Document 11437020

Robert Moses Peaslee, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University [home] 2828 24th Street, Lubbock, TX 79410 720.470.0335 email: [office] College of Media & Communica9on Box 43082 Lubbock, TX 79409 P: 806.834.2562 -­‐ F: 806.742.1085 educa9on Ph.D.
2007, Mass Communica9on, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 1997, English Literature, The Citadel, Charleston, SC, USA 1995, Communica9ons, Colby-­‐Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA academic posi9ons 2008-­‐Present Assistant Professor – College of Mass Communica9ons Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 2007-­‐2008 Post-­‐Doctoral Research Associate – Center for Media, Religion and Culture Stewart Hoover, Ph.D., Director University of Colorado, Boulder 2003-­‐2007 Doctoral student, Instructor, Research & Teaching Assistant School of Journalism and Mass Communica9on University of Colorado, Boulder 2000-­‐2001 Adjunct English Faculty Colby-­‐Sawyer College, New London, NH professional experience 1998-­‐2001
Assistant Director of Admissions – External Communica9ons Colby-­‐Sawyer College, New London, NH Assistant Director of Sports Informa9on The Citadel, Charleston, SC Graduate Assistant for Communica9ons The Citadel Brigadier Founda9on, Charleston, SC scholarship [work in progress]
Peaslee, R.M.(2013). Media Conduc9on: Exploring Power at the Intersec9on of Media, Tourism, and Fes9val Studies. Journal submission forthcoming. Guest Editor. Interac(ons: Studies in Communica(on and Culture. Special issue en9tled The Host City: (Re)Loca9ng Media Events in the Network Era. 2014 Publica9on. Peaslee, R.M. & Miles, S. “‘Where Buzz is Born’: South-­‐by-­‐Southwest, Bloggers, and Media Conduc9on.” Journal submission forthcoming. [refereed journal ar9cles] Peaslee, R.M. (2013). My day on the boundary: An analy9c autoethnography of media conduc9on. Tourist Studies. Under review. Peaslee, R.M., El-­‐Khoury, J. & Liles, A. (2013). Fans of labor: Volunteers, capital, and civic engagement in mediated places. Transforma(ve Works and Cultures. Revise and resubmit. Peaslee, R.M. (2013). Adapta9on and the “poli9cs of repression”: Comparing The/Whale Rider’s compe9ng texts. Postcolonial Studies. Under review. Peaslee, R.M. (2013). Media conduc9on: Fes9vals, networks, and boundaried spaces. Interna(onal Journal of Communica(on 7. h_p:// Peaslee, R.M. & Berggreen, S.L. (2012). The expediency of hybridity: Beijing 2008. Mass Communica(on and Society 15(4): pp. 525-­‐545. Peaslee, R.M. (2011). It’s fine as long as you draw, but don’t film : Waltz with Bashir and the postmodern func9on of animated documentary. Visual Communica(on Quarterly 18(4), pp. 223-­‐235. Peaslee, R.M. (2011). One ring, many circles: The Hobbiton tour experience and a spa9al approach to media power. Tourist Studies 11(1), pp. 37-­‐54. Peaslee, R.M. (2010) The man from New Line knocked on the door : Tourism, media power, and Hobbiton/Matamata as boundaried space. Tourist Studies 10(1), pp. 57-­‐73. Peaslee, R.M., Berggreen, S. and Kwak, S. (2010). Idol-­‐izing the past, present and future: Super Girl, democracy and the expediency of hybridity in contemporary China. Mass Communicator: Interna(onal Journal of Communica(on Studies 4(4), pp. 14-­‐22. Peaslee, R.M. (2009). Monologue, dialogue, polylogue: Online comments, focus group language, and the problem of iden9ty-­‐free communica9on. NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media and Culture 6
(1). Available online: h_p:// Peaslee, R.M. (2009). Prac9ce in mediated space: Toward a construc9vist media anthropology. Reconstruc(on 9(1). Special issue on Fieldwork and Interdisciplinary Research. h_p:// scholarship, cont. [refereed journal ar9cles, cont.] Berggreen, S. & Peaslee, R.M. (2007). Trans-­‐Chinese imagina9on: Film and Cross-­‐Strait percep9on as a case study for contextual journalism educa9on. Asia-­‐Pacific Media Educator 18, pp. 155-­‐170. Peaslee, R.M. (2005). With great power comes great responsibility : Central psychoanaly9c mo9fs in Spider-­‐Man and Spider-­‐Man 2. PSYART: An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts. Available online: h_p:// [books] Peaslee, R.M. & Weiner, R.G., eds. (2013). The Joker: Cri(cal Essays on the Clown Prince of Crime. Ohio State Press. Under review. Peaslee, R.M. & Weiner, R.G., eds. (2012). Web-­‐Spinning Heroics: Cri(cal Essays on the History and Meaning of Spider-­‐Man. Jefferson, NC: MacFarland. [book chapters]
