Page 1 of CCR SPONSOR RECOMMENDATION FORM CCR NUMBER: 4834 CCR TITLE: B/L SMR-3029 HST SM3B OBSERVATORY VERIF. PLAN CCR SPONSOR: A. VERNACCHIO/441 SUMMARY OF COMMENTS RECEIVED: (list Level 4 CCB and internal reviewers who had comments and address those comments) ST ScI – Reviewer: Carl Biagetti Page 1-1 - last line - Change "conduct" to "conducts". Response: Page 1-5 - mid-page - Delete the sentence beginning with "The three divisions..." (These divisions no longer exist.) Response: Page 1-8 - Delete 3rd bullet. The line beginning with "Safety Load" is a continuation of last sentence of bullet 2. Response: Page 2-1 - mid-page. Following the sentence beginning with "A detailed description of...," add the following: "The correlation of activity summaries to proposal numbers can be found at the following Web site:" Response: Page 3-1 - Change "Figure 3-2 is a SMOV Activity Dependency Network that..." to "Figure 3-2 is a SMOV Activity Dependency Network, as of Jan. 25, 2001, that...." Response: LMMS/CHAMP – Throughout document, Solar Array 3 acronym should be SA3 not SAIII. Response: Page 1-5, paragraph 4 refers to the old ST ScI organizational structure. Recommend updating to reflect current structure. Response: Table 2-5 lists several tests as being done in the R/T phase. The descriptions of these tests call for "special commanding" which implies being run under an SMS. This means they must be executed either in the Health and Safety or SMS phases. Response: Table 2-5 (page 2-47) shows duration of ACS CCD Functional (ACS-05) as 22 hrs 50 min. On page 2-54, ACS-05 duration shows 22.5 hrs for step 2 of the functional which is 22 hrs 30 min. Also, steps 1 and 3 need to be conducted as well, extending the duration to 34 hrs 24 min plus an additional 1 hr 06 min daily for execution of Step 4. Response: Table 2-5 (page 2-93) ACS-27 CCD and SBC Geometric Distoration mentions using NGC 6681 explicitly. However, NGC 6681 is unavailable from November through February (per ACS-23) due to solar proximity. Response: Table 2-8 lists verification of the NICMOS cool down activity as a R/T phase activity. This occurs during the SMS phase but is a R/T activity. Again while this will be executed via real time commanding, it will occur during the SMS phase of operations. There may be a conflict in the definition of phases vs. method of operations. Response: Need to add a function to fill the Circulator loop as an activity which is done during the R/T phase. Response: Need to add a description of the NICMOS thermal test which will be done to determine when the filter wheels may be freed up to start rotating (SMS phase). Response: Table 3-4 lists a load of the NSSC-1 5 SI FSW. There is no plan to reload the NSSC-1 at this time. This may be a carryover from our early planning when it wasn't determined if this was going to be necessary. Recommend deleting. Response: Table 3-4 specified SSR1 Sci and Eng recording. The current plan is to be in DSR mode during SMOV which means SSR1 will be used for Sci and Eng recording and SSR3 will also be used for Sci recording. Recommend changing SSR1 to "SSR1 Sci & Eng Recording and SSR3 Sci Recording" for clarity. Response: Table 3-5 shows the NCS fill procedure occurring during the SMS phase. It also shows release in this "phase". Release does not occur in the SMS phase, it occurs in the R/T phase. Response: Reviewers: Rankin, Graham, Castro, Bacinski, Davis, Norton, McAveety, Lyle, Piquero, Pulkkinen, Arslanian, Pettingill, Briles, Herhei STOMS/581 – Generic SAIII and SA-3 to SA3 Response: SPONSOR'S COMMENTS: CCB RECOMMENDATION: (check one) APPROVE [ ] APPROVE WITH CHANGE [ ] DISAPPROVE [ ] (List changes to be made, implementation details, disapproval rationale, or other pertinent information) NAME/ORGANIZATION: DATE: