Document 11431900

Sara E. Smiley Smith ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CURRICULUM VITAE September 28, 2015 PERSONAL INFORMATION Address: Yale College Environmental Studies 195 Prospect Street New Haven, CT 06511 Phone: (203) 432-­‐9868 Email: EDUCATION 2016 PhD School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University Dissertation: “Seeking Equilibrium: Exploring Environmental Sustainability and
Decision Making in Higher Education”
2007 MPH School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University 2007 MESc School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University 2004 BA Environmental Studies, Middlebury College PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2011 – Pres. Program Manager, Yale College Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT 2010 – 2011 Lead Research Assistant, Yale Sustainability Strategic Plan, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2005 – 2010 Research Assistant, Yale Office of Sustainability, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2009 Sustainability Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2008 – 2009 Project Team Manager, Yale Office of Sustainability, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2007 – 2008 Coordinator, Sustainability Summit, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2006 – 2007 Spring Salvage Project Manager, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2006 – 2008 Guillette Process Coordinator, Commonweal, Collaboration on Health and the Environment (CHE), Bolinas, CA 2005 – 2010 Researcher, The Green Guide, New York City, NY 2006 Research Intern, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC 2005 Research Assistant, Stocks and Flows, Yale Center for Industrial Ecology, New Haven, CT TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2015 – Pres. Instructor, Senior Colloquium, Environmental Studies, Yale College, New Haven, CT 2013 Collaborating Instructor, Sustainability and Institutions, Yale Global Summer Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2010-­‐2011 Lead Teaching Fellow, Environmental Law and Policy, Political Science Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2008 Lead Teaching Fellow, Urban Ecosystem MOD, MODS Program, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT 2006 – 2009 Teaching Fellow, Environmental Law and Policy, Political Science Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT PUBLICATIONS, PEER-­‐REVIEWED Smiley Smith, S.E., H.D. Hosgood, E.S. Michelson, M.H. Stowe. 2008. American’s Nanotechnology Risk Perception. Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(3): 459-­‐473. PUBLICATIONS, BOOK CONTRIBUTIONS Smiley Smith, Sara E. “CRE Copernicus.” Green Education, Green Society: Toward a
Sustainable Future. Julie Newman, Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage, 2011.
Smiley Smith, Sara E. “College of the Atlantic.” Green Education, Green Society: Toward a
Sustainable Future. Julie Newman, Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage, 2011.
Smiley Smith, Sara E. “International Alliance of Research Universities.” Green Education,
Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future. Julie Newman, Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage, 2011.
Smiley Smith, Sara E. “Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium.” Green Education,
Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future. Julie Newman, Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage, 2011.
PUBLICATIONS, OTHER Smiley Smith, S.E. 2007. A Model for Cooperative Progress in Nanotechnology Research. The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. McRandle, P.W., S.E. Smiley Smith. The Top 25 Green Cities in the U.S., 2007. The Green Guide, National Geographic. Gottesman, David and Sara Smiley Smith. “The Role of International Alliances to Advance
Sustainability Objectives on University Campuses – Plenary and Roundtable Discussion.”
Presentation Summary. Strategies for Institutionalizing Sustainability in Higher Education. A
Report on the Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium 3rd Annual Conference and
International Symposium. Newman, J. and L. Fernandez, Eds., New Haven, CT. November 2-4, 2006.
Smiley Smith, Sara and Meleah Houseknecht. “College-Community Environmental
Sustainability Initiatives: Local and State Partnerships in Pennsylvania.” Presentation
Summary. Strategies for Institutionalizing Sustainability in Higher Education. A Report on the
Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium 3rd Annual Conference and International
Symposium. Newman, J. and L. Fernandez, Eds., New Haven, CT. November 2-4, 2006.
Smiley Smith, Sara. “Measurement Equals Management! Conducting a Greenhouse Gas
Inventory.” Presentation Summary. Strategies for Institutionalizing Sustainability in Higher
Education. A Report on the Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium 3rd Annual
Conference and International Symposium. Newman, J. and L. Fernandez, Eds., New Haven, CT.
November 2-4, 2006.