Chambers, B. & Peaslee, R.M. Reading Twilight: Exploring Fandom, Romance, & Radway in the Twilight Age. In Bucciferro, C., ed. The Twilight Saga: Exploring its Worldwide Popularity. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. In press. Peaslee, R.M., Berggreen, S., & Kwak, S. (2012). Super Girl and the expediency of hybridity. In Dhar, R. & Rana, P., eds. Media in the Swirl. New Delhi: Pentagon Press, pp. 309-­‐321. Peaslee, R.M. (2006). Superheroes, moral economy, and the iron cage: Morality, aliena9on, and the super-­‐individual. In Ndalianis, A. & Haslem, W., eds. Super/Heroes: Myth and Meaning. Melbourne: New Academia. [hypertext scholarship]
Haisle_, R. & Peaslee, R.M. (2013). From Representa9on to Simula9on: A Videogame Transla9on of the Bechdel Test. In Media Res online scholarship forum. March 15. h_p://­‐simula9on-­‐
videogame-­‐transla9on-­‐bechdel-­‐test-­‐authors-­‐robin-­‐haisle_-­‐and-­‐r Peaslee, R.M. (2010). The importance of [seemingly permeable] boundaries at the film fes9val. In Media Res. 16 September. h_p://­‐seemingly-­‐permeable-­‐
boundaries-­‐film-­‐fes9val. Peaslee, R.M. (2009). Disjuncture and difference in The Amazing Race. In Media Res. 13 October. h_p://­‐and-­‐difference-­‐amazing-­‐
race. scholarship, cont. [invited pieces] Peaslee, R.M. (2011). Foreword. In Weiner, R.G. and Barba, S., eds. In the Peanut Gallery with Mystery Science Theater 3000: Essays on Film, Fandom, Technology and the Culture of Riffing. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, in press. [scholarly reviews] Peaslee, R.M. (2008). Review. Interface://Culture—The World Wide Web as poli(cal resource and aesthe(c form. Bruhn-­‐Jenson, K., ed. 2005. Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edi(on 3(1) Spring, pp. 62-­‐64. Peaslee, R.M. (2008). Review. The cinema(c mode of produc(on: A_en(on economy and the society of the spectacle. Beller, J. 2006. Journal of Communica(on Inquiry 32(2), 205-­‐209. [conference presenta9ons] Peaslee, R.M.(2013). Media conduc9on: Exploring power at the intersec9on of media, tourism, and fes9val studies. Society for Cinema & Media Studies Conference (SCMS). March 6-­‐10, Chicago, IL, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2012). “De-­‐spiritualiza9on, de-­‐contextualiza9on, and the ‘poli9cs of repression’: Comparing The/Whale Rider’s compe9ng texts.” Associa9on for Educa9on in Journalism and Mass Communica9on (AEJMC). August 9-­‐12, Chicago, IL, USA. Peaslee, R.M. & Miles, S. “‘Where buzz is born’: South-­‐by-­‐Southwest, bloggers, and media conduc9on.” AEJMC. August 9-­‐12, Chicago, IL, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2012). "Where Buzz is Born" vs. "Lubbock or Leave It": A Tale of Two (Host) Ci9es. SCMS. March 22-­‐25, Boston, MA, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2011). Media conduc9on: Fes9vals, networks, and boundaried spaces. AEJMC. Aug 10-­‐14, St. Louis, MO, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2011). My day on the boundary: An autoethnography of media conduc9on. Interna9onal Congress on Qualita9ve Inquiry, May 17-­‐21, Champaign, IL, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2010). The non-­‐fic9on hides, while the fic9on seeks: Waltz with Bashir and the truth of animated documentary. (Top Faculty Papers, 2nd Place, Visual Communica9on Division). AEJMC Na9onal Conference. Aug. 4-­‐7, Denver, CO, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2010). Fantas9cal fandom?: Produc9on and consump9on at the fan fes9val. ICQI. May 26-­‐29. University of Illinois. Champaign-­‐Urbana, IL. Peaslee, R.M. & Coats, C. (2009). Tourist audiences, mediated places: From Hobbiton to Sedona (and back again). ICA Preconference: Affec9ve Audiences: Analysing Media Users, Consumers and Fans. Interna9onal Communica9on Associa9on (ICA) Annual Conference. May 21-­‐24. Chicago, IL scholarship, cont. [conference presenta9ons, cont.]
