PROGRAMME I2R Smart Infrastructure - Innovative S&C + PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP2: Smart Infrastructure – Innovative S&C. SOLUTION: The overall objective of WP2 is to create solutions for a radical redesign of the S&C system and deliver improvements to the existing S&C system, whilst embracing “state of the art” technologies. Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 1 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-01 PROGRAMME I2R Smart Infrastructure - Innovative Track Solutions + PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP3: Innovative Track Solutions. SOLUTION: The scope of WP3 is to develop innovative plain line track solutions: Development, assessment and validation of local rail head repair solutions; establish a general framework for evaluation of innovative concepts and decision support; significantly enhance the understanding of mechanisms and influential parameters regarding different track solutions; transfer the enhanced understanding into improved predictive models able to optimize solutions and LCC estimations; customise noise reduction measures for specific operational conditions; derive hybrid track solutions that merge benefits of different track systems. Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 2 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-02 PROGRAMME I2R Smart Infrastructure - Bridges & Tunnels + PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP4: Bridges & Tunnels. SOLUTION: The following objectives will be handled in WP4: existing technology with respect to defined requirements; validation of developed subsystems on real structures and define further development in SHIFT2RAIL. This relates to the overall objectives for Bridges and Tunnels in SHIFT2RAIL. Define requirements for new inspection technologies to facilitate proactive maintenance; identify, benchmark and develop Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 3 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-03 PROGRAMME I2R Smart Infrastructure - Track geometry + PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP5: Smart Infrastructure – COTS Monitoring (thermal stress and track geometry). SOLUTION: The purpose of WP5 is to develop innovative approaches for monitoring key track characteristics. To this end, existing inspection/ measuring equipment will be integrated with improved data assessment and analysis. The overall purpose is to increase automatic detection of track defects in order to facilitate reduction of traffic disruptions and asset management costs. Two key characteristics will be the main focus of WP5: track geometry monitoring by inservice trains and thermal rail stress monitoring . The starting point will be the analysis of current techniques, detectors and inspection systems/procedures. Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 4 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-04 PROGRAMME I2R Smart Infrastructure - Maintenance Strategies + PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP6: Smart Infrastructure - Maintenance Strategies. SOLUTION: The objective of WP6 is to demonstrate a sound, consistent and holistic approach towards asset maintenance making a difference not only to the reliability of the railway system/infrastructure, but also in the reduction in recurrent maintenance cost. Improving individual maintenance approaches or tasks alone are not enough; instead an integrated approach is required. To illustrate this approach the project shall consider the track and S&C as specimen. Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 5 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-05 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL I2R I2M – System Engineering PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP7: Intelligent Mobility management (I2M) – System Engineering. Management Systems (TMS) and dispatching systems of the future. SOLUTION: The overall objective of WP7 is to provide the specification to validate the Intelligent Mobility Management (I2M) open integrated platform for the Traffic + Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 6 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-06 PROGRAMME I2R PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL I2M – Information Management + PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP8: Intelligent Mobility management (I2M) – Integration Layer. SOLUTION: The overall objective of WP8 is to design, within the framework of the I2M SubProject, a standardised approach to information management and dispatching system enabling an integrated Traffic Management System (TMS); an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environment supporting all transport operational systems with standardised interfaces and with a plug and play framework for TMS applications. Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 7 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-07 PROGRAMME I2R PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL I2M – Nowcasting and Forecasting PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP9: Intelligent Mobility management (I2M) – Nowcasting and Forecasting. and forecast network asset statuses with the associated uncertainties from heterogeneous data sources. SOLUTION: The overall objective of WP9 is to design and deliver an advanced asset information system with the ability to now-cast + Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 8 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-08 PROGRAMME I2R Intelligent AC Power Supply System + PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL interface with the public power grid. PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP10: Energy Management – Intelligent AC Power Supply. WP10 covers the basic investigations and the design works at TRL 1-3 to implement the demonstrators for the system defined in the master plan of Shift2Rail. SOLUTION: WP10 is to work on the design of an intelligent traction feeding system for AC rail power supply to allow a controlled energy flow inside the Rail power grid and to optimise the Main investigation topics are for intelligent, digital substations to allow all necessary control on an interface level between public and the railway grid, based on interface requirements from the railway and the public power grid. Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 9 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-09 PROGRAMME I2R Smart Metering for Energy Management PROGRAMME: IN2RAIL PROBLEM STATEMENT: Network Rail and 52 other partners from across Europe contribute to and benefit from the In2Rail (I2R) innovation funding vehicle, this is WP11: Energy Management – Smart Metering for a railway distributed Energy Resource Management System (RDERMS). mapping of different energy flows within the whole Railway System on a synchronized time basis. SOLUTION: The main objectives of WP11 are to design an open system dedicated to the fine + Project Details BENEFITS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Amanda Webster R&D and Technology Team Network Rail Milton Keynes ADVANTAGES: The In2Rail Work Packages (WP) have been influenced to initiate UK infrastructure technologies and are 100% funded by the EU. 10 Solutions Catalogue (projects) November 6, 2015 DRAFT for consideration Reduced infrastructure whole-life cost and improved efficiency PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION Feasibility phase completed by 2019 BENEFICIARIES: IM, Europe KEYCHALLENGES: European integration; route to market SC10-I2R-10