Smiley Smith, Sara. “Recycling and Sustainability: A Practical and Theoretical Pairing.”
Presentation Summary. Strategies for Institutionalizing Sustainability in Higher Education. A
Report on the Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium 3rd Annual Conference and
International Symposium. Newman, J. and L. Fernandez, Eds., New Haven, CT. November 2-4, 2006.
McRandle, P.W., S.E. Smiley Smith. The Top Ten Green Schools in the U.S., August 2006. The Green Guide. McRandle, P.W., S.E. Smiley Smith. The Top Ten Green Cities in the U.S.: April 2006. The Green Guide. INVITED PRESENTATIONS 2015 “Institutional Change and Environmental Sustainability.” Yale Global Summer Program. Oral Presentation, July 8, 2015. New Haven, CT 2011 “Enabling Resilient Institutions: Change, Decision and Uncertainty in Environmental Sustainability.” Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium, Middlebury College. Oral Presentation, November 3, 2011. Middlebury, VT 2011 “Identifying Change Management Strategies for Sustainability: Building on Lessons from Public Health, Ecology, and Business Management.” Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference. Oral Presentation, October 10, 2011. Pittsburgh, PA 2010 “Lessons from the Heap: Five Years of Move-­‐Out Reuse Efforts.” Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference. Oral Presentation, October 11, 2010. Denver, CO 2010 “Spring Salvage at Yale: Reflections on Campus Waste Flows.” School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Doctoral Conference. Oral Presentation, September 17, 2010. New Haven, CT 2009 “Sustainability and the Value of International Experience.” Yale International Center. Panel Participant, 2009. New Haven, CT 2009 “Understanding Decision Making for Improved Institutional Sustainability: Examining Change in University Settings.” Australia National University Human Ecology Forum. Oral Presentation, July 10, 2009. Canberra, Australia 2009 “Best Green Practices at Work on Campus.” National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) National Convention. Panel Participant, January 14, 2009. National Harbor, MD 2006 “Transforming our Trash: Using Spring Salvage Data to Inform Waste Management.” Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium. Poster Presentation, November 2-­‐3, 2006. Poster Presentation. New Haven, CT AWARDS AND CERTIFICATIONS 2015 – 2016 National Academies Education Fellow in the Sciences, The National Academies 2012 Certificate of College Teaching Preparation, Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 2011 Class of 1980 Fund Award, Atlas.ti Training Program, Yale University 2009 Sustainability Fellowship, International Alliance of Research Universities, Australian National University 2009 Yale Sustainability Achievement Award, Yale University 2007 -­‐ 2011 Yale Graduate School Doctoral Award, Yale University 2005 Green Fund Grant, Transitioning to a Self-­‐Sustaining Spring Salvage at Yale, Yale University 2004 John M. McCardell Jr. Award for Public Service, Middlebury College PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2015 – Pres. Chair, Environmental Stewardship Committee, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 2014 – Pres. Mentor, Environmental Leadership Mentoring Program, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 2014 – Pres. Member, Environmental Leadership Mentoring Committee, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 2014 – Pres. Member, 2015 Yale Environmental Sustainability Summit Organizing Committee, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 2013 – Pres. Doctoral Representative, Alumni Association Board, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 2011 – 2015 Member, Environmental Stewardship Committee, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 2013 Catalyst, Listening Project, AASHE 2011 Abstract Reviewer, AASHE Conference & Expo: Creating Sustainable Campuses and Communities 2007 – 2010 Member, Sustainability Working Group, Yale University 2007 – 2008 Member, Curriculum Committee, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 2005 – 2006 Member, Environmental Stewardship Committee, Yale University 2004 – 2006 Divisional Representative, Environmental Health, Yale University PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 2012 – Pres. Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) 2010 – 2014 New York Academy of Sciences: Science Alliance for Postdocs and Graduate Students 2006 – 2008 Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) 2005 – Pres. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) COMMUNITY SERVICE 2014 East Rock Park Clean Up Volunteer, Yale Day of Service, New Haven, CT 2007 – Pres. Board Member, JESS Foundation, Winslow, ME 2007 Founder, JESS Foundation, Winslow, ME 