Peaslee, R.M. (2009). Monologue, dialogue, poly-­‐logue: Online and focus group language concerning Oliver Stone s W. AEJMC Mid-­‐Winter Conference. University of Oklahoma. March 6-­‐8. Norman, OK. Peaslee, R.M. (2008). Failure Roundtable. FlowTV Conference. University of Texas. October 9-­‐11. Aus9n, TX. Peaslee, R.M. (2008). Notes from Hobbiton: Ritual and authen9city in a far away land. Media, Spirituali9es and Social Change Conference. June 4-­‐7. Boulder, Colorado. Peaslee, R.M. (2008). The man from New Line knocked on the door : Hobbiton/Matamata and the engagement with the global popular. ICA Annual Conference. May 22-­‐26. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Berggreen, S. & Peaslee, R.M. (2008). To hold up Half the Sky: TV, gender rela9ons, and democracy in contemporary China. Western Social Sciences Associa9on (WSSA) Annual Conference. April 23-­‐26. Denver, CO. Peaslee, R.M. & Berggreen, S. (2007). Beyond poli9cal rhetoric: Film as cultural discourse in China and Taiwan. Global Media Studies Conference. Oct. 4-­‐6, Omaha, NE. Peaslee, R.M. (2007). The Lord of the Rings, dépaysement, and the neo-­‐colonial: Film and tourism as (problema9c) iden9ty in the Aotearoa New Zealand context. AEJMC Na9onal Conference. Aug. 9-­‐12, Washington, D.C., USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2007). Prac9ce in mediated space: Toward a construc9vist media anthropology. Media Fields: A Graduate Student Conference in the Department of Film and Media Studies. University of California, Santa Barbara. April 6-­‐8, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2007). Culture, consump9on, and convergence: Theorizing the media-­‐tourism complex. Expanding the Defini9on of Convergence and Integra9on. TTU. April 19-­‐21, Lubbock, TX. Coats, C. & Peaslee, R.M. (2006). Demys9fying the Indie’: Transac9on and transna9onal imagina9on in United States cinema. Interna9onal Conference of the Union for Democra9c Communica9ons. May 18-­‐21, Boca Raton, FL, USA. Berggreen, S. & Peaslee, R.M. (2006). Trans-­‐Chinese imagina9on: Film and the cross-­‐Strait percep9on. Hawaii Interna9onal Conference on Arts and Humani9es. Jan. 11-­‐14, Honolulu, HI, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2005). The impact of big-­‐budget cinema produc9on on the Aotearoa New Zealand film industry: a historical-­‐contemporary discussion. AEJMC Na9onal Conference. Aug. 10-­‐13, San Antonio, TX, USA. Peaslee, R.M. (2005). Superheroes, moral economy, and the iron cage: Morality, aliena9on and the super-­‐individual. Holy Men in Tights!: A Superheroes Conference. University of Melbourne. April 15-­‐19, Melbourne, Australia. teaching College of Mass Communica0ons, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX EMC 3308 Visual Communica9on EMC 4300
Undergraduate Independent Study in Advanced Screenwri9ng [course design] EMC 4301
The Blockbuster: Hollywood, Globaliza9on and the Film Audience [course design] EMC 4301
Cinema, Story and Culture: Films as a Social Documents [course design] EMC 4375
Wri9ng for Feature Film EMC 6315
Graduate Seminar in Visual Culture [course design] EMC 6315
Fandom: Understanding Media Produc9on & Consump9on in the Digital Era [course design] EMC 7000 Graduate Independent Study in Documentary Film History and Theory [course design] EMC 7000
Graduate Independent Study in Qualita9ve Research [course design] EMC 7000
Graduate Independent Study in Approaches to the Public Sphere [course design] MCOM 1300 Introduc9on to Mass Communica9on MCOM 6364 Advanced Research Methods (Graduate): Qualita9ve Research [course design] School of Journalism and Mass Communica0on, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO JOUR 1001
