrison, Philippe Martin, Thierry Mayer, Victor Norman, Andrew Bernard, Stephen Redding, David Weinstein and Mary Amiti and two anonymous referees for helpful comments, and thank participants at the European Research Workshop in International Trade (ERWIT/CEPR) in Madrid in June 2009, the CEPR/MNB workshop "Productivity, Trade and Development" in Budapest, the Empirical Investigations in International Trade (EIIT) – 15th Annual Conference in Colorado in October 2008, the European Trade Study Group (ETSG) in Warsaw in September 2008, the Nordic International Trade Conference (NOITS) in Bergen in May 2008, the Passau New Economic Geography Conference 2008 as well as seminar participants at the Paris School of Economics and the Norwegian Central Bank for valuable discussion. Ekholm gratefully acknowledges …nancial support from the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation and the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research. 1 Abstract Using a new and extensive micro data set we investigate the impact of a change in international competitive pressure on industrial performance and restructuring. Unlike previous studies we are able to account for the heterogeneity across …rms in their exposure to foreign competition. We focus on a situation akin to a natural experiment, and examine the impact of a sharp real appreciation of the Norwegian Krone in the early 2000s on Norwegian manufacturing …rms which di¤er substantially in their trade orientation. A change in the real exchange rate (RER) a¤ects a …rm through three di¤erent channels: (i ) …rm’s export sales, (ii ) …rm’s purchases of imported inputs, and (iii ) import competition faced in the domestic market. Unlike previous studies, we are able to examine all three channels. Both net exporters and import-competing …rms were exposed to increased competition due to the real appreciation. Both groups reacted by shedding labor, but only the …rst group experienced increasing labor productivity. Partly, the productivity improvements came from measured TFP gains, while capital deepening does not appear to have been a¤ected by the shock. JEL Classi…cation: F14, F31, F41 2 1 Introduction Real appreciations are typically feared by export-industry representatives and governments for their potential negative in‡uence on pro…tability, investment and employment. However, real appreciations may potentially also strengthen competitive pressure and force industrial restructuring that in turn gives productivity gains. A long-standing issue in economics is whether competitive pressure matters for industrial performance. Based on theory we would expect there to be gains from increased competition. But the empirical evidence to support this view is still not overwhelming.1 Our objective is to investigate the impact of a change in international competitive pressure due to a distinct real appreciation on employment, production, investment, and productivity. In doing so we seek to shed light on the role played by competitive pressure on industrial performance and restructuring along the intensive as well as the extensive margin. We follow a route similar to that of Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz (2002), focusing on a situation akin to a natural experiment, and examine the impact of a change in competitive pressure following a sharp real appreciation of the Norwegian Krone in the early 2000s. The extent to which a real exchange rate (RER) shock changes the competitive pressure faced by a …rm is determined by its exposure to trade. Recent theoretical and empirical contributions stress the importance of taking intra-industry …rm heterogeneity into account when studying structural adjustment to changes in the trading environment and competitive pressure (see e.g. Melitz, 2003 and Melitz and Ottaviano, 2008). In recent years, increasing evidence has emerged that …rms’exposure to trade varies signi…cantly even within export industries (see e.g. Bernard et al., 2007). This implies that …rms within the same industry may be hit very di¤erently by a RER shock. A real appreciation will tend to increase the competitive pressure for …rms that sell a large share of their output in foreign markets. However, …rms with a large share of exports in total sales often import a large share of their intermediate inputs. Since a real appreciation tends to make these inputs cheaper, the RER shock has an ambiguous e¤ect on pro…tability and …rm performance.2 Most of the literature on the impact of RER changes is based on industry-level analysis,3 while some of the more recent contributions have used …rm-level data.4 We apply a new and extensive micro data set for Norwegian manufacturing with detailed information on …rms’exports as well as imports of intermediates. This allows us, in contrast also to previous …rm-level studies, to calculate precise measures of trade exposure. In doing so, we are able to account for the heterogeneity across …rms with respect to their net currency exposure –taking into account the share of exports in total output as well as the share of imported inputs in total costs – 1 A few recent studies have found evidence of productivity gains from increased competition due to developments in commodity markets, Recent important contributions have been made by Schmitz (2005) and GaldónSánchez and Schmitz (2002) through their work on detailed data for the iron ore industry. There is also a growing literature on the impact of trade liberalization and thus increased foreign competition, see, e.g., Pavcnik (2002) and Tre‡er (2004). 2 The correlation between export and import share for Norwegian …rms with positive exports and imports was 0:71 in 2004. 3 See e.g., Burgess and Knetter (1998), Branson and Love (1988), Campa and Goldberg (1995, 2001), Goldberg, Tracy and Aaronson (1999), Goldberg (1993), and Klein et al. (2003). 4 See, e.g., Gourinchas (1999), Fung (2008) and Fung and Liu (2008). 3 and thus to overcome one severe shortcoming of previous analyses of RER shocks; the lack of detailed, …rm-speci…c measures of trade exposure.5 Several conclusions emerge from the analysis. The real appreciation took place over a period of two years. Over this period and the subsequent two years employment fell by 11 percent. Almost half of this decline took place within ongoing …rms. The RER shock led to reduced employment at the net exporters and the import competing …rms –i.e. among those who were most exposed to the shock. Over the same time labor productivity in Norwegian manufacturing rose dramatically. A growth decomposition reveals that the productivity increase primarily can be ascribed to within…rm improvements, while reallocations between …rms and exits were less important. Our analysis shows that a substantial share of the increase in labor productivity can be ascribed to the RER shock. We …nd that the shock led to productivity gains at the …rm level among the net exporters,who improved their e¢ ciency in the face of tougher market conditions. But in contrast to previous studies, increased competition from imports in the domestic market did not appear to have promoted productivity growth.6 . The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We …rst provide a brief background to the RER shock and industrial performance in the Norwegian manufacturing sector. We then proceed with a decomposition exercise to evaluate the relative contribution of the intensive and extensive margin to overall changes is employment, production and productivity growth. Based on the observation that adjustments within …rms appear do have been important drivers behind the development at the aggregate level, we focus the empirical analysis on the contribution of the RER shock to the industrial performance of surviving …rms. In section 3 we lay out our identi…cation strategy, describe the estimation procedure, present the data and discuss econometric issues. In section 4 we present the empirical results, while in section 5 we discuss their robustness. In section 6 we conclude. 2 The RER shock and industrial performance The central bank of Norway adopted in‡ation targeting in March 2001. This was followed by very high wage settlements. In order to comply with the in‡ation target, the response of the central bank was to increase the interest rate, creating a large gap vis-à-vis foreign rates. This gap was further enlarged as the Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank lowered their interest rates as the dot com bubble burst. Prior to 2000, the real exchange rate had been rather stable, but between 2000 and 2002 the real exchange rate appreciated by around 17 percent7 (see Figure 1). The real appreciation led to increased competitive pressure for exporters and for importcompeting …rms. We follow Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz (2002) and de…ne an increase in competitive pressure as an increase in the …rm’s probability of closure. The probability of 5 A somewhat related paper that uses a real exchange rate shock to identify …rm-level responses is the recent contribution by Verhoogen (2008). However, his focus is on quality upgrading and wage inequality. 6 Increased import competition was found to increase productivity in, e.g., the study by Pavnick (2002). 7 Measured by relative hourly wages costs for workers in manufacturing in Norway relative to major trading partners, denominated in a common currency. Other measures of the RER, e.g. from OECDs MEI (2008), show very similar trends. 4 R elative hourly wag e c os ts for workers in manufac turing : Norway vers us major trading partners ($, Index 1995=100) 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Figure 1: The Norwegian RER shock 2000-2002 closure is determined by how the RER shock a¤ects pro…ts. According to this de…nition, an adverse e¤ect of the RER shock on pro…ts translates into an increase in competitive pressure. If a substantial share of Norwegian …rms experienced increased competitive pressure, we would expect this to result in marked changes in aggregate employment, production and productivity from 2000 onwards. A …rst look at the aggregated data supports such a hypothesis. From 2000 to 2004, manufacturing employment fell by 11 percent. In 20 out of 22 industries employment growth declined during and just after the real appreciation relative to the period before, 1996-2000.8 68 percent of the …rms experienced a decline in employment growth relative to the 1996-2000 period. But over the same period gross production increased by 10:6%. Not surprisingly, from 2000 to 2004, real labor productivity in Norwegian manufacturing thus rose by 24 percent.9 We decompose the growth in employment, real gross production, and real labor productivity in order to get a better grasp of the adjustment process at the intensive as well as the extensive margin in response to the RER shock. The decomposition of employment and gross production takes the form Qt = X qit i2C where Qt Qt Qt 4 X i2X qit 4 + X qit i2E denotes total change in the outcome variable, qit qit qit 4 is the corresponding …rm-level variable, and C; X and E are the sets of continuing, exiting and entering …rms, and are calculated for the pre-shock period 1996-2000 and the shock period 2000-2004.10 Table 1 provides an overview. 