© Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
Last revised: November 2012
1961-Present (91 Entries)
1. Misc 1. Multiple Comparison Procedures (2007) Biometrical Journal 49(1): 1-168.
2. Dunn, O.J. (1961) “Multiple comparisons among means.” JASA, 56: 54-64.
3. Federer, W.T. (1961) “Experimental error rates.” Proceedings of the American Society
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4. Gabriel, K.R. (1964) “A procedure for testing the homogeneity of all sets of means in
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5. Cox, D.R. (1965) “A remark on multiple comparison methods.” Technometrics, 7(2):
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7. Hamilton, M.A. (1965) “Multiple comparison procedures.” US Forest Service Research
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10. Carmer, S.G. and M.R. Swanson. (1973) “An evaluation of ten pairwise multiple
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11. Gill, J.L. (1973) “Current status of multiple comparisons of means in designed
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15. Carmer, S.G. (1976) “Optimal significance levels for application of the least significant
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© Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
16. Chew, V. (1976) “Comparing treatment means: a compendium.” HortScience, 11(4):
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26. Ramsey, P.H. (1978) “Power differences between pairwise multiple comparisons.”
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30. Stoline, M.R. and H.K. Ury. (1979) “Tables of the studentized maximum modulus
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31. Tamhane, A.C. (1979) “A comparison of procedures for multiple comparisons of means
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© Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
32. Dunnett, C.W. (1980) “Pairwise multiple comparisons in the homogeneous variance,
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33. Dunnett, C.W. (1980) “Pairwise multiple comparisons in the unequal variance case.”
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34. Keselman, H.J., P.A. Games, and J.C. Rogan. (1980) “Type I and Type II errors in
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41. Carmer, S.G. and W.M. Walker. (1982) “Baby bear’s dilemma: a statistical tale.”
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42. Korhonen, M.P. (1982) “On the performance of some multiple comparison procedures
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43. Schweder, T. and E. Spjøtvoll. (1982) “Plots of P-values to evaluate many tests
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© Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
45. Duncan, D.B. and L.J. Brant. (1983) “Adaptive t tests for multiple comparisons.”
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47. Stoline, M.R. (1983) “The Hunter method of simultaneous inference and its
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50. Jones, D. (1984) “Use, misuse, and role of multiple-comparison procedures in
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51. Zwick, R. and L.A. Marascuilo. (1984) “Selection of pairwise multiple comparison
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55. Jones, D. and N. Matloff. (1986) “Statistical hypothesis testing in biology: a
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© Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
59. Holland, B.S. and M.D. Copenhaver. (1987) “An improved sequentially rejective
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60. Parker, R.A. and R.B. Rothenberg. (1987) “Identifying important results from multiple
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62. Andrews, D.W.K. (1988) “Chi – square diagnostic tests for econometric models”.
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63. Hochberg, Y. (1988) “A sharper Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of
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64. Rudolph, P.E. (1988) “Robustness of multiple comparison procedures: treatment versus
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66. Hayter, A.J. (1989) “Pairwise comparisons of generally correlated means.” JASA,
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68. Hochberg, Y. and Y. Benjamini. (1990) “More powerful procedures for multiple
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69. Saville, D.J. (1990) “Multiple comparison procedures: the practical solution.” The
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72. Tukey, J.W. (1991) “The philosophy of multiple comparisons.” Statistical Science,
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73. Dunnett, C.W. and A.C. Tamhane. (1992) “A step-up multiple test procedure.” JASA,
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© Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
74. Wright, S.P. (1992) “Adjusted P-values for simultaneous inference.” Biometrics, 48:
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77. Benjamini, Y. and Y. Hochberg. (1995) “Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical
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79. Schwertman, N.C. and N.J. Carter. (1995) “A more practical Scheffe-type multiple
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80. Shaffer, J.P. (1995) “Multiple Hypothesis Testing”. Annual Review of Psychology 46:
81. Cabin, R.J. and R.J. Mitchell. (2000) “To Bonferroni or not to Bonferroni: when and
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82. Bender, R. and Lange, S. (2001) “Adjusting for multiple testing - when and how?”
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84. Austin, P.C., Mamdani, M.M., Juurlink, D.N. and Hux, J.E.(2006) “Testing multiple
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86. Fan, J., Hall, P. and Yao, Q. (2007) “To how many simultaneous Hypothesis tests can
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87. Wong, M.Y. and Cox, D.R. (2007) “On the Screening of Large Numbers of Significance
Tests”. Journal of Applied Statistics 30(7): 779-783.
© Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
88. Bennett, C.M., Baird, A.A., Miller, M.B. and Wolford, G.L. (2010) “Neural Correlates of
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89. Hurlbert, S.H. and Lombardi, C.M. (2010) “Lopsided Reasoning on Lopsided Tests and
Multiple Comparisons”. University Paper: 1-45.
90. Ramsey, P.H., Ramsey, P.P. and Barrera, K. (2010) “Choosing the best pairwise
comparisons of means from non-normal populations, with unequal variances, but equal
sample sizes”. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 80(6): 595 – 608.
91. Nkurunziza, S. (2012) “The risk of pretest and shrinkage estimators”. Statistics 46 (3):
305 – 312.