Contemporary Mass Media Colby-­‐Sawyer College, New London, NH ENG 105
First-­‐Year Wri9ng and Composi9on honors 2013
2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 Elected to Texas Tech University Faculty Senate (3-­‐year term). Nominee – Spencer A. Wells Award for Crea9vity in Teaching. Texas Tech University. Awardee – Na9onal Associa9on of Television Program Execu9ves (NATPE) Faculty Fellowship. Awardee – LU Kaiser Founda9on Award for Innova9on in Teaching, TTU College of Mass Communica9ons. Nominee and Selected Par9cipant – TTU Ins9tute for Inclusive Excellence. Nominee – President s Excellence in Diversity and Equity Award, Texas Tech University. Awardee – Professing Excellence Award, Texas Tech University. Nominee – Outstanding Faculty, Student Disability Services, Texas Tech University. Nominee – President s Excellence in Diversity and Equity Award, Texas Tech University. 2nd Place, Top Faculty Papers Compe99on. AEJMC Na9onal Conference, Visual Communica9ons Division. Denver, CO. Nominee – President s Excellence in Diversity and Equity Award, Texas Tech University. funding 2012
Co-­‐PI. College Diversity Development Grant (with Liz Gardner, Jerod Foster, & Arijit Basu). Division of Ins9tu9onal Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement. Status: NF. 2012 Sundance Documentary Fund. Development grant for documentary en9tled The Machinery of Death. Status: NF. 2011 FY2012 Faculty Fellowship. Na9onal Associa9on of Television Program Execu9ves. Status: Funded (Hotel, registra9on and meals). 2011 PI. “Theorizing media conduc9on: Toward a holis9c understanding of the ritual power of media9on.” FY2012 Internal Funding Opportunity to Advance Scholarship in the Crea9ve Arts, Humani9es, and Social Sciences. TTU. Status: NF at $9,015. 2011 PI. Engaging Media Conduc9on: South-­‐by-­‐Southwest as a Research and Teaching Experience . 2012 AEJMC Emerging Scholars Grant Compe99on. Status: NF at $2,500. 2011 Co-­‐PI. The Malaysian Bat Educa9on Adventure: Progressive Situated Learning in a Research Environment . United States Na9onal Science Founda9on. Status: Under review. Es9mated request: $2.4 million. 2011 Co-­‐PI. THE CH Founda9on. Seed grant for Texas Tech University Film Series. College of Mass Communica9ons. Status: In produc9on. Status: NF at $40,000. 2010 PI. Global Lens at Texas Tech University . Humani9es Texas Mini-­‐grant Program. Status: NF. 2010 PI. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Founda9on Fellowships to Assist Research and Ar9s9c Crea9on. Status: NF. 2010 PI. Junior Faculty Convergent Research Grant. College of Mass Communica9on, Texas Tech University. Status: Funded at $1,000. 2009 PI, Fes9vals and Fan Consump9on/Produc9on: A Field Work Experience. TTU Faculty Research Assistance Fund. Status: Funded at $1,500. 2009 PI, Fes9vals and Fan Consump9on/Produc9on: A Field Work Experience. BEA New Faculty Research Grant. Status: NF at $2,500. 2009 Co-­‐PI. The Malaysian Bat Educa9on Adventure: a research-­‐based learning environment for teaching biological concepts. United States Na9onal Science Founda9on (NSF). Status: NF at
$2.9m. 2009  PI. Junior Faculty Convergent Research Grant. College of Mass Communica9on, Texas Tech University. Status: Funded at $600. 2008 Co-­‐PI. Cultural change in the Islamic world . Minerva Research Ini9a9ve, United States Department of Defense. Status: NF at $1.2m. 2008 Co-­‐PI. Media, US Public Diplomacy, and Lived Religious/Secular Iden9ty in Egypt and Turkey . NSF. Status: NF at $1.0m. 2008  PI. College of Mass Communica9on Internal Research Grant. Texas Tech University. Status: Funded at $1,200. service [the discipline]