8 See Tables 21 and 20 in the Appendix Henceforth all productivity measures refer to real productivity. Details about the de‡ators used are provided in the data section. 10 Continuing …rms are …rms that operated in both 2000 (1996) and 2004 (2000). Exiting …rms are …rms that operated in 2000 (1996) but not in 2004 (2000). Entering …rms are …rms that operated in 2004 (2000) but not in 9 5 Table 1: Contribution of continuing, exiting and entering …rms to the growth of total employment and output. Contribution of (2) Within (3) Exit (4) Entry (1) Annual growth. % Employment: 1996-2000 2000-2004 Real output: 1996-2000 2000-2004 Sum 1.24 -2.35 3% 46% -519% -301% 616% 247% 100% 100% 5.67 2.55 41% 125% -99% -277% 158% 252% 100% 100% Notes: The contribution of e.g. continuing …rms to total employment growth is calculated as the change in employment for continuing …rms divided by total change in employment. Continuing …rms are …rms that operated in both 2000 (1996) and 2004 (2000). Exiting …rms are …rms that operated in 2000 (1996) but not in 2004 (2000). Entering …rms are …rms that operated in 2004 (2000) but not in 2000 (1996). Columns 2-4 show the contribution, in percent, of continuing, exiting and entering …rms, P respectively. E.g. column 2 shows i2C qit = Qt , the change in employment among continuing …rms relative to the total change in employment. We see that almost half of the labor shedding from 2000 to 2004 took place within ongoing …rms. But within the same …rms real output rose. These …rms’ contribution to aggregate production growth tripled compared to the previous four-year period. This happened despite the fact that capital deepening (measured by change in capital intensity)11 slowed signi…cantly from 1996-2000 to 2000-2004. Over the …rst four years capital intensity rose by 35%, while over the last four years only with 12.4%. Our decomposition of real labor productivity growth follows Foster, Haltiwanger and Krizan (2001), which is ultimately based on the BHC index, see Baily, Hulten and Campbell (1992). The decomposition takes the form = t X si;t it k + i2C X X sit ( it k i2C sit k ( t k) it k i2X + X t k) sector at time t ( t it = yit =lit ), and X sit it i2C sit ( t k) it (1) i2E where sit denotes labor share for …rm i at time t (sit = lit =Lt ), of …rm i at time t ( + t it denotes labor productivity denotes labor productivity in the manufacturing = Yt =Lt ). C; X; E again denote the …rms that survive, exit and enter respectively between t 4 and t. The …rst column of Table 2 shows the average aggregate labor productivity growth, while column 2 represents the percentage contribution to growth P of the …rst term in the BHC decomposition, namely i2C si;t k it = t : Columns 3 and 4 represent the between and cross components.12 Columns 5 and 6 represent the contribution of exit and entry respectively. We see immediately that the within component dominates. Hence, the lion’s share of the productivity growth can be attributed to adjustments on the intensive 2000 (1996). 11 See the appendix for details on calculation. 12 Compared to other studies the cross component here is very large. One important reason for this is the fact that we are working with the entire population of manufacturing …rms, which includes a large number of small …rms. A robustness test where we exclude all …rms with less than 20 employees supports this argument. 6 margins –within the …rms.13 Reshu- ing of resources due to between-…rm reallocations, entry and exits play a much less signi…cant role. For the post-shock period we even observe a negative contribution from exit to productivity growth. This contrasts with the results in related studies such as Pavcnik (2002) and Disney, Haskel and Heden (2003).14 Table 2: Decomposing labour productivity growth Contribution of 1996-2000 2000-2004 Annual productivity growth, % 2.06 6.03 Within Between Cross Exit Entry Sum 63% 73% 27% 35% -81% -27% 32% -4% 59% 23% 100% 100% Note: The contribution of e.g. within …rm growth is calculated as the weighted change in labor productivity for continuing …rms divided by the aggregate change. What role – if any – did the RER shock play for the fall in employment and surge in production and productivity between 2000 and 2004? Potentially, the …ercer international competition resulting from the real appreciation may have a¤ected employment and industrial performance through two channels: (i ) by forcing restructuring in the surviving …rms and (ii ) by triggering the exit of less pro…table …rms. Given the signi…cant contribution to aggregate developments from adjustments on the intensive margin, our focus will be on the impact of the RER shock on the …rms that continued to operate throughout the period.15 3 3.1 Assessing the impact of an RER shock Estimation Strategy In order to investigate the in‡uence of the RER shock and thereby increased competitive pressure on industrial performance, we primarily rely on the heterogeneity of exposure to the shock across …rms. This is the key feature that distinguishes our analysis from other studies attempting to quantify the e¤ect of real exchange rate movements. It is also the feature that distinguishes the analysis from related studies on the impact of a change in competitive pressure due to trade liberalization (see, e.g., Pavcnik, 2002, and Tre‡er, 2004) or commodity prices (see Galdón-Sánchez, 2002, and Schmitz, 2005). Previous analyses have used variation in sectorspeci…c RERs to achieve identi…cation (see, e.g., Klein et al., 2003; Gourinchas, 1999), and have constructed sector-speci…c RERs by weighting bilateral RERs by sector-level trade shares. 13 Bernard et al (2003) also …nd a dominant intensive margin e¤ect of a RER shock on labor productivity in a counterfactual simulation. In their model, the reason is that imports keep intermediates prices from rising by as much as the wage, so that plants substitute intermediates for workers. 14 The exit and entry rates may respond di¤erently to a RER shock than to trade liberalization, as in Pavcnik (2002), since RER shocks are more transitory in nature. However, Baggs et al. (2009) …nd that the e¤ect of tari¤ reductions and exchange rate changes on …rm survival are similar in magnitude. Moreover, there is evidence that retail establishment turnover rates are higher than those in manufacturing and entry into them is relatively easy, suggesting that entry and exit contribute more to their aggregate ‡uctuations, see e.g. Cambell and Lapham (2004). 15 In the appendix, we provide evidence that …rm’s exposure to the RER shock was not correlated with …rm’s exit probability. 7 We believe that our approach has clear advantages. First, there is mounting empirical evidence on the heterogeneity of …rms with respect to trade activity. Previous studies investigating the impact of changes in foreign competition have not taken this into account as they use industry- or sector-based measures of trade exposure. Access to …rm-level data allows us to develop …rm-speci…c trade exposure measures. Campa and Goldberg (2001) point out that there are three distinct channels of exchange rate exposure: (i ) the …rm’s export sales, (ii ) the …rm’s purchases of imported inputs, and (iii ) import competition faced in the domestic market. Unlike previous studies, we are able to consider all three channels. Second, when using sector-speci…c RERs, one makes the stark assumption that goods are priced in the same currency as the one used in the destination country for exports and in the source country for imports. This may not always be the case. A recent survey shows that 30 percent of Norwegian manufacturing …rms use USD as the settlement currency in international transactions (Federation of Norwegian Industries, 2008). However, the US share of exports and imports in Norwegian trade in 2005 was only 8 and 5 percent, respectively.16 Finally, the Norwegian RER shock was quite uniform across destinations and the change in the nominal exchange rate was very similar vis-à-vis all currencies. From an econometric point of view, this means that the variation in the change in sector-speci…c RERs was quite small, leading to weak identi…cation of any possible e¤ects of the shock. We start by de…ning the net currency exposure of a …rm, which measures the extent to which the real exchange rate shock leads to increased competitive pressure. Consider optimal revenue of a …rm i: Ri = pi xi + V pi xi , where pi and pi are prices in local currency set at home and abroad, respectively, xi and xi are sold quantities at home and abroad, respectively and V is the nominal exchange rate expressed as units of domestic currency per unit of foreign currency. We can rewrite revenue as Ri = (xi + xi =Pi ) pi , where Pi is the real exchange rate (RER), Pi pi = (V pi ). An increase in Pi implies a real appreciation. Considering a small change in Pi , holding output constant, we get the elasticity of revenue with respect to Pi , @Ri Pi = @Pi Ri V pi xi Ri i (2) i.e. it is equal to the …rm’s export share. For given output and prices, a one percent real appreciation decreases total revenue with i percent. Symmetrically, we can de…ne …rm i’s costs as Ci = qi vi +V qi vi , where qi and qi are prices in local currency of domestic and imported inputs, respectively, and vi and vi are used quantities of domestic and imported inputs, respectively. We can rewrite costs as Ci = (vi + vi =Qi ) qi , where Qi = qi = (V qi ). Considering a small change in Qi , holding inputs constant, we get the elasticity of costs with respect to Qi , @Ci Qi = @Qi Ci V qi vi Ci ei (3) i.e. it is equal to the share of imported inputs in total costs.17 For given inputs and prices, a 16 Data from Statistics Norway, More formally, we could de…ne the cost function C (qi ; qi ; Xi ) = minvi ;vi f(vi + vi =Qi ) qi g s.t. f (vi ; vi ) = Xi , where Xi = xi + xi . Applying Shepard’s lemma, we get that (@Ci =@Qi ) (Qi =Ci ) = ei . 