Last revised: December 2013 L

© 2013, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
Last revised: December 2013
1995 - Present
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© 2013, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
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© 2013, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
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© 2013, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
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“Model-assisted estimation of biomass in a LiDAR sample survey in Hedmark county,
Norway”. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41, 83-95.
Lesak, A.A., Radeloff, V.C., Hawbaker, T.J., Pidgeon, A. M., Gobakken, T. &
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and InSAR as auxiliary data: A case study from a boreal forest area”. Remote Sensing of
Environment, 115, 3599–3614.
© 2013, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
Ståhl, G., Holm, S.. Gregoire, T., Gobakken, T., Næsset, E. & Nelson, R. (2011)
“Model-based inference for biomass estimation in a LiDAR sample survey in the county
of Hedmark County, Norway”. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41, 96-107.
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small single trees in the forest-tundra ecotone using height values from airborne laser
scanning”. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 37 (3) 264-274.
Bollandsås, O.M, Risbøl, O., Ene, L.T., Nesbakken, A., Gobakken, T. & Næsset,
E. (2012) “Using airborne small-footprint laser scanner data for detection of cultural
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