Guest Editor. Interac(ons: Studies in Communica(on and Culture. Special issue en9tled The Host City: (Re)Loca9ng Media Events in the Network Era. 2014 Publica9on. Referee, Interna(onal Journal of Communica(on. Referee. Tourism Management Perspec(ves. Research Chair, Visual Communica9ons Division. AEJMC Na9onal Conference. Referee. Book Proposal. Oxford University Press. Referee (2 ar9cles). Mass Communica(on and Society. Panel Chair: “The Host City II: Case Studies of Media Fes9vals and Urban Spaces.” Society for Cinema & Media Studies Conference, Boston, MA. Referee (3 ar9cles). Tourist Studies. Panel Moderator, Visual Communica9ons Division. AEJMC Na9onal Conference. Research Chair, Visual Communica9ons Division. AEJMC Na9onal Conference. Referee. Book proposal, Routledge Press. Referee. Communica(on, culture & cri(que. Reviewer, Communica9on History Division, Interna9onal Communica9on Associa9on (ICA) interna9onal conference. Chair, Panel on Nego9a9ng Iden9ty. Media, Spirituali9es and Social Change Conference. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Chair, Panel on Spirituality, Media, and Civic Engagement. Media, Spirituali9es and Social Change Conference. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Reviewer. Popular Communica9on, Mass Communica9on, Global Communica9on and Social Change, Visual Communica9on, and Communica9on History divisions. Interna9onal Communica9on Associa9on (ICA) interna9onal conference. Chair, Panel on Development Issues in Asia, South America, and La9n America. Global Studies Conference. University of Nebraska, Omaha. Omaha, NE. Facilitator. Interna9onal Conference on Fundamentalism and the Media. Center for Media and Religion. University of Colorado, Boulder. Reviewer. Cultural and Cri9cal Studies Division. AEJMC Na9onal Conference. 2006
[the university]
Reviewer, Faculty Diversity Development Grant (Internal), TTU. Texas Tech University Faculty Senate (elected posi9on). Panelist, Feminist Forum: Risk Percep9ons & Innova9on in Academia. TTU Women s Studies Program. Co-­‐Chair, Texas Tech University Diversity Summit. Division of Ins9tu9onal Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement. April 12. Co-­‐Chair, Texas Tech University Commi_ee on Teaching, Learning and Connec9ng to Diversity. TTU Cross-­‐Cultural Academic Advancement Center University Faculty Liaison. Panelist and co-­‐organizer. Screening and panel discussion of Salt of the Earth. College of Mass Communica9ons, TTU Judge, Graduate Student Research Poster Compe99on, TTU. Campus Coordinator, Global Lens interna9onal film and panel series. TTU. Volunteer mentor, MentorTech Program, TTU. service, cont. [the college/department]
Academic Programs Commi_ee Member. College of Mass Communica9ons (COMC), Texas Tech University. Search Commi_ee Member. EMC Department Professor of Prac9ce Search. COMC, TTU. Search Commi_ee Member. Regent’s Professor in Media Studies. COMC TTU. Graduate Admissions Commi_ee, COMC, TTU. Judge, Digital Photo Compe99on. COMC, TTU. Graduate Student Research Funding Commi_ee, COMC, TTU Spring Graduate Admission Commi_ee, COMC, TTU. Chair, Kelsey Lauren Kidd Memorial Endowed Scholarship Award Commi_ee, COMC, TTU. Graduate Grade Appeals Commi_ee, COMC, TTU. Screening coordinator and discussion leader. Rip! A Remix Manifesto. COMC, TTU. Department Coordinator, Texas Tech University State Employee Charitable Campaign. [editorial posi9ons] 2012-­‐2013