17 8 one percent real appreciation decreases total costs by ei percent. Suppose Pi = Qi , implying that the RER measured by output prices is equal to the RER measured by input prices. Then the elasticity of pro…ts ( i) – revenues minus costs – with respect to a change in the real exchange rate can be expressed as: @ i Pi @Pi i = Pi ei Ci Pi i = ( i i Ri Pi ei ) i i =Ci = (4) ei i ei i =Ri : De…ne the net currency exposure as the di¤erence between the export share and the share of ei . A positive net currency exposure ( i ) implies that the e¤ect on imported inputs, i i pro…ts of a real appreciation (a rise in Pi ) is negative.18 The greater the net currency exposure, the more negative the impact on pro…ts of an increase in Pi , the higher the probability of closure, and, thus, the greater the increase in competitive pressure resulting from the RER shock. This will be our main identifying assumption. To check the robustness of our results, we exploit the fact that we are able to distinguish between exposure related to the export share and exposure related to the share of imported inputs in total costs. We calculate the separate exposures on the export and import sides, and refer to them as gross currency exposure. The currency exposure measures used to identify the e¤ect of a RER shock do not capture the third channel through which a RER shock works, i.e. the import competition channel. We deal with this by including measures of import competition as controls in the estimations. Import competition in the domestic market cannot be measured at the …rm-level, however, but only at the industry level. We choose this approach recognizing that a real appreciation means tougher foreign competition for import-competing …rms, while assuming that pro…ts of …rms with higher net currency exposure, all else being equal, will be more negatively a¤ected by a real exchange appreciation than …rms with lower net currency exposure. There are a few potential problems with our identi…cation method: (i ) Even if i = 0, the …rm may be exposed because revenues and costs are denominated in di¤erent currencies. However, for our analysis this is probably less of a problem, since the RER appreciated similarly against most countries. (ii ) We do not observe the use of …nancial derivatives, i.e. to what extent …rms hedge currency risk. However, we believe that this will not seriously bias our measure because survey evidence suggests that long-term (> 3 years) currency hedging is relatively uncommon.19 Secondly, …rms can only hedge against nominal currency shocks, not relative output or input price movements. 18 Three features of (4) are worth noting: (i ) Net exposure is divided by pro…t relative to revenue or sales. The pro…t e¤ect of high-pro…t …rms are, all else being equal, less sensitive to the net currency exposure to a real appreciation.(ii ) Pro…ts are a¤ected by RER movements even for a …rm with zero net exposure. This is because, as long as pro…ts are positive, revenue is higher than costs. So, a one per cent depreciation will have a larger e¤ect on revenues than on costs.(iii ) The elasticity of pro…ts is zero when ei (Ci =Ri ) = i , so ei > i for a …rm with positive pro…ts. Again, this is related to the point above, that the optimal import share is higher than the export share because revenue is higher than costs. 19 See Norges Bank (the Norwegian Central Bank): "Penger og Kreditt" 1/2005. 9 3.2 Empirical model and identi…cation To analyze the in‡uence of increased competitive pressure on various …rm outcomes, we use a di¤erences-in-di¤erences approach. The approach is similar to Tre‡er (2004) who studied the response of Canadian …rms to trade liberalization through the NAFTA agreement. We de…ne the years 1996-2000 as the pre-RER-shock period and the years 2000-2004 as the RER shock period. Let yit be the average annual log change in the outcome variable of …rm i in period t. The average annual log changes in the two periods are: yi1 = (ln Yi2004 ln Yi2000 ) = (2004 2000) ; yi0 = (ln Yi2000 ln Yi1996 ) = (2000 1996) ; (5) where t = 0 denotes the pre-RER shock period, and t = 1 denotes the RER shock period. The RER was relatively stable in the years 1996 to 2000, as can be seen in Figure 1. From year 2000, however, the RER increased sharply.20 The choice of year 2000 as the start of the RER shock period allows us to compare the outcome variable in the end year with its baseline level, i.e. before the shock started. Although the shock reached its peak in 2002, the years 2003 and 2004 are also included as there may be some time between RER changes and …rms’response.21 We propose the following linear model for explaining the impact of the RER shock on the change in …rm outcomes:22 yit = i + t + ( i0 pt ) + SE yit + "it ; The e¤ect of the RER change is assumed to be determined by the interaction term ( where i0 is net currency exposure in the base year where higher pt indicates an at the level of the …rm, (macro shocks) t, i, appreciation.24 (1996)23 (6) i0 pt ), and pt is the log of the RER, The speci…cation includes a growth-…xed e¤ect a time-speci…c e¤ect capturing economy-wide business conditions and idiosyncratic industry demand and supply shocks, proxied by changes in Swedish manufacturing employment SE . yit The model allows for time-invariant heterogeneity in growth rates across …rms (the i ). How- ever, there may be variation in growth rates which coincides with our measure of net exposure. For example, it may be that some …rms experience worsening worldwide business conditions, and that these conditions are correlated with exposure. To control for idiosyncratic industry 20 We also investigate whether nominal exchange rate volatility increased during the shock years. We compute the volatility of the exchange rate by following Tenreyro (2007). For each year in the sample, we compute the standard deviation of the monthly variation of the nominal exchange rate, volt = stddev [(et;m et;m 1 ) =et;m 1 ], where months m = 1:::12 and et;m is the e¤ective Norwegian krone exchange rate (I-44). By this measure, average volatility in the two periods was quite similar, although volatility increased slightly in 2003 and 2004. 21 It is reasonable to assume that adjusting to a RER shock takes time, so that …rms’response will be characterized by a time lag. Labor market and …ring regulations impede immediate adjustment of the labor stock, while exports and intermediates imports are typically bound by contracts that cannot be immediately re-negotiated. 22 In the appendix, we also formulate a model where the e¤ect of competitive pressure on the outcome variable is allowed to be non-linear. 23 We choose the base year 1996 for both net exposure and other control variables. This ensures that the covariates are pre-determined, which should minimize concerns about reverse causality. The correlation in net exposure from t to t + 1 is 0:89. In the appendix, we also report results using year 2000 as the base year for all covariates. The results remain largely unchanged. 24 The RER can be treated as an exogenous variable from the …rm’s perspective. 10 shocks – applying worldwide – we use Swedish industry-level manufacturing employment data SE . The variable y SE will control for underlying worldwide changes in (in logs) represented by yit it supply and demand, changes in pricing-to-market behavior, changes in the degree of competition from low-cost countries such as China, and other time-varying industry characteristics. We choose to use Sweden as our control because (i ) Sweden’s RER was relatively stable during the period under study and (ii ) Sweden is Norway’s largest trading partner with an economy that is highly integrated with the Norwegian one, not only regarding goods and capital markets, but regarding the labor market as well. Di¤erencing (6) across periods yields our baseline di¤erence-in-di¤erence …rm-level speci…cation: yi1 where yi0 = + 0, 1 vi will pick up the change in i0 ( p1 SE p0 ) + ( yi1 "i and the …rm …xed e¤ect i SE yi0 ) + xi0 + vi (7) is di¤erenced out: The estimated yit which is due to the business cycle. The variable ( p1 p0 ) is de…ned as the di¤erence in the economy-wide change in the real exchange rate between the pre-shock and the shock period and will just be a positive constant across all …rms. However, variation in i will enable us to make inferences about . If > 0, the appreciation had a positive impact on e.g. productivity growth, with exposed …rms experiencing a larger increase, or smaller decrease, in productivity growth than similar non-exposed …rms.25 Note that if there were just two groups of …rms, exposed and non-exposed, then equation (7) would amount to a triple-di¤erences strategy: would re‡ect the di¤erence in change in average growth rates between the exposed and non-exposed. Also note that the estimating equation does not su¤er from serial correlation in the errors, since the averaging over periods ignores time-series information.26 If we were to use many sequential years of pre- and post-shock data without correcting for serial correlation, the standard errors on the coe¢ cient estimates would be too small. Following Tre‡er (2004), we also add a vector of controls, xi0 ; from the base year, 1996. The …rm level controls include number of employees, labor productivity (both in logs) and dummy variables indicating whether the …rm is exporting and importing. The industry level controls include a measure of skill intensity (see the appendix for details), the Her…ndahl index and its interaction with the exposure variable, and a measure of import penetration. In the results section, we also present estimates using industry …xed e¤ects. Naturally, in this case the industry controls will be subsumed by the …xed e¤ects. The Her…ndahl index: Campa and Goldberg (1995) observe much weaker e¤ects of exchange rates in industries with high price-over-cost markups. To account for the role of markups for RER-e¤ects we include the Her…ndahl index, calculated in the base year at the 2-digit level in the regression model (see Table 21 in the Appendix for Nace2-digit). In addition we include a variable where the Her…ndahl index is interacted with net currency exposure.27 A higher value 25 If exposed …rms shift sales toward the home market, and if this increases the competitive pressure among non-exposed …rms, then our estimates become biased, as the competitive pressure also changes for the control group. As we show in the appendix, we do not …nd evidence for this mechanism in our data. 26 Bertrand, Du‡o and Mullainathan (2004) …nd that the strategy of ignoring time-series information performs reasonably well in a Monte Carlo study. 27 In alternative speci…cations using gross exposure instead, the interaction term is excluded. 