Editorial Board, Technoculture 2010-­‐
Editorial Board, American Communica(on Journal. [theses and disserta9ons] College of Mass Communica0on, Texas Tech University Ongoing
Brandon Bouchillon (Doctoral Disserta9on), Commi_ee Member Jerod Foster (Doctoral Disserta9on), Commi_ee Member Robin Haisle_ (Doctoral Disserta9on), Commi_ee Chair Hyo Jin Kim (Doctoral Disserta9on), Commi_ee Member Kent Lowry (Doctoral Disserta9on), Commi_ee Chair Kim Pewi_ Jones (Doctoral Disserta9on), Commi_ee Member 2012 Chambers, B. Measuring the Brandfan: Exploring a Model for Predic(ng the Fandom of Brands. Doctoral Disserta9on. Commi_ee Member. 2010
Miles, S. Indie music blogging: An examina(on of culture, fandom and community through online discourse. MA Thesis. Commi_ee Chair. Benne_, M. Talking to the Camera: Measuring the Impact of Direct Address in Reality Programming on Parasocial Interac(on. MA Thesis. Commi_ee Member. Huang, Y. A Cross-­‐Cultural Comparison of Gender Role Portrayals in Internet Commercials: China and the United States. MA Thesis. Commi_ee Member. College of Fine and Performing Arts, Texas Tech University Ongoing
Bryan Wheeler (Doctoral Disserta9on), Commi_ee Member 2013
Ballard, K. Queens of the South Plains: Collected Oral Histories of Drag Queens Living in Lubbock, Texas. Doctoral Disserta9on. Commi_ee Member service, cont. [the community]
2007 [other] 2010 
Senior Project Advisor. Lubbock-­‐Cooper High School. 2012-­‐13 Commi_ee Chair, Flatland Film Fes9val and Series. Lubbock, TX. Programming Commi_ee. Flatland Film Fes9val and Series. Lubbock, TX. Volunteer programmer, Classic (Bad) Sci-­‐Fi Film Fes9val fundraiser. Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts (LHUCA), Lubbock, TX. Volunteer lecturer, Upward Bound Program. Lubbock, TX. Judge, Flatland Film Fes9val. Lubbock, TX. Volunteer, West Texas Comic Con, Lubbock, TX. Volunteer, Flatland Film Fes9val, Lubbock, TX. Volunteer, Denver Open Media. Denver, CO. Volunteer. Sea_le Interna9onal Film Fes9val (SIFF), Sea_le, WA. Task Force on Reimagining and Rebuilding the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum. Colby-­‐Sawyer College, New London, NH. produc9on experience Development
Producer. Documentary film on the death penalty in TX. Paul Allen Hunton, dir. Script Consultant. Take Two (dir. Ma_hew Tibbenham). Associate Producer. The File (dir. Ma_hew Tibbenham). invited lectures 2012 Nov
2012 Nov
2012 Nov
2011 Nov
2011 Nov
2011 April
2010 Sept
2010 March
2009 Oct
2009 Sept
2007 April
2006 Nov
2006 Sept
2006 April
2006 April
2006 March
2005 Nov
HDFS 6366: Graduate Qualita9ve Research Methods in Human Development and Family Studies. “Media anthropology as method.” Dr. Elizabeth Sharp. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA. Honors 1304: Zombie Culture: The Zombie in History, Film, Literature, Sequen9al Art and the Popular Imagina9on. “Zombie Rage: 28 Days Later and post-­‐9/11 Cinema”. Instructor Robert G. Weiner. TTU. EMC 3308: Visual Communica9on. “Documentary Film.” Instructor Jerod Foster. TTU. MCOM 6300: Research Methods. “Qualita9ve research methods.” Dr. Glenn Cummins. TTU. Honors 1304: The Superhero in Film, Television, and Popular Culture. “A Psychoanaly9c Approach to Spider-­‐Man”. Instructor Robert G. Weiner, TTU. EMC 4301: Rock n Roll Media. Fes9vals, place & 9me. Instructors Kent Lowry & Dr. Kent Wilkinson. TTU. EMC 4301: The History and Prac9ce of the Film Trailer. Trailers and genre. Instructor Kent Lowry. TTU. EMC 3300: Electronic Media and Society. James Cameron: King of the World. Dr. Jimmie Reeves. TTU. All the rage : 28 Days Later and the cultural expediency of walking (or sprin9ng) death. Invited by College of Mass Communica9ons Graduate Student Assoc., TTU. Graduate Research Methods. Qualita9ve Research and Analysis. Dr. Glenn Cummins. TTU. Paper in Screen and Spirituality. The Lord of the Rings, Tourism and Spirituality. Dr. Ann Hardy, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. JOUR 1001: Contemporary Mass Media. Exploring the film industry. Instructor Joseph Terry. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA. JOUR 1001: Contemporary Mass Media. Understanding film as text and industry. Dr. Stewart Hoover. CU. Art Apprecia9on Survey. Hollywood and the movies: Bread and circuses, or key component of the public sphere? Instructor Kathryn Eischeid. Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO, USA. Art Apprecia9on Survey. Hollywood and the movies: Bread and circuses, or key component of the public sphere? Instructor Kathryn Eischeid. Front Range Community College, Westminster, CO, USA. JOUR 1001: Contemporary Mass Media. Understanding film as text and industry. Dr. Shu-­‐Ling Berggreen. CU. JOUR 1001: Contemporary Mass Media. Understanding film as text and industry. Instructor Mark Finney. CU. professional affilia9ons Associa9on for Educa9on in Journalism and Mass Communica9on • 
Visual Communica9on Division • 
Cri9cal & Cultural Studies Division • 
Entertainment Studies Special Interest Group Society for Cinema and Media Studies • 
Film and Media Fes9val Special Interest Group • 
Urban Studies Special Interest Group professional development 2011-­‐12
references Ins9tute for Inclusive Excellence. Teaching, Learning and Professional Development Center (TLPDC), Texas Tech University. Using the Quiz Tool in BlackBoard. Teaching, Learning and Technology Center (TLTC). Texas Tech University Teaching Controversial Topics. TLTC. Texas Tech University. Using the BlackBoard Grading Tool. TLTC. Texas Tech University. BlackBoard Fundamentals. TLTC. Texas Tech University. NVivo Training Module. TLTC. Texas Tech University. PowerPoint and the Art of Student Dis/Engagement. TLTC. Texas Tech University. WebCT Basic Training. TLTC. Texas Tech University. Leading conten9ous classroom discussions . Workshop, University of Colorado Graduate Teacher Program (CUGTP). Planning a successful recita9on . Workshop, CUGTP. Pedagogy and effec9ve classroom discussion . Workshop, CUGTP. Explora9ons of teaching: A five-­‐part workshop on teaching goals, strategies, and outcomes . Workshop, CUGTP. How to recognize and deconstruct bias in the classroom . Workshop, CUGTP. The power of strategic ques9ons . Workshop, CUGTP. Using wri9ng assignments effec9vely . Workshop, CUGTP. A guide to tes9ng and grading . Workshop, CUGTP. Sexual harassment policy . Workshop, CUGTP. Stewart Hoover, Ph.D. Professor & Director, Center for Media, Religion & Culture University of Colorado, Boulder CO, USA, 1 (303) 492-­‐5007 Lynn Schofield Clark, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communica9on Director, Estlow Interna9onal Center for Journalism and New Media University of Denver, Denver CO, USA, 1 (303) 871-­‐2088 Thomas J. Johnson, Ph.D. Amon G. Carter Jr. Centennial Professor, School of Journalism University of Texas, Aus9n, TX, USA Shu-­‐Ling Chen Berggreen, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Journalism and Mass Communica9on University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA shu-­‐ 