11 of the Her…ndahl index indicates stronger market power in the industry and should therefore be positively correlated with mark-ups. A coe¢ cient of the interaction variable with an opposite sign to beta would indicate that …rms operating in industries with relatively high markups are less a¤ected by the RER shock. Import competition: As discussed above, our identi…cation strategy implies that RER e¤ects working through import competition are not identi…ed explicitly. Hence, to address the e¤ect of the RER shock on import competing …rms, as well as to avoid biased estimates, we include a variable measuring import penetration. Import competition is de…ned as the value of industry imports relative to the value of industry absorption in our base year. In cross-industry studies, the interaction between import competition and the RER shock would be the proper variable to include. However, due to the long-di¤erencing of the data, the RER is constant across all …rms, and as a consequence becomes part of the constant term. We report details about the construction of the import competition variable as well as other variables in the appendix. Imported capital goods: As pointed out in Eaton and Kortum (2001), it is possible that a real appreciation of the home currency can make imported capital goods cheaper, causing a di¤usion of advanced technology and subsequent impact on industrial performance. This e¤ect will, however, a¤ect all …rms identically. That is, since the price decline on imports is the same across all …rms, the change in incentives to invest in new imported machinery does not depend on trade exposure. As a consequence, this e¤ect is subsumed in the constant term in equation (7). Therefore, our framework can only identify the e¤ect of a change in competitive pressure (through the RER shock, a¤ecting …rms di¤erently) on …rm outcome variables, and not complimentary e¤ects of the RER shock, such as cheaper capital goods (a¤ecting …rms identically).28 3.3 Data We analyse …ve key …rm outcomes: employment, production, capital intensity and productivity. The construction of the …rst three is detailed in the appendix. To measure productivity, we look at real labor productivity as well as a revenue based TFP index. The calculation of the TFP index is described below, where we also discuss the relationship between measured TFP and true e¢ ciency. We employ an exhaustive …rm-level data set for the Norwegian manufacturing sector. The data set is based on several data sources. To begin with, we use …rm data from Statistics Norway’s capital database, which is an unbalanced panel of all non-oil joint-stock companies spanning the years 1996 to 2004, with approximately 8; 000 …rms per year.29 The panel provides information about total revenue, value added, employment, man hours, capital, total operating costs and intermediate costs. In 2004 the data set covered about 90 percent of manufacturing output in Norway. All joint-stock companies are sampled with certainty in the panel. The econometrics as well as descriptive statistics are based on a balanced panel, i.e. those …rms 28 In the appendix, we explore whether cheaper capital goods increased machinery imports during the shock period. 29 Statistics Norway’s capital database is described in Raknerud et al. (2004). 12 operating in 1996, 2000 and 2004, comprising about 3; 700 …rms.3031 Information about exports and imports at the …rm level is assembled from customs declarations.32 These data make up an unbalanced panel of all yearly exports and imports values by …rm. 39 percent of the unbalanced set of …rms were exporting in 2004, while 64 percent were importing. Total manufacturing exports and imports amounted to 117 and 72 billion NOK in 2004, corresponding to $17:4 billion and $10:7 billion using the average exchange rate. The trade data have then been merged with the capital database, based on a unique …rm identi…er. The weighted average export and import exposures were 25:6 and 16:5 percent in 1996.33 Weighted average net exposure was 9:2 percent in 1996, indicating that on average …rms would face increased competitive pressure as a consequence of a real appreciation. Further details on the data sets and the construction of variables are provided in the appendix. 3.3.1 Price indices In most studies measuring productivity, output is de‡ated using industry-level price indices. A potential problem is that heterogeneous prices within sectors may bias the productivity measures and therefore lead to measurement error. For example, one might hypothesize that prices charged by highly-exposed …rms decline in response to the shock, and this will incorrectly show up as a fall in output and productivity in the data, if our de‡ators are incorrectly measured. In this paper we correct for potential measurement error by constructing de‡ators that re‡ect …rms’exposure to foreign markets. We use three di¤erent price indices. The …rst two are producer price indices, one for exported goods (pejt ) and one for goods sold domestically (pdjt ), both for all 3 digit NACE industries j. The third is an index for import prices pijt , by 2 digit NACE. Given information about the …rm’s total sales, exports,h total intermediate icosts and imports, value added in constant prices has been constructed as sit sit vit vit Pjt1 100, where sit and vit represent domestic sales and costs of domestically-sourced intermediates in current prices, and sit and vit represent foreign sales and costs of imported intermediates.34 i0 h Pjt is the corresponding (4x1) vector of price indices, P = pdjt pejt pdjt pijt .35 Hence, value added in constant prices controls for the impact of the RER shock on prices for …rms with a high export share. 30 We also delete observations if value added is missing or negative, or if exports/(total revenue) or imports/(total operating costs) are larger than 1. Among the unbalanced panel of 8; 000 …rms per year, this amounted to eliminating 285 …rms per year. 31 Continuing …rms are larger, less capital intensive, and more likely to export and import, compared to other …rms. Average employment/capital intensity/export likelihood/import likelihood for continuing …rms relative to non-continuing …rms is 1.48, 0.82, 1.36 and 1.03 in 2004. 32 The trade data are originally at the …rm-year-product (HS8)-destination level. In most of the analysis here, except for a section in the appendix, we aggregate up to the …rm-year level. 33 These measures refer to the weighted average over the balanced set of …rms (including …rms with zero exposure), where revenue is used as weights. 34 sit and vit are calculated as total sales-exports and total intermediate costs-imports respectively. In a few cases sit and vit become negative due to data inconsistencies. These observations are dropped from the dataset. 35 The price index for domestic intermediates equals the index for domestic output since price indices for intermediates are not available. Also, the price index for intermediate imports may not fully re‡ect the import content of sector j. However, we believe that this approximation is satisfactory since input-output tables show that most industries supply a major share of output to themselves. A more basic de‡ator using only price indices d for the output side, constructed as def latorit = pejt (1 it + pjt it ) yields similar results. 13 3.4 Productivity measurement Revenue based total factor productivity (TFP) is estimated sector by sector using the following gross production function: yit = 0 + k kit + m mit + l lit + ! it + it ; where yit is real gross output, kit is real capital services, mit is real material expenditure, lit is man hours (all in logs), ! it is unobserved productivity and is either measurement error or a shock to productivity it which is not forecastable during the period in which labor can be adjusted (we omit industry subscripts for notational convenience). Measurement error in yit due to the use of industry-level de‡ators is a well known problem. This can be especially harmful in studies comparing the productivity growth of …rms with di¤erent degrees of exposure and therefore facing di¤erent prices. We describe how we minimize this problem in the Section 3.3.1. OLS estimates of the production function are in most cases biased. First, if ! it is observed by the …rm before it chooses the optimal amount of labor and capital, ! it will be correlated with lit and kit . Second, there may be selection bias because unobserved productivity may be correlated with the …rm’s exit decision.36 We control for these two e¤ects using Olley-Pakes (1996) techniques. We brie‡y describe the procedure, which consists of three stages. First, consider the investment (in logs) function iit = f (! it ; kit ): Given that f is strictly increasing in ! it ; ! it = ft 1 (iit ; kit ): The production function can then be written yit = where t (kit ; iit ) = 0 + k kit l lit + m mit + t (kit ; iit ) + (8) it + ft 1 (iit ; kit ): We approximate it by a 4th order polynomial expansion with a full set of interactions. We allow the polynomial to vary over time by including year dummies.37 OLS for every industry on equation (8) yields an unbiased estimate of the polynomial, t (kit ; iit ). k l and is unidenti…ed as capital appears both linearly and in ft 1 : Second, we …nd survival probabilities Pit by estimating a probit model of exit. Again, the regressors are a 4th order polynomial expansion along with year dummies. The third step of the estimation procedure uses the estimates of l, t (kit ; iit ) and Pit and substitute them into the following equation yit+1 l lit+1 m mit+1 where g() approximates E ! it+1 j! it ; = order polynomial expansion in Pit and that ! it+1 = g() + it+1 , so it+1 k kt+1 it+1 t + g (Pit ; k kt ) t + it+1 + it+1 = 1 , which we choose to approximate by a 3rd k kt = ! it + 0, including year dummies. Note represents the unanticipated part of …rm productivity, which is mean independent of kt+1 (but not necessarily lt+1 ). Since capital enters both linearly as separate input and inside g(), k is estimated by non-linear least squares. Following the previous literature, e.g. Pavcnik (2002) and Klette (1996), in every industry, we calculate the TFP index by subtracting predicted output from actual output, and then comparing it relative to a reference plant. This ensures that the productivity index has the 36 For example, a …rm’s productivity and capital stock may jointly increase the probability of survival. Then, ! it and kit are negatively correlated in the selected sample. This creates a downward bias in the estimate of k : 37 We choose the following periods: 1996-1998, 1999-2000, 2001-2002 and 2003-2004. 14 desired properties such as transitivity and insensitivity to the units of measurement. Speci…cally, we subtract productivity of an average reference plant in the base year from an individual …rm’s productivity, tf pit = yit b lit l b mit m b kit k (yr ybr ) where yr = y i0 and ybr = b l li0 + b m mi0 + b k k i0 , and the bar over a variable indicates a mean over all …rms in the base year. Hence, tf pit represents a logarithmic deviation of a …rm from the mean within an industry in the base year. 3.4.1 Revenue based productivity and e¢ ciency Revenue based TFP confounds e¢ ciency (! it ) with …rm level prices. Although we take extra care to construct …rm-speci…c input and output de‡ators, based on a …rm’s imports and exports (see Section 3.3.1), some measurement error in real output will remain as long as we do not observe physical output of the …rms.38 Denote the log production function qit = f (lit ; mit ; kit ) + ! it , where qit is physical quantities. Revenue based TFP is then tf pit = (pit = (pit pt ) + qit f (lit ; mit ; kit ) pt ) + ! it ; (9) where pit is the …rm price and pt the industry-level de‡ator. Consider the case where ! it increases. First consider a model with monopolistic competition and CES preferences, e.g. Melitz (2003). In this case, prices are a constant mark-up over marginal costs, so any increase in e¢ ciency yields a proportional decline in prices, so that revenue based TFP remains constant. Second, consider a model with monopolistic competition and a linear demand system, as in Melitz and Ottaviano (2008). In such a case, prices are a variable mark-up over marginal costs. In particular, an increase in e¢ ciency yields lower prices but also higher mark-ups, so that revenue based productivity is positively correlated with e¢ ciency. Third, consider the Ricardian model with Bertrand competition by Bernard et al (2003). Here, …rms who become more e¢ cient increases their cost advantage over their closest competition, set higher mark-ups, and therefore increases their revenue based TFP.39 Finally, consider a model where …rms face constant world market prices. In this case, revenue based TFP is perfectly correlated with e¢ ciency, since prices are by assumption exogenous at the level of the …rm. Consider instead the case where the RER appreciates and ! it is constant. First, in a Melitz (2003) model, revenue based TFP remains constant. Second, in Melitz and Ottaviano (2008) revenue based TFP decreases - due to lower mark-ups in export markets - but less than proportionally than the appreciation. Third, in Bernard et al (2003), revenue based TFP will also decrease, since limit pricing may force the …rm to charge lower markups in export markets. Finally, if world market prices are …xed, revenue based TFP falls proportionally with 38 In the following, we assume that inputs are homogeneous and measured without error. Katayama et al. (2009) provide a comprehensive overview of these issues. 39 If markups are not limited by the costs of potential competitors, pricing is identical to Melitz (2003), so an increase in ! it has no impact on tf pit . 15 the appreciation. In sum, with ! it constant, none of these models can explain our …nding that the RER shock resulted in measured TFP gains. The fact that we do …nd evidence for measured productivity gains therefore suggests that ! it increased, even though ! it and tf pit are not perfectly correlated. More generally (in a wider range of models), equation (9) shows that, in principle, higher prices can explain measured productivity gains. However, price hikes among a group of …rms experiencing a large increase in competitive pressure does not seem very likely. Also note that the correlation between tf pit and ! it is likely to be higher when using within-…rm time series variation in tf pit (as in this study), compared to when using cross-…rm variation in tf pit , since variation in prices is most likely lower within …rms (across time) than across …rms. 4 Empirical results Can …rms’industrial performance be linked to …rms’currency exposure and thus be regarded as a response to the increase in competition? Looking at employment, a …rst quick look at the data suggests "no". Whether …rms had a high or low exposure does not seem to matter. But once we start controlling for other …rm characteristics, the picture changes. Table 3 provides an overview of …rms’employment growth, in terms of hours, before and during the RER shock depending on their size, skill intensity and net currency exposure. As is clear from the table, employment fell for all subgroups during the shock (from 2000 to 2004). However, comparing the growth rates in period 0 and 1, we see that among the small …rms, the employment decline was stronger among the exposed …rms compared to the non-exposed (both in terms of y i1 y i0 ). The picture is less clear for large …rms, but we observe that the fall in y i1 and y i1 is higher among exposed than non-exposed …rms. Table 3: Firm characteristics and employment growth Firm size Small Small Small Small Large Large Large Large Note: Exposed No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Skillintensity Low Low High High Low Low High High yi0 : growth 1996-2000, Firm size: Small: Exposed: No: No. of …rms 1729 330 698 113 529 285 187 55 y i1 y i0 -3.4 -4.4 -2.9 -6.7 -1.9 -2.2 -2.1 -3.6 0.1 0.4 1.6 0.6 0.1 -1.8 2.5 0.7 y i1 y i0 -3.5 -4.7 -4.5 -7.4 -2.0 -0.4 -4.6 -4.3 yi1 : growth 2000-2004; 20 employees, Large: > 20 employees; <0, Yes: >0; Skill intensity: Low: <.18, High: .18 Turning to productivity, we repeat the exercise above. Table 4 shows that …rms with a positive net exposure on average had a higher increase in real labor productivity growth. The increase in productivity growth was most pronounced among small …rms. 16 Table 4: Labor productivity, skill intensity, size and net exposure Firm size Small Small Small Small Large Large Large Large Skillintensity Low Low High High Low Low High High Exposed No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes yi0 : growth 1996-2000, Note: Firm size: Small: Exposed: No: No of …rms 1729 327 698 112 529 285 187 55 yi1 yi0 yi1 - yi0 4.5 10.2 2.8 10.8 2.8 11.3 6.3 11.4 5.8 4.9 -1.3 -3.7 3.6 6.2 -2.7 0.3 -1.3 5.4 4.1 14.5 -0.8 5.1 9.0 11.1 yi1 : growth 2000-2004; 20 employees, Large: > 20 employees; <0, Yes: >0; Skill intensity: Low: <.18, High: .18 Figure 2 provides an illustration of the di¤erence between exposed and non-exposed …rms’ productivity growth during the sample period. It is clear that while labor productivity growth was relatively similar among the two groups in the pre-shock period, productivity grew much faster for the exposed …rms in the shock period. However, highly exposed …rms may have improved their labor productivity for other reasons than increased competitive pressure. In other words, unobservable …rm characteristics may be correlated with exposure. We therefore turn to econometric analysis. Exposed 800 600 400 Labor productivity, 1000 NOK 1000 Non-exposed 1996 1998 2000 2002 20041996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Year Graphs by eshare Figure 2: Real labor productivity and net exposure. Table 5 reports the results from estimating (7) on employment, production, real labor productivity, TFP, and capital intensity. We estimate the …ve equations simultaneously using seemingly unrelated regressions (SURE), as we anticipate that the residuals might be correlated across outcome variables. Our baseline speci…cation includes …rm controls and industry variables. 17 Employment: The results on net exposure suggest that the increased competitive pressure in the export markets led to reduced employment measured in hours worked. We also observe that increased import competition in the domestic market had a signi…cant negative impact on employment. Hence, it appears that increased competitive pressure led to reduced employment among export-oriented …rms as well as import-competing …rms. Production: Higher competitive pressure in export markets contributed to increased production among the highly exposed. On the other hand, real output declined in sectors that experienced higher import competition. Labor productivity: The estimated coe¢ cient of net exposure is positive and signi…cant, indicating that the real appreciation had a positive e¤ect on the most exposed …rms’ labor productivity The positive impact of the RER shock was greater the larger the share of the …rm’s sales that were exported, and the smaller the share of its intermediates that were imported. On the other hand, labor productivity was not a¤ected in sectors that experienced higher import competition. Total factor productivity: The results are similar to those for labor productivity, although the magnitudes are smaller. The RER appreciation resulted in increased revenue based TFP. Capital intensity: Capital deepening is a potential source of productivity gains, and it may accelerate during a RER shock. But the results show that there is little evidence of capital deepening in response to the shock.40 A high degree of net exposure in the base year was not associated with signi…cant changes in capital intensity, nor did import competition in the domestic market appear to play a role. All in all, we …nd that most exposed …rms on the one hand side shed more labor, while on the other hand they also increase productivity (and production) the most. Moreover, whereas increased competition in export markets enhanced productivity, increased import competition had no e¤ect on productivity. Hence, while higher competitive pressure appears to have led to decreased employment among both export-oriented and import competing …rms, only among the …rst group of …rms was the employment decline associated with productivity improvements. A Breusch-Pagan test of independence of the equations, that is, whether the disturbance correlation matrix is diagonal, strongly rejects the null hypothesis of independence. Table 6 reports the correlation matrix, which points to a close positive relationship between labor productivity and TFP, and a strong negative relationship between labor productivity and employment. 40 The results are similar when using de‡ated investment or investment intensity as the dependent variable. 18 Table 5: Increased competition and industrial performance. Baseline speci…cation. Net exposure Firm size Labor productivity Export dummy Import dummy Skill intensity Import competition Her…ndahl Her…ndahl Swe control Industry dummies No. of obs. Employment (in hours) SURE -1.284c (.724) -.014a (.003) -.135a (.007) .013 (.008) .007 (.008) .047a (.007) -.027a (.006) .002 (.093) 17.172c (9.684) .024 (.019) No 3701 Production SURE .982c (.581) .010a (.002) .027a (.006) .007 (.007) -.009 (.007) .016a (.006) -.031a (.005) -.005 (.075) -16.116b (7.771) .005 (.015) No 3701 Labor productivity SURE 2.542a (.673) .021a (.003) .200a (.007) .001 (.008) -.019a (.007) -.034a (.007) -.005 (.005) -.022 (.087) -9.185 (8.992) .009 (.018) No 3701 TFP SURE .486b (.240) .008a (.001) .048a (.002) .001 (.003) -.006b (.003) -.004 (.002) -.002 (.002) .013 (.031) .204 (3.209) -.002 (.006) No 3701 Capital intensity SURE 2.029 (1.382) -.005 (.006) .157a (.014) -.036b (.016) .022 (.015) -.041a (.014) -.004 (.011) -.191 (.178) -24.126 (18.483) .019 (.036) No 3701 Notes: Independent variables in rows, dependent variables in columns. All independent variables from the base year, 1996. The dep. variables take the form yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level Table 6: Correlation matrix of residuals from SURE regression. Employment Labor prod. TFP Capital int. Output Employment 1.00 -.51 -.25 -.30 .52 Labor prod. TFP Capital int. Output 1.00 .71 .36 .21 1.00 -.07 .25 1.00 -.04 1.00 Notes: Correlation matrix of residuals based on SUR estimates from Table 5. Breusch-Pagan test of independence: chi2(10) = 5299. Robustness: To check the robustness of the results, we estimate two other speci…cations: (i) no …rm controls but including industry dummies and (ii) …rm controls and industry dummies. We also estimate a modi…ed speci…cation with all covariates referring to the year 2000, i.e. immediately before the shock. Results are reported in Tables 11 - 15 in the Appendix. The robustness checks con…rm the impact of the RER shock on productivity, and especially so with respect to labor productivity. As for production and employment, the in‡uence of the RER 19 shock appears less signi…cant. However, as we shall return to in the next section, this might be related to the selection bias embedded in our econometric strategy (see Section 5.1). We also check the robustness of the results by estimating the baseline model with gross exposure instead of net exposure, i.e. we estimate coe¢ cients for export and import shares separately, see Tables 16 - 18 in the Appendix. If our empirical model is correct, then the export exposure coe¢ cient should be equal to the import exposure coe¢ cient, with opposite signs (since i = i ei ). The results show that this is indeed the case for variables that are signi…cant in the baseline regressions. The positive impact of export exposure on labor productivity and production is con…rmed, and so is also the negative impact of import exposure on labor productivity and TFP (Table 16). Finally, in Table 19 we use a value added production function to calculate TFP, instead of the gross output version used in the baseline speci…cation. Calculating TFP in this way tends to increase the measured TFP gains from the RER shock, making it comparable to the e¤ect on labor productivity. 5 Discussion of results Before concluding, there is a set of aspects related to our estimation strategy that should be discussed. First, we explore the validity of using non-exposed …rms as a control group. Second, we investigate whether the impact of a change in competitive pressure on the outcome variables is non-linear. Third, we assess the robustness of the assumption that …rm imports are in fact used as intermediates in production, and go on to ask whether falling prices of imported capital goods can explain the surge in labor productivity during the shock years. Finally, we aim at assessing the economic signi…cance of our results. 5.1 Selection Our econometric strategy precludes using data on …rms entering or exiting the sample, so …rms which failed during the sample period are dropped. But balancing the panel is not a random process. Firms staying in business may respond di¤erently to shocks than those who are driven out of business, and this could potentially bias our results. To deal with this selection problem, we follow the two-step Heckman (1979) procedure.41 First, we estimate a reduced form probit model of the probability of a …rm being in the continuous sample. Second, a variable is constructed using the inverse Mills ratio from the probit and used as an additional regressor in the estimation of (7) to correct for selection bias. The dependent variable in the …rst stage si is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the …rm is present from the beginning to the end of the sample. The dependent variable is set to 0 if the …rm was present in the base year but exited in 2004 or earlier. The probability of surviving will generally depend on the same …rm and industry characteristics that a¤ect the RER response. However, if the set of explanatory variables are identical in both stages, the model is identi…ed based on the functional form alone, which can lead to multicollinearity problems. Hence, we choose a di¤erent set of variables in the …rst stage. Speci…cally, we posit 41 Wooldridge (2001) describes selection models for attrition problems in panel data. 20 that operating pro…ts in the base year enter the exit decision, but are excluded from the main estimating equation. Although it is hard to …nd a completely satisfying exclusion restriction, it seems reasonable that operating pro…ts in the base year have limited in‡uence on double di¤erenced productivity, while being correlated with …rm exit. We also limit the covariates in the entry equation to variables that are signi…cant in a stand-alone probit estimation. These include the following variables: number of employees, labor productivity, export and import status (dummy variables). All variables in the selection equation refer to values in the base year. Formally, we model the decision to stay in business as si = 1 [wi0 + ! i > 0], where 1[ ] is an indicator function and wi is a vector of covariates. Assuming joint normality of errors vi and ! i , the errors in the second step vi now have expectation E [vi jsi = 1] = E [vi j! i > 12 E [! i j! i > wi0 ] = 12 (wi ), where 12 wi0 ] = is the covariance between ! i and vi and () is the inverse Mills ratio. Estimating the baseline speci…cation of the empirical model using maximum likelihood with …rm and industry controls (ML-HS), the main results from the SURE estimation are con…rmed, see Table 7. The results are if anything stronger both with respect to statistical and economic signi…cance. Worth noting is especially the results on the impact of the RER shock on employment. Table 7: Increased competition and industrial performance: Controlling for selection bias. Net exposure Firm controls Industry controls No. of obs. Employment (in hours) ML-HS -.1.896a (.781) Yes Yes 3747 Production ML-HS 1.449b (.637) Yes Yes 3747 Labor productivity ML-HS 2.740a (.733) Yes Yes 3747 TFP ML-HS .625a (.262) Yes Yes 3701 Capital intensity ML-HS 2.090 (1.397) Yes Yes 3701 Note: All independent variables are from the base year, 1996. yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level The dependent variable takes the form 5.2 Domestic market shares Our econometric methodology relies on the assumption that exporters and non-exporters are not in direct competition in the home market. Suppose that, as a response to the RER shock, that exporters shifted sales to the home market. This would e¤ectively increase the competitive pressure facing non-exporters. This would create a bias in our estimates, since non-exposed …rms act as a control group in our analysis. One way to check whether this is an issue, is to examine export intensity among non-exposed ( i0 0) and exposed ( i0 > 0) …rms across time. Figure 3 shows average export intensity (unweighted) from 1996 to 2004 for the two groups.42 42 Export intensity is calculated as de‡ated export value relative to real gross output. Note that average export intensity among the negatively net exposed is positive. This simply re‡ects the fact that these …rms have higher 21 For both groups, export intensity is relatively stable. Importantly, there is no evidence that the export share among exposed …rms decreased signi…cantly after the RER shock, compared to the pre RER shock period. This suggests that shifts in competition in the home market do 0 Export intensity, average .1 .2 .3 not bias our results. 1996 1998 2000 Year 2002 Non-expos ed 2004 Exposed Figure 3: Average export intensity. We have also augmented the empirical baseline model by adding log change in the export share from 2000 to 2004 as an additional control variable. This allows us to compare changes in the dependent variable for …rms with similar changes in their export share. The coe¢ cient estimates did not change signi…cantly when including this control.43 5.3 Non-linear e¤ects of a change in competitive pressure In this section, we investigate whether the impact of a change in competitive pressure on the outcome variables is non-linear. For example, one might hypothesize that a small increase in competitive pressure may not lead …rms to increase e¢ ciency, whereas a large increase in competitive pressure may lead to changes in work practices, lay-o¤s, etc. We divide …rms into 6 mutually exclusive groups, based on their level of initial net exposure Firms with and i0 i0 < :17, ( 2) …rms with < 0, ( 4) …rms with and ( 6) …rms with i0 i0 :17 and i0 0 and i0 i0 < i0 . The groups are ( 1) :03, ( 3) …rms with < :03, ( 5) …rms with i0 :03 and :03 i0 i0 < :17 :17. The thresholds roughly correspond to the 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90 percentile of initial exposure. We then estimate the following model: yi1 yi0 = + 1 Di 2 + :: + 5 Di 6 SE + ( yi1 SE yi0 ) + xi0 + vi where Di k , k = 2; ::6, is an indicator variable taking the value 1 if …rm i belongs to group Table 8 shows the results using …rm-level controls and industry dummies. import intensity than export intensity. 43 Results available upon request. 22 k. Table 8: Increased competition and industrial performance: Testing for non-linear e¤ects. Dependent variable 2 3 4 5 6 Firm controls Industry dummies No. of obs. Employment (in hours) SURE .004 (.013) -.013 (.013) -.034c (.019) -.026 (.019) -.001 (.017) Yes Yes 3714 Production SURE .034a (.010) .022b (.010) .003 (.016) .014 (.015) .021 (.013) Yes Yes 3714 Labor productivity SURE .026b (.012) .024c (.013) .021 (.018) .048a (.018) .047a (0.016) Yes Yes 3714 TFP SURE .005 (.004) .001 (.005) .010 (.006) .008 (.006) .010c (.005) Yes Yes 3714 Capital intensity SURE .006 (.025) -.001 (.026) .009 (.037) .007 (.037) .014 (.032) Yes Yes 3714 Note: All independent variables are from the base year, 1996. yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level The dependent variable takes the form The impact of competitive pressure on labor productivity is signi…cant for groups, 5; and 6, relative to the baseline group strong for groups 5 and 2; 3; 1. However, the coe¢ cient is roughly twice as 6, suggesting that …rms above the 75 net exposure percentile are particularly a¤ected. We see the same pattern for TFP, although the magnitudes are smaller. For employment, we observe a signi…cant decline in the medium exposed group 0 and i0 5.4 i0 4 (…rms with < :03), but not for the other groups. Measurement error in imported inputs Net exposure is calculated based on the assumption that …rm imports are in fact intermediates used in production. In some cases, however, …rms performing both manufacturing and retail activities end up being classi…ed as manufacturing …rms in the data. As a consequence, the net exposure variable might su¤er from measurement error since imports are only partially used as inputs in production. We perform the following robustness check to deal with this: In the data, we identify …rm-level imports at the HS 8-digit product level. Using a UN concordance, we map HS6 products to the BEC ("Broad Economic Categories") classi…cation.44 The BEC classi…cation is an attempt to classify products based on their economic use. Speci…cally, the BEC allows us to check whether an HS8 product is classi…ed as a consumer good (BEC 6). 44 23 We then aggregate the data by BEC and NACE, so that for each NACE 2-digit industry, we know the share of …rm imports associated with consumer goods. On average, the share is 14%, and the median is 3%. We then perform the DID estimations on the industries with the highest (NACE 33, 25, 28, 21, 24, 17, 36, 22, 16, 19, and 18, sorted from lowest to highest share) and lowest share of consumer imports. The results are broadly similar for the two groups. Except for the employment coe¢ cient, coe¢ cients signi…cant in the baseline speci…cation are also signi…cant here (detailed results available upon request). This suggests that retail activities are not a major source of measurement error in the analysis. 5.5 Imports of capital goods and productivity growth As pointed out in Eaton and Kortum (2001), an appreciation of the home currency can make imported capital goods cheaper, causing a di¤usion of advanced technology and subsequent productivity growth. Although this mechanism is not identi…ed by our econometric model (see Section 3.2), it is possible that the surge in aggregate labor productivity between 2000 and 2004 can be, at least partially, explained by cheaper inputs. Here we explore some trends in imports of machinery before and during the shock. First, we identify …rm level imports that correspond as closely as possible to capital goods. We choose imports of SITC Rev. 3 category 7 "Machinery and transport equipment" as our proxy for capital goods. This group consists of sub-categories such as "Power-generating machinery and equipment", "Machinery specialized for particular industries", etc. Second, we sum de‡ated machinery imports and total operating costs over the balanced set of …rms. Total real machinery imports and the import intensity (relative to operating costs) are shown in Figure 4. If anything, imports of machinery declined during the shock period, suggesting that the e¤ect of cheaper imported inputs was not particularly strong.45 5.6 Economic signi…cance Our empirical results point to a clear link between the real appreciation and the rise in productivity and production, and the fall in employment. Based on the results from the baseline speci…cation, we …nd that employment fell by 1:3 percent for a one percent real appreciation for a …rm with a net exposure equal to one. Hence, given that average net exposure of the manufacturing sector of was 0:11 before the shock, we infer that the 14 percent real appreciation between 2000 and 2004 resulted in a 2:0 percent reduction in employment ( i0 p1 ). From 2000 to 2004, manufacturing employment in Norway dropped by 11 percent. Based on our calculations, around one …fth (2/11) can be attributed to a restructuring process among the exporters that was triggered by the RER shock. As for productivity, the manufacturing sector as a whole experienced a 24 percent increase in labor productivity between 2000 and 2004. The growth decomposition above suggests that 45 In addition, the correlation between TFP growth between 2000 and 2004 and growth in imported machinery between 2000 and 2004 was not signi…cantly di¤erent from zero. 24 8 Real machin er y impo r ts, bill NOK 5 6 7 1998 2000 Year 2002 2004 1998 2000 Year 2002 2004 Rea l machin er y impo r ts/o pe ra tin g co sts .02 5 .03 .03 5 .04 .04 5 1996 1996 Figure 4: Real machinery imports. around around 73 percent of this improvement, i.e. 17:5 percent were related to adjustments on the intensive margin. Our analysis indicates that the …rms who faced the strongest increase in direct competitive pressure – in terms of net exposure to the RER shock – gave the most signi…cant contribution to this increase in productivity growth. The estimated coe¢ cient on net exposure suggests that labor productivity increased by 2:5 percent for a one percent real appreciation for a …rm with a net exposure equal to one. Hence, we infer that the real appreciation between 2000 and 2004 resulted in 3:9 percent higher labor productivity. In other words, up to one quarter of the adjustment on the intensive margin can be attributed to the enhanced competitive pressure (3.9/17.5). 6 Conclusions We expect …rms to react to changes in competitive pressure. One potential source of changes in competitive pressure are changes in the real exchange rate. Despite there being numerous studies on the economic e¤ects of real exchange rate shocks, there is very little evidence on the adjustment to such shocks at the …rm level. Since …rms within the same industry are found to di¤er signi…cantly in size, productivity and trade exposure, …rm level analyses are required in order to understand properly how the economy adjusts to real exchange rate shocks. In this paper, we treat the sharp appreciation of the Norwegian Krone in the early 2000s as a natural experiment in order to assess the impact of a real exchange rate shock on industrial performance. To identify the impact of the shock we use …rms’ heterogeneous exposure to international markets. Our hypothesis is that those …rms that are most exposed ex ante are the ones most a¤ected by the shock in terms of increased competitive pressure. Several conclusions emerge from the analysis. While both exporters and import-competing …rms were exposed to increased competition due to the real appreciation and reacted by shedding labor, only exporters increased their labor productivity in response to the shock. The RER 25 shock was associated with substantial within-…rm productivity gains for the net exporters. Partly, this improvement in labor productivity came from measured TFP gains. Moreover, the productivity gains among the most exposed …rms enabled them to increase output while reducing employment. We do not …nd evidence of capital deepening due to the shock. While our results suggest that changes in competitive pressure matters for industrial performance and productivity improvements, the speci…c mechanisms behind these gains remains to be investigated. Testing hypotheses about core competence and changes in work practices could be a fruitful avenue of future research. 26 References [1] Baily, M. N., Hulten, C. and Campbell, D., 1992, “Productivity Dynamics in Manufacturing Plants,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics, 187-249. [2] Baggs, J., Beaulieu, E., and Fung, L., 2009, "Firm survival, performance, and the exchange rate", Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 42, Issue 2, 392-421. [3] Bernard, A. B., J. B. Jensen, S. J. Redding and P. K. Schott, 2007, "Firms in international trade", Journal of Economic Perspectives 21, 105-130. 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The panel provides information about total revenue, value added, employment, capital, total operating costs and intermediate costs. This panel is merged with another exhaustive …rm-level data set for Norwegian manufacturing, containing information about exports and imports assembled from customs declarations. The trade data have then been merged with the capital database, based on a unique …rm identi…er.46 Exports denote the sum of a …rm’s export value across destinations. Imports denote the sum of a …rm’s import value of intermediates across sourcing countries. Export exposure is de…ned as export value relative to total revenue. Import exposure is de…ned as import value relative to total operating costs. Net currency exposure is de…ned as the di¤erence between Export exposure and Import exposure. Imported inputs are measured as the import value de‡ated by 2-digit SITC-level indices (year 2000=100).47 Total inputs are measured as total intermediate costs de‡ated by a corresponding index, where pdjt and pijt are used to de‡ate the domestic and foreign component of total inputs respectively, as described in the section on data. Import competition in the 2-digit NACE sector j is de…ned as total import value in j relative to total absorption in j in our base year. Absorption is calculated as (production valuej ) - (export valuej ) + (import valuej ). Data on all these variables are collected from Norwegian input-output matrices.48 Employees and …rm size refer to the number of persons employed in the …rm. Man hours refers to the number of hours worked per …rm per year. Production refers to total real revenue. Labor productivity is measured as real value added divided by total number of hours worked. 46 Among the …rms in the capital database in 2004, 66:7 percent are matched in the customs data (either as exporters or importers). Among the …rms in the customs database in 2004, 8:6 percent are matched in the capital database. The unmatched customs observations are related to activities outside the manufacturing sector (agriculture, petroleum, services). 47 48 30 Output de‡ators refer to Statistics Norway’s commodity price index for the industrial sector at the 3-digit NACE level.49 Year 2000=100. There are separate indices for the domestic and export markets. Firm-level output de‡ators are calculated by de‡ating domestic and exported outputs separately. Input de‡ators refer to Statistics Norway’s domestic commodity price index for domestic goods and the import de‡ator for imported inputs. Firm-level input de‡ators are calculated by de‡ating domestic and imported inputs separately. Capital intensity is measured as annualized user cost of capital (including leased capital) k = (r + relative to hours worked. The cost of capital is calculated as Rit k k )Kit ; where Kitk is the real net capital stock of type k, for …rm i at time t, k is either buildings and land (b) or other tangible …xed assets (o),50 r is the real rate of return, which we calculated from the average real return on 10-year government bonds in the period 1996-2004 (4:2 percent), and k is the median depreciation rates obtained from accounts statistics. The b + Ro : total cost of capital is de…ned as Rit it Relative hourly wage costs for workers in manufacturing is a trade-weighted measure of relative wages measured in a common currency. The index is produced and updated annually by the Technical Calculating Committee on Income Settlements (Teknisk Beregningsutvalg, TBU).51 We use this measure proxying for P1 P0 in the econometric analysis. Note that our identi…cation strategy is completely invariant to the choice of RER. The RER measure will, however, a¤ect the magnitude of the estimated : Skill intensity is de…ned as the number of highly-skilled (tertiary education, i.e. +12 years) employees relative to total employment in each NACE 2-digit sector in 2000, source: Statistics Norway. The Her…ndahl index is calculated in the base year (1996) at the 2-digit level. Swedish employment refers to the number of persons employed in a given NACE 3-digit sector. The data is collected from Statistics Sweden’s webpages and then manually linked to the Norwegian data set.52 A …rm exits if employment is positive in year t and zero or missing in year t + 1, 1996 t < 2003: A …rm enters if employment is zero or missing in year t and positive in year t + 1, 1996 t < 2003: The industry classi…cation is 5-digit NACE. A …rm’s NACE code is based on the …rm’s main activity. Further details on the variables in the …rm database are provided by Raknerud, Rønningen and Skjerpen (2004).53 49 The latter group consists of machinery, equipment, vehicles, movables, furniture, tools, etc. 51 52 The Swedish data is available at: 53 50 31 390 400 250 .14 220 350 360 370 380 Hours, 1 mill Employment, 1000 230 240 .13 .12 .11 .1 .09 1996 1998 2000 Year 2002 1996 1998 2000 Year Employment, 1000 2002 2004 Hours, 1 mill 160 40 100 60 120 80 140 100 180 Exit rate (t to t+1) 120 Entry rate (t to t+1) 2004 1996 1998 2000 Year 2002 Exports, bill NOK 2004 1996 Imports, bill NOK 1998 2000 Year Capital/worker, 1996=100 2002 2004 Value added, bill NOK Figure 5: Entry/exit rate, employment, exports/imports and capital intensity, 1996-2004. Figure 5 displays some key trends in our data, from 1996 to 2004.54 The top left graph shows the entry and exit rate; the top right graph shows total manufacturing employment (in persons and hours); the bottom left graph shows total manufacturing exports and imports (in current prices); and the bottom right graph shows capital intensity - measured as real total capital cost relative to total employment - and real value added. A.2 Firm entry and exit The use of a di¤erence-in-di¤erences methodology in this paper means that we can only analyze the impact of the RER shock on continuing …rms. The productivity decomposition in Table 2 suggests that the within-…rm productivity improvements were the most important source of aggregate productivity gains during the shock years. Furthermore, the aggregate entry and exit rates presented in Figure 5 also suggest that there was no systematic relationship between the RER shock and entry/exit. In this section, we …rst investigate the e¤ect of the RER shock on the likelihood of …rm exit formally. Speci…cally, we estimate the following probit Exiti = 1 [ + where vi is i.i.d. normal, i0 is an intercept term, + xi0 + vi ] i0 is net exposure in the base year, and xi0 is the same vector of controls used in the baseline speci…cation. Exiti = 1 if the …rm has positive 54 The graphs are based on the unbalanced set of …rms. 32 employment in 2000 but not in 2004, and Exiti = 0 if employment is positive in both 2000 and 2004. Table 9 reports the results, showing that net exposure did not have a signi…cant impact on the exit rate during the shock years. Firm size and labor productivity, however, are positively correlated with lower exit rates. Table 9: The probability of exit. 2000-2004. Net exposure .092 (.116) -.079a (.017) -.161a (.038) .018 (.049) -.060 (.046) Yes 5313 Firm size Labor productivity Export dummy Import dummy Industry dummies No. of obs. Note: All independent variables are from the base year, 1996. a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level Robust standard errors in parentheses. Second, we check the average productivity of entrants and exitors relative to continuing …rms before and during the shock. The hypothesis here is that although the exit/entry rate did not change signi…cantly during the shock years, the composition of exitors/entrants might have changed due to the shock. Comparing relative productivity for the three groups - exitors, entrants and survivors - reveals that exitors were always less productive than the survivors, while entrants were more productive than the survivors in the pre-shock period (1996-2000), but not so during the shock (2000-2004). All in all, these descriptives suggest that the contribution of net entry to productivity was relatively small.55 Table 10: Average labor productivity of Survivors, exitors and entrants t 2000 2004 Relative to the whole economy manufacturing labor productivity in period t-4 Entrants,t Exitors,t-4 Survivors,t 1.16 0.90 1.05 1.22 1.04 1.25 Note: Labor productivity is averaged using employment shares as weights. Numbers for entrants and survivors refer to productivity in t relative to total manufacturing productivity in t-4. Numbers for exitors refer to productivity in t-4 relative to total manufacturing productivity in t-4. 55 In contrast to e.g. Disney, Haskel and Heden (2003) and Scarpetta et al. (2002). 33 A.3 Industry versus …rm-level de‡ators In this section we ask to what extent our de‡ation procedure a¤ects the measurement of labor productivity. Figure 6 shows aggregate labor productivity for two subgroups of …rms, those with negative net exposure in the …rst year (left panel) and those with positive net exposure in the …rst year (right panel). The solid line represents total value added relative to total hours worked (in logs), where value added is de‡ated using the method described in the main text. The dotted line represents labor productivity de‡ated using only NACE 3-digit output price indices, and the right panel clearly shows that this declined in 2002, the year the RER was the strongest. The …rst method, however, does not exhibit the same pattern. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that our …rm-level de‡ators successfully remove relative price movements from our preferred productivity measure. Positive net exposure -1.2 -1 -.8 -.6 Negative net exposure 1996 1998 2000 2002 20041996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Year LP, firm-level deflators LP, industry-level deflators Graphs by netexp Figure 6: Measurement of labor productivity. A.4 Tables Table 11: Increased competition and industrial performance. No …rm controls. Industry dummies. Dependent variable Net exposure Firm controls Industry dummies No. of obs. Employment (in hours) SURE -.891 (.617) No Yes 3714 Production SURE 1.163a (.471) No Yes 3714 Labor productivity SURE 3.129a (.619) No Yes 3714 TFP SURE .824a (.208) No Yes 3714 Note: All independent variables are from the base year, 1996. yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level The dependent variable takes the form 34 Capital intensity SURE .654 (1.137) No Yes 3714 Table 12: Increased competition and industrial performance. Firm controls and industry dummies. Dependent variable Net exposure Firm controls Industry dummies No. of obs. Employment (in hours) SURE -.376 (.602) Yes Yes 3714 Production SURE .729 (.481) Yes Yes 3714 Labor productivity SURE 2.118a (.562) Yes Yes 3714 TFP SURE .474a (.200) Yes Yes 3714 Capital intensity SURE 1.181 (1.149) Yes Yes 3714 Note: All independent variables are from the base year, 1996. yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level The dependent variable takes the form Table 13: Increased competition and industrial performance. Independent variables from 2000. Firm and industry controls. Dependent variable Net exposure Firm controls Industry controls No. of obs. Employment (in hours) SURE .378 (.641) Yes Yes 3701 Production SURE 1.174a (.532) Yes Yes 3701 Labor productivity SURE 1.775a (.574) Yes Yes 3701 TFP SURE .238 (.212) Yes Yes 3701 Capital intensity SURE 1.239 (1.256) Yes Yes 3701 Note: All independent variables are from 2000. yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level The dependent variable takes the form Table 14: Increased competition and industrial performance. Independent variables from 2000. No …rm controls. Industry dummies. Dependent variable Net exposure Firm controls Industry dummies No. of obs. Employment (in hours) SURE -1.435a (.597) No Yes 3714 Production SURE 1.215a (.456) No Yes 3714 Labor productivity SURE 4.252a (.597) No Yes 3714 TFP SURE 1.050a (.201) No Yes 3714 Note: All independent variables are from 2000. yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level The dependent variable takes the form 35 Capital intensity SURE 1.909c (1.100) No Yes 3714 Table 15: Increased competition and industrial performance. Independent variables from 2000. Firm controls and industry dummies. Dependent variable Net exposure Firm controls Industry dummies No. of obs. Employment (in hours) SURE .336 (.558) Yes Yes 3714 Production SURE 1.215a (.461) Yes Yes 3714 Labor productivity SURE 2.472a (.502) Yes Yes 3714 Capital intensity SURE 1.140 (1.092) Yes Yes 3714 TFP SURE .583a (.007) Yes Yes 3714 Note: All independent variables are from 2000. yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level The dependent variable takes the form Table 16: Increased competition and industrial performance. Gross exposure. Firm and industry controls. Dependent variable E exposure I exposure e Firm controls Industry controls No. of obs. Employment (in hours) .738 (.872) -3.929a (.964) Yes Yes 3701 Production 1.216c (.701) -.677 (.776) Yes Yes 3701 Labor productivity 1.377c (.811) -4.065a (.897) Yes Yes 3701 TFP .344 (.290) -.674b (.320) Yes Yes 3701 Capital intensity .835 (1.669) -3.591b (1.845) Yes Yes 3701 Note: All independent variables are from 1996. The dependent variable takes the form yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level. Table 17: Increased competition and industrial performance. Gross exposure. No …rm controls, industry dummies. Dependent variable E exposure I exposure e Firm controls Industry dummies No. of obs. Employment (in hours) -1.747a (.710) -.0645 (.884) No Yes 3714 Production 1.773a (.542) -.071 (.675) No Yes 3714 Labor productivity 5.419a (.709) .975 (.882) No Yes 3714 TFP 1.566a (.239) .506c (.297) No Yes 3714 Capital intensity 1.131 (1.310) .199 (1.629) No Yes 3714 Note: All independent variables are from 1996. The dependent variable takes the form a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level. 36 yi1 yi0 : Table 18: Increased competition and industrial performance. Gross exposure.Firm controls and industry dummies. Dependent variable E exposure I exposure e Firm controls Industry dummies No. of obs. Employment (in hours) .568 (.594) -.989 (.738) Yes Yes 3714 Production 1.283b (.648) -3.173a (.807) Yes Yes 3714 Labor productivity 1.169c (.692) -3.643a (.860) Yes Yes 3714 TFP .360 (.247) -.660b (.307) Yes Yes 3714 Capital intensity .178 (1.417) -2.794 (1.760) Yes Yes 3714 Note: All independent variables are from 1996. The dependent variable takes the form yi1 yi0 : a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level. Table 19: Increased competition and industrial performance. TFP based on value added production function. Dependent variable Net exposure Firm controls Industry controls No. of obs. Employment (in hours) -1.297c (.725) Yes Yes 3714 Production .980c (.581) Yes Yes 3714 Labor productivity 2.547a (.672) Yes Yes 3714 TFP 2.158a (.596) Yes Yes 3714 Capital intensity 2.019 (1.383) Yes Yes 3714 Note: All independent variables are from 1996. The dependent variable takes the form a signi…cant at the .01 level, b signi…cant at the .05 level, c signi…cant at the .1 level. 37 yi1 yi0 : Table 20: Currency exposure, employment and productivity growth by industry Exposure Nace 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 0.17 0.05 0.22 0.21 0.08 0.11 0.67 0.00 0.48 0.26 0.18 0.46 0.13 0.27 0.25 0.26 0.49 0.36 0.46 0.15 0.22 0.31 e 0.12 0.19 0.34 0.25 0.17 0.13 0.18 0.03 0.22 0.34 0.29 0.27 0.10 0.20 0.12 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.27 0.09 0.21 0.19 is export exposure, change in interval 0.05 -0.14 -0.12 -0.04 -0.09 -0.02 0.49 -0.03 0.26 -0.08 -0.10 0.19 0.03 0.08 0.13 0.02 0.30 0.12 0.19 0.06 0.01 0.12 Hours worked 0 1 9.2 4.8 -1.2 0.7 -5.6 10.4 2.5 3.7 7.1 9.4 4.1 6.8 13.7 8.8 -2.1 6.0 8.2 12.8 24.4 10.7 4.9 -3.2 -2.2 -3.9 -4.4 -8.1 -4.1 0.0 -6.3 -3.2 -5.5 -4.8 -4.6 -3.7 -6.9 -3.7 -5.8 -8.7 -4.0 9.4 -4.8 -6.0 -7.8 -1.5 e import exposure and 1 Labor productivity 0 0 1 -11.4 -8.7 -3.2 -8.8 1.5 -10.4 -8.8 -6.9 -12.5 -14.2 -8.7 -10.5 -20.6 -12.5 -3.7 -14.7 -12.2 -3.4 -29.2 -16.7 -12.6 1.7 8.1 4.6 0.5 3.1 13.7 2.4 -5.1 -6.2 11.0 -6.5 -0.2 7.9 -2.4 -2.4 -1.0 0.2 2.1 2.2 4.5 12.6 1.7 7.1 0.5 2.5 6.3 3.8 3.1 5.6 11.1 4.4 12.8 3.3 3.4 12.8 5.1 2.4 12.8 -1.8 6.5 13.1 6.0 5.6 1.6 18.4 net exposure. 1 0 -7.7 -2.1 5.8 0.7 -10.6 3.1 16.2 10.5 1.7 9.8 3.6 4.9 7.5 4.7 13.8 -2.0 4.4 10.9 1.5 -7.0 -0.1 11.3 i refers to the percentage i (1996-2000 or 2000-2004): Exposure is calculated in the base year. 38 Table 21: The NACE Rev. 1 industrial classi…cation. Nace 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Manufacture of food products and beverages Manufacture of tobacco products Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel, dressing and dyeing of fur Tanning and dressing of leather, manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture (..) Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of coke, re…ned petroleum products and nuclear fuel Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Manufacture of o¢ ce machinery and computers Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c. Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture, manufacturing n.e.c. Recycling 39